August Connection

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MEMBER PROFILE Dickey's Barbeque Pit Pg. 8

NEW GRANT PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED Assistance programs for businesses affected by COVID-19 Pg. 10

SPORTING CLAYS SHOOTOUT Friday, August 21 Pg. 15

Connection AUGUST 2020





Brian Eiseman .....................................................................Chair Val Weigel ..................................................................Vice Chair Kevin Strege .................................................................Secretary Mike Schmitz ................................................................Treasurer Molly Herrington ....................................................... Past Chair


Steve Bakken ......................................................City of Bismarck Brian Eiseman ...............................................Stoneshire Builders Heather Fried ....................State Farm - Fried Financial Services Molly Herrington .........................................................Individual Chris Jones ...................................ND Dept. of Human Services Amber Larson.....................................................City of Mandan Karl Lembke ......................................................Vaaler Insurance Allan Miller ............................................................Anyleaks, Inc. Dr. Sara Weigel Ness ..............................Active Life Chiropractic Jim Peluso .........................................................Burleigh County Marnie Piehl ...........................................Bismarck State College Matt Sagaser ......................................................Doosan Bobcat Mike Schmitz ......................................Schmitz-Holmstrom CPAs Cody Schulz ........................................................Morton County Garret Senger ...............................Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Kevin Strege ................................................Capital Credit Union Wendy Van Duyne .....................Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Val Weigel ..............................Basin Electric Power Cooperative Lee Weisbeck ..........................................................Starion Bank


Brian Ritter ...................................................................President Aasta Eggert .......Economic Development Marketing Specialist Ross Frohlich ............................................Membership Director Christine Nelson .........................Program & Marketing Director Ryan Parsons ........................................................Vice President Rebecca Rattei ................................ Communications Specialist Elliot Rust ................................................Chief Financial Officer Jaime Sabot ....................Workforce Development Coordinator Lyndsey Scheurer .................................. Communications & ED Nathan Schneider ................................................Vice President Josie Smyle ..............................Membership and Events Intern Cathryn Sprynczynatyk ................... Communications Specialist Joan Trygg ...........................Membership Engagement Director 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5660 •

CONTACT INFORMATION Content Rebecca Rattei

Advertising Christine Nelson

Life is driven by purpose What do you live for? We help dreams come true, one customer, one business, one moment at a time. BANKING | MORTGAGE | INSURANCE* | TRUST & INVESTMENTS*

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2 4 Connection

*Not FDIC or any federal agency insured | No bank guarantee | May lose value


CONNECTION | CHAIR'S CORNER ne of the benefits of being a member of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC is the many opportunities that our members have to engage with the organization.

Yes, you can do so in a lot of the traditional ways that one might think of like through the legislative process as we advocate for businesses or even at a Membership Mixer. However, there are some other ways that you might not have thought of before. For instance, have you ever attended Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan? Celebrate is our annual event where we recognize our members for their outstanding achievements over the past year in categories like Small Business of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year and more. This year’s edition is scheduled for Tuesday, September 22 at 11:00am down at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center. If you’d like to check it out, call Christine at 701-223-5660 or email her at Or have you ever joined a team at our Sporting Clays Shootout? Maybe shooting clays isn’t something you normally do, but it’s definitely a great opportunity to join your fellow Chamber EDC Members and our Staff in a more casual environment. This year’s event is scheduled for Friday, August 21 out at Capital City Sporting Clays and if you’re interested in learning more, make sure to call Ross at 701-223-5660 or email him at And if you’d like to take that engagement one step further, there are multiple opportunities to volunteer with the organization through our committees. Whether it’s our Military Affairs, Excellence in Business & Education or Government Affairs, we have plenty of places where we’re looking for members to engage. And ultimately, those committees are one of the first places we look when trying to identify new members for our Board of Directors. The moral of the story is this; the Chamber EDC is your organization and there are plenty of ways for you to be a part of it. All you need to do is ask!

Brian Eiseman Chair, Board of Directors @bismancedc

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WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, BE THE BOSS By Cathryn Sprynczynatyk When activities in North Dakota shut down this spring due to COVID-19, Chamber EDC staff had their fingers crossed that Lemonade Day could still happen in June. Program and Marketing Director Christine Nelson investigated Lemonopolis, an online version of Lemonade Day, but she held out hope that Lemonade Day could be held in a safe manner.

Approximately 200 kids registered for Bismarck-Mandan Lemonade Day this year.

“There were so many struggles with COVID-19 -- kids not seeing family, not seeing friends, not seeing people in general,” Nelson said. “Lemonade Day was an event I wanted to continue so that kids had something to look forward to this summer. They could look forward to having their business that they planned for. I think it was kind of a light at the end of the tunnel.” On June 20, Bismarck-Mandan hosted its fourth annual Lemonade Day. Lemonade Day is a curriculum based program out of Lemonade Day national headquarters in Houston. The free curriculum teaches young entrepreneurs how to start a business through the model of setting up a lemonade stand. Youth learn business and entrepreneurship lessons such as the cost of goods, return on investment, creating their product, expenses, profit margins, and collaborating with business partners. The curriculum is designed for grades 3-8, but it can be adapted to any age level.

Approximately 200 kids registered for Lemonade Day in 2020. It was down from previous years, but Nelson said this was expected since staff was not able to partner with schools and youth organizations this year. Kids were advised on best practices to keep their lemonade stands safe: consider using gloves and masks, use hand sanitizer, and make it available to customers. All Lemonade Day events hosted by the Chamber EDC were executed with COVID-19 safety in mind. Lemonade Day kickoff in April, which was hosted at Sky Zone, was a curbside kick-off with staff masked and gloved. The Best Tasting Contest in June was held outdoors with Chamber EDC staff serving lemonade samples masked and gloved. It was the largest ever with 13 stands participating. Rather than renting a VIP bus to tour stands on Lemonade Day, local elected officials, program sponsors, and staff decorated their cars for a caravan. Not every innovation this year was due to COVID-19. “(Mascot) Lemmy got a kid sister, Lemon Drop, who is cute as a button,” Nelson said. “There is always something to say about a female presence. Having that kid sister shows the big brother safety aspect, or the learn-from-me aspect. Many entrepreneurs look up to people.”

The Lemonade Day curriculum teaches young entrepreneurs how to start a business through the model of setting up a lemonade stand.

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CONNECTION | FEATURE Stacey Thomas, Co-Owner of Specialized Cleaning & Restoration served as City Champion for the Lemonade Day program this year. “It’s important to show area youth how they can start a business and be successful,” Thomas said. “I believe this program inspires creativity in kids and helps them learn about business and the economy.” In addition, Thomas said kids learn some of the hard lessons of running a business.

Let’s show the world what we can do together. Day by day. Project by project. Together we’re improving mobility and moving the world forward.

“Kids are learning about expenses; money doesn’t just show up,” Thomas said. “You usually have to put some work in first to generate some money, some profit. I think it’s great that this program allows kids to decide what they want to do at the end of the day -- if they want to donate money, if they want to buy something, or if they want to save it for next year to reinvest it in their lemonade stand.” This year, Connection magazine interviewed youth from three different lemonade stands to learn their entrepreneurial stories.

