Zabarwan Times E-Paper English 16 July 2014

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WEDNESDAY 16 July | 2014 | 17 Ramadan, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 |



CS reviews NFSM implementation, approves Rs. 25.06 cr outlay

Srinagar, July 15: Police today registered an attempt to murder case against a youth in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district for allegedly assaulting a cop. Official sources told GNS that Monday afternoon, students and other civilians took out a peaceful protest demonstration against ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza. In the meantime, a police officer allegedly thrashed a youth in front of public during protests near the Muran Chowk; the youth in retaliation “pounced” upon the officer identified as Sub-Inspector Mudasir Ahmad and thrashed him. Later, scores of people staged the protest against the police official blaming him for creating the trouble in the area.Meanwhile, a police official GNS that the See Youth On Page 11..

Doctor arrested with codeine phosphate Srinagar, July 15: Police on Tuesday arrested a doctor along with codeine phosphate bottles from Kangan area of central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district. A police official told GNS that a police party from Kangan during routine checking stopped a vehicle bearing registration number JK04A-6118 on Ganderbal-Ladakh road. “During searches dozens of codeine phosphate bottles were recovered”. “Following recovery of codeine bottles from the vehicle, the police team arrested the doctor identified as Dr Gulzar Ahmad Wani son of Ghulam Mohammad of Saloora and the vehicle was also sized”, the official said. According to the official Dr Gulzar who was posted at Kargil hospital was on the way to Ladakh from Ganderbal. See Doctor On Page 11..

Security guard injured in Pulwama attack Srinagar, July 14: A private security guard was injured after unknown gunmen opened fire at Pulwama in south Kashmir on Tuesday. A police official told GNS that Mohammad Rajab Dar son of Ghulam Qadir of Dangerpora, a private security guard of JK Bank in the district was performing his duty near the Shaheedi Park in the town. “At around 3:15 pm unknown gunmen targeted the See Attack On Page 11..

Edit Page Rail in Kashmir-Symbol of Rapid Progress The introduction of Kashmir on Railway map and the seriousness shown by central govt. to develop it into fullfledged means of transport has given a new hope for the faster growth of the state particularly the Kashmir Valley. Not only will on completion, the Railway Project provide faster means of transport as the distance between Baramulla and Jammu will be covered in six hours, it will provide an impetus to the trade activities particularly, the transportation of fresh fruits from valley to the rest of the country, making it more profitable and viable. The railway track will also help

See More On Pg 09

WEATHER FORECAST FOR NEXT 24 HRS: Light Rain would occur at a few places over the state.

FORECAST OF SRINAGAR: Possibility of thunderstorm inthe afternoon. Maximum & Minimum temperatures will be around 30°C & 20°C respectively.



31.90C 19.8 0C 07:44 PM 05:33 AM



Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K

Speaker takes stock of dev needs, people’s problems in Eidgah Constituency

>>>>> PG 10

Youth ‘thrashs’ cop in Pulwama, booked for attempt to murder


>>>>> PG 10

Feroz inspects under construction Energy Bhawan at Bemina, IT Park Ompora

>>>>> PG 10

Cabinet decision thrown into winds

NC releases first list of candidates

Retired officials rule the roost

Many old faces repeated

Srinagar, July 15 : Jammu & Kashmir National Conference General Secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar announced the first list of 32 candidates for the Assembly Elections 2014 here today. According to a statement issued to KNS, the Parliamentary Board under the Chairmanship of the Working President Omar Abdullah on the approval of the President Dr. Farooq Abdullah cleared a list of 32 candidates, 19 Candidates for Kashmir Valley, 12 Candidates for Jammu region and 1 Candidate for Ladakh region. The Parliamentary Board comprising of A.R. Rather, S. Harbans Singh, Ali Mohammad Sagar, Ch. Mohammad Ramzan, Qamar Ali Akhoon, Nasir Aslam Wani and Devender Singh Rana met here today in the morning and discussed the panels of candidates received from the Block and the District Committees of the party. After 3

NC’s 1st list of candidates indicates pre-poll alliance option is open Srinagar, July 15 : As the ruling national conference Tuesday announced its first list of candidates for the upcoming assembly elections, the political observers stated that the option for the pre-poll alliance with its coalition partner Congress has been kept open. The list issued by the senior party See Open On Page 11.. hour deliberations the party declared the list of 32 candidates and decided to meet later this week to discuss the other seats. From 25-Batmaloo Irfan Ahmad Shah will be contesting the forthcoming assembly elections, while from 20-Idgah See NC On Page 11..

A glimpse of anti-Israel protest in Srinagar on Tuesday

PIC: Faizan Altaf/ZT

As Gaza bleeds, Kashmir continues to be up in arms against aggression Srinagar, July 15: There seems to be no letup in protests against Israeli aggression in Kashmir with thousands of people including students, doctors, resistance and mainstream leaders and activists holding demonstrations across the region on Tuesday. Since Friday, the Kashmir people continue their protest against Israel. Massive protests were also See Gaza On Page 11..

||||||| June 23--Sopore Killing >>>>>

Omar condemns Israel atrocities in Gaza

Urges Union Government to take up issue at International forum

Srinagar, July 15 : Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has strongly condemned the

atrocities of Israel in Gaza describing the killings of scores of innocent people including small children and women as heinous ‘crime against the humanity’. Talking to KNS, See Omar On Page 11..

>>>>> CET paper leakage scam 2012 >>>>

Probe deadline Proclaimed offender extended by 15 days surrenders before CB

Srinagar, July 15 : The government on Tuesday extended the deadline of a probe it had ordered in June 23 Sopore killing. Earlier the deputy commissioner Baramulla had sought extension in the deadline given to him to submit the probe report in Sopore firing incident in which a youth was killed and four others were injured allegedly after security forces resorted indiscriminate firing on June 23 this year. Talking to KNS, the divisional commissioner Kashmir Shalinder Kumar said that the DC Baramulla had asked for an extension in the deadline which was granted. A youth was killed and four others were injured on June 23 when security forces allegedly opened fire to disperse a protest rally following an encounter in Sopore town of Baramulla district. A senior police officer had told KNS that grou of youth had started pelting stones at security forces, who returning from Krank-

ishivan Colony of Sopore after accomplishing an counter insurgency operation in which a top Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militant outfit was killed. Security forces had later allegedly opened fire to disperse the protesting youth, resulting in injuries to five of them, the sources said. One of the injured; Arshad Ahmad Shah son of Abdul Aziz Shah Resident of Naseem Bagh succumbed to injuries while being taken to a hospital. Rest of the four who sustained injuries in the firing were identified as Naseer Ahmad Beigh son of Ghulam Mohiuddin a resident of Jamia Kadeem, Shahid Ahmad son of Kasim Ahangar a resident of Naseem Bagh, Ilyas Shalla son of Attaullah Shalla resident of Shalpora and Abid Gojri resident of Sopore. The police statement issued that time had stated that after the completion of an operation in Baba Raza Krankshvan Sopore in See Probe On Page 11..

