Dec2022 & Jan2023

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ARABIC & ENGLISH MAGAZINE Issue 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 ددعلا

Al Wasat Magazine

Address: Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021

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2 INDEX AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا ىلع ةفيحصلا يمر مدع ىجري ةينآرق تايآ ىلع اهئاوتحلا ضرلاا
ثواس وين ةموكح سيئر مئاسق ةسردملا ىلإ ةدوعلاب ةّصاخلا ملاتسلال ةزهاج تحبصأ ةيجوزلا ةنايخلا عرشلاو حلطصملا نيب )1( تاءارقلا ملع /ظفاحلا خيشلا ةليضف عم ءاقل دجسم بيطخو مامإ ،شتيتهم ليلخ )Deer park( يف ةنسوبلا لعجت زليو ثواس وين ةموكح نوناقلل ةفلاخم راجيلاا ىلع تاديازملا رطق ملاعلا سأك ةيئار ةيعمجل يونسلا عامتجلاا VASS ةيبرعلا ةيعامتجلاا تامدخلا 2022 ماعل 11 63 59 61 57 56 53 For Our Mentel Health Sake, STOP Making 2023 New Year’s Resolution!! The Ravenhall Masjid and Community Centre Opening The Muslim Voter: Don’t Lose Touch Worried about the Rising Cost of Living Self-Compassion The Way To Go “Sanabel Arabic Language Series” Stop the genocide, Uyghur survivors speak out in Melbourne Minaret College: Celebrating 30 Years Paradigmatic Change Mohamed Hage among those honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) The Impact of the Revelation of Quran is Deeper than Imagined 14 55 18 62 58 46 8 37 6 26 4 Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Creative Director: Omar Alhashemi Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Layout: (OVISION) Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika هعوج دست ميتيلل كتلافكب قرشم لبقتسمب لامأ هيطعتو لفكت نأ كنكمي رهشلا يف ارلاود 50 غلبمب لضفلأل هتايح ريغتو هبلق دعستف اًميتي :مقرلا ىلع لاصتلإا مكنكمي عربتلل 1300 760 155 :ةئيهلا عقوم اوروز وأ 26
3 طسولا ثيدح !؟ ريخب نوكن فيك كوش زاوف اهب مهضعب سانلا ئنهي نأ ةنس لك ةيادب عم ةداعلا ترج هذه للاخ نم ،ريخلاب ضعبل مهضعب وعدي نأو اضعب .)ريخب متناو ماع لك( ناسل لك ىلع ةلوادملا ةرابعلا هتعفنمو لماشلا هانعمب ريخلا ؟ريخب نوكن فيكو ؟ريخب نحن لهف .ةرخلآاو ايندلا يف هعفنو ةميظعلا هتدئافو ةعساولا ىلع فرعتن امدنعو ،ريخلا ىنعم فرعن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .هرامث رشننو هروذب رثننو ،هحيتافم لمحنو ،هباوبأ يف هرشن ىلا ىعسنو ،يعولا كلمن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .انتاعمتجم نم اهرهطن ،انرئامضو انسفنأ ةبساحمب أدبن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .ضارملااو بئاوشلا نم انبولق فظننو ،مومسلاو رورشلا .انسوفن ىلا ءاقنلاو انبولق ىلا ةمحرلا دوعت امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .ةيقنلا ةيفاصلا ةميلسلا انترطف ىلا دوعن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • نم لماعتنو اهب نيزتنو قلاخلأاب ىلحتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .اهللاخ ،اهتافارحناو ةيلهاجلا بساور نم صلختن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .اهرورغو اهئاوهأو سفنلا تاوزن نمو .ةئيسلا تاداعلا كرتنو ةليبنلا ميقلاب كسمتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • بصانملا لجأ نم للذتلا نم ررحتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .لاملا لجأ نم فلزتلاو لجأ نم بصانملا للاغتسا نع عفرتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .نيبرقملا براقلاا ةمدخلو ةصاخلا حلاصملا .ةيرصنعلاو ةيعبتلاو ةيدوبعلا نم ررحتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • وأ ةليبقل وأ موقل وأ يأرل بصعتلا كرتن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • ةسردمل وأ ةيعجرمل وأ ةعومجمل وأ دلبل وأ بعشل وأ بزحل .ةيركف وا ميعزلل ةقلطملا ةيعبتلا نع ىلختن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .لوؤسملا لاصيإ يف حجننو نيرخلأا ةفاقث مهفن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .مهيلا انتفاقث يأرلاب ذخأن امدنعو اننيب ىروش انرمأ نوكي امدنع ريخب نوكنس • ةينانلأا نعو ريكفتلا يف ةيداحلأا نع اديعب ،حيحصلاو بئاصلا .تاذلا بحو ءلاعتسلااو ام ىلع عمتجنو انقرفي ام لك نع دعتبن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .داقحلااو تايبصعلا رجهنو تافلاخلا ذبنن .انبرقي يفون ،لوقلا قدصن ،صلاخاو قدصب لمعن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .ةناملأا ىلع ظفاحنو ،دهعلاب ىنمتنو ،انولماعي نأ مهبحن امك سانلا لماعن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .انسفنلا هانمتن ام مهل ميتيلاو جاتحملاو عئاجلا كلذ عم رعشن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .ريخب حبصي نأ ىعسنو ،نيكسملاو فقوت يذلا لقتعملا نيجسلا كلذ عم رعشن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • ناردج ىلع ةعاسلا براقع تفقوتو ،هتنازنز باوبأ ىلع نمزلا .ءطبب هرمع توميو هتحص روهدتت .هلقتعم ،هباقع ملاظلا لانيو هقح مولظملا ذخأي امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .قحلا ىلع يضقي لاو قحلاب يضاقلا مكحي امدنع ريخب نوكنس • نطاوملاو ميعزلا نوكيو هيلع درمتي لاو نوناقلاب يسايسلا مزتليو .هفقس تحت .ريخب انريغ نوكي امدنع ريخب نوكنس • .ريخب نوكن نأ ررقن امدنع ريخب نوكنس • ! برقأ ريخلا ىلا متنأو ماع لك AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا


There is a depth in the Quran which truly surpasses understanding.

After more than 1400 years since the revelation of Quran we see the world developing so differently from what should be expected.

For example just the simple revelation of the significance of shura. of mutual consultation, in human affairs we find being implemented by societies which proclaim either to be Christian or holding to no religion at all. Agnostics and atheists have come to the implementation of shura after hundreds of years of conflict and division.

Great Islamic scholars have insisted upon its importance across the ages, down to the writings of Said Nursi in the 20th century, to little avail amongst the Muslims. Yet even the heartlands of imperialism, Britain, France and the USA have to some degree, sought to implement it.

What is going on?

The Islamicity Foundation, incorporated in 2018 but working since 2010, is finding something of the same phenomenon.

Taking quantifiable principles of Islam in five fields, Economics, Law & Governance, Human & Political Rights, and International Relations, the researchers checked how well countries were implementing them in the real world.

The results were shocking and remain shocking.

The latest detailed index is at: latest-indices-2021/

• New Zealand was at number 1 overall ranking in 2019 and was still number 1 in 2021. It is followed by Denmark, Ireland, Iceland and Sweden.

• Australia is ranked in 2021 at 11, dropping from 10 in 2019.

• The highest overall ranking Muslim majority country in 2019 was UAE at 44, improved to 43 by 2021.

• Malaysia at 45 improved to 39 by 2021.

• Qatar at 111 in 2014 had improved markedly, to 50 by 2022.

• India, home to many millions of Muslims under the BJP, in 2019 ranked 88 but was worse by 2021 at 98.


In the index “Economy” includes many major social justice factors such as equal access to education and health care, economic opportunity and provision of aid to meet basic human need.

•The top ten ranking countries ranked were high on this as well, excluding expensive Iceland. Australia at an overall ranking of 11 ranked 14 on this factor, a bit better than Canada on 19.

• UAE came in at 17 but Malaysia was at 35. Indonesia was at 54 and rich Saudi Arabia ranked at 51.

• Iran was at 134, worse than Afghanistan at 132.

• The median ranking for Muslim majority countries was 96, better than the overall rating.

Islamicity Foundation states: “Our mission is to stimulate peaceful reform in Muslim countries by encouraging effective institutions.”

It continues: “We address this disconnect between the teachings of the Qur’an and the practice of Islam in the Muslim World. Our approach is to establish a benchmark (a collection of rules), based on the Qur’an and the life of the Prophet Mohammad, which Muslims can use to assess the governance and policies of their countries to establish effective institutions.” http://

What has happened to the world in which secular even self-proclaimed non-religious states reflect more Islamic benchmarks than the Muslim majority states?

Indeed much of the advance towards the Islamic benchmarks has occurred since theocratic control of the developed states was cast off.

“But what is happening? How are so-called disbelievers, even agnostics and atheists – who presumably do not read the Qur’an – complying with principles embodied in it? “

An anonymous article sets the hypothesis

“People in secular countries are not following the Qur’an as we know it, but the guidance that is inspired in them by God (91:710). They submit to the intellect, conscience, and permanent values, and in a community, make collective decisions through a consensus of like-minded submitters. “ [18 April 2022 Signs Magazine]

This internal moral compass guides them towards the benchmarks consistent with that internal guide.

“This reality has been described in the Quran as ‘clear revelations in the hearts of those who have been given knowledge.’(29:49).

According to Wahiduddin Khan in his Introduction to the Translation of the Qur’an: “This means that the Divine Reality, explained by the Quran on a conscious plane, pre-exists in man at the level of the subconscious. The message of the Quran is not,

therefore, something which is alien to man. It is in fact a verbal expression of that same Divine Reality which is in consonance with man’s own nature and with which he is already familiar.”

“The Quran, for man, is in essence already known to him, rather than an entirely unknown entity. In reality, the Quran is the unfolding of the human mind.”

The anonymous author of the article argues: “The results of the Islamicity study are a clear sign of using the internal guidance embedded in all of us. This, as the results show, matters – more than belief – in creating a society and nation in-line with Islamic principles. It’s the basis for our interaction with others in our immediate communities, our nation, and the whole world, whereas belief is the basis of our personal and private relationship with God. [18 April 2022 Signs Magazine]

O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him [Quran 5:54]

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.

4 OPINION AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Bilal Cleland

Maria Vamvakinou MP

Town Hall Broadmeadows Precinct, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047 T: 03 9367 5216 E: MariaVamvakinou

Authorised by M.Vamvakinou, Australian Labor Party, Level 2, Office 1, 14 Dimboola Road, Broadmeadows VIC 3047


Israel supporters have been out in force condemning the depiction of IDF troops as cold-blooded murderers. However, in defence of the film, it’s based on a real life inspired account, and tells the story of 14 year old Palestinian ‘Farha’. Farha lives with her father who is the mayor of the small village where they live. She sits on a swing with her best friend Fareeda talking about their dreams, Farha wants to go to school and get an education. She hopes that her father will give her permission, and in the background, there is tension between Israeli and Arab militia. Eventually, Farha’s father grants her permission, and she is ecstatic of the news, she

shares this with Fareeda but then explosions can be heard and within minutes the village is thrown into chaos, as everyone tries to flee. Farha refuses to go and decides to stay with her father, however, her father is preparing to fight and so he locks her in the pantry and tells her this is the safest place for her and that he will be back.

The rest of the film is about Farha’s ‘incarceration’ in this small room, where she can see what is happening outside through a small window and a crack in the door.

The film starts well, the cinematic quality is very high, as we establish characters, Farha played by Karam Taher, is endearing, she is strong and defiant, and full of hope. In some ways she symbolises the

Palestinian struggle. Her father is stoic, he is traditional but also loves his daughter and wants the best for her future. Fareeda is a sweet and loyal friend and her dreams are also about to be shattered. There is anticipation in the air in the opening few scenes, since the viewer knows that an outbreak of fighting is imminent.

However, about ten minutes into the film, I have to be brutally honest, I felt the casting of secondary actors was poor and direction was mediocre. Especially with the IDF soldiers, this inadvertently weakened the impact of the key scenes which all the controversy is about.

Farha comes across as a student film, and I suspect the budget was very low. However, this does not take

anything away from what she witnessed.

In saying that, Taher does a fairly good job as Farha, as she withstands days of isolation and frustration in her tiny makeshift prison cell. In a way, she represents the closed and locked up voice of the Palestinians whose claims of the Nakbah of 1948 have been dismissed for the past 74 years. And that Israel’s creation was built on terror and injustice.

The film has sparked criticism from Israeli supporters, which was predictable. I think it is always healthy for films to initiate robust public discourse and for the Palestinian Question to be back on the agenda, whether it will make a difference to the fight, is yet another matter, we need to

keep the conversation going and pushing the Palestinian narrative to ensure that the Palestinian cause is not forgotten.

The Nakbah of 1948 was a turning point in world politics, it was one of several great post world war two tragedies that has left a lasting legacy on generations. It is an event in which natural justice has been denied to a very proud and strong people, who have an history that dates back two millennia. While the film was not extraordinary or a masterpiece, it certainly, is the first time that a film has raised the massacres of the Nakbah into the mainstream arena, thanks to Netflix. I’d like to see more films like this and hope that the truth is always allowed to be told.

5 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Happy New Year ريخب متناو ماع لك


As a starting point, it is essential to mention here that our character is a product of our habits that can produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. In the words of Aristotle, “we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Accordingly, why don’t we aim to achieve excellence and change our bad habits to good habits to achieve effectiveness in our life and work?

Changing a habit can be an extremely painful task. To overcome this challenge, this change must be motivated by a strong commitment that should be linked to your high purpose. Then, the willingness to prioritise what you think you want to achieve now for what you know you want later. Afterward, once you start executing the activities that are closely tied to your purpose, your effectiveness will increase considerably.

As you enter the gates of change, choose for yourself new habits, be

As a leader, you may become overwhelmed in your top leadership position. To succeed, you need to learn to navigate the external factors that are hindering your leadership position and the internal factors that lie within yourself. You will become happier and healthier if you have more control over both your personal and professional life.

patient and have faith in yourself as it will take time to get used to it. But I assure you that you will see prompt results.

The first habit you need is to connect your character to ethical values that help you cultivate integrity, justice, courage, humility, fidelity, justice, and patience and ultimately you build your ethical personality. If there isn’t goodness behind what you do, the challenges of life and human relationship failure will replace short and long-term successes.

A second habit is to think win-win.

According to Covey, this paradigm requires three traits:

The first trait requires integrity which can be the core of your personality and the values that you follow. To achieve this, you need

This is not possible unless you start changing your current leadership paradigm. This change can be related to your character and therefore there is a process to follow so you can achieve success. It is a huge challenge though and involves several steps.

to keep meaningful promises to yourself and to others, and always do what you say you are going to do. This trait is easy to attain after you start practising the first habit by connecting your character to ethical values.

The second trait is maturity which represents the balance between courage and consideration: you have to have empathy to accept the success of others, the goodwill to work for a win for others, and enough courage to make a win for yourself.

