Next Generation Speakers Magazine - February 2021

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February 2021 NGS Next Generation Speakers Inside This Issue: Paying It “Foreword” Also: S.H.I.F.T. 2nd Gear, “Heed” Dr. Margaret Love Andrews Fournier The Colonel Speaks

The Process

Identified as a “Curator of a Bigger Vision Within,” Mark Smith specializes in empowering individuals in the creation of personal clarity, that cultivates internal relationships needed to reach the unique attributes and views we all have.

His podcast “The Process,” outlines trials and tribulations that we all go through, and offers insight on methods to weather the storms in life. The clever use of acronyms within his messages, offer a way for us to remember key points as we GROW FORWARD. Smith’s vision statement of “Your Why is Greater Than Your Situation Which is Part of Your PROCESS,” gives us the perspective that we are always GROWING.

” Mark V. Smith Is Not Only A Excellent Choice, But Your Why Readership Will Be Well Informed And Educated About His Journey He Took To Get To Where He Is Today. He Has A Wealth Of Knowledge In His Field Of Interviewing And Running A Succesful Show Called ‘The Process.” The Process Is Just The Beginnig!

Cornelius Green

First African American Quarterback At The Ohio State And Rose Bowl Mvp And Hall Of Famer

” Mark V. Smith has added a whole different listening demographic to our radio station as the Host of the radio show “The Process”. His motivational messages resonate with a wide variety of demographic listeners that varies from young to old.

David Bynum CEO of ByDam Multimedia


Editor’s Note...

Wow! What an amazing first month of 2021. To kick off Black History Month The Colonel Speaks! Dr. Margaret Love Andrews Fournier shows us each of us can make a difference if we only get out of our way.

In this issue, we continue our new series called S.H.I.F.T.. This month we are changing gears to help us absorb what we studied. We do this in the form of the word Heed.

We are also launching our groundbreaking New Book, Leadership That Last: Passing on 10 Solid Principles to Ensure and Enduring Legacy. You don’t want to miss this lifechanging Book!

Dr. James Williams is back with another installment of PRESCRIPTION FOR EXCELLENCE where he shows us the best way to be Foreword!

We have more content and more useful information coming your way so stay tuned!

Please share this out with all of your networks to help us reach the masses!


Text: 251-753-6299

I just want to know one thing, Who’s Got Next?

Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Chief Editor Dr. James J. Williams Contributing Editor Contents 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 17 Table of .........The Process Editors Notes ................................. The Pulse Radio.Net Prescription For Excellence .............................Body-N-Soul Nutrition ................................ It’s Time To S.H.I.F.T
Cover Photo Credit: CeCe Espeut Photography
The Colonel Speaks Nanny Nite-Nite

The Colonel Speaks

Dr. Margaret Love Andrews Fournier has been a Registered Nurse for over 45 years. She served 27 years in the Army Nurse Corps retiring in 2012 with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. She went on to get her bachelor of science degree in Nursing from Howard University, Master’s Degrees in Health Care Administration from Webster University, and Nursing Administration from San José State University. Dr. Fournier earned her Ph.D. in Health and Human Services from Capella University in 2016. She has been a Hospice Nurse for over 30 years and is a Certified end-oflife trainer.

Dr. Fournier is the author of “The Colors of Power: Soaring to Greatness,”, “Preparing for the Harvest: Planting Good Seed for the Kingdom” and “Mary Koala Goes to Hospice: The Koala Family Faces a Terminal Illness”. Recently, she released an animated book series entitled Mary Koala Goes to Hospice: The Koala Family Faces a Terminal Illness, which tells the story of Sammy Koala, Mary Koala’s sibling, who copes with the loss of his sister. The book narrates his experiences with grief, healing, and moving on from the death of her beloved sibling. The series is available as an e-book and as an audiobook for families who are struggling to initiate the conversation of death to their children.

The Power of One: Sammy Searches for God’s Love”, is her latest book which will be available in 2021.

Dr. Fournier is a Co-Host of Shawn Fair Leadership Consulting Group, an International Speaker for the Shawn Fair Leadership Conference, and the Host of her digital television shows entitled, “Healing and Power with Dr. Margaret and “Health and Healing with Dr. Margaret”.


