Chestermere Anchor October 16 2003

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October 16, 2023 | Volume 23 No. 42

Steve King Memorial Dog Park Opens

The community celebrates the opening of the Steve King Memorial Dog Park, commemorating a beloved community volunteer and philanthropist’s enduring impact on Chestermere and beyond.

Alberta Eyes Unique Path in Supreme Court Strikes Down Pension Plan Overhaul, Rejects Federal Assessment Law Quebec’s Approach Page 3

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Bearhalts Encounter Promptsgrant ImmediCity community ate Closure of Canmore Trail program Page 3 Page 16




Photo Credit: Stephen Jeffrey

Alberta Eyes Unique Path in Pension Plan Overhaul, Rejects Quebec’s Approach Supreme Court Strikes Down Federal Assessment Law, Chestermere Businesses Rejoice Chestermere Residents to Receive Early Climate Action Incentive Payments A Pawsitive Legacy: Chestermere Honors Steve King with Memorial Dog Park Chestermere RCMP to Host Inaugural Regimental Ball Celebrating 150 Years of Service Chantelle de Jonge, MLA CFTR the Rogue - Chestermere’s Radio Station Masking Dilemma: Alberta Tightens Hospital Mask Mandates Amid Autonomy Concerns

anchormedia anchor media News Magazine • Directories • Radio the digital gateway to chestermere

Bear Encounter Prompts Immediate Closure of Canmore Trail OACC Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere Chestermere Public Library

PO Box 127 Chestermere, AB, T1X 1K8 T: 403.774.1322 Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Closed Weekends and Statutory Holidays


October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Alberta Eyes Unique Path in Pension Plan Overhaul, Rejects Quebec’s Approach Finance Minister Nate Horner dispels notions of adopting the Quebec pension framework, emphasizing a globally diversified investment strategy for Alberta’s potential stand-alone fund, amid ongoing public consultations. By Stephen Jeffrey


n a move that underscores Alberta’s intent to carve its distinct path in pension management, Finance Minister Nate Horner has categorically ruled out following Quebec’s model for a potential Alberta Pension Plan. This clarification comes amid heated discussions and public consultations on the province’s future with the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). The announcement, made on a radio show last Thursday, distanced Alberta’s approach from Quebec’s dual-mandate system, which balances return optimization with provincial economic investments. “We don’t believe in going down the model that Quebec has,” Horner emphasized, alluding to the complexities of aligning provincial investments with pension management. This statement follows just weeks after Premier Danielle Smith’s nod to public consultations, ensuring Albertans’ voices are heard before any concrete decisions are made. The discussion pivots on whether Alberta should retain its CPP involvement or establish an autonomous fund—a subject now open to public opinion via an online survey initiated on September 21. Instead of mirroring Quebec’s strategy, Horner outlined a vision for a robust, globally integrated investment approach for the pension assets, stressing risk mitigation and certainty in returns. “Whoever would be investing this on behalf of Albertans, it will have to have a complete global investment profile,” Horner asserted, dismissing any strategy short of a comprehensive international footprint. The push for an Alberta-specific pension plan gained

traction following a third-party report from LifeWorks, which suggested the province is entitled to a substantial share of the CPP fund—enough to potentially lower contribution costs and boost payouts for Albertans. However, this assertion has faced scrutiny, with critics questioning the report’s financial assumptions and the likelihood of other provinces conceding to Alberta’s hefty CPP withdrawal. Amidst these debates, the government has commissioned a panel, led by former finance minister Jim Dinning, to gauge public sentiment through regional telephone townhall discussions. The first session, dedicated to northern Alberta residents, is slated for Monday, October 16, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. These discussions are pivotal, as Premier Smith has affirmed that a public referendum will precede any major shift in pension policy. Contrarily, the Opposition NDP has criticized the lack of in-person consultations, with finance critic Shannon Phillips lambasting the approach as avoiding direct accountability. The NDP is countering with its online consultation event on October 19, demanding more transparent dialogue on the pension subject. As Chestermere residents, along with Albertans, stand at the crossroads of this significant financial decision, the coming months promise rigorous debate, consultation, and ultimately, a choice that could redefine the province’s economic future. Residents are encouraged to participate actively in the upcoming consultations, ensuring their voices contribute to shaping Alberta’s financial landscape.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Supreme Court Strikes Down Federal Assessment Law The Supreme Court’s recent ruling deeming the federal environmental impact assessment law unconstitutional heralds a new era for project development in Alberta, eliciting applause from the local business community. By Stephen Jeffrey


n a landmark verdict that’s music to the ears of Alberta’s business circles, the Supreme Court of Canada on Friday pronounced the federal government’s environmental impact assessment statute, formerly recognized as Bill C-69, as predominantly unconstitutional. This ruling has been met with widespread approval among Chestermere’s business community, who viewed the legislation as a stumbling block to vital infrastructure advancements. Implemented in 2019, the contentious law established a framework for evaluating the environmental repercussions of significant undertakings, a move that sparked ire among leaders in the province’s oil and gas sector. For them, the statute posed unnecessary hurdles to infrastructural evolution, pivotal to Alberta’s economic landscape. The Supreme Court, however, determined that the law encroached on provincial dominion, a decision that has sent waves of approval through the business sector. The Business Council of Alberta has lauded the ruling, terming it a significant positive turn that promises to bolster the reliability of major project progression within the nation. Echoing similar sentiments, the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association celebrated the decision, branding it an “unquestionable triumph for Canada’s

economy and workers.” For Chestermere residents, many of whom are directly or indirectly linked to the oil and gas industry, the ruling could signify more streamlined local developments and a potential economic upswing. The decision is seen as a removal of the regulatory shackles, potentially reviving investment interest and expediting project executions crucial to Alberta’s — and by extension, Chestermere’s — economic vitality. However, while the business groups are in jubilation, environmental advocates are likely to view this legal pivot with concern, highlighting ongoing tensions between economic development and environmental stewardship. The ruling raises essential questions about the future of environmental oversight in major projects, not just in Chestermere or Alberta, but across the entire country. As this judicial verdict sets a new precedent, the Chestermere business community, alongside provincial counterparts, anticipates a more prosperous climate for industrial expansion. Nonetheless, finding a balanced path forward that honors both economic growth and environmental responsibility remains a critical dialogue in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision.

