VBD Magazine - January 2022

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28 JANIE DE COSTER Writing to entertain and educate




30 TONI SHILOH Shares about writing soulfully romantic novels


VBD COVER STORY VBD LITERARY DEN 19 AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Dr. Vanessa Riley shares the inspiration behind her latest book

32 BINDU CHOWRITMOOTOO Rewriting the rules of entrepreneurship

21 CAROLYN MILLER Writing stories of hope, heart, and humor

12 ICYLIN MORGAN Discusses engaging reluctant learners and global citizenship education 16 DR. MARY DARLENE EDWARDSWILLIAMS Live, laugh, love, and leave a legacy


22 CELEBRATE LIT PUBLISHING & PUBLICITY GROUP Fictional Treats… Just for you 24 Meet Beverly Sandridge Novelist & CEO, Sandridge Publishing Company 26 FRESH EYES COULD SAVE THE DAY


VBD Magazine 51 9 AMAZING AUTHORS WHO ARE EDITORS Helping you create a powerful legacy




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85 BE INTENTIONAL, DATING IN 2022 86 FELICIA KELLY-BROOKINS The power of a purpose-driven life



62 RECESSION-PROOF YOUR BUSINESS With Cashflow Mentor and Trainer Kirsha Campbell

FEATURES EDITOR Dr. Henritta Stewart

STYLE EDITOR Beverlyn Johnson Wilks

66 GROWTH MINDSET Creating your personal development plan 68 DESTINED TO SUCCEED Stefan Bryan, M.Arch VBD INSPIRATION OASIS

74 DONAVON AND SAMANTHA CAMPBELL The Power Couple team up to release their first book and Gospel album



64 NETWORKING FOR THE NEW YEAR The surprising power of one



VBD BEYOND THE PAGES 92 ELLA D. CURRY Surprising ways to elevate your brand

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Stacy-Lee Abrahams Dr. Velma Bagby Rose-Ann Durant Beverlyn Johnson Wilks Kerry-Ann McPherson Icylin Morgan Paulette Nunlee Ramona Powell Dennis Shanita Rowsey Danyelle Scroggins

94 SHARON BLOUNT Empowering authors and readers




DESIGN Victorious By Design Magazine is a quarterly literary and empowerment haven for personal, professional, and organizational transformation. We support aspiring and established authors and feature the stories of phenomenal individuals who are simply brimming with delight to pour into you. We created Victorious By Design Magazine just for you. We will deliver actionable advice, strategies, and tools to light the path to your next level of unprecedented success. We do all this to inspire you to reach beyond your fears and walk in your God-given purpose so that you can live victoriously. We are your go-to literary and empowerment oasis and we are excited to be a part of your growth and success.

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FROM THE DESK of Ann Marie Bryan

Rise and Move forward In Purpose


appy New Year! Let’s keep the celebration going as we move forward into an amazing year.

Since we launched VBD Magazine on October 12, 2021, the support has been tremendous. Thank you for reading and sharing our magazine. We appreciate your texts, calls, comments, suggestions, and kudos. Our goal is to create an environment where we support each other.

This issue has unprecedented educational resources to ignite your dreams and help you make life-changing decisions. We have turned the spotlight on amazing individuals who are courageously walking in purpose and dominating in their respective fields. You’ll be glad you read our cover story about serial entrepreneur Bindu Chowritmootoo who is rewriting the rules of entrepreneurship and paving the way for generations to come. To further jumpstart your literary success, don’t miss our Star Power Lists of amazing authors who own publishing companies and amazing authors who are publishers. Creating this magazine has been an exciting project. We bring you the stories behind the story and actionable advice to help you unleash your vision. Let the articles on these pages inspire you to reach for your dreams. All the best for 2022. Stay safe, stay connected, and as always, stay victorious. Enjoy this issue!

Ann Marie Bryan Editor-in-Chief


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VBD Magazine

ISSUE 2/2022

Meet Our

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Click/tap on the card to visit the writer's respective website or social media page.




Personal and Professional Development Consultant

Award-Winning Author & Minister

Stacy-Lee serves as the Personal and Professional Development Consultant for Victorious By Design, with over 20 years experience in Human Resource Management. She has worked with well-established companies and as a freelance consultant to help streamline HR systems and processes in furtherance of people development.

Dr. Velma Bagby is the CEO of Adoni Publishing LLC, an Award-Winning Author of Christian Fiction/Creative Nonfiction, and co-author with her granddaughter on her children’s books, a Christian Dating-Relationship Coach, ordained Minister (Th.D.), and Speaker. God is at the forefront of everything she does in ministry, writing and in serving others.



Freelance Writer

Owner of Five Star Proofing

Rose-Ann Durant is a young Christian from Kingston, Jamaica, currently living in Barbados. She enjoys reading and going to the beach or river. She is a writer for Christian Today, an online magazine based in Australia. She will be releasing her first Christian fiction novel Mercy Came Running in 2022.

Paulette Nunlee is the owner of Five Star Proofing, a manuscript service that provides copy editing and proofreading for authors and publishers. A retired telecommunications executive, she has seven years of experience editing and proofreading sixty-five manuscripts for award winning authors and was associate editor for SORMAG digital magazine.

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Wellness Consultant & Style Editor

Author, Speaker & Founder of Girl, Cultivate

Beverlyn Johnson Wilks is the Wellness Consultant and Style Editor for Victorious By Design. She has worked in the healthcare industry in the area of Nursing Management. In her spare time, she writes inspirational and love poems. Beverlyn has a special love for interior decorating and on the weekends can be found honing her creative skills.

Shanita Rowsey is a speaker and certified life coach. She is the author of four books and specializes in personal development. She thrives in operating in her gift of encouragement, motivating people to a wealthy place. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Communications and Journalism. Shanita enjoys writing, reading, and traveling.



Managing Editor

Contributing Editor

Kerry-Ann McPherson is a Christian leader and administrator with a passion for growth. She serves as the Project Manager for Victorious By Design, and regularly contributes personal development content for the blog. She is also the Managing Editor for Victorious By Design Magazine, where she works closely with the Editor-in-Chief and magazine team to produce high quality content for subscribers

Icylin Morgan is the Curriculum Developer and Contributing Editor for Victorious By Design. She has held many positions in the education system including master teacher, guidance counselor, and principal. She enjoys working in her community and is involved in several projects, clubs, and church activities.



Author, Teacher & Inspirational Speaker

Author & Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries

Ramona Powell is an author, teacher, and inspirational speaker. She has used her upbringing in a Christian home to help channel her love for Christ and her desire to be an inspiration to all. “Sometimes we go through things to strengthen our faith and to be a testament to others.” She loves sharing her life experiences to show that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome and prevail.

Danyelle Scroggins is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana, and Chaplain at Ochsner LSU Health Center, Louisiana’s trauma one health center. She owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is an author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books.


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Icylin Morgan EDUCATOR EXTRAORDINAIRE Leaving A Mark That Cannot Be Erased by Ann Marie Bryan


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love to impart knowledge and interact with students,” says Icylin Morgan, a wife, mother, and educator. “It’s my mission. I want all my students to succeed.”

In a candid conversation with VBD Magazine, the educator extraordinaire discusses engaging reluctant learners, global citizenship education, and strategies to employ when adapting to the unexpected.

Icylin seems at ease, yet laser focused, in her beautiful, well-manicured backyard, where we sat. With effortless grace and an ever-ready smile, she responds to our questions. It is easy to see how her gentle, infectious allure, educational qualifications, and professional experience, combined with her student-centered approach, led to the status of esteemed educator and leader. Dive into our interview and get inspired! Above all, take action!

Photo Credit: ShaunBattickPhotography

FANNING TO FLAME HER PASSION Icylin grew up in Jamaica, West Indies. “I was born into a family of humble beginnings that fostered love, respect, honesty, hard work, caring, dedication, and a willingness to help one another.” She is the first of eleven children. “My parents taught us to put God first. I was constantly reminded to be a role model for my siblings. With that in mind, I set my goals—build my relationship with the Lord, manage my family life, and pursue my educational goals.” Icylin chuckled when we asked what inspired her to become an educator. “My passion was to be in health care, to be a pediatric nurse. However, my journey into teaching began when I became a teaching assistant and developed a bond with students of all ages. I saw teaching as a way for me to help students maximize their potential and accomplish their dreams.” After working as a teaching assistant for two years, Icylin attended Church Teachers’ College, Mandeville, Jamaica, where she obtained a Certificate in Primary Education and subsequently, a Diploma in Primary Education. Meeting the monetary obligations for her education was tough. “There were many financial challenges along the way.”

EDUCATION IS ONE OF THE KEYS TO SUCCESS, SO I TRY TO ENGRAIN THIS IN MY CHILDREN AND SIBLINGS. In the latter years, Icylin gained a Diploma in School Management and Administration (Mico University College), a Bachelor of Science in Education degree (Western Carolina University), and a Master of Education degree (Florida A&M University). THE MARK OF A LEADER After graduating from Church Teachers’ College, Icylin got married to George and they have been married for forty-six

years. While it was a difficult task to balance home, work, and community life, Icylin still managed to make her mark in all these areas. “I work extremely hard to achieve my goals. I love to teach and mentor so I pray for health and strength daily. Some days were long and hard, but my achievements compensated for that.” Climbing the ladder of success in the education system, Icylin went from teacher to senior teacher, then master teacher, next guidance counsellor, and finally principal. Today, Icylin is a highly trained and accomplished educator with forty plus years of progressive experience and accomplishments as an administrator and teacher in elementary and middle school levels of education. She possesses strong behavioral management skills and extensive experience in modifying teaching strategies and assessment methods to support and nurture students’ accomplishments.


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• Build productive relationships with parents/guardians that fosters partnerships in their children’s education.. ADAPTING TO THE UNEXPECTED “My philosophy is that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That gives me the inherent motivation to stand firm in difficult times.”

MENTORING AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE “Education is one of the keys to success, so I try to engrain this in my children and siblings.” It came as no surprise when Icylin added, “I consider myself a lifelong learner. I have a mindset that is constantly pushing to find out what’s new so that I can hone my expertise.” Along with three biological children, Icylin parented six others from her extended family. “They all have made me proud. Two are medical doctors and the others have master’s degrees in different areas.”

MENTORING IS IMPORTANT. MANY LEADERS HAVE CREDITED THEIR SUCCESS IN PART TO THEIR MENTORS. Icylin also serves in the role of mentor in her workplace, church, and community. “Mentoring is important. Many leaders have credited their success in part to their mentors. There is nothing like having someone in your life who can offer good guidance and empower you to make excellent decisions.”


GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION What about teaching 21st-century learners to become global citizens? “That we must do. We are one global community and that should be communicated to students. Our actions not only affect people locally and nationally, but also internationally.” Here are Icylin’s tips for teaching global citizenship education: • Teach students the importance of experiencing other cultures and celebrating diversity. • Include global stories in the curriculum and have discussions on worldwide events. • Create sessions for one-on-one communication with individuals from other cultures. • Arrange trips to other countries and organize an international week. ENGAGING RELUCTANT LEARNERS At times, teachers struggle with engaging reluctant learners. Check out Icylin’s suggestions to overcome this: • Find a point of interest and engage the student from that perspective. • Ask the student to help manage a class project. • Send positive notes about students to their parents/guardians.

Here are Icylin’s top steps for dealing with tough situations: • Start by praying. Always put God first in whatever you do. • Remind yourself of how far you’ve come, and of all the obstacles and challenges that are behind you. • Discuss the situation with a trusted family member, friend, relative, or pastor. • Create an action plan to deal with the issue. • Stay confident and stay away from fear and procrastination. • Maintain your focus no matter what.

WE ARE ONE GLOBAL COMMUNITY AND THAT SHOULD BE COMMUNICATED TO STUDENTS. PAYING IT FORWARD Leaders like Icylin are catalysts for change. She is a change agent for education, demonstrating a participative and supportive leadership style in administration of school policies, procedures, and activities. “Any day that I’m teaching and mentoring is a great day. I consider myself blessed and I’m grateful for all the opportunities that I have received. It’s my job to pay it forward and give everyone a chance to succeed.” In our education system, Icylin is leaving a mark that cannot be erased.

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LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, AND LEAVE A LEGACY Dr. Mary Darlene Edwards-Williams AUTHOR, EDITOR, PUBLISHER & COACH by Kerry-Ann McPherson


pend a day or two with Dr. Mary Edwards-Williams and you will quickly learn three things about her. First, she loves books. Second, she loves to network, which earned her the affectionate title of “The Holy Hookup Lady” throughout Detroit, Canada, and beyond. Third, she loves to evangelize. From her perspective, Jesus was a streetwalker, so she follows in His footsteps.

Yet, with all these titles, her true passion is found in inspiring others to leave a legacy. It is so important to her that she created this acronym: LEAVING EVERY GENERATION A CHRONICLE OF YOU™ A chronicle is a story, so she asks, “What’s your story?” Her own autobiography, Born Grown, was written in 2007. It tells how a 13-year-old pregnant teen, after receiving a doomsday prophecy of “becoming nothing but a negative welfare statistic,” was blessed in 1990 to receive a “Thousand Points of Light Award” from former President George H.

W. Bush. Among other things, the award was for getting women off welfare. She was one of those women. With such an unexpected start to her life journey, she defied the odds to become the woman she is today. While fulfilling God’s destiny and purpose for her life these past 79-years (80 Eve), she came to the wonderful conclusion that all of her works are ribs of the umbrella, “Legacy: Leaving Every Generation a Chronicle of You.” Dr. Edwards-Williams began to emphasize the importance of legacy in 2004 when her late husband, Rev. Eddie K. Edwards went home to be with the Lord. She started with their granddaughter, Angel M. Edwards, when she was just 8 years old. That’s when she helped her to write and publish her first book. From there, Angel had the wonderful opportunity to personally present it to First Lady Michelle Obama. If her granddaughter can do it, there is nothing stopping you from taking that bold step to leave your legacy. Over the years, Dr. Edwards-Williams has helped numerous writers leave their own mark on the world through her company

called Leaves of Gold Book Consulting, LLC. When we asked her what advice she had on using writing as a ministry, Dr. Edwards-Williams stated, “Do not hesitate to give your services free to the needy. God will let you know when to do this. Freely you have received. Freely give,” quoting St. Matthew 10:8. Her number one piece of advice to aspiring writers is this: “Pick up the pen and write! Too many people ‘write in their heads’ and it never gets on paper and to the public. You must be intentional. Schedule your writing time just as you would a doctor’s appointment or a social engagement.” In the words of “80 Eve” Dr. Edwards-Williams, when it comes to living the life God called you to live and leaving every generation a chronicle of you: “Nothing gets done until you do it.”

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r. Vanessa Riley is an award-winning author of historical fiction showcasing the hidden histories of women of color and emphasizing strong sisterhoods and dazzling multicultural communities. Her works encompass biographical and historical women’s fiction, historical romance, and historical mystery. Her novels engage the soul, pull heartstrings, and create laughs, while sharing insights into the diverse history of the Georgian, Regency, and Victorian eras.