Srinagar, July 15: Pro-claimed offender involved in the paper leak scam, year 2012 Mushtaq Ahmad Kanue, Tuesday surrendered before the crime branch in south Kashmir. Sources told KNS that tow proclaimed offenders have surrendered before the crime branch namely Rahail Ahmad Mir and Mushtaq Ahmad Kanue- a renowned business man hailing from South Kashmir. Kenue was absconding with the CB maintaining that his arrest would be considered as the major success for the department. He reportedly had purchased the CET question paper- 2012 for his daughter against the payment of 20 lakh rupees from the brooker namely Sajad Bhat. Ruhail Amin Mir- a student hailing from Hyderpora Srinagar also earlier surrendered before a team of crime branch officials. The high court earlier issued strict directions to Crime Branch to arrest absconders involved in the paper leak scam2012. Earlier more than 15 places in South Kashmir were raided by

PM meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Fortaleza India and China have enormous opportunities to forge mutually beneficial partnerships New Delhi, July 15, 2014: The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, met Chinese President Xi Jinping shortly after his arrival in Fortaleza, Brazil, on Tuesday on the eve of the Sixth BRICS Summit. The 80-minute meeting was the Prime Minister’s first summit-level interaction with China. The two leaders observed that India and China had enormous opportunities to not only forge mutually beneficial partnerships, but also serve as catalytic agents of Asian and global prosperity. President Xi Jinping under-


scored the importance of the bilateral relationship and said: When India and China

meet, the whole world watches. The two leaders were pleased with the opportunity to meet within a few weeks of the assumption of office by Prime Minister. They expressed satisfaction at the high momentum of bilateral engagement during the past few weeks, including the visit of Vice-President of India, Hamid Ansari to China and the visit of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to India as President Jinping’s Special Envoy, in June. Both sides emphasized on the need to find See PM On Page 11..

CB and has also acquired further leads in the case. Details also maintained that a team of senior Crime Branch officials is camping in South Kashmir and widespread raids are being carried to nab the absconders. Sources told KNS that it has raided several shops, petrol pumps and business establishments of the absconders and the grip is further being tightened to detain the involved.

“In coming days, you will see further raids being carried in the region as most of the students who were involved in paper leak scam hail from South Kashmir,” said senior Crime Branch official while pleading anonymity. He added further that the links between the brokers and other people has also been established and that the department See CB On Page 11..

Taj hails Bakshi Gh Mohammad’s contribution Says his role in nation building will be remembered forever

Srinagar, July 15 : In connection with the 42nd death anniversary of late Prime Minister of J&K Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad a grand function was organised by Bakshi Memorial Committee at Banquet hall here today. Minister for Health and Medical Education, Taj Mohi ud din was the chief guest on the occasion while as MLC, Ms. Khem Lata Wakhloo, renowned poets, Rehman Rahi, G.N Khayal and Director Radio Kashmir, Ms. Rukhsana Jabeen were among the prominent personalities present on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, Taj hailed the contribution of Bakshi in the development and welfare of the State. He said late Prime Minister’s role in nation building will be

||||||||| 7 years on >>>>>> Govt neither de-notifies the land nor pays compensation Srinagar, July 15: Government’s plan for the modern township and rail head complex projects on around 1500 kanals of land in the outskirts of Srinagar city has proved a hoax as hundreds of farmers are still awaiting compensation for the land despite passing of seven years since the land was notified. In 2007, the collector land acquisition for central district Budgam had notified huge tracts of land of farmers measuring between one and 80 kanals near Railway Station in Rakhi Sathoo and Kanihama villages of Tehsil Chadoora in central district Budgam for the construction of modern township with all basic facilities including a rail head complex by Srinagar Develop-

Srinagar, July 15: It is shocking that the day the state cabinet decided to impose total ban on reemployment and extension to govt. officials, same day flouting its own decision, three bureaucrats of the level of special secretary and additional secretary were given a new lease of life by extending their service. The practice, in fact, continue from top to bottom and despite the fact that state has over eight lac unemployed youth, the favourites continue to harness their influence. It is not only that senior officers get favours , but in P. W.D., Circular Road Project, ERA and other departments are full of these persons in the level of Naib- Tehsildar, Girdawars and Patwaris who have already crossed even 62 or 63 years of age. Not only this, even the clerks are appointed in P.W.D. not because of any urgency but to rehabilitate the favorites of politicians and bureaucrats. It is shocking that a forcibly retired Girdawar who was involved in Rangreth land scam has been reemployed though the person, Bir Singh, has already crossed 62 years of age. It is not an isolated case as there are dozens of employees who have been benefitted though there are cases against them and who have crossed the See Cabinet On Page 11..

ment Authority (SDA). The affected land owners said they had happily donated their land for the projects. However, the compensation for their prized land is still pending despite passing of 7 years. They have not only lost their prized assets and are now accusing the government of “fraudulently usurping” their land. The land measuring 1491 Kanals 16 Marlas and 6 ½ Sirsai was located by the then vice-chairman SDA in a notification issued by the Collector Land Acquisition, Budgam on February 1, 2007. As per official documents, the case went to the Revenue department many times for observation and consideration for the release of the See Govt On Page 11..

remembered forever in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. Taj recalled Bakshi sahib’s efforts in creating administrative infrastructure like building of civil secretariat, Srinagar and Jammu, besides Medical and Engineering colleges in the State to provide professional de-

grees to the students of the state. During the function, other speakers also lauded the role and contribution of late Prime Minister in the upliftment and welfare of downtrodden See Taj On Page 11..

‘Authorities fail to eradicate Tip (Corruption) culture’ in Lal Ded Hospital’ Srinagar, July 15: Authorities have miserably failed to check and eradicate the Tip (Corruption) culture allegedly prevalent in Valleys biggest Lal Ded Maternity Hospital. Scores of hapless people hailing from far off places of Kashmir Valley not only blamed nursing staff and maids for looting attendants whenever a female patient attains motherhood but they also alleged that private security guards deployed on gates also demand bribe from them for making an entry into the hospital. Accusing hospital administration of failing to curb the menace of corruption in the hospital a delegation of See LD On Page 11..


