November 2022

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ARABIC & ENGLISH MAGAZINE Issue 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 ددعلا


Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623

2 INDEX AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا ىلع ةفيحصلا يمر مدع ىجري ةينآرق تايآ ىلع اهئاوتحلا ضرلاا
Al Wasat Magazine تايدحتو زاجنلإا نيب رطق لايدنوم ةيهاركلا روظنم نم تاباختنلاا يف ةكراشملا يعامتجا يسايسو يهقف برغلا جاعزنا ّرس نوفشكي نوللحم اهقوفت نم مهضاعتماو رطق نم ليوط لَجلأ لضفأ جلاعو ةياعر عم تارايسلا ثداوح نم نيجانلل CTP CARE قلاطإ 7 9 23 13 State Election Muslim Community Forum with Major Parties How childhood trauma led to drug addiction You Don’t Have To Be Perfect To Love And Be Loved Perfectly The World Cup in Qatar -The struggle for success against hatred Book Launch: Coburg Mosque -A Journey of Turkish Settlement The Exceptionalism of a Flawed Democracy –USA 2021 13 22 8 7 4 3 Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi (OVISION) Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika هعوج دست ميتيلل كتلافكب قرشم لبقتسمب لامأ هيطعتو لفكت نأ كنكمي رهشلا يف ارلاود 50 غلبمب لضفلأل هتايح ريغتو هبلق دعستف اًميتي :مقرلا ىلع لاصتلإا مكنكمي عربتلل 1300 760 155 :ةئيهلا عقوم اوروز وأ Al Bayt Stadium - Qatar

The true essence of a nation is measured through its ability to overcome barriers and accomplish missions successfully.

Qatar, through its government, its people and ruler, confirms its ultimate capability to apply international standards in the most accurate and sensitive way across all facets of the country. Furthermore, during the last two decades, the Qatar Government has proved that when others try to underestimate the nation’s achievements, Qatar in fact excels in success and creativity.

Despite the racism and hatred they faced, Qatar continues to display a deep understanding and awareness of all aspects of life at an individual, social, economic, political and systemic level.

The Qatar citizens have expressed high levels of unity and harmony alongside their government and in doing so they were able to face many obstacles and barriers in an inspiring manner.

The Qatar government has invested heavily in manpower and in establishing a strong nation through strategic planning and effective leadership. The Qatar government believed in its nation and, hence started early to engage their citizens in constructive programs and national frameworks because they believe that good citizens have deep loyalty and are proud of their country. The Qatar government was able to face challenges and turn these challenges into successful projects.

While the citizens of Qatar faced and overcame these challenges, many countries could not accept this and exposed their deep rooted-hatred and racism towards Qatar hosting The World Cup.

The young prince of Qatar was intelligent and showed loyalty to his wider nation when he announced from the beginning that the Arabs share the honour of conducting the World Cup in Qatar, and this honour is not only for Qatar but extends to all the Arabs across the world.

Unfortunately, some western countries perceive the Arabs only as an ‘Oil Barrel’ and that they should live according to what these western countries choose for them.

Furthermore, some of these western countries want the Arabs to import the

values of these countries even if some of these values are corrupted or unfit for the Qatar culture and way of life!

Nor we or the Qatar citizens claim that Doha, as the capital city, is the most noble city in the world, but it is surely a great city for a great nation, and everyone knows that this city is proud of its religion, identity and values and refuses to negotiate its principles and culture.

Qatar has welcomed everyone and has politely requested that visitors respect the values and culture of the country. However, some countries could not accept this and began discussions on talk shows through their national media channels to boycott the World Cup by raising false claims and allegations of “Human Rights” against Qatar.

It seems that some of these western countries, especially in Europe, suffer from “Political Alzheimers” and have forgotten what they perpetrated in other countries under their colonisation. During this current ordeal, they have only exposed their own racism and prejudice.

It is clear to any just and rationale person to see that when an Arab country shows high levels of integrity, professionalism, management and impressive preparation for a specific event, that some western countries insist on undermining and rejecting such an opportunity!

Some western countries have been continuously trying to prevent Qatar from conducting the World Cup as if Qatar and the Arab world are not allowed to be successful in any matter even if it’s a sport event like the World Cup.

The World Cup will commence shortly and Qatar will prove to the entire world – if Allah wills - that they can successfully host a great event, leaving these countries in shame over their false allegations against Qatar and its citizens. People from around the world will celebrate and experience Qatar`s success and ongoing efforts during this global event and, as a result, will show their support and commend the efforts and achievements of Qatar and its citizens.