This Southern, Irish, Trini girl holds a doctorate in mechanical engineering and an MS in industrial engineering and engineering management from Stanford University. Vanessa also earned a BS and MS in mechanical engineering from Penn State University. Her research skills have helped NASA, GM, Hewlett Packard, and several startups. Her love of history and lattes overwhelmed her passion for math and led to the publication of over twenty titles. Her works have been reviewed by Entertainment Weekly, NPR, Library Journal, and the New York Times. She’s received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly and Booklist. Her latest releases are Island Queen (Historical Fiction), An Earl, The Girl, and A Toddler (Historical Romance), and A Duke, The Lady, and A Baby (Historical Romance).


Dr. Vanessa Riley


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Thomas to the world. She was actually famous during her time. She bought her freedom from enslavement and goes on to become one of the richest women in the Caribbean. VBD: You include faith in your novels. Why is it important to include faith in your books? VANESSA: Faith is life. Faith is the ingredient that I believed helped folks focus on what was important and to retain their hope in times of trouble. VBD: What are three major steps to building a successful writing career? VANESSA: First, commit to writing and completing the book. Many talk about it, but most never do it. Second, take the time to tell your story—this is the most authentic version of the story you can write. Third, write the most dangerous story. Once you know the craft, take risks.

Photo Credit: Celestial Studios

Vanessa is president of Regency Fiction Writers, a member of NINC, the Historical Novel Society, and on the Board of Directors of Christian Book Lovers Retreat. She’s an avid baker who loves creating her Trinidadian grandma’s cake recipes. You can find Vanessa writing on her southern porch with proper amounts of caffeine. VBD: Tell us about your author life. VANESSA: I write historical fiction, historical mystery, and historical romance. I am all about our history. I love history and want that to be front and center in my stories. I typically focus on 1750s-1830s when the world was in chaos and everyone wanted freedom—freedom from kings, freedom of religion, freedom from colonization, and freedom from enslavement. Most historians focus more on the suffering, and I chose to bring you the little-known triumphs. I try to bring you stories that show women developing their voices and their agency to do wonderful things for themselves, their sisters, family, or community. Highlights of my writing career would include being the author of over 21 books,


Emma Award Winner, Beacon Award Winner, and Good Morning America Buzz Pick for Island Queen. VBD: Share about your writing process. VANESSA: I am a plantser. I plot and pants my way through a book. I write in layers, trying to get the plot and goals correct. Then I add layers so that the reader feels transported. I actually love the revision process. The story is done, and I can focus more on world building and threading themes and word choice. It is a happy place to get to refine the vision of a book during revisions. VBD: What inspired your latest book, Island Queen? VANESSA: For Island Queen, I found a cartoon showing Prince William Henry (future King William IV of Britain) lovingly embracing a woman, a black woman. I had to know her story as much as I had to know their story. It took over six years of research to put all the pieces back together and return the life of Dorothy Kirwan

VBD: What is something readers would be surprised to know about you? VANESSA: I have a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University on top of three other college degrees in engineering. I love math. VBD: What’s next for you? VANESSA: Next year, you’ll get the conclusion of the Rogues and Remarkable Women Series: A Duke, The Spy, An Artist, and A Lie (April 2022) My next Historical Fiction, Sister Mother Warrior is set to be released in Summer 2022. This tells the story of the two women who shaped the Haitian Revolution. In fall, readers get my first Historical Mystery, Murder in Westminster.

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ou learn more the more you write, so keep writing. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you can’t edit a blank page. So finish writing the first book, then go write the next. Then the next, and so on. I’ve found it’s often easier to write when I write in a series with connected characters and/or settings (such as in my Original Six contemporary series about a group of Bible study friends), and readers and publishers love series so the more stories you have to offer them the better for everyone. So switch off your email and social media distractions, park yourself in a chair, and get those words down. Happy writing!”

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Carolyn Miller lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and four children. Together with her husband, she has pastored a church for ten years, and worked as a public high school English and Learning and Support teacher.

lives. Her contemporary romance novels include the Original Six romance series, and the Independence Islands series, and her historical novels include those in the Regency Brides and Regency Wallflowers series. Her books can be found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Book Depository.

A long-time lover of romance, especially that of Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and L.M. Montgomery, Carolyn holds a BA in English Literature, and loves drawing readers into fictional worlds that show the truth of God’s grace in our

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don’t have anything to read.” Bibliophiles get it. It’s like the age-old closet full of clothes and nothing to wear, but instead of cavernous wardrobes, without entrances to icy worlds, we have towering bookshelves and stuffed Kindles. Oh, and thousands of new books released every month.

What’s a reader to do? Where do we begin the hunt for the next great read? And what about all the new authors we want to try but again don’t know where to begin? You can do the “cover bingo” approach or even the “pin the buy button on the cover” game, but what if there were a less random approach to meeting your fictional read needs?


There is. May I offer you… multi-author series and anthologies! When you get several authors together to work on one project, magic happens. Whether it’s a location, a theme, or some other tie that connects each author and book, these collaborations provide readers with the confidence that if you enjoy one, you’re likely to enjoy them all. What kinds of books can readers find? How about the Independence Islands Series? This thirty-book series features five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happi-

ly-ever-afters. Authors Chautona Havig, Melissa Wardwell, Kari Trumbo, Rachel Skatvold, Tabitha Bouldin, and Carolyn Miller write about five fictional islands off the coast of Georgia and South Carolina. Determined not to be taken over by the tourist trade, the Georgian islands have an association dedicated to keeping the islands free from commercialism, but as the world progresses, the residents find it harder and harder to exist without some of the conveniences of modern life—like a good coffee! Enter six mobile businesses: A bookstore, a food truck, a party planner, a dog groomer, a veterinarian, and a landscaper. These businesses make some of the hassle of

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LITERARY DEN of Christmas novellas just in time for the holidays. They become the equivalent of the Hallmark Christmas movie binge—just with books. Some authors combine their own Christmas backlist into collections as well. Some of the most fun sets are based on specific themes: wedding dresses, small towns, ornaments, or, as with this year’s Christmas Lights Collection, the military.

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Celebrate Lit will be bringing a castle-themed collection to readers for fall 2021 through summer 2022. Keeping Christmas offers twelve novellas, all with a castle-theme. What could be more delightful than Christmas in a castle!

living fifty miles off the mainland easier for residents and bring with it a host of ways for romance to blossom. The Independence Islands: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore. Watch for box sets on Kindle Unlimited for ease of binge-reading each island’s books! Prefer something historical or more suspenseful? How about the Ever After Mysteries? What do you get when you combine fairy tale retellings with mysteries and set in the 1920s? The Ever After Mysteries. Seven authors have teamed up for this first line in the series (which will eventually include the 1940s and more). Chautona Havig, Marji Laine, April Hayman, Cathe Swanson, Rebekah Jones, Denise L. Barela, and Liz Tolsma each take a familiar (or not-so-familiar) fairy tale and plop it down into the Roaring Twenties. Meet Hollywood starlets, food magnates, stunt pilots, movie palace organists, desert miners, mobsters, freakshow stars, and even a Russian grand duchess in Paris! Or, perhaps you are like many bibliophiles and just want to bingeread Christmas novellas. Never fear, Christmas Collections are here! Each year, many authors join forces to bring readers an inexpensive collection

Click and get online Choosing your next great read can be daunting at times but looking at multiauthor series and collections offers you a smorgasbord of tempting fictional treats guaranteed to introduce you to new authors and give you the best from your favorites in one easy-to-read format. Best of all, most of these collections and series are available on Kindle Unlimited for readers who like to get the most out of their subscriptions.

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Meet Beverly Sandridge NOVELIST & CEO, SANDRIDGE PUBLISHING COMPANY by Dr. Henritta Stewart


everly Sandridge is a prolific Christian and Inspirational Romance novelist, CEO of Sandridge Publishing Company, and fashion designer of SPC apparel. She enjoys creating thought provoking and inspiring stories. “I have written my 4th book-length fiction. My book titles are Manhattan Rendezvous, Manhattan Rendezvous the Sequel, An Unexpected Rendezvous, and The One Whom My Soul Loves. In each story, an engagement or unexpected meeting leads to a fuller understanding of true love.”

VBD: What would be the Scripture verse that fits this story and why? BEVERLY: “It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.” Song of Solomon 3:4 (KJV) Soul refers to the innermost core of the person that gives a person breath and life. It is also the seat of all emotions and passions. Love is versatile, but can refer to romantic love, familial love, and love from God.

VBD: Tell us about your writing process. BEVERLY: I normally set aside one hour a day to write, and I enjoy writing in the mornings. VBD: What inspired your latest book, The One Whom My Soul Loves? BEVERLY: The realization of soulmates and true love. The story begins as two people from different backgrounds unexpectedly fall in love. It speaks to the deep connection that engagement and marriage can create and is a poignant picture of what love can look like. Once you experience it, you know what it feels like to have it slip away. VBD: What was the hardest part about writing the story?


VBD: What message do you hope readers will take away after reading this book? BEVERLY: Never give up on true love.

BEVERLY: The hardest part of writing this story was knowing that at some point I would have to bring it to an end. I enjoyed exploring the lives of the Jones brothers and Lawson sisters. VBD: What did you learn from writing this book? BEVERLY: That no matter how you plan, things have a way of working out the way it was meant to be.

VBD: What is something readers would be surprised to know about you? BEVERLY: That when I was younger, my goal was to become a social worker to assist children in the foster care system. VBD: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned since becoming an author? BEVERLY: I learned that you must be very consistent about marketing and building your brand. You are your biggest promoter.

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VBD: What advice do you have for an aspiring author? BEVERLY: Never give up on your dreams. Research the genre that you want to write about and get started. VBD: What’s next for you? BEVERLY: I plan to create a fragrance line for women and men, SPC- Royalty fragrance.

Click and get online THE BLURB FOR The One Whom My Soul Loves From the cover of upscale magazines to the legal section of the local newspaper, Mona Lawson thought her dreams had become a reality. But everything changes the day she moved into her Brooklyn Brownstone and met Obadiah Jones. She quickly discovers that some things are easier said than done, especially when it comes to love. Obadiah wasn’t the kind of man Mona usually went for. But something about him makes her want to give love another try. But as they settle into the routine of their life together, they are ripped apart by circumstances neither could have imagined. Will the love that they share be strong enough to survive what they discover? Join Mona and Obadiah on this fast-paced story of genuine love, redemption, and discovering that when it comes to love, you don’t choose. Love chooses you.

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Whoa! Who in the heck is Dennis? Has that ever happened to you? So engrossed in a four-alarm, conflict-filled scene, you’re speed-reading through the book’s pages for what your characters will do next, and Bam! Your favorite hero vanishes. You’ve just forgiven Jamal’s roguish behavior and accepted his role. Then, for no particular reason, tall, dark and handsome Jamal is now Dennis. A frantic search forward for Dennis’ name reveals no more entries. Poof! He’s gone.


So, Dennis — mistakenly — was actually Jamal all along. Could this be a game changer ending the reader-author relationship? If this was my first introduction to an author, I’d give future encounters some serious thought. Most likely, I had vetted the book thoroughly by reading the sample or reviews before one-clicking. Unique covers and intriguing blurbs were once key to my reading selections. Today’s saturation of ebooks has steered my choices to consideration of other readers’ opinions. I avoid authors who’ve continually received one and two-star reviews citing typos, poor editing, bad grammar, and misspellings. The reviews are helpful. Hopefully, authors will work harder and make improvements in their future books. A voracious reader, I could never bring myself to write bad reviews. I hope that doesn’t make me an enabler. Authors shouldn’t ignore the sounds of readers

deserting and trudge doggedly on without addressing the complaints. Trust me, blogs that offer five or six tips for self-editing are helpful but shouldn’t be the end-all for serious authors. Even professional editors hire another editor for their book’s final proofread. I don’t understand working so long to complete a book and releasing it without another person proofreading it. Six months spent writing a bestseller allows plenty of time to include budgeting for a fresh set of eyes before publishing. At least find a good proofreader and avoid Dennis showing up for dinner to replace dreamy Jamal.

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Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash


ammy needed to focus, but her mind wasn’t buying it. On full alert, she could feel his eyes watching her as he moved closer. Biting her lip while her hands clinched her knuckles together, she remained rigid to avoid her nervousness being detected by other guests seated at the table. Dennis pulled out the chair next to hers. Unable to avoid eye-contact any longer—

by Paulette Nunlee

You love to WRITE. We love to EDIT.

When a writer says I don’t use editors because I had a bad experience… A reader says I don’t read books because I read a bad book… Hmm!

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Who inspires you to write? Believe it or not, I heard the voice from God instructing me to do so. I knew it had to be the Almighty because I had no desire to write a book nor an inkling as to how to get started. But being a woman of faith, I put pen to paper and wrote my first book which was followed by several more. What message do you hope readers will take away after reading your books? The message I want readers to take away from my novels is that people are fallible. We all make mistakes, choose wrong paths, and make bad decisions. But there is redemption for us all. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned since becoming an author? I learned that the journey is not a sprint. It takes time to hone your craft, get noticed by readers, and have a great following. Success will come, but we just have to be patient and persistent. What’s next for you? My goals are to move forward with my writing and to explore every opportunity to inspire, entertain, and give food for thought in my novels.

Writing to entertain and educate MEET JANIE DE COSTER

Also, I’m contemplating doing a sequel to my Contemporary Christian fiction When the Vows Break. I’ve been hearing from my readers that they can’t get enough of Pastor Sidney Teal and Yasmin Lewis.



by Icylin Morgan

anie De Coster pens stories not only to entertain but also to educate. She shines a light on serious topics such as mental illness and domestic violence with her stories. The enchanting characters in her novels draw you in with drama, infidelity, and betrayal, the three ingredients that keep readers turning the pages. Her novels have received starred reviews from book clubs and are listed as Amazon best sellers.


Janie was selected as Author of the Month in 2018 by WFKX 96 KIX Radio in Jackson, Tennessee and featured on-air with The Money Merv Report Podcast of Long Island New York in November 2019. She appeared on The Black Book Webinar UK with Host Makonnen Sankofa in March 2020. She was also featured in Black Pearl Magazine and Book Buzz Magazine in 2019, and UBAWA Magazine in June 2020. When she’s not writing, she loves to read, travel, and spend time with her family.

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LITERARY DEN Lashay describes herself as “a plus size activist, motivational speaker, wife, and mother.” But that’s not all. With a degree in Healthcare Administration, Lashay works fulltime in the healthcare industry, and, of course, part-time as a writer. “I love writing about plus size women who look like me. While growing up, I would read urban books about model type chicks and after reading the description I would get upset because none of the main characters look like me. Curvy women deserve to be the main character and deserve to be the beauty in books. I have penned twenty books and counting. My first series, The Dilemma of a Savage Love, Books 1 and 2, charted within the top ten of Amazon’s Best Sellers list in the category of African American Fiction.” Importantly, Lashay wants to positively impact her readers. “I hope my books remind readers that plus size women are beautiful, and they deserve to be the main attraction in any book.”


Uniquely Lashay

Writing has always helped Lashay escape her reality. “My goal is to build an empire where authors get assistance with writing their books. My company has signed fifteen authors and helped them become published authors. I would like my legacy to be—wife, mother of three, activist for the plus size community, and a writer with her own unique writing style.”



by Beverlyn Johnson Wilks

uthor and entrepreneur Lashay Perkins established Unique Creation Publications (UCP), and then successfully launched Unique & Beyond Podcast and UCP Promotions which helps aspiring authors get their books in the hands of readers.

