香港展能藝術會 -《藝無疆2024:新晉展能藝術家視覺藝術比賽》電子作品集

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Presented by






Cross All Borders


Cross All Borders 2024: Hong Kong Competition of Showcasing

New Visual Artists with Disabilities


Message from Chairperson of Adjudication Panel


Awarded Artworks of Open Division


Awarded Artworks of Youth Division


Awarded Artworks of Children Division

48 參與機構及學校

Participated Organisations and Schools 50 鳴謝


52 《藝無疆2024》統籌小組

Working Group of ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ 54


Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong


我很高興能夠見證2024年迎來 第十四屆《藝無彊》,這個別具意義的 藝術活動歷經十餘年,至今成為 持續發展的長期項目,實有賴香港 展能藝術會一直堅持不懈,致力發掘 潛質優厚的展能藝術家。

《藝無疆》每年甄選出由殘疾人士 創作的作品及演出,讓大眾能有機會 一睹他們的藝術才華。今年以視覺 藝術比賽形式徵集作品,一如以往 反應熱烈,足證《藝無疆》深得各方的 歷年以不同類別的資助支持 「藝無疆」活動,今年很高興繼續 與香港展能藝術會共同在港推廣 展能藝術。

香港展能藝術會一直秉持培育展能 藝術家的精神,這與藝發局扶植藝術 工作者的發展策略互相呼應。藝發局 特別在去年推出「藝術人才見習配對 計劃」及「新苗發展資助計劃」分別 提供實習機會及資助新苗項目以培育 新晉,新一期的計劃亦即將開展, 期望與各界繼續攜手合作,積極從 多方面推動香港藝術的發展。

支持和認同。香港藝術發展局( 藝發局 )

我在此衷心祝賀本屆《藝無疆》的 得獎者,祝願各位未來有更多機會 盡展所長。

霍啟剛先生,太平紳士 香港藝術發展局主席

Complimentary Message

I am pleased to witness the launch of the 14th edition of ‘Cross All Borders’ in 2024. This meaningful arts event has been held for over a decade, and it has developed as a long-term project. This is indeed attributable to the perseverance and commitment of the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK) in identifying and nurturing great talents of budding artists with disabilities.

‘Cross All Borders’ selects artworks and performances created by artists with disabilities every year, providing opportunities for the public to have a full view of their artistic talents. This year, ADAHK has collected artworks in the form of a visual art competition, receiving enthusiastic response as in previous years that proves the support and recognition of ‘Cross All Borders’ by different parties. The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) has supported ‘Cross All Borders’ by

various types of grants over the years. We are pleased to continue to work with ADAHK this year to promote arts for people with disabilities in Hong Kong. ADAHK has always upheld the spirit of nurturing artists with disabilities, which resonates with HKADC's development strategy of supporting art practitioners. Last year, HKADC launched the ‘Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme’ and the ‘Emerging Artists Development Grant’ to provide internship opportunities and subsidise emerging artists’ arts projects respectively for nurturing new talents. The second cohort will be called soon. We hope to continue to work hand in hand with different sectors to actively promote the development of arts in Hong Kong in various aspects.

I sincerely congratulate the awardees of ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ and wish each of you continue to unleash your potential in the future.

Mr Kenneth Fok Kai-kong, JP Chairman of Hong Kong Arts Development Council

轉眼間,《藝無疆》已踏入第十四 年頭。秉持著「藝術無疆界」的 理念,香港展能藝術會一直致力發掘

本地新晉展能藝術家,提供一個專業 平台令他們發光發亮,讓社會大眾能

欣賞各位優秀的作品及演出,為香港 藝術界增添色彩。在這十多年間,


新星,他們在藝術領域中努力不懈, 突破自我,為邁向專業發展勇敢開闢



《藝無疆》多年來的支持。除了讓 我們在項目籌劃上的資源更充裕

之外,更重要的是能促進社會大眾 對於展能藝術的關注,體現「藝術 同參與.傷健共展能」的精神。

本年度《藝無疆》致力成為展能 藝術家追隨藝術的中途站,積極在 藝術家的創作路上給予發展空間、

培訓及全方位支援,同時亦設立平台 讓展能藝術家與公眾分享交流,推廣 社會共融信息。

在此,我謹代表本會衷心感謝所有 參加者及其陪同者、學校和機構的 踴躍參與,亦很感激各位評委抽空 參與作品的評審工作,令本屆 《藝無疆》得以順利舉辦。我們將 繼續協助具潛質的新晉展能藝術家 在藝術路上起跑,讓他們在未來透過 更多專業平台展現藝術作品的多樣性 與獨特視野,展現無限的可能性。




In the blink of an eye, ‘Cross All Borders’ has entered its fourteenth year. With the vision of ‘Arts without Borders’, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK) has been dedicated to discover emerging local artists with disabilities and provide them with a professional platform to shine, allowing wider community to appreciate their outstanding works and performances, adding vibrancy to the Hong Kong art industry. Over the past decade, ‘Cross All Borders’ has gathered together many rising stars in the field of disability arts. They have been tirelessly striving, pushing their boundaries, and bravely paving their way towards professional development in the realm of art.

