Tangereene - Issue 5

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CO N T E N TS Editor's Note ............................................................................................................................. 5 Emotional Rescue .................................................................................................................... 8 Grace Wethor: After My Brain Tumour - Surviving + Thriving .......................................... 18 Beyond Complexion ................................................................................................................ 24 We Are Gen Z: Princeton + Gaby ........................................................................................... 30 Brain Stew ................................................................................................................................. 42 Teens Talk: Mental Health In The Pandemic ....................................................................... 52 It's Never Good Enough .......................................................................................................... 58 Inspiring Vanessa: 5 Steps To Stay Positive ........................................................................ 64 Emily Kornya: Living With OCD + Anxiety ............................................................................ 68 CandyLand Teen ...................................................................................................................... 76 Taking Time To Be Mindful ..................................................................................................... 84 Strengthening Your Inner H.E.R.O. ....................................................................................... 88 Brave New World Of Music .................................................................................................... 92 Tigerlily: Managing My Mental Health ................................................................................. 94 Guardian Of The Earth: Episode 5 - Impact of COVID-19 On The Environment ............ 96 Global Being A Tween/Teen In Lockdown ........................................................................... 98 Films We Love ........................................................................................................................... 106 Get Involved .............................................................................................................................. 108











ISS UE 5 BR OU GH T TO YOU BY: Editor in Chief Romaine Coonghe Contributing Editors Dean Belcher Amee D’Souza Becky Seager Contributors Ian Boddy Gemma D’Silva Claire Harrison Isobel Hill Sonya Hurtado LEX Sarvey T Rector Emma Smith Meg Stacker King Inspiring Vanessa Tze Ching Young Magazine Design + Layout Amee D’Souza With thanks to Zebedee Management, Worth-It, Emily Kornya, Grace Wethor and all the amazing young people that have featured in this issue – we thank you for your time. Special thanks to all the parents that have helped with the self tapes. Tangereene is brought to you by Junior Style Visit www.juniorstyle.net to view the latest posts on the fashion blog or follow us on Instagram @juniorstylelondon.

Copyright 2020 Tangereene Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any written material or illustration in any form for any purpose is strictly forbidden. Tangereene Magazine is owned by Junior Style Sales Ltd. 4


I don’t think it’s too dramatic a statement to say life as we knew it has changed forever. These past few months have seen overwhelming heartache for many, myself included. This issue has been delayed due to that heartache, as my mother unexpectedly passed away at the beginning of May. She would have loved to read this issue as she was proud of Tangereene and it’s message of inspiring and encouraging and giving voice to the youth of today. With both the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests and the global pandemic, this has been a challenging time. I hope you and your loved ones have managed to stay safe and well. Lockdown life is not easy. Getting to spend time with our close family is something to cherish but equally I think we’ve all been pushed to our emotional limits and are looking forward to returning to some sort of new normality. Let’s not forget how hard this has been on tweens and teens. Neuroscientists from Cambridge University have warned that the pandemic could have long-term damaging effects on young people’s mental health as face-to-face social interaction is vital for brain development and building a sense of self. The researchers warn that depriving the youth of this may lead to a host of mental health, behavioural and cognitive problems later in life. So the topics discussed in this issue could not be more appropriate.

We hope that you feel inspired and encouraged by the wonderful work we are sharing in issue 5, with our theme ‘All In The Mind?’

Edi tor: R O M AI N E C O O N GH E


IN STAG R A M 8:30


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Check out the new Tangereene website and keep up to date with news, editorials and inspiring features in between the publication of the magazine at www.tangereene.com Why not sign up to be kept up to date on the release of the next issue: www.bit.ly/TangereeneMagazineSignUp Find us on Instagram at @tangereenemagazine


Kya: UM BR O t - sh ir t , ANA SEKU LARAC dre s s , BUR LI NG TON s o cks , DR M A RTE N S x H E LLO KITTY shoes.


Ph o t o g rap h y: I AN B O D DY St ylin g : BE CKY SE AGE R Hair + Make Up : T I L LY JO N E S Ph o t o g rap h y Assist an t : SAM R OYSTO N M o d els: LILY, T IA R N A + KYA

Li l y: MAR C JACOBS d re s s @ ALEX A N D A LEX A , BUR LI N G TON s o cks , CONVE R S E s hoe s . Tiarna: B archi ve to p, s tyl i s t’s o w n s ki rt, CR O CS s hoe s . Ky a: sty list’s own to p, MAJE s ki rt, CR OCS s ho e s , BUR LI NGTO N s ock s .


T i a rna: Y M C t o p, ANONY ME skir t.

Lily : F RED PER RY to p, AN ONYME s ki rt, BUR LI N G TO N s ock s . T i ar na: ANA SEKU LARAC d re s s , NO MOR E H ER OES to p, s tyl i s t’s ow n s ock s .

Kya: CH AM P I O N t r ouser s, NOE AND ZOE d re s s , BOBO CH OS ES ki mo no. Lil y: IMO I M O p an t suit, ROKIT t- shir t. T i a rn a : WO O DWO O D top + tr ouser s.


Lily : NO MO R E H ER OES d re s s , TUTU DU MODE archi ve s k i rt .


T i a rn a : CH A M P I O N body suit, sty list’s own j acke t + s ho rts , BUR L IN G TON so c k s , C ONVERSE shoes. Lil y: V E R SACE ar c hiv e dr ess, C OLLU SIO N d re s s und e rne ath, TABIO s o c k s, v in t ag e belt, C ROC S shoe s . Kya: J E A N B AR ON dr ess under neath, AN A S EK ULAR AC d re s s , BUR L IN G TON so c k s , C ROC S shoes.


L ily: B ar chiv e top + shorts , AMER I CAN APPAR EL s o cks , DR MART EN S boot s . Ky a: sty list ’s o w n ruffl e to p, DKYN Y cro p to p, NER DU N I T s hort s .


T i a rn a: M ON K I dr ess, ROKIT VINTAG E s ki rt, AS OS g l i tte r s o cks , DR MARTENS boot s . Kya : TO P SH O P r ollneck, sty list’s own s ki rt, H &M s o cks , s tyl i s t’s o w n s ho e s .

Ky a: ANONY M E d re s s , BUR LI N G TON s o cks , H EELZ S OHI G H s hoe s .




Pho to gr a p h y : E L LA S OP H IA + GRA E INC Ma ke U p : CA N DAC E MILLER

Grace Wethor is a brain tumour survivor but more importantly, she is a young woman determined to live her life to the fullest. After her diagnosis at the age of just 13, Grace decided to move to LA to pursue a career in fashion and has not stopped since! This inspiring young woman chats to us about her fascinating life so far and the ways in which she uses her creativity to maintain positive mental health.


