Tangereene - Issue 7

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C ONTE N TS Editor's Note ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Ballet Boy .............................................................................................................................................. 6 True Escape ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Refresh Replenish Revive ................................................................................................................... 28 Time and Tide ....................................................................................................................................... 40 Teens Talk Sport: Inline Skating ....................................................................................................... 52 Rebel Grrrl ............................................................................................................................................. 60 Deal With It! .......................................................................................................................................... 70 Diving Into The World of Street Art .................................................................................................. 74 On My Wavelength .............................................................................................................................. 80 We Are Gen Z: Aiden + Colby ............................................................................................................. 92 Teens Talk Sport: Biking .................................................................................................................... 106 A Life in Movement .............................................................................................................................. 114 Silver Linings: Craft For A Cause ....................................................................................................... 128 Teens Talk Sport: Fencing ................................................................................................................. 134 Refashion + Reuse ................................................................................................................................ 140 Teens Talk Sport: Boxing .................................................................................................................... 144 Being A Teen In Australia ................................................................................................................... 152 Guardian Of The Earth: Episode 7 — What Is A Movement? ......................................................... 158 Top 7 Films ............................................................................................................................................ 162 Get Involved .......................................................................................................................................... 166




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ISS UE 7 BR OU GH T TO YOU BY: Editor in Chief Romaine Coonghe Contributing Editors Amee D’Souza Becky Seager Contributors Cara Bloch Ian Boddy Julia Bostock Glynis Carpenter Gemma D’Silva Bishop Hearts Charlotte Hobbs Nerys Jones Mitsuru Kamimura Molly Kerr Indigo Larmour

Kirsty Larmour Saffron Larmour Elina Manninen Bessy Mo Isabel Pinto Dan Scudamore Becky Seager Kyle Stevens Charlotte Toft Tze Ching Yeung

Magazine Design + Layout Amee D’Souza With thanks to With thanks to the parents of some of the young people featured, Sahkile at the London Screen Academy, the team at Tim Morehouse Fencing, Mary Hubbs, Ifeoma Madu, Ryan Wood, Takako Miyao, Karen Uchida, Sara Lee Guven and Louise Hunt who have helped in numerous ways, and a big thank you to all the amazing youth that have featured in this issue and worked behind the scenes. Tangereene is brought to you by Junior Style Visit www.juniorstyle.net to view the latest posts on the fashion blog or follow us on Instagram @juniorstylelondon.

Copyright 2021 Tangereene Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any written material or illustration in any form for any purpose is strictly forbidden. Tangereene Magazine is owned by Junior Style Sales Ltd. 4


E dit or: R O M AI NE C OO N GH E

Welcome to our summer edition that's jam-packed with beautiful fashion editorials and inspiring content on the theme of Movement. We hope that you connect with the young people featured and are as inspired and motivated by them as we are. The pandemic has changed the way that we carry out our daily lives and, over the last few issues, it has presented us with challenges that we have all needed to overcome. We want to thank the creative teams for keeping the models and crew safe during the shoots, following new protocols, and we thank the young people featured for accommodating these changes and new ways of working. You, our readers, are our future. We are excited and optimistic about what lies ahead, especially when we see the amazingly talented people featured in this issue. We showcase two potential Olympians, Frankie and Coco, and follow their sporting journeys. We really do believe they will make it, not just due to the amazing support network they have, but through their sheer determination, commitment and focus, actively moving forward towards their goals and ambitions. In this issue we feature 11-year-old ballet dancer Anthony Mmesoma, whose video dancing barefoot in the rain in his home town in Nigeria went viral last year. Anthony found his purpose in life at a young age and was certainly born to dance, beginning his formal ballet training at Elmhurst Ballet School in September. When you meet Anthony he has such great energy and presence, you know you are in the company of someone very special. All of the young people featured in this issue are moving forward in their lives, taking BIG strides, not for one minute thinking or hoping things will land at their feet, but taking charge of their futures. They are standing up for what they believe in, and their rewards will be seen by all.



PANGAIA sweatshirt, CARAMEL joggers.

Ph o t o g rap h er: NE RYS JO N E S St ylist : BE CKY SE AGE R Ph o t o Assist an t : GABOR HE RCZE GFALVI Perso n al Co o rd in at o r: MARY HUB B S Mo d el: ANT HONY M M E SO M A Lo cat io n : LO N D O N

SIMON PREEN bespoke custom made catsuit, NIKE trainers.

SIMON PREEN bespoke custom made catsuit, NIKE trainers. 8

ROKIT VINTAGE polo neck + trousers, BLOCH leotard.


MOVE DANCE catsuit, ROKIT VINTAGE blue silk playsuit, OFFICIALLY HRH wrist scrunchie.

MOVE DANCE catsuit, ROKIT VINTAGE blue silk playsuit, OFFICIALLY HRH wrist scrunchie, BOBO CHOSES socks.

ROKIT VINTAGE polo neck, BLOCH leotard.


MOVE DANCE catsuit, ROKIT VINTAGE blue silk playsuit, OFFICIALLY HRH wrist scrunchie.

MOVE DANCE catsuit, ROKIT VINTAGE blue silk playsuit, BOBO CHOSES socks.

PANGAIA tracksuit, NEW BALANCE trainers.



Watch now at www.bit.ly/AnthonyViralVideo


Watch now at www.bit.ly/BalletBoyVideo


Anthony Mmesoma is a young dancer from Nigeria who shot to fame when a video of him dancing barefoot in the streets of his hometown went viral. Tangereene chatted to him about his love for dance and what motivates him going into the future. We discovered his favourite styles and how movement through dance allows him to express himself in a world where that can often be challenging.

PANGAIA tracksuit, NEW BALANCE trainers.

PANGAIA sweatshirt.

How would you describe your dance style? I would describe my style as contemporary ballet with jumps and expressive movements. Dance allows me to express myself in a way that was not always possible. What does dance mean to you? Dancing means a great deal to me. I have a real passion for it. I just love the movement and grace of it. It allows me to express myself in a way that nothing else does. Dancing makes me feel happy and excited at the same time. I use my facial expressions to show my emotions when I am dancing. Dancing has helped me to feel mentally strong and more confident in myself. I do not know what I would do without dance - my life would not be the same without it. Who inspired you to take up dancing? I was inspired to take up dancing by my mom. She told me to keep going even when I doubted myself or messed up; she encouraged me to keep going. Dance makes me feel passionate and very, very happy and bold. I want the audience, when they watch me, to feel my joy and be able to be inspired themselves. The video of you dancing in the rain went viral. It is beautiful to watch but was it hard to dance in those wet conditions? Also, how did you feel when you realised how many people had watched your video? I am used to dancing on concrete! It is very hard but if you work hard and believe in yourself it is easy. It's normal for me and I was very happy that so many people liked and supported that video. Since it went viral, I have been offered many opportunities that I never thought would be possible. It has allowed me to further my dancing through taking part in online training sessions and I am currently training online with international teachers. I hope to start a scholarship soon and continue training in the UK. Inspiring more dancers makes me want to continue to put more effort into my own training. I would love to become a professional dancer and encourage other boys and dancers to follow in my footsteps.

