Etapa de Nacimiento de un Negocio

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Iniciando una nueva aventura empresarial

Estableciendo una visión personal ¿Que se visualiza usted haciendo? ¿Que lo motiva?

Cuando esté decidiendo que negocio escoger preguntese lo siguiente: 

Que es lo que usted desea? Que lo motiva tanto que usted puede hacerlo con alegría todos los días?

The Toilet Paper entrepreneur, Mike Michalowicz, 2011

Tomando decisiones personales Horas de trabajo  Flexibilidad  Ubicación  Disponibilidad a viajar  Morales, creencias, estandars  Requerimientos físicos  Involucramiento familiar  Ingresos personales futuros 

FastTrac New Venture, Kuffman fundation

Estar mentalmente preparado

Qué excusas ha usado para dejar por un lado la idea de poner su propio negocio? Si ya opera un negocio, cuales son las excusas que se está poniendo para no continuar? The Toilet Paper entrepreneur, Mike Michalowicz, 2011

Algunas Excusas         

La economía no es sufiecientemente fuerte para abrir un negocio. Emprender un negocio es muy riesgoso. Un trabajo en una compañia grande es más seguro. Mi edad no me permite abrir un negocio. No voy a hacer suficiente dinero No tengo la educación adecuada. No tengo suficiente dinero para iniciar La competencia es muy fuerte Nadie va a comprar mi producto No estoy listo The Toilet Paper entrepreneur, Mike Michalowicz, 2011

Pensamiento de posibilidad No tiene dinero por lo que le permite enfocarse en su ingenio y energía para mercadear su producto mejor que cualquier competidor.  Nunca lo ha hecho, permietiendo que desarrolle ideas geniales que van ha afectar seriamente a sus competidores. 

The Toilet Paper entrepreneur, Mike Michalowicz, 2011

Sea positivo y todo lo que usted se proponga lo puede alcanzar. Antes de los hermanos Wright, las personas pensaron que era imposible volar y así era. Luego el avión fue inventado y ahora volar es algo que es posible.

The Toilet Paper entrepreneur, Mike Michalowicz, 2011

Como escoger una buena oportunidad de negocio?

Grandes oportunidades – de dónde vienen?  

 

Oportunidades creadas por macrotendencias. Oportunidades fundamentadas viviendo y experimientando el problema del consumidor. Oportunidades creadas mediante la investigación scientífica. Oportunidades probadas en otros paises que pueden ser llevadas a Jhon Mullins, the new business cabo en el lugar desea hacer Road donde Test negocios.

Oportunidades creadas por macrotendencias: 

Vivimos en un mundo cambiante. Las tendencias estan variando diariamente. Estudiando estas tendencias y anticipando su impacto en las vidas que llevamos, en las industrias que trabajamos y en los mercados que servimos, es una gran fuente de oportunidad. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Vivendo y experimientando el dolor del consumidor: 

Si pensamos en ello, muchos de nosotros pueden reconocer oportunidades en donde algo puede ser mejorado, productos, servicios, procesos o cualquier cosa en nuestra vida o en nuestro trabajo. Reparando lo que es inadecuado es una fuente enriquecedora para emprendedores observadores. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

El campo fertil de la investigación scientiífica: 

En muchas instituciones, universidades, grupos de investigación y desarrollo llevan esfuerzos extensos para crear un nuevo conociemiento que puede hacer que surjan nuevos productos comercialmente viables. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Oportunidades probadas en otras partes, que uno puede llevar a cabo en el lugar donde desea hacer negocio. 

Conceptos de negocio que son exitosos en otras partes del mundo que pueden ser copiados.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Para iniciar un buen negocio Escoja un campo que lo emociona, escoja un mercado que está creciendo en ese campo, busque un producto que esté de moda en ese mercado y al que pueda mantener una ventaja competitiva, y hagalo mejor que lo que la comptencia está ofreciendo. Para ser consistentemente exitoso, usted tiene que anticiparse al mercado no seguirlo.

