The Chestermere Anchor October 02, 2023

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October 02, 2023 | Volume 23 No. 40 Anchor Chestermere’S The NEWS October Already?


Chestermere City Workers in turmoil: union

Controversy and allegations abound

Chestermere Crisis: City CounCil’s ongoing struggles spark publiC

distrust and ministerial oversight

northbaCk holdings proposes neW Coal drilling plan for grassy mountain

Chantelle de Jonge, mla

roCky mountain Coal mine appliCation sparks Controversy in alberta

alberta premier opposes 2035 net-

Zero eleCtriCity target

CyberattaCks from indian haCker group

impaCt Canadian government Websites

rmso ushers in a neW era of musiC

With “neW horiZons - neW World”

road rage inCident Causes paniC

outside Calgary airport alleged serial offender from massive

poliCe hunt faCes additional Charges

Chestermere neighbour strathmore

hospital faCes human rights Complaint

alberta’s pension plan proposal has a breXit-like stink to it

food inflation takes a positive turn

With a dip in most Categories, eXCept

fishCentertainment ~ loCal theatremagiC lies

2 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Chestermere, AB, T1X 1K8 Closed Weekends and Statutory Holidays anchormedia INSIDE OPENING SHOTS
Photo Credit: Stephen Jeffrey

Chestermere City Workers in Turmoil: Union Controversy and Allegations Abound

City of Chestermere faces accusations of wrongful dismissals, tension with public employees’ union, and legal battles.

CHESTERMERE – Relations between the City of Chestermere and its employees are reportedly on thin ice as allegations of dismissals without cause and anti-union activities come to the fore. The Canadian Union for Public Employees (CUPE), often referred to as QPEE, alleges that six city employees have been dismissed without justified reasons. The firings consisted of four from the legislative services department and two from planning.

Lou Arab, spokesperson for CUPE, paints a troubling picture of the city’s work environment. He asserts that the dismissed employees, instead of seeking to return to what they describe as a ‘toxic’ workplace, are pursuing settlements.

In a recent email sent out to Chestermere employees, concerns over the city’s bargaining tactics were raised. Despite lengthy negotiations, the city has reportedly yet to present a financial position. The communication accuses the city of “surface bargaining”, claiming they have no genuine intention to conclude a deal. The union is now contemplating arbitration, looking to have an independent arbitrator impose a first contract.

Adding another layer to the unfolding drama is a campaign

hinting at the potential decertification of CUPE. The union condemns this as an intimidation tactic orchestrated by the employer. The email explicitly identifies this as an “employer-dominated campaign of intimidation,” noting the presence of key administrative figures during relevant meetings.

On the other side, the City’s Director of Corporate Services, Kim Wallace, pushes back against these allegations. Wallace, who’s currently dealing with an assault charge stemming from a city hall incident, suggests that the union is churning out these narratives out of fear that the workers might sever ties with their representation.

Complicating matters further, Chestermere is challenging a recent municipal inspection executed by the Alberta government. The city has raised eyebrows over the accuracy and implications of the report’s findings and directives.

As tensions escalate and uncertainties loom, Chestermere’s civic arena remains a hotbed of controversies and unfolding stories. Residents are urged to stay informed, remain vigilant, and await further updates on these significant developments.

3 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Chestermere Crisis: City Council’s Ongoing Struggles Spark Public Distrust and Ministerial Oversight

Amid allegations of mismanagement and legislative infractions, the city of Chestermere faces a governance crisis that threatens to erode public trust and tarnish its reputation.

A Battle on Multiple Fronts

The city of Chestermere, a scenic lakeside community just east of Calgary, is embroiled in a controversy that has residents questioning the capabilities of their elected officials. Following a months-long investigation that exposed systemic mismanagement within the local government, the city council now finds itself under intense scrutiny not only from the Minister of Municipal Affairs but also from its own constituents.

In March, Rebecca Schultz, then Municipal Affairs Minister s laid down the law, issuing 12 binding directives that the city is expected to adhere to. Mayor Jeff Colvin and the council face the uphill task of re-establishing trust, especially when allegations of mismanagement have marred the last two years. The saga unfolds as a cautionary tale, drawing comparisons to political turmoil in other jurisdictions, including the Trump administration in the United States and irregularities in municipal governance in Toronto.

The Ministerial Directives: A Wake-up Call

Alberta’s current municipal affairs minister, Ric McIver, has been explicit in his expectations for Mayor Jeff Colvin and the city council. Voicing his directions clearly, McIver’s stance serves as a stern warning to local governance structures that have repeatedly failed to address longstanding issues.

“Chestermere has been a city managed in an irregular, improper, and improvident manner,” McIver stated, encapsulating the findings of an investigation that took

place between last May and September. The inspection uncovered 25 instances of mismanagement, including at least 17 legislative infractions.

Citizen Distrust: A Symptom of Larger Problems

The crisis is not just about administrative loopholes and legislative infractions. It goes to the core of governance— public trust. Residents have grown increasingly skeptical of their representatives due to allegations of partial truths and misinformation disseminated by the city—echoing the disinformation strategies that plagued the Trump administration.

A Comparative Lens: Governance in Other Jurisdictions

The Chestermere scenario bears a disconcerting resemblance to other instances of municipal confusion, including the case of Toronto’s government controversially selling off green belt land amid allegations of collusion with developers. While these two cases are not directly related, they highlight the urgency and importance of transparent governance, especially at the municipal level.

Mayor Colvin’s Turbulent Leadership

Mayor Jeff Colvin’s interactions with staff and other council members add fuel to the fire. Mount Royal Political scientist Lori Williams observes, “Mayor Colvin operates under the belief that everyone else but him is wrong.” On multiple occasions, Colvin has even stated that he doesn’t trust his staff, a claim that bodes ill for any hope of seamless governance.

Our Office Follows

The Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide

4 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

The Infamous 4-3 Voting Block

Previous Minister of Municipal Affairs, Rebecca Schultz, who initiated the investigation, noted a consistent pattern in Chestermere’s voting dynamics. “The 4 to 3 voting block is frequent and consistent, indicating a deeply divided council,” Schultz commented.

The Cuff Report: The Catalyst for Change?

Consultant George Cuff’s investigation has served as a catalyst, putting into perspective the scale of the governance crisis. The report highlighted a deeply divided council, cases of bullying, irregularities in administrative roles, and other improper conduct, painting a grim picture of the city’s management system.

Chestermere’s Public Stance: A Web of Complexity

Chestermere city hall has countered the allegations by demanding ‘adequate responses’ to the governance report, claiming the province has not been truly collaborative or respectful of their concerns. This stance has failed to alleviate community distrust, with many residents finding the city’s counter-arguments lacking in substance and sincerity.

The Legal Battleground

The city’s decision to take the matter to court for a judicial review complicates the situation further. This decision, which appears to be backed by only a portion of the council, risks making Chestermere the laughing stock of Alberta municipalities, further eroding the city’s reputation and public trust.

The Path Forward

With the spotlight firmly on Chestermere, the next steps are crucial for the city’s future. Given the severity of the issues, it is imperative that the council adheres to the Ministerial directives to restore governance integrity. Otherwise, they risk not only their political careers but also the long-term well-being of the Chestermere community they are supposed to serve.

It remains to be seen if the city can steer its way through these turbulent waters, but what is clear is that substantial reform is needed to rebuild public trust and establish a governance model that is both transparent and effective. Anything short of that would be a disservice to the people of Chestermere and a stain on the city’s reputation.

5 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Northback Holdings Proposes New Coal Drilling Plan for

Grassy Mountain

After previous rejection, the company returns with a revamped proposal for exploration in Alberta’s contentious region.

Northback Holdings Corporation, previously known as Benga Mining Limited, is attempting once again to gain approval for coal mining at Grassy Mountain, Alberta. The company recently submitted three new applications to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) after its project was declined two years ago. These applications encompass a coal exploration program, a temporary water diversion permit, and a deep drilling permit. The primary objective is to mine steel-making coal from the Grassy Mountain deposit, located in the vicinity of Blairmore, Alta., in the renowned Crowsnest Pass.

Owned by an Australian parent enterprise, Northback is poised to drill 46 boreholes between depths of 150 to 550 metres. This drilling initiative, spanning both Crown and private land, aims to “illuminate the full depth of the Grassy Mountain deposit, secure raw coal samples, and model coal seam structures,” as per their application. The application, which was tendered at the end of August, seeks permission from the AER to kickstart exploration by October 15th.

Efforts to reach Northback for a comment remained unanswered. However, the AER confirmed the registration of the application in early September, revealing that it’s currently under their review. The processing time varies; some applications clear in a mere three weeks, while others might extend to a year.

History is replete with Northback’s (previously Benga Mining) endeavors to extract coal from this part of the Rockies. Their prior proposal faced rejections on both federal and provincial levels. Concerns included potential

detrimental effects on water quality, native trout species, and an endangered pine variety.

Recall that the company had then projected a 25-year operational span for the mine, forecasting a production of 4.5 million tonnes of coal and approximately $1.7 billion in tax revenues.

After this setback, Alberta’s top court further denied an appeal from Northback and two local First Nations.

Katie Morrison, Executive Director of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society’s southern Alberta division, commented on the company’s renewed efforts: “Given the heightened public awareness and concerns, it’s challenging to envision the company navigating through the barriers and securing approval.”

It’s essential to note the controversy surrounding coal development in this region. Alberta’s decision to revoke its long-standing coal policy in 2020 ignited a widespread outcry. The policy, which was reinstated a year later, delineates land categorizations and thus exploration and development rights. Notably, the land earmarked in Northback’s proposal falls under Category 4.

Reassuring residents, Alberta’s Energy Minister, Brian Jean, stated, “The Ministerial Order, coupled with the reinstated 1976 coal policy, ensures formidable restrictions on coal mining in the Eastern slopes.”

Northback’s new proposal also indicates drilling near a decommissioned coal mine, operational until the 1960s. As the situation develops, Chestermere locals and stakeholders will keenly observe the project’s trajectory.

6 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Provincial News

As your elected representative, I am always interested in hearing your opinion on the issues of the day. The Alberta government also provides opportunities to receive your feedback directly to the department responsible. Two such surveys are described below. In the fall of 2019, Alberta’s government launched the Fair Deal Panel to advance Alberta’s economic interests and look at ways to achieve a fair deal for our province within Confederation.

One of the items the panel considered and discussed with Albertans was an Alberta Pension Plan. Was it possible that Albertans could receive better pension benefits by contributing to a made-in-Alberta pension plan and, if so, what would that look like?

Recently, we updated Albertans on our work in exploring this opportunity.

According to an independent, third-party report from Lifeworks that was commissioned in 2020 – the creation of an Alberta Pension Plan could, in fact, benefit all Albertans. According to Lifeworks’ expert analysis, an Alberta Pension Plan could increase benefits for seniors, reduce premiums for workers, and protect the pension interests and benefits of all Albertans.

Alberta is the economic engine of Canada and our young population, nation-leading employment rate, and higher pensionable earnings mean that we’re providing an outsized contribution to CPP.

Ultimately, it’s your pension and your choice. Nothing will happen to Albertans’ pensions without Albertans deciding. To provide more information on the potential benefits of an Alberta Pension Plan, Alberta’s government has launched a new website. I encourage you to visit www. to read the Lifeworks report, learn the facts, and provide your feedback.