You are visiting the UK at present. What differences in dancing styles and teaching methods have you observed so far? The main differences are when I am learning how to dance jazz and hip-hop styles. They are both very fast paced. These styles aren’t taught in Nigeria. Our street style is a little bit like hip hop, but the style is looser and free. The biggest difference taking classes in the UK is that they are far more advanced. The lessons push me more and I am excited to continue learning. What do you think are the benefits of dancing both physically and mentally? The benefits of dancing are that it makes you feel fit and confident in yourself. Overall, you are a stronger person. The teachers in the UK have helped me to master a lot of new techniques and how to present myself better as well. What has dancing taught you about yourself? Dance has taught me dedication. I train every day apart from Sundays because that is my rest day. I want to train in lots of styles and be great at them all! Dancing is hard work, but I am determined to keep going. I am passionate about becoming a professional dancer and I want to dance all over the world on big, beautiful stages. Dance has made me realise that I have a special talent, and that it is a beautiful thing. I have grown since I started dancing. To begin with it was very hard because people mocked me and discouraged me because they said dance was not for boys. But I kept going and my mom has helped to make sure that I know that this sense of determination will help me to go very far. You can find Anthony on Instagram at @anthony_madu_dancer


TRUE P h ot o g r a p hy + Conce pt: ISA BEL PINTO P r o d u c t i on: PAU LA PA IS P h ot o g r a p hy A s s i s ta nt: MIGU EL PE RA M od e l : W ILLIA M SA NTOS Wa r d r o b e cour tes y of ISA BEL CARM ONA @ ARRANCA CORAÇ Õ E S + M AN U E L A FU RTA DO @ BIRDSONG LISBON Loc a t i o n : SA RDIN E & KA N GA ROO, PORT UGAL










In this lake in the forest, the water is soft and warm. Under the evening sun. Quietness. At this moment I can forget about everything else. Except the water that softly wraps around me.

Ph o t o g rap h y: E LINA M AN N I N E N M o d el: E NJA M AN N I N E N D res s : Z AR A Lo cat io n : LAKE SAIMAA, FI N L AN D










We shot this editorial down by the beautiful old Thames in east London. Although we consulted the tide times, we failed to allow for how quickly the tide would rise and move. So it was the water that took over the shoot and we had to work around it. We were pushed further and further up the shingle to the steps, until they too disappeared under water. When the models became squashed into a tiny space, we realised we had been defeated by Mother Nature. She rules much more than we think! 40

P hotogr a ph er: JULIA BOSTOCK Stylist : BE CKY SE AGE R Styl i s t's A s s i s tan t : LAURE N RUCHA H a i r + Ma ke U p: E LIZABE T H HSIE H Model s : DE A NDRE, CLORE Y + LA SHAN Lo cat io n : LONDON


La Shan: CAMDEN KILO SALE shirt, PANGAIA shorts. De Andre: KING & TUCKFIELD shirt, PANGAIA joggers. Clorey: PANGAIA shirt + hat + joggers.



Clorey: CAMDEN KILO SALE shirt.


Le Shan: KING & TUCKFIELD shirt, ROKIT trousers.

De Andre: KING & TUCKFIELD shirt + shorts.



Clorey: GUC CI archive shirt, KING & TUCKFIELD trousers, BURBERRY shoes.


Le Shan: KATHARINE HAMNETT archive shirt, ARIES trousers. Clorey: KATHARINE HAMNETT archive hat, RECEPTION t-shirt, PALMER//HARDING trousers. De Andre: UNIQLO shirt, stylist's own culottes.


Le Shan: KATHARINE HAMNETT archive shirt, ARIES trousers. De Andre: UNIQLO shirt, stylist's own culottes.




P ho to gr a p h y + Vi d eo: MITS U RU KA MI MURA I nli n e Sk a t i n g C o a ch: TA KES H I YAS U TOKO Tra n s l at o r : K AR E N UC H IDA Mo de l + I n t e r v i e we e : KA H O Clo thi n g : T E N B OX Loc ati o n : M U R ASA KI PA RK TOKYO, JAPAN Kaho is a 12-year-old girl from Japan who loves all things skating and skiing. Her fearless nature and gutsy determination is mirrored on the slopes and ramps all over Japan. Kaho talks to us about how the sport has helped to shape her as a person; allowing her to feel free and happy in herself. She also offers some sound advice to any of us thinking of taking the plunge and trying skating out for ourselves!


How important is movement and exercise to you? I have been doing this since I was little, so it is like second nature to me. I don’t think I can understand how important it is to me right now because I am still young and can practise every day. Describe how you feel when you are moving so effortlessly on the skate ramp or ski slope. Every second I am skating I am thinking about it. Thinking about what I am doing and then when it happens, I am so happy. The sense of accomplishment is great! I love skiing because I can feel the wind and I am surrounded by nature. It makes me feel very refreshed. You said that roller skating is your greatest comfort when you feel sad. How does it make you feel happy again? At roller skating rinks you can skate with your friends whilst listening to music. We can spend time together, talking and dancing. I laugh, sing and dance which makes me feel good. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to roller skate.

What skills do you need to be an aggressive inline skater? What does the ‘aggressive’ part mean? I think ‘aggressive’ means that it is challenging and keeps pushing you. I think it is important in life to enjoy challenges but there are some days that I can’t move because of fear! But I won’t give up. I believe that anything is possible and one day I will be able to conquer my all my fears and succeed. Are your moves on the skate ramp or ski slope planned and practised or do they come naturally to you in the moment? I usually practise my moves but when I meet up with my friends, I just have fun and don’t structure things. Having fun without any fixed plan is my top priority. When I am with my friends, I can discover new moves and improve my skills without thinking too hard about my next move.


Have you made lots of new friends whilst skating – is it a sociable sport? Yes! I have learned many social skills from skating and skiing. It is a very friendly world and it doesn’t discriminate - you can be who you want to be regardless of age, gender and social status. Has the pandemic prevented you from training or have you been able to visit the skate parks?

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of taking up aggressive inline skating or skiing? Firstly, start on a flat surface. I think it is important that you enjoy the simple things to the fullest before trying anything harder. In the beginning, I just skated for hours and hours every day on a flat roller skate rink! You can find Kaho on Instagram @sportsloverkaho

There were days when I couldn't skate at all because the skate park was closed. It was very hard. They are now open for business with reduced hours, but we are able to attend.


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TeensTalkSkating 59

Jack: SUPREME pink hat, ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE crop top.

Ph o to gr a p h e r : CARA BLOC H St yl i s t: G R AYC E N MA LINZA K Hai r : DE A N N A JOS EP H @ TH E KN OTT Y KIDS SALON D E NVE R Hai r + M a ke U p : MORGA N TYS ON Pro p St y l i s t : E M I DEG UC H I Mo de ls: M A L AN + LEILA @ N X T MODE LS D E NVE R, SY LVI E @ W IL H E LMIN A DENV ER, GIA NA, JACK + GRAYCE N


Graycen: VINTAGE LEVI Jeans.

Jack: SUPREME hat, JOY RICH bomber jacket.

Malan: ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE t-shirt + vintage Levis, Sylvie: ALICE AND OLIVIA top + leather pants, Giana: GANNI top, ANNA SUI plaid skirt, Leila: ANOTHER VINTAGE tee + ULLA JOHNSON jeans,


shoes. shoes. shoes. shoes.


Graycen: ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE t-shirt. Jack: SUPREME pink hat, ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE crop top.

Graycen: VINTAGE slip + DOC MARTIN shoes.

Malan: VINTAGE slip.


Sylvie: STORETS dress, ANNA SUI tights, VINTAGE shoes.


Malan: ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE t-shirt + vintage Levis, Sylvie: ALICE AND OLIVIA top + leather pants, Giana: GANNI top, ANNA SUI plaid skirt, Leila: ANOTHER VINTAGE TEE t-shirt + ULLA JOHNSON jeans,


shoes. shoes. shoes. shoes.


Jack: SUPREME pink hat, ANOTHER VINTAGE tee crop top.

