Heartbeat 2020 Term 2 Week 2

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B Y9 & 10 PARENT SURVEY ATTENDANCE INFO NEEDED FOR ALERT LEVEL 3 If you are a parent/caregiver of a Year 9 or 10 student, please fill out the e-form that was emailed to your family yesterday. This will give us the information we require to prepare for children who are not able to stay at home who need to attend Avondale College next week.

TERM 2 WEEK 2 22 April 2020

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents / Caregivers On Monday the Government decided that we will move into Alert Level 3 on 28 April, and following that schools may start to re-open. From the 29 April Avondale College will be open, but only for students in Year 9 and Year 10 who need to attend. If you can, you should keep your child at home. If your child has a health condition that means they are at a greater risk of a severe illness you must keep them at home. If your child is sick please also ensure you keep them at home.

IN MEMORIAM: ROBERTA PETERU It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the passing of one of our staff members, Roberta Peteru. Roberta was a much-loved member of our school community, and for many families and students, her role as Attendance Officer meant that she was the ‘face of the school’ for them. Roberta was a dedicated staff member at Avondale College for over 16 years, who only officially left her role a few weeks ago. She will be remembered for her love for her family (including her school family), her incredible work ethic, her deep Christian faith, and her commitment to our Samoan students - especially her involvement with the Samoan Group. We will miss her good humour, positivity and kindness. I am sure that you will share our deep sadness at the loss of such a wellliked member of our Avondale family. Matou te lagona faatasi le agaga fa'anoanoa ona ole tala ua logo mai, ua valaau le Atua ise tasi sa galulue fa'atasi ma i matou, ile kolisi o Avondale. Avea ia lenei itula, matou te fa'afetai atu ai, ia Roberta ona o galuega lelei sa ia faia mo le Aoga, i lau fesoasoani ma lau auaunaga ile Aoga ae maise alo ma fanau a Samoa ile kolisi.i totonu le Kulupu Samoa fa'apea fo'i vasega ole Gagana Samoa. Sa e auauna male fa'amaoni, sa tau le taua lelei ae silisili o lou fa'amaoni i lou tiute sa tofia ai oe. Fa'afetai, fa'afetai lava Roberta. Ia fa'amanuia le Atua i lau malaga 2 Timoteo 4:7

In order to ensure the safety of those children and our staff who do come to school, we will be operating with strict enforcement of health and safety measures. Students will be closely supervised and there will be physical distancing in class and at break times. Very limited interaction between students will take place. During Alert Level 3, teaching through Distance Learning will continue, to support your child at home. Students who need to come to school will be provided with a personal space where they can work on the Distance Learning activities that their teachers are setting. Usual school lessons will not take place. Students attending school will need to wear full school uniform. The school canteen will not be open in the first instance, so students should bring their own food for the day. Water fountains are currently turned off so students should bring water bottles. To assist us in planning for next week, parents of Year 9 & 10 students should complete the survey emailed to them yesterday. Further information will be sent to the families of students who need to come to school in due course. I would like to thank all our families for supporting your children on their journey as independent learners through Distance Learning. It is really encouraging to see the vast majority of our students engaging with the learning that their teachers are setting, joining online lessons, and submitting work by the required deadlines. Finally, I wish all the best to our Muslim students and their families as they commence Ramadan later this week. Ramadan Mubarak. Mrs L Watkinson Principal




to recognise my messy hair once we’re back on school grounds. Quick shout-outs to the Kapa Haka Group (gutted about Polyfest still), the Librarians (who are hopefully using the convenience of home to read lots), and my Year 9’s in 9GMN! I’ll make the guess that most of us have been stuck almost entirely in our rooms over the past month. I’m no different and, as an only child in a small household, this has meant the only two things keeping me company are: my phone screen and my computer screen… And for the seniors who aren’t returning to school *just* yet, Tristan Mona - Deputy Head Boy as a result of the Level 3 guidelines that will continue to keep us away from each Talofa, School Community! other a little while longer, this can be an We’re coming up to the part of the year isolated period of time. As an extroverted where you guys will get to know and be person outside of the house, this adds able to recognise the extended group of to my suffering – and to those who can senior prefects for 2020 – myself included fully enjoy their own company, feel free to – and in the obvious circumstances we enjoy my envy too. won’t be able to do this in person. I’d The worst part about keeping such a much rather be explaining myself face to distance between us students in my mind face but I’m grateful that we still get an is probably the fact that it makes it harder opportunity to reach out here. for us to really know how the people we My name’s Tristan: I’m a Pasifika student care about are feeling. Issues are hard of Samoan descent, an employee at to pick up on from behind a screen, and Noel Leeming and someone who really even those we’re aware of will likely be wishes they learned how to play a difficult to work out when our support has musical instrument. I’m often roaming to occur between devices. It’s my dream around, and many of you might learn that those out there who are struggling