Srinagar, Wednesday 16 July 2014



Protest Mubarak Gul has been nominated as the party candidate, from 23-Amira Kadal Nasir Aslam Wani, from 22-HabbakadalShamima Firdous, 21-Khanyar Ali Mohammad Sagar, 30-Charar-i- Shrief Abdul Rahim Rather, 27-Budgam Agha Syed Rahullah, 16-Kangan Mian Altaf, 45-Bijbehara Dr. Bashir Ahmad Veeri, 39-Homshalibugh Advocate Abdul Majeed, 37-Noorabad Sakina Ittoo, 31-Tral Mohammad Ashraf Bhat, 35-Wachi Showket Ahmad Ganai, 7-Rafiabad Javed Ahmad Dar, 9-Gurez Nazir Ahmad Khan, 11-Sonawari Mohammad Akbar Lone, 2-Kupwara Mir Saifullah, 3-Lolaab Qaiser Jamshed Lone, 4-Handwara Choudhary Mohammad Ramzan, 51-Kishtwarh Sajjad Ahmad Kitchloo, 87-Poonch Haveli Aijaz Jan, 59-Gulab Garh Abdul Gani Malik, 69-Vijaypur Surjit Singh Salathia, 77-Marh Ajay Kumar Sadhotra, 81-Nowshera Radhay Sham Sharma, 86-Mendhar Javed Ahmad Rana, 84-Kalakote Kr. Rashpal Singh, 73-Jammu West Dharamveer Singh Jamwal, 58-Reasi Jagjeevan Lal, 75-Ranbir Singh Pora Ramesh Motton, 82-Darhaal Ch. Liyaqat and from 47-Nubra the party has nominated Tsetan Namgyal. (KNS)

Open leadership on Tuesday indicated that only those areas in both Kashmir and Jammu province have been given to the NC leaders that are not controlled by the Congress legislators. Dooru and Kokernag is still open while as Noorabad from South Kashmir has been given to Mtr. Sakina Ittoo. In the same way, Kishtwar was given to Kitchloo but no candidate was nominated from other assembly segments of the region controlled by the Congress. NC on Monday had stated that the final call over the issue would be taken within few days and that the hectic deliberations are going on over the issue. Also it stated that no final decision over entering into prepoll alliance with its ally Congress has been taken so far and that the party president will make the final announcement over the issue. NC senior leader Dr Mustafa Kamal maintained that the party president has been authorized by the party leadership to take final call over the issue. “Only he can take the decision whether we should have alliance with the Congress or go alone in the polls. As far as the general view is concerned both the senior leaders of NC and Congress have made it clear that coming elections should be contested separately.” Kamal maintained further that Dr Farooq has already been appraised over the views and opinions of the party workers over the pre-poll issue and everything shall be taken into consideration before taking the final call. (KNS)

Gaza witnessed on Monday while Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani had appealed to people to stage protests on Tuesday. Lal Chowk Hundreds of school and college students from various government institutes appeared in Lal Chowk and staged anti-Israel protests. Eyewitnesses told GNS that the students from Gandhi Memorial College in Old City assembled in the college premises and then marched towards Lal Chowk. The students were joined by other students from Amar Singh College. The students jointly held a strong anti-Israel protest and shouted pro-Palestine and pro-Islam slogans. “The students marched upto Clock Tower,” eyewitnesses said. “Israel continues to shed blood of Palestinians and Muslim rulers are watching like cowards. The Gaza has been turned into a prison but no one is doing anything,” Shahid Sofi, a BA student, told GNS. The students expressed their solidarity with besieged Gazans and said they won’t remain silent on the genocide of their brethren. The protest concluded peacefully. In another protest rally, hundreds of girl students from Amira Kadal Higher Secondary School appeared in Press Enclave Lal Chowk and staged protests against on-going Israeli aggression. The girl students were shouting pro-Palestine and anti-Israel slogans including ‘Down with Israel’ and ‘Save Gaza’. “We are here for Gaza kids who are being killed by Israeli troops without any mercy. We are here for Gaza women who are being killed by ‘barbaric’ Israelis,” a group of girl students said. The demonstrators marched through Lal Chowk markets and concluded the rally at their school. After protest rally by girl students, the student from various coaching centers appeared in Lal Chowk and staged anti-Israel protests. The students slammed United Nations for maintaining silence over killing of Palestinians. “What is United Nations doing? It is only shielding Israel,” they alleged. The leaders and activists of opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) also held a protest demonstration against on-going Israeli aggression. Condemning the brutal killing of innocent people hundreds of PDP cadres gathered at the party headquarters to show solidarity with the Palestine people. The protest began at the party headquarters and later culminated peacefully at Regal Chowk near the historic Lal Chowk. “The party cadres raised slogans in favour of Palestine people like ‘Falestine Kay Mazloomo, Hum Tumharay Sath Hai’! (O! You victims of Palestine, we are with you!) ‘Qatal-e-Aam Band Karoo’! (Stop the innocent Killings!) and carried placards which reads ‘Save Gaza, Save Humanity’,” a party spokesman said in a statement. The demonstration was led by the senior party leaders Zaffar Iqbal Manhas, Abdul Hameed Kosheen, Mohammad Khurshid Alam, Wahid ur Rehman Parra and other party leaders. Addressing the gathering the speakers called upon the union government to immediately intervene in the matter and help to end the brutal massacre of men, women and children in Gaza. “As the largest democracy of the world India can’t remain a mute spectator to this naked aggression by Israel and should demand immediate end of the massacre of men, women and children in Gaza,” the speakers said. The leaders said it was ironic that the world community has maintained a criminal silence on the Israeli offensive and urged upon India to take serious note of the issue and help in convening the emergency meeting of the United Nations over the grave humanitarian crisis. “It is not only Israel which is responsible for the crime against the humanity but the entire international community should share the blame as it has maintained deliberate silence over the matter,” the leaders added. They said the world powers have shamelessly adopted a dual policy over the Gaza cri-