In your TED Talk you discuss how life is a constant flow between events and decisions and as a strong, young woman you were able to control the wheel. How did you feel when you were first diagnosed? How did the brain tumour diagnosis initially affect that flow? The first days after the diagnosis were mainly spent in shock. However, my mom stepped in and helped me begin to plan my future goals and path. Since this was one of the biggest events to happen in my life, it prompted one of the biggest decisions in my life: moving to LA. This meant leaving my current life flow, but in the end the sacrifices would be worth it because it allowed me to pursue my dreams. Was there ever a point where you lost sight of your true self? If so, how did you fight against that? I didn’t notice it at the time but looking back, before my diagnosis, I began pursuing things just because my friends were. It wasn’t until recently that I could look back and see these path drifts. Now that I recognize them, it allows me to be conscious of it and make sure I am always pursuing ventures with my true self in mind. How did you get through your treatments? Do you have advice for others to help them get through it? My medical journey was unique because it didn’t include traditional medical treatments such as chemo or radiation. My journey after diagnosis was mainly spent healing the other aspects of my health, not specifically the tumour. I think the best thing to do when facing any life changing event, such as a brain tumour diagnosis, is to find a passion that gets you out of bed each day and helps you build a mindset that thinks about the future beyond the current hardship.

Did you notice any negative effects on your mental health after the diagnosis and during recovery? I think one thing that definitely needs to be addressed in the cancer and brain tumour communities is the isolating treatment plans. The process of recovery is a time that I and many patients I’ve spoken to have struggled with. When going through something like this, you have complete redirection in life, lose a lot of friendships, and spend a lot of time alone. I think taking that quiet time as a time to be creative and explore your passions is so important. Who supported you through it all and how would you say your diagnosis affected them? My biggest supporter is my mom. I’d say we both struggled with the diagnosis at times as it was such a difficult situation. However, we both found true passions because of it. It allowed us to re-evaluate our current lives and see which aspects needed adjusting. What did those close to you do that made a difference? A lot of people don’t know how to react to something like this and because of that I lost a lot of my close friends. However, there were many people that we never expected to help so much that truly did help us. They were people we barely knew who would call and check in almost every day. These people still support me to this day, call us frequently and now have very close relationships with us.


You have achieved so much before your diagnosis and since. Where does the strength come from?

Define your true self as you believe it is now. An artist, a dreamer, a storyteller, a fighter.

I’d say the strength comes from the stories I hear of others. I am extremely lucky to have a platform and voice in the entertainment industry. I see this as my responsibility to tell the stories of those who don’t have a voice of their own. How do you look after your mental health? Are there any tips or pieces of advice that you could share with others who are struggling with mental health issues? Being creative is my go-to! That can take on many different forms such as writing, reading, painting or starting a new project. I think that anyone struggling with any life changing event should find something that gets them out of bed every single day and helps them eliminate any victim mentality. The faster you adapt a positive mindset, which can be very hard, the faster you can recover. What part of surviving a brain tumour has been the most rewarding? The people I have met 100%. The families and patients are some of the strongest people and are so caring. The community and family I have gained due to this experience is incredible. Gilda Radner once said, “When diagnosed with cancer, you’re given a membership card to a club you never wanted to be a part of… but you wouldn’t trade in your membership card for the world.” What can we expect to see from you in the future? What are your main goals and aspirations? A lot of work in film and media. GRAE is going to have a huge year with our newly announced Young Hollywood project. I also have a lot of film projects and content in development. My main goal always is to tell stories in whatever form that may take. 22

You can find Grace on Instagram at @gracewethor




Ph o t o g rap h y: DE AN BE LC HE R In t erview: E MM A SM I T H Ret o u ch in g : LOUIE BE LC HE R Assist an t : YARA AB B I N G Mo d el: XUE LI @ ZE BE D E E M ANAGE M E N T

This stunning photo shoot was created remotely due to COVID-19 restrictions. The photographer, Dean Belcher, worked closely with the model Xueli's sister, Yara, to set up these beautiful images. Chinese teen model, Xueli, was born with albinism, a rare congenital disorder meaning she has no pigment in her skin, eyes or hair. She explains to us what it’s like to be a model with the condition and how she is trying to raise awareness and educating others.

Explain how your life has been growing up with albinism? Were you bullied for your appearance?

You’ve modelled for some international fashion brands and some shows - how has that been? Tell us about the experience?

I was never really bullied directly but was regularly left out because children and teachers assumed I could not do things.

Some shows were very hectic and because I am visually impaired it was sometimes difficult to understand what was going on. But there were always people who wanted to help. I really liked the shows but I enjoy the shoots even more! Each shoot is different and I am always impressed with the photographers and the team and am often proud of the results. I really like the pictures that the photographer Dean Belcher took and I am also proud of our team at home, including my sister, who supported him in taking the pictures.

How did you get into modelling? I started modelling when I was 11 years old and was invited to do a shoot for a designer who designed clothes for kids. She invited me to do a show in Hong Kong and from there I was asked to do more shoots and shows. Now, I am represented by Zebedee Management.


Is modelling something you hope to continue?

How has having this condition affected you mentally?

Yes and no really. Yes, because I think it is important that the fashion industry accepts models with different sizes, shapes, colours, and disabilities. I do not want to and cannot change into a standard beauty model because I am too short and Chinese and have albinism so not sure if the industry still wants me.

I have not been affected by the limitations linked to my condition in the sense that I always wanted to try everything instead of feeling limited by being visually impaired. But I do not always like the way people deal with me and I did not like being excluded at school - for example from taking part in gym class because they thought I could not do it while I was very sporty and involved in swimming, running, and high level judo. I did not tell them because they never asked and I did not want to show off. I was for example chosen the last in line in gym class and that was painful because I wanted so much to be included and join the group. This has influenced my mental health.

I also have other dreams like working in health care to help other people in need. But I would like to continue with modelling as long as it is possible and people want to see me as a model.

Because I have been adopted and I am now a teenager the adoption now starts to bother me and I have been seeking help to better understand and accept my past, I am trying to put the pieces together and sort things out but I think there are some pieces that cannot be found. 26


You’re passionate about raising awareness and educating others about albinism, how have you been doing that? I have used the pictures for telling my story so people better understand what albinism is and I hope they will share that information. The reason that I want to raise awareness is because I have been abandoned in China by my birth parents probably because I was born with albinism but of course I do not know for sure. In some African countries, like Tanzania, people with albinism are not safe as witch doctors are chasing them for their bones to use in medicines because they believe it helps healing illnesses. Many children now live in safe houses and I want for children to be able to live safely with their parents. I support the Josephat Torner Foundation with their campaigns by sharing and endorsing their posts to make people aware of the situation in some countries in Africa. I have also shared my own story with the media and am grateful when newspapers, magazines and TV programmes are interested in publishing it so people understand more about albinism. I have recently been involved in shooting an episode on albinism for a well known children’s programme in the Netherlands and I am now helping with organising an exhibition. I think it is important to show that everyone is unique and special and we should accept that.

