Next Generation Speakers Magazine - June 2022

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NGS Next Generation Speakers



Contents Table of

Editor’s Note... Can you believe that we are at the halfway mark for the Year 2022!. Whatever you didn’t get done in the first half of the year, you still have time! This month Influencer SouLah the Legend opens up about her battle with bipolar disorder and suicidal depression. Dr. James J. Williams has another Powerful PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE talking about the “5 Keys to Perfecting Your Presentation Delivery in a Hybrid World” If you have ever been down and out Dr. La Donya Yvette will show you how to Rise and Shine through every situation in this month’s The Butterfly Effect! Our newest NGS Family Member, the Holistic life Educator Shona M Dennis M.Div has another Co-Sign Your Significance entitles “The Anatomy of a Thought NEXT GENERATION SPEAKERS Magazine expanding into the real world with paper copies that you can order vis MagCloud!. We are not slowing down and all we want to know is:

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..............................................Editor’s Notes

.........................Just Call Her SURVIVOR!

..............Prescription For EXCELLENCE

....................................The Butterfly Effect

...............................Rising Above The Fray

........................Co-Sign Your Significance

..........................................Client Spotlight

“Who’s Got Next?” Email: Text: 251-753-6299 Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Chief Editor Dr. James J. Williams Contributing Editor Dr. La Donya Yvette Contributing Columnist

Cover Photo Credit: Courtesy

Holistic life Educator Shona M. Dennis M.Div Contributing Columnist 3

If You Can’t Remember Her Name, Just Call Her

SURVIVOR! By Laneen A. Haniah

The 2022 Survivor Woman of the Year award, sponsored by Masterpiece the Poet and Regal Rhythms non-profit organization, was granted to a woman who is no stranger to life-threatening hardship and tragedy. Laneen A. Haniah, also known as influencer “SouLah the Legend” learned at a young age how to survive anything and everything. That anything and everything included poverty, racism, childhood rape, sickness, bullying, rejection and so much more. In fact, Laneen was diagnosed with a terminal illness at the age of nine and given only a few years to live, but her fighting spirit would not let her die! After spending nearly three years in the hospital, Laneen eventually overcame her illness and was able to live a full life… And a life full of trouble. Out on her own at 16, Laneen encountered the street life at its worst. Crime, drugs, violence, and sexual abuse was all she knew for eight years. She became a high school dropout, was incarcerated on several occasions, committed to a mental institution twice, and eventually found herself to be a single, teenage Mom. Though it seemed Laneen’s life was constantly under threat of death from things outside of her control, the greatest hazard she’d face would be herself. At age 18 Laneen would begin a lifelong battle with suicidal depression, making her first attempt by driving a car head-on into a large tree. After getting out of the hospital, she’d try to finish the job by taking an entire bottle of painkillers. Unsuccessful in her first attempts to end her life, Laneen would be tormented and consumed with thoughts of dying for decades to come, committing multiple acts of self-harm and repeated suicide attempts. In September of 1997, Laneen’s life took a bright turn when she welcomed God into her heart. She left the street life behind and went on to get married in July of 1999. She and her husband had six more children, making her the mother of seven. In May of 1998, Laneen became a licensed preacher, and was well known on the church circuit as a specialist on Christian sexuality. 4

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5 Keys to Perfecting Your Presentation Delivery in a Hybrid World If I were to ask you to describe the average hybrid presentation, what words would you use? Clunky? Awkward? Disjointed? Distracting? There’s a good reason for that: Presenting to both in-person and virtual teams is still somewhat new. Sure, years ago we had a few lone rangers who worked from home and dialed in virtually. But most of us were used to being in the same room with our colleagues. So, we were well versed on how to nail a live presentation from the front of the room. We knew where to stand when to move, how to keep our hands from flailing about, and how to read the room to increase audience engagement. Then COVID happened. According to, overnight, our orientation and perspective changed. We all had to become online presenters—and video producers. We had to quickly learn how to frame our bodies within the camera lens, share our screen, engage with audience via chat threads and breakout rooms—all while trying to hold the attention of listeners who were balancing dogs, diaper changes, and doorbells. And just when it feels like we’re starting to perfect those virtual presentation skills, the world is opening back up. Now we have to navigate another new world of hybrid communication.


Suddenly we must find ways to connect with hybrid audiences in new ways. We must move an audience that is both six feet away and six states away. No wonder we think of hybrid presentations as clunky and awkward. They present significant communication challenges. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your hybrid presentation delivery.

