Molini d'Italia Gennaio 2019

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However, to successfully take part in a trade fair, the promise of B2B or B2C international and national contacts or the capacity of offering top-class products are not enough. You also need other “services”. Hence, the importance of a cornerstone exhibition for many supply chains - an event that is able to anticipate the new market demands, to provide training and new product ideas. «Nowadays, the bakery market is more and more related to confectionary and coffee.

The eating-out model, that is consolidated by now, focuses on the richness of contents and a variety of commercial proposals. Format development signals are worldwide and have been clearly noticeable for some years at Sigep, the place where “everything happens beforehand”. Therefore, attending a specialized exhibition is undoubtedly useful, but being where these scenarios are first announced and then concretely offered to buyers, means being on the right track to grow».


n un contesto globalizzato, i molini italiani sono “molini del mondo”: infatti, oltre ad importare materie prime devono competere con importanti multinazionali del settore. Cercare di batterli sulla quantità sarebbe come darsi scacco. Meglio confrontarsi sulla qualità, sull’innovazione dei prodotti e… sull’italianità. A confermarlo, la brand manager di Italian Exhibition Group (Ieg) per i settori panificazione, pasticceria e caffè, Giorgia Maioli. Il Gruppo, nato nel 2017 dalla fusione tra Rimini Fiera e Fiera di Vicenza, è il primo caso in Italia di integrazione tra società fieristiche.

GENNAIO January 2019


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