Dead Program

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Cutting-edge performances, talks & more



Marts 2022

Hvor er vi glade for at have dig med os! Med programmet POPDEATHPOWER gentager vi Dansehallerne x Betty: Et strålende samarbejde, som roterer om vores fælles passion for dans og koreografi. Målet er at få dig og alle andre til at se (endnu) mere dans! Midlet er FANTASTISK dans. POPDEATHPOWER er således et præcist kurateret program, som for os repræsenterer det nyeste og cooleste. Fra Norge: Ultraskarpe Inés Belli, som kaster et feministisk blik på catwalken. Kraftfulde svensk-chilenske Ofelia Jarl Ortega: En taktfast tromme og en fordybelse i komplicerede magtdynamikker mellem mænd. Var 2Pac deprimeret? Sådan spørger den engelsk-amerikanske stjernekoreograf Malik Nashad Sharpe. Og så popper de to gigantiske superstjerner Beauty and the Beast aka argentinsk-svenske Amanda Apetrea og islandske Halla Ólafsdóttir forbi Edison for at præsentere en (på alle mulige måder) intim forestilling. Også det vanvittige geni Tesla er her. Hvis du ikke allerede ved det: Edison og Tesla lå i krig med hinanden. Vi har bedt den ligeledes geniale, svenske koreograf Stina Nyberg om at medbringe hans ånd. Lyn kommer til at brage. Alt dette + fjerde udgave af New Sh*t kurateret af dansk-honduranske og streetwise Liva Xamanek Lopez.

Vi har valgt forestillingerne med afsæt i vores fælles forkærlighed for værker, som er nødvendige, og som berører os uanset vores forskellige forudsætninger. For det kan dansen: Kommunikere umiddelbart og direkte fra krop til krop med et universelt sprog, som formidler følelser, stemninger og sætter os i forbindelse med noget, som vi husker eller genkender på et bevidst eller ubevidst plan. Fælles for de fem værker i dette års program er, at de tydeligt trækker på populærkulturen; flere af dem leger med døden; alle forhandler de køn, normer og magt. De VIL os noget, og så er de skabt af stærke koreografer, som aldrig tidligere har været præsenteret i Danmark! Vi supplerer forestillingsprogrammet med artist talks og topper op med DJ’s og sociale rum, hvor vi glæder os over endelig at være sammen – sammen om stor kunst, pop og party. Det er POPDEATHPOWER. Det er Dansehallerne x Betty. Varmt velkommen,

Elisa Kragerup Danjel Andersson Direktør/kunstnerisk leder, Direktør/kunstnerisk leder, Betty Nansen Teatret Dansehallerne

PART TIME ROBOT / Foto af Simone Ballan



Forestil dig, at to superstjerner i størrelsesordenen Lady Gaga eller Kiss laver en comeback tour. Men i stedet for at spille på stadioner, vender de tilbage til en intim blackbox og skaber en unik forestilling for deres mest hengivne fans. Dig. De lover at afsløre alt. Virkelig alt. Og det er dér, det starter. Umuligt at vide, hvor det ender. På deres comeback tour stopper Beauty and the Beast i København. Endelig! - Direktør for Dansehallerne, Danjel Andersson om DEAD by Beauty and the Beast

Af Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir 22.-26. marts / 20.00 i Siloen på Edison En del af programmet POPDEATHPOWER præsenteret af Dansehallerne x Betty

Gå ikke glip af: 25 min artist talk med Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir efter forestillingen den 23. marts

Om DEAD af Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast er et simuleret band, en danseforestilling, en fest, en workshop, en film og et livslangt samarbejde mellem koreograf Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdóttir. I årevis har de arbejdet sammen og hver for sig i forskellige konstellationer og på forskellige projekter. Det handler altid om venskab, og de er aldrig alene. Deres seneste danseforestilling hedder DEAD. Der findes en historie, som fortæller om Beauty and the Beasts fascination af deres egen skygge. De blev ved med at se på den, kradse i den, stikke til den, gramse på den, brænde den, slikke den, indtil deres skygge vågnede, blev levende og åd dem. Beauty and the Beast er nu døde - DEAD. DEAD er en pornografisk digtoplæsning og dystopisk danseforestilling, som gennem indre og ydre virkeligheder sammensmelter dans, poesi og musik med skønheden i mørket. Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdóttir leger med eksisterende konventioner og de gnidninger, der opstår, når de fusionerer høj- og lavkulturelle kunstformer, såsom poesi og samtidsdans med den rå kraft fra de to rockstjerne-alter egoer, der blev vækket til live i deres tidligere arbejde med Beauty and the Beast. Iført makeup, der fremkalder deres indre dæmoner, kaster performerne sig ud i dyriske dødsmanøvrer, mens de skriger ad fortrængt angst, sprøjter blod, slikker publikum og kontakter de døde.