to cope are doing their best to reach out to anybody who they believe can support them, and believe me, there’s always someone who can out there somewhere. To repeat what Olivia and Dylan said last week, the Guidance Councillors and PSSP team are still active if you feel comfortable communicating with them. There’s been times in high school where I wish I had done so. If there is one of those magical five HEART values I have in mind for us students to hold onto at the current stage of the pandemic, it would be tenacity. When the restrictions really start to loosen for the COVID-19 response it might start to feel like a seal of approval to try enjoying each other’s company in person as much as we did just over a month ago, but the reality is that the effort to slow down new cases is going to have to continue. Hopefully, we keep up the desire to consider the safety of not only ourselves but our friends and their families. Please be tenacious and persistent in that sense. Celebrate the little victories that you manage over the next few weeks. If you’re a teacher reading this, please go easy on us because online learning is hard. Much love, Avondale.

about myself. My name is Sophie and I have been entrusted with the role of your Deputy Head Prefect for 2020. Ever since I started as an optimistic young junior, I have been heavily immersed in the Performing Arts side of the College. I have had the privilege of being involved in school shows, co-curricular dance groups, Showquest and Dance Showcase – it’s fair to say I’m involved in all aspects of dance! Dance is such a large part of my life at College and it has greatly helped in building connections and friendships with so many amazing people. I would like to Sophie Francis - Deputy Head Girl encourage you all when we are back to ‘our Kia Ora, School! normal’ at school to get involved and find something you would like to give a go; you I would like to start by recognising never know where this may lead you. that our current situation within the COVID-19 lockdown has had a great Throughout lockdown, the thing I impact on all aspects of our lives. I am personally have missed the most has been fortunate to have the opportunity to use not seeing people face to face. Lacking this platform, alongside my fellow prefect that sense of connection to those you care team, to spread words of encouragement about is difficult; however, this lockdown and positivity to our community. period has reminded me of one important thing: to keep those connections going. For the many of you who may not know me, it is only right that I tell you a bit The connection between yourself and

your friends, your family, and the wider world are so important. We are privileged to live in a world of technology where this can be made easily accessible. Something as simple as video calling or messaging a friend or family member you have not talked to in a while can have such a significant impact on them and requires little effort from you. I would also like to acknowledge the immense amount of support that is available for those who need it and to remind you that Avondale’s Guidance team and PSSP group are available to help, as ever.



Despite this challenge we face today, everyone has the power to decide how you can respond. I encourage each of you to take time for yourself. Look back on what you were hoping to achieve, reflect on those goals and endeavour to make them happen. Most importantly, have fun within your bubbles. As always, stay safe and be kind. Sophie

THOUGHTS ON WELLBEING Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students I hope this edition of Heartbeat finds our Avondale College school community safe and well in their respective bubbles. An important aspect of staying safe and well in our bubbles is that we acknowledge and pay attention to the mental wellbeing and health of our loved ones. This week we are incorporating a message from our Safe School Leaders, who support the school and the students to maintain wellbeing and a zero tolerance to bullying behaviour at Avondale College. We encourage you to share this with your children and hopefully it will be a great opportunity for the family to all talk and support each other about this important issue. Mr Jin Tai Director of Guidance In these uncertain times, our sense of wellbeing is tested as we navigate the challenges that arise when we are confined to our ‘bubbles’. Having to readjust to this strange new environment is extremely disconcerting and mentally draining. Time seems to drag on, as hours become days and we all wonder how much longer we will have to go without seeing friends and enjoying many of the everyday happenings that are impossible from a two-metre distance. Each of us have a balance of nourishing and depleting activities in our everyday lives. Nourishing activities are those that we enjoy doing, they refresh, strengthen us and bring us joy. However, we do not have to do them. Some examples might be reading a book, painting or playing video games. In contrast to this, depleting activities are ones which we don’t necessarily enjoy but have to accomplish. For example, doing laundry, completing assignments or drying the dishes. When we are removed from our regular routines, our balance of nourishment and depletion is thrown off. In the coming weeks, make a point of taking time to nourish yourself, set a time each day to complete activities that are for the sole purpose of making you happy. Surround yourself with those who empower you and be sure to keep in touch with friends and loved ones who are outside your bubble. Try to maintain as much of your regular routine as possible, this means going to sleep and waking up at regular times, getting at least a little bit of exercise each day and eating meals at certain points in the day. By keeping some form of routine, it becomes easier to manage your time and build a sense of purpose. Stay strong and be well, The Safe School Leader team Here are some useful links and resources: https://thelowdown.co.nz/behaviours https://wellplace.nz/facts-and-information/mental-wellbeing/ School counsellors: - Mr McMillan – mcm@avcol.school.nz - Mr Tai – tai@avcol.school.nz