What’s the secret to her success? She found her market niche—writing stories about curvy women.

“I have always been a chubby girl,” says Lashay. “I have always been a big reader of urban novels and I wanted to read about characters that look more like me.” That experience became a guiding light for Lashay who writes under the pen name Uniquely Lashay. “Everything I do is to help other curvy women around the world to have self-love, confidence, and self-esteem.”

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Toni Shiloh



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oni Shiloh wears many hats— wife, mom, and author. But her real mission, she says, is even broader—she writes to bring God glory and to learn more about His goodness. “Once I understood the powerful saving grace thanks to the love of Christ, I was moved to honor my Savior,” says Toni. Her novels include Grace Restored, a 2019 Holt Medallion finalist, Risking Love, a 2020 Selah Award finalist, The Truth About Fame, a 2021 Holt Medallion finalist, and The Price of Dreams, a 2021 Maggie Award finalist. A member of the Virginia Chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Toni seeks to encourage authors in the writing industry. She loves connecting with readers and authors alike via social media. You’ll love getting to know Toni. Our conversation with this down-to-earth author got deep fast as she shares her advice to aspiring authors and discusses her writing process and upcoming release, In Search of a Prince. You’ll be glad you added this to your TBR pile. THE INSPIRATION TO WRITE Toni is a multi-published Christian contemporary romance author who has twenty-two books with four more to be published in 2022. “Being able to write and glorify God in my storytelling is one of the best things that has happened to me. From the first book to my current one, I’m constantly aware that I’m blessed doing something I love. I love taking two characters on a romantic journey and having them discover love in romance and love from the Lord. Sharing about the Lord is what inspires me to write and what fuels each story. I hope that in itself is something that will inspire someone who reads my books.” WRITING PROCESS “Writing isn’t a solitary endeavor,” Toni responded when we asked about the most important lesson she learned since becoming an author. “There are many people who helped along the way.”

would be St. John 14:27,” she states. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” She selected that Scripture because one of the characters, Brielle Adebayo, had to learn that “no matter what, God is with her, and therefore, she can be at peace.”

Click and get online When it comes to her writing process, Toni is “a pantser so I don’t plot or outline. Instead, I fly by the seat of my pants and let the characters take me on the journey. I will usually do character development, discover who they are, what they’re afraid of, and what their backstory is. Once I know those things, I sit down and write their story. My critique partners get a chapter at a time and once I’m finished with the first draft, I’ll read their suggestions and flesh out the story during the second round. Then it’ll either go to my editor at the traditional publishing houses I’m contracted with or my beta readers if I’m independently publishing the story. There will be rewrites, weeping, chocolate therapy, and finally a finished product.” UPCOMING RELEASE Faith, romance, and food are three elements that are always present in Toni’s writing. We anticipate that these factors will also be included in her upcoming release, In Search of a Prince, which will be available February 1, 2022. “I was inspired by the idea of an African American princess. I haven’t read any book like it in the Christian fiction market, so I set out to write one.” The hardest part about writing In Search of a Prince were the revisions. “This was the first time I had major revisions and it was a little overwhelming at first. There might have been a lot of chocolate therapy.” Toni took a moment to share the Scripture verse that would best fit this novel. “It

While writing In Search of a Prince, Toni was reminded that “God is good, and He has plans for us. He wants us to step out on faith and assuredness of His direction.” The message she hopes readers will take away after reading this book is “That no matter what you’re facing, God can see you through it. Trust in Him!” GOOD TO KNOW So, what is something readers would be surprised to know about Toni? “Good question!” she says smiling. “I’m pretty sure most readers know I’m a rabid Dallas Cowboys fan. But I’m not sure they know I’ve been seen in New Orleans Saints gear when I went to cheer at a game they played against the Washington Football team. My husband is a huge Saints fan.” ADVICE FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS “I feel like this changes every time someone asks me. The advice I’d give an aspiring author is to make friends in the writing community. Find someone who can offer you feedback on your writing, someone who can help you understand the ins and outs of publishing, and someone who will champion and encourage you.” ON THE HORIZON Toni says she felt confident about the future of her writing career—not just because of decisions she is making today, but because of the groundwork which she laid in her earlier years and the skills and knowledge she has acquired. “I have a few books releasing this year so I’m sure I’ll be alternating between marketing, editing, and writing new stories.”

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Bindu A. Chowritmootoo



ow is a time to be proactive! That’s why we are excited to highlight the incredible achievements of Bindu Chowritmootoo, an unstoppable serial entrepreneur who has become a force to be reckoned with in the business world.

Many industry leaders have had to adapt to our challenging business environment, and Bindu is no different in this regard. She stepped up, pivoted, and persevered. The trailblazer shared exclusively with VBD Magazine about how she got started in business and the hurdles she had to overcome while climbing the ladder of success. During our interview, Bindu was poised, strong, and refreshingly forthcoming.

Bindu is a business leader and motivational speaker with over twenty-five years of experience as an Executive and Career Coach for C level and management positions within the healthcare industry. Over the past five years, Bindu expanded her servant leadership philosophy by providing services as a Life Coach.

GETTING STARTED Bindu was born in New Delhi, India, raised in the Northeast (Philadelphia and Boston), married a supportive, loving Guyanese man, and mothered three handsome boys.

“When you allow creativity and passion to come together, you begin to build your legacy,” says Bindu. Along with managing her lucrative businesses, Bindu is a contributing writer for City Lifestyle and VIP Global Magazine, where she shares motivational lifestyles, provides life and leadership coaching, and spotlights female entrepreneurs. She was featured as a “hidden gem” in Voyage Dallas Magazine in May 2020, an “Inspiring Women” in Frisco Life Magazine in May 2021 and a “Top Executive Coach” in VIP Global Magazine in August 2021.



She graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in Health Administration and began her management career within the Medical District in Boston, Massachusetts. She has a strong interest in personal development, following key principles of Steven Covey, Tony Robbins, Patrick Lencioni, Simon Sinek, and John Maxwell. Bindu worked in corporate America for over 20 years in various leadership roles before deciding to follow her dream of becoming an entrepreneur. “I worked seven days a week, finding multiple ways to grow companies with no direct return on the investment of my personal time and

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commitment. It was then that I realized it was time to transition to breathing life into my own vision and passion.” For Bindu, that revelation changed everything. In 2015, she left her corporate position and began her entrepreneurial journey. “I have never looked back. Being an entrepreneur is the most exhilarating experience I have ever had.” Today, this change-maker is on a mission to provide health and wellness solutions along with creating women's empowerment initiatives that help support and inspire



women to be the best version of their life by focusing on their physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial wellness. A DYNAMIC ENTREPRENEUR Bindu is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of a women’s empowerment company – Ignite It, LLC. The company aimed to inspire, guide, and empower women across the globe through the power of positivity, passion, and personal growth. She has successfully launched Leadership Coaching workshops and Women’s Empowerment conferences.

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She is also the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of P5 Performance – a medical and wellness company focused on holistic solutions for individuals to be the healthiest, strongest versions of themselves. The company provided preventative services such as Functional Medicine, Personal Training, Hormone Replacement Therapy, IV Vitamin Therapy, Cryotherapy and Compression Therapy. Still, this determined entrepreneur is on the move and making her mark in the entrepreneurial space. Recently, she became the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Flourish in Color - a company focused on providing a 360° behavioral health and wellness solution. The company is built on providing hope and guiding individuals through the healing process to arrive at an emotional and spiritual wellbeing by using compassionate Life Coaching and Licensed Wellness Therapists. CLEAN SLATE WORKSHOP “My business partner Ke'ren Fromayan and I decided to create a company that focused on Life Coaching and Mental Wellness. The community is realizing and appreciating the benefits of having a life coach and building a career as a Certified Life Coach. We created a workshop, Clean Slate, that is scheduled for Wednesday, 01/12/2022, 6:30 PM CST. This is a power packed, interactive one of a kind workshop that allows both men and women to begin 2022 with a “clean slate,” letting go of any baggage, reframing thoughts and rewriting their story. This workshop is offered both in person and online for attendees across the globe. For registration, visit www.flourishincolor.com.” PASSION FOR WOMEN EMPOWERMENT Women empowerment had always been Bindu’s passion, but this was magnified in 2009 by the pressure of what was happening in her personal life. “I was in the middle of a difficult divorce with two young boys. One day, I received a call from my church pastor acknowledging my divorce and informing me that my church membership is no longer valid. He continued to say that the man is the

YOU TRULY ARE A PRODUCT OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT. A POSITIVE MINDSET YIELDS POSITIVE OUTCOMES. head of the household and because of my divorce I will need to find a new church home. I was devastated. It was then that I realized that I had to serve as a resource for other women who went through similar experiences. I was determined to provide a platform for women to express themselves and to be given resources they deserve for true happiness.” JUMPING HURDLES For Bindu, like many other entrepreneurs, climbing the ladder of success has not always been an easy road. “You cannot grow as a leader without experiencing challenges. You cannot mentor others without experiencing frustration and defeat. I had to overcome the challenge of being told ‘No.’ When you are working in a corporate setting, respecting, and understanding a chain of command is important. But at

the same time, it can limit your growth as an individual. Every time I was told ‘No’ when suggesting a new initiative or project, it provided more reasons why I needed to conquer it on my own. The biggest strategy I learned during my journey is that I must focus on being the best version of myself. If I am not mentally and physically strong, I cannot adequately portray what I am capable of. I intentionally surround myself with people who practice positivity and understand the power of manifestation. You truly are a product of your environment. A positive mindset yields positive outcomes.” ON THE HORIZON “I am currently writing a book which focuses on the power of manifestation. The expected release date is July 2022. My plan for the new year is to focus on the coordination of 2-3 personal development and life coaching conferences across the states.”

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DREAM AGAIN Book 1 - McIntosh Brothers Series by Ann Marie Bryan Bestselling Author

Love… is everything. Intensely emotional yet beautifully romantic. Dive in to witness the incredible transformative power of love. Available as eBook

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Writing with a sense of purpose to inspire and empower







VBD Magazine is pleased to present our Star Power List of 11 amazing authors who own publishing companies. Do you need help publishing your book? We’ve got you covered. This is your moment. Reach out today!

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Seize Every Moment and Opportunity

DR. ELISSA GABRIELLE National Bestselling Author & Owner, Peace In The Storm Publishing

Awards. Elissa has graced the covers of Conversations Magazine, Big Time Publishing Magazine, Black Girl Powerhouse Magazine, Disilgold Soul Magazine and has been featured in Urbania Magazine and Black Literature Magazine. She has also been highlighted in the Huffington Post and Madame Noire. AWARD-WINNING PUBLISHER Elissa has published well over 150 books and launched the literary careers of more than 25 authors in her 15-year career as an independent publisher. She has also won many prestigious awards. Peace In The Storm Publishing and Elissa have been nominated for over 30 literary awards and have won multiple awards, including 2020 Independent Publisher of the Year in the 16th Annual African American Literary Awards. Peace In The Storm Publishing’s imprints are After The Storm Publishing, ASP Kids, Renewing Your Mind Ink, Imani Faith Publishing and the former Jessica A. Robinson Presents. SCREENWRITER AND PRODUCER Elissa is a Content Creator, Screenwriter, and Producer. She has created television shows and movies and has over a dozen original creations for television and film. She is a producer for the forthcoming documentary, “Unheard Voices,” that covers the profile in courage of Tosha Smith Mills, and her mission surrounding mothers of incarcerated children.


o what sets your soul on fire, unapologetically and without hesitation. Oftentimes, we can get caught up in what others believe we should or should not be doing in our lives. That causes distraction. You have to have enough courage to feel the fear, do it anyway, discard any and all distractions, and be strong enough to allow your life to amaze you.”


NATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR Dr. Elissa Gabrielle is a powerhouse in the literary industry. Elissa has broken the ceiling of literary excellence with her gift in the skill of multi-genre writing—poetry books, novels, and anthology contributor. Elissa’s award-winning novel Eye of the Beholder was recommended by USA Today and awarded Female Author of the Year for the novel by the African American Literary

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Weaving Powerful Messages of Love and Kindness

TRACY BLOM Bestselling Author & Owner, Blom Books, LLC



ake time for what you love. I make a point to write every single day, whether it is five minutes or two hours. Also, if there is an idea that you believe in, keep following that passion and enjoy yourself.”

Tracy Blom is a bestselling author with over twenty published titles in bookstores, museums, zoos, airports, and major retailers across the United States. Every book she has ever created first began as a dream, written and recorded in one of many dream journals. Dreams are the common thread that wind between her stories, and, for a long time, they were perplexing even to her. Over time, she came to understand and cherish the gift of nightly vision and went on to create fairytales, young adult novels, and lighthearted picture books. If you look closely, you can decode the underlying messages in her work, most of which encourage readers to believe in themselves, embrace their differences as gifts, and make the world a better place. Amidst the challenges of 2020, Tracy created her first theatrical play, published her first paranormal thriller, and began a series of environmental STEM books addressing critical topics including climate change, cleaning up the ocean, and creating innovative ways to repurpose items. Her mission is to create books of change, inspire future generations, and be a sounding board for gifted children who may not feel like they belong.

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Inspiring Authors To Dream Big

NALEIGHNA KAI National Bestselling and Award-winning Author & CEO, Macro Marketing & Promotions Group

Vocational School Hall of Fame (CVS), Mercedes Benz Mentor Award Nominee, and the E. Lynn Harris Author of Distinction. After successfully cracking the code of landing a deal for herself and others with a major publishing house, Naleighna continues to pay it forward as CEO of Macro Marketing & Promotions Group which offers aspiring and established authors assistance with ghostwriting, developmental editing, publishing, marketing, and other services to jump-start or enhance their writing careers. Naleighna Kai’s Tribe Called Success created two national bestselling books: Sugar and Spice that have become book club favorites across the nation. Also, the Tribe produced several series: Kings of the Castle, Knights of the Castle, Merry Hearts Inspirational Series, Queens of the Castle, and The Pleasures Series. Further, Naleighna is one of the organizers of the annual Cavalcade of Authors which gives readers intimate access to the most accomplished writing talent today. On a personal note, Naleighna is the mother of a son, who is also an author and award-winning designer and NAACP Image Award Nominee. She resides in Chicago where she is working on her next two books.


he book you’re still holding inside might be where someone else’s healing resides.”

fiction, contemporary fiction, Christian fiction, Romance, Suspense, and Science Fiction novels that plumb the depth of unique love triangles and women’s issues.

Naleighna Kai is the USA Today, Essence®, and national bestselling and award-winning author of several controversial women’s

She is also a contributor to a New York Times bestseller, one of AALBC’s 100 Top Authors, a member of the Chicago


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Feeding Your Mind One Book At A Time

MEET FLORENZA LEE Bestselling Author & Owner, Words to Ponder Publishing Company, LLC



few words of wisdom that I’ve found since embarking on my authorship journey are: Ask a lot of questions, study from those already published in your genre, read until your heart’s content, use your lifelines to ask for help, don’t take corrections personally, and last but certainly not least, have fun and enjoy the journey.”

