A Slice Of Summer '23

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Volume III

Issue II

A Slice Of Summer

5| Meet The Team 3| A Letter From the Editor 4| Alldredge Gardens 8| Picnic Fashion 12| Book Quiz 16| Beauty 20| Y2K Fashion 25| Credits

A Letter From The Editor

Hello, and welcome to the extended summer issue tilted "A Slice of Summer". In this issue we meet the new team for M Magazine for the 2023-2024 school year. We also learn: how to plan for a picnic, explore summer makeup and skincare, and we take a trip back in time to look into 2000's fashion. We also have a fun and enthralling book quiz for people who want a new book recommendation during the Summer. I am also super exited to be the new Editor in Chief of M Magazine. The team and I have been working very hard on coming up with new concepts, creating new ideas, and planning more upcoming projects! With that out of the way I hope you enjoy " A Slice of Summer".

Thank You, Zian

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ASpecial Shoutout

A special thank you to Alldredge Gardens, located at 3300 N Fairgrounds Rd, Midland, TX., for allowing us to use the gardens for photography, and being welcoming and friendly. Please go support them!

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Carolina Aguilar Magazine President Alfredo Sarinana Co-Editor 5|M Mag Zian Garcia Editor in Chief McKenna Valentine Secretary Aidan Pollock Treasurer Denishea Walker Marketing Director Keren Ortega Creative Director Micaela Delgado Head of Photographers Amahri McReynold Head of Models

"I am very thankful to have known the creator of M Magazine, Aly Diaz, and the Editor in Chief in the 2022-20223 school year, Ella Dodson. When Aly created the club and magazine she strove for a fun, new, and innovative school magazine with different aspects to create a community in fashion. When Ella was Editor in Chief she expanded on Aly’s concepts, and built the magazine up. This year the team and I plan on expanding the concepts Aly and Ella created, and evolve the magazine into something new, but with the same roots. Again I am very thankful and proud to have known both of them. I will continue in their legacy's they have created for me and the team."-

"I feel very honored to be the President of M Magazine! President is a new job and I'm very blessed and happy to know Ella trusted me in this new position. When Ella texted me, "You have that power and that’s why I made you president!" and she let me know how much she believed in me, it made me feel amazing and encouraged me to make this magazine into something more than it already is! I can't wait to release more issues with the help of the team for you guys and continue our expansion! OYB!"-Carolina Aguilar, Fashion

The Perfect Picnic

Summer is an exciting time of year. The flowers are bloomed, the sky is a deep blue, and the temperature is hot enough to jump into a pool. This makes it much easier to enjoy nature in all of its beauty. By far the best way to take advantage of these ideal weather conditions is by having a picnic with your friends.


It is important to mention that it is not necessary to go out of your way to buy items specifically for a picnic; if you have these items or any variation of them, you should utilize them in true picnic spirit. To start out, you will need something to carry all of your belongings in. The most obvious choice of material would be a picnic basket, as its name suggests what it is best used for: picnics.

There are two main types of picnic baskets on the market: wicker and insulated Wicker, while more visually aesthetic, poses a greater risk of food spoilage, so make sure to bring food that does not spoil easily, should you opt for a wicker basket. Insulated options, on the other hand, are much more practical if you intend to bring perishable items such as whipped cream or meat-based sandwiches.

Perhaps the most essential part of a picnic, other than a peaceful state of mind and a couple of friends, is the items brought.

While one choice of basket is not necessarily superior to the other, consider the food you will pack when deciding. That being said, a good quality picnic basket can be expensive, so an alternative is a sturdy tote bag (if the food you are bringing does not spoil easily). Next, you will need a thick blanket to serve as a barrier between you and the grass after all, it is highly unlikely you will find plush grass that’s not painful to sit on in West Texas A pretty quilt would serve as the most visually appealing option, but realistically, any thick blanket will do Once you have your picnic basket and blanket, pack utensils and cups Which utensils you pack depends on what kinds of food you bring Many utensil kits for retail purchase include plates, spoons, forks, and butter knives, to make packing and cleanup easy.

Speaking of food: popular picnic food items include fruit, a simple charcuterie board, and a small cake to share for dessert. Fruit selection should be based on season; spring’s best fruits include strawberries, pineapples, and citrus (grapefruit, oranges, etc ), to name a few.