3 يلودلا طسولا AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
ساقت اهتقارعو لودلا ةلاصأ تايدحتلا زواجت ىلع اهتردقب .حاجنب ماهملا زاجنإو تتبثأ اهمكاحو اهبعشو اهتموكحب رطقو • ةيلودلا ةمكوحلا ريياعم قيبطت ىلع اهتردق تتبثأ امك ،ةيساسحو ةقد تلااجملا رثكأ يف املك اهنأ نييضاملا نيدقعلا رادــم ىلع يف اهموصخ غلابو داقحلأا اهيلع تدتشا حاجنلا ىلع ارارصإ تدادزا املك ،اهنم ةريغلا .ةعورلاو عادبلإا دح ىلإ ةراثإ ةيهاركلاو ةيرصنعلا تلواح املكو • تدادزا املك ،اهتروص هيوشتو اهلوح رابغلا يعولا عم تدادزاو ،عفاودلا
نطاوملا ةقث تداز ةردق يف نطولا ةقث كلذك تدادزاو
ءافتكلااو نيرخلآا .اهجاتنإ نطولاو نطاوملا ءانب يف رامثتسلاا اذه • تايدحتل لعف در نكي ملو ،ةظحللا ديلو سيل ةضهنلل ةيجيتارتسا قفو ءاج امنإو ،ةنيعم تسرد ةينطولا تاذــلا ةيامحل جــمارــبو دعت رطق تأدب اهدعبو نمز ذنم ،ةيانعب ،مهتءافكب نمؤتو ،روــملأا يلاعمل اهءانبأ ،يدحتلا لوبق ىلع رادتقاب نوعتمتي مهنأو ،ةرضحتملا ةايحلا ةرادإ ىلع مهبيردت متو .عقاو ىلإ تاينملأاو لاملآا ليوحتو ققحي دحت لك يف بعشلا اذه ناك كلذلو • ىوق هيلع ترثكتسا ىتح ازاجنإو احاجن ةفاضتسا يف حجني نأ ةيرصنعلاو ضغبلا .لايدنوملا ايكذو اعراب باشلا ريملأا ناك دقف هتداعكو • ىلولأا ةظحللا ذنم حرص نيح هتملأ ايمتنمو يف حاجنلا فرش نومساقتي اعيمج برعلا نأ امنإو ،ةصاخ رطقل سيل هنأو ،لايدنوملا اذه .”اعيمج برعلا لايدنوم“ وه يلإ رظني برغلا يف ضعبلا نأ ريغ • ،كرحتم طفن ليمارب درجم مهنأ ىلع برعلا تاباغ نم ةدروتسم ةراضح اوشيعي نأ مهيلع ،مهل اهراتخي ،حلسملا ديدحلاو تنمسلأا ؛برغلا يف مصاوعلا ضعب مهيلع اهيلمتو ناسنلإا قوقحو ةيطارقوميدلاو ةيرحلا برغ !!! “ ةفيزملا اهتخسن يف عم اضيأ اودروتسي نأ مهمازللإ ىعستو • ،جتنملا دلبلا ميق حلسملا ديدحلاو تنمسلأا .ابارخو اداسف تناك ولو ةحودلا نأ نويرطقلا يعدي لاو يعدن لاو • ،ةلضافلا ةنيدملا يه مهتلودل ةمصاعك ،ليصأ رح بعشل ةمصاعو ةرح ةنيدم اهنكل اهميقو اهنيدب تزتعا اهنأ دهشي عيمجلاو تبأت اهنأ امك ، ةمواسملا وأ طيرفتلا تضفرو عيمجلاب تبحرو ،عيطقلا نمض لوخدلا ىلع مج بدأب نيرخلآا نم تبلطو ،اهضرأ ىلع ةيميقلا اهتارايخ اومرتحي نأ عيفر قلخو ،مصاوعلا كلت تبضغف ، ةينيدلاو ةيفاقثلاو نم تجرختساو ،ةعطاقملا تاراعشب تحولو ةجوجممو ةفوشكم اججح ةيرصنعلا اهنئازخ .ناسنلإا قوقح اياضق ةراثإب ديدهتلاو طغضلل ! ...ملاعلا ىلع ءايصوأ مهنأكو ةراقلا يف برغلا لود ضعب نأ ودبيو • ،يسايسلا ”رمياهزلا“ ضرمب ةباصم زوجعلا بوعشلاب هتلعف ام تسانت وأ ،تيسن دقف ىتح شيعت تلاز ام اهنأو ،اهترمعتسا نيح بوعشلا تاورث ةقرسو بهنو بلس ىلع نلآا اهيدلو لب ،ةيقيرفلإا تارمعتسملا لود نم للاخ مهتلتق نيذلا اياحضلا مجامجل فحاتم لايدنوملا تلغتساف ،لودلا كتل اهرامعتسا حاجن يلأ اهتيهاركو اهتيرصنع نع فشكتل لودلا ةصاخبو بونجلا لود يف ققحتي يف اسورد رطقل يطعت نأ تدارأف ةيبرعلا .ناسنلإا قوقح نأ ىري نيح فصنملا ناسنلإا بجعتي • رهظيل يبرع دلبل حاتت ةديحوو ةدحاو ةصرف نأو ،بيردتلاو بيترتلاو ميظنتلا يف هتاردق لايدنوملا ةرادإ يف ةيمكارتلا هتاربخ مظعي نم نورخآ هيلع رثكتسيف ،عادبإو ةيناسنإب ةصرفلا هذهب ىظحي نأ رضحتملا برغلا !احاجن ققحيل ضعبلا ىرت امدنع بجعلا دادزــي امك • لاشفإ اولواحف اضيأ دسحلا مهامعأ دقو رطق نأكو .نولواحي اوــلاز لاو لايدنوملا اوقوفتي نأ مهل زوجي لا اعيمج برعلا اهعمو ايضاير اثدح ناك ولو ،ناك امهم ئش يف .لايدنوملاك مهكرحت نــيذــلاو ،رطقل نودــساــحــلا • ىلع اركح ءاكذلا نوري ةيهاركلاو ةيرصنعلا مهب اصاخ حاجنلا نوري امك ،هدحو مهسنج .مهدحو لك مغر لايدنوملا أدبيو ةليلق تاعاس • ،ىربكلا تايدحتلاو نئاغضلاو داقحلأا اهبعش حجنيسو ،رطق هللا نذإــب حجنتسو ايناسنإو ايقلاخأ اجذومن مدقتسو اهتدايقو .لبق نم انتدوع امك تاــمزلأا ةراد إ يف نوــهراــكــلاو اهل نوضغبملا فشتكيسو .نيئطاخ اوناك مهنأ اهتاحاجنل جيسن - اريمأو ةموكحو ابعش - رطق ةلود • أدبملا ىلع تابثلاو ميقلاو ةلاصلأا يف صاخ .ةريثكلاو ةريبكلا تايدحتلا مغر نوركنتسي ملاعلا يف رارحلأاو ءافرشلا لكو • رطق دض ءاقمحلا ةيرصنعلاو ةيهاركلا ةلمح ملاعلا يف رارــحلأاو ءافرشلا لكو .اهبعشو معدلا نم اديزم رطقل نومدقي اضيأ زاجنإ لكلو عادبإ لكل لاهأ اهنوريو ،دييأتلاو رصنلاو حاجنلا نم اديزم اهل نوجريو ،عئار .راهبلإاو رطق لايدنوم زاــــجــــنلإا نـــيـــب تاــــــيدــــــحــــــتو ةـــــيـــــهارـــــكـــــلا دمحم وبأ ميهاربإ :د.أ ةيلارتسلأا ةراقلل ماعلا يتفملا Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohamad The Grand Mufti of Australia
ةعيبطب ايعو
فسافسلا نع اعفرتو اقلأت
،ةيرصنعلا تلامح اهيلع تدتشا املكو •
كردأو هسفنب يرطقلا
قح ىلع
ءانغتسلااو ةايحلا
ىلع هينطاوم
ريدصتو لب ،ايتاذ


The book is about the history and evolution of the local Turkish Muslim community centred around the Coburg Mosque, as it was the first mosque for the Turkish community in Victoria.

The book was partnered by Scanlon Foundation, Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF), Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC), Merri-bek City Council, Hume City Council and Pacificgate International. The editor was Prof. Joe Camilleri.

Coburg Mosque reached an important milestone of 50 years, since its founding in 1971. It went onto playing a significant role in the history and the lives of Victoria’s Turkish-Muslim communities, as its where it all began. Most TurkishIslamic centres today can trace their beginnings to this first mosque.

Researching and writing the book took around 18 months, and contains 50 interviews and around 100 stories, spread over 100,000 words and 200 photos. Its central theme revolves around “the preservation of culture, language and religious identity.

Br Nail Aykan says “the book was in part prompted by a sense of duty to honour our early settlers, most of whom are no longer with us. Ordinary families who took risks and had the courage to offer their children a better and secure future.”

He also believes that with all the inevitable struggles and challenges of migration, he is of the view that Turkish-Muslim migrants were relatively fortunate with their fate in Australia.

In his speech Nail noted that “while the Coburg Mosque didn’t shape everything about the Turkish community, it was without doubt the place of ‘first gathering and the place of dispersal’ for many of us. It had a huge impact on the community’s religious transformation over time and its growth.

Nail further highlighted that in covering the history of Turkish mosque communities, he adopted a faith lens, saying “it has not been very common to tell the story of Turkish migrants thru a faith lens.”

“A lot of academic research and studies, government reports and media coverage have mainly used secular language and thus most Australians have tended to learn about the Turkish and Muslim communities thru a secular lens. By changing the lens, you can end up

The newly formed Turkish Heritage Society Australia launched a first book on Tuesday 15th November 2022, at the Coburg Town Hall. The book titled ‘Coburg Mosque – A Journey of Turkish Settlement’ was authored by Br Nail Aykan.

When pressed about the coverage of the women in the history, Nail noted that they have been able to cover some women’s stories, “however there is still much more to be discovered. We need to do more to have women’s stories heard. We need to invite more sisters voices and hear the stories from their perspectives. And importantly, encourage our sisters to not only feature in stories but to write their own stories.”

seeing a different picture. A more representative and realistic picture, in my view.”

When asked what about a book on Muslim history, Nail responds by saying “InshaAllah, that is our desire. As the Muslim communities are quite diverse and its stories are multifaceted, it was best to start somewhere and hope that others will be inspired to write stories and history books. Also, we see this book as a contribution to an overall Muslim Australian story.”

He further adds that “we hope many community groups, across the spectrum, will be encouraged to look into their own histories and unique stories and write about itso it’s never forgotten and that it may inspire future generations.” He envisages such a history book “will encourage all Muslims to feel proud of their local history and heritage and pass on their legacies.”

Nail concluded with the words of the first official Imam of the Coburg Mosque, Sifa Turkmen hoca who says “let us not worry about what kind of a mosque to leave for our children. But more importantly consider what kind of children we’re leaving for our mosques.”

For further enquiries or to obtain a copy of the book please contact via

4 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Nail Aykan
5 تاعونم AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا ىلع صرحا ىلع لوصحلا يفيرعت مقر لولحب ءاردملل نيرشت 30 ربمفون/يناثلا ... اريدم تنك اذإ ع لوصحلا ةيلوؤسم كقتاع ع عقت ءاردملل يفيرعت مقر تابوقع ضرف متي دق ABRS.GOV.AU عقوملا ع ،ايلارتسأ يف ءاردملا نم ةفلتخم عاونأ كانه – ءاردملل يفيرعت مقر ىلع لوصحلا اعيمج مهيلع نيعتيو .ىربك تاكرش نوريدي نيذلا ءاردملا طقف سيلو .نلآا ءاردملل يفيرعت مقر ىلع لوصحلا ىلع صرحا Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra .اربناك ،ةيلارتسلآا ةموكحلا هب تحرص


As part of the Annual ICOM International Leadership trip, a record number of over 30 ICOM Students and staff headed to Turkey and Umrah this year.