Zabarwan Times




Omar said in the present day civilized world it is most unbecoming and unfortunate that Israel is on rampage against innocent civilians in Gaza and does not care for any human dignity and values of civilization. The chief minister told KNS that highhandedness of Israel in Gaza and its involvement in heinous crime against humanity is most condemnable activity and all having faith in humanism should in strong words condemn this attitude of Israel and give him a strong message that the civilized world would not tolerate and accept this barbarian attitude. The Chief Minister urged the Union Government to take up the matter at the international forum and utilize its office and influence to get the atrocities stopped at an earliest. He expressed his sympathy with the people of Gaza and condoled the killings of innocent persons in the air raids and rocket attacks by Israel. (KNS)

compensation to the land donors, which later referred the case to the General Administrative Department in 2009. And after the GAD raised certain observations, the case was send to the Deputy Commissioner Budgam to complete further formalities. The owners said when nothing could substantiate from the various communications and appeals to the concerned department they approached the Chief Minister’s Office in Oct 2009. After thoroughly studying the grievance, the CM office, as per official documents, asked the concerned SDA to de-notify the land in case of delay in compensation. “It should be ensured that the land donors are paid compensation under law without any delay in the case the land is required to be acquired, otherwise the land needs to be de-notified as a matter of Justice,” the CM office had observed. After the recommendations by the CM’s office, the matter was immediately taken up with the Vice Chairman Srinagar Development Authority on November 2009, who vide communication dated: 30-12-2010 advised DC Budgam to de-notify the subject laud because of “non availability of funds” for land acquisition. However, the Housing and Urban Development Department, which is the intending department for the SDA, vide letter No: Hud/ Plan/32/2010/SDA Dated: 03-01-2011 revoked the communication with an observation that “funds to be paid as compensation will be released in due course of time” But, despite passing of seven years the SDA neither paid the compensation nor de-notified the land.

youth Muzamil Ahmad Malik attacked the cop while he was maintaining law and order in the district. “A case under FIR no. 135/ 2014 under section 307, 148 and 332 RPC was registered against the youth for attacking the officer”, the official said, adding that the action will be taken as per the law. However, the family of the Muzamil while denying the allegations said that Police is implicating him in a false case. “The sections which have been registered against him are fabricated as the full public is the eyewitness of the fact whether our Muzamil beat a police officer or he has been beaten to pulp”, one of the relative of Muzamil wishing anonymity said (GNS).

Cabinet age of 62 or 63 years. Srinagar Municipal Corporation has also employed two Girdawars namely Abdul Khaliq Sheikh and Mohd. Jaffer who have also crossed the age limit of 62 years but reportedly have the favour of two Srinagar based politicians. In Muslim Auqaf Trust, a Tehsildar has been engaged for the reasons best known to higher-ups. Though there are two efficient regular Girdawars working in Circular Road Project and when there is no need of third one, the authorities showing total partisan attitude have appointed a new Girdawar just to benefit him. ERA, Revenue, Finance and other departments have scores of such appointees despite the fact that there are a number of trained and professional youth striving to get a job opportunity.

Probe which one Pakistani militant got killed; Operation parties while withdrawing from the area were pelted with stones by some miscreants. “The mob swelled and attempted to set at fire one security armored vehicle. Security forces used non-lethal weapons but the situation could not be controlled. Resultantly few shots were fired in which 4 people got injured. The deputy commissioner Baramulla was later ordered to submit his findings within 15 days. (KNS)

CB shall stay in south Kashmir for more days so as to receive further inputs. High Court on July 2 directed the Inspector General of Crime Branch to supervise the investigations. A Division Bench Comprising Chief Justice MM Kumar and Justice Hasnain Masoodi while making observations said that a person who is involved in such a crime which is cancerous to the society and you left them scot free. It suggests you are shielding them. Any of us can be hospitalized and be treated by these third degree doctors. The court directed IG Crime Branch to exercise supervision on investigation of the case so that any extraneous influence in executing of arrest warrants is effectively checked. It also directed IG to file his progress report in this regard within 2 weeks. The Crime Branch officials submitted before the court regarding the attachment of properties of some absconders but it expressed dissatisfaction over the attachment process. “The attachment order shows some land has been attached and nothing has been pointed out with regard to attaching of Bank accounts and Business concerns”, the court observed. While relating the issue of Crime Branch’s failure to arrest 17 accused with the process of attachment of property of the accused, the court observed: “We presume that similar situation must be prevailing in other cases.” (KNS)

PM a solution to the Boundary Question. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of strengthening mutual trust and confidence, and maintaining peace and tranquility on the border. He said that if India and China could amicably resolve the Boundary Question, it would set an example for the entire world, on peaceful conflict resolution. Narendra Modi suggested the addition of one more route for the Kailash-Mansarovar Yatra, keeping in view the terrain difficulties. President Xi Jinping accepted this as a suggestion for consideration. The Prime Minister called for enhanced Chinese investment in the infrastructure sector in India, and hoped that the trade imbalance between the two countries is resolved. President Xi Jinping agreed that balance in trade is necessary for a sustainable economic relationship. He also said enhanced services exports from India to China could be one way to address the issue. China has invited India to attend an APEC meeting in November this year. President Xi Jinping also said India should deepen its engagement with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The Prime Minister said India currently has observer status in the SCO, and was ready to accept additional responsibility, if asked to. Narendra Modi warmly recalled his visits to China as Chief Minister. He underlined that relations between countries are built on the strength of relations between their people. He expressed hope for increase in tourism and ties between the people of the two ancient civilizations. Prime Minister expressed hope that President Xi Jinping’s planned visit to India this year was an opportunity to chart a new and ambitious agenda for the strategic partnership between India and China. He expressed appreciation for the invitation extended to him to visit China and looked forward to an early visit.

private security guard from a close range”, the official said. “The security guard received bullet injuries in his leg and was immediately shifted to Sub-district hospital for treatment”. The official said that the condition of the security guard is said to be out of danger. “A case has been registered In this regard and further investigations have been taken up”, the official said. Meanwhile, police and army have launched searches in the area to nab the attackers. (GNS)

Principal Sheikh-Ul-Aalam Secondary School Panzan Chadoora


Ref.No: SAMSPZ:1315 Dated: 14/07/2014

Details of fee structure of above quoted institute as on July 2014:

