Best storyyy ever xd

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chapter 1 In 1266, Pope Clement IV mention Charles I of Anjou, King of Sicily. The French ruled the island and the Ghibellines (the people who disagreed with the government) had less and less patience. -So, We all agree -said Simone, the head of the rebellion. All raised their arms to prove it.

In March 1282, the Crown of Aragon. Peter III the Great, forty years, received a letter from the Sicilian Ghibellines requesting their support and collaboration for a rebellion against the French government. -This is a great opportunity -thought Peter aloud- If I win the French with the help of Ghibellines, the Crown of Aragon can count on the government of a wider territory. But he needed his faithful admiral Roger de Lauria, the best warrior in the kingdom. Lauria was the son of Ricardo di Lauria and Bella d'Amici, the lady of Constance II who was the wife of Peter III the Great. Constance of Sicily had to flee from her island when the Angevin seized the throne. Roger de Lauria was raised in Aragon Court, where he was soon knighted and received territories in the Kingdom of Valencia. Peter shook his head and went to the chamber of the great admiral. He knocked on the door and entered without waiting for an answer. -Good morning, Roger -Peter said him. -Good morning, Peter -Roger said-. I've received a letter from Sicily. -Really? -Yes. The Ghibellines ask us to take part on the battle against the Angevin. -But, it is perfect! -Roger exclaimed-. If we win the war we will have the government of the island! -We must leave Aragon as soon as possible. Prepare your fleet and all the army members and knights. -Yes Sir -Roger agreed. Peter left the room and went to inform of the following exit to the nobles of his court.

chapter 2 Simone Aiello, head of the Ghibellines, had just left his house because he was going to meet his assistants. They had to find each other in a small wooden hut, inside the forest, so the Angevin could not discover him. After walking for a while, he arrived. -Finally you're here! -Pietro said, another head. -We've been waiting for you more than one hour! -it complained Chiara Millazo, the femenine captain. -Pardon me. I had to take another way in order not to be followed by the guards -Simone apologized. -Do you know something of the Aragon Crown and its king? -asked Chiara. -No, nothing. -Well we can't wait much more. We're all worried and afraid, and we can't tolerate the punishment imposed by Angevin anymore -Pietro said. -The only thing we can do is wait for them to arrive. -We hope so.

chapter 3 After approximately one month, Roger's fleet arrived at Sicily.

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