DAX-A-MILLION Dax Wilson, 8, has participated in Lemonade Day for three of the four years in Bismarck-Mandan. This year, Dax set up his lemonade stand at Lucky’s 13 Pub. Dax ran his lemonade stand for four days over a long weekend and learned which days had the highest customer traffic. His mother and mentor, Lataisha Fountain, worked the lemonade stand with him. This year, she helped Dax create a portfolio to help him memorize his business plan. He had answers ready for customers who wanted to know about his business goals and how he wanted to spend, save, and donate his money. After expenses, Dax made $219.25. Dax spent some of his money on a new tablet, and his mother guided him on which tablet to purchase in order to make a wise choice with his money. Dax also donated money to a dog rescue center. Dax has always wanted to have a gift card, so he bought himself a Subway gift card. He also bought a safe to store his valuables. “He bought dinner a few times,” Fountain said, ‘kind of a sense of ‘I got you,’ since mom always buys dinner.” Dax said his favorite part was spending time with his mother. “You (Mom) being there. I get to hang out with you,” Dax said. But his least favorite part was also related to his mother: “Paying back Mom.”

Building a Better World for All of Us Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists • 701.354.7121

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SUPER SISTERS SNACK SHACK Sometimes, hard lessons are learned by the young entrepreneurs. Torey O’Neil, 12, and sister Paytn O’Neil, 11, combined forces to create the Super Sisters Snack Shack. The sisters set up their lemonade stand at McDowell Dam Recreation Area. The sisters wanted to provide concessions for beachgoers -- lemonade, hot dogs, soda, and snacks. The sisters bought a tent and coolers. They contacted a local radio station, US 103.3, and asked if they would donate advertising for the lemonade stand. But in the end, they didn’t make a profit. The sisters needed to make $372 to cover their expenses. They made $263. “Sometimes you lose money,” Torey said. “Sometimes you invest, and the investment isn’t really an investment.” Their mother and business mentor, Chrystinna O’Neil, said the girls learned valuable business lessons. “It’s time to make them aware about how hard money is,” O’Neil said. “Sometimes you put a lot of money into something, and it doesn’t turn out. This day was an example.” O’Neil said her daughters are looking at various options on how to cover their expenses. They might continue to sell soda and chips as concessions. They might sell their tent and coolers in online classified ads. O’Neil said she would like to teach her daughters about making money through passive investments and real estate. In the meantime, the Super Sisters are budding entrepreneurs. In their Super Sisters business, they make money walking dogs, mowing, raking lawns, and babysitting. “I think it’s important for them to understand how the world turns,” O’Neil said. “They’re not babies anymore. They are 12- and 11-years-old.”

THE LEMONADE LADIES The Mitzel family got involved with Lemonade Day this year to give the kids something fun to do during COVID-19. “We had to cancel everything, all of our trips and summer activities,” said mother and business mentor Stasia Mitzel. “I figured it would give them a chance to work on their own but still keep them busy.” Three sisters worked together to run the lemonade stand: Brynae Mitzel, 9; Aasha Mitzel, 8; and Aaliyah Mitzel, 8. “You have to work with who you do, and you can’t fight,” Aaliyah said. “You gotta work as a team.”

The Lemonade Day curriculum is designed for grades 3-8, but it can be adapted to any age level.

The sisters had a goal of $200 profit. The lemonade stand made $280 after expenses, and their mother said it was a lot of work. “I think they realized how hard it was,” Mitzel said. “You can’t just open a business. They all started complaining they didn’t want to spend their money. I made them buy the lemons and the sugar.” The family overestimated how much lemonade they would need, and Mitzel said they are still drinking lemonade this summer. “The hardest part for me was estimating what we should make and what we should not,” Brynae said. Aasha agreed: “It takes a while to figure everything out and handle the ingredients.” Each girl received $70. The sisters also donated money to Furry Friends Animal Rescue and saved money for college. Lemonade Day will return in 2021, and Nelson has plans to grow the program on behalf of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. “The future is sweet and bright,” Nelson said.

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2 0 2 0 R E S U L T S A N D I M P A C T



Registered Kids

STAND STATS Avg. Total Revenue


100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Avg. Profit




83% 67%



Plan on Participating Next Year

Spent Some



Paid Back Investor

Opened a Savings Met their Goal Account

Saved Some

Shared Some



Average Amount Saved

Average Amount Shared


Ethnicity Male Female



1% 1%


Grade Caucasian



Elementary (K-5)




African American Other

Middle (6-8)


Connection 3 7


Dickey's Barbeque Pit has been Chamber EDC members since 2017.

Amanda Babb-Zachmeier DICKEY'S BARBEQUE PIT Tell us about yourself and your role within your business. A: My name is Amanda Babb-Zachmeier, I have three kids, ages 8, 9, 19, and I’m also a physician’s assistant by trade. I helped open up Dickey’s Barbeque Pit as a “business adventure” of my husband’s. I work as the operational manager and am one of four business partners here at Dickey’s. The restaurant is the largest Texas Style barbeque franchise in the United States.

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Briefly tell us the history behind Dickey's Barbeque Pit? A: The Dickey’s franchise itself started in 1941 by two brothers down in Dallas, TX. Because of its growth and popularity with catering , it has now expanded to multiple states including North Dakota, where I own and operate both the Mandan and Minot stores.

CONNECTION | MEMBER PROFILE How has the growth of Bismarck-Mandan impacted Dickey’s Barbeque Pit? A: What’s nice about our location is that it is right off the interstate on Memorial Highway in Mandan, so Dickey’s is in a convenient location for Bis-man locals, as well as visitors from out of town to check us out. Aside from our regular dine-in and take-out customers, we’ve also been extremely busy with catering orders due to the effects of COVID-19. As Bismarck-Mandan continues to expand, I believe catering will become a more popular addition to newer restaurants that open up in the future. What trends are taking place in your industry? A: Obviously catering is becoming a big trend in the industry, but we’ve also gotten creative on how we prepare our barbeque and have a fully customizable menu for all customers to enjoy. Dickey’s has always been committed to source only responsibly raised, quality meat that is slow smoked in a pit rather than on a grill, which sets us apart from other comparable franchises. Have there been any monumental changes within your industry that you’ve had to deal with? A: Most of our big changes we’ve dealt with lately have been COVID-19 related. Both of our ND locations were closed for a period of time, but it allowed our online ordering to takeoff and become more efficient. We also had to limit the amount of catering orders/box lunches we normally prepare for larger parties, due to our shortage of employees at the time. What does the future of Dickey’s Barbeque Pit look like, and the industry as a whole look like to you? A: Our goal is to keep growing our customer base and service quality at both of our Mandan and Minot locations. There is potential to possibly expand the Dickey’s franchise into Bismarck in the future, but we would first have to increase our employee size exponentially for that to be successful. Dickey’s barbeque pit became a member in 2017, why do you continue to renew each year? A: We continue to renew our membership with the Chamber EDC because of the connection to the community and their continued support for businesses like ours throughout the Bismarck-Mandan community. What should other Chamber EDC members know about Dickey’s Barbeque Pit that may assist them? A: Other members should know that Dickey’s offers seven different Hickory smoked meats, such as beef brisket, pulled pork, St. Louis style ribs, Polish & spicy cheddar sausage, smoked turkey, and marinated chicken, with an extensive array of 13 homestyle side dishes. Pickup, curbside, dine-in, and catering options are available. Come visit one of our ND locations, order online at www.dickeys. com, or call us at 866-BARBEQUE for any questions!