Sylvie: ALICE AND OLIVIA top + leather pants, CONVERSE shoes. MALAN: ANOTHER VINTAGE Tee + vintage Levis, CONVERSE shoes. Giana: GANNI top, ANNA SUI plaid skirt, CONVERSE shoes. Leila: ANOTHER VINTAGE tee + ULLA JOHNSON jeans, CONVERSE shoes.



Wor ds + P ho t o g rap h y: CHARLOT T E TOFT Mode l : CA IT LIN TOM LINSON June is Pride month. A month where everyone within the LGBTQ+ community can celebrate who they are and connect to others alike. During these uncertain times, we have still found many ways to celebrate and connect. The month of June was chosen for Pride month as that was the month of the Stonewall riots, the movement that changed LGBTQ+ history forever. News of the Stonewall riots travelled across the world, inspiring others to protest for equality. This movement changed gay rights within the UK, making a scary and lonely world more welcoming and warmer for the people within the LGTBQ+ community. Even though being queer is much more widely accepted, coming out in the modern world can still be a struggle for many. For this project, I photographed Caitlin Tomlinson, a non-binary pansexual. I asked Caitlin to write about their experience of growing up queer in today’s society. This is what Caitlin said:

CAITLIN I have had struggles with both gender and sexuality; more often than not the internal struggle that society puts on you to chose causes confusion and self-doubt. Personally, I never identified with the gender of male or female, but I conformed myself to female as it was easier to front as something that is more excepted. And in terms of sexuality, pansexuality has always sat more comfortably with me as someone who loves people for their individuality over gender. I've been sexualized and told that my identity is a result of boredom or attention, but it isn't – this is me and this is who I am.




Even though we now live in a more accepting world, I choose not to come out. This is simply due to not knowing my preferences and not feeling the need to stick on a label anytime soon. However, as a queer photographer, I am greatly inspired by the LGBTQ+ community. For anyone out there who is struggling with their sexuality and/or gender, know that you are not alone, and there is a whole community ready to welcome you under their arm.

Photographer Charlotte Toft, aged 18, lives in Stoke-on-Trent and has just finished studying Level 3 Extended Diploma in photography and digital imaging and is going to begin studying Level 4 art and design in September. 74

You can find Charlotte on Instagram at @cat_toft and Caitlin @baghead_benson



STREET ART Wo r d s : C H A RLOTTE H OBBS V i d e o g r a p hy + P hotogr a phy: BI SHOP HE ARTS

I’ve loved street art and illustration since I was young. I loved the way it lit up the city with colour and brought life to the grey tones of working life and traffic. My mum introduced the street art scene to me as a child. I learnt about the different artists and watched them share their artistry and messages with the world. However, I’ve always felt too self-conscious to do art in public, I was hyper-aware of people watching me or possibly judging my work. I watched the art scene from afar, analysing the styles of art I liked on the streets and online. I had dabbled in spray painting in my early teen years and enjoyed it, but always expected too much from myself. I’m 18 now and my confidence has grown a lot from what it was. College and self-expression through my fashion design and alternative subcultures has really helped with this. I realised that it doesn’t matter if the artwork is perfect, you can’t improve your skills if you don’t start somewhere. The most important thing is starting. I decided to try it out and this time I didn’t care if people were looking at what I was doing. The atmosphere was like nothing I’d experienced before, and it was great to meet other artists who were painting. You can allow art to be your therapy and get lost in the moment. As this was my first time doing a proper piece of street art, I wanted to throw myself into it and decided to do a self-portrait. Portraiture has always been what I love drawing most, the joy in being able to bring a face to life on the canvas. The artwork you see me creating here was inspired by the Riot Grrrl movement, which was the group that combined feminism and punk. It partially focused on reclaiming slurs and words that have been used against women. It did this with the aim of empowering women, so that these words could no longer be used against them. This gave me the idea of using wording across my artwork, to inspire young women to stand up for themselves and demand respect from society. The Riot Grrrl movement has such a great sense of community, it’s lovely to see so many women supporting each other. 74

T H OSE FI LT H Y GR R R L S + RE CL AIMI N G WO RD S : Reclaiming words has been something groups of marginalised people have done for decades. For example, whilst most of society today agree that suffragettes were justly fighting for their right to vote in political elections, the term ‘suffragette’ was originally used against them. The term originated as a word that mocked women who were fighting for this cause. Anti-suffragists would claim that women shouldn’t have the vote as they ‘don’t have the mental capacity to form political opinions’. In order to de-weaponise the word so that it couldn’t be used as an insult against them anymore, some of these women decided to start embracing the term, whilst changing its connotations from negative to positive. Similarly, lots of people today want to reclaim words people have used against them, so that they aren’t harmful anymore. Notable communities we can see this happening in include LGBTQIA+, POC, Riot Grrrl and feminist. They’ve realised how this has been empowering to people in the past and wish to have the same outcome. I came up with the name ‘Those Filthy Grrrls’ with this in mind. I observed how strong women were often called all sorts of names and I wanted to combat this. I thought filthy would be a cool word that grungy, alternative, Riot Grrrls could claim as lots of people look down on them because of their darker aesthetic.


Watch now at www.bit.ly/StreetArtYouTube


Find Charlotte on Instagram at @charlotteannhobbs and @thosefilthygrrrls Find Bishop Hearts on Instagram @bishophearts


T HE D O’S + DO N ’ TS O F Image Credit: Gloria Manarisip

DO Wear a mask and gloves whilst spray painting, especially when painting in an enclosed area. Use YouTube videos to learn more about how to use spray cans, stencils, different spray-paint caps, paste-ups and anything else you want to discover about the scene. Stay safe whilst spray painting away from your house. You could go with friends or family so that you’re not on your own on the streets. Order paint online, visit art stores or specialised spray paint stores for supplies. You don’t have to use spray paint, you can use whatever medium that’ll work on the surface on a wall. Many people use POSCA pens and mixed media in their pieces. Learn from more experienced artists. Many fellow artists will be more than happy to share their art tips. You can also learn from observation or workshops. Get involved in the community. Go to paint jams and art festivals, such as Upfest (Bristol), Cheltenham Paint Festival (Gloucestershire) and Meeting of Styles (London). There are many more events like these, lots of them have graffiti workshops that you can get involved in on site. Get inspired by other street artists. Some good examples are My Dog Sighs, Stik, Nomad Clan, Carleen De Sözer, Fanakapan and It’s Artista.


ST R EET A RT: DON’T Don’t paint on illegal walls. There are so many legal walls to paint on, it’s best to Google where the ones nearest to you are. There are also the more well-known legal street art walls, such as the Leake Street tunnel, which is right next to Waterloo station. Don’t think you need to be the best artist in the world to start. The more you practise, the closer you’ll get to your expectations of where you want your artistic skill level to be. You can allow yourself to have fun with it and not take it too seriously. You could also use stencils if you don’t want to paint freehand. Don’t paint over artwork that has just been finished or that is a memorial piece for someone. Don’t let the pandemic ruin your street art experience. There are many online workshops you can get involved in. Leake Street and other legal wall spaces will still be open and thriving with life, as they’re outdoors. You might even be able to go on an outdoor street art tour (which are in most cities). Don’t paint in an unventilated area. Don’t think you’re alone in the art scene. There are loads of communities that you can be a part of, such as SSOSVA and WOM Collective, to name a few. Don’t think street art has to just be paint on a wall. It can be art installations and exhibitions. It can be in so many forms that we don’t instantly think of. Have fun with it!