#1: Level the Playing Field

In some ways, hybrid environments bring audiences together. But in other ways, it can make some groups feel isolated. We suggest adopting this rule: If one person is virtual, the entire group is virtual.

In fact, the Duarte Strategy and Content team made this decision for our own weekly meetings. We found that when some of us were inperson and only one or two team members were virtual, we inevitably overlooked the virtual folks. And while we never intended to leave anyone out, those meetings made everyone feel disconnected. We encourage you to consider this policy for small groups and teams. If you’d prefer to maintain a hybrid workplace, at least adopt a virtualfirst mindset. #2: Acknowledge Both Audiences It would be painfully awkward for a live speaker to neglect the people sitting right in front of them. Yet, speakers can easily forget to acknowledge the presence of a virtual audience when presenting in a hybrid environment. Go ahead and greet your live audience with a great big “Hello! It’s so nice to see many of you in person!” But don’t forget to greet your virtual audience, too. “And thanks to those of you joining us virtually.” Let them know that you’re not only aware they exist, you’re thrilled they chose to give you their time. A simple acknowledgment goes a long way.

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The Butterfly Effect Rise and Shine

Have you ever wondered how people go through some terrible situations and yet still manage to be positive, strong, and push forward in their lives; and yet there are others who sink into disappointment and misery? It seems to be natural to go one way or the other, however, it is also encouraging to know that some people can go through so much and yet be able to rise above and live well. We all can rise above our difficult situations and become better by first recognizing and acknowledging that we are not victims of our circumstances but conquerors and creators of our peace of mind by intentionally reconstructing our views. Here are some questions to think about: 1. What would you to do to rise up and meet the challenges of your life in a new way? 2. What would you change in your life for you to feel that you have risen above old problems? 3. What’s holding you back from rising to the occasion? If you are not living each day with excitement, energy, and passion, then you are not living true to your life purpose. While living a life of denial you cannot possibly obtain happiness from denying the truth. Your past represents who you used to be; but who you are right now? Your real purpose does not have to be bound by your circumstances. This is where most of us make our mistake. Give no excuses; instead, start working to create a new reflection of you! Know your purpose in the world and begin the process of doing whatever it takes to make it happen. 8

Goals can easily be achieved if you begin to take action to get there. Never focus on what’s impossible; instead, focus on the possibilities of achieving your goal. Maybe you feel that you don’t have the skills to accomplish a particular goal. Or maybe you’re not ready to pursue it at this very moment. And that’s ok– nobody ever said that it would be easy. However, don’t sell yourself short before you even try. Because life is not always about reaching the end, it’s about living the now. You have to change your mindset. Once you have a strong clarity of what you want to do in this world, it’s a stepping stone that helps you to set long-term goals to move you in the right direction toward your purpose, and in turn, paves the way to your short-term goals, action plans, then daily actions; which I like to call Action Steps! It’s a wonderful thing to be able to rise above our own limitations or expectations and embrace the opportunities that are given to us. Rise and transform to your calling. Rise with the faith of knowing that you will not fall. Rise with confidence, compassion and hope. Whatever challenges you’re facing rise to victory and be victorious! “Rise to the challenge of bringing your dreams to life! Do not be discouraged by resistance, be nourished by it. Success is the experience of rising to the level of your true greatness.” - Steve Maraboli Let’s never forget that as surely as the sun sets, the sun also rises.

Check the Spirit within yourself to see if you’re connected to who you are. This is a lifelong journey, so stay committed to the process. Be significantly you! Dr. La Donya Yvette The Clarity Coach 9

