Rookie Guide 2018

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Words of Welcome Tips for a Rookie Tutors 2018 Greetings from the Department & Staff KAFFila ­ Our Home on Uni Hill About Anglica Anglica's Clubs Calendar The Board of Anglica Maps Student Vocabulary Turku Pub & Bar Guide Student Restaurants The First Chapter: The Ramblings of a Piltti Pilttipassi

Rookie Guide 2018 Anglica ry Editors: Mikko Rytö, Pihla Eskola, Teemu Helenius, Julia Hamara Layout: Mikko Rytö Printing: X-Copy Join Anglica's Mailing list and Facebook groups for valuable information on events, activities and student life. Contact your tutor or any board member to get in on the action!

DEAR FRESHMEN OF 2018 Congratulations on passing the entrance exam and joining us here at the University of Turku! University life is filled with new things and experiences: book exams, cheap lunches at student restaurants, overalls, credit points, student parties on Thursdays, minor studies… The first weeks of university life might feel a bit overwhelming, but do not worry! We have an amazing group of tutors (introduced on page 3) there for you to help your transition into the academic life be as comfortable and care-free as it can. Put your tutor’s knowledge to the test and ask as many questions as you can. We’ve all been a freshman once. This guide will also help you get started with your new life as a university student. This guide contains a map of the campus area, a guide of the most worth-visiting bars in Turku and the traditional Pilttipassi, which I recommend carrying around to any event held by Anglica during the first weeks. The best way to get acquainted with university and other students is to participate! Anglica is the student organisation of English students at the University of Turku. We celebrated our 60th anniversary in the Spring, and are one of the oldest student organisations at the university. As a student organisation our most important task is to help you with study-related questions and problems. Besides that, Anglica arranges weekly fun activities, including movie nights, sitz parties, sports events, bake sales etc. Anglica’s Clubs are a great way to engage with like-minded people and bond over board games or literature. Anglica’s weekly Coffee Hour at Signum’s Kaffila is the place to be to meet fellow students, enjoy a hot brew and buy overall patches. On the behalf of the department, welcome aboard! We are happy to have you here! Pihla Eskola


Tips for a Rookie Your tutors will probably tell you everything you need to know, but here are some handy tips for starting your uni studies: - First of all, get a student card ASAP! You can also use the Frank app. You need the card/app for those student discounts. (Also important when doing exams, etc.) - If you need help with your English studies, contact your Academic Advisor or our Student Services Secretary Emmi Saari ( or visit her in Rosetta during office hour). You can also send an e-mail to, and your e-mail will be forwarded to the staff member who can help you. - Other, more general enquiries considering studies can be directed to the Student Advisor of the Faculty of Humanities, Mauri Paloheimo ( If you're, for example, wondering whether some of your previous studies compensate for something, Mauri can help you. - If you get sick, contact YTHS. YTHS provides students with all kinds of health services, such as general, mental and oral health services. - Disability Coordinator Paula Pietilä ( will help you if you have any physical, mental or social hindrances. University of Turku wants to give everyone equal possibilities to participate. Remember that you can always ask your tutors for help, or contact the board of Anglica (send an e-mail to or just come up and say hi). We are all here to help you in any way we can!

Tutors 2018 Starting your studies, you're probably filled with questions. Where in the campus area is Publicum located, what's the best student cafeteria, how to sign up for exams etc. Information can be found in many places, but the easiest way is to ask your tutor! The tutors are here to help you in any way they can, and you can rely on them in guiding you through the first weeks. Here's a closer look at the tutors of this year!

1. Who are you (name, age, where do you come from) and what are your favourite memories from your freshman year? 2. Any tips for the new freshmen? 3. If you could live one week in any fictional universe which one would you choose and why? 2

Ada Iso-Kouvola 1. My name is Ada Iso-Kouvola, I'm 21 & from Mynämäki. The whole year was one of the best ones of my life so it's hard to pick just one, but Pilttisitz, Lil' Xmas and the whole 60th anniversary party were true highlights. And the National Meeting of English Students was also unforgettable! And the list goes on.. 2. Ask your tutors anything you want to know, come to as many events as possible and enjoy your first year here! 3. I would love to go to Hogwarts and experience all the amazingness there, it would fulfill all my childhood (and current) dreams. Stars Hollow would definitely be worth a visit, too. The place seems like such a welcoming town full of interesting people.

Lotta Säilä 1. My name is Lotta Säilä and I’m from Paimio. I’m 20 years old and started studying here a year ago. My favourite memory from my freshman year is definitely our 60th anniversary celebration!!! 2. Participate as much as you can atleast at first. Have no doubts, because you can’t know how much you’ll enjoy something you don’t know. I promise you, once you know Anglica, you’ll love Anglica. Attend lectures too. 3. Iron (wo)Man for a week. Flying around shooting stuff with tons of money in my pockets.