Pho t o g r a p h y : DA N S CU DA MORE Styli n g : V I C K I H ILLMA N Hai r + M a ke U p : RAC H EL J ONES D i gi t a l + L i g h t i ng: J ON ROS E M o de l s : I SA, SETH + S IEN NA @ U R BAN ANGE LS, AN N A B E L L E , ES ME, OMA R + ROBYN @ KID S LONDON Lo c a t i o n : S H OREDITCH STUDIOS , LOND ON P r o jec t or : H A LO LIGH TIN G


Isa: URBAN OUTFITTERS tank top + trousers.


Esme: LEVI'S top, ARKET skirt.


Sienna: ASOS dress.

Isa: ASOS top + trousers.


Seth: BODEN polo neck, REISS trousers.

Annabelle: ZARA top, ANAYA skirt.

Seth: ASOS all-in-one.


Omar: ZARA tank top.

Robyn: ZARA top + trousers, model's own shoes.

Robyn: H&M dress.



Omar: ASOS suit jacket, DIESEL jeans.

Annabelle: ZARA shirt dress, MY ACCESSORIES LONDON hat.

Omar: ASOS boiler suit.


Esme: H&M top, 4TH RECKLESS shorts. 91



Ph o t o g rap h y: ME G STACKE R K I N G

The youth are the future and they are showing up and speaking out for all to hear! This project is one filled with awe for the strength and wisdom that our youth hold and to recognise the power that they possess as they experience and adapt to all that is happening in this world. As if being a kid isn’t challenging enough without all of the current events to take things up a thousand notches!

Sharing our stories reminds us that we are not alone, our community encourages us and uplifts us. This series, shot virtually, is a way for young people near and far to share their voice and perspectives with each other and the world.

We Are Gen Z is a regular feature on the new Tangereene website brought to you in collaboration with Meg Stacker-King. View the next instalment here: www.bit.ly/WeAreGenZ

AIDEN Aiden-Caleb Rodriguez, aged 12. A bright young prince very focused on his academics, with all straight A’s and entering the 7th grade. Aiden runs track, plays lacrosse, basketball and football. Aiden is funloving and enjoys telling jokes and spending time with his family. He has been acting and modeling since he was 5 and has been featured in many national campaigns for Disney, Gap, Children’s Place, and Crazy 8 to name a few. He has had the opportunity to do commercials and play an extra in the Joker movie. Aiden has a bright future with wanting to be an entrepreneur and professional athlete. You can find Aiden on Instagram at @aidrod20

Watch now at www.bit.ly/GenZAiden

COLBY Hi! My name is Colby Ebner and I’m 13 and from the San Francisco Bay Area. I started modeling at around 10 years old and was really lucky to start shooting with some big companies that have taken me all over the US. I’ve met some amazing people and been really fortunate. I play travel soccer and baseball. My life passion is skating though. I started as a small kid and it’s my dream to be a professional skateboarder. Every day I try to wake up and remember what I’m working towards. It’s hard with school, work and other sports, but I hope someday to reach my goal. You can find Colby on Instagram at @colby.ebner

Watch now at www.bit.ly/GenZColbyEbner



P ho to gr a p h y + Vi d eo: IA N BODDY Mo de l + I n t e r v i e we e : V IN NIE TH WA IT E S

Vinnie Thwaites is a 13-year-old bike fanatic from Essex. We talk to him about his passion for bikes and how they have become a source of escapism for him. Vinnie enthuses about the power of the bike track and how it has helped him to overcome some of the struggles of teenage life. Movement and escapism seem to be inextricably linked when it comes to this sport.

What sparked your interest in bikes?

How do you feel when you are on your bike?

I have always been interested in bikes. When I was younger, I got a quad bike for my birthday and loved it so much that for every birthday I was lucky enough to receive a new one. Every year they just got bigger and better! I got my first motocross bike when I was seven years old, which I also love. Now I just live for being on my bike as I love the freedom.

I love to be able to go fast. It just makes me feel free being able to go out on my bike and not think of anything. At present I have not been having a great time at school, so I particularly like going out even more now as it helps me to feel less stressed about school life. I find school difficult and so do not feel very enthusiastic about it. I feel misunderstood a lot of the time and I don’t believe I am getting the help I need, which then makes me frustrated. I feel happiest being outdoors in the fresh air on my bike.

I also really admire the motocross racers Eli Tomac and Joey Mac. I love watching their YouTube videos and trying out their bike moves. They got me excited about the sport and I wanted to learn more. Is riding a bike or competing in motocross a physically demanding sport? Yes! It takes a lot of strength to control the bike, but I was a gymnast, so I think that has really helped me having good upper body strength. The bikes are heavy and they put a strain on your arms, especially when you have to throw them around on the course. I have Mafia and SE wheelie bikes and have learnt to do lots of tricks and wheelies on them. The track bikes are now much lighter, which does make it slightly easier. Do you consider what you do to be dangerous? Yes, it is dangerous, but worth it! I have to wear all the protective clothing and a neck brace and body armour. It gets really hot sometimes. If you fall off the bikes, they can land on you. You can damage the bike and yourself if you are going too fast and get stuck in the ruts. 110

Does it require a great deal of physical training? You definitely need to be fit. Due to the pandemic and the last lockdown I have not been on my bike or down the track for over six months, so the first time I went on my bike it was hard work. I felt it the next day in my arms and upper body. Before the pandemic, I would usually put a lot of time into training. Most weekends we would be at the track – ‘we’ being my dad and brother Pacey, who also likes bike motocross. Are there any courses that you fear or that you’ve found too hard? I go to Spain most years with my dad and brother Pacey and train on tracks there. I have training sessions with some amazing coaches who really inspire me, but the tracks are super-hard. They have some massive tracks out there. It is difficult training in the heat in Spain too, as you can get very hot with the protective suit and helmet on. Training in sand is not easy either and can be far more dangerous.

How difficult has it been for you during lockdown being unable to ride as often?

Have you made a lot of friends since taking up the sport?

I missed riding so much and was upset we had to cancel the training in Spain last year. It has not been easy as I love riding and being outdoors on my bike as it gives me a sense of freedom.

Yes, it is very sociable. You meet people at the tracks and get talking when your bike is being fixed – thank you, Dad!

Do you plan on motocross being your career? I would love to make a career out of motocross, but I know it will not be easy. I will work hard at it and hopefully my dream can become a reality.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of taking up motocross as a sport? Do not be scared of the tracks and, if you fall off your bike, do not let it knock you or stop you from continuing. Also, you do not have to go for an expensive bike straight away, you can work up to it. You can find Vinnie on Instagram @vinniethwaites


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TeensTalkVinnie 113

A LIF E O F Saffron (aged 15) and Indy (aged 13) live a nomadic life, travelling and exploring the world with their mother, Kirsty Larmour, a lifestyle photographer who documents the family’s travels to far-flung destinations, capturing beautiful moments and daily life in her stunning images. Indy has followed in mother Kirsty’s footsteps and shares a love of photography, whilst Saffy loves to write fiction and poems. Here the sisters tell us about their lifestyle through their own words and photographs.



Wo rd s: SAFFRON L AR M O UR P ho t o g rap h y: IND IGO LAMOUR + KIRST Y L AR M O UR

Living a nomadic lifestyle has helped shape the people we are today. For as long as we can remember, our family has been on the move. We are two girls who were born in China and the Middle East, so movement has always been a part of our lives. As a family, it gave us a way to open our minds to ways of living beyond our own, and to become closer with each other. We have been able to encompass the traditions of the countries that each member of the family was born in (four countries in total), and incorporate many of the different customs of the countries that we have lived in. We have journeyed in cars, camper vans, ferries and trains. We’ve ridden mopeds and tuk-tuks and camels. And we’ve lived in and travelled to culturally diverse countries around the world. We started our overlanding adventures before we were in school (my sister was still in nappies even!), and since then have loved the thrill of a journey. We have tried to travel as much as we can, from spending a year doing a 60,000km road trip to a summer spent on a train journey from Hong Kong to the UK.