ART FOR ALL Theo Art School is celebrating 28 years of sharing the love of art in our community

Liliana M. Norby Executive Director 701-222-6452

Connection 3 9


TWO NEW GRANT PROGRAMS ANNOUNCED FOR BUSINESSES In order to assist businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19, there have been both state and local grant opportunities recently announced. The first one is through the city of Mandan. The Mandan City Commission recently approved the creation of the ‘Mandan Strong Business Mini Match’ program to help small, locallyowned businesses challenged by reduced revenues due to COVID-19. Matching funds of up to $3,000 per business will be available for implementation of strategies related to innovation, adaptability and diversification to become more resilient in the face of crisis. The program requires a 1:2 match from the application, so in order to receive $3,000 the applicant will need to commit to an investment of $1,500 in their qualified project. The second is through the North Dakota Department of Commerce. Recently the state of North Dakota approved up to $69 million to administer the Economic Resiliency Grant (ERG) Program which is geared to enhance revenue in both the immediate and long-term future by growing consumer confidence.

To achieve this, applicants may qualify to receive grant funding of up $50,000 for investments that will encourage customers to get back into the marketplace by ensuring businesses are equipped to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. In addition to assisting businesses be successful, the grant is also designed to reduce the burden on the unemployment insurance system by getting people back to work in a safe environment. And most importantly, the ERG is a grant – not a loan. Applications opened July 31, 2020 and are being considered on a first-come, first serve-basis. Funding will be approved if the application meets all criteria and funding is available. Additional information, including educational sessions can be found at If you have questions regarding either program please contact Nathan Schneider at the Chamber EDC office.

The bank we count on. There is a lot to consider when choosing a financial institution - such as convenience, technology, products and community involvement. We chose our bank for all these reasons. But more than anything, we wanted a bank with familiar, friendly people that we knew we could count on any time of the day. First Western Bank & Trust is all these things and so much more. Member FDIC

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BISMARCK UPDATES PARKING REQUIREMENTS In an effort to be proactive, the City of Bismarck recently updated their off-street parking and loading requirements which will have real benefits to area businesses. Planning staff began the process by forming a stakeholder group in the fall of 2019. The stakeholder group was comprised of industry professionals including: engineers, realtors, developers, City staff and the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC. The group also included a member of the Board of Adjustment, a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Mayor. In addition to multiple meetings & discussions with the stakeholder group, Staff also held a public input meeting on March 12, 2020. The result of all that work were significant revisions to the parking and loading requirements, including: 1. Parking reductions a. A 20 percent reduction for parking calculations based on gross floor area to account for space within buildings that are utilized for restrooms, kitchens, storage areas, utility rooms and circulation b. An additional 10 percent reduction for mixed-use buildings that include a residential component – such as a combination of residential units and offices or commercial space c. Reduction for multi-family housing and for low and moderate income multi-family housing d. A reduction for adding bicycle parking and compact vehicle parking 2. On-street parking a. Allowing adjacent on-street parking to count toward required parking

3. Parking exemptions a. Expanding the existing parking exemption or no parking required area within downtown Bismarck to include all of the properties zoned DC – Downtown Core, DF – Downtown Fringe and HM – Health Medical. Properties located within this zoning district are no longer required to provide off-street parking spaces 4. Administrative Approval of Parking Alternatives a. This new section allows Planning staff the authority to administratively approve parking alternatives, such as shared parking, based on certain conditions, rather than requesting a variance from the Board of Adjustment So for example, consider someone who is building a 4,500 square foot restaurant with 12 employees, a 500 square foot bar area and 500 square foot outdoor patio on a lot that is 200 feet wide adjacent to a local roadway, with a 25-foot-wide driveway. The previous ordinance would require 82 off-street parking spaces, but the new ordinance reduces that to 54 spaces. Or someone who wants to build a two-story, 10,000 square foot office building with three 2-bedroom apartments on the second floor would have previously been required to have 23 off-street parking spaces, but now only need 18. These changes are great news for the business community and a prime example of how business and government can work together for the benefit of all.

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REGISTER "FORE" THE CHAMBER EDC GOLF SCRAMBLE The Chamber EDC Golf Scramble, presented by Eide Ford Lincoln is scheduled for Monday, August 17th at Hawktree Golf Club. There are a limited number of spots available, so don’t wait to get registered! Golfers also have the opportunity to enter in the Eide Ford Lincoln Hole in One Contest to win a 2020 Ford Escape SE! Registration begins at 10:00am, Golfers have a chance to win a 2020 Ford Escape SE by sinking a hole in one! shotgun start at 11:30am with a tasty to-go lunch, cold beverages and chances to WIN prizes! We’ll wrap up the day with a savory grilled burger, awards and fun! Thank you to our sponsors for their support.

Presenting Sponsor: Gold Sponsors: Drink Cart Sponsor:

Hole Sponsors: Baymont Inn & Suites, BEK Communications, Bismarck Cancer Center, BNC National Bank, Consolidated Construction, Dakota Carrier Network, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide Bailly, First Western Bank & Trust, Lewis & Clark Development Group, New Vision Security, Probitas Promotions, Radisson, Scheels, Silver Ranch Development, an Investcore Company Putting Green Sponsor: Vogel Law Firm Driving Range/Chipping Sponsor: ICON Architecture Tee Prize Sponsor: Amy Hullet - Century 21 Morrison Golf Cart Sponsor: Silver Ranch Development, an Investcore Company

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On Tuesday, September 22nd, the Chamber EDC and its Excellence in Business and Education Committee will celebrate local businesses and their leaders for their accomplishments within the community. At this year’s annual award ceremony for Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan we will honor those who have been nominated in the following categories:

• Granite Award winner • Mike Fink Award for Steady Growth & Join us for Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan on Sept. 22. Profitability • New Entrepreneur of the Year • Small Business Person of the Year • The Golden Eagle BASIN ELECTRIC Gold POWER COOPERATIVE Sponsors: Each year the Chamber EDC Excellence in Business & Education Committee, with the help of the community, recognizes and honors those organizations who have excelled in Bismarck-Mandan over the years! Attending Award this event is a wonderful opportunity to network with fellow Sponsors: members and learn the story of those businesses who have thrived in our community. Table Sponsors: Apex Engineering Group, Bank of North Dakota, Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck State College, If your business would like a table at the event, please Capital Credit Union, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, Eide contact Christine Nelson,, or call the Chamber EDC office, 701-223-5660. Cost is $450 for a table. Bailly, First International Bank & Trust, First Western Bank & Trust, Gate City Bank, Liberty Business Systems, Northwest Tickets are $40 for Chamber members and $50 for general Contracting, Sanford Health, Schmitz-Holmstrom Certified admission. Public Accountants, Security First Bank of ND, Starion Bank, University of Mary, Wells Fargo Bank A Touchstone Energy Cooperative ®

Event Sponsor: Advanced Business Methods

Connection 3 13




Leadership Bismarck-Mandan graduated 18 students during a commencement program on July 22 in Mandan. The ceremony celebrated the accomplishments of 18 community members that charted a course to leadership through an exclusive, nine-month program.

Did you know the CEDC has over 1,200 members and one of the best ways to reach them is by participating in our events and programs?