‘pitiable’ attendants told CNS that Lal Ded hospital has become the hub of corruption and on the name of ‘tip’ maids and nursing staff are looting the poor attendants and patients who arrive in the hospital from far flung areas. “This hospital is in complete mess and has become a junkyard and hub of malpractices. The maids and nurses attending patients hold your collar if you refuse to pay them tip (bribe). They have courage to demand the bribe in front of senior doctors and sometimes even humiliate you in case you fail to grease their palms,” Bashir Gorsi a shepherd from frontier district Kupwara told CNS. They alleged that Hospital administration is well aware of this fact but don’t take any action or initiative to stop this menace. “For every newborn baby, you have to pay Rs 500 as tip. CCTV cameras show everything and the higher ups in the hospital watch everything but act as mute spectators,” another attendant from Pakharpora said adding that private security present on gate too demand bribe from the attendants and it is happening under the nose of hospital administration. When contacted, Medical Superintendent Lal Ded Hospital, Dr Mushtaq Ahmed Rather told CNS the attendants must approach him immediately if anyone demands bribe from them. “I appeal one and all to immediately inform the administration in case they face any inconvenience in the hospital. There is no place for the corrupt in the hospital,” he said. (CNS)



Monthly fee



Monthly fee
































5th pry








Yearly calculation of different funds 1. 9th to 10th Rupees 220 yearly 2. 6th to 8th Rupees 140 yearly 3. 1st to 5th Rupees 75 yearly Sd/- Principal SAMS Panzan

LOST I have lost marks card of Identity card somewhere with following particulars: Name: Ab. Hamid Shah, S/O: Gh.Mohammad Shah, R/o: Rapora, Occupation: Mason, Reg. No:1 0149 Date of retirement: 2028. Now I have applied for its duplicate. Anybody having objection in this regard may file the same in the J&K Building & other Construction Works Welfare Board within 7 days after that no objection will be entertained.

Doctor Meanwhile, police have registered a case under FIR no. 56/2014 under section 18/27 NDPS act and started further investigations in this regard. (GNS)

Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Taj and weaker section of people across the State. They described Bakshi a great visionary under whom the State has enjoyed the era of peace, stability and development. On the occasion, Bakshi Memorial Committee awards were given to the people belonging to various sections of the society who have made contributions to the welfare of the society. (KNS)


General Administration Department (Services) Civil Secretariat, Srinagar NOTICE

On 12.6.2014, all the administrative departments were requested to furnish the nominations of eligible officers (on the prescribed proforma) for consideration of their appointment by selection to the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service, against the 22 slots in KAS, earmarked for technical services as on 1.1.2014. The last date for receipt of recommendations /nominations was fixed as 3rd July, 2014. With a view to ensuring adequate response from the administrative departments, it has been decided to extend the last date of receipt of nominations/recommendations upto 24th July, 2014. This is brought to the notice of all concerned. The communication dated 12.6.2014 addressed to all the Administrative Secretaries requesting them to furnish the recommendations/ nominations, is available on the official website of GAD (www.jkgad.nicm). For any assistance in this regard, the Section Officer, GAD, can be contacted at Mobile No. 9419705626.

Government of Jammu and Kashmir General Administration Department (Services) Civil Secretariat, Srinagar No: GAD (Ser)Genl/50/2014 Dated:12.06.2014

Subject: - Appointment to the Time Scale of the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) by selection from technical services. In terms of the Rule 6(c) of the Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service Rules, the recruitment to the service has to be made in the following manner: (a) by a competitive examination to the junior scale posts of the service; (b) by promotion to the time scale of the service from amongst the members of the 18 departmental feeding services holding pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 (pre-revised) now revised to Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 or any other higher grade in that service; (c) by selection to the time scale of service from amongst the persons of exceptional ability and merit serving in connection with the affairs of the State in departments/ services other than those covered under clause (b) carrying pay scale equivalent, to, or higher than, the time scale of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service, on the recommendations of the concerned administrative departments: Provided that only such persons shall be eligible for consideration who have not attained the age of 54 years on 1st January of the year in which the recommendation in this behalf is sought by the General Administration Department. As per the extant rules, 10% of the vacancies are allocable to the category of the officers falling within the purview of Rule 6(c) of the KAS Rules, 2008, who should: (i)be of exceptional merit and ability; (ii) be holding pay scale equivalent to, or higher than, the Time Scale of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service; (iii) not have attained the age of 54 years as on 1st January of the year in which the recommendation in this behalf is sought by the General Administration Department. (iv) be duly recommended by the concerned Administrative Department. 22 slots, as per the following category wise break-up, have become available on 1.1.2014, which are to be filled up through appointment by selection from amongst the officers referred to in Rule 6(c) of KAS Rules, 2008:



No Avail- Roster point as per SRO- 144 dated 28.5.2008 able of slots




6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22 23 and 26




5, 16 and 25








14 & 24









The undersigned is accordingly directed to request the Financial Commissioner/ Principal Secretary/ Commissioner/Secretary/ Secretary to Government ________________________ Department to kindly furnish, on the prescribed proforma enclosed as Annexure – A, the bio-data of the officer(s), satisfying the above conditions of eligibility, for considering their appointment by selection to the Time Scale of KAS. It is further requested that in respect of the officers recommended for being accorded consideration for their appointment to the KAS, their APRs for the last five years for the period w.e.f 2008-09 to 2012-13, complete in all respects i.e. duly initiated/reviewed/accepted by the concerned authorities, may also be sent with the proposal. The recommendations in this behalf should reach General Administration Department within a period of 21 days from the date of issuance of this letter.


Sd/-(Khalid-Majeed) Deputy Secretary to Government, General Administration Department

Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Shahana Malik Legal Advisor: Syed Riyaz Hussain RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844




CS reviews NFSM implementation, approves Rs. 25.06 cr outlay SRINAGAR, JULY 15: The State Level Executive Committee headed by Chief Secretary Mohammad Iqbal Khandey today reviewed and approved the implementation of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) 2014-15 in the State with an outlay of Rs 25.06 crore comprising NFSM-Rice, NFSM-Wheat and NFSM-Coarse Cereals for Rs 5.21 crore, Rs 12.63 crore and Rs 7.22 crore respectively. The plan envisages interventions like demonstration on improved technologies and varieties, HYV Seed distribu- farmers, construction of go- tegration of various proposed tion, need based plant and downs etc at approved rate of interventions and targets with the district plan. The objective soil protection management, assistance. The Mission focuses on is to increase the production of energy management and efficient water application tools low productivity and high rice, wheat and coarse cereals, viz-Conoweeder, Rotavators, potential districts, Agro-Cli- restore soil fertility and proPump sets, Paddy Thrasher, matic Zone wise planning, ductivity at individual farm promotion and extension of level and enhance farm profits. Multi-crop planterLone etc, News crop-Agency Kangan Khan News Agency Ganderbal improved technology and inState Mission Director, ping system based Gulzar training to News Agency Soura Zahid Book Depot Chadoora