Visiting the holiest cities in Islam, Mecca and Medina, fulfilled a long life dream for ICOM students and staff. Seeing the Kaaba for the first time, visiting the grave of the Prophet PBUH and praying in the Mecca and Medinah Harams were some of the unforgettable experiences that the students and staff will always cherish.

As for Turkey, the visit was not any less amazing. The ICOM group visited the rich Islamic sites in Istanbul and felt a very strong sense of connection and pride to the great Ottoman civilisation. Visiting the greatest mosques of Turkey was an important part of the trip, in particular the amazing Hagia Sophia Mosque, early morning walks to pray Fajr in the historical Fatih Mosque and the Grand Çamlıca Mosque, the largest mosque in Turkey.

6 EDUCATION AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Two special guests visited ICOM this month for a special assmebly: Mutasim Al-Asali, world renowned Nasheed artist and Omar Regan, stand-up comedian and actor. The assembly started with Quran recitation by our College Captain, Imran. Then Omar Regan took the stage with his humorous comedy followed by Mutasim’s beautiful Nasheed that was enjoyed by all students and staff.


believed civilisation would end if the charter succeeded.

All of the points except for annual parliaments were eventually accepted, including votes for women not just men.

The secret ballot was called the Australian ballot as it was first introduced in Tasmania in 1856.

Many countries have not really overcome the problem of electoral districts which are frequently gerrymandered to suit particular interest groups. This is most marked in the USA.

Australia has largely overcome this with the appointment of independent electoral commissions to oversee such matters.

• Valid systems of governmental checks and balances exist

• There are limited problems in democratic functioning

• Media is diverse and independent

The absence of a diverse and independent media is one threat to democracy which is increasingly serious in many countries including Australia.

The Economist found, “For the past six years, Americans have lived in a “flawed democracy,” one dragged down by high levels of polarization and events like the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, according to an annual study of global democracy.”

[15 September 2022 The Conversation]

Income inequality in the U.S. is severe. By the OECD’s measurement it has the biggest wealth gap among G-7 nations.

The U.S. currently ranks 21st on the UN’s Development Program’s Index.

One great weakness in countries which are powerful, like England, the USA, Russia and China, is that they become arrogant and believe that they are exceptional.

The English still have not learned their lesson despite Brexit, but what is now happening might awaken more of them.

What is Democracy?

Abraham Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 gave one of the most often quoted statements about democracy.

He described it as “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

It was a state which was not approached in the USA for 100 years, until black Americans got the right to vote.

Government “of the people” assumes all of the citizens shall be subject to the law without exception or privilege.

“By the people” assumes that all citizens shall have a role in government as voters, candidates and participants in decision making.

“For the people” assumes that government will seek to serve the people through just and compassionate policies.

Democracy was a political goal of the English working class in the 1800s, called the Chartist Movement.

It produced The People’s Charter of 1838, with six demands, then seen as basic requirements of a democracy.

They were: universal manhood suffrage, equal electoral districts, vote by secret ballot, annually elected Parliaments, payment of members of Parliament and abolition of the property qualifications for membership.

It met an extremely hostile reaction from the wealthy classes which

Mythology of the West

Right-wing politicians talk much about “Western culture” and “Western democracy,” always drawing distinctions between that pinnacle of civilisation and “the other.” This is echoed by the corporate media which is controlled by very narrow interest groups.

During the War on Terror, “the other” was usually Muslim majority countries, places portrayed as barbaric and inclined to terrorism. This suited the dominant power plays justifying the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, with the results we can now see so clearly.

With the rise of the Chinese superpower, which has itself adopted the Islamophobia of the West when dealing with its Muslim minorities, the dominant Western narrative has transformed into the threat of Chinese economic influence.

The rise in recent years of white terrorist oriented groups in many democracies, has led to a focus on the health of the democratic system of government.

The Economist Intelligence Unit published a study 2 February 2021

It found 37% of the world’s population still lived under authoritarian regimes.

Full democracies only account for only 6.4% of the world’s population. Norway tops this list, followed by New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland. Australia is ranked 9th.

Full democracies are nations where: • Civil liberties and fundamental political freedoms are respected

Flawed democracies are nations where:

• Elections are fair and free

• Basic liberties are honoured but may have issues

• There are issues in the functioning of governance

The EIU, “ranks the United States 26th of 167 countries, sandwiched between Chile and Estonia, when measuring electoral process, government functionality, political participation, political culture and civil liberties.”

“On a 10-point scale, the U.S. earned 7.85 points — slightly down from last year’ 7.92 and the nation’s lowest score since the EIU created the index in 2006.” [14 February 2022 Fulcrum] Australia scored 8.96 points.

Leader of the Free World?

The United States claim to lead the free world is becoming suspect.

The United Nations Office of Sustainable Development dropped the U.S. to 41st worldwide, down from its previous ranking of 32nd. The U.S. ranks between Cuba and Bulgaria which are regarded as developing countries.

Kathryn Fridl argues that these ratings are the result of racism and exceptionalism.

“Racism has cheated many Americans out of the health care, education, economic security and environment they deserve. At the same time, as threats to democracy become more serious, a devotion to “American exceptionalism” keeps the country from candid appraisals and course corrections.”

The Han dominance movement which many commentators have seen in China is a sign that arrogance is not just Western.

The Hindu extremist movement in India threatens ethnic and religious minorities in that country.

The USA however is probably the most outstanding example of a nation which regards itself as superior to all others, with little justification.

The idea of American exceptionalism, a belief in American superiority over the rest of the world, is pervasive.

“Both political parties have long promoted this belief, at home and abroad, but “exceptionalism” receives a more formal treatment from Republicans. It was the first line of the Republican Party’s national platform of 2016 and 2020 (“we believe in American exceptionalism”).” [15 September 2022 Kathleen Frydl The Conversation]

A country which is in decline, which is rich but impoverishes millions of its people, denies them adequate health care, avoids taxing the superrich and yet wants to shape up to the booming and powerful Chinese military and economic machine, believing in its exceptionalism, is a dangerous entity for Australia to tie itself to through unwise military alliances and submarine deals.

A Republican victory, whether Trump or not, would increase the danger of military conflict which is already a serious threat.

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

7 OPINION AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Bilal Cleland


By staying and growing together as their marriage goes through its natural stages. Just as the Earth goes through seasons, a marriage goes through predictable phases which are completely normal and expected. A marriage goes through five different stages.

Stage One: Honeymoon.

Remember that awesome feeling of finally getting something you really wanted? Perhaps it’s a new suit, a new home, a new car. The newness, the exhilaration, the excitement of gaining the object of your dreams often makes you blind to its faults and shortcomings. Same thing when you’re newly married. Sheer joy sweeps your feet off the ground so much so you fail to notice your partner’s limitations.

Stage Two : Discovery.

As the feel-good chemicals in your brain wear off, you both begin

to notice each other’s flaws. You start to let your guard down and become more yourself. More days spent together bring more situations you’ve never faced together before.

Stage Three : Adjustment.

Let’s face it. No matter how well-suited you both seemed in the beginning, the two of you come from different backgrounds. Every family has its own microculture, different traditions, rules, and habits. It makes you wonder “Did I marry the wrong person?” It helps to remember that just as you are finding the new rules, habits, and traditions a bit of a shock, so is your spouse. The more room you allow for adjustments, the more success and happiness you create in your marriage.

Stage Four : Acceptance.

“I accept” isn’t equal to “I agree”. It could mean “I agree to disagree.” Or “I choose to rise above the differences. I acknowledge that my spouse can’t change the habits, rules and traditions he or she grew up

with and is used to at the snap of a finger.” Of course, your spouse does change over time and so do you. But you won’t know in what ways he or she will change. At this point, it’s crucial for both of you to accept things as they are. The exception should be for issues that you find not only annoying but worth talking about; you need to say it out in a way that makes your spouse listen and at the very least, acknowledge.

Stage Five : Everlasting Love. “Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering.” So says a marriage jokes site. “There are two times a man doesn’t understand a woman: before marriage and after marriage.”, claims another. Jokes related to marriage are aplenty. They make you wonder if marriage is an idea worth pursuing. Added to these are movies and songs that portray how easily men and women fall in and out of love. It would seem that the last thing a man and a woman in love should do is to get married. Yet research tells us that romantic love can last. We are

not talking about couples who are newly married. We are talking about husbands and wives who remain very much in tune with each other despite having been together for decades. If this is what you understand by a happy and successful marriage, you are on the right track.