- Ms Sinisa – sna@avcol.school.nz - Ms Jennings – jns@avcol.school.nz


TEACHER ONLY DAY Monday 27 April is a public holiday (ANZAC day observed), and on Tuesday 28 April the Ministry of Education has made the decision for all schools to have a Teacher Only Day. Students should not expect to receive work or to see their teachers online over those days.


"Form V General enjoys a class period in the College Library" This photo was taken in 1948 - the year that the school was closed for most of Term 1 because of the polio epidemic in NZ... During this time students were mailed packs of correspondence work to be completed at home and mailed back to school (with free postage) for marking! "Regular assignments were prepared by the Staff, posted to the pupils and returned, post free, for marking - no small undertaking for a school with a roll that was over a thousand. The Staff, present as usual, worked hard, not only setting and marking their own assignments but giving practical help in the preparation and distribution, all cooperating under the expert organisation of Mr O'Sullivan, Acting First Assistant... The heaviest load was undoubtedly borne by Miss Clough who had the responsibility of providing several thousands of typed assignments for each posting. Some of her senior pupils were granted special permission to come and help, there being no great risk [of contracting polio], it was believed, with such a small number. They were kept busy typing stencils for the hand-turned Gestetner to run off sufficient copies. Using the handle became physically exhausting and some of the men who came to help did yeoman service. Copies were laid out in piles for a staff team to collate and prepare for posting." Source: "Avondale College 1945-1995, The First 50 Years" 3

SENIOR MID-YEAR EXAMS There will not be school exams during the week of 18-22 May. During the term departments will set alternative assessment activities for students to complete either through Distance Learning or once we are back at school.


MESSAGE FOR OUR MĀORI AND PASIFIKA FAMILIES “Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toi roa”. This whakatauki means “let us keep close together, not wide apart". In these unfamiliar times it is vital that we work as one unit to communicate and understand each other. This is a message from the staff here at Avondale College to help support and reassure you that, even though we cannot meet face to face, we are here for you and your tamariki. As a school we strive to provide valuable teaching and learning experiences to all our students, these circumstances are very different to the norm but we will try to keep our students on track to succeed in all of their classes. – Whaea Ngarama, HOD Māori

DEVICES AND LEARNING MATERIALS Thank you for the information that you provided us with regarding your child’s access to learning at home. The details have been sent through to the Ministry of Education and they will be coordinating the delivery of devices. We expect them to prioritise Year 13 students. We have also ordered workbooks for those students who do not have a device.


taurewa@avcol.school.nz TRIP CANCELLATION: Trip 3, Year 13 Trip 3a, Year 13 Trip 4, 10MKE/10EKR Trip 5, 10 LGR/10SKN Regrettably, following government directives regarding COVID-19, the above trips have been cancelled. While any cancellation of Taurewa Camp is done with great reluctance, we are confident this was the appropriate action to take. It is possible that there may be further cancellations in the weeks to come. Any payments already made for camp costs will be refunded. We regret this cancellation and hope it does not cause too much inconvenience.


