Hello Zuidas - januari/februari 2024 Editie 71

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Amsterdam, Gelderlandpleiin Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 569 1082 LD AMSTERDAM +31 20 644 2108 gelderlandplein@schmidtoptiek.nl www.schmidtoptiek.nl @schmidtoptiek


Next issue [72] 4 of March 2024 th


I fear the worst In 2019, I saw a troubling presentation by urban planner Zef Hemel. It outlined a vision for Zuidas as a tourist destination, one cornerstone of which would be a large brothel. For starters, because ‘iconic architecture’ or a ‘good shopping centre’ wouldn’t automatically attract the pleasure-seeking tourist, as Hemel concluded from a study commissioned by Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema. Plus, it would instantly relieve the historic centre of some of the droves of tourists. He proposed a location next to RAI Amsterdam. Four years ago, I listened to this presentation in utter disbelief and my instinctive reaction was: ‘nice’ idea, but there’s no way in hell this will ever happen. Then, late last year, the incredible news

one seems to understand the reasoning

intend to guarantee area safety? Chances are

broke that Halsema wants to build an ‘erotic

behind decisions that have been taken

very high that it will end up being a massive

centre’ to the south of the RAI station. And to

lately. Decisions to block roads, bring traffic

fiasco. When that happens, who will foot

transplant a hundred sex workers here from

to a 30 kilometre-per-hour crawl and now, to

the bill? Who will be responsible if local

the red light district in central Amsterdam.

top it off, this latest debacle. To which all of

crime spikes and this community’s children,

Her proposal has met with sweeping

Amsterdam is vehemently opposed.

students, residents and vulnerable seniors

opposition from area residents, merchants,

find themselves facing unsavoury situations?

companies and the local hospitality sector,

With this issue of Hello Zuidas shining a

and also from sex workers themselves. But

spotlight on sustainability, I have to ask:

to no avail: the decision has come down

is this a sustainable plan? It has already

to ‘enrich’ the area with an erotic centre. It

cost city taxpayers a pile of money, and

is sad and distressing to see how our local

meanwhile the city is struggling to make


government is steadily losing touch with

ends meet. And, should construction

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

residents of this city and their interests. No

actually go ahead, how does Amsterdam


I fear the worst. ROMY LANGE

Let me begin by wishing you and your nearest and dearest all the best for 2024. The world can well use some more peace, harmony and good news. Right here in Zuidas, the possible establishment of an erotic centre has raised fears and resistance for some time. What would this do to Zuidas? How might it impact local safety, access and quality of life and public areas? As an area management organization, we are absolutely committed to listening to our members. If you’re a member of Hello Zuidas and want to join the conversation or share your point of view at a meeting, we encourage you to do so. We look forward to seeing all of you often in the coming year! OLIVIER OTTEN Managing director of Hello Zuidas













06 Coverstory with Yvette Watson 10 Building the Future 12 Will you join our team? 13 Share #Zuidas 15 Column 17 Cultural Goodies 18 Got a Minute 21 Mobility 22 Zuidas Home Tour

24 Ramón Mossel Makelaardij 28 Agenda 32 Sustainability Special

48 Hello You 50 Property 53 Bleaze 55 Paralympic Basketball Clinic 56 Legal 58 Memo Board 59 Finance 60 Hello Zuidas 62 Meet the…

CEO of The 2B Collective and co-founder of PHI Factory VU Amsterdam’s campus square undergoes metamorphosis

Hello Zuidas is looking for an experienced project manager in mobility and housing Social Media

by Roos van Dalen

at De Boelelaan 1111

What sustainable services do travelers and workers of Zuidas use? Zuidas City Map

‘’The architecture of Zuidas won us over”

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Boundless real estate ambition Don’t miss it

Intro with Amsterdamse Bos 33. Amsterdamse Bos: elevating nature to the heart of society 34. The business case for nature 35. Financing Nature: Corporate Contributions to City Forests 36. Nature education: cultivating environmental stewardship 37. Reaching out & partnerships 38 Salesforce Netherlands 40 Hightower Keuringen 42 Winners of the 2023 Sustainability Award

44 Hello You 45 Greenberg Nielsen 46 Architecture On top of Zuidas Quiz

“My involvement with Make-A-Wish has added a valuable dimension to my job” Stepstone

Member Meeting Amsterdam Zuid Station Union Investment signs long-term lease with Houthoff for Zuidas ITO Tower Get your company on board this summer ‘’Step into the shoes of a Paralympian, challenging preconceptions around abilities and disabilities.’’ Zuidas firms remain attractive to law students and lawyers Zuidas Updates

Financial stress can happen to anyone, even in Zuidas New Members

Owners of Hind Cooking

Together we make the Zuidas! On behalf of Hello Zuidas, Zuidas Publishers releases the magazine Hello Zuidas six times a year. We distribute this magazine in a circulation of 20,000 copies in and around the Zuidas area. The aim is to promote the area and put it on the international map. We highlight various developments and engage in conversations with initiators, residents, and businesses.





“Over the years, my activism mellowed and my focus shifted more towards inspiring and activating others.”


CEO of The 2B Collective and co-founder of PHI Factory Yvette Watson is co-founder and CEO of The 2B Collective and co-founder of PHI

programmes addressing various sustainable

Factory and works with organisations to accelerate their transition to the circular

development goals – from workplace vitality,

economy. She is passionately dedicated to raising awareness about the impact the

inclusion and diversity to creating a circular

workplace environment has on organizations’ sustainability performance. Yvette

economy. I believe change starts with our

helps them achieve their energy-neutral and circular ambitions for their buildings

own mindset and behaviours. Based on

and operations and develops innovative concepts for a range of market players.

that idea, we encourage companies to rely on the intellectual resources of their own

Sustainability means a lot to you.

degree in with a focus on sustainability.

people. They’re the ones who will ultimately

Where did this passion come from?

As the physical domain where raw

power the sustainability transition. I think

“From the age of eight, I felt an impetus to

materials come in, and so a linchpin in

many companies don’t realize how much

get people to think about the environment,

organizations, I figured this was where I

creativity, brainpower and adaptability they

sustainability and animal welfare. Even at

could genuinely help industry reduce its

have in-house. They already possess the

that young age, I realized we’re destroying

impact and waste flows. To bring about

expertise to achieve sustainability targets.

the world. It literally made me sick to my

progress through innovation and smart

They just need to tap into it.”

stomach. I joined activist organizations like

solutions. Over the years, my activism

the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace

mellowed and my focus shifted more

Are you working with any

and regularly dragged my parents along

towards inspiring and activating others.

companies in or around Zuidas?

on campaigns, and plastered my bedroom

I found that approaching people with a

“Allen & Overy is a great example. I worked

walls with Rainbow Warrior posters. I told

positive message worked better. So, I

with them to create a roadmap towards

my friends about animal welfare and the

decided to stop fighting the status quo

circular operations. It covered a whole set

importance of taking care of nature. I was

and instead look for ways to engage

of elements, from mobility to purchasing

pretty pedantic about it and that die-hard

the ‘collective’ in transitioning to a

and catering. After a joint kick-off we

attitude didn’t make me very popular.”

sustainable world.”

appointed a disciplinary core team and planned activities they could tackle on

Is that still your attitude?

How are you doing that at the moment?

their own over the next ten years. With the

“My preoccupation with sustainability

“Through 2B Collective, which grew out of

Green Business Clubs we developped a

faded to the background when I got to

that last idea and in which my team and I

gamified circular procurement training with

secondary school, but the drive to make

support companies and organizations on

The 2B Collective. So all the companies of

the world a better place returned at

the road to sustainability. 2B Collective

Zuidas are very welcome to join our next

university. Eventually, I graduated with a

is a gamified learning platform with

run. Through 2B Collective’s gamified

Text: Romy Lange & Lysanne Wilkens • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo • Make-up Artist: Madelon (Rob Peetoom Hair + Make Up)



learning platform, employees learn not

are committed to making Zuidas more

subsidies, but rather of focusing much more

only about sustainable change, but also

inclusive and diverse and are showing

on facilitating and supporting companies

what concrete actions they can take to put

other companies that talent can be found

to become more sustainable. Collaboration

it into practice. We also worked with EDGE,

across every segment of the population.

and sharing knowledge and positive

in several project and also in strategy

I presented the sustainability award to

experiences are key. It’s not a change you


Vermaat and Deloitte for their initiative

can make on your own. We need each

‘Zero food waste in 100 days’, through

other. Although sustainability is becoming

At the end of last year, you had

which Vermaat is working to reduce food

a bigger issue for many companies, thanks

the honour of presenting the 2023

waste. What started at one location is now

to stricter international regulations, it’s

Zuidas Sustainability Award to six

being rolled out to all Deloitte locations in

still a contentious political issue, which it

inspiring sustainable projects.

the Netherlands. That also means they’ll be

shouldn’t be. Opinions may differ on how

What stood out for you?

partnering with competitors, which is really

best to approach the transition, but it’s clear

“I was pleasantly surprised by the number

cool. Once an initiative takes off, it’s crucial

that something needs to be done. And, I

of submissions. It’s amazing to see all

to think about how to advance it further.”

have to say, flying 70,000 people to a climate summit in Dubai is not something I can get

the efforts underway in Zuidas on issues like circularity, the energy transition and

Do you think enough people

behind at all. But this transition needs to

greening the built environment. One

are open to sustainability?

happen. Not tomorrow, or in three years.

of the companies to receive the Zuidas

“Most people are quite open, yes. That’s why

But right now. If we have the will and take

Sustainability Award was Vebego. They

I think it’s not so much a matter of fines and

action, we can achieve a great deal.”

“It’s amazing to see all the efforts underway in Zuidas on issues like circularity, the energy transition and greening the built environment”


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Building The Future The popular volleyball courts are being relocated

Artist’s impression of the campus square after the metamorphosis


VU AMSTERDAM’S CAMPUS SQUARE UNDERGOES METAMORPHOSIS From a patchwork of paving to a green oasis. The campus square at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) is currently undergoing a metamorphosis, which is set to make it the heart of the campus once again. ‘We were assigned the job of making the square more attractive. That’s not too difficult.’ The Basket – previously the centre of VU Amsterdam campus square – is being taken apart section by section. For years, this demountable building served as a Grand Café and will soon be given new life as a municipal information centre on IJburg. The remnants of the building cut a sad figure amid all the hoardings and other building activities on the square. ‘But we have a great café to replace it’, says Patrick van Oostvoorn, pointing to the ground floor of the New University Building where the word ‘The Living’ can be seen in trendy lettering on the glass front door. As VU’s programme manager for Public Space, Van Oostvoorn is supervising the metamorphosis of the campus square. ‘It may be a bit of a mess at the moment, but by the spring, half of it will be accessible again for users.”


