Big Sister Boston 2021 Annual Report

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Big Sister Maura TBD and Little Sister Siara have a joyful reunion


CONTENTS Letter from Leadership.............................. 5

Partner of the Year................................... 27

2021 Highlights.......................................... 6

Community Partners................................ 28

Celebrating our 70th Anniversary.............. 8

Philanthropic Partners & Event Highlights.................................... 31

Little Sister Outcomes............................. 10 Letter of Support...................................... 13

Financial Summary & Audited Financial Statement................... 50

Little Sister Demographics...................... 15

Board of Directors.................................... 52

Big Sister Demographics......................... 17

Auxiliary Boards....................................... 53

Big Sisters of the Year............................. 18

Staff.......................................................... 56

Our Programs........................................... 24

OUR MISSION We ignite girls’ passion and power to succeed through positive mentoring relationships with women and enrichment programs that support girls’ healthy development.


In 2021, we resumed some activities in person



Dear friends, We are persisters. Since 1951, Big Sister has persisted in serving the girls of Greater Boston. We have persisted despite the many challenges we’ve overcome, starting with the simple yet telling question: Why girls? To which we respond with stories of girls whose passion and power to succeed has been ignited through the care and attention of their Big Sister. We respond with the impact numbers which show that 86% of Little Sisters do better in school and 100% have high educational expectations for themselves. We respond with programs specifically tailored to support and uplift girls and women, like High School Mentoring, New Girls Network, and Our Big Futures, which provides individualized post-secondary coaching for girls. The past few years have been difficult, especially for girls. Yet, Little and Big Sisters, and our staff, have persisted: 161 girls were matched with new Big Sisters in 2021; the relationships are enduring, and Big and Little Sisters have been matched for nearly four years. Big Sister of the Year Cleo, who only met with her Little Sister Tiffany a few times before the pandemic prevented in-person visits, persisted in creating a meaningful relationship with her Little Sister. During 2021, they met only virtually, but kept a consistent schedule, tried new activities together, and built a friendship that has seen Tiffany become more open and vocal with her Big Sister. We know that our Big Sisters aren’t mental health counselors, yet they are creating trusting, consistent, supportive relationships which are giving girls the scaffolding that they need during this tumultuous time. This coming year we want to give more girls the chance to have a Big Sister by expanding the number of relationships we create between girls and women in our Community-Based and Site-Based programs. Even though we have persisted, it’s time to collectively shift our priorities so that more than 2% of philanthropic dollars are given to girl- and women-serving organizations nationally. Our hope is that our community will persist alongside us, for the health, well-being, and success of our girls, and our future. In gratitude,

Deborah Re President & CEO

Carey Cort Board Chair


continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure. BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 5

HIGHLIGHTS Recognized with

2020 Quality Award This marks the fifth year that Big Sister Boston has received the Quality Award from the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America National Leadership Council, which includes being named the 2015 Agency of the Year. The award is given each spring in recognition of the previous year’s number of girls served and the longevity and strength of our Big and Little Sister relationships, which exceed the national standards.

Big Sister Activity Kits delivered to our Big & Little Sisters Activities were designed to be done virtually or in person to keep matches engaged with each other.


Developed a Racial Sensitivity Guide to Support Big Sisters in their Diversity, Equity & Inclusion learning The guide is given to Big Sisters at the outset of their match relationship. It provides resources and scenarios to Big Sisters, particularly those who are white, that aid in navigating conversations with their Little Sisters and Little Sisters’ families. It is meant to be used in tandem with guidance from their Match Support Specialists. The guide addresses topics such as racism, white supremacy culture, privilege, allyship, and racial justice.

NEW BIG & LITTLE SISTER relationships made virtually


HOURS OF Big Sister training conducted




40 30




Community-Based Mentoring average length of match

Site-Based Mentoring average length of match

20 10

12 month minimum commitment



2021 marked our 70th year of service to Greater Boston’s girls. Well before the Equal Pay Act was signed into law, the National Organization for Women was established or Title IX was implemented, Big Sister Boston was founded because no such youth mentoring organization for girls existed in Boston as it did for boys. Throughout the year, Big Sister not only celebrated our legacy as a foundational organization in the City, but also looked to the future and those who have and continue to help shape it. We honored 70 individuals, couples, and groups who have given their time, talent, or treasure over the years to invest in Greater Boston’s girls.

Honorees Kathy Kiely and Lianne Hughes-Odom at our 70th anniversary honoree reception in September 2021.

...praise the family for shaping 70 years strong, 70 years long ode to the road just ahead, this beacon of light this tunnel of hope bringing us closer to each other moving us closer to ourselves -excerpt from “Keeper” an ode to Big Sister Boston in honor of our 70th anniversary by Porsha Olayiwola

Honoree Tim O’Brien (past Board Chair) and his wife, Linda; honorees Jeff Bellows and Carolyn Clancy


Honoree Lisa Holmes (right) with her friend Tracie Allen

Honorees Mark Lund, Mariann Youniss, and Andrew Graff


Gov. Charlie Baker & First Lady Lauren Baker

Janet Humdy Morrison

U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Jeff Bellows

Patricia Jacobs

Jean Rhodes & Reneé Spencer

Big Sister Board Chairs

The Hon. Denise Jefferson Casper

Fran & Charles Rodgers

Big Sister Executive Directors

Heidi Johnson

Eneida Roman

Karen Kaplan

Dan Romanow & Andrew Zelermyer

Big Sister Founders Big Sister Staff Linda Brennan Andrea Cabral Bithiah Carter Carolyn Casey Joanne Chang Carolyn Clancy Denise Coll Lisa Collins Eileen & Jack Connors Joe Corcoran (in memoriam) Christine Creelman & Carol Moriarty Joyce & Bill Cummings Deborah Daccord Richard Daley

Don Rodman (in memoriam)

The Kelly Family

Jeffrey Sanchez

Kathy Kiely

Jean Tempel

Nancy Korman

Beth Terrana

Reneé Landers

Marie Turley

Harriet Lewis

Rev. Liz Walker

Robert Lewis, Jr.

Kathy Wallace

Amy & Mark Lund

Sec. Marty Walsh

Melissa MacDonnell

Katie Wheeler

Kelly McDermott

Rev. Gloria White-Hammond, MD & Rev. Ray Hammond

Sharon McNally The Menino Family

Jeanne, John & Abby Yozell

Allyce Najimy

Mariann & Andy Youniss

Katy O’Neil MA Rep. Smitty Pignatelli Regina Pisa

Jane Deery Sandy & Paul Edgerley Atsuko & Larry Fish Betty Francisco Rosie Gill Suzanne Fay Glynn Rachel Goodman Andrew Graff Neva Grice Diane Hammer Lisa Holmes

Big Sister Boston is a dynamic, proactive organization, always evolving to ensure it continues meeting the needs of girls. The organization truly exemplifies how to collaborate with other institutions to maximize strategic partnerships and access additional resources. We are most grateful for the meaningful impact Big Sister Boston has had during the past seven decades. Thank you for investing in, and empowering, girls in Greater Boston. -Joyce & Bill Cummings The Cummings Foundation multi-year $250,000 funder of Big Sister Boston

Lianne Hughes-Odom Lisa Hughes BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 9

COMMUNITY-BASED MENTORING OUTCOMES WHAT WE MEASURE EDUCATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Associated with hope for a higher education or educational success, which is linked to academic achievement, high school graduation, and college attendance

GRADES/ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Associated with actual grades which are linked to internalizing behaviors for girls, and high school graduation rates



Educational Expectations

Grades/Academic Performance



Parental Trust & Family Connectedness

Very Important Adult

FAMILY CONNECTEDNESS Measure of positive relationship with caregivers, which is associated with decreased likelihood of risky behavior and better performance in school

SOCIAL COMPETENCE AND SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE Associated with peer relations and conduct, which are linked to higher grades and graduation rates

HAVING A VERY IMPORTANT ADULT IN THEIR LIVES Associated with improved school attendance, attitudes toward school, and parental trust, which are linked to improved grades and decreased delinquency



Emotional Regulation

Social Competence & Acceptance

EMOTIONAL REGULATION Associated with greater social competence, school performance, and positive well-being. Emotional regulation is a skill that can be learned and is beneficial to successful one-on-one relationships, including parental, peer, and mentoring relationships.


SITE-BASED MENTORING OUTCOMES HOW WE MEASURE We measure the results of our mentoring programs with the Youth Outcomes Survey (YOS), a research-based tool developed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) in conjunction with experts in the field of mentoring. These measurements are applied to our Community-Based Mentoring (CBM) program and our Site-Based Mentoring program (SBM). We include maintenance of positive outcomes along with improvements in our overall measures, which indicate that Little Sisters are developing resiliency and healthy interpersonal skills. This tool processes YOS data using the Reliable Change Index to determine meaningful change in scores. Because the index incorporates a margin of error and can determine between “significant improvement” and “trending toward significant improvement” in girls’ positive outcomes, the data we report will provide a more statistically rigorous analysis. These outcomes represent the percent of girls surveyed that either improved or stayed constant in these measures. We are heartened that even during the ongoing pandemic these metrics remained strong, despite challenges for our participants. We did see some decrease in the Family Connectedness measure for CBM participants when compared to 2020, which mirrors national trends for BBBSA. We believe this is due to a combination of factors including some measurement changes, the fact that Little Sisters can now take surveys in private instead of in front of caregivers, and possibly the strain on family relationships from the pandemic. We will continue to monitor these outcome metrics to see if other effects from the pandemic emerge for participants.



Educational Expectations

Grades/Academic Performance



Parental Trust & Family Connectedness

Very Important Adult



Emotional Regulation

Social Competence & Acceptance


Little Sister Syann (right) with Rishay working at her internship at The Handle Bar which she secured through Our Big Futures

Our Big Futures Our Big Futures is a workforce development program for current and former Little Sisters, and High School Mentoring Big Sisters, ages 14-24, that provides individualized coaching on career/ college, scholarship, and financial planning; access to resources and workshops; and leadership opportunities, such as the Junior Advisory Board, whether or not they are still active in their mentoring relationships.

New Girls Network The New Girls Network has a mission to help young women (mentees) learn the skills to network, talk about their strengths, make connections, and support each other. The aim is to have mid and late-career women (mentors) share some of the many pathways they have traveled in their own careers, and to offer information on topics common to women in the workplace. Following a speed mentoring event where potential mentees network with potential mentors, the mentees and mentors are paired in one-year mentoring relationships.


Little Sisters & High School Mentoring Big Sisters in Our Big Futures

New Girls Network Matches Made


CHRISTINA GORDON / CO-FOUNDER & CEO WOMEN’S FOUNDATION OF BOSTON The Women’s Foundation of Boston, Inc. is a nonprofit public charity that creates, funds, and accelerates high-impact economic and leadership programs that equip Greater Boston women and girls to be financially independent and successful leaders. Founded by business women five years ago, WFBoston was created to address the massive underinvestment in women and girls philanthropically: less than 2% of all charitable giving going to organizations serving girls or women. WFBoston awards high-impact grants that economically empower women and girls in Greater Boston, including mentoring and leadership programs. WFBoston was thrilled to grant funds to Big Sister Boston because of their focus on the power of positive mentoring relationships with women and their impressive enrichment programs which help girls achieve their goals. WFBoston believes in the strong mission, excellent leadership, and future of Big Sister Boston.

Our consistent support is based on our belief that women- and girlsserving nonprofits deserve more than 2% of all charitable donations.

