NGS - Next Generation Speakers April

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April 2019

Next Generation Speakers

What You Need To Do To Standout From The Crowd

Ruben West Putting The Punch In Your Presentation


Take The Leap!

Also: Some Reasons You Might Not Be Getting Booked

How To Respectfully Speak On Mental Illness


Contents Table of

Editor’s Note... In this issue of Next Generation Speakers Magazine, we go deeper into the things needed to help you become a better speaker. One of the key issues is getting a Speaking Coach. No one does it better than Dr. Ruben West Founder of Black Belt Speakers. It has also been incredible to see the response to NGS Magazine and the impact that it’s making around the country and around the world. With engaging articles, powerful features, and interactive content, NGS Magazine helps propel Speakers to their Next Level of Greatness. Your feedback is critical to the development of this dynamic magazine. If you have any concerns or suggestions about the magazine please don’t hesitate to contact me: Email: Text: 251-753-6299

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...................................................Un-U Luxe

............................................Editor’s Note & Table of Contents ...........................Ruben West: Putting The Punch In You Presentation .............................................Take The Leap

...................... How to Respectfully Speak On Mental Illness Illness

..........................Some Reasons You Might Not Be Getting Booked .........................What You Need To Do To Standout From The Crowd ........................................Speaker Spotlight

I just want to know one thing, Who’s Got Next? Cicone C. A. Prince NGS Magazine Editor

Cover Photo Credit: J Chanel Photography 3

Ruben West Putting The Punch In Your Presentation

When it comes to delivering the knockout punch with your presentation, there is no one that does it better than Dr. Ruben West. With his uncanny ability to deconstruct your presentation and reconstruct it again, he teaches you how to take your presentation from How to Wow! And when I say, “How to Wow!” what I mean is this, when you first give your presentation you demonstrate “How” you currently delivery it, but after a few minutes of Dr. West listening to YOUR story, he can show you how to add that “Wow” factor. Born in Topeka, Kansas, Ruben is known as The Vision Breakthrough Expert. He is the founder of “The Success Immune System”, a Professional Certified Success Coach, trainer, entrepreneur, published author, and dynamic speaker. He teaches and trains clients and organizations all over the world to step into their vision and achieve their personal greatness. Ruben has mastered the ability to help individuals see a larger vision of themselves and has developed a masterful system that allows individuals and businesses to increase productivity, improve relationships and spend time doing what matters most. His signature Black Belt Speaker Training Experiences are unlike anything else. They are world renowned for providing a safe setting for speaker of all levels to feel safe in sharing their story. Dr. West has fostered an environment where people can be vulnerable and transparent without fear of being judged or ridiculed. In this atmosphere, we not only learn how to connect with our audience, but we practice proven presentation techniques that are sure to leave a lasting impact on your audience.


Some people ask, “Why the name Black Belt Speakers?” well, Not only is Dr. Ruben West an actual doctor, more specifically are Surgical Assistance, he is a 7th Degree Black Belt. When he decided to start his speaker training program his marketing team suggested that he used the name “Black Belt Speakers.” At first Dr. West wanted to train a team of speakers and all was going well until he noticed something, his speakers stared refereeing to the program as their “Black Belt Speaker Family!” At first, he had his reservation about it being called a family but a wise friend told him that is exactly what he had created. As the family grows, so does their impact. Speaking all over the globe in too many countries to name, Dr. West and the Black Belt Speakers have impacted countless lives and the ripple effect is still being felt and only getting larger.

continued on page 14 Cover Photo Credit: J Chanel Photography


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Take The Leap The Thought A. The Ground We all have untapped potential residing in us. It’s there waiting to nourish whatever is deposited in us. We have the rich soil that can birth everything from music to art, to architecture and engineering, and so much more. We become fertile field right for the planting. Most of the time, when travel agencies want to catch your attention, they use pictures of tropical places with emerald waters. They show you a beachside getaway. Now there’s nothing wrong with getting away for a while; in fact, as I’m writing this, I wish I had one planned right now. But when it comes to growing anything worthwhile, you don’t go to the beachside villa, you look for the fertile, rich, dark soil where you can grow stuff necessary to sustain life. When we consider that we have this level of the rich ground to be planted into, then we will be more careful about what seeds we allow to enter in. B. The Seed I remember the movie Inception, where someone figured out a way to invade another’s dream and make suggestions that the person would think were their own thoughts. The concept was ingenious and brought about a boatload of possibilities of what could be done by planting a thought. You know, life has so many different roads one can take. From staying single to getting married, or from going to a four-year college to learning a trade, we have so many options to choose from. Sometimes, things are chosen for us; others we choose ourselves. But where does that seed of thought come from? Some children think of being a policeman, fireman, or doctor after a career day. They do this because of what is presented to them on that day. 8