For those of you with a keen interest in our children’s education, our government is beginning a transparent and collaborative process to engage Albertans and education partners on redrafting the province’s K-6 social studies curriculum.

Using the valuable feedback Albertans have provided over the last two years, Alberta Education is redrafting the K-6 social studies curriculum to ensure content builds students’ critical thinking and communication skills, enhances Indigenous, multicultural and francophone perspectives and is age and developmentally appropriate. Albertans are encouraged to visit to learn more and have their say.

Please keep in touch and send your feedback as we work together to keep Alberta as the best place to live, work and raise our families.

7 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Chantelle de Jonge, MLA

Rocky Mountain Coal Mine Application Sparks Controversy in Alberta

Chestermere locals weigh in as NDP calls for intervention from the Energy Minister on Grassy Mountain project revival.

The Alberta New Democrat Opposition is urging the provincial government to intervene in the matter of coal mining exploration applications in the Rocky Mountains, an issue resonating deeply with many Chestermere residents.

Jodi Calahoo Stonehouse, the environment critic, in a communique to Energy Minister Brian Jean, emphasized the necessity for the Alberta Energy Regulator to dismiss Northback Holdings’ requests pertaining to drilling and water usage.

Recently, Northback moved forward with its aspiration to resurrect the Grassy Mountain initiative. This project previously faced rejection in 2021 by a combined federalprovincial review panel.

At present, the regulator is contemplating the relevance of documents presented during that phase of the proposal to its current status. If deemed appropriate, this would classify it as an “advanced project.” Thus, it would sidestep the government’s prevailing halt on coal development - a response to the cascade of mining proposals that stirred

public dissent.

However, Calahoo Stonehouse has voiced a stance that echoes the sentiments of many Albertans. Referring to the review panel’s conclusion, she highlighted the widespread consensus against open-pit mining in the Rockies. “Why would we say yes to exploratory (permits) when we’re saying no to mining?” she questioned, emphasizing the redundancy of revisiting this contentious debate and the pressure it imposes on local communities, which are split between opposition and endorsement of the mine.

Minister Jean, granted the authority through the ministerial order that implemented the moratorium, has the power to instruct the regulator to spurn the applications, thereby discontinuing the procedure. Jean, in his remarks, hinted that the ultimate decision remains with the regulator, stating, “Receiving an application is not a guarantee that the application will be approved.”

The unfolding events around the Grassy Mountain project will undoubtedly remain in the spotlight for Chestermere’s community and Alberta at large as decisions are made.

8 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Alberta Premier Opposes 2035 Net-Zero Electricity Target

Danielle Smith hints at leveraging Sovereignty act against federal plans, stirring both support and criticism in the Chestermere community.

As the federal government pushes for a net-zero electricity grid by 2035, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith suggests employing the Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act – or the “sovereignty act” – as a countermeasure. Smith maintains that achieving net-zero by 2035 is impractical, hinting at potential power blackouts due to an unreliable baseload power source like natural gas.

Smith’s administration is lobbying for a 2050 target and is in active dialogue with federal representatives. “We’re preparing a sovereignty act motion and I’m hoping we don’t have to use it,” Premier Smith declared in Calgary, emphasizing the province’s goal for an electricity system that ensures “reliability and affordability.”

Passed last fall, the act serves as Premier Smith’s hallmark legislation, designed to empower Alberta to overrule federal regulations and programs perceived as unconstitutionally infringing on provincial domains, including energy development. Notably, the act’s legal standing remains untested.

To bolster their stance, Smith’s government has also unveiled a national ad campaign spotlighting the risks of the 2035 target. “We are running print, radio, television and social media ads along with billboards and bus wraps,” Smith elaborated.

Federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault challenged Smith’s remarks, requesting the Alberta Electric System Operator to provide data supporting its assertion that the 2035 timeline is infeasible. Guilbeault labeled claims about potential blackouts as “misinformation, designed to inflame not inform.”

Emphasizing Canada’s ambition to keep pace with G7 counterparts transitioning to clean electricity, Guilbeault highlighted the economic prospects. “This is a huge economic opportunity that we do not want to miss,” he noted, asserting that the proposed regulations grant ample time for industry adjustments and attracting investments.

Meanwhile, Alberta NDP energy critic Nagwan Al-Guneid urged Smith to demonstrate proactive leadership, adjusting to the evolving global energy landscape. She criticized the province’s decision to employ taxpayer funds for the ad campaign and the possibility of invoking the sovereignty act. Instead, she advised leveraging the $40 billion allocated by the federal government for the transition.

Guilbeault’s department predicts that households will see an energy bill rise of $35 to $61 annually by 2040 if the regulations are adopted. While only 2% of this increment stems from the regulations, Alberta projects a heftier consumer cost. The federal government commits to financing up to half of the regulations’ cost through various means.

The draft regulations are still under review, with the finalized version slated for January 2025 publication. As Chestermere residents await further developments, debates surrounding the energy future of Alberta remain intense.

9 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Save on Legal Notices Anchor Media inc offers competitive pricing for you and a variety of categories Radio and e-paper Name Changes Summons Dissolution of Marriage Trustee Sales Storage Auctions Guardianship Contact Dale Reimer 403.803.8752

Cyberattacks from Indian Hacker Group Impact Canadian Government Websites

Chestermere residents among those potentially affected by digital disturbances.

Major Canadian institutions, including military and Parliament websites, have been targeted in recent cyberattacks. An Indian hacker group claims responsibility, causing disruption in various government-operated web platforms. However, Canada’s signals-intelligence agency reassures that these “nuisance” attacks probably haven’t compromised private data. These cyber disturbances impacted several institutions under the federal wing, but they didn’t reach the central infrastructure utilized by different federal departments.

During the disruptions on Wednesday, the Canadian Armed Forces acknowledged that its website was temporarily inaccessible for mobile users. The issue was resolved within hours. It is essential to note that the military’s site is independent of the servers utilized by the Department of Defence and the military’s internal networks. Defence Minister Bill Blair confirmed the incident was due to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. In this type of attack, bots flood a website with massive visits, causing it to malfunction. “Our cyber and security officials acted promptly,” Blair remarked.

The House of Commons website also suffered from a DDoS attack, resulting in slow loading or incomplete page displays starting Monday. “We’ve implemented measures to restore services,” assured Amélie Crosson, the House of Commons spokeswoman. The Senate is still recovering from a similar attack that initiated on Monday. Elections Canada faced a denial-of-service attack for about an hour early Wednesday, Ottawa time. However, they emphasized that the site does not contain any sensitive information and operates separately from their main website.

The Communications Security Establishment, Canada’s signals-intelligence agency, clarified its stance. “DDoS attacks rarely jeopardize information and generally don’t cause permanent damage to systems,” spokesman Ryan Foreman stated.

The Indian Cyber Force hacker group claims to be behind the attacks on the military, Ottawa Hospital, and Elections Canada. They cited Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s remarks on the alleged involvement of India in the assassination of Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar as a potential reason. Interestingly, the hackers’ message displayed on some infiltrated sites showed a Matrix-inspired theme with warlike music playing. Their message attacked Canada as a “haven for terrorists” and criticized Trudeau.

As Chestermere residents and Canadians at large wait for further updates, discussions on an international level continue. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently met with Indian Foreign Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, emphasizing continued cooperation between nations. The focus remains on urging India to collaborate closely with the ongoing Canadian investigations.

10 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

CFTR the Rogue - Chestermere’s Radio Station

Welcome to the FAQ page for Chestermere’s internet (streaming) radio station, CFTR the Rogue. Here, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about our station and the services we offer.

Q: What is an Internet radio station?

A: An Internet radio station is a radio station that broadcasts over the internet, allowing listeners to tune in from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

While we can and do reach the whole world, as our slogan says, our target listening area is “from the bow to the badlands”. In real terms, we have regular listeners in: Calgary, Conrich, Chestermere, Langdon, Indus, Lyalta, Cheadle, Carseland, Mossleigh, Arrowwood, Siksika Nation, Gleichen, Strathmore, Irricana, Biesiker, Acme, Linden, Rosebud, and Drumheller.

Q: Do I need special equipment to listen to your station?

A: No, you don’t need any special equipment to listen to our station. You can listen to us on any device that can connect to the internet, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, Alexa, Google Home, and desktop computers.

Q: How do I listen to your station?

A: You can listen to our station by visiting our website and clicking on the “Listen Live” button.

• Play Store – Search for and install CFTR the Rogue

• App Store – Search for and Install CFTR Radio

• Alexa – Say “Alexa enable CFTR the Rogue” to enable the skill, then simply say “Alexa play CFTR the Rogue” Every time after that.

• Google Home: Say “Hey Google, Talk to CFTR the Rogue.

Q: Is your station free to listen to?

A: Yes, our station is completely free to listen to. We do not charge any fees or require any subscriptions to listen to our content.

Q: Can I make song requests?

A: Yes, you can make song requests by emailing us or using our website’s contact form. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to play your request, we always appreciate hearing from our listeners.

Q: Do you have a mobile app?

A: Yes, we have a mobile app that you can download from the App Store or Google Play. Our app makes it easy to listen to our station on the go and provides additional features, such as song requests and push notifications for special events.

Q: Do you offer advertising opportunities on your station?

A: Yes, we offer a range of advertising opportunities on our station, including sponsorships, on-air commercials, and banner ads on our website. Please contact us for more information about advertising on our station.

Q: How can I contact you?

A: You can contact us by emailing us at, using our website’s contact form, or reaching out to us on social media. We’re always happy to hear from our listeners and answer any questions you may have.

11 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

RMSO Ushers in a New Era of Music with “New Horizons - New World”

Chestermere’s Leela Aheer, former MLA and current RMSO board member, shares insights into the captivating upcoming season.

The Polaris Centre for the Performing Arts in Balzac is alive with anticipation as the Rocky Mountain Symphony Orchestra (RMSO) gears up for its season premiere, “New Horizons - New World,” set for Sept. 30.

Chestermere’s own Leela Aheer, former MLA and now a dedicated RMSO board member, commented, “This season embodies the spirit of land, heritage, and our collective responsibility. It’s a poignant reflection on the narratives that shape us.”

Emphasizing the season’s thematic depth, RMSO founder and conductor Carlos Foggin said, “Coinciding with the day of Truth and Reconciliation, the inaugural concert is a tribute to the land and its stories.”

The musical journey commences with Czech maestro Bedrich Smetana’s “The Moldau,” evoking serene visions of the Bohemian forests and the flowing river that courses through the Czech heartland. Michael Horwood, a celebrated Canadian composer, brings North America to the limelight with “The National Parks Suite,” a composition that pays homage to some of the continent’s most treasured national parks.

Foggin highlighted the unique setup for “The National Parks Suite,” noting, “With nearly a quarter of the stage dominated by percussion instruments, audiences are in for a diverse auditory experience, from the subtle scratch of sandpaper to the pronounced clang of metal chains.”

Antonín Dvorak’s revered “Symphony No. 9 From the New World” encapsulates the grandeur of the American landscape. Drawing inspiration from Dvorak’s time in the

U.S. during the 1890s, the piece paints a vivid picture of the vast American vistas, laced with indigenous melodies.

