6th dobbs&tramelseptember8 12

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Teacher: Dobbs and Tramel

Day M on da y

Content Objectives/ Essential Questions 6.4A: Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information, including journals/notebooks, beakers, Petri dishes, meter sticks, graduated cylinders, hot plates, test tubes, triple beam balances, microscopes, thermometers, calculators, computers, timing devices and other equipment as necessary to teach the curriculum

Week: 3 September 8-12

Language Objectives 1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ use appropriate science terminology to distinguish various science equipment and tools.

6.4B: use preventative safety equipment including chemical splash goggles, aprons and gloves, and be prepared to use emergency safety equipment

Level/Course/Unit: Science

Instruction/ Activities [Differentiation Strategies]

Grade: 6

Resources (Materials)

Explore: Stations (graduated cylinder, meter stick, and triple beam balance). Students will be in gallery walk groups learning about the correct use and procedure of each tool.

Meter stick

*Station 1: Tools card sort *Station 2: Volume station

Triple Beam balance

*Station 3: Graduated Cylinder

meal worms

*Station 4: Mass

card sort

Graduated cylinder

Evaluation/ Assessments Formative assessment

Students will complete 2 stations daily

I can: use appropriate tools in a science lab to collect, record and analyze data.

Tu es da y

Engage: Page Keeley- Ice Cubes in a Bag 6.4A: Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information, including journals/notebooks, beakers, Petri dishes, meter sticks, graduated cylinders, hot plates, test tubes, triple beam balances,

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ use

Explore: Stations (graduated cylinder, meter stick, and triple beam balance). Students will be in gallery walk groups learning about the correct use and procedure of each tool.

Meter stick Graduated cylinder

Formative assessment

microscopes, thermometers, calculators, computers, timing devices and other equipment as necessary to teach the curriculum 6.4B: use preventative safety equipment including chemical splash goggles, aprons and gloves, and be prepared to use emergency safety equipment

I can: use appropriate tools in a science lab to collect, record and analyze data.

appropriate science terminology to distinguish various science equipment and tools.

*Station 1: Tools card sort *Station 2: Volume station *Station 3: Graduated Cylinder

Triple Beam balance meal worms

*Station 4: Mass

card sort

Students will complete 2 stations daily

Copy count (2 days)280

Homework- reading a balance

W ed ne sd ay

Colored water 6.4A: Use appropriate tools to collect, record, and analyze information, including journals/notebooks, beakers, Petri dishes, meter sticks, graduated cylinders, hot plates, test tubes, triple beam balances, microscopes, thermometers, calculators, computers, timing devices and other equipment as necessary to teach the curriculum 6.4B: use preventative safety equipment including chemical splash goggles, aprons and gloves, and be prepared to use emergency safety equipment

I can: use appropriate tools in a science lab to collect, record and analyze data.

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ use appropriate science terminology to distinguish various science equipment and tools.

Engage: Volume Brain Pop. Discussion Explore: Rainbow Lab

test tubes lab sheet Copy count 140

Formative Lab

T hu r sd ay

6.2A: plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology 6.2B: design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, formulating testable hypothesis and using appropriate equipment and technology

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ use appropriate and familiar science terminology to make inferences and observations.

Page Keely Probe Engage: Inference vs. observation slides (funny ones) Explain: Inference and observation Cornell Notes with examples. Class discussion over making observations and making inferences.

Teacher directed notes Interactive notebook Copy Count: 70

Honors: Buddy inferencing/observation. Outside, students will work with a partner and make inferences and observations about what they see.

I can: formulate correct observations and inferences about various topics.

F r i da y

6.2A: plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology 6.2B: design and implement experimental investigations by making observations, asking well defined questions, formulating testable hypothesis and using appropriate equipment

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ use appropriate and familiar science terminology to make inferences and observations.

Engage: Making Observation and Inferences


Explore: Inference and Observation Candle Lab

Lighter Lab sheets Triple Beam balance Meter Stick

Formative Lab assessment

Copy Count: 140

and technology

I can: formulate correct observations and inferences about various topics.


Writing Frayer Model Cornell Notes Lab

Critical Thinking G O â—? Thinking Map - bubble A L S

Inquiry Density Lab Tools stations

Collaboration Lab Group Stations

Academic Conversations

Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum

Organization Cornell Notes Interactive notebooks

Reading Density reading

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