The Financial Secret

Page 1 March 30, 2020

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

For God and all the people who have participated in my training and personal growth.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

ABOUT THE BOOK The Financial Secret is a fantastic novel in the form of a story, which deals with personal finance written by Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides; conceived at the end of December 2017, after a critical moment that he had to live; He applied for a job at a call center an a telephone agent asks him a question: How do we make money and be financially well? The author, to answer the question, creates a fantastic scenario where a mentor, who represents him, teaches a finance course. The mentor has a different mode of teaching: through advices, questions, and activities imparted by guests, who share their testimony with the aim that the students find answer to the question posed by the telephone agent.

A fantastic finance story awaiting you!

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

INTRODUCTION In December 2017, after finding myself in a complicated situation being the co-founder of a successful business, I was bankrupt financially, and without having resources I decided to apply to a Call Center where I was given the opportunity to enter. In the English training classes, we had to talk with our coworkers. On one occasion, I was assigned to an agent who asked me: “How can we make money and be well off financially?" At that time I did not know what was the answer, although I was an entrepreneur and a business administrator and had studied economics and finance classes. I didn´t had a clear answer to this question. I thought about the answer and I still have the piece of paper that I wrote the agent explaining how I thought he could do money. The original copy is attached at the end of the book. Below I present a diagram that represents the original drawing.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

What I tried to explain is that to be financially well, he had to look for other sources of income. Each of the figures represents a source of income; he and his wife had to save and invest in creating other sources of income, in addition to strengthening those they already had. The drawing is very simple, but it took me to the idea of writing this book and find answers to the question in a broader way. TOPICS WE WILL LEARN: PYRAMID OF SUCCESS OF THE FINANCIAL SECRET

28 factors of success of the financial secret: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

1. Create and follow a life plan. 2. Proper use of the budget to save and invest. 3. Create multiple sources of income. 4. Eliminate drains of income. 5. Form good habits and have a successful mindset. 6. Congruence between productive capacity, character and what is intended to be achieved or managed. 7. Use of others' resources for your benefit. 8. Take faith steps. 9. Know what to ask so you can get what suits you. 10. Attitude of a star athlete. 11. Believe in yourself. Everything that is needed to stand out is already possessed. 12. Make ideal connections. 13. Ability to sell and communication skills. 14. Good use of time and management of daily tasks. 15. Be 100% responsible for your life. 16. Lean on mentors and form an ideal team to delegate. 17. Ability to divide long and medium term objectives into daily, measurable and attainable objectives. 18. Dreams are more powerful when they seek to improve the lives of others. 19. Flexibility and adaptation to changes. 20. Do everything with excellence. 21. Have faith that the connections in your life will be made. 22. To fulfill with what we offer. 23. Connect your thoughts at a positive frequency. 24. Self-realizing, finding the purpose for which you were called. 25. Think and break the barriers of the conventional. 26. Control your impulses and take time to analyze your decisions well. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

27. 28.

Load your luggage and walk faithfully forward. Think big and aim beyond your horizons.


Integrating the twenty-eight success factors of the Financial Secret. II. The Financial Secret, what exactly is this great secret?

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


- Ana!, Ana! Sandra insistently called her daughter. -There is an envelope in the mailbox. She said her mother. - But about what? It had been a long time since she had received just overdue payments messages on his correspondence. Ana took the envelope and opened it. It was an invitation to a course. There were also glasses with a sticker that said: "Wear the glasses when entering the course link." Ana read the invitation carefully, it said: Dear guest, you were chosen random between people of the millennial generation, who have a loan whose numbers end in seven. We are inviting you to a course that will change your life and your personal finances. You will learn a financial secret that will make you prosper wherever you want. It will all depend on you. Scan the next barcode from a phone and you will have access to the course link. This starts on 8/18/2018 at 8am and is imparted in virtual form. Do not forget to wear the lenses. We will wait for you.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Inside the invitation envelope, there is a piece of paper that says: Task1. Draw a quadrant; on the left side, place your average monthly income, derived from your sources of income. The right side divide it into two and placed in the upper right your monthly payment for loans and accounts payable; in the lower right your monthly recurring expenses and other expenses in the month. Then add the left and right side; subtract the right to the left and score the result. This will help you get an idea of whether you have more income than expenses or you are in deficit.

Ana was worried, because she had no income at the moment. Four months ago had lost her job that was her only source of income and her compensation money was over. However, she did the exercise and monthly had a deficit of four thousand two hundred quetzales, or five hundred and eighty dollars. Every month, Ana was leveraging with the credit card and each time she owed more and had to borrow more to pay the debt. Her financial life was in danger, at any moment she would collapse. She felt worried, but at the same time she was excited to have the opportunity to attend this course. She commented it with her mother, who told her that it was surely a hoax and that they only wanted to get her money. Ana researched on the Internet and did not find any information regarding an equal course. He thought maybe it was a new course. It gave her distrust but she had nothing to lose. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

She thought about her financial life and realized that it had never been on the whole well. Ana was from Guatemala City and grew up in a lower middle class home. His father was an auto mechanic, there were good months were he had enough work and invited them to eat at Pollo Campero which was his favorite place. She also remembers that there were bad months and her mother took a food stand at the door of her house; sold bread with chicken and egg, bean and corn atoll; with the money she got, fed everyone in the house. When there was no work, his father was depress and devoted to drink. Ana, from a very young age, thought that she did not want that kind of life and decided to take a university career which succeeded after much effort. She graduated as an architect at San Carlos University in Guatemala. After graduating, life did not improve completely as she imagined. Her last job had been tired and she barely had time to share with her family. In addition, the payment was a little more than the minimum wage; she lived on the sidelines. She didn't have a budget, she spent money on impulse. According to Ana, her situation would improve now that she was going to get a job where they will pay her more. With a thousand more quetzales or one hundred and thirty dollars, she thought she could hook a car and be better. Unfortunately for Ana and for many people who graduate from the School and the University, there is no course to teach them how to manage her personal finances. The night of the 17 of August of 2018 Ana scheduled two alarm clocks to make sure that she awake in time for the course. Fortunately she heard the alarm; she took the cell phone to scan the invitation barcode. After a self-scan she could see a strange place, with red curtains that looked like a Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

theater stage. The curtains opened and a message appeared saying: "Put on the glasses". She did it and had the feeling that she was entering the stage; she saw a large hall with lots of tables and a large stage in front. A man dressed in a blue suit gave her instructions to follow him and took her to a table where four more people were sitting. There were small signs on the table with the name of each. It was Tom, Joel, Mario and Sara. There were about five hundred tables with people from all over the world. Ana greeted each of the members of her table and they very kindly greeted her back. Since most people were sitting in their places, the stage lit up and an Asian man appeared who greeted everyone. At the tables they distributed devices that looked like headphones, which translated what you would like to hear into several languages. Ana chose Spanish and the incredible thing was that she could hear everything in her language, even the conversations they were having at her table. The Asian Mr. approached the stage and said: - It's nice to have you here, my name is Jack and I will be your mentor in this course; for now, all I can tell you is that I went through a difficult economic situation like all of us here. Each has a different story, but if you follow the instructions we give in this course, your situation will improve greatly. In the first topic we will talk a little about the twenty eight factors of success of the financial secret. Are you ready? - Yes. They all responded. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

The Asian said: -Next we present the first section of the course.

28 factors of success of the financial secret

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

CHAPTER 2 THE INTRODUCTION -I present to you the twenty-eight success factors of the financial secret. In a moment I will explain them. For now, I want to ask you a question: Who of you performed the task that came along with the invitation of the course? Many raised their hands. - Now I ask: Who of you obtained in the exercise, income above your expenses? Maybe there were about fifty hands raised. Then he asked: - Who of you have income greater than thirty percent of your expenses? Three people raised their hands. - Of you three, who invests eighty percent of that surplus to generate other sources of income? - Nobody raise their hands. - What is it that you do with the money? Tell me, what's your name? - Lucas. - What are you doing, Lucas, with that money you have left? -I save it to go on a family trip every year. - And you? - Whats your name? - Carla. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

- What do you do with your surplus money? - I save it to go shopping. - Anyone who has a different answer? A young man in his thirties raised his hand. -I invest that money. -Perfect - Where do you invest? -I invest in a savings account and receive interest.

And you ever thought how much of your interests you have left after taking inflation into account? The young man was speechless. - Well, I dare to tell you that you even lose money, with the loss of the purchasing power of your savings. I think you are too young to store all your money in a bank. There are many other ways to invest your money and get a higher return. The young man remained silent. Then he asked them: - Have you questioned why I ask these questions? Many did not know what to answer. - At the beginning, it is very difficult for someone to believe in our project and looking for a capitalist partner requires some credibility. Of the the twenty - eight factors of success of the financial secret there are two that are essential: The creation of multiple income sources and create and follow a life plan. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

If you want to progress in these two essential and key areas for your financial prosperity, most of the time it will require money. Unless you have an extraordinary talent and find someone to sponsor you; otherwise, it will be you who finance your life plan and your creation of sources of income. If you want something, go after it and don't wait for others to give it to you. This is one way to achieve it: Make a budget where you reserve a minimum of 20 % of your income and, of that percentage, 80% use it to finance your life plan and creation of sources of income. The remaining 20% will be kept in the bank as a liquid capital fund to be used in an emergency or unforeseen. That is the difference why the rich are getting richer and the poor remain in the same state. The rich invest their money in creating other sources of income, improve their existing income sources and finance their career by becoming more prepared and capable. What I am looking for is that they begin to generate residual income and that they invest them in the best way. Having done this and getting more income, you can include in your budget a fund for trips, cars and other tastes. The key is that you always maintain at least 20 % to invest. As your earnings increment, you may include more tastes or hobbies in your budget and your standard of living will increase orderly without sacrificing your savings.

Now I will explain shortly some of the components of the diagram of the twenty-eight success factors of the financial secret.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

One of them is: creation of multiple sources of income. Life is full of uncertainty, market conditions can change quickly and what it was a very good source of income, can change and even become a loss that will drain us every month. I will explain this later. What I want to tell you is that if we manage your sources of income as an investment portfolio, you must have multiple sources of income, which together complement each other and minimize risk. To create sources of income we do not need hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you use your creativity, you can do it with little money, even without investment. You should make an analysis of your knowledge acquired so far and determine how you can apply them to create the desired sources of income. Something important is that you should focus. Finding many sources of income at the same time requiring much attention can be counterproductive. It is better to start with one, leave it well established and start another, unless they are combined with others that require less time such as: selling a course online or renting a bedroom from the house where you live. We each live a different situation.

Another important factor is the removal of income drains. When using these words I refer to unnecessary or substitutable recurring expenses. I remember there was a student in the last year class that shared her experience with her habits on her spare time; every week, at ten o'clock she had a period of lunch and all working days she spent forty quetzales or five dollars. One day , she decided to add what she was spending and it result that in a year she was paying eleven thousand twenty five Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

hundred quetzales or one thousand five hundred dollars; so instead, she decided next year to take home the spare part and with the money she saved that year was enough to enroll into a makeup course.

With the new knowledge acquired, she began putting makeup to the women in her condominium; she noticed that nobody did it up where she lived. She decided to open a store, hired a makeup artist and replicated the model in other large colonies that were far from the salons. Additionally, she sold makeup at the stores and each store produces more than what she earned in her work. A year ago, she stopped working and dedicated himself completely to managing her stores and she has growth plans. What I want to tell you with all this is that you should open your mind. Many times we do have money to make the investment that will open the doors for us to achieve our dreams, but we are spending it on what does not represent us profit. If we are creative we can make very good use of that money. Another important factor is to understand that everything we ask with faith and if our actions are congruent with what we are asking for, our universe shaped in our life will act in our favor. Not understanding this is very important since if we are not in tune with this universe, it will act against us, preventing us from prospering and succeeding. There are so many variables that affect what we do, that it is almost a miracle that what we want happens. Many factors can change the direction of what we are looking for. We must be grateful and ask our creator to constantly support us and make everything collaborate in our favor.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Finally, I will tell you about the attitude of a star athlete. How do star athletes stand out? They are persistent, consistent, disciplined, hardworking and they act positively against failures; they dedicate many hours of effort to what they do and do not give up. Their victory is the product of achievements, failures, effort and discipline. To achieve our goals, we have to have an attitude similar to that of the great athletes. Jack pointed to the diagram of the twenty-eight success factors of financial secret and told them: - Learn it well, because it will be the basis of everything we will cover in the course. The topics that I mentioned are just some of the ones we will touch next. If you look at the sides of the triangle of the twenty eight success factors of the financial secret, life plan is indicated at the base and on both sides: savings and investment and faith and successful attitude. In the top is: selfrealization and fullness. If you have a life plan and persist with faith and good attitude, you will have the right mindset that will lead you to success and if we manage our resources well to save and invest wisely in obtaining our goals, using the twenty - eight factors of the financial secret, we will outperform and feel plentiful. Being at this point, our financial problems will be something of the past.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

CHAPTER 3 THE THREE GUESTS The stage lights lit up and three people sat in chairs. Then Jack appeared and said: -These characters will tell their experience on how to excel. There is no single way to achieve this. It may be that starting as an entrepreneur you succeed, or as an employee. There are millions of different stories. All I can say is that these people have something in common: when discovering what they want to do with their lives they have gone after it with faith, determination and perseverance. Jack stared at one of the guests who was on stage and said: - He 's Tim , he'll share a bit of his process. Tim got up from his chair, took the microphone and introduced himself. - Good morning! It is a pleasure to be with you today. Jack asked me to tell you my experience of how I started. I hope it helps you. It all started at my eighteen year old; I started working in a bank after having graduated from college. My parents didn't have the money to pay for a career in a private university so I went to a public university after work, going to study the days that work permitted, during five years, which was the time my audit career lasted. My initial position at the bank was a bank cashier; in the third year I was promoted to a customer service agent; then, head of an agency. By then, I had any idea of what I wanted; I just thought that what I would do would be related to banks and finance. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

I discovered what I wanted to achieve when a good friend of the bank told me that there was a seat available as an investment adviser. I applied to the position and they didn't give it to me. However, I thought that was what I wanted and that I would get that position or a similar one. I decided to study a master's degree in economics and finance to have the curriculum they requested and after two years of higher education, I sent my curriculum again; this time I was accepted as a financial advisor assistant. That was the beginning of a long journey of learning and promotion: I become the director of a major investment fund. After fifteen years of working for the bank, with savings I had made and with my compensation, I became independent. With the experience and knowledge in investments I started an investment fund for workers who wanted to achieve a greater return than they obtained in a bank. At the beginning, it was difficult, but after five years of work to make ourselves known and to partner with several companies with many employees willing to invest a small percentage of their salary in our fund, the business began to make progress.