Congratulations to the Leadership Bismarck-Mandan Class of 2020: • Jennifer Anderson – North Dakota Department of Public Instruction • Dallon Bitz - Security First Bank of North Dakota • Jill Castleberry - Job Service North Dakota • Taylor Daniel - Daniel Companies • Nikki Ferderer - MDU Resources Group, Inc. • Sara Haugen - Sanford Health • Spencer Henke - NISC • Will Hutchings - City of Bismarck • Julie Jeske - American Bank Center • Brandi Jude - Invisible Innocence Council • Ashley Kittleson - Starion Bank • Brent Kleinjan - United Tribes Technical College • Dustin Leingang - High Point Networks • Natalie Pierce - Morton County • Sarah Rooney - Ameriprise Financial • Nathan Schultz - HIT Inc. • Benjamin Smith - Dakota Media Access • Amanda Woidyla - Bank of North Dakota

Whether it is Golf, Sporting Clays, the Annual Dinner, Economic Outlook Forum, Impact ED or Lemonade Day – there are many options! During the next 16 weeks, the CEDC will take the time to introduce our membership family to the value of their membership and how to MAXIMIZE the benefits! Renewing sponsors have the right of first refusal for their sponsorships from the previous year; this is what we call the ‘renewal period’. The 2020 renewal period will begin on Monday, August 3rd and end on Wednesday, September 2nd. Starting on September 3rd, all sponsorships that have not been renewed will be available for all members. Don’t miss out and return all renewal contracts by Wednesday, September 2nd to secure your sponsorships! – Keep an eye out for your renewal contracts – let us know if you don’t receive them. SAVE THE DATES! Right of First Refusal: August 3 – September 2 Open Enrollment: September 3 TRC Conclusion: November 16 If your organization is interested in sponsoring an event – take this opportunity to get involved! Questions? Contact Joan at or 701-223-5660. *No right of refusal for monthly Membership Mixers.

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SPORTING CLAYS SHOOTOUT IS AROUND THE CORNER It's never too early to start planning for a day of fun at Capital City Sporting Clays presented by Knife River on Friday, August 21st! It's an event that everyone can enjoy and there is always friendly competition. Registration starts at 8:00am with a light breakfast before a shotgun start promptly at 9:30am. Participants are encouraged to stay for a delicious lunch, ice cold refreshments and amazing door prizes. You can register individually and we will assign you to a team or you can sign up in teams of four. Admission includes shotgun shells (12 and 20 gauge), ear plugs, course fees, lunch, beverages and an opportunity to take home some great door prizes. Please register you and your team today by going online to or by emailing Ross at rfrohlich@bmcedc. com.

The Chamber EDC Sporting Clays Shootout is scheduled for Aug. 21.

Presenting Sponsor: Long Range Sponsor: Rapid Fire Sponsor: Dakota Carrier Network and First International Bank & Trust Pigeon Sponsor: Advanced Business Methods, Dakota Community Bank & Trust, HH Gun Shop, Liberty Business Systems

Connection 3 15




Help us celebrate the 80th anniversary of Dakota Community Bank & Trust!

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with area CEDC Member Panelists on best practices for website development, maintenance and engaging content. Join us to hear their stories and recommendations to keep your website at its best!

Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020 Location: Dakota Community Bank & Trust 919 S 7th Street, Ste #101, Bismarck Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Admission: Free to Attend

Join members of the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC during the August's Membership Mixer hosted by Dakota Community Bank & Trust on Thursday, August 6th at their location on 919 S 7th Street, Suite 101 in Bismarck. Enjoy some business after hours plus some appetizers catered by the Bismarck Larks and some ice cold refreshments. Mixers are free for Chamber EDC members to attend. RSVP’s are appreciated and can be done online at or by calling Ross Frohlich at 701-223-5660.

Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020 Location: Virtually via Microsoft Teams Time: 9:30AM - 11:30AM Admission: $20.00 for Chamber EDC Members $30.00 for General Admission

Website Development and Platforms • Shaun Ahlgren - President, Armor Interactive Utilizing Engaging Content for Web Visitors • Judy Sauter - Marketing Director, Gateway to Science Maintaining an Effective Business Website • Dustin Steckler - General Manager, Advanced Fleet Services Register at or contact Joan at or 701-223-5660.

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Date: Monday, August 17, 2020 Location: Hawktree Golf Club 3400 Burnt Creek Loop, Bismarck Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm Admission: $175 for Chamber EDC members Presenting Sponsor:

Register you and your team FORE our Chamber EDC Golf Scramble on Monday, August 17th at Hawktree Golf Club. There is a limited number of spots available so don't wait to sign up. Individual player entry is $175 and includes: golf fee, golf cart, driving range, lunch and dinner, and an opportunity to win great door prizes from our sponsors! Registration starts at 10:30am and shotgun start is promptly at 11:30am. There will be plenty of prizes, contests, food and refreshments. So mark your calendars and start putting your team of four together. Or sign up individually and we will assign you to a team.


Date: Friday, August 21, 2020 Location: Capital City Sporting Clays 12951 71st Ave NE, Bismarck Time: 9:00am - 2:30pm Admission: $100 for Chamber EDC members $125 for General Admission Presenting Sponsor: It is never too early to start planning for a fun day at the Chamber EDC Sporting Clays Shootout! You can register individually and we will assign you to a team or you can sign-up in teams of four. Admission includes a light breakfast, shotgun shells (12 and 20 guage), ear plugs, course fees, lunch, refreshments and a great opportunity to win some amazing door prizes. Please register you and your team today online at www. o r by calling Ross at 701-223-5660.

Please contact Joan at 701-223-5660 or email jtrygg@ to register yourself or your team.

14th Annual


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Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Location: Virtually via Microsoft Teams Time: 9:00AM - 11:00AM Admission: Free to Attend

Learn more about ND Career Builders, a skilled-workforce program designed to recruit talent into high-need and emerging occupations, at the September 1 Chamber EDC Business Development Series. Through a partnership of business, colleges and students, the ND Career Builders program can be a valuable workforce resource to encourage talent attraction and retention. In addition to a discussion of the program, the NDUS team will feature live testimonials from those employers that have participated in the program. Join us for this free session to learn how the ND Career Builders program can help your organization. ND Career Builders – Overview & Discussion • Brenda Zastoupil - Director of Financial Aid, North Dakota University System • Matt Gardner - Director of Government Affair, Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce Testimonials • Brad Barth - Executive Director, Forward Devils Lake Corp. • Elizabeth (Liz) Heisey - Executive Director, Rugby Job Development Authority • Taya Spelhaug - TechSpark Manager ND, Microsoft Register at or contact Joan at or 701-223-5660.

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Date: Friday, September 11, 2020 Location: Raymond J. Bohn Armory parking lot 4200 Miriam Ave, Bismarck Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor:

The Chamber EDC and its Chamber EDC Military Affairs Committee invites the community to the annual Brats with the Brave appreciation picnic for the military and first responders! Join us to show your support and for an opportunity to have lunch with not only the military men and women who bravely serve or have served our country, but also the courageous first responders. Come for brats and all the fixin’s, Friday, September 11th, at RJ Bohn Armory located at 4200 Miriam Ave in Bismarck, from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, or until we run out! Local veteran, active duty, and reserve military personnel, as well as first responders, will join us as we show our gratitude for their service to our community and our nation. If you have any questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Christine Nelson,, or call the Chamber EDC office at 701-223-5660. This event would not be possible without the following military supporters and Chamber EDC members.




Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020 Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Patio 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM Admission: Free to Attend Presenting Sponsor: We appreciate your membership and all your support throughout the year, so please stop by and accept our small token of appreciation. Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Daniel Companies, we are able to bring this event to you for FREE! Join us and other fellow members for a fun and informal way to network on Thursday, September 17th, from 11:30am - 1:00pm on our beautiful patio! The Chamber EDC staff will be serving burgers, brats and a choice of sides along with ice cold refreshments.


Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 Location: Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center 800 S 3rd Street, Bismarck Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Admission: $40.00 for Chamber EDC Members $50 for General Admission On September 22nd, the Chamber EDC and the Excellence in Education and Business Committee will celebrate local businesses and their leaders for their accomplishments within the community. This year's annual Celebrate Bismarck-Mandan award ceremony will honor those who have been nominated in the following categories: • Small Business Person of the Year • Mike Fink Award for Steady Growth and Profitability • New Entrepreneur of the Year • Granite Award • Outstanding Teacher of the Year • Golden Eagle Award Please join us from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center. Reserve your table by calling Christine at 701-223-5660. Registration is available online at

Connection 3 19


CARS COMING OUT DESPITE BUGGIES CANCELLATION The Buggies-N-Blues Committee and Mandan Progress Organization cancelled Buggies-N-Blues, but have created an alternative event to satiate spectators’ appetite to see classic cars. “We were optimistic about having the event [Buggies-NBlues] when we made the decision to postpone it back in May. However, with the increase of positive COVID-19 cases, and under the direction of our local district health unit, the committee has elected to cancel Buggies-N-Blues,” said Vern Cermak, event co-chair. The committee and car clubs have come up with an alternative event to demonstrate community togetherness and pride. The Classic Car Parade-N-Park will feature a car parade starting from the Braves Center, 901 Division St NW, and continuing down 6th Ave. NW to Main Street on Saturday, Aug. 15. Cars will then disperse to various parking lots downtown for spectators to admire. Event specifics, including a start time and car placement are being worked on. “Of course, we wish we could present the Buggies-N-Blues people have come to know and love; however, we are hopeful that the Parade-N-Park will be something, which is better than nothing,” said Del Wetsch, event co-chair. “And we look forward to bringing Buggies back in 2021,” he added.


GRANTS AVAILABLE ECONOMIC RESILIENCY GRANT The North Dakota Department of Commerce’s Economic Resiliency Grant (ERG) Program has been created to help restore consumer confidence in the marketplace while reducing the spread of COVID-19. The ERG is a grant – not a loan. North Dakota businesses can apply for grant funding up to $50,000 (up to $100,000 for businesses with more than one location) for investments with the purpose of reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Use your mobile device to scan the QR code or go to for more information!



Connection 3 21


PATH NORTH DAKOTA ADOPTS NEW NAME PATH North Dakota is now Nexus-PATH Family Healing, one of eight agencies under Nexus Family Healing, a national nonprofit organization that provides mental health services to youth and families. “Our new name clearly conveys our understanding that in order to change a child’s life, families, too, must be supported and healed. Our dedication to providing innovative, effective, trauma-informed mental health care is as much about families as the youth that we serve,” said Michelle Murray, Nexus Family Healing CEO. “Every time we help children change the course of their lives, we are breaking a cycle for current and future generations that continues long after our work is done. By interrupting cycles of harm, we create the possibility of healthier families, more stable communities and a better world.” Nexus-PATH has been a part of the Nexus family for three years and continues to provide foster care, adoption, and community-based services across North Dakota as it has for the last 25 years. Find out more by visiting

MIDWEST AG-ENERGY’S BLUE FLINT FACILITY ADVANCING CO2 PROJECT; RECEIVES $3.4 MILLION GRANT Midwest AgEnergy Group (MAG), the parent company to ethanol biorefinery, Blue Flint, near Underwood, ND, announced today that they received a $3.4 million grant from the North Dakota Industrial Commission and are moving forward with a project that will potentially capture and store carbon dioxide (CO2).The grant will be used to advance the development of a potential carbon storage system at the Blue Flint facility located next to Coal Creek Station near Underwood, ND. The research will involve drilling a stratigraphic well to examine the geology in the area near the Blue Flint facility. The test well will enable the collection of core samples to be analyzed for suitability to safely store CO2. Upon completion of the test well and subsequent data analysis, the company will determine if a permanent well should be placed to permanently store CO2 in a deep saline formation. If the sequestration project is successfully completed, the Blue Flint facility anticipates sequestering all their CO2, which equates to approximately 200,000 tons per year. The result of the sequestration will be a lower carbon footprint for the facility and the ability to participate in the IRS 45Q tax credit program, incenting such activities.

Midwest AgEnergy CEO Jeff Zueger stated, “The support for carbon capture and sequestration from the State of North Dakota is a great next step for the advancement of our project. Not only is this data important for our project, it is important to other assets in that area. We felt it was important to collaborate with the Lignite Research Council and the Industrial Commission to gather this important data for our project and for other possible projects. To date, a geological study of this breadth and scope does not exist in this area of the state.” Earlier this year, Great River Energy announced the closing of Coal Creek Station, which provides steam and utility services to the Blue Flint facility. MAG continues to evaluate best options for a repower to ensure sustained operations beyond 2022. “Moving forward with this CO2 project is an important piece of securing a long-term viable future for the Blue Flint facility,” stated Zueger.

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LARKS AND FARMERS UNION INSURANCE PROVIDE 2,761 MEALS On July 24, the Bismarck Larks and Farmers Union Insurance held a jersey giveaway to help feed their community. The event raised 2,392 pounds of food with $256 donated. These donations will provide 2,761 meals for the Great Plains Food Bank. Even though it was only required to give two nonperishable food items to get a jersey, many donate much more. “It's amazing,” said Kevin Ressler, Chief Sales, Marketing and Branding Officer for Farmers Unions Insurance. “Most people don’t just bring two cans of food for their jersey, they really have giving hearts and are wanting to make sure we feed the hungry in the community.” To promote safety, fans donated their nonperishables for the specialty jersey by means of a drive thru at Bismarck Municipal Ballpark. In true North Dakotan fashion, there was a long line of cars outside the event a half hour before it began. All 1,000 of the specialty jerseys were given away. The Larks and Farmers Union Insurance would like to thank everyone who helped feed our community.

Over 2,500 meals were donated to the Great Plans Food Bank.


Confidence PROUD TO SERVE NORTH DAKOTA’S CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE FOR OVER 20 YEARS, including government, schools, health care, finance, business, agriculture, and manufacturing.



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Connection 3 23




For the second year in a row, Capital Credit Union has been named North Dakota’s best credit union in a nationwide survey conducted by Forbes and market research firm Statista.

University of Mary’s nursing program in Bismarck, ND, continues to receive the highest accolades — this time its online program is in the national spotlight as America’s best. EduMed, a highly regarded healthcare research firm in the U.S., has ranked University of Mary’s online Bachelor of Science in Nursing to Doctorate of Nursing Practice (BSN to DNP) program as the No. 1 program in the country for 2020, out of over 7,700 post-secondary schools across America.