What do you wish people knew or understood about your condition? I want people in some African countries like Tanzania, Malawi etc to understand that albinism is no curse and we are no ghosts. I want people in China to understand that we do not bring bad luck. People with albinism are normal people who can do sports, study and work and other normal stuff as long as people understand that being visually impaired may hamper us from doing some things. I also want to make clear that we do not have red eyes. Do you think the Black Lives Matter campaigning that we’ve been witnessing will have a positive impact on albinism as well? I strongly support the Black Lives Matters campaigning. It is very important that children/people have equal rights and opportunities when they grow up. I hope we can make a real change now. If we all agree that racism is unacceptable, and we simply accept people the way they are, we can make this world a better place for all people. You can find Xueli on Instagram at @xueli_a 29



Ph o t o g rap h y: ME G STACKE R K I N G

The youth are the future and they are showing up and speaking up for all to hear! This project is one filled with awe for the strength and wisdom that our youth hold and to recognize the power that they possess as they experience and adapt to all that is happening in this world. As if being a kid isn’t challenging enough without all of the current events to take things up a thousand notches!

Sharing our stories reminds us that we are not alone, our community encourages us and uplifts us, this is a way for young people near and far to share their voice and perspectives with each other and the world.

PRINCETON Princeton Cannon is age 11 and is a New York native but currently waiting out the pandemic in Atlanta GA. Prince will be going into the 6th grade after the summer and loves studying Marine Biology. He is really concerned about the state of the world right now and his pet feline Max, helps soothes his soul. You can find Princeton on Instagram at @princeandthebaker

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Princeton

Pri nce to n: MAI S ON LOULABELLE Afri can pri nt s hi rt .

P ri n c e t o n : G U CC I cap + STE LLA MC CARTN EY j acke t fro m MELI J OE PAR I S .

GA BY Gabriela Michaelle Moreno (AKA Gaby) was born in the Republic of Panama and now resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA. The 11-year-old loves sports, fashion design, photography and travelling, as she loves learning about new places and different cultures. Gaby has a very caring nature and loves to help others and would like to become a supermodel after she finishes her schooling. Gaby is represented by Ohlsson Model & Talent Agency. You can find Gaby on Instagram at @gabymthemodel

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Gaby


We Are Gen Z is a regular feature on the new Tangereene website brought to you in collaboration with Meg Stacker-King. View the next instalment here: www.bit.ly/WeAreGenZ_DJsAmiraandKayla

Amy: C H AM P I O N jac ket, WOOD WOOD tro us e rs + to p. Al bert: WO O D WO O D shir t.


P h ot o g r a phy: DEA N BELCH ER St y l i n g : BEC KY S EAGER H a i r : C HER SAV ERY M od e l s : A LBERT @ KIDS LOND ON + AMY

Al bert: M A I SON KI TSU NE shir t, KANGOL hat. Amy: A RI E S jac k et .

Amy: UMBR O to p, AR I ES j a ck e t .

Al bert: V E R SAC E @ ALE X AND ALE XA s hi rt.

Al b e rt: WOOD WO O D s hi rt .


Al bert: H U M M E L @ ALEX AND ALE XA shi rt, s tyl i s t’s o w n hat.


A my : C HAMP ION body, s tyl i s t’s o w n b l o us e, CH ER SAVERY hai r de cora t i on.


Al bert: M A I SON KI TSU NE shir t, KANGOL hat.


Al b e rt: YMC pol o s hi rt Amy: s tyl i s t’s o w n to p, AR I ES j a ck e t .

T E ENS TALK: Mo de l s : Z E B E D E E MA N AG EMEN T

JACOB 16-year-old Jacob has been modelling since he was a baby and acting from the age of 6. He lives in Manchester where he is studying Maths, English and a BTEC in Travel and Tourism, and he competes at an international level as a Para-Swimmer. Find Jacob on Instagram at @jay_c629


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Jacob



KIRYN Kiryn is 15 years old and lives in Boston, Lincolnshire. She's taken part in a limb differences campaign and loves to dance and perform- building an audience on TikTok of almost 5k! Her world revolves around music, which is one of her favourite subjects, along with art, at school. Once lockdown is over, she hopes to start work as a Saturday girl in a salon. Find Kiryn on Instagram at @Kiryn_zm_18

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Kiryn


KATIE Katie is 14 years old and lives in Manchester. She has cerebral palsy which affects the way she walks, and she regularly blogs about living with her disability so she can share her experiences with others. Katie loves to read, write, and watch movies. Find Katie on Instagram at @katieholmes_zebedee_model


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5TeensTalk_Katie

JAMES 14-year-old James lives in East Sussex and has the autoimmune disease Vitiligo. In the past he has suffered from bullying and hated his condition, but now with the help of social media he is learning to embrace it. Although the modelling and fashion industry is becoming a lot more diverse, James still thinks more could be done “Rather than people with visible differences just being token additions to campaigns they need to be everywhere, as much as models with no visible difference. Surely designers want their clothes or products to be inspirational so shouldn’t the people they use to promote them be inspirational too!" Find James on Instagram at @thevitiligokid

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_James


SHEM Shem is 15 years old and lives in Manchester where he is studying Maths, English, Science, Business Studies, Geography and Computer Science. He has been modelling for over a year and has loved the experience which has seen him meet some great people and photographers. Find Shem on Instagram at @Shemj_official


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Shem

HOLLY 14-year-old Holly lives in a village in Cambridgeshire and has athetoid cerebral palsy meaning she is unable to do anything for herself including talking. A model since the age of 7 years old, she has taken part in many campaigns as well as appearing in TV commercials and a BBC Drama. She loves going to her Disability Sports Club where she has the opportunity to try lots of new sports her favourite is skiing. Find Holly on Instagram at @holly_greenhow_teen_model

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Holly


IT’S NEVER P ho to g r a p h y : SA RV EY T REC TOR

This photo story is about unspoken messages that live within us. It depicts the photographer, Sarvey Rector, refusing to energetically give self defeating thoughts out to the world and to her daughter. “It is amazing when you look at your child and say I don’t want them to think of themselves in limited ways and the call to action to change becomes absolutely necessary for the good of everyone.” 58







5 STEPS TO STAY POSITIVE Hey there! My name is Inspiring Vanessa and I am 13 years old. I am an international, multi award-winning motivational speaker, YouTuber, Author and Presenter. Here are my five steps to help you stay positive.