The experiences that we’ve had are incredible. From going hiking in the spectacular Tibetan Himalayas, to meeting fierce (or not so fierce) tribal head-hunters in Nagaland, we’ve been on the adventure of a lifetime. We’ve ridden an overnight train through Syria and taken a ferry to Iran. We’ve slept in yurts in Kyrgyzstan and a treehouse in Sri Lanka. We’ve eaten street food and homecooked food and sat alongside thousands of others for lunch in a temple made of gold. The bonus of living a nomadic lifestyle is that we’ve had so many unique opportunities.




These adventures have helped us to see the world from a different point of view. So many cultures have such varied and diverse lifestyles, but being able to see into these lives close up, and to live among them for periods of time has showed us how difference can be embraced and how many experiences in life are truly shared, no matter who you are and where you live. We love, we cry, we breathe the same. Living in such small quarters in a van with our family has bonded us for life. While you would think that it might be claustrophobic, as it’s hard to get personal space, going through these experiences together has helped us to understand each other. We also now know the importance of mental headspace, and how that can help you to gain some alone time when you need to focus on yourself. Headphones to zone out the background noise, getting lost in a book, or a walk somewhere peaceful all help.


Sometimes it was hard being on the road. It’s tricky to make friends when you don’t settle for long, but luckily, we were able to keep in touch with old friends over social media. We were world-schooled while we were on the move, which was a great way to learn because we got to learn from the cultures surrounding us and the environments we were visiting. These are all undeniably important lessons in today’s time, in a world of greater accessibility and connectivity.




Whenever we were on our trips, we would sometimes be covering a lot of distance, so we would have to find ways to keep ourselves amused during the long hours of driving. This was hard when we were younger, but as we got older, we found that it was easier to be patient, and we found more ways to stay entertained. We developed new passions in crafts, got sucked into exciting book series and diversified our taste in music. We found podcasts and worked on our language skills or listened to global perspectives on contemporary topics.


A nomadic life isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. But if you’re curious, creative, willing to listen and look beyond boundaries, you will have opportunities that you would never have even dreamed of and you’ll have a fresh perspective on the whole wide world.



Follow the Larmour family journey on Instagram at @kirstylarmour 126

INDI A OH I NDI A India, oh India! Such a favourite place, Every state like a new country, Varying in everything imaginable, Food, scenery, language, culture. In Goa you have palms and beaches, and people speak Konkani. In Ladakh there are mountains, and monasteries and monks, In Kerala the rivers meander, with villages on the banks, In Odisha there are tribes, who sell their artisanal crafts, In Nagaland there are mystical headhunters, cultures as old as time, Bihar has history, with the enlightenment of the Buddha, Kashmir has mosques and carpets to warm houses. Gujarat has textiles, all shiny and bright. Punjab we know has a temple of Gold, In Assam there’s tea, the drink of a nation. Tamil Nadu has great food, dosas that melt on your tongue. Himachal Pradesh has rugged incredible scenes, In Rajastan Maharajas share their palaces with visitors from afar, And Delhi has Sufis that sing, dance and drum. But the one thing, That every state has in common, Is the kindness of their people, And that my friends, is never forgotten. By Saffron Larmour Delhi, India, April 2021




Wor ds + V i d e o + I l l us tr a ti ons : BES SY MO

My name is Bessy Mo and I directed, edited and illustrated Silver Linings: Craft for a Cause. This short documentary follows a group of over-50s volunteers in Hackney, who craft upcycled textiles using techniques they have learned through the project. They then donate their products to people who are in need of them in the borough of Hackney, such as homeless people, and mother and baby units in hospitals. While the creative aspect of the project is vital, the most moving part of it for me was the transformation of their mental health, since it tackles loneliness by getting them out of the house, allowing them to make friends by socialising, and making them feel they have more of a purpose in life as they are giving back to their community. By surveying the Silver Liners’ mental health, Groundwork London found that coming to the group improved their mental health by 20%. Our documentary gives the Silver Liners a voice by using their interviews to control the narrative. The group members have been through some extremely difficult times, and it is so moving to hear what a difference simple things, like somebody saying ‘hello’ to them, can make to their day. I first visited the group a few years ago and got to know a few of the members while assisting them in their crafts. It was a lovely space to be in and I instantly felt welcomed. Over the last couple of years, more and more members of the community have joined and it’s great to see older people in a social setting, laughing and learning rather than sitting at home alone (which was the case for many even before the lockdowns). It has also been inspiring to see their resilience during lockdown, getting to grips with technology and attending ‘Tea and Talk’ group calls.


Documentary was a module of my course at the London Screen Academy and we were asked to pitch an idea that we were passionate about. I instantly knew that I wanted to share the stories of the Silver Linings group and thankfully mine was among the successful pitches in my class, making me the director. I had never directed before but, with the help of my crew, Charlotte, Dom and Tom, I was able to make my vision a reality. As someone who is often motivated by design, the lack of design opportunities in a documentary with no budget pushed me out of my comfort zone. Therefore I incorporated my own illustrations to create an aesthetic around the film. However, I did keep the visuals pretty simple within the documentary as I didn’t want to distract from the importance of the subject matter. All three of them connected with the subject and I took them to meet the Silver Liners before we filmed anything so that the group felt comfortable with who would be filming them. It was amazing to see young people and older people truly laughing together and the Silver Liners appreciated our interest in their work as much as we were grateful for their willingness to share. We filmed over a couple of weeks in February and early March of 2020, just before lockdown. The entirety of the film was shot in Hackney because that is where the club takes place at Groundwork London but also because it is where the majority of the Silver Liners live. Therefore it reflects their daily lives and gives the viewer a glimpse into the environment surrounding the group. First, we shot B-roll of Hackney as well as the hands of the group either knitting, sewing or making other crafts. We spent a lot of our time talking to the group members and encouraging them to talk us through their work so we could understand how to capture it. The following week, we were able to attend their sharing event at ‘The Loop’ where they celebrated the work they had created. Some members stood up and shared their experiences, which provided a great summary of their progress from their perspective instead of ours. The mayor and speaker of Hackney also attended, which was exciting for the Silver Liners as it showed them that the effort and dedication they had put in is appreciated by their community and is considered important.



The final week was used to conduct interviews as they felt the most comfortable with us and many of the group members, who were initially quite shy, were willing to share emotional stories with us. I am so grateful for their courage. I had never edited something of this scale before, which meant I had to learn new software and master a whole new skillset. Constructing the film was a pretty daunting task for me since I wanted to get it as close to the image I had in my head as possible and convey the Silver Liners’ stories as accurately as I could. I am inspired by their use of textiles to enable social cohesion but also their courage to learn new skills in their later years. I am particularly passionate about textiles and sustainability and hope to continue exploring this subject. Whatever I go on to do, I will strive to maintain the same ethical standards and continue to work with people like the Silver Liners whose open-mindedness reminds me to keep exploring and adopt this approach as I develop as a creator.

You can find Bessy on Instagram @bessy.mo.uk 132


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TMSilverLinings

Credits: Directed, Edited and Illustrated by Bessy Mo. Cinematography by Dominic Malaluan and Charlotte Blowers. Sound by Tom Randall and Charlotte Blowers. With thanks to: Groundwork London’s Silver Linings Project Team – Aisha, Clare, Laura, Orla and Rapecca. Groundwork London’s The Loop Hackney staff and their volunteers. Councillor Kam Adams, The Speaker of Hackney. Philip Glanville, elected Mayor of Hackney. London Screen Academy for providing all equipment.