The third trait is abundance mentality: this trait is essential for everyone to practice as it will save a lot of conflicts and help individuals tolerate each other. It requires a selfless feeling and a belief that there is plenty out there for everyone. Unfortunately, many people do not think this way, they think that to succeed themselves,

others must fail. The abundance mentality according to Covey recognises that possibilities for growth and success are potentially limitless and sees in others the opportunity to complement their own strengths.

Win/win is a powerful leadership tool that good leaders use.

Often, we cannot adopt a new habit until we are convinced that is better than the one we hold and let go of the old one. As we sincerely seek to understand and start integrating these two habits into our lives, we need to think differently, to shift our paradigm to a new level of thinking.

Once we have embraced this new level of thinking, we can start leading by principles not by practices. This requires first a change in our paradigm and adoption of a new mindset, and the payoff is more productive work, expertise, and shared responsibility.

6 LEADERSHIP AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
7 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا As we approach the end of another year, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023. There is much to be excited about in Blacktown City as we emerge from the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic and a series of natural disasters. I thank our emergency services workers and volunteers for their hard work during another di cult year and I hope the New Year provides much-needed relief and reprieve for everyone. I look forward to an exciting year ahead as we continue to transform Blacktown City into a modern, diverse City, where people can live, work and play in a safe and sustainable environment. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Message from the Mayor of Blacktown City Councillor Tony Bleasdale OAM Mayor Blacktown City Wishing all of Al Wasat’s readers and their families a safe and prosperous year ahead. Ph: (07) 3299 5910 Jim Chalmers MP Federal Labor Member for Rankin Treasurer of Australia 2023 Happy New Year


Amnesty International, we were fortunate to be able to invite two survivors of these prison camps to come to Australia to tell their own harrowing stories.

Omar Bekali and Kalbinur Sidik, have made it their own mission to tell the world about what is going on in Western China, as first hand eye-witnesses, describing the horrible human rights abuses being committed by the Xi Jinping regime.

Kuranda Seyit

We have all heard about the Draconian concentration camps detaining Uyghur Muslims in East Turkestan (which is occupied by China).

Mr Bekali spent 8 months in the prison camp, subjected to excruciating torture techniques.

would amount to torture and/or other forms of illtreatment.”

Ms Sidik, who was initially employed to teach Mandarin in the camps, was forced to be sterilised, she spoke about mass sterilisations taking place, women were being forced to take medications that were making young women ill. Also many women are forced to abort their pregnancies and those who defy the authorities are made to pay exorbitant fines for having more than two children.


East Turkestan is China’s largest region, covering one-sixth of its total territory, with a population of 25.85 million. It is rich in resources such as coal, gas, oil, lithium, zinc and lead, as well as being a major source of agricultural production, such as of cotton. It is on the famed Silk Road.

The Uyghurs are a Turkic people adhering to Islam. They have been practising Islam for centuries, tracing their religious influence to the Karahanid Empire, which ruled Central Asia from the 9th to the 13th century.

Under the guise of reeducation 1 million Uighurs have been rounded up and placed indefinitely into these prisons, many being arbitrarily tortured and subjected to human rights abuses.

The Forum on Australia’s Islamic Relations in partnership with Make My Home Foundation and in collaboration with

He said, “I was placed in a metal chair called the Tiger Chair. My arms were bound and then they stuck needles into my fingernails. They tried to get me to confess to terrorism charges but I never confessed. Then they stuck a metal pin in my penis and in my toe nails.”

The two survivors spoke outside State Library of Victoria at a protest rally, were also joined by World Uyghur Congress spokesperson, Zumretay Artekin. There were roughly 100 people in support

According to official Chinese records, there are 12 million Uyghurs, representing almost half the population in East Turkestan aka Xinjiang. A recent report published in Xinhua news agency stated that the population increased from 5.5 million to 12 million in the last 40 years.

In 1953 Chinese census data showed that 97 percent of the 1.5 million people in the city of Kashgar were Uyghurs, while 99 percent of the 700,000 people in Hotan were Uyghurs.

In China, it has been officially referred to as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) since 1955. Xinjiang is a Chinese word meaning “New Frontier”. The actual name is East Turkestan. Other ethnic groups including Han Chinese, Kazakhs (pictured), Kyrgyz, Mongols, Tajiks, Uzbeks and Tatars also live in the area.

Approx. 1 million men and women have been placed into these “camps”. What occurs is systematic torture; beatings, sleep deprivation, water torture and needles in fingernails and electrocution. The inmates are indoctrinated into Chinese culture and ideology and either they or their families are threatened with abuse if they do not comply. Currently, every city and town in ‘Xinjiang’ is excessively monitored with CCTV facial recognition cameras, there are check points on every entry road in and out of suburbs and mosques and schools have been closed.

and called upon the Australian government to take action and condemn China’s human rights abuses. Ms Artekin called the Chinese policy as genocide.

Thousands of unaccompanied minors have been placed in special orphanages which are designed to brainwash the children into loving China and hating their own culture and religion.

The 2022 UN report on XUAR has found that, “Two-thirds of the twenty-six former detainees interviewed, reported having been subjected to treatment that

Rally organizer Kuranda Seyit, said, “We call what is happening in Western China to the Uyghurs a genocide because their objective is to exterminate the Uyghur people. Although, when we hear the word ‘genocide’ we often think of massacres and gas chambers. However, the Uyghur Genocide, unlike genocides of the past, takes a more sinister shape; The Chinese government has embarked on a campaign to reduce birth rates through forced sterilization and use of IUDs, forced abortions, and fines in the thousands of dollars for having more than 2 children. The birth rate in East Turkestan has dropped 60% in the past three years. This form of genocide is much more insidious than direct mass killings.”

Amnesty International’s research has found examples of forced labour in Xinjiang, as has research from UN Special Rapporteur and others. As the government reviews the Modern Slavery Act, it is imperative that they strengthen it to ban imports made with forced labor, including imports from Xinjiang.

You can help by doing three things:

1- Post as much on social media as possible to raise awareness of these atrocities.

2- Boycott Chinese goods made by forced Uyghur labour.

3- Write to your local Federal MP and urge them to push for an independent investigation into crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

The following website are useful.

8 INTERNATIONAL AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا


Victorians are being urged to never leave kids in hot cars and to follow simple steps to stay safe from the heat this summer, as new data reveals there has been 113 callouts to locked cars in November.

Ahead of this summer’s first run of extreme heat, Minister for Ambulance Services Gabrielle Williams today launched the Survive the Heat and Never Leave Kids in Cars campaigns.

Last summer, Ambulance Victoria paramedics were called to 410 reports of people locked in cars across the state and children below the age of 13 made up 92.5 per cent of cases.

A child’s body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult, and the temperature inside a parked car can be 20 to 30 degrees hotter than it is outside. That’s why parents should always take their kids and pets with them whenever they get out of their car – just as they do with their valuables.

Parents should also be aware that leaving the windows down has little effect on the inside temperature, with tests showing that when windows are left open 10 centimetres, the inside temperature will only reduce by five degrees.

Extreme heat kills more Victorians than any other natural disaster with heatwaves particularly dangerous when coupled with high overnight temperatures as they can

interfere with our body’s natural ability to cool down and cause heat illness.

Heat illness can include heat cramps and heat exhaustion – which, if left untreated, can lead to heatstroke. Heatstroke is fatal in up to 80 per cent of cases, but it is preventable.

There are simple steps we can all take to reduce the chance of heat illness like staying hydrated, spending time in cool, air-conditioned buildings, planning ahead and keeping up to date with weather forecasts and checking in on those most at risk in the heat like older people or young children.

Call triple zero (000) if you or someone you know is showing signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke. You can also speak to NURSE-ON-CALL (1300 606 024) or your doctor for general medical advice during extreme heat.

For more tips on surviving the heat, visit: survive-heat.

For more information on the Never Leave Kids in Cars, visit: au/campaigns/never-leave-kids-in-cars.

“All Victorians can stay safe this summer by following simple steps to beat the heat – drink plenty of water, stay somewhere cool, and plan ahead.”

“It’s simple: never leave your kids alone in a car – the consequences can be deadly.”Minister for Ambulance Services Gabrielle Williams Said.

9 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January
Jihad Dib MP Your local MP Shop 21, Broadway Plaza, Punchbowl NSW 2196 P: (02) 9759 5000 E: Authorised by Jihad Dib MP Funded using parliamentary entitlements December 2022 May this special time be filled with love, laughter and joy. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. ﺐﻴﻃأ ﺪﻴﻌﻟا اﺬﻫ ﻢﻜﻟ ﻰﻨﻤﺗأ .ةدﺎﻌﺴﻟاو حاﺮﻓﻷا ﻖﻴﻓﻮﺘﻟﺎﺑ تﺎﻴﻨﻤﺘﻟا ﺐﻴﻃأ .ةﺪﻴﻌﺳ ةﺪﻳﺪﺟ ﺔﻨﺴﻟ ﺔﻴﻓﺎﻌﻟاو Seasons Greetings!
10 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا May the new year bring you peace, joy, and happiness. Happy New Year
11 يلارتسلاا طسولا AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا لفح يناجم ناجرهم !ىرخأ ةرم دوعي 2023 رياني /يناثلا نوناك 7-3 هيفرت و ةيح ىقيسوم !ىرخأ تايلاعف و ثواس وين ةموكح سيئر مئاسق ملاتسلال ةزهاج تحبصأ ةسردملا ىلإ ةدوعلاب ةصاخلا ءاحنأ ةفاك يف لهلأل نكمي مئاسق ىلع لوصحلا ةيلاولا ربع ارلاود نيسمخو ةئم ةميقب ثواس وين يف ةسردملا ىلإ ةدوعلا جمانرب اءادتبا كلذو ،ةيلاولا سيئرب صاخلا زليو تلائاعلا ةينازيم معدي امم ،نينثلإا موي نم ةسردملا يزو بتكلا ءارش يف ريفوتلا ربع ةيسردملا ءايشلأاو ةيساطرقلاو دحوملا .ىرخلأا ةمهملا لطعلا نأ ةيلاولا ةموكح سيئر حرــصو يف ءدبلل تلائاعلل ةصرفلا حنست ةيفيصلا فوسو ،ةديدجلا ةيساردلا ةنسلا مزاول ءارش كلت ةيطغت يف مئاسقلا جمانرب دعاسي .فيلاكتلا نم دكأتلل زليو ثواس وين ةموكح ىعست“ Mr( ةسردملا ىلإ بهذي لفط لك ىدل نأ تيتوريب ديسلا لاقو)Perrottet هدوجو دنع مدقت لضفأ زرحي يكل ةصرف ءايشلأا ىلع لوصحلا نيمأتو فصلا يف .”انتايولوأ نم يه ملعتلل ةيساسلأا روملأا ءايلوأ نم لكل نكمي“ هنأ فاضأو ةياعرلا يمدقمو ةياعرلا يمدقمو ءايصولأاو ثلاث ىلع لوصحلل مدقتلا ةليدبلا ةيوبلأا ةدوعلل ةيلاولا يف ةموكحلا سيئر مئاسق كلذو ، زليو ثواس وين يف ةسردملا ىلإ نيسمخ ةميسق لك ةميق غلبتو ،لفط لكل ىدل مئاسقلا كلت مدختست نأ نكميو ،ارلاود ،جمانربلا اذه يف ةلجسملا ةيراجتلا حلاصملا بئاقحلا اهنم ركذن ءايشأ ءارشل كــلذو اهئارشب ىصوملا ةيسردملا بتكلاو ةيذحلأاو .ماعطلا بلعو نم ةينمزلا ةنسلا ةياهن ةرتف ربتعتو“ كلذو تلائاعلا نم ريثكل ةفلكملا تارتفلا ديعب ةقلعتم فيراصم عم اهنمازت ببسب ةموكحلا تررق اذل ،ةيلئاعلا تلاطعلاو دلايملا مئاسقلا يف رلاود نويلم 193 ةميقب رامثتسلاا .”ةشيعملا فيلاكت ءابعأ نم فيفختلل ريضحتلا نأ ملعت زليو ثواس وين ةموكح نأ لاقوMatt Kean ةديدجلا ةيسردملا ةنسلل ديسلا ةنازخلا ريزو نم ةدافتسلال لهلأا عجشو افلكم نوكي دق ضارغأ ءارش ةفلك نم فيفختلل مئاسقلا .ةديدج ةيسردم ةريغصلا يسردملا يزلا عيب تلاحمب اءدب“ لابقلاا ،ربكلأا ةيساطرقلا يعئاب ىلإ لاوصو نيك ديسلا فاضأوMr Kean عم ،اعساو ناك ةيراجتلا لامعلأا لبق نم لوبقل ةلجسم ةيراجت ةحلصم 500 نم رثكأ نم ديزملا مامضنا عقوت عمو ،مئاسقلا ”ةمداقلا رهشلأا يف ةيراجتلا حلاصملا درجم زــيو ثواــس وين مئاسق ربتعت لا“ امب مهلافطأ تلائاعلا زيهجتل ةريبك ةدعاسم ةباثمب اضيأ نوكتس امنإو بسحو هنوجاتحي يف ةيراجتلا حلاصملل معدلا نم ريبك خض .ةيلاولا Victorءدبلا صاخشلأل نكمي هنأ لاقف ءلامعلا ةمدخ ريزول ةبسنلاب امأDominello ديسلا ةيمقرلا ةموكحلاو نم اءادتبا مئاسقلا ىلع لوصحلل مدقتلا يف 30 يف اهتيحلاص ءاهتنا ةياغلو ،نينثلإا موي ،2023 ناريزح/وينوي ةدافتسلال عيمجلل ريفولا تقولا يطعي امم .ريفوتلا صرف نم مئاسقلا ىلع لوصحلل مدقتلا“ نإ لائاق قئاقد نوضغ يف هب مايقلا نكميو ،لهس رمأ ديسلا فاضأوDominello Service وأ يفتاهلا لاصتلاا ربع وأ ،) صاخلا قيبطتلا مادختساب كلذو NSW app (زليو ثواس وين ةمدخب ةرايز ربع زكرم ةمدخلا )Service Centre(. ةياعرلا يمدقملو روملأا ءايلولأ نكميو“ يف ةلجسملا ةيراجتلا حلاصملا نع ثحبلا ةادأ مادختسا ربع ةيلحملا مهقطانم يف مئاسق ةدع مادختسا مهنكميو امك ،) داجيإBusiness Finder Tool.دـــحاو نآ ( ةينورتكللإا ةيراجتلا حلاصملا ةسردملا ىلإ ةدوعلل زليو ثواس وين جمانرب ن ملعتلاو ميلعتلا ةريزو تلاقوSarah Mitchell ةديسلا ركبملا فوس ةيلاولا يف ءارزوــلا سيئرب صاخلا قاحتللاا نس يف لفط لك نأ نم دكأتي .دعاو لبقتسم هيدل ةسردملاب يف ةضورلا فصب أدبيس مكلفط ناك نإ“ قاحتللال ”اهجوتم ناك وأ ةلبقملا ةنسلا ةريزولا تلاقوMitchell ةسردملاب يتلا تلائاعلا عيمج نوكت فوس ،ةيوناثلا ةيموكح سرادم يف نيلجسم لافطأ اهيدل يف يلزنملا ميلعتلا يف وأ ةيموكح ريغوأ اذه نم ةدافتسلال ةقحتسم 2023 ماعلا .جمانربملا دكأتلا يف مئاسقلا هذه دعاست فوس“ يتلا ةيساسلأا ءايشلأا هيدل لفط لك نأ نم .”ةديدجلا ةنسلا ءدب دنع حاجنلل اهجاتحي ةسردملا ىلإ ةدوعلل زليو ثواس وين جمانرب“ دحاو وه ةيلاولا يف ةموكحلا سيئرب صاخلا ةميسق 70 نم رثكأ نم مسحو )Savings Finder program(. ريفوتلا جمانرب للاخ نم رفوتم يموكح ،جمانربلا لوح تامولعملا نم ديزملو ىلع ينورتكللاا غقوملا ةرايزب مايقلا ءاجرلا :يلاتلا طبارلا,school-vouchers Service NSW Service Centre.يلحملا Service NSW مقرلا يلع88 77 13 ب وأ ب لاصتلااب مق وأ ةيراجتلا حلاصملا داجيا ءلامعلل نكميو .طبارلا اذه ىلع جمانربلا اذه يف ةلجسملا /vouchers/providers-search ةريغصلا كلاعفلأ نكمي .اريبك اريثأت اهل نوكي نأ .لزنملا يف ةمامقلا قيدانص مادختسا ةقيرط ريغتت .2023 زومت يف Merri-bek ىلإ ةديدجلا تايافن قيدانص 4 ةمدخ لصتس :تامولعملا نم ديزمل :فتاه 9280 1912
12 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Islamic Arabic Centre & Al-Khalil Mosque Torrens Rd Woodville North, Adelaide, South Australia 5012
al Khalil Hajj Khalil Shahin


We’ve reached the end of 2022! December has been a time of reflection, connection, celebration and planning, for both the VMC and the community.