1. 2.

Focus on self care (get ready every morning) Getting ready or taking part in an activity of self care will make you feel better and increase your self confidence. The more you stay in pyjamas each day and not stay healthy or hygienic, the more drained you’re going to feel. I’m personally using this time to focus on my skin and making it clearer. Before COVID-19, we may have not even focused or prioritised our self care or self love. During this time, we can finally focus on ourselves and build up a confident and self-loving mentality.

Listen to an empowering podcast Listening to podcasts that share valuable knowledge or empowering words will develop your mindset. Not only is it crucial because you need to make sure you are thinking positively but also as you can benefit yourself rather than doing something unnecessary out of boredom. Some of my favourite podcasts are by Jay Shetty, Trent Shelton and Tom Bilyeu, and of course the Inspiring Vanessa Show! The podcasts include interviews with fantastic people, sharing a bit about their journey and their most valuable lessons. Rather than being negative and feeling panicked, listening to motivational podcasts will make you feel determined and inspired.


4. 5.


Check up on friends We have been advised to socially distance ourselves from other individuals, but that doesn’t not mean to socially isolate. Self-quarantine or lockdown is quite controversial as some think it’s great as they get to be productive and have a lot of time on their hands, whereas others may feel even more anxious than they did feel and become more depressed or vulnerable to other mental health issues. Some people who suffer with mental health issues would find it better to be with others, as the social interaction is distraction from their sadness or problems. Now, when people are isolated, they have no one to talk to or feel like they can’t reach out. Whether you think it or not, check up on your friends to see if they’re okay. You never know what people are going through behind closed doors and how they much they could be struggling. Speaking to someone else that you miss will certainly make you feel happier, and hopefully you’re making a big difference to their day as they know you are there for them, no matter what.

Exercise It is proven that even small amounts of exercise could have an outsize effect on happiness. Not only would you be keeping yourself healthy, but you would also be making yourself more cheerful and happier. If some are too afraid to go outside for a walk or exercise in a park, at least they are still staying healthy at home, by doing workouts. My mum and I have been doing daily workouts in the mornings, this almost fills in what I would’ve been doing at school for PE.

Get organised In my own experience, organising something makes me feel very cleansed and relaxed. If organising isn’t your favourite thing, by no means do you need to do it. However, if you love to organise like me, this time is great to organise a room or even the work you need to do. I have been trying to organise my room, as well as organising my schedule and making sure I don’t feel overwhelmed with my new online school system. Not only does it make you feel on track and focused, but it also helps you work through different things, rather than feeling stressed.

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5InspiringVanessa2


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5InspiringVanessa1 You can find Vanessa on Instagram at @inspiringvanessa






Emily Kornya is a successful photographer who has lived with mental health issues her entire life. We chat to her about how she was first diagnosed with anxiety and OCD and the ways in which she has learnt to deal with her issues and lead a fulfilling, exciting life. We also touch upon her work with an amazing organisation YourMomCares, a charity determined to raise awareness of young people living with mental health issues.

When did you first realise that you had mental health issues and what were the telling signs? The first time I realised I had mental health issues I was 13 however, I have had anxious thoughts my entire life. As I got older, I developed obsessive compulsive thoughts that went along with my anxious or bad thoughts, (at the time, I didn’t know what any of it really meant until I was diagnosed and started therapy). I had so many anxious or bad thoughts in my head. I worried about things that could happen to me. These thoughts were mostly linked to puberty, sickness/germs, and potential kidnappings. The thoughts prevented me from sleeping and so I would read for hours until I fell asleep. I realised this was not normal or healthy and it also affected how I was able to function during the day. My OCD was the type that revolved around rituals. Unlike the stereotypical OCD I did not have any obsessions with cleaning or order. My illness made me think that I would have to say a certain prayer/ritual in order for the bad thought not to happen to me. I knew it was irrational, but still I could not help it. My breaking point was at 13. I was carrying out

these rituals/prayers almost all day long which was extremely annoying and exhausting. I started to realise, along with my parents, that this was not the way to live and that I needed professional help. With hindsight, I now realise I was showing signs of anxiety for as long as I can remember. At the age of 4 I can remember having irrational thoughts; however these thoughts did not take over my life or ability to function at that age, nor were they constantly in my mind. I clearly remember my first OCD thought and the moment that everything began to change for me. I was 9 and it was about child kidnapping and murder (my teacher told my class that day about how a girl our age was kidnapped walking home from a friend’s house and murdered violently). I was terrified when I heard this, and the thought kept on entering my head and it was then that I started my first OCD ritual/prayer. Each year it seemed a new anxiety/fear was added onto this OCD ritual/prayer list. I still get these thoughts, but now I know how to control them using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. They no longer take over my life and I can get rid of them quickly and have a happy and productive day. 69

Did your anxiety and OCD have an effect on you growing up? Did it impact on your relationships with others and your schoolwork? Yes, it did. My anxiety caused me to be very shy in large social situations such as school. At home or with people I am familiar with, I am very animated and opinionated. However, when I started school, I was afraid to speak up in class or to go up to children to try to engage in a conversation. I would always wait for them to take the initiative. This shyness lasted until I graduated High School. When I went to University, I felt mentally healthy and was excited that I could be myself in a new place where nobody knew me. However, I still do feel a sense of shyness in certain social situations; such as interacting with large groups of people. I have always been more confident on a one to one basis or in small groups of people. My only exception is when attending fashion events. I feel very good there and not shy at all! To this day I think when people use the word ‘shy’, it means that they feel a sense of anxiety that makes them quiet or reserved. Most shy people I have met have been like this and admit to this. However, I think others are genuinely quiet and feel both confident and happy to be this way (I have also known people like this). As for schoolwork, my shyness and anxiety meant that I would often be placed in a lower learning group. This was due to me not wanting to read or speak aloud to the teacher or doing so only for a very short time. For example, in Grade Two (age 7) I was put in the lowest reading level group, however I was actually an avid reader and capable of reading literature far above my age range. My anxiety also made me very nervous about exams. I would essentially have a brain blank when I would go to write them. What made me most nervous would be all the 70