Building The Future


In 2022 VU opened up StartHub on the campus square

Patchwork of paving

Infiltration drainage system

Heart of the campus

Van Oostvoorn was assigned the job of

Now, planting greenery is a great way of

Greener, more sustainable, and therefore,

making the campus square more attractive.

combating heat stress and flooding, but

naturally, much more attractive. But most

‘It wasn’t a difficult task’, he laughs. ‘The old

it also comes with challenges. ‘If you want

of all, the new VU Amsterdam campus

square was made up of stones, stones and

to add greenery, you also have to make

square has to be a place where people

even more stones.’ He pulls out a black-

sure that the water level stays constant’,

gather and meet. A place to connect at

and-white photograph from the 1970s

Van Oostvoorn explains. ‘Too much or too

the heart of campus. ‘We’re deliberately

when there was a car park in the place

little water is not good for the roots.’ This

creating various nooks and corners, to

where The Basket is now being taken apart.

is why he and his colleagues installed an

make the square more intimate. However, it

‘The square was never properly landscaped

infiltration drainage system underneath

will form one cohesive whole – we certainly

for public use. Every time a VU building

the campus square over the last few weeks.

want to get rid of that patchwork’, says Van

was added or renovated, part of the public

This drainage system captures the rain

Oostvoorn. There will be a so-called ‘tiny

space around it was paved. It ended up as

runoff and enables it to infiltrate through a

forest’, various terraces, plenty of grassy

a kind of patchwork.’ The car park in the

perforated pipe into the soil underneath.

areas and a lot of (playful) seating. The very

centre of the square may have disappeared,

There is now a ring of such pipes

popular volleyball courts will remain and

but according to Van Oostvoorn, very little

underneath the square. ‘Underground,

will only be relocated, as will the basketball

greenery has replaced it in the last few

they’re connected to the canal in A.J.

court. There will also be ample space left

decades. ‘Which meant that it got boiling

Ernststraat and to Buitenveldertsegracht,

to set up a stage for all kinds of events on

hot on the square during the summer.

enabling any excess water to drain away.’

the square.

Later in the year, heavy rain showers would cause puddles everywhere. That just had to change.’

OVER 50 EXTRA TREES ON VU CAMPUS SQUARE Once The Basket has been taken apart, Van Oostvoorn expects the metamorphosis of the campus square to really pick up pace. ‘We started last September and are spending a year on it in total, which takes us to the end of 2024. By the spring of 2024, we will have completed part of the green transformation – the trees are being planted in phases. In total, over 50 trees will be added to the square. Rather than the small trees typical of new housing estates, we’re buying trees that are as big as possible. We’re talking around 10 m in height.’ Technically, he says, creating the newly-relandscaped square is not so complicated. So why does it take a year to complete? ‘We have to do it in small steps. VU Amsterdam currently has 33,000 students and there are staff and visitors. They’re never all on campus at the same time, but what happens if half of them are? Everyone should be able to move safely and smoothly from point A to point B. There should also be enough space on campus during the construction for people to stay.’

Photography: Jan Vonk

Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 50 65 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl Follow on zuidas @zuidasamsterdam


Hello Zuidas

Scan the QR code for more information

WILL YOU JOIN OUR TEAM? Hello Zuidas is looking for an experienced project manager in mobility and housing who is up to the challenge of bringing together as many Zuidas companies, institutions, and authorities as possible on these important current topics. A prime location like Zuidas deserves excellent accessibility and a diverse range of housing options.

FUNCTION Project Manager in Mobility & Housing is a versatile position in a vibrant environment


with great colleagues. If you have an affinity for accessibility, mobility, an interest in urban development, at least five years of work experience, an entrepreneurial spirit, and strong writing and organizational skills, we would love to get in touch with you! For more information, scan the QR code or contact us at 020-333 74 41. To apply, please email your motivation letter and CV to servicepoint@hellozuidas.com, attention to Angela Ham.


Social Media



@zuidasamsterdam Ook een balletje trappen ... @simmons_amsterdam

@aestec ... one of the top 300 best companies ...



... our official opening ...

Station Amsterdam Zuid

@sasha_osipova Hortus Botanicus Vrije Universiteit @vaalderen_fotografie

@furns_streetfurniture “The George” Zuidas ...

@amsterdamenthusiast @werkenbijcms

Same place, different time ...


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Hello Zuidas has an app that allows you


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to flip through all the Zuidas news!


Join us 14 February 2024 12:00-13:00

Unlock your heart and tastebuds. As The Place to Connect, WTC Amsterdam is about to bring Amsterdam-Zuid together for the longest Lunch of Love.

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Feminine leadership qualities not limited to women The representation of women in positions of leadership is important for our future for all kinds of reasons. In my last column, I wrote about why it matters across diverse sectors. Apart from the benefits for those sectors, representation can also make a difference in tackling key issues. A better gender balance in organizational managements helps when making choices affecting our planet. Not only because many women put a high value on sustainability, but, according to research, because management teams with woman-to-man ratios of three in ten or more offer fertile ground for feminine leadership qualities to flourish. By that I don’t mean leadership qualities that are exclusive to women. What do I mean? As you may have guessed by now, there is a crucial distinction between female qualities and feminine qualities. Just as there is between male and masculine qualities. In common parlance these twin concepts are often confused both in organizations and by the media. The terms are used interchangeably as if they mean the same thing. But they don’t. They are different concepts with distinct definitions beyond simple shades of meaning. In a nutshell: female qualities are literally traits pertaining to being born as a female. Think biology and the physical characteristics that make females, female. Feminine qualities, by contrast, are characteristics that any individual may possess and express. Examples of feminine qualities are creativity, long-term orientation, harmony-seeking and the innate ability to link people and to work with others. These latter examples are characteristics that both people born as a male and people born as a female can possess in varying degrees.

Roos van Dalen conducts research into diversity, equity and inclusion. She is active as a publicist and public speaker in this field, and you may know her from her TEDx talk. She also works as a consultant in Zuidas.

You could think of masculinity and femininity as opposite ends of a spectrum. All of us have some combination of masculine and feminine qualities that locates us somewhere along this spectrum. Male model Our modern-day corporate environment was built by and for men, for a long time, men were the ones who went to the office while women stayed home and ran the household. Organizations are therefore still based on this ‘male model’, with an attendant template of what constitutes the ideal employee. This template is based on men expressing chiefly masculine characteristics in settings where they were solely surrounded by other men. This entailed masculine characteristics such as competitiveness, a focus on short-term profits, assertiveness and determination. Studies show that a better balance between men and women allows both feminine and masculine qualities to thrive. This is probablybecause more participation by women not only injects their own femininity but also allows men to bring their particular feminine qualities into play. And that pays off when dealing with issues like sustainability. The choices being made now are critical for the future of our planet. Choices that hinge on long-term vision, collaborative clout and the ability to follow through. Which is the perfect marriage of feminine and masculine qualities, if you ask me.


Register for our Senior School Open Day

Business In The Spotlight

Let’s start 2024 with lots of

CULTURAL GOODIES AT DE BOELELAAN 1111! From gripping documentaries to award-

In our VU Griffioen theater you will find

At Bar Boele, the cultural café at De

winning dramas and thrillers that keep

everything from cabaret to drama, music

Boelelaan 1111, it’s warm and cozy!

you on the edge of your seat - at Rialto

and dance, from big names to new

Come enjoy the menu of caterer Qeet,

VU, you can choose from a wide range of

talents. Not only do we have a diverse

with locally and sustainably produced

films. Extra fun for all non-Dutch speakers:

theater program, you can also come to

(vega) dishes. Tasty coffee, smoothies, the

many of the films can be seen with English

us for creative courses. In our courses

famous fries and much more veggie food

subtitles. We also organise Expat Meet-ups

we offer everything from dance to music,

are waiting for you. The perfect start and

twice a month. Watch a film together with

mindfulness, writing, photography,

end to your cultural visit!

networking and drinks afterwards.

painting and much more. Check out the current theater or course schedule on our

Scan the QR code for info,

See you soon

site. We also regularly host cultural events.

opening hours and menu

at Rialto VU!

Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up to date! Scan the QR code for more info and tickets

Come visit the wonderful exhibition Life of Plants in VU ART

artists Arja Hop and Peter Svenson, Elspeth Diederix,

SCIENCE Gallery until March 30, 2024 where we focus on

Špela Petrič and Oscar Santillán present their perspectives

our relationship with plants. Although plants create life for

on plant life. Scientists of various fields will share their

all organisms and provide us with oxygen, food, medicine,

research in the ART SCIENCE dialogues in collaboration with

clothes, energy and colour, we have little regard for them.

Amsterdam Institute for Sustainability (ASI).

We see them only as means for decoration and consumption and have no eye for their way of living. And that is a problem

Scan the QR code for more

if we want to survive the climate crisis. In Life of Plants

info and opening hours


Hello People



People all do different things to live more sustainably, from sorting and separating their waste to buying clothes second-hand or bringing their own reusable cups when getting takeaway coffee at the local espresso bar. Being green has become an everyday part of modern life. What does it mean to people in Zuidas? What are they doing in their daily lives to live more sustainably?

Nikki Filius “To me, sustainability means being more conscious about how you treat stuff, food, and maybe people, too. I try to be sustainable and make more conscious choices. Particularly about buying new things. I check energy labels and of course how long a product will last. And when something breaks, I don’t throw it out and buy a new one straight away, but see if maybe it could be repaired first.”


Hello People

Omar Elamin “I mean, I am a student, so of course I consider the aspect of sustainability in general. We did a project in school that had to do with this theme. For a school project, I don’t think it had a big impact. At home, we sort our deposit bottles and glass and paper waste to be recycled. I also turn off appliances at home when I’m not using them. If I knew of something that could have a direct impact, it would be worth bringing it to my and other students’ attention. I think a lot of people want to contribute nowadays.”

Juliette Uitenwerf “Rather than simply throwing things in the bin, I make a point of storing and freezing leftovers. That not only keeps me from wasting food but I can also enjoy delicious meals again later. I also sort all my waste. I try to do that as best I can. And just in general I upcycle stuff or give it a different colour so it will be on-trend again. I try to be as creative with that as I can, and it stops me buy things I basically already have.”

Benthe “I actually do a lot to be sustainable. For me, it’s mostly down to being conscientious about how you go about your life. Not necessarily just being mindful about the environment or other people on the planet. I am vegetarian, for example, and wear ecologically responsible clothing, and other things like that. I also see it as something that costs a lot. Living green is really pretty expensive. That’s also because I only buy organic animal products. And I take public transport or my bike instead of driving a car. The degree I’m doing, in social sciences, also ties in well with all that.”

Text: Sophia Etmans • Photography: Roxanne Wilm


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COMPLIMENTARY HELLO ZUIDAS CITY MAP WAS HERE. Discover Hello Zuidas district also on










Zuidas Home Tour


“The architecture of Zuidas won us over” Kirstin Reinink lives in The George

Kirstin Reinink left beautiful Enschede for love seven years ago. Now, she and her husband have lived in The George in Zuidas for three and a half years. It’s from here that Kirstin runs her interior design and concept, design and project coordination studio, INK Interiors. Though the couple weren’t immediately sold on Zuidas when house-hunting during the coronavirus period, they were bowled over by its architecture.


Zuidas Home Tour

Kirstin, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

The building is highly sustainable. Plus, it’s

Favourite spot at home

“We’ve lived in this building for only three and

not a rectilinear block and our flat has a

“That would have to be my office. In the

a half years, from June 2020. Before that, we

lovely balcony. The lobby is beautiful, too,

mornings I do my yoga and work there. It’s

lived in Oud Zuid. We’d biked around the area

with that curved staircase. We fell in love

not big, but it’s perfect for me! Another

a couple of times and it seemed nice enough,

with the complete picture. All of these parts

spot I like is the sofa, for lounging while

but we weren’t wowed by it. That was back

added up to something that finally won us

reading a book.”

during Covid, so it was super quiet. A bit of a

over, because it was quite a step to move

ghost town, really. But we fell in love with the

from a lovely 1920s property in Oud Zuid to

Favourite spot in Zuidas

building straight away.”

a brand-new modern building.”