As for the charcuterie board, try including prosciutto, ham, and cured sausages will suffice for meat; and soft brie, burrata, and camembert cheeses are ideal. Simply pack these items individually, then arrange them on a wooden cutting board once you have arrived at your picnic spot.

A small cake is an ideal way to end a picnic. To distribute the cake as cleanly as possible, each picnic attendee should scoop a piece of cake into a cup and eat their respective “ scoops ” out of there.

The Perfect Book Quiz

In the summer we have a ton of free time to kill. So a perfect resolution is a good book! However, if you're struggling to find the perfect genre, take this simple “this or that” quiz to find some books you might be interested in

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Q1) Which genre is better? Magic (red) or crime (blue)

Q2) Which genre is better? Science (blue) or adventures (red)

Q3) Which preferred story aspect? Life stories (green) or gory details (blue)

Q4) Which love trope?

Real love (green) or Prince Charming (red)

Q5) What Type of Book?

Books that keep you up at night (blue) or books that make you want to be in the book (red)

Q6) Which preferred ending?

Happy ending (red) or unfinished ending (blue/red/green)

Q7) Which type of character?

Iconic characters (red) or real life people ( blue)

Q8) Which type of event?

Real events (blue) or fantasized events (green)

Q9) Preferred book length?

Longer books (blue) or shorter books (red)

Q 10) Which preferred preference of author?

Familiar authors (red) or up and coming authors ( green )

If your quiz resulted mostly in the color red, you should consider the fantasy genre. You like reading about exciting adventures or characters having to find themselves in order to win the day, whether that’s through unlocking unknown super powers or realizing the moral of one ’ s character. You might find yourself in the fictional romance genre and possibly spend a bit too much time in books. You may read in order to feel nostalgia from the iconic authors of this genre, including: Brothers Grimm, J R R Tolkien, J K Rowling, and more If you’re struggling to find books in this area here is a list of recommendations in order to kickstart your taste:

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children- Ransom Riggs

Dragonflight- Anne McCaffrey

A Wizard of Earthsea- Ursula K Le Guin

Lord of the Rings- mention earlier (JRR Tolkien)

Redwall- Brian Jacques

If your quiz resulted mostly in the color blue you might be interested in the true crime/horror genre. This is a great genre if you want scary books to keep you up at night but also want to know the gory details into what happened at a real crime scene. If you're more interested in the true crime genre, you should look for non fiction books, or biographies from possible victims or victims family members who have written books on their own account. You may also be interested in the psychological process that is behind offenders' crimes and might find yourself wanting to understand true crime from a factual standpoint If you’re more interested in horror stories that don’t have any factual information but catch your attention and urge you to read more, you may be interested in authors like Stephen King. In order to get an idea of what this genre includes here are some book recommendations: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK

The Fact of a Body: A Muder and a Memoir - Alex Marzano-Lesnevich

People Who Eat Darkness- Richard Lloyd Parry

The Butterfly Garden- Dot Hutchison

Torture Mom: A Chilling True Story of Confinement, Mutilation, and Murder- Ryan Green

That’s Not What Happened- Kody Keplinger

If the majority of your answers had green results, you might be interested in science fiction, historical fiction, romance fiction. This type of genre can be evolved from real life events but have their own twist that make the book fiction. For example, stories about ancient times that may be BASED around real people but lack the actual factual evidence to be considered non fiction. These books can also be funny as they can take real stories but change the meaning and develop the characters differently. This is an important genre because sometimes these books have a deeper satirical meaning that is only understood if you have prior knowledge of the real life event/person. If you’d like to expand on this genre here are some book recommendations that correlate:

Dune Messiah- Frank Herbert

The Six- Mark Alpert

The Crucible- Arthur Miller

No Longer Human- Osamu Dazai

The Resurrectionist- E.B. Hudspeth

Summer Skincare and Makeup

With Summer raging on it is essential to keep up a good skincare routine, and maybe change up your makeup look. Do not fret though, because Lilly Lujan is here to aid in beauty!

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Another necessity is a sunprotective-factor to combat the sun ’ s unforgiving ultraviolet light. A moisturizer equipped with SPF should be the first step of your makeup routine and applied every day-- whether you wear makeup or not.

With UV rays increasing with intensity and scorching temperatures underway, it is essential to update your beauty routine. It’s always a good idea to start with a good face wash every morning and night to relieve your skin from excess oil and product; consider your skin type to determine what brand and potency of cleanser you should select. If you ’ re unsure where to start, see how an unscented, gentle, foaming cleanser works for you.

