September 2021

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Issue 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫العدد‬


Almost there

Together we can




Did innovation at firms take a back seat during the pandemic?






Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi


Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika

Al Wasat Magazine Address:

Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623

‫يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على‬ ‫االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية‬


An interview with Professor Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officer

‫دعم صحة ورفاهية مجتمعات‬ ‫ في بلدية مدينة‬CALD ‫هيوم‬






Human Appeal Australia’s H.O.P.E project


Grants For Commercial Landlords Doing The Right Thing

‫خارطة طريق نحو الحريّة‬ ّ ‫للملقحين بشكل كامل في‬ ‫والية نيوساوث ويلز‬


The Silent Disease of the Liver



‫تخفيف القيود في مناطق‬ )LGAs( ‫الحكومات المحلية‬ ‫ذات االهتمام في والية نيو‬ ‫ساوث ويلز‬


Help your kids shed unwanted kilos before hitting back to school!! Without feeling hungry.



‫إعطاء األولوية للعاملين‬ ‫في دور رعاية المسنين‬ ّ ‫ ضد‬Pfizer ‫لتلقي لقاحات‬ COVID-19




Fair dinkum, speak good Australian? You’re trustworthy


‫الزواج ما بين الطب والشريعة‬

‫القنصلية اللبنانية العامة في‬ ‫ملبورن تدعو ابناء الجالية في‬ ‫فكتوريا للوقاية من فيروس‬ ‫كورونا‬


– ‫امأل استمارة إحصائك اليوم‬ ‫لم يفت األوان بعد‬

Sponsor an orphan, give hope for a bright future. Human Appeal is currently sponsoring over 63,000 orphans in 15 countries. For as little as $50 a month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life; the chance to receive an education and live in a loving and caring environment.

Give Happiness Today. Visit Call 1300 760 155 HAI_2019_Ramadan_Alwasat_1/8Ad.indd 1 AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

30/4/19 10:33 am

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫حديث الوسط‬

‫«فاسألوا أهل الذكر‬ ‫إن كنتم ال تعلمون»‬

‫قاعدة ‪ ..‬منهج ‪ ..‬ثقافة‬ ‫فواز شوك‬

‫منهجا‬ ‫أصلها الشرع‪ ،‬وجعلها‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ •قاعدة ّ‬ ‫فثبتها وبنى دعائمها على‬ ‫للناس وثقافة‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫احترام العلم وأهله وعلى االستفادة من خبراتهم‬ ‫وتجاربهم‪.‬‬ ‫ •قاعدة نبذت الجهل ورفضت االستسالم للعواطف‬ ‫والنزوات وعملت على تحرير العقل من تأثيرات‬ ‫الدعاية‪ ،‬ورفضت الجنوح نحو االصطدام بالحقائق‬ ‫العلمية‪ ،‬ونصحت باللجوء إلى أهل الذكر والعلم‬ ‫واالختصاص عند أي معضلة أومشكلة يواجهها‬ ‫الفرد أو المجموعة‪.‬‬ ‫ •ومنهج أسس لثقافة التخصص ورسم حدود ًا ألهل‬ ‫التخصص حتى ال يخرجوا عن نطاق تخصصهم‬ ‫العامة في‬ ‫وحتى ال يقعوا في الخطأ ويوقعوا معهم ّ‬ ‫الضياع والفوضى‪ ،‬فالمتخصص في أمور الفقه قد‬ ‫ال يجيد الحديث في أمور الطب والمتخصص في‬ ‫مجال الطب العام قد ال يجيد التحدث في مجال‬ ‫علم األحياء‪ ،‬والخطيب الذي يبرع على منبره‬ ‫قد يفشل على منابر اخرى وهكذا‪ ،‬فكل صاحب‬ ‫تخصص يبرع في مكانه ومجال تخصصه‪.‬‬ ‫شجعت عامة الناس على البحث واكتشاف‬ ‫ •وثقافة ّ‬ ‫الحقائق بعيد ًا عن الشائعات والفبركات ونظريات‬ ‫المؤامرة وغيرها‪ .‬وعلى عدم اللجوء إلى غير‬ ‫أهل الخبرة واالختصاص وإلى عدم االعتماد على‬ ‫االستنتاجات الشخصية البعيدة عن األسس العلمية‬ ‫السليمة‪.‬‬ ‫ •ثقافة نبذت المخادعين وأدعياء العلم وحذرت‬ ‫منهم‪ ،‬ودعت إلى التمييز بين العالم ومدعي العلم‪.‬‬ ‫بين الفقيه والمتفيقه‪ ،‬بين الباحث الحقيقي‬ ‫والباحث عن الشهرة‪ .‬فال بد للمرء من ادراك‬ ‫حقيقة مهمة وهي أن ليس كل من تحدث بأمور‬ ‫الطب طبيب‪ ،‬وليس كل من تحدث عن الدراسات‬ ‫واالبحاث العلمية هو باحث‪ ،‬وليس كل من تحدث‬ ‫عن أمور الدين عالم‪.‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫ •خلق الله سبحانه وتعإلى لنا العقل لنميز الخبيث‬ ‫الطيب‪ ،‬والصح من الخطأ‪ ،‬ورسم لنا الطريق‬ ‫من‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الواضح والمستقيم‪ ،‬فلماذا نضع عقلنا جان ًبا ونعتمد‬ ‫على نزوات االخرين وعلى شائعاتهم‪ ،‬فلو بحثنا‬ ‫قليال عن الحقيقة لوجدناها‪.‬‬ ‫ •ال يحق ألحد في أستراليا أن يمنعك أن تتوجس من‬ ‫مواقف وقرارات بعض أهل السياسة سواء المتعلقة‬ ‫في المجال الصحي أو المتعلقة في المجاالت‬ ‫االخرى‪ ،‬بشرط أن ُيبنى هذا التوجس على حقائق‬ ‫وأســس علمية صحيحة وليس على عواطف‬ ‫وشائعات وفبركات‪.‬‬ ‫ •وال احد ينكر عليك انتقاد سياسيات الحكومات في‬ ‫إدارة أزمة جائحة كورونا وأسلوب تعاملها مع هذه‬ ‫الجائحة‪ ،‬فأنت مواطن تتمتع بكامل حقوقك التي‬ ‫كفلها لك الدستور ومن بينها حقك في إبداء الرأي‪،‬‬ ‫ولكن ال يمكنك أن تنكر على اآلخرين قناعتهم‬ ‫بوجود هذا الوباء وبمدى خطورته على صحة‬ ‫االنسان وعلى صحة وبيئة المجتمع‪.‬‬ ‫ •لنتعاون جميع ًا من أجل الخروج من هذه الجائحة‬ ‫بأقل الخسائر الممكنة من خالل التعامل معها‬ ‫تعام ً‬ ‫ال واقعي ًا يستند إلى العلم‪ ،‬بعيدا عن العواطف‬ ‫وبعيد ًا عن السياسة وتفسيراتها وعن رأي أصحاب‬ ‫االهواء وتأويالتهم‪.‬‬ ‫ •اذا وجدت بعض الظلم في القرارات الحكومية‪ ،‬واذا‬ ‫شاهدت بعض التجاوزات من بعض أفراد الشرطة‪،‬‬ ‫فهناك أكثر من وسيلة لالحتجاج والتعبير عن‬ ‫الرأي ولكن ضمن األطر القانونية والدستورية بما‬ ‫يضمن احترام القوانين والقرارات وليس من خالل‬ ‫ردات الفعل العاطفية التي قد تؤدي إلى التصادم‬ ‫وإلى نتائج عكسية‪ .‬فيمكنك مث ً‬ ‫ال أن تلجأ إلى‬ ‫رجال القانون من محامين وغيرهم لتستشيرهم في‬ ‫هكذا قضايا‪ ،‬وهذا يعيدنا إلى قاعدة ومنهج وثقافة‬ ‫«فاسألوا أهل الذكر ان كنتم التعلمون»‪.‬‬

Together we can



DID INNOVATION AT FIRMS TAKE A BACK SEAT DURING THE PANDEMIC? Research on innovation is growing in importance for enhancing more growing and effective firms, for valuable contribution in society, and for global economic prosperity. However, the prevalent question has shifted nowadays from whether or not innovation can be successfully done in the time of a pandemic. Leadership in crisis management is really tough because the success or failure of all firms rests on the visionary traits of the people at the top. Do they encourage innovation? Or does

Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Founding Director Aspire Leadership Network

At this time, we need innovative and visionary leaders who can challenge the strategic plan of the firm and amend it in a form it can suit the particular circumstances and can turn it to their advantage in the situation at hand. Nowadays, our situation has become very tough, and the world is completely different to how we have known it before. Every firm is going through a difficult time. Nevertheless, according to some research findings, supporting

and promoting a more innovative workplace by firms can help to break the cycle of limited thinking and, in doing so, set them free to discover more beneficial ways of new markets and new ways of growing business. Here are some positive effects of innovation that will help you as a leader, and your firm thrive in times of uncertainty. They are: 1. Firms that innovate through a crisis come out stronger: if we look across multiple crises, including SARS epidemic and World War II we can learn from these previous experiences and discover that firms focused on innovation projects once they recovered from the crisis and

TELL US YOUR STORY! Virtual family school holidays program for kids building hope and creating fun AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

innovation at their firms take a back seat during this time of uncertainty? Ever heard of the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention”? Well, to be able to overcome a crisis, firms must innovate their way through. In times of crisis, innovation is the resolution that can make firms move forward by looking at things differently than they are now so they can eventually rise above difficulties and challenges.

eventually had rapid growths in manufacturing in convenience technologies. 2. Fast adaptation to change: firms involved in innovation are able to adapt quickly to changing conditions and will continue to be successful in the future. 3. Ability to solve problems in a creative way: the amazing formula of innovation is the percentage of the customers accepting the new solution. We can quantify this ability using this formula and understand which solution is more suitable to the valuable problem to solve and the degree of difficulty in solving them. 4. A sustainable advantage: when firms start developing new

Part of getting though this lockdown is a program for kids and families by musician and creative director Aseel Tayah, the Founder of Bukjeh. “I began Bukjeh, as a social enterprise in 2017 and brought together culturally diverse artists to advocate for mothers, children, and young people,” Aseel said. “We all know the impact these extended lockdowns have had on our kids, and we also know that giving hope is important,” Aseel said.

Aseel will deliver a virtual program for kids during school holidays aimed at connecting children to diverse stories, music, play, food, and general fun. “Over the last year the lockdowns have been tough on all of us, especially families and kids from diverse backgrounds, I as a mother, like many mothers know how tough it has been,” Aseel Tayah said. “To alleviate some of the burden on kids and families, I have brought together a creative network to develop a

ideas out of the box, they will implement innovative thinking, and in this way plant an innovative spirit using the potential of their employees that will ensure strategically a sustainable advantage. 5. New market growth: innovations make it possible to open up new markets. For instance, firms that are innovative can penetrate new industries of digital technologies. Therefore, it is very necessary to adapt the technology of the new service and the business model to the requirements of the new industry. A market growth then quickly becomes the new business development that aims to generate new revenues.

fun program for kids and their families during this difficult period,” Aseel said. “We will get through this; I am very hopeful. In the meantime, it is crucial that our children and us, as parents and carers, come together to offer hope, fun and love” Aseel said. For more information please contact: Kush Kuiy 0412 381 147 or visit

Together we can



‫رسالة مفتوحة من اطباء أستراليون ناطقون باللغة العربية‬ 19 - ‫يحثون فيها أبناء الجالية على اخذ لقاح كوفيد‬ OPEN LETTER TO THE COMMUNITY FROM ARABIC-SPEAKING AUSTRALIAN DOCTORS URGING THE COMMUNITY TO TAKE THE COVID-19 VACCINE We, Arabic-speaking Australian doctors have been privileged to look after your health for many years. Our main goal is to work with and for you. You have for many years entrusted us with your health and listened to our clinical judgment. Now we are asking you , again to trust our judgement about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine to combat this deadly virus. In the current NSW Covid-19 outbreak, the CanterburyBankstown LGA has become the COVID-19 virus epicentre of Sydney. The delta variant is dangerous, highly infectious and deadly .It is a very dangerous time to remain unvaccinated. Do not believe all you read and hear that undermines the need to get vaccinated. The only action that has been proven to protect you from COVID-19 virus and Delta strain is being vaccinated. Current Australian data shows that those who lost their lives

due to COVID-19 virus were NOT vaccinated and this includes the 32 Covid-19 deaths in NSW since June. All Vaccines in Australia are effective, safe and free. The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the very low risk of side effects. The COVID-19 vaccine that is in your arm will protect you. Even one injection will reduce your risk of death, ICU admission and hospitalisation due to COVID-19. Two doses of the vaccine are even more protective. We urge you to make a booking to take the Covid-19 vaccine that you are eligible for and available to you. Don’t delay please. If you have any questions about vaccination please discuss it with your doctor. Ask the right questions to the right people. The sooner you get vaccinated, the sooner you and your loved ones will be protected and the closer we can all return to a normal life.

• A/Prof Ahmad Alrubaie - Gastroenterologist • Dr Amal Ibrahim – General Practitioner • Dr Anas Natfaji - Nephrologist • Dr Aiman Al Sayed - General Practitioner • Dr David Malouf - Urologist • Dr Domit Azar - Ophthalmologist • Dr Fred Nasser - Cardiologist • Dr Ghassan Charbel - Cardiologist • Dr Hamid Almafragy - Cardiologist • Dr Imad Berro – Microbiologist • Dr Jamal Rifi General Practitioner • Dr James Lahood - General Practitioner • Dr Kamil Huzaia - General Practitioner

‫الذين فقدوا حياتهم نتيجة إصابتهم‬ ‫ هم الذين لم يتلقحوا ضد‬19 ‫بكوفيد‬ ‫ بما فيهم اثنين وثالثون‬19 ‫كوفيد‬ ‫مصا ًبا ماتوا في والية نيو ساوث ويلز‬ .‫ يونيو‬/ ‫منذ شهر حزيران‬ ‫ان اللقاح في استراليا فعال وآمن‬ ‫ وفوائد اللقاح كبيرة جدا‬.‫ومجاني‬ ‫وتفوق بكثير احتمال حدوث عوارض‬ .‫جانبية خطيرة قليلة جد ًا‬ ‫إن حقنة لقاح واحــدة في ذراعــك‬ ‫ستحميك من دخول المستشفى أو قسم‬ ‫ وتقلل من خطر الموت‬،‫العناية الفائقة‬ ‫ان تلقي‬.19 ‫نتيجة لإلصابة بكوفيد‬ .‫حقنتين يزيد من الحماية‬ ‫نناشدكم اإلسراع وبأقرب وقت ممكن‬ ‫ألخذ موعد من اجل تلقي لقاح كوفيد‬ .‫ المتوفر والمناسب‬19 ‫إذا كان لديكم أي سؤال عن اللقاح‬ .‫نرجو أن تناقشوا الموضوع مع طبيبكم‬ ‫اســألــوا األشــخــاص المختصين بهذا‬ .‫الموضوع لتأخذوا االجوبة المفيدة لكم‬ ‫وكلما أسرعتم بأخذ اللقاح أنتم أو‬ ‫ وكلما‬،‫احبائكم كلما حميتم انفسكم‬ .‫اسرعنا بالعودة الى حياتنا الطبيعية‬

‫نحن االطباء األستراليون‬ ‫الناطقون باللغة العربية كان‬ ‫لنا شرف خدمتكم واالعتناء‬ ‫ وهدفنا دائم ًا‬،‫بصحتكم لسنوات طويلة‬ ‫ وكنتم لسنوات‬.‫هو العمل معكم وألجلكم‬ ‫طويلة تثقون بنا وبرعايتنا الدائمة لكم‬ .‫وتستمعون الى نصائحنا الطبية‬ ‫واآلن نحن نناشدكم أن تجددوا ثقتكم‬ ‫بنا وبنصحائنا الطبية حول فاعلية لقاح‬ ‫ لنتغلب مع ًا على هذا الفيروس‬19 ‫كوفيد‬ .‫القاتل‬ ‫ الحالية في‬19 ‫خالل جائحة كوفيد‬ ‫والية نيو ساوث ويلز أصبحت منطقة‬ ‫كانتربري بانكستاون مركز ًا لتفشي هذا‬ .‫الفيروس في مدينة سيدني‬ ‫إن فصيلة دلتا شديدة العدوى وأكثر‬ ‫فتكا ومن الخطورة بمكان في هذا‬ .‫الوقت أن تبقى دون لقاح‬ ‫إياكم ان تصدقوا االشاعات واالقوال‬ ‫غير الصحيحة التي تقلل من أهمية‬ ‫ ان الطريقة الوحيدة التي‬،‫تلقي اللقاح‬ ‫ثبتت فعاليتها في حمايتكم من كوفيد‬ .‫ هي أخذ اللقاح‬19 ‫إن البيانات المتوفرة لدينا تثبت أن‬

• Dr Mahmoud Awad - General Practitioner • Dr Marwan Obaid - Endocrinologist • Dr Mohammed Alsalami - Pathologist • Dr Mona Marabani - Rheumatologist • Dr Mustapha Alameddine - General Practitioner • A/Prof Nabeel Ibrahim - Surgeon • Dr Nabil Assad - General Practitioner • Dr Raed Smahari - Microbiologist • Dr Ramzi Barnouti - General Practitioner • Dr Sarah Abdo - Endocrinologist • Dr Soraya Alami - General Practitioner • Dr Zeina Merhi - Obstetrics and Gynecology • Dr Ziad Basyouny - General Practitioner

AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

Together we can



COVID-19: WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR An interview with Professor Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Written by Shazma Gaffoor

The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. Since then, there have been 219 million cases worldwide. Over 87,000 in Australia. 1,167 deaths and counting. There has been an influx of information on the coronavirus and vaccinations on multiple platforms, so much so that it seems to be getting increasingly challenging to sift the credible from hearsay. How bad is it really? Why are we pushed to get vaccinated? The questions are multiplying while the answers aren’t always easily

accessible, or palatable. We recently had the opportunity of speaking with Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd, about some of the most distilled information regarding the virus. Professor Kidd is an Australian academic, primary care researcher, educator, and a clinician. He has over 30 years of experience as a GP, with a primary focus on care provided to people with HIV, mental health, and Indigenous health. He is also the current Principal Medical Advisor for the Australian Government Department of Health. Here’s what he had to say. Professor Michael Kidd

What is a virus and how does it cause infection? Viruses are tiny infectious agents, and they can only reproduce inside the cells of organisms (host cells). The common cold is caused by a virus, influenza is caused by a virus. And there are many viruses which we are vaccinated against when we are children, to prevent mass infections. So COVID-19 is what we call a coronavirus, and there are a number of different coronaviruses. The two previous coronaviruses were SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) which appeared in 2002 and 2003 and then more recently MERS (Middle-East respiratory syndrome) which again can cause severe respiratory illnesses. We had an outbreak related to the Hajj a number of years ago which people may recall. We’re still concerned about this virus. And of course, in

2019, this new coronavirus appeared initially in Wuhan, China and then spread around the world.

How does this COVID-19 virus differ from another virus like flu or cold, and why is it so much more dangerous and deadly? COVID-19 is more severe than influenza. It causes more severe disease symptoms in many people and causes much higher death rates. We’ve seen now more than 4.5 million people who have lost their lives to COVID-19 in the last 18 months despite lockdowns and restrictions. That’s a lot more people than we usually see in outbreaks of influenza. Fortunately of course we now have the vaccines. The vaccines are changing the natural course of this virus and are providing very good

AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

protection to people who’ve been vaccinated with two doses.

What is inside an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) in the simplest possible terms? The mRNA is a piece of genetic code which sparks the production of the spike proteins on these coronaviruses, and allows cells in your body to recognise those spike proteins and to mount the immune response against them. So basically, the immune cells in your body are able to recognise the coronavirus if you get infected with it and mount a fast and major immune response to prevent you from becoming unwell. Most people would mount a very strong immune response and would be very well protected from becoming seriously unwell with COVID-19.

It doesn’t prevent you from still being infected with COVID-19 and you may have infection with absolutely no symptoms or just very mild symptoms, but you’re protected against becoming seriously unwell. You may still be able to infect other people even if you have been vaccinated.

Is our immune system able to cope with viruses on their own? What about the COVID-19 virus? What we’ve found in unvaccinated people being infected with the COVID-19 virus is that about 85 percent develop mild symptoms and these people are managed at home, they don’t need to go to hospital. A lot of them wouldn’t have any symptoms at all or they’ll have mild symptoms for just a day or two. You may get a fever, a runny nose, a sore

Together we can

An interview with Professor Michael Kidd, Deputy Chief Medical Officer

throat or difficulty breathing, aches and pains. But 15 percent of people develop moderate to severe COVID-19 and these people very often end up being hospitalised, and the severe ones often end up in intensive care units or on ventilators assisting them to breathe. And what we know is that older people are more at risk of becoming seriously unwell. People who have chronic health problems who are younger are also at increased risk. People with obesity, diabetes, or immunocompromised may be at greater risk as well. So that’s why when we were originally rolling out the vaccine, we prioritised the very elderly and people with chronic conditions. We prioritised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people because they have an earlier onset of chronic disease among them. Then we started going down the age groups from older people down to younger people. And from today (13 September) anyone aged 12 to 59 is eligible to get a Pfizer vaccine anywhere in Australia. And from the coming weeks we will have the Moderna vaccine available for people aged 12 to 59 as well.

What would case numbers and hospitalisations look like if restrictions weren’t in place? How terrifying is the situation for nurses at the minute? We can look at what’s happened in other countries which didn’t put in the same levels of restrictions as Australia. A good example is the United States of America who have had very high rates of COVID-19 and very high rates of deaths, hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their lives compared to just over 1000 people in Australia. The closure of our international borders, the requirement of people coming into Australia to do two-weeks of quarantine to pick up anyone who’s got COVID-19, the public health measures when we’ve had outbreaks with the lockdowns and all the other measures like our mask wearing, hand hygiene and physical distancing

their 5-year vaccination program. So at age 5 they are fully vaccinated against all the vaccines we provide because parents recognise that these are very serious infectious diseases, and they want to protect their children from becoming seriously unwell, and in some cases, a risk of dying from these infectious diseases which is totally preventable.

have all helped to protect people in Australia. Very importantly, they have prevented our whole system from being overwhelmed with large numbers of people infected with COVID-19 and at the same time they’ve allowed us to build up our health system. We now have a lot more intensive care beds, thousands of ventilators, and upskilled thousands of nurses to work in intensive care. We have the ability to use our private hospitals if our public hospitals became overwhelmed. So hopefully Australia will not ever be in the position that we saw in Northern Italy, in Iran, in India with the outbreak of Delta with the hospitals just being overwhelmed, and healthcare workers having to make decisions about who was admitted to intensive care and put on a ventilator and who was allowed to die. Dreadful decisions for people to have to make and we’ve been spared that in Australia.