Ilari Vanamo

1. Hello! My name is Ilari Vanamo, I'm 22 years old, born and raised in Turku. My favourite memories from my freshman year have to be our Kastajaiset tied with the Freshman Sitz. Both events really help you to get to know people further, and are in general tons of fun 2. My tip would be to try and not to worry about new things and to be as stress free as you can possibly be. Things will work out, you will learn where all the lecture halls, classes, libraries and whatnot are. Focus on getting to know people, having fun, and of course, studying! 3. Hmmm, this is a hard one. All of my favourite fictional universes generally aren’t that friendly or hospitable. With this in mind, I’d still have to say the Warhammer 40,000 universe, since it is my favourite one. I probably wouldn’t survive for more than a few minutes there, but it would be awesome to be able to see and experience the universe I’ve invested so much time into. 3

Emmi Töytäri

1. Hello! My name is Emmi Töytäri, 22 years old, and I lived the first 20 years of my life in Hamina. The entire freshman year was an amazing experience and it’s hard to choose favourite memories but the Freshman sitz, Villa, and Kastajaiset are probably the top 3. 2. Put yourself out there and get to know the other English students! I know it can be spooky but it will be worth it. Also learn the lyrics to Africa by Toto! 3. I’d like to be an awful weeb and say Shingeki no Kyojin but let’s be honest I wouldn’t survive a day there. So I’m just going to say Kingdom Hearts because then I could visit multiple Disney worlds and perhaps run into a few Final Fantasy characters along the way. Night Vale would be an extremely interesting vacation spot too.

Katri Sohlman

1. My name is Katri, I am 24 years old and I come from a town called Vihti. My favorite memory from my freshman year is the night at Portti with my new friends who I've made in Anglica. Best. Night. Ever. I was on fire. 2. Participate. Especially during your first weeks at the university. And create a doodle account. That will become handy later. 3. I wanted to give and unique answer here, but I guess I have to go with the universe of Harry Potter. But I would prefer the time when the marauders were in Hogwarts. Just to check if Sirius Black was as good looking badboy as I’ve imagined him to be.

Sanna Valkama


1. I’m Sanna, 23 years old and my hometown is a well-worn joke. I’ve reached that point of self-conceit that my favourite freshman year memory is most likely one where I’m making an amazing joke. 2. Just remember to sleep. 3. I pondered over this for a long time, entertaining thoughts of a week in the Witcher universe or maybe making a quick trip to Thedas to kick an archdemon in the face, but then reality set in. In any universe where I’d actively seek out adventure, I’d most likely be killed in an embarrassing and easily avoidable way. So instead, I would play it safe and choose Tolkien’s dearest Middle-Earth and more specifically I’d spend a week in the Shire. It would be a week of drinking and eating and merrymaking. I’d love to live like a hobbit.

Risto Koponen 1. Risto Koponen from Kotka, there are simply too many great memories from my freshmen year to pick one! 2. Join in! Come to every happening there is and socialize with as many people as you can. 3. This Is a tough one, there are just too many interesting ones to choose from, but the first one that came into mind was Discworld, just because I enjoy Pratchett’s humor.

Mikko Rytö

1. My name's Mikko and I'm almost positive that I'm 21 years old. I've lived in Turku all my life. My entire freshman year was excellent, but if i had to narrow it down, I'd have to say the weekend at Villa, the National Meeting of English Students, and Anglica's 60th Anniversary, the sitzes, and everything else too. Pretty good year. 2. At some point you're going to run into an exam or assignment that makes you feel like you're in over your head. Don't panic. This happens to all of us. Personally, I feel this way during every exam. Just relax, and maybe have a drink. Help and solidarity are always available at KAFFila. 3. I wanna go to Westeros. That continent is filled with angry serfs and it's ripe for some rabble rousing. I want to see if I can start a fullon revolution in a week.

Emma Behm 1. Hello, I’m Emma, 21 years old, and I come from Tammela. I have so many great memories from my freshman year that it is very hard to pick only a few - But my absolute favourite memory must be Pilttisitsit! Not to mention Kastajaiset, where we had to do some (not too) embarrassing tasks wearing our overalls for the very first time. Obviously all the evening activities were very nice too. 2. My tip for all the new freshmen is to just enjoy the freshman year and make new friends. Anglica is a very welcoming community and making friends and great memories is easy. 3. I would probably want to live in Harry Potter’s world. I used to read Harry Potter books all the time when I was about 7-13 years old. It may be a cliché but I would love to be able to do magic.


Elisa Kinnunen 1. I am Elisa Kinnunen, 20, born and raised in Turku city. My favourite memories from my freshman year are the countless times I hung out at Kaffila with my new friends, avoiding the real world and sipping tea for hours. 2. Don’t cycle to Villa. It will suck. Also, the protein bar at Brygge sounds shady but is definitely worth checking out. 3. I’d pick be the Adventure Time universe. A talking dog, a kingdom made of candy, super cool adventures... need I say more? I’d have far more interesting stories to tell after hanging out with Jake and Finn for a week.