Women reinvest 90% of their incomes back into their families and communities, so there is a multiplier effect in Boston when WFBoston grants to Big Sister Boston. We have been able to provide charitable support to Big Sister in myriad ways over the past few years. Their New Girls Network, which builds community among Boston’s young and seasoned professionals through mentoring relationships, is exactly in our wheelhouse. WFBoston’s support from our COVID Response Fund was swift so Big Sister Boston could create their critical Social Distancing is not Emotional Distancing virtual program to help keep Big and Little Sisters engaged with each other and the organization. WFBoston supported Big Sister Boston during this challenging time when many funders were focusing their giving on other causes. Our consistent support is based on our belief that women- and girls- serving nonprofits deserve more than 2% of all charitable donations. WFBoston supported Big Sister Boston again in 2021 with funding for Our Big Futures because we believe in the importance of college and financial independence and Big Sister Boston is providing this transformational programming. WFBoston is proud to partner with Big Sister Boston because investing in women and girls is also investing in the future of our city.

Christina Gordon Co-founder & CEO Women’s Foundation of Boston BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 13



approximate percentage of all girls served out of the female youth population of Greater Boston



Little Sisters are matched between the ages of 7 to 15, and their mentoring relationships are formally supported through the age of 20. At that time, a Little Sister then graduates from our program and can become a Big Sister.















11 - 13


14 - 17






Thirty-four percent of all participants of any race identified as Latinx. Twentyeight percent identified as Latinx without identifying another race, 5% identified as Black or Afrolatinx, 1% identified as white, and <1% identified as Asian.





South Boston


African American/ Black




South End








Jamaica Plain




East Boston




Afrolatinx/Black and Latinx


Hyde Park




American Indian/ Native American



3% 3%

Prefer Not to Say


Chinatown/ Downtown/Financial District Allston


Back Bay






West Roxbury





One Parent


Two Parent






Beacon Hill


Other Relative


North End


Foster Home




Afrolatinx/Black and Latinx


American Indian/ Native American


Prefer Not to Say




OUR BIG SISTERS 1,095 WOMEN THROUGHOUT GREATER BOSTON SERVED AS BIG SISTERS IN 2020. Big Sisters must be at least 18 years old in our Site-Based Mentoring and Big for a Day programs, and at least 20 years old in our CommunityBased Mentoring program. There is no age limit for Big Sisters. We continue to enhance our recruitment strategies to enroll more women of color to better reflect the diversity of our Little Sisters.

















* High School Mentoring Big Sisters







African American/Black








Afrolatinx/Black and Latinx


Hawaiian/Pacific Islander


American Indian/Native American


Eight percent of all participants of any race identified as Latinx. Six percent identified as Latinx without identifying another race, around 1% identified as white, and <1% identified as Afrolatinx/Black or Asian.



Community-Based Mentoring



Site-Based Mentoring



Big for a Day

















South Boston


Jamaica Plain


South End


Back Bay






Beacon Hill




East Boston


North End






Hyde Park


West Roxbury


Chinatown/ Downtown/Financial District








TAIOMI CRUZ-RAMIREZ Although Taiomi has been a Big Sister for six years, her relationship with our organization goes back much further. Not only is she one of our former Match Support Specialists, but she was also a Little Sister as a girl growing up in Boston. “I knew the mission and loved it, and that’s why I wanted to work at Big Sister,” said Taiomi. “I had a ton of mentors who really helped me through life,” she said. “I realized how important it was to have a strong, powerful adult in your life that’s just there to support you specifically. I know what the outcome is of having a supportive adult in your life, which is why I wanted to become a Big Sister.”

Despite having made countless matches during her time at Big Sister, Taiomi was still nervous to become one herself. “I was nervous about our compatibility. I didn’t want to let her down. I worried if she would have fun,” said Taiomi. However, once she came to know eight-year-old Mia, she relaxed a bit: “She really was like a mini-me!” Mia was nervous, too. Her mom enrolled her with Big Sister Boston because she felt her daughter needed some one-on-one time with a caring adult, and to try new activities. Mia wasn’t sure what a Big Sister was or what it would be like to go out with a stranger, but her fears were soon gone. Mia was thrilled when the Big Sister who walked through the door looked like her, and excited when Taiomi took her out for ice cream so they could get to know each other! “My life before Taiomi was me usually being stuck at home. Every day it was school-home-school-home,” said Mia. “My mom is pretty strict and wouldn’t let me go out much. I didn’t know half of Boston before I met Taiomi!” Early on, their relationship was mostly activity-based. They loved trying new places to eat and new foods (Mia had never eaten frozen yogurt before). They painted pottery, went to SkyZone and Canobie Lake Park. They loved going to Taiomi’s house to play with her dog and make cupcakes. All the while, Mia shared more and more about her life, and she and Taiomi developed a deeper, trusting bond. When Taiomi took Mia to her house for the first time to meet her mom and her dog, Mia realized how close they were and felt honored to be introduced to her Big Sister’s family. Most of all, Mia cherished her time with her Big Sister. The oldest of three sisters, and eventually a little brother, Mia was constantly surrounded by her siblings. “My household is crazy, lots of kids and family stress,” said Mia. “When I’m with Taiomi there’s not a lot of kids screaming; it’s quiet, I can talk to her.” Mia shares a room with her two sisters and has little privacy or alone time. “Mia always says how it’s nice to be out with just me. It was a big thing for her to have her own time,” said Taiomi. These days the two spend their time together sharing stories, problem solving challenges in Mia’s life, and planning Mia’s upcoming


Quinceañera. Having gone through her own Quinceañera, Taiomi has proven to be a great source of advice and guidance for Mia. Despite changes in her life over the past six years, most notably getting married and becoming a mom to twin girls, Taiomi has remained committed to her relationship with Mia, who is now 14. “Oh, I love it,” said Taiomi of her time with Mia. “I feel like I’m with it, I can keep up with what’s going on in pop culture, but when I’m with Mia I’m like ‘oh, this is what’s happening?’ Mia keeps me young.”

My household is crazy, lots of kids and family stress. When I’m with Taiomi there’s not a lot of kids screaming; it’s quiet, I can talk to her.

“She’s always available to me,” said Mia of her Big Sister. Mia knows that any time she needs Taiomi, she’s only a phone call or a text away.



JULIE BOGDANSKI If ever there was a watchword for a Big and Little Sister relationship, Julie and Joi’s would be “opportunity.” The pair have taken advantage of many opportunities with Big Sister Boston throughout their seven years together and each time their bond has grown and strengthened. Julie, a selfdescribed introvert, describes Joi, 17, as an extrovert who has pushed Julie outside of her comfort zone on more than one occasion: from dancing in a flash mob in front of a crowd at the Prudential Center to joining Joi on stage at large events like our annual Big in Boston gala.

At first, Julie was the one to help Joi step outside her comfort zone and try new activities, but it wasn’t easy. “I had to talk to my Match Support Specialist a lot for ideas of what to do,” said Julie. Then she would come up with a few options of activities they could do together. Joi was always up for a new adventure and Julie soon realized how trusting and courageous her Little Sister was for never backing down from a novel activity. One of their first visits involved getting free tickets from the Boston Public Library, for the Boston Islands Harbor Ferry then travelling out to Spectacle Island to enjoy a day on the beach and exploring nature. “I had no idea just how much I was challenging Joi by simply getting on a boat,” said Julie. Over time, that trust between Joi and her Big Sister has only grown stronger. Although Joi, an only child who lives with her mom, wasn’t sure who this “stranger” was in her house when they first met, Julie soon went from stranger to sister. “I was nervous when I met her, but I got to know Julie over time and it became a bond that can never be broken,” said Joi. “I say ‘my sister’ when I talk about Julie because she’s like a sister. As we kept going out and trying new things, I realized that’s what a sister is supposed to do.” The more new opportunities they tried, the more Joi’s confidence shone through. She never shied away from a chance to use her voice: from joining her school’s debate team to introducing Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton at Big in Boston in 2017. Most recently, with Julie’s encouragement, Joi joined Big Sister’s Junior Advisory Board, a support system and resource for Little Sisters where members seek to uplift their voices, and empower each other through courageous communication, self-love, wellness, and respect. She is the Board’s co-secretary. Joi is also part of the Our Big Futures program where she receives coaching and guidance from our dedicated staff about post-secondary options: college, careers, and scholarships. She is hoping to join a teacher cadet program that will allow her to work with kids while training to become a teacher.


As their relationship progressed, Julie and Joi relied less on activities to build trust and more on conversation. “Initially it felt like we’re hanging out, going on all these adventures together, both trying new things and building that relationship,” said Julie. “And then somewhere over the years, there was this magical moment where you feel like someone’s been in your life forever. Eventually, it just came to feel like Joi really is my sister.” They started a Friday night tradition of making tacos, watching movies, and just having “chill time” to check in with each other. When the height of the pandemic kept them physically apart and Joi — like so many girls — felt an acute sense of isolation, she knew she had a consistent friend in Julie. The two communicated regularly over the phone and Zoom chats. “She’s always there to support me. She’s always there at my lowest or if I’m having a moment; she’s always there to talk. Especially during Covid she was there when I was having ‘times’,” said Joi. “That’s a sister.”

And then somewhere over the years, there was this magical moment where you feel like someone’s been in your life forever. Eventually, it just came to feel like Joi really is my sister.



CLEO MUHAMMAD Having interned in Big Sister Boston’s Site-Based Mentoring program while earning her graduate degree in social work, Cleo was no stranger to mentoring girls at school. “I had a great experience as an intern. I got to learn about the importance of mentoring girls, especially at younger ages,” said Cleo. Ultimately, Cleo went on to a career in workforce development, assisting adults in finding jobs, but she missed working with kids. She decided that becoming a Big Sister would connect her back to kids in her community and an organization that “has a very fond place in my heart.” Cleo chose the Site-Based Mentoring program because meeting with a Little Sister at her school during the week was the best fit her schedule and gave her a break from being with adults everyday. She was matched with Little Sister Tiffany, then eight years-old, at the Josiah Quincy Elementary School in Boston. They first met in January 2020…barely two months before schools were shut down due to the pandemic.

When the schools did shut down, Big Sister Cleo took it in stride. Like so many of us in 2020, she pivoted. “There was a little bit of uncertainty at first about how this will work, how we will keep going,” said Cleo, but through the help of their Match Support Specialist, Cleo and Tiffany began meeting virtually. Given the shutdowns, followed by restrictions on visitors in schools when the students returned, nearly all of Cleo and Tiffany’s relationship has been virtual. When she was unable to go to school, Tiffany said she was “relieved” that she still got to see Cleo over FaceTime and Google hangouts. She didn’t like not always getting to see her school friends who were in other classes because of the virtual class model. Over the phone and the computer, they tried many new and different activities together; some were hits, like bracelet making and online games of Pictionary and hangman. Other activities were misses, like trying to stream an animated movie about ants over a slow Internet connection or learning how to knit. Through it all, they continued to meet regularly. They often started their virtual visits with activities to give Tiffany time to get comfortable with her new Big Sister. The conversation would come later and stem from the activities they did together. Tiffany appreciated that her Big Sister would ask her “daily questions” when they met: questions about how Tiffany’s day was, how school was going, and about her family and friends. Tiffany said that with friends her own age, the conversation was mostly geared toward online games. Cleo began to notice that after time, Tiffany would start their visits with conversation and became much more open and talkative with her. One time, Tiffany made a “decision wheel” that she brought to her virtual visit with Cleo. They used it often to decide what activities they would do that day.