I had formed the Tim Graham Investments Corporation in honor of my grandfather; the adventure was just beginning. Then we opened one more fund that bought real estate; We develop twenty websites related to finance; We started an insurance and bail bonds company; We open a financial advisory business. To date, Tim Graham Investment Corporation owns more than fifty businesses.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

We have plans to open a virtual bank and we are highly likely to partner with the owners of the bank where I started working as a cashier earning the minimum salary. It all started when I decided to take an opportunity that was presented to me. Opportunities arise and there are those who take them and others let them go. I consider myself fortunate to have taken advantage of it. Twenty five years ago, saying that I would partner with the owners of the bank where he worked will had heard as a joke. Being where I am now, was a process of constant work, acceptance and pursuit of challenges. What I can advise you is to have a vision of what you want and go after it. - Good luck. The audience invaded the stage with applause. - The name of our next guest Simon. Let’s welcome him with a warm applause. He was a tall and senior man, went to the stage and took the microphone. - What I will tell you today is not a perfect story, but it is the story of my life. When I was forty-five years old, I woke up drunk on a sidewalk and saw a man walking, about fortyfive years old, with two children and a pretty woman. The man felt pity for me and gave me a hundred quetzales bill equivalent to thirteen dollars. I was surprised, because nobody had given me so much money. What seemed curious to me is that he said: "Do something valuable with it". - The first thing that happened to me was to buy a bottle of rum, but this time I didn't. I thought that if I wanted to do something valuable I would have to get away from alcohol. I Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

had several needs and my desire to drink made it very difficult for me to contain myself and not spend the money. By casually I passed by a steel deposit and with the hundred quetzales bought a steel bell. At that time I lived in an abandoned house, which belonged to my brother; I took the bell to the house; it was rusty but had a nice design. My brother gave me one thousand three hundred quetzales, or one hundred and seventy dollars to live in and that was more than enough. It was half the rent of the house that belonged to my parents. I decided to fix the bell. I painted and decorated it, based on my grandfather's magazine. I wanted to make a good impression. I dress well and headed to a rich neighborhood to offer it. Fortunately, a lady pass by walking with her dogs; she liked the bell so much that she paid me seven times more than it had cost me. That money helped me to buy other recycling products that I could fix, I already had a business. I decided to open my own store where I chose the best of each recycling and sold it at at least double the cost. After seeing the demand that existed for steel construction, with a Chinese friend I decided to bring two steel containers from China which was sold very quickly. Then we bought equipment to assemble steel beams and in ten years, we had set up an industry in steel. Today we have more than five hundred different products and we expanded to over fifteen territories; we have a thousand and five hundred franchises to which we supply products. The bell had become a steel empire; now at my seventyfive years -old, the business is handled by my kids and I dedicate myself to do motivational speeches. People wonder how, after being a drunk, I built the steel empire Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

of which I am the main shareholder ; I will answer that was primarily the impact of the words of that man that gave me a hundred quetzales. If I had not heard those words, I would never have realized the opportunity in steel and never acted. Another part was that I had already had unpleasant experiences and had nothing to lose. There was no fear of failure. Something else I did was take one hundred percent of responsibility for my actions; enter Alcoholics Anonymous where they helped me control the addiction. I want to end my participation by telling you that it is never too late to start. In life you must take the reins and act; Postponing will not take you anywhere. Set goals and constantly strive to achieve them. Thank you. The audience couldn’t stop to applaud. After this talk, Ana wondered: When she would start to take her master in interior design. That would be something that she would stop postponing. The third speaker rose from his seat and took the microphone. - Good morning. My name is Maria; I will briefly share my story. Since I was a child I was passionate about running. I run from my house to school, but my mother forbade it, because she said that It would not take me anywhere and that I had to study. My father had died when I was five years old; my mother had to hold the house expenses. We were five brothers; Many times we fell short of food in the house. There were days I ate only one time.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

When I graduated from school as a bilingual secretary I got a job at a call center after trying multiple times. While there, I met a group of friends who were jogging; I decided to join them. We met at five in the morning to run around different parts of the city. We usually went to the most important avenues. We ran two hours every day. Then we begin to participate together in marathons; that's how I started to enter the world of runners. Five years later, I had won various marathons. I saw a lot of people that were interested in racing and I decided to create, with a friend a foundation which we called it: "Let Run and Save Lives". We organize races in different places and half of what we earn we donate to various foundations. We locate our races in Facebook and in the press. Many people sign up for them. We try to make them interesting with activities such as: climbing volcanoes, running through valleys and attractive tourist sites. Thank God and our effort, the foundation has grown considerably and today I completely dedicate myself to deal with it. We have received support from organizations from different countries and open stores where we sell clothing and accessories. We are in five countries, we have a radio program, a magazine, several websites and we organize hundreds of events a year. My childhood financial problems are history; two of my brothers work at the foundation. Thanks to these events, many children receive support. All I have to tell you is that all this is thanks to God, who somehow connected me with my passion. When we do something we are passionate about, we are willing to go the extra mile, which very few do. Excelling

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

requires effort and have a clear vision of what we want to achieve in the life. I thank your attention and invite those that have not, to define what you want to do and to give a step every day until you reach your goal. The goal is reached step by step but each step adds up. God bless you all. The audience invaded the stage with applause. Jack took the microphone and said: - Now we will talk about the first success factor of the Financial Secret which is: Create and follow a life plan.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack expressed: -The first success factor of the Financial Secret is: crate and follow a life plan. This is very important because if you do not know where we want to go, it is impossible to reach a desired location. Defining it is indispensable for our life. In addition to having it, we need to be one hundred percent committed to comply and be very sure of that we can really do if we pay the price required to carry it out. Imagine that we own our own Universe shaped in our lives, all we want we can achieve and attract, but we must know clearly what we want and here is the important thing to make a life plan. Next, a student from last year will share their life plan. A young man in his thirties introduced himself: -Hi! my name is Erick. Today I will talk about my life plan. There are several ways to structure a life plan, but I will show you the way I did it. Erick projected a slide whose title read: “Descriptors." The following information appeared: DESCRIPTORS: HUSBAND, ECONOMIST, WRITER, BUSINESS ADVISOR, ENTREPRENEUR, MARKETER, REAL ESTATE PROJECT DEVELOPER, HAPPINESS FINDER - The first thing I'm going to put are descriptors. Take the digital notebook that is in the place where we assign you and start. Write in capital letters. In my case, my descriptors are the ones that appear on the slide. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

These descriptors with a word or short phrase inform me how I visualize or how I would visualize me in the course of my life plan. -We will also make a special purpose with eight words:



to our

Mine is: “Generate well-being to others by realizing my vocation” -I will assign you fifteen minutes descriptors. Please do it.

to write your

Ana already had her descriptors. Among them: photographer, interior architect, philosopher, wife, mother, writer and entrepreneur. What also called her attention was what Erick put: Happiness Searcher, but had no idea how happiness was reached. She thought that maybe she would be invited to another course on this subject. For her eight word descriptor she placed: “Seek happiness in everything done in my life." Many had completed the descriptors and Erick changed the slide. It contained a question and showed Erick's answer: HOW I VIZUALIZE MYSELF? -Maintain a spiritual connection with my creator. - Be happy with the people that life puts in my way. - Writer of business books, economics, personal growth and fantastic literature. - With a master's degree in economics and finance and a doctorate in economics. - Professor and researcher at a University. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

- Company’s advisor. Create innovative methods for advice. - Founder of a seed capital fund (Venture capital fund). - Invest in FOREX and other markets. - Economic stability Secret guidelines).



(Follow the Financial

- The slide indicates the way I visualize myself. I will give you fifteen minutes to do yours. Ana was enthusiastic, liked philosophy and visualized herself teaching philosophy. For the first time she felt free to write what passionate her. After fifteen minutes, Ana already had her list made. Erick changed the slide. - Now we will identify our purpose and our values. - Our purpose defines our meaning to this world. Our values define what is important to us. You have fifteen minutes to write your purpose and values. Following I will show mine:

PURPOSE Contribute my life and my works for the benefit of humanity. Being happy doing what I love. VALUES     

Integrity Creativity Proactivity Perseverance Compliance with what is offered

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

    

Discipline Learning Order Give the extra mile Conclude what we do

Ten minutes passed and Ana was having trouble finding her values. Fortunately, her phone had signal and could surf the internet and find values. Ana was discovering a lot of herself which she had never expressed. The fact of making her life plan was much better than just receiving the theory. Erick changed the slide. He said: - Then we will make our vision, mission, focus and answer the question: what we desire? Explaining what we desire is a reflection of the result of what we want to achieve by carrying out our life plan. Erick projected its vision, mission, what he wanted and focus on the screens of the stage and gave twenty minutes for them to write theirs. VISION To be the most creative and original business, economics and personal growth writer, supporting my works with my life. MISSION Create works, develop projects and lead a life that inspires others to achieve the best version of them. WHAT I WISH? Be happy, feel joy, peace and be connected with my creator. Self-realize, make use of my talents, help my Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

family, my neighbor and contribute something to make this a better world. FOCUS   

Generator of innovative business models. Writer of economics, business, self-improvement and fantasy. Constantly learn and contribute the knowledge acquired to others.

Ana had never thought about her vision and mission; It seemed to her to be something important to have. Until now, more than an hour had passed and Ana was so entertained that she had barely felt the time.

Ana again used her phone to browse the Internet and look for information on how a vision and mission was made. Also she found that at the invitation of the course appeared a virtual place where she could observe with greater detail each of the modules of the course. As for the vision and mission there was enough information. She identified a lot with what Erick projected so she wrote something similar. She thought that to accumulate money, fame and power is not what will make her to be happy. Money and fame are simple means to an end, in the case of Erick, be happy, to feel joy and peace were, also, to contribute something to make this world a better place. Ana reflected that the problem is that when people think that money, fame and power are ends in themselves and not means to an end.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

With its focus, Ana was sure of what she wanted to be. There were three things she was passionate about and she wanted to focus her life on it: - Interior Architecture - Philosopher - Mom Being a mother was something she had always wanted. Erick told them: -Now we will move on to the last part that consists of defining objectives and goals by period. We will do it for fifteen years. In my case I tried to have each of the areas shown on the screen included. - Exercise, eat healthy, and health -Relation with God -Relations with our love ones. -Learning -Living a Legacy. Transcend beyond our life.

Our life has to be balanced. We cannot plan our life one hundred percent; If situations change, we can modify our plan. However, if we set goals, at least, we will have an idea of where we are going and in what direction we should go, to achieve what we want. Of course, no plan works if we don't make the most of our time. Living is in the now and many accumulations of now´s will lead to the result that we get in our lives. I remember a game from when I was a teenager, where one Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

could do what he wanted, but the game became exciting when we had a purpose, objectives and goals. Similarly, our life without a purpose, without goals and objectives becomes boring, unproductive and meaningless. Below I present my objectives and goals. You have thirty minutes to find yours. OBJECTIVES AND GOALS PER PERIODS 2019 to 2021 Seek economic stability and work on my person in search of significant results for 2021. Write 5 books and publish them. Get a job that gives me financial stability. Get a second income as a business advisor: (Q3 ,000.00 - Q10 ,000.00 ) Start a business on the web. Save money for my master's degrees ($ 15,000). Take web developer and digital marketing courses. Get out of Debts. Reach my optimal weight level. Live a successful marriage. 2022-2025 Acquire knowledge and become an expert in my field of interest with significant results for 2025. Take a Master's Degree in Economics from the UFM , in 1 year online ($ 8,000), and a Master's Degree in Finance and Economics from a University of Chile , 2 years online ($ 7,000) . Write 5 books. Grow in the business of buying and selling products on the web, developing an application and a web platform. Maintain optimal weight. Publish my written books. Support my wife in her life plan. 2026-2028 Exercise as an expert in the field of economics and business following my mission and vision for 2028. Obtain a Doctorate (PHD) in Economics, and teach at the University. Set up an advisory program for small and Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

medium businesses. Writing a doctorate thesis on the economic impact of small and medium enterprises in the digital age. Write 5 books. Take forward my first real estate development. Grow in the business of buying and selling products on the web. Attend a Catholic marriage group. Build a house to our liking with my wife. Publish the written books. Sort 2029- 2033 projects created and leave them running for 2033 .   

Strengthen the advisory activity. Consolidate my image and the future of my written books. Delegate the business of buying and selling products on the web to a CEO, Participate as a member of the board of directors.

Initial projects    

Write 5 books Housing financing business through investors Invest in currencies, futures and stocks. Teach classes at the University

Others    

Maintain optimal weight Attend a marriage group Publish written books Go with my wife on a long trip to Europe.

Now we will only put an attractive format to our Life Plan and sign an agreement, a commitment and that's it; Next, an example of a life plan of a young Christian. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

- Finally, I want to tell you that your objectives and goals do not end in fifteen years. At the end of this period, I recommend that you update your life plan and again set goals and objectives for another fifteen years. I also want to tell you not to limit yourself. Think big. Erick left the stage and while he did, many applauded.

Jack took the microphone and told them: Making a life plan can be something that everyone can customize as they fit more into their life. In the case of my life plan, the first period lasts five years, the second ten years, the third: fifteen years and the fourth twenty years. In those four periods I summarize everything I would like to do with my life. Of course it is free of change and if I need to include or add something that I will like to include I do and if there is something that I do not longer want to include I take it off. Life will indicate us. There are those who prefer to live life as it comes and there are others who prefer to have a route to follow. Whatever your decision, both ways of seeing life are valid but since the book deals with the issue of financial success we have greater financial success if we follow a path.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack arrived on stage accompanied by a lady. He took the microphone and said: - Now we will touch the second success factor of the Financial Secret. The methodology we will use to learn will be through a testimony, for this, we have Alejandra with us. Jack handed the microphone to the lady of low stature who accompanied him: she took the microphone and began her speech. - Hello friends! As your mentor mentioned, my name is Alejandra and I am originally from Costa Rica. I will talk about how the habit of saving has positively impacted my life. I remember that at first, saving was something I never did; if I earned a thousand dollars; I spent the thousand completely. I never thought about saving until at my twenty-five years of age, my kidneys stopped functioning properly. The treatment cost me four hundred dollars a month; At first my mother supported me by paying for it, but when she was fired from her job I had to see how I paid for it. I worked in a hotel, had an average position and earned a thousand dollars a month. The first thing I did was cut several unnecessary expenses and adjusted my budget to live with six hundred dollars. It wasn't easy at first, but after a few months I had gotten used to it. After two years of receiving treatment, came to Costa Rica a nephrologist from the United States, sponsored by a recognize Hospital to perform donated operations for three months; I took the opportunity to evaluate myself. The Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

doctor determined that to be well and without treatment, I had to have a kidney transplant. Thank God my sister was my donor and her kidney one hundred percent compatible with mine. The operation had been a success; soon I was leading an almost normal life. Because the cost of my treatment was lower, I had three hundred dollars left. My dream was always to open a shoe store and the cost of buying the first batch was of three thousand dollars. With my one- year savings, I brought the first batch. I got a place in the neighborhood where I lived and my mother took care of it. The shoes sold quickly. On this occasion I manage to earn twice what it had cost me; I placed a larger order, I also included sports shoes. All were sold. Then I opened another store in which I also managed to make enough sales. The trick was to buy lots at cost below the original price. I had not lost the habit I had formed to save and my savings helped me to reinvest in opportunities of favorable lots that were presented to me, as well as to selffinance in the moments that the business was not generating much money. My savings also helped me to pay for a university degree, business administration. If I earned ten thousand dollars in a month, I tried to save a good part. In this way I maintained a comfortable lifestyle, without wasting in superfluous expenses. After fifteen years of having my business I have traveled and had a good life; I think the trick is always to keep that savings cushion, and invest in what you know. I became an expert in getting lots of shoes at good prices; specializing in something are points in your favor. People look for the best in their branch. I Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

increase gradually my standard of living, but my incomes always were greater. Today I have, over thirty shoe stores and also sell online and in whatsaap. The business has grown and my standard of living is below what I earn. This allows me to take advantage of many opportunities that come my way. Five years ago I met my husband, I have two twin children and I am very happy. My kidneys have worked quite well. In my case, I learned the habit of saving perhaps in a way that I don't want it from anyone. I think you don't have to wait to have a health problem to start saving. Finally, I want to emphasize these ideas:  Spend less than what you earn.  Invest in what you know.  Become in the best in what you do.  Invest in you. Keep learning and improving. If you do this have faith in that things will improve. Thank you so much! The audience stands up and applauded. Jack said: - We will quickly review a minimum necessary budget of a single millennium.

Revenue: $ 1,000

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Monthly Budget:

This exercise can help us determine the minimum budget needed. If we make our minimum necessary budget and find that the money we earn is not enough to save at least 20% and there is nothing we can reduce, we must do an action plan to find other sources of income. We must always be saving at least 20 to 30%, to invest in our life plan or other sources of income. Many were surprised, because they considered that what they were earning was not enough for them to save and they had to find other sources of income. Jack said: -I will repeat again something that I already mentioned previously: Make a budget where you reserve a minimum of 20 to 30% of your income and of that percentage, 80% will use it to finance your life plan and creation of sources of income. 20% will Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

keep it in the bank as a liquid capital fund to be used in an emergency or special occasion. That is the difference as to why the rich get richer and the poor stay in the same state. The rich invest their money in creating other sources of income, improve the ones they already have and finance their career by becoming more prepared and capable. What I am looking for is that you begin to generate residual income and that you invest it in the best way. Having done this and getting more income, you can include in your budget a fund for trips, cars and other tastes. The key is that you always keep 20% to 30% to invest. As you earn more, you can include more tastes or hobbies in your budget (consume according to your scale of values), while saving and your standard of living will increase orderly. Jack called to the stage five participants to exercise. He asked:

perform an

If I give you ten thousand dollars at this time, what would you do with the money? The one who gives me the best answer, we will deposit ten thousand dollars to his account. Who wants to go first? A young man in a green shirt and white stripes raised his hand. -What is your name, introduce yourself. -My name is Ron ; and what I would do with the money is to organize a race giving away five thousand dollars to the winner, three thousand to second place and two thousand to third place . I would charge twenty-five dollars to participate and try to collect five thousand runners in the state of Florida. The race would be twenty- one kilometers and I would collect one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Hearing this everyone applauded. - Who is next? - My name is Raquel and with that money I would buy a lot of makeup and make a sale in the garage of my house. I would invite all my neighbors; I would leave them flyers at the doors of their homes and make it public in a group we have on Facebook. Great Settlement of Makeups! I think I would earn three times more than I would invest. Hearing this everyone applauded. - Who wants to go? - Me; said a young man in a blue shirt. He took the microphone and introduced himself. - My name is Mark. With that money I would make an application where people can vote for the best photos of different categories. The winners take the money from the category in which they participated proportionally to the money they invested. I would earn a dollar for each participation. Hearing this everyone applauded. Then a young woman passed. - Hello! My name is Monica. What I would do is open a foundation to help malnourished children. I would talk to banks, to which those who have subscribed to that foundation, agree to have one dollar debit from their credit card each month. It would be twelve dollars a year and like millions of people have credit cards, we could raise a lot of money. All the help made will be published on a site and in an application.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Hearing this everyone applauded. Let the last contestant pass. - A young man in a white shirt with red and blue stripes passed. - What's your name? - Marlon. - Introduce yourself. -I'm a lawyer and I want to launch into politics. With ten thousand dollars I think convince a lot of businessmen to win bids for the estate, and receive other benefits; I earn ten percent of everything they earn in each assigned work. We will make an excellent campaign and offer everything the people want to win. I know there will be many innocents who will vote for me. From that percentage that I would earn, I will make so much money that at the end of my period of presidency my family and all my future generations will not have to worry about money. Then we will leave the country to live as millionaires. Many have done this in my country and they have done very well. At the end of this participant nobody applauded. Jack said: -I'm impressed with the creativity and cunning of all who participated. Since almost everyone did very well, we will choose three and we will know the winner in a few minutes. He introduced themselves. - Who votes for Ron the race organizer? Many applauded and rose. Everyone receive applause except Marlon. When Marlon passed many shouted: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

- We don't want you here! Marlon was immediately removed from the course. - Rat; shouted a few. The one that received the most votes was Monica; she took the prize. Jack uttered a few final words. -Everything you do do it in order to generate good for others. Stealing and scamming is totally disapproved in this course and in any situation. - Marlon you're a thief! A voice was heard over in the distance. -Also, what I want to tell you do not have to wait until you have ten thousand dollars to start working on your dream. Save every moment you can. This is an option to collect the money you need, as Alexandra did. Now, there will be a break of forty-five minutes and we will taste a delicious lunch, before moving on to the next topic. Be ready.


Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Jack entered the stage again. - Now we will play the next factor of success: generate multiple sources of income. When I speak of multiple sources of income, what comes to your mind? Several raised their hands; Jack asked: - What is your name? And what do you think it means? -My name is Franz; I think it means that we have to make money not only from one place but from several. -Very good. What’s your name? My name is Alexandra and as the word says, multiple refers to various sources to obtain more income. In summary: Find how to have several ways to earn income. - Very good! - Now I ask, why do you think this is important? Alexandra replied: - I guess for several reasons: one of them is to minimize risk; other, seize the opportunities before us and finally, offer more variety of products and services to our customers to make them more loyal to our brand and earn more. If one product or source of income does not work out, the other may be. In addition, when you have already highlighted something, it is easier to sell other products or services to your same customers. Jack congratulated Alexandra and told she had surely studied business administration.

him that

- Have you noticed something in particular in the previous modules where several guests have shared their stories? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

The audience remained silent. - Well, I'll tell you. - All started with a source of income, which then turned it into multiple sources of income. To excel in the financial life you should create multiple sources of income. If we investigate several multi-millionaires and billionaires we will discover that they have several ways in which they generate money; either because they have a business that produces multiple sources of income, because they have an investment portfolio or because they have several businesses and several investments. Something that I also want to add is that it is not impossible to obtain them. If we look at many success stories, what these people had in common was a burning desire to excel and improve their situation. They focused on a field and began to progress. They overcame several rejections and did not give up. With a dream in mind and persevering to carry it out, they made themselves known; after they created more sources of income.

- The question for many is perhaps how we start? , How we create sources of income; There are several ways to create them.

I think we should look for four types of income sources that I call: 1) Advantage takers: which are those that we can obtain with something that we already have and start to benefit from it, such as: the fact of having an extra room at our house and put it on for rent, sharing our knowledge in an online course or Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

website, perform an advisory, sell things we don’t need, get subcontract job or an advisory based on something we can do well. If you are creative you will find plenty. 2) Those that combine with our life plan: they are all those that go hand in hand with our purpose and with what we want to achieve from our life. 3) Opportunistic ones: are the unique opportunities that we can acquire with surplus capital. Like for example: buy a property or an asset that is below its real value. 4) The diversifiables: they are the ones that we can get by investing in business or making investments outside our line of business always supported by an expert in the subject (Be very careful with the scammers). In any case, in order to make us from other sources of income, it is important that we always keep surplus of capital. And how do we achieve this? It is very easy, spending less than we earn. If we make a budget and keep it, everything we earn above that amount is saved and invested in a timely manner. If we think that our budget is very tight and that it doesn't allow us to save, we can always do something about it: there will be expenses that we can reduce; but believe me , look at the series of extreme stingy people. We can always achieve savings with coupons, lower our phone plan, consume less electricity, save on gas using public transport from time to time and many more ways. It is better to sacrifice a little and invest in our life plan, than to incur expenses in which we will never see their fruit. Let’s get into activities such as attending the university, taking a course and investing in our personal growth or investing in the Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

business of our dreams. People who have the ability to control their immediate pleasures for greater benefits in the future are more successful in life. Our sources of income should be aligned with our life plan since they are in our area of expertise; being experts in something is what will give us a competitive advantage over other people. If we have a focus, we specialize in something; if we follow a life plan, we will be heading in the right direction. Without a life plan we don't have a desired path and destination and any route we take can take us to unwanted destinations. Having a life plan connects our reality with our desires and dreams. Many complain to God that he doesn't bless us but have we ever wondered what tools we have given God to do it? We have already opened our business for God to bring us customers, we have already opened our online store, we have already uploaded our online course, we have already put our ad on Facebook offering our work? These are just a few. What I want to tell you is that the more chances we give God to bless us the better he will be able to do it because He is seeing our effort. Now is the time to launch everything we leave behind, pray a lot, and with faith and a good attitude you will see how God will take what you put at His disposal and multiply it according to his will. Believe and see.

Be creative; it is incredible when we think beyond the conventional the amount of ideas that come to our mind. Many times we are going through tough times and we have the solution to our economic problems in front of our Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

noses. The amounts of income sources we can create or take advantage of are incredible if we use our imagination. A student raised her hand and asked: - What happens to those of us who are working on something we don't like and only do it for the money? - What I can tell you about this is that the sooner you can you should start working on your life plan, even if you have to work two shifts. If the job is very absorbent, change one job that allows you to work on your life plan. There are twenty-four hours in the day and we should sleep approximately eight, we have sixteen hours left. Do what you have to do to take advantage of these sixteen hours and work on your life plan. If you dislike your job, seek quickly how to learn new skills or acquire knowledge that will allow you to find a job where you feel more comfortable and that goes according to your plan. You must love what you do. It is very important to feel good. Another student raised his hand and asked: - What is the true economic wealth? - True economic wealth is what will allow us to lead the life we really want. If we analyze well, it is more important to be happy, to share moments with our loved ones and situations that do not involve the material, than material extravagances. When we replace real experiences for material goods, we understand the true value of things and time. At the end of the day, our life is composed of the experiences we live constantly. It is strange that I mention this to you, if this is a finance course, but it makes sense when we look at the richest men in the world turned into philanthropists, because for them the Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

important thing was self - realization and not the pleasures that money buys. When you get to be aware of the true value of money, we realize it is preferable to make happy or help someone in need than to eat at the most expensive restaurant in the world.

Chapter 7 ELIMINATE INCOME DRAINS Jack asked: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

- Have you ever been near a drain when it is raining? What happens with the water? A young man raised his hand and replied: - Doesn't the water is remove from the place? -It is correct. -Well, I also want to tell you that income drainages also remove money from our credits. Without realizing it, we may be having several income drains and our money is going out of our pockets. Can you mention some income drains? Alicia raised her hand and said: -As mentioned, they are unnecessary recurring expenses that we make month by month. Another young man raised his hand and said: -I am an entrepreneur and for me the income drains in my business can be seen as: expenses that waste our resources and that we can eliminate or replace them, looking for more efficient alternatives that will provide us with the same or even better benefits. There are entrepreneurs who pay extra salaries that can be optimized, miss use spaces that instead of generating a positive return, contributes to business losses. These are some examples. All these unnecessary expenses or income drains as you mention must be reduced in such a way to optimize resources and to be more efficient and productive. Jack asked: Who else wants to comment? A young man who looked like an Hispanic raised his hand. -What is your name? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

, 'I 'm Edwin. -Edwin, mention me three examples of income drains? Jack asked: - I think it's the electricity, water and food service. Ch ... . It was heard in the distance. -Why Ch ... ? That 's my nickname, Edwin replied . Jack told Edwin: - You are not paying attention. Income drains are unnecessary expenses that we make recurring. Is water, light and food not necessary? - You're right, I think I got confused. -Olivia intervened: I think Mr. Ch is right. You will always see ways to reduce electricity, water and food bills. A tall, bearded young man raised his hand and said: I can mention other examples: I spend seven dollars in M c Donald for every lunch, knowing that lunch cost me three dollars where I work. In addition, with the commissions I earn, I like to buy toys such as swords, helmets and small planes. I spend approximately two hundred dollars a month in toys. - Very good example, said Jack. What I want to tell you is not for offending you, but we all make unnecessary expenses from time to time. I don't say don't do them, because it’s important to eventually reward our effort. What I mean is that you have very clear what are your payment priorities and once covered, occasionally, it is not bad if you spoiled yourself a little, but without sacrificing Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

your plans. It is preferable to have it contemplated in your budget. We must have a life plan and invest in it. Investing our money in a life plan will take us to where we want to go. In addition, by investing well, we will produce more income and have more capital surpluses, which we can use later to make family trips and live experiences that in the end, will satisfy us more than the money we spend on unnecessary things. A tall man passed on to the stage and Jack said: He is Sebastian and we will share his experience on how he left his addiction of carbonated water and fast food and started a thriving business of growing worms and planting cucumbers. - Good morning, I'm Sebastian. I will tell a little about my life. When I was young I weighed more than three hundred and fifty pounds. I had addiction of eating hamburgers; Every day I went to the hamburger shops that were close to my house and I ate between five and seven hamburgers a day and a double liter of some carbonated drink. I worked to eat. I had no girlfriend but my company, my best friend who is called Firulais. - Firulais came up with the brilliant idea of cultivating earthworms to treat medical problems. The worms produce a proteolytic enzyme useful for infarcts and to treat the myocardium and thrombosis; also they are typically use as a preventive strategy in people prone to generate blood clots.

Firulais convinced me to invest in the business and with a loan that I did to my mom, we started; I moved to live with him at his house. It was there that I went for a walk every day; with Firulais we went to a boxing gym. I liked so much Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

the sport that I practiced it up to three hours a day, five times a week and it make me lost weight. Little by little I lost my addiction to hamburgers and carbonated drinks until I left them completely. The worm business with Firulais proved to be more complicated than we thought; I went back to my parents house to work on the cucumber plantings we have. My father, the largest shareholder of the cucumber company , hired me again and paid the same salary I had before; this time, money abounded ; now saving the money l spend in food, I had half of my salary; I was saving it and with that money I paid a master's degree online at a University of the United States, to improve the cultivation techniques in the cucumber farm. Five years have passed since I finished my master's degree; Now, applying my knowledge, we have made my dad's cucumber farm sales grow greatly, to the point that we are exporting to eight different countries. Good habits have allowed me to maintain my weight and my self - esteem recovered. Now I go out with my girlfriend Jissel and my life has changed greatly. At the moment , I am saving to open a nursery where we will grow vegetables and fruit trees and people can buy plants, seeds , if they wish ; and cut fruit and vegetables from the crop, as if they were growing it. The prices will be more favorable than in the supermarket and it will be a unique experience. There will be courses for children where they will learn to plant and grow fruits and vegetables, as well as a vegetarian restaurant. The place will be called " La Granja de los Butch " , in honor of my paternal grandfather.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

From my experience I can tell you that many times we have addictions, which suck our income. If I had not quit my addiction to hamburgers and carbonated drinks, I would never have been able to save for my master's degree, nor the business I am forming. Also, who knows if I would be alive today with that bad diet. My income has increased and I live a better life. I want to thank you for your time and I hope I have left you something positive. I will give each a cucumber from the farm. Have a happy day. Sebastian came down from the stage with a sack of cucumbers.

In the public applauses where heard and Jack came back to the scene, laughed and said: -I hope you enjoy your cucumber and learn from Sebastian. As you notice, the amount of income drains we may be having is incredible and we don't realize it. There are many resources that we are wasting. This does not apply only in our companies, but in our investments, in our personal expenses and in other areas. A tall man with gray hair went to the stage and said: - He is Steven Curnvi; he will talk of good habits and how to have a successful mindset. I leave it with you.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 8 FORM GOOD HABITS AND HAVE A SUCCESSFUL MENTALITY Steven Curnvi took the microphone: -Hello, it is a pleasure to be with you in this incredible course that you are taking. I will talk to you about habits and having a successful mindset. Who can tell me what habits are? Maria raised her hand and replied: -Habits are routine behaviors that are repeated and are part of our daily activities. -That is right. - Mention some habits? - brush your teeth. They said over there. Steven wrote it and it was projected on the screen. - Exercise. And so they were participating and Steven writing. -Among others they mentioned are:       

Maintain a balanced diet Drinking pure water Read Pray every night Wake up early Say thank you Greet our coworkers

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

 Leave the bathroom clean. -Do you realize what you have given me? Everything is positive; we do it and we don't realize that we are doing it. To stand out it is essential that we form good habits; they will make us people with better results in many aspects of our lives. Forming a habit, according to a British psychologist named Jearmy Dean, takes time. Forming a simple habit takes approximately twenty-one days, and a habit of medium complexity takes an average of sixty-six days. The more difficult the habit is or we have to break it, it can take up to two hundred and fifty-four days. Something important is that you must stay away from bad habits, from destructive habits, which will not lead to anything good. Get away from them as soon as possible. Now, I will continue with an extremely important topic: having a successful mindset. There are a number of books and videos on this subject that have been published. Let's see some videos. After watching them Steven asked: -Can you mention some characteristics of people who have a successful mentality according to the videos viewed? Many raised their hands and said something until they filled out a list that Steven was writing. The funny thing is that there were twenty-eight statements, as well as the success factors of the financial secret. Why will the twenty-eight be repeated? What will this number mean? Ana thought. Steven read them out loud: 1. Don't aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

2. Do not confuse movement with progress. 3. There is nothing easy in life, everything good requires effort. 4. Do what you should, even if you don't feel like doing it. 5. Dream, but also have clear objectives. 6. Plan your work every day. 7. Work hard and smart for what you want to achieve. 8. Make things happen, don't procrastinate. 9. Don't assume, based on facts. 10. Live today, not the past or the future. 11. Do not fear failure. 12. Your destiny is in part on your hands. 13. Poverty is on people's minds. Change your mind and your environment will improve. 14. Think big. 15. Have a clear vision of what you want. 16. Have a positive mind. 17. Be willing to work hard for what you want. 18. Discipline defeats talent. 19. Get better every day at what you do. 20. Self-motivate yourself. 21. Love yourself. 22. Learn to control your impulses. 23. Know your talents and abilities. 24. Take one step each day. 25. Complete what you do and go all the way. 26. Don't victimize yourself. 27. Become a leader. 28. Have self-confidence. -If you read the list, many will hear it and not apply it. You have to feel it and live it. We are going to create a fictional character, we will call him Alex; he is going to be our super character. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Steven projected the photograph of a young man, in his thirties on the screen, -I'll tell you who Alex is. He is a waiter who did not finish his career at the University and dreams of being a millionaire. I can be sure it sounds similar to many of us in the course. I want us to give Alex a recommendation to achieve his dream. We will work on his dream. Do you think his dream is the right one? -It's very general. a participant mention. -It is right. Steven said. -Alex wants to be a millionaire, but he has no idea how he is going to do it. Is becoming a millionaire an end in itself, or is it the result of pursuing a purpose and a life plan? First, Alex must find out what he wants to do with his life. What will make him a millionaire? Does being a millionaire guarantee you being happy? Being a millionaire will allow Alex to have a goal, but once he reaches it, he will no longer have a goal. Alex must have a purpose beyond his life to fulfill himself. If he achieves self-fulfillment in his life and find his purpose, he will not only be a millionaire, but he will feel happy and full with what he do. What can he do if he don't have money even to invite a friend to the movies? He should establish short, medium and long term objectives. Many times we look at people with great achievements, but what we don't know is that to get to where

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

they are, they had to take the first step; so I think you must take faith steps. And what does Alex need to take faith steps? Well, the first thing is to believe. Believe that he can achieve what he set out to do. So the first thing Alex should do is figure out what he wants; Do a life plan and take the first step. Alex will be exposed to failure and disappointment, but he must continue his purpose. He should want it so much, feel like he already own it and be convinced that he is going through the process to get it. When Alex knows what he wants, he thinks he can get it; he desires it intensely and takes the first faith steps, He will feel more integrated with his purpose and will be able to endure stumbling blocks, small failures and negative comments. But if Alex continues to take steps of faith, he will be closer to achieving what he sets out to do and, at a certain moment, he will have followers, other people who believe in him that will make him feel even more committed to his purpose and life plan. Alex will begin to see the result of his work and achievements and successes; this will motivate him more and he will feel even more committed and more self-confident. When he sees that he have come a long way, the money will start coming. Alex will seek to prepare himself more and more to become more effective and do a better job, which will bring him closer and closer to his purpose. He will be a millionaire. In the end, he will realize that being a millionaire was never his true purpose. This is Alex's story, now, write yours and take your first steps of faith.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


-Come in! Come in! Jack said to three people who took the stage. One of them was a famous athlete. Jack handed him the microphone; He took it and pressed a button and a video was projected on the stage. The video seemed to be boring. It was about children learning to swim. The famous athlete asked: -Do you find anything special in this video? - Do not. They all said. -Is bored A voice was heard in the distance. The athlete said: -Well, I want to tell you that one of the children in the video is me. These were my first swimming lessons at two years of age. Thus began my career, which culminated in fifteen Olympic gold medals. You will ask how I went from being that boy who could barely swim and become one of the best swimmers in history; It took a lot of effort, discipline, perseverance, losing the fear of failure, but above all, it was a process of growth in which my capacity and my character progressed hand in hand to achieve what I achieved.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

I had to go through the whole process to become the swimmer that I am. Many of us crave something, but they want it easy, without going through the growth process that will lead us to be the person we must become to achieve what we want. Why do you think that many people who win the lottery lose their fortune in a short time and why do people who have a great fortune lose it and recover that fortune in a short time? Well, I will say that the lottery is a matter of luck; and those who lost their fortune and recovered it were people who, despite being left for a time with nothing, never lost their productive capacity and the character they formed. Redoing their fortune was more likely because they had the knowledge and experience to do it again. Now think. What do you want to achieve and who should you become to achieve it? The swimmer said goodbye and left the stage. Many people applauded him. Then a man of about sixty-five passed by and introduced himself. -My name is Leopoldo Timonel; I am the largest shareholder in a multinational furniture company. Being in the position where I am took me a lot of work and effort. If you plan to handle something big, you must be as big as what you plan to handle or even more. You build your character by walking through life, stumbling and getting up, ignoring those limiting comments and firmly believing that what you set out to achieve can be achieved, beyond adversity. Character is linked to a very strong purpose that we want to achieve, which makes us get up every day with joy and enthusiasm to achieve it. This strong purpose makes us resist difficulties and overcome obstacles. In this course it is mentioned that you have to have a life plan and I believe that Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

living your life plan to the fullest, with passion and dedication will make you stand out financially and in every way. My dream of forming a globally recognized furniture brand was possible, because at one point I planted my seed and believed that I could achieve it. Everything else was happening. Take your first steps of faith and you will see that everything else happens miraculously if you continue walking. Remember that in order to achieve something great, you have to become someone great. Get ready, educate yourself and constantly invest in yourself, read and learn everything you can about what you do. But above all, advance a little more each day. May God be with you!