Why are we pushing for an 80% double dosed population and what does it mean for transmission? The 80 percent is based on modelling advice from the Doherty Institute to the National Cabinet showing that at the point of 80 percent, If we start to open up Australia, reduce some of the restrictions which have been in place, allow Australians to start travelling outside of Australia and people coming from countries which have also well-controlled their COVID-19, then we would not be at risk of overwhelming out hospital system. The more adults and teenagers are vaccinated, the less that COVID-19

will be able to circulate in the community, and the more protection we will be able to provide the under 12’s. The other important thing about the 80 percent is that we make sure that there aren’t groups of people missing out. We do know there has been some hesitancy in some communities, that there’s been difficulty in getting information to some multicultural groups around Australia. This is why we worked with your publication, SBS, and why we translated information into 63 different languages to try and make sure that nobody is missing out on the information about the importance of vaccination.

How does being pro-choice affect the entire community? Is it a valid stance? In Australia vaccines are voluntary and so you decide whether you have the vaccine or not. We do have the mandating of vaccines in certain high-risk industries. We already mandate vaccination of healthcare workers for other diseases like Hepatitis-B virus for example. It’s highly likely that the same would apply for COVID-19 as time progresses, but we’ve got to wait and see what happens in each state and territory. That means that people choose whether or not they work in those areas. If they choose not to be vaccinated and they don’t have a valid exemption, then they won’t be able to work in those occupations. What we also know about Australia is that most people in Australia are very ‘pro-vaccination’ because they recognise that vaccines save lives. We had more than 95 percent of Australian children who completed

And finally, what information would you like to convey to the wider community? I guess my most important message to your readers is that if you are aged 12 and above, please get vaccinated. Particularly if you’re aged over 50, if you have parents or grandparents who are elderly, please make sure they are protected because the tragedy that we’re seeing now, is still seeing people dying with COVID-19, and most of these people are older people and most of them are not vaccinated. Vaccines have been available for many months and could’ve protected and saved the lives of those people. We are facing this together. COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate, it will infect anyone who comes in contact with someone who is already infected. But what we are seeing is particular groups of people in Australia who are at greater risk of being infected. We’re seeing that people working in some industries are more at risk than others because they can’t work from home. So people working in food distribution, stacking our shelves in supermarkets, people driving taxis and rideshare, people working in aged care, people working as cleaners in our hospitals and our businesses, people working in meatworks and abattoirs, all these sorts of industries is where we’re seeing outbreaks occurring. If you live with a large family or share your home with several people, there’s a risk that if one person has COVID, everyone in the house ends up getting infected. So, no matter who you are in Australia, if you’re aged 12 and above, it is so important that you get vaccinated.

AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬



Together we can




ROADMAP Under the Reopening NSW roadmap at 80 per cent, the following freedoms will apply only to fully vaccinated adults (16+) and those with medical exemptions (staff and patrons).

NSW Gatherings in the home and outdoor public spaces • Up to 10 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including children 12 and under) • Up to 20 people can continue to gather in unregulated outdoor settings • Up to 200 people can attend COVID Safe events • Up to 500 people can attend controlled (ticketed and seated) events • Community sport permitted • Those who are not fully vaccinated may only gather outdoors in groups of 2 people. Venues including hospitality, retail stores and gyms • Retail stores can operate at one person per 4 sqm (those who are not fully vaccinated will continue to only have access to non-critical retail via click-and-collect) • Personal services such as hairdressers, spa, nail, beauty, waxing, tattoo and massage) can operate with one person per 4 sqm (uncapped) • Hospitality venues can operate with one person per 4 sqm inside and one person per 2 sqm outside, with the requirement to be seated while drinking indoors removed. Group bookings will be limited to 20 people. Those who are not fully vaccinated can only access hospitality settings for takeaway • Gyms and indoor recreation facilities (excluding indoor pools) can operate with one person per 4sqm, capped at 20 people per class. Major outdoor recreation facilities • Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can operate with one person per 4 sqm, capped at 5,000 people (or by exemption). Entertainment, information and education facilities • Entertainment facilities (including cinemas, theatres, music halls) can operate with one person per 4 sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity (whichever is larger) • Information and education facilities (including libraries, galleries and museums) can operate with one person per 4 sqm • Amusement centres and nightclubs

will remain closed. Working from home • Employers must continue to allow employees to work from home, if reasonably practicable • Employers must require employees who are not fully vaccinated to work from home, if reasonably practicable. Education • Return to school with COVID Safe measures on 25 October (as previously announced). Weddings, funerals and places of worship • One person per 4sqm (uncapped) for weddings with dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standing. Those who are not fully vaccinated may only attend weddings with a maximum of 5 guests (no receptions) • One person per 4 sqm (uncapped) for funerals. Those who are not fully vaccinated may only attend funerals with a maximum of 10 people • Churches and places of worship can continue to open with one person per 4 sqm, with no singing. Those who are not fully vaccinated will be allowed. Travel • Unrestricted trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW will be permitted • Caravan parks and camping grounds can operate, including for those who are not fully vaccinated • Carpooling is permitted. Those who are not fully vaccinated can only carpool with their household. Masks • Masks will remain mandatory for all indoor premises and settings, except children under 12 • Only hospitality staff will be required to wear a mask while outdoors CHANGES FROM 1 DECEMBER 2021 On Wednesday 1 December 2021, the following settings will apply to all NSW citizens, regardless of their vaccination status: Gatherings in the home and outdoor public spaces • No limit on the number of visitors to a home • Density will shift to one person per 2 sqm for indoor and outdoor settings • No limit on the number of people who can attend informal outdoor

AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

gatherings • COVID Safe plan required for outdoor events with more than 1,000 people • Community sport permitted for all people. Venues including hospitality, retail stores and gyms • Retail stores can operate at one person per 2 sqm • Personal services such as hairdressers, spa, nail, beauty, waxing, tattoo and massage can operate with one person per 2 sqm • Hospitality venues can operate with one person per 2 sqm inside and outside, with no seating required for eating and drinking • Gyms and indoor recreation facilities, including indoor pools, can operate with one person per 2 sqm (uncapped) • Intimate services can open with one person per 4 sqm Major outdoor recreation facilities • Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can operate with one person per 2 sqm. Entertainment, information and education facilities • Entertainment facilities (including cinemas, theatres, music halls) can operate with one person per 2 sqm • Information and education facilities (including libraries, museums and galleries) can operate with one person per 2 sqm • Amusement centres and nightclubs

can open with one person per 4 sqm. Working from home • Working from home will be at employer’s discretion. Education • All year groups return to face-toface learning. Weddings, funerals and places of worship • One person per 2 sqm for weddings with dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standing • One person per 2 sqm for funerals • Churches and places of worship can operate with one person per 2 sqm, with singing permitted. Travel • Domestic travel, including trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW • Caravan parks and camping grounds can operate • Carpooling is permitted • Quarantine settings for vaccinated arrivals will be altered. A cap on unvaccinated travellers may remain. Masks • Masks wearing will be mandatory while travelling on public transport, on planes and at airports, and for front-ofhouse hospitality workers • Mask wearing is not required when outdoors. For further information about the Reopening NSW roadmap, go to www.

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪9‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫خارطة طريق الـ ‪ 80‬بالمائة‬ ‫بموجب خارطة الطريق المرسومة لـ ”إعادة فتح نيو ساوث ويلز”‪ ،‬عند بلوغ نسبة‬ ‫جرعتي اللقاح ‪ 80‬بالمائة سوف تنطبق الحريات التالية على البالغين (‪ 16‬عام ًا‬ ‫الذين تلقوا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جرعتي اللقاح فقط وعلى الذين لديهم إعفاءات طبية (الموظفين‬ ‫وما فوق) الذين أخذوا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫والزبائن)‪.‬‬

‫التجمعات في المنازل وفي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المساحات العامة الخارجية‬

‫• سوف ُيسمح بتواجد ‪ 10‬زائرين‬ ‫كحد أقصى في المنزل الواحد (وال‬ ‫بسن ‪ 12‬عام ًا وما دون)‬ ‫يشمل هذا العدد األطفال ّ‬ ‫• سوف يستمر السماح بتج ّمع ‪ 20‬شخص ًا كح ّد‬ ‫أقصى في األماكن الخارجية غير المنظّ مة‬ ‫• بإمكان ‪ 200‬شخص كحد أقصى حضور‬ ‫المناسبات واالحتفاالت التي تُراعي فيها إجراءات‬ ‫السالمة من كوفيد‬ ‫• بإمكان ‪ 500‬شخص كحد أقصى حضور‬ ‫مناسبات واحتفاالت خاضعة لإلشراف والمراقبة‬ ‫(بتذاكر دخول ومقاعد)‬ ‫• ُيسمح بممارسة الرياضة المجتمعية‬ ‫جرعتي اللقاح‬ ‫• يجوز لغير الحاصلين على‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫التج ّمع في الخارج ضمن مجموعات مؤلفة من‬ ‫شخصين (‪ )2‬فقط‬ ‫أماكن الضيافة‪ ،‬كالمقاهي والمطاعم‪ ،‬ومحالت‬ ‫البيع بالتجزئة وقاعات الجمنازيوم‬

‫• بإمكان محالت البيع بالتجزئة العمل بموجب‬ ‫نظام زبون واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مر ّبعة في‬ ‫المحل (و ُيسمح لغير الملقّحين بالكامل بمواصلة‬ ‫الحصول على البضائع من محالت البيع بالتجزئة‬ ‫غير األساسية بواسطة خدمة “ اطلب على‬ ‫اإلنترنت واستلم بنفسك” (‪)click-and-collect‬‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق تقديم الخدمات الشخصية‬ ‫(كصالونات تزيين الشعر والسبا وتقليم األظافر‬ ‫والتجميل وإزالة الشعر بالشمع والوشم والتدليك)‪،‬‬ ‫بإمكانها العمل بموجب نظام زبون واحد في كل‬ ‫‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة (دون تحديد للعدد)‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق الضيافة العمل بموجب نظام‬ ‫زبون واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة في الداخل‬ ‫وزبون واحد في كل مترين مربعين في الخارج‪،‬‬ ‫مع إلغاء وجوب الجلوس أثناء الشرب في األماكن‬ ‫الداخلية‪ .‬وتُح ّدد الحجوزات الجماعية بـ‪20‬‬ ‫شخص ًا‪ .‬وبإمكان غير الملقحين بالكامل الحصول‬ ‫على الوجبات والمشروبات السريعة (‪)takeaway‬‬ ‫فقط من أماكن الضيافة‬ ‫• بإمكان قاعات الجمنازيوم ومرافق الترفيه‬ ‫الداخلية (باستثناء المسابح الداخلية) العمل‬ ‫بموجب نظام شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة‪،‬‬

‫صف بـ‪ 20‬شخص ًا‪.‬‬ ‫و ُيح ّدد العدد األقصى لكل ّ‬ ‫المرافق الترفيهية الخارجية الكبرى‬ ‫• بإماكن المرافق الترفيهية الخارجية الكبرى‪،‬‬ ‫بما فيها المالعب الرياضية‪ ،‬وحلبات سباق‬ ‫الخيول‪ ،‬وحدائق التسلية والترفيه (‪theme‬‬ ‫‪ )parks‬وحدائق الحيوانات العمل بموجب نظام‬ ‫شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة‪ ،‬و ُيح ّدد العدد‬ ‫األقصى فيها بـ‪ 5000‬شخص (أو بموجب إعفاء‬ ‫من هذا الشرط)‪.‬‬

‫مرافق التسلية والترفيه ومرافق المعلومات‬ ‫والمرافق الثقافية‬

‫• بإمكان مرافق الترفيه (بما فيها دور السينما‬ ‫والمسارح والقاعات الموسيقية) العمل بموجب‬ ‫نظام شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة أو بنسبة‬ ‫‪ 75‬بالمائة من سعتها من المقاعد الثابتة (أيهما‬ ‫كان أكبر)‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق المعلومات والمرافق الثقافية‬ ‫(بما فيها المكتبات والمعارض والمتاحف) العمل‬ ‫بموجب نظام شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة‬ ‫• تبقى مراكز التسلية واألندية الليلية مغلقة‪.‬‬ ‫العمل من المنزل‬

‫• يجب على أصحاب العمل مواصلة السماح‬ ‫لموظفيهم بالعمل من المنزل‪ ،‬طالما كان ذلك‬ ‫ممكن ًا ومعقو ًال‬ ‫• يجب على أصحاب العمل أن يطلبوا من‬ ‫موظفيهم غير الملقحين بالكامل العمل من‬ ‫المنزل‪ ،‬طالما كان ذلك ممكن ًا ومعقو ًال‪.‬‬ ‫التربية والتعليم‬

‫• يعود التالميذ إلــى الــمــدارس مع مراعاة‬ ‫إجــراءات السالمة من كوفيد في ‪ 25‬تشرين‬ ‫األول‪/‬أكتوبر (كما ُأعلن سابق ًا)‪.‬‬ ‫األعراس والجنازات ودور العبادة‬

‫• شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة (دون‬ ‫تحديد لعدد األشخاص) في األعراس مع السماح‬ ‫بالرقص وتناول الطعام والشرب وقوف ًا‪ .‬وبإمكان‬ ‫غير الملقحين بالكامل حضور األعراس التي ال‬ ‫يزيد عدد المدعوين إليها عن ‪ 5‬أشخاص فقط‬ ‫(وال يسمح لهم بحضور حفالت االستقبال في‬ ‫األعراس)‬ ‫• شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة (دون‬ ‫تحديد لعدد األشخاص) في الجنازات‪ .‬وبإمكان‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫غير الملقحين بالكامل حضور الجنازات التي‬ ‫تضم ‪ 10‬أشخاص كحد أقصى فقط‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بإمكان الكنائس ودور العبادة مواصلة فتح‬ ‫أبوابها بموجب نظام شخص واحد في كل متر‬ ‫مربع‪ ،‬وبدون جوقات ترتيل أو غناء‪ .‬ويسمح لغير‬ ‫الملقّحين كام ًال بالحضور‪.‬‬ ‫السفر‬ ‫• سوف ُيسمح بالسفر دون قيود بين منطقة‬ ‫سدني الكبرى والمناطق اإلقليمية في نيو ساوث‬ ‫ويلز‬ ‫• ُيسمح لحدائق الكرفانات ومرافق التخييم‬ ‫بالعمل‪ ،‬ويشمل ذلك استقبال األشخاص غير‬ ‫الملقحين بالكامل فيها‬ ‫بتقاسم ركوب السيارات مع اآلخرين‪.‬‬ ‫• ُيسمح‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫تقاسم ركوب‬ ‫وبإمكان غير الملقحين بالكامل ُ‬ ‫السيارات مع سكان منزلهم فقط‪.‬‬ ‫الكمامات‬ ‫• سوف يظلّ ارتداء الكمامات إلزامي ًا في جميع‬ ‫األماكن والمرافق الداخلية‪ ،‬باستثناء األطفال دون‬ ‫سن ‪ 12‬عام ًا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫• يتوجب فقط على موظفي خدمات الضيافة‬ ‫(كالمقاهي والمطاعم) ارتداء الكمامات خالل‬ ‫وجودهم في األماكن الخارجية‪.‬‬ ‫ابتداء من ‪ 1‬كانون األول‪/‬ديسمبر‬ ‫التغييرات‬ ‫ً‬ ‫‪2021‬‬ ‫ـدءا من يوم األربعاء الواقع في ‪ 1‬كانون‬ ‫بـ ً‬ ‫األول‪/‬ديسمبر ‪ ،2021‬تنطبق اإلجـــراءات‬ ‫التالية على جميع مواطني نيو ساوث ويلز‪،‬‬ ‫بغض النظر عن وضعهم التلقيحي‪:‬‬ ‫التجمعات في المنازل واألمــاكــن العامة‬ ‫الخارجية‬

‫• ُيلغي الح ّد المفروض على عدد الزائرين إلى‬ ‫المنازل‬ ‫• سوف تتغير كثافة المتواجدين في األماكن‬ ‫الداخلية والخارجية إلى شخص واحد في كل‬ ‫مترين مربعين‬ ‫• ُيلغى الح ّد المفروض على عدد األشخاص‬ ‫الذين يمكنهم حضور التجمعات الخارجية غير‬ ‫الرسمية‬ ‫• يلزم وجود خطة سالمة من كوفيد خاصة‬ ‫باالحتفاالت والمناسبات الخارجية التي يزيد عدد‬ ‫حضورها عن ‪ 1000‬شخص‬ ‫• ُيسمح للجميع بممارسة الرياضة المجتمعية‬ ‫أماكن الضيافة‪ ،‬كالمقاهي والمطاعم‪ ،‬ومحالت‬ ‫البيع بالتجزئة وقاعات الجمنازيوم‬ ‫• بإمكان محالت البيع بالتجزئة العمل بموجب‬ ‫نظام زبون واحد في كل مترين مربعين في‬ ‫المحل‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق تقديم الخدمات الشخصية‬ ‫(كصالونات تزيين الشعر والسبا وتقليم األظافر‬ ‫والتجميل وإزالة الشعر بالشمع والوشم والتدليك)‪،‬‬ ‫بإمكانها العمل بموجب نظام زبون واحد في كل‬ ‫مترين مربعين‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق الضيافة العمل بموجب نظام‬ ‫زبون واحد في كل مترين مربعين في الداخل‬ ‫والخارج‪ ،‬مع إلغاء واجب الجلوس أثناء األكل‬ ‫والشرب‬

‫• بإمكان قاعات الجمنازيوم ومرافق الترفيه‬ ‫الداخلية‪ ،‬بما فيها المسابح الداخلية‪ ،‬العمل‬ ‫بموجب نظام زبون واحد في كل مترين مربعين‬ ‫(دون تحديد لعدد األشخاص)‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق خدمات العالقات الحميمة فتح‬ ‫أبوابها بموجب نظام زبون واحد في كل مترين‬ ‫مربعين‪.‬‬ ‫المرافق الترفيهية الخارجية الكبرى‬

‫• بإماكن المرافق الترفيهية الخارجية الكبرى‪،‬‬ ‫بما فيها المالعب الرياضية‪ ،‬وحلبات سباق‬ ‫الخيول‪ ،‬وحدائق التسلية والترفيه (‪theme‬‬ ‫‪ )parks‬وحدائق الحيوانات العمل بموجب نظام‬ ‫شخص واحد في كل مترين مربعين‪.‬‬ ‫مرافق التسلية والترفيه ومرافق المعلومات‬ ‫والمرافق الثقافية‬

‫• بإمكان مرافق الترفيه (بما فيها دور السينما‬ ‫والمسارح والقاعات الموسيقية) العمل بموجب‬ ‫نظام شخص واحد في كل مترين مربعين‬ ‫• بإمكان مرافق المعلومات والمرافق الثقافية‬ ‫(بما فيها المكتبات والمعارض والمتاحف) العمل‬ ‫بموجب نظام شخص واحد في كل مترين مربعين‬ ‫• بإمكان مراكز التسلية واألندية الليلية العمل‬ ‫بموجب نظام شخص واحد في كل ‪ 4‬أمتار مربعة‪.‬‬ ‫العمل من المنزل‬ ‫• سوف يعود قرار العمل من المنزل إلى ما‬ ‫يرتأيه صاحب العمل مناسب ًا‪.‬‬ ‫التربية والتعليم‬

‫• يعود التالميذ في جميع الصفوف إلى التعلّم‬ ‫وجه ًا لوجه في المدارس‪.‬‬ ‫األعراس والجنازات ودور العبادة‬ ‫• شخص واحــد في كل مترين مربعين في‬ ‫األعــراس مع السماح بالرقص وتناول الطعام‬ ‫والشرب وقوف ًا‬ ‫• شخص واحــد في كل مترين مربعين في‬ ‫الجنازات‬ ‫• بإمكان الكنائس ودور العبادة العمل بموجب‬ ‫نظام شخص واحد في كل مترين مربعين‪ ،‬مع‬ ‫السماح لجوقات الترتيل والغناء‪.‬‬ ‫السفر‬

‫• ُيسمح بالسفر داخل أستراليا‪ ،‬بما فيه الرحالت‬ ‫بين منطقة سدني الكبرى والمناطق اإلقليمية في‬ ‫نيو ساوث ويلز‬ ‫• ُيسمح لحدائق الكرفانات ومرافق التخييم‬ ‫بالعمل‬ ‫بتقاسم ركوب السيارات مع اآلخرين‪.‬‬ ‫• ُيسمح ُ‬ ‫• سوف يتم تعديل ترتيبات الحجر الصحي‬ ‫للقادمين الملقّحين‪ .‬وقد يستمر العمل بتحديد‬ ‫عدد المسافرين غير الملقحين‪.‬‬ ‫الكمامات‬

‫• سوف يكون ارتــداء الكمامات إلزامي ًا أثناء‬ ‫السفر في وسائل النقل العامة وعلى متن‬ ‫الطائرات وفي المطارات‪ ،‬ولموظفي االستقبال‬ ‫وعمال مداخل مرافق قطاع الضيافة‬ ‫• لن يتوجب ارتــداء الكمامات في األماكن‬ ‫الخارجية‬ ‫للمزيد من المعلومات عن خارطة الطريق‬ ‫المرسومة إلعــادة فتح نيو ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬تفقَّد‬ ‫الموقع ‪‬‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪COMMUNITY‬‬

‫يا عباد الله‬

‫تـ ـ ـ ـ ــداووا !‬ ‫الشيخ مالك زيدان‬ ‫ممثل دار الفتوى‬ ‫في الجمهورية اللبنانية‪ -‬أستراليا‬