Duoen udfolder og konfronterer den skam, som ofte omgærder kvindelig seksualitet, og udforsker kroppe, der skamløst vover at fylde. Ved hjælp af udtryk for seksualitet, krop og køn flirter de med kraften i liderlighed og begær. En kraft, som de tror, kan flytte bjerge. De ønsker at finde det poetiske og smukke i alt det, der normalt kategoriseres som grimt, frastødende og forbudt. De leder efter ting, som skaber glæde, sorg, vrede, håb og uendeligt begær. Beauty and the Beast samarbejder med komponisterne og musikerne Zhala Rifat, Karin Dreijer og Linnéa Martinsson, som alle skriver musik til Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdóttirs poesi i DEAD. Der er tale om tre forskellige kunstnere, som alle har smuglet dans og koreografi ind i deres fremtræden på scenen. De har en feministisk praksis og skaber musik på deres egne betingelser og med fuck loads af integritet. DEAD spilles med publikums samtykke, hvilket betyder, at de, som deltager, accepterer hvad end, der sker under forestillingen. Det betyder også, at enhver kan forlade forestillingen når som helst. Som altid handler det om jer og dem og al kærligheden derimellem.

KREDITERING Af og med: Lys og scenografi: Med musik af: Tekst: Skrædder: Producer: Foto: Professionel feedback: Lydmix: Tekniker: Administrativ struktur:

Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdóttir Chrisander Brun Karin Dreijer, Linnéa Martinsson og Zhala Rifat Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdóttir Kajsa Lisa Larsson Sara Bergsmark Märta Thisner Nadja Hjorton og Chrisander Brun Elize Arvefjord Björn Kuajara Det kunstneriske kooperativ Interim kultur

Co-produceret af:

MDT, Atalante, Dansstationen og kunstcentret BUDA med støtte fra Konstnärsnämnden, Kulturrådet og Stockholm by. Denne præsentation er en del af projektet [DNA] Departures and Arrivals, som er medfinansieret af EU Kommissionens Creative Europe-program.

Om Beauty and the Beast

De har samarbejdet med DEAD, Beauty and the Beast, jazzdans, I mere end to årtier er duoen Beau- danceoke, Nadja Hjorton, Emma ty and the Beast aka koreograferne Tolander, The Rite of Spring, Amanda Apetrea og Halla Ólafsdót- spiritualisme, realisme, feminisme, Sidney Leoni, The Swedish Dance tir forblevet en mytisk kraft i danHistory, Stina Nyberg, Zoë Poluch, severdenen. Beauty and the Beast ÖFA-kollektivet, Emma Kim Hagdahl, er et simuleret band, en THE FUTURE, Mica Sigourney, danseforestilling, en fest, en workshop og et livslangt samarbejde mel- Mychoreography, Jessyka Watson Galbraith, Lisen Rosell, Chrisander lem Apetrea og Ólafsdóttir. I årevis har de arbejdet sammen og hver for Brun, Mårten Spångberg, The Prix sig i forskellige konstellationer og på Jardin d’Europe 2013, Undertone, A forskellige projekter. Det handler al- Series of Event 2012, Krööt Juurak, tid om venskab, og de er aldrig alene. Alice Chauchat, Siri Hjorton Wagner, Giselle, Märta Thisner, MDT,

Reykjavík Dance Festival, Tupp festivalen, Impuls Tanz, Samlingen, BUDA, Louise Höjer, Islands kunstakademi, Riksteatern, Atalante, Dansstationen, Eleanor Bauer, Iki Gonzalez Magnusson, Sara Bergs mark, Björn Kuajara, Margrét Seema Takyar, Shirley Harthey Ubilla og Sandra Akiiki, Nordwind Festival, Quarter Block Party, kærlighed, lyst og rædsel.

Om Halla Ólafsdóttir Halla Ólafsdóttir er danser og koreograf med en master i koreografi fra Stockholm konstnärlige högskola (tidligere DOCH); hun har dertil studeret dans på Balettakademin i Stockholm. Hun samarbejder altid i forskellige konstellationer, der leder efter måder at udvide forståelsen af koreografi på. En stor del af Hallas arbejde centrerer sig omkring opfindelsen af nye formater for danseforestillinger, og hvordan politik og køn projiceres over i kropslige bevægelser. Udover at anvende genkendeligt materiale fra kunst og popkultur, udforsker Halla, hvad der sker, når man sætter det ind i en kontekst af samtidsdans. Over de seneste 11 år har Halla skabt forestillinger og workshops, som har turneret på festivaler og spillesteder i Europa og USA.