When asked what makes her Big Sister great, Tiffany gives a simple, but meaningful answer: “Because she spends time with me.” Now that Cleo is able to visit Tiffany in-person at her school again, she plans to do spend as much time as she can doing just that. Cleo, too, appreciates their time together: “Being a Big Sister is a great experience,” she said. “If you’re in a world with mostly adults, it’s nice to be able to have a young person in your life so that you can see the world through their eyes and just spend time with them.”

If you’re in a world with mostly adults, it’s nice to be able to have a young person in your life so that you can see the world through their eyes and just spend time with them.


OUR PROGRAMS As the pandemic continued to keep girls relatively isolated, we found creative ways to keep our Big and Little Sisters connected to each other. We fostered relationships in all of our programs with increased personalized guidance and support. We provided both virtual and COVID-safe in-person activities for Community-Based Mentoring Big and Little Sisters. When it was safe to do so and with caregiver permission, many of our matches met in person for the first time! And, we distributed 150 activity kits to Big and Little Sisters so they could try new experiences together virtually or inperson. Our Site-Based Big and Little Sisters met virtually to keep their connection strong during a time when they were unable to meet at Little Sister’s school or Big Sister’s workplace. We persisted in the face of another challenging year to keep girls connected.



Our largest one-to-one mentoring program matches girls between the ages of 7-15 with a Big Sister. These Little Sisters meet individually with their Big Sisters at a date and time of their choosing, and engage in low- to no-cost activities that can range from baking to basketball, watching movies to simply talking with each other. Big and Little Sisters commit to at least one year together, meeting weekly for the first three months and then twice per month. Matches in our CommunityBased program are matched for an average of nearly four years.

Girls who are enrolled with us in CommunityBased Mentoring, but not yet matched with a Big Sister can participate in a monthly group activity with a Big for a Day volunteer led by our staff. Girls who are waiting to be matched are engaged with us from the start. We host many exciting programs for participants in Big for a Day including, yoga, self-defense, painting, engineering projects, and tennis.

Big and Little Sisters in our Big For A Day program learn self-defense skills with Boston Budo


Big Sister Leslie and Little Sister Harmony enjoy virtual needlepoint.

Big Sister Fakisha and Little Sister Jade “twinning” during one of their visits together.

SITE-BASED MENTORING Our Site-Based Mentoring programs take place in schools and community centers in Boston, Cambridge, and Quincy. Big and Little Sisters meet once a week during the school day or their after-school program, and commit to at least three academic semesters together, excluding summer break and school holidays. During visits they read books, learn new skills, work on projects of their mutual choosing, or engage in physical activities. Site-Based Mentoring creates a safe space for girls to have fun, learn, and grow alongside their Big Sisters during their busy school day. Our matches last an average of 24 months in our Site-Based program.

HIGH SCHOOL MENTORING ACADEMY This unique program takes place in Dorchester with teen students from Boston Latin Academy who mentor Little Sisters at the Trotter Innovation School. The teen Big Sisters also participate in our Girls Leadership Program (GLP) facilitated by our staff. The GLP provides girls with leadership training needed to have a positive impact on their schools and communities. Topics include conflict resolution, communication skills, and career exploration.

WORKPLACE MENTORING Girls have the opportunity to think big about their futures in this program. Workplace Mentoring pairs employees at a company with Little Sisters from a local school. Little Sisters meet with their Big Sisters at the company’s office, providing a meaningful mentoring experience, and valuable career awareness for girls. During the pandemic, Workplace Mentoring matches have met virtually during Big Sisters’ work day under the supervision of our staff.

Little Sister Emerson “can’t wait to meet” her Big Sister Julie. She wants Julie to know she likes brownies, but doesn’t like to eat fish.


recruit Big Sisters

interview Big & Little Sisters

train Big Sisters

match each individual pair

support with individualized guidance


Big Sister Michelle and Little Sister Kennedi get to know each other during the 2017 program launch with Fidelity Investments.

Big Sister Berkis and Little Sister Karina connect with Workplace Mentoring intern Maria as they meet virtually.




Fidelity Investments was chosen as our Partner of the Year because of its steadfast commitment to our Workplace Mentoring program, support of Big Sister Boston’s fiscal and strategic oversight through Board leadership, and the sustainable impact created by its annual philanthropic contributions. In 2017, Fidelity became one of the first companies to engage their employees in our Workplace Mentoring Program in which they are partnered with Little Sisters from Boston Latin Academy. The program provides the opportunity for employees to become a Big Sister and meet with their Little Sister during the workday; an opportunity that may not have otherwise fit in their schedule. The mission and goals of Big Sister Boston immediately resonated with Fidelity associates who were eager to participate. “Fidelity recognizes the importance of giving back to the community, and the Workplace Mentoring program allows associates to become involved,” said Michele Robinson, Program Manager, Talent Acquistion.

Being involved in the Big Sister program has been extremely rewarding. It’s wonderful to see relationships develop, and the special connections the Little and Big Sisters make.

“Being involved in the Big Sister program has been extremely rewarding,” Michele added. “It’s wonderful to see relationships develop, and the special connections the Little and Big Sisters make.” Pre-pandemic, Little Sisters met with their Big Sisters at Fidelity’s office. Michele described the excitement and energy during their visits as “inspiring.” Big Sister Olivia shared, “I enjoy the freedom my Little Sister and I have to decide how we spend time together. This has given us the opportunity to have conversations about our goals, passions, and families, but it has also allowed us to be creative, play games, and be silly!” During the pandemic, amid school and office shutdowns, Big and Little Sisters continued to meet virtually under the guidance of Big Sister’s staff. “Big Sisters inspire and encourage,” said Michele. “And, in today’s challenging world, we believe it’s important for young girls to have that positive influence in their lives. Big Sister Berkis noted: “Girls are going through so many changes and challenges that a mentor-mentee relationship can provide a safe connection to share experiences, get feedback and support, or simply broaden their views about what adulthood looks like.” Fidelity heartily endorses the program as a way to connect with the Boston community and also support their staff community. “So many young girls are looking for a mentor and the Workplace Mentoring program provides that opportunity,” said Michele.


Little Sisters learn sailing skills with the National Women’s Sailing Association

COMMUNITY PARTNERS Each year we partner with a variety of community organizations who help us recruit Big Sisters, enroll Little Sisters, or provide enrichment activities to our matches and girls on our waitlist.

CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS American Repertory Theater - Cambridge Bergmeyer Boston Budo Boston Housing Authority Boston Police Department Boston Public Health Commission Boston Public Schools Cambridge Carnival (Virtual) 28 BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT

Cambridge Nonprofit Coalition Cambridge Volunteer Clearinghouse Children’s Advocacy Center of Suffolk County Christian Herter Memorial Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Kitchen City of Boston City of Boston – Office of Annisa Essabi-George City of Boston – Office of Julia Mejia

City of Boston, Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancement Commonwealth of Massachusetts Courageous Sailing Cradles to Crayons East Coast School of Combined Martial Arts Harbor Point Tenant’s Task Force InnoPsych Love Your Magic Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women Mass Mentoring Partnership Museum of Fine Arts – Boston National Women’s Sailing Association Nozama Dance Collective Peabody Essex Museum POSSE Foundation Prudential Center Red Pine Scholarship Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center Temple Lester (Founder - STEM Girl Swag) The American City Coalition (TACC) The stressLess Society TRILLFIT Boston Union Capital Boston Women’s Suffrage 100 WriteBoston YOU Boston AFFINITY GROUPS Alpha Kappa Alpha The Ad Club of Boston Association of Latino Professionals for America Boston Girls’ Empowerment Network (BGEN) City Awake, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce The Latina Circle/Amplify LatinX National Association of Asian American Professionals Society of Women Engineers COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Boston College Boston University Bunker Hill Community College Harvard University Lesley University

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Northeastern University Salem State University School of Fashion Design Boston Simmons University Tufts University University of Massachusetts Boston

SITE-BASED MENTORING PARTNERS BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Blackstone Innovation School (K-5) Eliot Innovation School (K-8) Gardner Pilot Academy (K-8) Harvard-Kent Elementary School Jackson Mann School (K-8) John F. Kennedy Elementary School Josiah Quincy Elementary School Josiah Quincy Upper School Hurley Elementary School (K-8) Thomas Edison K-8 School Trotter Innovation School Dr. Martin Luther King School Maurice J. Tobin School William E. Russell Elementary School OTHER BOSTON SITE PARTNERS Franklin Field Housing Development Sacred Heart Elementary School West End House Boys & Girls Club Ellis Memorial After School Mildred Avenue Community Center Red Oak After School St. Patrick School Sumner Boys and Girls Club CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOLS King Open School Peabody School QUINCY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Atlantic Middle School

WORKPLACE MENTORING PARTNERS Edelman/Boston Latin Academy Fidelity Investments/Boston Latin Academy John Hancock/Mother Caroline Academy Wayfair/Josiah Quincy Upper School BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT 29

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


OUR PHILANTHROPIC PARTNERS We could not provide our depth and breadth of services to Greater Boston’s women and girls without the generous investment of our giving community. The following partners gave financial or pro bono goods and services of $100 or more in support of our mission.

MULTI-YEAR GIFTS American Student Assistance Bank of America Philanthropic Services Carey and Cliff Cort Denise M. Coll and Nick Sampson Cummings Foundation Deborah A. Daccord Denise Jefferson Casper Encore Boston Harbor Fidelity Investments Hilary Keates and Tony August Imago Dei Fund Jane Deery Kelly Family Foundation KPMG, LLP Mariann and Andy Youniss Women’s Foundation of Boston

CORPORATIONS & FOUNDATIONS $100,000+ American Student Assistance Cummings Foundation Encore Boston Harbor Fidelity Investments Imago Dei Fund Kelly Family Foundation Liberty Mutual Insurance Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Women’s Foundation of Boston

$50,000 - $99,999 Amelia Peabody Foundation AT&T United Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack Valley Wayfair

$20,000 - $49,999 Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation Bain Capital Children’s Charity, Ltd. Bank of America Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Corcoran Jennison Companies Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund Eastern Bank Janey Fund Charitable Trust Kirkland & Ellis, LLP KPMG, LLP Linde Family Foundation Mass Mentoring Partnership Mintz Pinnacle Leadership Foundation Sheehan Family Companies State Street Corporation The Boston Foundation The Connors Family Office The Schrafft Charitable Trust TJX Companies, Inc.

$10,000 - $19,999 BNY Mellon Wealth Management Boston Bruins Cambridge Trust Charitable Foundation City of Cambridge, MA Eaton Vance Investment Counsel Ernst & Young, LLP Fish Family Foundation Foundation To Be Named Later Goodwin Procter, LLP Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation John Hancock Financial Middlesex Savings Charitable Foundation

Orville W. Forte Charitable Foundation, Inc. Putnam Investments PwC Rutland Corner Foundation The Fallon Company WBZ-TV/CBS Boston Women’s Fund of Essex County

$5,000 - $9,999 Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Allen & Gerritsen Big Brothers Big Sisters of America BNY Mellon Boston Red Sox Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund Cogan Family Foundation Coppermine Capital LLC Don and Marilyn Rodman Foundation Eos Foundation Flour Bakery + Café Hinckley Allen Image Intelligence Needham Bank Procter & Gamble Corporate Giving Fund Westfield Capital Management Yozell Associates

$2,500 - $4,999 Adirondack Beverages Inc. Anna Harvey Tekulsky Trust Bethel A.M.E. Church Biogen Foundation Boston Celtics Cambridge Community Foundation Choate, Hall & Stewart LLP City of Boston Credit Union EMD Serono MERCK


Fidelity Foundation Google People’s United Bank The Handle Bar The New York Community Trust Trefler Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C. Zscaler, Inc.