P ho to gr a p h y : G LY N IS CA RP EN TER Int e rvie w e r : G E M MA D’ S ILVA Mo de l + I n t e r v i e we e : C OC O

In this episode of Teens Talk, we feature Coco, a teen model living in the US who developed a passion for the sport of fencing after admiring it from the side lines. The Olympic sport tests a sportsperson's physical endurance, agility, as well as accuracy. We find out what it takes to be a proficient fencer and how Coco feels about being trained by Olympians!

What first interested you about fencing? I first started watching my brother fence foil in Atlanta, Georgia. I had to sit and wait a few times a week and watch with my mum. I loved Coach Jenny, who later became my first coach. It looked like all the children were having fun and it just seemed cool to a five-year-old kid! Two years later, I started fencing foil myself. Later, I changed to sabre fencing when I joined Tim Morehouse Fencing.

Is fencing quite a freeing sport or restrictive because of the protective clothes you have to wear? It is definitely a freeing sport. However, there is protective clothing that can make you warm! The top layer is a ‘lame’, which is an electrically conductive jacket to define the scoring area. So very necessary. But you get used to the layers and become unaware of them over time.

Would you say that fencing is more about agility and movement or mental aptitude?

Do you have to be quite flexible and graceful to be a great fencer? If so, would you say that your modelling career has helped with this?

It is a combination of mental and physical agility. Fencing is about speed, precision, movement, split-second thinking and control. You have to control yourself and your weapon and also judge your opponent and make the right move in return.

I think you have to be flexible and have control in fencing. Modelling helps with listening, taking direction and patience. All necessary requirements in fencing. I also practised ballet until recently and this may also have helped with flexibility, control and stance.

What tactics do you use when faced with an accomplished opponent?

Is fencing your main sporting passion or do you enjoy any other sports?

I always try to be very focused and calm. I remind myself to take small steps and be well-prepared. I concentrate on strong attacks but also defence strategies. I try to imagine what my opponent may do next.

Yes, it is my main passion. I train four times a week and also have some private coaching. I have played tennis in the past because I always prefer to do something different alongside fencing. At the moment I also play the violin.

SOME FE N C I N G FAC TS : Fencing is an organised sport involving the use of a sword for attack and defence according to set movements and rules. The use of swords dates back to prehistoric times, but the organised sport of fencing only began at the end of the 19th century. In 1896, fencing became an Olympic sport, starting with the individual men's foil and sabre. In 1924, women’s fencing was added to the programme and in 1960 it also became a Paralympic sport. There are three types of weapons used in the sport of fencing. Foil – a flexible, rectangular blade approximately 35 inches in length and weighing less than one pound. Epée – freestyle fencing using a descendant of the duelling sword, which is heavier than the foil sword. Finally, sabre – a modern version of the slashing cavalry sword. 136

How has fencing helped you during the pandemic? Have you been able to practise? Tim Morehouse Fencing started online sessions at the beginning of the pandemic, which was great. I was doing online classes in my basement and garden with Coach Lance. He was very creative, and we laughed a lot! The club later set up a strict Covid-testing programme, which has allowed us to fence in person but in smaller groups. Our temperatures are also taken on arrival to the club. Fencing really has helped me in the pandemic. Do you think that sport and movement is important to mental health and well-being? Yes! Most definitely. Sport helps with energy and a positive mood.

You train at the Tim Morehouse Fencing Club. What is it like to be trained by Olympians and do you hope to compete professionally one day? I am a member of the Tim Morehouse Fencing Club. Tim Morehouse is an Olympian himself and is very involved at all levels. All the coaches are amazing! I am coached by Maksim Lahotska who is a world-renowned Olympic coach and referee. We work hard and expectations are high, but there is a lot of positive energy and it is fun. I feel very lucky to be able to work with Coach Maksim. I love the sport and want to take it as far as I can, whilst also enjoying it of course! Finally, what advice would you give to anyone thinking of taking up fencing? Whatever your age, try it. Find your nearest fencing club and do a trial class. Or go to a fencing camp. Most of all, enjoy it. Maybe you will get the fencing bug! You can find Coco on Instagram @coco.gcg

ABOU T T I M M O R E H OU S E : Coco trains at The Tim Morehouse Fencing Club, so we thought we would tell you a little bit about the man himself. Tim is one of the most decorated US athletes coaching sabre in the USA today. He is a three-time US Olympic Team Member, nine-time senior world team member and two-time individual US National Champion. The Tim Morehouse Fencing Club provides training to athletes in New York City, Westchester and Connecticut (opening August 2021). The club was ranked the number one club in the country for High School All Americans 2020-2021 and was ranked the top Youth Fencing Club in the country for the past two years based on the total number of medals won. You can find Tim Morehouse on Instagram @timmorehouse and Tim Morehouse Fencing Club @morehousefencing 139



Mo de l + I n t e r v i e we e : MOLLY KERR P ho to s + Vi d e o: KYLE STEV ENS

Molly Kerr has become a talented up-cycler of clothes and is studying Physics, Biology, and Philosophy and Ethics for A-Level. While these aren't creative subjects, like art or photography, they do allow her to understand how the world works. In particular, she finds that Philosophy and Ethics demonstrates the ethical benefits of up-cycling as it helps others and reduces waste. What is your current situation? I'm 18 and I love to experiment within different areas of fashion. I'm currently studying in the sixth form and I hope to go to uni in September to study engineering. I love to be creative, which is why I think I'm so fascinated by the whole subject of engineering and became interested in putting my own spin on clothes by up-cycling them. What inspired you to begin up-cycling clothes and materials? I think I started because I came across some really cool things others had created on Pinterest, a place I spend a lot, possibly too much, of my time. I saw some jeans that had some flames embroidered onto the pockets and I thought I could do that as I have old jeans I could try that on. I just gave it a shot, then it sort of snowballed from there. It also appealed to me that what I do is sustainable as I am helping reduce clothing waste. What hobbies do you enjoy? Anime watching fills a lot of my time, so about 60% of the art I create has some type of an anime base. I like to try painting or art in different mediums in my spare time. I think it's very calming to do and helps me get away from digital screens, something that I feel is quite important after the Zoom and Netflix-filled past year we've all had. 140

What makes your up-cycled clothes stand out? I create unique one-off pieces. Being different is a feeling that I find really powerful. I believe that putting my own small touches on items gives them a different look that no one else has. In that way, you can produce a look that’s tailored to your own style. Where do the clothes you up-cycle come from? I like going into all descriptions of shops. I’ll look in any shop that I can buy clothing with potential for a creative rework, for example, RefashionMyTown. It’s fun to look for new pieces as it feels like a little treasure hunt. What materials do you use on the fabrics? I use a Mont Marte Signature acrylic paint set for my work. The paint is smooth and can go on both fabric and hard surfaces, including canvas, wood and glass. It’s the best I've found and also the most versatile. Any outlining I do, I use acrylic paint pens that I buy online.


What advice would you give to anyone wanting to give up-cycling a whirl? My advice is to just start. Pick up a paint brush, grab a sewing needle, start dyeing items that you want to change. I like going to charity shops and that's where I started. It's eco friendly and cheap, so I definitely recommend going to those shops because there's always little hidden gems that can polished. What is your favourite motto? There are no mistakes, just happy accidents. Finally, how do we find you on social media? My main social media is on Instagram @xmolly.willowx Pinterest is crammed full of different aesthetics and styles that inspire me and my profile is @kerr5831


Watch now at www.bit.ly/UpcyclingMollyKerr 142




P ho to gr a p h y + Vi d eo: IA N BODDY Mo de l + I n t e r v i e we e : FRA NKIE WOOD With tha n k s t o : C HRIS P ENN Y, H EA D COACH @ WE ST HAM ABC Frankie Wood is a 17-year-old who dreams of becoming a professional boxer. He has been British National Champion twice and hopes to fight at the 2024 Olympics. This ambitious young man talks to us about his determination to succeed and his strong work ethic that helps to motivate him in all aspects of his life. Movement is freedom to this young athlete and so we wanted to know more about his training routine, fight preparation and the overriding determination that drives him forwards.