Delving deeper into the composition, RMSO’s official statement reveals, “Dvorak’s ‘The Largo’ from Symphony No. 9 draws inspiration from the tales of Hiawatha’s expansive journey across the American plains.”

The RMSO’s 2023-24 calendar is an exquisite melange of melodies, boasting three concerto soloists, five symphonies, a youth competition, and events like the “Show Your Love” Valentine’s Date Night Gala.

Highlighting the family-oriented approach of RMSO, Foggin mentioned, “Our matinees and the Mini Maestros program are tailored to provide families with a relaxed musical experience, away from the concerns of school nights.”

November witnesses the youth concerto competition, with the winner earning a coveted spot in the Mozart’s birthday celebration come January. The season unfolds with the festive melodies of Classical Christmas in December, leading up to the Valentine’s gala in February and concluding with the Big & Bold series in May.

Looking back, Foggin enthused about the previous season’s success, stating, “Last season set the bar high with its soloists and new additions to the orchestra. This year, we’re poised to elevate the musical experience, with a dynamic ensemble of young, talented musicians.”

Aheer added, “This season is a testament to RMSO’s dedication to enriching our community with world-class performances. Chestermere is in for a treat.”

12 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
13 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores A Dental Office Open 7 Days A Week! Right In Chestermere! 106 - 175 Chestermere Station Way (403) 235-6208 | • Same Day Appointments For Emergencies • Sedation Dentistry • Dental Implants • Invisalign and Orthodontics • Children’s Dentistry • Direct Billing For Insurance • All Services In House
14 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Respect is choosing not to laugh at jokes that put women, culture, or race down Respect women Respect cultures Call it out Don’t be a bully THINK!
3rd, 2023
Date: Tuesday October
PM Wine and Cheese Social to follow Location: CAMP CHESTERMERE 1041 East Lakeview Rd.,
Time: Registration 6:30 -6:55 PM Meeting 7:00
Chantelle de Jonge,
Chestermere - Strathmore 403-962-0126 129 2nd Ave Strathmore
Members of the Chestermere
Owners Association are invited to attend the 2022 Annual General Meeting on October 3rd, 2023 Members are asked to pre register for the meeting through Eventbrite using the link in the emailed AGM Notice meeting package. If you did not receive the email or would like more information, please send a request to or visit

Welcome to Rainbow Falls Dental! Family Dentist Chestermere

Rainbow Falls Dental is excited to introduce their brand new state of the art Dental practice to the town of Chestermere and surrounding area. Our dynamic team will strive to ensure you are comfortable and confident with the complete oral health care you are receiving and will continue to receive.

You’ll always leave a lasting impression with a bright and confident smile. At Rainbow Falls Dental, we want to help you claim and maintain a strong healthy smile to enjoy for your entire life.

Rainbow Falls Dental is a full-service clinic providing everything from routine check-ups & cleanings for your children, to the complex cosmetic and restorative dentistry sometimes needed.

Our team understands that there is often a sense of uneasiness and anxiety associated with dental visits. We strive to put these emotions at ease by creating a positive and relaxing experience. It is very important to establish a great foundation of trust with each and every patient and take the time to accommodate to the specific needs of the individual. Our entire team is dedicate to providing you with a comfortable, pleasant, and friendly experience.

We offer dental services for families and individuals of all ages. We are Unit 214 100 Rainbow Road, Chestermere, AB. We are right beside the No Frills.

Call Rainbow Falls Dental to set up an appointment!

Our Office Follows

The Alberta Dental Association Fee Guide

15 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond

Road Rage Incident Causes Panic Outside

Calgary Airport

Residents reactafter hearing shots are fired in a reported road rage incident near Calgary International Airport; One person arrested.

Tensions flared just outside Calgary International Airport on Wednesday afternoon, leaving Chestermere residents and the broader community concerned. A road rage altercation reportedly escalated to gunfire, causing minor injuries to one individual.

At approximately 12:10 p.m., the incident erupted near the airport’s cellphone lot, as confirmed by both the Calgary Police Service (CPS) and a social media update from the airport. The CPS swiftly took one person into custody linked to the episode, and a victim received treatment for minor gunshot injuries.

An EMS spokesperson further clarified that two individuals were transported to a hospital with injuries deemed non-life-threatening.

The CPS, in their official statement, sought to allay any heightened public concerns. “There is no threat to public safety, and the incident did not occur inside the airport. This is believed to be a targeted incident,” the release stated, while also mentioning that their investigation continues. As the story unfolds, on September 28, details emerged about the arrested individual. Ethan Zakariyya El-Khatib, 24, faces multiple charges. These include attempted murder with a firearm, two counts of discharging a firearm with the intent to endanger life, possessing a restricted firearm, possessing a prohibited device, and possessing a firearm with the serial number removed. El-Khatib remains in custody and is set to make a court appearance on October 2. This alarming incident represents the 76th shooting in Calgary for the year, as noted by officials during the Calgary Police Commission meeting on September 27th. With the frequency of such events on the rise, Chestermere residents and the broader community remain watchful and concerned.

Alleged Serial Offender from Massive Police Hunt Faces Additional Charges

Richard Robert Mantha, set for trial in January, faces accusations from seven women.

The community is shaken as more charges are pressed against Richard Robert Mantha, an individual who was the focal point of a substantial police search earlier this year. As of now, seven women have come forward, alleging that they were victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Mantha.

Mantha, initially arrested in April, will see his trial commence in January. The new accusations have intensified the concerns and anxieties of many Chestermere residents, who have been following the case with growing trepidation. Authorities have yet to release details regarding the nature or specifics of the new charges, but the increasing number of accusations underlines the gravity of the situation. Chestermere’s legal community and the public alike are gearing up for a trial that promises to be closely watched, given the high-profile nature of Mantha’s arrest and the subsequent developments.

Local support groups and organizations have been rallying to provide assistance and counseling to the victims and others affected. The community, while shocked, is uniting in its efforts to support those harmed and to ensure justice is served.

Residents are encouraged to stay informed and to seek out local resources if they or someone they know needs support or counseling. As the trial date approaches, Chestermere is expected to see heightened media attention, further emphasizing the community’s need for unity and understanding.

16 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Richard Robert Mantha, 59, is charged with drugging and sexually assaulting sex trade workers on an acreage east of Chestermere. Facebook photo

Chestermere Neighbour Strathmore Hospital Faces Human Rights Complaint

Accusations of anti-Indigenous discrimination arise just days before Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Just 20 minutes east of Chestermere, our neighbouring community of Strathmore is in the spotlight following a disturbing claim of anti-Indigenous discrimination leading to a tragic death.

Benedict Crow Chief, a resident of the Siksika Nation, has officially lodged a human rights complaint against Alberta Health Services and Strathmore District Health Services hospital. The claim centers around the tragic passing of his wife, Myra Crow Chief, this past April. Allegations suggest that staff and doctors at the Strathmore facility failed to disclose to the Crow Chiefs that Myra had active abdominal bleeding, a condition they reportedly knew about.

At a heart-wrenching news conference held 100 kilometres east of Calgary on the Siksika Nation, Benedict Crow Chief recounted the horrifying final days of his wife’s life. Tears streaming down his face, he posed a significant question: “Would we be treated differently if we were not Indigenous? I feel the answer is yes.”

Alberta Health Services, in an official statement, has mentioned its commitment to a “full quality assurance review” regarding the treatment Myra Crow Chief received. Despite not commenting on the specific case, as it is under review by the Alberta Human Rights Commission, AHS has expressed intent to collaborate with Siksika Nation on the concerns raised.

The detailed complaint highlights that Myra Crow Chief, 49 at the time of her passing, died at Calgary’s Foothills Medical Centre shortly after being released from the Strathmore hospital. Interestingly, a few months prior to her death, Myra had been to the Foothills hospital due to bloody stool from gastrointestinal bleeding. Despite her

past medical issues, her symptoms were not adequately addressed during her time at Strathmore hospital. Strathmore hospital’s reputation is far from stellar within the Siksika community. The filed complaint states that it is perceived as “a locus of systemic, anti-Indigenous discrimination.” This has deterred many from the Siksika community from seeking care there, even though it’s closer than other facilities.

Details emerging from the complaint paint a picture of neglect. From inadequate communication about Myra’s CT scan results that showed evidence of active bleeding to an absence of pain management, the circumstances surrounding Myra’s care appear alarming.

Siksika Chief Ouray Crowfoot expressed the nation’s broader concerns with the health-care system, stating that they are seeking equitable treatment for their members. He believes it’s not an isolated incident and other members have faced similar discrimination, leading to a collective plea for change.

Adding weight to Chief Crowfoot’s concerns, Siksika Coun. Sam Crowfoot emphasized the need for a systemic overhaul. He highlighted the broader issue of inequitable treatment of Indigenous people in health institutions across Canada.

While the Crow Chief family’s grief is immeasurable, they hope that their painful experience can instigate real change. They are not merely seeking financial compensation. Their primary aim is to ensure that systemic remedies like equity audits, changes in hiring practices, and essential training in anti-racism and cultural sensitivity are implemented in health institutions, starting with Strathmore hospital.

17 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Alberta’s pension plan proposal has a BREXIT-like stink to it

The stench of misinformation surrounding the Alberta pension plan proposal recalls BREXIT’s deceptive tactics

Few things in this world are more tempting to a politician than $334 billion. And it seems that Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is going for gold with Alberta’s plan to withdraw from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), which we’ll call ALBXIT. The plan is audacious, and, oddly enough, Smith’s messaging is disturbingly similar to BREXIT, Britain’s disastrous withdrawal from the European Union (EU). For the Brits, the biggest lie was the famous £350 million per week fabrication. Those who favoured leaving the EU claimed that the UK sent £350 million per week to the European Union. The ‘we was robbed’ logic falsely implied that all this money could be saved and redirected to the National Health Service (NHS) if the UK left the EU.

ALBXIT’s logic is shockingly similar. According to the authors of the recently released report, “for decades … Alberta workers and businesses (have) contributed approximately $60 billion more into the CPP … than has been paid out to Albertans.”

You have to give the Smith credit for gumption; the plan suggests this ‘found’ money could be “used to boost the annual pension benefits for Alberta seniors, or even a $5,000 – $10,000 bonus payment at retirement.” The proponents of an Alberta Pension Plan suggest that this would mean $5 billion more money in the pockets of Albertans. Nothing subtle about that particular bribe.

BREXIT also badly misled the UK public about the consequences of leaving the European Union, suggesting that “Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market” and the claim that “We can take back control over UK waters, set our own fishing policies, and support our fishermen.”

Meanwhile, just recently, Kier Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, was in Brussels pleading with the EU to loosen restrictions on UK trade, promising that when he becomes Prime Minister, the UK will voluntarily abide by all EU rules in order to recover some of its former trading advantages.

ALBXIT is similarly complacent about the rest of Canada simply lying down, happily complying with Alberta’s outrageous financial demands. According to the report, an Alberta Pension Plan would be entitled to “an initial asset transfer from the CPP of approximately $334 billion,” more than half the CPP’s total assets.

Canadians in the rest of the country would then – presumably – willingly make up the difference. We are asked to believe they would either pay more for their pension contri-

butions or reduce their monthly pension outtake. The truth is that ALBXIT would unleash a firestorm of resentment against Alberta. Canadians are unlikely to be any more compliant in the face of this attempted robbery than the stoic European officials who slammed the door on British trade after BREXIT.