Summer is a time to spend hanging out with your friends outside, poolside, or beachside; a perfectly blended base is the last thing you should have to worry about while taking cover during a water balloon fight. Applying a good makeup primer after SPF is a great way to help your makeup last throughout a long, hot day.

Since we ’ re all spending more time outside, another concern arouses when you notice a subtle glow in your complexion. Purchasing a “ summer shade” of your normal foundation/concealer 1-2 shades darker than your regular shade will eliminate the possibility of being caught with a pale complexion of the face.

Things To Remember:

Skin prep is the most important part of anyone ’ s makeup routine; to maintain the health of your skin, you must care for it dutifully.

Blemishes happen everywhere to everyone, so don’t feel discouraged if a product doesn’t “work” for you. Embrace your radiance by using a “Summer Shade” of foundation/conceal er. Most importantly, wear your sunscreen

The turn of the millennium was a time of great change and innovation in the world of fashion. The Y2K era saw the rise of a new aesthetic that was defined by bold colors, futuristic designs, and a sense of optimism and possibility.

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One of the defining characteristics of Y2K fashion was its use of bright and bold colors. This was a departure from the muted and subdued tones of the 1990s, and it reflected a growing sense of optimism and confidence in the future. Many designers embraced this trend, incorporating bright shades of pink, blue, and green into their collections. Some even used neon and fluorescent colors to create a bolder, more eye-catching look. Think paris hilton, britney spears and Christina Aguileria in their maximalist silhouettes.

This trend was also reflected in the use of prints and patterns. Many Y2K styles featured bold geometric patterns, abstract designs, and futuristic motifs. These prints often incorporated bright colors and metallic accents, helping to create a sense of excitement and energy around the future.

Another key trend in Y2K fashion was the use of technology and digital design. This was reflected in the popularity of cyberpunk and techwear styles, which featured a blend of industrial and futuristic elements. These styles often incorporated elements like circuit boards, wires, and other techinspired motifs, and they helped to create a sense of excitement and possibility around the future of technology.

One example of this trend was the popularity of the “cybergoth” style.Cybergoth fashion was characterized by its use of neon colors, PVC and vinyl fabrics, and cyberpunk-inspired accessories like goggles, gas masks, and platform boots and shoes.This style reflected a growing fascination with technology and the idea of a futuristic, post-apocalyptic world.

Y2K fashion was also notable for its embrace of the body and its celebration of individuality. Many designers experimented with new silhouettes and shapes, such as asymmetrical hemlines, oversized jackets, and body-hugging dresses. This helped to create a sense of freedom and self-expression that resonated with many people at the time.

Y2K is so popular now because it brings back a sense of nostalgia During the years there have been many different styles and if you think about it the 2000s were a while back. People love feeling nostalgic and this era definitely was a revolutionary time for pop culture (aka Britney Spears) And her iconic style and eventually her downfall. The rise of Y2K fashion had a significant impact on society as a whole. Shown thorough the unique makeup and culture surrounding the style

Y2k wasnt just popular in the US, but also influenced japan, as their style changed as well.

With their style having more soft colors and retro looks, japan had their own twist on Y2K. They used leg warmers, chunky shoes, and an airbrushed makeup look. Thin eyebrows and lipliner were also very popular, not just in japan. It was called “Harujuku” and “funky” fashion. Another example of this trend was the popularity of the “boho” style Boho fashion was characterized by its use of flowing fabrics, loose silhouettes, and earthy colors. This style reflected a growing interest in nature and spirituality, and it helped to create a sense of freedom and individuality that was often missing from mainstream fashion.

M Magazine

Editor in Chief

Zian Garcia


Fashion Club President

Carolina Aguilar


Alfredo Sarina


McKenna Valentine Treasurer

Aidan Pollock

Creative Director

Keren Ortega

Marketing Director

Denishea Walker

Head of Models

Alyssa Castro, Amahri

McReynolds, & Vannesa


Head Of Photographers

Micaela Delgado

Faculty Sponsor

Edwyenna Walker


Carolina Aguilar, Angelique

Villarreal, & Genesis Shane Models

Lilly Lujan, Aidan Pollock,

Deishea Walker, Raeleigh Oakes,

Sophia Chavira, Sattiah Sanchez,

Keren Ortega, & Kaylee Day

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