“There’s no one particular spot in Zuidas. I’m glad the area’s getting livelier, though.

“I run my own interior design business and

Do you think you may

We came to live here during the pandemic

this was a brilliant opportunity, since the

leave Zuidas, one day?

and it was a total ghost town then. During

apartment was being sold as a shell, so I

“Yes, probably. We’re keeping all our

weekends there was literally nothing going

could design the whole thing from scratch.

options open, also because of my

on, but things are getting better. There’s a

I’ve also got my office here and the building

husband’s job. He came here as an expat.

lot happening in Valley, and we go for pizza

has a communal space where I can work.

Anyway, we’re not tied to Zuidas, but

at Pizzabakkers sometimes. We also don’t

Apart from that, I always go out to clients

right now, Amsterdam is perfect for him,

mind it being quieter during weekends. It

and have to be on-site. I don’t have a

workwise, and will be for a few more years

lets you fully decompress, and if you want

signature style, and don’t really work with

at least. We’ll see where we go from there.”

to be where the action is, it’s only five or ten

styles as much as concepts. Our home

minutes to Oud Zuid. That said, Zuidas is

is very personal; there’s a personal story

The story behind the hallway

still a business district in pretty much every

behind pretty much everything.”

“I come from a musical family. My dad


was a pianist and passed away shortly So, why Zuidas?

after we moved here. I thought it would

“In the end it was the architecture that

be a nice gesture, in keeping with the

prompted us. From the outside it’s a

spirit of music and because we live on

billowing summer dress, is how the architect

George Gershwinlaan, to use sheet music

explained it. There is planting all around

of George Gershwin’s compositions as

the exterior, which is watered with captured

wallpaper in the hallway. It makes this

rainwater. This system is completely

space so personal. My dad got to visit

integrated within the building, and it’s

here once and to see it all finished, so that

things like that which really appealed to us.

makes it very special.”

Text: Sophia Etmans • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


Business In The Spotlight




Business In The Spotlight

Ramón Mossel

Since its start twenty years ago, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij has been on a path of steady

Besides that, I try to ensure we make the

growth. Today, the real estate agency is an established name for the purchase and

most of each person’s knowledge and

sale of existing and new-build properties in the Amsterdam metro region. We talked to


owner Ramón Mossel about how the company is developing, and its ambitions.

“I try to ensure we make the most of each person’s knowledge and experience.”

Twenty years ago, Ramón Mossel opened

Team spirit

an estate agency on Maasstraat in the

Shoulder to the wheel and eye on the

Rivierenbuurt district of Amsterdam.

prize, is how Mossel sums up the early

Since then, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij

years of building his business. “It was

has been helping clients with residential

really hard work, particularly those first

property purchases, rental and sales.

few years, but thankfully it has evened

Expansion of services

In 2022, they relocated to a new office

out now.” From a one-man outfit,

Ramón Mossel Makelaardij supports

on Gelderlandplein, just a stone’s throw

Ramón Mossel Makelaardij has grown

business and private clients at various

from Zuidas, ushering in a new era for

into a renowned real estate agency over

stages in the property buying and selling

the agency. “The character of our old

the years with a team of 15 in-house

process. To serve business clients even

premises no longer served our ambitions”,

employees. “Team spirit is a crucial

better in future, Mossel plans to expand

Ramón Mossel explains. “And it was

factor in our success. We coordinate

his agency’s services: “We offer assistance

short on space, whereas the new office

everything together. I’m always giving

during the entire process, from overseeing

offers excellent facilities for our further

my people feedback and regularly as

tenders to notarial completion. As a broker,


for their suggestions for improvement.

we can offer added value in the execution

Text: Romy Lange & Lysanne Wilkens • Photography: Davide Gallery


Business In The Spotlight

of practical steps. I also see opportunities here for partnering

too few projects for some target groups, and that is feeding into other

with other market players.”

sorts of societal problems”, he underlines. “The housing shortage for these target groups won’t be solved until politicians recognize that.

In addition to buying and selling existing properties, the firm

What’s needed is structural change.”

is also participating in a variety of new construction projects. For example, they are currently involved in the Up North

Boundless ambition

development in Amsterdam Noord, the redevelopment of Eilands

Ramón’s business is his life’s work and he sees plenty of

Eigen in Amstelveen, Bajeskwartier and Hollandse Meesters. “Our

opportunities for further development going forward. “This

new office is optimally suited for selling new homes”, Mossel says,

work really energizes me. It’s amazing to be able to pass on the

“as the location is convenient and has free parking for clients. But

knowledge I’ve gained over the years and to show young people

if they can’t make it here for a purchase or sale meeting, we’ll go

the ropes of the business.” Mossel can’t see himself exiting his

to them.”

company any time soon. “I still have many plans to spare. I want to take the office to the next level and equip the business for future

Housing market squeeze

developments. When I do eventually close that door behind me, I

According to Mossel, the squeeze on the housing market is unlikely to

want to leave something that others can carry forward. But I don’t

ease any time soon. “Housing is a basic necessity. Right now there are

even want to think that far ahead yet.”


Business In The Spotlight

Camilla Kerkhof, candidate registered broker valuer “I have been working as an estate agent at Ramón Mossel Makelaardij for two months. I deal with both existing and new properties and I like the

Megan de Zoeten, new-build advisor

variation this combination offers

“I have been working at Ramón Mossel Makelaardij for over a year

me. I want to build my skills

now as a new-build advisor. I guide clients through the process

in this profession and Ramón

of buying a new home, from the first phone call to signing the

Mossel Makelaardij is a great

purchase contract. My main focus at the moment is on the sale

place to do that. I’m learning

of new homes in the Bajeskwartier area. I’m aiming for high

something new every day. The

customer satisfaction, so people will return to us in time for

working environment is pleasant

appraisals or to sell their property. My hope is to keep making

and inspiring and my colleagues

clients happy long-term.”

are always eager to help.”

“Team spirit is a crucial factor in our success. We coordinate everything together” Steven van der Weijden, partner, registered broker valuer “I am a certified estate agent and appraiser and have been working at Ramón Mossel Makelaardij for nine years. I specialize in buying, selling, appraising and letting existing buildings. A lot has changed over nine years. The office is larger, our team has grown and our services have continued expanding. I am proud of that. Working as a team is very important for us. That positive team spirit contributes to our success. We are one of the best-performing estate agents in both new and existing residential properties, and that makes us unique.”

Tamara Cnossen, registerd broker valuer “I have been working at Ramón Mossel Makelaardij for six years as an estate agent and appraiser and really feel at home here. In collaboration with my colleagues, I go the extra mile when it comes to our customers. They are our priority. We are also constantly evolving. The move to these new smarter and more accessible premises will help us better compete with other big property firms.” Ramón Mossel Makelaardij Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 555 1082 LD Amsterdam + 31 (0)20 305 2662 info@ramonmossel.nl www.ramonmossel.nl




JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2024 January through February

EXPAT CINEMA MEET-UP @ Rialto VU – rialtofilm.nl/expat-cinema-meetup Twice a month on alternating Sunday and Wednesday, Rialto VU organizes expat

January through February

cinema meet-ups. Catch the latest foreign-


language flicks with English subtitles,

@ Rialto – www.rialtofilm.nl

introduced by our enthusiastic host,

In 2007, Martin Scorsese founded the World Cinema Project, part of The Film Foundation,

Karolina, and come along to Bar Boele

to save seminal but forgotten films from destruction by restoring and re-releasing them in

afterwards for drinks, networking, good

cinemas. Rialto is screening a selection of these films in January and February: eight gems

conversations and to meet new people.

of cinematic history that were almost lost but can now be enjoyed once more in all their glory. Come see these ‘Eight Treasures Unveiled’.

Every Thursday, 9am-4pm

ZUIDAS MARKET @ Gershwinplein - www.zuidasmarkt.nl Every Thursday is market day in Zuidas, from 9 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon.. Market vendors are hardy souls, and you’ll find these steadfast entrepreneurs at their regular spots every week, rain or shine! See you at the market next Thursday?

Every Thursday

LIVE MUSIC IN ZUIDAS @ Manhattan Lounge Bar – www.manhattenbar.nl Come and join us every Thursday for live music at Manhattan Lounge Bar! We offer a wide range of music styles, from contemporary to classic jazz, gypsy music and even Bossa Nova. New musical acts are featured regularly, so be sure to check our website or Facebook event page, where we announce bands approximately one week before each show. Book a table online in advance or simply drop by and relax at the bar. We look forward to welcoming you to Manhattan Lounge Bar.



9 January

WRITING FOR ACADEMIC JOURNALS IN ENGLISH @ Taalcentrum-VU – www.taalcentrum-vu.nl In this course you’ll work step by step to hone an academic article you have written in English. It starts with deciding on the best layout for your article, then building it up one paragraph at a time, 8-11 January

9 January

and finally polishing your sentences and



sentence structure.

@ RAI – www.rai.nl

@ De Thomas – www.dethomas.nl

Horecava is the biggest food service

De Thomas hosts free lunchtime concerts

industry trade fair in the Benelux. It’s

every fortnight. Always classical music,

where professionals go for inspiration on

a different musician or ensemble each

developments and techniques to step

time. This January concert features Trio

up their business and to get practical

Sinergia, with three trombone players:

solutions and tools to keep pace with

Andreu Mecho Perez, Joan Gimeno

future demand.

Carretero and Andrea del Fresno. Doors open at 12:15pm. The concert starts at 12.30pm and lasts 30 minutes. All are welcome and admission is free.

18 January

JOKE HERMSEN / HOMESICKNESS AND WANDERLUST @ De Thomas – www.dethomas.nl Where do we still feel at home? How is it

19 January

that we can yearn for a safe haven even


as we dream of far-off shores? On 18

@ Manhattan Bar

January, philosopher Joke Hermsen takes

Join the Salsa Zuidas movement at Manhattan Lounge Bar, hosted

us along in her story about homesickness

by Salsa Zuidas, a local initiative to build a lively and inclusive dance

and wanderlust. In conjunction with the

community in Zuidas. The dance floor opens at 6pm at Manhattan

publication of her latest book Onder een

Lounge Bar. From 6pm to 7pm there will be an introductory

andere hemel (‘Under another sky’), she’ll

workshop on the basics of Latin dance. The evening will continue

discuss the experience of estrangement and

with a live DJ performance. More info: www.manhattenbar.nl

rootlessness and the quest to come home through stories, memories and political connectedness.



23 January


25-28 January

Zuidas is developing in all kinds of ways in the years


ahead and buildings are going up right and left.

@ RAI – www.rai.nl

Already, the Zuidas skyline is filling with impressive

Jumping Amsterdam combines elite sport with entertainment

structures. Besides business and residential

and Amsterdam. In late January, the world’s crème de la crème

developments, a lot is happening on the leisure front.

of dressage and show jumping are returning to the Dutch capital.