Fatally, the Alberta Pension Plan is as woolly as Brexiters were on the ‘clear sailing ahead’ narrative. Brexiters were confident that the future would be rosy, saying reassuringly, “Believe me, we’ll have up to 40 (free trade agreements) ready for one second after midnight in March 2019” and “The UK Shared Prosperity Fund will … bind together the whole of the UK, tackling inequality and deprivation in each of our four nations.”

Alberta Pension Plan supporters blithely submit that “along with more money in your pocket, an Alberta Pension Plan would be more stable than the current Canada Pension Plan.” With BREXIT-like assurance, they add, “Moving to an Alberta Pension Plan would … free up those savings to benefit Alberta seniors and workers for generations.”

Nobody can predict the future, but ALBXIT would fatally wound Albertans, deal a shattering blow to Canadian unity and leave future generations of Albertans in a precarious position. The Alberta economy is presently enjoying an energy-related fiscal boost. However, it’s far from certain that it will continue.

And let’s face it: all pension plans face the obvious risk of market reversals or worse. The CPP is at least protected to some degree by the financial clout of the federal government and the monetary strength of its central bank, the Bank of Canada. In extremis, an oil-less Alberta government could find itself in a budgetary squeeze. Its provincial pension plan would be at the tender mercies of a desperate provincial government with no one backing it up.

Misinformation, disinformation and outright lies plagued BREXIT; they impeded the negotiations and poisoned any possibility of a future trade relationship. Regrettably, ALBXIT is similarly unattractive; its false or exaggerated claims should discredit it thoroughly. It deserves to fall at the first hurdle.

Robert McGarvey is an economic historian and former managing director of Merlin Consulting, a London, U.K.-based consulting firm. Robert’s most recent book is Futuromics: A Guide to Thriving in Capitalism’s Third Wave. © Troy Media

18 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Food inflation takes a positive turn with a dip in most categories, except fish

But it may be time for a U.S.-style food stamp program for Canadians in dire need

Recent food inflation figures offer a ray of hope amid concerns over rising prices. On a month-to-month basis, fish exhibited a discernible uptick in costs: all other food categories, including meat, bakery products, and produce, underwent a reduction in prices compared to the previous month.

This reduction represents a noteworthy reduction in food costs, hopefully signalling an encouraging trend. The food inflation rate has now reached its lowest point since February 2022, and the gap between food inflation and the broader inflation rate has nearly halved over the past month, currently standing at a modest 2.8 percent.

It’s disheartening, however, to see the lack of positive headlines about food inflation despite these positive developments. This tendency clearly indicates an underlying anxiety about food affordability that seems unaffected by the empirical data. It seems that, no matter what the statistics show, many believe that the worst is yet to come.

The rise in food prices has undeniably put significant financial pressure on many families. Despite the federal government’s efforts, it’s a stark reality that these prices are unlikely to recede. What sets this inflationary period apart from previous ones is its ongoing nature. The prolonged increase in food costs has forced consumers to change their spending habits. Many are now choosing different grocery stores or even turning to dollar stores for cost-effective options.

Similar to the unsubstantiated statements from certain politicians who consistently blame grocers for the rise in food prices, many Canadians seem to be guided by emotions and instincts, maintaining a perception that things are deteriorating. However, there’s hope for a less stressful environment at the grocery store in the coming fall.

Comparatively, Canada continues to exhibit one of the lowest food inflation rates within the G7, second only to the United States. Despite the spike in food prices, Canadians have fared relatively well when contrasted with numerous European nations. For instance, in March of this year, Germany grappled with food inflation exceeding 20 percent, while France approached the 16 percent mark. In contrast, Canada’s food inflation rate peaked at 10.4 percent in January of this year. It is worth noting that both countries, like Canada, possess robust agricultural sectors.

When assessing countries on how much of their consumer spending is dedicated to food (excluding dining out), another compelling metric emerges. Based on data from Our World In Data, Canadians allocate a mere 10 percent

of their overall budgets to grocery shopping. Only five countries spend a smaller fraction: the United States (6.7 percent), Singapore (8.4 percent), the United Kingdom (8.7 percent), Ireland (9.2 percent), and Switzerland (9.9 percent). In contrast, France, where the government recently intervened to freeze the prices of 5,000 food products, records a considerably higher proportion of expenditure on food, standing at 14 percent. This metric underscores the financial significance of food in people’s lives.

Despite the challenges posed by escalating food prices, Canadians are, by and large, managing reasonably well. Understandably, many may be disinclined to acknowledge this reality, given that a significant proportion of the population is directly impacted by the increased cost of living or knows someone who is.

As Ottawa explores avenues to assist Canadians, it may be an opportune moment to contemplate the launch of a national food security program tailored to support children and families who are genuinely unable to afford food – a Canadian adaptation of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as the food stamp program in the United States.

While undoubtedly a formidable undertaking involving multiple government departments, such a program can be meticulously targeted to provide essential assistance at the grocery store to those in dire need. Furthermore, it can be customized to ensure that program beneficiaries prioritize the purchase of healthy, ideally Canadian-sourced, locally produced foods. While the summer grocery rebate likely provided some relief, a SNAP program could offer consistent support, independent of economic fluctuations.

In conclusion, it is imperative for Canadians to recognize the advantages of living in this country. Despite recent price hikes, food remains relatively affordable compared to many other nations. Looking ahead, as forecasted by Canada’s Food Price Report nearly a year ago, there is reason to anticipate concluding the year with a lower food inflation rate, signifying a more stable trajectory for food prices.

Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is senior director of the agri-food analytics lab and a professor in food distribution and policy at Dalhousie University.

19 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere (OACC) October 2023

vice to the Older Adult community in Chestermere. Many thanks to the funding provided by the City of Chestermere 2022 Community Fund to allow this to move forward.

Synergy celebrated their 10-year anniversary in September. It was an amazing event and very well attended. Many thanks to the volunteers, staff, leadership team and board of Synergy for their commitment to serving our community. Know that you have touched many lives and truly make a difference.

Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere (OACC)

As the Summer heat and long days fade away and Fall is upon us, it always amazes me how quickly the leave change colours. It seems like it happens overnight. The morning coffee on the deck now requires a jacket but continues to be a great way to start the day.

The kids are getting into their daily school routines and life seems back to be back on “schedule” for many families in Chestermere. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I wonder how many Red Ribbon prize worthy preserves will be served up with the turkey and trimmings.

OACC News & Community Events

The Older Adult Information Line went live on Thursday, September 7, 2023. Looking for information on resources, news, or events? Not comfortable using email or filling out forms online? Now you can call 587-349-7444 for help. On behalf of OACC, Lakeshore Manor will be providing the information for the Older Adult Information Line from 9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday (excluding Statutory Holidays) for Older Adults in our community. Whether it’s helping to do an online registration or finding information about homecare - call the Older Adult Information Line. As with any new program, there will be some growing pains, so please be patient as the kinks are worked out. OACC and Lakeshore Manor are excited to provide this valuable ser-

Don’t forget about the Chestermere RCMP Regimental Ball on October 21, 2023. It is shaping up to be an event to remember. It is a formal gala, so break out those floor length evening gowns and tuxedos and enjoy a glorious evening celebrating the RCMP. Tickets are available at and are selling fast so if you are thinking about going, don’t delay or you may be disappointed.

There will be a Mobile Blood Donor Event at the Chestermere Rec Centre on Monday, October 30th from 2:30pm to 7:30pm. This is always a great opportunity to give back to your community.

The City of Chestermere has embarked on updating the City’s Social Needs Assessment of our community. A third party was hired to review the social support and services within our city. It’s an opportunity to review what’s available and identify any gaps in the community offerings. Both the City and the local not-for-profit organizations provide various supports and services to the residents of Chestermere. Residents had an opportunity to participate in the social needs assessment survey. The third party are to present their findings to Council in October. After this, it is expected that the awards for the 2023 Community Grant and 2024 Human Services Advisory Grants will be announced, and funding released. This funding is imperative for the not-for-profit organizations to continue their important work providing programming and services for residents.

Interested in the History of Chestermere? Check out the Chestermere Historical Foundation. They meet the

20 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

3rd Tuesday of the month at the Whitecappers premises. Everyone is welcome and there is lots to learn about our community. CHF also have display cases at the Library that feature various events and points of interest about Chestermere. Take a few minutes to stop by and see them. Their September event “Ditchrider Diaries” is being rescheduled so watch for updates on their website at www.

Chestermere Whitecappers Association have sent out their monthly calendar of events as well. They post it at the club, or you can check online at for all of the activities they have planned. There is something for everyone so take a moment to check out their events. Don’t forget to get a membership – if you are 50+ you are eligible to join. Lots of fun and a lot of opportunities to get out and mix and mingle with your fellow Chestermerians!

With the changing seasons, comes the time to get some stuff done around the house. Whether it is getting the air conditioner or furnace serviced (or both), it is also time to start winterizing the yard. Have your gutters cleaned, tidy up the gardens and rake up those leaves. Don’t forget to disconnect outdoor hoses and turn off the water to outdoor taps. It is also important to check the batteries in your fire and carbon monoxide alarms. The fall maintenance list is long but important to complete.

News & Views on Health

Well, it is that time of year again to start considering the flu shots offered through Alberta Influenza Immunization Program. For the general public, the program is set to begin on October 16, 2023. If it is your thing, the new CovidModerna XBB.1.5 targeted vaccine will likely be accessible around the same time.

We are also in the onset of cold and flu season. I, myself, had a cold a few weeks back. It was somewhat weird, because, for over 3 years, I have not had a sniffle. It is rather interesting now, though, that a cough due to cold (yes that is a Forrest Gump reference) earns you a lot of side glances and people distancing themselves. I did take a covid test,

and it was negative (several in fact), but there was a certain feeling that I should be doing more. Certainly, staying home and avoiding crowds makes a lot of sense, but if you have to go out, make sure you wash your hands often and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. I have seen some people masking again, but again, that is a personal choice. All this is advice that my mother gave me many, many years ago and I would say is basic common courtesy when feeling under the weather.

Join the Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere

Are you an older adult? Do you live or work in Chestermere or the immediate surrounding area? Do you want to engage and/or volunteer in the community with similar residents? Do you have family that fits this demographic that you care for or have living in Chestermere? Did you know that as a business or organization that has an interest in providing services or programs for our older adults you are more than welcome to be a member of OACC? We welcome adult children of older adults, caregivers, educators, agencies, service organizations, funders, community partners and the community at large. The common goal is to work for the betterment of older adults in our community.


– Upcoming Meeting Date – Wednesday,

October 18th at 1:30PM – 3:30PM Lakeshore Manor (200 Marina Drive, Chestermere). While walk-ins are welcome to our meetings, RSVPs are appreciated. Please email Joanne or Betty or Shannon

The OACC also welcomes community businesses, organizations, and service providers to join our meetings as a guest speaker. If you are interested, please reach out to Joanne, Betty, or Shannon.

21 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

It’s Go Time

Dear Supporters,

The first reading of Bylaw 023-23 was passed on September 12, 2023. A Public Hearing has been set for October 17, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Main Hall at the Chestermere Recreation Centre.