She is CEO, and Owner of “Color of Power, LLC”. The logo for her company is Healing and Power”. Her shows, creates a platform to:

Motivate Dedicate


the family, community, and the world on the healing process from the devastation and loss of losing a loved one.

Her exceptional skills and compassion have affectionately gained her the title of “Colonel” among her peers. Dr. Fournier is known for her attention to detail and her astounding leadership skills. No matter what she does, whether it be counseling families, churches, or communities on helpful ways to cope with grief, she always manages to keep her compassion intact. Dr. Margaret Love Andrews Fournier is positively impacting the world around her through her powerful message and through her creative stories.

She is giving adults and children alike a better perspective on what it means to lose a loved one and what happens further down the line.

She has two children, William and Marcus Andrews, a daughter-in-law, Dahlia, and a granddaughter, Maricela Love Andrews. They live in San Antonio, Texas. facebook.

Click Here To Follow Us on Facebook: Click Player Above To Hear Lastet Podcast of Nanny Nite-Nite Nanny Nite-Nite is a FREE Podcast for children ages 2 to 8 years old that helps them fall asleep while listening to the soothing voice of their Virtual Nanny tell bedtime stories. 7


With Dr. James J. Williams

Paying It “Foreword” - 4 Easy Steps On How To Write A Foreword For A Book

I was recently asked by Cicone A. Prince (founding publisher of this magazine you are reading) to provide a foreword to his most recent book, Leadership That Lasts: Passing on 10 Solid Principles To Ensure An Enduring Legacy. What an honor! Having been twice selected by two different authors…this third ask was indeed a charm!\

If you’ve been selected to write a book’s foreword, it’s important that you know just what to do. But in the words of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t panic.” Because it’s not as hard as you think.

In this article, you will learn:

• What exactly is a foreword

• Great ideas for writing one

• The basic parts of a foreword

• A detailed breakdown of how to write a foreword for a book

• What the major benefits are for writing a foreword

And although a foreword is one of the shortest parts of a book, that doesn’t mean it’s not important. Let’s talk about everything you need to know on how to write a foreword for a book.

What is a Foreword?

Before we can get into how to create a foreword, you first need to know what one is. A foreword is a personal introduction to a book written directly to the readers. Normally, a foreword is not written by the author of the story but by a third party. You’ll probably want to elect a close friend or colleague to write this for you. And if you’ve been chosen to write a foreword for some else’s book… Take it as a compliment!

This is where you should discuss the book, the author, and how you’re connected to it all. In short…you’re getting people excited for what’s coming.

Ideas on How to Write A Foreword for a Book

So what should you write about when tasked to write a foreword?

This can be a little nerve-racking for new foreword writers. Here are some excellent topic choices you can consider including when deciding what to write about.

Talk about your personal relationship with the author.

Share how you met the author and how you know them. This can actually be a bigger deal than you think. By doing this, you help show the author as likeable and relatable.


Discuss how the author has helped people like the readers (including you).

This is particularly useful if the author has helped with something that is going to be discussed in the book. These are great for self-help books or non-fiction, but can also be used for fiction. For example, if the author writes about a detective overcoming alcohol addiction through group therapy AND has been a tireless advocate for helping people overcome addiction in real life… That would be an amazing foreword.

Signify why the author is qualified to write this book.

If the author is writing a book on psychology (or a psychological thriller), mentioning that they are a Psych professor shows just why you want to read this book. Readers will definitely appreciate hearing that the author knows their stuff.

Talk about your involvement in the book.

You may actually have helped out with the book. Whether as a resource or research assistant, it would be an awesome read to get deeper insight into the author’s creative process.

The 4 Basic Parts to a Foreword and How to Write Them

Forewords are generally not long-winded and heavily worded. They should fall between around 750-1200 words when complete. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have structure. In order to write a great foreword, you need to understand the 4 pieces that make up the framework of a stellar foreword.

