Balkans & Beyond EN

Page 73

The Editors

Editor-in-Chief Prune Antoine

German editor Julia Korbik

Concept - Fund raising Sébastien Vannier

As an independent journalist, Prune has been based in Berlin since 2008, after having lived in England, Spain, Budapest, Brussels and Paris. Her reportages, which have received many awards, feature the aftermath and the contradictions of the Post-Soviet world and have appeared in Le Monde, Geo, Madame Figaro... Travelling from Central and Eastern Europe to Russia, Caucasus or Balkans, she focuses on social issues relating to women, communist heritage and conflicts. Her first book “La Fille & le Moudjahidine” was published in France in June 2015.

Based in Berlin as a journalist and author, Julia mainly writes about feminism, politics and culture. In 2014 her introduction to feminism for young women Stand up – Feminismus für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene (Feminism for beginners and experts) was published with Rogner & Bernhard Verlag. Julia is an active member of the Cafébabel Berlin team and vicepresident of Babel Germany. She is also heads Cafébabel’s gender column «Mind the Gap».

Sébastien Vannier is a french journalist working as a correspondent in Germany for French media such as the daily newspaper Ouest-France since 2007. He published “Les Allemands décomplexés” (2015) and “Berlin, Laboratoire d’innovations” (2016). He is president of the association Babel Deutschland e.V. and was in charge with the Berlin team of the conception and the fundraising of the project Balkans&Beyond.

Art director Giulio Zucchini

Art director Mathieu Mercuriali

Giulio Zucchini is an Italian-French journalist, communication expert, and photographer. He likes everything ending with .com, trains and data.

Mathieu Mercuriali graduated in 2002 with a “Diplôme d’Architecte DPLG” from the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais in France before obtaining a PhD in architecture from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. He teaches at the Ecole d’architecture ParisMalaquais.


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