Om Amanda Apetrea Amanda Apetrea er performer og koreograf med base i Stockholm. I sit arbejde integrerer Amanda politiske teorier såsom feminisme, sexpositivisme, kropspositivisme og queerutopi. Apetrea gik på Balettakademin i Stockholm og har en master i koreografi fra Stockholm konstnärlige högskola (tidligere DOCH). Amandas værker kendetegnes ved deres signifikante feministiske udgangspunkt, som sætter spørgsmålstegn ved den moderne verdens magtstrukturer gennem både klassisk og kulturel dans, forestillinger og konceptuelle performances. Amandas seneste værker udfordrer strukturer, der begrænser og tilbageholder koreografiens mikrokosmos som en refleksion af samfundet i almindelighed.



NYSKABENDE FORESTILLINGER, SAMTALER OG MERE Dansehallerne x Betty er et strategisk samarbejde mellem Dansehallerne og Betty Nansen Teatret Kurator: Danjel Andersson Producent: Eva Steen Nordhagen Assisterende producent: Sofie Pedersen Kurator, New Sh*t vol. 4: Liva Xamanek Lopez


5. marts – 2. april 2022


Edison, Edisonvej 10, 1856 Frederiksberg C

Mere info & billetter: /

Producent, New Sh*t vol. 4: Anne Mette Berg PR/kommunikation: Eva Steen Nordhagen, Marie Lundgaard, Jette Lin Nielsen, Anne Basse, Simone Staack Hedelund, Kasper Boll, Sebastian Nervil Grafisk design: Karoline Schapiro Produktionsleder: Nils Engelbrecht-Sørensen Teknikere: Fabián Carvallo, Mogens Kjempff, Per Lydersen, Carl-Emil Amundsen, Sune Bang, Weronika Andersen, Madelaine Lind Hoppe, Ariellah Winther, Sven Kristoffersen

Programmet er støttet af





Kurateret af Liva Xamanek Lopez Varighed: 90 min Sprog: Engelsk Fra 12 år

DJ Billow_40 fra UUMPHFF Radio varmer op.

New Sh*t vol. 4

DJ Billow_40 fra UUMPHFF Radio spiller indtil midnat

9.-10. marts / Edison


16.-17. marts / Edison


25 min artist talk med Ofelia Jarl Ortega efter forestillingen den 16. marts

Ofelia Jarl Ortega Varighed: 90 min Fra 12 år

DJ NAH CARE + hangout indtil midnat efter forestillingen den 17. marts

22.-26. marts / Siloen Edison


He’s Dead

25 min artist talk med Malik Nashad Sharpe efter forestillingen den 9. marts

Malik Nashad Sharpe aka marikiscrycrycry Varighed: 50 min Sprog: Engelsk Fra 12 år


DEAD by Beauty and the Beast

25 min artist talk med Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir efter forestillingen den 23. marts

Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir Varighed: 60 min Sprog: Engelsk Fra 15 år

29.-31. marts / Siloen Edison


1.-2. april / Edison


DJ Malika Mahmud + forårsfest indtil midnat efter forestillingen den 1. april

Stina Nyberg Varighed: 65 min Sprog: Engelsk Fra 12 år

25 min artist talk med Stina Nyberg efter forestillingen 2. april


25 min artist talk med Inés Belli efter forestillingen den 30. marts

Inés Belli Varighed: 63 min Fra 12 år



March 2022

We’re thrilled to have you with us! With the program POPDEATHPOWER we go for round two of Dansehallerne x Betty: A brilliant, new collaboration that revolves around our shared passion for dance. The goal is to make you see (even) more dance! The vehicle is FANTASTIC dance. Thus, POPDEATHPOWER is a precisely curated program, representing for us the newest and the coolest. From Norway: Ultra-sharp Inés Belli offers a feminist gaze at the catwalk. The powerful Swedish-Chilean Ofelia Jarl Ortega: A steady drum and an immersion in complicated power dynamics between men. Was 2Pac depressed? The question is posed by English-American star choreographer Malik Nashad Sharpe. And then the two giant superstars Beauty and the Beast aka Argentine-Swedish Amanda Apetrea and Icelandic Halla Ólafsdóttir pop by Edison to present an (in all sorts of ways) intimate performance. The crazy genius Tesla is here, too. If you don’t already know: Edison and Tesla were at war with each other. We have asked the equally genius, Swedish choreographer Stina Nyberg to bring his spirit. Lightning will strike. All this + the fourth edition of New Sh*t curated by Danish-Honduran and streetwise Liva Xamanek Lopez.