It is imperative that we, as a community, speak up. Here is what you need to do to let Council know that you are OPPOSED to the re-zoning and the development of our legacy Golf Course.

1. Send an email to: and CC:

Here is an outline you can copy and paste and fill in:

To: City of Chestermere Council - Public Hearing Submission

I am opposed to bylaw 023-23 being the Lakeside Golf Course Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment Bylaw. I want to ensure that NOT A SINGLE INCH on the golf course property is rezoned or developed.



Phone Number:


If you have already sent in an email to the City it DOES NOT count for the public hearing. It must be resubmitted using the above format and email address. You can absolutely reuse the content of your email, but it needs to be reformatted for this submission and sent to the public hearing email addres

2. Requests for verbal representation must be made by Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The City will accept written submissions until 12:00 p.m. on Monday, October 16, 2023. We STRONGLY encourage every single person against this Bylaw to speak up and be heard in person.

3. We are still recruiting volunteers who are willing to contribute ~2 hrs to go door to door (with support and materials) to make sure all of our neighbours know what is happening and how to stop ANY rezoning and development. If you are able to volunteer please fill in this form:

Together we can stop this awful plan in its tracks! WE NEED YOU - PLEASE HELP AND SEND IN YOUR EMAILS TODAY

22 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
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Shades of Gray

Older Adults weekly radio chat

Tune in to our new radio chat show: 50+ Shades of Gray with Sharron where we talk about all subjects related to mature living

Your Host Sharron Matthewman (The Brit)

Live Every Thursday at 10:00 – 11:00am


Join Sharron for an hour of lively conversations, entertaining stories, and expert advice on topics that matter to you. From health and wellness to travel and hobbies, we’ve got you covered.

Our experienced host and her guest experts will share their insights and expertise on a variety of issues affecting seniors today. We’ll also feature music from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and beyond, so you can sit back and reminisce with your favourite tunes.

Whether you’re tuning in from home, on the go, or in the car, 50 + Shades of Gray is the perfect companion for your day. So mark your calendars and join Sharron for an informative and entertaining hour of radio just for you.

Text, call, or email to ask questions on everything that you need to know and want to know about healthy ageing. Guest speakers and more. Please let me know of topics of interest. Let’s keep connected, all shades of GRAY welcome.

50+ Shades of Gray , airing every Thursday at 10:00 am on Chestermere’s Best Radio. Don’t miss it!

23 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Seniors Radio 50+
Tune in


105B Marina Road Chestermere

Upcoming Library Closures

Please note the library and our return bin will be closed on the following dates:

• September 30th – October 3rd

• October 6th – October 8th

Fall Programs

We have lots of great new programs and some library favourites this October. Find our full program guide on our website.

Registration is online for all our programs, so be sure to view our events calendar to register.


Join us on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:15AM by the pirate ship for an all ages storytime.

PJ Storytime

Get ready for bed and enjoy a bedtime story on Tuesdays at 6:15PM with the Chestermere Public Library. Wear your PJ’s, bring your blankets, and stuffies, and tuck in for reading and fun. No registration required, and all ages welcome!

Baby Storytime and Bibs, Burps, and Breaks

Baby storytime is back on Fridays at 10:15AM. Baby storytime is for parents, caregivers, and babies 0-18 months. There are songs, books, and playing. Stay after for Bibs, Burps, and Breaks for time to chat with other parents / caregivers while kids play.

Family Yoga

Join Luna P.L.A.Y. Kids at the library on Thursdays at 10:15AM for play-based yoga.

Get some family-bonding time in as we participate in interactive games, music/dance, and fun posses. Together you and your family can learn how to relieve stress, regulate emotions, and have fun! No registration required, ages 2-6.

English Language Learning

Join the South Central Adult Learning Society for this 12

week program. Come practice your English in a group with other learners. Discussions and activities will be aimed at beginner speakers, but will adapt to the level of the group. No Registration required.

Adult Yoga

Explore yogic breath techniques, gentle movement, and guided relaxation on Thursdays at 12:00PM. This class supports increased connection between breath, mind, and body. It is a great low intensity midday reset for your nervous system. This 45 Minute class is suitable for adults and older adults of any experience level.

24 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores 403.272.9025

*Please bring a yoga mat and wear comfortable clothes.

Graphic Novel and Manga Club

This month our teen and adult Graphic Novel and Manga Club are discussing Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks on our Discord. Any comic or manga that has a magic user is welcome to be discussed on the discord. Join our Discord on our website.

Share Your Library Experience

Have you taken part in any of our library services? We are looking for feedback on the library and our programs. Let us know what you think and how we can improve. Your feedback directly impacts our services and programming so we can continue to make the library better for everyone. Email your feedback to info@ chestermerepubliclibrary. com or drop it off in our feedback box.

Support Your Local Library

Are you aware that the library is a Registered CHARITY? This means that we depend on donations from the public to support us. We are looking for corporate or

Library Hours:

personal sponsors for our Fall Programs. Any donations help and allow us to improve all our programming. Contact info@ if you would like to donate.

Monday through Thursday – 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Friday and Saturday – 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Sunday – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Monthly NeWsletter

Are you wondering what’s happening at the library? Would you like to know? Sign up for our monthly newsletter for updates on programming, Reading Programs, Featured Displays, Community Outreach, Featured Artists, and more. Sign up by visiting our website at

25 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores For more information about what is happening at the Library, check our website. Don’t forget to follow and like us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Chestermere
Chestermere PUBLIC LIBRARYPUBLIC LIBRARY105B Marina Road Chestermere
Public Library


The views, opinions and positions expressed by all columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of The Chestermere Anchor News Magazine or Anchor Media Inc.

26 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Steve Jeffrey Marylin King Emily Rogers Joanne Leema Nick Jeffrey Lakeside Libations Publisher/Producer Michelle Eldjarnson CFTR - Out & About CFTR - The Swifty Hour Don Cassidy Crows Feet Bill Biko CFTR - Biko Show Leslie Racz Cathy Burness CFTR Nutritious Nuggets Barb Jeffrey Publisher/Producer CEO Keziah Arsenault Keyz to Pandora’s Box Julie Anne McRae Content Support Sharron Matthewman CFTR - 50+ Shades of Gray Kari Zalik CFTR - Bad Parade Otto Dee Jay Automated Radio Content Boba Fett collections
27 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Don’t Miss another Community Headline CliCk Here to SubsCribe Subscribe to the Chestermere Anchor

Fall Home


Hardy Locally Grown Trees and Shrubs

FALL SALE on overstocked Poplar & Maple

Poplar and maple are propagated on our farm, are very hardy and well branched.

Colorado Spruce 5-6’ $160

The hardiest evergreen for our area. A well-branched 10 year old tree. Green or blue.

Stump Grinding

We use a stump planer mounted on a skid steer. This attachment bores the stump below the surface in a clean and safe manner. Ask for a quote.

Tree Delivery and Planting

We can deliver any trees we sell to most rural locations in out area. Ask for a quote.

Tree Pruning and Removal

We offer a pruning and tree removal service for rural residents during the winter months. Ask for a quote.

30 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Linden Tree Farm FALL 2023
Feature Trees Size height Price Byland Green Poplar 7 gal 7-8’ $50 A very fast growing shelterbelt poplar. Upright shape. 10 gal 8-10’ $75 Sargent Poplar 7gal 6-7’ $50 A cotton-less cottonwood. Large oval shap 10 gal 7-8’ $75 SundanCer Poplar 7gal 9-10’ $50 A very fast growing, narrow poplar. 10 gal 10-12’ $75 Manitoba Maple 10gal 9-10’ $50 A classic prairie shelterbelt tree. Long lifespan. 10 gal 7-8’ $75
Other trees and shrubs available Complete price list at: email: or text 403-888-9178 Services

How to properly care for your gardening tools

Neglecting to care for your gardening tools (shovels, hoes, trowels, garden shears, etc.) before the colder season sets in is a surefire way to ensure their poor condition come spring. This fall, don’t forget to follow these three essential steps to make sure your gardening tools are ready for duty once the warmer weather rolls around:


Wash your gardening tools with soapy water (if necessary, use a brush to scrub away dirt and grime), rinse and dry with a clean towel or cloth. For your cutting tools, you can scrub the blades with a rag soaked in alcohol to eliminate stubborn filth.


Carefully sharpen all of your cutting tools with the help of a whetstone, metal file or grindstone. Pro tip: place


After the last of the season’s harvest and before the first frost, there are still many ways you can use plants of all kinds to enhance the beauty of your outdoor space. On that note, get your trowels ready!


Make sure to plant autumn bulbs (crocuses, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops, etc.) in a rich and well-drained soil. Dig holes three times the height of your bulbs (with the exception of tulip bulbs that prefer to spend the winter one foot below the ground). For optimal results, make sure to leave a space three times as large as each individual bulb between each plant.


Dig a hole deep enough to accommodate for the tree’s root ball with a dia-

Closing up the garden for winter

The harvest season is over, the flowers have wilted, the leaves have fallen — it’s time to close up the garden and prepare for winter! Not sure where to start? Here’s what you need to do:

• Remove pesky weeds and mix them in with your compost.

• Plow the earth to aerate the soil and expose harmful insect eggs, which will die with the cold.

• Fertilize your vegetables to better protect them against frigid weather and other harsh winter conditions.

• Cover the ground around your plants with good quality mulch.

your tool in a vice to ensure a steady hold while sharpening to reduce the risk of damage and personal injury.

3. PROTECT Apply a protective layer of lubricant, oil or grease on your tools’ springs and me tal surfaces to keep them from rusting over the winter.

meter that’s twice as large as the latter. Next, cut and remove the protective layer of burlap on the top half of the root clump. Place the tree in the hole, fill the cavity with quality soil and compact the earth. Psst! Did you know that garden centres offer worthwhile discounts on trees and shrubs in the fall? Take advantage before it’s too late!


Autumn is the perfect season for planting potted perennials sold in store. You can also take advantage of a beautiful cool day to divide your existing perennials. To do so, use a round metal shovel and follow these three simple steps:

1. Plunge the shovel vertically into the ground to avoid severing the roots.

2. Loosen the roots on all sides using repeated movements with your shovel.

3. Separate the roots with a gardening tool or spreading knife.

Once you’ve separated and transplanted your perennials, you’ll obtain new plants that will flourish in all their splendour come the warmer season!

• Protect your shrubs with burlap or white geotextile (avoid darkcoloured material).

• Rake the dead leaves around your property and mix them in with your compost or use them as an eco-friendly (and free!) alternative to store-boughtmulch.

• Prune your trees, trim your hedges, and don’t forget to remove the dead branches!

For additional information, consult a horticulturalist in a nursery or garden centre near you!

Bringing in your plants for the winter: a delicate process

Once the temperature borders 10 degrees Celsius at night, you should seriously start thinking about bringing your favourite plants indoors. But be careful: simply grabbing them by the pot and repositioning them in their usual spot within the home is a risky bet!

A sudden change in temperature can shock your plants and make them lose their leaves just days after they’ve been transferred back into the home. Therefore, it’s important to remain prudent when bringing your precious houseplants back indoors.

The solution? Acclimation! For one week, bring your plants in at night and take them back out during the day. After this period of adjustment, they’ll be more readily capable of surviving the winter inside your warm and cozy home.