For the survey, more than 25,000 customers in the U.S. were surveyed for their opinions on their current and former banking relationships. Financial institutions were scored on overall recommendations and satisfaction, as well as trust, terms and conditions, branch services, digital services and financial advice. Only 3.5% of all credit unions made the list. As a not-for-profit institution, Capital Credit Union returns all the extra money we earn to our members in the form of lower rates on loans and higher returns on deposits. We also take pride in educating our members and making them wiser consumers of financial services.

September 22, 2020 Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center 11:00am - 1:00pm This year’s annual award ceremony will honor those who have been nominated in the following categories: • Small Business of the Year • Mike Fink Award for Steady Growth and Profitability • New Entrepreneur of the Year • Granite Award • Outstanding Teacher of the Year • Golden Eagle Award



24 4 Connection

To be the best of the best, EduMed cites the University of Mary’s rigorous and comprehensive curriculum, training standards, continued oversight, and assessment. University of Mary’s BSN to DNP program is 86 credits, taught online — with several visits to campus for training and instruction — takes as little as 2.7 years to complete, and remains one of the most affordable offerings in America. “The University of Mary Family Nurse Practitioner program is recognized as a premier program in the country because our faculty and students are dedicated to excellence,” said Dr. Billie Madler, University of Mary’s Graduate Nursing chair and the recipient of the 2020 Outstanding Rural Educator and Mentor Award. “At the University of Mary our values, ethics, and heritage undergird comprehensive learning experiences that equip our graduates to be ready for real life encounters in the practice setting. Online learning paired with concentrated campus visits for development and validation of advanced practice nursing skills makes the University of Mary FNP program stand out among other online programs.” Most recently, EDsmart, the nationally recognized publisher of college resources and independent researchers ranked University of Mary’s MSN/MBA in Healthcare Administration Dual Degree program as one of the best online programs in America at 26th overall among hundreds of colleges and universities. Similarly, in February of this year, University of Mary’s graduate nurse practitioner program was ranked No. 1 in the U.S. for its immersive student learning opportunities that allow students to practice clinical skills and complete in-person physical assessments — categorized as intensives — by the national ranking firm


DAKOTA MEDIA ACCESS WINS 2020 HOMETOWN MEDIA AWARD Dakota Media Access (DMA) received a 2020 Hometown Media Award from the Alliance for Community Media Foundation. The awards program was established to honor and promote community media and local programs that are distributed on Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) television and streaming channels. “DMA Kids TV” is the creation of DMA’s Television Production Manager, Ben Smith. The program features entertaining and educational programs for elementaryaged children and includes music, art, and video visits with animals at Dakota Zoo. Jack McDonald, DMA’s Board President said, “Winning a Hometown Award is a fantastic achievement in the crowded Children’s Program category. Ben’s vision has resulted in a quality program produced with local entertainers or about local, fun activities for area children.”

Each year, a panel of judges evaluates over a thousand entries based on several factors including subject, experience, and budget. Awards are then presented to the most creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats and move viewers to experience television in a different way. “The Hometown Media Awards celebrate both the excellence of work and the diversity of media being produced around the country. The ACM Foundation is proud of their achievement and of how they represent their communities in their work,” said Mike Wassenaar, ACM president & CEO.

MOTIONLESS MOTIVATED LET’S KEEP OUR COMMUNITY MOVING FORWARD We’ve been serving the businesses of the Red River Valley for more than 100 years, and we’ve learned a lot in that time. We’ve learned the strength of the people here and their unrivaled capacity for success. We’re proud to have grown along with you to become a top 25 CPA firm in the country, and we look forward to helping the community continue to thrive and prosper.

What inspires you, inspires us. | 701.239.8500 | Connection 3 25





4204 Boulder Ridge Rd, #100, Bismarck, ND 58503

2603 E Broadway Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-323-5222


Q: WHY DOES MY BUSINESS NEED Q: WHAT COVID-19 INFORMACYBER LIABILITY INSURANCE? TION DOES THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT A: Some General Liability Policies do have data breach coverage included or a (ADA) ALLOW EMPLOYERS TO REQUEST FROM AN EMPLOYEE? Cyber Liability Endorsement, but Cyber Liability is much more than data breach A: ADA-covered employers can ask emand sometimes requires more than the


a state that allows you to go directly to a physical therapist without obtaining a physician’s referral first.

Direct access to physical therapy is your opportunity to be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist without first seeing your physician for a referral. If payment i-s approved by your insurance company, direct access is your opportunity to save time and money, thereby expediting your treatment, relief, and recovery. Research supports that patients who seek physical therapy via direct access for a musculoskeletal condition tend to have better functional outcomes with fewer treatments and lower overall health expenditure. At Optimum Therapies we are a true believer of collaborative care. Your physical therapist will communicate with your primary doctor and specialist from start to finish. To learn more about Optimum Therapies visit or call us at (701)751-3064.

26 4 Connection

ployees about COVID-19 symptoms and measure their body temperature. The ADA requires mandatory medical testing to be job-related and consistent with business necessity. Because an employee who has this disease poses a direct threat to the health of others, employers may administer COVID-19 testing before an employee enters the workplace. To follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, employees who become ill with COVID-19 symptoms should leave the workplace. An employer is not allowed to require antibody testing before an employee can return to work.

The ADA requires that an employee’s medical information must be stored separately from their personnel file, in a confidential medical record. An employer can disclose the name of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 to a public health agency.

1500 E Capitol Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-223-2233

endorsement can provide. Cyber Crimes have been the fastest growing crimes worldwide for several years, and this will only increase over time. Whether you are a small business who only uses a computer point of sale system or a large technology driven business, the risk of Cyber Liability is evident. Cyber Criminals use all types of electronic devices and programs to gain access to your systems and the information within those systems. Some examples include: Ransomware—which doubled last year alone; Fraudulent Instruction due to the increase in online funds transfer; or Multimedia Wrongful Acts that can come from an employee putting something on social media or using another party’s intellectual property on your website. We like to think these things will never happen to us, but we need to become educated and prepared. Whether it’s a small store, a large corporation or even an individual, everyone needs to be aware of Cyber Liability and speak to an Insurance Professional for more information today!



1661 Capitol Way, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-250-9400


other “Cloud” file storage, well done and please listen. Microsoft does not leave us without "Backup”, but to recover specific files or fix corrupt data as is, could be costly and frustrating. Reasons to backup: •

• •

Undo a mistake. Revert data back to a previous point in time. Ex. SharePoint is backed up every 12 hours, data kept for 14 days. Destruction of data malicious Data Corruption. Truth is data can be destroyed. (Microsoft can restore last 14 days by replication. Not complete backup. Email recovery (Exchange) Microsoft does not use official backups, only lagged copies.

Microsoft tells us in section 6.b of their service agreement: In the event of an outage, you may not be able to retrieve Your Content or Data that you've stored. We recommend that you regularly backup Your Content and Data that you store on the Services or store using Third-Party Apps and Services. If your data recovery plan relies on people not making mistakes or avoiding random disaster, the time is now to implement a solution to keep your business safe.