chatter of other students beforehand and the huge exam room! My school was amazing though and we (my parents and I) found out they had a small group of students who would write exams in a classroom and not the gym with all the other kids. Writing in this quiet and small environment helped me a lot. My school was amazing helping me with my mental illness and were very supportive. I never had OCD thoughts over social situations as a kid or with schoolwork (only over boys when I got older!) My anxiety was usually related to situations I felt I could not control such as my body, health and the actions of strangers. How did CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) help you? What would you say is the most important lesson you have taken away from it? CBT is a life saver for me! It has given me the ability to control my anxious/OCD thoughts today and has allowed me to live a productive, happy and successful life. CBT essentially teaches your brain to think rationally and evaluate your thoughts. There are many different types of activities or techniques which teach you to do this. One which my amazing therapist carried out with me was called The W. You had to write out and then explain your worries. Then you work through the following questions: • What it was that you were afraid of? • When have you ever heard of this happening to someone you know? • Why are you afraid of this? These rationalising techniques helped me a lot and I still use them today. Other techniques were harder such as the one I used for OCD called Bombardment. For me, my OCD symptoms took form as words, images and thoughts coming into my mind and I could not get them out unless I did a little ritual/prayer. With the Bombardment

exercise, I would write for one minute the word or thought that was bothering me on a sheet of paper. This was super hard as to me, thinking about this word would maybe make it happen (even though I knew this was ridiculous, I still thought it, this is a symptom of OCD, we usually know what we are doing is ridiculous, but we can’t help it! ) After writing and thinking of the word for one minute, I would realise nothing happened to me, everything was the same and continued to be the same regardless. It was an exhausting process, but so worth it. With CBT though it is really helpful to have a supportive family aroundand parents or guardians who are watching you carefully. My parents could tell if I was slipping or having an OCD thought by how my face looked or if I was whispering to myself. They would then help me to do an exercise. During the time when I was very ill, my parents were constantly watching me and super attentive to make sure I did my exercises. This was really crucial to my recovery.



You are clearly a very creative person; do you think there is a direct correlation between mental health and creativity and expression? That’s an interesting question! And thank you for that compliment by the way! I do not know if there is a correlation, but I have read about a lot of artists, actors, writers etc who have suffered from mental illness. Maybe there is in the way that with our creative minds we tend to over think things or make up or think up many scenarios which may not actually be healthy to our brains. I have had people say to me, when I told them an anxious or OCD thought I had had “how did you even come up with that?”. My brain never stops! I am always making up stories in my head (stories with characters, plots etc), or thinking of what I can do next for my job as a fashion photographer - how I can make my business better, or amazing ideas for a shoot I have coming up! I am always thinking, which I guess is a testament to creativity. I feel like the 'always thinking' personality trait is definitely something common with those who have experienced mental illness. What do you think is the key to mental wellness? Apart from medication, what other ways do you look after your mental health? I do the lessons/exercises I learnt through CBT. I also try to live my life in a manner that is very healthy for me. This means I am very conscious and careful to get enough sleep, eat properly, exercise regularly and do things that make me feel calm (like reading, going for a walk, having a bath or shower). Still today my anxious and OCD thoughts tend to creep up on me when I am tired and hungry, so I am very conscious of having plenty of rest and eating properly (I can’t skip meals and always carry snacks).

I think the key to mental wellness is doing the things that make you, as an individual feel happy and healthy. For me, that is making sure I get enough sleep, eating properly and exercising regularly. For many people I think those three things are definitely important, but probably to differing degrees. Wellness for each person is different. I think mental wellness entails listening to your body. If your body says “I’m tired and feel frustrated” go take a nap or have a refreshing walk, then get back to whatever you are doing, with a refreshed mind set. Take time to take care of yourself, as it is the most important thing for both personal and professional success. 73

You are involved with the charity YourMomCares, which supports awareness for children’s mental health. Why is this such an important charity for you? YourMomCares is an important non-profit charity for me as it is dedicated to children’s’ mental health and I have always wanted to give back in some way and help others. It was the first non-profit/charity I had found that was solely dedicated to mental health in children. I also wanted to help end the stigma attached to mental health and make people aware that this happens to kids too! I personally didn’t tell friends/peers I had anxiety and OCD until I was 18. I really wish I would have been able to talk about it with other kids my age, as I am sure other kids at my school felt some degree of mental illness, or even just stress or insecurity. It would have been nice to know other kids felt the way I did when I was a kid/teen, to know I wasn’t so different in the way I thought. I also hope to raise awareness about kids suffering mental illness, as some people (even teachers I had as a child) do not suspect kids to have a mental illness. They may initially think a child is acting up, being selfish, or just plain shy and not really do anything about it. I think the mental wellness lessons/techniques and CBT should really be used in school as even if you are not personally mentally ill, it helps you to regulate your feelings and mood and it is also just generally a great life skill to have. I am also very passionate in supporting YourMomCares as I would like to help the many, many kids and teens who did not and are not able to get the same kind of treatment I was able to get. I am very lucky, my parents educated themselves thoroughly on my mental illness and were very involved in my treatment and in the process of getting me healthy. I am also very lucky that my parents were in the financial situation to get me the necessary help I needed 74

immediately. Often, when people need mental health treatment it is an immediate need, as they may have already gone too long without knowing they have a problem or putting off the discussion about getting help. After I started working with YMC I asked my parents how it worked for me. I started to see a psychologist almost as soon as I shows signs of not functioning properly and I also saw a psychiatrist who evaluated me for medication right away. My parents told me they went through the private health care route for me, as even though in Canada we do have universal health care, certain mental health treatments are not always included in insurance. If I were to wait for the regular health care system to get me an appointment to see a professional, it could have taken up to four or five months. I could not wait that long. However, many people do not have the choice, they cannot afford to see a professional privately and must wait, and that is really not humane. I would love to see mental health care become accessible to more people. Mental health, I believe, should be treated like physical health in importance. What are your hopes and goals for the future? My hopes and goals include my profession as a kid’s fashion photographer. My goals would be to shoot for more high-end and well known/established brands. My other goal is to do more work with YourMomCares, to do more photoshoots with them, create designer clothing collaborations and to create amazing events one day! It would be so cool to get to talk on a big public platform about this, like on Ellen! To create a photo/ coffee table book about the kids I’ve worked with within the YMC organisation and how they have developed throughout the years. I have lots of hopes and goals and I always coming up with more! You can find Emily on Instagram at @emilykornya