We sincerely thank the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for their support towards ‘Cross All Borders’ over the years. Apart from providing us with more abundant resources for project planning, their support has been crucial in raising awareness of disability arts among the wider community, embodying the spirit of ‘Arts Are For Everyone’. This year,

‘Cross All Borders’ aims to become a milestone for artists with disabilities on their artistic journey, actively providing development opportunities, training, and comprehensive support for their creative endeavours. It also aims to create a platform for interaction between artists with disabilities and the public as to promote social inclusion.

On behalf of our organisation, I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, their companions, schools, and organisations for their enthusiastic participation. We are also grateful to the judges for their time and effort in evaluating the artworks, which has made this edition of ‘Cross All Borders’ possible. We will continue to assist talented emerging artists with disabilities in launching their artistic careers, and in the future, showcasing the diversity and unique perspectives of their artworks through more professional platforms, highlighting their limitless potential.

Ida Lam Chairperson,

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

藝無疆 Cross All Borders








的精彩演出及作品,為香港藝術增添 姿釆。



獲得一致好評,參加比賽或前來欣賞 的人次已累積逾10,000人次。在各方

基金及團體支持下,從 《 藝無疆 》






計劃詳情 Programme Details 《藝無疆》

'Cross All Borders' Facebook

‘Cross All Borders’ is one of the ongoing, committed projects of Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong. This thematic arts festival is held every year alternating between performing arts and visual arts. It aims to uncover the great talents of budding artists with disabilities and encourage the pursuit of meaningful life through arts activities, as well as providing opportunities for the audience to appreciate the performances and artworks of these talented artists so as to enrich Hong Kong’s cultural landscape.

Attracting a total of over 10,000 artists and participants, ‘Cross All Borders’ Festivals have won overwhelming response from budding artists with disabilities, as well as wide acclaim from the general public. With the supports of other foundations and organisations, artists with disabilities who were uncovered in ‘Cross All Borders’ have achieved substantial accomplishments within their art field. Besides collaborating with the local professionals, they also got the opportunities to participate in overseas events and competitions, absorbing experience to pave their way to professional development.

藝無疆 2024:新晉展能藝術家視覺藝術比賽

Cross All Borders 2024 : Hong Kong Competition of Showcasing

New Visual Artists with Disabilities






發揮潛能並自主創作。《藝無疆 2024》希望成為展能藝術家追隨

藝術的中途站,鼓勵他們在創作 之路上勇敢遠征,一步一步成就夢想。

本屆比賽共徵集300份參賽作品, 包括公開組、青少年組及兒童組,共




作品及創作經歷,促進展能藝術家與 公眾的交流。


由本地藝術及復康界專業人士組成, 負責評審及甄選。

‘Cross All Borders 2024: Hong Kong

Competition of Showcasing New Visual Artists with Disabilities’ sets sail as a visual arts competition. We accept visual artworks of different styles, media, and forms, hoping to discover emerging artists with disabilities, encouraging them to unleash their potential and create independently. ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ hopes to be the en route stop for artists with disabilities, encourages them to bravely embark on their artistic journey and realize their dreams step by step.

We have received a total of 300 entries amongst open, youth and children divisions for this year’s competition. 29 awarded artworks were selected and will be included in this catalogue. ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ is exploring more exhibitions and sharing opportunities, allowing artists to detail their awarded artworks and creative experiences as to enhance communications between the artists and public.

Adjudication Committee

The Adjudication Committee, comprising local art professionals and other specialists, procures the selection of artworks.