Our Office Follows The Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide


October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Chestermere Residents to Receive Early Climate Action Incentive Payments The federal government expedites the disbursement of the second Climate Action Incentive Payments, offering financial relief to Chestermere families and supporting environmental responsibility. By Stephen Jeffrey


n a move that underscores the government’s commitment to both economic support and environmental stewardship, Chestermere residents, along with those in other eligible regions, are set to receive their Climate Action Incentive Payments (CAIP) earlier than the usual midmonth schedule. The federal government has announced that the second round of these tax-free payments, aimed at offsetting costs imposed by federal pollution pricing, commenced last Friday on October 13, two days prior to the regular disbursement date. The CAIP initiative extends across Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, providing a financial cushion for individuals and families while encouraging climateconscious living. It’s structured to offer a basic amount with an added supplement for residents of small and rural communities, recognizing the unique challenges they face. Eligibility hinges on a few criteria: residents must be Canadian for income tax purposes at the start of the month of the payment and must reside in a CAIP-applicable province. Additionally, for children to qualify, they need to be under 19, live with the applicant, be under the applicant’s primary care, and be registered for the Canada child benefit. New Canadians residing in Chestermere aren’t left out— though they’ll need to navigate a bit of paperwork. By

filling out the necessary forms and sending them to the closest tax centre, they can also avail of the climate action incentives. So, what do these payments look like for Chestermere locals? According to the Government of Canada’s website, Albertans are entitled to an annual credit of $772 for an individual, with additional amounts factored in for a spouse or common-law partner, children under 19, and notably, a higher amount for the first child in single-parent families. On top of this, residents of smaller communities like Chestermere will receive a rural supplement, calculated as 10% of the base amount. It’s noteworthy that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) maintains a no-interest policy on any overpayments or underpayments related to the CAIP, ensuring the financial relief provided remains untainted by additional fiscal concerns. For Chestermere residents curious about the finer details of the CAIP or seeking to understand their specific entitlements, more information is readily available on the Government of Canada’s website. This early disbursement not only provides immediate financial relief but also serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to balance economic support with environmental accountability in our community.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


A Pawsitive Legacy: Chestermere Honors Steve King with Memorial Dog Park The community celebrates the opening of the Steve King Memorial Dog Park, commemorating a beloved community volunteer and philanthropist’s enduring impact on Chestermere and beyond. By Stephen Jeffrey


n a day marked by clear skies and warm smiles, Chestermere residents and the family of the late Steve King gathered to celebrate the grand opening of the Steve King Memorial Dog Park. King’s wife, children, grandchildren, and their loyal dog Finn were present for the heartfelt ribbon-cutting ceremony, commemorating a man whose legacy in Chestermere endures through his profound impact on both human and animal lives. Steve King, remembered for his extensive volunteer work with the Calgary and Chestermere food banks, Lions Club, and Lions Foundation for Dog Guides set a benchmark for community involvement. However, it was the founding of the Community Therapy Dogs Society in 2013 that underscored his deep understanding of the canine-human bond. “Helping people, one dog at a time,” King’s motto, reflects his lifelong mission that garnered him accolades, including a nomination for the 2018 Western Legacy Awards and the Chestermere Rotary Club 2020 Community Leadership & Volunteer Award. The event wasn’t just a ceremonial inauguration but a community fête, with complimentary coffee from Tim Hortons and free dog swag from Pet Planet Chestermere Station. “This park embodies Steve’s spirit,” remarked a Community Therapy Dogs Society spokesperson. “It’s a space of joy, just as Steve would have wished. We’re immensely grateful to the Chestermere Lions Club, the City 6

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

of Chestermere, and everyone whose generosity made this tribute possible.” King’s influence radiated beyond Chestermere, illustrated by the innovative programs he initiated. “Listening Tails” began at the Chestermere Public Library in 2014, helping children bolster reading skills alongside attentive therapy dogs. The success was so resounding that “Visiting Tails” and “Caring Tails” were soon introduced, providing solace to seniors and stress relief in schools and workplaces, respectively. From its humble beginnings, the reach of King’s vision has expanded astonishingly. Initiatives that started locally, like the inaugural “Listening Tails” at East Lake School, have since proliferated. By mid-2021, the society’s programs had marked their presence in forty-three schools, thirteen nursing homes, five hospitals, two libraries, and a hospice, courtesy of over 100 selfless volunteers and their therapy dogs. The Steve King Memorial Dog Park is more than a recreational spot; it’s a manifestation of King’s enduring devotion to community welfare and his belief in the healing power of our four-legged friends. As dogs frolic and residents mingle, they’re not only sharing in communal joy but also honoring a man’s legacy etched in the very heart of Chestermere.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Chestermere RCMP to Host Inaugural Regimental Ball Celebrating 150 Years of Service A grand evening of entertainment, philanthropy, and community collaboration awaits Chestermere. By Stephen Jeffrey with input from Synergy’s Terry Gill and Chestermere RCMP’s S/Sgt. Kathy Klassen


ften, we find ourselves traveling to Calgary or even further afield for a grand evening out. But this October, Chestermere is about to witness an event that promises urban sophistication, rustic charm, and a deep-rooted sense of community, all rolled into one. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) of Chestermere are all set to host the inaugural RCMP Regimental Ball on October 21st, 2023. The city, renowned for its picturesque lake and tight-knit community spirit, is set to shimmer brighter on October 21st. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) of Chestermere is rolling out the red carpet, inviting locals to the inaugural RCMP Regimental Ball. Typically, grand events of this nature would require residents to journey to larger cities. Not this time. The RCMP Regimental Ball offers an unprecedented opportunity for locals to don their finest attire, mingle with neighbours, and partake in a night rich in culture, entertainment, and philanthropy—all within the heart of Chestermere. In an exclusive sit-down with The Anchor, Synergy’s Terry Gill and S/Sgt. Kathy Klassen of Chestermere RCMP shed light on this eagerly anticipated soirée. “It’s more than an event; it’s a showcase of Chestermere’s spirit. We’ve combined local stories with national heritage,” gushed Klassen. Kicking off the night, attendees will be ushered into a world of splendor. Fusion Bollywood, a renowned Calgarybased event décor company, will transform the venue into a spectacle of elegance, ensuring every corner exudes grandeur. The evening will unravel a blend of unique experiences. From the evocative rhythms of indigenous dancers, the mesmerizing performances of RCMP highland dancers, to the vibrant moves of Sikh cultural dancers—this cocktail hour promises to be a feast for the senses. And while guests indulge in gourmet hors d’oeuvres and are serenaded by a live harpist, renowned artist Russel Thompson will immortalize the evening’s fervor onto canvas. Thompson’s artwork will be a star attraction, destined to be auctioned off by night’s end. For those looking to immortalize their evening further, a photo booth will be at the ready, capturing memories amidst the backdrop of Canadian pride. And speaking of Canadian pride, the evening’s pièce de résistance will undoubtedly be the head table. Imagine 8

