July 2021
Next Generation Speakers
Kearn Crockett Cherry Kearn Crockett Cherry Are You Ready To Power Up! Inside This Issue:
Prescription For Excellence:
Five Types of Difficult Audience Members: How To Handle Them
Our New Series: The Butterfly Effect Rise and Shine
Contents Table of
Editor’s Note... Are You Ready to Power Up! This month we highlight one of the most anticipated Summits of the Year hosted by none other than Kearn Cherry! With A-List Celebrities like Lisa Nicoles and Kim Coles, Power-Up Summit is going to overload you with amazing Speakers and unparalleled networking. The Butterfly Effect is changing how people look at their connections and interactions with each other. This month we learn how to Rise and Shinee with the PowHERlogist herself La Donya Yvette our newest columnist. Our New Book Leadership That Last: Passing on 10 Solid Principles to Ensure and Enduring Legacy is out and it is FIRE! Get your copy of this life-changing book today! Dr. James Williams is back with another installment of PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE and this month he focuses on the Five Types of Difficult Audience Members: How To Handle Them! We are moving at the speed of light and not even trying to slow down! Email: Text:
2 3 4 6 14 16 18 21
.....................................Power -Up Summit
..............................................Editor’s Notes
...................Are You Ready To Power Up!
......................Prescription For Excellence
...............Infinity A Journey to Becoming
....................................The Butterfly Effect
.........................................PowHER J.A. M.
...............Get Your Own Television Show 251-753-6299
I just want to know one thing, Who’s Got Next? Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Chief Editor Dr. James J. Williams Contributing Editor
Cover Photo Credit: Courtesy
La Donya Yvette Contributing Columnist 3
Kearn Crockett Cherry Are You Ready To Power Up! 4
Tell us about the Power Up Summit? Power Up Summit is an international virtual summit which will be July 1418, 2021. Go to to register. The summit is all about powering up your finances, health, business, career and life. It was created to help people who have somehow lost their drive and motivation. How long have you been hosting the event? I have been planning events and conferences for almost 20 years. This is the second year for the Power Up International Summit. I am also the co-founder and director of Success Women’s Conference. which will be held later this year in November . I am also the creator and host of Level Up Summit as well which was held in April 2021 - Tell us about your line up for this year’s Power Up Summit? We are excited to have celebrity speaker, Kim Coles, actress/comedian; Lisa Nichols, International Motivational Speaker, Chrisette Michele, Grammy Award winning singer; Tamika Scott, member of the R&B Group XSCAPE; and Lia Dias, Married to Medicine LA & owner of Hype Hair Magazine. They will be joined by several other keynote speakers and over a hundred speakers from around the world. Who would benefit the most from attending the Power Up Summit? Everyone. Power Up Summit is for women and men. We will have something for everyone to feed their soul. What will people gain by attending your Power Up Summit? Our speakers will be sharing tips on how to become financially wealthy, how to get those COVID pounds off, dealing with difficult issues such as Domestic Violence, and many business tips to help you POWER UP. There will be a little something for everyone. We love having the Christian in the Marketplace panel discussions as well as the POWER UP Gospel HOUR celebration. This year we will have the inaugural Power UP Awards ceremony virtually with Kim Coles as our keynote. 5
Five Types of Difficult Audience Members: How To Handle Them The Clown
Watch out, the circus is in town! Clowns love the social part of listening to a public speaker and this is often more important to them than listening to you. They’re chatty and often offer lively comments and questions to entertain, rather than to support the speaker. At best they’re great fun… but if you’re trying to make a serious point, their hyper energy runs the risk of derailing you.
How to handle a Clown audience type: • Use their energy skillfully: Allow the Clown to shine by getting them involved in your talk (e.g. asking questions, giving them plenty of eye contact) - but keep them from monopolizing airspace by asking very specific questions and cutting short any irrelevant/ waffly comments. • Use a light, positive touch: Keep a good atmosphere in your room. Avoid being too serious with them or you’ll seem pompous. Laugh with their joke, allow the audience to enjoy it and then pull the focus back onto your topic. • Focus on the purpose: If you need them to be more calm or serious, get them on track gently by mentioning the purpose of your talk or meeting, saying how you’d like the audience to behave.
The Sniper
Snipers are often switched on and listening out for an opportunity to criticise, or show their expertise in the room. If you have a lot of them in the room, you’ll notice an atmosphere of competition and aggression; individuals trying to win a point or show themselves to be most intelligent. Arms may be folded, or eyes rolled as you start to speak. These difficult fellows start out with a hostile or cynical attitude towards you or your topic and can be very off-putting to speakers.