Meanwhile, work is also progressing on a whole new

Alongside the show, visitors can enjoy great food and drinks and

station. Together, we’re shaping a unique piece of

party into the wee hours with Café Bolle Jan and a line-up of

Amsterdam. But how will all these developments affect

home-grown ‘Mokum’ artists.

your organization? Zuidasdok and city representatives will fill you in on all the practicalities and schedule of works for 2024. Time: 11.30am-12.30pm This is an online event. More info: hellozuidas.com or elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com

5 & 21 February

BUSINESS ENGLISH WORKSHOP @Taalcentrum-VU – www.taalcentrum-vu.nl English fluency is crucial in international business. Would you like to communicate more effectively with your English-speaking clients? Taalcentrum-VU’s language experts are here to help! Our Business English workshop will boost your fluency in no time. The workshop covers two full days, from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Register now at: taalcentrum-vu.nl/en/business-english 9 February

FRITS FRIDAY @ Zuidpool – www.fritsfriday.com Come join all your friends for drinks after work during Friday happy hour on 9 February, when Frits will also be celebrating his ninth anniversary! Expect the usual fun and good times, but with an extra-cool vibe at Zuidpool for this midwinter edition.



14-17 February

NEGENMAANDENBEURS @ RAI – www.rai.nl Expecting? At the annual ‘nine months’ fair you’ll find everything for your pregnancy, infant or toddler. Looking for the perfect baby buggy, advice on healthy child nutrition or inspiration 10 February

for a great baby room? Look no further!


With more than 350 brands, you’re sure

@ Theater VU Griffioen – www.griffioen.vu.nl

to find all those must-haves for your

What’s lurking beneath the surface? In Facades, three acrobats from the Tall Tales circus

little one and yourself.

company hold a mirror up to themselves and the audience. Through monologues, balancing acts and acrobatic choreographies they explore their own identities, diversity and the images others have of who they are. Order you tickets now on griffioen.vu.nl.

29 February



“Step into the shoes of a Paralympian, challenging preconceptions around abilities and disabilities.” Time: 4.30pm More info about this event: hellozuidas.com or 26 February


FIT FOR CIRCULAR FINANCE TRAINING @ Circle – www.circle.nl Circular Finance Lab’s online Fit for Finance training guides you through the steps of building a financially feasible circular PaaS enterprise. Taught by Elisa Achterberg and Hilde Sijbring, this training is specially geared towards entrepreneurs looking to boost their circular service company (e.g. Product-as-a-Service) and secure financing. Participation in this programme is via live stream only. Click on the button at the top right to reserve your place online!


Sustainability Special




Collaboration between the Amsterdamse Bos and Corporate Organisations


Sustainability Special

In an era where corporate social responsibility is at the forefront of business strategies, the concept of integrating nature as a partner has gained prominence. An urban forest like the Amsterdamse Bos, with its rich biodiversity and commitment to environmental education, offers a unique opportunity for corporate


organizations. Partnerships can

The Amsterdamse Bos stands as one of the largest city forests globally, spanning

be forged that not only benefit the

over 1,000 hectares. Far beyond a recreational haven, this urban oasis embodies a

environment but also contribute to

visionary commitment to placing nature at the very core of societal and personal

research, innovation, sustainable

life. Amsterdamse Bos isn’t merely a green space; it is a living testament to the city’s

development, and corporate impact.

dedication to intertwining the urban fabric with the natural world.

This article explores the various

Biodiversity: Amsterdamse Bos serves as

for physical activity, stress reduction, and

dimensions of corporate

a haven for biodiversity, providing refuge

overall mental well-being. Amsterdamse

collaboration with the Amsterdamse

to a myriad of plant and animal species.

Bos emerges as a holistic prescription for

Bos, emphasizing the financing of

Through meticulous conservation efforts

corporate staff seeking respite from the

nature, biodiversity conservation,

and sustainable land management, the

hustle and bustle of business life.

and nature education initiatives.

organization champions the preservation

Paradigm Shift: Nature as a Partner

of diverse ecosystems, and fostering action

Social Connection: Beyond individual

against the threats of urbanization and

well-being, Amsterdamse Bos fosters social

climate change.

bonds. The forest hosts community events,

The concept of nature as a partner

educational programs, participatory

in business represents a paradigm

Climate Action: At the forefront of

events, citizen science projects, and

shift. Whereas traditional 2oth century

climate-conscious urban planning,

cultural activities, encouraging a shared

business models often viewed nature

Amsterdamse Bos functions as a vital

sense of environmental responsibility. It

as just a resource to be exploited,

carbon sink and climate regulator.

becomes a meeting point where diverse

businesses today acknowledge that

Reforestation initiatives like Schinkelbos,

communities converge, strengthening

nature has an intrinsic value that must

sustainable water management, and

the social fabric through a collective

be protected and nurtured. The value

the integration of green infrastructure

commitment to nature.

of the services it provides are being

contribute not only to the local climate

quantified, and there is an increasing

but also to the global fight against climate

As the Amsterdamse Bos envisions a

recognition of the interdependence

change. The Amsterdamse Bos is a

future where nature seamlessly integrates

between healthy ecosystems and long-

living testament to the city’s capacity to

with the city’s pulse, its commitment to

term business success.

successfully regenerate nature.

biodiversity, climate resilience, health, and social well-being serves as a blueprint for

The Amsterdamse Bos, with its

cities worldwide. This expansive city forest

proximity to business centre Zuid

Health and Well-being: Recognizing the

challenges the conventional boundaries

As, presents an ideal setting for

profound impact of nature on human

between urban and natural spaces,

corporations to engage in meaningful

well-being, the forest offers a sanctuary

advocating for a harmonious coexistence

partnerships that address pressing

for relaxation and recreation. Trails wind

where nature thrives at the heart of society

environmental and social issues.

through lush landscapes, providing spaces

and personal life.


Sustainability Special

THE BUSINESS CASE FOR NATURE Ecosystem Services and Corporate Sustainability: In general, corporate organizations rely on a range of ecosystem services for their operations, including clean water, pollination, climate regulation, and raw materials. Investing in the preservation and restoration of these services through city forest partnerships is not only an ethical choice, but also a strategic one. Healthy ecosystems contribute to a stable business environment by mitigating climate risks, ensuring resource availability and enhancing corporate resilience. Brand Image and Stakeholder Relations: Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, and businesses that align themselves with nature and sustainability are more likely to attract and retain customers. Corporate partnerships with city forests provide tangible evidence of commitment to environmental stewardship, enhancing brand image and fostering positive relationships with stakeholders. Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation: As European governments implement stricter environmental regulations, corporate collaboration with city forests helps businesses stay on top of compliance requirements. By proactively addressing environmental concerns and participating in conservation efforts, corporations can mitigate regulatory risks and demonstrate commitment to responsible business practices. In the landscape of European Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), biodiversity and nature conservation emerge as pivotal components. While there is a growing acknowledgment of the importance of integrating these factors into corporate strategies, challenges persist in realizing a harmonious synergy between business interests and ecological sustainability. As companies navigate the complexities of ESG regulatory compliance, addressing the challenges and embracing the possibilities in biodiversity and nature conservation becomes imperative. By doing so, businesses can not only meet regulatory requirements, but also contribute meaningfully to the preservation and regeneration of the continent’s rich and diverse ecosystems. In this pursuit, the convergence of economic prosperity with ecological sustainability becomes not just a regulatory requirement, but a shared responsibility for a resilient and flourishing future.


Sustainability Special

Financing Nature: Corporate Contributions to City Forests Direct Financial Support: One of the most

facilities. This not only provides financial

activities such as tree planting, habitat

straightforward ways for corporations to

support, but also creates a visible

restoration, and educational outreach.

partner with city forests is through direct

association between the business and

financial contributions. These long term

the conservation efforts, enhancing

Nature Bonds: Pioneering Financial

funds can be earmarked in foundations for

brand visibility.

Innovation for Environmental Stewardship. In a groundbreaking move,

specific projects or goals, like biodiversity initiatives, reforestation projects, and the

Employee Volunteer Programs: In

the Amsterdamse Bos is exploring novel

management of ecosystem integrity within

addition to monetary contributions,

financial instruments to raise capital for

the forest. Establishing dedicated funds – as

partners of the Amsterdamse Bos can

sustainable forest management and the

a cooperation between corporates and the

encourage employee engagement by

preservation of ecosystem integrity. This

forest - ensures a long-term commitment to

setting up volunteer programs within the

innovative approach invites expertise

the well-being of the city forest.

city forest. This not only contributes to

from the financial world, encouraging

the physical well-being of the forest, but

corporate partners and impact investors

Project Partnerships: Corporations

also fosters a sense of environmental

to explore investment opportunities

can take their support a step further

stewardship among employees. Corporate

that align financial goals with ecological

by sponsoring specific areas, activities

volunteer programs can also involve

sustainability, reinforcing two notions:

or scientific projects such as the

activities connected to the expertise of a

that nature is a valuable asset, and its

Amsterdamse Bos or securing naming

partner, like media, research, or financial

conservation and regeneration are viable

rights for trails, groves, or educational

innovation, but it can also involve outdoor

investment opportunities.


Sustainability Special

Biodiversity Conservation: A Shared Responsibility Habitat Restoration and Preservation: A city forest like Amsterdamse Bos faces challenges related to habitat degradation and fragmentation. Corporate partnerships can focus on restoring and preserving habitats within the forest, ensuring the survival of diverse plant


and animal species. This can involve the removal of invasive species, and the

Educational Facilities and Programs:

applications that enhance the

creation of wildlife corridors, and facilities

Corporate partnerships with city

educational experience within the city

for specific species.

forests like the Amsterdamse Bos can

forest. Augmented reality (AR) apps,

support the development of educational

virtual reality (VR) experiences, and

The Amsterdamse Bos is a vital part of

facilities and programs aimed at

interactive apps and online platforms

Natuur Netwerk Nederland, a connected

raising environmental awareness.

can provide immersive learning

network of protected nature reserves. The

This may include the contribution to

opportunities, making environmental

integration of nature-friendly shores and

the establishment of our new visitor

education more accessible and engaging.

ecological underpasses in and around

center, educational trails in the forest,

the forest creates vital connections.

and interactive exhibits that engage

Innovative Environmental Stewardship:

Biodiversity is supported by providing

the public and promote a deeper

To cultivate a culture of nature

these connected habitats, enabling

understanding of the forest ecosystem.

stewardship, engaging volunteers

seamless movement for wildlife, fostering

from various segments has proven

balanced and resilient ecosystems within

Corporate-Sponsored Environmental

instrumental. For school children,

The Netherlands.

Education: Corporations can actively

immersive outdoor educational

contribute to nature education by

programs within the Amsterdamse Bos

Biodiversity Monitoring and Research:

sponsoring workshops, seminars,

can instill a lifelong appreciation for

Corporations can support biodiversity

and educational events within the

nature. Citizen involvement is fostered

conservation through partnerships with

Amsterdamse Bos. These initiatives

through community-driven initiatives like

the monitoring and research programs in

can target diverse audiences, including

citizen science projects, allowing locals

the Amsterdamse Bos. This collaboration

school groups, community organizations,

to actively contribute to biodiversity

can involve the monitoring of flora and

and the general public, fostering a culture

monitoring. Corporate teams can

fauna within the forest, contributing

of environmental stewardship and

partake in skill-based volunteering,

valuable data to scientific research. Such


leveraging their expertise for ecological

initiatives not only benefit the forest

projects or participating in team-building

ecosystem, but also enhance the corporate

Technology and Innovation for

activities within the city forest, creating

reputation as a champion of biodiversity.