$1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous AEW Capital Management Akamai Technologies, Inc. Akebia Therapeutics, Inc Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. CustomInk, LLC First Congregational Church Kars4Kids Mower Agency The Boston Consulting Group Welsh Consulting

$500 - $999 A&A Metro Transportation Bill’s Taxi Ali Family Foundation AmazonSmile Horsley Witten Group, Inc. MFS Investment Management Niketown Boston The Ad Club The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation

INDIVIDUALS $100,000+ Denise M. Coll and Nick Sampson Deborah Daccord Mariann and Andy Youniss

$50,000 - $99,999 Carolyn M. Clancy Carey and Clifford Cort Jane Deery Carol and John Moriarty

$20,000 - $49,999 Catherine Bird and Jonathan Delgado Christine Creelman The Honorable Denise Jefferson Casper Hilary Keates and Tony August Aedie and John McEvoy Kathleen Wallace

$10,000 - $19,999 Max and Beth Bardeen Stephanie and Mike Berdik Valerie and Steve Buller Terri Campbell and Michael Mars Andrea DiCenso Sandy and Paul Edgerley Nancy and Robert Go Christina and Mike Gordon Elizabeth Johnson Susan Kilbride Janet and Jeffrey Larson Corinne and Andrew Munchbach Sue and Bill O’Malley Joseph Realmuto and Paul Korenberg Terry and Robert Wadsworth John and Abby Yozell

$5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Mark and Kathleen Beaudouin Jane Carpenter and Julian Regan Nicole and David Chang Michael Clarke Lisa Collins Susan and Gregg Connolly Brooke and Glenn Cort Joseph and Mary D’Arrigo Patrice and Donny DeVoe Nina and David Fialkow Lionel and Judith Fortin Sarah Garfinkel Becky and David Gochman Andrew and Barbara Graff Amy and Mark Lund Brenda and Stephen Lyons Cosette Maroney and Jeroen van Paaseen Elizabeth Munroe and Peter Wheeler

Timothy and Linda O’Brien Linda Hammett and Andrew Ory Katherine and James Peck Joan Perera Heidi and Larry Raffone Deborah Re and Peter Reinhart Maria Rivas Mally and David Skok Kate Walsh and Erik Garpestad

$2,500 - $4,999 Kristin Abati Martha Bennett Laura Bronner and Scott Whitbread Julie and Kevin Callaghan Deb Coleman Kevin and Emily Collins John Danello Heidi and Ralph Derbyshire Sonia Fife Sylvia Hammond Craig Hebert Cristina and Bill Heiden Lisa Hughes and Michael Casey Aileen and Terry Keaney Christina Lewis and Eve Lewandowski Deidre Lyons Melissa MacDonnell Eileen Martin and Ed Russavage Kelly and Scott McDermott Colleen McMahon Sharon and Brian McNally Lauren Reznick and Eric Nielsen Donna Ryan Jean Tempel Mariann and Mark Tosi Erica Warner Nathan Wilson and Megan Gadd Jeanne Yozell

$1,000 - $2,499 Denise Abell Christine and Reuben Ackerman Cindy Arens and Leonidas Kontothanassis Maria Bautista Rachael Bradley Sam Brown Susan Bush

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Matched in 1961, Big Sister Marlene and Little Sister Linda recount 60 years of life-changing friendship during our presentation at Big in Boston.

Anne Crowley Patricia and Gary Darman Margaret Dealy Ackerman and Robert Ackerman Maria and Tony DeBenedictis Keri Dogan and Mark Hamel April Evans and Carol Furniss Suzanne and George Gebelein Jodi Germann and Thomas Plank Suzanne and Paul Glynn Arthur and Liz Greenwood Constance Hart Walkingshaw Yisel and Oleg Katsnelson Ann and David LeBreton Barbara and James B. Littlefield Monique and Jonathan Bamel Douglas Martin Jeraldine and Bob Martinson Caroline and James McCloy Charles Nichols Regina M. Pisa R. Robert Popeo Francis Re Mia Roberts Katie Jacobs and James Robinson Linda Rockett Erin Rodliff Patricia Roth William Ruhl Michael Schreiber Barbara Shapiro and Daniel Fleishman Richard and Gitte Shea

Kiki and Andrew Shilling James and Noreen Speros Wendy and Mark Thurmond Catherine Thut Pat Tietbohl and Doug Romich Eileen and Thomas Torpey Barbara Wark Lawrence Wick Nathan Withington

$500 - $999 Nancy Adams Jane Alpers Amber Archambeault Nathalia Ashworth Debbie Asinas Elizabeth and Shawn Baker Thomas Barrette and Renée Landers Elizabeth Benedict Robert Berlin Patty Boas and Gary Paladin Linda Brennan and Robert Lee Susan and Rob Bushman Nicole and Joe Caiazzo James Cameron Marsha Cannon Elizabeth Carisone Lisa Chinatti Megan Clancy Paul and Ellen Clancy Ellen Cohen and James Klopper

Stephen and Carol Cohen Marc Cohen Spencer Collier Donna Corcoran Irene Costello Jason Curtis James Dambra, Jr. Marilyn, André and Erik Danesh Susan and Timothy Dee Amy Driscoll Jamie and Katharine Fagan Ali Farquhar Kira Farris Lauren Fisher Lindsay Flood Danae and John Foley Henrietta Gates and Heaton Robertson Heather and Ryan Gelchion Laurel Gilbert and Gregory Rogowski Amy and Paul Greeley Rebecca Haag Alexis and Ryan Harvey Robert Hawley Sandy Hayes Barry Hynes Shilpa Iyyer Dr. Charmain Jackman Dennis Kenney Sarah and Maher Khatib Deborah and Arthur Krieg Margo Krukonis


Lorraine Kumlin Deanne Loonin Kathryn McAleer Kate McCabe Helen McDermott Nancy McDermott Bob Mcnabb Laura Meuti Deb Micklos Sandy and Michael Mulkern Jayne Mundt Christopher Nabhan David Nicholson Kerri Norris Steven Nothern Paul O’Donnell Stephanie O’Leary Donna Paglia and Matt DeSutter Nicole Patton Julia Perry Enid and Desmond Pope Nancy Prior Linda Quinlan Gilles Quintal Curt Rodman Eneida Roman and Michael Olivieri Lori Rutter and Jeff Behrens Patrice and John Ryan Debbie and Ronald Schwartz Stephen Senna Barbara Smith Mary Smoyer Jacqueline Sonnabend Dr. Reneé Spencer Lisa and Thomas Taranto Leinweih Tseng Sandra Urie Andres and Michelle Vilms Rhea Wharton Julie Wong Joan Wyrwicz Stefan Zielinski

$100 - $499 Len Abram Veronica Acevedo Amy Ackerman Fred Adams Dave Adamson Thomas Adrian Jimmy Adtani Amy Adyanthaya

John Ahern Alice Alexander Sara Alfaro-Franco John Allison Elaine and Jim Alt Fredrick Altieri Malina Amand Greg Amaral Marty Amaral Olivia Amato Louis Amberg Mark Ammons Albert and Mary Anctil Kristen Andersen Busse Christine Anderson David Anderson Gail Anderson Jocelyn Andrade Taciano and Suzana Andrade Tony Andrade Kathleen Anguish Cale Anjoorian Steffan Antonas Shant Arakelian George Armstrong Jonathan Armstrong Scott Arrighi Taryn Arrighi Ryan Arsenault Loretta and Woody Arthur Jason Ashe Mary Ashe Glenda Atakulu Francis Aubuchon Jessica Auchterlonie Amanda Aucoin Joseph Aucoin Heather Audet Nancy August Myrca Augustin S. Aurora Robert Babine Susan Bacola Lawrence Bailis Elizabeth Baker Judith Baker Patricia Baker William Baldwin Thomas Ball Lauren Bamel Sushma Banda Bassem Bandar Richard Barber

Sara Barcia Craig Barger Abbey Barlow Christine Barrett Joseph Barretto Christopher Barry Kathleen Barry Ann Bartkiewicz Slater Bartlett Charles Baryski John Bass Alice Batchelor Karen Bates Nancy Batt Sarah Bazydola Marcella Beane Marique Beard Elizabeth Beaton Katherine Beaudette David Beaudoin Paula Beaulieu T. Beaulieu Ed Beauvais David Becker Bernadette Bedminster Eric Beisecker Louis Belezos Robert Bell Ricardo Belmontes Lily Belschner Derek Bender Karen Benjamin Gerald Bennett John Benzan Maureen Berardi Judith Bergamesca Dave Berger Steve Berger George and Susan Bergmann Geraldine Bergonzi Robert Bergquist Lisa Berk Raymond Bernard Amanda Bernardo Beth Bernhardt Kim Bertonassi Ann Bertrand Alan Beveridge Allan Bill Brian Birner Sheila and Mark Bisanzo Patricia and Peter Bishop William Bishop

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Joseph Bisson Brian Bixby Robin Black Sara Blackerby Maryanne Blahut Donna Blaisdell-Denoto and Thomas DeNoto Gail Blake Robert Blanchard Leonard Blanchette Robert Blaustein Patricia Blood Heather Bloom Gilbert Boas Lillian Bochetti Philip Bodoni Alice Boelter Jennifer Boettcher Jim Boland Chelsea Booker Kathryn and Philip Boole Marcia Booth Steve Boris Anne Bost Gerard Bouchea Dmitri Boulanov Arthur Bowen Theresa Bowen Arthur Bowes William Bowes Jack Boyajian Camilla Boyce Laura Boyd Loring Bradlee John Bradley Karin and Joseph Bradley Daniel Braun Michael Braverman Arthur Bray Sally Breault Linda Breen Robert Breen Martin S. Bregman Lisa Brennan James Brenneman Toby Brewster Amy Brezin Donna Brickley Michael Brodigan Bill Bronner Linda Bronson Betty Brooks Mary Brophy

Noah Brother Amy Brow Lesley Browman Victoria Brown William Bruce Donna Brustin Kim Buckingham Maureen Buckley Nancy Buckley Thomas Buckley Clarissa Budd Carol Buonopane Mark Burbine Jessica Burbridge Karen Burger Clare Burke and Denise Widman Dotty Burke Janet Burke Margaret Burke Jackie Burkett Janet Burne Todd Burne Gary Burns Jenna Burr Denise Burroughs Thomas Burroughs Kathryn Burton Guy Busa Marian Bushey Martin J Butler Janice Byrnes Ellen C Davis Janet Cahaly Geraldine Cahill Carroll Caldwell Kristin Callahan Tracy Callahan Sarah Cam Kimberly Camosci Blair Campbell Carolyn Campbell Kathleen Campbell Stephen and Cheryl Campbell Craig Canha Richard Cannistraro Karen Canty Connor Capece Catherine Capolupo Vincent Capozzi Albert Cardarelli Susana Carella Michael Carey Robert Carmody

Laura and Drew Carnase Cheryl and Michael Caron Robert Carozza June and Charles Carroll Claire Carroll Kathleen Carroll Timothy Carroll John Carter Janet Carter Bernardo Carolyn Casey David Casey Douglas Casey Elizabeth Casey William Casey John Cassiani Alan Casso Joanne Castiglione Alice Cataldo Moe Cavanaugh Elizabeth and Joe Cawley Janice Cawlina Melissa Cecchi Catherine Celeste Lisa Celestin Yolanda and Daniel Cellucci Barbara Cevallos James Chamberlain Gary Chandler Joyce Chandler-Smith Sumeet Chani Annie Charbonnier Karla Charest Karen Charles Susan Chartier Charles Chaurette Kai Chen Edward Chianese Cheryl Chiappinelli Curt Chiarottino Stephen Chiavelli Douglas Chilson Kathleen Chisholm Peter Chisholm Anthony Christakis James Christopher Linda Chu Margaret Church Mary Churchill Thomas Churchill Anne Marie Ciccarelli Tiffany Ciccarelli-Moore Philip and Karen Cieply Lisa and Michael Ciesinski


Little Sister Victoria, now in her 20s and working at Simmons University, shares the story of how her relationship with Big Sister Jessica has impacted her life since 2006. They were featured in our Big in Boston presenation.