‫روى البخاري من حديث ابي هريرة رضي‬ ‫الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال‬ ‫(ما أنزل الله من داء إال وأنزل له شفاء)‬ ‫وفي صحيح مسلم (لكل داء دواء‪ ،‬فإذا أصيب دواء الداء‬ ‫برئ بإذن الله)‬ ‫وفي الصحيح‪( :‬إن الله لم ينزل داء إال وأنزل له شفاء‪،‬‬ ‫علمه من علمه وجعله من جهله)‪.‬ومن حديث عائشة‬ ‫رضي الله عنها‪( ،‬إن هذه الحبة السوداء شفاء من كل داء‬ ‫اال السام‪ ،‬قلت‪ :‬وما السام؟ قال‪ :‬الموت)‪.‬‬ ‫ورى الترمزي من حديث ابي خزامة‪( :‬أرأيت رقى‬ ‫نسترقيها ودواء نتداوى به وتقاة نتقيها هل ترد من‬ ‫قدر الله شيئا؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم هي من قدر‬ ‫الله)‪.‬‬ ‫االسالم أمرنا بالوقاية من األمراض‪ ،‬وفي القرآن‬ ‫آيات تنهانا عن قتل النفس والقائها في التهلكة‪ ،‬قال‬ ‫تعالى ﴿وال تلقوا بأيديكم الى التهلكة﴾‪ .‬والوقاية من‬ ‫األمراض من مقاصد الشريعة‪ ،‬التي تعتبر حفظ النفس‬ ‫من المقاصد الضرورية‪ ،‬اذا ُع ِل َم ان هناك مرض ًا معدي ًا‬ ‫ووبا ًء منتشراً‪ ،‬يصيب به من خالطه‪ ،‬بل يصيب البشرية‬ ‫في أنحاء األرض كوباء كورونا‪ ،‬والذي سارع العالم‬ ‫كل العالم لتوقيه ودرء مخاطره‪ ،‬وأخذ اللقاح لتجنبه‬ ‫وتحقيق حفظ النفس‪ ،‬ونحن هنا في استراليا سألنا‬ ‫أولي األمر في الموضوع ومن بينهم أطباء مسلمين‪،‬‬ ‫وعلمنا أن االكثرية الساحقة منهم أوصوا بأخذ اللقاح‪،‬‬ ‫لتجنب الخطر المحدق بالوباء‪ ،‬وكونه أمر ًا واقع ًا ال‬ ‫ُيشك فيه‪ ،‬بل اصبح أمر ًا ظاهر ًا ومعروف ًا بل وملموس ًا‪،‬‬ ‫قد أصيب به جمع غفير من أبناء جاليتنا‪ ،‬بل توفي‬ ‫الكثير منهم‪.‬‬ ‫وهنا نسأل ماذا يفعل من أصيب به؟‬ ‫أيبقى في بيته ويختلط مع أهله وإخوانه‪ ،‬ويذهب‬ ‫إلى عمله ويختلط بالعمال والموظفين‪ ،‬ويصبح كل‬ ‫من جلس معه مصاب ًا بسببه‪ ،‬أم يذهب إلى المستشفى‬ ‫ويتداوى‪ ،‬مع اللجوء إلى الله سبحانه‬ ‫وتعالى وااللحاح بالدعاء‬ ‫ألجل الشفاء‪ ،‬مع كثرة‬ ‫اإلستغفار والصالة‬

‫على النبي المختار والصدقة والتوبة إلى الله‪ ،‬ونحن‬ ‫نعلم أن الله تعالى أمر بأخذ االسباب والحيطة والحذر‪،‬‬ ‫ثم لو تُوفي هذا المريض ولم يأخذ اللقاح ولم يأخذ‬ ‫برأي أهل االختصاص والذكر‪ ،‬لو سأله ربه عن سبب‬ ‫الوفاة كيف يجيبه؟!‬ ‫ونحن نعلم ان األمر مقدر‪ ،‬ونؤمن بالقدر خيره‬ ‫وشره‪ ،‬وكورونا قدر محتوم فال بد من التداوي‪ ،‬لنبعده‬ ‫عن أنفسنا وعيالنا‪ ،‬ولنحافظ على حياتنا‪ ،‬ونبعد عنا‬ ‫الخطر من أي جهة أتى‪.‬‬ ‫إن هذا الوباء عدو فال بد من االستعداد له ومجابهته‬ ‫ورد خطره‪ ،‬وذلك يكون بعرض أنفسنا على األطباء‬ ‫الماهرين وهم يصفون لنا الدواء أو ما يرونه مناس ًبا‪.‬‬ ‫وإن من يأخذ اللقاح لدرء الخطر عن نفسه فهو عين‬ ‫التوكل على الله‪ ،‬وهو مفهوم قوله تعالى ﴿قل لن‬ ‫يصينا إال ما كتب الله لنا﴾‪.‬‬ ‫ومن مفهومنا كمواطنين نعيش في دولة رائدة في‬ ‫الطب لها منا كامل التقدير‪ ،‬وعندها وزارة الصحة‬ ‫وهي من تقرر ما هو مفيد وما هو غير مفيد‪ ،‬وتعمل‬ ‫دائما لخدمة المواطنين‪ ،‬بأسهل الطرق وأيسر السبل‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وقد خسرت الباليين من الدوالرات ألجل راحة اإلنسان‬ ‫وصحته‪ ،‬ومشكورة على ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫نسأل الله تعالى بقدرته أن يرفع هذا الوباء ويحفظ‬ ‫لنا بلدنا استراليا لتبقى دائم ًا آمنة ومطمئنة وأن يرحم‬ ‫الله من مات بسبب وباء كورونا‪ ،‬وأن يمن على المرضى‬ ‫بالشفاء العاجل‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫حافظا وهو أرحم الراحمين‪.‬‬ ‫فالله خير‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪HEALTH‬‬

‫ح َم ْي ُت‬ ‫نفسي‬ ‫ألجل‬ ‫مجتمعي‬

‫لقد أث ّر كوفيد‪ 19-‬علينا جميعاً‪ ،‬ولكن هناك حل‪.‬‬ ‫اآلن هو الوقت لحامية نفسك وعائلتك ومجتمعك عن طريق تلقي‬ ‫اللقاح‪ .‬نستطيع أن نعاود مامرسة األشياء التي نستمتع بها إذا قمنا‬ ‫جميعاً بتلقّي اللقاح‪.‬‬

‫احجز موعد لقاحك املجاين اليوم‬


‫أو اتصل بالرقم ‪ .1800 020 080‬لخدمات الرتجمة الشفهية اتصل بالرقم ‪.131 450‬‬

‫رصحت به الحكومة األسرتالية‪.Canberra ،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

Together we can



Human Appeal Australia’s

H.O.P.E PROJECT Human Appeal Australia is a not for profit organisation that has been working in Australia for the last 30 years. Human Appeal’s work extend to 27 locations across the globe. Community Care is a division of Human Appeal Australia dedicated to the local projects and needs. Community Care had participated in many local causes, raised funds and distributed aid during floods, drought, bushfires and local emergencies. One of the recent initiatives carried out by Community Care is HOPE (Helping Older People Engage). The HOPE Project is an ongoing campaign that Human Appeal Australia is dedicating to help the seniors in the community. Based on a grant from NSW government for the NSW seniors HOPE Project aimed to provide seniors with social phone calls especially those who are isolated or on the edge of isolation due to COVID-19 outbreak. The grant

has concluded at the end of 2020 providing help to 409 seniors. Human Appeal Australia has proceeded with making HOPE an ongoing campaign extended to help seniors and needy families nationwide. Helping seniors and needy families not only with social interaction but also with distributing food parcels and hygiene kits to make sure they stay safe throughout

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COVID-19. Human Appeal Australia has reached out to the generous community including businesses, individuals and organisations to donate towards HOPE campaign. Receiving an overwhelming response from the generous community. The parcels and hygiene kits are prepared by Human Appeal’s volunteers and staff with the generous contributions

of community members including businesses and organisations. Human Appeal Australia will keep HOPE Project an ongoing campaign to help with the fight against COVID-19 and its implications, receiving applications from those who are needing help. The target for the last two phases for HOPE Project is to help 1000 seniors nationwide.

Together we can



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Together we can




National Plan: Phase A

National Plan: Phase A

National Plan: Phase B


School Reopens


Indicative date: 26 September 2021

Indicative date: 5 October 2021

Indicative date: 26 October 2021

Victorians can get outside to catch-up with friends and do some of the outdoor activities we’ve gone without.

Our next step is reopening schools - planned for October 5th

At 70% fully vaccinated lockdown will end in Melbourne.

• Students can return to sit the GAT if required on October 5th. • From 6 October, on-site learning for VCE Units 3/4, and final year VCAL & IB students. • From 18 October, prep students return three days a week, years 1 & 2 students return two days a week.

Social and Recreational: •R easons to leave home and curfew no longer in place. • 1 0 fully vaccinated people can gather outdoors, community sport training returns for minimum required to hold training. •P ubs, clubs and entertainment venues can open to 50 fully vaccinated people outdoors. •F unerals allowed for 20 fully vaccinated indoors, 50 fully vaccinated outdoors; weddings for 50 fully vaccinated outdoors.

Recreation: • You can play basketball, golf, tennis, cricket and other outdoor recreation activities together with the same limits as picnics. Accessing facility must be contactless. • Personal training resumes for up to five fully vaccinated people outside.

Education: •A ll school students return on-site at least part time.


Hairdressing personal care: • Open for up to 5 fully vaccinated.


School Reopens


Indicative date: 26 September 2021

Indicative date: 5 October 2021

Indicative date: 26 October 2021

Regional Victoria is out of lockdown, and at 80% first dose some further easing can go ahead.

Our next step is reopening schools - planned for October 5th

More social and recreation activities open up for fully vaccinated Victorians.

Beauty Services: • Masks may be removed for the duration of the service.

• Students can return to sit the GAT if required on October 5th. • From 6 October, on-site learning for VCE Units 3/4, and final year VCAL & IB students. • From 18 October, prep students return three days a week, years 1 & 2 students return two days a week.

Social & Recreational: •C ommunity sport returns indoors for minimum number required. •P ubs, clubs and entertainment venues are open indoors to 30 fully vaccinated people. Education: •A ll school students return onsite at least part time - see full roadmap for details. Religious Ceremonies: •F unerals and weddings are allowed for 30 fully vaccinated people indoors and 100 fully vaccinated outdoors.

The settings above are indicative only and are subject to change. They are indications based on the presently available public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence). All future directions will be made on the basis of public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence) as it exists at the time the directions are made. Based on the evidence at that point in time, the Chief Health Officer (or other authorised officer) must consider the directions to be reasonably necessary to protect public health; give proper consideration to human rights under the Charter for Human Rights and Responsibilities 2006 (Vic); and make decisions that are compatible with human rights under the Charter. AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

Together we can

Roadmap easing thresholds: In addition to reaching the vaccination threshold at each point in the roadmap, easing restrictions will depend on public health advice as to the current epidemiology.

National Plan: Phase C

National Plan: Phase D

80% (16+yrs)

80% (12+yrs)

Indicative date: 5 November 2021

Indicative date: 19 November 2021

At 80% fully vaccinated, regional Victoria and Metro Melbourne come together under the same rules.

Once 80% of Victorians aged 12 and over are fully vaccinated restrictions will align with the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response, agreed to by National Cabinet.

Social & Recreational: •U p to 10 people (including dependants) are permitted at your home. •U p to 150 fully vaccinated people can dine indoors, and up to 30 can gather in public outside. • I ndoor community sport open for minimum number required. •M asks are only required inside. •P ubs, restaurants and cafes can open for seated service only, up-to 150 fully vaccinated people inside and 500 outdoors.

Social: • By 25 Dec, 30 visitors to the home.

Work: •W ork from home if you can, but you can go to work if fully vaccinated. Hairdressing, beauty, personal care: • Open for fully vaccinated people. Retail: • All retail open. Education: •E arly childhood education and care is open. •A ll students return to school with additional safety measures inplace. •O n-site adult education returns for fully vaccinated Victorians. Religious Ceremonies: •W eddings, funerals, and religious services return for 150 fully vaccinated people indoors, and 500 outdoors.

The settings above are indicative only and are subject to change. They are indications based on the presently available public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence). All future directions will be made on the basis of public health evidence (including epidemiological evidence) as it exists at the time the directions are made. Based on the evidence at that point in time, the Chief Health Officer (or other authorised officer) must consider the directions to be reasonably necessary to protect public health; give proper consideration to human rights under the Charter for Human Rights and Responsibilities 2006 (Vic); and make decisions that are compatible with human rights under the Charter. AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬



Together we can



The Silent Disease of the Liver

Mona Albadawy • Pharmacist and Nutritionist • Founder of @monyhealthcoah • Member of the Global Weight Management Federation

How do you know that you are at risk to develop fatty liver disease? Many doctors are still not sure what causes NAFLD; however, the development of the disease has been linked to many factors that can influence your risk of having this disease. Some of these factors are Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Excess Iron in the body, High Intake of refined carbs and consumption of sugary beverages like soda and energy drinks. Fatty liver disease can also result from viruses such as Hepatitis A and C, Pregnancy, Tamoxifen, Toxins, Tetracycline, Steroids, Drugs, Aspirin, and Impaired Gut Health.

Principles of diets to prevent fatty liver disease: 1. First principle: eat fresh vegetables as much as you can. Build your meals on fresh, seasonal vegetables from the different colour groups (red, green, yellow, and orange). The vitamins and minerals in these foods will nourish your body and their fibre content will help you feel full for longer time. Vegetables are also high in Antioxidants, which may help reduce inflammation in your body.

2. Second principle: choose the right kinds of fat. Choose mono-unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids often and every day if possible. Eating these AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (INAFLD) is a silent disease that is not often accompanied by obvious symptoms. Fatty liver simply is a general term that refers to the accumulation of fats in the liver. Fats in the liver are normal constitutes, however, when the percentage of fat is more than 5 to 10 percent, it results in NAFLD. This excess fat can cause injury to the liver which can lead to cirrhosis, a severe condition where the liver is permanently scarred and damaged. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure or liver cancer. The good news is that fatty liver disease is a reversable condition when diagnosed in early stages then you can control the progression of the disease by making the right choices in your diet and engaging in daily activity. According to Dr. George Michalopoulos, the Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh, the liver is the only visceral organ that possesses the capacity to regenerate after either partial surgical removal or chemical injury.

healthy fats instead of saturated fats has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and keep blood vessels healthy. You can find these fats in olives, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds like flax seeds, and chia seeds and in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. On the other hand, you should eliminate the trans-fats from your diet that are found in foods such as margarine, French fries, potato chips, cookies, crackers, baked goods, and frozen foods. Trans-fats do not occur naturally. They are manufactured by taking oils, mainly vegetable oils and putting them through a process called hydrogenation, so the foods could last longer on the shelf without becoming rancid.

3. Third principle: be active everyday Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes of a moderate intensity physical activity daily. If there are days when you do not have the time, just make sure that you take the stairs at home, or park far away from your office, and try to go for grocery shopping by walking.

4. Fourth principle: stay away from fructose Fructose is a simple sugar that is present in fruits, honey, table sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Recent study by the Department of Endocrinology in the university of Colorado at the United States concludes that fructose precipitates fat accumulations in the liver due to both increased lipogenesis (fat formation) and impaired fat oxidation (breakdown of triglycerides stored in fat cells).

5. Fifth principle: enjoy drinking your morning coffee Several scientific studies have shown that drinking a daily cup of coffee may be a great habit for protecting your liver by its hepatoprotective effects. According to published paper in the World Journal of Hepatology “Coffee: The magical bean for liver diseases”, coffee can reduce the risk of developing liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer, and perhaps reduce ability of Hepatitis C virus to replicate.

6. Sixth principle: reduce salt in your diet You should not eat more than five grams of salt per day, equal to one teaspoon of salt. Instead of adding more salt, rather add a squeeze of lemon juice, herbs or salt-free spices which are great sources of flavour. Try dried mixed herbs, parsley or rosemary or spices like curry powder, paprika and pepper. Ingredients like garlic, onion, ginger, and chilli can also add lots of flavour without the need for more salt.

7. Seventh principle: smart snacking Do not be afraid to snack. There are lots of liver friendly snacks out there. Among these are: a cup of vegetables sticks, multigrain crackers, a handful of dry roasted nuts, a cup of air popped popcorn or a cup of low sugar fruits like berries fruit. The liver is an essential organ in the body, and we cannot live without it, so do your liver a favour by changing your eating habits and lifestyle.

Together we can



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Together we can





The stories from across the world are similar. In those countries where antivaccination mythology is rife, vaccine hesitancy is a major problem. Just recently Marcus Birks appeared from his hospital bed on the BBC. Breathing heavily from his intensive care unit he said“If you haven’t been ill you don’t think you’re going to get ill, so you listen to the [anti-vaccine] stuff.”

He spoke of his regret at not being vaccinated. “First thing I am going [to] tell all my family to do is get the vaccine and [then] anybody I see,” he said. “And as soon as I can get it, I am definitely getting it.” [14 September 2021 Guardian] Aged just 40, Marcus died on August 27, leaving his wife who is pregnant with their first child.

SUICIDAL HESITANCY OR LACK OF SUPPLY? Propagandists, who appear to be heavily influenced by Christian nationalist anti-vaxxer ideologues from the USA, are circulating lies about vaccine content, false claims that vaccination makes men impotent and women infertile, and even claims to First Nations people in WA that vaccination is satanic. Doctors in Sydney’s south-west, where infection rates are immense, have reported that they are getting threatening letters and demands for vaccine exemptions from patients who have been misled by anti-vaxx misinformation. This is in areas where general vaccination rates have always been high. As one GP said, “If you’re selfish enough to refuse the vaccine, you could make yourself very sick, and someone could die because of you.” [10 September Crikey] One way in which governments are trying to deal with this suicidal vaccine hesitancy is to impose various levels of compulsion upon their citizenry – in an effort to save lives and damp down the spread of the plague. Britain has made vaccination

mandatory for home care workers and will soon require it for health workers. Nightclubs and other venues required proof of full vaccination from 14 September. Canada already requires patrons of non-essential businesses such as restaurants and cinemas to be vaccinated and federal public servants and transportation workers by the end of October. Some 3000 workers have been suspended in France for not complying with mandatory vaccinations in hospitals, care homes and health centres. Greece is making vaccinations mandatory for nursing home staff and healthcare workers. Lebanon limits entry to restaurants, cafes, pubs and beaches to people holding vaccine certificates or those who have taken antibody tests. Saudi Arabia has mandated vaccines for all public and private sector workers and for entry to educational establishments. Turkey requires negative COVID-19 test results and proof of vaccination from teachers as schools reopen in September and for domestic travel, as well as a negative PCR test for those who are unvaccinated to enter concerts, cinemas and theatres.

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INEQUALITY EXPOSED Hume and Wyndham LGAs were the worst hit by infections last year but this year it is Hume. All are large, culturally diverse blue-collar local government areas with a high proportion of Muslims. By Friday, there were 1,646 cases in the City of Hume, more than a third of all infections in Melbourne. Meanwhile vaccination rates are among the lowest in the state. [18 September 2021 Guardian] Dr Umber Rind runs a GP clinic in the Hume suburb of Campbellfield, where there are currently 143 active cases. Rind requested access to administer Pfizer doses at the start of the rollout, but her clinic is yet to receive a single dose. “On Friday we missed our [first] Pfizer delivery because our clinic was closed as a tier 1 site,” she says. “Now we’re still waiting for it to be redelivered.” Like the southwestern suburbs of Sydney where infection rates have skyrocketed and where lockdowns have been harshly policed, voices are being raised as to the inequality the pandemic is exposing. “I felt it was inequality,” says Rind.

“I knew in the eastern suburbs, people were going to their GP clinics for Pfizer. Why did our clinics not have Pfizer and in the affluent suburbs Pfizer was freely available?” “Until a week ago, we only had eight general practices in Hume administering Pfizer,” says Haweil. “And this is a municipality where the average age is 33.” [18 September 2021 Guardian] Lack of vaccine supply, due to incompetent federal government planning, inadequate quarantine facilities, allowing infection outbreaks into the community, antivaxx propaganda spewing forth from the Christian nationalist sinkholes of the Old South of the USA being swallowed around the world from social media, have all added up to a disaster which could get much worse before it gets better. Vaccine hesitancy is being blamed for infections spreading so quickly in the multicultural working class suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne, but while lack of vaccine supply is still a major issue that cannot be used by the authorities as an excuse for the spread of the plague.

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

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AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

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ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 Fax: +61 3 9380 6143

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Muslims living in Western countries should make a habit of examining the ingredients label on every food package and drink before consumption, and also become familiar with the nature of the most commonly used ingredients in the processed food.

Dr Bekim Hasani Head of Shariah Affairs,


Enzymes The use of enzymes, or microorganisms in food preparations is an age-old process. Enzymes play an important role in the processing of many food and beverage ingredients and products. Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and fungi and their enzymes are widely used in several food preparations for improving the taste and texture and they offer huge economic benefits to industries. Microbial enzymes are the preferred source to plants or animals due to several advantages such as easy, cost-effective and consistent production. Some of the important microbial enzymes

used in the food processing industry are lipases, amylases, proteases, rennet, pectinases, invertases, cellulases, and glucose oxidase. The most common enzymes are the ones used in the cheese to help the milk to coagulate. In the baking industry, enzymes help to improve the quality, freshness and shelf life of breads and baked goods. In the dairy industries, both microbial and animal enzymes are used. Products such as cheeses, whey powders, lactose, whey protein concentrates and isolates made using microbial enzymes are halal as long as all other halal standards are met. In industries that process


fruits and make juices, enzymes increase yields and improve color and aroma. Enzymes are used to clarify juices and extract essential oils from citrus peels. Products that are made mixed, or animal-based enzymes are considered to be doubtful and it is very important for Muslims, especially for halal certifiers, to find out whether the enzymes come from Halal slaughtered animals or not. Products are considered to be haram if porcine enzymes are used.

Animal Fat and Protein Animal fats and oils are lipids derived from animals:

oils are liquid at room temperature, and fats are solid. Chemically, both fats and oils are composed of triglycerides. Animal fats are commonly consumed as part of a western diet in their semisolid form as either milk, butter, lard, schmaltz and dripping, or more commonly, as filler in factory-produced meat, pet food and fast-food products. In the Australian food industry, as well as other countries, every part of the animal is used in one way or another. There are certain parts of animal carcasses that humans don’t consume, however, it is turned to powders, which can be used as food ingredients, such as flavoring agents for soups

and snacks. Animal fat is purified and converted into emulsifiers, as well as other functional food ingredients. Feathers and hair can be converted into amino acids. Animal ingredients appear in a variety of products including: · food · clothing · cosmetics · alcohol · clothing · medicine Such ingredients would be Halal only if the animals are Halal and all precautions are taken to eliminate crosscontamination.

ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 Fax: +61 3 9380 6143 AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

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Parents and children are invited to participate in storytelling, a virtual tour and an Aboriginal cultural education session as part of the NSW Parliament online school holiday program. President of the Legislative Council Matthew Mason-Cox MLC said ‘Free

Family Fun’, to be held over three mornings from 27 September is designed for primary school-aged children to learn and feel inspired from home. “These live sessions will take participants on immersive educational and cultural journeys,” Mr Mason-Cox said.

“While we aren’t able to open our physical doors to the public these holidays, we have adapted our annual program so that families can join in the fun and bring the NSW Parliament to you, no matter where you live.” The program includes a virtual tour of the NSW Parliament chambers

and an Indigenous cultural education workshop where participants will learn the significance of message sticks, art and storytelling to Aboriginal people. The Parliament is also running a colouring-in competition for the artistically inclined. Four lucky winners will each receive a Parliament of NSW Gift Box filled with goodies including parliamentary stationery, a water bottle and delicious treats valued at $100. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Jonathan O’Dea said the sessions are great for parents looking for activities to keep children entertained over the school holidays. “We want to inspire children to engage with their communities: those they are familiar with and others they may not know as much about,” Mr O’Dea said. “We also hope it will encourage school children and families to visit us at Parliament House as soon as it is possible.” Free Family Fun with the Parliament of NSW: Monday, 27 September 9:00am 9:45am – Storytelling – A live reading of the award-winning book A Bus called Heaven, by Bob Graham. Wednesday, 29 September 9:00am - 9:45am – Tour – Find out what happens at Parliament by joining in a virtual tour of the chambers. Friday, 1 October 10:00am 10:45am – Mirri Mirri Aboriginal cultural education – Join Paul Sinclair, a proud Anaiwan man, for a fun and informative interactive workshop. To book in for the sessions (essential), visit the NSW Parliament website: au/news/Pages/Free-Family-Fun-forthe-School-Holidays.aspx

‘FRIENDS BUBBLE’ CREATED FOR CHILDREN TO ALLOW HOME VISITS IN TIME FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Children and teenagers aged 18 years and under will be able to create a ‘friends bubble’ to allow home visits provided the adults in their homes are fully vaccinated, under an easing of restrictions for school holidays. From 12 noon today, 21 September, people aged 18 years and under who live in stay-at-home areas and areas of concern across NSW will be able to create a bubble of three friends and visit each other’s homes for play and activity, subject to the following conditions: · Each child is allowed to have two designated friends come to their house. These two friends must always be the same, creating a

three-person “friends bubble”; · All people older than 18 years in all the households must be fully vaccinated; · The friends must reside within 5km of each other or in the same LGA; and · If parents/carers are dropping children off, they must not stay to interact with other parents or carers. Premier Gladys Berejiklian said our strong vaccination rate has allowed us to make this change to support the wellbeing of young people. “Parents and children have had a difficult few months, trying to balance both work, often from

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home, as well as home schooling,” Ms Berejiklian said. “This change will hopefully make a big difference for families during the school holidays and allow young children and teenagers to catch up and reconnect with their friends.” Health Minister Brad Hazzard said at all times, the government has tried to strike a balance between the best possible health outcomes, whilst easing the pressures on families and individuals living in lockdown. “These latest changes are aimed at giving children more opportunities to be together and balances COVID safety with their mental health and wellbeing,” Mr Hazzard said. Minister for Education and Early

Childhood Sarah Mitchell said this change would also benefit older students, allowing them to create a study bubble ahead of the HSC. “Year 12 students have had a stressful few months, and with the HSC approaching, a study bubble is a great idea to help students maintain motivation, receive support from a classmate and continue their preparation for the upcoming exams,” Ms Mitchell said. If you have not booked in for a COVID-19 vaccine please book in as soon as possible. For the latest information or to book a vaccination appointment visit

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SYDNEY FC AND BANK OF SYDNEY ANNOUNCE MAJOR PARTNERSHIP Sydney FC and Bank of Sydney are excited to announce a new commercial partnership. Bank of Sydney is dedicated to forging strong relationships with customers and community groups looking for a personal, rewarding banking experience. The deal represents a major alignment with a sports club. “It’s a great partnership between two proud Sydney institutions,” said Sydney FC Chief Executive Officer Danny Townsend. “Sydney FC and Bank of Sydney

have a shared focus on serving their people and their communities in Sydney, New South Wales and Australia. With our dual focus I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together in this space.” Bank of Sydney Chief Executive Officer, Miltos Michaelas, is extremely happy to be joining the Sky Blue family. “We’re really excited that our major sports partnership is with Australia’s most successful football club,” he said. “Like Sydney FC, we’re committed to diversity, inclusiveness and

supporting our customers. Our plan is to combine our efforts and ensure we are both serving our community to the best of our ability.” “I can’t wait for the season and our work together to begin, and I’m looking forward to a great couple of years.” Over the next two seasons, Bank of Sydney’s logo will appear on the front of the Sydney FC’s A-League shorts, they will be involved in Home Game activations and will provide a supportive digital presence to the Sydney FC audience.

“Reach out early”

Salvos Moneycare here to help during Sydney lockdown The Salvation Army’s Moneycare service is appealing to the Australian public to reach out to their services early, particularly if they have mounting debts as a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns in south-west and western Sydney. Moneycare is The Salvos’ free and confidential financial counselling service that can support people facing financial hardship and debt. “You do not have to be in a financial disaster to reach out to The Salvos Moneycare for support. We encourage anyone doing it tough because of the lockdowns in Sydney to reach out to us early- we are here for you and want to help people avoid further debt during this time,” says Sausan Rasheed, Moneycare financial counsellor in South-West Sydney. Moneycare’s services are unique and adaptable to individual circumstances, and can help across the following areas: - Advocacy with banks and other financial institutions to help with debt relief - Advocacy with utility providers (electricity etc) to help with affordable repayments - Letting you know what your rights are and other places you can get help - Financial counselling and support to

get you through the tough times The Salvos Moneycare supports over ten thousand people each year and provides services which not only improves people’s financial situation, but also their overall wellbeing. In the 2019/20 financial year, almost 70% of people supported by Moneycare reporting positive life satisfaction after attending the service, an increase from only 10% at intake. * Also, The Salvation Army’s Emergency financial relief service, Doorways, is available to support people through lockdown. As the largest provider of emergency relief in Australia, Doorways can provide immediate financial relief for people who need urgent help paying for food and other essential goods. “We know the immense stresses that the current lockdown is having on individuals and families, and this can often extend to finances. We want to help you ease the stress on your financial situation as you navigate this trying time,” says Sausan Rasheed. If you are struggling with debt because of COVID-19, please contact The Salvation Army’s free Moneycare service as early as possible on 1800 722 363. Alternatively, if you need immediate financial relief for food or other essential goods, please contact The Salvation Army Doorways service on 1300 371 288.

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吀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 愀爀愀戀椀挀 挀栀愀渀渀攀氀猀 䔀堀䌀䰀唀匀䤀嘀䔀䰀夀 漀渀

⬀猀洀愀爀琀 挀愀爀搀 ⬀㘀 洀漀渀琀栀猀 ⬀匀吀䈀 倀氀攀愀猀攀 昀椀氀氀 漀甀琀 琀栀攀 昀漀爀洀 愀渀搀 猀攀渀搀 椀琀 戀愀挀欀 琀漀 䄀氀ⴀ圀愀猀愀琀 琀漀 爀攀挀攀椀瘀攀 愀渀 攀砀琀爀愀 洀漀渀琀栀 昀漀爀 昀爀攀攀⨀

倀⸀伀 䈀漀砀 㔀㄀㜀㠀  䌀愀椀爀渀氀攀愀 嘀䤀䌀 ㌀ ㈀㌀ 一愀洀攀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䄀搀搀爀攀猀猀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䌀漀渀琀愀挀琀 一甀洀戀攀爀 ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 匀椀最渀愀琀甀爀攀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䐀愀琀攀 ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ

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VIC The Victorian Government is supporting landlords who are waiving rent for their businesses during the pandemic, offering grants to those who are doing the right thing by their tenants. Minister for Small Business Jaala Pulford today opened the $20 million Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund to assist small landlords who are reducing and waiving rent as part of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme. Eligible commercial landlords that waive rent for their tenants between 28 July 2021 and 15 January 2022 can apply for grants of up to $6,000 per tenancy. In cases of acute

hardship, small landlords may be eligible for grants of up to $10,000 per tenancy. To be eligible for a grant, landlords must provide a rent waiver of at least 50 per cent to their tenants through the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme, have total taxable landholdings under $3 million and use the grant to offset the waiver. Landlords will be eligible for the fund only if they have waived some of the rent owed. They will not be eligible if they have deferred all of the rent. The Government will also provide land tax relief of up to 25 per cent to landlords waiving rent for their tenants, at an estimated cost of $100 million.

To ensure owner-occupier businesses are also supported, businesses that own their premises may also be eligible for the 25 per cent reduction on the property’s 2021 land tax. This is in addition to any previous 2021 land tax relief. All eligible landlords will also be able to defer any remaining 2020 and 2021 land tax until 31 May 2022. The Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme was reinstated to help commercial tenants and landlords to negotiate rent relief where tenants have experienced a drop in turnover of more than 30 per cent. Landlords and tenants are encouraged to enter negotiations directly, with the Victorian Small Business Commission available to

provide free mediation to help negotiate fair agreements. Applications for the Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund are open until 15 January 2022, or when funds are exhausted. For more information and to apply, visit au. “We’re supporting landlords who are doing the right thing by their tenants – it’s about everyone playing their part in unprecedented times.”Minister for Small Business Jaala Pulford said. “These are important initiatives which offer security to businesses and landlords, to help them get through the pandemic and back on their feet.”

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Help your kids shed unwanted kilos before hitting back to school!!

Without feeling hungry May Zaki - Sydney 1- Never Say Diet: Your overweight child needs a wake-up call to get more exercise and eat better. But don’t put her on a diet and don’t put her on the scale regularly. Studies show that young girls can become obsessed with losing weight and can develop classic anorexia starting as young as age 6. Instead Praise her/his effort, not the results.

2- Walk the Talk: If you want your child to live in a healthier way, you need to set a good example. Mention how satisfied (not stuffed!) you feel when you eat an apple instead of a fattening dessert. Role-modelling a healthy lifestyle is no different from role-modelling kindness or honesty, once our kids see that daily physical activity is important to us, they’ll want to be more physically active too.

No one can deny the fact that the lockdown has resulted in changing habits in many people’s lives. For few these changes could be positive and for many who I know and talk to every day, unfortunately, those changes are negative. Especially when we talk about binge eating that resulted in gaining extra unwanted kilos. We are almost seeing the end of the tunnel of ending the lockdown, with parents hoping to send their kids to school, some of them might also be concerned about the unwanted kilos their kids gained during the past few weeks.

So for mums who are struggling with weight, I encourage you to take a hard look at the whole family’s eating habits and attitudes. Try broiling or baking foods, monitoring everyone’s portion size, and packing a healthy school lunch, Instead of just going into starvation diets that make things worse.

3- Choose a Food Lifestyle that Works: Food, not exercise, is key for weight loss. Establish healthy eating patterns instead of “eat three seeds a day” diet. That’s because we want to stress to kids that eating for health isn’t just something you do to lose pounds on a scale or to look a certain way. It’s all about fuelling our bodies and giving them the nourishment they need to perform their best, not jumping on fad diets for short-term gains.

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4- Engage them in planning meals:

For some like me, who are Anti-diet, I believe that we as parents could make a huge mistake if we put our kids into a weight loss diet, which will affect their relationship with food, and make them binge unhealthy foods more and more. Not to mention they could fall into the yo-yo diet cycle, most of the parents are suffering from. So here’re the TOP 7 ways to help your kids get in a healthy fit shape without feeling hungry:

them have their say in what recipes the family should eat during the week, and then have them help out.

In a previous article, I’ve demonstrated how important planning your meals, if you want to stay consistent towards your body goals. So engaging your children in choosing what they want to eat during the week is a key in transforming their bodies. Even more, you can encourage them to google healthier cooking methods for their favourite meals. This could give them a sense of empowerment and feel in control of what they eat instead of being forced into something they don’t even stand.

If your child enjoys sports, signing him or her up to play after school is an easy way to get your kid moving. Even better, getting active with them is a great way to encourage physical activity and spend more time together. You can go on walks together, go for a jog, do YouTube yoga practices or hit the local pool. They’ll see that being active doesn’t just mean gym class or boring “exercises.”

5- Get Kids in the Kitchen:

7- Don’t Demonize Foods:

Kids are a lot more likely to eat something if they had a hand in making it. Make the kitchen a family-friendly zone. Let your kids wash or chop veggies or do basic cooking tasks like sautéing onions or boiling water. Let

You’re not going to be able to control every single thing your kid eats. There will be visits to friends’ houses, birthday parties and after-school events, especially as they get older.

6- Get Moving:

It’s important not to make any food group out to be the worst thing ever. You don’t want children feeling guilty or like they failed if they have a cookie on occasion. Instead, focus on having them notice how they feel after they eat certain foods and understanding that some foods are for special occasions or eaten sparingly.

Finally: Weight is a really tricky issue, if you have weight and body issues of your own, it’s also tough to not pass on those hang-ups to your child. In that case, seeking professional help for yourself can be beneficial for everyone. If you feel you might need some extra assistance, your doctor can also put you in touch with a dietician who can help plan the right diet for your child and family.

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THE CRISIS BUSTER – FOUR-STEP PLAN TO TACKLE COVID AND ENSURE A BRIGHT FUTURE ANTHONY ALBANESE MP LEADER OF THE AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY MEMBER FOR GRAYNDLER One thing Labor has learned from tackling past global crises is that a plan for Australia to get through this crisis has to be more than just a plan in name. A genuine plan to get us through Covid-19 involves expertise, learning from past mistakes, addressing the problems of the present and anticipating the challenges of the future. This is what underpins Labor’s four-part approach to overcoming the pandemic: a speedy vaccination rollout, a safe end to lockdowns, protecting our children and, armed with the best expert advice, preparing for what’s coming. Those preparations mean avoiding own goals such as the one the Government scored when it rebuffed an approach from Pfizer in June last year offering early access to its vaccine. Scott Morrison talks a lot about hope, but yet when hope came knocking, they locked the door. The first step must be speeding up the vaccination rollout. Labor’s proposal of a $300 payment to every fully vaccinated Australian would plant a foot on the accelerator. Experience shows that incentives like this work. It would put a jab in the arms of Australians and a shot in

the arm of the economy. Compared to the costs that lockdowns inflict on our nation every week, the price tag for such a program would be far less. It will be an effective investment in our nation’s future. As we speed up the initial vaccinations, we also need to be securing booster shots. Those first two jabs are essential, but they are not the end of the story. Vaccination leave for those who need it is another crucial ingredient. We need to remove every conceivable obstacle that might stand between an Australian and their jab. Speedy vaccinations and fair access to vaccines are the road to the safe ending of lockdowns. Nobody wants lockdowns to last a day longer than they have to. That is why Labor is supporting the national plan while seeking to strengthen it. A faster route to the

safe ending of lockdowns would be an effective world class national contact tracing COVIDSafe app. Such an app would be one of the practical ways whereby we could ensure our contact tracers are world class and support businesses, which want to protect their customers and their workers. The third part of our plan is the protection of our children, not least vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds. Canada is one country that has treated it as a race and has already fully vaccinated 60 per cent of that age group. The most effective way for us to emulate their success is through a school-based program and that is something we should be preparing right now. The Government needs to either include them in national targets or specify vaccine targets for that age group. Children should be vaccinated quickly, and their parents deserve to know when – not least the great many dealing with the added stresses of home schooling. We desperately want to see our children back at school, but not if it involves putting them at risk of coming home with COVID. We also need to secure a paediatric vaccine supply for children aged under 12 to prepare for when vaccines are approved for this age group. The US Government entered into an agreement with Pfizer in June to ensure doses are available for 65 million children there when approval

is given. We should also make sure our schools are properly ventilated to minimise the risk of COVID spread. Fourth, we need to prepare for the future – and part of that has to be manufacturing mRNA vaccines here. The pandemic has been a wake-up call to us all, reminding us how risky it is for Australia to be the last link in the global supply chain. We cannot be content pleading for leftovers from nations that did plan ahead. We have the people, the talent and the resources to stand on our own feet. We also need purpose-built quarantine. As the old quarantine station on the North Head of Sydney Harbour reminds us, it is part of our heritage. It was the right idea then, it is the right idea now. Throughout the pandemic, Labor has made constructive proposals. In that spirit, let’s learn from the mistakes made with vaccines and quarantine. Australia needs certainty going forward. Let’s ensure we have the comprehensive plan that gives it. Anthony Albanese is the Leader of the Australian Labor Party. This opinion piece was first published in The Daily Telegraph on Friday, 17 September 2021.

Use of technology for corporate meetings Use of technology has become commonplace in doing business and the Law Council supports measures which enable this take-up while protecting against misuse. In its submission to the Treasury in response to the Exposure Draft – Treasury Laws Amendment (Measures for Consultation) Bill 2021: Use of technology for meetings and related amendments, the Law Council expresses its support for key amendments to the Corporations Act. “During the pandemic we have seen the benefits and opportunities offered by technology. People have been able to work remotely, share documents, and collaborate via videoconferencing,” Law Council of Australia President, Dr Jacoba Brasch

QC said. “It has enabled many sectors, including our courts, to continue operating when they may otherwise have been unable to. “When it comes to corporate meetings and document distribution and execution, technology can potentially increase access for all Australians and reduce delays. But there are also risks and we must make sure legislation protects against any possible misconduct or disadvantage due to unequal access to new technologies.” The Law Council supports amendments to the Corporations Act which facilitate the sending of documents to members by electronic means, holding hybrid meetings which are partly physical and partly

virtual, or holding virtual only meetings where they are required or permitted by the company’s constitution. “While the support indicated in our submission is to amendments to the Corporations Act and for business meetings and documentation only, the last 18 months has clearly highlighted the pressing need for document execution laws to be modernised and harmonised more broadly where possible,” Dr Brasch said. The Law Council acknowledges the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to consulting on engagement with digital technology and communications. Today the Attorney-General and Assistant Minister to the Prime

Minister and Cabinet have invited businesses and individuals to have their say on how technology can be used to streamline the way statutory declarations and deeds are executed. The Law Council welcomes this consultation process. It has already established a special purpose national expert working group on document execution and this group will take the lead on behalf of the Law Council in engaging with the Government on the consultation. The Law Council’s submission on use of technology for meetings and related amendments was developed with the assistance of the Business Law Section and the Law Council’s Modernising Document Execution Working Group. A full copy of the submission is available here.

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‫الشيخ عبدالله الحواري‬

‫ إمام مسجد مريم عليها السالم‬‫ عضو مجلس األئمة وعضو‬‫مجلس اإلفتاء األسترالي‬ ‫ عضو اتحاد علماء المسلمين‬‫في العالم‬

‫عن أنس بن مالك‬ ‫“أن‬ ‫رضي الله عنه‪َّ :‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫رجل أتى َ‬ ‫رسول الل ِه‬ ‫صلَّى الل ُه علي ِه وسل ََّم فقال يا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫رسول الل ِه ُأ ْر ِس ُل ناقتي وأتو َّك ُل‬ ‫أم أع ِق ُل َها وأتو َّك ُل‪ .‬قال‪ :‬بل ْاع ِقلْها‬ ‫وتوكل”‪.‬‬

‫يجنح بعض الناس في تعاملهم‬ ‫بهذه األمــور إلى أحد أمرين‪:‬‬ ‫أحدهما‪ :‬المبالغة في االعتماد‬ ‫على الــمــاديــات بحجة األخــذ‬ ‫باألسباب مع نسيان أو تناسي‬ ‫مسبب األسباب‪ .‬واآلخــر‪ :‬ترك‬ ‫األخــذ باألسباب بحجة التوكل‬ ‫على الله وأنه ال يؤمن إال بالله‪.‬‬ ‫وكالهما على خطأ وبعيد عن‬ ‫الصواب‪ .‬وإنما هو كما علمنا‬ ‫النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في‬ ‫الحديث الذي بدأنا به مقالتنا‬ ‫(اعقل وتوكل) خذ باألسباب‬ ‫مع تمام التوكل على ُمس ّبب‬ ‫األسباب القادر على كل شيء‬ ‫سبحانه وتــعــالــى‪ .‬وفــي ذلك‬ ‫الكثير من األمثلة من كتاب الله‬ ‫وسنة رسوله وقصص األنبياء‬ ‫والمرسلين‪ .‬نذكر منها على سبيل‬ ‫المثال ال الحصر‪:‬‬ ‫ ‪ 1.‬طريقة استعداد الرسول صلى‬ ‫للهجرة من اختيار الصديق‬ ‫والرفيق وتجهيز الراحلة‬ ‫وتغيير الطريق والسرية التامة‬ ‫ومع ذلك كله يصل المشركون‬ ‫إليه ولكنه يقول بكل ثقة‬ ‫وتوكل على الله (ال تحزن َّإن‬ ‫الله معنا) إذن (اعقل وتوكل)‪.‬‬

‫ ‪ 2.‬قــولــه تعالى لالستعداد‬ ‫لمواجهة األعـــداء (وأعــدوا‬ ‫لهم ما استطعتم من قوة‬ ‫ومن ربــاط الخيل) الشاهد‬ ‫هنا وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم‬ ‫فال بد من االجتهاد واإلعداد‬ ‫والتجهيز وبــذل الجهد بما‬ ‫نستطيع (وال يكلف الله نفسا‬ ‫إال وسعها) إذن (اعقل وتوكل)‪.‬‬ ‫ ‪ 3.‬قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ ‫ون ع َلى الل ِه‬ ‫(لو أ َّن ُك ْم َتتَو َّك ُل َ‬ ‫حقَّ تو ُّكله لرزقَكم كما ْيرزقُ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫وح‬ ‫الط َير‪ ،‬تغدوا ِخ ً‬ ‫ماصا وت َُر ُ‬ ‫بِطانًا) وقــد دخــل الفاروق‬ ‫عمر على قــوم يعتكفون‬ ‫في المسجد وال يعملون –‬ ‫ُمتواكلون‪ -‬وسألهم عن مصدر‬ ‫رزقهم فقالوا أنهم متوكلون‬ ‫على الله وذكروا هذا الحديث‪.‬‬ ‫فصحح لهم مفهوم التوكل من‬ ‫نفس الحديث وقال اسمعوا‬ ‫وح‬ ‫جيدا (تغدوا ِخ ً‬ ‫ماصا وت َُر ُ‬ ‫بِطانًا) أي تخرج مجتهدة‬ ‫في طلب رزقها فيرزقها الله‬ ‫لسعيها‪ .‬إذن (اعقل وتوكل)‪.‬‬ ‫(ه َو ٱل َِّذى َج َع َل‬ ‫ ‪ 4.‬قوله تعالى ُ‬ ‫َل ُك ُم ْ َ‬ ‫َٱمشُ و ْا ِفى‬ ‫ٱل ْر َض َذل ًُول ف ْ‬ ‫َمنَا ِك ِب َها َو ُك ُلو ْا ِمن ِّر ْز ِق ِه َو ِإ َل ْي ِه‬