Education: Corporate and creative

a sense of collective responsibility

For 2024 Amsterdamse Bos plans the

organisations can collaborate with

and fostering a multi-generational,

introduction of citizen science projects,

the Amsterdamse Bos, by leveraging

multi-sector approach to preserving

and new technologies like AI in monitoring

technology, and media. Corporations

the Amsterdamse Bos and promoting

the forest.

can develop innovative tools and

sustainable practices.


Sustainability Special

REACHING OUT & PARTNERSHIPS Nature as a partner of business represents a transformative approach to corporate engagement with nature. By collaborating with a city forest like the Amsterdamse Bos, corporations can actively contribute to financing nature, biodiversity conservation, and nature education: nature as a partner. These partnerships go beyond traditional philanthropy, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship where businesses thrive, and nature flourishes. The integration of nature into corporate strategies not only makes ethical sense but is increasingly becoming a strategic imperative for long-term success. Through thoughtful collaboration, corporate organizations can play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future where nature and business coexist harmoniously.

WANT TO START YOUR DIALOGUE BETWEEN NATURE AND BUSINESS? Please contact Amsterdamse Bos Pieter Haasnoot p.haasnoot@amsterdam.nl


Sustainability Special

Michiel Hustinx


KEY EUROPEAN HUB Salesforce, the world’s largest provider of customer relationship management software, is relocating to EDGE Stadium this year. Reflecting the company’s vision, these new premises have a strong focus on workplace wellbeing and sustainability. General Manager Michiel Hustinx talked to us about reasons for the move, how Salesforce became the CRM systems market leader and the values powering the company’s success. 38

Sustainability Special

“We put AI to work for millions of CRM users, and are fundamentally reshaping how organisations interact with their customers to achieve higher performance”

In 1999, Salesforce was the first company

Hustinx explains. “More and more

is an important pillar in both our own

in the world to introduce a cloud-based

companies are recognizing the importance

operations, as we have net zero residual

CRM system. They grew from start-up

of online channels to maintain and

emissions, and in the solutions we provide

to scale-up to, these days, the global

optimize customer relations. Salesforce

clients. Trust is about the products we

market leader in customer relationship

can supply that demand. The AI revolution

offer and the personal development

management services. “Our platform

is the next growth driver and now

opportunities we create for employees.

enables companies to build better

accelerating the digital transformation. We

Equality, diversity and inclusion are key

customer profiles and improve customer

put AI to work for millions of CRM users,

components of our personnel policy. For

relationships”, General Manager Michiel

and are fundamentally reshaping how

example, we have ‘equality groups’ to

Hustinx explains. Salesforce operates

organisations interact with their customers

unite underrepresented groups within our

across multiple industries and has more

to achieve higher performance.”

workforce and ensure their voices are heard,

than 150,000 clients worldwide, from

we’re making yearly progress on diversity

small start-ups to large multinationals

Social impact

such as Ahold Delhaize, Philips and

From the beginning, Salesforce has applied

KLM. “Our focus on the success of

the 1-1-1 philanthropic model, using one

New office

companies we work with has enabled us

percent of its time, products and profits

This year, the Salesforce Netherlands

to grow so rapidly. Our technologies are

to make a positive social impact. “That

office will move to EDGE Stadium on Fred.

designed to help them connect with their

wasn’t a lot in the early days, but now,

Roeskestraat. “The location of this new

customers and to optimize their customer

with an annual turnover of 30 billion

office opens up opportunities for further


dollars, one percent can definitely make a

growth. Zuidas is a central location for our

difference”, Hustinx says. “Success, for us,

client base and attractive for employees”,

Digital transformation

isn’t only about operating results. We also

according to Hustinx. New forms of

In May, Hustinx will have been with

care about employee development and

working were an important starting point

Salesforce for five years. After four years of

the impact we have on society. We show

for the design of the new office. “The

heading the European management team

that by for example creating employment

function of offices has changed. Now,

responsible for Marketing Cloud growth

opportunities and tapping our employees’

they’re all about connecting, collaborating,

in Europe, he accepted the job of general

and partners’ knowledge to contribute to

celebrating and innovating. In addition to

manager for the Netherlands last year.


a shared, flexible working environment,

“The Netherlands is a key European hub

and we’re tackling the gender pay gap.”

we are developing spaces where clients

and one of our top sales markets in the

Five core values

and partners can collaborate, both online

world”, Hustinx says. “But the Salesforce

Salesforce’s core values are Trust,

and offline. Sustainability and style also

ecosystem is many times larger.”

Customer Success, Innovation, Equality

come into it. Step into one of our offices

Salesforce has experienced strong growth

and Sustainability. “These values guide the

anywhere in the world and, no matter

in recent years. “The coronavirus pandemic

decisions we make and the strategies we

where you are, you’ll know you’re at

accelerated the digital transformation”,

develop”, Hustinx continues. “Sustainability


Text: Romy Lange & Lysanne Wilkens • Photography: Roxanne Wilm


Sustainability Special


covers all the bases of building inspections


Mike Ambtman

Sustainability Special

Getting ready to buy a home? Got your eye on a great new office for you and your team? Or do your own place already, but want to look into energy-saving measures? Then don’t forget to get the condition of the property fully checked out, because no one likes having to do damage control after the fact. Mike Ambtman, owner of Hightower Keuringen, is the go-to for any questions involving building inspections and is at someone’s disposal all throughout The Netherlands. He’ll assess your entire property from top to bottom and draw up a detailed report with in-depth recommendations. “From engineering and architecture firms to institutional investors to private clients”, says Mike, “anyone putting a property on the market or looking to buy can take advantage of Hightower’s services”. All-round expertise

Improving sustainability

Tips & tricks

‘Hightower’ is a nickname going back to

Whether talking homes or offices,

During his years in the business,

Mike’s days in the Dutch Armed Forces

environmental impact-reducing measures

Mike has seen various trends and

and a nod to the old TV sitcom Police

have become a must. However, small

changes. He shares a number of

Academy. After leaving the military, Mike

improvements are not always what’s best

important considerations we can

went into teaching neurocommunication

for buildings as a whole. That’s why looking

all take into account.

in higher education, and then changed

at the bigger picture is absolutely essential,

• If you’re buying an apartment in

tack entirely to follow his interest in

Mike stresses. “We walk through the entire

Amsterdam, take a good look at

the property sector. He opted to go

building and document everything. Then

maintenance plans for the whole

into the inspection business and got all

we do a BENG calculation, short for Bijna

building, including things like

the qualifications needed for building

Energie Neutrale Gebouwen, which is about

paintwork and exterior cleaning.

inspections, retrofitting and forensic

getting the building as near to energy-

As a member of the homeowners’

engineering. Mike: “I intentionally

neutral as possible. We focus mainly on

association (vereniging van

established Hightower to offer all-round

the return on investment, as retrofitting

eigenaren in Dutch), you’ll have to

expertise and take that to the next level.

measures don’t always pay off.” Mike keys

We work with a variety of professionals,

his inspections to what a customer wants,

• With the current preference for large

such as engineers who are knowledgeable

the property’s structural characteristics

open spaces, people are increasingly

about building science and pathology

and problems the owner is having, the

removing structural or load-bearing

and can read foundation data, which is

current energy consumption and what

walls inside buildings. If you remove

especially important in Amsterdam.” A tall

systems are installed. Hightower’s

a load-bearing wall in a building

guy, Mike regularly has to squeeze through

inspections are comprehensive enough

with multiple apartments and

tight spaces in the interests of a thorough

that they cover all the bases. “We are very

homeowners, some are likely to end

inspection. Though the specifics vary,

active in Amsterdam and then mostly

Mike’s first step is usually to determine

on sustainability, because of all the old

a property’s lifespan and the types of

buildings here. Pretty soon, people won’t

problem. The reason is that, as gas

building materials used. “Our equipment

be able to lease or sell a property if they

and electricity prices have gone

keeps getting better and the technology

haven’t got the right energy labels.

up, people have stopped heating

to solve structural puzzles has advanced

Plus, no one wants sky-high utility costs.”

their homes. Heating is essential,

use infrared and endoscopes to look through walls.”

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo

up with warped floors. • Mould has become a widespread

however, as is permanently

tremendously. We have underwater and aerial drones, for example, and

pay your share of these costs.

Hightower Keuringen +31 (0)6 50 64 01 23 info@hightower-keuringen.nl www.hightower-keuringen.nl @Hightowerkeuringen

ventilating by keeping ventilation grilles open. That means: central heating on and radiators open.


Sustainability Special

THE WINNERS OF THE 2023 ZUIDAS SUSTAINABILITY AWARD After months of preparation, on 9 November it was finally time to present the

Travel Grant

Zuidas Sustainability Award to six inspiring, sustainable projects. First up

– Mobility & Logistics award

was RAI Amsterdam, whose project (‘Hartverwarmend Amsterdam’) garnered

Insa Duvos of VU Amsterdam: “The

the most votes from the general public. Then it was time for the panel of

VU Green Travel Grant encourages

expert judges to announce the winners in each category. Those winners are:

and enables students to opt for the

Jan van Schaik and Arend Niebuur (‘De Speelwildernis’), the Gerrit Rietveld

sustainable (and, sadly, often more

Academie (‘Vegan Kantine’), Vebego (‘Zuidas een plek voor iedereen’), !Woon

expensive) alternative, and to travel to

(‘Energiecoach’), Vermaat Groep BV (‘In 100 days to zero food waste’) and VU

partner universities by rail. It’s wonderful

Amsterdam (‘Travel Grant’).

to see just how many of our students are taking advantage of this and even going as far as Lisbon and Oslo by train. We are immensely proud that this project received the Zuidas Sustainability Award for Mobility & Logistics, and we hope more universities will start offering grants like this to support their students as well.”

Zuidas: a place for everyone

Energy coach

– Society and Economy award

– Real Estate & Energy award

Roy Ploum of Vebego: “This is a huge

Susan Meijerink of !Woon: “It’s lovely

compliment for Vebego but also an

to receive this recognition for our hard

unmistakable call to action for Zuidas as a

work. A huge thank-you particularly to

whole to transform into an inclusive working

our volunteers who are informing Zuidas

environment. Can we count you in?”

residents about energy-saving measures.”


Sustainability Special

Vegan canteen – Climate/General award Joseefke Brabander of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie: ‘’The Vegan Canteen team is very honored to win one of the Zuidas sustainability awards. We’re even more enthusiastic to continue our work within this concept and add new recipes to the menu.’’

The play wilderness – Water & Green / Public Space award Jan van Schaik: “I’m delighted with this recognition and acclaim for our project. But, above all, it’s great for the kids at the Children’s Campus, who contributed so much to its creation. They are proud Zero food waste in 100 days

co-recipients of this award. The hares, butterflies and bees living in

– Circularity & Waste award

the garden have no notion of winning, but they are delighted, too!”

Pauline Rosenberg of Vermaat Groep BV: “Combating food waste is a shared objective and mustn’t be leveraged as a competitive advantage. It’s by working together with the whole chain, and even cooperating towards the same goal of 0% food waste with direct competitors, that you can genuinely make an impact.”

Heart-warming Amsterdam – Public Choice Award Rientz Mulder of RAI Amsterdam: “We are incredibly proud to have won the public choice award. We see this as a validation of the ‘heart-warming Amsterdam’ programme to which our catering team have dedicated themselves for quite some years, and in which we’re making great strides towards a local and sustainable food and beverage range. Thanks to everyone for their support!”

