Balkans & Beyond EN

Page 9

“The Balkans” have always unsettled the collective

emigration is present throughout the Balkans, leading many

subconscious of Western Europeans. Since the collapse of the

citizens (not politicians!) towards increased solidarity with

Ottoman Empire, the region has been seen as a flashpoint—

refugees from the Middle East. And everything will come down

from the splitting of Macedonia into Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria,

to this: making legal migrants out of those who have been

and Albania, to the collapse of former Yugoslavia and the

humiliated, who have fled their homes, and allowing them to

“Third Balkan War.”

travel between their home and guest countries in order to

There is disagreement over where the Balkans even start

contribute to the reconstruction and peace of both their old

and end—consider that the “Great Balkan” mountain range

and new home countries through money transfers, know-how,

begins in western Turkmenistan! In one of her stories, the

and the transfer of knowledge. But as long as we don’t establish

Croatian author Slavenka Drakulić described the Balkans as

legal immigration opportunities for non-Europeans, illegal

a phenomenon that becomes more obscure the closer one

immigration will not cease.

nears it.

The multi-perspective reports gathered here point in the

However, the associations that are stirred up by the Balkans

right direction. In them we discover the life stories of bold

are almost exclusively negative: the Balkan Wars, Balkan

young people who gather and exchange their first European

conflicts, Balkan-isation, etc.— and added to that, of course,

experiences on the Balkans route wishing to contribute to the

is the Western Balkans route! As a result, the Balkans have

creation of a peaceful and prosperous Europe. The Allianz

become synonymous with danger and uncontrollable chaos

Cultural Foundation has repeatedly supported cafébabel’s

for Western Europeans. But the current “Geopolitics of the

journalistic projects in the Balkans in the past, bringing the

Feet,” as Historian Karl Schlögel called it during one of our

former Yugoslavian countries closer together in discussion

conferences, will thoroughly change the cartography of Europe

and strengthening civil society. Maybe one day, thanks to

and the composition of our societies.

cafébabel, the Balkans will become a synonym for Europe’s

If we compare Europe, which is currently splitting itself into

social laboratory.

pieces, with countries such as Jordan or Lebanon, where every third or fourth citizen has become a refugee, then to refugees from Afghanistan, Syria, or Iraq, the region must still seem praiseworthy.

Michael M. Thoss Director of Allianz Kulturstiftung

Partially within the EU and partially without, the Balkans currently serve as a real test for Europe, given the newly erected border fences and checkpoints. However, a democratically agreed-upon refugee policy, which would be transformed into a European migration policy, could give the region a new identity. The memory of their own history of 9

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