500 N 8th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-6100


1929 N Washington St, Ste GG, Bismarck, ND 58501


Q: I HAVE HEARD HEAD AND NECK Q: WHY SHOULD I HAVE A WILL? A: A will lets me determine “who gets CANCERS ARE ON THE RISE. what” when I die. The “who” question is WHO SHOULD BE SCREENED not always black or white. Giving everyFOR THIS TYPE OF CANCER? thing to a spouse or child (children) may A: In short, everyone. An oral cavity exam complicate life for the recipient, especially is standard in annual medical wellness and dental examinations. Historically, older adults, and particularly those who used tobacco products, or who drink alcohol to excess, were most commonly diagnosed with mouth and throat cancers. However, over the past decade, there has been a significant rise in younger patients with minimal or no history of tobacco or alcohol use. These have been identified as associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus to which most adults have been exposed; however, only a small amount of people develop cancer from HPV. Head and neck cancers start in the tissues and organs of the head and neck. They include cancers of the larynx (throat), lips, mouth, nose, and salivary glands. Screenings consist of a dentist or doctor visually examining your head, neck and mouth to look for any masses, lesions or swelling. They’ll compare both sides of your neck for enlargement, while feeling your lymph nodes. Progressive hoarseness or other voice change may be a sign of a tumor. For questions, please contact your healthcare provider for more information.

if there are tax consequences.

Next to the “who” question is the “what” question. Who will own my house or farm (real estate)? What about my IRAs, investments, and insurance policies? What about heirlooms, collections, and piles of stuff I’ve squirreled away? Drawing up a will creates a plan for distributing possessions before and after death. Some assets may be distributed before you die, giving you the satisfaction of knowing who gets what. It also lets the recipient express thanks. Creating a will also relieves anxiety. You can avoid conflict by settling affairs while you are in control of your possessions, rather than letting the family squabble without your input. To get started, ask for help from a specialist whom you trust: an attorney, an accountant, an insurance agent, or a development officer. A competent professional will help you determine who gets what, and give you and your family peace of mind with considerable financial savings.

Connection 3 27

MEMBER PERKS | CONNECTION INNOVATION SCHOOL WELCOMES NEW STAFF Olivia Becker is a lifelong learner herself who is passionate about supporting students through their educational Olivia Becker journey. During her six years of teaching, she has developed a love for project-based learning and connecting her students to the real-world. Olivia is a graduate of the University of Mary for her Bachelor's and Juria Wiechmann Master's Degree in Elementary Education and Elementary Administration. She believes that students should be at the center of their own learning and learning comes from discovery and inquiry. Olivia will be leading our class of 1st-3rd graders this upcoming fall. Juria Wiechmann will be leading our music program. She received her degree in elementary education as well as her master's in education from Minot State University in 2016 and 2018 respectively. Juria enjoys teaching piano in her home to students of all ages and abilities. She enjoys creating engaging and authentic lessons and activities for students and is excited to bring this into a music classroom. She will be teaching music to 1st-8th graders at The Innovation School this fall. APEX ADDS TO TRANSPORTATION GROUP Caleb Weisgarber is a new graduate from the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND with a Caleb Weisgarber bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He has prior experience working as an intern with two engineering firms. He joins the team as a graduate engineer in the Bismarck transportation group.

BASSINGTHWAITE, SENGER NAMED TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Interstate Engineering, Inc. has named Mike Bassingthwaite, PE, and Mike Bassingthwaite Wade Senger, PE to their Board of Directors. Bassingthwaite, who will serve as Treasurer, has been part of the team since 1997. He has a strong background in county work, with an emphasis on hydrologic Wade Senger and hydrology. His experience as an office manager, regional leader, and client liaison brings value and knowledge to the board. He has implemented innovative ideas in the region and will continue to do so in his role on the board. Senger, who will serve as Corporate Secretary, is the East Central Regional Vice President. He has been with Interstate Engineering since January 2010. Working extensively with rural water and municipal clients, Wade has an approach to work that is steady, cost conscience, and innovative. Never shying away from a challenge, Senger has approached his managerial role in a straightforward and purposeful way. His ability to look to a bigger picture and how new approaches can bring positive change will benefit the board structure, the company, and clients.

FIRST WESTERN BANK & TRUST WELCOMES SHELTER AND WEISMANTEL First Western Bank & Trust is excited to have Brad Shelter and Brian Brad Shelter Weismantel join our team in June. They are located in our Bismarck office. Shetler is a Sturgis, SD native and graduated from the University of Mary with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Shetler Brian Weismantel comes to First Western with twelve years of experience in the lending and financial industry, he is an active member of the Bismarck community. First Western Bank & Trust is excited to have Brad join our team as a Vice President in Commercial Lending in May of 2019. Weismantel is a South Dakota native and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the South Dakota State University. He has over 16 years of experience in the financial industry and is serving as a Vice President of Agricultural Lending at First Western. Weismantel looks forward to meeting business owners, farmer & ranchers and the rest of the community of Bismarck.

VAN SICKLE EARNS BUSKE LEADERSHIP AWARD BIANCO REALTY SALES AWARDS The Alliance for Bianco Realty has announced their top Community Media (ACM) six "REALTORS® of the Month" for May: is pleased to announce Shirley Thomas, Amber Sandness, Darcy that the recipient of the Mary Van Sickle Fettig, Judy Maslowski, Justin Sackman 2020 Buske Leadership and Brenda Foster. These six REALTORS® Award is Mary Van Sickle. had the highest sales totals at Bianco Van Sickle is the past chair of the Realty in May 2020. national Board of Directors for ACM and Bianco Realty has announced their top the Midwest Region Board of the ACM. six "REALTORS® of the Month" for June: Van Sickle is being recognized by the Judy Maslowski, Shirley Thomas, Amber ACM for her high degree of involvement Sandness, Tori Mathern, Brenda Foster and in the organization nationally, regionally Darcy Fettig. These six REALTORS® had the and at the chapter level. Additionally, highest sales totals at Bianco Realty in June she currently serves as the Executive 2020. Director of Dakota Media Access (DMA) in Bismarck, ND. Since 2000, she has served at the PEG community media center, launching the Dakota Film Festival in 2011 and LPFM Radio Access in 2016. Prior to DMA, she also worked in a variety of marketing, economic development and non-profit management positions.

Share your business news with the Chamber EDC. Email press releases to Rebecca at

28 4 Connection

CONNECTION | MEMBER PERKS KLJ ADDS TWO PRODUCTION DIRECTORS KLJ is proud to announce the addition of two Regional Production Directors, Jon Markusen Jon Markusen and George Petrescu. Markusen will serve as the engineering firm’s Midwest Regional Production Director. Markusen, a registered Professional Engineer in North Dakota, has served in numerous roles with the company for more than George Petrescu 20 years including Senior Project Manager, and most recently as KLJ’s Civil Transportation Department Manager. Petrescu will serve as the firm’s West Regional Production Director. He joins KLJ with an exceptional background in various roles in the engineering industry, most recently serving in engineering leadership roles for an international Oil and Gas company. As Regional Production Directors, both Markusen and Petrescu will oversee KLJ’s technical teams.