《藝無疆》秉持著「不限制」、 「無疆界」的原則,一直以來徵集 不同風格、媒介、類型的視覺藝術 作品。我們相信《藝無疆2024》 能夠成爲新晉展能藝術家藝術道路上

的一個重要里程碑,鼓勵他們把天馬 行空的想法描繪於作品當中,

激發他們對創作的熱情,把他們的 「無限可能性」展示給大眾。

身為多年來《藝無疆》評審委員會 主席,本屆比賽的作品水準甚高。


媒介、技術和形式方面的潛力。透過 作品能看到大家勇於挑戰自我,突破 自己的舒適區,創作出令人驚艷和 獨特的作品。他們憑著身體的特殊性, 在藝術品中毫無保留地呈現精湛的技術 和美學價值,展露藝術家們獨一無二的 創造力。

主觀性是藝術的美妙之處,不同的觀眾 對藝術品有不同的解讀和感受。願 每一位藝術家和觀眾都能夠在藝術中 找到共鳴,欣賞藝術世界的多樣性和 豐富性,並從中獲得樂趣和啟發。


香港展能藝術會副主席 《藝無疆2024》評審委員會主席

Message from Chairperson of the Adjudication Panel

‘Cross All Borders’ has always adhered to the principle of ‘unrestricted’ and ‘boundless’, seeking visual artworks of different styles, medias and forms. We believe ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ will become an important milestone for emerging talented artists with disabilities, encouraging them to portray boundless ideas into their artworks, arousing their passion for creation, and showcasing their ‘unlimited possibilities’ to the public.

As the chairperson of the adjudication panel for ‘Cross All Borders’ over years, it must be said that the standard of the artworks in this competition is exceptionally high. Participants have fully demonstrated their potentials in exploring new mediums, techniques, and forms. Through their artworks, it is

evident that everyone bravely challenged themselves, pushed beyond their comfort zones, and created stunning and unique works. With their distinctive physicality, they present exquisite techniques and aesthetic values in their artworks without holding back, showcasing the artists’ unparalleled creativity.

Subjectivity is the beauty of art. Different viewers have different interpretations and emotional responses towards artworks. May every artist and audience find resonance in art, appreciate the diversity and richness of the art world, and derive joy and inspiration from it.

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong Chairperson of ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ Adjudication Panel

公開組得獎名單 Awarded Artworks of Open Division

最具創意獎 Best Creativity Award

李子舜 Li Tze-shun, Alvin 四餸一湯 4 Dishes 1 Soup

最具個人風格獎 Unique Personality Award

蔡萃聰 Choi Sui-chung 菱・立方 Diamond・Cube

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

梁金好 Leung Kam-ho

四季 Four Seasons

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

鍾俊盈 Chong Chun-ying 葉子 Leaf

郭啟業 Kwok Kai-yip

梁熙雅 Leung Hei-nga

廖慶玲 Liauw Ching-ling

蘇達成 So Tat-shing

戴秀儀 Tai Sau-yee Alice


Pass on Skills and Demonstrate Abilities

新貴妃醉酒 The Drunken Beauty

隨風飄 Let It Go

張家界風光 Landscape

藍調 Blues

王梓驊 Wong Chi-wah, Agnes 高樓大廈 Modern Buildings

黃秀蘭 Wong Sau-lan

甄勵莊 Yan Lai-chong

孫行者 Sun Wukong

共融色彩 My World Full of Colours

排名按英文姓氏序 In alphabetical order by English family names


Open Division

最具創意獎 Best Creativity Award

四餸一湯 4 Dishes 1 Soup

李子舜 Li Tze-shun, Alvin 水墨、廣告彩紙本 Chinese ink and poster colour on paper

70 x 50 cm

為食的子舜10歲才學寫字,剛 開始寫的就是他喜愛食物的 名稱,而他最喜歡的課餘活動 也是烹飪。子舜今次用畫作去 表達準備四餸一湯的材料,讓 一家人圍枱吃飯,幸福就是這樣 簡單。


Audio Description

Alvin only learnt to write when he was 10 years old. As a foodie, the first words he wrote were the names of his favourite food. His favourite extracurricular activity is cooking. Through this painting, Alvin introduced the ingredients for preparing four dishes and one soup, picturing a scene where the whole family gathers together to enjoy a meal. Happiness is so simple.


Open Division


Unique Personality Award

菱・立方 Diamond・Cube

蔡萃聰 Choi Sui-chung

捲紙 Quiling

70 x 50 x 1 cm

創作者看事物多偏向正確或 錯誤,原本只能看到菱形及 立方體,而在創作圖畫的過程中 學習到從另一角度放大觀賞, 達到多角度看事物,終能夠發現 多邊形圖、不規則圖,甚或是 一幅強大而難以推倒的牆壁。


Audio Description

The creator tends to see things in terms of right or wrong. Initially, rhombuses and cubes only meant their own shapes to him. However, through the process of creating artwork, he learnt to appreciate things from a different perspective and observe them on a larger scale. He can eventually see things from multiple angles and spot polygonal figures and irregular shapes, or even a strong and indestructible wall.