Bravo, bravo, several shouted; applause invaded the room. The third participant passed, took the microphone, and introduced himself. -My name is CristĂłbal ArangurĂş. I have come to talk a little about my life, my history and how I realized that I had to change my productive capacity and character so that it would be consistent with the great challenge I was facing. I was dealing with a giant and I felt very small. I'll start. At the age of thirty-two, life changed dramatically. After being a rich and spoiled child, they give me the sad and terrifying news that my father had passed away. My father was the owner of a corporation that housed several construction companies and, when he died, being the oldest, I had to assume the role of leader of the family business. My brothers were children: one was ten and the other seven; The most traumatic thing is that he had no idea how a construction business was run. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

He had wasted much time falling in love with women; My studies were in psychology and I had little knowledge about construction. I didn't know how to read a set of plans. At first, I was paralyzed and didn't understand how such a thing could have happened to me. The solution that came to my mind was to sell the company and with that I solved the problem. That was the first alternative, but I was disappointed to learn that my father's gigantic company was just a facade: he owed more than he had. The company was practically bankrupt and was surviving despite the debt. This left me devastated. There were a lot of commitments and more than a thousand people worked in the company; they lived off their work; my conscience did not allow me to fire them. Perhaps that was what motivated my father to go ahead with the company. I reflected on what was the position where I could contribute the most; Since I had studied industrial psychology, I thought that my strong area was human talent. I started the studies for construction technician and administration courses; I started preparing and learning everything I could about the business. In two years he had acquired business and construction knowledge . An advisor in administration and industrial processes and I restructured the company. The first thing we did was identify which were the key positions in the company, placing the most capable people in each position. The main business was the construction of prefabricated houses, so we hired a foreigner who had several years of working in a similar business in another country. He brought new techniques that we were applying and in a short time we improved the productivity of the company threefold. I hired someone brilliant in marketing, as well as Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

finance, and together we created different business models and served other market segments, which we did not reach before. I think that identifying that productive capacity that I needed to run the company, and forming a winning team that possessed that productive capacity, made us raise the business in five years. To date, we are one of the largest prefabricated house companies in the world. From indebted company, we went to prosperous company, which perhaps would never have taken that step if my father had not died. It's sad that I had to wait for my father to die to react. I hope you start doing it now, before things get complicated. Prepare, grow and become that person that you have to become to manage what you have to do, or achieve what you are looking for. Wasting time and rambling will not lead to anything good. Thank you so much!

The audiences stand to applaud and a few took pictures. Jack said, "Now we will start a new topic.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 10 MAKE USE OF OTHER RESOURCES FOR YOUR BENEFIT Jack projected a graph onto the stage and asked: -Do you see anything special in this graph? Peter raised his hand and said: -They are the sales of a clothing store. I find it curious that all sales for a year are projected; some months they had little sales. What do they do to keep the business running in those months? -Well, you've reached the point I wanted to touch. What many of these businesses do is leverage with a revolving credit, or line of credit. -What is a revolving credit? -The revolving credits are loans that banks give and help us meet our capital needs at times we need more. It is an open credit, which they usually charge us for the money we use. We must return this money when our sales or income allow it. Using this type of credit can be dangerous, if we spend the money and do not recover it, since the rates are generally high. If we know how to manage it, it will free us from bad times, since we will have a constant capital flow. Credit cards are also used for this, if we know how to use them. People who make good use of money are on a budget and don't spend more than they should. Credit cards and revolving or credit lines should serve only to maintain a steady income stream allowing us to operate, not to borrow. Knowing how to handle revolving credit can make a difference in our business. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

A student raised his hand and asked: -Is there another way to make use of bank money? -Yes, another way to make use of money from banks for our benefit is when we buy a good on credit and sell it at a price above cost. Also when we rent a property very close to the fees we pay month by month at the bank. Knowing how to use our credit well will allow us to take advantage of the opportunities and bargains found in the market. -And what about consumer goods? Another student asked. -To go into debt for consumer goods is a big mistake. If we do, we are not using our credit well. This must be used for goods that will make us produce more. Many times there are goods such as refrigerators or washing machines that we have to buy, because they are necessary to use and have a very high cost, if we do it in one payment. I consider that for the necessary goods, if we provision an amount in our budget every month to buy them, there would be little problem, as long as it is stipulated in our budget. We have to remember that these goods will not make us richer. If we want to make money, we must invest. Going into debt for consumer goods is one of the worst financial mistakes we can make. Invest in yourself, in your life plan and all those opportunities that generate a positive return. After this course you are prohibited from borrowing in consumer goods unless this for which you are borrowing generates a greater benefit in terms of your quality of life with your family and loved ones. If you can pay it before the agreed time much better.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-Is there any other way to make use of other people's money? They asked. -Yes, another way in which we make use of other people's money for our benefit is when we convince family, friends or other people to invest in a project created by us. This is the best way to start a business if you don't have the money. Getting into debt is not a good alternative if you are starting. There are many situations that we have to solve in our business before it is stable enough to cover the payment of a loan. In addition to making use of money, we can also make use of the resources of others, such as: time and work that they can give us. Many times we can associate with someone who has the time that we do not have to carry out a business or project. We can use our observation and imagination; evaluate what resources other people we know have, how we can use them for our benefit and what is beneficial to them. It can be on utilized land or spaces, vehicles, who knows. Let's be creative and think. Opportunities arise that we can take advantage of and do not realize. Jack was silent for a moment and said: -We will delve more into this topic in the second series of the course. At the moment, you have an idea of how you can leverage from others' resources. We will touch on the next topic which is: Take steps of faith.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 11 TAKE STEPS OF FAITH Jack turned off the lights and projected on stage a video of a scene from the Indiana Jones movie and the Last Crusade ( ) (Kennedy, 2016) . At the end of the scene Jack said: -In this scene, the distance between the two sides of the precipice is impossible to cross, with a single step, therefore, the only way to cross is to believe (in the film reference is made to faith in God), that if You have that faith, if the belief is truly rooted within you, you will reach the other side safe and sound (Mertxe, 2016) . In the same way that Indiana Jones, in this scene, took that step by faith, we also do it when we dare to do something without knowing its result; by faith we believe that we will obtain it. Steps of faith are taken by entrepreneurs when they start a new business or project, entrepreneurs, investors, writers and many other people involved in the economy. It is only by taking steps of faith that we achieve something. To take steps of faith is to overcome logic; Go further; overcome fear and unbelief, and move on. Only in this way is life progressed. It may be that the step we take is wrong, but as Benjamin Franklin said, "I did not fail the test; I only found 100 ways to do it wrong." This quote from Franklin makes it clear that making mistakes is not the same as failing, to stop trying is to fail. If we make mistakes we gain experience and proceeding in a different way, we will be right. What is not allowed is not trying.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Someone from the stage raised his hand and asked: - Should we take steps by faith without investigating the possible results a little? Jack replied: -Taking faith steps doesn’t mean you should be imprudent and not do your research. In the case of a business it is better to test our assumptions with the least possible cost of money. Many people trying to undertake spend their savings on something they have not tried in the market. These people take steps of faith, but they must find foundations that what they are doing has a significant probability of obtaining a positive result. Supposing without foundation is also not allowed. Taking steps of faith does not mean that we do not do research and inform with data what we are going to do. Let's take steps of faith and try to collect all the data that allows us to support our decision. Analyzing the data will allow us to take the appropriate steps of faith. Taking steps of faith is moving towards what we want to achieve, everything that is not under our control, since there are very few things that we know for sure; by faith we assume that the result will be positive. In the Bible it is mentioned that everything that God can do can also be done by people who believe. If we firmly believe in something and begin to take steps of faith, we will find a way to obtain it. One step of faith leads to another; and what seemed impossible becomes reality. Now I want ten people to go up on stage. I want you to tell me a little bit about the steps of faith you have thought to take. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Ana was the first to pass and said: -I want to apply to a scholarship at a University to study a master's degree in Interior Design -Excellent! Who else wants to share? -I will marry my girlfriend; by faith I know that we will find a way to support ourselves without our parents' support. -Very good! Who else wants to share? -I will offer my photography work on wedding sites and launch a Facebook campaign offering my services. -Excellent! -I will start writing my first psychology book. Crista, a young American woman, said. Another young woman shared: -I will enroll in the singing course that I have always wanted to receive. And so they shared what they wanted to do. Jack wondered why these youngsters hadn't taken the step of faith yet. And he knew that a very important issue for what they had not done is fear. Many times fear slows us down and paralyzes us, limiting ourselves to doing everything we want and can achieve. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Jack concluded the topic by saying: -Remember, one step leads to the other; if we take the first step of faith we do not stop, we continue taking many more. The thousand mile race begins with the first step. Those who had participated on stage were happy; many applauded. Everyone was eager to take their first steps of faith. The environment inside the room had changed; now many spoke with the peer of everything they wanted to do. They were making the most of the course.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 12 KNOW WHAT TO ASK TO GET WHAT YOU NEED Jack thought it appropriate to give fifteen minutes of recess and then started the next topic. He asked: -How much faith do you have? A silence invaded the room. Jack said: Did you know that the key to achieving whatever you set your mind to is Faith? If you do not strengthen your Faith you will be lost. Faith goes hand in hand with a positive mindset since in an environment of negativism there can hardly be Faith. If you could design your world and could ask for anything you wanted, what would you ask for? Surely there would be many orders of Ferraris, luxury apartments, yachts and other luxury goods. What I mean by all this is that this will not make you happy if you do not have good relations with whom to share these requested goods. In 1938 Harvard did a research and after eighty years of research concluded that our relationships and how happy we are in them has a very powerful influence on our health and wellbeing. Close relationships more than money and fame are what keep people happy throughout their lives. On the other hand, it was concluded in the study that loneliness can kill even more than smoking or alcoholism. So knowing this information, what will we ask for now? Surely we will prioritize and ask God to put us a wonderful wife or husband on our way, we will seek to strengthen relationships with our parents, brothers, cousins and all our loved ones. We will look for our goods to share with the family and perhaps we will give priority to family trips or with our Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

spouse more than material objects. Ultimately God formed the family because He knew it was the means by which we would be happier. As the Harvard study tells us: It is the quality of our relationships that makes us the happiest, and our family relationships are perhaps the most important of all. In the diagram below I indicate a series of circles. The first circle represents us because if we are not well we will not be able to be well with anyone. This implies being well mentally, spiritually and physically. Then I included our family relationships, our friendships or social relationships, our relationships as citizens of a country, our relationships as humans or children of God and then most importantly: how we integrate all these relationships into Christ. Jesus Christ showed us the path that we must follow through his life. Relationships in Christ are relationships based on love and the collective good. I hope that after this information we will know how to ask for better. Because we attract what we think and ask based on what we think, then it is important to be clear about our priorities as I imagine that we seek to be happy and full human beings.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 13 STAR ATHLETHE ATTITUDE The lights went out for five minutes; they were restless... Then a video of a runner was projected on the screen; the title said: "Star Athlete Attitude" The video was projected on all stage screens. The athlete ran very easily and seemed to make it very easy, in the end he won the race. At the end of the video Jack asked: -Do you think it was easy? He makes it look like it was. Someone said. - Now I will mention a phrase from Usain Bolt. “Competition is the easy part. Behind the scenes is where the work is done." As Usain Bolt tells us, behind the scenes is where the work is done. -Now I ask you: What are we doing now to achieve our dreams? What are we doing to achieve each of the objectives that we have outlined? Are we doing our work behind the scenes of achievement? I tell you, I was watching videos of the best athletes in history among them I can mention: Michael Phelps (Carmichael, Top 10 Rules for Success, 2016) , Roger Federer (Carmichael, Roger Federer Top 10 Rules for Success, 2016) , Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Michael Jordan (Carmichael, Michael Jordan´s Top 10 Rules for Success, 2015) and Usain Bolt (Carmichael, Usain Bolt´s Top 10 Rules for Success, 2016) ; Everyone mentions that hard work and being dedicated to what we do is an essential determinant to any achievement. I tell you that we must commit ourselves to do our best in everything we do. We are going to carry out an exercise that will give you a better idea of what attitude you need to have to be successful:

I will show you some of the key success factors mentioned by these athletes and you are going to make a diagram where you are going to put the factors that most caught your attention; Then I want you to give advice to the public, applying each of the selected success factors; Also, tell me how you will change your attitude from now on. I will project the list (Various, 2018). You have twenty minutes. In the center you must place your name, the vocation that you will follow and where you will apply these chosen factors. Form groups with the members of you table where you are sitting. Let's start! Jack projected on the screen the success factors of these athletes: Sports success factors Let's commit to what we do and take action.  Let's be consistent.  Let's start now and don't delay.  Look for it now where you are.  Set goals for yourself. 

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Overcome obstacles  If you do not like something, change it.  Change yourself first.  Focus.  Have a vision of what you want to achieve.  Your ideas are not going to run alone.  Find your discipline, courage, and drive.  Be mentally strong to continue in the moment when everyone gives up.  Don't make excuses.  Be dedicated in your vocation.  Have goals that motivate you.  Work day by day on your goals.  Use your imagination.  Be the best.  Love what you do.  Live your dreams.  Do it for yourself.  Work hard.  Sacrifice yourself.  Have self-confidence.  Learn to lose before learning how to win.  Have heroes.  Do not be afraid.  Learn to keep going.  Have fun.  Light the fire inside of you  Be different  Overcome the mistakes that lead you to success.  Have high expectations.  Be positive  Know what you were born for.  Practice.  Ask yourself.  Work on your strengths. 

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Enjoy what you do.  Have structured goals.  Build an excellent team.  Learn from your mistakes.  Follow your dreams. 

Jack chose Ana's team to come forward. Sara was the first to pass. - Welcome, Sara. Introduce yourself! Sara said: -My name is Sara and first, I will explain my vocation: What I most want to be in this world is to be a Portrait Artist. When I paint a portrait I feel happy. I love painting and I am passionate about portraits. You can see my diagram. Jack projected it on the screen. -The first one I chose is: "Everything you do, do it first for yourself"; I consider it very important, because if you are not well, you cannot make anyone feel good and nothing goes right for you. Therefore, it is very important that we have a vision of what we want to achieve. In my case, I want to be the most famous portrait artist in Europe and be among the top ten in the world. In order to achieve this I will have to be dedicated to my vocation; love what i do; I actually love my job. I have to have confidence that I will achieve it, if I intend to; very important, we should have fun. You always have to be positive and enjoy what we do, because if not, how boring life Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

would be! If we are doing something that we do not like, we will not be outstanding in it. In closing, I want to emphasize that we all make mistakes; the most important thing is not to commit them, but to learn from them. That will make us better and better each time. From now on, I want to tell you that I have decided to follow my dream regardless of the negative comments from other people, including my parents. My mom believes that I will not be able to survive in life painting portraits. I think if others have been able to, why can't I? Before receiving this course, I had given up on pursuing my dream; But, I have new energy!

The audience applauded. Then Mario came by.

