NGS - Next Generation Speakers Magazine July

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June 2019

Next Generation Speakers


There Has To Be Something More Also:

The Anatomy of a Movement: An SCLC Featured Article

Robin Shyrell

Fighting For The Resilient You!

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Contents Table of

Editor’s Note... In this issue of Next Generation Speakers Magazine, Robin Shyrell talks openly about Fighting For the Resilient You and given us steps to do that. I alos provide more timeless insight from my Amazon Award Winning Book, Are You Climbing The Wrong Mountain which tells us that There Has To Be Something More. It has also been incredible to see the response to NGS Magazine and the impact that it’s making around the country and around the world. With engaging articles, powerful features, and interactive content, NGS Magazine helps propel Speakers to their Next Level of Greatness. Your feedback is critical to the development of this dynamic magazine. If you have any concerns or suggestions about the magazine please don’t hesitate to contact me: Email:

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.........................Next Generation Speakers

............................................Editor’s Note & Table of Contents ...............................Are You Climbing The WrongMountain Summit .................Fighting For The Resilient You

............................. Slight Edge Consulting

...........There Has To Be Something More

.................. The Anatomy of a Movement

...........Danielle Towner Digital Marketer

Text: 251-753-6299 I just want to know one thing, Cicone C. A. Prince Who’s Got Next?

NGS Magazine Editor

Cover Photo Credit: Courtesy 3


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Fighting for the Resilient You!

Life Happens! A phrase we’ve all heard or maybe even used, but how do you respond when life happens to you? when knocked to your knees do you become a victim and stay down for the count or do you bounce back quickly from the mat of life? Resilience is often described as flexibility, toughness or the ability to recover quickly from difficult situations. I like to refer to is as our bounce back muscle. And just like any of the muscles in the human body if not used or exercised it may waste away or atrophy. As a speaker my mission is to encourage, equip and empower others to exercise their resilience muscles in the daily activities of life so that when (not if) life happens to them they can face challenges head on, and they can bounce back quickly to get off the mat of life. Life itself has qualified me to share with others on fighting for the resilient you. For the better part of 20 years I lived life as a victim, one who believed that life just happens and that there was really nothing I could do about it I just had to live with what life gave me. Freshman year in college. In the fall of 1989, my mother and godfather packed up everything they thought I needed in his Carolina blue ford truck and dropped me off on the campus of Grand Valley State University in Allendale Michigan. Although Grand Valley wasn’t my first choice the full tuition academic scholarship, they offered made them my financial choice so there I was. I arrived on campus filled with all the hope, wonder and excitement most college freshmen possess. It didn’t take long for things to take a dramatic turn. I remember getting the phone call from my mother that changed my life. 6

“Bro. Morgan passed away” she said, the tears began to fall and everything in me changed. This wasn’t my first experience with grief or death. By college I had lost family, extended family and friends but something was different. Brother and Sister Morgan were members of my church family, they loved me and other teens at the church unconditionally, many times they were my calm to the storm of chaos brought by adolescence. Brother Morgan had survived a stroke about a year earlier but now he was gone. I had been through the grieving process before, but this was different this thing, this darkness was consuming. Up to this point I would have described myself as Robin a resilient fighter. Resilient a term I had used to describe myself since learning of it in 5th/6th grade now seemed foreign to me. Resilient Robin gave herself a defined period of time to deal with everything and then it was time to move on. But now here I was in this dark place that I couldn’t fight, a place I could move on from. I didn’t know how to fight so I stopped. I stopped using my resilience muscle, I stopped fighting for me. Goals no longer seemed to matter. Nothing seemed to matter, I stopped attending classes (I lost the scholarship that brought me there) and I was barely functioning. Embarrassed and ashamed of losing my scholarship I attributed it to be a discipline problem. I thought where can I get discipline and money for school? I enlisted in the United States Army Reserve and transferred to the Michigan Army National Guard. But I was still kind of just letting life happen, going through the motions. With God’s grace, I still managed to do well managed to do well for myself. Against the odds I went back to college and after starting and stopping a couple of times in 1996 I graduated from Grand Valley with my bachelor’s degree in health science and in 1999 I began my career with General Motors as an Operations Supervisor. All while concealing this darkness that caused me contemplate suicide often. Continued on page 10 7

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Continued from page 7 Ten years ago, July 2009 I was tired and I decided something had to change. On the way to church that Sunday in July I thought, “If this is all there is to life I’ve had enough. God…if you don’t show me something today I’m done.” Sitting in church I felt nothing. The darkness had gotten too heavy and I was tired. Driving home I felt relieved I had my answer. Today my pain would end. That day I attempted suicide for the first time, five months later in December I would attempt again. The first attempt earned me a 5 day stay in 7 Central the psychiatric unit of a local hospital. What had been my private battle since freshman year in college was now a very public and documented war. I had a diagnosismajor clinical depression. Life after the diagnosis has been anything but easy and even though I had this major thing I was dealing with life wasn’t taking it easy on me because I’m officially living with a mental health challenge. October 2010, just having started a new position at work in August my cousin/ sister dies suddenly leaving behind four beautiful daughters. Two major life changes in two months! Talk about Life Happens! But this fight is now no longer just about me I have to fight for them too. In 2012 I had another major depressive episode that landed out of work on disability and in therapy four and sometimes five days a week with what I call my dream team: my psychiatrist twice a week, my pastor, my therapist and some joint sessions with my pastor and my therapist. During one of those many sessions I was told that as long as I was holding on to suicide as an option my life would never really change. That I needed to shift my focus from dying as a way out to living a life that I desire. Later that year I made a conscious decision that no matter what I faced suicide was no longer an option for me. The fighter in me was slowly resurfacing. I continued therapy over the next year and in 2014 after returning to work I added a life coach to my dream team. In one of our early sessions he asked what if the depression was never about you anyway? What if you were given this challenge because God knew you would be willing to help someone else? Apple trees don’t eat apples he said, the fruit it bears is for someone else. 10