This month, we farewelled the Hon. Ros Spence MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs. I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Minister for her commitment to multicultural and multifaith communities in Victoria. Her leadership was especially appreciated during the most difficult times of this pandemic, when our state’s multicultural communities were disproportionately impacted.

We also welcomed a new Minister for Multicultural Affairs, The Hon. Colin Brooks. We were pleased to meet with Minister Brooks this month at the VMC end of year event at the Islamic Museum of Australia. The Minister thanked the VMC for our work this year, and expressed his desire for ongoing collaboration. We look forward to these opportunities in 2023.

In addition to Minister Brooks, the VMC passed on our congratulations to all new Ministerial appointments following the state election in November, including the Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Employment and the returning Premier. We plan

to engage with all Ministers on the VMC’s key strategies, as multicultural communities must be considered by the whole of Government across services, policy and communication.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank a group of community leaders who have tirelessly advocated for multicultural communities this year - the eight Regional Advisory Councils, Multifaith Advisory Group and Multicultural Youth Network. On behalf of the VMC, I thank you for your relentless efforts, commitment and passion for inclusion.

This year saw a return to many inperson community events, workshops, forums and meetings with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions across the

state, country and world. I am sure you would agree that being able to connect in person is something we will never take for granted again. To connect in person not only creates sense of community and belonging, but helps us to build understanding, respect and intercultural relations. This leads to deeper partnerships across our very diverse communities, and are vital networks during times of crisis.

It was inspiring to see the community emerge stronger from tragedies such as the pandemic, bushfires and recent floods this year. Much of this resilience can be attributed to community groups and leaders working together to advocate, support and rebuild. While we continue our recovery from

the COVID-19 pandemic, I remind everyone that it is not over yet. The end of the year sees many cultural, religious and workplace celebrations, along with travel and gatherings of loved ones. We must ensure we continue to protect our community by being COVIDsafe during this time and I encourage everyone to stay up to date with the latest advice.

On that note, I wish everyone a safe and joyful festive season, and a happy and healthy start to 2023.

13 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Cr. Emily Dimitriadis Darebin City Council
Happy New Year 2023 ر��� م���و ماع لك P 9707 9522 E Welcome to 2023! On behalf of the City of Canterbury Bankstown, I wish you and your families a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Our City is thriving and the possibilities are endless and I look forward to seeing what the new year has in store for us.
“My best wishes to all for a happy festive season and joyful new year”
Clr Khal Asfour Mayor
Thank you, Viv Nguyen The VMC’s End of Year reflection event held at the Islamic Museum of Australia and attended by new Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Colin Brooks

Too much The problem with New Year’s resolutions

There’s nothing inherently bad about setting a New Year’s resolution. Things can get problematic when you’re doing it from a place of pressure or obligation -- when you feel like you have to set a New Year’s resolution to hop on the bandwagon like everyone else.

It’s probably more useful to look at what’s going on in our lives -- and especially given everything that has been asked of us and all of the adaptation we’ve been doing since 2020.

If you decide that making some type of change is a good idea, then I suggest evaluating how big the change is and if that kind of change is actually reasonable and realistic right now. What we don’t want to do is set a really large sweeping kind of goal and resolution and not meet it and feel more stressed and discouraged.

A lot of people rarely stick to New Year’s resolutions, even in a normal year. Because We sometimes think it’s going to help us get more done,

As each year comes and goes, we have been somewhat trained to make resolutions that will motivate us to make the year ahead better than the last. The problem is that we tend to make the same resolutions year after year. We reach the end of the year and one, we can’t recall what our New Year’s resolutions were, or two, we realize we forgot about them by February and that you didn’t even come close to achieving them.

After three years of a pandemic, many of us are burnt out and exhausted. Trying to improve ourselves in the new year feels daunting -- so why not just skip making a resolution?

After a difficult year, the last thing we need to do is put more pressure on ourselves or set a goal that might NOT be realistic.

be more productive, or make this change we want to make. I think it really tends to just increase our stress and make things worse.

Why is it so hard to keep those resolutions?

Besides, it’s because they are unrealistic and too broad. Research by Johns Hopkins University neuroscientists shows our brains get a surge of dopamine just by seeing things associated with past rewards. In other words, your brain is wired to pay more attention to things that have given you pleasure in the past hoping to get that same pleasure again. That’s why you might find it hard to stop thinking about pizza while trying to eat steamed veggies.

What to do instead?

If you’re itching to make some type of change or adopt a “fresh start” mentality in the New Year, I suggest starting small, incremental terms instead of big changes.

What might be more productive is to be more aware of what we’re

doing and how it impacts us on an ongoing basis so that we can be making adjustments in our lives to move toward what we really care about.

Consider why this small adjustment will make your life better. Do you know that making this change could help you feel better or happier on a daily basis? Or are you doing it because you think you “should” do it?

Also, instead of focusing on bad habits or fixing what’s wrong in your life, Let us focus on mindfulness and awareness instead, and release some self-criticism. One way you can do this is by incorporating a mindfulness routine or ritual into your life. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or complicated.

Try remodeling your resolutions and your perspective on how simple it will be to achieve achievement.

For example, if you normally set a huge resolution to “lose weight” you could try something like “have the healthiest body possible”, This might require quitting eating junk food. You could think about how much junk food you eat daily, and instead of quitting it cold turkey, try

limiting it to once a day.

Instead of “exercise X times a week” you could try something like “live a more active lifestyle,” because we all know that things come up and you can’t always make it to the gym, but there are plenty of things you can do at home to be more active. Walking, or even drinking more water has been proven to make people more active.

Finally: New Year’s resolutions don’t typically come from a positive mental place. Focusing on what you feel may be “wrong” with your life can be detrimental – especially if you don’t fulfill those resolutions.

When most people don’t make good on those resolutions, how healthy is it to continue making them? In a way, you are setting yourself up for failure. Why let your self-esteem take the hit? It could even bring on anxiety and depression… and you certainly don’t need that.

May Zaki

The #1 Wellness Authority for Muslim Mums across the world.

14 HEALTH AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
May Zaki

More ultra-fast NBN services NOW READY FOR ORDER IN WATSON

Eligible residential homes and businesses in parts of Belfield, Strathfield South, Chullora and Greenacre can now place an order to upgrade their NBN connection to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP).

These upgrades will be available on demand where a customer in an eligible premises seeks a higher speed service through their Retail Service Provider.

This will allow residents and businesses to take advantage of the faster speeds which are increasingly important in a digital society and economy.

To further expand the benefits of fibre connections, the Albanese Government’s 2022-23 Budget has invested $2.4 billion to enable an additional 1.5 million premises to transition from Fibre to the Node

(FTTN) to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) by 2025 – over 660,000 of which will be in regional areas.

As a result of the Albanese Government’s investment to enable the NBN’s full potential:

• Close to 90 per cent of the NBN fixed-line footprint will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 500Mbps to close to gigabit speeds.

• Around 80 per cent of all regional and remote premises will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 100 Mbps or more by late 2025. This was estimated at 33 per cent in March 2022.

• 93 per cent of all Australian homes and businesses will have access to plans based on wholesale speeds of 100 Mbps or more.

For more information on upgrade eligibility, visit fibreupgrade.

“The NBN is a key investment in the nation’s future. Since 2009, the network has kept Australians connected, supported tele-health and remote education, and boosted economic productivity by expanding access to new customers for small businesses.

“The Albanese Government is committed to ensuring that Australians get the full benefit of the NBN’s potential by enabling as many NBN lines to access full fibre connections as possible. Our $2.4 billion investment in the Federal Budget will help ensure the NBN reaches its full potential.

“Eligible local residents and

businesses in Watson will now be able to take advantage of higher speed services as a result of this announcement. Expanding fibre access will ensure Australians are at the forefront of digital connectivity and will help bridge the digital divide”.the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP said.

“Investing in expanded NBN fibre access is a gamechanger, that’s why the Albanese Government is committed to it.

“This is a great opportunity for eligible local families and businesses to enjoy the benefits of a faster, more reliable fibre connection.”the Member for Watson, the Hon Tony Burke MP said.

15 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
16 EDUCATION AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا East Preston Islamic College Happy New Year 2023 03 9478 3323
17 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Wishing you and your Family a Safe, Prosperous and Peaceful year Funded from the Parliamentary Budget Happy New Year 2023 The Hon Adem Somyurek MP Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

At the November election, I had the honour of standing as the Liberal Party’s candidate for Broadmeadows.

Alhamdulillah we recorded a very positive result but three months of campaigning and two weeks of voting did open my eyes to some concerning trends within our Muslim community.

Political participation must never be limited to just casting a ballot rather citizens must endeavour to constantly engage with the political landscape to remain

informed about the parties and candidates vying for their votes, the key issues and throughout all of this, actively holding to account their representatives. For some of us this may even extend to putting our hand up and actually running. However, scrolling through the list of candidates it was hard to come by the names of fellow Victorian Muslims in winnable seats from any major party. I would like to add a quick note here though, this should not in any way take away from the efforts of the dozens of Victorian Muslims who ran in safe seats, as minor party candidates or as


Nevertheless, the fact stands that we remain underrepresented on Spring St. The Lower House now only has a single Muslim MP remaining with the reelection of the Member for St Albans, Natalie Suleyman, after the retirement of the long-time Member for Lara, John Eren. It is easy to shift the blame onto the major parties but as Muslims we also need to become more active in the political parties that appeal to us.

Let’s return back to the act of actually casting a ballot. Throughout two weeks of voting the number

of times I heard unfortunate comments like “my vote won’t make a difference” or “nothing will change” easily reached the hundreds, uncovering another worrying trend of disenchantment from Victorian Muslims. It is not only my observations pointing to this, just looking at the data from electorates with high Muslim populations we see recurring patterns of lower turnout and higher rates of informal votes. Take my electorate of Broadmeadows which recorded its lowest ever turnout rate at only 80.5% as well as its highest ever rate of informal votes at 10.8%.

At 4.2% of the population, and rapidly growing, Muslims are an integral part of the wider Victorian community but to truly have a say in the way our state is governed more of us need to take that step, working to become both active and politically engaged citizens. If you’re up for the challenge, running for parliament is something, no matter how intimidating it may seem, I would absolutely recommend, particularly to my fellow younger Muslim brothers and sisters.

18 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا OCEANIA HOUSE A U S T R A L I A ' S B E S T K E P T S E C R E T ! C o c o s K e e l i n g I s l a n d s ( H o m e I s l a n d ) B O O K I N G S O C E A N I A H O U S E A U E N J O Y Y O U R S T A Y W I T H U S A N D I M M E R S E Y O U R S E L F I N T O T H E H I S T O R Y O F T H I S A M A Z I N G P L A C E ! S I N C E 1 8 9 3 C A L L 0 4 1 2 3 1 8 0 4 5 F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N GET25%OFF WHENYOUBOOK YOURNEXTSTAY! OFF 50%
It’s the only place in Australia where you can hear the adhaan five times a day, there’s no alcohol, or pork, and dine on some of the best seafood in Australia; this is 100% halal tourism. Stay in this historical mansion, on your own 3 acre private resort, only steps away from the pristine unspoilt waters of the Cocos Keeling Islands. Go snorkelling, swimming, turtle watching, fishing, atoll walking or during low tide you can explore the 26 island paradise on foot. For the first 10 enquiries we are offering a 50% discount for Al Wasat readers. Make this amazing island getaway, your next holiday destination!

Newly elected Liberal MP, Evan Mulholland, vows to fight for and amplify the voices of multicultural communities as he is also from a migrant family background.

In his first speech at the Victorian Parliament, Evan Mulholland describes how his family came to Australia from Italy with nothing but a suitcase.

He goes on to say that his parents were able to settle in the northern suburbs and now he is representing the multicultural Victorian community in the Parliament.

The north of Melbourne and the Victorian state owe a lot to the contribution of migrant families.

Evan Mulholland hopes to amplify the voice of migrant families as a tribute to his grandparents.

Photography by Janusz Molinski and Nico Keenan.


The Leader of the Victorian division of the Liberal party, John Pesutto, plans on supporting the multicultural communities of Victoria as it will help to create a more tolerant society.

Victoria is the centre of multiculturalism. It is home to residents from more than 200 countries, who speak 260 languages and follow 135 different faiths.

Leader of the opposition, John Pesutto, mentions his multicultural heritage. He explains how his parents came to Victoria from Southern Italy and taught him the values and principles that guide him today.

The Liberal party also elected Trung Luu as the first VietnameseAustralian Liberal Member of Parliament. He will be the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs.

Multicultural communities have contributed a lot to the Victorian state.

19 AUSTRALIAN everyone in the mmunity a safe appy New Year! and your family uch happiness, d health and rity in 2023! ! osition in the Legislative Council cultural South Australia sm and Hospitality munities OURABLE EE MLC 13 95 00 / Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!
Muhammad Junaid Zahid John Pesutto MP Leader of the Opposition Trung Luu MLC Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs Muhammad Junaid Zahid
Evan Mulholland MP delivering his maiden speech in the Legislative Council of the Victorian Parliament on Tuesday 20 December.
20 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا ،ديدجلا ماعلا لولح ةبسانمب حارفلأاب ةئيلمو ةديعس ةنس مكل ىنمتن ،ملاسلاو ةكربلاو ريخلاب ةللكمو تارسملاو .ريخب متنأو ماع لكو هتلئاعو ةنيز ربرب فيزوج The Jolly Miller Fig Food Co iPantry AU

Australian and US researchers found there’s a strong likelihood in stroke patients with persistent pain to mistakenly believe their stroke-affected hand is either bigger or smaller than it really is. The findings are published in a landmark paper in Brain Sciences.