Mario projected his diagram and said: -Hello everyone, my dream has always been to be a real estate project developer. For ten years of my life, I had left my dream out of fear, but taking this course made me think that I should continue with it. If this meant that I'm going to have two jobs to do it, I don't care. I will explain my diagram. The first thing I have is: find it now where you are. Many times we say that we are going to start something, but we always say that we will start tomorrow. I tell you that the day to do it is today and wherever you are; then I want to tell you that we must focus. For many years I have been involved in doing a lot of things, which surely have served me well, but I have not achieved anything transcendental. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Find out what you are passionate about and focus. Many times, we make excuses for not doing it, or because we believe that we are not going to make it; I tell you that we must start. To stand out we must be the best in what we do, do our best; for this reason we must prepare and sacrifice ourselves. To highlight, there will be many situations that we will not like, or activities that we do not want to do, but everything is part of the process of achieving our dream. The past is in the past; now is where we must move on. We must have high expectations if we want to achieve something great; it is much better if we focus on our strengths. There was applause and Joel took the microphone. -Hello, I will tell you about my diagram. First I will tell you about my vocation. For many years, I have wanted to be a surgeon; I have been preparing for university for five years now. The first thing I will talk about is very similar to what Mario said and it is: Let's start now and don't delay. Many times, out of fear we do not initiate something that we love or desire; if we do not take those first steps, we will never achieve it, because dreams cannot be achieved by themselves. Many times we will feel that we can no longer go, but we have to keep going; let's have a strong mindset and move on. If you can't find a solution to something, use your imagination and you will see everything more clearly. Work hard; don't be afraid to make mistakes or fail. At least you are trying and moving forward. Overcome those mistakes, because they lead you to success and ask yourself every day what you are going to do today to improve yourself. Remember that if you make mistakes, you must learn from them so you don't make them again. If you went ahead and made a mistake, at least you already know one Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

more way of not doing it. That will make you closer to your goal and you won't make the same mistake again. Finally, I will tell you what I intend to do from now on: learn from my mistakes so that I don't make them again. That is all I have to tell you. Attendees applauded; the next participant passed. It was Ana. Ana took the microphone and began to speak. -Hi everyone. My name is Ana and I will speak to you about my vocation. I have always been passionate about architecture; I want to be an interior architect. The first thing on my diagram is commitment and action. We must be 100% committed in everything we do and act; ideas will not run alone. Know who you want to be and take on the role you were born for. Don't settle for something different. Light that fire inside you. Deep within you there is a person with character and courage to achieve everything that you want to achieve. Find it. On the path of success there are failures; Let us not allow failure to stop us from moving forward. Learn to lose before winning. Live your dreams, don't let anything stop you. Set goals that motivate you and, above all, overcome obstacles: let's not let ourselves be beaten. I want to comment that the way I plan to apply everything I have learned is by not giving up. Being so committed to my dream that nothing that happens will make me change my mind. That is all I have to tell you. Many applauded. Then Tom went on stage. He took the microphone and started. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-The first thing I want to share is about my vocation. I am thirty-five years old; I'm going for my first year of engineering. According to my diagram, in everything we do we must be constant. A drop of water breaks a stone, not for its strength, but for its constancy. That is why those who never give up succeed. If there is something you don't like in your life, change it. You are in control of your life. Find your discipline, courage and drive. It is only when you are willing to find it and give it your all, that you get the best results. Work on your goals every day. The day to day is what the future is building. Have structured goals; you must know clearly what you want. Having heroes inspires us to be better. Let's have heroes that we want to take as an example. Be different from the rest. People seek the unique. Whatever you do, practice it constantly. The one who practices the most defeats the most talented. If you have talent and practice, you can imagine the results you will get. Finally, make an excellent team. This goes for everything we do. Surround yourself with positive, talented, hard-working people with a clear vision of what they want. Two people think better than one. Let's not say three or five. How I plan to apply what I have learned in my life is being more constant. I have already studied two degrees, civil engineering is the last one; I plan to continue with it until I finish it. That is all I have to tell you. My best wishes.

The audience applauded and so did Jack. He took the microphone and said a few words. -What I have to tell you is to keep going. Many have changed their attitude during this course and having a star athlete Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

attitude will take us on the path of success in everything we do. Let us strive, believe in ourselves and move one step further every day. By the way, what good advice you gave us. In a short time you will replace me. Jack said laughing. There will be a break before the next topic. Jack came down from the stage and the curtains closed.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 14 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF; EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO EXCELL YOU HAVE IT The stage curtains were opened and a video was projected where phrases of successful disabled appeared. Ana wrote down some that caught her attention. Among them are (Lifeder, 2018): "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." Scott Hamilton "My capacity is greater than my disability." Nikki Rowe “Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do one thing well, you are needed by someone." Martina Navratilova "I am not at a disadvantage because of my condition. I am physically trained differently. ” Janet Barnes "Just because a man lacks his eyes does not mean he lacks vision." Stevie wonder “There are many opportunities in life for the loss of one, two or three disabilities to be debilitating. An advantage may give you an opportunity to focus more on art, writing, or music." Jim Davis "Many of our dreams seem impossible at first, then seem improbable, and then, when we awaken our willpower, they soon seem inevitable." Christopher Reeve “It is a waste of time to be pissed off about my disability. You have to get on with life and I have not done wrong. People won't have time for you if you're always pissed off or complaining. " Stephen Hawking Jack said: -If they have done it, what is preventing you from achieving what you want? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-It's time for you to start believing in yourself. This is a question that few of us ask ourselves. Do we believe in ourselves? Do we doubt our abilities to achieve something? I tell them that everything we need to achieve what we want, we already have. It all depends on whether we create it. When you firmly believe in something, you attract it. If you were in a coma, you wake up after a long time and they sell you the idea that you are a famous writer and we believe it, it is very likely that we will become a famous writer. The chances of something like this happening are almost nil, but you don't need someone to define you. You must discover it. By discovering your vocation your life will change. Visualization will help you do this. If I ask you: how do you want to be seen from now in the future? How are you displayed? To answer the question, let's do an exercise: Let's imagine we achieve everything we want to achieve; Imagine being that person of the future telling the person of our present everything we are going to become. Let's believe that we are that person of the future now in the present, and imagine what we have to do to get to where he is. The person of the future is nothing more than your being in the present, which has already traveled the path that led you to be what you longed to be. You are somebody. You are a child of God, you are a unique being and you are endowed with talents and abilities. You belong to a family, a country and you are part of a unique context. You are already valuable. God created you with everything you need to achieve your purpose here on Earth.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

When you have discovered God's purpose in your life, write it down. Remember that, however large it may seem, it is possible. If you work every day to achieve it, you will achieve it. If you have faith, working for your purpose is like sowing a seed in fertile soil. If the seed is watered when it has to be watered, that tree that is you will take shape and grow. We are each different trees and we will be different, but none is better than the other. Each of us is unique and special. The key is that we sow our seed in fertile soil, discovering what we were created here on Earth for. The sooner we discover it, the faster we can grow and become that being for whom we were designed. Doing something we don't like is like planting on the rock. No seed will prosper if the end is to be happy. Remember: whatever you set out to do you can do if you believe in yourself and in God's favor in your lives. Now we will talk on the next topic and we will do an exercise with everyone in the class. You will enjoy.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack took a basket and said - Pass the basket over all the tables and take a piece of paper. Inside there is a paper for each one. The basket circulated throughout the room and everyone had a piece of paper. Jack said: -Someone who wants to come to the front to read their paper? A young African man came on stage. The young man read the paper. He had five questions which he read aloud: Which brand is the best vacuum cleaner in the world for vehicles?  Who do you have to talk to get an appointment as soon as possible with the UN President?  Mention a law decree that specifically talks about abortion in Spain.  What is the best fabric supplier in China?  What is the best type of soil to build a building? 

After reading them Jack asked him: Do you know the answer to any of these questions? -No, I'm totally lost The young African said smiling. Let's do something, he said: Let's ask the public. -Who has the answer for the first question? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Three Young men raised their hands. -For the second, A person raised his hand. -For the third? Fifteen young men raised their hands. And so, all five questions were answered in less than ten minutes. -What was your lesson today? -I learned that if I don't have the answer to something I need to know, others do. -Yes, that is correct! That is why is so important that you make ideal connections with other people. The answer to something we want to answer, someone else already knows. The contact I need to introduce my business to the largest company that requires our product, someone else already has it. The best supplier of our raw material someone else already knows. If you want to take advantage of many opportunities, keep a network of contacts. There are several ways to form that network. Attend seminars, groups, industry fairs, college activities; there are even sites for networking that are already created, you just have to look for them. After Jack finished his speech, he passed a microphone to each of them to introduce themselves. They all did what was told. He told them: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-From now on we are going to create a group with all of you where you can ask about something you are looking for or something that you need. In this way we will all support each other. The networking is building relationships. Your relationships will open doors for you. If you are interested in joining our network, give us you contact to the following email: Now we will do another exercise where we will put into practice the following success factor of the financial secret.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack asked: -Which of you consider yourselves to be good sellers? And in saying this, perhaps 20% of the participants raised their hands. -What happens with the rest? Don't they consider it important to sell? -We are not good at selling. It was heard. - Well, I tell you that if you do not know how to sell, you will have many difficulties standing out in life. We are constantly selling; when we introduce ourselves we sell ourselves: the image that we transmit of ourselves by the way we dress, our physical appearance, the way we behave, our education and manners send signals to people of how they visualize us and create a concept in them of we. It is important that we take care of our appearance, because many people as they look at us, treat us. This is important in sales; selling yourself goes unnoticed at school and in many college majors. In any business or project that we undertake we have to know how to sell. We will have an expert who will participate with some tips to sell. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

A very well dressed and slender man passed by on stage.

-How are you? My name is Patrick, I will share some tips to be more effective in sales. I am the director of sales for one of the largest carbonated beverage company in the United States; Selling was something I never liked. I was an obese person twenty years ago, finding a job was difficult for me, not only because of my appearance, but because I didn't know how to sell. My self-esteem was low and I passed it on to people. After someone else knew how to sell better than me with my girlfriend, who was the love of my life and I lost her, I realized the importance of my image and knowing how to sell as a person. Of course, a woman like that is not worth it, but she left me a good lesson. After that situation, I signed up for a gym and lost a hundred and twenty pounds. Feeling good, I passed it on to people and got a good job, which led me to where I am today. When it comes to corporate sales, what I have to say is that when you sell something to a customer, you don't sell a product, but rather sell them a solution (Arismendy, 2017) . The first thing is to sell yourself. Earn your client's trust. A good image and presentation; Being polite and courteous speak well of you. Try to enter the conversation that is happening in the customer's head. Do not tell them that your product is the best for the solution they are looking for, get the client to affirm that your solution is the best for him in his own words. Don't sell to the person, but to the situation. Very important: you must master the subject very well. The client must see you as an expert in what you are selling them. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

They look for the best solution to their problem or need. You must know your product perfectly to present the offer to each client, according to their need. Seek to present them with an irresistible offer. People are looking to receive more value from your offer than they are paying. You should focus on demonstrating that your solution generates much more value than they are going to pay and what is offered in the market. You must show empathy with the client and resolve any questions they may have. Offer a product that truly generates more benefit for them. A happy customer becomes a seller of your product, he will refer you with his contacts. Happy clients generate testimonials that will bring you much more clients. Research your customer, knowing him will allow you to offer the best solution for him. Ask the right questions that will allow you to provide the best solution with your products. It is important that you know how to handle your body language well. Try to understand the body language and expressions of your clients. An expression can communicate a lot. Many sellers achieve empathy with the customer, but do not create closing opportunities. Look for closing opportunities. Remember that your purpose is to sell not to show your product. Remember that you are not looking for a single sale, you are looking for a relationship that will bring you many sales opportunities in the future. Good monitoring is a key factor. If you don't respond your customers at the right time, the sale may get cold. To finish, do a good job of marketing, because if your prospect is not the right one, no matter how good a salesperson you are, you will not sell. Thank you. I hope these tips are helpful to you. Patrick said goodbye and there was much applause on stage. Then Jack showed two videos of two people selling. One was an example of someone doing a good job of selling; the other was a person who did not know how to Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

sell. The difference was marked. Jack told them that what they had seen was a preamble to what it was to know for how to sell. If they wanted to delve into the subject, there were specialized courses in sales and negotiation. One of the students raised his hand and Jack told to approach to the microphone. He was a young man of about thirty. The young man took the microphone and said: -Hello class. My name is Phil and I wanted to share an example of the art of selling. A customer asks you for a soup. Maybe you can imagine a soup plate with delicious soup. You offer him a different dish that looks better; It is perhaps the same soup, served in an envelope plate accompanied by some carefully selected cookies to complement the soup, giving it a Gourmet touch. All with the desire to achieve a better result in the presentation of the same soup. Outcome The same soup improved in little details! Be careful, these details must be a real added value. You have to study and analyze what you are going to propose. It has to really generate a plus. That is what I wanted to share with you. The audience applauded and Jack said: -Now my friend Stephan will discuss some ways that you can improve your communication.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Stephan took the microphone and started: -Hello public! I want to talk briefly about communication. Your skills in communicating your story will make you a better communicator. You must master the subject you are talking about. You must be prepared. What one communicates is only the tip of the iceberg of what we should know about the subject. Use correct and accurate words as well as positive language. Talk about opportunities not problems; don't talk about your past, talk about your future; talk about what is working, not what is failing. Analyze your vocabulary and avoid negative language. You are a leader, not a victim. Communicate as a leader. You must understand and make yourself understood with whom you are communicating. People like people who are like them, or who they want to be. Communicate in the appropriate language to empathize with your interlocutor and with your audience. Be authentic to communicate, that your words come from your heart. In this way you will be able to connect with your audience. If you want to improve your communication, learn from great communicators like Tony Robbins. Practice a little every day. Not only verbal communication is important. Learn to write well. Your communication is key, if you want to be a good leader. Thank you. The audience applauded and Jack said they would bring up the next topic.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack projected a painting with one orange and one blue side. -It is important that we focus our time on the correct line. If you don't have a life plan, you may be focusing your daily time on activities and tasks that appear to be important, but are not going to take you where you want to go. Many people spend their lives working for someone else's life plan, since they most likely do not have or follow their own plan. These people look at work as something they only do for money. Perhaps the natural life plan they create revolves around their family. Their work and time focus on meeting family needs. I'm not saying this is bad, but if we don't have a clear purpose of what we want to achieve with our life and a vision, we will never stand out financially. Working to earn money to support our family will not lead to financial success. Working on our life plan to bless our family and others does. If we want to manage our time well, the first thing is to know what we want to obtain from our Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

time. Knowing this and having a life plan, I suggest that you do three to five activities or tasks every day that are within your life plan. If we manage to do this daily, we will achieve our goals. The worst problem for many people and why they don't stand out at all; It is because they postpone everything and waste time in activities that do not leave them something productive, such as : watching television. Some people spend more than five hours a day in front of the television. They watch the soccer game where their favorite team won and feel victorious, but what they don't realize is that that are the achievements of others, not theirs. It is good that we watch a soccer game to share and have a good time with friends and family; but seeing it, just to see it, is a waste of time. It is these same people who do not have a life plan who invest their Christmas bonus or any other extra income in purchases that do not serve or need them. Since they don't have a plan, they don't have priorities. If we want to manage our time well, we have to be clear about our priorities.

Poverty attracts more poverty, these people are prisoners of their status, covering only basic needs to survive. His priority is to bring food daily, day by day for his family, accepting jobs where they are exploited. If these people used more of their time for themselves, studying and preparing themselves, with their own purpose, vision, mission, and objectives, and working toward the achievement of their goals, they would begin to use their time more in activities that would get them out of the state in which they are. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

From my point of view, the main problem for many people is that they have no purpose in life, no goals. They don't know what they want; they waste what little time they have left and most of the time they invest in finding resources to survive. It is these people who believe that the government should resolve their situation and think that by taking away others, who they call wealthy, they will be better off. What they don't know is that if they don't change, their situation will never change. This is not an economics course, but it is essential that you open your mind and think of yourself. You alone are responsible for getting out of the situation you are in. You are responsible for making the best use of your time and for building day by day your desired future. We will end with a famous phrase: "A man who dares to waste an hour of his time has not discovered the value of life." Charles Darwin

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 18 BE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LIFE Jack projected an image with a large title that said: Be 100% responsible for your life. He asked the public: -What do you think it means to be 100% responsible for your life? A young woman raised her hand -I think you should be responsible for everything that happens to you in your life. -It is right. If you take responsibility for everything that happens to you, everything that happens to you will be in your circle of action and you can do something about it. There are situations against which we will definitely not be able to resolve, for example: the death of a loved one, but in most situations that occur to us we can do something. Blaming others for our problems will not solve them. Take action and take 100% responsibility for them yes. Your achievements and your failures are your responsibility. The results that these will bring to your life too. Everything that happens to you is your responsibility. When you take responsibility for your life, you encourage the necessary changes that must occur to achieve the results you expect. People who consider themselves unsuccessful are not 100% responsible for their lives, because if they were, they would do something to stop being so. They think they are as they are because of: the government, their parents, the education they received, the country where they were born and other factors. It is these people who consider themselves Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

victims and as victims, they expect others to help or assist them. Let me tell you that by taking the role of victims, we will never get what we want. Only when we take full responsibility and start acting. If you are responsible for your actions, it means that change is in your hands; if you want to change you can do it. You have no excuses not to. Now, I want to invite five people to the stage and to mention occasions when they have felt victims and what the result has been. What do you plan to do to change? Five young men passed by and Jack told them to introduce themselves. A tall, tanned young woman took the microphone: -Hello, my name is Christa; and a situation in which I have victimized myself is not following my carrier because my parents did not have money to pay me for a private university. The result of this is that I spent two years without studying and what I intend to do about it is to apply for half a scholarship, or attend a public university. A short young man took the microphone: -The excuse that I had for not marrying my girlfriend is because we have not had money. The result is that we have wanted to marry for five years and we have not. What I plan to do is get married and see how I get more income, or cut expenses by applying the success factors learned in the course of The Financial Secret. A short, slim young woman took the microphone: -I can't work, because my car was ruined. The result is that I have been supported by my parents for a year. What I plan to Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

do is go live with my aunt and travel by public transportation to get around looking for a job.