‫اعقل وتوكل‪..‬‬ ‫بين التوكل والتواكل‬ ‫ٱلنُّشُ و ُر) س َّهل الله لنا المهمة‬ ‫بتذليل األرض ولكنه قال‬ ‫َٱمشُ و ْا ِفى َمنَا ِك ِب َها اجتهدوا‬ ‫ف ْ‬ ‫خــذوا بأسباب الــرزق‪ .‬إذن‬ ‫(اعقل وتوكل)‪.‬‬ ‫ ‪ 5.‬وحينما يتحدث النبي عن‬ ‫الداء والــدواء (ما أنزل الله‬ ‫داء إال قد أنــزل له شفاء‪،‬‬ ‫علمه من علمه‪ ،‬وجهله من‬ ‫جهله) وقد ورد في األثر عن‬ ‫عدد من الصحابة حينما مروا‬ ‫على إبل (جِ مال) وفيها جرب‬ ‫ماذا صنعتم لها أي لتخفيف‬ ‫المرض قالوا إن لنا عجوزا‬ ‫نتكل على دعائها فقالوا لهم‬ ‫(هال جعلتم مع الدعاء شيئا‬ ‫من القطران) إذن (اعقل‬ ‫وتوكل)‪.‬‬ ‫وهنا مسألة مهمة أننا أثناء‬ ‫سعينا واجتهادنا وأخذنا باألسباب‬ ‫المادية والتي أمرنا أن نأخذ‬ ‫بها ونجتهد فيها ونبذل وسعنا‬ ‫وطاقتنا في تحصيلها ال ننسى أن‬ ‫الله هو مسببها وهو سبحانه بيده‬ ‫أن تنفع أو تضر أن تجلب الرزق‬ ‫أو تحجبه‪ .‬أن تشفي المريض‬ ‫أو ال تشفيه‪ .‬ألنه سبحانه بيده‬ ‫مقاليد كل شيء وهو على كل‬

‫شيء قدير‪ .‬سلب خاصية الذبح‬ ‫المادية عن السكين على رقبة‬ ‫إسماعيل‪ .‬وسلب خاصية الحرق‬ ‫عن النار التي أضرمت لحرق‬ ‫إبراهيم‪ .‬وحجب العيون عن‬ ‫رؤيــة المشركين للنبي صلى‬ ‫حينما خرج من بينهم جميعا‬ ‫وحينما وصلوا إلى الغار وغيرها‬ ‫الكثير‪.‬‬ ‫ونحن حينما نذهب للطبيب‬ ‫ونأخذ الداء أو حتى اللقاح من‬ ‫باب الوقاية فإنّما نأخذه من‬ ‫باب الخذ باألسباب التي أمرنا‬ ‫أن نأخذ بها ولكن على يقين‬ ‫ب ُمس ّبب األسباب رب العبالد‬ ‫والعباد رب العالمين‪.‬‬ ‫لقد اجتمعنا كمجلس أئمة‬ ‫ومجلس اإلفــتــاء والمجلس‬ ‫اإلسالمي مع عدة مجالس طبية‬ ‫عربية وأسترالية وإسالمية وكلهم‬ ‫نصحوا بأخذ اللقاح بل وشددوا‬ ‫على ذلك ونحن مأمورون باألخذ‬ ‫باألسباب وسؤال أولي األلباب‬ ‫أهل العلم واالختصاص‪ .‬مع ثقتنا‬ ‫وتوكلنا على رب العالمين‪ .‬إذن‬ ‫(اعقل وتوكل)‪.‬‬

‫لتلقي‬ ‫إعطاء األولوية للعاملين في دور رعاية المسنين ّ‬ ‫لقاحات ‪ Pfizer‬ضد ‪COVID-19‬‬ ‫يتوفر لقاح ‪ Pfizer‬ضد‬ ‫‪ COVID-19‬لجميع العاملين‬ ‫في دور رعاية المسنين‪ ،‬بغض‬ ‫النظر عن سنّهم‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت البروفيسورة أليسون ماكميالن‪،‬‬ ‫رئيسة التمريض والقبالة‪ ،‬إن أنــواع‬ ‫‪ COVID-19‬الجديدة تغ ّير بشكل سريع‬ ‫الوضع في أستراليا وكذلك المخاطر التي‬ ‫يتعرض لها األشخاص الذين يعيشون‬ ‫ويعملون في دور رعاية المسنين‪.‬‬ ‫وأضافت البروفيسورة ماكميالن‪ :‬من‬ ‫دواعــي السرور الشديد رؤيــة االرتفاع‬ ‫الكبير في نسبة تلقيح المقيمين في‬ ‫دور رعاية المسنين‪ .‬إن إعطاء األولوية‬ ‫للعاملين في دور رعاية المسنين يضمن‬ ‫حمايتهم وحماية األشخاص الذين يقومون‬ ‫برعايتهم من ‪.COVID-19‬‬ ‫تشجع ماري باتيتسوس‪ ،‬رئيسة اتحاد‬ ‫مجالس الجاليات اإلثنية في أستراليا‪،‬‬ ‫جميع العاملين في مجال رعاية المسنين‬ ‫على المبادرة إلى الحصول على لقاحهم‪.‬‬ ‫وم ّما قالته‪“ :‬بما أن العاملين من خلفيات‬ ‫متنوعة ثقاف ًيا ولغو ًيا جزء مهم من القوى‬

‫العاملة في مجال الصحة ورعاية المسنين‪،‬‬ ‫فإنه من المهم بالفعل أ ّال يؤخّ رون القيام‬ ‫بذلك‪ .‬تحدث إلى مديرك أو طبيبك عن‬ ‫أية مخاوف لديك‪.‬‬ ‫”لــدى دائــرة الصحة معلومات بلغات‬ ‫متعددة عــن األهلية للتلقيح ومكان‬ ‫الحصول عليه والدعم المالي المتاح لك“‪.‬‬ ‫يشمل العاملون في دور رعاية المسنين‬ ‫أي موظف أو متعاقد في إحدى منشآت‬ ‫دور رعاية المسنين يعمل في الموقع بما‬ ‫في ذلك‪:‬‬ ‫• الممرضون والعاملون في الرعاية‬ ‫الشخصية‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫المساعدة‬ ‫• العاملون في مجال الصحة‬ ‫• عمال المطبخ والتنظيف والغسيل‬ ‫والبستنة والمكاتب‬ ‫• المتطوعون والطالب على التنسيب‪ ،‬و‬ ‫• الممارسون الطبيون الذين يقدمون‬ ‫الخدمات في المنشأة‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت البروفيسورة ماكميالن‪” :‬يجب أن‬ ‫يتلقّى التلقيح كل الموظفين الذين يعملون‬ ‫عرضي أو‬ ‫بدوام كامل أو بدوام جزئي أو ّ‬ ‫المتعاقدين‪ ،‬بما في ذلك من كان منهم‬

‫من وكاالت التوظيف“‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن لمق ّدمي منشآت دور رعاية‬ ‫المسنين الحصول على الدعم للعمال‬ ‫المطلوب منهم السفر للحصول على‬ ‫التلقيح أو الذين يتوعكون بعد التلقيح‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت البروفيسورة ماكميالن‪” :‬تعمل‬ ‫الحكومة األسترالية على زيــادة عدد‬ ‫األماكن التي يمكن للعاملين في دور‬ ‫رعاية المسنين الحصول فيها على التلقيح‬ ‫بأسرع ما يمكن وبأكبر قدر ممكن من‬ ‫األمان‪“.‬‬ ‫ما الذي يمكن أن يفعله العاملون‬ ‫في دور رعاية المسنين اآلن؟‬ ‫اسأل منشأة رعاية المسنين أو صاحب‬ ‫العمل ع ّما إذا كانت عيادة التلقيح ستزور‬ ‫مكان عملك أو إذا كــان هناك مركز‬ ‫مخصص للتلقيح بالقرب منك‪ .‬احصل على‬ ‫المعلومات والدعم‪:‬‬ ‫• اتصل بخط المساعدة الخاص بلقاحات‬ ‫‪ COVID-19‬على الرقم‪:‬‬ ‫‪1800 020 080‬‬

‫(اختر الخيار ‪ 24 ،)4‬ساعة ‪ 7‬أيام في‬ ‫األسبوع للمساعدة في تحديد موعد‬ ‫لتلقيحك ضد ‪COVID-19‬‬ ‫• استخدم مدقّق األهلية على اإلنترنت‬ ‫للعثور على موعد‪ .‬يتم تحديث المدقّق‬ ‫بانتظام مع توفّر المزيد من العيادات‬ ‫• اعرف المزيد على موقع دائرة الصحة‬ ‫على اإلنترنت‪ ،‬أو ادخــل إلــى نشرة‬ ‫المعلومات المترجمة بلغات متعددة‬ ‫التي أصدرتها الــدائــرة‪ .‬تحدث إلى‬ ‫طبيبك إذا كانت لديك أية أسئلة أو‬ ‫مخاوف بشأن التلقيح‪.‬‬ ‫ُيطلب من العاملين في دور رعاية‬ ‫المسنين تلقّي جرعة أولــى من لقاح‬ ‫‪ COVID-19‬اعتبا ًرا من ‪ 17‬أيلول‪/‬‬ ‫سبتمبر ‪.2021‬‬ ‫وعلى العاملين في دور رعاية المسنين‬ ‫الذين لديهم مخاوف من التلقيح أو‬ ‫الذين يرغبون في التفكير في أخذ لقاح‬ ‫‪ AstraZeneca‬التح ّدث إلى طبيبهم في‬ ‫أقرب وقت ممكن‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

Together we can



‫القنصلية اللبنانية العامة في ملبورن تدعو ابناء الجالية في فكتوريا للوقاية من فيروس كورونا‬ Calling on the Lebanese Community in Victoria to take prevention measures against COVID-19 Due to the dramatic increase in the number of coronavirus infections in the State of Victoria, the Consulate General of Lebanon in Melbourne calls on all members of the Lebanese community and those of Lebanese origin and all friends, who have been and continue to be role models and examples towards the rest of the state’s communities and leaders in enforcing the law in the State, to take the highest degree of prevention and abide by the health instructions issued by the competent authorities in the State to reach high immunity among the community. These instructions are for your own good and for the preservation of the lives of those you love. It is the responsibility of the head of the household towards his children and family. With our thanks and appreciation.

‫بعد ارتفاع عدد االصابات الناتجة عن فيروس‬ ‫ تدعو‬،‫كورونا بشكل كبير في والية فكتوريا‬ ‫القنصلية اللبنانية العامة في ملبورن جميع‬ ‫ابناء الجالية اللبنانية والمتحدرين من اصل لبناني وجميع‬ ‫ والذين كانوا وما زالوا القدوة والمثال تجاه‬،‫االصدقاء‬ ‫ والرائدين في تطبيق القانون‬،‫باقي الجاليات في الوالية‬ ‫ الى اتخاذ أعلى درجــات الوقاية وااللتزام‬،‫في الوالية‬ ‫بالتعليمات الصحية الصادرة عن السلطات المختصة في‬ ‫الوالية للوصول الى حصانة صحية مجتمعية لدى ابناء‬ ‫ ان هذه التعليمات هي لمصلحتكم وللحفاظ على‬،‫الجالية‬ ‫ انها مسؤولية كل رب اسرة تجاه ابنائه‬،‫حياة من تحبون‬ ‫وتجاه عائلته‬

Extra funding boosts emergency food relief, vaccination services and cultural case workers Delivery of emergency food relief, promotion of vaccination and testing services and support through culturally-appropriate case workers are among areas to be boosted by a NSW Government funding package, to help vulnerable people and multicultural communities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Minister for Multiculturalism Natalie Ward said the $24.4 million commitment by the NSW Government was in addition to a $18.8 million package announced last month, more than doubling

the amount to a record total of $43.2 million. “I have held dozens of meetings with community and religious leaders during the COVID-19 outbreak. All have told me that further support is urgently needed for our most vulnerable,” Mrs Ward said. “This money will be used for the delivery of emergency food relief, to promote vaccination and testing services, provide support and care through culturally-appropriate case workers, mental health and wellbeing programs, and the continued delivery of critical health messages through multicultural

communications.” The commitment forms part of the NSW Government’s recently announced $287.5 million COVID-19 financial support package to help workers and vulnerable communities in metropolitan, regional and rural NSW. Those support measures include expanding COVID-19 emergency hardship payments, Test and Isolate support payments and community empowerment grants across NSW. Organisations are encouraged to develop innovative ideas to expand

support services for vulnerable communities impacted by COVID-19, with grants of up to $250,000 available. “We are looking for ideas that will meet the needs of priority groups, including recent migrants and refugees, people with lower digital literacy and those experiencing isolation and hardship,” Mrs Ward said. For more information, see: https://multicultural.

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Together we can



Lockdown Challenges for Canterbury Bankstown By Councillor Bilal El-Hayek with the police presence, came reports of overzealous and heavy handed treatment, like mourners at Rookwood Cemetery arrested for wanting to grieve over their loved ones. But through this adversity, our community has shown resilience and I am proud of the way they have gone about their lives. They’ve rolled up their sleeves when it comes to getting vaccinated and we now have something like 80 per cent first vaccinations across the City. And when it comes to lending a hand and supporting one another, their generosity has been exemplary. Charitable organisations and volunteers stepping up and delivering hampers to needy families and those in isolation because of COVID. There is still some way to go yet but the worst of it is over, and I am truly looking forward to one big party with family and friends when we are allowed to do so.

The lockdowns and harsh health restrictions have certainly thrown up many challenges for our community. Many people lost their jobs, businesses were forced to shut their doors and more importantly families isolated from their loved ones and relatives. The connection and bond between families broken and our mental health suffered. Compounding all this was the disparity and inequity across the City. Residents in our city subjected to a curfew, restricted from sitting in parks, or visiting the local pool, only to watch huge crowds gathering at Bondi and enjoying freedoms not afforded to our community. Another issue which angered the community was the saturation of police in our area. We saw helicopters hovering at night, police on horseback, patrols and dogs, not for any other reason than for political purposes. And

End of restrictions for those recovering from COVID Lynda Voltz MP Member for Auburn The Member for Auburn, Lynda Voltz MP, has advised any local constituents recovering from COVID to contact their GP to obtain a medical certificate to ensure they can enjoy the same freedoms as fully vaccinated residents as they await clearance for their own vaccination. The NSW Premier has over the last few weeks been talking about restrictions easing for those who are fully vaccinated. For anyone, however, who has been diagnosed with COVID, the National Hotline and GPs are advising that you wait between three and six months for a vaccination. Ms Voltz said. I have been informed that those who are in this situation, and therefore won’t be fully vaccinated when restrictions are eased, will be considered exemptions under

the changes. To be considered an exemption you will need a medical certificate from your GP stating that you have had COVID and therefore are required to wait for your vaccination. If you need a certificate I would advise you to act early before any changes. I would also remind anyone who has been directed to self-isolate that there are Pandemic Leave Disaster Payments available for every 14 days you need to isolate. These payments are available to citizens, residents and visa holders who have the right to work. For anyone in extreme hardship who are not entitled to any of these payments, the government is also providing a hardship payment through the Red Cross. If you are in need of assistance but unsure if you are eligible for a payment please contact my office on 9737 8822. Ms Voltz said.

Fair dinkum, speak good Australian?

YOU’RE TRUSTWORTHY Fair crack of the whip mate, what’s the John Dory with that? If you speak good ‘Aussie’, you’re more likely to be thought of as trustworthy, in this country at least. But forget using the word mate, it won’t help you. That’s the finding of a new study published today in Human Ethology by researchers at The University of Western Australia, which found people were more likely to trust someone who spoke in the same accent. On the flipside, if you speak with an accent, your trustworthiness rating is likely to be lower. Tu quoi? Study author Dr Cyril Grueter from UWA’s School of Human Sciences

said his research team wanted to know if Aussies discriminated against speakers with accents other than Australian English. They were also keen to address why Australians often infused their communications with the salutation ‘mate’ and whether use of the cultural idiom strengthened bonds between people. “We were specifically interested in the situation in Australia where you can hear all sorts of accents and it’s customary to use the term ‘mate’ to address people,” Dr Grueter said. “Accent is a pertinent social marker and can shape group preferences; non-native speakers are often perceived less positively than native speakers in domains such as integrity

AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

and solidarity.” Dr Grueter said researchers conducted a psychological experiment where they recorded six speeches by three male speakers (portrayed as bungee jump instructors) that differed in two ways. The first was accent – with Australian English, British English and English with a foreign (Swedish) accent used and the second was the inclusion of the word ‘mate’. Listeners then rated each speech in terms of trustworthiness. “Our results show that Australian listeners regard speakers with their own accent as having higher trustworthiness,” Dr Grueter revealed.

“Interestingly, both British and Swedish English speakers received lower trustworthiness ratings; so the boundary isn’t drawn between native speakers and non-native speakers but between Australian English speakers and other English speakers. “And, contrary to our prediction, using the word ‘mate’ did not improve trustworthiness ratings.” Dr Grueter said it’s worth mentioning that the results were based on a single experiment and needed further investigation. “Nevertheless, our finding that accented speakers receive lower trustworthiness ratings from locals emphasise the need to take accentbased discrimination and prejudice seriously,” he said.

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪31‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫نيوساوث ويلز بحاجة الى تشريع أكثر صرامة‬ ‫بسبب التمييز ضد األديان لتوفير حماية أكبر‬ ‫من التي توفرها القوانين الحالية‪.‬‬ ‫على المؤسسات والهيئات والجمعيات‬ ‫ان ال تتوقف عن المناشدة والتحرك‬ ‫حتى يتم تعديل القانون‬ ‫عضو المجلس التشريعي نيوساوث ويلز‬

‫السناتور شوكت مسلماني‬

‫فيما الــحــديــث والــجــدل‬ ‫يتواصل في انحاء استراليا‬ ‫حول كوفيد ‪ .19‬اال أن ذلك‬ ‫اليمنع من الخوض قي قضايا تمت اثارتها‬ ‫من قبل وتحتاج للمتابعة والتوصل الى‬ ‫قرارات لحماية حقوق المواطنين‪.‬‬ ‫لقد كانت قضية الحماية الدينية‬ ‫من القضايا التي أخــذت على عاتقي‬ ‫مسؤوليتها كعضو في المجلس التشريعي‬ ‫في نيوساوث ويلز‪.‬‬ ‫منذ عام ‪ 2011‬وعلى مدى ثالث سنوات‬ ‫تمكنت من جمع أكثر من ثالثة اآلف‬ ‫التماس من بعض مواطني نيوساوث‬ ‫ويلز يؤيدون اقتراحي بتعديل قانون‬ ‫مكافحة التمييز في نيو ساوث ويلز لعام‬ ‫‪ 1977‬ليشمل الدين كأساس ضد التمييز‬ ‫والتحقير‪ ، .‬مما يجعل التمييز على أساس‬ ‫المعتقد الديني أو عدم وجود معتقد ديني‬ ‫غير قانوني‪ .‬وأن ُيدرج تفسير «المعتقد‬ ‫الديني» في القانون‪ ،‬وأن ينص صراحة‬ ‫على أن «المعتقد الديني» يشمل‪:‬‬ ‫(أ) الممارسة الدينية وكذلك المعتقد‪.‬‬ ‫(ب) المعتقدات التوحيدية وغير التوحيدية‬ ‫والمسيحية وغير المسيحية‪.‬‬ ‫(ج) دين معين أو أديان معينة‪ ،‬أو جميع‬

‫األديان‪.‬‬ ‫(د) معتقد راسخ يمكن مقارنته يمكن‬ ‫اعتباره على نطاق واسع على أنه ديني‪.‬‬ ‫من خالل مقترحاتي ومشاوراتي مع‬ ‫زمالئي البرلمانيين على مدى تسع سنوات‬ ‫كانت أصوات اآلخرين الذين وقفوا معي‬ ‫بتوسيع نطاق البند ‪20‬د من قانون مكافحة‬ ‫التمييز ليشمل التشهير الديني هي بمثابة‬ ‫القوة المحركة للدفع بهذا االقتراح‪ ،‬ألنه‬ ‫لم يتم األخذ بعين االعتبار إدراج مصطلح‬ ‫«إثنو ‪ -‬ديني» في تعريف العرق لمعالجة‬ ‫القضية بشكل مناسب‪.‬‬ ‫لقد أسعدني الدعم والمشاركة من‬ ‫عضوي المجلس بيتر برايموس وديفيد‬ ‫شوبيريدج وكذلك التحرك الذي قام به‬ ‫المدعي العام السابق في حكومة الظل‬ ‫النائب بول لينش في مجلس النواب من‬ ‫خالل تقديمه المشروع المقترح لتعديل‬ ‫قانون مكافحة التمييز (التشهير الديني)‬ ‫لعام ‪.2021‬‬ ‫ما يسعدني اليوم ان حكومة نيوساوث‬ ‫ويلز عادت اخير ًا للنظرفي هذه القضية‬ ‫الملحة لحماية الحقوق الدينية في نيو‬ ‫ساوث ويلز وتوفير الحماية المطلوبة‬ ‫بشكل عاجل لألقليات الدينية‪ .‬بالرغم من‬ ‫رفض االحرار في السابق‪.‬‬ ‫حكومة نيوساوث ويلز في بيان صادر‬ ‫عن المدعي العام مارك سبيكمان أوضح‬ ‫فيه انه «من خالل جعل التمييز على‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫أساس الدين غير قانوني‪ ،‬فإننا نضمن أن‬ ‫قوانيننا تعكس قيم المجتمع الحديثة»‪.‬‬ ‫ستقدم حكومة نيو ساوث ويلز مشروع‬ ‫تعديل قانون مكافحة التمييز ‪( 1977‬نيو‬ ‫ســاوث ويلز) إلى البرلمان‪ ،‬ويتضمن‬ ‫إضافة الدين إلى األسس المحمية التي‬ ‫تشمل اإلعاقة والجنس والعرق والعمر‬ ‫والحالة الزوجية‪ ،‬والمثلية الجنسية‪ ،‬وحالة‬ ‫المتحولين جنسي ًا ومسؤوليات مقدمي‬ ‫الرعاية‪.‬‬ ‫اال أن حكومة الوالية تخطط النتظار‬ ‫تقديم الحكومة الفيدرالية ملف مشروع‬ ‫قانون للحماية من التمييز على أساس‬ ‫المعتقد الديني بحلول نهاية هذا العام‪.‬‬ ‫قبل وضع اللمسات األخيرة على تفاصيل‬ ‫إصالحات نيو ساوث ويلز‪ ،‬لتمكينها من‬ ‫النظر في التفاعل بين القانون الفيدرالي‬ ‫مــع إصــاحــاتــهــا ولتجنب التضارب‬ ‫الدستوري‪ .‬يأتي هذا اإلعالن استجابة‬ ‫لتوصية لجنة التحقيق المركزية للبرلمان‬ ‫في نيو ساوث ويلز‪.‬‬ ‫ان انتظار حكومة الوالية تقديم مشروعها‬ ‫هي ذريعة تستخدمها مع اقتراب موعد‬ ‫االنتخابات الفيدرالية‪ .‬ألن حكومة الوالية‬ ‫لها استقالليتها في اصدار وتعديل قوانينها‬ ‫كما باقي الواليات واألقاليم االسترالية‪.‬‬ ‫وهــذا يعني أن أغلبية األديــان عليها‬ ‫االنتظار لمدة عام آخر حتى تتم حمايتهم‬ ‫أخيرا من التمييز والتحقيرعلى عكس‬ ‫ً‬