The danger of not knowing about these stages is akin to not knowing what is in store for you and therefore, not knowing whether your marriage is growing or dying at any given moment. You may think all is well when the reality is quite different. Kindness is to seek a better understanding on the state your marriage is in. Decide you want an awesome marriage. Do not give up when the spark seems to have gone.

Jamilah Samian is the author of “The Kindness Miracle”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “77 Power Parent Tips” and “Leadership In Parenting”.

8 FAMILY AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
“We are individuals, but accomplish more together. Remember: marriage is not a contest. God has put the two of you together on the same team to win!”
- Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher (married 86 years)
Give Happiness Today. Visit Give Happiness Today. Visit or Call 1300 760 155 Sponsor an orphan today and give hope for a better future.
By Jamilah Samian month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life.
How can a man and a woman who are imperfect love each other perfectly?
9 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا :لجاع ربخ رارحلأا بزح نم ياغ تام مدقيس تاعمتجملا قودنصل رلاود نويلم 50 يف هباختنا مت اذإ تافاقثلا ةددعتم !ةيبرعلا تاعمتجملل حاتم .ةموكحلا لولحلل انتطخ :ةيقيقحلا ةيحصلا ةياعرلا ةمزأ حلاصإ .1 ةحماجلا نويدلا حبك .2 دجب لمعت يتلا تلائاعلا ةأفاكم .3 ةريغصلا لامعلأا معد .4 ةهازنلا ةداعتسا .5 موي رارحلأا بزحل تيوصتلا ىجري .ربمفون 26 تبسلا . ”تيوصتلا كنكمي فيك“ رارحلأا بزح ةقاطبل اقفو قودنص لك ميقرتب مق :ماه L12 257 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 رارحلأا بزح ،نيتسوكام .يس لبق نم صخرم ةيقيقح لولح .ايروتكف ناكس ةفاكل يف اننأ نوملعت امك يناث ايروتكف ةيلاو ةراقلا يف ةيلاو ربكأ عوبسلأا يف نولبقم ةيلارتسلأا ناملربلا تاباختنا ىلع لبقملا 4ل ةيلاولا دوقيس نم ددحت يتلا نيملسمك انل دب لاو .ةمداق تاونس ةيهقف ةيحان نم عوضوملل رظنلا .ةيعمتجم ةيسايس مث :يهقفلا يأرلا صخلم .1 يهقفلا عمجملا سلجم ررق ةعساتلا هترود يف يملاسلإا ملاعلا ةطبار رقمب ةدقعنملا ةرشع :يلي ام ةمركملا ةكمب يملاسلإا تاباختنلاا يف ملسملا ةكراشم 1 دلابلا يف نيملسملا ريغ عم لئاسم نم ةيملاسلإا ريغ ررقتي يتلا ةيعرشلا ةسايسلا ةنزاوملا ءوض يف اهيف مكحلا ،دسافملاو حلاصملا نيب فلاتخاب فلتخت اهيف ىوتفلاو .لاوحلأاو ةنكملأاو ةنمزلأا عتمتي يذلا ملسملل زوجي .2 ريغ دلب يف ةنطاوملا قوقحب تاباختنلاا يف ةكراشملا ملسم دوعت ام ةبلغل اهوحنو ةيباينلا حلاصملا نم هتكراشم هب ةروصلا ميدقت لثم ةحجارلا عافدلاو ،ملاسلإا نع ةحيحصلا ،هدلب يف نيملسملا اياضق نع تايلقلأا تابستكم ليصحتو زيزعتو ،ةيويندلاو ةينيدلا ،ريثأتلا عقاوم يف مهرود لادتعلاا لهأ عم نواعتلاو نواعتلا قيقحتل فاصنلإاو .لدعلاو قحلا ىلع مئاقلا ءاتفلإا سلجم عقوم يف دروو عجري ةيضق هذه :يبورولأا تاسسؤملا ىلإ اهريدقت يف تناك اذإف ،ةيملاسلإا تايعمجلاو لثمب نيملسملل حلاصم قيقحت ىرت ةكراشملا هذه نود ققحتت لا كلذ لا نأ طرشب ،اهب ذئنيح سأب لاف ربكأ لازانت نيملسملا نم نمضتت .اهنوديفتسي يتلا ةحلصملا كلت نم ملاسلا هيلع فسوي بلط دقو يتلاو ةيلاملا ةرازو بصنم يلوت ةرازو مهأ اهتقو ربتعت تناك .ةملسم ريغ ةينثو ةلود يف ةيدايس ةيميت نبا ملاسلإا خيش صنو لب كلذكو“ :ىواتفلا عومجم يف ،رصم نوعرفل ابئان ناك فسوي لعفو ،نوكرشم هموقو وهو ،هيلع ردق ام ريخلاو لدعلا نم بسحب ناميلاا ىلا مهاعدو ”ناكملإا يسايس روظنم نم .2 :يعامتجاو نم ءزج يه تاباختنلاا ةلأسم ىوتسمب ةقلعتم ىربك ةيضق يف نيملسملل يباجيلإا جامدنلاا m جامدنلاا نيب ةنزاوملاو برغلا .ةيوهلا ىلع ظافحلا ةكراشملل عيمجلا وعدأ انه انأو ةفلاخملا بنجتل طقف سيل لب ةكراشملا مدع ىلع ةبترتملا نيملسمك اندوجو تابثلإ لقلأا ىلع نم يساسأ ءزجك دلابلا هذه يف .يلارتسلإا عمتجملا تايعمجلاو سلاجملا جرخت مل نيعم هاجتاب دحوم رارقب ةيملاسلإا ربكأ نيب ام ةلهس تسيل ةلداعملاف .دوقع ذنم دلابلا نادوقي نيبزح همعدب فرع يذلاو :رارحلأا ضعب فقاومبو ليئارسلإ قلطملا قلطت يتلا ةيرصنعلا هئاضعا لاز ام هنكلو نيملسملا دض انايحأ ةينيدلا ميقلا ضعب ىلع ظفاحي ذوذشلا ةرهاظو ةرسلأا صخي اميف .يسنجلا هلويمب فرع يذلاو :لامعلا ةيناسنلإا اياضقلا معدل لجست فقاوم مهلو نيمولظملاو فقوملا ةصاخ نيملسملا اياضقل اوحنج مهنكلو ،سدقلا هاجت ريخلأا يسنجلا ذوذشلا معد يف اريثك ىلع يلاتلابو ةرسلأا ىلع رثؤي امم اذإ ماع لكشب ةلودلاو عمتجملا .كلذ ىلع لاحلا رمتسا ةيباختنا ةياعد لمعل انه تسل وأ دحأ دض هيجوتلل وأ دحلأ لصن مل امبرف ،نيعم فص يف يعولا نم ىوتسملا اذهل نيملسمك يبول وأ رارق عنصنل ريثأتلا وأ .اندحوت ول كلذ ىلع انتردقم مغر .ديعلاو ناضمر يف فلتخن انلز ام ةرورض يساسلأا انعوضوم نكلو روصتن وأ هب دقتعن امب ةكراشملا .نيملسملا حلاصل هنأ برغلا يف نيملسملا دادعأ مهل مك نكلو اهب ناهتسي لا نم مك .ةكراشملاو ريثأتلا نم ىلإ ةوعدلا مه لمحي نيملسملا نم دعبأ وه ام ىلإ رظنيو هللا مه وه يذلا يداملا بسكلا ةزيمف .سانلا نم ىمظعلا ةيبلاغلا لجأ نم هايند شيعي هنأ ملسملا .ايندلل طقف سيلو هترخآ ةيلاجلا ترداب امنيح :لاثم ةيريخلا لامعلأا ةئيه عم ةملسملا قئارحلاب نيررضتملا ةدعاسم يف يباجيلإا رثلأا اهل ناك 2020 هرقأ يذلا قبسلاو لب ريبكلا لبق هسفن يلارتسلأا بعشلا .ةموكحلا ةكراشملا نم انل دب لا :مومعلاب ةيناسنلإاو ةيسايسلاو ةيعامتجلاا .ةيوعدلاو ةيعوتلاو تاباختنلاا يف ةكراشملا يعامتجا يسايسو يهقف روظنم نم يراوحلا هللا دبع خيشلا ملقب يلارديفلا ةمئلاا سلجم وضع ملاسلا اهيلع ميرم دجسم ماما
10 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا

RACGP: GPs need more support to help patients with long COVID

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is recommending that more must be done to help GPs care for patients with long COVID.