Text: Gordana Todorovic • Photography: Ritchie Damwijk


Hello You

ZUIDAS QUIZ As dusk fell on Tuesday 14 November, the On top of Zuidas Quiz kicked off on the 21st floor of Tower Ten at Hoff Amsterdam in Zuidas. Zuidas Publishers had invited a diverse group of women from different professions and companies who are all involved in Zuidas in some way. The quizmasters plus delicious drinks and nibbles courtesy of Ox & Bucks got the cheerful crowd into the competitive spirit. And everyone went home a winner, because there were prizes for all. We look back on a delightful evening in excellent company!


Photography: Ode Eshuis

Business In The Spotlight

“My involvement with Make-A-Wish has added a valuable dimension to my job” Petra Courtz has been a financial recruiter at Greenberg Nielsen for three years. She had been working in the music industry before

Greenberg Nielsen is challenging all

this and was ready for a permanent gig. But that was a tough

companies in Zuidas to join them in

proposition during the coronavirus pandemic, so she started

jumping off the WTC Amsterdam during

looking further afield. “Then I came across Greenberg Nielsen, and

Rope for Hope this June for Make-A-Wish!

it felt right straight away. Recruitment wasn’t something I had ever

Will you come take the leap? Sign up here!

necessarily considered, but it really suited me. I’ve learned a lot and have grown personally in the past few years, and my involvement with Make-A-Wish on behalf of Greenberg Nielsen has added a valuable dimension to my role in the company.” Persistence Petra says persistence is essential in her profession. “I want to be the best at everything, but of course that’s not always feasible. That’s why being persistent is so crucial – in our corporate partnerships, too. I’ve forged many new relationships and really see them as my new friends in the business world.” So, where does she see herself going from here? “I could see a management position in the company.” Make-A-Wish Greenberg Nielsen first connected with Make-A-Wish last year, when the charity organization invited Greenberg Nielsen co-founder Bouke van der Weide to abseil from the WTC Amsterdam in support of their cause. Petra: “Make-A-Wish grants wishes to children who have serious, sometimes life-threatening illnesses. Last year we raised more than 10,000 euros for them in the abseiling campaign and were also part of their auction gala at Soestdijk Palace. We believe in the importance of contributing to initiatives like this alongside our day-to-day work. And, as ‘Character’ is a key focus at our company, we’re keen to show that it’s not all about money.” Greenberg Nielsen Strawinskylaan 381 3-F 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 333 78 88 www.greenbergnielsen.nl

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Roxanne Wilm

Petra Courtz


ARCHITECTURE STEPSTONE De Key housing association is developing 216 apartments for first-timers in the future residential tower ‘Stepstone’. These will be the first of 2,700 homes to be built close to VU Amsterdam in the years ahead. Construction started in 2022, with completion scheduled for this year.





Designed by LEVS architects, the tower

‘Innovation District’

will be called Stepstone. Having received

In alliance with VU Amsterdam and

tenders and draft designs from three Dutch

Amsterdam UMC, the City is developing

architects’ firms, De Key selected this

a completely new neighbourhood,

design in consultation with the City. The

known as the Innovation District (or

social rented apartments will be in a tower

Knowledge District), in this part of Zuidas.

80 metres in height and are specifically

The area is south of the A10, between

intended for first-timers up to the age of 28.


They will be permitted to live there for up

Amstelveenseweg, and A.J. Ernststraat.

to five years, after which the intention is for

Stepstone will be located on Mahlerlaan,

them to move on to another home.

on the area of derelict land, next to The Pulse of Amsterdam and behind

Green courtyard garden, no cars

the Hourglass and NoMA House (offices

The apartments will vary in size from

of Loyens & Loeff and KraftHeinz)

25 sq. m. to 60 sq. m. The complex will have

buildings. This is where we are building

a roof terrace, featuring a sports field, a

the ‘Innovation District’, with around

large courtyard garden and a communal

2,700 homes. There will also be space for

living room where residents can meet,

knowledge-related businesses, a primary

organise activities, or work. There will be a

school, culture, and hospitality and

storage area for bikes and scooters, but no

catering. It will be a neighbourhood that

parking spaces for cars. The building will

brings together healthcare, science, and

feature light materials and glass, numerous

entrepreneurship. However, it will take

balconies, and vertical planting along

quite some time before this development

the façades.

has been completed.

Source: Zuidas.nl • Photography: Marcel Steinbach


Hello You



Members Meeting

Amsterdam Zuid Station is the country’s fastest growing public transport hub

gathering. You hear loads of new things. I got lots of relevant information about what to expect during the works around the station and what happens after the new developments are finished. It was also nice to meet new members – both businesses that are long-established in the district and new arrivals like the people running the new cinema in The Pulse.” Tony Wijntuin, mixed-use strategist and founder of WYNE Strategy & Innovation: What will Amsterdam Zuid Station look like in 2036? This question was the focus of the

“It was a constructive meeting where we

Hello Zuidas Members Meeting at the Novotel Amsterdam on Thursday, 23 November,

openly and transparently shared and

at which members got an impression of developments in the station area.

gathered information about plans in and around Amsterdam Zuid Station.”

Invited to speak at this edition were

metro users, 5,300 tram users and 1,800

Zuidasdok Strategy & Environment Director

bus users on a daily basis. In future, this

Hello Zuidas Director Olivier Otten also

Nelleke Stelling, NS Stations Project

number will go up another thirty percent,

shared the new Zuidas City Map at the

Manager Remco Dijkmans and GVB Rail Infra

predicted Ryanne van der Eijk.

Members Meeting. With the last edition dating back four years, it was high time

Interim Director Ryanne van der Eijk. Attending members were enthusiastic

for an update. Olivier presented the first

Amsterdam Zuid Station is the country’s

Mike Jeurissen, marketing manager at Le

copy of the map to Rosita Roosblad of the

fastest growing public transport station

Grand George: “It was very interesting to

Amsterdam Zuid district and the map’s

and well on its way to becoming the

meet other members. The information about

designer, landscape architect Gloria Font.

second largest in Amsterdam. The station

the station, particularly about the Minerva

Olivier reflected: “I can well remember the

is undergoing a large-scale expansion

passage closing during the renovations taking

early days when Zuidas had five places to

to accommodate existing and heavier

place as soon as the new Britten passage

eat, tops. Looking at the new map, you can

passenger flows. “Zuidasdok will enable

opens, was very relevant. With two operations

see there are now 56, so that’s more than

Zuidas to grow into a leading international

on Gustav Mahlerplein, this directly impacts

10 times as many. This city never stands

centre”, Nelleke Stelling explained.

us. It’s good to be in the know!”

still, and the successive editions of the Zuidas City Map are proof of that.”

One of the busiest stops in the GVB

Grardie Akkerhuis of Lebkov & Sons: “I was

network, the station clocks up 22,000

pleasantly surprised by this informative

Text: Gordana Todorovic • Photography: Roxanne Wilm

For more information, contact Elisa Schouten: elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com




Union Investment signs long-term lease with Houthoff for Zuidas ITO Tower Law firm Houthoff has renewed its long-

popular office markets in Europe.”

term commitment to Zuidas. The ITO Tower’s largest tenant recently extended

Irene van Esseveld, associate director

its lease.

account manager at Savills in the Netherlands, added: “We are proud to

Completed in 2005, the 34,000 m2 tower

have been Union Investment’s partner in

at Gustav Mahlerplein 50 was designed as

extending the lease with Houthoff. The ITO

a high-end location by architect Toyo Ito.

Tower is now undergoing a sustainability

Houthoff is currently doing a large-scale

upgrade to ensure the building’s future

renovation of the space to maintain that

resilience in line with the owner’s

high quality as well as make the building

ambitions. Our Property Management

more sustainable.

office will remain closely involved in the execution of this work. Houthoff’s choice

Commenting on the deal, Marc Antoine,

for the ITO Tower is proof yet again that

senior asset manager for Europe at Union

Zuidas constitutes the heart of business

Investment Real Estate GmbH, said: “We

services in the Netherlands.”

are delighted that Houthoff has committed to this location for the coming years. The

Savills advised the leasing company

extension of the lease testifies to ongoing

Union Investment Real Estate GmbH on

demand for modern office spaces in

the transaction. Houthoff was advised by

attractive locations, and Amsterdam’s

Cushman & Wakefield.

Zuidas continues to be one of the most


Source: www.vastgoednieuws.nl



“No danger of ‘office hell’, but offices in the Netherlands are losing value” Offices that are neither sustainable nor in the right location are gradually losing value. That’s simply how the office market works, said Bart Meijer, a developer at MRP, in an interview with property sector website Vastgoedmarkt. “People do still want to come to the office to work – provided that office is sustainable, in a good location and you can grab something to eat and drink downstairs. Which means that offices which don’t tick these boxes will be worth a little less. That’s just how the market works”, according to Meijer. Meijer isn’t worried about the prospect of an ‘office hell’ that is raising concerns across the pond. However, he is seeing growing demand for flexibility. “Flexible working has brought many changes. Take Canary Wharf in London, where HSBC is giving up 70,000 square metres, just like that. I think multinationals will increasingly be seeking smaller and more flexible spaces.” This trend offers opportunities for multi-tenant developments such as WFC Amsterdam, which MRP is developing in Amsterdam Nieuw-West. “Managing a few hundred tenants may be more complicated, but it is much less risky than an office with one or two large tenants.”

Source: Vastgoedmarkt • Photography: Fred Romero


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Business In The Spotlight


It was after discovering a gap in the market three years ago that Jelle de Boer started Bleaze. His company offers hassle-free lease boats for business use. According to Jelle, this is the future of boat ownership. With a background as a naval officer, he now combines doing business with his passion for boating, and is excited to offer customers fabulous experiences on the water.

Amsterdam. Think of it as a floating extension of your office. We’ve had boats used for teambuilding sessions, staff birthdays, King’s Day and advertising, and all our boats can be set up wholly according to customers’ wishes.” Extra services As of this year, Jelle also has the perfect solution for rainy days: “Starting from this summer, we’ll have a covered boat that customers can use free of charge, say All the fun without the fuss

helm yourself. Our boats are super user-

when it’s raining. And we have other extra

Many people would love to own a boat and

friendly, with a toilet and ample storage

services as well. One is a ‘care’ option we

can afford it, too, Jelle says, but are put

space on board, so there’s no need to lug

recently added, enabling people who own

off by all the work involved. “And that”, he

stuff around.”

their own boat but want to use our service

says, “is where Bleaze comes in. Customers

to turn to us for maintenance, a captain

have their own boat for an extended length

Floating office extension

of time, which means we also build strong

Most of Jelle’s customers so far are from

relationships with them. That’s great,

the IT and property sectors, but he also

Jelle currently has two boats still available for

because we get to know exactly what they

has some private customers. “We focus

lease: a 8.5-metre boat and a 10-metre boat.

want, can cater to that and take care of

on businesses, but welcome everyone.

everything. You can hire a captain from our

Leasing a boat is great fun for employees,

pool, but of course you can also take the

obviously, or to show clients around

Text: Romy Lange

and catering.”

Bleaze Boat lease info@bleaze.nl +31 (0) 63 930 81 55


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Hello Zuidas


“Step into the shoes of a Paralympian, challenging preconceptions around abilities and disabilities.”