ABOUT YOURMOMCARES YourMomCares is a non-profit organisation founded in 2014 by Sharon Feldstein (Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein's mom) and Patsy Noah (Adam Levine's mom). They banded together to remove the stigma surrounding kids mental health and work to expand the field of children's mental health. They aim to change the dialogue from mental illness to mental wellness. They create and fund innovative, cutting-edge programs, treatments and solutions which have a direct impact on the mental health of children and adolescents. In addition to strategic partnerships, their Mobile Moms Fund allows them to quickly go where the need is greatest (as moms always do!) to fund work being done to address a variety of pediatric emergencies. Their first 'mobile mission' was in New York, where they partnered with Children’s Health Fund to raise money for their first #ymc-sponsored Health Mobile. They also fund work being done by reputable nonprofit organizations to address a variety of pediatric mental wellness emergencies. The fund is used to support organizations like The Center for Pediatric Resilience, The Harris Project, RAICES, Women’s Refugee Commission, Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, This is About Humanity, SNACK and The Trevor Project. You can find YourMomCares on instagram at @yourmomcares 75

Ph o t o g rap h y: SONYA HU RTAD O Set D esig n : M IYO YO SHI DA M o d els: CARLOTA, ZOE , FA R R E L L



Exploring the addictive relationship between teenagers and sweets, this personal project from photographer Sonya Hurtado is based upon her own experience as a mother of a teenage girl who used sweets as a form of escapism. Avoiding the daily stresses, sweets provided an immediate pleasure and an escape from reality.









M I ND FU L Mindfulness is an ancient practice which has become a bit of buzz word. However, in the uncertain times which we find ourselves in, it’s even more important than ever to take time to reflect and give ourselves headspace. Perhaps the reason that everyone is talking about mindfulness is because it is so important and it really works?

WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? Mindfulness at its most simple, is the practice of tuning our thoughts into the present; not obsessing about the past or worrying about the future. It’s about empowering ourselves to act rationally and with kindness and compassion: not just to others but really importantly, to ourselves. Furthermore, it’s about listening to our minds, our bodies and our emotions and allowing ourselves to feel. Sometimes, these feelings might be happy and positive; other times, they might be more negative. Mindfulness encourages us to accept and explore our feelings without judgement. We can act mindfully in any number of situations and there are ways which we can make the process a simple and sweet part of our everyday lives. Mindfulness comes from the ancient practices of yoga and Buddhism and is thousands of years old. It is known as a 'practice' and this is something that it’s really important that we remember; mindfulness is not something we can gain overnight or after reading one article but by incorporating it into our lives it can have a powerful influence on our health, wellbeing and happiness. There’s even science and medical evidence to support this!

STRESS, ANXIETY AND DIFFICULT EMOTIONS Losing our tempers, venting our frustrations, feeling sad and crying; all are a natural and normal part of our moods and emotions. Isolation and social distancing are leading to a new and strange way of living. Physical connection can only be replaced so far by technology and it is understandable that we don’t always feel our best when we’re away from people who make us feel happy. Worry is also a very real and natural emotion to be experiencing: fear of getting ill, of loved ones becoming poorly or anxieties about work and money are bound to cause stresses and negative emotions.



HOW CAN WE USE MINDFULNESS TO HELP US? First of all, it’s important that we don’t suppress these feelings: acknowledge and if you can, name how you’re feeling. Giving your emotion the proper name can help you to understand how you are feeling and will give you clues about how you could begin to feel better. Loneliness will need a different solution to needing a bit of space so take the time to think, talk or write about how and what you are feeling. Sometimes, it might not be obvious or easy, but with practice, it will become second nature to you. If you are struggling then try this exercise: Close your eyes and imagine you are in a crowded place, but instead of people mingling and mixing, it’s all your different emotions which are running around you. As you become aware of the different emotions, ask yourself the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Where in my body do I feel this emotion? If this were an animal, what would it be? If it were a colour, what would it be? What is a helpful thing I can do for myself when I start to experience this emotion?

Sometimes, whilst doing this, you might realise that not all of these emotions are helpful for you. If this is the case can you let some of them go? Next, take time to focus on the things around you and especially the good things: the things that make you happy and that bring you joy. This could be anything from a walk with your family, the new flowers beginning to bloom, quiet time with someone you love or a bath with your favourite bubbles. Joy looks different for everyone so begin to think about what it looks like for you and do that without feeling guilty! Another great way of exploring your emotions is through a journal. These can take any form you like: maybe you love writing or maybe drawing is more for you. Either way, journals can help you to find your inner voice, build confidence and can act like a non-judgemental friend, ready and waiting whenever you need them.



SIMPLE MEDITATION TECHNIQUE Finally, you could begin your own mindful practice. There are lots of apps like Calm and Headspace who offer free content and simple guided meditations which you can find on the internet but you could just as easily start with a simple and short meditation (anywhere from a minute can be beneficial!) Try this at home: First, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Leave any technology in a safe place so you aren’t distracted by it. Sit comfortably on the floor and the rest your palms loosely on your lower belly. Close your eyes and begin to pay attention to your breathing. If you can, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this a few times. Your breathing should feel comfortable and not strained and if you can do without it making you feel breathless, try to breathe in more deeply, perhaps even counting as you breathe in and out. Can you feel you tummy begin to expand like a balloon. Feel your breath fill up your tummy and as you continue, feel your lungs begin to expand as well. As your breathing gets more comfortable and rhythmic, see if you can fill up your chest with air so you are taking in lots of energising oxygen. As you are sitting, you may find that thoughts begin to float into your mind. If this happens, acknowledge them without judgement and then let them float away before bringing your attention back to your breathing. It’s sometimes helpful to imagine your mind like a beautiful clear blue sky and the thoughts as clouds which drift in and out. There’s nothing wrong with these clouds; they are a natural and normal part of our minds so we will just notice them and let them float away on their own. If you find sitting difficult, then you might like to try a walking or moving meditation. One of the most famous is a sun salutation which is done at the beginning of most yoga classes. This is a simple way of focusing your mind and also moving your body.




H.E. R. O.


Going through teenage years is both an incredible journey and a rollercoaster ride. Growing up gives you more opportunities to meet new people, try new challenges, learn about the world and most importantly learn about yourself. It has always been like this – for you, your parents your grandparents and so on! However, the experience of growing up in the 21st Century is very different to growing up in the past. These days there are different experiences you have to manage and learn from. Social media is something that your parents/carers and teachers did not have to manage when they were growing up. It’s an amazing way to connect with others around the world and find inspiration. However, it can be difficult to manage, and it can greatly affect how you feel. At the moment social distancing, lock down and the Coronavirus may be affecting your wellbeing. Change can be really hard to get used to especially when the change is not within your control. As you grow up, you will continue to face challenges and change, it is really important to look after your wellbeing. One way you can look after yourself is by developing your inner HERO.