Matthew Cimini Kelly Cimmino Elizabeth Clancy Kelley Clancy Billy Clark Brian and Susan Clark Justin Clark Patricia and Scott Clark Richard Clark Ruth Clark Matt Claver Cassandra Clay Karen Cleary Patricia Cleary Keith Clemens Shane Clifford James Cloonan Michele Clopper Donna Clougherty David Cochran Ruth Coffin-Villaroel Gerard Cogan Mary Ellen Colameta Charles Colarullo Patricia Colby Luke Colella Colleen and Arthur Collings Harry Collings and Dan Moon Brenda Collins Dan Collins Diane Collins Gail Collins Mary Collins Robert Collum

Brian Comiskey Brian Condon Jim Condon Michael Connarton Judith Connell Carol Connelly Cathy Shea and John Connelly Thomas Connelly Frances Connolly Kerin Connolly Maureen Connolly Lisa Contreras-Hendler John Conway Barry Cook Larissa Cook Daryl Cook-Ivan Carol Coombs Brenda Cooney Philip Coonley Stephanie and Dan Cooper Scott Cooper Kendra Copithorne Lisa Corabi Doreen Corazzini Jon Corbino Constance Corey Kyle Cornetta Gerard Corriveau Paula Cortes Kristine Costa Martin Costa James Costales Susan Couto George Couturier

Doug Cowan Marguerite Cowles Alan Cox Beth Craft Valerie Craig Terry Craven Diane Crawford John and Rosemary Cremens Eric Crockett Patricia Cronin David Cross Jon Cross Nancy Crouse Richard Crowell DJ Crowley Martha Crowley Michael Cuddy Marcia Cunniff Francine Cunniffe Jennifer and Chris Curcio Martha Curran Robert Curran James Curtin Taylor Curtiss Meredith Cutler Harry Cynkus Kathy Czeck David Czekanski Michael Czyryca Thomas Daccord Ellen Dagesse Carol D’Agosta Emily Dahl Lori Daigneault Jill Dailey John Dailey Brian Daley Paulette Damiano Denise and Charles Dammling Frank Dangeli Kimiko Daniele Debra Darby Solange Dasilva Julie Dateo Laurie Daviau Fred Davidson Harvey Davidson Morgan Davin Kristen Davis Maggie Davis Terence Davis Patricia Davison Debra and Steven Dawson

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Doug Day Sharlane D’Cunha Mary Dean Linda DeAngelis Michael DeAngelo Maryanne DeChambeau Tricia and Mark Deck Leonard DeCoste Charles DeCristofaro Tara DeGennaro Joann Deiulis Wim Dekok Kathryn Delaney Mike Delisle Daniel Dellheim John Delovey Robert Demers Robert Demers Brian Dempsey John Dempsey Ellen DePaul Fisher Leslie DeSimone Stephen Detucci Susan Devlin Michael Devney Charlotte Deyesso Michele Deziel and Paul Conway Ernest Di Muzio Rhonda Dicecco Caitlyn DiCillo Lynn Differ Mary Kate Dillon Emanuele Dimundo Dawn Dino Sal Dipinto Suzanne Distelrath Robert Dodds F. Neil Doherty Jacqueline Doherty Judith Doherty Patricia Doherty Terry Dolan Thomas Dolphin Peter Donadio Richard Donaghey Maura Donahue Debra Doncov Kimberly Donlon Ian Donnelly Don Donohue James Donovan Kate Donovan Russell Donovan

Tamara Donovan Laura Donovan Bannister Michael Dorr Priscilla Douglas Anne Dowd Nadine Dowling Richard Dowling Monique Doyle John Drew Nancy Drinkwater Mayor Kim Driscoll Robert Driscoll Donna Dubois Christopher Duda Kathryn Dudley Elaine Duffy Owen Duffy Eugene Craig and Craig Duhamel Ivelisse Duncan Mary Duncklee Brian Dundon Mary Dunn Evelyn Dunphy Allison Duran Leigh-Ann Durant James Dye Nathan Dye Barbara Dyer Mark E Young Valerie Eagles Charles Earley Ruth Eastty Cathy Eaton John Ebert

Joyce Ehrenzweig Daniel Elfman Olga Elias Scott Ellison Kevin Emmett David Engber Patricia and Robert Engel Glenn and Kimberly Engler Dale Eramo-McDonough Ted Eschenbaum Beth Escobar Max Ettenborough Jeffrey Evans Olive Evans Tyrone Evans Daryl Every Kandi Fabri Thomas Fadden Richard Falcone Loret Fallon Patricia Farnsworth William Farquharson Thomas Farrand Jack Farrell Lisa Farrow Joe Fedeli Robin Feder Peter Feeherry Lynda Feeney Peg Feetham Roger Feldman Wilbert Feltner Mary Alice Fenwick Joaquin Fernandez-Castro

Little Sister Caroline and Big Sister Nikki were matched in 1997 and remain close friends to this day. The two shared their story in our Big in Boston presentation.


Debra Fernstrom Christine Ferrari Ellen Ferri Veronica and Charles Ferro Shelley Isaacson Ferullo and Michael Ferullo Donna Fessler Doug Fiebelkorn Gayle Filomia Ellen Finneran Maureen Fionte Robert Firnstein Thomas Fishbaugh David and Janet Fisher Michael Fisher Matt Fishman Debra and Jonathan Fitch Caitlin FitzGerald Eileen Fitzgerald John Fitzgerald Liam Fitzgerald Russell FitzGerald Tom and Susan Fitzgerald Andrea Flaherty Jeanne and Thomas Flaherty Marie Flaherty Sarah and Ryan Flaherty Benjamin Flaim Keith Flanders Jennifer Flemming Neal Flint Peter Flood Timothy Flood Daniel Flynn Pamela Flynn Patricia Flynn and Peter Doeringer Christopher Foley Jim Foley Lanita Foley Mark Foley Leory Folsom Brian Forbes Cori Forbes Jennifer Ford Jeremiah Ford Patricia Ford Verna Ford Mary Forman Jason Forst Susie Fortune Lauren Fosback Evan Fowler-Guzzardo Greg Fox

Kathy Fox Claudette Frascarelli Christopher Frechette Eleanor Frechette Dara Frederick Ernie Fredericks Robert Freeley Dudley Freeman Paul Freeman Niki French Gil Frey Ellen Friedman and David MacLennan Gary Friedman Evelyn Friel Aine Friend Elizabeth Fringuelli Maureen Fruciano Gabriele and Gilbert Fryklund John Fugiela James Fuller Carson Fullmer Jeannine Furrer Sue Gabriel Martin Gabriella Colleen Gallagher David Gallagher Denise Gallagher James Gallagher John Gallagher Robert Gallagher Sean Gallagher Tim Gallagher Andrea and Jamie Gamache Cathryn Gannon Donald Gantz Frieda Garcia Julie Garry Mark Garvey Janice Gatchell Jennifer Gately Jay Gauthier Steven Gautieri Caitlin Gavaghan Joseph Geary Amy Gebhardt Kristine Geils Frederick Geisel Paula Gentile Arthur Georgantas Christine George Marie Geranian Joyce Gerber

Tracy Germann Douglas Gerth Steven Giallongo Viola Giangregorio Bob Giannino Karen Gibbons Cecil Gilbert Kate Gilbert and Chris Colbert Richard Gilberti Matt Gill Pat Gill Peter Gillies Donald Gilligan and Regina Maniscalco Mary Gillis Christopher Gilman Ann Gilmartin Cliff Gils David Ginese Albert Giorgio Anna Giraldo-Kerr John Giunta Kimberly Glaiel Norm Glickman Marjorie Glincher Lynette Glover-Griffin Caitlin Glynn Janice and Patrick Glynn Morgan Glynn Kathleen Goddard Mary Ann Goddard Benjamin Godley Kathleen Golden Henry Goldman Mary Goldman Abraham Goldstein Jan Goldstein Jan Goldstein Ken Goldstein Janice Gomes Maria Goncalves Lori Gonsalves Gerald Goode Rachel Goodman Denise Goodman-Coryat H Goodreau David Goodwin Margaret Gorgone Larry Gorham Dave Gosen Kathleen Goulma Mike Gousie Beth Grabowski

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Marianne Grace Mary and Joseph Grant Michelle Grant Leo Gray Frank Green Cheryl Greene Deb Greene Nancy and Joel Greenfield Peggy Grenga John Grobe Dan Grondin Bernard Gross Howard Grosser Donna Grossman Jeffrey Grove Elizabeth Grover Lata Grover Michael Grunder Donald Grunewald Elliot Grupp Marc-Jan Gubbels Laila Gudrais Andrea Guelli Barry Guertin Robert Guilmette Grant Gund Gabriela Gutiérrez Denise Guyette David Haas Pamela Hadley Joan Hadly Shrley Hagyard William Hahn Miguel Haime Tyler Hains Zouhdi Hajjaj Nancy Hajjar Colleen Hall Deborah and Arthur Hall Jeanne Hall Bob Halpin Robert Halpin David Hamilton Nadine and Richard LeBranti Diane Hammer Jisoo Han Richard Hanabury Deborah Hancock Nathan Handsticker Nancy and Bill Hankee Colleen and James Hankins Brynna Hanlon Judy Hanna

Scott Hansberry Robert Hanson Juliette Hardiman John Haroian Joseph Harrigton Kathryn Harris David Harting Ann Hartstein and Cathy Stern James Harvey Deborah Hastings Lisa Hastings Frank Hauser Megan Hawkes Dana Hayes Nora Hayes Thomas Haynes Andrea Hayward Maribeth Hazel Mikaela Healy Peter Heimuller Richard Heller Harry Hendler Vivie Hengst Adam and Rossanna Hennessey Christine Henrikson Charles Herel Anne Hernandez Maura Hershman Bill Hertz Cynthia Hession Edith Hetling Andrew Hettinger Donna Hickey Linda Hickey Robert Hickey Brenda Higgins David Higgins Jean Higgins Lindsay Higgins Dorene and Duncan Higgons Michaela Hildreth Amanda Hill Steven Hill Tanya Hinchey Barbara Hines Darren Hinmon Donn (Donald) Hockman Muriel Hodges Kristine Hodlin Cheryll Hogan Caleigh Holden Barbara Holland Therese Hollingworth

Ann Bevan Hollos and Marin Smith Katherine and J.G. Hollywood William Holmes Julianne and Kathleen Hopkins Gary Hoppe Janet and Andrew Horelick Anne Horgan Beth Horgan Anne Horn Howard Horton Susan Horwitz Bernadette Houldsworth Michael Howard Stephanie Howe David Hoyler Matthew Hudson Michael Hughes Bill Hunt James Hunt Shirley Hunter Thomas Hurd Annmarie Hurley Mary Hurley Maureen Hurley John Hurstak Susan Iappini Jeff Imbruno Anthony Incerto Peter and Maureen Indrisano Beth Irungu Rebecca Ivey Elaine Ivy David and Barbara Jablon Edward Jackman Brandon and Marisa Jackson Erin Jackson Lauren Jackson James Jacob Ann and John Jacobs Jake Jalbert T Bradley Jarvis Tory Jaskoviak Richard Jason Ken Jenney Eileen Jennings Marion Jesser Angela Johnson Jesse Johnson K. Stanford Johnson Kathleen and Thomas Johnson Martha Johnson Meredith Johnson Stephen Johnson


Boston’s poet laureate, Porsha Olayiwola wrote an ode to Big Sister Boston for our 70th anniversary entitled, “Keeper.” She performed it for our recorded presentation of Big in Boston.

