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Sicilian VeSperS

In the main square of Palermo Tybalt, Robert and other French soldiers have gathered outside the governor's palace. Provide for their homeland, while the Sicilians are watching, unhappy by the occupation. Elena comes dressed in mourning for her brother executed. Something drunk, Roberto demands that she sing, to which access peacefully. His song about the dangers of fishermen and the cry of God "are circumvented the dangers", only incites the Sicilians to revolt against the occupiers. When you enter Monforte, Governor, people calm. Then Arrigo announced it has been released from prison. Alone with Arrigo, Montforte offered a position with the French while stay away from Elena. He refused, and immediately following Elena inside the palace. Procida seaside dismounted puts down a small fishing boat. Clearly, it returns from exile and expressed his joy at the return to their land and their hometown or your Palermo / "Et toi, Palerme" / "O thou, Palermo, beloved land ..." surrounded by Manfredo and fellow and he quickly ordered his men to bring Elena and Arrigo before him. The three planned an uprising in the coming festivities will be followed by the marriage of a youth group. After Procida leave, Elena asks what reward Arrigo

looking for. Vowing to avenge the death of his brother, not order more than his love. Bethune arrives with an invitation from Monteforte for a dance. Arrigo refuses and is arrested and dragged out. Guided by Roberto, a group of French soldiers have entered the square and have begun to dance. The dance becomes animated, and Roberto made signals to his men, who caught many of the young, taking them despite the protests of young Sicilians. The rejected young witness passing full of French nobles and boat Sicilian women, dancing all the way. Procida and the other determined to enter the dance and so seek his revenge. In the Palace of Montforte Montforte read a paper from a woman who has been abducted, revealing that Arrigo is his son: Yes, m'abboriva ed to ragion! "Yes, she despised me, and rightly so!". Bethune tells Arrigo that have brought to the force, but Montforte is exalted by the fact that your child is near: In braccio alle dovizie. Delivered to wealth, surrounded by honours, a huge , horrible void ... "The two men face and Arrigo is somewhat surprised by the way they treat you. In the end, Monforte teaches written by the mother of Arrigo letter. Overwhelmed, but still challenging, Arrigo insults his father, who reacted angrily when the young man rushes to leave: Parole fatale, Insult mortale / "fatal word, mortal insult! The joy is gone ... ". When you enter Montforte, it gives the signal to start dancing. In the public, but they disguised, are Elena, Arrigo and Procida.

Arrigo is surprised when the two are revealed and declared its intention to save the young. However, it is disturbed to hear that claim to kill Montforte as the father on the son, there are some warning of danger. When the murderers are closer, Arrigo jumps in front of his father, just as Elena is coming. The Sicilians are shocked to see Arrigo saved as the group considers the situation. Elena, Procida, Danieli and the Sicilians curse while Arrigo crawl out, as he wants to follow, but Montforte contains. In prison Arrigo arrives at the door of the prison and, in order of Monforte, waiting to be admitted. Contemplates the situation in which stan your friends Giorno di pianto .Day of mourning "They bring Elena and confronts him at the end, he admits that Monforte is his father and she begins to crave sympathy.. with him: Ah, you speak to a predisposed to forgive heart. "Without seeing Arrigo, Procida approaches Elena and reveals a letter that tells you about the upcoming release. But Montforte arrives and orders to call a priest and execution of prisoners while Procida is surprised to discover the real situation of Arrigo This begs for mercy for his friends and Montforte confronts him with one thing. Dimme sun, say "Father /" Just tell me one thing, call me father ... "Arrigo says nothing when the executioner comes and takes the couple, followed by Arrigo. Montforte anticipates to prevent join them. When Elena takes before the executioner, Monteforte forgive the Sicilians. It is more even, as in the marriage of Elena and Arrigo and announced to the people: "Again I find a child". There is a widespread joy.

In the gardens at the palace of Montforte while the gentlemen and ladies gather, Elena thanked all Merce, Dilette amiche "Merci, jeunes amies" "Thank you, dear friends." Arrigo arrives, exclaiming cheerful: "The breeze blowing in the distance ...". He goes to meet his father, but comes Procida announcing a plan to outwit the enemy massacring at the altar after they have pronounced the vote. She is torn, even the return of Arrigo, between love and duty. In the end, you cannot go ahead and tells Arrigo that they cannot marry. Both men are angry with her for what looks like betrayal. Then comes Monforte, take the hands of the couple unites, and says married as they begin to ring the bells. This is the signal for the uprising of the Sicilians who are released on Montforte and French.

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