It comes following the college’s response to the House Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport inquiry into long COVID and repeated COVID infections.

Long COVID is a broad term

referring to a range of symptoms that can last for weeks or months after the initial illness. At this stage the ongoing effects remain relatively unknown, and prolonged illness could potentially last for years. The symptoms can be very serious and include fatigue, breathlessness, anxiety and depression, chest pain, “brain fog” and changes to taste and smell.

Increasing support for multicultural media

The Andrews Labor government has promised to boost support for multicultural media channels in Victoria, to ensure they continue to serve the many communities relying on them for important information and advice.

They pledged to triple their funding towards multicultural media outlets by offering at least 15 percent if Labor is re-elected.

The Premier acknowledged the massive role multicultural media outlets have played throughout the pandemic, delivering crucial public health messages, and educating the communities during those challenging times.

“Multicultural media outlets play an integral role in representing our communities and giving voice to their culture and identity – while also keeping them informed of the critical health and safety information they need,” Andrews said.

From communicating about important safety campaigns like

water safety and fire preparedness, Daniel Andrews emphasised the importance of influential voices reaching communities from diverse backgrounds, keeping all Victorians informed and connected.

He went on to say that Labor has a strong record of supporting multicultural media outlets throughout the pandemic, investing an unprecedented $2.9 million into multicultural media to ensure all Victorians were getting the vital information they needed.

The premier also pledged to invest an additional $1.5 million for a dedicated multicultural media grants program to support multicultural media outlets with the rising cost of printing, helping them to invest in new equipment and employ more staff.

“Victoria’s multicultural media outlets help tell the stories of the many communities who have made a home here in Victoria. We’re proud to deliver this investment, in recognition of their enormous contribution to our state.”

11 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
A teacher, Justice of the Peace, former broadcaster & producer of SBS Radio and businessman. Contesting Victoria State Elections 2022 as a Labor candidate for Victorian Parliament Upper House (Legislative Council) from North Eastern Metropolitan Region, Victoria.


I’m proud to be the endorsed candidate for Williamstown. I was born in Williamstown Hospital, raised in Newport, and I attended our local public schools. My hard-working immigrant parents instilled in me the value of hard work and perseverance to build a brighter future.

Through my time as a Councillor in Hobsons Bay, I’ve learnt the Labor Government takes the West for granted. Candidates without any connection to our community have been parachuted in to represent us.

The people of Williamstown deserve better.

As a lifelong local and a mother, I know the cost of living crisis is putting pressure on families. As a Councillor, I’ve fought relentlessly for reduced rates, fees and charges, transparent spending, and better infrastructure for the West.

I am a trained accountant, with a Bachelor of Business in Accounting from RMIT University. I am a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

I will fight for a better deal for Williamstown by tackling cost-of-living pressures, fixing the healthcare and emergency services crisis, strengthening essential services, and improving public transport links and infrastructure in the West.



We’re committed to:

Restoring integrity, accountability and honesty in politics, including increased funding for Victoria’s anti-corruption watchdog.

Fixing Victoria’s healthcare crisis and halving hospital waiting lists.

Tackling cost of living pressures, committing to no new taxes, stopping cost blowouts and spiralling public debt.

Backing small businesses to recover and making it easier to grow and create new jobs.

Taking ambitious and practical action on climate change while keeping energy affordable and reliable.

Funding for our schools and providing much needed mental health support.

12 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Let’s get in touch! Please contact me with your ideas and suggestions. 0434 846 671 DariaKellanderForWilliamstown Authorised by C. McQuestin, L12, 257 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000. Printed locally by Keima Press, 2/63 Macaulay St, Williamstown North Vic 3016. FOR WILLIAMSTOWN
2022 Intro DL - Williamstown_RS_FA_r1.indd 2 20/09/2022 10:42:09 AM

Representatives from the State Labor and Liberal Parties were invited to attend a forum with the Victorian Muslim Community last Wednesday 9th of November,

hosted at the ICV. There have been significant concerns raised recently by the Muslim community, including protections for religious freedom and addressing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate speech. The State

Election on November 26th is the best opportunity to have the Muslim voice heard.

This was an opportunity for the Muslim community to raise their issues directly with State

politicians, including Ministers and Shadow Ministers less than 3 weeks before the State election. The ICV moderated the forum. We thank the Muslim community for attending this important forum.

13 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا for the Islamic CommunityDelivering Baris DUZOVA $4.5 million for a new community hub within the CBD. Community Hub $1 million for a new Islamic Health Centre in Preston. Health Centre $2 flat fares for all metropolitan public transport and halving of V/Line fares. Public Transport New Islamic Aged Care centre. Aged Care $3 million to establish an outreach and education program. Outreach
ADVERTISEMENT Authorised by C. McQuestin, Level 12, 257 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. Usman GHANI FOR GREENVALE FOR BROADMEADOWS 2022 Islamic Newspaper Advert Half Page - Broadmeadows and Greenvale.indd 1 8/11/2022 2:24:38 PM
and Education



Ayesha (RA) was born to Abu Bakr and Umm Ruman. She was married to the Prophet. Thus, she had the honour of an honourable extraction and a noble alliance. She, however, reflected an additional glory by her great virtues, having been one of the most accomplished persons of her age. Here is an example of one of her great virtues, piety.

When the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) passed away, he was buried in the house of Ayesha (RA). Then when her father, Abu Bakr (RA), passed away he also was buried in her house, next to the Prophet (peace be upon him). Her house was left with a room for only one extra person to be buried there. Being the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the daughter Abu Bakr (RA), Ayesha (RA)

was hoping to be that person, who would be buried there. However, Umar Bin Al-Khattab (RA) came and requested her to be buried next to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr. Ayesha (RA) was hesitant in the beginning to agree to his request. But as he insisted, she granted him permission and he was eventually buried in her house. It was reported that no soon Umar (RA) was buried there, she never entered her house, after that, but with her garment fastened on her. Ayesha (RA) did that out of fear that she might expose herself to a stranger even though he was not alive. And this also tells us that she was committed to her husband, both present and absent. With such a level of piety, Ayesha (RA) deserved to be a jewel in the crown of righteousness. motor-accident-injuries-ctp-care/whowe-care-for

14 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا ينديس ثواس وين ةموكح مويلا تقلطأ هؤاشنإ مت يذــلا CTP Care جمانرب زليو دض يمازللإا نيمأتلا ماظن تاحلاصإ بجومب جلاعلا ريفوتل زليو ثواس وين يف )CTP( ريغلا تاباصلإ نوضرعتي نيذلل ليوط لجلأ ةياعرلاو تاونس سمخ دعب ،زليو ثواس وين تاقرط ىلع .هل نوضرعتي يذلا ثداحلا نم Damien ةيلاملا ريزو لاق ةبسانملا هذهبو ةمزتلم زليو ثواس وين ةموكح نإ Tudehope ثداوح نم نيجانلل ةنكمم ةياعر لضفأ ريفوتب .تارايسلا لمعي فوــس“ :Tudehope ديسلا فاــضأو ةياعرلا ماظن’ بناج ىلإ CTP Care جمانرب Lifetime Care and( ‘ةايحلا ىدمل معدلاو ةلاكو هريدت يذلا يلاحلا )Support Scheme يذلا ديدجلا جمانربلا اذه قلاطإ انرسيو .icare نوهجاوي نيذلا ةدعاسم يف ايسيئر ارود بعليس ”.ةرايس ثداحل مهضرعت دعب لجلأا ةليوط اراثآ لوعفملا ذفان CTP Care جمانرب حبصي نأ دعبو فوس ،2022 ربمسيد/لولأا نوناك نم لولأا يف لجلأا ةليوط تاجايتحا مهيدل نيذلا ليوحت أدبي CTP Care جمانرب ىلإ ةرايس ثداح ببسب تقو يف وأ ،ثداحلا ىلع تاونس 5 رورم دعب نوكتس هنأ ىلع ةقفاوملا تمت اذإ كلذ نم ركبأ .ةياعرلاو جلاعلل ةلصاوتم تاجايتحا مهيدل ليوحت جمانرب ذيفنت ىلع ايلاح لمعلا متيو /لولأا نيرشت ذنم انوبز 36ـل يبيرجت ركبم يبيرجتلا ليوحتلا اذه اندوز دقو .2020 ربوتكأ لبق جمانربلل امييقتو ارابتخا تلمش ةميق ةربخب /لولأا نوناك نم لولأا يف لماكلاب هذيفنتب ءدبلا 2022 ربمسيد 1700و 1300 نيب ام ىدل نوكت نأ ردقيو ماع لك تارايسلا ثداوحب نوباصي صخش جمانرب ىلإ ةيلبقتسم تاجايتحاو تاقاقحتسا CTP Care جمانربلا اهيطغيس يتلا تامدخلا لمشتو :ديدجلا ماعلا بيبطلا تارايز هيف امب – يبطلا جلاعلا • ةينلاديصلا تاجتنملاو ةيودلأا • يسفنلا جلاعلا تامدخ • )يعيبطلا( يئايزيفلا جلاعلا • ةيندبلا نيرامتلل ةباجتسلاا صحف • ةيبطلا ديعاوملا ىلإ ابايإو اباهذ رفسلا • .اهيلع قفاوملا https://www. دقفت ،تامولعملا نم ديزملل
ليوط لجلأ لضفأ جلاعو ةياعر تارايسلا ثداوح نم نيجانلل CTP CARE قلاطإ عم
Source: Musnad Imam Ahmad