We have chosen the performances based on our common predilection for urgent works that affect us regardless of our different preconditions. For this is what dance is capable of: To communicate immediately and directly from one body to another with a universal language that conveys emotions, moods and connects us to something that we remember or recognize on a conscious or unconscious level. Common to the five works in this year’s program is that they clearly draw on popular culture; some of them play with death; all of them negotiate gender, norms and power. They have things at heart and are furthermore created by strong choreographers who have never been presented in Denmark! We complement the performance program with artist talks and top up with DJs and social formats where we share the joy of finally being together - together for great art, pop and party. It’s POPDEATHPOWER. It’s Dansehallerne x Betty. A warm welcome, Elisa Kragerup Artistic director, Betty Nansen Teatret

Danjel Andersson Artistic director, Dansehallerne

PART TIME ROBOT / Foto af Simone Ballan



Imagine that two superstars in the magnitude of Lady Gaga or Kiss make a comeback tour. But instead of playing the stadiums they return to an intimate blackbox to create a unique performance for their most devoted fans. You. They promise to reveal everything. Really everything. And that’s where it starts. No way of telling where it goes from there. On their comeback tour, Beauty and the Beast make a stop in Copenhagen. At last! - Director of Dansehallerne, Danjel Andersson about DEAD by Beauty and the Beast

By Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir 22-26 March / 20.00 at Siloen, Edison Part of the program POPDEATHPOWER presented by Dansehallerne x Betty

Please also join us for: 25 min artist talk with Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir after the performance 23 March

About DEAD by Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast is a fake band, a dance performance, a party, a workshop, a movie and a lifelong collaboration between the choreographers Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir and some of their friends. Their latest dance performance is called DEAD. There is a story that tells of Beauty and the Beast’s fascination with their own shadow. They kept looking at it, pecking at it, scratching it, fisting it, burning it, licking it. Until one day their shadow woke up, became alive and ate them. Beauty and the Beast are now “DEAD”. DEAD is a pornographic poetry reading and dystopian dance performance that merges the beauty of darkness and the in-between. Apetrea and Ólafsdóttir play with existing conventions and friction that occur when merging high and low culture art forms, such as poetry and contemporary dance, together with the raw power of the two rock star alter egos that came to life in their previous work with Beauty and the Beast. Wearing makeup that brings out their inner demons, the performers move in death rolls, screaming at forgotten fears and squirting blood, licking the audience and contacting the dead.

The duo unfolds and confronts the shame that often lingers around female sexuality and explores bodies that dare to shamelessly take up space. Using expressions of sexuality, body and gender they flirt with the power of horniness and lust. A power they believe can move mountains. They have the desire to find the poetic and the beautiful in what is usually considered ugly, disgusting and forbidden. They look for stuff that generates joy, sorrow, anger, hope and infinite desire. Beauty and the Beast collaborate with the composers and musicians Zhala Rifat, Karin Dreijer and Linnéa Martinsson who write music to Apetrea’s and Ólafsdóttir’s poetry in DEAD. They are three different artists who have smuggled dance and choreography into their stage performances. The three of them have feminist practices and create music on their own conditions and with fuck loads of integrity. DEAD will be performed under consent in agreement with its audience, which means that anyone who enters agrees to whatever will happen during the show. It also means that anyone can leave at any time. As always it is about you and them and all the love in between.

CREDITS With and by: Light and scenography: With music by: Text: Tailor: Producer: Photo: Professional feedbackers: Sound mix: Technician: Administrative structure: Co-produced by

Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir Chrisander Brun Karin Dreijer, Linnéa Martinsson and Zhala Rifat Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir Kajsa Lisa Larsson Sara Bergsmark Märta Thisner Nadja Hjorton and Chrisander Brun Elize Arvefjord Björn Kuajara Det kunstneriske kooperativ Interim kultur MDT, Atalante, Dansstationen and BUDA Art Center, with support of The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, The City of Stockholm and Swedish Arts Council. This presentation is part of the project [DNA] Departures and Arrivals, which is co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Commission.