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

dining under the auspices of a colossal Canadian flag, while the entrancing melodies of an RCMP piper fills the air. It’s an experience that promises to leave guests awestruck. Continuing on this culinary journey, attendees will be treated to an array of palate-pleasing dishes courtesy of the award-winning caterer, Great Events. But the feast isn’t limited to food; attendees can dive deep into auctions featuring exclusive items, participate in the Regimental Challenge Coin toss for a shot at two WestJet tickets, or try their luck at the Wine Wall raffle. The RCMP’s history and legacy will be front and center throughout. 2023 marks a significant year for the institution—the 150th anniversary of its establishment. The Red Serge, an enduring symbol of Canadian culture, will be celebrated in style. Moreover, this isn’t just a celebration—it’s a philanthropic venture. “Every penny raised will find its way back into Chestermere,” assured Gill and Klassen. The Chestermere Women’s Crisis Society and Project Rewrite are the prime beneficiaries. While the former is a haven for vulnerable women, the latter champions restorative justice, encouraging individuals to amend their narrative postadversity. Detailed coverage on both organizations will be provided in subsequent articles by The Anchor, ensuring readers gain a holistic understanding of their endeavors. The auctions are, without a doubt, an avenue for attendees to not only walk away with precious memorabilia but also to contribute directly to these organizations. Silent auction items range from luxurious Banff Park Lodge stays, Stampeder tickets, and handcrafted moccasins to signed NHL jerseys. Meanwhile, the live auction promises more glamorous prizes, from a chauffeured limo ride to the iconic Spruce Meadows Christmas Lights to an exquisite diamond necklace. “This Ball is the epitome of ‘by Chestermere for Chestermere,’” Klassen reiterated, capturing the essence of this landmark event. As October 21st draws closer, the excitement is palpable. Residents have a golden opportunity to revel in grandiosity, pay homage to the RCMP’s legacy, and reinforce their community spirit. So, Chestermere, dust off those formal dresses and suits, and get ready for an evening that promises history, luxury, and an undeniable sense of community.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Chestermere Royal Canadian Mounted Police Saturday, October 21st, 2023

All proceeds will be donated to: Chestermere Women's Crisis Society & Project Rewrite Chestermere Recreation Centre 201 West Chestermere Drive, Chestermere, AB

Musical entertainment to include an aerialist, cultural dancers & harpist Live and silent auctions Tickets: $150 each (Tables of 8) VIP Tables: $1500 (seats 8 - includes perks) Tickets go on sale June 1st, 2023

Special rates offered at the Element Calgary Airport hotel Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Chantelle de Jonge, MLA

Provincial News attempt to erode the rights and authorities of the provinces as an equal order of government under the constitution. We hope this decision marks a turning point in that approach.


ast week, Albertans celebrated as the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government’s Bill C-69 – also known as the “no more pipelines” act – is unconstitutional. This was a major victory for Alberta’s economy and Alberta’s provincial rights. Bill C-69 has already claimed billions in investment and thousands of jobs. This ruling represents an opportunity to stop the economic bleeding and bring these investments and jobs back to our province and country. It also provides Alberta with yet another tool to work with, as we fight to protect Albertans from Ottawa’s proposed electricity regulations and oil and gas emissions cap. Over the years, we have witnessed the federal government


October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Our United Conservative government will always work to defend Alberta and its jurisdictional rights. This Supreme Court decision is very good news for our province and our future, but undoubtedly, more work lies ahead. Also, last week, we celebrated one year since Premier Danielle Smith was sworn-in as premier of Alberta. In just one year, Premier Smith has accomplished a lot, from balancing the budget, to signing a $24 billion health care funding deal, to cutting taxes, to defeating the NDP in the 2023 election. She has also stayed true to her promise to defend Alberta from hostile federal policies and helped pass a multi-billion-dollar affordability package to help Albertans cope with rising costs and inflation, caused by bad federal policies. We all look forward to Premier Smith accomplishing even more in the years to come, and ensuring Alberta remains the best place to live, work, and raise a family in the entire world. Premier Smith and our entire United Conservative team are listening and responding to the needs of Albertans. Alberta is back, leading the nation in economic prosperity, freedom, and opportunity. And we will work tirelessly to ensure this does not change.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

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Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


CFTR the Rogue - Chestermere’s Radio Station Welcome to the FAQ page for Chestermere’s internet (streaming) radio station, CFTR the Rogue. Here, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about our station and the services we offer. Q: What is an Internet radio station? A: An Internet radio station is a radio station that broadcasts over the internet, allowing listeners to tune in from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. While we can and do reach the whole world, as our slogan says, our target listening area is “from the bow to the badlands”. In real terms, we have regular listeners in: Calgary, Conrich, Chestermere, Langdon, Indus, Lyalta, Cheadle, Carseland, Mossleigh, Arrowwood, Siksika Nation, Gleichen, Strathmore, Irricana, Biesiker, Acme, Linden, Rosebud, and Drumheller. Q: Do I need special equipment to listen to your station? A: No, you don’t need any special equipment to listen to our station. You can listen to us on any device that can connect to the internet, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, Alexa, Google Home, and desktop computers. Q: How do I listen to your station? A: You can listen to our station by visiting our website and clicking on the “Listen Live” button. • Play Store – Search for and install CFTR the Rogue • App Store – Search for and Install CFTR Radio • Alexa – Say “Alexa enable CFTR the Rogue” to enable the skill, then simply say “Alexa play CFTR the Rogue” Every time after that. • Google Home: Say “Hey Google, Talk to CFTR the Rogue. Q: Is your station free to listen to? A: Yes, our station is completely free to listen to. We do not charge any fees or require any subscriptions to listen to our content. Q: Can I make song requests? A: Yes, you can make song requests by emailing us or using our website’s contact form. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to play your request, we always appreciate hearing from our listeners. Q: Do you have a mobile app? A: Yes, we have a mobile app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play. Our app makes it easy to listen to our station on the go and provides additional features, such as song requests and push notifications for special events. Q: Do you offer advertising opportunities on your station? A: Yes, we offer a range of advertising opportunities on our station, including sponsorships, on-air commercials, and banner ads on our website. Please contact us for more information about advertising on our station. Q: How can I contact you? A: You can contact us by emailing us at, using our website’s contact form, or reaching out to us on social media. We’re always happy to hear from our listeners and answer any questions you may have. 12