Premier Daniel Andrews has announced that $8.4 million will be invested in the support of the Victorian Islamic community.

He also highlighted that discrimination of any kind is unacceptable in Victoria and committed $3 million to counter Islamophobia in the state.

The Labor government plans on strengthening the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 so that people who spread hate or bigotry can be prosecuted more easily.

Further money will be invested to build a culturally appropriate health care clinic at Preston Mosque and to build, upgrade or renovate other buildings that support the Victorian

Islamic community.

Funds of $500,000 will be invested to organise an exhibition to celebrate the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). Mosque Open Days will also be supported by investing

$400,000 so that Victorians can learn about the Islamic faith and culture.

This will be organised by partnering up with the Islamic Council of Victoria and the Islamic Museum of Australia.

Labor Member Natalie Suleyman said that as Victoria’s first female Muslim Member of Parliament, she is proud to be a part of this investment.


commits $30 million to build and upgrade Islamic schools in Victoria to ensure Victorian Muslim students get the support they deserve.

The re-elected Labor government will allocate $450 million to improve low-fee nongovernment schools.

Out of these $30 million will be used on Islamic schools.

This will be done by cooperating with the Islamic community so that the areas and schools that need the most investment can be identified.

Premier Daniel Andrews considers multiculturism to be the strength of the Victorian state.

The Minister for Education Natalie Hutchins criticizes Matthew Guy’s Liberal party and says that they cannot be trusted in terms of

the education of the Victorian kids. She also said that cuts of $1 billion were announced by the Liberal party from the education budget in the past.

She highlighted the efforts of the Labor party to improve the education system of the Victorian state and claimed that only the Labor government is making sure that every Victorian gets great education regardless of their background.

15 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews
16 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا Adem SOMYUREK Real Labour HOW TO VOTE LABOUR DLP in the Northern Metropolitan Region Labour (DLP) Labour DLP 1 L L SOMYUREK, Adem Labour DLP de WIT, Cary Labour DLP . Authorised by S Campbell, 480 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Printed by Junc�on Print Group, U9 21 Howleys Rd, No�ng Hill, VIC 3168 Large white Upper House ballot paper Fighting for a better deal for working families Labour To vote for Adem SOMYUREK, mark number 1 above the line in column “L” for Labour DLP only. Do not mark any boxes below the line.
17 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا Ensuring that an ambulance comes immediately when you call By establishing a competing private ambulance service and private hospital emergency departments Ensuring that mums can afford to stay home and look after their own kids With a means test free Homemakers Allowance of 35,000 a year for stay at home parents Ensuring you can afford a home for your family Ensuring that energy supplies are reliable and affordable Ensuring that schools teach academic subjects not extreme left gender & race propaganda Our policies to help working families

A Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government will invest $2 million towards a new education hall for the Australian Islamic Centre in Newport


A Matt Guy Liberals and Nationals Government have pledged to increase the minimum percentage of State Government department and agency advertising expenditure allocated to multicultural media and communications from 5 per cent to 12 per cent in the first year, and then 10 per cent for the remainder of the term.

The guaranteed 12 percent is to assist culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) media outlets, including new and emerging communities, with the increased costs and challenges associated with providing their service.

The new indoor facility will be used by school students and for physical and health education programs for the youth and elderly outside of school hours.

Liberal Candidate for Williamstown, Daria Kellander, said this is a fantastic local project that will give hundreds of Victorians a place to call their very own.

“This commitment is so important for the Islamic community in the western suburbs and this funding will ensure they have the resources and facilities to celebrate their culture with all Victorians.”

More caution in health services as cases rise


NSW Health has upgraded its COVID-19 risk rating to amber requiring masks to be worn in all hospital areas and visitor numbers monitored to protect staff and patients.

NSW Health Deputy Secretary Deb Willcox said the requirements in all public hospitals and health facilities are due to increasing COVID-19 case numbers in the community.

“Implementing these changes now means that our staff and the community can look forward to the festive season with greater confidence,” Ms Willcox said.

“Family and loved ones can still spend time with patients however, we do ask people to please limit the number of visitors coming to see patients at any one time.

“Visitors as well as staff will now also need to wear a mask in all areas of a

hospital or health service, not just in the patient areas, as was previously the requirement.”

There were 22,672 people across NSW diagnosed with COVID-19 in the week ending 12 November, an increase of nearly 52.8 per cent on figures from the previous week.

A significant factor in upgrading alert levels was the number of health staff unable to work due to positive COVID-19 status, and/or while awaiting a negative test result.

“As of 16 November, there were 1,089 health care workers in isolation up from 645 the previous week,” Ms Willcox said.

“This is an important indicator for our health system that we need to find the right balance with simple measures that can help us avoid more significant changes,”

“I also want to acknowledge the NSW Health staff who continue make the very best

decisions for our patients and community each day as we continue to navigate COVID-19.”

People are reminded if you test positive or have any cold or flu symptoms, please stay home. If you do have to leave your house, wear a mask and avoid going to any high-risk settings, including hospitals, and aged and disability care facilities. Make sure you are up to date with your vaccinations. For those over 50 this means four doses, and if you are immunocompromised five doses. For those over 30, you have an option of a fourth dose. Vaccination is your best protection against severe illness and evidence from overseas is showing that vaccination reduces long COVID.

NSW Health again urges people to wear a mask when indoors or in crowded places. It gives you and any vulnerable people who may be near you an extra layer of protection.

The Liberal Party Leader proclaimed that each Department would have designated CALD media units to ensure the advertising allocation is exclusively within CALD media.

“This commitment will ensure our multicultural communities remain engaged with the broader community and provide them with the knowledge to participate fully in local activities,” Guy said.

He recognised that several multicultural communities have established sophisticated and modern media outlets, but also addressed the lack of resources for emerging communities yet to establish any media in their own language.



The Expand Together Grants are administered by Multicultural Affairs within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC).

The grants provide oneoff funding to eligible multicultural organisations to expand their capacity by upgrading community facilities or purchasing equipment to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

The Expand Together Grants aim to ensure there are necessary facilities and equipment for community members to come together, access the services and programs they need, and connect with the wider local community network.

Expand Together Grants of up to $100,000 are available to multicultural organisations for projects to be delivered over

the next 12 months.

There are matched funding requirements for applicants requesting more than $50,000. There will be 2 rounds of Expand Together. Round 1 projects start in July 2023. Round 2 projects start in February 2024.

• Applications for round 1 open on 17 October 2022 and close on 15 January 2023 at 11pm.

• Applications for round 2 open on 1 June 2023 and close on 30 August 2023 at 11pm.

Online application forms and guidelines are available at

For further information, please contact the Multicultural Affairs Grants Team on 1300 239 468 or via email to

18 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا



I’m passionate about advocating and supporting all members of our community. Our diverse ethnicities is a true testament of celebrating people and cultures. I strongly support harmony, freedoms, freedoms of faith & practices, respect, tolerance, understanding and celebrating differences.

I understand many of the hardships facing local families.