‫اتباع الديانات اليهودية والسيخ واألقليات‬ ‫العرقية األخرى التي لديها بعض سبل‬ ‫االنتصاف بموجب التشريع الحالي‪.‬‬ ‫حتى اليوم هناك حماية محدودة ضد‬ ‫التمييز على أســاس الــديــن‪ .‬إذا كان‬ ‫باإلمكان كذلك تصنيف مجموعة دينية‬ ‫بأنها مجموعة «إثنية» أيض ًا فمن الجائز‬ ‫أن يحميها قانون التمييز وهذا األمر‬ ‫يحرم قانون ًا معاملتها العنصري معاملة‬ ‫أقل استحسان ًا أو اإلدالء بتصاريح عامة‬ ‫تستثير أو تحرض على الكراهية ضدها‬ ‫يحرم قانون ًا على‬ ‫بسبب دينها‪ .‬كذلك ّ‬ ‫أرباب العمل إنهاء خدمة شخص بسبب‬ ‫دينه‪.‬‬ ‫نيوساوث ويلز لديها مجتمع متناغم‬ ‫متعدد األديان يقوم على االحترام وهو‬ ‫بحاجة الــى تشريع أكثر صرامة ضد‬ ‫التمييز بسبب الدين لتوفير حماية أكبر‬ ‫من التي توفرها القوانين الحالية‪.‬‬ ‫إن استمرارية المناشدة والتحرك من قبل‬ ‫المؤسسات والهيئات والجمعيات يجب‬ ‫أن ال تتوقف‪ ،‬حتى يتم اقرار التعديالت‬ ‫المقترحة التي تحمي من التمييز الديني‬ ‫ومــن تشويه سمعة الجميع‪ ،‬وال سيما‬ ‫المجتمع اإلسالمي الذي تعرض للكثير من‬ ‫اإلساءات والتمييز والتشهير خاصة بعد ‪11‬‬ ‫سبتمبر ‪.2001‬‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪32‬‬ ‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫امأل استمارة إحصائك اليوم – لم يفت األوان بعد‬ ‫يـــزور مــوظــفــو اإلحــصــاء‬ ‫الميدان ّيون المجتمعات في‬ ‫جميع أنحاء البالد لتشجيع‬ ‫الناس الذين لم يمألوا استمارة اإلحصاء‬ ‫على القيام بذلك اليوم‪ .‬إنّهم يوصلون‬ ‫رسائل تذكير أو استمارة ورقية‪ ،‬تماشي ًا مع‬ ‫القيود المحلّية لكوفيد‪.-19‬‬ ‫يق ّدر مكتب اإلحصاء األسترالي (‪)ABS‬‬ ‫أنّه تسلم أكثر من ‪ 9.1‬ماليين استمارة في‬ ‫تم ملؤها‬ ‫إحصاء ‪ ،2021‬تشمل تلك التي ّ‬ ‫عبر االنترنت وعلى الورق‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .‬وقال السيد آندرو هاندرسن‪ ،‬المدير‬ ‫التنفيذي والناطق الرسمي الوطني باسم‬ ‫اإلحصاء السكاني” في حين ّأن االستجابة‬ ‫حتى اآلن إيجابية‪ ،‬ال يزال هناك أشخاص‬ ‫يتوجب عليهم ملء استمارة إحصائهم‬ ‫“بغض النظر عن مكان سكنك‪-‬‬ ‫وأضاف‬ ‫ّ‬

‫شقة سكنية‪ ،‬مسكن طلبة أو بيت‪ .‬أنت‬ ‫بحاجة إلى ملء استمارة إحصائك بأسرع‬ ‫وقت ممكن‪.‬‬ ‫يمكن لألشخاص ملء االستمارة عبر‬ ‫االنترنت على ‪‬‬ ‫أو االتصال بنا على رقم ‪1800512441‬‬ ‫لطلب استمارة ورقية‪.‬‬ ‫“إذا كنت مألت استمارة ورقية‪ ،‬تذكّر‬ ‫بإرسالها بريد ّي ًا إلى مكتب اإلحصاء‬ ‫األسترالي باستخدام ظرف مدفوع الر ّد‪.‬‬ ‫“أن كلّ‬ ‫وأشــار السيد هاندرسون إلى ّ‬ ‫بأن بيانات‬ ‫إجابة مه ّمة‪ .‬من‬ ‫المهم التذكّر ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫اإلحصاء السكّاني تساعد على تخطيط‬ ‫وتوفير خدمات أساسية لألفراد والعائالت‬ ‫نحث الناس على ملء‬ ‫والمجتمعات لذا ّ‬ ‫استمارة إحصائهم اليوم”‬ ‫يذكّر مكتب اإلحصاء األسترالي (‪)ABS‬‬

‫أيض ًا األشخاص الذين لديهم مسكن ثانٍ ‪-‬‬ ‫مستأجر للعطلة‪-‬‬ ‫عقار لالستثمار أو بيت‬ ‫َ‬ ‫بإبالغنا إذا كــان المنزل شاغر ًا ليلة‬ ‫اإلحصاء‪ ،‬الثالثاء ‪ 10‬أغسطس‪/‬آب‪.‬‬ ‫وقــال السيد هاندرسون “إنها عملية‬ ‫بسيطة ‘لإلبالغ بأن العنوان كان شاغر ًا‬ ‫أو غير مأهول ‘خالل ليلة اإلحصاء على‬ ‫الموقع اإللكتروني لإلحصاء السكاني‬ ‫إذا كان منزل اإلجازة أو عقار االستثمار‬ ‫الخاص بك شاغر ًا ليلة اإلحصاء السكاني‪”.‬‬ ‫وأضاف “ إنه من المهم أن نحصل على‬ ‫صورة دقيقة لعدد العقارات الشاغرة وغير‬ ‫ألن اإلحصاء السكاني يقوم‬ ‫المأهولة ّ‬ ‫بتعداد كل المنازل في أستراليا إضافة إلى‬ ‫تعداد األشخاص‪.‬‬ ‫لألشخاص الذين هم بحاجة إلى مساعدة‬ ‫لملء استمارة إحصائهم‪ ،‬تتوافر مجموعة‬

‫من الدعم بما في ذلك جلسات لتعبئة‬ ‫االستمارة بلغات متع ّددة على‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫يمكنك أيض ًا االتصال على رقم‬ ‫‪ ،1800512441‬أو للمساعدة باللغة‬ ‫العربية يمكنك االتصال بخدمة الترجمة‬ ‫الخطية والشفهية المجانية على رقم ‪131‬‬ ‫‪ 450‬التي باستطاعتها توفير معلومات‬ ‫حول أسئلة اإلحصاء السكاني وما الذي‬ ‫يجب أخذه بعين االعتبار لدى اإلجابة‬ ‫عليها‪.‬‬ ‫اإلحصاء السكاني إلزامي بموجب قانون‬ ‫‪ 1905‬للتعداد واإلحصاء وتُفرض غرامات‬ ‫إذا ما رفــض أحدهم تعبئة استمارة‬ ‫إحصائه‪.‬‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪33‬‬ ‫منوعات‬

‫همس الحرائر‬

‫محترفات مواقع التواصل اإلجتماعي‬ ‫ولكن هناك من المواقع‬ ‫اعـــتـــدنـــا‬ ‫حليمة سيد حسن رمضان‬ ‫التي تناقش فيها مواضيع‬ ‫كـــــل يـــوم‬ ‫أخصائية أسرية وكاتبة في شؤون المرأة واالسرة‬ ‫تخصصية وأمور علمية‪،‬‬ ‫أن نستقبل‬ ‫أو نصائح وإرشادات في‬ ‫كما هائال من الرسائل‬ ‫معظم المجاالت كالعناية‬ ‫بالعشرات بل بالمئات‬ ‫حتى أصبح مراقبة الهواتف في كل ثانية عادة أضيفت بالبشرة والشعر والعظام والدورة الشهرية وهناك من‬ ‫الى عاداتنا البشرية‪ .‬واآلن تخطينا الرسائل الخطية إلى تتحدث عن تربية األوالد والعالقات الزوجية وغيرها‬ ‫الرسائل الصوتية والمرئية‪ ،‬وأضيفت مصطلحات جديدة وغيرها الكثير‪ .‬ولكن ولألسف الشديد هناك من يكتب‬ ‫إلى قواميسنا اللغوية‪“ ،‬كبودكاست‪ ،‬سنابات‪ ،‬بلوجات‪ ،‬ويقدم وينشر ويشارك بدون التأكد من صحة المعلومة‬ ‫أو دقة الناشر للمعلومة‪ .‬واألكثر أسف ًا أن هناك من‬ ‫فيديوهات‪...‬الخ”‪.‬‬ ‫إنه فيض هائل من الرسائل بأهداف وأغراض مختلفة النساء التي تقدم أو تتطوع العطاء النصائح واإلرشادات‬ ‫كنت أو ِ‬ ‫كنت من من خبرات وتجارب شخصية بدون علم كامل بتفاصيل‬ ‫ولكلِ “ يعقوب حاجة في نفسه”‪ .‬وإن َ‬ ‫محبي القراءة مثل كثير منا فقد تنزعج من كثرة األخطاء الموضوع أو وعي بالتأثيرات أو األضرار التي يمكن أن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫اللغوية أو النحوية أو حتى المنطقية‪ .‬ولكن كل هذا قد تحدث بسبب المعلومة المغلوطة أو الناقصة‪ .‬واألخطر‬ ‫يكون هين ًا أو أقل ضررا مما سنناقشه في هذا المقال‪ .‬من هذا وذاك أن هناك من النساء وأكاد أجزم بشهرتهن‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫حديث عابر مع بعض الصديقات عن مواقع في أوساط مواقع التواصل أنهن ال يحملن شهادات‬ ‫في‬ ‫التواصل االجتماعي النسائية وعن طبيعة المواضيع تخصصية أو حتى رخص مزاولة‪.‬‬ ‫نوع أخر من المواقع والتي ال تنشط إال وسط‬ ‫المطروحة في تلك المنصات تطرقنا للحديث عن وهناك ٌ‬ ‫عشرات من المنصات أو الصفحات أو “البلوجات” التي الليالي وقد تتحدث عن أمور عميقة جدا في العالقات‬ ‫تخص المرأة‪ ،‬وقد جاءت هذه المقالة أستجابة لطلب الزوجية وغير الزوجية وهذه بشهادة من دخل الى تلك‬ ‫هذه الصديقة بطرح هذا الموضوع في اإلعالم ع َله يجد المواقع أو شارك فيها‪.‬‬ ‫هنا ال بد لنا من وقفة وال بد لنا من همسة‪ ،‬فنقول‬ ‫صدى أو لعلها كلمة تفيد من يقرأها‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فبالرغم من أن هناك بعض المواقع ليست إال جلسات لهؤالء المحترفات أن الخوض في المواضيع التخصصية‬ ‫نسائية إلكترونية تتحدث فيها النساء عن العمل والزوج وخاصة ما هو متعلق بالصحة سواء الجسدية أو النفسية‬ ‫والبيت واألوالد والتسوق و”المكياج” والقهوة والشاي‪ ،‬أمر خطير‪ ،‬فالتجارب الشخصية ال تُعمم والرسائل‬ ‫متنفس للمرأة حيث تلتقي فيها المتداولة البد أن تُنقح فقد تكون لها نتائج ال تحمد‬ ‫فقد تكون هذه المواقع‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫مع صديقاتها أو على األقل من تراهن نظيرات لها في عقباها‪ ،‬بل وقد تعرض أصحابها الى المسائالت القانونية‬ ‫الفكر أو في االهتمام‪ ،‬وقد تُطرح مواضيع عامة منها والمجتمعية فلنكن أكثر وعي ًا في نشر العلم والمعلومة‪.‬‬ ‫المفيد ومنها غير المفيد‪ ،‬ومنها العام ومنها الخاص‬ ‫تخفف ضيق ًا أو تضيف معلومة‬ ‫لكنها قد تحدث أثر ًا أو‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫جديدة‪.‬‬

‫الفكرة‬ ‫بقلم محمد هيثم موسى‬ ‫تأتينا األفكار بسرعة‬ ‫واألفكار كثير ٌة ومتنوعة‪.‬‬ ‫وكل شيء في الوجود أصله فكرة‪.‬‬ ‫منها تنطلق األبحاث‬ ‫ومنها تتطور الحضارات‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى أساسها توضع الخطط لكل تخصص‪.‬‬ ‫الفكرة الجميلة والفكرة الواعية تثمر عطاء لكل جيل‪.‬‬ ‫وجيل بعد جيل يطورها ويعدلها‪.‬‬ ‫من األفكار بنيت األوطان والحضارات‪.‬‬ ‫وكل شيء بال استثناء أصله فكرة‪.‬‬ ‫سبحان الله‬ ‫ع ّلم اإلنسان مالم يعلم‪.‬‬ ‫وقل ربي زدني علما‪.‬‬ ‫فتح من الله على خلقه‬ ‫والزيادة في العلم ٌ‬ ‫وما نراه اليوم كله أساسه وقواعده األفكار‪.‬‬ ‫ونحن نرى بأم أعيننا كيف تتسارع األمور‪.‬‬ ‫وكيف يولد كل يوم شيء جديد‪.‬‬ ‫لم يخطر على بالنا وال عقولنا‪.‬‬ ‫يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫“ َحت َّٰى ِإ َذا َأخَ َذ ِت ْ َ‬ ‫ال ْر ُ‬ ‫ض زُخْ ُر َف َها َوا َّز َّين َْت َو َظنَّ َأ ْه ُل َها‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َاها أ ْم ُرنَا ل ْيل أ ْو َن َه ًارا ف َج َعلن َ​َاها‬ ‫َأ َّن ُه ْم َقا ِد ُرونَ َع َل ْي َها أت َ‬ ‫َح ِص ًيدا َك َأنْ َل ْم َت ْغنَ ب ْ َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ٰ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِال ْم ِس كذلك ُنف َِّصل ال َيات لق َْو ٍم‬ ‫َي َت َف َّك ُرونَ ”‪“ .‬يونس‪”24‬‬ ‫فإذا جاء أمر الله يوم القيامة‬ ‫فكل ما بناه اإلنسان وتعلمه من يوم هبط عليها وعاش‬ ‫فيها ثم تم ّلك القدرة بالسيطرة عليها‪.‬‬ ‫يظن اإلنسان إنّه بلغ الكمال والقدرة‬ ‫هنا ّ‬ ‫فيأتي أمر الله وينفخ بالصور بصيحة واحدة‬ ‫فيصعق كل من في الوجود في السموات واألرض‪.‬‬ ‫القهار‪.‬‬ ‫وال يبقى إال الواحد ّ‬ ‫وال يبقى إال وجه ربك ذو الجالل واإلكرام‬ ‫خلقت الفكرة‪.‬‬ ‫ثم تنتهي يوم البعث‪.‬‬ ‫ونور عقولنا بنور اإليمان‪.‬‬ ‫اللهم ارحمنا ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وع ّلمنا من لدنك علم ًا نافع ًا صيب ًا‪.‬‬ ‫وآتنا الحكمة فيها‪.‬‬ ‫ومن أوتي الحكمة فقد أعطي خير ًا كثيراً‪.‬‬ ‫تلك منّة من الله على خلقه أجمعين‪.‬‬ ‫اللهم ّ‬ ‫صل وس ّلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أجمعين‪ .‬وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين‪.‬‬

‫األرواح‬ ‫جنود مجندة‬

‫بقلم سمر المجذوب‬ ‫ماجستير في الدراسات االسالمية ‪ -‬سيدني‬ ‫• هذه مقولة تعلمتها من سنين‬ ‫طويلة ولكنني لم أشعر بها إال‬ ‫عندما وضعني القدر أمام من حقق‬ ‫لي هذه المقولة بشكل عملي‪.‬‬ ‫• كيف أنسى من دعمني ووقف بظهري فكان‬ ‫كالسيف القاطع‪.‬‬ ‫• كيف أنسى من آزرني ودافع عني وكأني جزء‬ ‫منه وكأنه جزء مني‬ ‫• كيف أنسى من وقف بجانبي في لحظات‬ ‫ضعفي وبكائي فشد من أزري وخفف ألمي‬ ‫ومسح دمعي بدون كالم‪.‬‬ ‫• قد تبعدنا المسافات غير أن األرواح ال تعترف‬ ‫بهذا البعد فتنعتق وتنطلق في ثوان‪.‬‬ ‫• ال أدري كيف أفسر هذا سوى بأن األرواح‬ ‫جنود مجندة يجندها الخالق العظيم الذي‬ ‫برأها والذي يشعر بنا فيرسل لنا من هو مثلنا‬ ‫ومن يدافع عنا ومن هو بحاجة لنا كما نحن‬ ‫بحاجة له‪.‬‬ ‫• ان احتياج الروح المعنوي وتواصله أشد‬ ‫وأقوى من احتياج وتواصل الجسد المادي‬ ‫• فاحتياج الجسد تنتهي صالحيته بانتهاء‬ ‫المصلحة المادية‬ ‫• أما احتياج الروح وتواصل األرواح فيستمر‬ ‫ما دامت القلوب واألرواح متصلة حيث ال مدة‬ ‫محددة للصالحية‪.‬‬ ‫• نحن لسنا سوى نفحة من نفحات الله فينا‬ ‫حيث نفخ الله من روحه في آدم عليه السالم‬ ‫وروح الله كمال وجمال وجالل‪ .‬غير أن النفس‬ ‫األمــارة بالسوء والمريضة هي من تحاول‬ ‫تدنيس هذه الروح الطاهرة‪ .‬أو قد تحافظ‬ ‫على نقائها وطهرها إن كانت نفس ًا طاهرة‬ ‫مؤمنة‪ .‬أرواحنا ال تعرف الغش ال تعرف الغل‬ ‫ال تعرف الحسد والبغض ولكن النفس األمارة‬ ‫هي من تقود أجسادنا للشر ‪ .‬أو أن تكون نفس ًا‬ ‫طاهر ًة فتقود أجسادنا للخير‪.‬‬ ‫• في ثوانٍ تنتقل الروح في أرض الله الواسعة‬ ‫فتجوب بحار وجبال وسهول وتقطع الوديان‬ ‫لتمد يد العون لمن سخرت له ما أجملها من‬ ‫أرواح تلتقي دون أن تلتقي وتسافر دون أن‬ ‫تسافر وتقدم وتعطي من غير سؤال‪.‬‬ ‫• ما أجملها من أرواح شفافة نقية تسعدنا‬ ‫وتفرحنا بدون أية أساليب مادية‪.‬‬ ‫• فيا رب احفظ أرواحنا من الدنس وحافظ‬ ‫على طهرها وبراءتها من الرجس وقربها منك‬ ‫مادامت في أجسادنا‪.‬‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪Salvos Moneycare‬‬ ‫موجودة للمساعدة خالل‬ ‫اإلغالق في سيدني‬ ‫تناشد خدمة ‪ Moneycare‬التابعة‬ ‫لـ ‪ The Salvation Army‬الجمهور‬ ‫األسترالي للوصول إلى خدماتهم‬ ‫باكرا‪ ،‬ال س ّيما إذا كانت لديهم ديــون آخذة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫في التراكم نتيجة حاالت اإلغالق الناجمة عن‬ ‫‪ COVID-19‬في جنوب غرب وغرب سيدني‪.‬‬ ‫وللعلم‪ ،‬فإن ‪ Moneycare‬هي خدمة استشارات‬ ‫مالية مجانية وسرية تابعة لـ ‪The Salvos‬‬ ‫ويمكنها دعم األشخاص الذين يواجهون صعوبات‬ ‫مالية وديونًا‪.‬‬ ‫تقول سوسن رشيد‪ ،‬وهي المستشارة المالية في‬ ‫‪ Moneycare‬في جنوب غرب سيدني‪“ :‬ليس من‬ ‫الضروري أن تعاني من كارثة مالية للتواصل مع‬ ‫‪ Moneycare‬التابعة لـ ‪ The Salvos‬للحصول‬ ‫على الدعم‪ .‬إننا نشجع كل من يواجه صعوبات‬ ‫بسبب حاالت اإلغالق في سيدني على التواصل‬ ‫باكرا‪ ،‬إذ أننا موجودون لمساعدتك ونريد‬ ‫معنا ً‬ ‫مساعدة الناس على تجنّب المزيد من الديون‬ ‫خالل هذا الوقت”‪.‬‬ ‫إن خدمات ‪ Moneycare‬فريدة من نوعها‬ ‫ويمكن تعديلها بما يناسب الظروف الفردية‪،‬‬ ‫وهي يمكن أن تساعد في المجاالت التالية‪:‬‬ ‫ المناصرة لدى البنوك والمؤسسات المالية‬‫األخرى للمساعدة في تخفيف الديون‬ ‫ المناصرة لدى مؤسسات تقديم الخدمات‬‫(الكهرباء وغيرها) للمساعدة في السداد بأقساط‬ ‫معقولة‬ ‫ إطالعك على حقوقك واألماكن األخرى التي‬‫يمكنك الحصول منها على المساعدة‬ ‫ تقديم المشورة المالية والدعم لتجاوز األوقات‬‫الصعبة‬ ‫تدعم ‪ Moneycare‬التابعة لـ ‪ Salvos‬أكثر من‬