Researchers, including international pain expert Professor Lorimer Moseley AO from the University of South Australia, surveyed 523 stroke survivors, finding that those living with chronic pain were almost three times as likely as pain free survivors to experience altered body perception.

The results suggest that rehabilitation to address distorted body perception in stroke survivors may improve outcomes, given that stroke is a leading cause of disability worldwide and accurate perception of hand size is critical to holding or manipulating objects.

“There are two striking findings in our study,” Professor Moseley says.

“First, that three out of five stroke sufferers are living with chronic pain, which is up to 300 per cent higher than in the general population.

“Second, that those with pain are also more likely to perceive major changes in

how their body feels to them. This is a potential double whammy, making daily activities more difficult and affecting quality of life,” Prof Moseley says.

Both stroke and persistent pain (lasting longer than three months) are associated with impaired cognition, more fatigue, anxiety and depression, and distortions in body perception might amplify these conditions, he says.

Distorted body perception has been reported in a range of conditions – after amputation, severe chronic pain and eating disorders – but has not previously been linked to pain after stroke.

“The next step is to identify whether body perception disturbance is contributing to pain in these patients. If it is, we need to devise treatments to address this.”

A HANDY LESSON ABOUT PAIN AND THE BRAIN IN STROKE SURVIVORS Peter Khalil MP Federal Labor Member for Wills T: (03) 9350 5777 Facebook & Instagram @PeterKhalilMP Happy New Year

Distorted body perception was twice as likely when post-stroke pain was in the hand, which is consistent with other chronic pain populations such as knee osteoarthritis, where up to 30 per cent of people believe their knee is swollen when it isn’t.

“These remarkable findings show us that we are perhaps more complex creatures than we previously thought,” Prof Moseley says.

Happy New Year

Linda Burney Member for Barton

21 AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
May 2023 bring you and your family peace and happiness Authorised: L Burney, Suite 203, 13A Montgomery St, Kogarah, NSW, 2217
203, 13A Montgomery St, Kogarah, NSW, 2217
(02) 9587
Email: linda burney mp@aph gov au
A world-first study of stroke survivors shows how chronic pain can alter body perception, with the brain tricking patients into believing their affected hand is a different size, increasing the risk of accidents.
The researchers did not find any link between chronic pain and strokes occurring on a specific side of the body.
22 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Happy New Year 2023 ICCV ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 M: +61 426 961 955

Some of the foods and drinks which are mentioned in the Quran and are recommended for consumption are:

Milk, honey, dates, figs, olive oil, pomegranates, grapes, meat, poultry, fish, whole grain breads and cereals and many other fruits and vegetables.

The Holy Qur’an is a complete book and contains important instructions which enable a healthy and safe life.

This shows that Allah is the Perfect Designer. He doesn’t create things without purpose, and every food He has made halal for us has benefits.

Nowadays, in medical science we learn that all the different food and drink mentioned in the Quran and

Sunnah have great benefits for the human body.

• Milk is a complete food. It provides calcium. It’s not only rich in high-quality protein but also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin B12, and riboflavin.

• Honey is an excellent source of fructose and vitamin K. Honey is also used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent.

• Figs have no stones and are easy to digest, and help in bowel movement. Figs are a good source of both calcium and potassium.

• Olive Oil is an excellent source of polyunsaturated acid. It contains modest amounts of vitamins E and K. Olive oil is also loaded with powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and may reduce

your risk of chronic diseases.

• Dates contain several vitamins and minerals, in addition to fibre and antioxidants and they are a great source of energy.

• Whole grain breads and cereals provide carbohydrates, thiamine, niacin, and iron. They can reduce the risk of developing diseases such as coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes and diverticular disease.

• Fruits and vegetables supply vitamin A and C. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.

• Meat and poultry contain protein, which is important for growth and

development, and other nutrients your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc and vitamin B12.

Eating halal and healthy foods is our religious duty. The Islamic dietary recommendations are cherished by Muslims all around the world including Muslims living in Australia. Consuming food and drink recommended in Islam will give us a healthy and complete diet that is high in vitamins, vegetables and fruits, as well as getting enough nutrients from foods such as meat, milk, cereals and beans. It enhances the strength of the human immune system and brings vitality and freshness to the skin as well.

23 HALAL ISSUE AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
HALAL ISSUE ICCV ISLAMIC CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL OF VICTORIA ICCV certifies halal products from australia to all countries around the world 12 Howes Street, Airport West VIC 3042 Ph: + 61 3 9380 5467 M: +61 426 961 955
RECOMMENDED FOODS AND DRINKS IN ISLAM Allah has granted many blessings to us as human beings including necessities of life such as food, water, shelter and many other natural things. Among all these blessings of life, food is the greatest physical necessity of every living being, including humans. Our need for food intake is our most important daily necessity, which accompanies us from birth to death. Such favours from Allah require us to be thankful for everything He has bestowed upon us.
Dr Bekim Hasani Head of Shariah Affairs, ICCV

Islamic Society of South Australia

24 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Sheikh AbdulSalam Abdulghani Alim Imam of Masjid Abu Baker AlSaddiq Islamic Society of South Australia ملاع ملاسلا دبع خيشلا قيدصلا ركب وبا دجسم ماما ايلارتسا بونج يف ةيملاسلاا ةيعمجلا هللا لأسن وفعلا مكل ةيفاعلاو ةحصلاو يف ةمئادلا ةنسلا هذه .ةديدجلا Sheikh Riad El Rifai Imam of Masjid Omar Bin Alkhatab South Australia يعافرلا ضاير خيشلا يلاردفلا ةمئلأا سلجم وضعايلارتسأ بونج يف ةمئلأا سلجم رس نيمأةينانبللا ةيروهمجلا يف ىوتفلا راد لثممايلارتسا بونج ةيلاو يف ديلادا يف باطخلا نب رمع دجسم ماماناو اهتكربو ةنسلا هذه ريخ هللا لأسن ةئبولااو ضارملاا نم ةيلاخ اهلعجي MASJIDS: Masjid Abu Bakr AsSaddiq Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab Masjid Murray Bridge Masjid Whayalla SERVICES: Education Entertainment Islamic Marriage Hajj Funerals Festivals Open Day Halal Certificate Counselling Services Aged care Arabic School
ريخب متنأو ماع لك 658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277 8725 W:
25 GREETING AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Dental Care At Hilton 158 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hilton SA 5033 T: 08 8351 7722 E: Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy Director يجرزخلا ديلو .د نوتليه يف نانسلااب ةيانعلا ةدايع ريدم We have dental treatment under sedation and general anaesthesia. we have advanced filling and crown setting via CEREC technology. we are major sponsors for Human Appeal, Islamic Relief, Saudi Students club Adelaide. Best Wishes 2023


Mohamed Hage was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for services to Australian-Arab business, trade and investment relations.

The son of Lebanese migrants who migrated from Lebanon, Mohamed took the helm as President and National Chairman of the Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Mohamed background includes delivering and leading the economic and investment research into capital allocations and investment markets.

Through his insights

Mohamed was able to focus on international trends that are crucial drivers of economic growth and development to both Australia and the GCC region. He has been influential in assisting

the Australian and GCC’s private and public sectors in generating new economic activities while continuing to foster trade and investment between Australia and the Middle Eastern region. Furthermore, he has excelled in fostering trade flows and bilateral ties in many sectors that include education, health, aviation, agriculture and food, infrastructure and finance.

The majority of Australia’s goods trade with the Middle East is with the GCC, accounting for roughly $11.8 billion in two-way goods trade in 2021 led by the UAE.

“The Middle East is a growing market for services and investment, with strong opportunities in infrastructure, education and professional services in particular in countries

that include UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt,”Mr Hage says “Saudi Arabia’s economy has recovered strongly from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic with robust levels of non-oil economic activity anticipating to continue to grow with strong opportunities in a variety of sectors for Australian companies.”

“Economic activity in the Northern African region in countries such as Morocco and Egypt also continue to expand with robust activities in renewables, tourism, infrastructure and professional services”

Mohamed completed a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Wollongong and progressed in obtaining post graduate qualifications in Business.

26 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
27 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا 1300 760 155 HUMAN APPEAL AUSTRALIA, ALWAYS WITH YOU ON THE ROAD TO GOODNESS… ACHIEVEMENTS 2022



Two big weekends for Human Appeal Australia (HAA) nationwide. The charity organisation has celebrated its 30th Anniversary Celebration and hosted its 15th Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards in five cities across Australia.

The 30th anniversary celebration presented the 30 years’ history of improving the lives of so many disadvantaged people around the world. The events included an engaging program

raising awareness about HAA’s mission featuring prominent speakers and international guests.

Imam Mufti Menk, the much-loved nasheed artist Mesut Kurtis - and comedian Preacher Moss participated in the celebratory occasion.

In conjunction with the 30th anniversary HAA hosted its 15th Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards acknowledging the outstanding achievements of HSC students who received an ATAR of 90% and above, recognising their hard work and dedication.

Each student was awarded with a certificate of appreciation and valuable gift. Simultaneously on a national level in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth.

The events were successful in highlighting the achievements of Human Appeal’s 30 years as a charity organisation, and for celebrating the Year 12 Muslim Achievement for the 15th year. An incredible 396 students were awarded nationwide.

28 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
HAA Year 12 Muslim Achievement Award Recipients 2022 along with Human Appeal’s team and guests in Adelaide BRISBANE: 48 STUDENTS HAA Year 12 Muslim Achievement Award Recipients 2022 in Brisbane
29 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا SYDNEY: 213
HAA Year 12 Muslim Achievement Award Recipients 2022 along with Human Appeal’s team in Sydney
HAA Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards Recipients in
HAA Year 12 Muslim Achievement Award Recipients 2022 along with Human Appeal’s team in Melbourne

Every year during the blessed month of Ramadan we strive to support local schools organising their Iftar Dinners hosting students and parents, teachers and community leaders, Muslims and Non-Muslims to break bread, share a meal


and unite as a school community. A great demonstration of our multicultural Australia.

It is amazing to see so many students, teachers, staff and supportive parents from all backgrounds together in the spirit of sharing food and stories.

Members of Federal parliament, NSW parliament, mayors, councillors and community leaders gathered with students and their families shared meals over warm conversations.

On Monday 4th of April, Australian International Academy in Kellyville hosted their Iftar dinner. What an amazing event. Brother Omar AlJamal highlighted the significance of charity during Ramadan.150 students enjoyed delicious food while being part of a very engaging program led by teacher Walid Ahmed Quran and Islamic Studies Coordinator.

Meanwhile Punchbowl Public School held their iftar dinner on the 6th April, a great night jam-packed

with VIP’s, students and parents, they all enjoyed the iftar dinner in an amazing atmosphere. Sr. Raghda Assoum represented Human Appeal and described Ramadan Projects this year.

On the 6th April Unity Grammar held another successful Multifaith Iftar with schools from across Sydney representing diverse faith and cultures. Federal member Anne Stanley MP, Liverpool Councillor Mazhar Hadid, community leaders,

teachers and students enjoyed the night sponsored by Human Appeal Australia to support stronger coherence and communities.

On the 7th April Human Appeal Australia supported the newly introduced Ramadan dinner initiative at Macquarie Field High School A Jam packed hall with parents, teachers and students enjoyed the food and raised money to sponsor an orphan with Human Appeal.

Meanwhile on the same day Birrong Boys High School held their iftar dinner at the Himalayan Emporium in Bankstown. CCBC Mayor Khal Asfour congratulated the school’s community on the arrival of the blessed month, while Human Appeal’s Volunteers Coordinator Raghda Assoum highlighted the most important projects Human Appeal is initiating this Ramadan. Principal Mr Darren Stevens and School’s CLO Ms Souhair Afiouny welcomed the guests into the dinner. wonderful turnout and delicious food for a good cause.

30 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا


On the 28th April Burwood Girls High School carried out its Annual Ramadan Iftar Dinner with over 200 guests including Mr Jihad Dib, MP and a number of VIP guests, students and their parents. After such a difficult 2 years due to Corona’s restrictions, the long awaited gathering at Burwood Girls High School were such a success.

Meanwhile on 29th April at Lurnea High School was such a special event. The Annual Iftar Dinner

had record numbers of guests again, with well over 300 participants including The Mayor for Liverpool Ned Mannoun, Clr. and member for Werriwa Ms Anne Stanley, MP. Students, parents and staff came together, from all cultural backgrounds, to celebrate Ramadan and develop a shared understanding with their Muslim colleagues, brothers and sisters. Br Abdul Fattah Abu Mahmoud HAA’s Digital Transformation Manager addressed the audience with a speech highlighting the 30 years long history HAA spent serving those in need.

On the same day

Arakana College held its iftar Dinner with the participation of the newly appointed Principal Osman Karolia. The food was very delicious, the deserts were such a treat and the joy was apparent on the happy faces of students and guests. All praised this great initiative from Human Appeal to support the community and share the pleasure of feeding the fasting in Ramadan.

31 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Human Appeal Australia’s Community Care always cares for the needs of the community especially during emergencies and seasons like Ramadan. In Ramadan 2022 The Community Care Division at HAA provided support to several schools to organise Ramadan Iftar Dinners.


On Sunday 4th of December 2022, almost 100 cyclists joined by Clr. Bilal El-Hayek, peddled from Canterbury Hospital to Brighton or Cronulla and back to Canterbury Hospital for a community gathering including gourmet sausage sizzle organised by Lighthouse Community Services and Jannah Express. The

day also included information stalls, amazing family activities like henna and face painting and toy giveaways.

Also showing their support on the day were Canterbury MP Sophie Cotsis, Mayor Khal Asfour, Councillors Bilal El-Hayek, Rachelle Harika and Khodr Saleh, Human Appeal Director Bashar Al-Jamal, Head of Community Care Amin El-Bureeny, Sydney Muslim


Mr Al-Jamal presented a cheque of $75,000 to Mr Morris to help the hospital to refurbish the Birthing Unit and to enhance the services provided to the local community.

Human Appel Australia would like to thank all involved and reaching out to our community to donate generously to help us to support the hospital. The raised funds will help Canterbury Hospital operate at its best and will not only affect expectant mothers and their babies, but future generations to come.