Team Power



29 February




Sporthallen Zuid



Paul has dedicated himself to a new mission: to break down the stereotypes surrounding adaptive sports. The Paralympic Basketball Clinic is a culmination of Nicole’s and Paul’s shared passion for transforming lives through play. Nicole Beumer, a trailblazer in the realm of team-building and community

It serves as a bridge, inviting participants

engagement, has been using her sport background to create transformative

to step into the shoes of a Paralympian

experiences through her events company, Team Power. A former international

and challenging preconceptions around

squash champion who later transitioned to padel, Nicole builds her events around

abilities and disabilities. It promises to be an

a philosophy that transcends the boundaries of the game, turning ‘play’ into a

immersive event in which laughter, learning

gateway to connection, health and wellbeing. Team Power boasts a rich array of

and connection merge to create a unique

events, with diverse activities such as rugby, padel, squash, rowing, ping pong and

experience. Participants will not only

more. All offer experiences that challenge, inspire and unite teams in ways that

witness the power of overcoming challenges

extend far beyond the playing field.

but also gain insights into collaboration, perseverance and effective communication.

Exemplifying this is her upcoming

incredible champions of Paralympic

Paralympic Basketball Clinic, a collaborative

sports; individuals who inspire by

With Nicole Beumer and Paul Toes

effort with friend and former Paralympics

overcoming seemingly insurmountable

joining forces, participants are in for

basketball competitor Paul Toes. Scheduled

obstacles. Paralympics basketball

an extraordinary and fun journey. The

for 29 February and designed for Hello

veteran Paul Toes adds a compelling

Paralympic Basketball Clinic is more than an

Zuidas members, this event goes beyond

narrative to this collaboration. His life

event: it’s an ode to the indomitable human

mere team-building. It is a celebration of

took an unexpected turn at age 18, after

spirit and a testament to the transformative

resilience and a tribute to the extraordinary

a tragic accident that ultimately led him

power of play, resonating with the message

achievements of Paralympic athletes who

to wheelchair basketball – a sport he

that true champions are defined not by their

have defied the odds.

initially knew little about. What began as

abilities, but by their resilience and spirit.

a challenge, evolved into triumph when The Paralympic Basketball Clinic was

he represented the Netherlands at the

born out of deep admiration for the

2016 Paralympic Games. Since then,

For more info about this event, visit hellozuidas.com or email elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com. For more info about Nicole Beumer & Team Power, visit teampower.nl







Which firm would legal professionals (and students) most like to work for? Their top pick is NautaDutilh. But, when it comes to name recognition among the same target group, Loyens & Loeff tops the list. At the end of last year, The Selection Lab asked 3,500 law students and legal professionals to rank the Netherlands’ fifty largest law firms on popularity, prominence and inclusion and diversity. More than a third (38 percent) put NautaDutilh in first place, followed by Loyens & Loeff (36 percent), De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (34 percent), Allen & Overy and Stibbe. In sixth place, Houthoff (31 percent) just missed making the top five.

Best-known firm

Inclusion and diversity

Looks good on CV

Loyens & Loeff also scored well in

Allen & Overy – which was not among the

Joeri Everaers, co-founder of The Selection

another category: with 94 percent

top three for most attractive employer

Lab, explained the figures as follows:

of respondents saying they knew

or prominence – did earn top marks for

“Whereas many lawyers used to jump on

the firm, it is the best-known name

inclusion and diversity (22 percent). De

the standard partner track at the start of

in the sector. Houthoff fared better

Brauw Blackstone Westbroek came in

their careers, there’s a shift happening now

in this category, tying with Stibbe

second (21 percent), followed by Stibbe (20

towards doing a briefer stint with a big-name

for second place at 91 percent,

percent). Loyens & Loeff and NautaDutilh

firm and from there going to a corporate

followed by Baker McKenzie and

were fourth and fifth in the ranking, at 18

law position or joining a smaller firm. Given

De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

percent each. It is worth asking, however,

that, it makes sense to see a large overlap

(both 86 percent).

on what basis respondents are judging

between firms’ prominence and popularity.

diversity and inclusion if they have never

After all, a big name looks good on your CV.”

been inside the firm and don’t even know the name.

The Selection Lab, which supplies assessment software to help employers identify the best hires for their organization, will be repeating this survey every year.

Source: Mr. Online


Memo Board

MEMO BOARD Baker McKenzie gamifies undesirable behaviour Baker McKenzie Amsterdam has launched a card game that

Even after the MeToo movement and public scandals about

employers can use to kick-start conversations about unsafe

boundary violations (such as on the TV talk show De Wereld Draait

situations and unwanted behaviour in the workplace. Called

Door), she notes the topic is still “difficult to discuss”. “That’s why

The complaints challenge, the game is literally a pack of cases

we developed this game, in which players take turns presenting a

exploring statements about boundary-violating behaviour.

case and the others ask questions about it. The discussions that come out of this can help management to pinpoint undesirable

“Where workplace bullying and undesirable behaviour used to be

behaviours in the workplace and what steps they can take”, says

a non-issue, now our employment law practice receives related

the expert.

complaints from companies almost daily”, says Mirjam de Blécourt. An employment lawyer at Baker McKenzie, it was De Blécourt who conceived of the card game.

LEBKOV SWITCHES TO CALF-FRIENDLY MILK IN THE NETHERLANDS All of Zuidas can now enjoy delicious organic coffees made with the country’s calffriendliest milk. Family-owned and operated coffee chain Lebkov & Sons recently switched to using only Kalverliefde-brand milk at their cafés. Lebkov is the first large hospitality sector company to be supplied with Kalverliefde’s organic milk. Kalverliefde, which literally means ‘calf love’ in Dutch, works with dairy farmers to keep calves with the mother cows longer. Lebkov & Sons owner Grardie Akkerhuis explains: “This lets us help new farmers make the switch to keeping calves with cows. That means the higher the demand for our milk, the more calves can stay with their mums after birth”.

Hey, are you following us? On Instagram, that is! @hellozuidas is where we post our favourite hotspots and events in Zuidas daily and take you behind the scenes of the magazine. We also keep you up on all the latest local news, and you’ll be the first to know when the next magazine issue is out. If you have any suggestions, questions or want to post a message or ad, drop us a line at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. We’d love to hear what you want to read about in Hello Zuidas magazine.



Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute



Financial stress can happen to anyone, even in Zuidas It was recently reported that not only people with low incomes, but also a surprising number of higher earners are applying for debt counselling. The news came out of a study published by the NVVK, the Dutch association for debt assistance. “Even in places like Zuidas, there are people struggling with money problems”, says Jurenne Hooi, author of a book on personal debt, Eigen Schuld, published by Uitgeverij Prometheus earlier this year.

Jurenne Hooi

Hooi stood at the head of a debt

companies and organisations are paying

us put clients, customers and residents of

counselling organization serving

more attention to their employees’

Zuidoost on the spot or on the way to a job.

Amsterdam-Zuidoost and Diemen for 12

financial situations. They’re offering budget

It was an eye-opener how quickly business

years and continues to work with people

coaches and other kinds of support, so

partners could get the ball rolling.”

caught in the debt trap. She is now a

that’s a positive development.” Not hopeless

seasoned regulator focused on poverty reduction and inclusion. Her book draws

Societal problem

Above all, Hooi wants to remove the stigma

on all of these experiences.

Hooi stresses that poverty and financial

attached to being in debt. “People in debt

stress are societal-level problems. The

are by no means all hopeless cases, but

Median incomes

wider debt issue can only be solved by

individuals with ingenuity, resilience and

The NVVK reports that an increasing

government, civil society and business

strength. Financial stress can happen to

number of median earners are winding

actors. “All three have to work together

anyone. In practice, clients often just need

up in debt. Hooi, too, has noticed that

to unravel this societal problem”, Hooi

a little push to rediscover their resilience,

“new income groups are being affected.

argues. “Financial stress is a seven-headed

and then they’re ready to go.”

The middle class, small business owners

monster!” Henk Markerink

and self-employed people who had been struggling since Covid are also finding

During her tenure as a debt counsellor,

According to Henk Markerink,

themselves in trouble now. Some business

Hooi regularly connected with business

“Companies have increasingly begun

owners are having to repay the coronavirus

partners. One of the first partnerships, in

to think in terms of stakeholder rather

support they received from the Dutch

2016 and 2017, was with the then CEO of

than shareholder value in recent years.

government, and it’s not clear if they

the Johan Cruijff ArenA, Henk Markerink,

The question they should be asking is:

actually can”.

now president of the VNO-NCW. They

what can we, as a company, give back to

pooled knowledge and resources to assist

the society we are a part of? The answer

With more and more people applying

people facing financial difficulties. “Henk

might be something like creating jobs

for debt assistance, the issue is getting

opened the ArenA to match clients with

and work placements for target groups

more attention. Hooi explains: “Overall,

the business community, literally letting

that are struggling right now”.

Text: Gordana Todorovic • Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


New Members


Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members

SUSHITO ZUIDAS Sector: Hospitality


Number of employees: 20 Link with Zuidas: Sushito serves the best poké bowls and sushi

Sector: Film

burritos in the Zuidas district, so if you haven’t tried us yet, drop

Employees: 5

by soon! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Sushito

Link with Zuidas: Cinema The Pulse will be located on floors

joined Hello Zuidas because we believe in the power of connection.

one to three of The Pulse, a beautiful sustainable new building

By being part of this community, Sushito can build relationships,

that combines living, working, hospitality and cinema next to

collaborations and shared successes with fellow Hello Zuidas

Amsterdam Zuid Station in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello

members. Sushito embraces the opportunity to offer exclusive

Zuidas member: We look forward to getting to know the other

promotions and to stay abreast of the latest developments in the

members of Hello Zuidas and hearing their ideas and wants for the

district, helping us to grow in step with everyone, as well as offer

district’s new first-class cinema.

fresh poké bowls and sushi burritos to the whole Zuidas community!

photo: Marcel Steinbach

PALO ALTO NETWORKS Sector: Cybersecurity Link with Zuidas: Located in Valley. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: To become a part of the business community and local social network.


New Members

photo: Wouter van der Sar



Sector: Healthcare

Employees: 65-70

Employees: 8

Link with Zuidas: Ditt Officemakers is active in Zuidas and realizing a large number of new

Link with Zuidas: Our dental practice has

workspaces and offices in area buildings. Our own offices are based nearby, in Zuid. Reason

been established in Tower B of the WTC

for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Ditt Officemakers has been operating in Zuidas for

since 1991. Reason for becoming a Hello

many years and we know all the ins and outs of properties in the area. We advise, design

Zuidas Member: We rejoined Hello Zuidas

and create offices spaces, taking care of all the complexities involved in the design and

because we want to stay connected

building. Our ultimate goal is: Great Offices, Happy People. Currently, Ditt is active in the

with other businesses in the WTC, and to

WTC and adjacent buildings, where we are developing innovative working environments.

continue building our presence further.

Membership in Hello Zuidas is a great and logical next step for us.

Sector: Office design

BUNDEL.IT Sector: Green purchasing Employees: 5 Link with Zuidas: Bundel.it provides Zuidas businesses with a unique tool to reduce the carbon footprint of their daily office needs. By bundling regular orders for groceries and office supplies, organisations can easily reduce the number of deliveries to their office building. Reason for becoming a Hello


Zuidas member: Bundel.it joined Hello Zuidas to become a genuine part of the Zuidas community and help members with the green transition challenges they face.