Zabarwan Times is available at

NFSM, Dr. S. S. Jamwal presented the achievements registered during the year 201112, 2012-13 and 2013-14 under NFSM in the State. He said that production of food grains, oil seeds and vegetables in J&K stands at 16.25 lakh mts, 1.263 lakh mts and 13.67mts re-

Tariq News Agency Hawal Bashir News Agency Nowhatta Muzaffar Ali News Agency Alamgari Bazar Budshah News Agency Lal Chowk Abdullah News Agency Lal Chowk Sikendar News Agency Lal Chowk Gupkari News Agency Lal Chowk Raina News Agency Gund Kangan Khan News Agency Regal Chowk Rashid News Agency Dalgate Asks for ensurSheikh News Agency Hyderpora Hilal News Agency Budgam Lone News Agency Tangmarg Bhat News Agency Chadoora ing punctualBhat News Agency Magam Zargar News Agency Kunzar ity, discipline GANDERBAL, JULY Dar Newsthe Agency Beerwah Bashir News Agency worlds. He said Quran everyone must follow theSumbal 15:- A Day-long Nazoolis the complete guideline teachings of News QuranAgency for the Pattan Reshi News Agency Safapora Saleem SRINAGAR, JULY 15: i-Quraan ConferenceBasharat was News and code of Bandipora conduct for prosperity Agency Reyaz and Newssuccess AgencyinPampore Minister for Social Welheld at Ganderbal here the humanity and will lead the life and life hereafter. Altaf News Agency Pulwama Javaid News Agency Qazigund today which was attended people towards success. Chairman Manag- fare, ARI and Trainings, Jeelani News Agency Baramulla G.M News Agency Sopore by a large number of reliHe said that the teach- ing committee QMHSEI, Ms. Sakina Itoo chaired Shah News Agency Kupwara Sultan News Principal Agency Handwara a high level meeting of ofgious scholars, academiings of Islam have become Sheikh Gowher, ficers to review the funcAgency Langate Sheikh Agency Islamabad cians, people from Younis differ- News more relevant in today’s QMHSEI, DrNews Mohammad ent walks of life. Students context and people espe- Yousuf, Members of ManReshi News Agency Islamabad Three Way News Agencytioning Tral of various wings of Social Welfare Departfrom different schools of News cially the Tral youth should agement be-Bijbehara Turray Agency BadruCommittee News Agency the district were also pres- follow them for living a sides Staff and students of ment and also took stock Rahi News Agency Kulgam Malik News Agency Arwani ent in the conference and disciplined and contend- the school were present in of physical and financial Rah News Agency Byepass Shaheen News Agency Kargil achievements registered participated in an Inter- ing life. He said that Quran the conference.

Nazool-i-Quran Conference held at Ganderbal

Speakers say Quran is the complete guideline, code of conduct for humanity

School debate. The Conference was organized by Qamria Model Higher Secondary Educational Institute, Saloora Ganderbal. MLC, and Chairman Qamria Wakaf Trust, Sheikh Ghulam Rasool presided over the function and urged upon youth to follow the teachings of Quran so that they could achieve prosperous life in both

preaches compassion, tolerance, brotherhood and love which are much needed in the present times Prominent religious scholars including Moulana Syed Arshad Hussain, Chairman Al-Noor Model School Dana Mazar, Srinagar threw light upon the prominence of Quran. They said that teachings of Quran guide us at the each and every step of life so

Recruitment drive at GDC Pulwama on July 18

PULWAMA, JULY 15: According to Principal, Government Degree College (Boys), Pulwama, a recruitment drive under UDAAN initiative by a Delhi based Gumbi Software Corporate shall be held on July 18, 2014 in the College. All Graduates, Post Graduates, Technical Graduates, Computer and Business Professionals who are interested to serve in corporate sector outside J&K are informed to report at Carrier Counselling Cell of the College at 10.30 a.m. on the said date.

Later prizes were distributed among the winning contestants in the debate. The first position was awarded to Talib Bilal of J&K Sainik School Manasbal while as second and third positions were bagged respectively by Hafiz Junaid and Rumaya Ramzan of Qamria Model Higher Secondary Educational Institute Saloora Ganderbal.

Sakina reviews functioning of SW Deptt

by the department here today. Addressing the meeting, Ms. Sakina impressed upon the officers to work for the benefit and upliftment of poor and deserving section of society. She said that various welfare schemes have been launched in the state for benefit and welfare of the targeted population and directed

the concerned officers to ensure cent percent coverage of deserving people under various schemes. Secretary Social Welfare Department, Mr. M. S Rather, Director Social Welfare Kashmir, Mr, Nisar Ahmad, Managing Director SC, ST, OBC Development Corporation, Mr. Y. P. Suman, Secretary Social Welfare Board, Mr. Aamir Ali, Secretary Pahari Advisory Board, Mr. Showkat Qazmi, Secretary Gujjar and Bakerwal Advisory Board, Mr. Khalil Poswal, Secretary OBC Advisory Board, Mr. Tanveer Ahmed, Secretary WDC, besides various senior officers were also present in the meeting. The Minister was informed that there are three Pahari Girls Hostel with intake capacity of 50 each and one

SRINAGAR, JULY 15: Minister of State for Science and Technology Mr. Feroz Ahmad Khan inspected the under construction building for “Energy Bhawan” at

Science and Technology, District Office JKEDA besides a conference hall. Construction work on the building is in full swung while as 60% physical progress

Bemina today. The three storey building is coming up at a cost of Rs 4. 49 crore, out of which an amount of Rs 2.12 crore has been incurred till ending June this year. The building being constructed by the Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JKEDA) would have the office of Directorate of JKEDA, State Council for

has been completed so far. The Minister appreciated the tireless efforts of the engineering wing of JKEDA who left no stone unturned in completing the building within the time frame. The Minister was informed that the work on the building was started in June last year and is expected to be completed in December, 2014.The Minister also

Speaker takes stock of dev needs, people’s problems in Eidgah Constituency SRINAGR, JULY 15: Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly Mr. Mubrak Gul today visited various areas of Eidgah Constituency, including Guzarbal and Pomposh Colony Palpora villages and took stock of people’s problems, besides developmental needs. The Speaker was accompanied by a team of senior officers of PDD, PHE, Housing, Irrigation and Flood Control departments. The Speaker asked the Housing authorities to prepare estimates of 20 lanes and drains in Pomposh Colony and submit the same to the concerned quarters for release of funds. He said it is a long pending demand of the people of the area and directed the concerned officers to take measures for execution of these works on war footing basis. At Guzarbal village, the Speak-

PG Hostel for Gujjar & Bakerwal students in Jammu and one Gujjar & Bakerwal Boys Hostel at Tehsil Chatroo in Kishtwar district which were made functional during the year 2013-14. She was further informed that 168981 and 2996 students have been covered under pre and post-matric scholarship schemes by expending Rs. 13.66 and Rs. 2.32 cores were spent respectively by Pahari Advisory Board. Secretary Social Welfare Board apprised that there are 696 crèche centres are running under RGNC Scheme and Centre Social Welfare Board has started online registration of NGOs for registering new proposals under e-AWEDAN on the Central Social Welfare Board website www.