32 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
President Dr Tarek Sari, Canterbury Hospital General Manager Michael Morris, and hospital staff and families. Human Appeal Australia in conjunction with Sydney Muslim Cyclists organised the community event including a charity ride followed by a free sausage sizzle at Canterbury Hospital. A designated campaign to support the local Canterbury Hospital, with proceeds generated going to enhance the services provided in the maternity ward within the hospital. Canterbury Hospital GM Mr Michael Morris speaking at Human Appeal Australia & Sydney Muslim Cyclists fundraising for Canterbury Hospital event Sydney Muslim Cyclists; Clr Bilal El-Hayek, Canterbury Hospital GM Mr Morris; Ms Sophie Cotsis, MP; HAA Director Basha Al-Jamal, Amin El-Bureeny Human Appeal Australia & Sydney Muslim Cyclists fundraising event for Canterbury Hospital Human Appeal Australia and Sydney Muslim Cyclists fundraising event for Canterbury Hospital Clr Khodr Saleh; HAA’s Director Bashar Al-Jamal, Head of Community Care Amin El-Bureeny; SMC President Dr Tarek Sari; CH General Manager Michael Morris Ms Sophie Cotsis, MP, Member For Canterbury

The 2022 Eastern Australia floods were recorded as one of the nation’s worst flood disasters that occurred in South East Queensland and parts of coastal New South Wales. The heavy rains forced thousands to flee their homes, creating a mass disaster for small towns in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Lives were lost and thousands of people were displaced living in temporary accommodation and tents.

HAA in partnership with the Good360, Resilient Lismore and Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre (MDNC) delivered and distributed aid to the

local community in Lismore and Mullumbimby.

On Friday 29 of July 2022 as part of the relief response, the Human Appeal teams in NSW and QLD including Director Bashar Al-Jamal, Director of Projects Issam Chaouk and Head of Community Care Amin El-Bureeny, HAA QLD Manager Imam Akram Buksh along with Jihad Dib, MP Member for Lakemba, Shadow Minister for Emergency Services, Energy and Climate Change and Clr Bilal El-Hayek (City of Canterbury Bankstown) delivered donations to Resilient Lismore in Lismore then distributed relief items including white goods, care packs and essentials vouchers to the flood

affected families at Mullumbimby.

The community open day event was held at the Ex-Servicemen Mullumbimby Club helping those in need whilst bringing our communities together and fostering resilience. The event was attended by a wide variety of people including those affected by flood, local service providers and the general public.

Human Appeal with the help of our generous community has been able to present the $5000 donation cheque to Resilient Lismore and to distribute white goods and essentials distributed to the flood affected families through the Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre.

‘It’s so inspiring to see the parts of

the wider community support each other in times of need. Even though they’ve never met and I am so proud of their efforts. The mantra for both charity groups (Human Appeal and Good360) On the road to goodness” and “Circle of goodness” was in full evidence today.…always remember, there’s lots of good in the world and when humanity stands with one another, it’s an example of the best of us ‘- said Jihad Dib, MP

This great initiative will assist Resilient Lismore to pursue their relief efforts in Lismore and have assisted around 30 families affected by the floods in Mullumbimby.

33 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
In March 2022, Human Appeal Australia (HAA) launched a fundraising campaign to help the communities affected by the floods in Australia.

Divine Legacy is a unique occasion established to promote diversity, create an environment of unity through helping those in need, and provide a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures especially among younger generations of Australian Muslims.


The conference is a biennial project that will mostly focus on the Holy Quran; the Muslims’ miraculous book that continues to inspire hearts and minds across the globe since 1440 years ago.

This year’s conference highlighted the topic: Women in Quran, with carefully selected issues

that concern the daily lives of women and their families in the modern world.

The event included a fundraising segment designed to help alleviate the hardship of many disadvantaged women and children and their communities across the world.

36 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Mutasim Al Asali and Mesut Kurtis @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Sydney Mutasim Al Asali from Syria, Omar Regan and Sh Abdulla Hawari @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Melbourne Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Brisbane Quran reciter Sh. Mohamed Gebril from Egypt @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Sydney Sh Mufti Menk @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Sydney Iqbal Hossain Jibon a YouTuber and artist, Parvez Juwel nasheed composer from Bangladesh @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Perth Amin El-Bureeny, Head of Community Care; Issam Chaouk Director of Projects; Radi Ziyadat; Raghda Assoum; Fatmah Elmeer and HAA Volunteers @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Sydney Bashar Al-Jamal Human Appeal Australia, Director @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Sydney Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Perth Stand-up comedian from USA Omar Regan @ Divine legacy Conference 2022 in Perth


This year has been significant for many reasons. For the Minaret College community, 2022 marked a significant milestone of 30 years serving the needs of the Muslim community in the South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Throughout the year, the College shared memories of the past with its community. The celebrations continued with a twoday 30 Year Community Celebration Event towards the end of the school year.

On the first day, students from all campuses attended an exclusive student-only event at Springvale Campuses. Rides and food stalls provided students and school staff with a fun-filled way to wind down after a productive school year.

Minaret College then opened its doors to the community and numerous special guests including board members, past and present leaders, students from the original class of 22 students, College duxes from previous years, longserving staff members and Federal Minister Julian Hill. Two significant installations were also revealed – a

plaque inaugurating the naming of the Multipurpose Hall to Mohamed Hassan Hall and a 30-year timeline which now greets visitors at the Administration foyer at the Springvale Campus.

Reflecting on the year of celebration, Executive Principal Mr Mohammed Taksim said, “Despite our growth over 30 years, the purpose of Minaret College remains unchanged. Our vision is to nurture generations of Muslims who are strong in their faith and Islamic identity. Throughout the years we’ve made many changes and improvements, but we remain steadfast in our vision

and purpose”.

The year wrapped up with the College community celebrating some impressive VCE results. The Dux of the College, Mougadam Mougadam achieved a significant ATAR of 96.75.

“One in four of our VCE graduates were placed in the top 20% of the state”, Mr Taksim said.

“Over the coming two months we will await news of tertiary offers for our graduates. It’s always pleasing to see students pursuing their passions. We’re proud of each one of them, and know their families are too”.

Minaret College opened in 1992 and was inspired by the vision of the Founding Director, Mr Mohamad Hassan (OAM). The College now supports over 2500 students from Kindergarten to Year 12 across three campuses – Springvale, Officer and Doveton. For enquiries, the College can be contacted via email at or further information is available on their website at http://www.

37 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Jenny Bryant From left to right: Executive Advisor Ms Susie Hassan, Minaret College Board Chairperson Dr Ahmed Hassan and Executive Principal Mohammed Taksim

• In the past year, we’ve achieved several notable milestones. One of the biggest highlights was the listing of the first two Islamic ETFs on the ASX, ISLM and HJZP. This was a major milestone for the Islamic finance industry in Australia and we were proud to be at the forefront of this development.

• We also built and launched the Out of Interest Podcast, a platform for exploring Islamic finance and its role in the


We hosted a successful ETF launch event to celebrate the listing of ISLM and HJZP on the ASX. The event was well-attended and provided a great opportunity for industry professionals and investors to learn more about Islamic finance and the ETFs.


We’re committed to giving back to the community and have been involved in several community projects in the past year. One of the projects we’re most proud of is our partnership with the Afghan Women’s Team, where we’ve been able to hire three talented individuals and support their professional development. We also participated in an RMIT event to promote diversity and inclusion in the finance industry.

modern world. The podcast has gained a loyal following and we’re excited to continue bringing interesting and informative content to our listeners.

• In addition, we’ve had four funds certified by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), demonstrating our commitment to ethical and sustainable investing. We’ve also joined the top 10% of funds globally by achieving 5 crowns on FEfundinfo, a leading provider of independent fund research.


We’ve had a number of achievements recognized in the past year.

• We were a finalist for the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA) awards under Diversity and Inclusion, and our CEO, Hakan Ozyon, was a finalist for Independent Financial Advisers (IFA) Dealer Group Executive of the Year.

• We were also honoured to be named Muslim business of the year for 2022 at the AMAA awards and to have our CEO recognized as a finalist for Muslim man of the year 2022.

38 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
39 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
40 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا MEDIA WINS AWARD IN VICTORIAN MULTICULTURAL COMMISSION FILM FESTIVAL YEAR 12 GRADUATION OPEN DAY AL-TAQWA COLLEGE Quality Education for Quality Life


Quality Education for Quality Life


Bismillah MashaAllah TabarakAllah! By the blessings of Allah Al-Taqwa College Australia has achieved one of the best years ever in terms of results! We are extremely proud of all our Year 12 students. 2022 has been one of the best years ever for our College, with all of our 75 Year 12 students achieving a VCE or VCAL certificate.

Of our 68 VCE students:

• Nine students achieving an ATAR score over 90,

• The highest being an outstanding 98.25.

• A further six students achieving an ATAR score over 80.

• Half of our VCE group achieving an ATAR score of 70

or higher.

The top 3 ATAR high achievers have been awarded the following cash prizes:

• Sinan Ummu - $10,000

• Manhal M. Hassen$7,000

• Hibah Shah - $5,000

In shaa Allah next year’s highest score achiever will be rewarded $15,000. This is a truly remarkable result for our students, and for our College, and is a cause for real celebration.

It was achieved in spite of the extraordinary challenges of the Covid pandemic, including

lockdowns, remote learning, and the great stresses experienced by everyone in our school community. It is a tribute to the commitment and resilience of our students, and the support of their families.

It is also a tribute to the hard work and dedication to their students our teachers, support staff, secretaries and leaders, who supported and encouraged our students to achieve their very best. I thank our staff for all that they have done.

Congratulations to our top achievers and all our students that worked extremely hard to fulfil their dreams and aspirations. The Al-Taqwa College community is truly proud of you, and wish you the very best in all you do in the future.

41 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Omar Hallak, Principal
43 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا 21ST ANNUAL QURAN COMPETITION PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PRIMARY SECONDARY HAJJ PRACTICE DAY AL-TAQWA COLLEGE Quality Education for Quality Life CAREERS WEEK (with helicopter, firefighter, police vehicles visit)


This year Sirius College is proud to announce the outstanding achievements of its students in the 2022 VCE exams.

4 Sirius College students achieved an ATAR above 99, with the school dux, Hamdan Yousuf, achieving an ATAR of 99.65. Tasnim Thamer and Rayyanuddin Muneer both received ATARs of 99.25, and Faraz Nairooz achieved an ATAR of 99.00. The students placed themselves among the top high achievers of the state.


In addition, • 10 Sirius College students achieved an ATAR above 95, • and 28 students received an ATAR above 90.

• Overall, 65 Sirius College students achieved an ATAR above 80, meaning that every 1 in 3 students received an ATAR above this threshold.


Sirius has a history of students achieving perfect study scores in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Business Management, English, Further Maths, Mathematical Methods, Computing, and Turkish, and 2022 is no exception.

Two students achieved perfect study scores in Further Mathematics. Eesa Hussain and Taha Aftab both achieved a perfect study score in this subject, and Hamdan Yousuf achieved a perfect study score in English, although his parents speak English as a second language.

For many years, Sirius College students have demonstrated a pattern of achieving 99+ ATAR. Hamdan Yousuf, Tasnim Thamer,

Rayyanuddin Muneer and Faraz Nairooz sustained Sirius College’s 99+ ATAR achievement with ATARs of 99.65, 99.25 and 99.00 in 2022 VCE..

The students’ achievements were also reflected in their study scores. 83 students achieved a study score above 40 in at least one of their subjects.

44 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
45 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا Sara Saleh 98.40 Rayyanuddin Muneer 99.25 Hamdan Yousuf 99.65 Tasnim Thamer 99.25 91.30 90.70 90.60 Faraz Mohamed Nairooz 99.00 Tuka Al-rubaye98.05 Aziz Abdul97.15 MuhammadKhanzada96.80 Farhan Mohammed 95.50 Abdul Rahman Khan 95.10 Siam Mamun 94.40 Ola Ali 94.20 Zainab Kusdian 93.30 Yusuf Ali 92.45 Omer Albayrak 92.25 Elvedina Brkic 91.70 Safa Taqvi 91.40 Muhammed Al-Jaber 90.95 Safa 90.90Matloub Maryam 90.65Khurram 90.65 90.40 Yahye Abdi Mohamed Ibrahim 90.20 Yasemin Helou 90.05 Minahil Tahir 2022 VCE ATAR RESULTS Broadmeadows DALLAS MEADOW FAIR KEYSBOROUGH SUNSHINE SHEPPARTON 28 StUDENTs 90+ ATAR 65 Students 80+ ATAR TAHA AFTAB Per f e c t Score-FurtherMathem a t i sc Eesa Hussain Pe r f ect Score -FurtherMathem a t i sc Hamdan Yousuf PerfectScore -ENGLISH


ICOM is proud to have it’s own Primary School Arabic Books series authored by our ICOM’s Primary School Arabic Coordinator, the talented, Ms Asma Herzalla.

There are multiple books in the “Sanabel Arabic Language Series” with each book catering for a specific level tailored to the needs and abilities of our ICOM students.

The Sanabil Series encourages self learning, focuses on visual stimulation and is built around themes, with each theme comprising of multiple lessons.

Furthermore, the series incorporates Islamic and Quranic concepts throughout the lessons which has improved the students’ Islamic knowledge and confidence in reading the Quran.

46 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
47 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا YEAR 12 GRADUATION CEREMONY
48 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا THE ANNUAL QURAN COMPETITION AWARDS NIGHT PRIMARY ARABIC WEEK 100 DAYS SMARTER WORLD HIJAB DAY
49 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Two special guests visited ICOM this month for a special assmebly: Mutasim Al-Asali, world renowned Nasheed artist and Omar Regan, stand-up comedian and actor. The assembly started with Quran recitation by our College Captain, Imran. Then Omar Regan took the stage with his humorous comedy followed by Mutasim’s beautiful Nasheed that was enjoyed by all students and staff.
50 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا THE ANNUAL PRIMARY ATHLETICS CARNIVAL THE ANNUAL EID FESTIVAL THE ANNUAL CAREERS EXPO RAMADAN ASSEMBLY





Other notable guest speakers were Hon Tim Pallas, Victorian Treasurer,


Thursday the 1st of December was a wonderful night for 17 students of Maarefa School who successfully completed the mandatory requirements of level 6 Language-2 (Arabic) as prescribed in the Victorian Curriculum.

It was a wonderful occasion for these students, to stand and share the joy of their graduation with families and friends, speaking in Arabic about their journey of learning the Arabic language and its culture.