How to handle a Sniper audience type: • Fear not! You are standing at the front of the room for a reason, so don’t forget that. Snipers are only a problem if you’re feeling uncomfortable– otherwise they can’t hurt you. 6
• Don’t take it personal: Although their snipes may sound personal, do know your audience is really on your side. The Sniper doesn’t want to cause you pain, they want an answer to their question. Avoid taking their bullet yourself by directing the snipe back to the topic in hand, to see if the Sniper’s view of the world is legitimate. It may well be. • Welcome them: Listen to the Sniper’s comments and do your best to work with them rather than restricting them, or you will only stoke their fire. Resist the temptation to try and ‘win’ the argument. Provide reasonable and tangible evidence to support your point and leave it at that. Once they realise you’re not interested in a fight, their energy will often fizzle out.
The Snowman
No matter how much you talk to a Snowman (in real life, or in your audience), they won’t respond. Snowmen are often socially anxious and will avoid participating in workshops or interactive parts of speeches. At the same time it’s important to know your audience of snowmen are very aware of how a speaker behaves towards them, even if they struggle to give you eye contact.
How to handle the Snowman audience type: • Don’t assume: You won’t get too much immediate feedback from a room full of Snowmen, but it doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying what you say – don’t be put off by how quiet they are. • Be welcoming: Try to warm them up by welcoming them into the room, smiling, creating a positive atmosphere and starting gently with any interactivity. • Ask them for insights: Snowmen are often the most reflective members of an audience. Because of their detachment from the group, they can offer useful insights into your topic, if you directly ask them for their opinion.
The Black Cloud
The Black Cloud is characterized by their negative body language, such as frowning, poor eye contact, folded arms or slumped shoulders. They hold a resigned, ‘can’t-do’ attitude around your subject matter – perhaps thinking that it’s a tricky, boring or irrelevant subject, or thinking that they’ve ‘seen it all before’. If you have an audience full of Black Clouds you’ll notice a thick atmosphere that feels difficult to shift.
continued on page 12 7
Nanny Nite-Nite is a FREE Podcast for children ages 2 to 8 years old that helps them fall asleep while listening to the soothing voice of their Virtual Nanny tell bedtime stories.
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Available Now on Amazon! The wait is over! In Cicone Prince’s highly anticipated 5th book, he shares fundamental principles of Leadership that are a game changer if properly applied to the all important role of Leadership. He makes no apologies for highlighting the importance of equipping the Next Generation with the tools they need to succeed. Leadership That Lasts will have you running to help someone else prepare for their future while realizing your success.
Order Yours Today! Click the link below: 9
Will there be a networking component of the Power Up Summit? Always. For my conferences, networking starts with the speakers and there’s always several opportunities during the summit. I am a Master Networker and Collaborator which simply means I love doing both. Events and conferences are another way for people to connect globally. What drives you to put on these amazing events? I enjoy creating stages for individuals to share their story and message. As I stated before I have been creating events and conferences for almost 20 years now. I also enjoy teaching on not having BIG parties. Events can be a catalyst to Amazing Visibility especially for the host if done right. I actually coach on both of these. “Creating Your Own Profitable Events” and “Increasing Your Visibility”. What other projects do you currently have in the works? Well, I have “The Best of Power Up and Level Up Summit” coming in September. It is another great opportunity to increase your visibility. This conference will have an Amazing Visibility package promoted with it. People can start signing up now for that exposure. Go to my www. for the KKonnections Visibility Package. I am also looking for individuals who want to share their story and join 30 coauthors in my third book anthology, “Trailblazers Who Lead II” which is a part of a #1 Bestselling series. How can people be a part of those projects? To join me or be a part of my events go to You can find me on all social media platforms as Kearn Cherry or Kearn Crockett Cherry. Any last thoughts that you want to share? My summits are meant to help others change their life. Don’t miss a moment of the summit. Register for Free at To enjoy every moment Power Up with the VIP All Access Pass. Get it right now by going to: 10
Social Media Clubhouse - @kearncherry
continued from page 7
How to handle the Black Cloud audience type: • Get creative: If you know your audience are Black Clouds, try to find new and Fresh ways to engage them in your material. Show them how you’re different. Get them involved. • Be enthusiastic: Bring some sunshine to your Black Clouds by showing extra enthusiasm towards your subject, so they get carried along. Sometimes it helps to recognize that the subject may be difficult for them and offer reassurance that you can change that for them. • Be supportive: Once on-board offer affirmation and encourage to the Black Cloud – they may be battling through difficult territory with you, so be patient and supportive.
The Unwanted Panelist
This is the ‘expert’ in the room who hasn’t been asked to present. The Unwanted Panellist tries to add to your knowledge by trying to teach the audience from his or her own experience. This can sometimes be a deliberate attempt to win business or respect from the audience, or it could be a genuine desire to ‘help’. Unwanted Panellists are a potential danger for a speaker’s credibility, but the good news is that your audience probably also see them as irritating, pushy, or distracting.