Feroz inspects under construction Energy Bhawan at Bemina, IT Park Ompora

KVK holds Animal Husbandry Camp at Bandipora BANDIPORA, JULY 15: A facilitation camp with regard to animal husbandry was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Bandipora here today. About 70 breeding cows from Mangnipora area were treated during the camp. On the spot investigations to identify various diseases in animals were conducted and also medicines, dozings were given to these cows to set them free from diseases. An experienced doctor Dr. Rauf Ahmad Patto made the farmers aware about various animal diseases and their treatment so that they can care them better.

spectively. He said as many as 107 Rotavator, 979 Irrigation Pump sets besides other farm equipments have been provided under NFSM-Rice and as many as 288 Rotavators, 1506 Knap Sack Spray Pump and 909 Irrigation Pumpsets have been provided under NFSM Wheat, besides other farm machinery. The meeting was attended by Principal Secretary PDD, Mr. A. K. Mehta, Commissioner Secretary Agriculture Production, Mr. Asgar Samoon, Commissioner Secretary PHE, Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Vice Chancellor SKUAST, Kashmir, Dr. Tej Pratap, Director Agriculture Kashmir and other senior officers.

er asked the PHE authorities to depute a team of officers to the area and prepare estimates for

separate drinking water connections to the locality. Several deputations met the Speaker during

his visit and apprised him about their individual and collective problems. The main demands raised by the locals included macadamization of Palpora road, repairs and renovation of link roads, lanes, drains and replacing of damaged electric poles. Many issues were solved by the Speaker on the spot by directing the concerned authorities to redress the problem immediately. Addressing series of gatherings enroute, including at Pomposh Colony, the Speaker said that the Government, under the dynamic leadership of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, has taken several initiatives for the welfare and betterment of the people of the State. He said that the government is committed to provide basic amenities to the people of all the three regions of the State.

visited the site at Ompora behind the Indira Gandhi Airport where 157 kanals of land has been identified for setting up of Information Technology Park (IT Park). The Minister was informed that all the bottlenecks in setting up of the said park stand resolved and the fencing of the land shall start soon.Mr. Feroz said that the land will be allotted to the entrepreneurs who will be taking initiatives and setting up ventures in IT sector. He said that this will not only give a boost to the economy of the state but will also be a step forward in tackling unemployment among the youth of the State.The Chief Executive Officer JKEDA Peer Hafiz-ullah Shah, CEO JKEGA Mr. Mohammad Akbar Wani, Assistant Director JKEDA Mr. Muzaffar Ahmad and a team of senior officers of Science and Technology and Information Technology accompanied the Minister during the visit.

Govt approves Rs 5 cr special package to improve power supply: Sadhotra JAMMU, JULY, 15: In view of frequent damages to transformers, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has approved a special package of Rs. 5 crore for Jammu division to get these replaced or repaired on priority basis. “This step has been taken to combat the problem and provide respite to consumers”, Sadhotra said while chairing an officers meeting held here on Tuesday to assess the status of power and water supply, irrigation facilities, position of fertilizers, sanitation, ration supply and related issues. “Any problem in power supply badly affects the supply of water and irrigation facilities thus putting the people to grave hardships”, the Minister maintained.Expressing concern over dissatisfaction among the people over frequent unscheduled power curtailments, the Minister asked the Chief Engineer, PDD Shahnaz Goni to keep round the clock monitoring on the status of power supply in the division. He asked her to devise an effective mechanism to further streamline the position of power supply. He also impressed upon to gear up the field functionaries and related wings to get proper feedback about the status of power scenario particularly in rural and peripheral areas of the region so that prompt response is ensured accordingly.

16. 07 .2014


March 21-April 19

Don’t discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if you need to be, Aries. If you don’t have everything you need or all of the required information, take time to think. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren’t all there, instead make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Try not to let today’s blues get you down, Taurus. While it’s true that some days can seem to drag on, the busier you are the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still before you and then make plans for tonight. If there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things seem to speed up but you’ll feel better knowing it’s coming.

Gemini May 21-June 21

Dare to be different, Gemini. It can be so easy to fall into a drill. Sleeping at the same time, eating at the same time, wearing the same style, and going about work the same way day after day. Before you know it, you feel like you’re in a rut. The only way to get away from this is to make a decision to break free by doing something unique. Try a new haircut. Wear colors that are unusual for you. If the need is there, consider a new career. Pursue expansion.

Cancer June 22-July 22

If your lifestyle is considerably different than that of others, resist feeling self-conscience about it today, Cancer. Try to remember that you chose the life you have for specific reasons. Even if you’ve come to a point where you’re considering a change, there’s no need to feel badly, ashamed, or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to make his or her own way. If this conforms to the norm, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, that’s fine, too.


July 23-August 22 An enhanced feeling of determination could motivate you today, Leo. Finish the things that aren’t complete and make some plans for this evening. Don’t hesitate to take on something that feels complicated or big. Chances are you’ll be able to handle most anything and it will feel great when it’s finished. Enjoy your day by making the most of opportunity.


August 23-September 22

Feeling the effects of today’s energies, Virgo? Take heart if this is the case, because the end of the tunnel isn’t as far away as it seems. Do your best to take things one step at a time and see about making some plans for a little fun this evening. Get together with friends or take in a movie. Help yourself feel better by staying busy and focused and follow up with some recreation. Before you know it, the aspect will pass and you’ll be back to normal.


September 23-October 23 Consider making some plans for a vacation or short getaway, Libra. Looking forward to something fun can make even the toughest of days far easier to handle. You’ll be amazed how much you can manage when there’s an end in plain sight. Your entire attitude can lighten. So take the bull by the horns and create an incentive for yourself. Do something special to reward the hard work you do day after day.


