Baptist Herald-Mar 2013 Edition

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Herald goes the e-way To the Churches of BMAKWM, The Publication Committee, the Committee of five and Bro. Adam have met to look at how we can make the Baptist Herald better. The Publication Committee has looked at the ideas and we are going to put them into action right away and would like your input on these changes. These changes are due to lack of reports and finances. Bro. Adam has moved from monthly issues to quarterly issues because of the lack of reports. We are going to first of all go to paperless and put the printing on the church for how many of your members do not have an email address and would like the Baptist Herald. We will also be going back to monthly reports. Please do not stop sending your support of the Baptist Herald. We still need your support of this paper. This is a way we keep the churches informed about what is going on in your church whether it be exciting events of the past or the future. These reports can include upcoming events or information on salvations, baptisms, re-dedications or other news of this nature. We would like for all church reporters to send reports to Bro. Adam at before the 15th of the month so he can have them out by the 1st of the month. We also like the churches to have a messenger to receive the Baptist Herald through email and distribute them to the members of your church either through email or paper. Once you have selected a messenger please send Bro. Adam their name and email address at the above mentioned address. Please feel free call or email the Publication committeemen, your comments are greatly appreciated. Alan Ettinger (816)437-5667

David Mullin (816)694-0419

Jeff Adams (417)684-1136


F ROM THE E DITOR I’m continuing the series of lessons that God the Father has taught this father… Lessons from the Father “Change is for the better.” As you can see from the stories on the front & last page of the current issue, there are changes coming. The “Committee of 5” has been busy on your behalf & plan to share recommendations at our next Associational meeting. Several of the recommendations (including with the Herald) are too beneficial to wait. On the back page, you’ll see where several people visited our new Church Camp in Weir, KS. Cameron & I really enjoyed exploring the campgrounds, but we especially loved going thru the new dorm rooms. I can honestly say, for the guys that are accustomed to our most recent dorms/cabins at camp, this year will seem like we are basking in a resort hotel. There will be some changes that will be difficult, but it is only through change that things get better over the long term. This is the same as in our Christian walk… God will allow things to come into our lives that will force us to change. It may hurt for a little while, but as we continue to grow & He leads us through the difficult time, we learn to trust Him better & enjoy the fruits of that change.

C ONTACT I NFORMATION BAPTIST HERALD Adam Owen P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 Fax:620-783-1638 BMA OF KS & WESTERN MO OFFERINGS Paul Mooney P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 KOAM ENCAMPMENT OFFERINGS Adam Owen P.O. Box 218 Galena, KS 66739 BETHEL DISTRICT OFFERINGS Fred Vogel P.O. Box 75 Galena, KS 66739 KANSAS CITY DISTRICT OFFERINGS Clyde Lingelbach 436 S. Drury Kansas City, MO 64123

BAPTIST HERALD A Non-Profit Enterprise Official publication of the Baptist Missionary Association of Kansas and Western Missouri A national publication advocating world-wide missions, evangelism, benevolence, and Christian education Print subscription rate $10.00 per year in advance. Sample copies are available for the asking. Free full-color email edition also available. ADVERTISING RATES: $5.00 per column inch $50.00 one-fourth page $75.00 one-half page $100.00 full page

Postage paid at Galena, Kansas 66739


HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 927 N. Olive Nevada, MO 64772 Bro. Jeff Adams, Pastor

Greeting Bro. and Sis. It has been quite some time since Heritage has put an article in, a matter of fact I believe it has been quite some time since we have heard from a lot of churches. I hope that will change and we as an association of churches will turn that around again. Enough said about the Herald. Now for the exciting news, Heather Sheets and Terry Leesmeister recently accept-

ed Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and joined the church through baptism on February 3 along with Jerry and Nola Hughes. Fred Gilkey, Georgia Bell, and Nathanial Harrison joined our church in December by letter and statement of faith. We have been making some changes to our music and building. We lost our piano player, she and her husband moved to Texas to be close to their daughter and son-in-law for health reasons. So we hung up our projector the week of Christmas and realized that we needed more

room so we built a small sound room to give us some extra space. We are now looking for musicians so please pray that God would send some talented musicians our way. Thank God for computers and most of all, the miracle that He still performs of saving souls. We will also joining in Holy Matrimony Fred Gilkey and Georgia Bell on February 28th. We also had a great fellowship on February 17th for our February birthdays and anniversaries celebration luncheon. Pastor Jeff Adams


Date - Saturday, April 13, 2013 Place - Cornerstone Baptist Church Speakers:  Mrs. Jenae Polok Meadowside Baptist Church Pittsburg, Kansas

Mrs. Margaret Lindsey


Pla s ’ God e! M for

Missionary to Ghana, West Africa

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV) (NIV)


To the Churches of BMAKWM, The Camp Committee and I have been looking for other campgrounds. We are always looking for ways to improve our camp experience. On February 12, 2013 the camp committee, some of the pastors and myself went to look at Weir Baptist Camp in Weir, KS, it is approximately 12 miles south of Pittsburg, KS we were all very impressed with the camp and what they had to offer. It will be our camp this year for the week of July 15-19. The price of the camp will be cheaper this year. Most everything is close together for those of you who are worried about the long walk. We will have to make some changes this year in the way we do things so I ask you to bear with us. We will need to pre-register by June 23rd this will allows us to know what size t-shirt and have them by the week of camp. It will also allow us to let the camp know approx. how many campers will be there that week and to know approx. class sizes. We will need some Volunteers to help run the canteen. Bro. Steve is also going to need a lot of assistance for activities this year; there will be quite a bit more activities for kids of all ages. If you are interested in helping Bro. Steve please let me know. I will be sending signup sheets again this year please email me those back by June 23rd so Steve can have an idea how many volunteers he will need and how many teams will be there. We now are looking for teachers, and craft helpers and if you are interested in singing a special please let us know before camp we are trying to organize this as much as possible. Again I ask you to be patient with us this year. We are looking for an exciting camp this year. Thank you, Jeff Adams 2013 Camp Director

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