‫عشرة آالف شخص كل عام وتقدم خدمات ال‬ ‫تحسن‬ ‫تحسن الوضع المالي للناس فحسب‪ ،‬بل ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أيضا رفاههم بشكل عام‪ .‬ففي السنة المالية‬ ‫ً‬ ‫‪ ،20/2019‬أفاد ما يقرب من ‪ 70%‬من األشخاص‬ ‫الذين دعمتهم ‪ Moneycare‬عن ارتياحهم فيما‬ ‫يخص حياتهم بعد الحضور إلى الخدمة‪ ،‬بزيادة‬ ‫من نسبة ‪ 10%‬فقط عند بداية تسجيلهم‪.‬‬ ‫كذلك فإن خدمة اإلغاثة المالية الطارئة التي‬ ‫يقدمها‬ ‫‪ The Salvation Army‬والمعروفة باسم‬ ‫‪ Doorways‬متوفرة لدعم الناس طوال مدة‬ ‫ونظرا لكون ‪ Doorways‬أكبر مؤسسة‬ ‫اإلغالق‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لتوفير اإلغاثة في حاالت الطوارئ في أستراليا‪،‬‬ ‫فإنه يمكنها توفير اإلغاثة المالية الفورية لمن‬ ‫يحتاج إلى مساعدة عاجلة لدفع ثمن الطعام‬ ‫والسلع األساسية األخرى‪.‬‬ ‫تقول سوسن رشيد‪“ :‬إننا نعرف الضغوط‬ ‫الهائلة الناجمة عن اإلغالق الحالي على األفراد‬ ‫والعائالت‪ ،‬وهي ضغوط يمكن أن تمتد في‬ ‫كثير من األحيان إلى الشؤون المالية‪ .‬ونحن‬ ‫نريد مساعدتك في تخفيف الضغط الواقع على‬ ‫وضعك المالي خالل هذا الوقت العصيب”‬ ‫إذا كنت تواجه صعوبات في الديون بسبب‬ ‫‪ُ ،COVID-19‬يــرجــى االتــصــال بخدمة‬ ‫‪ Moneycare‬المجانية التابعة لـ ‪The Salvation‬‬ ‫‪ Army‬في أقرب وقت ممكن على الرقم‪:‬‬ ‫‪1800 722 363‬‬ ‫أو بد ًال من ذلك‪ ،‬إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إعانة‬ ‫مالية فورية للطعام أو السلع األساسية األخرى‪،‬‬ ‫ُيرجى االتصال بخدمة ‪ Doorways‬التابعة لـ‬ ‫‪ The Salvation Army‬على الرقم‪:‬‬ ‫‪1300 371 288‬‬

‫ماثيو غاي يعود‬ ‫رئيسًا لحزب األحرار‬ ‫وزعيما للمعارضة‬ ‫في فيكتوريا‬

‫ماثيو غــاي‪ ،‬الــذي كــان يقود حــزب االحــرار في‬ ‫انتخابات سنة ‪ 2018‬في فيكتوريا عندما مني بهزيمة‬ ‫ساحقة استقال على اثرها من قيادة الحزب‪ ،‬يعود‬ ‫مجدد ًا كزعيم للحزب بعد ان نال ‪ 20‬صوتا مقابل ‪ 11‬صوتا‬ ‫للزعيم السابق للحزب أوبراين‪.‬‬ ‫وقال غاي للصحفيين بعد انتخابه‪“ :‬أو ًال‪ ،‬أريد أن أقول إن‬ ‫أفكاري في هذا اليوم هي مع كل األشخاص على خط المواجهة‬ ‫الذين يعملون إلدارة استجابتنا لفيروس كورونا هنا في‬ ‫فيكتوريا”‪”.‬كل أصحاب المصالح الصغيرة الذين ال يستطيعون‬ ‫فتح أبوابهم‪ ،‬ويواجهون صعوبات كثيرة هذه األيام”‪”.‬سيكون‬ ‫لدينا بدائل واضحة لسكان فيكتوريا اعتبار ًا من اليوم‪ .‬خطة ليس‬ ‫فقط لعمليات اإلغالق‪ ،‬ولكن للتعافي”‪.‬‬ ‫“أفضل أيام فيكتوريا هي أمامها وليست خلفها‪”.‬‬

‫اســتمعوا الــى إذاعــة الصــوت االســامي ســيدني‬ ‫برامجها تشمل ما يلي‪:‬‬ ‫• تالوة القرآن الكريم ‪ -‬محاضرات‬ ‫إسالمية‬ ‫• بث مباشر لخطبة الجمعة ‪ -‬أخبار‬ ‫محلية وعالمية‬ ‫• برنامج صباحيات مع الحاج‬ ‫إبراهيم الزعبي ِمن الثامنة‬ ‫والنصف وحتى العاشرة والنصف‪.‬‬ ‫• متفرقات في الدين والحياة‬ ‫لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من العاشرة‬ ‫والنصف وحتى الثانية عشرة‪.‬‬ ‫• ثالث نشرات اخبارية مفصلة‬ ‫يقدمها الدكتور أحمد العقاد‪.‬‬ ‫• محاضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث‬ ‫مرات يوميا‪ ,‬االولى عند الساعة‬

‫السابعة والنصف صباح ًا والثانية‬ ‫عند الرابعة عصر ًا واالخيرة عند‬ ‫مساء‪.‬‬ ‫الساعة الثامنة والنصف‬ ‫ً‬ ‫• برنامج أسبوعي يقدم مساء كل‬ ‫يوم أربعاء عند الساعة الثامنة‬ ‫والنصف باللغة االنكليزية بعنوان‬ ‫«النشاط والصحة»‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج آخر باللغة االنكليزية‬ ‫عن الصحة يقدمه الدكتور وسام‬ ‫سوبرا كل يوم جمعه عند الساعة‬ ‫الرابعة عصر ًا‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «ماما صفاء» لألطفال عند‬ ‫الساعة الخامسة مساء كل يوم‬ ‫جمعه‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم‬

‫أحكام التجويد وتالوة القرأن‬ ‫الكريم لألخ أنور حمام واألخ‬ ‫رياض قاسم‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «إشراقات فقهية» صباح‬ ‫كل يوم أربعاء عند الساعة‬ ‫التاسعة والربع مع فضيلة الشيخ‬ ‫يحي الصافي‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامج «التفسير البالغي للقرآن‬ ‫الكريم» مع الشيخ أحمد عزت‬ ‫مساء‬ ‫محمود عند الساعة السادسة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كل يوم ثالثاء‪.‬‬ ‫• برنامجي «امجاد ونزهة المشتاق»‬ ‫مع االخ وليد المذيب‪.‬‬

‫من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي‪ ،‬الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي‪ ،‬الدكتور احمد العقاد‬ ‫إذاعة الصوت اإلسالمي من سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية‪:‬‬

‫)‪• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band‬‬ ‫)‪• 173.425MHz (Narrow Band‬‬

‫‪T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299‬‬ ‫‪E:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬


‫«أبكر في التواصل معنا»‬


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Free Family Fun with the Parliament of NSW: Monday, 27 September 9:00am 9:45am – Storytelling – A live reading of the award-winning book A Bus called Heaven, by Bob Graham.







To book in for the sessions (essential), visit the NSW Parliament website.



Friday, 1 October 10:00am - 10:45am – Mirri Mirri Aboriginal cultural education – Join Paul Sinclair, a proud Anaiwan man, for a fun and informative interactive workshop.


Wednesday, 29 September 9:00am 9:45am – Tour – Find out what happens at Parliament by joining in a virtual tour of the chambers.


The Parliament is also running a colouring-in competition for the artistically inclined. Four lucky winners will each receive a Parliament of NSW Gift Box filled with goodies including

“We also hope it will encourage school children and families to visit us at Parliament House as soon as it is possible.”


The program includes a virtual tour of the NSW Parliament chambers and an Indigenous cultural education workshop where participants will learn the significance of message sticks, art and storytelling to Aboriginal people.

“We want to inspire children to engage with their communities: those they are familiar with and others they may not know as much about,” Mr O’Dea said.


“While we aren’t able to open our physical doors to the public these holidays, we have adapted our annual program so that families can join in the fun and bring the NSW Parliament to you, no matter where you live.”

Please make a donation Today: Account Name: Kindness Foundation Inc. Branch Number (BSB): 013-423 Account Number: 4697-39566

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Jonathan O’Dea said the sessions are great for parents looking for activities to keep children entertained over the school holidays.


“These live sessions will take participants on immersive educational and cultural journeys,” Mr Mason-Cox said.

parliamentary stationery, a water bottle and delicious treats valued at $100.


President of the Legislative Council Matthew Mason-Cox MLC said ‘Free Family Fun’, to be held over three mornings from 27 September is designed for primary school-aged children to learn and feel inspired from home.

big difference


Parents and children are invited to participate in storytelling, a virtual tour and an Aboriginal cultural education session as part of the NSW Parliament online school holiday program.

A small act of kindness can make a kindnessfoundationAUS/

Foundation AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

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Holding Our Heads Up High:

Support Through Covid-19 By Denise National Zakaat Foundation Australia Yesterday there was a package left for me at the front door. From a sister who I hadn’t seen since the start of the pandemic. A container of food for my family, with a beautiful message stating that she was missing me. I knew her from uni and we shared many of the same classes. She was also a volunteer at National Zakaat Foundation (NZF), so she enclosed some food vouchers for groceries and meat. She knew me well. That I wouldn’t accept the package if she had asked me if I needed anything. So, she left it at my front door. As tears slowly made their way down my cheeks, I found myself unable to contain my emotions. It wasn’t the first gift I had received. But this time was different. The simplest acts of kindness have profound effects when we are struggling the most. After we have been fighting for the longest time. The food was delicious of course, but it was the gesture that hit me the hardest. The fact that someone had remembered me. That somehow, this sister had reached through the rigid and unaccommodating stale walls of isolation and for that brief moment I was seen, acknowledged and supported. It’s a rough road when you are on your own. The physical struggles which are hard for everyone, sometimes become too much too bear. The incessant responsibilities of taking care of everything, finding solutions where there are none, the constant burden of looking after

dependants before yourself. It wears you down. It changes you. People say that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Sometimes, it feels like the opposite is true. Tests break us in a million little ways and sometimes, the thought that it will all pass and get better is far from a certainty. Of course, we put our trust in Allah (SWT) and keep pushing on. We have to. But what the rest of us often don’t consider is that the major component is not even the external factors. Perhaps the most difficult struggle – because it is the foundation which everything relies upon - is being brave and tenacious enough to grasp onto hope. Our internal struggle. Our belief that we can do this, that we have what it takes. Because just like a boat trying to make its way across the ocean cannot survive a hole which allows water to seep in, so too it is with hopelessness – even when the

smallest amount seeps in, it’s enough to make you drown. The pandemic has been difficult for us all. Masks, lack of physical company or contact, the stressful upheaval of personal, work and family spaces merging into one for such a long period of time. Layers of confusion and anxiety, stress and fear about our health and future hanging in the balance. Because of the increasing focus on Covid statistics and public health, we forget about the impact this pandemic has had on personal wellbeing, particularly on mental health. Intense feelings which are often exacerbated to the point of debilitation when you belong to the disadvantaged or vulnerable cohort of society, a single parent like me. These additional and precarious measures have added layers of isolation between ourselves and the rest of the community. Even

something as simple as the regular wearing of masks becomes an eye sore because it prevents us from seeing others’ smiles. It prevents the visual representation of hope. And, therefore, the positive feelings of connection, belonging, support. Then the physical distance, the prohibition of seeing and embracing those that we love. Drop by drop, the hopelessness rises, making us question how much more we can withstand. This is why these seemingly simple gestures of love and support are so important. They have the power to shift our focus from one which is negative and stagnant, to everything positive that it could be. It connects us. It allows us to forget our struggles long enough to remind us that we are part of an amazing ummah, one that hurts when are hurting and rejoices when we succeed. An ummah that is brave enough to mend those holes at the bottom of our boats and reminds us to not give up. Because no matter what the future holds, no matter how long it will take to get there, we are all in this together. Just like Allah (SWT) reminds us. A simple act of kindness like an NZF voucher; financial relief; a hand to hold or an ear to listen; a beautiful note that you are missed; not only alleviates the external struggle. It does so much more than that. It restores our foundation of hope. It reminds us that we are not forgotten. That together, we can and will get through this difficult time. That even though we are miles apart, we can find create ways to stop the despair from setting in; and allow hope to seep in instead.

Door-To-Door Solar Sales Banned VIC The Victorian Government’s crackdown on dodgy sales tactics comes into force with a ban on door-to-door sales across all Solar Victoria programs. Minister for Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio announced the ban, which applies to businesses participating in Solar Victoria programs, in May 2021 as part of the Government’s work to protect consumer rights and safety in the booming solar industry. The ban will not affect consumer access to solar systems and has been

demonstrated to work effectively throughout COVID-19 restrictions where door-knocking bans have been in place. Solar Victoria engaged with peak bodies and retailers on a prohibition with industry strongly supporting the ban and given almost fourmonths’ notice before it officially commenced. The Government is encouraging all Victorians to stay informed about their consumer rights and to report dodgy behaviour or safety concerns. The Government’s solar programs have been designed with safety in mind. Only accredited, approved retailers and products can be used

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in any installation, installers must undertake mandatory training and an independent inspector needs to sign off on system safety. Victoria is setting nation-leading standards to protect consumers who purchase a solar system, having mandated the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer code of conduct alongside an audit program, taskforces and compliance and enforcement partnerships with key regulators including Consumer Affairs Victoria. Dodgy sales behaviour can be reported to Consumer Affairs Victoria at and which is run

by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. “Industry has worked with us on this ban and has already proven highly adaptable, continuing to grow without the need for this kind selling tactic.” “This is about protecting customers from high pressure sales tactics and dodgy behaviour.”Minister for Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio said. “If installers or retailers fail to meet expected standards, we will not hesitate to remove them from the program. Our standards are high, and our message is tough, and we don’t apologise for this.”

Together we can

More Pandemic Support For Those Who Need It Most The Victorian Government is ensuring all Victorians can continue to access the critical help they need to stay safe and well with more than $27 million for food and financial relief for our most vulnerable, a boost to family violence services, and more support for our culturally diverse communities. Building on $30 million announced in June, the boost will help support more Victorians affected by restrictions, delays in the vaccine roll-out, and the continued risk of coronavirus outbreaks. A $6 million Food Relief Financial Reserve will ensure Victorians facing financial stress can continue to access healthy food, while a further $3.7 million will be allocated to our

partners across local government and the Red Cross to support thousands of families required to isolate in their homes to keep others safe. The package includes $5.9 million to extend the Extreme Hardship Support Program to 31 December 2021. Delivered by the Red Cross, the program provides support to people on temporary and provisional visas and undocumented migrants facing extreme financial hardship who are ineligible for Commonwealth payments. In recognition of the specific needs of this community, $2 million will boost basic needs and case work support for people seeking asylum. The CALD Communities Taskforce, established in August 2020, will receive a $7.2 million boost to provide tailored local support,

More Food Support For Multicultural Communities The Victorian Government is ensuring culturally diverse Victorians doing it tough can still put food on the table by helping more multicultural organisations provide crucial food relief to communities during the pandemic. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence today announced the opening of $2.7 million in grants through the Priority Response to Multicultural Communities during Coronavirus program. Applications are open to organisations providing emergency food relief to ensure culturally appropriate food and essential goods continue to reach Victoria’s multicultural and faith communities. Almost $23 million has already been invested through the program since it began in August last year, which has to date provided support to more than 500,000 Victorians. The Government has funded more than 320 community organisations through the program to provide emergency relief, food support and community outreach, as well as targeted communication through translated materials and community-led health

messages. Earlier this month the Government announced a $6 million Food Relief Financial Reserve to ensure Victorians facing financial stress can continue to access healthy food and a $7.2 million boost to the CALD Communities Taskforce to provide tailored support, promote vaccine uptake and deliver more emergency food relief to diverse communities. Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. Early applications are highly encouraged. To apply, visit “We’re helping put culturally appropriate food on the table for Victorians in need – because no Victorian should go hungry in this pandemic.” Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence said. “Victoria’s multicultural organisations have done a great job supporting their communities through this pandemic, and we are ensuring this important work continues.” “Community organisations know their communities well and understand their needs, and this funding will enable them to continue providing culturally appropriate food and support.”

promote vaccine uptake and deliver more emergency food relief to culturally diverse communities. To keep women and children safe, $2.25 million will be allocated to specialist family violence services to help more survivors access safe accommodation, put food on the table, and provide immediate aid. A further $850,000 will support case work for single mothers and deliver women’s mental health projects. “We’re supporting those who need it most during these challenging times, because nobody should be left behind.”Premier Daniel Andrews said. “No Victorian should have to worry about being able to put a meal on the table – that’s why we’re boosting support for Victorians in need who will continue to be among the

hardest hit.” Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Luke Donnellan said. “The leadership of our multicultural communities to get on top of this virus is second to none. We’re empowering community organisations to continue their vital work getting information and support to where it is needed most.”Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence said “The pandemic is continuing to have deeply gendered impacts, so we’re boosting support for women’s mental health projects and single mums, alongside more support for our family violence agencies.”Minister for Women and Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams said.

Grants Available To Support Creative Education Projects The Victorian Government is giving schools across the state the opportunity to collaborate with professional artists, musicians, designers, filmmakers and more. Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson invited Victorian schools to apply for the 2022 round of the Creative Learning Partnerships program, with grants of $10,000 available to engage individual creatives and $35,000 grants available for collaborations with a creative organisation. Open to Government, independent and Catholic schools in all parts of Victoria, the program supports projects that enhance learning across the curriculum for Foundation students up to year 10 including VET and VCAL. Projects in this round will commence from Term 2, 2022 and can be live, virtual or a hybrid. Partnerships will run for a minimum of 20 days. Past projects have seen musicians, actors and playwrights working with students to create a performance based on history lessons, multimedia artists and games developers helping students learn about coding and technology, and sculptors giving students skills to create wind-powered artworks to bring science to life. With creative thinking set to be a key skill for the jobs of the future, research has shown projects that fuse creativity and education can enhance learning outcomes and strengthen

student engagement while supporting students to build self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Continued support for the Creative Learning Partnerships program was part of the Government’s $288 million Creative State 2025 strategy – a fouryear plan designed to grow creative jobs and skills and position Victoria’s creative industries at the heart of the state’s future economic prosperity and social wellbeing. The Creative Learning Partnerships program is supported by the Department of Education and Training and Creative Victoria. For full program guidelines and application details, visit creative.vic. Applications close at 3:00pm on 30 September 2021 “Combining creativity with the curriculum can supercharge learning and give students skills and inspiration for the future.” “These partnerships also provide employment opportunities for creative professionals across all fields – transforming the learning experience for all involved.” Minister for Creative Industries Danny Pearson said “Since 2018, this program has offered exciting learning opportunities to inspire not only students, teachers and the whole school community – and we’re proud to support it for another year.”Minister for Education James Merlino said.

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“PHARMACY: ALWAYS TRUSTED FOR YOUR HEALTH” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day on 25 September 2021.

Pharmacy Always trusted for your health TRUST IS ESSENTIAL TO HEALTH CARE There’s a significant association between trust in healthcare professionals and health outcomes for patients. For several years, pharmacists have been named among the top five most trusted professionals. Pharmacists in Australia celebration World Pharmacist Day on 25 September 2021. Irfan Hashmi and Sobia Hashmi pharmacists based in South Australia along their team of pharmacists are providing COVID vaccines roll out in community pharmacies awareness campaign to their local communities particularly in regional areas and multicultural communities Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD). With the help of multi-language speaking staff they develop video messages on COVID vaccines roll out in community pharmacies in thirteen different languages. Such as Bengali, Gujrati, Hindi, Sinhala, Urdu, Arabic, Nepalese, Yoruba, Shona, Korean, Filipino, Korean, English and Vietnamese. Irfan delivering talks in CLAD community groups about community pharmacies and COVID Vaccines, Recently he was interviewed on ABC TV morning show Breakfast couch by Michael Rowland and Lisa Millar. Pharmacist Alex Page from Broken Hill said Mr Hashmi was an example of the value of a community pharmacist. “His efforts in education and increasing awareness about the benefits of vaccination, particularly amongst SA’s multicultural community, will greatly improve health outcomes and minimise hospitalisations in his community,” he said. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, each of us have adjusted to taking extra measures to help avoid

that is required is that the customers remain in the pharmacy for fifteen minutes post vaccination to observe for signs of adverse reactions. To find a participating pharmacy and to book your COVID-19 AstraZeneca or Moderna vaccination, please visit www.findapharmacy. Selected TerryWhite Chemmart pharmacies are also offering walk-in appointments, more information is available on their website au/health-services/covid-19vaccination. the spread of the virus. While social distancing and hygiene help with reduced transmission, a vaccination is the best way to help protect yourself and prevent the spread of contagious diseases. You may well be aware that community pharmacies launched an initiative

More than 3200 communities pharmacies in Australia currently participating in COVID vaccines rollout. New MRNA vaccine Moderna vaccines which is exclusively available in community pharmacies, approved by Therapeutic Goods Administration for all

Community pharmacists are trained vaccinators who already play a fundamental part in providing access to immunisation for Australians, administering seasonal influenza as well as a range of other vaccines. All pharmacists must complete an approved vaccination course and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status. To get vaccinated with the AstraZeneca and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to ensure you are eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine prior to booking your appointment. You can check by using the COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Checker and you will need to make an informed decision by speaking with the vaccination provider at your appointment. For more information about COVID-19 vaccination, please speak with your family doctor, visit website COVID-19 Vaccinations or call the COVID-19 vaccine helpline on 1800 020 080. For translating and interpreting services please call 13 14 50. The vaccine is voluntary, and everyone is encouraged to get a vaccine to help protect the community from COVID-19.

in partnership with the Commonwealth Government to expand our COVID-19 vaccination rollout. This year’s World Pharmacist Day 2021, Pharmacists are excited that community pharmacies are taking part in important job of COVID vaccines rollout.