Riina Inkeröinen

Miisa Parrila


1. I’m Riina Inkeröinen, 21 and I come from Rovaniemi. My favourite memories from my freshman year are all the hangouts at Kaffila and different events, such as the Freshman Sitz. 2. I would suggest attending the events organized by Anglica and other organizations within the university. And don’t forget to enjoy this time in your life when everything is all new and exciting. 3. I would go live in the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians because all the Greek gods and mythical creatures come to life there. I also wouldn’t mind spending my time at the camp where the weather is always great and you can find something interesting to do at any time. 1. My name is Miisa and I'm a 21-year old suffering from a serious babyface. I lived the first 19 years of my life in the great and mighty Kempele, so you won't be hearing any Turku dialect coming from my mouth. My favourite memories from my freshman year must be all the sitzes, getting to know my new home town and meeting new people. 2. Pro tip! Don't go to Hesburger everyday, even though there's one on literally every corner here, and make as many new friends as possible! 3. Well since basically every fictional universe has some kind of an evil that needs to be defeated I probably wouldn't be one of those cool kids who get to fight bad guys with magic or superpowers, I'd just be a casualty so I'll choose something super chill, safe and normal; Attack on Titan. Okay just kidding, I'll do this the right way. I'd live in the Harry Potter universe because duh, magic.

Teemu Helenius

1. Hello there! My name is Teemu, I’m 25 years old, and I’m an Åboriginal, which naturally means that I was born here in Turku and have also lived here all my life. It’s been a long time since my freshman year but I still have the fondest memories especially of Villa, miNiMES (Anglica’s cruise), and the anniversary celebration of Anglica. Those and other events would have been nothing without all the wonderful people of Anglica! 2. You are about to enter a world of possibilities and a unique timeframe in your life. The university enables you to learn so many new things and challenge your current ways of thinking. Embrace it. Try out anything and everything, especially if you are not yet sure what you’re going to do. Something will surely stick and you might find you have ended up where you never thought you’d be in the first place. In the process you can meet so many new and interesting people that often share many of the same interests as you. You can also learn a lot from those new people. Most importantly, amidst the studying, remember to have fun and enjoy the student life! 3. I would want to live in an alternate timeline coinciding with the present time where the Byzantine Empire was never conquered by the Ottomans and instead carried on the traditions of the Roman Empire in to the present day. It would be most interesting to see how this process would be visible in the current day.

Pihla Eskola 1. Hello Freshmen! I'm Pihla and I'm Tampere born and raised. I had a lot of fun attending all kinds of events and parties during my freshman year, but my most treasured memory has to be Pilttisitz. It was the first time to get to know sitzing culture and I remember being terrified of the punishments we would be given if we didn't follow the sitzing etiquette. It turned out to be an amazing night and a chance to make new friends! 2. Whenever you see an overall patch you really like, treat yo self! I encourage you make the most out of student discounts on Spotify Premium, the university gym (through CampusSport) and the cheap and delicious food student restaurants have to offer. Also, get Anglica's Songbook as soon as you can so you can enjoy sitz parties to the fullest! Be curious, ask questions, participate. 3. I would love to experience the Guardians of the Galaxy universe! I mean, traveling in space with your best friends, exploring new planets and meeting interesting people? Also, tunes.


GREETINGS FROM THE DEPARTMENT & STAFF Dear first year students, Congratulations for your success in applying to study English at the University of Turku. It is a remarkable achievement as competition is tough. Hopefully you find studying with us rewarding and motivating, and that you make new friends, have fun and learn a lot. The department consists of staff and students, and we are all enthusiastic about English: the language and the various English cultures, literatures and traditions. You have studied English at school but studying the subject at the university will be quite different. You will be introduced to many new specialities within the language and culture. You may have come across some of these through your own interests but some of them will be new to you. Use the opportunity to make most of your time to gain as much as you can, first in your BA degree and then, hopefully, in the MA studies. You will have a variety of options to choose from for your future career: teaching, research, translation, language specialist, and so on. With your choices of minor subjects you can become a journalist, a mediaevalist, marketing specialist, content provider, enterpreneur, what have you. There will be more information on the departmental intranet and web sites about studies and the staff. Have a look also at the department blog EnglanTY to see what kind of things have been going on in the past. You will get help also from the Faculty and School ofiices, and from the excellent student organizations: Anglica and Kääntöpiiri. You can always turn to the members of the staff wherever you see us – the office hours are the best way to discuss your matters. We warmly welcome you to the Department, and wish you a great first year and success with your studies! Joel Kuortti (Professor, Head of the Department) and the entire staff! Intranet: Web site: EnglanTY:


KAFFila ­ Our home on Uni Hill Until 2013, both the Department of English and Anglica considered Juslenia our home on University Hill. It was nothing fancy - a dark, gloomy and cramped corridor and a tiny class room we could only use whenever there was no teaching - but home nonetheless. The building was supposed to be renovated completely ever since the 1980s, and in 2013 they finally decided to proceed with the plans. However, it turned out that the university didn't have enough money to do anything about the building, and there it stood, until finally being demolished this year. We all had (or got) to move to our new premises in Rosetta and Signum. In January 2013 we moved into a spacious and much more cozy student space in the ground floor of Signum, that we call KAFFila for the original four resident student organisations Kääntöpiiri, Anglica, Forum Romanum and Foneemi. We didn’t only get a new space, we also got new roommates, so there’s almost always someone around to hang out and talk with. The coexistence of the four organisations has been simple and easy, and we have organised a couple