52 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
2022 ICV Annual Dinner was held on Sunday 13th November 2022 at Melrose Receptions, providing an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the year with over 350 guests and extend our gratitude to a diverse range of friends partners. The Keynote Speaker for the evening was Commonwealth Attorney General Hon Mark Dreyfuss, who spoke about the warm relationship with the ICV and the Muslim Community. Hon Maria Vamvakinou, representing Hon Andrew Giles Federal Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Hon Matthew Guy, Leader, Victorian Liberal Party, Hon Adam Bandt, Federal Leader of the Greens. Sen Mehreen Faruqi, 1st Muslim Woman in Federal Senate and Ms Vivienne Nguyen, Chair Victorian Multicultural Commission. The night was capped off with ICV awards being presented to Professor John Catford and the law firm Brand Partners, for their outstanding support to the ICV.
53 تازاجنا AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا ةيعمجل يونسلا عامتجلاا ٢٠٢٢ ماعل VASS ةيبرعلا ةيعامتجلاا تامدخلا نروبلم - سنوي دمحأ تامدخلا ةيعمج تــماــقا اهعامتجا VASS ةيبرعلا ةيعامتجلاا ةرادا سلجم روضحب ،ماعلا يونسلا ةيعامتجا تايلاعف نم دشحو ةيعمجلا تايعمجو ةيسايسو ةيداصتقاو ةيفاقثو ناكو ،ةيدلب ءاضعاو ملاعا لئاسوو ةيريخ ينانبللا ماعلا لصنقلا روضحلا نيب نم بئانلاو يناتيع دايز روتكدلا نروبلم يف ىلا ةفاضلااب ،نولفنيس ينوطنا يلامعلا ةيعمجلل ةديدجلا ةيديفنتلا ةنجللا ءاضعا يف بلاطلاو نيعوطتملاو نيفظوملاو VASS ينهملاو يميلعتلا دهعملا ريدم نم لكل ةملك تناك لفحلا للاخ قودنصلا ةنيماو ىفطصم يلع ةيعمجلا نع زجوم حرش اهيف ىرج دلاخ ءانه ةيونسلا ةنزاوملا نعو ةيعمجلا تازاجنا نع حشرملا ةملك تناك مث .ةيلاملا يذلاو( نولفنيس ينوطنا لامعلا بزح لقتسملا حشرملل ةملكو )ابئان حبصا عيزوت اهدعب مــتو ،ىفطصملا دمحم مث نمو بلاطلا ىلع جرختلا تاداهش نيكراشملا ىلع ايادهلاو ريدقتلا تاداهش .نيمظنملاو ةيعمجلا ةسيئر تركش لفحلا ماتخ يفو ةيبلت ىلع روضحلا عيمج شولع ىليل .ةوعدلا يونسلا اهئاشع ميقت لبقتسملا رايت يف نروبلم ةيقسنم نروبلم يلئاعلا اهئاشع نروبلم ةيقسنم تماقا ةيقسنملا ءاضعلا ةعلقلا معطم يف يونسلا ينانبللا ماعلا لصنقلا روضحب نيبرقملا ضعبو .يناتيع دايز روتكدلا نروبلم يف دعاسملا اهاقلا روضحلاب ةبيحرت ةملك لفحلا للخت يلوحلا نيسح قسنملا ةملك مث سنوي دمحا يميظنتلا ءاضعأ عيمج نيب نماضتلاو ةقلاعلا قمع ىلع اهيف دكا .لبقتسملا رايت ةلئاع يه ةدحاو ةلئاعك ةيقسنملا نيبرتغملا اهيف ىعد يتلا ينانبللا لصنقلا ةملك تءاج مث هذه لظ يف مهعم فوقولاو نانبل يف مهلها ةدعاسم ىلا عيمج عجشو نانبل اهب رمي يتلا ةبعصلا ةيشيعملا فورظلا نوكي ناو ةيلارتسلاا بازحلاا يف طارخنلاا ىلع نيينانبللا .يلارتسلاا ناملربلاو تايدلبلا يف روضحو رود مهل دمحم لصنقلا بارتغلاا عاطق قسنم دكا ماتخلا يفو رايت نا ىلع توريب نم ةيفتاه ةملاكم للاخ نم وزوجلا نع ىلخت هنا ينعي لا اذهف يسايسلا هلمع قلع اذا لبقتسملا .هلهاو هدلب هاجت ينطولا هرود


Daarul Arqam so aptly named after the first house of Allah, is a swiftly growing organisation based in Melbourne, Victoria. Founded by Mufti Zeeyad Ravat a few years ago, it has emerged as an influential entity amongst parents and youth alike, based on Islamic principles of Kidmat (selflessness), Ukhuwah (brotherhood), Ihsan (acting with fear of Allah as though He sees you) and Kamal (devoting yourself to excellence).

Parenting is such an important issue for many Muslims who are struggling with the challenges of earning an income, raising children and keeping them safe from the negative elements of society. We all want to protect our children from sinful behaviour and we like to think that we teach them ahlaq and adhab throughout their lives. However, as much as you do the right things, there are many things we do not do well.

As a parent I was not handed a textbook on parenting when I had my first child, nor did I really get any training or advice. As parents we learn the hard way and we don’t have time to think when it happens, we just kick into auto drive and most likely emulate to some degree what we saw from our own parents as children growing up. By and large this is correct however, it is fundamentally critical that as Muslim parents we understand the prophetic approach to parenting, putting together a balance between Islamic principles and modern day parenting styles.

South East Melbourne was fortunate to have this special event dedicated to parenting. On Sunday 27th November in the ‘state-ofthe-art’ venue of Bunjil Place in

Fountaingate, we presented five exceptional speakers who covered the spiritual, psychological, social and practical aspects of parenting.

We were blessed to have two amazing religious scholars from Brisbane, Mufti Ikraam Buksh and Sheikh Akram Buksh. Sheikh Akram spoke about the prophetic traditions and approaches to parenting and used the example of Surah Luqman. Luqman was an Ethiopian slave who worked as a carpenter. The majority of scholars are of the view that he was a wise man and not a prophet and a righteous servant of Allah whom He blessed with wisdom and told him to be thankful.

Essentially there are three important takeaways from Surah Luqman, the first being the importance of dua (prayer) and how we should not under-estimate its power. Secondly, we need to lead by example as parents, it’s no good if you expect your child to pray if you yourself miss your prayers, or if you frequently lie then it will be likely your children will lie often. Thirdly, build your patience and perseverance.

Mufti Ikraam spoke about true love and devotion to Allah swt, to be a good parent and son or daughter. To have Allah at the centre of your

life is crucial for a wholesome and meaningful relationship with your environment, and this has profound effects on your impressionable children.

Kathryn Jones, from Back to the Fitrah Academy focused on young children and their addiction to devices and social media. This is probably the single most challenging issue for parents in the 21st century. It is not an easy one for parents, who are trying to balance modern technology use with parental controls and guidance. For many youth, they find ways around parental monitoring and even when parents ban devices from their children.

As parents we have to understand the science behind addiction. With technology its important to take charge, don’t expect your children to be able to do it themselves, so educate them and reduce the availability and provide alternatives. Jones says, don’t use digital devices as a baby-sitting tool and have a plan before you introduce technology to your children.

Qasim Latifi, a psychologist explored the effects of identity and criticism on parenting. Understanding that your child has different levels of identity is significant in

understanding your child; children form their own contextual identity, through their place in the world and particularly through their family. They also form an identity outside of the family, and they have their own religious and ethnic identity.

Children modify these roles in different situations, ultimately because they fear rejection and want acceptance. Latifi also covered the importance of positive criticism which was essential for growth.

Criticism has various effects, such as creating a fear of rejection, it promotes development and creates a critical mindset. Every child has a need for acceptance, to be loved and accepted without judgment and as parents we need to be less critical.

Mufti Zeeyad Ravat spoke about toxic relationships and the key being communication, connecting, respecting and being empathic with your child. The event included opening recitation from 11 year old hafez, Muzakkir Syed, youth performances from Nurali Seyit (13), Reza Shaikh (11) and a panel discussion and Q&A.

54 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
From left to right: Qasim Latifi, Mufti Zeeyad Ravat, Mufti Ikraam Buksh and Sheikh Akram Buksh Kathryn Jones



55 ACHIEVEMENT AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Address: 101, Eucumbene Drive, Ravenhall VIC 3023
The Ravenhall Community Masjid (Masjid Ar-Rahmah) and the Community Centre and declared opened on the 5th of November 2022 with the attendance of multi-cultural community leaders, political representatives, and a large number of members of the local Muslim Community. The project was initiated by the Australian Sri Lankan Association (ASLA Inc.) in 2017. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the project faced substantial delays and a lack of funds. However, by mid-2022, the construction was completed !

)ميكحلا( كاذ ارطخلاو فوخلا كاذ لزلز )نايفس( اصرتنم نيدلا زعب زع )يهانوأ( ةرك دخـب تماه ةرك تبءآست هلزاغت تحار اهلقع )شيايز( ةترتسم مصخلا كابش ترقتسا ىتح ابرخ تيوخإ اي ،انل لاق )ييرصن( ارأز ذإ دسلأاك انبرد )كياركر( تفزع مافيك لاجو لاص )لافوب( ارحد مهمصخ ،ينيقيزاملاا دسأ ةيـهـلت وأ اوهل )لايدنولما( بسحي نم ةرك وزغ ،حتفلا نأ صرعلا