Open Division

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

四季 Four Seasons

梁金好 Leung Kam-ho 紗織(一組4件)SAORI weaving (A set of 4 pieces) 120 x 30 cm(每件/ Each piece)

金好入住恒安宿舍已經三十個 年頭,過去三年可謂金好印象最 深刻的。因為疫情,金好未能 自如出入院舍,回家渡假的安排 亦要暫停。宿舍的大門外正正有 幾棵大樹,金好透過一道玻璃門 觀察到四季的變化,於是創作了 以四季為題的手織品。




Kam-ho has been staying at Heng On Hostel for 30 years. The past three years have left the deepest impression on Kam-ho. Due to the pandemic, Kam-ho could not enter and exit the hostel freely, and the arrangements for home vacations were suspended. There were several big trees right at the entrance of the hostel. Kam-ho was able to observe their seasonal changes through a glass door. Inspired by this, she created hand-woven products with the theme of the four seasons.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

葉子 Leaf

鍾俊盈 Chong Chun-ying 馬克筆、廣告彩紙本 Marker and poster colour on paper 58.5 x 38 cm

在叢林中,形形色色的葉子被 陽光照射穿透,映照出葉片斑斕 的色彩。

Arrays of leaves are illuminated by the piercing sunlight, reflecting vibrant colours upon their surfaces in the jungle.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

傳藝・展能 Pass on Skills and Demonstrate Abilities

郭啟業 Kwok Kai-yip

水彩紙本 Watercolour on paper

70 x 50 cm

我看見導師發掘一位受限於肢體 殘疾的學員有進行木工訓練的 能力。經導師指導下,學員 很用心地投入訓練,展現出 「天生我材必有用」的精神, 這情景觸動了我的心弦,畫下 這動人的景象。

I witnessed a scene where a mentor explored the woodworking talent of a student with physical disability. Under the mentor's guidance, the student put a lot of effort and passion into the training, demonstrating the spirit of ‘all things in their being are good for something.’ This heart-warming sight deeply resonated with me, inspiring me to draw this touching scene.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

新貴妃醉酒 The Drunken Beauty

梁熙雅 Leung Hei-nga

木顔色紙本 Coloured pencil on paper

28.5 x 41 cm

我很喜歡楊貴妃,聽過媽媽講 關於楊貴妃喜歡喝酒的故事, 令我有靈感創作這幅畫作。

I like Yang Guifei very much. I have heard from my mother about stories of how Yang Guifei is fond of drinking, which inspired me to create this artwork.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

隨風飄 Let It Go

廖慶玲 Liauw Ching-ling

塑膠彩鐵片本 Acrylic on metal plate

70 x 50 cm

乾透的塑膠彩層層疊上成 半球體,畫出細緻花蕊,猶如 看到複雜內心,嚮往藝術世界的 隨心意境。螢光淺藍及流動的 筆法畫出海闊天空,光亮而充滿 動感,突出空中蒲公英自由 自在地隨風飄蕩,去到每個有 風的地方,看到更高更遠的 天空。

Dried acrylic colours are pasted in layers to form a hemisphere, and delicate stamens are drawn, revealing intricate emotions that resonate with the boundless imagination of the artistic realm. Fluorescent light blue colour and flowing brushstrokes are employed together to depict the vast sea and sky, radiating with brightness and a sense of dynamic motion. This artwork also highlights the sight of dandelions dancing freely in the sky, traveling wherever the breeze takes them, and witnessing a higher and farther sky.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

張家界風光 Landscape

蘇達成 So Tat-shing

水墨設色紙本 Chinese ink on paper

45 x 38 cm

張家界風光果然是旅遊聖地, 我亦努力練習拓墨法水墨畫, 創作成果非常完美。

Zhangjiajie is truly a scenic wonder and a pilgrimage site for travellers. I have been practising ink painting, and the result has been exceptionally satisfying.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

藍調 Blues

戴秀儀 Tai Sau-yee Alice 木顏色、廣告彩紙本 Coloured pencil and poster colour on paper 38 x 58.5 cm

藍色小傘菇,在森林中就如奇幻的 小精靈一樣,既美麗,又神秘!

The blue parasol mushrooms are like enchanting little fairies in the forest, beautiful yet mysterious!