Karen Johnston Cyndi Jones Susan Jones John Jordan Jody Jordan-Kiley Brithney Joseph Kathryn Joyce Julie Jungalwala Valerie Jurgens Michael Kaelberer Patricia Kalinowski Peter Kalogerakos Ashwini Kamath Greg Karambelas Jennifer Karnakis Joe Kasegian Darrell Katz Philip Katz Raymond Katzen Michael Kaufman Rick Kaufman Thomas Keady Margaret and John Kearns Judith Keefe Modelane and Daniel Modelane Haley Keegan Lisa Keenan

Tracey Keenan Jennifer Keller Janice Kelley Laurie Kelley Margaret Kelley John Kelliher Caulghent Kelly Dan Kelly Jonathan Kelly Kathy Kelly Linda Kelly Timothy Kelly Candace Kenneally Frank Kennedy Linda Kenney Raymond Kenney Geoffrey Kent Jessica Keogh Jane Kepros Kathleen Kerigan William Kerivan Lorraine Khan Broy Gregory Kidd Donald Kilduff Dean Kiley John Killoy Michael Kineavy

Genevieve King Megan Kirby Linda Kirchner Shari Klahr Rena Klein Paul Klempa Richard Kmon John Knopf Richard Knowles Mininder Kocher Liz Kochi James Koepfler Paula Konevich Diane Konowitz John Korn Claudine Kos Kostandinos Kotsiopoulos Gary Kott Julia Krakow Kenneth Krause Alison Krawczyk Sharon Krebs Pat Kreger Mary Krempels Hans Krieger Gary Krist Cheyenne Krom

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Denise Kukiel Mike Kundicz Kent Kurchak Benjamin Kusa Ralph Kusa Sarah Kussin Gracia Kwete William Kyrouz Laura LaBrosse James and Katherine Lacey Maureen Lacey-Flaherty Ruby Laemmle Robert Lafferty Gary Lafond Joseph Lafrance David Lagasse Anita Laico-Hurley Andre LaMere Susan and Guy LaMere Vito Lamura Anthony Lancellotti Andi Land Gregory Landheim Thomas Landry Michelle Lane Richard Lane Christopher Langhammer Julie Laplaca Ashley Lareau Nancy Larochelle Nancy Larosa Roger Larsen Robert Larson Tom Larson Jason Lartey Paul Lascari Robert Lash Aiko Laski Susan Lasquade Jane Lassalle Catharine Laurell Amy Laurencio Maureen Laurin Kathleen Lavelle Andrew Lavigne Kevin Lawless Mary Lawton Maura Leary Gary Leavitt Cynthia Leblanc Donna Leblanc Paul Lee Sheila and Paul LeFevre

Thomas Leib Jennifer Doucette Jennifer Leibler James Lemkin James Lennon Eileen Lent Courtney Leonard Glenn Leonard Barbara Lerner Nancy Leslie Tom Levi Steven Levinsky Nancy and Garry Levitsky Alan Levy Karin and David Levy Marc Lewinstein Kimberly Lewis Stephen Lewis Mary Liani Mark Libon Suzanne Lieb Carlos Lind Judith Linde Lucy Lindsey Sofia Lingos and George Papaliodis Eric Lipa Marcia Lipski Lawrence Livernois Paul Loconto Maureen Loftus Pio Lombardo Peter Lomedico Bernard Long Leslie Lampe Long and Bruce Long Mary Long Paul Looney Diane Lopes Hochy Lora Matthew Lovett Brian Lowder Chris Lowe Mark Lubow Christa Lucas Gail and Fred Lucas Raymond Lucas Paula Luccio Debra Luchanin Michael Lucivero Yi Pui Luk Denise Luppold Monica Lussier

Robert Lutkevich Donald Lynch Ann Lyness Bill Lyon Courtney Lyons Lenore Bird Lyons Mary Lyons Michael Lyons William Lyons Amanda Macdonald Colin Macdonald Gregory Macdonald Lori MacDonald Barbara and Chris Maciejewski Cory Macisaac William MacIver Andrea Mack Travonnie Mackey Eileen MacNeil Marie Macomber Camilla Madigan Miranda Mafera Thomas Magee Joseph Maggiore Kerri Mahoney Catarina Maia Amaral James Main Megan Maisano James Malinowski Charles Mallio Mike Malone Renee Manchester Judith Mandeville Kevin Mangaudis Antaylor Mango Nathaniel Maniff Patricia Mann Karen Mannello Craig Manning Neil Manning Robert Mansmann Rick Marble Christina Marchand Anne Marchetta Susan Marciano Everett Marcotte Anna Marcus Frederick Marden Dennis Marfurt Barbara Marino Cety Marino Cheryl Markarian Mike Marko


James Marmara Alberto Santaflorentina and Tracy Marshall Susan Martell Tim Martens Christie Martin Joanne Martin Kevin Martin Shawn Martin Sheila Martin Melissa Martins Lise Marx AllanJames Masison Pamela Mason John Matson Rebecca Matta Allan Maughan Carol and Gary Maupas Joe Mawn Barbara May Susan Mayshar Kayla McAuley Alyssa McBryar Angela McCaffrey David McCall Lauren McCallum Bill McCarthy Bill McCarthy Charles McCarthy Kelley McCarthy Kristen McCarthy Patricia McCarthy Tom McCarthy Claire McClintock Kerry McColgan Paul McCormack Brandon McCormick Katelyn McCoy Teresa McCue Elizabeth McDannell Dillon McDermott Jay McDermott Tracy McDevitt Brenda McDonald Matt McDonald Thomas McDonald Wendy McFaul Jennifer McGarry Joseph McGill Ellie and David McGough Janice McGourty Brenda McGovern Hugh McGowan

Richard McGowan Fred McGrane James McGrath Melissa and Michael McGraw Antonia McGuire Robert McHale William McIntyre Kathleen McKee Margaret McKenna Wendi and Mark McKenna Kathleen McKinney Kristine McKinney Richard McLaughlin Sheila McLellan James McLoughlin Paula and Paul McManus Joanne McMath Susan Kelley and Charlie McMenamy Margaret M. McMillen Lisa McMullen-Waterman John McNamara Sally McNamara Scott McNamara Michael McNamus Bruce McNeill Coleen McNeill Daniel McNulty Cheri Meckley Richard Medley Jackie Meehan Carol Meenan Deborah Meikle Lisa Meldrim Paul Mello Kirsy Melo Susan Mennella Victor and Kathleen Merchant Ward Merithew Lucy Metro Stephen Meyer Carla Michals Bridget Michaud Georgios Michos Victoria Mickelson Golby Midy David Mikullitz Carol Milbery Janet Milek Jeremy Milgram Edward Miller Francis Miller Mary Miller

Suzanne Mills Charles Minasian Robert Minasian Richard Minutillo John Mischik Eileen Miskell Patrice and David Mitchell Dolores Mitchell Kathleen Mitchell Stephen Moccia John Moglia Dorice Moise Gail Molari Edward Monac Richie Monaghan Maureen Monagle Joshua Monahan Mona Mondano Ralph Mondano Rebecca Moniri Debra Moniz Jim Monteverde Bruce Montgomery Ximena Monti Domingo Monzon Joy Moore Kaylan Moore Nancy Moore Ori Morag Diane Morash Daniel Morris Anita Morrison Janet Humdy Morrison and George Morrison John Morrow Kelley Morse Sandra Morse-Druhan and Lawrence Morse Joanne Mosca Madore Paul and Pat Motyka Susan Motzkin Mary Moulson-Litchfield John Moynihan and Deborah Norton Michele Moynihan Tracy Muise Emily Mulcahy Susan Mulholland Laura Mullen William Muller Kimberly Mullin Stephen Mullin Stephen Mulready

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Laurence Mulry Alex Munsey Paul Murano Raymond Murano Carole Murko Brenna Murphy Carol Murphy John and Elaine Murphy Jacqueline Murphy Joseph Murphy Karen Murphy Kelli Murphy Lawrence Murphy Matthew Murphy Paulette Murphy Robert Murphy James Murray Susan Musinsky and David Krieger Jennifer Musto Erik Mygrant Hiyam Nadel Vijay Nagarajan Allyce Najimy Sharon and Stephen Napolitano Kathleen Nardella Cynthia Nardone Laura Nardone Beverly and Marjorie Nataupsky June Navalany Amy Nazimiec Thomas Nee Margaret Nelson and Carmen Patti Mark Nelson Nancy Nelson Susan Nelson Richard Netsky Lawrence Neumann Barrett Newell Richard Ng Michael Nickley Mary Nixon Arlene and Denny Nolan John Noone Marijane Norris Geary and Edward Geary Robert Norton Susan Norton JoAnne Nowak Nancy Nowak Timothy Nowicki Maureen Nuccitelli Susan Nutting Anne O’Connor and Robert Re

Barry OBrien Fred O’Brien Michelle O’Brien Shannon O’Brien William O’Brien James O’Callaghan Patricia O’Callaghan Laurel O’Connell Linda O’Connell Lynda O’Connell Maryann O’Connell James Oconnor Anne Marie O’Connor Austin O’Connor Eileen O’Connor Lynne and Jon O’Connor Lianne Odom Brian O’Donnell Frank O’Donnell Suzanne Ogden Wayne Ogden Colin Ogren Wayne O’Hara Sarah Okeefe Michael Oleary Molly Christian and Kevin O’Leary Jennifer and Jose Oliveira Mark Oliver John OMalley Mark O’Malley Shaun O’Malley Michael Onderdonk Anne O’Neil Dorothy O’Neil Jane O’Neil Patrice O’Neil Kristen O’Neill Robert O’Neill Tom O’Neill Scott O’Reilly Sean O’Reilly Timothy O’Reilly Ada Orellana Sean Orourke Thalia Rivera Ortiz Deborah Osborne Dorothea Osborne Judy Oshansky Mary Susana O’Sullivan Stacy Osur and Keith Gilbert Richard Ouellette Kristine Oxford Christine Pacini

Andrew Page Diane Paggioli Charles Pak Kate Paladin Meaghan Paleologos Alfred and Al Palladino Deborah Palmer Jonathan Palmer Kelly Palmer Shannon Palmer John Palys Joe Panchamsingh Dinu Pankajakshan Raghavan Joseph Panto Diana Paolini Cynthia Paquette Lucas Paratore Patricia Parcellin Jack Parchesky Young Park Annie Parker Maggie Parks James Parolisi Joel Parry Bob Pascucci Krunal Patel Matthew and Cheri Patron Zachary Patron Richard Paul Robert Paul Suzanne Paxton Nicole Payne Nancy Payton Wayne Peak Susan Peaslee Sandra Penaloza Gustavo Pena-Weiss Maribeth Pender Melissa Penney Joanne Pereira Jim Perfetuo Judith Periale Michael Perkins Joseph Perri Andrea Perry Michele Perry Cherise Pesce Janice Peters Douglas Petersen Rachel Petith Pamela Petronzio Margot and Christopher Phelps Andrew Philbin


Staff, Big and Little Sisters, and emcee Lisa Hughes, at the 33rd Annual Car Raffle drawing day at 100 Summer Street in Boston.