1. The Beginning

Starting out with a great introduction provides the base for your writing. Here you want to introduce yourself and how you know the author. Provide your credentials as well. What are you known for? There may be times where you don’t personally know the author, but you’re the best person for their foreword. Simply explain the importance of what the author is writing. This should only be a few sentences and done properly that’s all you’ll need.

2. The Middle

This section is the real meat of your foreword. It’s where you convey your primary message, whether from one of the prompts above or otherwise.

3. The End

Your conclusion should not only wrap up your personal writing, but get readers excited to start the book.

4. Your Name

Finally, it’s time to sign your name. Be sure to list any and all relevant titles you may have. When appropriate, this is also a wonderful place to give your own book a shout out (“author of…”).

continued on page 14


S. H. I. F. T.

Heed. Not a word that many people use today and to be honest, it’s not one that people spend a hold lot of time doing. To help explain the word let’s look at the definition according to

Heed: to give careful attention to

Since we are talking about making a S.H.I.F.T after we have mastered the art of Studying and being observant the next thing we need to do is to Heed or give careful attention to what we have studied. I think that we don’t give enough time to this very important aspect of Making time to properly digest the information that we have gathered will better position us to make the most of the information at our fingertips. We can use the information to make informed decisions.

If we spend enough time combing through the stuff we studied, we will gain greater insight into our next move. We can use the information as a part of a Master Mind to then tailor it for our best possible outcome. Providing a roadmap for where we want to go and the best route to get there.

Heeding what we have studied and learned will give us a greater scene of confidence about our direction and our plans. We will not approach a project with ONLY hope and enthusiasm (believe me those things are needed) but we will approach it with an assurance that we have done our due diligence and can sleep better with our choices.


Next month we are going to continue to S.H.I.F.T. learning the importance of Implementing the information that we have Studied and Heeded. We will see you then!

Also, if you missed last month’s article on Study you can read it by clicking the link below.

Heeding also has a note of pause. It requires us to stop, step back and soak in what we’ve studied. Heeding gives way to clarity and understanding. Heeding helps everyone involved to ponder any questions and raise any concerns.

Heeding also gives time to connect on a deeper level as we give heed to areas and aspects of our business and life. As we heed, we appreciate the time energy, and efforts of those on our team and what they bring to the table.

The word Heed may seem out of place in our current culture but the definition of the word will be front and center as we navigate through these changing times.

STUDY Cicone Prince


You can make these at home!


The wait is over! In Cicone Prince’s highly anticipated 5th book, he shares fundamental principles of Leadership that are a game changer if properly applied to the all important role of Leadership. He makes no apologies for highlighting the importance of equipping the Next Generation with the tools they need to succeed.

Leadership That Lasts will have you running to help someone else prepare for their future while realizing your success.

Order Yours Today! Click the link below: 13
Available Now on Amazon!

continued from page 9

1. Share how you met the person or how you know them. This “social proof” establishes the connection between you and the author and helps establish the author’s credibility. Share what struck you about the person, and any particular skills, knowledge and wisdom they demonstrated over time. If you can open your foreword with a story, that’s particularly compelling.

2. Give a sense of the scope of the problem this book helps to solve. You may use statistics and research to back this up or personal experience and anecdotes.

3. Share some specific credentials of the author: that she teaches at Harvard, that he is one of the world’s most foremost researchers on deep sea creatures or that she is the first person to develop recovery groups for people addicted to scrapbooking —a pioneer in the field.

4. Share how the author has helped others: the people in her scrapbooking recovery groups have gone on to develop healthier habits like stamp collecting or even married non-scrapbookers. Or share how you have referred scrapbooking addicts to this expert and have been amazed at the results and how these former addicts have gone on to lead normal lives, painting a picture of normal, of course.

5. Give examples of what readers might find in this book and how it can transform their lives: the state-of-the-art scrapbooking recovery model; tips for forming new, less-destructive hobbies.

Oh, and by the way, I highly recommend you purchase a copy of Leadership That Lasts, by Cicone A Prince…you’ll be glad you did!

The opinions expressed here by Next Generation Speakers Magazine columnists are their own, not those of the magazine itself.

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With Dr. James J. Williams


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