A tall, fat young man took the microphone: -Hello, my name is Max and I have not graduated from the University, because work takes up a lot of time. The result of this has been that I have lost job opportunities due to not having a degree. What I plan to do about it is sign up for an online career.

Another tall, hunchbacked young man took the microphone and said: -My name is Christopher and I have not started the business that I have always wanted, because I have no money. This has led me to postpone my dream for more than five years. What I plan to do about it is convince someone to invest in my business. Jack thanked them and told them they could come sit down at their places. He also said to them: -If you realize, most of your excuses have to do with money. If you have that mentality, you are not going to act to get the money you need. Do some research on the lives of people who have been successful and no excuse has stopped them. If you take responsibility for your life, you will find a way to do it. Now I invite you to put your excuses aside and start taking the steps of faith that you have to take to make your dream and life plan a reality.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 19 LEAN IN MENTORS AND DELEGATE, BUILD A SUITABLE TEAM Jack took the microphone: -Everything we have lived through, someone else has already experienced and managed to overcome. All the knowledge we are looking for, someone has already learned and applied in life. Isaac Newton said: "If I have managed to see further, it has been because I have climbed on the shoulders of giants." Our knowledge is limited, but if we can rely on others who have specialized in what we need to know or learn, we can obtain better results. In life we do not have to know everything, just rely on the right people, who have the knowledge we are looking for. The diversity that exists between people has meant that for each topic we need to know there is a specialist. This allows us to focus on something specific that we like, delegating or seeking the advice of others in which we do not have much knowledge. Very important: in life we do not have to know everything, just rely on the right people.

This brings us to the next topic, which is knowing how to delegate by forming an ideal team. If we understand that we do not have to know everything to stand out, we must not have all the knowledge we need when starting a business or project. If we form an ideal team, we can take advantage of each other's specialty to achieve what we could never have Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

achieved alone. Something important is: all team members must have the same collective vision; they must feel part of something important and be motivated with the right incentives, and maintain good communication. If we want to undertake, we must take the role of leaders that corresponds to us. Building a team for our venture is not far from a sports team. In a sports team each member fulfills a unique and important function. In soccer the goalkeeper is not more important than the defender, midfielder or striker. They are all important. The victory is not from one, but from the whole team. We must team up with people who have a winning attitude. Attitude is more important than intelligence or preparation. A negative person with a bad attitude will only contaminate the entire team. It is important that you choose each member of your team very well. Some characteristics of leaders: 1. Passion: being passionate about what you do. Pass it on to your team. 2. Know how to delegate to the right people. Every leader must know how to delegate. Find people with a good attitude and experts in the task for which you need them. People have strengths and weaknesses. Focus on the strengths of your team members. 3. Good communication skills: a leader must be a good communicator. 4. Be positive: seek the best from each member of your team. 5. Never stop learning and improving: you must constantly improve yourself in what you have to do. 6. Emotional intelligence: knowing how to understand the emotional signals of your team. Connect with your team. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

7. Transmit your vision: you must transmit your vision to your team. Leaders are visionaries. 8. Have a strategy: We achieve our vision by fulfilling hundreds of thousands even more, of small objectives and tasks aligned to one direction. Let's find the best way to make our vision come true. Now that we have an idea of how we should lead a team we will move on to the next topic of the course.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack projected an image of a before and after on stage. She was an obese woman who had lost a hundred kilograms of weight. He ask: - Do you have any idea how she did it? Someone in the audience mentioned: - With a lot of discipline. -Yes, a lot of discipline, but more than that, a lot of perseverance. Saying that we are going to lose a hundred kilograms sounds almost impossible, but saying that we are going to eat 1,200 calories a day, do an hour of cardiovascular exercises and thirty minutes of abs, every day for three hundred and sixty-five days a year, has multiplier effects and significant medium and long-term results. Similarly, they are our long-term goals. If we divide our medium and long-term objectives into daily objectives and advance something every day, we will achieve what we think would be impossible.

Advice Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Set three measurable and achievable daily goals, aligned to our life plan and successfully complete them every day. If we achieve this, it means that in three hundred and sixtyfive days we will have taken one thousand ninety-five more steps, which will bring us closer to making our life plan a reality.

When I refer to three objectives, I mean to achieve them with excellence. Complete them until finished. We have to get rid of the mind to leave what we do halfway or unfinished, if we want to excel in what we do, we must finish everything we set ourselves. Can you imagine the multiplier effect this can have on a company? If you meet three goals with excellence every day and you have ten collaborators who meet three daily goals every day, this means that you will be meeting thirty-three daily goals. If you evaluate the result obtained from each of your collaborators and yours, and it is positive, this means that you will be achieving a lot in one day. Let's not say if we have a thousand collaborators or a hundred thousand. With three objectives that we meet with excellence, we will be moving forward. The mistake is when we want to cover a lot and look at agendas with more than ten activities in the day. In the end, we don't do anything right. We leave everything halfway. It is better to cover less, but achieving more. Someone raised their hand from the stage and asked: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-And how do you know which three objectives you have to do? -We have to know how to prioritize. Some questions that could be asked are: What impact not doing each of these activities has? Which can we delegate and which cannot? Which ones will bring us closer to our long-term goals? Which will have a more negative impact if we do not comply? Which will have a more positive impact? Which ones can we postpone? By answering these questions you can get an idea of what you should do each day. Another student raised his hand and asked: - and what happens with all the problems and unforeseen that constantly appear to us? For example: in my case I am an entrepreneur. -Excellent question! Just as we set three daily goals that we must meet, let's set ourselves a goal, solve three problems or unforeseen events every day as well. We don't like this, but if we don't solve them they can get complicated. Second tip of the topic: solve three problems or contingencies every day and stop until they are completely solved. If we have no problems or unforeseen problems to solve, it is a very good or very bad sign; very good, because perhaps we are very well organized and it is rare that we do something out of plan. Very bad, because perhaps we are not doing anything Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

or making little progress and we are not assuming different responsibilities. Everyone will know what their situation is. Finally, I want to emphasize that not everything is at a professional level. Let's also set goals for our family. Each family is different and has different needs. Perhaps our family does not require daily goals, but weekly or in some cases even monthly. Everyone knows what their situation is. In my case, I set weekly goals for my family, three to five and try to meet them. We usually draw these together with my wife. In summary Three daily measurable and achievable goals, aligned to my life plan.  Three daily problems or contingencies that I must solve.  Three to five weekly goals for my family. 

If we move forward in this way every day, we will have achievements every day; at the end of the day, let's evaluate the results obtained and how we can improve. Remember, it is better to do fewer activities, but with excellence. If we do many, obtaining bad results, we may be disappointed. As Confucius said: " It doesn't matter how slowly you move forward, as long as you don't stop." Chapter 21 YOUR DREAMS ARE MORE POWERFUL WHEN THEY PURSUE TO IMPROVE THE LIFE OF OTHERS Jack projected on the stage a phrase that said: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

"Your motivation rises when you chase a dream that makes this world we live in a better place." -Walt Disney said that all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Our dreams become even more powerful when we seek to benefit the world, rather than just making a financial profit. If we analyze an economic transaction between two people, this is possible if the person receiving the good or service that we want to offer, perceives that they are receiving something in return, which will generate more benefit than what they are paying. This means that the more value we create, the more willing to buy our product or service. When we think of a business dream, let's think: How can I make my product or service generate more value to others, more than what the market is offering? If we analyze this question well and find the answer, we will be generating ideas with a greater probability of success. I repeat: The more value we generate for a person looking for a product or service consistent with what we offer, the more they will be willing to pay for it; if we leave a high value in their favor, the sooner they will make the decision to buy. This is from an economic point of view. Morally it also suits us. Materialistic and empty life, focused on generating money, gives us superficial happiness, which is temporary and is more linked to desire and pleasure. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

It is different when we improve the lives of others. When we do, we connect with something very powerful which is Love, and if God is Love, we connect with our creator. Love is one of the most important values. When we put our work and vocation at the service of others, we are connecting with Love; and therefore, with God. If you have ever felt the presence of God in your life, you will understand the great benefit that this means. The feeling of connecting with our creator is perhaps the best feeling I have ever felt in my life.

He paused briefly and continued: -The fullness that we feel when giving, is not granted by material goods or money. If you don't believe me, I invite you to experience it on your own. This is the reason why some of the richest men in the world are great philanthropists, men of real benefit to society. They know of this satisfaction of which I speak. If you want to check it out, go to an orphanage or an asylum, give a delicious hamburger and some french fries to children or the elderly and, when they are thanking and hugging you, they will understand what I want to say. There is no feeling that makes you feel fuller than love. And if this is true, and if our goal is to be happy, rather than wealthy, you will seek to benefit your neighbor. We have this same feeling when we satisfy a child and look at him happily and joyfully. This could be one of the reasons that move many people to obtain illicit benefits, because they know the satisfaction that this generates, since with that money they can pay for trips and experiences that benefit their family. What they don't realize is that they live two lives: one where they appear to be Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

happy, but there is a second one, which makes them unhappy and takes away their peace. If instead of making money in an illegal way they did it benefiting others, they would not only have the joy of satisfying their family, but also others. They would live an inner life of joy, happiness and have inner peace, enjoying an integrated life. Only when we understand that the more value we deliver to the world, the more moral and legal economic benefit we will obtain, is when we will offer superior quality products and services and stop wanting to scam our clients. Now you know the reason why our dreams are more powerful when you seek to improve the lives of others.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack projected the cover of a book called: Who Got My Cheese? -I present to you one of the books that has most impacted my life, I recommend it. This book is about change. Many times changes occur in our lives and we believe that we will continue to obtain the same benefits by doing the same or being in the same place. We don't realize that we must change and face life's maze again to find more cheese again, in other words, other benefits. Life is constantly changing. It is best if we try to anticipate ourselves, before the changes anticipate us. We must be proactive and act before things get complicated. Many times we are clinging to something or someone and when things change, we think that we will continue to find happiness in the same place, or obtain income from the same source, when the situation has already changed for us. I want to tell you about my case: during my adolescence, I was very attached to my mother and my maternal family, but after my parents divorced, my mother remarried and her priority changed: it was her husband; she completely forgot about me. It was kind of hard to deal with at first, but I noticed that my cheese had changed places. I had to look for happiness elsewhere and I found it with my second wife, working with my father and writing. I cannot say where I have been happiest, but with both I have lived very pleasant moments. I consider that life goes by in stages, each stage brings new challenges and good experiences. Let's not stay in one stage, Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

let our life continue to flow. If we do, we will learn to find happiness in what we have to live. That is why we must adapt and be flexible in the face of change.

-I would like to know what you think about being flexible and adapting to changes. -Who wants to participate? Ana raised her hand, took a microphone and said: -Five years ago, my sister and best friend died in a traffic accident. At first, it was really hard to deal with. Maybe I spent three years during which I felt desperate. One day: my sister told me that she was fine and to let her rest. In the dream she appeared lying on my parents' bed as she used to. He got up, hugged me and said goodbye to me. After that day, I knew I had to let her go. It was a very hard time, but it made me feel liberated. After that day I let go of my sister and looked for happiness elsewhere. I made new friends at the university and, as you said, I managed to overcome that stage of my life. What I can tell you is that no matter how hard life is, you have to keep going. A few years ago they sent me a very nice video of a mouse that travels on a train. Every time the train stopped at a station, some people got off and others got on. The life message of the video is that in each season of our life we should be happy with the people who are sitting with us at that time. We do not know if tomorrow the love of our life, for those of us who have not found it, will get on our train; will sit next to us and remain there the rest of the way. We have to have faith that each day will be better. That is all I have to tell you. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

The audience invaded the room with applause. Then another young man took the microphone and said: -My name is Mark, I want to tell you about my experience. When I was twenty-five years old, life changed dramatically. I lost my job and my wife filed for divorce. I had no money, no family, I was living in a foreign country, I had no place to live. For more than two years I lived in a friend's abandoned vehicle and entered the bathrooms of restaurants. I had to bathe once a week in public bathrooms and I spent more than a month with the same clothes. It surely sucked. I could have chosen the wrong path, started on drugs or alcohol, but I decided to choose another path. I approached a Catholic church and asked for their support. They held out their hands to me; They gave me a place to live and fed me for several months, until I found another job again. It was a school. I started as a cleaner and today I am the administrator. I met a beautiful woman, she was a teacher, I married her and I am extremely happy. Much luckier than I was before. I wanted to share my story with you, because if you are going through a difficult time, have faith that everything will improve. Maybe God is waiting for the right moment to bless you in a way you can't imagine. For all those who are living a difficult moment, I want to tell you to be of good cheer, because your time will come. Never lose faith and hope. That is what I wanted to share with you. The audience applauded, even Jack. Jack said: - We will finish with a phrase by Charles Darwin: "It is not the strongest or the weakest that survives, but the one that adapts best to the changes." Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 23 EVERYTHING YOU DO, DO IT WITH EXCELLENCE Jack projected a Bible verse onto the stage screens. He said: Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to the excellence of his greatness�. Psalm 150: 2 -God is a God of excellence; If we analyze creation, we will realize the perfection of his work. It is so perfect that we are not even empowered to understand it. If God is the light that marks our steps, everything we do we also do with excellence. God created us in His image and likeness. If he does everything with excellence, we can do it too. We all have gifts that God has given us, let's discover them and make them a work of art. We are the designers of our life; our life at birth is like a blank canvas, waiting to be painted with the work of art that only you are going to be able to create. What work of art are we going to make? Let's make one that shines and is unique. If we know that we are children of God, let us give him the best work in his honor. Let's make Leonardo Davinci's Mona Lisa with our lives; let's not settle for less than a Picasso. When we do something, we are leaving our name in that work. Let us always make our name stand out. Let's do it for God and for ourselves. When we are accountable to God for our life, on the last day, let us give him the best work of art with what he gave us. Let's not settle for less. If they don't demand it to us, let's do it for God and for ourselves. In the end, we are accountable to God, regardless of whether the people we are doing it for value it. Let's do the Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

best job for God and for ourselves. When we do something, let's hand over 120%. Our profession does not matter; If we are a carpenter, a polisher, or the President of the United States, let us seek to be the best. Because only by seeking excellence is how we will make a difference in the environment that God placed us. Why do you think many people who have lived in poverty have had outstanding achievements and are now great leaders? The answer is because they sought and acted with excellence, taking responsibility for their lives and ceasing to victimize themselves. When we do something, let's do it for God and for ourselves, not for people. What do we want to give to God? The best! So let's do everything looking for excellence. At the end of the course, give everything you can give, and do in the best way what God empowered you to do. If you aspire excellence, the rewards will come. People seek the best, let us be the best for what God brought us into the world. Now I ask you: What are you going to do now to be the best at what you do? Someone who wants to participate: A tall young man took the microphone: -I'm an architect and every design they ask me to do, I will seek to do it in an outstanding way. I will not do it for my boss, I will do it for me and for God. From now on I want to be the best architect in textile architecture, in the place where God placed me. Applauses where heard. Then a young Asian woman spoke: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-From now on I will stop making excuses and do the best job. The only person responsible for whether I do things right or not is me. At the end of my life, I want to have created the best work of art with the talents that God gave me. Many applauded. Jack said: - I want to end with a famous phrase from Steve Jobs: "Worry about quality, many people are not prepared for an environment where excellence is what is expected."