Patricia Phillips Robert Phillips Gary Phipps Steven Picciano Paul Picone Callie Piepenbrink Elizabeth Pierce Representative Smitty Pignatelli William Pignato Lorna Pimental Jim Piotrowski Nicole Pogue Ryan Policella Dawn Pomeroy Kristen Porter Steve Porter Lorraine Potts Rebecca Pouliot Claudia Pouravelis Amanda Power Deborah and Bob Power John Power Robert E. Power Lonnie Powers Robert Powilatis Tim Pozsgai Nicholas Pramas Steven Prendergast Stephen Preston Brian Price Claudia Price Leanne Priest Jeff Provencal Joseph Provenzano

Kristen Prunier Fitzpatrick Nicholas Pruthi James Publicover Donna Puleo Pamela Pulver Tom Pyle John Queen Amy Quigley Karen Quigley Michelle Quigley Ramesh R Joe and Lisa Radley Barbara Raffa Sandra Raines John Raleigh Jeevan Ramapriya Jeanne Randolph Peter Raskauskas Rachel Ratajack John and Kris Ratliff Alyssa Martin Rau Brandon Rawnsley Marchelle Raynor Debra Reavis Lisa and James Redding Susan Redding Marc Redlich John Reece Clarence Reed Matthew Regan Matthew Regan Patricia Regan Mike Reilly Thomas Reilly

Richard Reinhart Donna Reissig Keith Renaldi Matthew Renaud Yvonne Renwick Donna Reulbach Charlotte Rice William Rice Anthony Rich Joyce Richard Susan Richardson Stephen Riden Jo Ridgley Patricia Riebe Frank Rigolini Mary Riley Lisa Riordan Michael Rioux Molly Ritcher Leonard Rizzuto Sandra Robbins Pierre Robert Bill Roberts Cheryl Roberts Linda Roberts Maggie Roberts Samantha Roberts George Robinson Kathleen Robinson Neil Robinson Elaine Roche Jeffrey Roche Stephen Roche Michael Rodden Richard Rodgers Anna Rodin Nicole Rodriguez Frank Rogier Rhonda Rohtstein Esthela Rojas Lauren Rolfe Linda Romano Marguerite Rooney Joel Roossin Jennifer Root Herminia Rosas Joan Rosazza John Rose Richard Rose Linda Rosen David Rosenfield Joyce Rosenfield Jennifer and Bry Roskoz

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Hayden Ross Julia Rossetti Jack Rossin Richard Rostoff Jennifer Rothenberg Pauline and Robert Rothenberg Lia Rothschild Chris Rouches Larry Rowland Scott Roy Leslie Royer Jeff Rubin Joyce Rubino Joseph Rubinstein Joshua Ruman Lynda Russo Robert Ruzzo Jessie Saacke and Freeman Deutsch Paul Sacco Elliot Saffran Lois Sahl Daniel Salvati Jr. Christine Sample Cathy Sanders Leslie Sanders Janet Sanfilippo Thomas Santos Judy and Philip Santosuosso Dayla Arabella Santurri Kathleen Sargent-O’Neill Janice and John Sarno Matthew Savage Joseph Sawaya Helen Sayles Joseph Scalesse Thomas Scanlan Robert Schick Anthony Schinella Marie Schlag Carole Schlessinger Debbie Schmidt Mary Schmidt Otto Scholtz Shantel Schonour Jerome Schultz M & M Schumacher Gail Schuman Bryan Schutz Chuck and Sue Schwalm Mike Schwartz Rick Schwartz Loring and Andy Schwarz

Teri Scibelli Teresa Scioletti Courtney Scott Deborah Segal and Beau Wright Bruce Seich Barbara Senecal, Esq. Carol Senopoulos Forbes James and Donna Sessa Carter Freda Shapiro Joan P. Sharp James Sharpe Joanne Shaughnessy Emilie Shea Kevin Shea Patricia and Philip Shea Amy Sheehan Andrew Sheehan Cindy Shepard Kyle Shepherd Victoria Shonkoff Sarita Shoulla Steven Shoyer William Shrader Bibhoo Shrestha Curtis Shumate David Sicard Nathaniel Sides Lauretta Siggers Denise Silveira Judith Silverstone R Simeone Harvy Simkovits Helaine Simmonds Janice Simmons Marci Simon

Robert Simonelli Audrius Sinickas Mark Siroonian Diane Sitkowski Roland Sitzler Heidi Sjoberg Tianjiao and Jacob Skeffington Michael Skerry George Skritakis Eugene Skrzypczyk Kaye Slamp Thomas Smallcomb Horace Smallridge Dorothy and Phil Smedile David Smith Harrison Smith Marsha Smith Maureen Smith Patricia Smith Todd Smith Pipier Smith-Mumford Rosamond and Daniel Smythe Amy Snelling Katherine Snowden Derrick Soares John Soares Morgan and James Soares Becca Solomont Chris Sommers Renee Sophocles Gale Spadafora Bryan Spence Henry Speranzini Rose Sperry Anne and Brian Spies

Joseph Maggiore won the car on his 90th birthday!


Little Sisters Nia, Mia, and Estella participated in the filming of our Big in Boston presentation at the Boston Children’s Museum.

Allison Spivack Cameron Spofford Sandra Spooner Maria Sprague Arlande St. Louis Beatrice Stahl Jim Stanislaski Richard Starfield Paul Starkie Scott Steeves Benjamin Steinberg Chrisanthe Steininger Naomi Stephen Theresa Stephens-Tillmon and Darrell Tillmon

Melissa Stevens Gail Stewart John Still Ashton Stocker Lewis Stone Paula and Bradley Stone Ronald Stoute Kirsten Straitiff Susan and Ronald Strauss Vera Strickland and Richard Sawyer Janet Suarez James and Barbara Sullivan Bonnie Sullivan Daniel Sullivan

Donald Sullivan Edward Sullivan Eileen Sullivan John Sullivan Joseph Sullivan Kathleen Sullivan Kimberly Sullivan Neal Sullivan Paul Sullivan Sue Sullivan Valerie Sullivan Michele Surette-McCarthy Joyce Swaine Sue and John Swansburg Bill Swanson

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Tina Swanson Julia Swanwick Charlotte Swartz Laura Swearingen John Sweeney Stanley Swiderski Stephen Swift Paula Sybertz Amani Taha Tracy Talbot Sandra Tanasijevic Terrence Tangney Carla and Stephen Tassinari Shirley and Edward Tatalias Arlene Taylor B Scott Taylor Raymond Tedeschi John Teixeira Mary Tennyson Rodrigo Teramae Dellara and Wyllys Terry Joseph Teves Joan Thayer Jacob Theander David Theroux Maureen Thistle Judene Thomas Nancy Thomas Patricia Thomas Arleen Thompson Ben Thompson Jim and Karen Thompson Laura Thompson James Thomson Susan and Robert Thornton Noreen Thorp Jason Thorpe Stephen Thrush Dick Tibbetts Lorette Tiernan Rebecca Tiernan Phyllis Timmins Jacob Tinus Beth Titmas John Tobin Ray Tomasini Laura and Brent Toni-Holsinger Andrew Topouzoglou Esteban Toro Debra Torosian Lynes Torres Deborah Tortorici Lily Totovian

Larry Tractenberg Kimberley and Christopher Trainor Emily Trautwein Linda Travers Maryann Tremble Elaine Trepicchio Imelda Trevail Bo Trevino Maureen Tripp Nicola Tritta Joseph Trodella David Trott Frances Troutman Jennifer Truslow Nina Tsao Alan Tubbs Elaine Tuccelli Michael Tucci Marie Turley Curtis Turner Mary Turner Alex Tynell Vincenzo Ubaldino Philipp Uhlmann Kent Ulrich Barbara Uttaro Jeanne Uttley William Valair Kathryn Vanderwyk Ursula VanRyzin Brian Vardaro Timothy Vartanian Kaitlyn Vartanova Gina Varvelli Jane and Michael Vecchi Wayne Veiga Dante Velasquez Richard Vella Pia Ventola Cynthia Ventresca Cynthia Venturo Mary Venuti Madeline Verenis Elizabeth Vetre Kenney Victor Patricia Vieira Jesus Villafane John Vino Dorothy Vitagliano Rob Vlock Karen Voci Ralph Vogel William Vogt

Dawn Voorhees Judith and Mark Wadness Mary and Rich Wakefield Matt Waldrop Ernie Walker Jill Walker Sandra Walker James Wallace Kaylee Wallace Rachel Wallack Jackie Walsh John Walsh Michael Walsh Patricia Walsh Marva Walting Deborah Walton Dana Warren Peter Warren William Warren Meaghan Washington Harrison Carol Waskiewicz Vanessa Wassenar Jeremy Wasser Dr. Kelly Watkins Maureen Weeks Joseph Weglarz Jena Weiff Todd Weil Michael Weiner Karen Weinschenk Alena Weiss Arnold Weiss David Welch John Welch Rick Welch Richard Welles Lynn and Lynn Wellman Kathleen Wetherby Zenzie Kara Weymouth John Whalen Angela Wheaton Christopher Wheeler Herbert Wheeler Rob Wheeler Jessica White Joan and Donald White John White Chuck Whiteman Shannon Whitlock Regina Wiedenski Lawrence Wielgos James Wilcox Branda Wilhoite


Debora Wilkins Jane Wilkinson Sue Will Charlene Williams John Williams Thomas Williams Warren Mark Williams Nancy Williamson Toni Williamson Catherine Wilson Kathryn Wilson Linda Wilson Robert Wilson William Wilson Katherine Windsor David Wing Andrew Wingate Kristen Winikoff Ellen Winters P T Withington Jack Wolfe Penny Shultz and Joel Wolff Robert Woodman Judith Woods Natalie Woodward Kathleen Woolley Craig Wrentmore David Wright Ronald Wybranowski Leanne Yenush Steve Yetman Leighton York Melissa York Barry Young Dennis Young Donna Young Jessica Young Emily Younger Maddy Youniss Emily Yozell Cheryl Yuu James Zachazewski Ali Zaidi and Zoya Hasan Anthony Zarbano Jack Zarkauskas Joyce Zeiner Simon Zhen Louis Zicht Heidi Ziobro Diane Zipoli Ashley Zolenski Bill Zucker