Florenza Lee is an author, publisher, narrative coach, transformational speaker, radio talk show host, Master Storyteller, wife, mother, and advocate for our Nation’s Veterans. Her children’s books focus on Social-Emotional Learning. Her dynamic characters immediately capture the readers’ attention, and her lessons remain long after the book is closed. Florenza believes Christ uses everyday principles to bring about profound truths. She applies this practical teaching method to guide her audience on a soul-searching journey to discover the power that lies within them. Florenza says her messages will stick with you like collard greens and cornbread. She and her husband, CSM (Ret US Army) Trefus Lee, have been married for nearly 38 years and reside in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Their daughters Jessica and Missy call Las Vegas, Nevada, and Chagrin Falls, Ohio, home.

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Dream It, Build It and WriteOn, LLC


DR. MONIQUE L. RODGERS International Bestselling Author & Founder, WriteOn, LLC

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piece of advice that I can offer about writing is to simply start writing and to never give up. For aspiring authors who are afraid to get their books out, I pray they will find courage in knowing that all they must do is start.

In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ God has a future for every writer but all He wants us to do is to start.” Dr. Monique L. Rodgers is an ordained prophet, certified transformational life coach, CEO, mentor, certified vegan health coach, and literary genius. Her remarkable skill as an author was established at the age of 8 years old when she began writing and selling handmade books that she wrote for her classmates and teachers. It was then that she understood her calling and gift to write, inspire, and help other authors as well. In 2019, Dr. Rodgers became a writing coach for Beyond The Book Media and in 2020, she established WriteOn, LLC, a writing company. In March 2021, she published Accelerate, a book that changed the trajectory of her life, allowing her to participate in events as a keynote speaker, and become featured in magazines, podcasts, radio shows, and television appearances. In 2021, Dr. Rodgers was awarded a place in Who’s Who in America by Marquis Who’s Who. She was also nominated for several awards. In 2021, she became one of Kish Magazine’s Top 20 National authors.

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Empowering the next generation of authors

VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY & RESHONDA TATE BILLINGSLEY National Bestselling Authors & Founders, Brown Girls Books


t’s our pleasure to turn the spotlight on Victoria Christopher Murray and ReShonda Tate Billingsley, game-changing publishers, who are committed to providing a voice for the next generation of authors.

Victoria and ReShonda are national bestselling authors with more than two million

books in print. So, naturally, helping to build the next generation of authors, while spotlighting some fan favorites, would be something near and dear to their hearts. They launched Brown Girls Publishing (BGP) in 2014. BGP is an exclusive boutique publishing company, focusing primarily on digital content, while still providing

printed books through Amazon. Today, BGP boasts a roster of over 40 authors. We celebrate these phenomenal women who understand that their voices mean something. Importantly, they are the go-to resource for authors who want to flourish during these unpredictable times.


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Victoria spent ten years in corporate America before she tested her entrepreneurial spirit. She opened a Financial Services Agency for Aegon, USA where she managed the number one division for nine consecutive years. However, Victoria always dreamed of writing and in 1997, she pursued her dream. Victoria originally self-published her first novel, Temptation, and in 2000, Time Warner published that novel. Temptation made numerous bestsellers lists and remained on the Essence bestsellers list for nine consecutive months. In 2001, Victoria received her first NAACP Image Award nomination for Temptation. Over her career, Victoria has received numerous awards including the Phyllis Wheatley Trailblazer Award, eleven African American Literary Awards, and five NAACP Image Award nominations. In 2016, she won the Image Award for Outstanding Literature for her social commentary novel, Stand Your Ground.

GET TO KNOW VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY Victoria Christopher Murray is one of the country’s top African American contemporary authors. She is the New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of more than 30 novels, including the New York Times Instant Best Seller, The Personal Librarian. She has been writing novels full time for over twenty years. A native New Yorker, Victoria Christopher Murray attended Hampton University in Virginia where she majored in Communication Disorders. After graduating, Victoria attended New York University’s Stern Business School where she received her MBA in Marketing.


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All seven novels in Victoria’s Seven Deadly Sins series were optioned to become movies on Lifetime. The first two, Lust and Envy, aired in April 2021 and the next two, Greed and Wrath, are in preproduction and will air in Spring 2022. The movies were produced by TD Jakes, Shaun Robinson, and Derrick Williams. Another one of Victoria’s novels, The Ex Files, has also been optioned to become a movie and will begin filming in early 2022.

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STAR POWER LIST television reporter and anchor for stations in Oklahoma City, Beaumont, and Houston. ReShonda is also Managing Editor for the Houston Defender Newspaper, as well as a Communications Consultant for Texas Southern University. She also works as a professional editor, ghostwriter, and literary consultant. She left her job at FOX 26 News in Houston in 2007 to write full-time. A highly sought-after motivational speaker and award-winning poet, ReShonda is the recipient of the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literature for her book Say Amen, Again and was also nominated for her books Mama’s Boy and The Secret She Kept. She has received a plethora of distinguished awards and honors for her journalism, fiction, and poetry writing skills, including an induction into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame and a Texas Top Author honor. Considered one of the top African American authors in the country, her books remain a staple on bestsellers lists and have been featured in USA Today, The Washington Post, Jet, People, Essence, and Ebony Magazines. ReShonda is also the co-founder of the boutique publishing company, Brown Girls Books, with Victoria Christopher Murray. The company, which is aimed at producing quality books from fresh voices and fan favorites, boasts a roster of more than 40 authors. BGB’s subsidiary company, Brown Girls Entertainment, is branching out into the multimedia landscape, producing content for film, TV, and the web.


A graduate of The University of Texas at Austin, ReShonda is a member of the Missouri City – Sugar Land Chapters of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Jack & Jill of America. She is the mother of three children ages 20, 17, and 13.

ReShonda Tate Billingsley is the national bestselling author of more than 50 books. She writes both adult and teen fiction, as well as nonfiction. Her sophomore novel, Let the Church Say Amen, was made into a film directed by actress Regina King and produced by TD Jakes and Queen Latifah. ReShonda made her on-screen movie debut in the film, which was one of BET’s highest rated programs. Her book, The Secret She Kept, was also made into a movie, and aired on TV One. ReShonda made a cameo in that movie as well. A well-respected journalist for more than two decades, ReShonda has worked as a

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Creating books that are an extension of God’s Word

DANYELLE SCROGGINS Bestselling Author & Founder, Divinely Sown, LLC

Word.’ It became that opened door that no man can shut. The greatest advice to a writer is follow your heart. I believe with everything in me that God gifts writers for reasons beyond seeing words in ink. Why? Because written words are powerful and they have the power to change lives. So, He gives writers imagination which is a byproduct of faith, creativity which is the evidence of the gift, and open doors which are the results of faith intertwining with the gift.” Author Danyelle is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana where she serves as the senior pastor of New Vessels Ministries North. She is the founder of Danyelle Scroggins Ministries which is a platform for inspirational and public speaking as well as spiritual and marital coaching. Danyelle studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, and an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology/ Biblical Studies and Master’s in Religious Education, both from Liberty University. Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC, a publishing house that specializes in the publication of books divinely sown into the hearts of writers. She is the author of over forty Christian fiction and nonfiction books. Danyelle is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins, a mother of three, a mother of two by marriage, and a grandmother. Her hobbies include reading, drawing, and photography.


started Divinely Sown LLC (DS Publishing) in 2004. Depleted and almost about to give up after sending letters upon letters to publishers who mostly said the same thing. They didn’t know if there would be an audience for me or, my books were too Scripture heavy. My pastor preached one Sunday about God opening doors that no man can shut. I knew this Word was for me. I knew God was trying to


lead me through a door that man couldn’t close. If I were going to write books that the world would read, that would always point the readers to Christ, I needed to push through the door He presented that no man could close. Divinely Sown Publishing was born out of my situation, using the motto ‘Creating books that are an extension of God’s

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Celebrating Black Books and The Authors Who Create Them


Award-winning Author & Owner, West End Publishing, LLC


handra Sparks Splond is an editor, speaker and award-winning author and blogger. She is a 2019 recipient of the Learning for Life award presented by the Orlean Beeson School of Education at Samford University. In addi-

tion to having published several number one Amazon bestselling books, Splond’s young adult novel Make It Work was named Alabama’s Great Read 2017, Spin It Like That was chosen as a Popular Paperback for Young Adults by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), and

The Pledge was a YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers. Black Pearls Magazine honored Splond as a Legends and Leaders for her blog. Splond is the owner of West End Publishing, LLC. Her editing clients have included


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STAR POWER LIST several New York Times, USA Today and Essence bestselling authors. In addition to working for Kensington Publishing as the consulting editor for Arabesque romance, Splond has also done work for Random House, Moody Publishers, Kimani Press (formerly known as BET Books), and Hyperion. She has also worked for Good Housekeeping, Samford University, Black and Married with Kids, Brides Noir, Weddingpages, Newsday, The Morning Call and Romantic Times. Her award-winning blog, Book of Splond, helps African American women balance faith, family and fiction. Splond graduated from the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa with a degree in journalism and has a master’s degree in instructional design and technology from Samford University. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She resides in Birmingham, Alabama, with her family. Chandra Sparks Splond has a passion for Black authors and their stories. There is so much life and color within the pages of their perspective that she is compelled to promote them. VBD Magazine interviewed this passionate publisher and promoter to get her story. VBD: How did you get started in the publishing industry? CHANDRA: Although I’ve always loved books, I started in publishing in 1993 when I moved to New York two weeks after graduating from The University of Alabama. I had the amazing opportunity to become a part of the Minority Editorial Training Program, where I spent the first two years of my career working at newspapers that were owned by Times Mirror—the first year was at Newsday in New York, and the second year was at The Morning Call in Allentown, Pennsylvania. After the second year, I was offered a job as a copy editor at The Morning Call, but it was my heart’s desire to work in book publishing. I figured to do that, I needed experience editing longer pieces, so I thought the perfect next step for my career would be to work in magazines. I landed a job as a copy editor for Good Housekeeping magazine, and while I was


there, I started doing freelance editing for BET Books/Arabesque and Genesis Press, along with several other publishers. My work caught the attention of Karen Thomas who was the editor of Arabesque, and she offered me a job as consulting editor for the line. I was responsible for acquiring and editing about 60 books a year. This was the late 90s/early 2000s when self-publishing was becoming really big, so in addition to working at BET Books/Arabesque, I started doing freelance editing for established and aspiring authors, and for the most part, I’ve been doing it ever since. VBD: Why did you start Black Fiction Addition and what services do you offer? CHANDRA: Black Fiction Addiction started because I love black books, and I wanted to celebrate not only the books, but the authors who created them. I interview independent and traditionally published authors and spotlight different books on my Black Fiction Addiction blog and offer daily book recommendations and memes on social media. VBD: How are you using your platform to aspire change? CHANDRA: My goal is to celebrate black books, especially independent authors who don’t often get the attention of the

press that traditionally published authors do. I want people to know there are a lot of amazing black books and to become addicted to reading. VBD: What is your advice to aspiring authors? CHANDRA: My advice to aspiring authors is twofold: Just write and just read. Just write the story that’s in your heart, and don’t get caught up in trends. Just read (and study) other books so that you know what exists. You’d be surprised by the number of aspiring authors I encounter who say they don’t read. VBD: With multiple voices clamoring for everyone’s attention, how do you stay focused? CHANDRA: I honestly feel like I don’t. LOL. Seriously, I take things one day at a time—if I’m really overwhelmed, I focus on getting through the next second. Some days are better than others with getting things done. VBD: Tell us about your latest release. CHANDRA: My latest release is Speak, which tells the story of fifteen-year-old Kobe Means who has zero desire to follow in the footsteps of his famous father. Thanks to the pandemic, they’ve been stuck at home together for months, and Kobe has had enough. It seems the only way he’ll get any peace is to find a way to speak up for himself. What starts out as a simple idea to get away from his dad and show some independence turns into his life changing in ways he could never imagine, so it winds up becoming the summer Kobe finds his voice. VBD: What’s next for you? CHANDRA: I have a few projects on which I’m working that I can hopefully announce soon.

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Wickedly Sweet, Definitely Unpredictable, Literature & Creatives

IMANI WISDOM Author & Founder, Necé and Company Publications, LLC

The Creative’s Corner, a service offered by my company, will alleviate the stress felt by authors. We’ll promote your ‘baby’ on leading social sites and have fun on a Twitter Q&A on the last Saturday of the month.” Imani is the Founder of Necé and Company Publications, LLC. Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, Necé and Co. is a groundbreaking business with an unpredictable literary storytelling brand. Imani is also the founder of the online event Urban Ebook Fair, which creates a platform for creatives and authors. Born and raised in “Indy,” Imani spends her days overseeing a family of five, writing short stories and full-length books, cooking vegan dishes, running 5Ks and mini-marathons, and enjoying quality time with her friends and family. Wisdom is a graduate of Ivy Tech Community College, earning a degree in Paralegal Studies. She is a prolific storyteller whose works depict an honest portrayal of societal issues. As a blogger and author, she has received numerous honors, including 2012 nominee for Poet of the Year (AAMBC Book Club), March 2012 Up and Coming Author (The Writer’s POV Magazine), September 2011 Blog of the Month (The Writer’s POV Magazine), and February 2011 Editor’s Pick (BlackShortStories.com) for her short story, The Shattered Mogul. Her works include Zion’s Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption and her debut novel, The Journey of Ruthie Belle.


s my Aunt Louise says, ‘Life’s a journey.’ So, take anything you learn as a teaching experience. You will fall, make several mistakes, but in the end, you’ll shine.

Click and get online Indie authors wear many hats to m ​ ake their businesses competitive while focusing on the next book. Therefore, they learn to navigate both sides of the brain—the logic and creative sides.

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Your Imagination is the Foundation


Award-winning Author, Editor-in-Chief, Seventh Star Press, & Executive Director/Founder, The Imaginarium Convention


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ell the stories that come from your heart and do not get caught up with trying to chase trends. By the time you are committed to pursuing a current trend, a new one is on the way to replace it, and you end up stifling your voice and style in the process. Along the same lines, do not be consumed with writing characters that you think others are expecting, but rather the ones that organically come from your imagination. The most important thing of all is to develop your own voice and style. Writing the stories that you are passionate about will always result in your best and most appealing work.”

Stephen Zimmer is an award-winning writer, editor, filmmaker, and broadcaster based out of Lexington, Kentucky. His published works include the Rayden Valkyrie Tales (Sword and Sorcery), The Ragnar Stormbringer Tales (Sword and Sorcery), the Rising Dawn Saga (Cross Genre), the Fires in Eden Series (Epic Fantasy), the Hellscapes short story collections (Horror), the Chronicles of Ave short story collections (Fantasy), the Harvey and Solomon Tales (Steampunk), and the Faraway Saga (YA Dystopian/Cross-Genre). Stephen is a co-host of The Star Chamber Show, a weekly live podcast spotlighting creative individuals in all genres and mediums. He is also a principal member of Seventh Star Press, an award-winning small press based out of Lexington, Kentucky, and the Executive Director/Founder of The Imaginarium Convention, a 9th year convention for creatives of all genres with both a virtual event and an in-person event in Louisville, Kentucky.