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Masking Dilemma: Alberta Tightens Hospital Mask Mandates Amid Autonomy Concerns Chestermere residents navigate the complexities of new AHS masking directives for hospitals, facing a blend of stricter rules and regional decision-making autonomy. By Stephen Jeffrey


s the leaves change color and Chestermere locals prepare for another autumn under the shadow of COVID-19, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has announced a new layer of precaution: enhanced masking protocols in hospitals. However, this directive comes with a twist – regions and individual hospitals have the discretion to opt out, raising concerns about uniformity in health measures amidst ongoing outbreaks. The new AHS mandate, effective immediately, stipulates that all staff, physicians, midwives, students, volunteers, contracted service providers, and laboratory workers in acute care facilities must don masks. The rule extends to patients, helpers, and visitors within emergency departments, potentially seeping into other hospital zones like hallways, gift shops, cafeterias, and elevators. This decision hinges on various critical factors, from the current number of outbreaks and hospitalization rates to additional health metrics. “This directive supports zone and site leadership to determine if enhanced masking is necessary,” the AHS emphasized in their Wednesday statement. Yet, the waters are murky when it comes to the execution of these new rules. The AHS has not provided clear guidance on the course of action if local and regional authorities clash over the necessity of these enhanced precautions. Similarly, there’s ambiguity regarding a hospital’s power to modify any regionally mandated mask orders, raising questions about potential discrepancies in implementation. In response to requests for clarification, AHS maintained a broad stance, stating, “Zone and site teams would work

together to find solutions that best look after patients.” This policy rollout coincides with AHS grappling with a spate of COVID-19 flare-ups in hospitals province-wide, spanning Edmonton, Calgary, Red Deer, Athabasca, and Medicine Hat. The severity of these outbreaks varies significantly, illustrated by contrasting situations like the 10 patients and seven health-care workers in a unit at the Medicine Hat facility versus the 79 patients and 41 healthcare staff across 12 units at Edmonton’s Royal Alexandra Hospital. With Alberta documenting 730 COVID-19 cases in the week concluding on September 30, these mask directives are no trivial matter. The province’s approach, especially under the scrutiny of Premier Danielle Smith, has faced criticism for its centralized, top-down strategy, seemingly lacking the finesse to adapt to the unique circumstances of each region. Premier Smith’s discontent with the AHS’s rigidity has been palpable. She’s delegated Health Minister Adriana LaGrange with the monumental task of decentralizing the health authority—a move anticipated to usher in more regionspecific health decision-making. More details on this pivotal shift are expected when the legislature reconvenes later this month. For Chestermere residents, these developments are a reminder of the pandemic’s evolving nature and the need for adaptive, yet cohesive, health strategies. As the community watches on, the balance between regional autonomy and strict health directives will be pivotal in shaping Alberta’s fight against COVID-19 in the months ahead.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Chantelle de Jonge, MLA Chestermere - Strathmore

403-962-0126 129 2nd Ave Strathmore

Respect is choosing not to laugh at jokes that put women, culture, or race down

Respect women Respect cultures Call it out Don’t be a bully





October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Welcome to Rainbow Falls Dental! Family Dentist Chestermere Rainbow Falls Dental is excited to introduce their brand new state of the art Dental practice to the town of Chestermere and surrounding area. Our dynamic team will strive to ensure you are comfortable and confident with the complete oral health care you are receiving and will continue to receive. You’ll always leave a lasting impression with a bright and confident smile. At Rainbow Falls Dental, we want to help you claim and maintain a strong healthy smile to enjoy for your entire life. Rainbow Falls Dental is a full-service clinic providing everything from routine check-ups & cleanings for your children, to the complex cosmetic and restorative dentistry sometimes needed. Our team understands that there is often a sense of uneasiness and anxiety associated with dental visits. We strive to put these emotions at ease by creating a positive and relaxing experience. It is very important to establish a great foundation of trust with each and every patient and take the time to accommodate to the specific needs of the individual. Our entire team is dedicate to providing you with a comfortable, pleasant, and friendly experience. We offer dental services for families and individuals of all ages. We are Unit 214 100 Rainbow Road, Chestermere, AB. We are right beside the No Frills. Call Rainbow Falls Dental to set up an appointment!

Our Office Follows The Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Bear Encounter Prompts Immediate Closure of Canmore Trail A tense confrontation with a bear on the Legacy Trail at the Canmore Nordic Centre has led to its indefinite closure, reminding Chestermere residents of the ever-present need for wildlife caution. By Stephen Jeffrey

Chestermere outdoor enthusiasts are met with a stern reminder of nature’s unpredictability as a local trail in Canmore shuts down following a nerve-wracking bear encounter. The incident, which led to the use of bear spray for defense, has prompted an immediate and indefinite closure of the Legacy Trail at the Canmore Nordic Centre, a popular spot among hikers and bikers from the Chestermere area. The unsettling confrontation unfolded on Wednesday, October 11, when a trail-goer came face-to-face with a bear, leading to a tense standoff that necessitated the use of bear spray, as per an advisory from Alberta Parks. While details of the incident remain sparse, including the specific type of bear involved — grizzly or black bear — the encounter’s proximity has certainly sent ripples through the Trail, extending into the adjacent lands within the Town local outdoor community. of Canmore’s jurisdiction. Authorities aim to prevent The closure affects a significant stretch of the Legacy further close calls or potential escalations with the bear or bears in the vicinity. “A close encounter between a bear and a member of the public, resulting in bear spray being deployed,” the advisory from Alberta Parks explained, underscoring the seriousness of the incident. For Chestermere residents, the event is a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and preparedness when enjoying the region’s natural landscapes. Officials and wildlife experts urge outdoor enthusiasts to practice cautionary measures to avoid startling or provoking bears. Recommended strategies include making ample noise, especially when moving through densely vegetated areas; staying in groups; maintaining control of pets with leashes; and consistently carrying bear spray in an easily accessible location. Furthermore, trail users are advised to stay acutely aware of their surroundings, continually looking and listening for indications of bear activity, such as tracks, scat, or feeding sites. Knowing how to properly use bear spray is also crucial, as this recent incident vividly demonstrates. Residents are encouraged to report any bear sightings promptly by calling 403-591-7755, facilitating timely alerts and potential area closures to ensure public safety and the well-being of the wildlife. This incident, while alarming, provides an opportunity for the community to revisit important wildlife safety practices, ensuring that the natural splendor surrounding Chestermere can be enjoyed responsibly and respectfully by all. 16