Escriba su concepto de negocio

Ingresar a un mercado es más facil cuando el concepto de un negocio es claro y enfocado.

¿Cuál es su servicio y que hace? 2. ¿Cómo es diferente a otros servicios? 3. ¿Quien va a comprar el servicio? 4. ¿Porqué van a comprar el servicio? 5. ¿Cómo va a ser el servicio o producto promovido y vendido? Su concepto del negocio va a cambiar despues de que aprenda más sobre el mercado y rentabilidad del negocio . 1.

Fasttrac New Venture, Kuffman Fundation

Atributos de un concepto de negocio exitoso. Resuelve un serio problema.  Involucra ahorros significativos  Encaja dentro de los esquemas existentes.  Atrae atención de los medios.  Identifica un mercado.  Se integra rápido a un mercado en expansión. Fasttrac New Venture, 

Kuffman Fundation

Errores fatales en conceptos de negocio        

  

No existe una necesidad real No funciona El producto amenaza la carrera de la persona que supuestamente lo va a comprar. Economía desfavorable Ninguna protección. Facil de copiar Obsoleto Problemas potenciales de instalación. Requiere de educación (Muy pocas personas son bienvenidas a leer manuales instructivos y tener que aprender a usar el nuevo producto ). Requiere de cambios en el comportamiento del consumidor. Asumpciones equivocadas Inconvenienca

Fasttrac New Venture, Kuffman Fundation

Qué deben de hacer los emprendedores y ejecutivos antes de escribir un plan de negocio. Based on the new business Road test from Jhon Mullins

Cuando una administración con reputación de ser brillante toma un negocio con la reputación de ser un mal negocio, es la reputación del negocio la que permanece intacta. Warren Buffet.

El pescado morderá la carnada? El producto resuelve una necesidad o un deseo del consumidor? Quien es el grupo objetivo?, comprarán a un precio rentable?

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Es este un buen mercado? Hay tres preguntas cruciales hacerca del mercado. 

Es el mercado suficientemente grande hoy para permitir a diferentes competidores servir diferentes segmentos sin tener que meterse en su camino? Cuales son las predicciones de crecimiento de su mercado en el corto plazo? (In the absence of the information to the contrary, the recent rate of growth in your market may be the best avaible predictor of growth in the near future). What are the predictions for your market long term growth rate? (This is likely to be influenced heavily by macro trends. Economic, demographic, socio-cultural, technological, regulatory and natural.) Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Is This a good industry? Industry attractiveness: 5 forces Threat of entry  threat of substitutes  suppliers power  buyers power  competitive rivalry. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

5 forces:  

  

Threat of entry: It is difficult for companies to enter this industry? Suppliers power: Do suppliers to this industry has the power to set terms and conditions? Buyer power: Do buyers have the power to set terms and conditions? Threat of substitutes: Is it easy or difficult for substitute products to steal my market? Competitive Rivalry: Is competitive rivalry intense or gentle?Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

How long will the advantage last? The keys to sustaining competitive advantage. Such an advantage is likely to be sustainable when: Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test





There are proprietary elementspatents, trade secrets and so on that other firms are not likely to duplicate or imitate. There are superior organizational processes, capabilities or resources that other would have difficulty in duplicating or imitating; The business model is economically viable. Innovation, How fast can you innovate Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

The business model is economically viable: The company wont run out of cash quickly-economic viability, in turn, depending largely on the following factors: 

Revenue is adequate in relation to capital investment required and margins obtainable.

Customer acquisition and retention costs and the time it will take to attract customers are viable.

Contribution margins are adequate to cover the necessary fixed costs structure.

How much cash must be tied up in working capital (Inventory or other) and for how long.

How quickly consumers will pay

How slowly suppliers and employeesJhon can be paid. Mullins, the new business Road Test

What drives your entrepreneurial dream? Each successful entrepreneur brings to their venture an important set of elements that drives their entrepreneurial dream. 

A mission that determines what kind of business to build or what kinds of market to serve.

A set of personal aspirations that guides the level of achievement to be sought.