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack projected a phrase from Steve Jobs: “You cannot connect the dots looking forward; You can only join them looking back. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow come together in your future. �

-Steve Jobs comments in his Stanford University graduation speech on May 5, 2006 that everything that has happened in our lives, if we go back to our past, has made sense. If this is true, it means that everything that will happen to you in your future will also have sense. If we do the exercise and analyze each one of the stages that we have lived through, everything makes sense in God's plan for our lives. In the Bible, in Romans 8:28 it says: " And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, those who are called according to his purpose." We have to have faith that if we are obedient and follow God's path, everything that happens in our lives is for the good. It is as if God made the whole Universe work towards us. We have to believe it and affirm it and go with faith through life. God will surround us with the right people and give us opportunities that will propel us to obtain what we do not even imagine. Many times we believe that events that happen to us are negative; they are an opportunity to learn great lessons from them and prepare us to make better decisions in life. It is as if an invisible hand had worked in Steve Jobs' phrase, guiding us, without being aware of it. The path we are on now Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

is as if God had left us clues. We are not walking alone through life; he is present in everything we do. We have to believe and affirm it and not fear the unknown. Surely what we are living in this moment, God already has planned in his master and perfect plan, which he made for our lives. Believing it will make us go fearlessly through life. Knowing that the dots connected in the past is evidence that God is with us right now. He is working and interceding for us to achieve what he envisions that we are going to achieve and that will make us happier, as long as we walk his path. No matter how fine-tuned we have our life plan, many times, God shows us better ways to achieve our goals; It even makes us rethink them. It is all that we go one step further every day. God will not execute the works for you; you must make it happen. If you do, God will be with you at all times. He already prepared you before for this path that you are going to follow. If you are afraid during your walk through life, declare with faith that God is with you and start taking steps of faith. You will see the amazing places it will take you.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 25 IF YOU WANT TO HIGHLIGHT, BE FULFILLED WITH WHAT YOU OFFER Jack projected a message on stage that said: “Say yes when you are going to comply and take the fear out of saying no. Be committed to your words�. -When you commit to something, comply. It is preferable that you say no and give a bad appearance than miss comply. If you agree to arrive at one hour, arrive at that hour; if you offer something, stick to it. If you do this, you will do better in life and people will believe in you. Many people have a bad habit of being late. It seems that they do not respect other people's time. Some have trouble managing their time; in this case they will have to learn to prioritize. Whatever the case, non-compliance is not allowed. When we fail, we send a bad signal about ourselves and it is possible that they stop trusting us.

When they are fulfilled, doors are opened for us in banks, with suppliers, clients, employees, among others. Being fulfilled will not only bring you better results at a professional level, but also with your family. If you pay your bills, your children's school, the rent, the water, the light, you will have less problems in your home. Get used to being fulfilled. Make a savings fund and, if in a month it does not go well, you will have where to finance yourself to comply. It is preferable that you fulfill all your commitments at home than to give your wife a very expensive watch for her birthday. Long-term results are going to be better. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

In the chapter that talks about budgeting, I mention that you have to save twenty to thirty percent to invest in your life plan. I also mention that of that money you save, you must save twenty percent to fulfill your commitments. You do not know when an emergency will arise and you must be prepared to comply. If you are an entrepreneur and it has ever happened to you that the day comes when you have to pay your return and you do not have the money, you will understand better what I am saying and the importance of being fulfilled. As a priority, you should always pay your employees on time, if you want them to respond the same way. Non-compliance will be more expensive in the long run in every sense. If you fall behind with the payment of your employees, the time that they were without being paid, they will possibly be absent, because they will say that they do not have money for transportation or they will work reluctantly, obtaining bad results. If it is the case of a bank, the default will make you fall into arrears and other expenses, in the long run, they will be more expensive. In the case of a supplier, the default will be affected in that they will no longer give you credit. The worst case is perhaps when we default on our family, the problem will be much greater. Feeling at peace is an incomparable feeling, if we are organized we can achieve it. Let's have a savings fund to avoid default. Let's have a good credit file, so that when we require it, banks grant us a credit. Being fulfilled will make us happier people. Every time we offer something, it is a true commitment. If you have to say no, do it. It is preferable to say no than to fail. I will end with a phrase by Jean Paul Sartre: "Commitment is an act, not a word" Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack the mentor asked the audience a question: Who of you have used Excel, Word and Powerpoint? They all raised their hands. The mentor told them: - All three are programs for the computer, tablet, phone or some other device of the future. These programs allow us to achieve various functions. Similarly, we install programs in our minds that allow us to perform various functions. When we learn a new language, we are installing a new program (making new neural connections), in our minds. Just as there are good programs, also when we are small, they install negative programs such as: being fearful, a poor mentality, the thought that we are not going to be able to achieve what we want, or that we are not worth it. Many of these programs are installed by our parents, teachers, and classmates. They remain for many years after they have been etched in our minds and have serious repercussions in our lives. When we become adults, if we don't eliminate these programs, we will act consistently with these thought patterns, which were programmed into our subconscious many years ago, at some point in the past. -How do we eliminate them? Asked someone from the audience.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Jack replied: -Reprogramming otherwise. If we have a program to be unsuccessful, let's question it and start to achieve. As we walk down the path of success, we will achieve quite a few accomplishments that will cause us to rewrite our mind from failure to success. When we are children and we do not have any program installed in our minds, we believe that we can achieve everything. We have to be like children again. Now is the time to eliminate all these limiting thoughts and start acting like the being we were born to, empowered to achieve whatever we set out to do. Let us be the architects and builders of our lives, let’s do not allow anyone to build on our land. Another student asked: -How do we change? -From the moment we began to take our first steps of faith, to make a life plan, to set daily goals, to have a star athlete attitude, to believe in us and to apply other important concepts that have been touched on in this course, we will be acting for change. Another student raised his hand and asked: -Excuse me, could you clarify me better how we can uninstall these negative programs? -To uninstall them, the first thing we must do is identify them. What I can tell you is that just as they were installed in our minds, we can rewrite successful programs in them. God has prepared a fabulous path for our life, if we decide to change and take those first steps of faith that will propel us to change. What are we waiting for? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

No more questions. Now we will talk another very important topic that has to do with self-realization.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack said: - Look at this quote by Victor Frankl, a neurologist, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor. "Man is self-fulfilling to the same extent that he is committed to fulfilling the meaning of his life." -Now the question I ask you is: What gives meaning to your life? It can be answered from different points of view; I want to share my definition of self-realization and what gives meaning to our lives. My definition of self-realization is the process of transforming ourselves into the being for whom we were created by God. To realize oneself is to connect with the essence of our being. God is leaving us signs along the way so that we meet and begin the transformation process that he wants in our life; and become the being for whom we were called to be. The moment we do, we are going to find meaning in our lives. We are God's creation and he created us for a purpose. To find it, we must see the clues that He has left us in our life, through our past and connect with our spirit through prayer. It is possible that in the past God has already shown us what He wants from us. Many times we are passionate about what we were called to; God empowers us with talents and abilities to carry it out. When we find our purpose, we will feel that all the pieces of our life will fit together. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

In summary: I consider that we find the purpose of God in our life when: 1. You are looking to have excellent family, personal and social relationships that make you feel happier and fuller. 2. You seek a life purpose based on your vocation supporting the collective good. 3. You seek to gain a role within the church to spread the message of God (Jesus Christ) to more places. 4. You maintain a strong connection to God through our relationship with the holy spirit through constant seeking, whether through prayer, praise, or other means. 5. You integrate yourself into creation by finding your place within it and you value the beauty that exists in nature and in everything that God has created. 6. Seek Eternal Life by being obedient to God, following his commandments and principles as well as renewing ourselves, seeking God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ his son (God made man who died for the forgiveness of our sins). 7. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being and with all your mind" Matthew 37 "Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 39 8. You are grateful to God as well as to your neighbor for all the blessings that are provided to you and will be provided to you. 9. Forgive and forget. You must be like a child who does not hold a grudge. Revenge only takes away your peace. Justice be handed over to God. 10. You smile and you enjoy life. "Live each day with joy, lost time cannot be recovered, but the present is

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

the opportunity to act" Taken from a thought of Pope Francis. (Papa Francisco, 2020) In my opinion, taking into account these ten points is that we find our purpose here on Earth.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 28 THINK AND BREAK THE BARRIERS OF THE CONVENTIONAL -We will start with a phrase by Albert Einstein. "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination." -In my opinion, intelligence identifies and recognizes existing patterns, while imagination unites them by doing something unique. What exists is discovered (by man), or not yet; the knowledge we possess is the union of several integrated concepts that create new concepts; To break the barriers of the conventional, we must integrate concepts in a unique way. In this way we will make our imagination make us create combinations never before perceived by the human being. Our masterpiece must contain parts that only you can join; I will show you my recipe for how I find different and unique ideas. 1. Gain knowledge first. What knowledge do you think may be relevant? What knowledge do you have that you can apply? 2. The name is important. What will you call the work of art you are about to create? A good name can help you generate interesting combinations. 3. What existing concepts and ideas do you want your new creation to include? Think of all the concepts that occur to you and that catch your attention. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

4. How we will you do to join the parts in a unique way? 5. What successful models can we implement in a different way? 6. Think freely, use your numerical, analytical and conceptual side with your strategic, holistic and visual side. Create a work of art that only you can create. 7. Do not limit yourself, choose the concepts that you are interested in integrating and then find a way to do it creatively. 8. Use your analytical side to determine what makes sense and what doesn't make sense, make the necessary changes. Analyze it as many times as is convenient. These steps have served me well and I hope they work for you. Create the work of art that only you can create. Share that Picasso that only you can paint. There are no mistakes, just different combinations.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Jack projected a famous quote from Steven Covey on stage: "I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions." - We are constantly making decisions, a bad decision can lead us to live adverse situations. It is important that we make good decisions, especially if these are going to have serious implications in our lives. The important thing is that if we make a mistake, we don't stop. When I was young, I loved seeing a basketball player. I realized that he was almost always the one who scored the most, scored the most points in games, but I also observed that he failed and made mistakes. If he made a mistake, he was doing something incredible a moment later. I look at our life in the same way; If we make a mistake, don't stop, let's find a way to do something extraordinary. Because the more attempts you have, the more you will achieve; and your common sense and skills are better prepared so that you can perform better. The highest percentage of success is to insist. Now I will show you a guide to make better decisions. This will serve you, but I don't want you to stop making decisions; If you make a mistake, keep trying, then you will succeed.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Guide to making better decisions 1. Time: make decisions on time How much time do you have to make your decision? 2. The world is constantly changing: uncertainty , how much can the results vary? 3. Choose the different alternatives, depending on the time you have to make the decision and the implications that a bad decision can have . How many options are you willing or can you evaluate? 4. Lean on experts, if necessary. 5. Risk that is taken with each decision alternative. What is the risk of each alternative for not achieving the expected results? How much are you willing to risk for a higher profit? 6. Measure profit, plus cost of unwanted result, you can use decision trees, do benchmarking and other tools you want to use. 7. Analyze and interpret the data collected based on the fundamental factors that you need to comply with in decision making. You can lean on various existing techniques to analyze and choose the best option based on what you are analyzing. 8. Make the decision that generates the greatest benefit having analyzed the cost. 9. If you don't have much time to make some decisions, you can lean on the Heuristics. 10. One decision leads to other decisions, are your decisions aligned with a strategy and a vision? 11. The moral and ethical implications of your decisions. Do you feel comfortable making the decision you chose? 12. Look for decisions where both parties win. -I want to tell you about a visit to the doctor. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

When I was a child, I had a kidney stone. At first, I was in severe pain and the doctor seeing my symptoms recommended me to another doctor, who sent me kidney tests. The doctor, based on his experience, applied the heuristics to send me to do the correct tests. By taking the exam and interpreting the results, he found that I had a kidney stone and that my kidney was not working well. The doctor at the time he interpreted the results relied on tests; Similarly, we can rely on equipment, techniques and tools to evaluate and obtain data to make better decisions. He could choose to immediately operate on me or try to prescribe me many liquids and medicines to expel the stone in the urine. He determined how much maximum time he could wait and opted for the second option. Possibly the doctor evaluated the positive aspects of the two options. In the first, I would have had to face the risk of the operation, in addition to expenses and possibly I would have been left with a scar for life. The second had to wait; The benefit of this alternative was that the expense and risk would not be incurred, since if I excreted the stone in the urine, I would not have to undergo surgery. The benefit was greater. Maybe there was a little risk that my kidney would be damaged, but he set up a time to test and see that the risk was as low as possible. Indeed he made the best decision, because I expelled the stone and there was no need to undergo surgery. When we analyze our important decisions well we make them better.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Teaching of the story "Any important decision we make must be analyzed with the correct data, evaluating the cost benefit of each alternative."

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 30 LOAD YOUR BAGGAGE AND WALK FORWARD WITH FAITH Jack projected the image of a man in a wheelchair and said: -He loaded his luggage and walked faithfully forward. Mark was quadriplegic after a four-wheel motorcycle accident on the beach. Mark will tell us his testimony. A man about forty years old in a wheelchair came on stage: -Hello, my name is Mark; As Jack mentioned, I was quadriplegic in a four-wheel motorcycle accident. I was going on the beach, at night, at full speed, on my race bike and, without realizing it, I fell into a big hole; the bike fell on my back and the rest can already see it. Thank God someone managed to see the accident; they called an ambulance and I remember I didn't feel my body. I thought I was living a nightmare and wanted to wake up, but for my bad luck it was reality. At the hospital, they gave me the news that I was never going to be able to walk again, or move my arms. It is the worst news they can give someone. For two years they had to give me antidepressants, because I had many ideas of suicide. While in a rehabilitation facility, a friend from school brought a pastor from a church to speak to me and he said: - Mark I understand that what you are experiencing must be very disappointing, but you must carry this luggage and go forward with faith. In the same way that Jesus carried his cross, we must bear the difficulties that we have to live. Think about how you can do something productive with what's at your fingertips. He asked me if I had brain damage; I said no, my brain was working perfectly. He also asked me if I liked Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

to write; I replied that I did not dislike it; He told me that I must share my experience with other people, how I was facing this adverse moment that had changed my life. Finally, he asked me if I knew how to play chess; I said yes, he suggested that they give me an electronic chess. The idea of chess seemed incredible to me; I told my brother to buy me a chess game to compete. That was how my chess career started; Today I am one of the best players in the world. I have won several tournaments and I earn money in the competitions that I participate. I listened to the pastor and wrote my book entitled: Taking off the Checkmate in my life. It is my testimony, what I have learned and the main theme is: "How to carry our luggage with faith forward". Now I also give conferences in schools and companies. In what I have had to live I can give you three tips: 1. Live it every day as if it were the last and have the mentality that the next day will be even better. 2. Do your best with what you have at your fingertips. 3. Value all the wonderful people that God has put and continues to put in your lives, especially family and friends. I want to thank everyone for their attention; They will be giving you a copy of my book. That is all I have to tell you. The public invaded the venue with applause Jack the mentor on stage said: - This topic is literally taken from Mark's book. After today we face with courage everything that we have to live. Let's remember: let's carry our luggage and go forward with faith. Let nothing stop us. Your physical condition Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

should not stop you. Successful people don't make excuses.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Chapter 31 THINK BIG AND POINT BEYOND YOUR HORIZONS -We will start with a phrase from President Donald Trump: "If you're going to think anyway, think big." To think big does not mean to stop being humble. In Matthew 17:20 the Bible tells us that faith moves mountains. In Matthew7: 7-8 it says: "To him who believes, ask and receive, seek and will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Yes, the Bible tells us that faith moves mountains, that means that if we have faith, what we set out to do we can achieve. God made the creation great, if we look at the Universe it is immense. If we are children of God and if we know that with faith we can move mountains, then why should we settle for something small. If we want to give everything to God and to our neighbor, let's give something big. Let's find the best harvest for God. God made us in his image and likeness and he makes everything great, let us also do it for his glory and honor. If we are going to open a candy store, let us have the vision of opening the best chain of candy stores in our country and why not, in the world. If others have done it, why can't we do it ourselves? God does not want us to live a mediocre life, but great in everything we do. Let's do everything with excellence and seeking to achieve the best achievements. Don't make excuses and do it; if you don't try you won't know what you can achieve. Now I will tell you an anecdote that I had to live from a fantastic literature book that I wrote.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

A long time ago, I wrote a book. I did it to heal an emotional and mental problem I was going through. When I finished, I asked a writing and spelling teacher to check it; He read it and told me that he had also written a book, that he had published it with a publisher, but that he earned very little from the book. That in our country, making a career as a writer was very difficult. I was shocked because I had imagined that I could not only sell the book, but also dolls of the characters, video games, even a movie and even an amusement park. The book was part of a series of books that I had not yet written and was planning to sell books for each of the characters. When he said there was no carrier, I was shocked. Failure to apply the concepts in this course caused me to postpone the dream of the book. I believe that God's timing is perfect and he is making me resume this project now, with a different mindset and with more maturity. In the future we will see if the teacher was correct or maybe I was, with all my great and apparently fantastic ideas. Either way, I have more opportunity to think big than sticking with a scarcity and limitation mentality. Ultimately, it is God who defines our limits. Jack said: I want three people to come on stage who have expanded their entrepreneurship project after this course module. Who wants to pass: A young man took the stage: He took the microphone and said: - My name is Brandon; I studied medicine at a University of Florida and I am passionate about treating athlete injuries. I think it has a great market. My vision was expanded with this course, as I was planning to work as a chiropractor in the best clinic in Florida, but now I want to work in that clinic not to stay there, but because I will open my own clinic and I want it to be Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

the best place for treat athletes from all over Florida. I will make the clinic more modern and with the best equipment in the sector. That is what I wanted to share with you. The audience applauded and then a young woman with brown hair passed by; He took the microphone and introduced himself: -My name is Lucia, I had a car accident that prevents me from keeping a job. I was thinking of cooking cookies and selling them to my friends and now having listened to this course module, I want to open a store that only sells cookies. I want it to be the most complete cookie store in my country. When the first one goes well, I will open others in other places. This is what I wanted to share with you.