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POWER LIST 9 AMAZING AUTHORS WHO ARE EDITORS Helping you create a powerful legacy

VBD Magazine is excited to present our Star Power List of 9 amazing authors who are editors. Whether you’re a new writer or an established author, let these writing experts help you release the book you’ve been dreaming about. Get started today!

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Helping Authors Write Their Best Books


Bestselling Author, Editor & Missionary

Sherri’s life passion is to express the reality of the Kingdom of God through the arts, including music, dance, film, television, and literature, and through sound biblical teaching. Her ministry focuses include the message of the Kingdom, intimacy with God, intercession, the prophetic, inner healing, and purpose and destiny. Sherri Lewis graduated from Howard University and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. In 2008, she left her 15-year career as a Family Physician to pursue full time ministry and writing. She has several bestselling Christian fiction titles including My Soul Cries Out, Dance Into Destiny, The List, Selling My Soul, Finding Mrs. Wright, A Woman’s Revenge and Becoming Mrs. Wright. In 2010, Sherri founded the Bethel Atlanta Cameroon School of Supernatural Ministry and has graduated seven classes of radical revivalists thus far. In 2017, the vision expanded and now is Bethel Atlanta Africa. Sherri is in the process of launching Bethel Atlanta Kenya in Nairobi. She has been privileged to preach the gospel of the Kingdom in the United States, Cameroon, Nigeria, South Africa, and Kenya and looks forward to reaching more of the Continent of Africa. She lives between Buea, Cameroon, Nairobi, Kenya, and Atlanta.


enjoy working with writers and new authors. I love the challenge of making a good book into a great book! Often, writers aren’t familiar with the elements of great fiction, the nuts and bolts of solid writing, or how to best communicate their heart. I’ve developed services to help you write your best book possible.”


Sherri L. Lewis, MD is a graduate of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. She has been in ministry training for the past 20 years with special emphasis on the prophetic, worship, intercession, and understanding Kingdom realities. She has a call to go to the nations to spread the message of the Kingdom with a particular focus on Africa.

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Writing Perfect Stories About Imperfect People Like You and Me

SHELIA E. BELL National Bestselling Author, Editor & Literary Consultant


STAR POWER LIST elieve in your writing and yourself. It is never ever okay to skip the editing process.”

Shelia E. Bell is an award-winning, national bestselling author with over 30 books published in Christian fiction, women’s fiction, nonfiction, and young adult genres. Her books have garnered numerous awards and accolades, including Black Expressions Top 25, USA Today Mentions, Dallas Morning News Best Selling Author, 2017 Christian Literary Readers’ Choice Award, 2015 Rosa Parks Award, 2014 Christian Literary Award, AAMBC Nate Holmes Honorary Award, Kindle Award, OOSA Book of the Year, numerous Shades of Romance Magazine (SORMAG) awards, and many more.

Since Shelia began her career in 2007, she has set the literary industry ablaze with her dynamic, true to life stories that she calls “perfect stories about imperfect people like you...and me.” Shelia is passionate about helping others and encourages and promotes people to “live their dreams now.” In 2012, she founded the nonprofit organization “Black Writers And Book Clubs (BWABC) Literacy Association” with a mission to promote literacy one community at a time. Shelia is also a well-respected freelance book editor.

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Writing with a sense of purpose to inspire and empower

ANN MARIE BRYAN Entrepreneur, Bestselling Author & Developmental Editor

fessional development solutions to clients. As Founder and CEO of Victorious By Design, she uses her extensive knowledge and experience in human resources, information technology, banking, and writing to bring a well-rounded perspective when working with clients. A Christian fiction author, Ann Marie writes to inspire and empower others. She desires to tell great stories with fascinating characters to show the awesome power of God in the lives of people and places. Her celebrated bestselling Encounters of the Heart series, blend faith and romance. In addition, Ann Marie serves as the Editor-in-Chief for VBD Magazine and Managing Editor of VIP Global Magazine, a business resource for entrepreneurs. When she is not writing and training, Ann Marie enjoys speaking at conferences, retreats, workshops, and special events. Ann Marie’s greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by tapping into their God-given potential. She enjoys writing, reading, dancing, teaching, meeting people and traveling. With all the knowledge and experiences that God has so graciously blessed her with, Ann Marie is determined to make her life a ministry for the Lord.


reate an author platform to connect with readers. Don’t be overwhelmed by your lack of knowledge about writing or the publishing industry. Select an individual, group, or organization with the knowledge to help you succeed. Do research to obtain information on how you can best leverage


your knowledge and abilities to fulfill your dream of writing.” Ann Marie Bryan is a multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She’s an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and writing consultant, with more than a decade of experience providing top-notch literary services and innovative personal and pro-

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Exploring Jamaica one story at a time

J.L. CAMPBELL National Bestselling Author & Line and Content Editor



fter you’ve written and rested your manuscript, you’ll be able to revisit it with fresh eyes. Readers should be able to visualize the picture you’ve painted, so it’s important to create strong imagery. The right words will create vivid images in your readers’ minds. So, choose hibiscus or marigold instead of flower, oak tree instead of tree, spiced lamb chops with minted couscous instead of expensive meal, honey-gold complexion instead of brown skin, and curvaceous instead of thick.

At the same time, try not to go overboard with descriptors. Too many words can cloud the picture you’re trying to create and confuse the reader. Jade’s royal-blue, high-collared, form-fitting dress brushed her knees. Two adjectives are enough. The third can go into another sentence to help with clarity.” National Bestselling Author J.L. Campbell writes contemporary, paranormal, and sweet romance, romantic suspense, inspirational and women’s fiction, in addition to new and young adult novels. Campbell, who hails from Jamaica, has penned more than forty books. She is a certified editor and book coach. When she’s not writing, Campbell adds to her extensive collection of photos detailing Jamaica’s flora and fauna. “The ability to share my culture between the pages of a book is a privilege I’m aware of each time I sit to craft a story. There are so many people who will never be able to come to Jamaica, so when they pick up one of my books, I want them to have an authentic experience.”

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The Writer of Soap Operas in Print

E.N. JOY Bestselling Author & Publishing Coach

book blurb from Grammy Award-Winning Artist Erykah Badu. An All Night Man, an anthology penned with New York Times Bestselling Author Brenda Jackson, earned the Borders Bestselling African American Romance Award. Her urban fiction title, Dollar Bill, appeared in Newsweek and has been translated to Japanese. Her children’s book, The Secret Olivia Told Me, written under the name N. Joy, received a Coretta Scott King Honor from the American Library Association. The book club rights were acquired by Scholastic Books and has sold over 100,000 copies to date. After thirteen years of being a paralegal in the insurance industry, she divorced her career as a paralegal and married her mistress and passion: writing. In 2000, she formed a publishing company (End of the Rainbow Projects, Inc. DBA Path To Publishing) where she published her own books until landing a book deal with St. Martin’s Press. As an award-winning author, she has been sharing her literary expertise at conferences, workshops, and summits across the country as a wellknown, respected, and sought-after literary consultant and publishing coach.


esides providing an enjoyable entertaining, and literary escape that ministers to one’s soul, it’s also my desire to incite the reader to not only – once they’ve finished reading one of my books –pick up another – but to pick up a pen as well, and begin telling their own stories.”


Joylynn M. Ross, writing as BLESSEDselling Author E. N. Joy, is the author behind the New Day Divas, Still Divas, Always Divas, and Forever Divas series, all which have been called “Soap Operas in Print.” She’s an Essence Magazine Bestselling Author who wrote secular books under the names Joylynn M. Jossel and JOY. Her title, If I Ruled the World, earned a

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Penning inspiration that keeps you turning the page

CANDICE “ORDERED STEPS” JOHNSON Bestselling Author & Editor

choreographing the four-time Emmy winning Black Music and Civil Rights Movement Concert aired on CBS Television, Candice has been honored to share the stage with gospel legends such as The Clark Sisters, Fred Hammond, Dorinda ClarkCole, Travis Greene, Jonathan McReynolds, JJ Hairston, John P. Kee, Jekayln Carr, Tasha Cobbs, and a host of others. Candice is Path to Publishing’s 2021 “Act Like An Author, Think Like A Business,” Editor of the Year. Since then, there has been a fire in her pen that cannot be extinguished! Known for making words “dance” across the page, Candice’s unique literary voice carries the soul of a poet, the jazz of a singer, and the creativity that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. The former editorial assistant for the Associated Press doesn’t just write and edit - she breathes life into words until they remain etched in the spirit long after the period punctuates the final sentence. Her mission is to inspire, uplift, entertain and bring others to Christ through the arts, and always leave them thirsting for more of God!


he first step to creating is realizing that you are good enough. Your concept, vision, ‘voice,’ – your gift deserves to be heard. Not compared, criticized, or picked apart. Your art is the unique blueprint God has given you to advance from the pit to the palace. Your

gift is the coat of many colors people may envy, but don’t have the power to pillage. It’s time to wear your ‘coat’ with pride.”

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Candice “Ordered Steps” Johnson is a bestselling author, award-winning editor, playwright, filmmaker, and awardwinning choreographer. In addition to

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Reaching the world for Christ, one book at a time

M. A. MALCOLM Author of Award-Winning Christian Fiction & Certified Editor


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isten to your book! I’ve found that listening to the manuscript via the many text-tospeech options now available picks up lingering errors whether I’m writing or editing.” M. A. Malcolm has loved reading since she was two years old when her mother taught her the skill. Wherever she goes, she not only has a book close at hand but also is probably counting the minutes until she can lose herself in it. Mrs. Malcolm has always been able to quickly spot errors in the writing of others. It was therefore not surprising when classmates and work colleagues began seeking her help to refine their documents. She became a certified editor in 2014 and offers freelance copy and line editing services.

A former National Reading Champion of Jamaica, Mrs. Malcolm is a reluctant writer. Her first book, a 2015 Christian fiction novel entitled His Last Hope, was written because God instructed her to share a life-changing message with the world. She was shocked when His Last Hope was voted the 2016 CSPA Romance Book of the Year. Acquiescing to readers’ demands for more, she released a children’s book, So very… Max!, in 2016 and a second novel, His Last Resort, in 2017. She hopes to release His Last Chance in 2022.

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Helping You Polish Your Message

CYNTHIA PORTALATIN Author, Editor & Owner, Creative Words 4 Light

journalism and Spanish. After a 20-year career in public relations and minority advocacy/outreach, she turned her focus toward pursuing creative writing and began to offer professional copy-editing services. Her first published book, Bloom Forever – A Poetry Journal is a collection of 115 poems written over a period of 25 years (Cynthia Lamb, Amani Publishing, 2013). Since then, she has contributed poems to multiple anthologies, books, magazines, and newspapers, and has become a book/ writer coach. In 2020, after an unexpected break in employment, she self-published her second book in collaboration with life partner and award-winning photographer Stan Johnson. Journey’s Light – the Journey Is Light, an inspirational art book, honors life and beauty through photography and poetry. An active member of the Tallahassee Authors Network (TAN), Big Bend Poets & Writers, and TAN Christian Authors Network, Cynthia hosts “Write to Heal” workshops to share the healing power of poetry and journaling and can frequently be heard at local poetry readings. She has also exhibited her paintings at LeMoyne Arts Gallery in Tallahassee, Florida. This native New Yorker now calls Florida home.


love to read and write. And, yes, I love to edit! Words have always leaped at me, off billboards and pages everywhere I go. This prompted me to choose and grow a craft I love, and help others present their best written works.”

Click and get online Cynthia Portalatin, aka Cynthia Rose (Artist & Poet), began journaling at the age of seven when her grandmother gifted her a small diary. In her teens, she discovered poetry, drawing, and short stories. Her love of recording experiences earned her two Bachelor of Arts degrees in print

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Your Script has already been written by God


Bestselling Author & Owner, Armor of Hope Writing & Publishing Services, LLC

is all ministry, even if we only reach one life. Seeing their life change for the better, we have completed our purpose.” Denise M. Walker is a minister, wife, mother, podcaster, experienced educator, and entrepreneur. Denise has educated youth for over 20 years and has served in the field of education for 25 years. Most of her career has been serving middle school youth and mentoring preteen and teen girls. She is the founder of Hope-in-Christ Ministries, Inc. and the owner of Armor of Hope Writing & Publishing Services, LLC. In addition, she is the creator and facilitator of the Hope-in-Christ Book Club Facebook group, the host of Hope-in-Christ with Denise podcast, and a co-host of Her News International radio show. Her ministry’s mission is to lead others out of their barren places and to the truth of Christ and His purpose, to build literacy, and to assist individuals in walking in their true identity in Christ. Denise has written several blogs on her Hope-in-Christ Ministries platform. To date, she has penned six books: two Bible strategies journals, two YA Christian Fiction novels for teen girls (My True Identity Series), a journal for aspiring Christian writers, and her debut Women’s Christian Fiction novel, Barren Womb. Denise has also co-authored several anthologies.


s a Christian nonfiction and children’s book copy editor, I have learned that God had already began equipping me many years ago with the skills I needed to move in His purpose. I also came to understand I needed to complete more training to enhance my skills.


In addition, as a Christian author, I have learned that I must be willing to put in hours of work to see the manifestation of success. This success is more than a book sale, a bestselling ranking, or any recognition by man. It is obedience to Christ. We have to ask ourselves, “Am I pleasing God? Is this His purpose?” That’s true success. It

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Personal & Professional DEVELOPMENT HAVEN


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Kirsha Campbell



hen business owners find their businesses in financial chaos and aim to take the leap to cashflow and more, they reach out to Kirsha Campbell “The Cashflow Maven.” A CPA/CMA, Kirsha integrates all the moving parts in your business to set up the right foundation to be recession proof, operate with reduced risk, increase cashflow, establish effective systems and procedures, and so much more.

Kirsha is ready to change the trajectory of your business and life. Say goodbye to overwhelming stress and frustration about your business results and operation. She is deeply passionate about helping her clients and forming lasting relationships. She is committed to setting up your business for success and be your “go-to” second brain. You can feel the passion through her words as she shares with us about her services, her driving force, and her beloved twin boys. VBD: Tell us about your services. KIRSHA: I help Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) advance from profits to multiple cashflow through strategic financial systems. Our team takes care of the financial side of your business with a customized approach. We ensure your bookkeeping/ record keeping/transactions are recorded accurately. We help to establish predictable profits, thereby increasing cashflow, and ultimately creating wealth and value for your business.


VBD: What is the driving force behind your passion to help CEOs with strategic financial systems? KIRSHA: After more than 13 years in the corporate world, I increasingly saw the need to support smaller sized businesses. They needed customized proven corporate strategies to scale their companies to greater levels of profits and cashflow. Profit is often misunderstood as equal to cashflow, and I urgently needed these companies to differentiate this. They also needed to be positioned for a recession proof state. I saw many companies go bankrupt and it “happened gradually, then suddenly” (Ernest Hemingway). As a result, many lives, families, and business were impacted, and the trajectory changed radically. I needed to be a part of changing that trajectory in a positive way now and for generations ahead. VBD: You are always working diligently to keep companies afloat, so what were some of the things that The Cash Lab did to pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic? KIRSHA: We intensified our reach across the globe by training executives in Asia and the Caribbean. We released our Cash Management Training Course along with updating our Cashflow Playbook to provide simple steps to quickly increase profits and cashflow for business owners and CEOs. We also increased the frequency of our trainings to offer customized support to business owners and CEOs.