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

高樓大廈 Modern Buildings

王梓驊 Wong Chi-wah, Agnes

馬克筆紙本 Marker on paper

21 x 30 cm



實在讓我忍不住想像,在這美麗 而和諧的畫面之間增添 五顏六色,為作品注入五光十色的 熱鬧氣氛。

The streets of Central and Sheung Wan showcase a captivating fusion of the past and the present. The dense and crowded buildings and lifestyle ignite my imagination. Vibrant colours are infused into this beautiful and harmonious scene, injecting a bustling and lively atmosphere into this artwork.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

孫行者 Sun Wukong

黃秀蘭 Wong Sau-lan

馬克筆紙本 Marker on paper

29.5 x 38.5 cm


圖像,配合用色,表現出角色在 取經路上樂觀風趣、神通廣大、 勇敢機智的形象。

Based on the original illustrations of 'Journey to the West,' I portrayed Sun Wukong with vibrant colours to capture his optimistic, humorous, fearless, and intelligent characteristics, as well as showcased his supernatural powers during his journey to the West.


Open Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

共融色彩 My World Full of Colours

甄勵莊 Yan Lai-chong

編織 Yarn weaving

70 x 70 cm

用不同色彩互相交替織成「上帝 之眼」,多種色彩代表不同性格 的朋友,冷線互相綁上代表大家 緊扣在一起,不論任何類別的 人士,也能互相包容,創出共融


Different colours interweave with each other to form the 'Eye of God.' The various colours represent friends with different personalities, while the connecting yarns symbolise that they are tightly bound together. No matter what category of individuals they belong to, they can embrace each other and create an inclusive and harmonious society.

青少年組得獎名單 Awarded Artworks of Youth Division

最具創意獎 Best Creativity Award

黃俊俊 Huang Chun-chun

大佛與我 Buddha and Me

最具個人風格獎 Unique Personality Award

姜旭倫 Keung Yuk-lun

追車記 Catch the Bus

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

李京岸 Lee King-ngon Jack 春夏秋冬 Seasons

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

趙彩琳 Chiu Choi-lam Ashley 當後現代唐三彩駱駝遇上恐龍

When Postmodern Tang Tri-colour

Glazed Ceramics Camel Meets Dinosaur

許淳富 Hui Shun-fu

黎豪銘 Lai Ho-ming

梁文迪 Leung Man-dik

羅筠瑜 Lo Kwan-yu

謝踔柔 Tse Cheuk-yau


Hi! I Am a Bus Designer

木棉花 Kapok

彩虹深處 Over the Rainbow

線線線 My Favourite Lines

神奇的頭髮 Amazing Hair

排名按英文姓氏序 In alphabetical order by English family names

青少年組 Youth Division


Best Creativity Award

大佛與我 Buddha and Me

黃俊俊 Huang Chun-chun 水彩、木顏色紙本 Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper

60 x 84 cm

此畫作由四幅A3畫紙組成且內容 豐富,以自己就讀的佛教學校 為主,然後配上香港名勝,最後 組成一天旅遊的故事。




This artwork consists of four drawings on A3 paper and is rich in content. It takes inspiration from my Buddhist school, incorporating famous landmarks in Hong Kong, ultimately forming a story of a day trip in Hong Kong.


Youth Division

追車記 Catch the Bus

姜旭倫 Keung Yuk-lun

定格動畫影片 Stop motion animation video

影片長度 Video duration:02:21

這影片講述了主角為了追上 巴士,由巴士駛離車廠一刻 開始,在街道狂奔,追着巴士 跑。他在追車途中會遇到 甚麼事?他能否追上巴士?

最具個人風格獎 Unique Personality Award





Audio Description

This video tells the story of the protagonist trying to catch a bus. From the moment the bus leaves the depot, he dashes through the streets, desperately attempting to catch it. What has happened to him during the chase? Will he be able to catch the bus?

Youth Division

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

春夏秋冬 Seasons

李京岸 Lee King-ngon Jack 混合素材(一組4幅)Mixed materials (A set of 4 pieces)

30 x 40 x 5 cm(每幅 Each piece)

京岸用春夏秋冬的概念設計 畫作,希望展現季節的色彩和 情景!他以輕黏土製作四季環境 所需要的物件,用手指逐少逐少地 搓圓和壓成它們的形態,然後 慢慢細心地貼在油畫布上,再用


京岸亦將自己變成畫中主角, 出現在畫作的不同位置,讓自己 享受樂在其中的感覺。


Audio Description

King-ngon designed his artworks using the concept of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. His aim was to showcase the colours and scenes unique to each season. He created the necessary elements for each seasonal environment using light clay. With his fingers, he moulded and shaped them, carefully attaching them to the canvas. He then applied different colours to both the light clay and the canvas. Additionally, King-ngon incorporated himself as the protagonist within the series, appearing in different positions and immersing himself in the joy of each season.