About Beauty and the Beast For more than two decades the duo Beauty and the Beast, choreographers Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir, have remained a mythical force in dance. Beauty and the Beast is a fake band, a dance performance, a party, a workshop and a lifelong collaboration between Apetrea and Ólafsdóttir. They have been working together and apart in various constellations and projects for years now. It is always about friendship, and they are never alone. They have collaborated with DEAD, Beauty and the Beast, jazz dance,

danceoke, Nadja Hjorton, Emma Tolander, The Rite of Spring, spiritualism, realism, feminism, Sidney Leoni, The Swedish Dance History, Stina Nyberg, Zoë Poluch,The ÖFA-collective, Emma Kim Hagdahl, THE FUTURE, Mica Sigourney, Mychoreography, Jessyka Watson Galbraith, Lisen Rosell, Chrisander Brun, Mårten Spångberg, The Prix Jardin d’Europe 2013, Undertone, A Series of Event 2012, Krööt Juurak, Alice Chauchat, Siri Hjorton Wagner, Giselle, Märta Thisner, MDT, Reykjavík Dance Festival, Tupp festivalen, Impuls Tanz, Samlingen,

BUDA, Louise Höjer, Iceland Academy of The Arts, Riksteatern, Atalante, Dansstationen, Eleanor Bauer, Iki Gonzalez Magnusson, Sara Bergsmark, Björn Kuajara, Margrét Seema Takyar, Shirley Harthey Ubilla and Sandra Akiiki, Nordwind Festival, Quarter Block Party, love, lust, smoke, wind and fear.

About Halla Ólafsdóttir Halla Ólafsdóttir is a dancer and choreographer with an MA in choreography from DOCH, Stockholm (University College of Dance and Circus), and studied dance at Balettakademin in Stockholm. She always works collectively in various constellations that look for ways of expanding the notion of choreography. A big part of her work revolves around inventing new formats for dance performances and how politics and gender are projected onto body movements. As well as using recognizable material from art and popular culture and exploring what happens when it is put in the context of contemporary dance. Halla has been creating performances and workshops for the past 11 years which have toured to festivals and venues in Europe and the United States.

About Amanda Apetrea Amanda Apetrea is a performer and choreographer based in Stockholm. In her work she integrates political theories such as feminism, sexpositivism, body positivism, and queerutopism. Apetrea went to Ballet Academy in Stockholm and has a master in choreography from DOCH (University College of Dance and Circus), Stockholm. Her works are marked by her significantly feminist point of view that calls into question larger power structures of modern world through the performance of classical and cultural dance, spectacle and conceptual performance. Her current works challenge structures that restrain and inhibit the microcosm of the choreographic field as a reflection of society at large.



CUTTING-EDGE PERFORMANCES, TALKS AND MORE Dansehallerne x Betty is a strategic collaboration between Dansehallerne and Betty Nansen Teatret Curator: Danjel Andersson Producer: Eva Steen Nordhagen Assisting producer: Sofie Pedersen Curator, New Sh*t vol. 4: Liva Xamanek Lopez


5 March – 2 April 2022


Edison, Edisonvej 10, 1856 Frederiksberg C

More info & tickets: /

Producer, New Sh*t vol. 4: Anne Mette Berg PR/Communication: Eva Steen Nordhagen, Marie Lundgaard, Jette Lin Nielsen , Anne Basse, Simone Staack Hedelund, Kasper Boll, Sebastian Nervil Graphic design: Karoline Schapiro Production manager: Nils Engelbrecht-Sørensen Technicians: Fabián Carvallo, Mogens Kjempff, Per Lydersen, Carl-Emil Amundsen, Sune Bang, Weronika Andersen, Madelaine Lind Hoppe, Ariellah Winther, Sven Kristoffersen

The program is supported by





Curated by Liva Xamanek Lopez Duration: 90 min Language: English From 12 years

DJ Billow_40 from UUMPHFF Radio kicks off the evening

New Sh*t vol. 4

DJ Billow_40 from UUMPHFF Radio + celebration until midnight

9-10 March / Edison


16-17 March / Edison


25 min artist talk with Ofelia Jarl Ortega after the performance 16 March

Ofelia Jarl Ortega Duration: 90 min From 12 years

DJ NAH CARE + hangout until midnight after the performance 17 March

22-26 March / Siloen Edison


He’s Dead

25 min artist talk with Malik Nashad Sharpe after the performance 9 March

Malik Nashad Sharpe aka marikiscrycrycry Duration: 50 min Language: English From 12 years


DEAD by Beauty and the Beast

25 min artist talk with Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir after the performance 23 March

Amanda Apetrea & Halla Ólafsdóttir Duration: 60 min Language: English From 15 years

29-31 March / Siloen Edison


1-2 April / Edison



25 min artist talk with Inés Belli after the performance 30 March

Inés Belli Duration: 63 min From 12 years


Stina Nyberg Duration: 65 min Language: English From 12 years

DJ Malika Mahmud + spring celebration until midnight after the performance 1 April 25 min artist talk with Stina Nyberg after the performance 2 April

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