VBD: With a thriving and demanding business, how do you achieve the balance between business and parenting as a momentrepreneur? KIRSHA: I actually seek for the integration of the various parts of my life instead of balance. With balance, the weight is evenly distributed or there are correct proportions! I quickly found out that with parenting and business, that did not happen for me! With integration, I include all the moving parts in my business, my family and other parts of life to ensure there is priority as needed and change is quickly made appropriately. So one day, there will be more focus on work and another day, there will be more focus on my babies and their related needs or activities. I also ensure that I keep learning and growing through prayer and worship. I am constantly learning from more experienced leaders ahead of me, and I read extensively. VBD: What is next for The Cash Lab? KIRSHA: We will be releasing more customized solutions for businesses as well as increase our support/services for kids and younger entrepreneurs.

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NETWORKING FOR THE NEW YEAR The Surprising Power of One by Kerry-Ann McPherson


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s professionals, we are familiar with the concept of networking and know its importance to our success. If one lesson was reiterated in 2021, it was that no man is an island. We gain knowledge we could not have attained on our own and grow exponentially through the help and support of persons in our network. Our network also has a ripple effect on those within our sphere of influence.

OUR NETWORK ALSO HAS A RIPPLE EFFECT ON THOSE WITHIN OUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. Business gurus and self-help coaches often tell us that there are 5, 6, 7, 10 or 25 people we need to have in our network to take us to the next level. For example, we need to have a coach, a mentor, a mentee, a critic, a stunt double, a trendsetter, an encourager, a connector, an industry insider, a realist, and don’t forget the idealist. None of the roles I listed are repeated. They each have their separate function. If you feel burdened by the list alone, imagine searching for and maintaining all these “must-have” relationships, plus investing time in yourself, family, friends and the less fortunate. How is this humanly possible? Well, I’m not a business guru or a coach, but I might have an alternative to this idea of networking for success. It’s called the power of one. THE POWER OF ONE I learned this concept by examining the lives of several Bible characters, but for the purpose of this article, we will look at Moses. All it took was one person in his network, at a crucial moment in time, to radically change his life and the lives of many. I encourage you to read the full story in Exodus 18 for context.


Moses had done an excellent job of delivering the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt, miraculously lead them through the Red Sea on dry ground and was setting the pace through the wilderness. As conflicts developed among the people, Moses became the judge over their disputes. He started to experience burn-out and build up a backlog of cases. What was Moses to do? He knew God’s laws and decrees, so he was the most qualified person for the job. As professionals, we can reach a point in our journey where we are at a roadblock and feel weary from the responsibilities we have to bear. But God knew exactly what Moses needed, so He provided someone from Moses’ network at just the precise time: Jethro, his father-in-law. When Jethro came to visit him for a few days, he observed what Moses was doing for the people. Jethro, an older and more experienced leader, played the role of mentor for Moses and gave him wise advice: delegate. Moses listened and implemented his instructions.

ALL IT TOOK WAS ONE PERSON IN HIS NETWORK, AT A CRUCIAL MOMENT IN TIME, TO RADICALLY CHANGE HIS LIFE AND THE LIVES OF MANY. THE END RESULTS What happened as a result? There was a multiplication of God fearing and trustworthy men who grew in the knowledge of God’s decrees. They sharpened their skills in mediation, arbitration, and conflict resolution. The backlog radically decreased, and the people were satisfied. Moses was less strained and could focus on providing leadership to the people in other areas. Notice that Jethro was not constantly guiding Moses in a typical mentor-mentee relationship. He came for

a few days, made one recommendation, and left. This single visit created a ripple effect of positive changes for Moses and the people. That is the power of one.

THIS SINGLE VISIT CREATED A RIPPLE EFFECT OF POSITIVE CHANGES FOR MOSES AND THE PEOPLE. THAT IS THE POWER OF ONE MORE FOOD FOR THOUGHT I could go on. When Esther needed an industry insider before she saw the king, God sent Hegai, resulting in her selection as queen and eventual deliverance for the Jews (Esther 2). When Elisha needed a prophetic coach for his new role as prophet, God provided Elijah, creating numerous miraculous events for others (1 Kings 19 – 2 Kings 2). When Paul needed a trustworthy partner and mentee who equally cared for the church as he did, God raised up Timothy (1 & 2 Timothy). They wrote letters to the churches together and raised up more deacons and bishops of the churches. When Jesus needed a safe haven, God provided one family in Bethany who was capable of feeding and housing him plus twelve hungry and tired men (Luke 10:38–42). They did not need to have 5-10 “must-have” people in their network to successfully fulfil their purpose. They just needed one. God knows our purpose and the “one” person in our network that we need to meet in each season of our life. When we trust the Lord to order our steps, He will connect us with the right people we need at the right time. May we discern the network God provides for us and respond to them with humility, graciousness, and gratitude.



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GROWTH MINDSET Creating Your Personal Development Plan


round this time of year, we often create plans that will enhance the quality of our lives and careers. However, as the year progresses, it is easy for us to lose sight of our personal goals, and flounder through yet another year, being unhappy with ourselves and others. Even so, we can’t seem to come up with a plan to address the inner gremlin impeding our success.

ENSURE THAT YOUR GOALS ARE LIFE CHANGING, BUT ACHIEVABLE. Success begins with intention and purpose, and planning is a critical component to achieving this. People who hold the view that their lives can be enhanced through personal development planning (PDP) tend to achieve more and are better able to attain their aspirations through habitual practice. Still, it is not enough to have a plan in your head as it will likely remain a mere dream. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development defines PDP as “a combination of approaches, ideas, and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth.” In essence, it is your written plan for self-improvement with short- and long-term objectives. One of the best gifts we can give to ourself is an investment in our personal development and fostering a growth mindset.

by Stacy-Lee Abrahams


This requires proper planning, hard work, commitment, and being receptive to receiving feedback from others. As a 2022 objective, challenge yourself to create and execute a successful PDP using this simple 10-step guide: 1. Objectively assess what about you can use some improvement. Conduct your own SWOT analysis and, where necessary, solicit the views of family, friends, and colleagues or seek help from a professional. 2. Select at least one of the areas identified and set your goals for improvement. Remember your goals could be as simple as becoming an early riser, exercising, eating healthier, or more complex such as getting in front of your past, becoming more resilient, or removing self-limiting thoughts. 3. Ensure that your goals are life changing, but achievable. 4. Increase your knowledge in the subject area pertaining to your goals so that you can develop a more realistic plan. 5. Identify characteristics and values that reflect development and use these to create milestones.

6. Write out an action plan which details how you will go about achieving the goals and includes strategies, resources, timelines, and milestones. 7. Prioritize the execution of your plan. Each day carry out at least one action towards the achievement of your goals. 8. Recognize threats and opportunities as you carry out your plan and manage these situations. 9. Use your support network to help you stay on course and be open to constructive feedback. 10.Measure your progress and reward yourself for each milestone accomplished.

SIMPLY WRITE YOUR PLAN IN A WAY THAT IS EASY FOR YOU TO FOLLOW AND TRACK PROGRESS. As you commit your plan to paper, don’t be constrained by format and style of writing. Simply write your plan in a way that is easy for you to follow and track progress. I enjoy reading the history of Benjamin Franklin, a man who epitomized self-improvement. As he so aptly guided, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” So let’s plan to make 2022 a year of success through personal development planning and adopting a growth mindset.


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Stefan Bryan

Resilient and ready for his next move by Beverlyn Johnson Wilks


rom an early age, Stefan Bryan was destined for greatness. Born and raised in St. Ann, Jamaica, his leadership skills, and exemplary disposition were noticed by his peers and teachers. This earned him a nomination for head boy and gave him his role as the Grade 6 valedictorian at his graduation from Lydford Park Preparatory School.

Memorial Scholarship. I also won 3rd place in the university’s Sustainability Design competition and the FAMU High Achievers Scholarship. Another achievement was receiving the School of Architecture Fellowship, Outstanding Thesis Award Honorable Mention, and the Alpha Rho Chi Medal for my graduate studies.

Stefan’s academic journey led him to Wolmer’s Boys’ High School, Kingston, Jamaica, where he graduated with 7 CSEC and 5 CAPE subjects. Afterward, he migrated to the United States, where he attended Florida A&M University (FAMU) and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and a Master’s in Architecture in 2021. While studying at FAMU, Stefan received an internship at HOK, one of the world’s well-known architectural firms, during the summer of 2019, where he gained valuable experience. Today, Stefan is a Project Coordinator at Gresham Smith in their Corporate + Urban Design market. Here, Stefan talks about his journey to becoming an architect and some of the pearls of wisdom he learned along the way. VBD: Your professional journey as an architect blossomed when you started university. What are some of your most memorable accomplishments to date? STEFAN: I’m thankful that while study-


ONE THING I WILL SAY IS DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS. ing at FAMU, I was able to work as an inventory coordinator for the university’s Property Records department. I also took up a position as a graduate assistant, where I was the teaching assistant for a few firstyear classes. For undergrad, I received awards for the top design project in spring 2019, which allowed me to win the Ian Summerfeldt

VBD: After completing your bachelor’s degree, you went on to pursue your master’s degree. How difficult was that move and how did you stay focus to the end? STEFAN: Deciding to pursue my master’s degree right after my bachelor’s degree was an easy decision as it is part of the requirements to become a registered architect. I had the choice between a 5-year bachelor’s professional degree or a master’s degree. Both classify as a professional degree which would satisfy part of the requirement which allows you to become registered. However, I opted for the master’s simply because of the depth of study, which I thought would benefit my growth as an upcoming architect. The degree is a two-year program that ended up being strange for me as COVID took over during the second semester of our first year. That was during the period where we would be starting the process for developing our thesis. In the beginning, it was a bit challenging not being able to be around my colleagues to sponge and share ideas like we would when we were faceto-face. However, over time we made the new system work for us, and we did the

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best we could to get to the end, which was very successful for many of us. VBD: Was it a lifelong dream to become an architect? STEFAN: Interestingly enough, my childhood dream was to become a pilot. Moving to the US, this dream became challenging due to school finances and locations based on where I lived. But I carefully thought about it and realized that design was something I’ve always done my entire life, whether creating some random car design or making models from cardboard. These factors pushed me to give architecture a shot, and today I have no regrets. I have to give God thanks for striving as much as I have within the field, and I hope to continue growing.


VBD: What is your advice to anyone wanting to get in the field of architecture? STEFAN: One thing I will say is don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are instances where someone may get a great design on their first sketch, but in reality, it takes many revisions to get some of the most successful designs we see today in the architectural environment. Don’t be afraid of rejection; use this as positive criticism to further push yourself to become even better than you were yesterday. During my school life, I strived to create projects where my professors had no problems, and I can proudly say I achieved that only once with all the many projects I did at the School of Architecture. But these challenges made me a better student and designer.



CHALLENGES MADE ME A BETTER STUDENT AND DESIGNER. VBD: How has COVID-19 changed your life? STEFAN: This pandemic forced me to look at myself. I realized that I wasn’t living and enjoying my life to the fullest. The pandemic forced me to try new things, enjoy what life has to offer, and set goals that would allow me to grow more as an individual. VBD: What’s next for you? STEFAN: I’m taking appropriate actions to


become a registered architect. For example, I’m working on gaining experience and hours. In the near future I will also start taking the required examinations. SAMPLE DESIGNS Chicago School of Fine Arts – The building concept centers around highlighting the view of the park and Chicago skyline through to Lake Michigan. The two main structures sit on the north and south to frame the view to the lake, which will take you through an enclosed atrium space and an open courtyard. Reggae Park (Thesis Project) – The design application is a theme park consisting of a museum, retail plaza, and performance

VBD Magazine

park in Ocho Rios, St. Ann, Jamaica. The park takes inspiration from various aspects of reggae music; the very foundation’s anatomy recognizes the genre’s essence to the Jamaican economy’s tourism sector’s economic benefits. The park’s overall characteristics will be displayed by space design, site design, and modularity in the buildings’ forms.

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DESIGN Inspiration OASIS

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What would you do if you couldn’t fail? by Ramona Powell Dennis

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Would you live life to its fullest or would you run and tuck your tail? Where would you go? What would you say? Would you put off for tomorrow what can be done today? Would you climb the highest mountains? Would you sail the deepest sea? Would you soar among the eagles, spread your wings as far as eyes could see? Would you dance like no one’s watching? Would you stand tall as the tallest tree? Would you sing like no one’s listening, like the angels in perfect harmony? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Would you live life to its fullest or would you run and tuck your tail? Winners never quit and quitters never win. You can never finish if you never begin. So find that special place deep inside your heart. If you can believe it you can achieve it. Don’t stop until you reach the top!

Click & Visit ramonapowelldennis.com


Ramona Powell Dennis Bestselling Author

LOVE . TRUST . LIVE Love yourself so that you can love others. Trust God in all things. Live a fruitful life.

Books to lift your spirit, encourage you and make you laugh.





VBD Magazine



Donavon and Samantha Campbell The husband-and-wife team up and released their first book and Gospel album


five-year anniversary doesn’t come around twice. It’s a blessing to reach five years,” says Donavon Campbell as he smiles at his wife, Samantha. “We love because He first loved us.” It was a pleasure to meet the Campbells who celebrated their anniversary in August 2021.


by Icylin Morgan Donavon Campbell is a motivational speaker, co-author, songwriter, and singer, who enjoys being creative. He was a member of a Caribbean group that won a Best Gospel Group Award. In addition, in summer 2020 he collaborated with one of his musical brothers to release a single titled, “A Million Thanks Plus More.” One night in 2016, on one of his usual phone

calls with his wife, Samantha, where he would help her with schoolwork and assignments, he was inspired to write a book. A few days later, he shared the book idea with her, telling her that he wanted them both to create it. The initial book idea was shelved due to many ups and downs in their lives. Things just simply happened that prevented it from materializing. Three

VBD Magazine years later, Donavon went to a book launch with Samantha, where he was re-inspired. Samantha Campbell is a Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Educational Assistant, and co-author. In addition, she is the founder of Creating Meaningful Counselling Services. Samantha offers psychotherapeutic services for individuals, children and youth, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy (for PTSD), transitioning immigration counselling, Rapid Resolution Therapy, and corporate workshops. Her interest is working with individuals struggling with anxiety & mood disorder, immigration, life, and school stress. In addition, she has a passion to help people heal, and she hopes to use her life to be a living testimony. During our interview, the couple reveals the inspiration behind their book, reworking business strategies during the pandemic, and how they keep going when things are tough. VBD: What inspired your book? SAMANTHA: My husband and I became first time authors in January 2021. We were not looking to become authors, but my husband was inspired by my writing capabilities while I was completing my master’s program. That led to him challenging both our writing skills. We were inspired to write our first book Our Life’s Journey: The Past, The Present, The Future, after reflecting on our life experiences. We wanted to share our stories, hoping to transform and bring hope to our readers. After writing this book, we learnt that sharing our story brings healing to ourselves, and others. By sharing our stories, people are inspired and gain the courage to share their stories to start their healing process. Further, we like to write motivational books that are geared towards a large audience. After writing our first book, I was inspired to write a devotional, and my husband was inspired to write a music book of his experience. Outside of that, our readers have been asking for Part 2 of our first book.