DEFINITIONS When we talk about wellbeing it means being healthy (in your body and your mind), safe, comfortable and happy. Ok, I know what wellbeing is but what does it mean to ‘Flourish’? To flourish means that you do things that bring you: P - Positive Emotions E - Engagement (doing activities that bring you enjoyment) R - Relationships (relationships with people that help you be your best) M - Meaning (do things that matter and make a difference) A - Accomplishments (try your hardest so that you reach your potential)

WHAT IS AN INNER HERO? This will help you to get through the tricky times as well as enjoy all the wonderful experiences that you create for yourself. Great, so what is an inner HERO? Becoming your own HERO means building up your:


Hope Persevering towards the goals, and when necessary, having a plan b, c or d to reach your goal!

Efficacy (self) Having confidence to take on and put in effort necessary to succeed in challenging situations.

Resilience Experiencing a tricky time and deciding to keep going.

Optimism Positive thinking about succeeding now and in the future.


TOP TIPS TO BUILD YOUR INNER HERO The most powerful way to do this is to notice the good that is happening around you and to listen to your thoughts. Our thoughts can hold us back and get in our way (negative thoughts) but they can also be great to help us build our inner HERO and flourish (positive thoughts). What do I need to do to notice the good things, think positively and build up my inner HERO? Three top tips to build up your inner HERO….


Gratitude Sometimes it can be hard to remember the good things that have happened in our day. Our brains are wired to remember the tricky things, but this is really unhelpful as it can leave us feeling really negative. So, your challenge is to write down three things that you are thankful for – the easiest way to remember to do this one is to do it at the end of the day before you go to bed. Ask yourself, what happened today that I am grateful for? It can also be fun to do this with someone else at home – share with each other 1, 2 or 3 things that you are grateful for that happened to you in the day. They could be really similar, or you might find that you noticed something completely different.


What went well and why Focus on what went well today. When you sit down to eat with someone you live with ask them what has gone well today and share something that has gone well for you. See if you can figure out why it went well, did you do something that helped?

3. 90

Looking back to see how far you have come You have already achieved so much. You are not the same person you were last year, or the year before that. Think about the person you were last year (or 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago). List all the things you have learned and achieved since then. How are you different now? What can you do now that you could not do all those years ago? Keep that list somewhere you can see it. Use it as a reminder when you are feeling a bit wobbly or you are having a tricky time. It will remind you that you have come a long way and that growth takes time.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR I am part of the team at Worth-it Positive Education CIC. We spend our time helping young people, parents and teachers build stronger communities. We do everything from training and workshops to online coaching and creating resources for young people, parents and school staff in order to help everyone’s wellbeing. Coaching helps people gain confidence, resilience, share problems and manage change. This is really important and can really help people especially during this very strange time where our day-to-day lives have changed. You can find out more on our website www.worthit.org.uk or on Facebook @Worth-it




Wo rd s: LE X G I B B O N Ph o t o g rap h y: T E K L A St ylin g : KAT E HI L L M ake Up : LARA BRE WST E R

Hi everyone, I’m Lex Gibbon, I’m a 15-year-old singer/songwriter from the UK, and I’ve been asked to write how music has helped me cope during lockdown. I feel like I'm living through a major part of the world’s history which will be taught in schools to my children and my grandchildren. It’s been a really scary time for me as my mum got really sick the week before lockdown started, just as I was about to start my UK school tour. We postponed the tour and I'm so glad we did, as my mum tested positive for COVID-19. During lockdown I have had a real mix of emotions on a day to day basis. Music has really helped me during this time. I listen to music everyday and especially at the moment I've been listening to more chilled music. I'm loving the artist GRACEY and also LAUV. I have been writing virtually with my producer and I've also finalised all the songs for the release of my upcoming EP. With the ongoing pandemic, the music industry, like most others, has taken a huge hit. All concerts, festivals and gigs have been cancelled. However, it’s been lovely to see so many artists contributing to COVID-19 benefits through videos or live streams. One World: Together At Home was an amazing TV special with performances by artists such as Billie Eilish, Lizzo, Taylor Swift, and Lady Gaga, to name but a few. Along with fundraising performances and appearances, many artists have moved their work online in order to showcase it. Phoebe Bridgers has transformed her bathroom into her own studio, performing on Jimmy Kimmel Live in an aptly named session ‘Live from the Lavatory’! Stripped-back performances from home, with Instagram becoming an important platform for many artists to go live on, is now the new norm. Also some of the bigger names in the industry are doing their bit to help out. Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, and The Weeknd released masks as part of the ‘We’ve Got You Covered’ initiative by Bravado with all proceeds from the project going towards Helping Musicians UK, an independent UK charity that is helping those who are struggling financially in the music industry during the lockdown.


During this time I've really enjoyed doing live interviews with other upcoming singers, it has been so much fun - you can catch up with what I've been up to on my Instagram. This has been a great way of cross collaborating without the need to meet in person. When lockdown is eased here in the UK, I'm hoping to recommence my tour and I hope to see lots of you when I begin to visit schools across the country. My new single 'Mr Perfect' is being released in the next few weeks and my EP ‘I've Got Something To Say’ is being released in the next few months. I hope you are all coping ok in lockdown. Lots of love LEX You can find LEX on Instagram @lexgibbon


M ENTA L H E A LTH In t erview: E MM A SMI T H Ph o t o g rap h y: LIND SAY POLLICOT T

Model Tigerlily Pollicott is 14 years old and lives in Buckinghamshire with her parents and four siblings. She has a love of football and plays in a girl’s league, and enjoys dancing and being with her friends. When Tigerlily was 10 years old she started having panic attacks. She shares with us what triggers her high anxiety and how this incredible young lady manages her mental health on a day-to-day basis.


What are the triggers for you feeling anxious and worried? Having to ask people for help triggers my anxiety or hearing about what’s happening in the world and finding out new news. It’s hard to explain exactly what it is that makes me worry when asking people for help. I think the anxiousness comes from people’s judgement of me. I do worry a lot about what other people think, as do most people. How does your mental health affect your daily life? My mental health affects my day-to-day life quite a lot as I find normal activities like going into a store and asking for help difficult as it makes me anxious. What support have you been given and what techniques have you found useful in helping reduce your anxiety levels. Techniques I use to help with my anxiety are, clearing my mind, finding something to distract me/ fidget with and I use an app you can download called SAM that my parents found for me. The SAM app is a self-help anxiety tracker and management. It also offers a range of self-help methods of relieving your anxiety like breathing exercises and words of encouragement.