The audience applauded and a young man who was a missionary in a Catholic church passed by. The young man said: - My name is Alex, for many years I have settled for collecting few offerings for the church. What I do is that I give them some booklets in exchange for giving their offering to people who live in the sector. Now after this talk, I want to collect much more offerings. I will write a digital magazine, with Christian articles and content from God. Every week I will publish a new magazine and people can subscribe through a site for three dollars and ninety-five cents a month. People from anywhere in the world can subscribe. In addition to obtaining the magazine, they will be able to find out the help they are giving when buying it, since we will publish everything on a website and on social networks. This is what I will do. Many applauded. Jack gave one last word saying: Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

-We are close to finishing this course. I want to congratulate the majority who have been listening. Having reached this point, they are already taking their first steps of faith. We will finish with the five " never " of Steve Jobs: NEVER give up NEVER pretend NEVER stay still NEVER hold on to the past NEVER stop dreaming

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


In summary: I consider that we find the purpose of God in our life when: 1. You are looking to have excellent family, personal and social relationships that make you feel happier and fuller . 2. You seek a life purpose based on your vocation supporting the collective good. 3. You seek to gain a role within the church to spread the message of God (Jesus Christ) to more places. 4. You maintain a strong connection to God through our relationship with the holy spirit through constant seeking, whether through prayer, praise, or other means. 5. You integrate yourself into creation by finding your place within it and you value the beauty that exists in nature and in everything that God has created. 6. Seek Eternal Life by being obedient to God, following his commandments and principles as well as renewing ourselves, seeking God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ his son (God made man who died for the forgiveness of our sins). 7. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being and with all your mind" Matthew 37 "Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 39 8. Be thankful to God as well as to your neighbor for all the blessings that are provided and will be provided to you. 9. Forgive and forget. I know how a child who does not hold a grudge. Revenge only takes away your peace. Justice be handed over to God. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

10. Smile and enjoy life. "Live each day with joy, lost time cannot be recovered, but the present is the opportunity to act" Thought of Pope Francis (Francisco, 2020) . Our purpose is complemented by the success factors we mention in this book. If we apply the success factors in our lives, it is more possible that we can fulfill our purposes. Doing it will fill us with positive energy because if we are following the twenty-eight success factors of the financial secret and our purposes are being fulfilled, a lot of positive energy flows in our favor. Being prosperous flows best in this positive energy and it is because of the harmony that is generated between the fulfillment of our purposes and us following the success factors that we mention.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


The Financial Secret is the secret that says that if you fulfill God's purpose in your life, the money and financial resources you need will come to you as a means to achieve your goals. Do not be a millionaire, make your life plan and follow all the principles that were presented to you in the course and, if it is God's will that you be a millionaire, you will be. What I do tell you is that the moment you are, if you follow the principles of this course, you will choose to be happy and make others happy. Your motivation will not be money, but to follow your life plan and become the being for whom you were created. The secret is like a recipe: a pinch of inspiration, another pinch of faith, another one of continuous action and two pinches of purpose and favor of God. Only you can do the perfect work for which you came into the world; discover your purpose and start taking steps of faith. Apply each of the success factors presented to you in this course and the money and prosperity will come in addition. Now when you are asked the question of how to get money and be financially well, you will know the answer. The path is not easy, but it is possible. It is not possible to get what you want without work and without following the principles presented here. Your positive thoughts can drive you to get something, but it will depend on you acting in the right way. Money and success will not come without effort; you have to make them come to you fulfilling the purpose for which you were called.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

In summary: I consider that we find the purpose of God in our life when: 1. You are looking to have excellent family, personal and social relationships that make you feel happier and fuller. 2. You seek a life purpose based on your vocation supporting the collective good. 3. You seek to gain a role within the church to spread the message of God (Jesus Christ) to more places. 4. You maintain a strong connection to God through our relationship with the holy spirit through constant seeking, whether through prayer, praise, or other means. 5. You integrate yourself into creation by finding your place within it and you value the beauty that exists in nature and in everything that God has created. 6. Seek Eternal Life by being obedient to God, following his commandments and principles as well as renewing ourselves, seeking God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ his son (God made man who died for the forgiveness of our sins). 7. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being and with all your mind" Matthew 37 "Love your neighbor as yourself" Matthew 39 8. Be thankful to God as well as to your neighbor for all the blessings that are provided and will be provided to you. 9. Forgive and forget. I know how a child who does not hold a grudge. Revenge only takes away your peace. Justice be handed over to God. 10. Smile and enjoy life. "Live each day with joy, lost time cannot be recovered, but the present is the opportunity to act" Thought of Pope Francis. (Francisco, 2020)

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

We will end with a thought from Pope Francis: “I have never seen a moving truck behind a funeral procession, ever. But there is a treasure that we can carry with us, a treasure that no one can steal, which is not "what we have saved", but "what we have given to others". May our lives be full of blessings for all those around us. This course has ended. I wish you all of the success.

“Your life is like a blank book that only you can write, write the best book for which you were called to finish. Start now”. ARPB

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Part 2

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Sources of income

"Never depend on a single income. Invest to create a second source. " Warren buffet To stand out from a financial point of view it is important that we have more than one source of income. Wealthy people have multiple sources of income. Some subject that we will touch: ďƒ˜ď‚ Different types of income sources. Which ones suit us best? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

How to achieve the optimal combination of sources of income in our situation? Model to create sources of income Management of income sources as an investment portfolio How to align our sources of income with our life plan? How to find or design the optimal route from the proper selection of income sources? The importance of being focused. How to incubate our sources of income and finish what we started? How do you know when to pivot or exit a source of income before it becomes a loss? 2.

Control and management of expenses

“Take care of small expenses. A small hole sinks a ship . " Benjamin Franklin We must control our money. It is important management of our financial. People who spend. Our themes:

expenses if we want to get to exercise good control and expenses to highlight the excel earn more than they

The importance of managing budgets. Guide to prioritize our expenses The different types of expenses. Which ones should we avoid? How to detect and prevent entrance drains? The difference between spending and investment. Let's invest wisely to increase our expenses according to our scale of values. How to lean on a budget to keep a good control of our expenses? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Our consumption must be directed in everything that makes us happier and that drives us to carry out our life plan and that of our close family. Each one has a different scale of values. Let's consume according to our scale of values. The economy needs consumption since without consumption there is no exchange and without an increase in exchanges there would be no economic growth. 3.

Positive attitude and steps of faith

“Faith is believing what you don't see. The reward of this faith is to see what you believe. " San Agustin To excel, you have to have a positive attitude and take steps of faith. Every time we start something we don't know, we are taking steps of faith. Starting a business, starting studies in the career we long for and writing our first book are examples of steps by faith. Day by day we must take at least one more step towards what we want to achieve. The topics will be: The different types of steps of faith How do we handle our assumptions to take the right steps of faith? The importance of your emotional intelligence in your attitude How to form positive habits? How to overcome fear? Managing our vital energy to excel in what we do

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC



"If you don't work for your dreams, someone will hire you to work for theirs." Steve Jobs To carry out our project it is necessary that we have some knowledge of the venture. Thematic: Who are the entrepreneurs? What should we know about entrepreneurship to successfully carry out a project? Opportunity analysis Creation of the business model Segmentation and meeting of our target group How to get financing for your project? Creating a business is like creating a game in which everyone who participates benefits and has incentives to keep the game going. How to do it?


Life plan

"A life without death." Goethe





Having a life plan gives meaning to our existence. Going aimlessly will take us to unwanted places. Some of the topics that we will touch on. The process of developing a life plan Characteristics of a good vision and mission. How should we plan and structure them? Choosing our approach. How to identify it? How to connect with what we really want? How to identify our values? Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

How to identify our descriptors? Other components that we can add to our life plan


Goals and time management

"The most important thing about goals is to have one." Geoffry F. Abert If we want to achieve something great in life, we must set goals that will direct us to where we want to go. Our themes. How to set the correct objectives? How to structure them? How to prioritize? How to measure them? How can we align them with our vision, mission, purpose and values? Daily goals build long-term goals Tools to manage our daily time Live each day as if it were the last We must be clear about our target numbers 7.

Mind and thoughts

Take care of your thoughts because they will become Acts. Take care of your Acts because they will become Custom. Take care of your Customs because they will form your Character. Take care of your Character because it will form your Destiny. And your destiny will be your life ”. Gandhi

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Your mind and your thoughts are the architects of your life. Let's design the life we want. We attract what we think. The topics that we will touch. Facing your fears will make you freer What do we have to overcome to excel? Financial dreams are possible with the right mindset Our thoughts shape our life. He who says yes can achieve it, and he who says no also; they are both correct. Creating sources of income requires knowledge, skills, and abilities. Who should we become to obtain the desired sources of income? We attract what we think. The power of a positive mind 8.

Teamwork and Networking

“A great leader is not necessarily the one who does great things. He is the person who gets others to do them. ” Ronald Reagan Everything we do depends on the work of others. We are all connected. If we want to achieve something, it is very possible that others have done something similar. Having connections with other people makes our journey easier. Thematic: How to lead a team? Characteristics of a good leader Networking strategies How can networking generate opportunities for us? Sometimes, it is better not to go alone. The benefits of creating sources of income with the right team or partners can make a difference.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Life is not just about being financially selfish. What added value will we deliver to our loved ones and to the world? What contribution will we make to make this a better place for our present and future generations? The collective impact of everything we do Values the work of others, knowing that all of us who participate in the economy are connected in some way. 9.

Savings and financial knowledge

"The path to wealth depends fundamentally on two words: Work and savings . " Benjamin Franklin Savings that are well invested will lead to wealth. Our themes: Importance of frugality, savings and investment Method to manage our savings and invest Tools to invest Debt management and its correct use Let's define our assertion to risk (moderate, medium or aggressive). Leverage with the capital of others. What are these investors looking for? How to locate them? We must make our numbers to make decisions. How to be prepared for great financial opportunities? 10.

Business and Law knowledge

"In times of change, those who are open to learning will take ownership of the future, while those who believe they know everything will be well equipped to a world that no longer exists." Eric Hoffer

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Having business knowledge opens up many opportunities in life. When we offer our products in exchange for money, we are doing a business. Knowing the laws and supporting yourself legally can save us a lot of bad moments. The topics: Some strategies that we must know in sales, marketing, competition and negotiation. How to be a leader in our company? Every company has a structure. The structure that we must have at each stage of our business. Get legal advice. How can being legally protected free us from being ripped off? Basic knowledge of Law. Generating more value for our clients than the competition makes the difference. 11.

Successful behavior and decision making

“We are the result of what we do repeatedly. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit ”. Aristotle Our behavior shown on a daily basis will lead us to obtain the results of the future. What are we doing now that is leading us to what we want to achieve? Also, we constantly make decisions. Are we making our decisions well? Some of our themes: How to overcome obstacles and learn from them? Constancy, commitment, discipline, courage perseverance Management resilience Visualization Connect with a positive flow There is no valid excuse. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC


Learn to prioritize. Think big. Form positive habits. constantly make decisions, factors to take into account. How to control your impulses and make better decisions Decision-making tools Heuristics in decision making 12. Spiritual connection, self-realization and fulfillment " Self-realization is intrinsic growth of what is already within the organism or, to be more precise, of what the organism is itself". Abraham Moslow If we are realizing ourselves it is a sign that we have found the meaning of our life. It is at this point where we will have better results. Some of the themes: Seven Bible Verses for Life How to stay in a state of self-realization? Balance that we must maintain in our life. What is feeling full? How do we achieve fullness? Your connection to God

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

ABOUT THE AUTHOR I will tell you a little about my life. I will start with my studies. I studied until third year at the American School of Guatemala. I switched to the El Roble School Center; I obtained the Bachelor of Science and Letters degree in that school. As a child I was very distracted and lived in my world. My parents seeing the problem I had, at fifteen they started treating me with attention deficit medications and at twentythree years old, almost halfway through my Business Administration career I had a psychotic crisis that lasted a couple of weeks; With the help of a psychiatrist and of God I managed to leave. Due to family history and the type of crisis I had, I was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and for the next four years I was treated with high doses of antipsychotics. In the University I had to ask for support and I assigned myself to fewer classes, besides meeting periodically with the assistant of the Director of the University. I can't complain about anything since Francisco MarroquĂ­n University gave me full support. In 2007, my aunt recommended that I should change doctor; Thanks to the change and modify my medications, cognitively I improved a lot. This doctor diagnosed me with bipolar disorder.

My grades improved as well as my desire to read and learn. I entered the pensum of the best universities; I research who the professors were and tried to find books written by them. That's how I read books by professors from Harvard, Kellogg School of Management, Warton, London Business School and other Universities.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

I loved my career and every time I wanted to know more. In 2009 I had another crisis; this time it was different: it was more mania than psychosis. This time I came up with several businesses ideas, I continued writing a fantasy literature book, which I had postponed; its title was Charlie and the World of Dreams. I came up with an economic model that I also wrote. I felt that I could achieve everything and believed myself smarter than normal, but it all ended when the hypomanic crisis became psychotic. I had to take higher doses of antipsychotics again and returned to my zombie state. Thank God that year I graduated and in 2010 I had my first serious relationship with a woman who had suffered a car accident and had consequences of the accident. From 2010 to 2014 it was a time of little progress on a professional life, since my ex-partner demanded a lot of time for her. However, in my father's company I made several significant changes: the main one, to change the image of the company. We create a new corporation; Construalianzas, the purpose is to make construction alliances. All the other companies that my father had created over the years are housed in Construalianzas, making it a corporation that integrates different companies related to the field of textile architecture and engineering. We created a website and began to improve customer calls and the company was walking, but not at the pace I wanted. I wanted to innovate and sell products that were essential. My father is a very busy person; he did not spend time on what I did and given that all my projects depended on him, slowed my progress. Perhaps the big mistake was trying to Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

think that I was a partner of my father when in fact the company was a self-employment of him. So I had a good time of being fooled. On several occasions I tried to undertake, but it always involved my father. In 2011 I entered the MAPI Master of Real Estate Development Projects of the Francisco MarroquĂ­n University, thinking that I was going to develop real estate projects with my father, but I left the career, because the company went through a moment of illiquidity and I could not continue paying. In 2014, disappointed to try to move my father's business forward without success, I decided to quit and do my own projects. I started with a partner the development of a site to find real estate, but the programmer did not hurry and I was increasingly in debt. Then it occurred to me to sell the vacation packages to Orlando from my mother's family business, but I didn't succeed either. It was June 2014, and my partner at the time, with whom I had contracted civil marriage, was asking me for a divorce. In September I moved to an apartment in zone fifteen and got divorced. At that moment I met my second wife, who gave me the courage to live again. My financial situation was getting worse; I thought that everything would improve and that I would do some business that would take me out of bankruptcy. At that time, I did not have any budget and the way to manage my personal finances was terrible. Finally, I couldn't sustain the life I was leading anymore and I lost my job living on contributions. I am extremely grateful to all those people who supported me. At that time, when I was out of work, my mother hired me paying me three thousand two hundred quetzals a month, the equivalent of four hundred and fifteen dollars to take her social media from her company, working from home and something incredible happened. Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

In that time that I remained alone I had the opportunity to meet and connect with my inner being. I had a clearer idea of what I wanted to do with my life and, for the first time, I started living my life, not someone else's. I realized that during my professional life I only looked for excuses and the real person responsible for why I had not excelled as I would have liked was me. At that time, I wrote my life plan and thought that part of why I hadn't stood out was because of my lack of focus. I started many projects and didn't finish them, besides not keeping track of my finances. I discovered that I wanted to write; The Financial Secret had not yet occurred to me, since it emerged at the end of December 2017. After my mother's company had a complicated year, she told me that she could no longer pay me and I looked for work in a call center. It was there that I had the meeting with the agent who asked me the question of How can we make money and be financially well? You may consider that I am not the best person to write a personal finance book, but what I can tell you is that I have had to live difficult experiences due to bad financial decisions and I hope to make a significant contribution so that others do not live them. In The Financial Secret I combined a fiction with real teachings, to convey the message. I will share my discoveries; everything obtained as being self-taught. If you liked the first part of this book, you can order the second by writing an email to:

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

This is the original diagram that I drew to the telephone agent in the Call Center training.

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Bibliographies Arismendy, A. (2017, Sep 7). How to sell more - don't sell products, sell solutions . Retrieved from Carmichael, E. (2015, Jul 26). Michael Jordan´s Top 10 Rules for Success . Retrieved from Carmichael, E. (2016, Apr 12). Roger Federer Top 10 Rules for Success . Retrieved from Carmichael, E. (2016, Sep 1). Top 10 Rules for Success . Retrieved from Carmichael, E. (2016, Jun 10). Usain Bolt´s Top 10 Rules for Success . Retrieved from Kennedy, J. (2016, Apr 13). Indiana Jones - Leap of Faith . Retrieved from Lifeder. (2018, Feb 19). 39 Disability phrases to inspire you . Retrieved from Mertxe (2016). Mertxespasamontes . Retrieved from Mertxespasamontes: Various. (2018). Youtube . Retrieved from Images used on the cover taken from: <a href=""> Business photo created by freepik . </a>

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

Author: Alvaro Rodrigo Pellecer Benavides Certificate of literary works: 2019-00019DAC

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