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Cousin Ernie Joins the League of Rogues Listen Monday’s 1:00 - 2:00 PM

out & about with Michelle

The Rogue is pleased to have Michelle Eldjarnson from Chestermere’s own Re/Max Key to our regularly scheduled programming. Listen Monday’s at one to hear about things going on around town and to hear Michelle’s eclectic picks of music

Michelle has loved music all her life and was exposed at an early age to every type of music from Jazz to Hillbilly, old fashioned country, with stops in between at classical rock and classical piano, in a variety of languages including English, French and Spanish. Michelle’s Weekly topics will cover

• The people in your neighborhood • Local sports teams • All about our schools • The walking paths • The parks • The ponds • The lake • The wildlife • Walkability Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere (OACC) October 2023 vice to the Older Adult community in Chestermere. Many thanks to the funding provided by the City of Chestermere 2022 Community Fund to allow this to move forward. Synergy celebrated their 10-year anniversary in September. It was an amazing event and very well attended. Many thanks to the volunteers, staff, leadership team and board of Synergy for their commitment to serving our community. Know that you have touched many lives and truly make a difference.

Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere (OACC) As the Summer heat and long days fade away and Fall is upon us, it always amazes me how quickly the leave change colours. It seems like it happens overnight. The morning coffee on the deck now requires a jacket but continues to be a great way to start the day. The kids are getting into their daily school routines and life seems back to be back on “schedule” for many families in Chestermere. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I wonder how many Red Ribbon prize worthy preserves will be served up with the turkey and trimmings.

Don’t forget about the Chestermere RCMP Regimental Ball on October 21, 2023. It is shaping up to be an event to remember. It is a formal gala, so break out those floor length evening gowns and tuxedos and enjoy a glorious evening celebrating the RCMP. Tickets are available at and are selling fast so if you are thinking about going, don’t delay or you may be disappointed. There will be a Mobile Blood Donor Event at the Chestermere Rec Centre on Monday, October 30th from 2:30pm to 7:30pm. This is always a great opportunity to give back to your community.

The City of Chestermere has embarked on updating the City’s Social Needs Assessment of our community. A third party was hired to review the social support and services within our city. It’s an opportunity to review what’s availOACC News & Community Events able and identify any gaps in the community offerings. Both the City and the local not-for-profit organizations The Older Adult Information Line went live on Thursday, provide various supports and services to the residents of September 7, 2023. Looking for information on resources, news, or events? Not comfortable using email or filling out Chestermere. Residents had an opportunity to participate forms online? Now you can call 587-349-7444 for help. On in the social needs assessment survey. The third party are to present their findings to Council in October. After this, behalf of OACC, Lakeshore Manor will be providing the information for the Older Adult Information Line from 9:00am it is expected that the awards for the 2023 Community Grant and 2024 Human Services Advisory Grants will be an– 5:00pm, Monday through Friday (excluding Statutory nounced, and funding released. This funding is imperative Holidays) for Older Adults in our community. Whether it’s for the not-for-profit organizations to continue their importhelping to do an online registration or finding information about homecare - call the Older Adult Information Line. As ant work providing programming and services for residents. with any new program, there will be some growing pains, so please be patient as the kinks are worked out. OACC and Interested in the History of Chestermere? Check out the Chestermere Historical Foundation. They meet the Lakeshore Manor are excited to provide this valuable ser18

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

3rd Tuesday of the month at the Whitecappers premises. Everyone is welcome and there is lots to learn about our community. CHF also have display cases at the Library that feature various events and points of interest about Chestermere. Take a few minutes to stop by and see them. Their September event “Ditchrider Diaries” is being rescheduled so watch for updates on their website at www. Chestermere Whitecappers Association have sent out their monthly calendar of events as well. They post it at the club, or you can check online at for all of the activities they have planned. There is something for everyone so take a moment to check out their events. Don’t forget to get a membership – if you are 50+ you are eligible to join. Lots of fun and a lot of opportunities to get out and mix and mingle with your fellow Chestermerians!

and it was negative (several in fact), but there was a certain feeling that I should be doing more. Certainly, staying home and avoiding crowds makes a lot of sense, but if you have to go out, make sure you wash your hands often and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. I have seen some people masking again, but again, that is a personal choice. All this is advice that my mother gave me many, many years ago and I would say is basic common courtesy when feeling under the weather. Join the Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere

Are you an older adult? Do you live or work in Chestermere or the immediate surrounding area? Do you want to engage and/or volunteer in the community with similar residents? With the changing seasons, comes the time to get some Do you have family that fits this demographic that you care stuff done around the house. Whether it is getting the air for or have living in Chestermere? Did you know that as a conditioner or furnace serviced (or both), it is also time to business or organization that has an interest in providing start winterizing the yard. Have your gutters cleaned, tidy services or programs for our older adults you are more than up the gardens and rake up those leaves. Don’t forget to disconnect outdoor hoses and turn off the water to outdoor welcome to be a member of OACC? We welcome adult children of older adults, caregivers, educators, agencies, service taps. It is also important to check the batteries in your fire organizations, funders, community partners and the comand carbon monoxide alarms. The fall maintenance list is munity at large. The common goal is to work for the betterlong but important to complete. ment of older adults in our community. News & Views on Health Well, it is that time of year again to start considering the flu shots offered through Alberta Influenza Immunization Program. For the general public, the program is set to begin on October 16, 2023. If it is your thing, the new Covid Moderna XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine will likely be accessible around the same time. We are also in the onset of cold and flu season. I, myself, had a cold a few weeks back. It was somewhat weird, because, for over 3 years, I have not had a sniffle. It is rather interesting now, though, that a cough due to cold (yes that is a Forrest Gump reference) earns you a lot of side glances and people distancing themselves. I did take a covid test,

OACC – Upcoming Meeting Date – Wednesday, October 18th at 1:30PM – 3:30PM Lakeshore Manor (200 Marina Drive, Chestermere). While walk-ins are welcome to our meetings, RSVPs are appreciated. Please email Joanne or Betty or Shannon The OACC also welcomes community businesses, organizations, and service providers to join our meetings as a guest speaker. If you are interested, please reach out to Joanne, Betty, or Shannon.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