of parties together as well. About a year ago, as Fennicum faced the same fate as Juslenia, we welcomed seven new organisations from there into KAFFila. It now hosts 11 of the 12 different student organisations from the School of Languages and Translation Studies. KAFFila is at the students’ disposal during Signum’s opening hours. You can relax, study, meet friends, have coffee or tea, eat lunch or take a nap before, between or after lectures. Anglica also holds the board meetings in KAFFila and you’re more than welcome to join in. We also have a Coffee Hour once a week where you can come deal with any Anglica-related matters (joining Anglica, buying patches, asking advice, etc.) or just hang out. Quite a few of our events are also held in KAFFila. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to stop by, there’s almost always coffee and a friendly face around.


About Anglica Unless you have sought everything out on our website, or have a sibling/friend in Anglica who has told you everything about us, you might be wondering, who are we and what is it that we do? Founded in 1958, Anglica is the community for English students at the University of Turku. It functions as a bridge between the students and the staff, middle step between you and TYY, provides tutoring for you, aids you in your studies by, for example, getting study materials, and of course, arranges great parties, movie nights, sports and other events.

Official matters Anglica has a representative that frequents the bi-weekly staff meetings once a month, where s/he can keep the staff informed about the students’ views about the studies. If you have suffered injustice or the course assessments are not in regulation with the department etc. don't be afraid to come talk to us. It is our task to look after your rights, studywise. Anglica can tackle even hard subjects, while keeping your anonymity. We can also contact TYY for you or have any of your questions or comments forwarded to the person in question. We also have a representative in Humanitas ry (head organisation in the Faculty of Humanities) who can work with your matters on the


faculty level. Remember, there are never questions that have no answers, or problems that have no solutions. So how is Anglica organised? In the autumn general meeting, the members of Anglica elect a board of eleven (11) members, and one vice member, for the next calendar year. There is another general meeting during the spring where we sum up the year. The board meets once a week to discuss any study matters or to arrange events. The board meetings are open to all members, so you are free to participate.

Parties, culture, sports and more! Lets face it, what would study life be without good parties? Anglica is known around the campus to raise havoc roaming in the navy blue overalls while speaking Finglish loudly. Traditional parties include Turku Survival (breaking in the newbies), Kostajaiset (vice versa), Halloween, Pilttisitsit etc. Turku survival is something you should definitely not miss. During the autumn we also go on the Not-GOOM cruise. We also arrange a number of night club and sitz parties with other student organisations that you should definitely check out. If you’re not so much into rough partying, don’t worry, Anglica has still lots to offer. About twice in a semester we have movie nights where you can enjoy some fine films,

plus board game nights & other related events if there is interest. We also organise trips to different culture events, like theatre, as well. The sportier folk can also find plenty to do in Anglica. We’ve been expanding our palette of different sports by trying out things such as laser tag and bubble bump football recently. There’s still room for the old classics such as floorball and football as well.There are also special events during the academic year, such as the Oldies vs. Newbies football match every autumn, and the Humanistisähly tournament every spring. Remember, we are always open for new suggestions.

Anglica's Clubs Anglica Reading Circle (ARC)

Anglica's Gaming Crew (AGC)

Always wanted to read the classics of the English-speaking world but never knew where to start? Or maybe want to re-read some of your favourites and discuss them with others? Anglica Reading Circle is here for that and more!

Anglica’s Gaming Crew is a casual bunch of people who discuss and play video games in their spare time, everything from CS: GO to Pokémon: Go. AGC has their own Discord channel for “intense tactical planning”.

You can join ARC’s Facebook group to get the necessary info on meetings and other stuff. If you’re not on Facebook, don’t worry - all necessary information will also be posted on Anglica’s mailing list.

If you would like to play games with us, find us on Facebook, or contact Kalle Moilanen either on Facebook or send an email to


Anglica Sports Squad (ASS) Anglica's Boardgaming and FC Anglica Anglica Sports Squad is the place for all Anglicans interested in sports, and if football

For Anglica's fans of games ranging from simple card games to complex strategic

in particular is your passion, then you should check out our team, FC Anglica. Join the Facebook groups of ASS and FC Anglica for signups and updated info. You don't need any athletic background to participate!

board games. Find the group on Facebook or contact Risto Koponen.

Couldn’t find what you’re looking for? Start a new club! In the past Anglica has had even more active clubs and we do encourage our members to step forward with new ideas for new clubs. We’ve had a food club, a beer club, and an impro group, for example. These have been quiet for a few years now but it doesn’t have to be so! If you have enthusiasm for revitalising one of the old clubs or coming up with something completely new, the board of Anglica can surely help with some practicalities!