56 يفاقثلا طسولا AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا ارتولا فزعأ ايه ،لىبلا نامز لَّىو اصربلاو عماسلأاو حورلا فنشو ةجوزهأب اموغنم نحللا ددرو اصرتنم رهد اي ،اهب روبحلا ىنغ ايشتنم وهزلا روطع انيلع ثُرنأ ابرخلا ددج لب ،لَّىولأا خومش دعأ تسئي ام دعب نم ىوهلا بابر حدصأو ارمقلا دشنـن لم هص ،رمعلا نم ارهد انل نأ ضْرخلا ناسحلا فوفص عمج .ارمهنم هلاحأ ام صرنلا نم ادهش ةعترم مايلأاو ،اننامز اذه اسِركنم يزخلاو ،لستعم قوشلاف ةيدصتو احارفأ انداؤف حشْراف اضْرح امو ارهد ،انب نامزلا قاش صرتنم ناونع ،ةينغأ حادص ارهز لاو اراون سمشلا تبنت لم هلبلاب تراط يذلا نامزلا داع ارطو لاب ىسِرم ،ةهجو
!؟ىرت فيك ،برعلا هاؤر فيضتست نأ ةردقمل اقفو هب زوفت ىرت ارمتعم حورلا قوش قناعي ماك ةرداس قلخلا عومج في تلولوو ىرق نيزي )اديز( ىرت نأ اهسر ام )ةحود( هبلق في اسراف اذ نأو .ارأج ام هانيُم لاذاب اهسوسي ةشكرزم اعيباني ىراحصلا قش ا ََ ضْرتخم رفصلما بعللما لدبو اهب ميهت احارمم ضرلأا نيزو ىرق دهمو ،ىوأم اهل نويعلا ضْرخ ددؤس ىدص ايندلا في رجفلا نذأو ارح كاتأ ،ايند اي بركأ هللا نمز نم سأكلل تلق ناندع لاف ارهظ يذلا اذه تهتشا ناطحق لاو هب نضت تلايود هتفقلت ابرق دق لهجلا هيديب نمل ،مالظ ةبطاق ماجعلأا فـقث هنأو ارجتشاو لض دق ام دعب لقعلا بذهو ةهراك برعلل سفنأ مهب تقاض اركتعم ءشي لا ،تمزح نإ برعلاو تفرع ام ملاسلإاو ،ةبورعلا دسأ ارمأ مهيرغ اقح ةجنرفلا رود ممأ نع لهجلا اولازأ نيذلا مه اشِرتنم نوكلا في مهملع ىدغ ىتح انل لوقت نيوانع مولعلا لك ىرذ ينع )نايج( )ةبطرق( )ةلطيلط( تفرع ام بارعلأا ينب لوقع لاول .ارهظ لاو انـطب لا ةجنرفلا ممأ فهل في ينتلآا ينعأ تلحكت ارمز اوتأ افلاحأو ،عابر ىنـثم اهفس مهماثآ اونلعأ اونطاشت ارضْرلاو ءوسلا طاسبلا في اورمضأو جرم نم نوتآ مهنأ اوحولو ارفظلاو صرنلا كاذ يرغ ضِيترت لا مهدي في صرنلا سأكو نوعجيرس )ارج( لبقو )وغيردور( دوعت ماك اوعـجف دق ظحلا ءوسلو مهنكل ارحصلا و ندبلا دوسأ تدعأ ابِم ارزتؤم ءاج دق يذلا يدوعسلا كاذ ارـجـه امو لاضخم محلاتلا مزع هلجر فيو انانفأ فزعلا مدقت ارك دأ ام بيرطت في صقرت لاتخت اهنقتأ بعللا بورط لازغلا لثم ةرك هيبـتست تارك زهي نأ ام ةمساب لاملآاو صرنلا فواشو .ىرف يرابرلا دسأ اهملست ىتح اقلتؤم لبشلا ءاج زعلا نطوم نم ىسر بِيرغلما قشِرلا برغم نم اهكلتم داسآ يننارعلا مـش اررد ىهنلا ولوأ مهفلاسأ خيرات هفرعت ناديلما ىوهو لا فيكو اضْرحلاو راصملأا حتف يذلا كاذ برغم نم راط دق يذلا )دايزلا نبإ( ارفكلاو توغاطلاو كشِرلا لزاني ةملسم اهافشأو اهلاج ىتح ارـفكلا مرح دق يذلل اهـحاورأ ةنمؤم نايُم إ )اسلدنأ( اهاقس ارمع تعـيض نأ ،اهحور تددجت ادحأ دحاو هلإب تدبعت ارجحـلاو ناثولأا ،اضر نع تمطحو ةكحاض ريونتلا ةلبق تحبصأف ا ََ يرسلاو خيراتلاو رجفلا فشِرتست تأفطنا امو يوضت لزت لم لماعم اشْرلأا ئناشلا ميهتست اهـجاسرأ اولخ نيذلا دجم لَّىإ دوعت دقو ارمأ يذلا ع شْر اودحج ام دعب نم هتفلاخ مكملسي هللا اوقتت نإ .اركذ اـمك مكلذخي هوداعت نإو ةعشْرأ لذلا دويق دوسلأا لف ارهب دقو اقوت ىمه سيلطلأاو فترحم كف نم اعزتنم مزعلاب اركبلاو تاحورلا في هيرـقــن ،ادجم )فيان( لَّىإ ترم ،اهفش دقف )ونوب( ارعتسم طخلا دس مكحأ )يميكح( رفن هطخ دق ام لشفأ )ييرصن( ابرع دق صرنلا نأ دكأ )نامور( ةيحان لك نم تىأ
كردي لم هب سِرن ارمع انل نإ موق اي .ارـعـقـنم بلقلا نامز انيمر دقف تفرع ذم درفلا )لايدنولما( وه اذه ا ََ صرـن نمو ،راج نم نوكلا سِيانأ هحيراصت في يفكت )افيفلا( ةداهش ارظنلاو هابشلأا تقاف )ةحود( نأب ةبوبحمل اعاتماو انمأو اطبض اترس يذلا سأكلاب نوكلا عتمتسا ومهدنع باعللأا يه تارفشم اروصلاو رماقلأاو ةراجتلا ولوأ مرك اهحود في )رطق( مهتتأ ىتح ارقـفلا و سِرعلا ليوأ قرط تلهسو تقدص ترمش نأ ام ةبورعلا يه ارطو اـهل ىنحأ نبِم تضرأ امو مهنمأم هوتآ نم لك انمؤم ارهق نمل ىوأم ىرقلا رمأب مهف هحـقلات في حوتف )لايندولما(و .ارهظ يذلا دجملا متم مهدجمل اوبخص ام لعفلا ولوأو )ميتم ونب( ابرـتعم دج مهنم )ةءاجفلا( نباك لاثم هل تراس دقو لاوق لاق ذإ ارأز دقو ،اجيهلاو لزاونلا لوه تشِرك نإ تولما فاخأ نيوبسحت لا اردغ نم شْر نم ،ادبأ يوزنأ لا ىحض دوقحلا لوق )رطق( تدنف دق ارطتسا ام و ىولبلا روص تلدعو )ارطق( همادقأ تئطو نم لكف ارعذ امو ،ارايخأ يرخلا سفنت ةمدنم ليهجتلا عبصإ لىع ضع ىرق دجمو نمأ نم مصرت امو للم نم ضْرلا ولوأ فلاحت دقو )ارطق( اوقحيُم كي ماهت اوقفلو ةهج مالك اودانتو اورمآت ا ََ شِربلا زجـعأ ام ،اوجسن ،اوقفانو ةرئاس وأشلا في تقماس ،اهنكل ارـثأ مهل كترت لم لزلازلا لثم ادجس مهلك ىراسأ اهوتأ ىتح ارطـفلا بجعأ ام ،اوتأ ابرعو ماجع اهلبق اومـكادهأ نم ةـيـئار يذه )ارمسأ( ىنـمـلا بلق اهؤلم ةيحت اشتركم )يزخلا( كاذ لواطت دقو ارـفـظلاو نوعلا تيولا دق ينـنأب ؟ضرم هبلق في نم مهفـي فيكف ارذـن دق نطبلل نم لقعي فيكو ةمذشِرل ،لااوــقو ،ائـينش ارمع ؟؟ارـثـك وأ لق ام هلؤس اثُركتسم اومرح دقو ،خارفأب ينبرقلأل .اربولاو سوساجلا ،يعلقاو ،يعلبأ ضرأ اهلبق اومـكادهأ نم ةيئار يذه )ارمسأ( ىنـمـلا بلق اهؤلم ةيحـت ةعشْرأ ينتوآ دقو تدع مويلاو اترس ام يبلق في ضفضفت ىميه تفزأ امو ابح اهب ميهي بلق !؟ ارمـقلا يفـتخـي ىـنأ برعلا )ةحود( في ةدئفأ تيوآ نم ةديحولا تنأ ابرطصاو زع دق ،اهل ايأرو لاقع مـلظ نم ناطولأا حسف مهب تقاض اضْر نلا لبقتسـلماو لهلاا اوقرافف مهل نوؤخلا ملظ ادبأ مهضري لم ار ََ شْر هيرخ ،ودع كيحي امو اهترجـه رطضأف ،ةنج هل تناك ارــثـك وأ لق ،انانج دلابلا رـقف ىحض يننمآ كوتأ نورئاثلاف ارـمز )ةحود( اودانت نوملسلماو ةقداص هللا ميأو تبرج ىتح .ابرـج دقو اسِرك مهبلق في ناك ام ةدئفأ هتداق يذلا )لايدنولما( اردتقم رجفلا )ميتم(ـل مامـتم هدلقـن ادجـم انل تدج مويلاو ارـيس احـتاف اناتأ )لايدنولما( ةدئاق دجـلما وأش وحن انب ييرس ارـبغمـلا اندجـم يديعأ زيزعلا زـع هـل نإ رطـقلا )ميتم( ـف ،يممـتو .ا ََ سِركناو لـف دق ام دمضـي لقع رطق ملاعلا سأك ةيئار فيرش دمحأ :رعش
لاب ايأن ةدئفأ نومـيلما اهعبر لَّىإ تنح .اضْرح نبِم ىحرم )رطق( لوقت لاهأ تئتف ام حارفلأا اننيب تدعابت اصرتعم بلقلا غاز ، رهدلا نم احدر ةخماش صرنلا سومش انممش ىتح ارمتخا مال انايبت ،برعلا )ةحود( نم مهرود نم سأكلا جورخل اوكفأت
57 تاعونم AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا لعجت زليو ثواس وين ةموكح نوناقلل ةفلاخم راجيلاا ىلع تاديازملا ثواس وين ةموكح لعجت فوس ىلع تاديازملا ةسرامم زليو كلذو ،نوناقلل ايفانم راجيلاا ىلع نيثحابلل راجيلاا ةفلك ضيفخت فدهب ةجتانلا تاطوغضلا لظ يف يراجيإ نكس تاديازم رظح نأب ةيشيعملا ةفلك عافترا نع سيئر حرصو نيرجأتسملا دعاسيس راجيلاا Dominic Perrottet زليو ثواس وين ةموكح ،فصنم لكشب ،نكسم نيمأت يف نيلمتحملا .قيضلا ةيراجيلاا نكاسملا قوس يف تاسرامملا هذــه ءاــهــنلإ تــقوــلا ناــح“ لابلا ةحار صاخشلأا نم ربكأ ددع ءاطعلإو نم ةنيب ىلع اوحبصيل Perrottet ديسلا لاق ”مهلبقتسمل طيطختلا كلذب اوعيطتسيف مهرمأ رمأ وه راجيلإل نكسم نع ثحبلا درجم“ ىلإ تلوحت اذإ كيهان ،بعاصملاب فوفحم وه ام ىلإ صاخشلأا عفدت تاديازم برح .مهتحار ىوتسم نم دعبأ اهنع نلعملا راجيلإا موسر نوكت نأ بجي“ تاءارــجلاا ذختن فوــسو طقف كــلذ يه راجيلإا ىلع تاديازملا نأ نم دكأتلل ةمزلالا .ةروظحم حبصتس -ةبولطملا راجيلإا تاديازم رظح متي فوس وأ كلاملا بلطي وأ حرتقي وأ وعدي ثيح نيلمتحملا نيرجأتسملا نم يراقعلا ليكولا لجأ نم نكسملل راجيلإا تاءاطع ةداــيز تاعيرشتلل لجاع ليدعت ربع-هيلع لوصحلا Property and(. ءلاــكو نوناق بجومب قارولأا )Stock Agents Act 2002 قيبطت متيسو 2002 ماعل تاكلتمملاو ةيلاملا تاراجيلاا لك ىلع ةديدجلا تاعيرشتلا /ربمسيد 17ب اءدب كلذو ،ةجردملا ةديدجلا 2022 لولأا نوناك تاعيرشتلا ىلع تلخدأ يتلا تاحلاصلإا نأ ةلداعلا ةراجتلا ريزو لاقو نزاوتلا تققح نيب حيحصلا Victor Dominello ديسلا كلملا باحصأو نيرجأتسملا نم لك حلاصم .تاراقعلا ءلاكوو نيلمتحملا نيرجأتسملا نم ريثكلا رعشي دق“ امدنع ءايتسلااب راجيإ بلطب اومدقت نيذلا مهيلع نأ مهل لاقي Dominello ديسلا لاقو ةيلامتحا نم نيسحتلل ضرعلا ةميق عفر ”لزنملل مهراجئتسا فوس ،عوبسلأا اذه ةياهن نم اءادــتــبا“ لمتحملا رجأتسملا ثح ءلاكولا ىلع رظحي هنع نلعملا غلبملا نم ىلعأ غلبم ميدقت ىلع .راقعلل ءلاكول نكمي لا ،كــلذ ىــلإ ةفاضلاابو“ اوددحي مل ام راقع نع نلاعلإا تاراقعلا .راقعلاب ةصاخلا راجيلإا موسر نم دكأتلل نيكلاملاو تاراقعلا ءلاكو عم( فوس NSW Fair Trading ملع ىلع مهنأ تاعيرشتلاب )ةلداعلا ةراجتلا ةرــئاد لمعت .اهيلإ نولثتميو ةديدجلا )NSW Fair Trading( :زليو ثواس وين يف ةرئاد عقوم يلع نيرجأتسملل ةروشملا رفوتت ةلداعلا ةراجتلا housing-and-property/renting ريخب متنأو ماع لك Happy New Year ايلاترسا لامشلا ءانبا داحتا HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023

Gift of Kindness


Have you ever heard of a car running on empty? Of course not. It’s impossible for a vehicle to go any further after the last drop of petrol is gone. Human beings are no different. There is no such thing as a superman or bionic woman. Everyone has limits, and once those limits have been depleted, no matter how strong a person is, he or she cannot go on.

Start with self-compassion.

gone, your family can’t fill the void you left with anyone else.

I’m writing in light of recent research at Ohio State University* which found 66% of working parents with live-in children up to 18-years-old suffering from burnout. I suspect working parents in the 30- to 40-year-old age bracket are particularly vulnerable to burnout as this is the period when a person starts climbing the ladder of success at work while raising a family. Plus, there might be elderly, ailing parents to care for, which adds to the daily demands. Feeling tired all the time, losing interest in things that used to excite you, difficulty to focusthese are a few of the symptoms of burnout. So, what can you do?

Being kind to yourself, which might not come naturally to some of us. If you’ve been conditioned to think that kindness and compassion are what you do to others, think again. If you fail to look after yourself, you may hit a point where you simply cannot function, just like the car running on empty. You cannot give when you have nothing to give. Not only you, your loved ones will suffer. So, begone with that inner voice which keeps telling you to keep burning the candle at both ends. Silence it.

Take a sabbatical.

Allow yourself time to heal, spiritually, emotionally and physically. If it isn’t possible to take a long leave, do what it takes to reduce your workload. If you worry about what’s going to happen when you’re not around, believe me, nobody is indispensable. Even if you disappear right now, the Earth won’t stop spinning. People at work will find someone to replace you sooner than you think. The only ones who will not be able to replace you are your family members. When you’re

Consider options.

Your health is your wealth. Aim for balance. Working, raising a family, caring for elders - these are all huge responsibilities, all of them marathons. You don’t complete them within a day or two. If you find it hard to sort it out in your head, consult a trusted person. Not that he or she can offer you a solution, but talking with someone can help clarify your thoughts, help you uncover blind spots, and see possibilities of what might or might not work in the short, mid and long term.

It must be said that the current lifestyle has contributed in no small way to burnout among working parents. Unlike yesteryears, many young parents now lead nuclear lives with no domestic help and no support from the extended family. No matter how exhausted you are, you still need to be in charge of home and kids once you’re back home. The advent of smartphones, making you accessible day and night is both a blessing and a blight. Bosses, family and friends expect you

to be reachable any time, any day. Besides, there’s also temptation to scroll media sites so you’re up-todate with what’s happening, or else you would be at a loss when colleagues talk about current issues. If you’re the type who constantly pushes yourself to see how far you can go, you’re unable to call it a day unless the 100 tasks you’re supposed to do have all been marked “Done”, you’re more susceptible to burnout. Take a good look at how you’ve been leading your life. If necessary, push the reset button. Now.

[*Reference: Kate Gawlik & Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk. (2022). Pandemic Parenting: Examining the Epidemic of Working Parental Burnout and Strategies to Help. The Ohio State University.]

Jamilah Samian is the author of Cool Mum Super Dad, Cool Boys Super Sons, The Kindness Miracle, Parenting Generation Y & Z, Leadership in Parenting, and 77 Power Parent Tips.