Firstly, southpaw or orthodox?

How important is movement in the ring?

I am a southpaw boxer. I started as an orthodox, but after 10 fights I changed and I can now switch and do both. However, southpaw is my dominant stance.

Movement is one of the most important aspects in the ring. For years, footwork drills have been involved in my training so that when I’m in fights it’s second nature to use my feet to my full advantage. You need movement in order to create angles and find gaps in your opponents, to exploit them in order to out-work and out-smart them. This impresses the judges and will give you the decision in the event of a close match.

How did you discover boxing and when did you realise you were so good at it? I discovered boxing through a friend who just motivated me to try it. When I won my first title, I finally realised that I was getting better and reaching my full potential. After that day I believed I was the best. What is your usual training schedule and what have you had to give up in order to train the way you do? I usually train from Monday to Saturday with a variety of different sessions, including sparring, strength training and running. In order to train properly and fully commit to the sport, I’ve had to give up things such as seeing my mates and free time. This doesn’t demotivate me in the slightest and if anything it motivates me more as I know when my mates are out, I am in the gym working hard – I know it will all pay off. How long does it take to recover from a fight and what is your routine before and after a fight to try to avoid injury? After a fight, for me, there isn’t really a recovery period as I want to be back in the gym straight away as there will be things I’ll have to improve on. The only way I can improve is through practise and hard work. The main things to avoid injury before and after fights are factors like stretching, warming up correctly and just not overdoing it. After a fight I am back in the gym straight away, but this doesn’t mean I overdo it. I class it as ‘ticking over’ so I am able to stay ready without causing injury.


What are the physical demands of being in the ring and have you ever been seriously injured? In the ring you need to be fit, strong and also healthy. During weight cuts, I am not going to lie, it’s hard work! You need to stay healthy so that in the ring you are able to use your ability to its full potential and perform well. Running and being in the gym will make you fit. I’ve always been consistent when doing this so that in the ring I have no excuses. I am a professional, so I haven’t experienced any serious injuries as of yet, but it’s clear that many athletes have and that comes down to ensuring correct preparation and also pushing your body to suitable limits. What emotions do you feel leading up to a big fight? Emotions are high leading up to a fight because of the need to perform and the thought of winning. Winning is the best feeling. Knowing all the work has paid off and you’ve made everyone around you proud. Nothing beats that.

You work hard to keep yourself physically fit, but how do you keep mentally strong? The way you keep mentally strong is by staying consistent and knowing that you are putting in the work so when the fight arises, you are confident. Also, you need to have good energy around you so that you are bouncing off each other and creating positivity. What are your future goals and aspirations?

What has boxing taught you about life? It has taught me that in life you can’t expect things to come to you, you have to work hard and get yourself to the top on your own. No one else can put in the work for you. It’s an individual sport and the only person who can give you success is yourself. You can find Frankie on Instagram @frankxwood

I want to go to the Olympics in 2024 and get that gold medal and then turn professional to become world champion. I know these are big aspirations but with the consistent hard work and progression I can achieve it. I have the self-belief and determination to do it.


Watch now at www.bit.ly/TeensTalkFrankie 151

BEING A TEEN Ph o to gr a p h y : K ATH Y S H EM Ph o to E d i t i n g + Styl i ng: CH LOE YIN

Now more than ever, teenagers’ lives are changing rapidly in line with worldwide issues including Covid-19, climate change, and sustainability to mention a few. This is also a time of huge positive change with the ever-evolving progress of technology and innovation. Welcome to our series where we dive deep inside a diverse selection of youth stories. Today we meet Isaac aged 16 and Jesslyn who’s turning 16 this year.




JESSLYN Can you tell us a bit more about the area you live in? The area I live in is peaceful and everyone seems to know each other somehow! It is rich with Asian culture and rather densely populated, the food is authentic and somewhat nostalgic or comforting, and there are way too many milk tea stores. I have grown familiar with the aesthetic of massive trees, slow streets and low buildings. Though there are occasionally blasts of karaoke music or cars speeding down the road late at night, the overall atmosphere of my area is extremely comforting.

Walk us through your typical day. On school days I would wake up around an hour before roll call and get to school right before the bell. When I get home, I unpack, change, eat and either relax or bake straight away! If there's nothing to make, I would watch dramas, do art or read until around 5 or after dinner, which I'd then do homework or assignments. What do you do in your spare time? In my spare time, I would watch dramas, read, do art, clean parts of the house (especially the kitchen or my room) and chill to music.

What's your favourite holiday destination? My favourite holiday destination might be the snowy mountains!! There is something about drinking hot chocolate while freezing or sliding down bright snow in warm clothes while cold air hits your face that feels different. Otherwise, anywhere with a warm atmosphere or aesthetic views, the people I go with and what we do matters most!

What are your favourite TV shows at the moment? I don't watch TV! How would you describe your style? I'm still exploring styles, so I'm not too sure. What languages do you speak?

What inspires you? I speak English and Cantonese. There are many things that inspire me, but to list a few; my friends and family, music and strangely, the sky.

Who is your favourite musical artist?

What are your favourite subjects at school?

There are too many to pick from! However, I listen to English, Korean, Japanese and some Chinese music.

My favourite subjects at school change depending on the topics but if I had to choose, I'd say maths and science.

Who is your favourite fashion designer? I'm not familiar with the fashion industry.

What would you like to do when you are older as a dream job? Honestly, I have yet to put a lot of thought into it, but I'd like to experience a general work environment and maybe have baking as a side hustle first.


What country would you most like to visit? The country I'd most like to visit would be Japan. I've actually been before, but it was a quick trip that did not allow me to properly enjoy the daily life there. I'd like to go back for the food, convenience stores, vending machines, train and calming scenery.

What’s an unusual fact about you? I'm pretty clumsy — I bump into or drop too many things. What do you think that the biggest global challenges are at the moment? I believe are most significant include Covid-19 and climate change. Find Jesslyn on Instagram at @cakesbyjesslyn

ISAAC Can you tell us a bit more about the area you live in? It’s a nice, quiet and peaceful place which usually has no traffic or crowded places. I have easy access to many different restaurants to eat at and many different parks to hang out with my friends. What's your favourite holiday destination? I don’t really have a favourite holiday destination as going abroad is already amazing. To be able to see famous locations all around the world that not everyone can see in person is enough to fill me with joy. What inspires you? I have failed a lot in my life and that feeling is one of the worst feelings in life. I do whatever it takes to make sure that I avoid this feeling and try harder if I ever do.

What are your favourite subjects at school?

What languages do you speak?

My favourite subject would most definitely be sport or lunch considering that's the time I can move around. However, most people don’t consider these to be subjects at school and in that case, I would say that science and technology are my favourite subjects.

Outside of my house, I’ll speak English, whereas at home I speak Cantonese.

What would you like to do when you are older as a dream job?

Who is your favourite musical artist? I don’t really have a single favourite artist, I have a bundle who I listen to every now and then. They consist of Alan Walker, Jason Darulo, Sam Smith and Avicii. Who is your favourite fashion designer?