Anglica's Calendar 24.8. BBQ The first event that kicks off the Anglican year, BBQ is where you get the first chance to meet your fellow students and even meet some of us oldies. BYOB. 27.8. Pizza Night Another chance to get to know the other newbies and tutors over food and drink. This time it’s pizza. BYOF (bring your own fillings). 28.8. Board game night Bring your favourite games, snacks and your best gameface. 29.8. Football: Oldies vs. Newbies The name says it all. A friendly tradition that we have to welcome you to the sportier side of Anglica. No need to worry, everyone can come and join, nobody actually knows how to play. 6.9. Turku Survival aka Kastajaiset THE EVENT for any freshman. You do not want to miss this. Join us for a rough (Not really! We’re nice.) journey through the city centre and be inaugurated as a true freshman! 12.9. Anglica goes outside! Relaxing outdoor fun! It it’s not raining cats and dogs, let’s get together to play some mölkky and other games. Also the perfect chance for nostalgic childhood activities, such as Pikipata and Peilissi. 21.9. Freshmen Sitz The freshmen will be introduced to the wonderful tradition of sitzing. 28. - 30.9. Anglica goes Villa Anglica retreats for a not-so-peaceful two-night trip to Ruissalo. Remember to sign up in advance if you wish to join for this trip. 11.10 Pub Quiz Test your trivial knowledge against other anglicans in a cozy pub atmosphere! 25.10. Kostajaiset Your chance to pay back for Turku Survival. 1.11. Halloween-sitz One of the best events all year. Dress up like a monster while sitzing, usually rather moist afterparties. 8.11 Movie Night Watch a cool movie with cool people while enjoying complimentary popcorn. 15.-16.11. Not-GOOM Anglica goes on a boat. Probably needless to say more. 22.11. Thanksgiving Anglica goes somewhere to eat together and say thanks. 7.12. Lil’ X-mas Last chance to party with Anglica before the Christmas break! Slight changes in dates and events are possible.


The Board of Anglica

These are the people behind Anglica’s events and parties, and who otherwise look out for your interests. You’ll definitely get the idea better if you visit Anglica’s weekly board meetings. It also earns you points on your Pilttipassi. If any of these jobs seem appealing to you, do not hesitate to participate and take a role on the board yourself next year. Chair: Paul-Erik Niit (also Sports) Who will you be at the age of 60? "Still me, overthinking things and hopefully doing what I love, while still attempting to crack a joke whenever I see the chance. Speaking of jokes, one would fit just here, but I simply can't come up with anything. I probably would eventually, if I thought long enough, but I don't want to force it, you know? It probably wouldn't be that good anyways. I could google some puns though...Right, next question?"

The Chair’s most visible assignment is running the meetings, and planning the agendas for them once a week and trying to pull together the board’s hopefully unanimous decisions. The Chairperson also has the ungratifying task of distributing tasks to the other members, preferably so that nobody becomes too loaded with work. The chair is the person with the duty of filling in the official papers to TYY and some other organisations. He also participates in the staff meetings once a month with another board member. All in all, the chair has to keep track of things being done, and those that ought to be done. Vice Chair: Valtteri Kiviö What exactly is your relationship with coffee? "Every day I unsuccesfully avoid it." As the title reveals, this member is the one to stand in if the Chair falls sick or is otherwise unable to attend, but he is often an invaluable source of ideas – and the board’s common memory – as the specific tasks for him are fewer than for the rest. The Vice Chair may also participate in staff meetings once a month, especially if the Chair is unable to attend. The Vice Chair might easily end up taking care of things that aren’t designed for any other board member, he also takes care of tasks concerning study materials. He also arranges Coffee Hour every week. Treasurer: Rasmus Nordman If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? "A million euros, but every fourth teddy bear you see steals your most valuable posession. Do you take the money?" If you are one of those quirky humanists with a suspicious fascination towards math and accounting, this is the dream spot for you. The treasurer keeps watch on our funds and advises the rest of us on what we can afford and what we certainly cannot. He also keeps record of all our expenses, and the money we receive, membership fees and bakesale profits, for example. He also sees to that all cruise, theatre and such tickets are being paid to the account, correctly and on time. The treasurer also plans the early budget together with the chair and prepares the financial statement of the year.


Secretary: Pihla Eskola Who will you be at the age of 60? "Traveling as much as I can while taking care of my shelter dogs. I make my own bread and ground my own coffee beans. I hope I have a lot of tattoos to show and a bunch of great memories to share." The main job for the secretary is to listen and listen (talking isn’t banned, though!) at the meetings and draw out the minutes after each meeting and hang them up in Signum for any Anglica member to see. Admittedly, this can be a tough one, as the meetings may sidetrack from each point in the agenda just about everytime. On the other hand, once the matter at hand has been settled and decided, the secretary can simply close her ears until something relevant comes up again.