Youth Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award


When Postmodern Tang Tri-colour Glazed Ceramics Camel Meets Dinosaur

趙彩琳 Chiu Choi-lam Ashley

混合素材 Mixed materials

駱駝 Camel:17 x 30 x 6 cm

恐龍 Dinosaur:25 x 21 x 7.5 cm

當我收到這兩隻紙雕塑,便忍不住 立即拿出顏料和畫筆,將我腦海 裏的東西塗滿牠們的身上。我給 駱駝畫上我喜歡的形狀和線條。

至於恐龍,我給牠畫上一片 大草地,草地上是我喜歡的交通 燈和食物。

When I received these two paper sculptures, I couldn't resist grabbing paints and brushes to add colours to them, inspired by an idea in my mind. I drew patterns and lines that I like on the camel. As for the dinosaur, I painted a vast grassland on it and incorporated my favourite elements: traffic lights and food.

青少年組 Youth Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

大家好,我是巴士設計師 Hi! I Am a Bus Designer

許淳富 Hui Shun-fu

塑膠彩木本 Acrylic on wood

40 x 30 cm

我很喜歡歐盟五型的巴士,既 環保,窗戶又很大,可以看



I really like the Euro V buses. They are environmentally friendly and feature large windows that allow passengers to enjoy excellent views of the city. I aspire to become a bus designer in the future!


Youth Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

木棉花 Kapok

黎豪銘 Lai Ho-ming

電腦繪圖 Computer drawing

29.7 x 21 cm

學習吳冠中先生的水墨點彩畫, 以點彩技巧繪畫木棉花,透過 觀察及用不同深淺營造前後感, 再以不同大小形態的點表現盛開 的木棉花。木棉花的花語是 「珍惜」,珍惜彼此友誼和感情, 珍惜眼前的快樂,知足感恩。

老師希望透過繪畫木棉花,讓 我們學習珍惜及知足。

Inspired by Mr. Wu Guanzhong's pointillism techniques in ink, I applied them to paint the kapok, creating a scene that utilizes shades to depict varying distances. To capture the blooming kapok, I used dots of different sizes. Kapok symbolises the concept of ‘cherish’, reminding us to value friendships, relationships, and the everyday happiness we experience. My teacher hopes that through painting the kapok, we can learn to appreciate what we have and find joy in our lives.

青少年組 Youth Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

彩虹深處 Over the Rainbow

梁文迪 Leung Man-dik

塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas

30 x 40 x 1.5 cm

文迪一直很喜歡彩虹,第一個能 讀出的英文字也是Rainbow。

彩虹也代表特殊需要的小朋友 ——希望遇見彩虹前,就得等待 及接受細雨,就像他們一直努力 不懈地學習,最後取得屬於 自己的成果。

Man-dik likes rainbows. In fact, ‘rainbow’ was the first English word he successfully learned to pronounce. Rainbows also hold a symbolic meaning for children with special needs. These children must patiently endure the rain before the rainbow emerges, just like how they put tremendous effort and ultimately achieve their own remarkable accomplishments.

青少年組 Youth Division 評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

線線線 My Favourite Lines

羅筠瑜 Lo Kwan-yu

塑膠彩木本 Acrylic on wood

30 x 40 cm

這幅是我的畫,老師說可以在 背景加上代表我的東西,想了

很久,原來我最喜歡的便是 不同的色彩和線條,把它們



This is my artwork. While creating it, my teacher suggested adding elements that represent myself in the background. After thorough consideration, I realised that I like different colours and lines the most. It is so satisfying when I put them together. I like my artwork very much!

青少年組 Youth Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

神奇的頭髮 Amazing Hair

謝踔柔 Tse Cheuk-yau

水筆紙本 Marker on paper

43 x 29 cm


An exaggerated hairstyle portrayed with different lines.

兒童組得獎名單 Awarded Artworks of Children Division

最具創意獎 Best Creativity Award

陳凱欣 Chan Hoi-yan 我的新造型 My New Look

最具個人風格獎 Unique Personality Award

羅勤皓 Law Kan-ho Hannes 交通擠塞 The Traffic Jam

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

張均堯 Zhang Kwan-yiu 港鐵 MTR

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

周韻晞 Chau Renee 山水 Landscape

鄭浩文 Cheng Ho-man 綠 Green

張浩麟 Cheung Ho-lun 立體的人 3D Man

馮子瀚 Fung Tsz-hon 蛋撻 Egg Tart

羅顥晴 Law Ho-ching 休閒的貓 Lazy Cat

排名按英文姓氏序 In alphabetical order by English family names


Children Division


Best Creativity Award

我的新造型 My New Look

陳凱欣 Chan Hoi-yan 廣告彩、水筆紙本 Poster colour and marker on paper 29 x 40 cm

女孩在夢中開心地發現自己的 新造型。




The girl saw her new look in her dream and she felt happy about it.