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It’s Go Time Dear Supporters, The first reading of Bylaw 023-23 was passed on September 12, 2023. A Public Hearing has been set for October 17, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Main Hall at the Chestermere Recreation Centre. SAVE THE DATE AND MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND! It is imperative that we, as a community, speak up. Here is what you need to do to let Council know that you are OPPOSED to the re-zoning and the development of our legacy Golf Course. 1. Send an email to: and CC: Here is an outline you can copy and paste and fill in: To: City of Chestermere Council - Public Hearing Submission I am opposed to bylaw 023-23 being the Lakeside Golf Course Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment Bylaw. I want to ensure that NOT A SINGLE INCH on the golf course property is rezoned or developed. Name: Address: Phone Number: Comments: If you have already sent in an email to the City it DOES NOT count for the public hearing. It must be resubmitted using the above format and email address. You can absolutely reuse the content of your email, but it needs to be reformatted for this submission and sent to the public hearing email addres 2. Requests for verbal representation must be made by Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The City will accept written submissions until 12:00 p.m. on Monday, October 16, 2023. We STRONGLY encourage every single person against this Bylaw to speak up and be heard in person. 3. We are still recruiting volunteers who are willing to contribute ~2 hrs to go door to door (with support and materials) to make sure all of our neighbours know what is happening and how to stop ANY rezoning and development. If you are able to volunteer please fill in this form: Together we can stop this awful plan in its tracks! WE NEED YOU - PLEASE HELP AND SEND IN YOUR EMAILS TODAY 20

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

50+ Shades of Gray

Seniors Radio

Older Adults weekly radio chat Tune in to our new radio chat show: 50+ Shades of Gray with Sharron where we talk about all subjects related to mature living Your Host Sharron Matthewman (The Brit) Live Every Thursday at 10:00 – 11:00am Podcast:

Join Sharron for an hour of lively conversations, entertaining stories, and expert advice on topics that matter to you. From health and wellness to travel and hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced host and her guest experts will share their insights and expertise on a variety of issues affecting seniors today. We’ll also feature music from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and beyond, so you can sit back and reminisce with your favourite tunes. Whether you’re tuning in from home, on the go, or in the car, 50 + Shades of Gray is the perfect companion for your day. So mark your calendars and join Sharron for an informative and entertaining hour of radio just for you. Text, call, or email to ask questions on everything that you need to know and want to know about healthy ageing. Guest speakers and more. Please let me know of topics of interest. Let’s keep connected, all shades of GRAY welcome. 50+ Shades of Gray , airing every Thursday at 10:00 am on Chestermere’s Best Radio. Don’t miss it!

Tune in Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


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Upcoming Library Closures Please note the library and our return bin will be closed from November 11th – November 13th in observance of Remembrance Day. Fall Programs We have lots of great new programs and some returning favourites at the library this October. Find our full program guide on our website. Registration is online for all our programs, so be sure to view our events calendar to register. Pumpkin Palooza and Trunk or Treat Pumpkin Palooza is back for the second year on October 22nd from 12:15 – 3:30PM! Join us for our not so scary Halloween celebration. Wear your best costume, take pictures, and do activities and crafts at this sort of spooky event. We will have a Not So Spooky Magic Show with Christopher Cool at 2:00PM and afterwards a Monster Mash Dance Party. Thanks to Macaroni Kid for hosting Trunk or Treat in the library parking lot starting at 12:00PM. Fun Family Friday Play with your food in this Fun Family Friday on October 20th at 3:15PM with Candy Sushi! Registration is required. Storytime Join us on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:15AM by the pirate ship for an all ages storytime. No registration required.

/ caregivers while kids play. Family Yoga Join Luna P.L.A.Y. Kids at the library on Thursdays at 10:15AM for play-based yoga. Get some family-bonding time in as we participate in interactive games, music/dance, and fun posses. Together you and your family can learn how to relieve stress, regulate emotions, and have fun! No registration required, ages 2-6. English Language Learning Join the South Central Adult Learning Society on Tuesdays at 10:15AM. Come practice your English in a group with other learners. Discussions and activities will be aimed at beginner speakers, but will adapt to the level of the group. No Registration required.

Adult Yoga Explore yogic breath techniques, gentle movement, and guided relaxation on Thursdays at 12:00PM. This class supports increased connection between breath, mind, and body. It is a great low intensity midday reset for your PJ Storytime nervous system. Get ready for bed and enjoy a bedtime story on Tuesdays This 45 Minute class is suitable for adults and older adults at 6:15PM with the Chestermere Public Library. Wear of any experience level. your PJ’s, bring your blankets, and stuffies, and tuck in for *Please bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes. reading and fun. No registration required, and all ages Graphic Novel and Manga Clubs welcome! This month our teen and adult Graphic Novel and Manga Clubs are discussing Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks Baby Storytime and Bibs, Burps, and Breaks on our Discord. Any comic or manga that has a magic Baby storytime is back on Fridays at 10:15AM. Baby wielding character is welcome to be discussed on the storytime is for parents, caregivers, and babies 0-18 months. There are songs, books, and playing. Stay after for discord. Join our Discord on our website. Bibs, Burps, and Breaks for time to chat with other parents Share Your Library Experience

403.272.9025 22

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

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Have you taken part in any of our library services? We are looking for feedback on the library and our programs. Let us know what you think and how we can improve. Your feedback directly impacts our services and programming so we can continue to make the library better for everyone. Email your feedback to info@ or drop it off in our feedback box. Support Your Local Library Are you aware that the library is a Registered CHARITY? This means that we depend on donations from the public to support us. We are looking for corporate or personal sponsors for our Fall Programs. Any donations help and allow us to improve all our programming. Contact info@ chestermerepubliclibrary. com if you would like to donate.

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For more information about what is happening at the Library, check our website. Don’t forget to follow and like us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Chestermere Public Library Monthly Newsletter Are you wondering what’s happening at the library? Would you like to know? Sign up for our monthly newsletter for updates on programming, Reading Programs, Featured Displays, Community Outreach, Featured Artists, and more. Sign up by visiting our website at

Library Hours: Monday through Thursday – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

403.272.9025 October 16, 2023



Steve Jeffrey

Emily Rogers

Bill Biko

Sharron Matthewman

Michelle Eldjarnson

Kari Zalik


CFTR - The Swifty Hour

CFTR - Biko Show

CFTR - 50+ Shades of Gray

CFTR - Out & About

CFTR - Bad Parade

Barb Jeffrey

Julie Anne McRae

Dale Reimer

Nick Jeffrey

Otto Dee Jay

Keziah Arsenault

Sales Associate

Lakeside Libations

Automated Radio Content

Keyz to Pandora’s Box

Don Cassidy

Cathy Burness

Crows Feet

CFTR Nutritious Nuggets

Joanne Leema

Leslie Racz

Boba Fett

Publisher/Producer CEO

Marylin King


The views, opinions and positions expressed by all columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of The Chestermere Anchor News Magazine or Anchor Media Inc.