IN-KIND DONATIONS 829 Studios Adria Elizabeth Alexander Aleena Clarice Williams Alett Rachel Mekler Alexa Jennifer Itsines Alyssa Magill Rohan Amalia Monica Teglas Apoorva Chaloori Ashley Margaret Wallace Autumn Rayne Kittilson Babson College Bergmeyer Associates Berkley Arrington Jenkins Beverly Allyn Ouannass Briana Ellie Valli Brittney Leigh Macomber Caitlin Susan Wells Callahan Margaret Wilde Caroline Paige Evans Carolyn Rao Monaghan Chiane Semexant Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street Cooking School Claire Elizabeth Gracia Claire Genevieve Christensen Danielle Rachael Chamberlain Delaney Michele Inman Elizabeth Macharg Lanphier Emma Janet Dicker Erica Jane Schultz Gayana Rechmial Daniel Gillian Marie Gatecliff Grace Catherine Cassidy Greta Rose Appleton Heejoo Kang Herda Dimacali Ona Holly Elizabeth McKee Jane Swensen Farrell Jennifer Taylor Raymond Judnise D. Guillet Julia Iannone Brzezinska Kaela Marie McKenzie Katherine Mayre Gardner Katherine Patricia Sherman Kathleen Conway Healey Katrina Mary Finn Lauren Elizabeth Violette Lindsey Anne Hurd Lucy Belle Paterson Lucy Marchese Madeline Mae Chudy

Marina Weinstein Marisa Mae Gamble Natalie Eve Savas Prithvi Guruprasad Rachel Goldstein Rebekka Lynn Westrick Robyn Payne Roche Bros Supermarkets, Inc. Shivani Mehra Sloan Eve Bergstresser Stephanie A Rocha Taanya Malhotra Theodora Angelini Berenson TRILLFIT Vani Gupta Victoria Ann Woytowicz Warby Parker Winnie Y. Huang

GIFTS IN HONOR OF Laura Bronner Terri Z. Campbell The Honorable Denise Jefferson Casper Katherine Chappell Martina Chavarro Carolyn M. Clancy Stacey Cocco Lisa Collins Stephanie Cooper Carey Cort Patricia Davis Lavina DeGennaro Rachel Furnas Sasha Goldman Andrew Graff Bianca Guimaraes Stephanie Hackett Nikki Harrison Alexis Harvey Lisa Hughes Steve Juckett Little Sister Juliana Little Sister Taylor Aileen Keaney Kara Kelly Carol E. Koppel Cassie Kraus Brenda Lyons Fernando Machado Julia McCarthy Kelly McDermott

Emcee and 70th anniversary honoree, Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV and Big Sister Boston President & CEO, Deb Re, film the virtual presentation of Big in Boston at the Boston Children’s Museum.


Melissa McDonnell Sharon McNally Melanie Morris Renata Neumann Jason Norcross Adam Nowak Chelsea O’Brien Marcelo Padoca Blair Parry Lisa Purter Jason Rappaport Janet Senna Elsa Sonnabend LizeMari Vermuelen Tatianna Walker Sheila Wilkins Michelle Winston Joan Wyrwicz Maddy Youniss Mariann Youniss Jeanne Yozell John Yozell

Boston City Councilor At-Large, Julia Mejia, helped deliver Big Sister activity kits.

GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Janet Albrecht Elva Alicia Castañeda Don Rodman Clare and John Spanks Eddie and Charles Sperry



Big Sister Boston prides itself on its fiscal responsibility, which is built upon diversified funding sources. In 2021, Big Sister Boston raised $4.5 million.

Federal Covid Relief Grants







Individual Giving


Special Events - Net Revenue




Government Grants


United Way


In-kind Donations


Investment Returns Designated for Current Operations


Other Contributions


Program Expenses


Management and General Operations










United Way






Individual Giving



Government Grants



















Management and General Operations








Change in Net Assets from Operations



Investment Return





Change in Net Assets



Net Assets, Beginning of Year



Net Assets, End of Year



Federal Covid Relief Grants Special Events - Net Revenue Other Contributions In-kind Donations Investment Returns Designated for Current Operations TOTAL REVENUE


Total Operating Expenses

Investment Return Designated for Current Operations



BOARD OF DIRECTORS Our Board of Directors is composed of individuals from diverse industries and professions, who lend their skills and talents to increase the capacity of our organization. Through their generosity, guidance, and committee work, they play a major role in expanding our Big Sister Boston community. All those listed are members as of December 31, 2021. CHAIR Carey Cort Webb Innovation Center for Dyslexia PAST CHAIR Mariann Youniss VICE CHAIR Sonia Fife Google

Nancy Tao Go Devoted Health David Gow Ernst & Young LLP Andrew Graff Allen & Gerritsen Lisa Hughes WBZ-TV Aileen Keaney Ethos Capital


Susan Kilbride

Catherine Bird Coppermine Capital LLC

Brenda Lyons State Street Corporation


Cosette Maroney PwC

Stephanie Berdik Kirkland & Ellis LLP MEMBERS Maxwell Bardeen UBS Financial Laura Bronner Little Sprouts Jane Carpenter Wayfair Carolyn Clancy Kevin Collins St. John’s Preparatory School Patrice DeVoe Tufts Health Plan Andrea Dicenso Loomis, Sayles & Company


Kelly McDermott Hynes Communications Aedie McEvoy ALJ Vineyard Corporation Timothy J. O’Brien Maria Rivas EMD Serono Mia Roberts Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Kenney Victor Liberty Mutual Insurance Erica Warner Harvard Medical School and MGH John Yozell Yozell Associates

AUXILIARY BOARDS Big Sister Boston’s Auxiliary Boards deepen and broaden our networks throughout Greater Boston, building a robust community that is invested in girls. Each Board plays an important role in furthering our mission through recruitment efforts, speaking engagements, advocacy, community-building events, and fundraising. All those listed are members as of December 31, 2021.




Ana Archibald Thrive Scholars

Eileen Martin EMD Serono

Ari Brickman The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington

Dharshee Dupee Corcoran Group

Nicole Caiazzo City Year

Leigh-Ann Durant EMD Serono

Julia Cunha Harvard Law School

Luba Levin Merrill Lynch

Kristina Desir Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce

Dolores Mitchell

Ashley Garcia Boston University

Margot Phelps Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Theresa Tillmon Blue Cross Blue Shield

Sarah Kraft Massachusetts General Hospital Jenn Phaiah Bay Cove Human Services Bethany Queior Thrive Scholars


Miriam Rubin Boston Public Schools

CHAIR Chris Creelman

Morgan Soares Charlestown High School

Denise Jefferson Casper United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts

Ashley White Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation

Deborah Daccord Mintz

Zelshadai Solomon Partners in Health

Jane Deery PGR Media Beth Terrana


AUXILIARY BOARDS DIVERSITY BOARD PRESIDENT Courtney Leonard Big Sister Association of Greater Boston

VICE PRESIDENT Fakisha Fabre Morgan Stanley

SECRETARIES/TREASURERS Lianne Hughes-Odom Boston Public Schools Ashley Pierre-Louis Howard Stein Hudson

MEMBERS Marshelle Gatlin Greenlight Biosciences Annette Gonsalves-Byner MBTA Nicole Harrison Ecumenical Social Action Committee-Youth Opportunity

Charmain Jackman, PhD InnoPsych, Inc Boston Arts Academy Zubeda Khan Tracy Lamery Department of Children and Families Erinn Martin Commonwealth of Massachusetts MRC Dorice Moise Brooke Charter Schools Lisa Purter Pathstone Mia Roberts Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Evelyn Saint-Hilaire Work Opportunities Unlimited Shanika Smart Boston Public Schools Cathedral High School Iyleen Summer Cambridge College

Kerline Hilaire Natixis Investment



Aiyana Williams

Syann Sorm



Kejsi Demaj

SECRETARIES Joi Kelly Justis Porter


Valeria Cantillano

AUXILIARY BOARDS YOUNG PROFESSIONAL BOARD PRESIDENT Amanda Bernardo Commonwealth of MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs

VICE PRESIDENT Yisel Katsnelson Cambridge Associates

SECRETARY Sarah Vara Indigo Ag

RECRUITMENT CHAIRS Jessica Young SharkNinja Maddy Youniss Seres Therapeutics

MEMBERS Lauren Bamel Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Megan Clancy Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Shilpa Iyyer Gennari Aronson, LLP Katie McAleer Tripadvisor Helen McDermott Public Consulting Group Kate Paladin athenahealth Julia Perry MFS Investment Management Lissie Rau Partners Capital Investment Group LLP Tianjiao Skeffington Kaye Slamp Fidelity Investments

Kira Farris Stackwell Capital Lauren Fisher Akami Technologies Lindsay Flood Repare Therapeutics Jodi Germann Deloitte Laurel Gilbert Hinckley Allen Brynna Hanlon UBS



At Big Sister Boston, our staff are the heart and soul of our organization. We believe in the power of transformative relationships for the girls we serve and we challenge one another to achieve results. All those listed are members as of December 31, 2021.

Deborah Re President & Chief Executive Officer

Melissa Trottier Executive Projects Manager

LEADERSHIP TEAM Melissa Nystedt Vice President of Programs

Kelli-Beth (KB) Vecchione Chief Development Officer

Mia Roberts Vice President of Community Relations

Heidi Ziobro Chief Administrative Officer

DEVELOPMENT Erin Barfield Director of Development Operations

Alejandra Osio Development Operations Coordinator

Maren Juliano Creative Director

Amanda Roberts Grants Manager


HUMAN RESOURCES Martina Chavarro Human Resources Coordinator

Stephanie Uhlmann Director of Human Resources

Courtney Leonard Director of Equity and Inclusion

Joan Wyrwicz Accounting Manager

Joe Realmuto Accounting Manager

COMMUNITY-BASED MENTORING Sarah Amaya Spanish Speaking Enrollment & Matching Specialist

Aliya Ewing Match Support Specialist

Amy Austin Senior Match Support Specialist

Natalie Fenwick Match Support Specialist

Emma Avish Match Support Supervisor

Austin Frizzell Database and Data Quality Administrator

Brenna Barrett AmeriCorps Ambassador of Mentoring-Big For A Day

Helen Fullerton Senior Match Support Specialist

Amanda Bowen Special Programs & Campaigns Manager

Talia Gonzalez Director of Community-Based Mentoring

Aly Bowman Match Support Specialist

Cleo Lotito Langsford Coordinator of Match Support

Luisa Caridad Manager of Enrollment & Matching

Kelly McDonald Match Support Specialist

Jamie Cross Senior Specialist of Enrollment & Match Support

Monée Vance Assistant Manager of Match Support

Andria Dunn Senior Coordinator of Enrollment & Matching

Sarah Viadero Program Coordinator

SITE-BASED MENTORING Courtney Bruno Manager of Site-Based Mentoring

Margot Phelps Intern Supervisor

Dara Concagh Senior Specialist of Enrollment & Match Support

Victoria Rozzi Enrollment & Match Support Specialist

Ylva Duke Manager of Site-Based Mentoring

Karla Venegas Coordinator of Workplace Mentoring



Katherine Martinez Manager of Volunteer Engagement

Ariel FitzHugh Director of Our Big Futures Wanda Rodriguez Assistant Manager of Our Big Futures


BIG SISTER ASSOCIATION OF GREATER BOSTON 20 Park Plaza, Suite 1420 Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 617.236.8060, Fax: 617.236.8075 JOIN THE CONVERSATION


Writing & Report Design: Maren Juliano, Creative Director 58 BIG SISTER BOSTON | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT

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