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Australian age 12 years or above. So families can visit their nearest community pharmacies for COVID vaccines services. Participating community pharmacies are currently offering the AstraZeneca and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to eligible people.

training before they can administer COVID-19 vaccines. The procedure is simple and easy, booking is not required as many pharmacies offering walk in service for COVID vaccines, pharmacist will personally consult and explain any questions our members may have. All

Please keep safe and help others stay safe. news/2021-09-19/ healthcare-workersvaccination-treating-ourvulnerable/100470802

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Thank You Prof. Dr. Muhammad A. Quayum Mohammad A. Quayum is an Adjunct Professor in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, at Flinders University, Australia. He was a Professor of English at International Islamic University Malaysia from 2004-2020. His previous affiliations include the State University of New York at Binghamton (2003-2004), University Putra Malaysia (1996-2003), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

(1993-96), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (1992-93) and University of Chittagong, Bangladesh (1979-88). He is the author, editor and translator of 37 books in the areas of American literature, Asian Literature and Postcolonial literatures, and has published more than 135 articles with leading publishers around the world.

Dr. Nadira Brioua International Islamic University of Malaysia PhD, English literary studies

Many students ambitiously aspire to postgraduate degrees, including a PhD, in order to further their careers in teaching, research, and academia, or simply to enhance or even perfect their understanding and grasp of their field of expertise. Needless to say, that one should be prepared for a long and exhausting course which requires a lot of work as well as overcoming a number of different challenges. Supervisors play a key role in this process and if they are unqualified the journey may likely be more trying and time consuming. Unfortunately, many former students have complained about their supervisors. For this reason, I was always worried about choosing an inappropriate and unsuitable supervisor for my objectives. Prof. Dr. Muhammad A. Quayum, in contrast, has changed the attitudes of many students who have been supervised by him, including myself. “You are lucky” I have been told by everyone when I mentioned the name of my supervisor. Professor Muhammad A. Quayum assured everyone that honourable and well accomplished supervisors still indeed exist. He acted as an educator to new students, including myself between September 2016 and June 2020 and as a sponsor, assuming the students have the skills needed to perform their academic achievements. He was involved in instructing and directing students to the correct methods and

literature, explaining how certain tasks should be done and inspiring them to persevere and improve. He not only exceeded his duties by taking time and verifying the thesis word for word and correcting mistakes along, but was also protective of his students and acted as a father. Because of multiple and different commitments and responsibilities including familial ones, some supervisors never have enough time for their students. Prof. Dr. Muhammad A. Quayum, seemed never overwhelmed or carried away by these issues and certainly because of his excellent time management, he could manage to find a way and consent to my unscheduled meeting and always delivered clear feedback afterward. Some supervisors are used to insist on adding and/or removing ideas depending on what they personally want and without considering their students’ points of view. Inversely, my supervisor assisted me in fully assuming my responsibility, demonstrating my ideas, developing them, and searching for further evidence to endorse my statements. “Consider your thesis as if it were your friend, and treat it as you would treat a friend” my supervisor said. Some supervisors very often chose to focus on their students’ mistakes and negativity, whereas my supervisor firstly concentrated on my positive, showing recognition to my

modest accomplishments and then tactfully and in a non-humiliating way addressing my shortcomings to keep me encouraged and enthusiastic towards success. When it comes to communication through emails, I was very lucky to have someone replying to me in a timely manner and with evaluations and reminder of my responsibilities and goals because some students were very affected by their supervisors not even bothered to answer their emails. Yes, I completed my PhD, but it was my supervisor’s support that enabled me to do so. “Getting a PhD requires a lot of dedication, devotion and sincere efforts. So settle down, get on to your work and do the best you can on the thesis” was one of Prof Quayum’s recommendations that

motivated me to complete, I prefer to say, OUR PhD. Some students complained that their supervisors played a role in their failure, while my supervisor played an important one in my accomplishments and success as well as his. Because of Covid-19, I defended my thesis via Skype, and I didn’t have an opportunity to thank my supervisor face to face, so I’m using this page to express my deepest gratitude. Thank you for responding to my numerous emails and accepting the non-planned and last-minute meetings requests, my Exceptional Supervisor. Thank you for your help when I was going through a terrible time. Thank you for playing multiple roles: teacher, mentor, supporter, and facilitator, as well as the patron who has provided

the springboard from which I might launch into my professional life. My sincere appreciation to you for your remarkably prodigious and consistent guidance, suggestions, assistance, commitment, devotion, motivation, kindness, encouragement, and sincere determination in helping me to accomplish my thesis successfully. I am really grateful for the chance to work with you as my supervisor. You were really patient with me. I appreciated how you took the time to explain things down to a level that I could understand and then build on while guiding me. Thank you for giving me the chance to improve my knowledge, gain confidence in my abilities, and learn essential skills from you during the last four years. Thank you for your subtle comments on my failures and your compliments on my performance, both of which motivated me to do better. Thank you for turning my mistakes into valuable lessons. I know I’ve changed a lot from the day I started working with you, and this truly helped me to become a better person on the inside and out. You are one of the reasons I always try and do my best. Thank you for all that you have done, not only for me personally but for the IIUM community as a whole, and in particular the IRKHS Department; you are the most supportive Dean we ever had. Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful your guidance and advice have been. Thank you so much for everything.

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Together we can



Bayt Al-Zakat Australia is an Australian Organisation established to promote charitable purposes in Australia and Overseas.


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47A Wangee Rd, Lakemba NSW 2195 • T: (02) 9758 5288 • E: AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021 ‫ هـ ¿ أيلول‬1443 ‫ ¿ صفر‬123 ‫الوسط‬

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪41‬‬ ‫بادرة‬

‫في ظل غياب الدولة ووزارة االشغال‬ ‫ابناء بلدة بيت يونس العكارية في استراليا‬ ‫يبادرون الى تعبيد طرقات بلدتهم على نفقتهم الخاصة‬

‫في بــادرة الفتة‬ ‫وكـــريـــمـــة قــرر‬ ‫ابــنــاء بــلــدة بيت‬ ‫يونس بكل عائالتهم وخاصة‬ ‫الموجودون في استراليا ومن‬ ‫بينهم آل مرعي‪ ،‬المساهمة في‬ ‫تعبيد الطرقات الداخلية للبلدة‬ ‫والطريق التي تربط بيت يونس‬ ‫ببلدة رحبة على نفقتهم الخاصة‪.‬‬

‫تلبية لمبادرة اطلقها السيد عبد‬ ‫القادر جعفر‪،‬ومساهمة منهم في‬ ‫دعم ابناء بلدتهم ولتسهيل حركة‬ ‫التنقل والمرور ضمن البلدة ومع‬ ‫البلدات المجاورة قبل حلول‬ ‫فصل الشتاء‪.‬‬ ‫حيث تم تزفيت الطريق التي‬ ‫تربط بيت يونس بدير عوزا‬ ‫رحبة بطول ‪ 1100‬متر‪ ،‬والطرق‬

‫الوسط ‪ ¿ 123‬صفر ‪ 1443‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬

‫الداخلية بكلفة ‪ 43300‬دوالر‬ ‫امريكي‪.‬‬ ‫كما قاموا بتوسعة وتزفيت‬ ‫القسم الثاني بطول ‪ 1300‬متر‬ ‫بعرض(‪ 6‬الــى ‪ 7‬امتار زفت)‬ ‫على نفقتهم الخاصة بكلفة تزيد‬ ‫عن ‪ 80‬الف دوالر امريكي بين‬ ‫توسعة وتزفيت ابتداء بما يعرف‬ ‫“بمقطع اللوزة” الى “الخروبة“‪.‬‬

‫ابن بلدة بيت يونس المقيم في‬ ‫ملبورن حسن مرعي (ابو بالل)‬ ‫قدم شكره لكل من ساهم في‬ ‫هذا المشروع الكبير سواء اخوته‬ ‫وابناء عمه واقاربه وابناء بلدته‬ ‫في استراليا‪ ،‬او اخوته وابناء‬ ‫بلدته في لبنان اضافة الى الشكر‬ ‫المتعهد‪ .‬وشــ ّدد حسن مرعي‬ ‫على اهمية دعــم المغتربين‬

‫الهاليهم فــي لبنان وعلى‬ ‫ضرورة مساهمة المغتربين في‬ ‫المشاريع الخدماتية واالنسانية‬ ‫واالجــتــمــاعــيــة فــي بلداتهم‬ ‫ومناطقهم نظرا للظروف الصعبة‬ ‫التي يمر بها لبنان وفي ظل‬ ‫غياب شبه تام للدولة وخاصة‬ ‫في مناطق عكار والشمال‪.‬‬

Together we can





By Jamilah Samian

For parents who put in what feels like endless hours to shine at work so they could do enough for the family, every second counts. Time is so precious, it’s not unusual for families to no longer take the pleasure of having regular meals together. I would like to emphasize the word “regular”, as in a routine that’s firmly set, not something that only happens once in a blue moon. What are the potential benefits of having regular family meals? Plenty including: healthier kids because they are less likely to stuff themselves with unhealthy snacks; kids who are less likely to smoke; kids who are less likely to do drugs; kids who are less likely to drink alcohol; kids who get better grades at school; kids who are more likely to confide with their parents when they have personal problems; girls who are less likely to take diet pills and suffer from eating disorders like anorexia. First benefit – healthier kids: Naturally we will expect children who enjoy regular family meals with their parents to be healthier than children who don’t because you wouldn’t normally serve junk food for meals. Even if you don’t

have time to cook, you can perhaps order a healthy meal from a restaurant, opt for home delivery or eat at the restaurant itself. So the first benefit listed above doesn’t come as a surprise, unless you have a habit of eating at fast-food restaurants. The rest of the benefits will only be yours if and only if you make sure that your family meal is a time for you to bond with your kids. This means meal time is special, something that everyone looks forward to, not a platform for you to be critical or irritable. If you feel tense, it is a good idea to freshen up by perhaps taking a warm bath before you actually sit down for a meal. If you’re not too happy with one of the kids for one reason of another, perhaps a discrete one-onone with him or her might

work it out, but lashing out in front of everyone will likely strain the parent-child relationship further. Tucking into a hearty meal together means your kids get to listen to your richer and wider vocabulary in comparison to theirs. Balance it with air-time for your kids. They deserve to express what they did and saw, too. You might also want to try eating from a huge platter to help strengthen the bond and family spirit. The biggest platter I have at home measures almost 2 feet in diameter. It’s so easy to come up with excuses NOT to eat together as a family. Kids who come home tired after extra-curricular activities, a spouse who has to run errands or finish work late at the office, kids need to finish their homework. All

these excuses put together equals “inconvenience”. It’s inconvenient to wait for everyone else. It’s inconvenient to ensure there’s enough food for everyone. Fact: the less food you have, the more delicious it tends to be. It’s inconvenient to stop watching your favourite TV program just because you need to be there at the dining table. It’s inconvenient to check-in with the rest of the family when you are deep in conversation with a client or colleague. In a world where time equals money and everyone is pressed for time, it’s natural to do things that save time and therefore more convenient. If you and your kids have the habit of eating separately, ask yourself: – What’s really stopping my family and I from eating

together? – Why will I not mind missing out on the clear and proven benefits of just sitting together and tucking into a hearty meal with my family? – Where do my priorities lie? – What kind of message am I sending to my kids by always not being there for them at least during family meals? – If the reason I go to work is to feed my family, why am I not there when that’s the time for me to reap the benefits of what I have been working so hard for? [Adapted from Parenting Generation Y & Z. Other books by Jamilah Samian: Cool Mum Super Dad, Cool Boys Super Sons, The Kindness Miracle, Leadership In Parenting, 77 Power Parent Tips.]

Sponsor an orphan, give hope for a bright future. Human Appeal is currently sponsoring over 63,000 orphans in 15 countries. For as little as $50 a month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life; the chance to receive an education and live in a loving and caring environment.

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30/4/19 10:33 am

‫‪Together we can‬‬

‫‪43‬‬ ‫الوسط الدعوي‬

‫الزواج‬ ‫ما بين الطب والشريعة‬ ‫الدكتور كنعان كنعان‬

‫ً‬ ‫الحمد لله على نعمة اإلسالم‪ .‬في ّ‬ ‫جديدة تكمن وراء األحكام التي أمر بها اإلسالم‪ ،‬ومن أولها‬ ‫كل يوم تكتشف البشر ّية أسرارا علمية‬ ‫الزّ واج الذي ّ‬ ‫الصالحين من عبادكم وإمائكم” [النّ ور ‪ ،]32‬كما ّ‬ ‫حض عليه‬ ‫و‬ ‫منكم‬ ‫األيامى‬ ‫“وأنكحوا‬ ‫تعالى‪:‬‬ ‫قوله‬ ‫حث عليه القرآن في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫محمد ص ّلى الله عليه وس ّلم في قوله‪“ :‬النّ كاح من سنّ تي فمن رغب عن سنّ تي فليس منّ ي”‪ .‬وما كان اإلسالم ليأمر بشيء إل وفيه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫نبينا ّ‬ ‫خير في الدّ نيا قبل اآلخرة‪ ،‬علمه من علمه وجهله من جهله‪ ،‬كما يقول الله سبحانه وتعالى‪”:‬ولتعلمن نبأه بعد حين” [ص ‪.]88‬‬ ‫السكينة ّ‬ ‫والطمأنينة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فمن الخير أن يجد اإلنسان‬ ‫السكينة والطّ مأنينة ألنّه “خلق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لكم من أنفسكم أزواج ًا لتسكنوا‬ ‫والس ّر هو في‬ ‫إليها” ّ‬ ‫[الروم ‪ّ ]21‬‬ ‫أنّه “جعل بينكم مو ّدة ورحمة”‬ ‫[الــــروم ‪]21‬؛ هــذه الــمــو ّدة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بالرحمة ولهذا ال نجد‬ ‫مقرونة ّ‬ ‫العنف األســري أو ‪Domestic‬‬ ‫‪ Violence‬وال الشّ ّد النّفس ّية‬ ‫أو ‪ Emotional Stress‬بين‬ ‫الزوجين اللّذين تربطهما عالقة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ين ال‬ ‫شرعية كما نجده بين ال َِّذ َ‬ ‫تربطهم عالقات شرعية ومن‬ ‫تجربتي الشخصية مع المرضى‬ ‫وجدت بشكل تقريبي ّأن نصف‬ ‫حــاالت الــشّ ـ ّدة النّفس ّية الّتي‬ ‫أشاهدها هي في الحقيقة ناجمة‬ ‫عن ‪ Relationship Turmoil‬أو‬ ‫اضطراب في العالقة مع شريك‬ ‫غالبا غير شرعي وال يتوقّف‬ ‫األمر عند هذا الشّ يء بل يتع ّداه‬ ‫ليجعل احتمال االنتحار عند‬ ‫هؤالء األشخاص أكثر بثالثين‬ ‫مرة مقارنة مع األشخاص الذين‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ال يعانون من هــذه المشكلة‬

‫حسب األبحاث التي أجراها‬ ‫أنريك راكا أستاذ علم النّفس في‬ ‫جامعة كولومبيا‪.‬‬ ‫التعفف والــوقــايــة من‬ ‫االمراض‬ ‫من الخير أيض ًا ان اإلنسان‬ ‫يتعفّف بزوجته الشّ رع ّية عن‬ ‫النّظر إلى المحرمات كما يقول‬ ‫نب ّينا مح ّمد صلّى الله عليه‬ ‫أغــض للبصر”‬ ‫وسـ ّلــم‪“ :‬فــإ ّنــه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وفي هذا نفسه وقاية للمرء من‬ ‫األمراض الناجمة عن ممارسة‬ ‫رعي ال ِ‬ ‫َّــذي‬ ‫الجنس غير الشّ ّ‬ ‫تفضي إليه هذه المناظر مثل‬ ‫مرض نقص المناعة المكتسب‬ ‫أو ‪ AIDS‬وقد أظهرت األبحاث‬ ‫التي أجرتها الدكتورة فاليري‬ ‫فون من جامعة كامبريدج ّأن‬ ‫اإلدمان على المناظر اإلباحية‬ ‫أو ‪ Pornography‬يسبب إنهاك ًا‬ ‫وضــرر ًا لل ّدماغ مشابه تمام ًا‬ ‫للضرر النّاجم عن اإلدمــان‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫على الخمر أو المخ ّدرات وذلك‬ ‫ّأن هــذه المناظر الخالعية‬ ‫تتس ّبب في نشاط هائل في‬

‫السعادة في ال ّدماغ أو‬ ‫مركز ّ‬ ‫‪ Nucleus Accumbens‬وإفراز‬ ‫مفرط لهرمون ال ّدو ّبامين الّذي‬ ‫يــؤ ّدي في النّهاية إلــى تلف‬ ‫خاليا ال ّدماغ في الوقت ال َِّذي‬ ‫أظهرت فيه دراسات أخرى ّأن‬ ‫الزوجين يساهم في‬ ‫النّظر بين ّ‬ ‫السكينة عليهما تمشّ ي ًا مع‬ ‫إضفاء ّ‬ ‫قوله تعالى‪“ :‬وجعل منها زوجها‬ ‫ليسكن إليها” [األعراف ‪.]189‬‬ ‫الرضاع يقي من السرطان‬ ‫ومن الخير أيض ًا ان الـ ّـزواج‬ ‫بما يتبعه من حمل ورضاع يقي‬ ‫والرحم‬ ‫المرأة من سرطان الثّدي ّ‬ ‫والمبيض‪ ،‬حيث يرتفع مستوى‬ ‫البروجسترون ‪Progesterone‬‬ ‫في ال ّدم في أثناء فترة الحمل‬ ‫فيع ّدل من تأثير اإلستروجين‬ ‫‪ Estrogen‬على غ ـ ّدة الثّدي‬ ‫الرحم‬ ‫وغـ ّدة المبيض وبطانة ّ‬ ‫وبال ّتالي يحمي هذه األعضاء‬ ‫األنثوية من ال ّتحريض المستمر‬ ‫النّاجم عن وقوعها تحت وطأة‬ ‫اإلستروجين وا َّل ِــذي يؤ ّدي في‬ ‫السرطان‬ ‫النّهاية إلى حــدوث ّ‬

‫الرحم (وبال ّتحديد‬ ‫مثل سرطان ّ‬ ‫ســرطــان جسم الـ ّـرحــم ا ّلــذي‬ ‫الراهبات)‪ .‬وكلّما‬ ‫يس ّمى سرطان ّ‬ ‫تز ّوجت المرأة مبكر ًا وحملت‬ ‫مبكر ًا وحملت أكثر كانت وقايتها‬ ‫حض‬ ‫السرطان أكبر ولهذا ّ‬ ‫من ّ‬ ‫نب ّينا مح ّمد َصلَّى الله عليه و‬ ‫الزواج مبكّر ًا “يا معشر‬ ‫سلّم على ّ‬ ‫الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة‬ ‫فليتز ّوج“ ورغّ ب في الشّ ا ّبة ّ‬ ‫“هل‬ ‫وشجع‬ ‫بكر ًا تداعبها وتداعبك” ّ‬ ‫على اإلكثار من النّسل “تز ّوجوا‬ ‫الودود الولود فإنّي مكاث ٌر بكم‬ ‫األمم”‪٠‬‬ ‫الرضاع‬ ‫وأمــا في أثناء فترة ّ‬ ‫فيرتفع فــي الــــ ّدم مستوى‬ ‫البروالكتين ‪ Prolactin‬المسؤول‬ ‫األم فيث ّبط‬ ‫عن إنتاج الحليب عند ّ‬ ‫إنتاج اإلستروجين (بتثبيطه‬ ‫ال ّدورة الشّ هر ّية) وبال ّتالي فهو‬ ‫أيض ًا يحمي األعضاء األنثو ّية من‬ ‫تأثير اإلستروجين ومن تط ّور‬ ‫السرطان وتقول ال ّدكتورة راتشيل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تومبسون مــن هيئة أبحاث‬ ‫السرطان العالم ّية ّأن إرضاع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المرأة لطفلها لم ّدة سنة يقلّل من‬ ‫إصابتها بسرطان الثّدي بنسبة‬

‫‪ 5٪‬تقريب ًا ولهذا أكّد اإلسالم‬ ‫الرضاعة الطّ بيع ّية‬ ‫على أه ّم ّية ّ‬ ‫في قوله تعالى‪ ”:‬والوالدات‬ ‫أوالدهن حولين كاملين”‬ ‫يرضعن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫[البقرة ‪ ]233‬وح ّتى عندما يتعذر‬ ‫إرضاعها لطفلها فعلى األب‬ ‫أن يبحث عن امرأة أخرى كي‬ ‫ترضعه “ وإن تعاسرتم فسترضع‬ ‫له أخــرى” [الــطّ ــاق ‪ ،]6‬هذا‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى ّأن المرأة الّتي‬ ‫ترضع هي أقلّ عرضة لإلصابة‬ ‫باالكتئاب أو ‪ Depression‬وما‬ ‫يجر إليه من أذى على النّفس‬ ‫قد ّ‬ ‫أو على الطّ فل‪.‬‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫وقليل‬ ‫غيض من فيض‬ ‫هــذا‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫من كثير م ّما خ ّبأه لنا ال ّدين‬ ‫في تشريعاته الّتي تهدف إلى‬ ‫إسعاد المرء وليس إشقائه أو‬ ‫ال ّتضييق عليه “ ما أنزلنا عليك‬ ‫القرآن لتشقى” [طه ‪ .]2‬رزقنا‬ ‫ـن بــه وصــدق‬ ‫الله حسن الــظّ ـ ّ‬ ‫ال ّتوكّل عليه وجمعنا معكم في‬ ‫لقاء آخر‪.‬‬

‫بكفالتك لليتيم تسد جوعه‬ ‫وتعطيه أم ً‬ ‫ال بمستقبل مشرق‬

‫الح لَ ُه ْم خ َْيٌ”‪.‬‬ ‫قال تعاىل ‪َ ”:‬ويَ ْسأَلُونَكَ َع ِن الْ َي َتا َمى ُق ْل إِ ْص ٌ‬ ‫تكفل هيئة االعامل الخريية أكرث من ‪ 63‬الف يتيم يف ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ،‬فتقدم لهم العون املايل و املساعدة التعليمية‬ ‫والرعاية الصحية الشاملة‪ .‬مببلغ ‪ 50‬دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه وتغري حياته لألفضل‪.‬‬

‫للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم‪ 1300 760 155 :‬أو زوروا موقع الهيئة‪ :‬‬ ‫‪am‬‬ ‫‪30/4/19‬هـ ¿ أيلول ‪AL WASAT 123 ¿ Safar 1443 ¿ September 2021‬‬ ‫‪10:33‬صفر ‪1443‬‬ ‫الوسط ‪¿ 123‬‬

‫‪HAI_2019_Ramadan_Alwasat_1/8Ad.indd 2‬‬


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