Before bringing in your plants, clean them with lukewarm water to get rid of stubborn debris (pollen, dirt, animal hair, etc.) and eliminate unwelcomed pests. Next, inspect them carefully, paying particular attention to each individual leaf. Cut and throw away any leaves that look infested, or manually remove visible bugs, larvae and eggs to ensure they don’t spread to neighbouring healthy plants.

31 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
It’s not too late!
in the fall?
After planting your bulbs, trees or plants, generously water them and cover their base with biodegradable mulch.
32 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Federal Government to Nix GST on New Rental Builds

Chestermere’s property market and potential renters could bene fit as Trudeau’s promise from 2015 comes to the fore.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to bring some relief to future tenants and the real estate market. According to an inside source, Trudeau will announce this Thursday that the federal government plans to remove the GST from the construction of new rental apartment buildings. This anticipated announcement has been eagerly awaited since it was initially promised during the Liberals’ 2015 election campaign.

This move is anticipated to lower the costs of both labour and materials for homebuilders, playing a significant part in Trudeau’s forthcoming affordability announcement. Alongside the Prime Minister, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, Housing Minister Sean Fraser, and Industry Minister FrançoisPhilippe Champagne will be present for the declaration in London, Ont.

This announcement emerges as the majority of Liberal MPs congregate in London for a three-day retreat. Their focus? Strategizing for the imminent Parliament session. This strategy becomes crucial as current poll numbers indicate a dwindling confidence among Canadians, with many believing the Conservatives might offer better solutions for housing and affordability concerns.

However, the federal announcement has garnered mixed reactions. Ontario’s government, for instance, has welcomed the decision, with plans to

drop provincial sales taxes. In contrast, the federal Conservatives, under the leadership of Pierre Poilievre, have been sceptical, questioning Trudeau’s commitment given the gap since the 2015 promise. Meanwhile, the NDP voiced their concerns about the length of time taken for this decision and whether luxury condos would benefit from the change.

Nevertheless, the Ontario Progressive Conservative cabinet has shown strong support. They have proposed to remove their portion of the HST on “purpose-built rental housing.” Housing advocates and city councils, having championed this change for years, are likely to see this as a win. Amid the political hustle and bustle, Halifax MP Andy Fillmore pointed out that the discussions at the caucus retreat largely centred around the challenges of affordability and improving communication about initiatives to help with the cost of living. Quebec MP Steve MacKinnon emphasized the importance of provincial support to stabilize the housing market after its surge. As the debate heats up and strategies form, one thing is clear: with these policy changes on the horizon, Chestermere’s housing market and potential renters might be in for an exciting period. The focus now shifts to the real-world implications of these policies once implemented.

33 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores


Home Auto Farm Bonding Commercial

Coldwell Agencies have been servicing the Strathmore area community for the last 40 years! We are family-owned and operated. We provide farm insurance, auto insurance, commercial insurance, home insurance and much more. Providing bundle packages, our insurance brokers will get you the coverage you need. Give us a call to learn more about our services at Coldwell Agencies Ltd.

34 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
You don’t have to be alone in your thoughts; We’re in this together. Let’s talk it out, together. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but small steps can make a big difference to the ones we love. Do More Ag is here to help you embrace the awkward and normalize conversations about mental health in Agriculture. Follow us and visit to find tips, resources, and support. #talkitout BANKRUPT US This year might MAKE IT THROUGH ANOTHER SEASON I don’t know if I can

10 inspiring trends for a stylish bathroom

Whether bathing, showering, styling or shaving, you probably spend a good amount of time in the bathroom every day. If you’re thinking about renovating your bathroom, you might as well take the opportunity to turn it into a pleasant and functional space. Short on furnishing and decorating ideas? Here are 10 trends to inspire you.

1. Glass baths and sinks. Whether translucent or frosted, a glass bath or sink will give your room a spectacular and prestigious look. Since you can see through them, make sure that what’s behind or underneath is stylish and tasteful.

2. Antiqued faucets. Contemporary faucets that imitate antiques are currently all the rage. Metallic shades, such as gold and brass, are among the most popular in decorating magazines.

3. Italian stone showers. Perfect for creating an organic and timeless look, large pale grey slabs of Italian stone are the perfect complement to serenity-inducing bathroom decor.

4. Suspended vanities. If you’re into minimalist style, this trend is sure to please. Suspended vanities, which look like they’re floating, create a serene atmosphere that’s highly sought-after for the bathroom.

5. Wall lights. Traditionally placed on either side of mirrors or above them, sconces are now being installed elsewhere in the bathroom as decorative accents.

6. Bold aquatic shades. Add life to your space with vibrant shades of blue or green reminiscent of the ocean. Play with ceramic tiles, picture frames and natural or artificial plants.

7. Round shapes. Circles and ovals help give the bathroom a soothing, light-hearted feel. Basins, vases and shower curtains are simple ways to embrace this trend.

8. Mirrors with integrated lighting. Practical and attractive, medicine cabinets and mirrors backlit with LED lights give your room a decidedly modern, even futuristic look.

9. Fluted textures. Curved or domed, in wood or ceramic, on vanity units or shower walls, fluted textures are attractive and create a sense of movement.

10. Large terrazzo tiles. This retro motif adds a touch of playfulness to bathroom countertops and floors, especially if the tiles are large or multicoloured.

Do any of these trends appeal to you? Visit your local plumbing, furnishing and home decor stores to create the perfect bathroom. For personalized advice and impeccable results, do business with an expert.

35 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Real estate Sales

36 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
A Real Estate
With Michelle Eldjarnson
Current YTD In Langdon for August 2023 Sales 2 14 New Listings 4 17 Inventory 4 2 S/NL Ratio 50.00% 82.35% Months Of Supply 2.00 1.14 Benchmark Price N/A N/A Median Price 512,500 678,250 Average Price 512,500 661,000 Average DOM 28 45 In Strathmore for August 2023 Sales 36 249 New Listings 34 304 Inventory 44 48 S/NL Ratio 105.88% 81.91% Months Of Supply 1.22 1.54 Benchmark Price 407,300 395,325 Median Price 387,500 407,000 Average Price 373,151 403,802 Average DOM 39 32 In Chestermere for August 2023 Sales 53 388 New Listings 71 554 Inventory 104 96 S/NL Ratio 74.65% 70.04% Months Of Supply 1.96 1.98 Benchmark Price 662,200 649,800 Median Price 617,300 615,000 Average Price 642,983 620,388 Average DOM 31 36 My SaveLicense Immediate Roadside Sanction Appeals ( you have 7 days to file your appeal) • Impaired Driving Notary Public • Commissioner of Oaths • Founded by Former Police Officer Call for help today: 403.369.1243 30 years of Experience

4 tips to help your child become a homeowner

How to make your property tour effective

Touring various properties is an essential part of the house-hunting process. It allows you to inspect the home’s condition, determine if it suits your needs, plan possible renovations or negotiate a better price. Maximize your visit with these tips.


Examine the online ad and take note of important details like the dimensions, asking price and year of construction. Identify elements that are missing or require clarification. Prepare a list of questions to ask the owner or real estate agent so you don’t forget anything important.

the home’s potential and determine whether it’s right for you. Keep a positive attitude and ask yourself if a few repairs or upgrades could turn the space into the home you envision for yourself.


Homeownership is becoming increasingly difficult for younger generations. Does your child dream of buying a home but feel held back by high prices and interest rates? Would you like to help them? Here are four tips.


Giving your child money toward their home purchase shouldn’t jeopardize your financial situation. Consult a financial planner before taking any steps to support your child. They’ll offer professional advice and help you determine what you need to do to maintain your lifestyle.


Although you want to do everything within your power for your child, it’s important to have a cash cushion to help you deal with the unexpected. Make sure you put enough money aside so you’re

prepared to deal with unforeseen expenses like healthcare, emergency home repairs or a change in marital status.


It may take longer than expected for your child to pay you back. You may only get back a portion of what you lent them. Be prepared for any eventuality.


A lawyer can help you determine which legal documents you need and how to correctly fill them out. They’ll also inform you of any legal implications your monetary contribution could have if, for example, you suddenly pass away.

Before providing your child with financial assistance, ask yourself the right questions and contact a professional to guide you through the process.


Achieving your dream home may not necessarily be a case of love at first sight. You’ll likely need to visit the property to get a feel for

Real estate: what do land surveyors do?

Land surveyors are highly trained professionals who measure plots of land to identify boundaries. They’re well-versed in municipal bylaws and can help you determine which ones could affect your property. When buying land, a surveyor can help you understand where your property boundaries lie and what’s included.


Although not always mandatory when buying a property, it’s a good idea to invest in a land survey before closing the deal. A land survey ensures you understand which plot you’re buying and protects your ownership rights if doubt should arise about who owns what portion of the land.


First, the surveyor examines the property’s legal description and analyzes the history of the deed and title. Next, the surveyor visits the property to measure where each boun-

Take the time to tour the entire property, including the attic, shed and garage. Peek under the sinks and inside the electrical box. Find out if any renovations have been done over the years. Take notes so you can gather your thoughts at the end of the tour. You may also want to check whether any amenities like public transportation, grocery stores and schools are within walking distance. Buying a home is a complex process. To make the experience easier, hire a professional to help you every step of the wayw

dary lies and records all the buildings or other structures on the property.

Using this information, the surveyor creates a map showing the legal boundaries of the property. The map includes a description of the land and buildings, the street address and the locations of neighbouring properties.

Ideally, you should contact a land surveyor at least 20 days before signing the deed of sale. Nevertheless, it’s recommended to consult this expert as soon as possible.

37 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores


These programs run every week.

Drop-ins are always welcome! The studio will provide most supplies needed

Adaptive Art Mondays and Fridays

Young at Heart Art Mondays 12:30 to 3:30 PM

Instructor's Studio – Mentorship Wednesdays 2 – 9 PM

Open Studio Thursdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Wood Carving Fridays 9:00 to 11:00 AM




















After School Program (ages 6 to 9) Mondays – 4 to 5:30 PM

Preteen (ages 9 to 12) Mondays - 6:30 to 8 PM

Preschool (ages 3 to 5) Tuesdays – 10 to 11 AM

Homeschool Art (ages 5 to 9 )Wednesdays– 10 to 11 AM (ages 10+) Wednesdays– 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM

Teen Night (ages 13 to 18) dates and times vary

Let us create a custom artistic event for any occasion.

• Birthday parties

• Team Building

• Corporate Events

• Family Celebrations

• priority information on all programs

• reduced pricing on all programs

• exhibit your artwork on the website

• be a part of a vibrant art community in Strathmore and area












115 3rd Avenue, Strathmore 403 934 6665

38 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Acclaimed Fine Art Show to Showcase the Work of 14 Calgary Professional Artists

Calgary, AB – The Acclaimed Fine Art Show opens its doors on Friday, October 20, 2023, showcasing the original visual art of 14 of Calgary’s talented professional artists.

The three-day show and sale at the Crescent Heights Community Association features an impressive array of original paintings from accomplished local artists who work in a wide variety of styles in different mediums.