What did you want to be when you were a child, and when did you come to that conclusion? How many times did that change, and have you settled into your calling? So many people spend their life doing things they were trained to do as opposed to the thing they were ordained to do. That seed or thought about your purpose in life can come from a lot of places, but be careful with what you allow to be planted. One of the things I would suggest is that you look at your likes and dislikes, your interests and passions, and from them make sure that they provide that level of fulfillment that makes life worth living. Let me give you some examples. For me, it’s being creative, communicating, and helping people. I never tire of that. It is something that gives me life and makes my life a joy. The question comes in, “How do I translate that into a career that can support myself and my family?” Creativity has to be used to research and find that one thing that gets your motor running. C. The Plant Once the seed has been planted, then the plant can begin to grow. Once we have determined the direction our lives should take and have embraced that, then the only thing we must do is nurture it and watch it grow. I remember seeing a video by Dr. Myles Munroe where he talked about the fruit on a tree is not for the tree, but for those who are hungry. The things you have been given and blessed with are not for you, but for the people you have been sent to serve. For me, that’s all the motivation I need. To think that someone is starving for what I have pushes me beyond my own fears, doubts, and limitations to get to them and minister to their needs. It’s all because I believe in the scripture that says to whom much is given, much is required. So, for me not to develop my gifts and talents is to rob people of the service I could provide if I put in the work. Click here to purchase



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How to Respectfully Speak On Mental Illness Every year approximately 1 in 5 people will suffer from an episode of mental illness. One out of twenty-five will have some form of chronic mental illness. So there is a high likelihood that at least some of your audience members will be currently experiencing mental illness, or they will have a family member or friend with mental illness. So here are 3 steps that can help you better connect with your audience when discussing this topic. Consider the age of audience members in regards to the stigma and labels of Mental Illness. People in their late 30’s and up, such as myself, have probably lived in fear of the stigma their entire life. Fortunately, this stigma has lessened over the years but for many adults, it’s still unthinkable to openly discuss such a topic. The pain of living in fear for so long can run deep. In your speech, just a single positive affirmation can lift the spirits of these individuals. Help the audience understand a continuum of symptoms. Meaning, for example, everyone can relate to the feeling of uncertainty and the anxiety it can produce when you think, “Did I forget to shut off the stove”, “Did I lock the door” etc. As uncomfortable as this may be, it would be on the lesser end of a continuum for negative impact on the quality of someone’s life. Someone with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) will experience those same feelings but the severity and frequency can be so bad that it can be debilitating.


People with moderate to severe OCD would fall at the other end of that continuum. So unless you have the disorder, you cannot truly appreciate how devastating that symptom can be. I believe that is one reason why the stigma, especially the labels of you lack willpower or you’re lazy or you have some moral character flaw, continue to persist. People can identify with symptoms but not realize that what they experience is like night and day, compared to someone with a mental illness disorder. Try as best you can not to say “I Understand”. Having worked as a psychiatric nurse, and having a mental illness, I have made that mistake more than once. Even if you have a mental illness, no one wants to have their feelings and experience’s not validated. Saying “I understand”, can work sometimes, but often the other person will be saying “you have no idea what I’ve been through”. I’ve been on both sides of that fence. So to avoid that situation, it is much better to stick with “I can empathize”, or “I can only imagine what that must be like for you”. I know how easy it is to say “I understand”, we do it all the time, but for someone with mental illness, try to avoid the word whenever you can.

~Joseph DeRenzo


Dr. West knows that there are five types of speaking styles: Scientist: Traits = Measured, Calculated, Studious or well-studied, Systematic, Fact-Filled, Information filled, Research Driven, They like to have time to prepare, Formulated, Structured, Organized, Step-byStep, Prepared, Patient. Drill Sergeant: Traits = Commanding Voice, Always Ready, Pace management (fast, speed up), Command Presence, Extreme Confidence in the subject matter, Extreme belief in the message, No room for compromise, High level of personal expectation, Personal proof of the subject matter, Challenging Heart Felt: Traits = Compassionate Voice, Pace Management (slow down speed up) Connective Pause Mastery, Lean in techniques, Inviting hand gestures, Hand over heart/other hand out gestures, Both hands over heart, Warm Smile, Soft eyes, They focus on the needs of others,

Comedian: Traits = Laughter Pause Mastery, Very Expressive, Show it before they say it, Masters at audience interaction and reaction, Great Spontaneity, Up on Universal Consciousness, Voice in fluctuation Control, Great Audience Mind Readers, They do their work in the moment Motivator: Traits = Connecting, Relaxed, Passionate about their subject matter/Topic, Ondemand emotional control, On-demand voice control, Masters, Inspiration/Applause Mastery And depending on what your signature speaking style is you will fall into one of those five speaking styles. But just because you may have one speaking style does not mean that you are locked into that for life. Dr. West can help you retool your presentation so that you can present to any audience at any time with confidence, clarity, and conviction. With help from Dr. Ruben West, he can help you create a presentation that has all five speaking styles and one that Packs a Punch!