VBD: What was the hardest part of writing your book? SAMANTHA: The hardest part about writing the story was trying to find topics that related to everyone. The Scripture verse that fits the story of our book is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” This has been a motivational verse that has been the foundation for our marriage and life. The message that we hope our reader will take away, is to have self-confidence, work towards their goals and discover their purpose to be overcomers. VBD: What inspired your gospel album? DONAVON: I have been writing music for over 22 years and during that time, I was a part of a male singing group for over ten years. We wrote songs together and recorded music as a group but never did an album. After the group stopped, I kept on writing and going to the music studio to record as a solo artist. In 2021 I released my first album entitled GOD + Me = Purpose. It’s available on all digital music stores now. Currently, I am writing a music book about my journey over the years, and I am happy about this accomplishment and more to come. VBD: What was one of the most surprising things that you learned while creating the album? DONAVON: What surprised me is how much I have grown musically as an artist in the areas of my performance, recording music and quality time spent writing meaningful music. People can relate to my music.

VBD: Why did you start Creating Meaningful Counselling Services and what services do you offer? SAMANTHA: I started my business, Creating Meaningful Counselling Services, because I wanted to help spread awareness about mental illness, especially within the black community. I wanted to be a resource for young people and their families, allowing them to feel supported so they can experience a better lifestyle. I offer psychotherapy services for individuals and family, and mental health workshops. VBD: What helps you to keep going when things are tough? SAMANTHA: When things are tough what keeps me going is my faith in God and the support of my husband and my family. I have also found comfort in writing, drawing, and engaging in other mindfulness activities. DONAVON: I listen to my own music and other artists too. I enjoy watching motivational videos on YouTube, reading my Bible, and praying for God’s help. I like to be around positive people also. VBD: What’s next for you? SAMANTHA: It is hard to say what is next for me because I am just following the leading of God. I have been inspired to write a devotional book, which I have now completed. I hope to develop my practice and get more clients and be intentional about reaching out to individuals in Jamaica and the other Caribbean countries who would benefit from my services. DONAVON: I will keep writing music and helping other artists to be creative and excel doing great things they have never done before in their lives. It is a step-bystep process to build a wall, so I take the same approach musically.

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The Power of Your Faith by Shanita Rowsey


ast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:35-36 (KJV)

They know they are sinking but they are not seeking. In your moments of prayer, take time to ask God to show you where you are weak and to help you. If you never seek, you will constantly sink. • T-Talk faith. Many times, our lives are not in alignment with God’s word because we are not speaking God’s word. We have to understand that God has the winning hand and we must get on the same page as Him. When David went to go fight the giant, he was fully confident that God was with him. His language demonstrated that he knew that God was with him, and he could not fail. Declare God’s word over your situations and watch your faith increase.

It is so easy to hear a word and know it is true, but based on where you are, it seems powerless. As a believer, sometimes it can be hard to believe that God is on your side when you have more bills than money yet you’re paying tithes. It can be hard to believe that you will win when it seems like you are losing every battle. When you look at the world around you it can be hard for a believer to believe. To believe that God will bring you out. To believe that God will heal your family members. To believe that God will cause your business to prosper. Belief means to accept it as true. Faith means complete confidence in someone or something. Having complete confidence means that you are all in. You believe no matter what. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (NKJV) In times where you simply don’t understand you must learn to have faith. I want to share with you a “Faith” acronym to help you win. • F- Forget not. When you are enduring tough times forget not how many times that God has brought you through. Forget not how many times he has kept you.


It can be easy to forget God when you have so much in front of you. Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV) tells us that “He will keep us in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him, because we trust in Him.” Take your eyes off the matter and put your eyes on God. • A-Admiration: Let your worship be for real. Every day you should be intentional about giving God your worship. This is not just a slow song solo but a life that is dedicated to pleasing the Lord. Let your connection with God be pure and intentional. • I-Identify your unbelief. Many are unclear about where they don’t believe.

• H-Have what you say. You have the power to change your atmosphere. Provoke your miracle. Provoke your deliverance. Provoke your promise by letting God know you believe Him. Faith is an action word. You must begin to do something different to receive something different. Remember that you have everything you need within you to be successful in this life. Refuse to give up. God is positioning you for your moment. Have Faith!

Click & Visit shanitarowsey.com

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When it comes to new beginnings, we tend to set goals and try our best to achieve them. So often, as we create our resolutions, we visualize how we will accomplish them, the changes that will need to take place, and the sacrifices that we will need to make in order to succeed. It is important however that as we embark on our journey


to the Land of New to not forget who we are, nor the God we serve and what He demands of us. Sometimes when we are presented with opportunities, especially when in a new environment where we want to fit in and please those around us, we may be tempted to abandon our values and core beliefs and take on that of those around us, if even for a little while. However, as we launch into the new year, with our goals and aspirations in mind, I implore you to do so while keeping these two points at the forefront of your hearts. DON’T COMPROMISE GOD’S STANDARDS. When the Jews were taken captive by the

Babylonians, I was one of the young men chosen to serve in the king’s palace. We went through a training period and during that time we were assigned food and wine straight from the king’s table. Sounds good, right? The major issue was that if I partake of that food, I would become unclean and defile myself before my God. My friends and I convinced the chief official to allow us to eat based on what was accepted by our Jewish dietary laws and after 10 days he could compare us with the other trainees and treat us according to the results. After 10 days, we were stronger and healthier than all the other males and were allowed to continue our diet. You see, we were taken away from our homes and brought to a foreign land. We

PhotoPhoto Credit: Credit: Walking PathininOpposite the Woods Direction - Damian - Jordan Siodłak Scott


he beginning of a new chapter, a new year, or even a new environment can be scary. This is because with the new comes a level of uncertainty and that uncertainty can lead to fear, anxiety, and even depression. On the other hand, however, new beginnings provide new opportunities, a clean slate to start again, another chance to get things right.

by Rose-Ann Durant

VBD Magazine

no longer had to keep the Jewish law. Like the other Jewish men, I could indulge in the king’s delicacies but chose not to. We chose instead to honor God by obeying His laws rather than the commands of man. I urge you to do the same: Decide in your heart and mind to obey the laws of God rather than man and not to participate in any activity that operates contrary to the Word of God. In the end God honored us for our obedience and gifted us with knowledge and understanding. He will honor you too. STAND FIRM. When you live your life to honor God, opposition can arise, and this I know all too well. I found favour in the king’s eyes, and he wanted to elevate me as overseer for


the entire kingdom, but other men were not pleased. They set about to find something that would prove me unfit to lead—they tried to question my character and damage my reputation but could find nothing, so they used my relationship with God. Knowing how devoted I was to my God, they got the king to order a decree that anyone one who prayed to any other god or man except the king for thirty days would be thrown into the lion’s den. I could not pray to another god, so I continued to pray to my God three times a day and thrown into the lion’s den. Just when those men thought they got rid of me, my God sent angels to shut the mouths of the lions and I was not harmed.

THE VICTORY IS YOURS. Friends, as you make progress throughout the year, keep God close. Honor Him above all else and don’t allow others to cause you to compromise your faith in Him and walk in disobedience because of fear. God did not give us a Spirit of fear, so with boldness in the Lord walk into all that He has called you into, knowing that whatever comes the victory is yours.

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The Journey Journal by Yvette Wilson Lewis


A collection of devotions based on the author's personal experiences used to create a platform between the author and readers that will continue to enhance their spiritual journey! Get your copy today!




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Shaun & Millicent Battick The couple shares their insights on marriage —the importance of compatibility, creating boundaries, and how to handle finances by Kerry-Ann McPherson


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hirty-two years ago, Shaun and Millicent said, “I do.” Their commitment to honor God and their vows to each other kept them through all the seasons of their lives. Now, you can take one look at them and know they are still in love. It’s like they lived out the words of their wedding song by Crystal Gayle, “A long and lasting love.” In 1984, Millicent moved from her rural home in St. Catherine, Jamaica, to attend university in St. Andrew. As a new Christian, she wanted to find a church home. One Friday night, she went to a Youth Fellowship meeting at Meadowbrook United Church and had a grand time. She also met Shaun Battick. At the time, Shaun was a Bible study leader at the church’s Youth Fellowship. Every Friday, Shaun would be in the group of men that walked the ladies home, Millicent included. They did not know that these walks would be a pathway to their eventual relationship two years later. In 1989, their relationship was cemented in marriage. VBD Magazine is honored to share some of the insights Shaun and Millicent gained about marriage. How do they keep their love alive? Let’s find out. VBD: What does it mean to be a good spouse? MILLICENT: Being a good spouse means you’re always there for your spouse. I cannot think of a time when he has not been there. I feel comfortable every day knowing that I’m coming home to my husband. SHAUN: A good spouse allows the other person to be themselves –you can do what you do and not be criticized for it. In any relationship, you’re going to do things together because you love doing the same things. But you might not share all the same interests. A good spouse allows you to be happy in your own space. You can do things together but there’s the freedom to do things apart. VBD: Do you think compatibility is important in a marriage? MILLICENT: My philosophy is that it’s im-

portant that you get involved with someone you can laugh with and be yourself with. If you can’t live with certain things about your partner, do not get married because you will have to deal with this for the rest of your life.

MILLICENT: By virtue of being who I am, I carry myself in such a way where people do not have the freedom to come into my space and entertain certain conversations. I have always been this way from a young age, and even more so in my marriage.

SHAUN: If you really love someone, you’ll be surprised to see how far that love can look beyond faults and things that irritate you. Over the years, we’ve argued about a number of things. But when we put our struggles against time, all the things we argued about are transient. So love is key.

SHAUN: In a relationship, you’ll have to be disciplined. Boundaries are important and you need to always have them. You have to make that decision every day – you’re not going to have certain kinds of conversations because they lead to other things. Every married couple has to decide that their commitment to each other is more important than the circumstances in front of them.

VBD: Do you create boundaries to protect your marriage?


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VBD: What's your advice to couples about how to handle finances in marriage? MILLICENT & SHAUN: It is always good to put your money together and it becomes our money. We established this from the beginning that we would not have separate accounts, and from there we try to make it work as best as possible. At the same time, there must also be a freedom for the other person to spend their money. So set a budget and talk to your spouse about financial matters. VBD: How important is faith in your marriage? SHAUN: Having a relationship with God is very important because it is a source of stability, peace, and security for us. Whatever we’re going through, He’s taking us through and He’s with us. His presence is important in taking us through the good periods but mostly the difficult times.


MILLICENT: I’m grateful to my mother for introducing me to the Lord. When I think back to the day I got saved, and how God has kept me over the years, I am at rest and peace. The Eternal God is my refuge and underneath are His everlasting arms and I can literally feel His arms keeping me. I have peace because of my relationship with the Lord, and from there, He settles my home life and my life in general. VBD: What is the secret to making marriage work? MILLICENT: My answer is based on what I believe it means for a marriage to work. For me, when you live together all your life and you’re just co-habiting, but you do not relate or like each other, your marriage is not working. Shaun and I said that we never wanted to live like that. Too many people give all their time to their children when they come along, especially mothers, and they do not take the time to

deliberately maintain their marriage. For marriage to work, you have to be maintaining your marriage daily. You have to make this as a deep commitment – so you better choose right from the start. But at the end of the day, it is your faith and your relationship with God that enables you to do all these things and to make the daily commitment to keep your marriage going. SHAUN: I would use the analogy of a car wherein you have to maintain a car. Otherwise, one day it will leave you on the road. Some people can maintain their car so well that even after 5 years, if they want to sell it, it would be like a brandnew car. You need to have this same kind of deliberateness with your marriage to keep it new and in tip-top shape. So when the difficulties come, the car won’t leave you stranded, likewise your marriage isn’t going to leave you stranded. You have to want it and you have to maintain it.

VBD Magazine

LOVE ZONE marriage goal or has a marriage goal but is not a match, as in business, she should end the relationship. Remember, it does not take a couple of years to discover that a business relationship is not a good fit. Because of our due diligence, weighing the advantages or disadvantages early, we can exit the relationship at this point. Each business decision goes through a thorough examination, and this examination process happens long before there is a contract. Just as a woman is intentional in business, she must apply the same principles in dating and should not delay ending a relationship that does not match her goal. Most times, this can occur after the first date. Here is a recap and highlights of Intentional Dating:

BE INTENTIONAL, DATING IN 2022 by Dr. Velma Bagby


e encourage you to be more intentional in 2022. It is a resolve or commitment rather than a resolution. A resolve says our actions have a purpose, and we plan our steps towards a specific goal.

When we examine our lives, it shows where we are intentional: in the way we build our careers, establish business relationships, and grow a successful business. When we are intentional, we apply the best plans with multiple forms of preparation, marketing tools, and management strategies needed to be and remain successful. We use strategic processes, such as a SWOT analysis—Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats—to provide an accurate picture of what we do well, how to build our business or product, identify areas to improve, look at the benefits, detect the risks/threats that can harm or affect progress,

assess the overall goal, or look at how we can improve what we do. We commit to achieving the business goal.

• Date with one purpose and goal— marriage. You must commit to not allowing yourself to become a dating deli for quick meals, or a temp—staying with a guy while he continues to look for someone else when he is with you. • Examine him. In business, we analyze and gather data to form an opinion before making a concrete decision. Apply these to dating to see if the guy you are dating meets the requirements you seek. • Put God First. Grow your relationship with Him and include Him in your dating plan. Seek His guidance at every step. He is intentional and has purpose in everything He does.

It is interesting how we are intentional or purposeful in all these areas, except in our dating, even when our dating life is just as important as our career and business. Intentional dating carries the same intent, purpose, and goal-focused determination as all the other business-related responsibilities. When a woman becomes an intentional dater, she is committing to following the principles. Like the bold decisions made in the boardroom, she is purposeful with her dating decisions, too.

• Love Like God Loves. We know His love is sacrificial, forgiving us through His Son. He teaches husbands how to love their wives in their threefold assignment as prophet, priest, and king. In addition, he teaches women how they can build or tear down the house. (Ecclesiastes 4:12, Ephesians 5:25, Proverbs 14:1 KJV).

An intentional dater is a woman who dates for marriage. Therefore, her first order of business is to establish if he has a marriage goal and use intentional dating questions to examine him. Next, she must determine if he is a match. If he does not have a

• Invite God into the process. Pray for your mate. God will not jump in without an invitation. Proverbs 3:6 (KJV) tells us to “acknowledge Him, and He will direct our path.” The word acknowledge means to invite Him in.