Children Division


Unique Personality Award

交通擠塞 The Traffic Jam

羅勤皓 Law Kan-ho Hannes

混合素材 Mixed materials

38.2 x 29.2 cm

每一次坐爸爸的車出行都是交通 順暢的,平時喜歡留意周圍不同 車輛的動態。有一次聽見爸爸 媽媽外出時遇上塞車,於是就有了 想像坐在爸爸的車上遇到交通 擠塞的畫面。




The traffic is always smooth whenever I travel in my father's car, and I enjoy observing the movement of different vehicles. I recalled a time when my parents were stuck in a traffic jam while they were out. It sparked my imagination, and I began envisioning myself sitting in my father's car, surrounded by heavy traffic.

兒童組 Children Division

最佳創作理念獎 Outstanding Idea Award

港鐵 MTR

張均堯 Zhang Kwan-yiu

鉛筆、木顏色紙本 Pencil and coloured pencil on paper

29.7 x 21 cm



口述影像 Audio Description

I enjoy drawing MTR and other forms of transportation, capturing every detail.


Children Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

山水 Landscape

周韻晞 Chau Renee

彩墨紙本 Coloured ink on paper 15 x 15 cm 以水墨方式繪畫黃昏的山水, 呈現優美且平靜的感覺。

Painting landscapes at dusk with ink, capturing a sense of grace and tranquillity.


Children Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

綠 Green

鄭浩文 Cheng Ho-man

酒精墨水紙本 Alcohol ink on paper

27.7 x 19.8 cm


I like green.


Children Division


Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

立體的人 3D Man

張浩麟 Cheung Ho-lun 油粉彩、廣告彩紙本 Oil pastel and poster colour on paper 29 x 38 cm

受到畢加索畫作影響下,我也 試將人的五官重組,創作立體的 人。

Inspired by Picasso's artworks, I attempted to rearrange a person's facial features, creating a multi-dimensional man.

兒童組 Children Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

蛋撻 Egg Tart

馮子瀚 Fung Tsz-hon

彩墨紙本 Coloured ink on paper

34.5 x 24 cm



I depicted my favourite Hong Kong-style signature snack using traditional Chinese painting.


Children Division

評審推介獎 Adjudicators’ Recommendation Award

休閒的貓 Lazy Cat

羅顥晴 Law Ho-ching

油彩布本 Oil paint on canvas

40 x 30 x 2 cm

得得是一隻很可愛的貓,是我 朋友最愛的貓之一。顥晴非常 喜歡得得,並捕捉了得得躺在 沙發陪伴在一起看電視的情景。


顥晴嘗試用素色和柔和的色調, 於畫作中呈現與得得的輕鬆溫馨 時刻。

Tak Tak is a cute cat and one of my friend's favourite cats. Ho-ching likes Tak Tak a lot, so she captured a scene of Tak Tak lying on the sofa, watching TV with her. It was the sweetest and most relaxing moment. In the painting, Hoching tried to use plain colours and soft tones to depict the warm and cozy moment spent with Tak Tak.

參與機構及學校 Participated Organisations and Schools

藝無疆2024 》成功舉辦,有賴各參加者、所屬機構、學校以及家人朋友的支持與 協助。本年度《 藝無疆 》的新晉展能藝術家(除個人參加者外)均來自以下機構: ‘Cross All Borders 2024’ was successfully held. We would like to express our gratitude to all participants, their organisations, schools and families for their support. The new visual artists with disabilities of this year’s ‘Cross All Borders’, excluding individual participants, are from the following organisations:

排名按機構英文名稱排序 In alphabetical order by organisations’ English names


Buddhist To Chi Fat She Yeung Yat Lam Memorial School

明愛賽馬會荔景社會服務中心 - 荔康居

Caritas Jockey Club Lai King Rehabilitation Centre Lai Hong Home


Caritas Joyous Link


Caritas Lok Jun School


Choi Jun School


Hong Chi Pinehill Integrated Vocational Training Centre


Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School


Hong Kong Christian Service Pui Oi School (Boarding Section)