Sector: Supermarket Employees: 50 Link with Zuidas: Our supermarket is in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Albert Heijn Parnassusweg is located in the buzzing heart of Zuidas, which is a great reason to be part of the Hello Zuidas community. With this unique location Albert Heijn wants to offer a superior shopping experience perfectly attuned to the dynamic character of this urban business and cultural centre.


Meet The...

Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. However, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.



Mahmoud & Hind

After having to flee their home in Syria

What is your signature cooking style?

You’re also using your restaurant

due to the war in 2016, Hind, her partner

“We are from Latakia, by the coast, where

as a way to give back. Could you

Mahmoud and their four children found a

most dishes centre on vegetables and are

describe how you’re doing that?

new home in the Netherlands. The most

vegetarian or vegan. The quality of the food

“Most of our employees are still at

important reason for starting a new life

is very important to us, as it represents

asylum seekers’ centres and we try to

here, was to be able to give their kids

us and our culture. We cook like home

help them start up their process to get

a safe place to grow up and get a good

cooks. We do everything ourselves: all the

residency here. This way, we can help the

education. Hind: “It was hard to leave our

cooking, cleaning and organizing, because

municipality of Amsterdam by helping

home and to have to start all over again,

it’s essential to take care of the details. Our

people from Syria start a life here and

but we love the life we are building here

quality depends on it.”

not just sit at home. We want to take care

for our kids. They need to see and learn that you must never give up.”

of people who are newcomers and need Hind already had a location in the

support. And the municipality has helped

Jordaan, so what brought you to Zuidas?

us a lot, so this is also our way of giving

How did Hind Cooking get started?

“Our location in the Jordaan is

something back to them.”

“We started our business straight after

only takeaway. We were the first

finishing the integration course in 2018.

Syrian couple to do the catering at

What makes Middle Eastern

We really wanted to start a new life here,

Rijksmuseum, for example. Our business

cuisine so special?

and not sit around. It came out of the idea

exploded after that, and it was no longer

“Our cuisine is characteristic of

that food and serving customers would

possible to cook everything in our small

not just Syria, but also Lebanon

be a great way to show people who we

kitchen. With the help of friends and the

and Israel. That’s why it’s called

are and where we come from. Food is an

previous operator of De Nieuwe Poort,

Middle Eastern. We use a lot of fresh

international language. Hind Cooking is

we were able to open in Zuidas. We

ingredients. We have colourful

a bit different compared to other places

already had experience with catering

salads, like cauliflower and eggplant

around Zuidas, but we try to involve all

for businesses and company lunches,

or haloumi and falafel. All our food is

kinds of people, businesses and locals.

so this was mostly to expand our

homemade, from the sauces to the

Everybody is welcome.”


hummus to the falafel.”


Text: Céline Boute & Sophia Etmans • Photography: Roxanne Wilm

MEMBERS 01. ABN AMRO 02. Accendium 03. Accenture 04. À Deauville 05. Adhoc Horecamakelaars 06. Acre 07. AFC 08. AkzoNobel 09. Albert Heijn 10. Albert Heijn Parnassusweg 11. Alpha Security 12. amsterdam inbusiness 13. Amsterdam UMC 14. Amsterdamse Bos 15. Arcadis 16. Arnold & Siedsma 17. Art Zuid 18. Asito 19. Asunaro Holland Interplan 20. Avenue Services 21. Avis Budget Autoverhuur 22. AXECO 23. BACK FOOD 24. Bagels & Beans 25. Baker McKenzie 26. Bar Boele 27. Bar Valdi 28. Being Development 29. Betaalvereniging Nederland 30. Bolenius 31. Boontje Advocaten 32. Bouwens& 33. Boyden Global Executive Search 34. BPD 35. Breevast 36. BREIKERS 37. Broersma Nieuwbouw 38. Bundel.it 39. Caffè Belmondo 40. Cboe Clear Europe N.V. 41. CBRE B.V. 42. Che Buono 43. Cinema The Pulse 44. Clean Center 45. Clubsportive 46. CMS 47. Coffee & Coconuts 48. Cognito 49. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Europe) 50. Confius Executive Search 51. Cora Delicatessen 52. Corporate Housing Factory 53. Cosmo Hairstyling 54. Crossover (AM) 55. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 56. Customized Media 57. Cyrille van Hoof Presentatiecoach


58. D&B The Facility Group 116. HOFF Amsterdam 59. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 117. Hogan Lovells International LLP 60. De Hypotheker 118. HOPPTER 61. Deloitte 119. Hotel & Wellness Zuiver 62. De Kredieter 120. Houthoff 63. De Pizzabakkers | Zuidas 121. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 64. De Uitsmijter 122. House of Sports 65. Dentons 123. Htel Serviced Apartments 66. Ditt Officemakers 124. HVO Querido 67. Doctor Feelgood 125. IEF Real Estate 68. Donkey Republic 126. IMA 69. Doppio Espresso Amsterdam Zuidas 127. InAmsterdam 70. Eden McCallum 128. Industrious 71. Edge Technologies 129. Infusion Clinics 72. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 130. Innside by Melia 73. Element Amsterdam 131. ISX Beveiliging 74. Enterprise Netherlands 132. Jeroen 020 Training/Coaching 75. EMA (European Medicines Agency) 133. Karhoo 76. Expat Center 134. Kindercampus Zuidas 77. EY 135. KNAP Makelaardij 78. Fam. Advocaten 136. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 79. Ferilli’s Specialità UpTown 137. Kraft Heinz 80. Financial Offices 138. KRNWTR+ 81. Flexform Amsterdam 139. Lebkov & Sons 82. FLOW Real Estate 140. Leger des Heils 83. Food & i 141. Le Grand George 84. Fornet International B.V. 142. Lexence 85. Frans Otten Stadion 143. Lieven de Key 86. Freelancers United 144. Limon 87. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 145. Loyens & Loeff 88. Fris Makelaars 146. Luke Recruitment 89. Frits Friday 147. Lunshof Makelaardij 90. FSB Beveiliging 148. Lyon Office Support 91. FYEO 149. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 92. Gelderlandplein 150. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 93. Gen25 151. Magazine-Masters.nl 94. G&S& 152. MaMa Kelly 95. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 153. Market 33 96. Goede Doelen Loterijen 154. Mastercard 97. Grand Café LIVING 155. MBO College Zuid 98. Grand Café Mahler 156. Mech Make & Take 99. Grand Prix Copyrette Printing & Design 157. Miele X 100. Greenberg Nielsen 158. Molteni&C|Dada 101. Greenberg Traurig Amsterdam Flagship Store 102. Green Business Club Zuidas 159. MOST 103. GREEN Gastrobar 160. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum 104. GreenMobility 161. NACH 105. Greenwheels 162. NatWest Markets 106. Gustavino 163. NDI ICT Solutions 107. GVB 164. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 108. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 165. Nedstede Real Estate 109. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 166. NewGround Law 110. Hasta La Vista Baby 167. NH Amsterdam Zuid 111. Heidrick & Struggles 168. nhow Amsterdam RAI 112. Hestia Kinderopvang 169. Nicolaas Lyceum 113. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 170. Niezink Finance 114. Hielkema & co 171. Nineyards Law 115. HIND cooking 172. Nino’s Surinam Food

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

173. Norton Rose Fulbright 174. Novotel Amsterdam City 175. NS 176. Oliver’s 177. Olympic Gym 178. Olympisch Stadion 179. ONE-Dyas B.V. 180. Onemeeting.com 181. Openbare Bibliotheek 182. ORAM 183. Oranje Energie 184. Ox & Bucks 185. Palo Alto 186. PAN Amsterdam 187. Pancakes Amsterdam 188. Papa’s Loft House 189. Personality 190. Pleo 191. Poké Perfect 192. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 193. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 194. Property NL B.V. 195. Protiviti 196. Provast 197. Q-Park Nederland 198. RAI Amsterdam 199. Regus 200. Renessence 201. RGA International Reinsurance 202. Rialto 203. Rivers 204. Rob Peetoom 205. Robert Clinics 206. Robert Walters 207. Roland Berger 208. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 209. Rosarium 210. Russell Reynolds Associates 211. Savills Amsterdam 212. Salsa Shop 213. Salsa Zuidas 214. Season-Flowers 215. Securitas 216. Selva 217. Shinyu Body & Mind 218. Simmons & Simmons LLP 219. Sixt 220. Smartphone Citywalk Zuidas 221. Sonora 222. Specialists in Security 223. STACH 224. SThree 225. Stibbe 226. Stichting Open The Doors 227. Strand Zuid 228. Student Experience 229. Summertime 230. Sushito Zuidas 231. SV RAP

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Copyright © 2024 Zuidas Publishers All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing. Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.

Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Editor & Sales Céline Boute Editor Sophia Etmans Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Printed by Magazine Masters Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Editors Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Sophia Etmans, Lysanne Wilkens, Gordana Todorovic & Roos van Dalen Photography Caily Bobbie Jo, Roxanne Wilm, Davide Gallery, Ode Eshuis, Ritchie Damwijk, Marcel Steinbach, Jan Vonk & Fred Romero

232. Symphony’s 233. Taalcentrum - VU 234. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 235. Tandartspraktijk Noordermeer 236. Taylor Wessing 237. Tax Consultants International 238. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 239. The Bank of New York Mellon 240. The Breakfast Club 241. The Office Operators 242. The Upside Down Amsterdam 243. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 244. Tierra 245. Topsport Amsterdam 246. TPEX 247. Trainmore 248. TREC 249. Tribes 250. UNGA 251. Urban Gym Group 252. Urban Salad 253. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 254. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 255. Van Gool Elburg 256. Van Lanschot Kempen 257. VanLoman 258. Vascobelo 259. VEBEGO 260. Vermaat Groep 261. Vesteda 262. Vet Digital 263. Victory Real Estate 264. Von Poll Real Estate 265. VondelGym 266. VORM Ontwikkeling 267. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 268. VU | Griffioen 269. Vuurzee Bar 270. Wagamama 271. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 272. Welcome Home 273. WeWork 274. Wild & The Moon 275. Wineboutique & Spirits 276. WYNE Strategy & Innovation 277. Wintertaling 278. WTC Amsterdam 279. WTC A’dam Business Club 280. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 281. WuSH 282. XO Optics 283. X2X Worldwide Express 284. Zone2Source 285. Zuidas Apotheek 286. Zuidas Art Projects 287. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 288. Zuidas Markt 289. Zuidas Publishers 290. ZuidasTravel.nl

Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Angela Ham, Elisa Schouten, Gordana Todorovic, Jos Moerkamp & Carlo Wijers Thanks to Yvette Watson, Olivier Otten, Schmidt Optiek, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Gelderlandplein, Niezink Finance, Roos van Dalen, Jos Moerkamp, Carlo Wijers, Bleaze, Jelle de Boer, Rialto VU, VU Griffioen, VU ART Science Gallery, Kristin Reinink, Team Power, Nicole Beumer, Salesforce Netherlands, Michiel Hustinx, Amsterdamse Bos, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij, Ramón Mossel, Enterprise, Hightower Keuringen, Mike Ambtman, A-Point, Greenberg Nielsen, Make-A-Wish, Petra Courtz, Nelleke Stelling, Remco Dijkmans, Ryanne van der Eijk, Mike Jeurissen, Grardie Akkerhuis, Tony Wijntuin, Jurenne Hooi, Hind restaurant, Hind & Mahmoud





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