Some level of risk propensity that indicates what sort of sacrifices are to be made in pursuit to the dream.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Can you and your team execute? 

A common difference between winners and losers is that the winners figure out factors critical to succeeding in their particular industry, and then stack their team accordingly.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

There are two key questions to ask to identify your industry Critical Success Factors (CSF´s) Which few decisions or activities are the ones that, if gotten wrong, will almost always have severely negative effects on, company performance?  Which decisions or activities, done right, will almost always deliver disproportionately positive effects. 

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Your connections matter: Which matter most? 

Entrepreneurs who surround themselves with a strong network up, down and across the value chain are well positioned to gauge the ever changing market and modify their offerings, operations, organization, and process to meet the needs of changing business climate. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Five common traps to avoid:

Trap 1: The large market fallacyInvestors often hear entrepreneurs say something like this: “My market is huge. If I get 10% of it or even 5% or 1% we all be rich! For new ventures serving large markets, its generally far better to pursue a large share of a small but careful targeted segment rather than a small share of the overall market. 

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Trap 2: The better mouse trap fallacy  Better technology doesn’t necessarily equal a better solution for the consumer. 

Remind yourself that entrepreneurial success is not about you and your technology. It's about identifying the right customers and using technology to satisfy there needs Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Trap 3: The no sustainable business model trap

The relationship between benefits for which a group of target customers are willing to pay and a cost structure that makes the intended product or service, economically viable, must be sustainable. Build your network so you understand your industry and its economics. Then do the mathematical on your opportunity.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Trap 4: The me too trap

How to avoid this trap? This one is easy. If barriers of entry are low and you have nothing in which to sustain your initial advantage, stop before you start. If you've already started, sell now, unless you are happy to run a niche market business that does not compete with the big guys. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Trap 5: The hubiris trap:

Don’t rest on your laurels. Do your homework. Entrepreneur who have carefully research the market and the industry don’t make the mistakes in the previews slides because:  The research has been carried out.  Evidence of genuine demand has been gathered.  Competition-direct competitors as well as substitution have been identified and assessed. Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

Why the majority of business plans are unsuccessful?

1) First, most business plans are written for opportunities that are fundamentally flared. Why write a business plan for no-hope opportunity?

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

2) Second, the inherently persuasive nature of business plans, a principal purpose of which is often to rise money, forces their proponent entrepreneurs into the everything about my opportunity is wonderful mode. At least for attractive opportunities, is that everything is not wonderful but there are two things that are quite wonderful that outweigh those that are not.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

3) Third, most of the business plans are focused on the entrepreneur, their ideas, and why the idea is wonderful. They are me focused or my idea focused rather than the customerfocused.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

What investors care about is solving significant customer problems or needs that offer significant profit and growth potential.

Jhon Mullins, the new business Road Test

The What and Why of the Business Plan

What 

A business plan is a written document that summarizes a business opportunity and defines and articulates how the management team expects to seize and execute the opportunity identified. New Venture creation, Jeffry A. Timmons, 4th edition

The Why 

Business plans are used primarily for rising capital and as a means of guiding growth.

As a vehicle for rising capital, a business plan convinces investors that the new venture has identified an opportunity, has the entrepreneurial and management talent to exploit that opportunity, and has a rational, coherent, and believable program for achieving revenue and expenses targets on time. New Venture creation, Jeffry A. Timmons, 4th edition

Reasons commonly cited for planning are: Working smarter  Future orientation  Testing ideas  Results orientation  Stress management  Motivation 

New Venture creation, Jeffry A. Timmons, 4th edition

“The key to being successful with startups is having a good general idea of what you want to do but being flexible enough to change plans quickly as you discover the invisible secrets of the market you've jumped into.”

Ready, Fire, Aim, Michael Masterson

Where to find funds?

Look for family and investors, try not to get into debt.

Keep 51% of your business or more. Never give more than the 49%. A good way to finance all the money you need to start is: selling 49% or less of your business to investors. (Do an extraordinary business plan to attract investors).

Legal Form of the business

It is much more convenient to own corporation than a sole propiership.

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