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She published three books and traveled all over the country as a keynote speaker, becoming renowned internationally as Prophetess Laneen Haniah, aka “Dr. Intimacy”. It seemed that life was going well for Laneen, but the truth behind the scenes is that she was trapped in a loveless marriage and a life that did not feel authentic. As a result, Laneen and her husband divorced in 2010. Wanting to take her message outside of the church, “Dr. Intimacy” started a radio broadcast called Inspired Intimacy Talk Radio, in July of 2015. The show broadcasted for two years and won Show of The Year for its category, both years running. As Dr. Intimacy, Laneen was a powerful and effective brand that successfully led many to experience core-healing. Yet, despite her continued public successes, Laneen attempted suicide for the seventh time, on November 16, 2017, just three weeks after winning the second award for her radio broadcast. On the back side of surviving yet another suicidal breakdown, the woman then known as “Dr. Intimacy”, took a step back from everything to figure out her life. In Laneen’s own words, “I loved my work as Dr. Intimacy, but I didn’t love my life and I didn’t love who I had become. Perpetrating the image of someone who had it all together, I had inadvertently become a hypocrite. I have never seen myself as one who has ‘arrived’, but the insights I shared were so life-transforming to those who followed me that I guess they just assumed I had mastered the application of what I taught. However, that was far from true, and the pressure of maintaining my public persona only added to the agony of my personal failures.” It has been almost five years since Laneen’s last—and she says her FINAL— suicide attempt. During that time Laneen has become a strong advocate for mental wellness. She admits that cultural and religious stigmas caused her to shun treatment after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2009. She was too afraid to seek the help she needed back then but realizes now that it is better to be stigmatized than depressed, stressed, anxious, sleepless, confused, isolated, or… Dead! After finally confronting the pain of her past and getting help with her mental health, Laneen is looking forward to the next chapter of her life. She has decided to retire her popular Dr. Intimacy brand, for now, saying she does not want to encourage people to look for the woman she used to be. Laneen says, “That person is dead. 10

I cremated that old version of myself, had a memorial service, and spread the ashes in the ocean of my past traumas. I am new, my life is new, my perspective is new and that requires a new name and a new brand!” Now known as “SouLah the Legend”, Laneen A. Haniah is an influencer with more than 30 years’ experience as a transformational speaker, author, editor, radio host, singer, song writer, rapper, producer and spoken word artist. Her straightforward and thought-provoking content focuses on emotional wellness, personal development, self-empowerment, suicide prevention, and cultivating healthy relationships. What sets Laneen apart from others who address similar topics is her wealth of firsthand experience and her powerful story of survival, which she shares in her upcoming book release SUICIDAL LOVE: The Kiss That Shattered My Soul. SUICIDAL LOVE is now available for pre-ordering and will be officially released on September 29, 2022. For ordering and booking information please visit www.soulahthelegned. com or text 404-565-4569. I am SouLah the Legend, A RELEVANT VOICE Speaking the universal language of the soul…


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#3: Treat the Camera as a Participant

Make sure you talk to the camera as if it were a person in your live audience. It can be hard to make this look fluid in a way that doesn’t distract the folks in front of you. But here’s a piece of advice that’s fairly easy for your brain and eyes to coordinate: Say one sentence to one person and then pause briefly. Direct the next sentence to another person and so on. Depending on the size of your audience, deliver a sentence to the camera about every four to six sentences. The people at home will feel seen and involved.

#4: Use a Producer

If the stakes are high and downplaying your virtual audience feels like a bad business move, recruit a colleague to pay attention to them when you can’t. This person doesn’t have to be a professional producer, just someone who can focus solely on the needs of your virtual audience—monitor chats, answer questions, respond to technical difficulties, and implement creative ways to include virtual participants. The producer might even lead a virtual breakout while the in-person audience segments into small groups themselves. This will allow you to focus on the in-person audience without neglecting your virtual audience.

#5: Rehearse with Your Tech Setup

We’ve all witnessed presentations where the speaker was thrown for a loop when their technology didn’t work as expected. WiFi goes out. Laptops crash at the most inopportune time. Luckily, these tech problems are typically the exception, not the rule. Oftentimes, the fluidity of a presentation is interrupted by completely preventable technical mishaps. That’s why you should plan ahead and rehearse with your presentation technology for both your inperson and virtual audiences. Test what your live audience sees and hears and test what your virtual audience sees and hears. And have a backup in case anything goes wrong. Having the confidence that your tech is working correctly for both audiences will give you the freedom to focus on your content. 12

In many ways, the key to improving hybrid presentation delivery mirrors the same best practices we’ve taught for years: take time to plan ahead, connect with your audiences on their terms, develop compelling content, and practice your delivery. Because we predict that hybrid presenting isn’t going away any time soon.