I’ll advocate for affordable, everyday costs of living and child care services, appropriate services for the elderly, quality education, access to mental

health support, accessible services to those living with a disability, emergency services, as well as job growth, social justice, public integrity, law and order, roads and transport, apprenticeships, new enterprise, small business, particularly action to support the climate and our environment.

The last two years have been difficult, especially in Victoria. I’ve seen the many adversities faced by locals due to the pandemic

both in my personal life and within our wider community. I have seen these ruthless effects on small business, industry, families, economy, the disadvantaged and youth.

During these hard times, what surfaced was an overwhelming need for resilience and innovation. I’m proud to put my hand up to be your representative for Ivanhoe at this year’s state election.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m listening to our community, and I’d love to hear from you.

0423 127 255 BernadetteKhoury.Ivanhoe #khourycares

19 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
Hi, I’m Bernadette Khoury, and I am honoured to stand as theendorsed Liberal Party candidate for the seat of Ivanhoe at the next State Election.


Helping Australian businesses export halal products to over 140 countries

ICCV is the largest Halal certification organisation in Australia servicing clients locally and internationally.

ICCV is responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food for the domestic market as well as the export market.

Clients cover a range of sectors including abattoirs, food processing businesses, transportation and cold storage operators.

We are the largest halal certification body in Australia. Professional, experienced and trusted. We work with abattoirs to get and keep their halal certification.

ICCV is specifically accredited within these Muslim majority countries.

Our certification is approved for all halal importing countries.

We monitor the certified businesses for compliance of halal requirements.

We provide a means for direct supervision in house for quality assurance.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Kingdom of Bahrain,Tunisia,Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Iran, Kosova, Morocco, Maldives.

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

provide logistics companies for cold room and transport to get halal. Canada, South Korea, China, European Union (EU), New Zealand, Russia Federation, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America (USA).

20 HALAL AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا ICCV
We provide full turnkey solution for FGMs to get halal.
ICCV ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 M: +61 426 961 955

My name is Anthony Cianflone, and I am introducing myself as your new Labor candidate for the state seat of Pascoe Vale

My name is Anthony Cianflone, and I am introducing myself as your new Labor candidate for the state seat of Pascoe Vale

I am a proudly born and bred local. As the son of Italian born migrants, I grew up in Coburg, attended local public school, played sport for local clubs, and worked in hospitality. I learnt the values of hard work, resilience and the fair go from a young age.

I am a proudly born and bred local. As the son of Italian born migrants, I grew up in Coburg, attended local public school, played sport for local clubs, and worked in hospitality. I learnt the values of hard work, resilience and the fair go from a young age.

Living in Pascoe Vale where my wife and I are raising our own family, I am humbled to ask for your support to be your voice in a re-elected Victorian Labor Government – who can take real action and deliver on the things our community needs.

Whether it be more local jobs, free kinder, better schools, transport infrastructure, health and environmental outcomes – I am campaigning to build a better, fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive Pascoe Vale to live, learn, work and retire.

Whether it be more local jobs, free kinder, better schools, transport infrastructure, health and environmental outcomes – I am campaigning to build a better, fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive Pascoe Vale to live, learn, work and retire.

I am a former local Citizen of the Year with a proud record of successfully advocating for our community.

I am a former local Citizen of the Year with a proud record of successfully advocating for our community.

Living in Pascoe Vale where my wife and I are raising our own family, I am humbled to ask for your support to be your voice in a re-elected Victorian Labor Government – who can take real action and deliver on the things our community needs.

As your State Parliamentarian I will dedicate myself to serving you and the suburbs that I love so much, to help everyone aspire to reach their full potential, whilst ensuring no one is left behind. This is what I care about. But I want to hear what is important to you and your family. I look forward to meeting with you soon on the campaign trail. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime.

As your State Parliamentarian I will dedicate myself to serving you and the suburbs that I love so much, to help everyone aspire to reach their full potential, whilst ensuring no one is left behind. This is what I care about. But I want to hear what is important to you and your family. I look forward to meeting with you soon on the campaign trail. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime. Includes the Suburbs of Pascoe Vale

Labor has announced that a re-elected Andrews Government will work with Australian Multicultural Foundation and invest $250,000 to establish Victoria’s first culturally appropriate Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation centre. The announcement was made by Labor’s candidate for Broadmeadows Kathleen MatthewsWard at MySupport Medical Centre in Glenroy, along with Maria


This centre in Melbourne’s North will give Muslim Victorians the access they need to culturally appropriate services and is part of Labor’s commitment to invest $8.4 million to support Victoria’s Islamic communities.

Research shows that 95% of Muslim clients referred to residential rehabilitation do not complete

treatment due to cultural and language barriers.

“It’s hard enough to recover from addiction, but absolutely impossible without family and society support. MySupport Medical Centre does incredible work with over 1000 clients. But sometimes residential rehab is the best option.” said Matthews-Ward

“And with this announcement there will soon be more support - support that is appropriate, respectful of

cultures and inclusive of families.” Labor has also committed $3 million to establish a Multicultural and Multifaith Law Reform Consultative Committee to ensure the voices of diverse communities are heard and considered in the development of Victorian laws and has pledged $5 million to a Islamic Communities Infrastructure Program to help Muslim organisations build, upgrade or renovate buildings that support our Islamic communities.

21 VICTORIA AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا ةقطنم نع لامعلا بزح حشرم PASCOE VALE :لجأ نم داجلا لمعلا ةئيبلا • ةحصلا • ميلعتلا • تلاصاوملا • فئاظولا •
MP, Enver Erdogan MP and Labor’s candidate for Greenvale Iwan Walters.
COMMUNITIES LABOR FOR Anthony Cianflone PASCOE VALE Authorised by Chris Ford, Australian Labor Party, Victorian Branch. 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands 3008. Printed by Kosdown Printing, 10 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne 3207. FOLLOW ME: @AnthonyC4PV anthonycianfloneforpv AnthonyCianfloneLaborforPascoeVale 0419 386 950
Includes the Suburbs of Pascoe Vale, Pascoe Vale South, Coburg, Coburg North and parts of Brunswick West LABOR FOR Anthony Cianflone PASCOE VALE Authorised by Chris Ford, Australian Labor Party, Victorian Branch. 438 Docklands Drive, Docklands 3008. Printed by Kosdown Printing, 10 Rocklea Drive, Port Melbourne 3207. FOLLOW ME: @AnthonyC4PV anthonycianfloneforpv AnthonyCianfloneLaborforPascoeVale 0419 386 950
, Pascoe Vale South, Coburg, Coburg North and parts of Brunswick West

Adam was brought up in a Muslim household that, from an outsider’s perspective, gave the impression of being religious and strong in family values. However, the reality was far from that. Adam was not only physically abused, but emotionally and sexually abused as well.

The trauma he went through as a child severely impacted his mental health throughout his whole adult life. He turned to substance abuse to try and deal with the trauma, and as a result, he was living on the streets, in and out of prison and mental health facilities.

He wanted nothing to do with Muslims because of his experiences

with them growing up. That was until he was introduced to a Muslim brother who could relate to what he was going through. Not only did this brother help connect Adam to a facility that has since changed his life for the better, but he also connected Adam to NZF.

We at NZF provided financial assistance to help Adam get his life back on track. Sometimes all it takes is one good person to come into your life and help you make a positive change, and connect you to the right people.

If you want to make a positive change in your own life or know someone struggling with addiction who wants to change but doesn’t know where to start, reach out to

us at NZF. We’ll look at your needs holistically and provide financial assistance if needed and connect you with our service partners for ongoing help.