Hong Kong Red Cross Margaret Trench School


New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association


Rhenish Church Grace School


SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School


SAHK Ko Fook Iu Memorial School


SAHK On Ting Workshop


SAHK Woche Workshop


Sam Shui Natives Association Lau Pun Cheung School


The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong Jockey Club Building Sheltered Workshop


The Salvation Army Heng On Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Service


TWGHs Chi-Li Pao School


TWGHs, i-dArt


TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School


TWGHs Yao Ling Sun Memorial Day Activity Centre cum Hostel


Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service


Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service (VAC)

鳴謝 Acknowledgement

評審委員會 Members of Adjudication Committee


香港展能藝術會 副主席


香港浸會大學 現任助理教授

International Academy of Ceramics 會員

香港當代陶藝協會 前會長




Ms. Grace Cheng

Vice-chairperson, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Chan See Kwong, Ray

Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University Member, International Academy of Ceramics Former Chairman, Contemporary Ceramic Society (HK)

Mr. Chow Hing Chung

Art Therapist, Former School Principal Founding Exco Member and Treasurer, Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists





香港國際攝影節副主席 唐詠然女士

香港展能藝術會展能藝術家 胡佩珊女士


Mr. Leung Sung Yum Director & Committee, Hong Kong Society for Education in Art

Mr. Lin Kam Shun, Thomas Visual Art Lecturer Vice Chairperson, Hong Kong International Photo Festival

Ms. Apple Tong Artist, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Wu Pui-shan, Apo Curator (Public Art), Art Promotion Office

Leisure and Cultural Services Department

平面設計 Graphic Design


Carmen Ng

作品相片拍攝 Artworks Photography Taking


All Kind Business Production

口述影像 Audio Description


Arts Accessibility Scheme, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

宣傳片製作及現場錄影 Trailer & Video Production


All Kind Business Production

排名按英文姓氏序 In alphabetical order of English surnames

《藝無疆2024》統籌小組 Working Group of ‘Cross All Borders 2024’

節目 Programme






















Ms. Grace Cheng Vice-chairperson, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Mark Cheung

Executive Director, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Jaye Chan Manager (Arts Programme),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Kim Hui

Assistant Manager (Arts Programme),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Johnson Chiu

Assistant Project Manager (Arts Programme), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Hannah Lam Officer (Arts Programme),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Katherine Lam Assistant Officer (Arts Programme),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

藝術通達服務 Arts Accessibility Services




Prof. Lena Lee

Arts Specialist,

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong



















Ms. Yung Cheung

Manager (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Tadeo Tse

Senior Officer (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Mary Tang

Senior Officer (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Bianca Chu

Officer (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Jacky Sze

Assistant Officer (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Ms. Ruby Pang

Assistant Officer (Arts Accessibility),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

推廣及籌募 Marketing & Fundraising





高級主任 (傳訊及籌募)


Ms. Criselda Lesigues

Senior Manager (Resource Development),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Mr. Eric Lam

Senior Officer (Communication & Fundraising),

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong

香港展能藝術會於1986年成立為非牟利慈善團體,也是Access/VSA國際網絡 2024和香港社會服務聯會成員。本會宗旨是「藝術同參與.傷健共展能」,我們 深信每個人都有創作藝術的潛能,欣賞藝術是每個人擁有的基本權利。香港展能 藝術會是香港唯一全方位開拓展能藝術的機構,致力推動平等機會,讓殘疾人士 參與藝術活動,發展藝術才能;並倡導透過藝術建立共融的社會。

Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK) has been established as a nonprofit and charitable organisation since 1986. The Association is a member of the Access/ VSA International Network 2024 and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. With the vision of ‘Arts are for Everyone,’ ADAHK believes that everyone has the potential and talent for creativity and a right to enjoy to the fullest beauty and vitality of the arts. We are dedicated to providing holistic services to support the development of the arts amongst people with disabilities. We promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities to have access to and excel in the arts, and advocate for an inclusive society through the arts.

工作重點 Our Focus

普及藝術 Broad-based Arts Service

藝術教育 Arts Education

專業發展 Professional Development

藝術通達 Arts Accessibility

推廣共融 Social Inclusion

社會企業 Social Enterprise

國際網絡 International Network

積極倡議 Advocacy

本會網站 ADAHK Website

電話 Tel:(852) 2855 9548

傳真 Fax:(852) 2872 5246




Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.


ADAHK strives to make our programmes accessible to all. Please contact us and let us know your needs for suitable arrangements.

版權所有 翻印必究 All rights reserved

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