How to handle the Unwanted Panelist audience type:
• Set expectations: You can manage any potential Unwanted Panelists by setting clear expectations of how you want your audience to behave at the start of your talk. Try setting expectations like “Let’s come to this room with an open mind and leave whatever outside knowledge & experience we have outside the door,” or “Let’s agree to give everyone an equal chance to talk in the room. Nobody should hog the floor space too much.” • You’re in charge: If your Unwanted Panelist continues to perk up, be confident that you know your audience’s needs and act on them. Do what is needed to get the best result for the whole audience. If he’s causing prickles of frustration in the audience, calmly & firmly remind him that you are the speaker in the room and that if he has more to say you’d be happy to discuss it afterwards. If you focus on sharing an authentic message that you believe in no matter what, you’ll find that your audience members WILL connect with you. If you’re true to yourself you will attract the right people who can benefit for your message. And those negative ones… well, they wouldn’t have liked you anyway. 12
The opinions expressed here by Next Generation Speakers Magazine columnists are their own, not those of the magazine itself. Email - Cell - 301-806-8614 Webstore - Twitter @jjwilliamsphd LinkedIn - PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE With Dr. James J. Williams SCHOLAR | AUTHOR | SPEAKER | VETERAN | SUCCESS EXPERT
La Donya Yvette is the Founder/CEO of iWIN Global Inc., an inspirational movement all about G.I.R.L. PowHER and Living an Inspired Life. She is a Published Author, Writer, creator of Butterfly Beauty Blog, Inspirational Speaker, Master Your Mindset Coach, Certified Dreamsteerer Academe’ Instructor, Contributing Writer for MizCEO Magazine for the Entrepreneurial Woman, the Breathe Now Magazine, and the Entrepreneur Platform Magazine. She is also Your Voice of Inspiration! Website: (iWIN Global - Influential Women Inspire Network) Email: (G.I.R.L. PowHER - Gladiators Inspire Remarkable Ladies) (Butterfly Beauty Blog) Donya Yvette
Buy the Book here! Watch the promo here! 14
The Butterfly Effect Rise and Shine
Have you ever wondered how people go through some terrible situations and yet still manage to be positive, strong, and push forward in their lives; and yet there are others who sink into disappointment and misery? It seems to be natural to go one way or the other, however, it is also encouraging to know that some people can go through so much and yet be able to rise above and live well. We all can rise above our difficult situations and become better by first recognizing and acknowledging that we are not victims of our circumstances but conquerors and creators of our peace of mind by intentionally reconstructing our views. Here are some questions to think about: 1. What would you to do to rise up and meet the challenges of your life in a new way? 2. What would you change in your life for you to feel that you have risen above old problems? 3. What’s holding you back from rising to the occasion? If you are not living each day with excitement, energy, and passion, then you are not living true to your life purpose. While living a life of denial you cannot possibly obtain happiness from denying the truth. Your past represents who you used to be; but who you are right now? Your real purpose does not have to be bound by your circumstances. This is where most of us make our mistake. Give no excuses; instead, start working to create a new reflection of you! Know your purpose in the world and begin the process of doing whatever it takes to make it happen. 16
Goals can easily be achieved if you begin to take action to get there. Never focus on what’s impossible; instead, focus on the possibilities of achieving your goal. Maybe you feel that you don’t have the skills to accomplish a particular goal. Or maybe you’re not ready to pursue it at this very moment. And that’s ok– nobody ever said that it would be easy. However, don’t sell yourself short before you even try. Because life is not always about reaching the end, it’s about living the now. You have to change your mindset. Once you have a strong clarity of what you want to do in this world, it’s a stepping stone that helps you to set long-term goals to move you in the right direction toward your purpose, and in turn, paves the way to your short-term goals, action plans, then daily actions; which I like to call Action Steps! It’s a wonderful thing to be able to rise above our own limitations or expectations and embrace the opportunities that are given to us. Rise and transform to your calling. Rise with the faith of knowing that you will not fall. Rise with confidence, compassion and hope. Whatever challenges you’re facing rise to victory and be victorious! “Rise to the challenge of bringing your dreams to life! Do not be discouraged by resistance, be nourished by it. Success is the experience of rising to the level of your true greatness.” - Steve Maraboli Let’s never forget that as surely as the sun sets, the sun also rises. La Donya Yvette PowHERologist
Check Out The J.A.M. Event Flyer on page 18 17
You can make these at home!
The Day Time Talkshow world is about to be turned upside down! They have no idea what they are in for with the launch of The Show. The daytime talk show will focus on Personal Development and Leadership Development along with interviews of Industry Leaders! If you are in Atlanta you can watch it on Preach The Word Network Wednesday at 10:00 AM EST. It will also be airing on my YouTube Channel at the same time! You can like and subscribe and hit the notification button to see when a new video is posted!