58 FAMILY AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
Give Happiness Today. Visit Give Happiness Today. Visit or Call 1300 760 155 Sponsor an orphan today and give hope for a better future. For as little as $50 a month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life.
59 يوعدلا طسولا AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا يهو ،ةءارق عمج تاءارقلا :هفيرعت ،أرقي ،أرق :لاقي أرق ردصم ةغللا يف .ئراق وهف ،لات ىنعمب ،انآرقو ،ةءارق ءادأ تايفيكب ملع :حلاطصلاا يفو ،افلاتخاو اقافتا ،ميركلا نآرقلا تاملك .هلقانل هجو لك وزع عم ثيح نم نآرقلا تاملك :هعوضوم .اهئاد ةيفيكو ،اهب قطنلا لاوحأ يف أطخلا نم ةمصعلا :هتدئافو هترمث نع اهتنايصو ،ةينآرقلا تاملكلاب قطنلا لك هب أرقي امب ملعلاو ،رييغتلاو فيرحتلا أرقي ام نيب زييمتلاو ،ةءارقلا ةمئأ نم .هب أرقي لاامو هب وأ ،ةيعرشلا مولعلا فرشأ نم :هلضف باتك فرشأب هقلعت ةدشل اهفرشأ وه .لزنم يوامس .نيابتلا :مولعلا نم هريغ ىلإ هتبسن رمع وبأ :ليقو ،ةءارقلا ةمئأ :هعضاو نود نم لوأو ،يرودلا رمع نب صفح .ملاس نب مساقلا ديبع وبأ هيف .تاءارقلا ملع :همسا وه ديحولا اهردصم :هدادــمــتــسا ليربج هب لزن يذلا ينابرلا يحولا هللا ىلص يبنلا ىلع ملاسلا هيلع نيملأا حيحصلا لقنلا قيرط نع ،ملسو هيلع لوصوملا تاءارقلا ءاملع نع رتاوتملاو .ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر ىلإ يئافكلا بوجولا :هيف عراشلا مكح .اميلعتو املعت :مهلوقك ةيلكلا هدــعاوــق :هلئاسم ةزمح اهليمي ءاي نع ةبلقنم فلأ لك فلخب شرو اهللقيو ،فلخو يئاسكلاو تعقو ةمومضم وأ ةحوتفم ءار لكو ،هنع اهققري ةنكاس ءاي وأ ةيلصأ ةرسك دعب ..اذكهو ،شرو :تاءارقلا ملع ةأشن امنإ ميركلا نآرقلا يف هيلع لوعملا نإ نع ةقث :انقبس نمع ذخلأاو يقلتلا وه ىلص يبنلا ىلإ ،مامإ نع امامإو ،ةقث .ملسو هيلع هللا ،هصنو هظفل انيلإ لقن ميركلا نآرقلاف دمحم انيبن ىلع ىلاعت هللا هلزنأ امك ةيفيك انيلإ تلقنو ،ملسو
ىلص هللا لوسر نع مهذخأ مهو راصملأا يف اوقرفت مث ،ملسو نوعباتلا مهنم ىقلتو ،لاحلا اذه ىلع ذخأ كلذ ببسب فلتخاف ؛فرحلأا هذه نع نيعباتلا عبات ذخأو مهنع نيعباتلا .نيودتلا نمز ىلإ تلصو ىتح نيعباتلا ةئاملا سأر ىلع نيعباتلا دهع يفو طبضب نيملسملا ةيانع تأدب ،ىلولأا ،كلذ ىلإ ةجاحلا تعد ثيح ةءارقلا ةعيرشلا مولعب اولعف امك املع اهولعجو مهب ىدتقي ةمئأ اوراـــصو ،ىرـــخلأا اذه ىلع رملأا لصو ىتح ،مهيلإ لحريو ،نيروهشملا ءارقلا ةمئلأا ىلإ وحنلا ،امامت نيقابلا ةءارقك مهدحأ ةءارقو ..ىلاعت هللا دنع نم نآرق لكلاف :تاءارقلا ددعت دئاوف هللا باتك ةنايص ىلع ةللادلا .1 هنوك عم ،فيرحتلاو ليدبتلا نم هظفحو .ةريثكلا هجولأا هذه ىلع ةءارقلا ليهستو ةملأا ىلع فيفختلا .2 .اهيلع وحن ،ظافللأا ضعبب دارملا نايب .3 نهعلاك لابجلا نوكتو« :ىلاعت هلوق :ئرقو ،)5 :ةعراقلا ةروس( » شوفنملا ةءارقلا تنيبف ،» شوفنملا فوصلاك« .فوصلا :وه نهعلا نأ ةيناثلا :ةعبسلا فرحلأا ىنعم فرــحلأا ىنعم لوح ءارآ ةدع كانه ددع دنع حجرتي يذــلا نكل ةعبسلا يذلا وه نفلا اذه يف نيققحملا نم دبع نب زيزعلا دبع روتكدلا هيلإ لصوت فرحلأا ثيدح( هباتك يف ئراقلا حاتفلا هوجو« :ةعبسلا فرحلأا نأ وهو ،)ةعبسلا ،ةءارقلا هوجو نم ةلزنم ةرياغتم ةددعتم دق نوكتف اهنم يأب أرقت نأ كنكمي ،دارم انه ددعلاو ،لازنم انآرق تأرق هغلبت نأ نكمي دح ىصقأ نأ :ىنعمب ،هجوأ ةعبس وه ةلزنملا ةينآرقلا هوجولا نمض ةدحاولا ةينآرقلا ةملكلا يف كلذو ،رياغتلاو فلاتخلاا عاونأ نم دحاو عون لك يف دحلا اذه هجولأا غلبت نأ مزلي لاو .»نآرقلا نم عضوم اهتقلاعو ةعبسلا فرحلأا :ةرتاوتملا رشعلا تاءارقلاب ام ةلمج يه ةرتاوتملا رشعلا تاءارقلا ةروصلا يهو ،ةعبسلا فرحلأا نم يقب فرحلأاف ؛لجو زع هللا باتكل ةيئاهنلا تاءارقلا اهنم صخأو ،معلأا يه ةعبسلا تاءارقلا اهنم صخأو ،ةرتاوتملا رشعلا تاءارقلا ىوس ام نأو ،ةرتاوتملا عبسلا لاو انآرق سيلو ،ذاش ةرتاوتملا رشعلا .هب أرقي رشعلاو عبسلا تاءارقلا نإف هيلعو فرــحلأا نم اءزــج ربتعت ةرتاوتملا ىلص يبنلا بلق ىلع تلزن يتلا ةعبسلا اهنم ءزج خسن دق هنوكل ؛ملسو هيلع هللا .ةريخلأا ةضرعلا يف :ةيلاتلا ةدعاقلا عضو نكمي هنإف كلذلو نم يه ةرتاوتم ةحيحص ةءارق لك« نم ءيش لك سيلو ،ةعبسلا فرــحلأا خسن دق هنوكل ؛ارتاوتم ةعبسلا فرحلأا .»ةريخلأا ةضرعلا يف اهنم ءيش .ةنبلاجلا دماح نب ناطلس نب يلع .د ملقب .نروبلم – ىوقتلا دجسم مامإ ةلاصلاو ،اجوع هل لعجي ملو باتكلا هدبع ىلع لزنأ يذلا هلل دمحلا هلآ ىلعو هيلع هللا ىلص ،ىلاعت هللا باتك أرق نم ريخ ىلع ملاسلاو :دعب امأ ،اريثك اميلست ملسو ،هبحصو دئارفو دئاوفو لئاسم يف ىلاعت هللا نذإب ريخ وه ام اهعبتي ةديفم ةعطق هذهف نأ لجو زع يبر لائاس ،ملعلا ةبلط يتاوخأو يتوخلإ تاءارقلا مولع يف اهرطسأ ...نيملسملاو ملاسلإا اهب عفني نأو ميركلا ههجول ةصلاخ ينم اهلبقتي )1( تاءارقلا ملع
هيلع هللا ىلص هللا ىلص لوسرلا اهب قطن امك هئادأ هيلع ليربج هملع امل اقفو ،ملسو هيلع ،نولقانلا ةاورلا فلتخا دقو ،ملاسلا حيحص دانسإب هيوري ام وزعي مهنم لكف ..ملاسلاو ةلاصلا هيلع يبنلا ىلإ فلتخا دق مهيلع هللا ناوضر ةباحصلاو مهيلع هللا
فيرش دمحا هرواح لــصأو روذـــج يــه اــم ةـــنـــسوـــبـــلا ناــــكــــس ؟كسرهلاو دلابلاو ةنسوبلا نويفلاسلا نطوتسا نييدلايملا نينرقلا يف اهب ةطيحملا روصعلا لــئاوأ يف .عباسلاو سداسلا اءزج ةزيجو ةرتفل ةنسوبلا تناك ،ىطسولا ىرخلأا ةيبونجلا ةيفلاسلا نادلبلا نم ايسايس تلقتساو ،ةطنزيبو رجملا لثم دهع يف رشع يناثلا نرقلا رخاوأ يف بتاكلا تاباتكل اقفو .ناب نيلوك مكاحلا فصتنم يف مانيك نافوي يطنزيبلا لثمت ةنسوبلا تناك ،رشع يناثلا نرقلا عضخي لا“ لاقتسم ايسايس ايميلقإ انايك اهيف سانلاو ،ميظعلا برصلا مكاحل نوؤش ةرادإ يف ةصاخ ةقيرط مهيدل اورجاه نيذلا نويفلاسلا قلطأ .”مهتايح ةبسن ،قانشوبلا مهسفنأ ىلع ةنسوبلا ىلإ رداصملا ديفتو .ةنسوبلا رهن مسا ىلإ لولأ رهظ قانشوبلا مسا نأب ةيخيراتلا روطاربملإل يروطاربملإا بقللا يف ةرم 1166 ماع سونينموك ليونام يطنزيبلا ”بيطلا يقانشوبلا“ ينثلإا مسلاا ريشيو رظنلا ضغب ،اهلمكأب ةنسوبلا ناكس ىلإ ةقطنملا ىلع طقف رصتقي ملو ،نيدلا نع دهشتو ،ةنسوبلا رهن عبنمب ةطيحملا يف ةفلتخملا دوهعلاو قيثاوملا كلذ ىلع سماخلاو رشع عبارلا نييدلايملا نينرقلا نابيتس ناب نم لك مكح دوهع يف رشع )Stjepan II Kotromanić( شتينامورتوك يناثلا شتينامورتوك لولأا وكترفت نابو نابيتس كلملاو ،)Ban Tvrtko I Kotromanić( .خلإ ،)Kralj Stjepan Ostoje( ييوتسوأ نيملاعلا نيب عقت ةنسوبلا ةكلمم تناك ةنسوبلا كولم ناكو ،يبرغلاو يقرشلا ةسينكلا ريثأتل ريبك لكشب نوعضخي كاذــنآ تناك يتلا ةيلحملا ةينسوبلا نأ نم مغرلابو .اهيف ةدئاسلا ةنايدلا تناك ـ اهميلاعت يف ـ ةينسوبلا ةسينكلا مل اهنأ لاإ ،ةينارصنلا تامسلاب مستت ،اذل .ةينارصنلا ةديقعلا دمتعت ملو فرتعت ةيكيلوثاكلا ةينامورلا ناتسينكلا تناك ناكسلا ناربتعت ةيقرشلا ةيسكذوثرلأاو ضرف نلاواحت اتناكو ،ةقدانز نييلحملا ةبسنلاب .ةنسوبلا ضرأ ىلع امهتنميه اجيزم مهنيد ناك ،نيينسوبلا مظعمل قلطي ناــكو .تافارخلاو ديلاقتلا نم مسا ةينسوبلا ةسينكلا عابتأ ةيبلاغ ىلع .)برلا ءابحأ( ينعتو ،يليموغوب ةنسوبلا ىلإ ملاــسلإا لخد ىتم ؟كسرهلاو حتفلا عم ةنسوبلا ىلإ ملاــسلإا لخد نوخرؤملا ركذيو ،1463 ماع يف ينامثعلا ناكسلا تلعج يتلا بابسلأا نم ديدعلا ،ملاسلإا قانتعا ىلإ نوعراسي نييلحملا نيب رئاعشلا يف هباشتلا اهمهأ نمو ىلعف .ملاسلااو ةدئاسلا ةينسوبلا ةسينكلا نيذلا ،نويلحملا ناكسلا ناك ،لاثملا ليبس نولصي ،يليموغوبلاب مهسفنأ نومسي ملو ،نوموصيو ،مويلا يف تارم سمخ ةعضاوتم مهدباعم تناكو ،بيلصلاب اولبقي ضعب ركذتو .خلا ،تانوقيأ اهيف دجوي لاو لعف در ءاج ملاسلإا قانتعا نأ رداصملا نيينسوبلا ريصنت تلاواحم نم ديدعلا ىلع يتلا ةيبيلصلا بورحلا ىلعو ،يليموغوبلا ،ةينسوبلا ةسينكلا ىلع ءاضقلا اهفده ناك نم .ةيسكذوثرلأاو ةيكيلوثاكلا ميلاعت رشنو رونب تءاضأ ةنسوبلا نأب هونن نأ مهملا ،حتافلا دمحم ناطلسلا دي ىلع ملاسلإا ملعن امكو .اضيأ ةينيطنطسقلا حتف يذلا رشب ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص هللا لوسر نإف ةئامعبس نم رثكأ لبق ةينيطنطسقلا حتفب ريملأا ىلع ىنثأو ،اهحتف ىلع ماــع دئاقلا اذهو ،كلذ ققحي يذلا شيجلاو وه ،قباسلا يوبنلا ثيدحلا يف روكذملا انلصوو ،اندلاب ىلإ ملاسلإا لصوأ يذلا .ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص انيبنب نوينسوبلا نوملسملا ظفاح فيك تدقف نأ دعب اميس ،مهملاسإ ىلع ىلع اهترطيس ةينامثعلا ةلودلا ؟كسرهلاو ةنسوبلا ةباجإ بلطتيو ةياغلل بكرم لاؤس هنإ تقولا نم ريثكلا ىلإ جاتحنسو ،ةلماش ةموعدم ةلماش ةباجإ ميدقتل ةحاسملاو ـ زاجيإب ريشنس ،كــلذ مــغرو .ةلدلأاب ضعب ىلإ ـ ةحاتملا ةحاسملا دودح يف .ةيمهأ رثكلأا قئاقحلا تائم ذنم كسرهلاو ةنسوبلا تناك تاسايس يف ةمهم ةناكم لتحت نينسلا يفارغجلا اهعقوم ببسب ىمظعلا ىوقلا افده تناك ام ابلاغ اذل ،يجيتارتسلاا .ةيعسوتلا اهفادهأو اهتاحومطل ،ابوروأ طسو نم نيملسملا باحسنابو ،شتيتهم ليلخ ظفاحلا خيشلا ةليضف عم ءاقل ايروتكف ةيلاوب )Deer park( يف ينسوبلا دجسملا بيطخو مامإ )١( 61 ءاقل AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا

Some scholars got together, one day, and went to test Imam Shafi, in the presence of Khalifah Harun Rashid. They asked him first to explain the following scenario; a man slaughtered a sheep in his house. He then left for a short trip. When he returned home, he told his family to eat the meat of the sheep as it is now forbidden on him. His family replied that it is, now, also forbidden on them.

In response, Imam Shafi said, that man was a polytheist (Mushrik) when he slaughtered the sheep. And when he left for his journey, he became Muslim. Hence the meat was not permissible for him anymore. And when his family knew about his Islam, they, also, became Muslim, and hence the meat became, also, prohibited on them.

Another example they gave was this; a man was praying and when he said salaam on his right side, his wife became divorced from him. And when he said salaam on his left side, his prayer became invalid and when he looked unto the sky, he became a thousand dirham-in debt.

In response, Imam Shafi explained that the one who was praying, when he said salaam to the right side, he saw the man that was married to his current wife, previously and was thought to have died. Since he was still alive, she was still married to him and hence her current marriage with the one praying was not valid. And when he looked to the left side, he saw some impurity on his clothes and hence his prayer was not acceptable. Finally, when he looked unto the sky, he saw the crescent, and realized that he had to pay someone back a thousand dirhams at the beginning of the month.

After Imam Shafi gave perfect explanations for each situation, he, now, requested the Khalifa to allow him to test those scholars. So, he gave them this case; a man died, leaving 600 dirhams, in inheritance, how come his sister received 1 dirham only (out of the 600). The scholars could not explain this and were baffled. Imam Shafi explained; this man had 2 daughters, a mother, a wife, 12 brothers and one sister. Two thirds (400) were given to his daughters, one sixth (100) was given to his mother, one eighth (75) was given to his wife, and the remaining (25) were distributed among the 12 bothers and one sister, with each brother receiving (2) dirhams and the sister receiving (1) dirham.

The Khalifah was so impressed, he gave Imam Shafi 2000 dirhams, which Imam Shafi gave away to the servants of the Khalifah.

1.The Book of Arshif Muntada Al-Fasih (in Arabic Language).


“Mum, when do you get paid again? I need to pay for camp.” I hesitate to answer. My next pay day is in 3 days, but with the rent and accumulating bills, most of my pay is already gone. Especially in current times, it’s hard to face tomorrow.

The cost of living is steadily rising in Australia and around the world. Australia has seen innumerable crises – bushfires, COVID-19, droughts, and floods – which have impacted on our overall quality of life and financial stability. To make matters worse, the continual rising prices of basic expenses like petrol and groceries has put a strain on every household in Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the quarterly and annual increases are the largest since the introduction of the GST more than 20 years ago. While this inflation has had an adverse effect on all families, it has been debilitating for others; hitting low-income households the hardest, since they must spend a larger portion of their budget on the most basic of necessities. People whose household’s income lies below the relevant poverty line are unlikely to reach a generally acceptable minimum standard of living unless they have access to other resources such as substantial savings. They are likely to miss out on essentials that most people take for granted such as decent and secure housing. Moreover, people are at greater risk of

mental illnesses. There is an increase in reports indicating low life satisfaction and a reduction in wellbeing, including increased feelings of anxiety and depression. Given the heavier burden to earn sufficiently to feed our families, it is not surprising that we are feeling more stressed and overwhelmed. Having the responsibility of being the head of the family has never been so taxing, as it gets harder and harder to make ends meet and keep the family happy. These demands put a strain on married couples, often causing marital discord and pushing relationships to breaking point. For single-parent households, this burden is carried alone, exacerbated by the guilt and helplessness resulting from being unable to purchase toys or new clothes for their children, or spending on items relating to self-care.

This is a problem affecting all of us. A problem that we don’t need to face individually. Financial struggle shouldn’t be a source of shame or embarrassment. Emotional and mental strain doesn’t need to be carried alone. National Zakat Foundation has the resources and personnel, ready to assist families in need, during these difficult times. They have programs tailored to alleviate different issues and to cater for families and individuals with different needs. All you have to do is let them know. Together, we can face tomorrow. National Zakat Foundation 1300663729 or

62 AUSTRALIAN AL WASAT 137 ¿ Jumada al-Akhirah / Rajab 1444 ¿ December 2022 / January 2023 يناثلا نوناك / 2022 لولأا نوناك ¿ ـه 1444 بجر / ةرخلآا ىدامج ¿ 137 طسولا
2.Online lecture by Dr (Sheikh) Mohammad Al-Arifi Short Stories from
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