Info: Mikko Rytö If you could decide upon a single dish for an anniversary dinner, with no limitations on what it could be, what would you choose? "Though I am a picky eater, for the sake of the other diners I think I could settle on any dish that wasn't infested with the malicious tumor known as the onion." The Info’s most important job is to keep our members up to date on all things concerning Anglica: its work and events. He accomplishes this mostly through our mailing list, our website (and calendar) and Facebook. He is also responsible for going through a lot of e-mails from TYY and other student organisations and forwarding any of them that might have significance for our members. He updates and takes care of our mailing list, our website, and Facebook. All in all, the info-person should have a good sense of things happening with Anglica and the university in general as well, or at least he should know when the next event is going to happen. Educational and Social Affairs: Teemu Helenius If you could decide upon a single dish for an anniversary dinner, with no limitations on what it could be, what would you choose? "A cheese platter of course, with all the imaginable and unimaginable bells and whistles." He is the third board member who can take part in the staff meetings (and frequents them most often). He also participates in TYY’s ‘kopo’ (kouluspoliittinen sektori) and ‘sopo’ (sosiaalipoliittinen sektori) meetings that deal with more general and all-embracing decisions, and conflicting aims at university level nationwide, but also educational issues related to our university only. His job, then, is to inform the board and all Anglica members on any burning developments, or backlashes... If you have any problems with educational or social matters, don’t hesitate to contact him. He is also one of the two Anglicans responsible for environmental matters: he (alongside the other environmental representative) keeps in mind the ecological side of things, and reminds the board to always act in the best way possible for our planet.


Projects: Elina Keskitalo (also Enviromental Affairs) What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? "H, because it has the most nonsensical pronunciation." Projects may sound like a vague thing to handle, since almost anything can be called a project. And that’s exactly what this post involves: almost anything. Her most important tasks are organising the bakesales four times a year and ordering overalls for the first-year students every autumn. In addition, handling any bigger events (Turku Survival, possible excursions, our miNiMES-cruise etc.) that need more time to manage (aka a project) fall under her jurisdiction, as well as ordering our own songbooks and overall patches when needed.. Our annual publications, Baccanalia and Rookie Guide, are also her responsibility.

Party & Culture: Aapo Rauha and Lotta Säilä This sector is considered so important that each year we elect two people to handle it. Their job is usually to call and make reservations for party premises and to contact other student organisations for possible shared parties. The “PCs” also often end up managing any competitions & announcements etc. in the parties (well being the darn party organiser). A good knowledge, or pure enthusiasm, for Turku nightlife and cultural possibilities is a huge asset here, for fresh ideas are always welcome.

Aapo Who will you be at the age of 60? "Umm, still me? Either that or something else. Or both. Or neither?"

Lotta Who will you be at the age of 60? "A super cool steel granny"


Members: Ada Iso-Kouvola and Maija Riikonen The members join the board meetings regularly and help out in projects where man power is scarse, substitute for other members if the need be, or use their special skills to help the board. For instance, there is always a need for a good graphic designer (posters, Baccanalia, Rookie guide etc.). Usually, the members end up carrying stuff to, decorating and cleaning the party/event premises. However, when the need arises, or there is the will, the members have been known to also reserve event premises and aid the work load of the PCs. The members are the personal henchmen of the Chair.

Ada What's your favourite thing you've ever said? "When I was a small child I used to say something like 'My brain is telling me to do stuff but my body won't obey'. That is still the case when I should be studying but find myself watching yet another episode of Friends"

Maija Who will you be at the age of 60? "Myself. Just three times older and hopefully three times as awesome!" Vice member: Saku Hellbom

Who will you be at the age of 60? "An even balder crotchety man who complains about bad videogames and stuff."

While being on the board is fun, it’s also a nice addition to the end of your CV. And of course it’s something to tell your grandkids about. If you don’t feel like joining the board (but why wouldn’t you?) you can always come to our meetings to give any ideas or suggestions. You can also email us at All questions and answers from Emilia Tähkävuori's article in the 2018 issue of Baccanalia, Anglica’s annual May Day publication. You can find it at


Turku City Centre







University campus









T45 Ylioppilastalot: TYY Assarin ullakko Proffan kellari

T47 Educarium T50 Publicum

9. Kupittaa 10. Vartiovuori 11. Taidemuseonmäki 12. Samppalinna 13. Urheilupuisto

T9 Rosetta 6. Train station T10 Signum 7. Bus terminal (Humanities office upstairs) 8. TYKS

T1 Main building 1. University T2 Feeniks library campus 2. Student village T5 Natura T6 Agora 3. Market square (Luonnontiet. 4. City library talot) 5. Cathedral


AATU Akateeminen aurajokilaivuritutkinto. Every year thousands of students take part in the pub crawl on the shores of Aurajoki and of course on the riverboats floating in it. Legendary. Angelica/Anglia Common mispellings of Anglica. Often spotted at sporting events, on deliveries, etc. Appro A pub crawl, where the goal (besides an extremely good time) is to complete different degrees, determined by the amount of drinks purchased. BYOB Bring Your Own Bottle. Pretty selfexplanatory. Applies to most parties. Fuksi See Piltti Humanitas Organization for all students at the Department of Humanities. Kääntöpiiri Organization for students of translation Lyni/ Vegas / LyGas Night Club Marilyn, and its sister club Vegas. Often collectively referred to as LyGas. The most common place for student parties. Noppa Study point or opintopiste. Not-Goom An epic cruise to Stockholm and back with other English students. A must. NAMS North American Studies. Can be taken as a minor without an entry exam. Recommended. NMES National Meeting of English Students. Held in a different City each year, with people from every Finnish university


where English can be studied as a major. Another must. Piltti That's you! A Freshman at the English department! Proffa Usually refers to the bar Proffan Kellari, rather than some specific professor Q-Talo A building owned by TYY, where many student events, such as most of Anglica's sitz parties, are held. Skandica Organization for students of Scandinavian languages Sitsit/Sitz Party Sitting, eating, drinking, singing party. SoPoKoPo Short for sosiaali- ja koulutuspoliittinen vastaava. The board member responsible for educational and social affairs. SuFO A Sunday night at the night club Forte. TBA To Be Announced. Tenttis/EXAM Electronic exam system. TYY Student Union of the University of Turku Unica The company that makes the grub at student restaurants Volter The electronic library system at UTU ÅA Åbo Akademi