this to save people’s lives and should not treat this with selfishness by going out. We are lucky to have the technology that allows us to keep in contact with our friends and family and for it to also keep us updated with schoolwork. Do you have any advice for tweens and teens that may be suffering with stress and anxiety? Advice I have to tweens and teens that are suffering with poor mental health is to never hold it in and keep it to yourself, as this is the worst possible thing to do! Don’t feel that people won’t listen to you or be scared to talk to people as there are many people are willing to help you. Teachers, parents, friends, uncles, aunts or even apps that you can talk to people anonymously. I also want to remind you that you aren’t alone and many are suffering with mental health problems and it’s a normal thing, don’t feel as if you are in the wrong because no one can help having anxieties as we don’t pick and choose who gets it. Stay positive! You can find Tigerlily on Instagram at @tigerlily.pollicott

I have recently moved schools and due to the lockdown, we have not looked into any help yet. My old school had a great department for additional needs and were really supportive. How have you been managing your anxieties since the lockdown? During lockdown I have worried about school and knowing I’m missing a lot of content I need as I am in my GCSE year. However, I do remind myself and others that we are doing 95

G UA R D I A N O F E PI SO D E 5 I MPAC T O F C OVI D - 1 9 O N T H E ENV IR ON M E N T Vi de o H o s t : T ZE CH ING YEU NG

Tze Ching Yeung, award winning kids fashion designer and entrepreneur, hosts this discussion to explore the impact that COVID-19 has on the environment and what we, as conscious citizens, can do to maintain the positive effects once we get out of the lockdown.



Maddie is a 17-year-old vegan environmentalist who is interested in fashion. She is studying French, media and linguistics and enjoys travelling. LU CA WOL F E MURRAY

17-year-old Luca is inspired by social change movements and wants to use his future to travel, learn and help those most in need. HA N N A H W IL LIS

10-year-old Hannah is from Malmesbury in Wiltshire, UK. She is a supporter of Malmesbury Against Plastic, Malmesbury Climate Action Network and also a co-founder of T.H.E.Earthsavers, a group which are taking steps to protect out natural environment. GAI A VIG N A L I

13-year-old Gaia lives in Singapore. She is a young, sporty, environmentalist that wants to help protect the ocean from environmental damage, and is a keen skate boarder.

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_GofE




FABIO 13-year-old Fabio is the youngest of four brothers and lives in Lombardy, Italy. While attending secondary school, Fabio is active in sports and loves playing tennis, football, table tennis and golf. He also likes to ski, go rowing in Varese and Como Lakes and to go for mountain bike rides. Fabio has played the clarinet from a young age. In his spare time he loves, as many teenagers, to play on his PlayStation and watch Netflix. During quarantine time Fabio has passed his days playing cards and games with his big Italian family, gardening with his mother and sister, and running through his garden with his dog Rasty. Find Fabio on Instagram at @fabiocolombo_official

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Fabio



Image c r e d i t: Li l l y K Pho to g raphy


LYRIS Lyris Logan is 10 years old and currently in 4th grade in New York City. Her favourite subjects at school are English and Science, as she has a love of writing stories and taking part in experiments. Im ag e c r ed it : L i l ly K P h o t o gr aphy

Lyris has been working as a professional child model since she was 5 years old and is signed with Zuri Talent for print, with CESD Talent for theatrical work and is managed by Erika Monroe-Williams, founder of Moxie Artist Management. Lyris' passion is acting and she can currently be seen on For Life on ABC network (50 Cent's new TV show), playing the young version of British actor Nicholas Pinnock's daughter Jasmine. Find Lyris on Instagram at @lyris_free

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneMagazineIssue5_Lyrisvideo

SORAYA 10-year-old Soraya lives in Burbank, Cailfornia and is in the 4th grade. The light-hearted young lady has remained positive during the current situation and has enjoyed drawing, roller-skating and walks with her Siberian Husky and family. Soraya can’t wait to get back to swimming and her visits to the ocean. Soraya is a very social young lady and is missing her friends and school. When we asked Soraya what benefits she feels quarantine has had on her so far, Soraya comments ‘When we have our regular lives it's hard to have family time. We say we want family time, but we are always busy with other plans. Due to the lockdown we have been having some wonderful family time and I am grateful for this :)

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_Soraya



OZZY 15-year-old model Ozzy is based in London and an Academy footballer, in year 10 at school where he is doing his first key year of GCSE’s. Ozzy fell into modelling by accident. He was scouted on a beach in Spain three years ago and sees modelling as mostly a fun hobby that allows him to save for his future. Ozzy loves travelling, 90’s rap and would love to have a career in politics, football or modelling. Lockdown has been hard for Ozzy as he is in his first year of studying for his exams and he is missing his football training. Find Ozzy on Instagram at @i.am.ozzy.model

Watch now at www.bit.ly/TangereeneIssue5_OzzyVideo

F I LMS W E LOVE Here are some films that we recommend, some new and some older, dealing with high school angst and worries with a pinch of daftness too.

Lady Bird A high school girl plans to escape her family by going to college - a coming of age film that many will be familiar with!

Thoroughbreds Two very rich teenage girls plan to get rid of one girl’s stepfather - brilliant acting and quirky characters.

Superbad Two co-dependant high school boys are forced to deal with separation through college - daft goings on and wild parties.

Howls Moving Castle Anime story about a young girl who gets cursed by a witch and finds herself looking after a wizard - beautifully psychedelic.

Easy A A teenage girl transforms to help others and get more attention! Wild and wonderful goings on at school.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World A wannabe rock stars trials and tribulations of teenage angst friendship and love.

Booksmart Two teenagers who realise on their eve of graduation that they should have had more fun during their high school days.

G E T INVOLV ED Tangereene is very much for the ‘Youth of Today’ and we would like to encourage you to be involved in the next issue. There are many ways to get involved.

Do you have an inspiring story to share that could help encourage others? Please email hello@tangereene.com To be involved in our Style The Shoot Editorial, where you can be part of the creative team behind an editorial shoot or a model. Please send ask your parent or carer to send an email to hello@tangereene.com with why you would like to be involved in an fashion editorial and whether you would like to be considered as a model or part of the creative team. Please also make sure you send a link to your Instagram account. (Please note if you are under 16 please make sure you seek permission from your parents or carer when submitting work or a request).

Editorial Submissions from Creative Teams – Please contact us via email us at submissions@tangereene.com and ask to be added to our Photographers and Stylists email list where we will update you with details of submissions for the next issue. Junior Style Editorial Submissions – details here www.juniorstyle.net/submissions/ Kids Fashion Brands and Boutiques – There are many ways to help raise visibility of your brand/boutique, please email hello@tangereene.com for further details on our unique opportunities.

Tangereene is brought to you by Junior Style. Visit www.juniorstyle.net to view the latest posts on the fashion blog or follow us on Instagram @juniorstylelondon or FaceBook at JuniorStyleLondon.


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