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October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42


Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

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Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


A Real Estate Minute With Michelle Eldjarnson The real estate market update for Chestermere 78 new listings 34 sales 38 Average Days on Market 125 Active Listings 3.68 Months of Inventory Average House price $614,950 2023 Average House price in 2022 $611,746 Average House price in 2011 $509,377 Strathmore 44 new listings 31 sales 32 Average Days on Market 51 Active Listings 1.65 months of supply Average House Price $385,458 Average House Price in 2022 $362,781 Average House price in 2021 $319,767 Langdon 14 New Listings 11 sales 30 Average days on market 23 active listings 2.09 months of supply $625,338 Average House 2023 Average House price in 2022 $592,550 Average House price in 2021 $480,146 Vulcan 2 new listings 4 sales 6 active listings 1.5 months of inventory $307,200 average house price.

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Call for help today: 403.369.1243 26

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Tune in to The Rogue Listen to the the soundreack of Chestermere

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023






These programs run every week. Drop-ins are always welcome! The studio will provide most supplies needed. Adaptive Art Mondays and Fridays Young at Heart Art Mondays 12:30 to 3:30 PM

Instructor's Studio – Mentorship Wednesdays 2 – 9 PM Open Studio Thursdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Wood Carving Fridays 9:00 to 11:00 AM


• • • •

After School Program (ages 6 to 9) Mondays – 4 to 5:30 PM Preteen (ages 9 to 12) Mondays - 6:30 to 8 PM Preschool (ages 3 to 5) Tuesdays – 10 to 11 AM Homeschool Art (ages 5 to 9 )Wednesdays– 10 to 11 AM (ages 10+) Wednesdays– 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM Teen Night (ages 13 to 18) dates and times vary

Let us create a custom artistic event for any occasion. • Birthday parties • Team Building • Corporate Events • Family Celebrations

priority information on all programs reduced pricing on all programs exhibit your artwork on the website be a part of a vibrant art community in Strathmore and area @wheatlandarts wheatlandartsociety



October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Acclaimed Fine Art Show to Showcase the Work of 14 Calgary Professional Artists Calgary, AB – The Acclaimed Fine Art Show opens its doors on Friday, October 20, 2023, showcasing the original visual art of 14 of Calgary’s talented professional artists. The three-day show and sale at the Crescent Heights Community Association features an impressive array of original paintings from accomplished local artists who work in a wide variety of styles in different mediums. The artists exhibiting at Acclaimed come from across Calgary, including: Brenda Banda-Johnson Karen Biko Holly Burghardt Gerardo Carsolio Connie Geertz Terri Heinrichs Cynthia Makara Alison Philpotts Jeweliyana Reece Darren Umbsaar Sharon Lynn Williams The event is free and open to the public, and attendees will have the opportunity to meet the artists and learn more about their work. The show will run: Fri. Oct. 20 (4 – 8 pm) Sat. Oct. 21 (10 am – 4 pm) Sun. Oct. 22 (11 am – 3pm) For more information, visit the Acclaimed website at . Contact: Terri Heinrichs, ArtistPhone: (403) 701-1041 Email: Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Lakeside Libations Nick Jeffrey

Fine Argentine Wine


he wines of Argentina seem to occupy more shelf space every time I visit my friendly neighbourhood booze merchant, and for good reason indeed. Argentina is blessed with a climate conducive to wine production, and their runaway inflation means that our struggling Canadian dollars can still buy Argentine wine for a very reasonable price. The name Argentina comes from the Latin word for silver, which is what the Spanish conquistadors were searching for during the early days of Spanish colonization in the 1500’s. It was not long after the first waves of Spanish colonization that European grape varietals were planted in Argentina, and certain grapes thrived particularly well in the Argentine terroir. The most famous Argentine wine export is Malbec, a grape varietal originally from the Bordeaux region of France, which grows very well in Argentina. Malbec is one of the six grape varietals permitted in Bordeaux wines, giving it a pedigree of the highest order, as Bordeaux is widely considered the gold standard that all others are judged against. Today, Argentina is the world’s fifth largest wine producer, but it began with a single humble vineyard planted by 30

October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Christian missionaries in the late 1550’s. Production was small for a few centuries, until the biggest leap for the Argentine wine industry took place in 1868, when the Malbec grape varietal was introduced from the Bordeaux region of France, and has since become the national grape varietal for Argentina. Argentine Malbec is noticeably distinct from French Malbec. Argentine Malbec grapes tend to be smaller than their French counterparts, and are considerably less tannic, making Argentine wines more plush and velvety on the tongue. Some of these differences are due to terroir, but it is also suspected that the vineyards of Argentina are planted with a unique offshoot of Malbec that disappeared from France during the great phylloxera epidemic that devastated European vineyards in the mid-nineteenth century. The bulk of the vineyards in Argentina are around the city of Mendoza, on a high-altitude plateau at the edge of the Andes mountains. The most productive vineyards are located 800 to 1200 meters above sea level, with hot sunny days moderated by chilly nights for a long growing season that allows the rich flavours to fully mature before harvest.

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Malbec develops a thicker skin when grown at high altitudes, making Argentine grapes more robust and hardy than than their French counterparts, which helps produce the more full-bodied flavour that Argentine wines are known for. Whatever the reasons, Malbec has been increasing in popularity since the 1990’s, with Argentina the world leader in production. Malbec is also grown in neighbouring Chile, and has also spread to Australia, and even a few small Canadian plantings near Kelowna. The Malbec grape is deep violet in color, and generally produces a big and bold red wine. You will often find Malbec bottled as a single varietal, but it is also blended with more tannic grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon, as the Malbec helps take the bitter edge off of highly tannic grapes. Argentine Malbec is quite fruit-forward, with notes of blackberry and plum on the tongue, fading into hints of cocoa and leather in the finish. The long growing season reduces the tannins, producing a plush and velvety wine.

Because Malbec is not a highly tannic wine, care should be taken when pairing with food. Avoid red meats like juicy rare steaks in favour of leaner cuts. I find Malbec to pair perfectly with a nice lean Alberta bison roast, or lighter meats like chicken or veal. While we may be singing the blues about our low Canadian dollar at the moment, the Argentine peso is faring even worse, which essentially lets us buy Argentine wines at a permanent discount. Due to the currency imbalances, a $20 bottle of Argentinian wine is often the equivalent of a $40 bottle of Canadian wine, making Malbec a tremendous value. You will find the bulk of the Argentine Malbecs at your local booze merchant to be under $20, making them easy to purchase on a whim. When I entertain at home, I often pick up a few bottles of Malbec at different price points, and my guests often prefer the $18 bottles to the $25 bottles. Pick up a few bottles and see for yourself!