You can contact NZF at www.nzf. or call us on 1300663729

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the client

22 COMMUNITY AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا
FREE DEFIBRILLATOR & CPR/ DEFIB TRAINING FOR EVERY MASJID IN VICTORIA If you are interested in getting a free defibrillator for your mosque, or free CPR/ Defib training, please email your request to the ICV Office ( or Dr Ashraf Chehata (
23 يلودلا طسولا AL WASAT 136 ¿ Jumada al-Awwal 1444 ¿ November 2022 يناثلا نيرشت ¿ ـه 1444 ىلولأا ىدامج ¿ 136 طسولا رطق لايدنوم رشبي ،ةنزاوو ةديدع ريياعمب سأك نم ةيئانثتساو ةزيمم ةخسنب 2022 قلطنت ،ةليلق تاعاس دعبف .مدقلا ةركل ملاعلا فطختل ،ةرومعملا يف مخضلأاو مهلأا ةيضايرلا ةرهاظتلا ةيلودلا اهتاسفانمب طقف سيل ،عامسلأا لأمتو راصبلأا بعلاملا ةيعونو تازيهجتلا ىوتسمب كلذك امنإو ،ةعتمملا .ايملاع لضفلأا نم دعت يتلا ةيتحتلا ةينبلاو ةلود نهارت ،نومضملاو لكشلا نيب ةزيمم ةحوارم يفو سفنب ،يناسنلإا عونتلاب اهنمض يفتحت ةلداعم ىلع رطق ةلاصلأاو ةيبرعلا ةفايضلا هيف دسجت يذلا ىوتسملا .برغلا دنع يهتنت لا هدودح نأ ملاعلل تبثتل ،ةيملاسلإا ةيضايرلا مساوملا زاجنإ يف حاجنلا نأ تتبثأ امك يفو ،ىرخأ نود رشبلا نم ةئف ىلع اركح سيل ،ىربكلا ،ةيملاسإ ةيبرع ةقطنم ىلإ رطق ةلود زواجتي رامثتسا كلذ ةريسأ ىقبت نأ اهل داري يتلا ةيطمنلا ةروصلا رييغتل حفاكت .اهيف ةسرش ةلمح عطقنم ازاجنإ رطق تققح ،نييضايرلا ءاربخلا ليلحت يفو سأك فيضتست ايسآ ةراق يف ةلود يناث اهنوكل ،ريظنلا اهل ضرعتت يتلا ةجهنمملاو ةسرشلا ةلمحلا نعو .ملاعلا تمت امك ،ضوفرم رمأ وهف ،ةيبرغلا لودلا ضعب فرط نم ذاتسأ ركذ ام بسحب ،ةيملاسلإا اهميقل رطق ضرفب ةداشلإا يف يجياشلا هللا دبع تيوكلا ةعماج يف ةيسايسلا مولعلا .”ربخلا ءارو ام“ جمانرب نم ةصاخ ،ةيملاسلإاو ةيبرعلا اهميق ىلع رطق تددشو ىلع تابثلاو بعلاملا طيحم يف رومخلا عيب اهعنم للاخ ةيراجتلا قاوسلأاب حايسلا رهبنا امك ،نييلثملا نأشب اهفقوم ةيبلسلا ةيطمنلا ةروصلا حيحصت ىلع لمعت يتلا رطق يف .ملاسلإا نعو اهنع لك نأ ملاعلا سأك ةفاضتسا يف رطق حاجن تبثأ امك اهنكمي لا ةيبرعلا ةقطنملا نأ ةيعدملا ةيبلسلا ةلمحلا لب ،ةلشاف ةلمح تناك ،ةمخض تايلاعفو تازاجنإ قيقحت ،جيلخلا ةقطنم يف لثمتي ةيبرعلا ةقطنملا لقثو زكرم حبصأ .يبرع زاجنإو ثرإ وهو يبرع حاجن لودلاو اهناريج رطق حاجن لمشي لا ،يبرع قاطن يفو ،ةلماك ةيبرعلا ةقطنملل حاجن وه لب ،طقف اهب ةطيحملا ،اهئدابم نع لزانتلا مدع نع رطق صرح للاخ نم ةصاخ دقانلاو للحملا هركذ ام بسحب ،هيلع برغلا دتعي مل ام وهو .قداص ءلاع يضايرلا ميظنت عيطتست اهنأ اهدافم ملاعلل ةلاسر رطق ثعبتو ،يلايخ لكشب يعامجلا لمعلا ةبكاومو ىربكلا ماهملا دقو ،ةقوبسم ريغ ةءافكب ةيضاير ةرهاظت ربكأ مظنتو ضعتما ام اذهو ،ةيبرعلا ةقطنملا هجو رييغت نم تنكمت .اهل ديدشلا ءادعلا رس وهو برغلا هنم يف اودقتعا مهنأب يبرغلا ءادعلا رس قداص رسف امك اهنكلو ،ملاعلا سأك ميظنت يف لشفتس رطق نأ ةيادبلا نم يراضحلا دئاعلاو .يبرغلا ءلاعتسلاا ةرظن ترسك طقف رصحني لاو ،يلايخ ةضايرلا ةرهاظتلا هذه ميظنت نودقتعي نم ىلع قوفتلا يف لثمتي لب ،ةيتحتلا ةينبلا يف يلودلا داحتلاا سيئر دكأ ،هبناج نم .ةملوعلا كولم مهنأ يذلا يفحصلا رمتؤملا يف ،ونيتنافنإ ينايج مدقلا ةركل ةيلاعفلا قلاطنا نم موي لبق ةيرطقلا ةمصاعلا يف هدقع سأك لضفأ ةفاضتسلا ةماتلا رطق ةلود ةيزهاج ،ةيملاعلا ءاوجأ ريفوتل ةلوطبلا ىلع نيمئاقلا دادعتسا كلذكو ،ملاعلل .ملاعلا سأك ةلوطب لضفأ نوكتس اهنأو ،ريهامجلل ةنمآ ةريزجلا : ردصملا نوفشكي نوللحم برغلا جاعزنا رس رطق نم مهضاعتماو اهقوفت نم رظحت رطق عنمتو رومخلا عيب تاراعش مادختسا ةيسنجلا ةيلثملا ملاعلا سأك يف ةيمسر تارارق ةدع رطق تذختا يف هفيضتست يتلا ملاعلا سأك نأشب .نيرشعلاو نينثلاا هتخسن سأك يف رومخلا عيب رظحت رطق ملاعلا ةفاكب رومخلا عنم يمسر لكشب رطق تررق لاقو ملاعلا سأك بعلام لخادو لوح اهعاونأ لوح لدجلا عنمل يمسرلا هنايب يف داحتلاا رطق ةلود عم تاشقانم ةدع دعب“ :رملأا كلت راصتقاب رارقلا اذه انذختا ،كانه تاطلسلاو تاناجرهمب نيكراشملا ىلع لوحكلا برش ةصاخلا بعلاملا نم لادب طقف ةيهيفرتلا افيف عيب ذفانم ةفاك ةلازإ ينعي ام وهو ،ةلوطبلاب .”بعلاملاب تايلوحكلا ةيلثملا تاراعش مادختسا عنمت رطق ةيسنجلا ملاعلا سأكل فيضتسملا دلبلا اضيأ تررق امك ىلإ وعدت يتلا تاراعشلا مادختسا عنم 2022 نأشب مراص رارق تذختا اضيأو ،ةيسنجلا ةيلثملا اميظعت كلذو ةلاصلا ديعاوم ءانثأ يناغلأا فاقيإ .ةملسم ةيبرع ةلود اهنوكب ملاسلإا رئاعشل ليسول داتسا ،اجرفتم 80.000 ـل عستيو ةحودلا يف عقي .ةيئاهنلا ةارابملا فيضتسيسو
Adem SOMYUR Real Labour HOW TO VOTE LABOUR DLP in the Northern Metropolitan Region L SOMYUREK, Adem Labour DLP de WIT, Cary Labour DLP . Authorised by S Campbell, 480 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Printed by Junc�on Print Group, U9 21 Howleys Rd, No�ng Hill, VIC 3168 Large white Upper House ballot paper Fighting for a better d Labour Adem 1 or Labour DLP only. Do not mark any boxes below the line. Adem Real Labour HOW TO VOTE LABOUR DLP in the Northern Metropolitan Region L SOMYUREK, Adem Labour DLP de WIT, Cary Labour DLP . Authorised by S Campbell, 480 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Printed by Junc�on Print Group, U9 21 Howleys Rd, No�ng Hill, VIC 3168 L b F s Labour To vote for Adem SOMYUREK, mark number 1 above the line in column “L” for Labour DLP only. Do not mark any boxes below the line. VOTE 1 DLP ADAM SOMYUREK )DLP( بزح لثمي ةيديلقتلا لمعلا ميق لمعلا بزح نحن متهي يذلا ديحولا ةلماعلا رسلأاب وه انفده ةايح نيسحت ةلماعلا تلائاعلا تاكرشلاو ةريغصلا Labour (DLP) represents traditional Labour values We are the only Labour Party that cares about working families Our aim is to improve the lives of working families & small businesses Fighting for a better deal for working families

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