HOUSING AGENCY PROMOTES BECKER AND MOLLMAN North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (NDHFA) has promoted Kim Becker and Terri Mollman to leadership positions in its homeownership division. The state agency offers homebuyer education, affordable home financing, and down payment and closing costs assistance to low- to moderate-income households, primarily first-time homebuyers, to help them become successful homeowners. Becker was promoted to the position of homeownership program coordinator in May. An NDHFA employee for more than 30 years, she previously served as a program specialist. She now manages the origination staff and oversees the purchase of loans from the agency’s private sector partners. Mollman begins as the servicing department coordinator in July. She also previously served as a program specialist. Mollman has been with NDHFA for three years. In her new role, she will manage the servicing staff and the needs of the agency’s more than 11,000 borrowers. Becker replaces Dean Melgaard, who retired in April. Mollman replaces Brandon Dettlaff, who was named NDHFA’s homeownership division director in June.

CAPITAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE HIRES JOHN MITTLEIDER AS SYSTEM ENGINEER Capital Electric Cooperative (CEC) is proud to welcome John John Mittleider Mittleider as the newest addition to its team. Mittleider began his new role on June 15. He will serve as a system engineer, helping ensure CEC’s electrical and communications systems are operating efficiently. These critical systems monitor efficiencies within the electrical grid and help prevent or minimize outages. A native of Herreid, South Dakota, Mittleider is not new to North Dakota’s electric cooperatives. For the last six years, he worked at Basin Electric Power Cooperative as a communications and substation engineer. Prior to working for North Dakota’s electric cooperatives, Mittleider worked at HDR Engineering as a electrical engineer. He attended Bismarck State College and the University of North Dakota, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. Mittleider lives south of Mercer with his wife, Ann; son, Colt; and daughter, Shay.


Televised on Government Access, cable channel 2 & 602 HD. Broadcast on Radio Access 102.5 FM radio. Streamed online at

Mon, 3rd

5:00 pm 5:30 pm

Burleigh County Commission Mandan School Board*

Tues, 4th

5:30 pm

Mandan City Commission

Thurs, 6th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Board of Adjustment

Mon, 10th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck School Board Mandan Park Board*

Tues, 11th

5:15 pm

Bismarck City Commission

Wed, 12th 8:00 am Burleigh County Water Resource District 5:15 pm Burleigh County Planning Commission Thurs, 13th 9:00 am Bismarck Parking Authority 4:00 pm Bismarck Renaissance Zone Authority 5:30 pm Morton County Commission* Mon, 17th 10:00 am Metropolitan Planning Org. Technical Advisory Committee 5:00 pm Burleigh County Commission 5:30 pm Mandan School Board*

Tues, 18th 1:30 pm 5:30 pm Wed, 19th 3:30 pm

Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board Mandan City Commission

Thurs, 20th

5:15 pm

Bismarck Park Board

Mon, 24th

5:30 pm

Mandan Planning Commission

Tues, 25th

5:15 pm 5:30 pm

Bismarck City Commission Morton County Commission*

Wed, 26th

5:00 pm

Bismarck Planning Commission

Historic Preservation Commission

Thurs, 27th 5:30 pm ITG (Political Subdivisions) Committee

Meetings are replayed several times on the Government Access channel and are available for viewing online (Watch on Demand) at * Delayed Playback

Connection 3 29

RIBBON CUTTINGS | CONNECTION Ribbon cuttings are conducted by a committee of Chamber EDC volunteers called Ambassadors. Businesses qualify for a ribbon cutting if they open, move, and remodel, are under new ownership, change their name, or offer a new product or service. To find out how you can get a free ribbon cutting from the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC, please call Ross at 701-223-5660.

SOLID ROCK MUSIC Matthew Markel, Owner, at the grand opening of his new business located at 1317 Tacoma Ave, Ste #203, Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-3020. Member.

30 4 Connection

SHEAR BLISS Jessica Zimmer, Owner, at her store located within the Kirkwood Mall at 706 Kirkwood Mall, Bismarck. Phone: 701-751-3269.

CONNECTION | NEW MEMBERS The Chamber EDC encourages all members to do business with each other. The following companies and organizations have recently made an important investment in their business by joining the Chamber EDC. Please consider them for your professional and personal needs. To find a complete listing of Chamber EDC members, view the Member Directory online at Mutual of America 8300 Norman Center Dr. #1290 Bloomington, MN Jerry Bruzek (952) 820-0089 Throughout North Dakota, employers turn to Mutual of America to provide quality, cost-effective 401(k) and 403(b) retirement programs. Services, delivered onsite, are tailored to each business.

Blue Sky Benefits, Carl Wallin 840 43rd Ave NE Bismarck, ND Carl Wallin (320) 491-4861 We work with business owners to provide the best available employee benefits. Simplified enrollments, benefits counseling, HR technology, and complimentary products give us the competitive edge!

Delta Dental of Minnesota 500 S Washington Ave Suite 2060 Minneapolis, MN Phil Gropel Delta Dental of Minnesota is one of the largest providers of dental benefits in the Upper Midwest, serving North Dakota and Minnesota. We are an independent and nonprofit dental insurance corporation.

MissElanaS Embroidery & Signs Bismarck, ND Elana Nygaard (701) 224-8313 An embroidery company that primarily specializes in embroidered casket panels. We also design and create banners, signs, embroidered & heat press for your apparel. Also offering promotional products.

Midwest Autism Association Bismarck, ND Jessie Johnson Our mission is to create an inclusive world for kids on the autism spectrum. We are committed to creating and finding opportunities to serve children and adults on the spectrum through life's stages.

Mandan Progress Organization 411 West Main St Mandan, ND Dot Frank (701) 751-2983 The Mandan Progress Organization was established in 1993 as a forum for businesses and citizens to unite to help Mandan thrive.

Wide Eyed Coffee 1929 N Washington, Door #5 Bismarck, ND Brian Beattie (701) 595-7289 Located in Northbrook Mall is Wide Eyed, Eyes on Bismarck's own optical and coffee shop - our ''coffee shoptical,''. We encourage you to come in for a drink and look at glasses.

Planning Team Financial Advisors 320 N 4th St Bismarck, ND Eric Aldinger (701) 255-6832 The PlanningTeam helps their clients understand the principles of investing and risk management so they can make better investment choices. Financial planning, Investment advice and much more.

Connection 3 31

Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC Connection 1640 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503

UPCOMING CHAMBER EDC EVENTS AUGUST MEMBERSHIP MIXER: DAKOTA COMMUNITY BANK & TRUST Date: August 6, 2020 • Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm Location: Dakota Community Bank & Trust – 919 S 7th Street, Ste 101, Bismarck BDS: WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT & ENGAGING CONTENT Date: August 13, 2020 • Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Location: Virtual via Teams CHAMBER EDC GOLF SCRAMBLE Date: August 17, 2020 • Time: 10:00am - 4:30pm Location: Hawktree Golf Club – 3400 Burnt Creek Loop, Bismarck SPORTING CLAYS SHOOT OUT Date: August 21, 2020 • Time: 9:00am - 1:30pm Location: Capital City Sporting Clays – 12951 71st Ave NE, Bismarck BDS: ND CAREER BUILDERS Date: September 1, 2020 • Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Location: Virtual via Teams BRATS WITH THE BRAVE Date: September 11, 2020 • Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm Location: Raymond J. Bohn Armory – 4200 Miriam Ave, Bismarck


THURSDAYS AT THE CHAMBER EDC Date: September 17, 2020 • Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC – 1640 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck

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