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Whitecappers Calendar


October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Older A of Che dults Coal it sterm ere M ion eeting

When : Wed 2023 nesday , Octob er 18, Time: 1:30pm – 3:30 pm Where : • La kesho Drive, re Manor, 2 0 Cheste rmere 0 Marina RSVP: • jum p • illin master2@s ha gw8@ telus.n et Walk-i ns RSVP a welcome, ppreci ated

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Chestermere Christian Fellowship

Services: Sunday 10:00 am Pastor Vince VanderVeen 403-204-2079 1.6 km north of Hwy 1 on Conrich Road


October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores




The Ro ta AMAZ ry Chesterm ING RA e CE 202 re CANCE 3 is It is w LED. ith hea

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The Chestermere Fine Art Guild

The Chestermere Fine Art Guild meets every Thursday at 1pm, at the Recreation Centre North side, upstairs in room 2. Come and explore your artistic potential. Welcoming new members beginner to advanced. Like us on Facebook and email

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Lakeside Quilters’ Guild Meeting each month at the Chestermere Recreation Centre on the first Wednesday of each month. Sew days are on the third Wednesday of each month and a sew Saturday each month, including summer. Quilting experience not required, new members welcome. For more information please contact Joyce at 403-383-1940.

The Rotary Club Of Chestermere St. Gabriel's the Archangel Parish

Catholics in Chestermere: Weekend masses are now open for public celebration without seating restrictions at St. Gabriel’s Catholic School (197 Invermere Dr.). There is no longer advanced registration required to attend mass (Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 9 am, and 10:30 am), but please stay home if you feel sick that day. For more information please call 403-455-0196.

Holds virtual meetings via Zoom on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 5:00pm and hosts in-person “Socials” at local venues on the last Wednesday of the month. Guests are warmly welcomed to “Zoom in” to our virtual meeting or join us for some social time when they can! Please email us for more information at: Check out our website at:

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023



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October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

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For Sale WHITE SPRUCE TREES: 5’ average $50. Installation ONLY $19. Includes: hole augered, Wurzel Dip enz yme injec tion, bark mulch application, staking. Minimum order 20. Onetime fuel charge: $125-150. Crystal Springs. 403-8200961. Quality guaranteed.


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Services CRIMINAL RECORD? Why suffer employment/ l i c e n s i n g l o s s? Tr ave l / business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US entry w a i v e r. R e c o r d p u r g e. File destruc tion. Free consultation. 1-800-3472540. www.accesslegalmjf. com. GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad credit? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lend! If you own your own home - y o u q u a l i f y. P i o n e e r Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-987-1420. www.

P R I VAT E M O R T G A G E LENDER. All real estate types considered. No credit checks done. Deal direct with lender and get quick approval. Toll free 1-866-405-1228 www. firstandsecondmortgages. ca.

WANTED OLD ADVERTISING: Dealership signs, service station, gas pumps, globes, oil cans, Red Indian, White Rose, Buffalo, Husky, Ford, GM, Dodge, Tire signs, Coke, Pepsi, etc. Call 306-221-5908.

Wanted C A S H PA I D F O R G O L D, SILVER & PLATINUM! Buying coins, collec tions, 9 9 9 bullion, bars, ingots, jewelry, nuggets, sterling, old money. PURCHASING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Call Todd 1-250-864-3521.

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Listings & ONE SPOT Business Community Listings

Everything Chestermere

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Box office 403.243.6642

September 8 - November 12, 2023

30 years of Experience

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our s to file y y a d 7 e v als ( you ha

Driving d e r i a p Im appeal) •

Officer e c i l o P rmer o on Appe i t F c y n a b S d e oadsid ounde R F e • t a s i h d t e a Imm ner of O o i s s i m m lic • Co b u P y r a Not

My Lic

Call for help today: 403.369.1243 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


Professional Services Find everything in


Phone: 403.930.3330 #102, 120 John Morris Way, Chestermere

Listings & ONE SPOT Business Community Listings

Everything Chestermere

Professionals - Trades - Consultants - Retail - Small & Medium Businesses


4528 Edmonton Trail NE, Calgary ALL Service Technicians Are Licensed Journeyman Plumbers and Gas Fitters • • •

Water Heater Repair and Replacement Furnace Repair and Replacement Repairs to Water and Drain Lines

New Gas Lines for Barbecues and Stoves



October 16, 2023 Volume 23 No. 42

Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

You’re in good hands. Every day, champions across the country stand up for their communities, raise their hands to ask the tough questions and uncover the truth. This National Newspaper Week, celebrate the power of words and local homegrown news. Purchase the Champions book at

Alberta Hearing Center

Make us Part of Your BACK TO SCHOOL Preparation For all your hearing needs: AADL, WCB, DVA, Private Hearing Tests (ages 4 to adult) Hearing Aids • Batteries • Ear Plugs Bluetooth and Communication headsets

Chestermere’s only locally owned and operated hearing clinic

Casino Volunteers Wanted Rocky View Regional Handibus needs your help We still need volunteers for evening shifts Oct 30 & 31 2023 ACE Casino (4040 Blackfoot trail) These funds enable Rocky View Bus to be there for you Contact Jo Ann 403-253-1209

Oasis Medical Centre - Chestermere Station 175 Chestermere Station Way #201 • Chestermere 403.668.7776 | Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

October 16, 2023


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Articles inside

Classified Marketplace

pages 36-38

Fine Argentine Wine

pages 30-35


pages 22-27

Shades of Gray Older Adults weekly radio chat

page 21

It’s Go Time

page 20

Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere (OACC) October 2023

pages 18-19

Bear Encounter Prompts Immediate Closure of Canmore Trail

page 16

Masking Dilemma: Alberta Tightens Hospital Mask Mandates Amid Autonomy Concerns

pages 13-15

CFTR the Rogue - Chestermere’s Radio Station

page 12

Provincial News

pages 10-11

Chestermere RCMP to Host Inaugural Regimental Ball Celebrating 150 Years of Service

pages 8-9

A Pawsitive Legacy: Chestermere Honors Steve King with Memorial Dog Park

pages 6-7

Chestermere Residents to Receive Early Climate Action Incentive Payments

page 5

Supreme Court Strikes Down Federal Assessment Law

page 4

Alberta Eyes Unique Path in Pension Plan Overhaul, Rejects Quebec’s Approach

page 3
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