This caused me to think long and hard what if the fruit of my experience is to help someone else? What if I had to spend time in that dark place in order to be able to authentically speak to the pain and fear of others from a place of compassion and hope? It was that desire to help others that led me to train with Dr. Ruben West and the Blackbelt Speakers shortly after the Beyond the Roadblocks movement was born. Beyond the Roadblocks is my platform where I openly share experiences through authentic messages designed to free, empower and restore hope in the place of hopelessness, my messages designed to equip and encourages others to tap into their personal power as an Overcomer releasing the “Resilient You” through my signature F.I.G.H.T system. Beyond the Roadblocks offers Conferences, Trainings & Workshops and Messages that assist and guide movement from the place of “just surviving” to one of “thriving”, on to winning the fight creating the life they desire. In 2017 I hosted my first Women’s Empowerment event Beyond the Roadblocks Presents the: R.A.V.E Women’s Empowerment Conference with the goal of sharing strategies and tips to face and overcome challenges. This event is also used to honor other women active in and committed to changing their community by presenting them with the BTRB Helping Others Heal and Community Impact awards. The theme for 2019 ‘s held this past March was “Moving Forward On Purpose”, it focused on changing the perspective in which life’s challenges are viewed and the intentionality required to not just move on but instead to Move Forward. I am currently looking for speakers ( for my 2020 Women’s Event. As a recipient the Susan M. Gibson Messenger of Hope Award- October 2018 and the Dr. Astell Collins Global Inspirational Award -November 2018 and the IChange Nations Woman of Impact Award - April 2019 it is my heart’s desire is to assist others with transforming the lives of other women and young people through my Beyond the Roadblocks collaborative initiatives as well as serving an advocate and change agent for mental health issues. Continued on page 14 11


There Has To Be Something More Just like the prodigal son who remembered how good the situation was back home with dad, you and I have to be willing to accept that there has to be something more! The prodigal son knew that things were better at his father’s house. And you and I should know that our current situation is not the end. There has to be more to life than what we are experiencing now. When you have a destination to get to and you’re not there you can feel stuck. We’ve all been stuck at different points in our lives whether we were stuck in line, stuck in traffic and some of us have been stuck in a bad relationship. We’ve even been stuck on a dead end job. But the thing about being stuck is that you don’t have to stay there. And I want to offer you three strategies that will help you get unstuck. 1. Realize that you haven’t reached your destination. If you were flying to Hawaii and you had to stop in L.A. and you were stuck in the airport there, you would know that you haven’t made your destination. Because L.A. was not your destination Hawaii was. Now if you were in Hawaii were you wanted to be you wouldn’t say I’m stuck in Hawaii. The only reason you would say that is because Hawaii wasn’t you final destination. Realize that you haven’t made you destination. 2. Recognize that it’s only temporary. It’s not going to last forever, it’s only temporary. You know I remember seeing this magazine that had this advertisement on the back that was really interesting because it had a bunch of traffic lights and every light as far as you could see was green. I thought to myself, “If I’m driving in a car on the street with all these green lights, I know sooner or later I’m going to have to stop.” Because they’re not going to be green by the time I get there. There is no way for you to keep going without having to stop. So being stuck is only temporary. 3. Remember why you started in the first place. To remember your destination; to remember why you are going and not to stay where you are. Somebody once said that a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. So why stay there? Remember why you started. Remember why you started on this journey, why you’re started after you goals, why you started in this relationship. You have to remember. Don’t just stuck at a point that temporary, don’t just get stuck at a point that’s not your destination. But remember why you started.

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Continued from page 11 In 2018 I joined the board for the nonprofit “Women with 20/20 vision”. Women with 20/20 Vision Inc. exists to empower and advance the quality of life for underprivileged girls and women who seek to become Girl Bosses, seek advanced education and those who positively impact other women or excel in their own lives. As a speaker and trainer, I worked with women and young people across the country in cities such as St. Louis MO, Topeka KS, Laurel MD, Detroit MI, Atlanta GA, & Chicago Il to name a few as well as internationally in London, UK, Dubai UAE, Bahrain and Guyana. I am one of the co-authors of Live Your BEST Life: Stories of Triumph and my first solo book project: “Born to Fight: Destined to Win” is scheduled to release September 2019. Here are three ways you can fight for the resilient you: 1. Focus on the desired outcome. Focus requires attention and attention requires energy. If your focus is on your circumstances or situation that is likely where all your attention and energy are going right now, What will you use to change the circumstances? You need to direct your attention to where you desire to go. 2.

Invest positively in you. Every single one of us are investors. We invest our time, talent and energy on a daily basis. The question is are you a wise investor? How did you invest your time and talent today? Is it going to yield the desired return in your future? If not change your investment strategy.


Help someone else. No matter how bad your situation is or appears helping someone else puts you in a position of gratitude as well as sowing a seed of kindness where you can expect a harvest in the future. ~Robin Shyrell


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