It is important to remember not to worry. We are very aware how challenging this time will be for us all. However, with thorough preparation, organisation, routine and communication, we will get through this together! Here are some words of encouragement and examples from some of our Pasifika staff on how to support your child with distance learning. Message for our Tongan Community Si’i ngaahi mātu’a tauhi fānau, ‘ofa ‘oku lelei pē ‘a e me’a kotoa mei ‘api na lolotonga ‘a e taimi faingata’a ni koe’uhi ko e mahaki Covid-19. ‘Oku mau kole ke hokohoko atu ai pē ho’o tokoni mo e poupou ki he ako ‘a ho’o tama' ‘aki hano fakapapau’i ‘oku ‘i ai ha feitu’u lelei ke fakahoko ai ‘a e ako' ‘i ‘api. ‘E lava pē ke fakahoko ‘a e ako ‘a ho’o tama' ‘i he funga tēpile ma’u’anga me’atokoni' pe ‘i ha loki faka’aonga’i ki he ako' pe ko ha tuliki lelei pē ‘i he loki mohe' pe loto fale'. ‘Oku mahu’inga ‘aupito ke ‘i ai ha feitu’u lelei ‘i ‘api ke fakahoko ai ‘a e ako' koe’uhi ke lava ‘o ma’u ‘a e tokanga taha ‘a e fānau'. – Mrs S Tuipulotu, Education Support Worker


SCHOOL BALL We have made the difficult decision to cancel the booking that we made at Eden Park for June 2020. We hope that we will be able to reschedule, once lockdown restrictions are lifted.

FAMILY CONNECTION Ua fa’amalo fai o le faiva i le paia ma le mamalu o tatou aiga ma fanau Samoa. Malo lava le fa’amalolosi ma le lava papale aemaise ai lava le feagai ai ma nei aso faigata ua to’ia ai i tatou i lenei fa’ama’i. O se fa’amalosi’au vaivai a lenei auauna fa’atauva’a, ia tatou pulupululima fa’atasi ma ia tatou galulue fa’atasi aua le aga’i i luma o le ola a’oa’oina a o tatou fanau. E taua ai lava le feso’ota’iga i le va o matua, fanau ma faiaoga aemaise le va o le matua ma lana fanau. E ala lea i le lagolagosua malosi o le matua i le “online learning” poo aoaoga i luga o upega tafa’ilagi a le fanau. Ia fa’asoa ma talatalanoa ma outou alo i a latou mataupu o lo’o avea i le aoga, ma ia va’ai outou alo, o lo’o maua pea e ia le feso’ota’iga ma o latou faiaoga i luga o le upega tafa’ilagi e ala lea i tusitusiga ma le auaunaga a le aoga ua uma ona fa’atulagaina. O le tatou galulue ma le pulupululima fa’atasi, e mama ai le avega. Ia tatou manatua lapataiga o loo tuu mai e le Malo ma tatou taitai, ina ia maua pea se nofo saogalemu ma se manuia o tatou ma tatou aiga, a o feagai le lalolagi ma lenei faafitauli. – Mr Eneliko, Teacher of Samoan Language It takes a whole village to raise a child – at this time our “village” is being tested and we are asking that we come together and support each during the new changes. As Pacific peoples, we are blessed with our cultures and our religions, they provide us with comfort and resilience. We are sailing through some tough times; you as parents and community are having to learn how to support our fanau from home – we too, as your school community, are doing our very best to ensure that education for our students continue. Our staff team here are with you, our parents, our matua, on this journey. It is important to remember that there are many ways of learning and many ways of doing things. In our cultures, you, our parents /matua, are always the first teachers, therefore we respectfully invite you to be actively involved with helping our fanau at home – they need you. We are looking forward to new and exciting learning experiences during this Covid-19 crisis, so do share with us your experiences, and remember – we are here if you need anything. May God continue to bless and guide us all through this time of uncertainty. Ia manuia. Ms Guinevere Alai, Year 9 Associate Dean and the Māori & Pasifika staff at Avondale College


The Avondale Family Connection allows families to have direct access, through the internet, to a wide range of information about their child’s academic performance, attendance, activities, events, trips, parent/ teacher interview appointments and teacher only days. The information provided includes: Class allocations, timetables, class teachers, NCEA and Cambridge results, attendance data, detention records and assessment reports. Family accounts can be viewed and student fees paid via Family Connection. Any queries or problems please email datateam@avcol.school.nz

Click here to create your login or to sign in

USEFUL LINKS Further learning materials have been made available by the Ministry of Education: Learning resources: https://learningfromhome.govt.nz/age/ years-9-13 Home Learning TV: https://learningfromhome.govt.nz/ supporting-learning/home-learning-tv Information from Avondale College: Learning at Home – Advice for Parents & Caregivers Information for Parents on Digital Learning


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