I don’t really have a specific job/career that I’m fixated on. I do know that I want to work in the technology industry. Walk us through your typical day? Most days I would be waking up preparing for school. After a long day of school, I would come home and complete my homework getting ready for the next day of school. On Saturdays, I would be at work from noon to night trying to earn some cash, while on Sundays, I go tutoring to try and boost up my grades. This would be the same pattern for every week. What do you do in your spare time? During what little spare time I have, I would usually find somewhere cosy to rest and watch shows either on Netflix or YouTube. Other than that I also play tennis competitively or go out with my friends. What are your favourite TV shows at the moment? I usually don’t watch TV unless it’s for the news or sports.

I actually don’t have a lot of interest in fashion designs. What country would you most like to visit? Why? I mostly want to visit countries in Europe, such as France or Italy. I personally believe that the culture there is most enchanting. I am also a big fan of the Ferrari. What’s an unusual fact about you? I personally cannot eat desserts, such as cakes or pies or chocolate. This is not because of a medical reason; I simply just don’t like it and a lot of people seem to think that I’m weird because of it. What do you think that the biggest global challenges are at the moment? Discrimination is still occurring. I personally still don’t get how racism, or any other form of discrimination still happens. It really isn’t that hard to give someone a compliment instead of treating them like an animal. This issue is in my opinion the biggest global challenge today.

How would you describe yourself to someone new? Find Isaac on Instagram at @ni89ice I would describe myself as someone who is laid back and doesn’t care that much about many things in life. I would only be serious if it is necessary to be serious. I would describe myself as that person you can talk to without any worries for judgement because judging people is not my style.


G UARDI A N O F EPISOD E 7 WHAT IS A M OVE M E N T ? Wo r d s : T Z E C H IN G YEUN G A movement is defined as a collective of people coming together whose relationships aren’t defined by rules and procedures but merely share a common mission. Here are some inspiring youth-led movements: Let’s start with one of the most well-known young movement-maker of recent years, Greta Thunberg. Greta was first pictured sitting alone outside the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, with a sign saying “Skolstrejk for klimatet” (school strike for the climate) in 2018. Soon after many other students started to organise similar strikes around the globe. She has since received numerous global awards and nominations, including the Nobel Peace Prize and became the youngest person to appear in Forbes list of the world’s most powerful women. She also had a film made about her.

Image Credit: Greta Thunberg urges MEPs to show climate leadership, by European Parliament from EU Lorie Shaull, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Image Credit: Bruno Figueiredo via Unsplash

THE EA RT H Greta Thunberg got her idea for School Strike for Climate from another group of young activists, consisting of David Hogg, Jaclyn Corin, Emma Gonzales, Cameron Kasky and Alex Wind. They are the founders of the #NeverAgain movement, which saw thousands of students walk out of school in a massive nationwide youth protest for stricter gun regulation after a gun massacre at their school Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The students have gone on to continue their work as vocal advocates for advancing gun-control policies through online campaigns, media appearances and speaking engagements.

Image Credit: Maria Lysenko via Unsplash

Image Credit: Student lie-in at the White House to protest gun laws, by Lorie Shaull, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Marley Dias, the founder of the #1000blackgirlbooks campaign is an inspiring young lady who started her campaign when she was only 11 in 2015. She was frustrated by the lack of diversity in the books she was reading at school and decided to do something about it. She launched her book drive and collected more than 11,000 books that showcase black female lead characters. Marley wrote her own book called Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You! when she was only 13 years old. Her original goal was to collect 1,000 books, which she has FAR surpassed. She now hopes to collect and distribute 1 million black girl books across the globe to libraries, schools and community organisations. “It is so nice to see that a black girl is the main character; and not the sidekick.” 159

H OW TO STA RT A MOV EMEN T As you can see, there are many different kinds of movements. So, how do you start a one?

1. Identify your cause To create a movement, you need to have a clear cause or purpose. It is this cause, this purpose that will help bring people together.

2. Know your why You may have identified your cause that you and your movement would like to support, but have you thought about your why? Why is this cause important to you? Your why is what is going to make you stand out from the crowd and make your movement unique. Your why is always what is going to keep you going when things get tough, as they inevitably will. Building a movement can be tough and lots of hard work but if your why is strong enough, it will pull you through the hard times.

3. Learn as much as you can about the topic Get to know your topic, so you can be an informed and convincing leader. If you really care about your cause, and the movement you are trying to build, you must stay engaged and be curious. Knowledge is power.

4. Build your organisation A movement is not about an individual, it is about a group of people coming together for a specific cause. Making sure that you are surrounded by people with the same vision is critical for building a successful movement, especially at the very beginning, when there will be lots to do and a clear and consistent message from the core team is essential. Treat your first followers as equals.

5. Find your supporters They are out there. Do not be afraid to ask for help and donations. People love to support a cause that they themselves care about. Remember, the movement is not about you, it is about the cause. Establish ways that people can help and support your movement.

6. Dare to dream big You, as the leader of the movement, need to dare to dream big. Be the shining light that leads the movement into greatness.


Image Credit: Markus Spiske via Pexels

7. Last, but not least, have fun! Make sure to celebrate your achievements and your people. A movement that has fun is a movement that grows. Having fun helps your followers stay engaged and inspired. So don’t fear being a bit whacky and outrageous in your celebrations. (Check out Desmond Is Amazing for fun inspiration). Marley Dias gets it done: and so can you! Join Cut The Crap and Thrive, a 7-day online workshop to help teens and young adults identify their purpose and set goals here: www.bit. ly/MasterMindCourse




Wo rd s: ALICE W I L SO N

Alice, a 15-year-old film fan from London, shares her movie recommendations. These evocative films all key into our theme of movement and are all worth seeking out. Some you may not have heard of, but others are already modern-day classics.

The Big Blue A beautiful cult film with cool underwater vibes and an amazing cast.

Walkabout A story set in Australia about a life-changing situation for two children who become stranded in the Outback, but survive with help of an aboriginal boy.

Princess Mononoke An absolute favourite, set in a magical 14th-century world in which the harmony between the gods, humans and animals has broken down.

Weathering With You A story about a runaway boy who befriends a girl who has the power to change the weather!

Fantastic Planet A psychedelic tale set in another planet following the struggle between different aliens.

Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind A story of rich and poor working together in harmony to overthrow evil in a fantastical world.

The Peanut Butter Falcon A story about a friendship between a Down’s Syndrome boy and a dropout who go on the sweetest journey.


I NSTAG R A M 8:30


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GET I N VOLV E D Tangereene is very much for the ‘Youth of Today’ and we would like to encourage you to be involved in the next issue. There are many ways to get involved.

Do you have an inspiring story to share that could help encourage others? Please email hello@tangereene.com To be involved in our Style The Shoot Editorial, where you can be part of the creative team behind an editorial shoot or a model. Please ask your parent or carer to send an email to: hello@tangereene.com with why you would like to be involved in an fashion editorial and whether you would like to be considered as a model or part of the creative team. Please also make sure you send a link to your Instagram account. (Please note if you are under 16 please make sure you seek permission from your parents or carer when submitting work or a request).

Editorial Submissions from Creative Teams – Please contact us via email us at submissions@tangereene.com and ask to be added to our Photographers and Stylists email list where we will update you with details of submissions for the next issue. Junior Style Editorial Submissions – details here www.juniorstyle.net/submissions/ Kids Fashion Brands and Boutiques – There are many ways to help raise visibility of your brand or boutique, please email hello@tangereene.com for further details on our unique opportunities.

Tangereene is brought to you by Junior Style. Visit www.juniorstyle.net to view the latest posts on the fashion blog or follow us on Instagram @juniorstylelondon or Facebook at JuniorStyleLondon.


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