Turku Pub & Bar Guide Here is a list of some more or less decent pubs & bars in and around Turku’s city center. Some bars may have changed their age limits and/or have varying age-limits. Ale Pub Telakka K-18 Cheap drinks. Karaoke. Eerikinkatu 6

Edison K-19 selection. Live music at times. Newly renovated and quite Perfect for after lecture/exam trendy. Sports on the big relaxation. screen often. Quite crowded Hämeenkatu 7 Baaribaari on weekends. Board games Open mics and 70's interior. and pool. Proffan Kellari K-18 Aurakatu 14 Kauppiaskatu 4 An institution. Centrally located behind Assarin Bar4 K-20 Forte K-18/20 Ullakko. Pool, Darts, and Trendy cocktail bar. Your average nightclub. Open Board Games. Kristiinankatu 4 on Sundays. Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 Kristiinankatu 10 Bar Toimisto K-20 Radbar An appro staple with very Hunter’s Inn K-20 Somewhat further away from affordable drinks. A bit of a English style pub with a wide the city centre. A very peculiar dive bar but charming in its selection of beers, as well as interior (Fallout-esque) and a own right. Karaoke every snacks and food. good selection of beers from night and you can play pool Brahenkatu 3 Radbrew. Some fingerfood for free! available. Student prices Kaskenkatu 3 Koulu K-24 available. By drinking here An old boarding school you support S-osakunnat! Börs Night Club K-20/ turned brewery. Try their Uudenmaankatu 13 Saaristobaari blackcurrant cider! The Alternatives to LyGas premises are totally worth Suxes K-18 Kauppiaskatu 6/ Aurakatu 14 seeing, especially in the The biggest gay bar in Turku. summertime. Yliopistonkatu 9 Club Marilyn / Vegas K- Eerikinkatu 18 18/20 Uusi Apteekki Home to student parties most Kuka K-18 A classy bierhaus with a wide every Wed/Thu. Different The bar version of Dynamo, selection including whiskeys atmosphere, people, and with occasional live music. and ciders. prices during the weekend. Smallish. Kaskenkatu 1 Eerikinkatu 19 Linnankatu 17 Waterloo Cosmic Comic Café K-20 Papu K-20 Small English Pub. Regular Wide selection of drinks and Margaritas and swings. location of Anglica's Pub board games as well as Eerikinkatu 8 Quiz's comics free for your perusal. Puutori Kauppiaskatu 4, Forum Pikku Torre K-18 Sports bar and restaurant. Whisky Bar Dynamo K-20 Yliopistonkatu 26 In the immediate vicinity from Home of Britpop. The night the market square, this bar club with the most varied Portti K-20 provides an affordable music repertoire and The closest watering hole experience enhanced with occasional live music. near Signum. Student prices heavier music. There's an Linnankatu 7 until 9pm. Boardgames, cosy inexpensive jukebox available. atmosphere, decent beer Yliopistonkatu 19


Student Restaurants Assarin Ullakko The newly renovated Assari is close to the hill and there is almost always a seat available. The menu probably has the most options out of all the Unica restaurants. The food itself is well worth the price of admission, albeit sometimes there are some rather crazy experiments going on. The longest opening hours of all the Unica restaurants (up to 8pm on weekdays and also open on Saturdays). Rehtorinpellonkatu 4


Assari for vegetarians and vegans. Same location as Assari, but has its own line. Plenty of options are available here as well. Many swear by the protein bistro in terms of bang for buck value. Brygge closes earlier but then you can find the foods at Assari’s lines.

Delica A bit far away to quickly visit between lectures. The food is standard Unica but apparently the hamburgers can be a bit hit and miss. Deli Pharma is located under the same roof, if you desire something fancier (and pricier: usually about 5€ instead of the standard 2,6€). Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 (Pharma City) Dental A bit closer than Delica, but still too far away. Quite small but the queues are usually reasonable. Dentists. Lemminkaisenkatu 2

Galilei The newest addition to Unica’s restaurants. Food is OK, queues are reasonable. Small variety of menu options. A cafe is located next to the restaurant, perfect place to grab a cup of coffee or a sandwich if you’re in a hurry. Vesilinnantie 3 (Agora)

ICT Good grub. Even further away than Dental and Delica. A roomy interior but a lack of menu options. You might stumble into wizard robes, capes and flat, warm coke. Joukahaisenkatu 3-5

