6th dobbs&trameloctober27 31

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Teacher: Dobbs and Tramel

Day M on da y

Content Objectives/ Essential Questions 6.5C- Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic level 6.5A- know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols

I can: differentiate between elements and compounds.

Tu es da y

6.5C- Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic level 6.5A- know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols

I can: differentiate between elements and compounds.

Week: 10 October 27-31

Level/Course/Unit: Unit 4 Compounds

Language Objectives 1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ discuss/

Resources (Materials) Elaborate: Elements Quick Write- AVID strategyPage 39 Engage: Compounds vs. Mixtures Brain Pop (introduce students to the words and review TEK 6.5A- element is a pure substance)

differentiate between elements and compounds using correct vocabulary.

Explain: Elements/Compounds/Mixtures foldableTeacher directed notes. Glue in on page 38.

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

Explain: Complete Elements/Compounds/Mixtures Foldable (if needed)

We will‌ discuss/ differentiate between elements and compounds using correct vocabulary.

Grade: 6

teacher created ppt

Evaluation/ Assessments N/A

interactive notebook

teacher created ppt

interactive Elaborate: Compounds and mixtures flashcards notebook (add to vocabulary baggie). Compounds/elements and mixtures reading. (if not complete- homework) Copy countDObbs/Tramel (310front to back)


W ed ne sd ay

6.5C- Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic level 6.5A- know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols

I can: differentiate between elements and compounds.

Th u r sd ay

6.5C- Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic level 6.5A- know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols

I can: differentiate between elements and compounds.

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

Explain: Complete foldable


Explore: Mystery compounds Lab

Peroxide Water

We will‌ discuss/ differentiate between elements and compounds using correct vocabulary.

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

We will‌ discuss/ differentiate between elements and compounds using correct vocabulary.


Copy countDobbs/Tramel 310- front to back

Explore/Explain: Mistery Powder GIZMO

Laptops Student Activity Sheet


F r i da y

6.5C- Differentiate between elements and compounds on the most basic level 6.5A- know that an element is a pure substance represented by chemical symbols

I can: differentiate between elements and compounds. AV I D


Writing Sentence stems Warm Up Interactive notebooks Critical Thinking

1A: Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English

Engage: “ Crazy chemical reactions”



Organization Interactive notebook Flashcards

Reading Elements/Compou nds/Mixtures Interactive notebooks

Explain: Compounds/Elements in chemical reactions

We will… discuss/ differentiate between elements and compounds using correct vocabulary. Inquiry Interactive notebooks Sentence stems

Academic Conversations

Collaboration Foldable Notebooking Sentence stems Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum

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