Some Reasons You Might Not Be Getting Booked Getting paid speaking engagements can be a mystery starting out. It can come as a surprise that being a new speaker doesn’t have people knocking down your door to put you on their platform or stage. So you really have to look at yourself from an objective standpoint in order to get the proper assessment of why you are not getting booked.

You Know You Haven’t Put In The Work

This means that you know you haven’t invested in yourself and your speaking career to get better at what you. Most adults can cook on some level. But I doubt that most who say that their cooking would have people running to their kitchen to grab another plate of whatever they cooked. But if they had made the investment in learning what seasoning and spice work well together. If they learned how a dish can be balanced out by another dish, then they are on the road to having their own cooking show… LOL… :-D So when it comes to your speaking, are you working on your craft to the point that it becomes second nature to you? Are you so at ease with delivering the message that you can wait for the audience to feast on the mental meal that you have prepared? If you can’t answer “Yes” that could be one of the reasons that you are not getting booked.

No One Knows You Exist

If you have put in the work and have mastered your delivery style. If you have delivered soul-stirring speeches and created life-changing events then another reason that you might not be getting booked is that “No One Knows…” If the message that you have to deliver is that good, if the information is the aspirin to someone’s headache then you can’t wait to wait for someone else to sing your praises. You have to sing them yourself. You have to make some noise for you. For the person that you have become and the work that you have done in order to fill up your speaking calendar. Knowing your market and then marketing yourself to that market is a sure fire way to make the impact that you desire and leave the legacy that you will be proud of. 16

You Use Canned Presentations

When it comes to effective speaking, one size does not fit all. Les Brown said, “Never let what you have to say, get it the way of what they need to hear.” You can expect to use the EXACT same presentation and it does not get stale. Did you know that pancake, cupcakes and regular cakes have the same ingredients? The base ingredients are the same: eggs, milk, sugar, and butter. The trick comes in with how they are proportioned for whatever item you are preparing. The ingredients might be the same but how they are prepared is what makes the difference. Your presentation may have the same components, but depending on your audience you may weigh heavily on one or the other. You have to be able to read your audience and adjust accordingly.

You Haven’t Asked

Often times as speakers we are patiently waiting for that phone call. I remember hearing a story by Les Brown where he talked about his corner. No, not the one on his foot, the one on his ear. He said that he made so many phone calls that he actually had a corner on his ear. Can you say the same thing? Can you say that you have thrown your name in the bucket? Have you thrown your hat in the ring to speak? Once you have put in the work and you know that what you have is valuable, then you will have no problem opening your mouth and asking to be considered for speaking. These are just a few and I’m sure I let some off this list. Since this magazine is for Speaker and those that support them, please let me know what I missed and your feature may be included in future editions of NGS Magazine.

~Cicone Prince


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What You Need To Do To Standout From The Crowd In some cultures, individualism is frowned upon. Being different from everyone else gives the impression that you are not a team player and that you are in some respect seeking attention and showboating. Everyone wants to be accepted on some level. Whether it’s with family, friends or colleagues, but when it comes to your speaking career if you don’t stand out you may find yourself drowning in a sea of clones. So how do you stand out from the crowd when it comes to speaking? 1.You have to define your why. The reason that you do what you do. You have to clearly define your purpose, first to yourself and then to your clients. It needs to be so clear that when someone mentions anything related to your purpose that you immediately come top of mind. 2. You have to work on mastering your delivery style. People will begin to know you know only for your purpose but also for your ability to deliver. Make sure that you are not trying to imitate anyone else. Just be yourself. 3. Don’t spend time talking about other speakers other than quoting them. This way you are not drawing comparisons between yourself and them. I would limit the number of time that you quote them because you want to keep your audience focused on who they are listening to now. 4. Share something personal. I know that this may be one of those areas that have its own challenges but doing so help to show how different you are from other speakers (not by mentioning them but telling your story). You background went into making you who you are, own it. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Share as much as you would be comfortable with having a place in a magazine. 5. Connect with your audience off stage. Meet the people in the audience either before (I recommend that because it helps ease the tension of speaking to strangers) or after your presentation. Some speakers miss this opportunity of connecting and networking on a personal level and they get tossed into the basket of “Standoff-ish” speakers. So if you want to not make an impression but an impact, you need to make sure that you meet people where they are and then take them to higher levels of confidence, education and hope by connecting with them, by communicating with them and by creating a sense of oneness that your story is their story. 19

~ Cicone Prince




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