The artists exhibiting at Acclaimed come from across Calgary, including:

Brenda Banda-Johnson

Karen Biko

Holly Burghardt

Gerardo Carsolio

Connie Geertz

Terri Heinrichs

Cynthia Makara

Alison Philpotts

Jeweliyana Reece

Darren Umbsaar

Sharon Lynn Williams

The event is free and open to the public, and attendees will have the opportunity to meet the artists and learn more about their work.

The show will run:

Fri. Oct. 20 (4 – 8 pm)

Sat. Oct. 21 (10 am – 4 pm)

Sun. Oct. 22 (11 am – 3pm)

For more information, visit the Acclaimed website at .

Contact: Terri Heinrichs, ArtistPhone: (403) 701-1041


39 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

Costa Rican Recording Artists Unite to Support Ukraine:Benefit Concert with a Chestermere Connection

An A list of Costa Rican musical talent and recording artists from across the globe are joining forces on October 13, 2023 to support the people of Ukraine.

The charity organization being supported by the funds generated is Amigo Relief Missions, which has a long history of delivering development projects in Ukraine. This concert follows the benefit Callow organized in his hometown of Calgary last November which raised funds to purchase a diesel generator for a Lviv orphanage and medical supplies for a field hospital in eastern Ukraine. The live streamed concert kicks off on October 13 at 5:30 pm Ukraine time (8:30 am Costa Rica time). Callow takes the stage live at 7pm Ukraine time.

Join the Watch Party here!

Paco Jimenez had this to say about performing in the concert, “For me and my band it is a privilege to be able to be part of an event with humanitarian purposes in support of the people of Ukraine.”

Edin Solis of Editus commented, “Editus is happy and honored to be involved in this benefit concert to support the people of Ukraine and to see that other Costa Rican musicians are involved. These types of cultural events are a show of solidarity, bring countries together and create more public awareness. We strongly condemn this absurd war and stand in solidarity with those who are affected.”

Bruce Callow said, “This is going to be a fun concert for a serious purpose and we invite people everywhere to organize their own watch parties and collect donations. I want to thank all the bands for volunteering their time and to the Korzo pub in Lviv for allowing this event to happen.” Donations can be made in advance of the concert through the Canadian registered NGO Amigo Relief Missions, at the link below. The currency used on this site is Canadian dollars.

In the Optional Message section please write Callow Mission.

Complete list of performers:

Mario Maisonnave Costa Rica/Los Angeles

Annemarie Borg London

Norichika Horie Tokyo

YYC Calgary

The Color Up Los Angeles

Paco Jimenez Costa Rica/Los Angeles

Erik Hendin New York City

This Must Be The Place Warsaw /Madrid

William Is Chicago

Luigi Flores Miami/Costa Rica

The Pushers (of music) Falkland Islands

PBD Harrisburg

Kniki Perth

Nancy Kelel Azusa, St Ignace

Peregrino Gris Costa Rica

Bruce Callow Lviv


Thank you. My name is Bruce Callow, I am from Brentwood in Calgary but live in Costa Rica.

I am organizing a benefit concert for Ukraine and we are proud to have a very special Canadian band in our team called YYC. YYC’s drummer is from Chestermere and they will be performing their song in the live streamed concert from his studio in Chestermere. I attach the concert posters and a link to an article about the concert. YYC is a highly skilled Rush tribute band and they will be performing the song “Closer to the Heart.”

40 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
41 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores The Chestermere Connection

Cousin Ernie Joins the League of Rogues

Listen Monday’s 1:00 - 2:00 PM

out & about with Michelle

The Rogue is pleased to have Michelle Eldjarnson from Chestermere’s own Re/Max Key to our regularly scheduled programming.

Listen Monday’s at one to hear about things going on around town and to hear Michelle’s eclectic picks of music

Michelle has loved music all her life and was exposed at an early age to every type of music from Jazz to Hillbilly, old fashioned country, with stops in between at classical rock and classical piano, in a variety of languages including English, French and Spanish.

Michelle’s Weekly topics will cover

• The people in your neighborhood

• Local sports teams

• All about our schools

• The walking paths

• The parks

• The ponds

• The lake

• The wildlife

• Walkability

42 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores


Rosebud Theatre production of MAGIC LIES

An evening with W.O. Mitchell

Iwas fortunate to be able to attend the opening night of this play. There was a ‘Press Junket’ before the show. I had never attended one of these and it sounded very fancy and official, but unfortunately, we were running late right from the start, and we arrived just as it was over. I would like to have worn something appropriately ‘press junket worthy’, but sadly I missed my first opportunity to wear a fedora and carry a flip-notebook. I could even have gone a totally different way and said I was ‘Trent Crimm for The Independent’. I know, I can be such a child, but I was disappointed that I missed this and so I’m just having a bit of fun.

We had a wonderful dinner, and I was very excited about the show. I admittedly have not read or seen much of W.O. Mitchell, so I tried to get a copy of ‘Who has seen the Wind’, but I wasn’t able to get my hands on one. There are many other W.O. Mitchell works to choose from, but life got in the way, and I was only able to do a little research online before attending the show. How could I possibly have been so oblivious to this prolific author, entertainer? I was going to blame my upbringing, as I grew up in the Metropolitan Toronto area, but then I discovered that he had spent time in Toronto serving as editor for Maclean’s magazine. It was while he lived in Toronto that he created Jake and the Kid, a weekly CBC radio series which ran from 1950 until 1956. Admittedly, this was before my time (born

in 1956), but I still can’t help feeling that I missed out. It was mentioned in the printed program, that we would get to meet W.O Mitchell through his characters and stories and that is exactly what happened. Nathan Schmidt was brilliant in his portrayal of a man in his late seventies, regaling the audience with his stories. Never having met the real Mitchell, it was as if he was the original delivering his own words.

Normally I mention the people responsible for costumes, sets, lighting, sound and all the people behind the scenes who help make the magic happen. The floor of the stage was stunning, but other than that everything else tended to fall away, and we were held in a trance by the words of this brilliant man. In a well performed one man show such as this, the performer tends to have our unwavering attention. This was just pure joy. Some of the stories made us laugh out loud and others were just so transporting and entertaining, I’m not even sure of the right words. If the goal was for us to get a glimpse of the man, the characters he created and a few of his works, then this was a success. But it did more than that. It created a hunger for more. I want to listen to recordings of his shows, and I want to read his books. The overall experience was joyous. I just felt happy and privileged to see a wonderful representation of such a national treasure.

43 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores E
ntertainment ~ Local

Lakeside Libations

Yo-ho-ho and a Bottle of Rum

Those of you listening to the radio on September 19 may have been confused by all the Arrrr’s and Avast’s being tossed around by the announcers. Yes, gentle reader, the annual Talk Like A Pirate Day has once again come and gone. As befits any good one-daya-year pirate, I spent the evening wearing an eyepatch down at the pub, drinking nothing but rum, preferred drink of pirates from Captain Blood to Jack Sparrow. You need look no further than the label of a bottle of Captain Morgan to see the longstanding connection between pirates and rum. With their hedonistic lifestyles of plundering, looting, and drinking rum, pirates were the quintessential party animals. Unlike other spirits that are distilled from grains such as rye or barley, Rum is made from sugar cane. Sugar cane is actually a grass instead of a grain, and grows in

tropical climes the world over, but most famously in the Caribbean.

As the name implies, sugar cane is where we get sugar from. One of the byproducts of sugar preparation is a syrupy liquid called molasses. Molasses was originally considered a waste product of sugar production with no practical commercial value – it was generally fed to cattle until a bright young sugar plantation worker on the French island of Martinique tasted molasses that had fermented in the sun.

An industry was born at that moment in 1650, and the sugar plantations could now turn their waste product into liquid gold. Rum is now one of the major exports of several Caribbean islands.

A distillery will add yeast to molasses in order to ferment the sugar content into alcohol, which takes as little as a

44 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores

day or two. This produces a liquid with a strength of only 10% alcohol by volume, so excess water is boiled off in large stills to concentrate the rum.

After the rum is distilled to approximately 40% alcohol by volume, it is aged in oak barrels that once held whiskey to give it a more elegant taste. While aging in the oak barrels, the rum changes from its naturally clear hue to a golden brown.

Rum can be aged in the barrel for as little as one year, or as long as thirty. However, once the rum is removed from the barrel and bottled for sale, the effects of aging pretty much stop. Unlike red wines, rum does not improve with age in the bottle, so don’t worry about drinking a bottle of rum before its time.

At your local drinking establishment, you will usually find both light and dark rum. As I mentioned earlier, rum gets darker for each year it is aged in oak barrels. Light rum has actually been filtered through charcoal to remove its coloration, leaving it with a lighter-bodied subtle taste. Dark rums are usually aged in barrels for a much longer period, and have a deeper, more full-bodied aroma and flavor. Some distilleries will even add burnt caramel to darken their rums and add to the taste.

Since rum is primarily produced where sugar cane harvests are plentiful, Canada is not a major player in world rum production. Even the famous Newfie Screech

is a Jamaican rum that is imported to Newfoundland and aged for several years before serving.

While you can find Screech at well-stocked liquor retailers, it’s a bit harsh for first-time rum drinkers. I recommend you start out with a light rum, which mixes well into fruity drinks like Pina Coladas. Medium-dark rums are usually enjoyed with a coke and maybe a bit of lime juice, while the darkest, richest rums are best consumed straight-up, without any mixer.

Should you be a supporter of our local Alberta hooch producers, we have craft rum distillers in abundance, with Romero Distilling located near the IKEA in Calgary, producing premium rums from fancy blackstrap molasses and pure Alberta glacier water, then lovingly aged in exbourbon casks.

Looking further north, Rig Hand Distillery in Nisku makes a 100% Canadian version of rum, substituting sugar beets for sugarcane. Also near Edmonton are the Secret Barrel Distillery and T-Rex Distillery, both of which start with imported ingredients from the Caribbean, then add locally sourced spices and oak barrels for aging.

Whether you prefer sipping a black rum straight from a tumbler, or mixing in coke for a highball, rum remains one of the most popular spirits around the world, so ask for it at your next tippling event!

45 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
46 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
Whitecappers Calendar
47 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores September 8November 12, 2023 “ Frank doesn’t just do Groucho... he is Groucho.” ~Miriam Marx Allen, Groucho’s daughter Box office 403-243-6642

4 things you need to know about wood smoke

NC) During the colder months, many of us enjoy curling up next to a warm, flickering fire. Yet, burning wood can harm both the environment and your health because of the smoke it produces. Whether you or your neighbours are using wood stoves, fireplaces or other wood-burning appliances, you can be exposed wood smoke and face the health effects.

Wood smoke is a complex mixture of gases, particles and water vapour. It is the fine particles, not visible to the human eye, that get deep into our lungs and bloodstream, posing the main health risk from smoke.