The opinions expressed here by Next Generation Speakers Magazine columnists are their own, not those of the magazine itself. Email -

Cell - 301-806-8614 Webstore - Twitter @jjwilliamsphd LinkedIn - PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE With Dr. James J. Williams SCHOLAR | AUTHOR | SPEAKER | VETERAN | SUCCESS EXPERT

Please Support this Amazing Documentary by our very own Dr. James J. Williams! 13

CO-SIGN YOUR SIGNIFICANCE The Anatomy of a Thought By: Shona M. Dennis M.Div

The keys to a better holistic you have been in your Bible all this time. Now we have the scientific understanding behind scripture to help us all understand the critical importance of applying it to our lives. There is a reason the Bible tells us to think upon whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy in Phillipians 4:8 Today I am challenging you to get curious and interested in your brain health, it’s the catalyst to total body regulation and optimal mental and physical health. Today you will gain the insight and understanding of how important it is to control toxic thoughts and emotions for the sake of your overall health, relationships, and interpersonal life with others. With a unique ability, I am linking scientific principles of the brain and scripture to emotional and intellectual issues in a simple and practical way. Your brain is creatively performing about 400 billion actions and we are conscious of around 2,000. We are constantly thinking all the time void of thinking about what we are thinking, we lack the education on what happens in the brain processes when we create thoughts.


What’s in your thoughts? Each thought has a corresponding electrochemical reaction coursing through your body in electrochemical feedback loops. Each action has a chemical and electrical component triggering emotions. If the thoughts are happy your brain releases specific types of chemicals called “endorphins, enkephalins, and serotonin” causing changes in your body at a cellular level. If the thoughts are negative, sad, anger, anxiety, fear, unforgiveness, resentment, frustration, and so on, your brain releases different types of chemicals “cortisol, adrenaline, CRH, ACTH, and other toxic chemicals depending on the type of emotions you are feeling. These are a few of the toxic emotions that lead to 87% of illnesses that are contributed to your thought life, leading to migraines, hypertension, heart problems, diabetes, and many other illnesses taking a toll on your health mentally and physically. Just think about your life or someone you know that appeared to be in good health, after losing a loved one, divorce, is in a bad or dysfunctional relationship, has financial problems, or anything unresolved and out of balance and harmony began to have mental and physical health problems. The brain and body are integrally connected. As the mind goes the body follows with good or bad representation in the body. There are key points and research you should do before you can begin to think yourself well, you need to have insight into tools, techniques, healthy coping strategies, and the power of quoting scripture and PRAYER which is the world’s greatest wireless connection and is FREE. Your first step is my method which I call (3-TA). Just like we have a Triple-A roadside assistance. We need a Triple-A life side assistance. Awareness, Awakening, Accountability. 15

Awareness of where we are in the situation, being fully present with ourselves, and following what we are thinking and feeling. What you think and feel prompts the hypothalamus to begin its series of chemical secretions in the brain. The bible reminds us to take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ. This is the call to daily DECISIONS (2Cor 10:5). The mind is a battleground of conflict, debate, reasoning, assumptions, cognitive distortions, rationalizations, and justifications of toxic and good thoughts. I saw a guy wearing a T-shirt in the airport once that said “it isn’t my fault I was left unsupervised. It’s not a good idea to let thoughts wander unchecked through your mind. That’s where learning to be aware, fully present, and accountable becomes a tool and strategy. Until we all learn to gain more self-control over our thought life, we can never truly detox from the jumbled jungle of toxic feelings and emotions. Today I challenge you to CO-SIGN YOUR SIGNIFICANCE that you are approved to take charge of the value of holistic health and recover some ground chemically lost in your brain health, as the brain is able to rejuvenate and rewire itself to produce a healthier immune system and longevity of life. 16


continued on page 14

Launch Your Own Magazine!

If you have ever Seen, Admired and Read an online magazine and wondered how hard it would be to publish your own then this is the course for you. In this course we take you step-by-step from Planning to Preparing and Publishing your OWN online magazine.

What will you learn

Today and Get A Bouns Course!

Your Why The Approach The Layout The Software Online Platform Promotion 18

Client Spotlight After implementing the information shown in the “Launch You Own Magazine” our client Dr. La Donya Yvette has published iWIN Global Magazine! There are a lot of people who talk about having their own magazine, but few ever produce one. After completing this course and some coaching, Dr. La Donya had enough confidence to tackle the task of creating a Global Magazine. The results are nothing short of stellar! Check out the latest Magazine here:

You too can publish YOUR OWN MAGAZINE BY signing up for the course here: 19

Available Now on Amazon! The wait is over! In Cicone Prince’s highly anticipated 5th book, he shares fundamental principles of Leadership that are a game changer if properly applied to the all important role of Leadership. He makes no apologies for highlighting the importance of equipping the Next Generation with the tools they need to succeed. Leadership That Lasts will have you running to help someone else prepare for their future while realizing your success.

Order Yours Today! Click the link below:

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