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Felicia Kelly-Brookins

Award-winning Author & Founder, Inspired Resources LLC by Icylin Morgan


VBD Magazine

LOVE ZONE into writing my first book, Sister Nadeen's Ways, which is book 1 of a trilogy. Sister Nadeen’s Ways received several literary awards - 2016 Southern Laced Literary Award, 2018 AAMBC Urban Book of The Year, 2018 Finalist for Best Book Award from AmericanBook Fest, and 2020 World-Wide Writer's Best-Selling Author of the Year. Book 2, Reprobate Ways, will be published in Fall 2022. Both books were birthed from my own personal experiences, observations, and growth spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as a wife, mother, and woman of God. VBD: What was the hardest part about writing the story? FELICIA: The hardest part about writing this story was the pictures that flashed in my mind as I wrote about the physical and verbal abuse of my children, Patsy, Ann, and Josie. It was also difficult shining a light on a male being a victim of domestic abuse. This is a topic that is still not taken seriously but happens in relationships every day.


rom struggles and pain to living a purpose-driven life—such is the redemptive love story of award-winning author Felicia Kelly-Brookins. Felicia is a survivor of intergenerational trauma and is now encouraging and showing others how to do the same.

“You can survive this,” Felicia says. “I pray readers will be courageous enough to want to transform themselves into agents of light, instead of trauma.” Weaving her love story into the pages of her books, Felicia writes under the tagline, “Setting the emotional, spiritual, and mental captive free, even if that includes me.” Felicia is the Founder of Inspired Resources, LLC, under which she hosts the WriteTheVision Writers’ Conference which connects aspiring writers and authors with experts in the fields of publishing, social media, and marketing. Further, Felicia hosts the virtual literary event, Prison to Pens, which

features previously incarcerated individuals who share the restorative and rehabilitative power of the freedom of expression through writing or the spoken word. There’s no greater time than now to be purpose-driven to help create a brighter future for everyone. Here, Felicia talks about why her book series focuses on intergenerational trauma and the hardest part of writing her first book. Her life reminds us that no one is beyond the restorative grace and mercy of God. VBD: Who inspires you to write? FELICIA: My love for reading makes writing a natural progression for me. When I was growing up, my mother inspired me to read, so I developed a joy for it. I thought about writing and publishing a book, but after writing and directing my first stage play, I knew that if I could create a fictional experience on paper and present it live on stage, I could pour my creativity, personal experiences, and love of fiction,

VBD: Why does your book series focus on intergenerational trauma as one of its topics? FELICIA: There comes a time in our lives when we must decide if we are strong enough to step back as we look over our past and current lives and admit our contribution to the success or failure of relationships. We also must find what caused this outcome. Intergenerational Trauma is not always easy to see nor is it easy to accept. Many of us have been through it and don’t realize we wear the residue of it or make decisions on how we react to a situation based on it. For me, I personally had to look my own self in the mirror one day and admit that the loss of my very first serious relationship was partially due to my own actions based on the things I’d learned and observed as a young girl. I had to admit that I loved this young man with my whole heart and in the beginning, he loved me the same way but as time went by my ‘learned behavior’ caused him to drift


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Intergenerational Trauma is sometimes brushed off as ‘just the way they are.’ Others make excuses for verbal, physical and mental abuse or justify it. The victims of such trauma leave their childhood homes unaware of the ‘Trauma-Coat’ they take with them. They never take it off because it’s comfortable. They have been wrapped up in it so long they no longer feel the weight or effects of it. It’s not recognizable. The different forms of trauma cause the carrier to miss it. For me the form was verbal and physical. I justified it in my past relationships with the fact that I had been disrespected in some way, so the recipient of my wrath deserved what was given. The loss of that other person’s love for me never crossed my mind. I also had to recognize my desire to always be involved and busy was also a part of that trauma. I saw it as me just enjoying giving my all and being a ‘social butterfly’ but that too was trauma fitting itself into whatever situation or environment I was in so that I couldn’t recognize it. I am a survivor of intergenerational trauma but not a conqueror. I have so many nightmares that I still fight my way out of. I have so many trigger sounds that recreate fear within me but most of all I now have the love of a man that doesn’t mind coming to rescue me each and every time. I never bothered to tell him before we got married that trauma came along with my love for him and my wedding vows to him.

away from me in subtle ways. It was part of my own violent actions and reactions that caused the ‘shift’ in our relationship. I had to accept that what I had done was wrong and toxic to my relationship. I had to face the fact that I had unconsciously responded to the man I loved in a manner that didn’t show love and it was based on what I observed, heard, and learned. It was years later that I realized I was carrying the seeds of the next generation of trauma and if I did not decide to dump it out and bury it at the Throne of Grace and Mercy, that I would repeat this pattern of behavior and would never have a healthy and loving relationship with a man. I would also pass this along to my future child/children.


He does know however that I chose to change the narrative for the next generation, and I chose love for us in my words, deeds and actions until God calls us home and even then, I will take it into Eternity. VBD: What’s next for you? FELICIA: My next projects are my stage play, The Brownie and the publishing of my Ways Trilogy series workbook for women.

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The INTENTIONAL BOX by Pastor Danyelle Scroggins


re you in a marriage that is so old and outdated that you feel there’s no helping this dinosaur? Have you decided that it is what it is, and you might as well get used to it the way it is? Or have you simply decided to stay because of the children and provisional securities? If you answered, ‘Yes,’ to any of these three questions, I have an assignment for you. I am always constantly searching within for ways to make my marriage, and the couples who attend my marriage life classes, better, and one day God dropped in my heart the perfect tool. I call it The Intentional Box. Here’s a list of what you will need:

• • • • • •

Two cute boxes Twenty index cards Paper clips A marker or pen Two willing people, & A desire to change things.

Here are the instructions: Each one of you gets ten index cards to write down something your spouse could do to make your day better, or even to create the perfect moment. Examples: Sporadic phone calls all day just to say, “I Love You.” A ten-second kiss. A back rub. Two sex sessions. Etc. Hey, get as up close and personal as you like. After you both have written ten things you’d like to happen, fold the cards twice and then put a paper clip on them. Now, place your things in your box.

love (as the world calls it), but because it’s gotten boring, and the clutter of life has been piled on top of love. Children, bills, responsibilities, careers, church, and even egos, have all replaced the spontaneous gestures, long talks on the phone, walking in the park, and the intentional aspirations to ignite happiness. And it takes effort to bring all of the latter things back into the premises of the relationship. Now someone has quickly decided, I don’t have time for this, and you just may not. But I suggest that you make time because while you are maxing out, someone else is awaiting the opportunity to creep in. That’s why the Bible is specific when it warns you not to deprive one another except with consent and for fasting and prayer and then come together again so that Satan won’t tempt you because of your lack of self-control (1 Corinthians 7:5).

Every day beginning on Monday, you each will pull one card from your spouse’s box. Whatever that card says is exactly what you have to do. That’s why it’s called The Intentional Box. You have deliberately given your spouse ten options to make their day better.

The hard part isn’t finding ways to make your marriage better. The hard part is deciding in your mind that you want things in your marriage to be better. And if you ever get your mind to come into agreement with the purpose, promises, and provisional blessings that are afforded through marriage, you’ll do whatever you can find within your reach to add icing to the cake.

See, sometimes we lose our way in marriage. Not because we no longer are in

Go be intentional and make what you have last forever.


VBD Magazine


ORGANIC LOVE Love is pure. Love is real. Love is true. What is love? Love is an intrinsic substance that consumes the anatomy and physiology of the body. This love ignites vigorous activities to create: Attraction and affection Admiration and motivation Compassion and patience Consensual and transparency Fraternity and companionship Honesty and loyalty Passion and forgiveness Perception and limitation Security and stability. This love enthralls every aspect of your wellbeing and sets off emotions, behaviors and characters vested in the interest of God. Give, speak, and walk love.


Photo by Henri Meilhac / Unsplash

by Beverlyn Johnson Wilks





VBD Magazine


Ella D. Curry

OWNER, EDC CREATIONS MEDIA GROUP Shares Surprising Ways To Elevate Your Brand by Kerry-Ann McPherson


lla D. Curry has 25+ years of marketing and public relations experience. She is widely recognized as a leading expert on the use of social media platforms in book promotion and is asked to speak or moderate panels at literary events and conferences across the nation. She is the Founder and President of EDC Creations Media Group, a literary promotion and marketing company offering authors opportunities to introduce their books to thousands of eager readers.

VBD: Why did you start EDC Creations Media Group and what services do you offer? ELLA: The need to see my people compete in business on an even playing field drove me to create the various mediums that EDC Creations uses for clients. I attended the University of Maryland Global Campus (formerly UMUC) to help prepare me for the rigors of owning my own company, but it was my years at Karibu Bookstore in Maryland that afforded me the opportunities to learn from the entire literary community.

As the host of award-winning BAN (Black Authors Network) Radio Show, editor of Black Pearls Magazine and Soignée Lifestyle Magazine, Ella has interviewed award-winning authors, celebrated journalists, and community leaders such as the legendary Dr. Maya Angelou, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexis M. Herman, The View’s co-host Sherri Shepherd, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. and Mary Frances Berry.

I fight for the recognition of the independently published author as well as the new business owner trying to find their true purpose. The vision for my company was always within me, even as a child. My entire life, I have taken up for the underdog. My grandparents always instilled in me that none of us will make it if we don’t all rise up together. My vision is to create a platform for entrepreneurs, emerging writers, and published authors that will be respected around the world.

VBD Magazine had an opportunity to speak with Ella about the most challenging and rewarding aspects of entrepreneurship and ways to elevate a brand. Read on! You’ll be glad you did.


At EDC Creations, in addition to our literary PR efforts, we also offer new business owners and social media influencers: New Business Consultation, Marketing Strategy

Creation, Business Plan Development, Corporate Identity Creation, and Branding & Book Promotion Programs. VBD: What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of entrepreneurship? ELLA: I was granted a 20-minute interview with Dr. Maya Angelou, which was the most defining moment of my business life. The most challenging part of being an entrepreneur is staying up to date on the technology that’s growing by leaps and bounds. As an Internet publicist my career depends on bringing my clients the next great Web 3.0 promotional tool. The most rewarding part of my career is to see an author become published, get their books in the major chains, and enlighten the world with their message. Just to help bring a client’s dream to reality is so pleasing. Meeting some of the most profound literary icons is also fabulous. VBD: What is your advice to a new author regarding promotion? ELLA: Respect yourself and others. Be true to who you are and don’t let anyone take that away. Readers will embrace your originality.

VBD Magazine


With this age of a tell-all-world, I see so many people mar their brand and their image with pettiness on the web. Handle business in the office, settle disputes in court, and use the web for what it was meant for—to distribute information with rapid speed. I said information, not hate, not jealousy and definitely not malicious lies and gossip. VBD: What are some ways to elevate a brand? ELLA: I’m going to focus my response primarily for authors. Branding marketing success is based on how serious the author is about having their story told, plain and simple. If the author is not going to be front and center in the campaign, it's going to be a hard road. Here are a few key steps: 1. Create a publicity plan and marketing budget. Don’t base this on what you saw another author doing. Create a mood and branding board that defines what your voice and message is. Next, look at what story you are telling your audience that adds value to their lives. 2. Look at your plan and break down the steps it takes to make it happen. Research your audience and look for the things that they need for entertainment, education, or the problems that need solving. Don’t be afraid to outsource work and automate some tasks so that you can focus on your true purpose. 3. Create dynamic relationships with the target audience before you need them. Start by creating a content posting plan for each social media platform that addresses your particular audience. This will help you stay on point and look more professional. Don’t show up one day selling a book but last week you were filling your page with family functions and events! Stay on task by socializing with your audience and talking back to them. Share content that creates a conversation and less about transactions. 4. Sell the messages within your book and not just the synopsis of the book. Have conversations about the major themes or

issues addressed in your books. If your novel includes topics such as emotional bullying, depression, sexism, classism, racism, abuse of any kind or family crisis… use them as ways to ask questions, share resources from your book research, or to even ask your audience for ways to diplomatically include this content in the book without triggering readers. 5. Create a strong presence online that will follow you to offline events and signings. Make your brand human and add your presence to the brand! Let your readers know what moves you, find your brand colors and style and let that carry into every part of your business. Start with a brand photo

shoot and professional headshots. Let your readers inside your world, so that when they meet you in person it feels authentic. Share your challenges and your wins. It helps build trust and enough interest for readers to become ambassadors for your brand.

Click & Visit edc-creations.com


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Sharon Blount

Award-winning Author & Founder, Building Relationships Around Books by Dr. Henritta Stewart


VBD Magazine



BD Magazine is always on the lookout for purpose-driven difference makers. Meet Sharon Blount, award-winning author and Founder of Building Relationships Around Books (BRAB), who has successfully created a platform to share her love of reading. After overcoming her early diagnosis of dyslexia, Sharon approaches challenges with the mindset that nothing can be resolved without faith and action. Like many authors, she is juggling work and family life while churning out stories for her readers. Sharon loves writing romance that delivers poignant truths yet provides a touch of humor. Her debut book, Espresso Served with Love, won two awards—New Author and The Donna Hill Breakout Author award. Powerful in purpose, Sharon continues to bring her “A” game to her commitments. Read on to learn about BRAB and get actionable tips for building a successful book club. After all, if you want to know something, just ask an expert. VBD: Why did you start the BRAB and what services do you offer? SHARON: I started BRAB because I found myself reading a ton of African American books and having nobody to discuss these stories with. I had a physical book club, but once I had my son, it became difficult to maintain so I took it online. Also, I saw that African American authors were not getting the publicity they deserved. I wanted to let everyone know that black men and women can write and that they deserve recognition. My book club offers author spotlight/takeovers and helps to promote an author. Most of all, BRAB is a great place to enjoy yourself and build relationships. How has your mission for BRAB evolved? SHARON: When I first started BRAB, I just wanted to have book chats. Over the years, I have added an event called “A Reading Warriors Retreat.” During the retreat, I have given away a ton of school supplies and paid tuition for a few people.

VBD: What are three tips for building a successful book club? SHARON: Consistency, rules, and the love of books. If you don't have these things, you will burn out fast. Remember to enjoy it. We can get so caught up with maintaining the group that we can forget it is for the love of books, which is why we started in the first place. VBD: What helps you to keep going when things are tough? SHARON: God, praying, and my son; therapy as well. Those are the things that get me through everything.

Also, I have started The Reading Warriors Choice Awards program. I am truly living a dream that I never thought possible. VBD: How has the pandemic changed the way you live and operate BRAB? SHARON: I make sure I enjoy myself at all times. I try not to let the small things bother me. The pandemic gave me time to heal and deal with old wounds. BRAB has been around sixteen years and I used to operate it like a 9-5 job. This meant I rarely took breaks. Now things are much different. I am making sure I take breaks. Also, I make sure my wonderful administrators get breaks to enjoy life outside of social media.

VBD: What is your most memorable accomplishment to date? SHARON: My most memorable accomplishment is having my son, Andrew. Nothing will ever top that to me. VBD: As a promoter of authors, what is it like being an author? Sharon: It has been great. I love being a reader, but I also enjoy being an author. Everything inspires me to write. I could be watching a television show and a character's name is beautiful, so I write it in my phone or journal. I love watching people help me as well. To be honest, being nominated for an award for my first book has been wonderful to me. It meant someone loved my books enough to tell others. I just want to keep putting out quality work that makes my readers happy. VBD: What’s next for you? SHARON: I will continue to run BRAB and will host another event in 2022. Last August, I released another romance novel, Mocha Kisses. I am currently working on a Christmas story and writing my first women’s fiction. I am excited about the future, because I now know there isn’t anything stopping me but myself. I wouldn't know that if I didn't have God in my life and heart at all times.

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