So, next time you think about cozying up to a fire, here are four things you should know:

Burn wisely:

• check with local authorities for burning rules and regulations, restrictions and any required permits

• check your local air quality conditions

or other special air quality statements and avoid burning on days when air pollution levels are high

• maintain stable, hot, fire conditions, as smouldering leads to higher levels of smoke

The condition of the wood you burn and the way you store it matters:

• use dry, seasoned wood

• burn smaller pieces

• let your wood breathe by stacking it loosely in your firebox

Never burn:

• household garbage or cardboard

• wet, rotted or mouldy wood

• wood that has been painted or chemically treated

• ocean driftwood, plywood, particle board or any wood with glue on or in it

If you are burning wood, pellets or biomass in your home:

• choose a low-emission stove

• look for appliances that are CSA or US

EPA certified

• maintain your stove and have it inspected annually

• clean your chimney and flues annually

• use your damper to allow more airflow when starting a fire, and close the damper when the wood is well charred

Everyone is at risk from the pollutants in wood smoke, but seniors, children and people with existing heart or lung conditions are at greatest risk. The pollutants can cause nausea, dizziness, headaches and eye, nose and throat irritation. They can make asthma and other breathing problems worse and are even linked to hospital admissions and premature death. Running a portable air purifier in your home can help reduce your exposure to particles from wood smoke while indoors.

Find more information about wood smoke at

48 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores
49 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Tune in to The Rogue Listen to the the soundreack of Chestermere

Saturday OCtober

14th Annual Chestermere Lions Pumpkin PatCh

Join the Lions for the 16th Annual Chestermere Lions Pumpkin Patch is October 14 at CRCA Soccer Fields! 10 am to 1 pm! Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Hot Dogs, Balloon Animals. Popcorn, Story Time, Therapy dogs and so much more... ... and P U M P K I N S, of course.

Chestermere Lions Club

Meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm Meetings are currently by zoom. Checkout our facebook page for more information,

Older Adults Coalition of Chestermere Meeting

When: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Where: • Lakeshore Manor, 200 Marina Drive, Chestermere

RSVP: • •

Walk-ins welcome, RSVP appreciated

Chestermere Christian Fellowship Services: Sunday 10:00 am

Pastor Vince VanderVeen 403-204-2079

1.6 km north of Hwy 1 on Conrich Road


Registriation for the 2023/2024 School Year is Open!

Registration will be available on a continuous basis until all classes are full

Located in: the the Indus Recreation Centre (Bill Herron Arena) in Indus Alberta, this not for profit preschool has been serving the community and surrounding area for 25 years.

Indus Preschool offeres a dynamic, hands-on learning approach that offers: art • Imagination stations • early literaCy • & physiCal aCtivity

Our program gives some of Rocky View’s youngest residents a chance to connect in a fun and positive environment while helping them to develop a sense of self and independence.

We help kids prepare for kindergarten and learn important skills that will help them in their daily lives.


The Rotary Chestermere AMAZING RACE 2023 is CANCELED. It is with heavy heart the the Rotary Club of Chestermere has made the very difficult decision to cancel their annual AMAZING RACE event for 2023. Thank you to all of our sponsors, challenge hosts, volunteers, community partners and of course our racers for their support and participation these past years!

It’s been a blast creating new and exciting challenges that showcase the local businesses and non- profit organizations in our amazing community every year!! We hope to see you in 2024!

~Rotary Chestermere

The Chestermere Fine Art Guild

The Chestermere Fine Art Guild meets every Thursday at 1pm, at the Recreation Centre North side, upstairs in room 2. Come and explore your artistic potential. Welcoming new members beginner to advanced. Like us on Facebook and email

Lakeside Quilters’ Guild Meeting each month at the Chestermere Recreation Centre on the first Wednesday of each month. Sew days are on the third Wednesday of each month and a sew Saturday each month, including summer. Quilting experience not required, new members welcome. For more information please contact Joyce at 403-383-1940.

St. Gabriel's the Archangel Parish

Catholics in Chestermere: Weekend masses are now open for public celebration without seating restrictions at St. Gabriel’s Catholic School (197 Invermere Dr.). There is no longer advanced registration required to attend mass (Saturday 5 pm, Sunday 9 am, and 10:30 am), but please stay home if you feel sick that day. For more information please call 403-455-0196

The Rotary Club Of Chestermere

Holds virtual meetings via Zoom on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 5:00pm and hosts in-person “Socials” at local venues on the last Wednesday of the month.

Guests are warmly welcomed to “Zoom in” to our virtual meeting or join us for some social time when they can!

Please email us for more information at:

Check out our website at:


Home Auto Farm

Bonding Commercial

Coldwell Agencies have been servicing the Strathmore area community for the last 40 years! We are family-owned and operated. We provide farm insurance, auto insurance, commercial insurance, home insurance and much more. Providing bundle packages, our insurance brokers will get you the coverage you need. Give us a call to learn more about our services at Coldwell Agencies Ltd.

Classified Marketplace




5-10, 40 Ft Multi door

C-Containers, 8 Ft & 9 Ft

C-Containers, portable bathrooms, Gates, Fence Panels, Fir Rails, Skid Steer Implements & more. www. Call 403-885-5149.

HOUSE TO BE MOVED: Updated bungalow in Lougheed AB. Must be moved by 2025. Includes triple car garage. Ritchie Bros Auction Oct 2527.

Building For Sale


BUILDINGS since 2008


POSTS. Barns, Shops, Riding Arenas, Machine Sheds and more, sales@integritybuilt. com 1-866-974-7678 www.

Building Supplies

GET YOUR MESSAGE SEEN ACROSS Alberta. The Blanket Classifieds or Value Ads reach over 600,000 Alberta readers weekly. Two options starting at $269 or $799 to get your message out! Business changes, hiring, items for sale, cancellations, tenders, etc. People are increasingly staying home and rely on their local newspapers for information. KEEP people in the loop with our 90 Weekly Community Newspapers. Call THIS NEWSPAPER now or email classifieds@awna. com for details. 1-800282-6903, 780-434-8746 X225.

Coming Events

FIREARMS WANTED FOR OUR 2023 AUCTION PROGRAM: Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Antiques, Militaria, Collections, Estates, Single Items. For Auction, or Possible Purchase: Toll-Free 1-800-694-2609, Email Us @ sales@switzersauction.

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Employment Opps

BLANKET THE PROVINCE with a classified ad. Only $269/wk (based on 25 words or less). Reach almost 90 weekly newspapers. Call NOW for details. 1-800-2826903 Ext 225; www.awna. com.

Feed and Seed

ALBERTA FEED GRAIN: Buying Oats, Barley, Wheat, Canola, Peas, Screenings, Mixed Grains. Dry, Wet, Heated, or Spring Thresh. Prompt Payment. In House Trucks, In House Excreta Cleaning. Vac Rental. 1-888483-8789.

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAINHeated, Mixed, Tough, Light, Bugs, Spring Thrashed.... Barley, Wheat, Oats, Peas, Flax, Canola. “On Farm Pickup”. Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252.

For Sale

WHITE SPRUCE TREES: 5’ average $50. Installation ONLY $19. Includes: hole augered, Wurzel Dip enzyme injection, bark mulch application, staking. Minimum order 20. Onetime fuel charge: $125-150. Crystal Springs. 403-8200961. Quality guaranteed.


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CRIMINAL RECORD? Why suffer employment/ licensing loss? Travel/ business opportunities? Be embarrassed? Think: Criminal Pardon. US entry waiver. Record purge. File destruction. Free consultation. 1-800-3472540. www.accesslegalmjf. com.


LENDER. All real estate types considered. No credit checks done. Deal direct with lender and get quick approval. Toll free 1-866-405-1228 www. firstandsecondmortgages. ca.


CASH PAID FOR GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM! Buying coins, collections, 999 bullion, bars, ingots, jewelry,nuggets, sterling, old money. PURCHASING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Call Todd 1-250-864-3521.

WANTED OLD ADVERTISING: Dealership signs, service station, gas pumps, globes, oil cans, Red Indian, White Rose, Buffalo, Husky, Ford, GM, Dodge, Tire signs, Coke, Pepsi, etc. Call 306-221-5908.

52 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Business Listings & Community Listings Everything Chestermere Find everything in
53 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores September 8 - November 12, 2023 Box o ffice 403.243.6642 My SaveLicense Immediate Roadside Sanction Appeals ( you have 7 days to file your appeal) • Impaired Driving Notary Public • Commissioner of Oaths • Founded by Former Police Officer Call for help today: 403.369.1243 30 years of Experience
54 October 02, 2023 Volume 23 No. 40 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Let Our Team of Professionals Take Care of All Your Business Needs CORPORATE YEAR ENDS & PERSONAL TAX BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL TAX PLANNING & BUSINESS CONSULTING Phone: 403.930.3330 #102, 120 John Morris Way, Chestermere Professionals - Trades - Consultants - Retail - Small & Medium Businesses 403.276.1388 • Water Heater Repair and Replacement • Furnace Repair and Replacement • Repairs to Water and Drain Lines • New Gas Lines for Barbecues and Stoves 4528 Edmonton Trail NE, Calgary WWW.BENNERPLUMBING.COM ALL Service Technicians Are Licensed Journeyman Plumbers and Gas Fitters Plumbing Showroom PIANO Lessons with Cindi Lachner 853 West Chestermere Drive Keep the Beat piano studio email: phone: 403.852.3408 Professional Services

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Every day, champions across the country stand up for their communities, raise their hands to ask the tough questions and uncover the truth.

This National Newspaper Week, celebrate the power of words and local homegrown news.

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Alberta Hearing Center

55 October 02, 2023 Chestermere Anchor News Magazine: Home Grown, Well Anchored, Reaching far beyond Chestermere’s Shores Make us Part of Your BACK TO SCHOOL Preparation Oasis Medical Centre - Chestermere Station 175 Chestermere Station Way #201 • Chestermere 403.668.7776 | Hearing Tests (ages 4 to adult) Hearing Aids • Batteries • Ear Plugs Bluetooth and Communication headsets For all your hearing needs: AADL, WCB, DVA, Private Chestermere’s only locally owned and operated hearing clinic
Casino Volunteers Wanted Rocky View Regional Handibus needs your help We still need volunteers for evening shifts Oct 30 & 31 2023 ACE Casino (4040 Blackfoot trail) These funds enable Rocky View Bus to be there for you Contact Jo Ann 403-253-1209

TOP 8 REASONS to advertise

IT’S A FACT: when consumers feel personally connected to an advertisement, they’re more likely to support your business. Here are 8 good reasons to allocate an advertising budget.

1. INCREASE TRAFFIC. Consumers are more likely to visit a business after seeing an advertisement — and more consumers mean more sales!

2. IMPROVE YOUR IMAGE. Dynamic and engaging advertisements attract consumers, no matter how strained the economic situation or how stiff the competition.

3. ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS. The market is always changing, and new consumers are constantly popping up in your region. There you go, a new target audience to inform that your business has what they want.

4. BUILD CUSTOMER LOYALTY. Once-loyal customers may drift away as their options multiply. By advertising, not only do you instill a sense of belonging and trust, but you also encourage them to remain loyal to you.

5. IMPROVE YOUR COMPETITIVE EDGE. The hard truth is that a limited number of consumers are willing to buy your products. Advertising is the best way to convince them that your products are THE best, no matter what the competition says.

6. STAY TOP OF MIND. When you advertise your products, you alert potential customers to your products or services. This increases the likelihood that they’ll think of you when they need the products or services you offer.

7. INFORM THE PUBLIC. When you launch a new product, for example, advertising allows potential customers to find out about it without having to do research.

8. INCREASE REVENUE. Effective advertising attracts customers to your business and improves sales. In short, it increases your success!

403 770-9448 Trust our team to help you make the best advertising choices for your business.
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