Kasvisravintola Keidas A must for vegetarians and other veggielovers. Their restaurant on Uudenmaankatu serves student-priced lunch until 5 p.m.! Uudenmaankatu 3

Macciavelli Despite the fancy name, mainly basic grub. Great salad bar. Close to YO-kylä. A good variety of menu options for both vegetarians and omnivores. Serves breakfast in the morning and is open till 4pm. At noon: FULL. Assistentinkatu 5

Mikro Not too far, but a bit further away. Usually quite short queues and good food. Worth a visit if you have the time. Don’t trip on stetoscopes! Kiinanmyllynkatu 13

Tottisalmi Located inside the YTHS building and thus also close to YO-kylä. Queues are usually very reasonable and the place is quieter than most other Unica restaurants. The food is among the best in terms of Unica and the staff is nice. Many consider Tottis among their Unica favourites. They have buffet lunches from time to time as well. Open on Saturdays. Kirkkotie 13 (YTHS)


If you want to know what the people at the School of Economics are up to, visit their cellar restaurant. Rehtorinpellonkatu 3

Abo Akademi’s cafeterias

Don’t forget ‘em! They’ll accept your university student card and the staff speaks Finnish.

Bookmark this nifty website listing the daily lunches and opening hours of every student restaurant: For more detailed information on the restaurants run by Unica, look no further than


The First Chapter: The Ramblings of a Piltti It’s early in the morning on a Wednesday in mid-August. I’m inching closer to the campus, about to have my young life thrown inside out. “Don’t let me down, Turku”, I thought, as I rather nervously stepped inside Educarium for the very first time, beginning the first chapter of this new life. Boy oh boy, Turku. You didn’t let me down. Not in the slightest. Skimming through the chapter, many memories from the past seven months arise. Do I go and cherry-pick the best ones to tell you about? Fuck no. There’s no point in even identifying them; they belong to the chapter just as much as all the lows, and together they form a part of what has been an otherworldly story. However, it hasn’t always been a bed of roses. The first three days were catastrophic; I was already overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of everything, and then the situation got even worse. The whole city was shaken by the stabbing which took lives of the innocent. Questions were swirling around in my head. What the hell have I signed up for? Will I ever be able to cope with all of this? I’m still figuring out the answer to the first question, but as for the second one, my worries were clearly in vain. This is due in no small part to my fellow freshmen. Quite the Class of ’17, I’d say. One quick glance at this wonderful group of people, and all worries and concerns about being abandoned from the get-go evaporated. In fact, these people I’ve come to know are so fascinatingly unique that they have made me spent countless moments just scanning my surroundings from under the brim of my baseball cap, finding out some of their peculiarities. “Who the hell carries playing cards with him?” “A fan of Friends, eh?” “Can you not survive one morning lecture without coffee?” “She’s actually attending a lecture? That’s a first.” With each new observation it crept up to me; this is one diverse group. And man, has it been a fun one to be with. Ranging from the Turku Survival and Sitz parties to vicious board game clashes, from collectively losing the plot before important deadlines and exams to gambling during Fiction and Poetry lectures, we have already gone through so much. 24

I could not have asked for more; when things have gone downhill, knowing who ya gonna call and that somebody has your back has made all the difference. Due to people having been willing to give their helping hands rather than just their middle fingers, no uphill battle’s been insurmountable. It goes without saying that I am truly glad to have such a colourful group of characters making the story that much more enjoyable. Unfortunately, it’s March already and the first chapter is nearing its end. To think it’s only been seven months since everything started… it’s mad. Despite the occasional moments of pain, going back down memory lane to the very beginning and back is something I will gladly do time and time again. However, when the chapter eventually comes to a halt, most of us, the freshmen of 2017, will probably be quite unhappy about this spectacular year coming to an end. Fortunately, the story won’t end just there; we have plenty of time to write more chapters together. And I can’t wait to find out what the next one holds.

Manu Pajuniemi

This text was originally published in the 2018 issue of Baccanalia, Anglica's May Day publication. You can find it and all previous Baccanalias at


This right here is Anglica's traditional Pilttipassi. It includes some events and activities every first year student should experience. If you, for example, help clean up after a sitz party, or just drop by Signum for Coffee Hour, ask a board member or tutor to sign your pass. The first Anglican to get 11 marks on their pass wins free student overalls! The second freshman gets a free songbook and a canvas bag, and the third one a songbook. The Pilttipassi is in a convenient, treesaving do-it-yourself-form (to relieve board members of their cut-and-paste duties): just cut along the dashed line, fold the pass and keep it with you at all times during these first few weeks.

Complete the tasks and get signatures from board members or tutors to confirm.

The first freshmen to get 11 marks win:

1st: Free overalls 2nd: Free songbook and canvas bag 3rd: Free songbook

OTHER ACTIVITIES! Join Anglica Buy an overall patch Help clean up Spot a 5th year student Attend a board meeting Attend Coffee Hour


24.8. BBQ

27.8. Pizza Night

28.8. Board Game Night

29.8. Oldies vs. Newbies

6.9. Turku Survival

21.9. Freshman Sitz

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