October 24-November 21 Don’t judge someone if he or she has a different lifestyle than what you consider to be OK, Scorpio. You probably lean toward the traditional, yet not everyone feels this way about relationships, working, or lifestyle. While it may seem impossible to understand and even frighten you, try not to be too harsh on those you deem odd. You’d be better off using that energy to keep your own life on track.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on could be plentiful today, Sagittarius. You’re one of best people to give them the support and care they need. Just be sure that you don’t give so much to others that you don’t have anything left for yourself. True friendship is about sharing and the exchange of problems and help. Running yourself down will leave you in a place where you aren’t going to be much help to anyone.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Getting through today shouldn’t pose too big a problem for you, Capricorn. You may feel a huge second wind that can give you the drive and determination to see your chores and projects through. Make some plans for this evening, such as getting together with friends or taking in an event that really intrigues you. Until then, go about your tasks bit by bit. You’ll get things finished before you know it.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Working within boundaries and restrictions could really get to you today, Aquarius. Yours is an independent spirit and your best achievements are often born of doing things your own way. Yet like it or not, we all have to follow guidelines and rules. Do your best to follow suit and finish what needs to be done. Afterward, you may find more freedom to act independently without consequences. Exercise patience and diligence as needed today.


February 19-March 20 Chances are that you’ll feel upbeat and positive today, Pisces. Consider sharing this energy with those around you who are feeling less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners, spouses, and children. Even neighbors and extended family can pick up on your spirit without you even realizing it. Share your optimism with everyone you can today. If you see someone hurt or angry.

EDITORIAL/ OPINION Quote of the day “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Oscar Wilde

Rail in KashmirSymbol of Rapid Progress


he introduction of Kashmir on Railway map and the seriousness shown by central govt. to develop it into full-fledged means of transport has given a new hope for the faster growth of the state particularly the Kashmir Valley. Not only will on completion, the Railway Project provide faster means of transport as the distance between Baramulla and Jammu will be covered in six hours, it will provide an impetus to the trade activities particularly, the transportation of fresh fruits from valley to the rest of the country, making it more profitable and viable. The railway track will also help in promoting pilgrim tourism, a new concept but very beneficial and full of job opportunities at this time when almost all other sectors are facing economic crunch and reducing job avenues. Our state is famous for its historic shrines, temples, Bodh Maths and hundreds of other religious places where lacs of tourists would show their interest. Jammu, the city of temples, Kashmir, the paradise on earth, ladakh, the land Lamas, can attract thousands of tourists including domestic and foreigners. The project railway for J&K will also open new avenues for traders other than those dealing in fruit industry. Presently, the only surface link between valley and the rest of the country, Srinagar-Jammu –National Highway, creates havoc when it is closed for some days due to inclement weather. The closure causes enormous difficulties to the valleyites who are left high and dry as there is presently no other alternative except Mughal Road which is not an all weather road. However, at this time, the work on the main portion between Banihal and Udhampur sector is going on and one hopes that the project is completed on scheduled time in 2016. This can be done if the central govt. attaches priority to this project and resolves to complete it in stipulated timeframe.


Zabarwan Times

Srinagar, Wednesday 16 July 2014

The Girl Child – Investing in the Future K. S. Narayanan


elcome to the world of the girl child. Her story across India is promising yet gloomy, hopeful yet mired in despair. A girl child is the hand that rocks the cradle, the procreator, and the mother of tomorrow. A woman shapes the destiny of civilization. Indian history is full of examples of successful women who have been leaders in various walks of life. Yet the irony is that a creation as beautiful as the girl child is also one of the gravest concerns facing India due to many cultural factors. Realising this, Indian governments have undertaken progressive legislation and have implemented several schemes from time to time. Yet more needs to be done not only to ensure her survival and also to help her realise her full potential. One such effort initiated by the United Progressive Alliance Government in 2008 is the observance of National Girl Child Day on January 24 every year. The reason January 24 was chosen is that on this day in 1966 Mrs. Indira Gandhi took over as the first woman Prime Minister of India. Children in the age group 0–6 years constitute around 158 million of the population of India as per the 2011 census. These children in the age group of 0-6 are future human resource of the country. Then, why celebrate just National Girl Child Day? The reason is obvious: the girl child continues to be the most vulnerable member of Indian society. The 2011 Census show that there has been an improvement in social indicators such as literacy and the gender gap in effective literacy development rate and that the overall sex ratio has improved from 933 to 940. However, at an age-group wise dis-aggregated level, the Census shows a decline in the ratio of girls per thousand boys in the 0 to 6 age group, i.e. in the Child Sex Ratio as compared to 914 in 2011 from 927 in the 2001 Census. The latest Census clearly shows that decline in Child Sex Ratio has now been witnessed in as many as 22 States and 5 Union Territories. The National Family Health Survey-3 data on under nutrition in children below 5 years had already flagged that 43 per cent of girls are under-nourished. Through this campaign, the government has highlighted the inequalities encountered by the girl child.

National Girl Child Day: Objectives

Armed with more than half a dozen objectives, the government, along with other stakeholders, is trying to ensure the girl child survives and succeeds with dignity and respect in a male-dominated society. · To increase the awareness and offer new opportunities to the girl child. · To remove all the inequalities faced by the


girl children. · To ensure that every girl child is getting proper respect, human rights and value in the Indian society. · To work against diminishing the child sex ratio and fight the social stigma against the girl child. · To initiate couple towards the girl child by increasing awareness about the importance and role of the girl child. · To address the girl children issues associated to their health, education, nutrition etc. · To propagate the gender equality What will National Girl Child Day celebrations achieve? It attempts to attack the prevailing mindset and ensure that even before a girl is born she is not viewed as a burden and that she does not becomes a victim of violence or female foeticide.

Legislative Measures

For meeting these challenges, the government is stressing on the importance of three ‘A’s, i.e. Advocacy, Awareness and Affirmative action. Some of the important legislative measures taken so far include:· Banning Sex determination during pregnancy and Policies & programmes for rewarding the girl child · Restricting Child marriages · Improving Antenatal care for all the pregnant women · Introduction of “Save the Girl Child” scheme · Free and compulsory primary school education for both boys and girls till 14 years of age. · Reservation of 1/3 seats in the local government for women. · School children are well availed with the uniforms, noon meal and educational materials and schemes of higher learning for SC and ST girls. · Balwadi-cum-creeches. · The Open Learning System has been established for easiness to the girls of backward areas. · Self-Help Groups initiated in various states is helping girls in rural areas access better livelihood opportunities

Other Affirmative Actions

The Women and Child Development Ministry had implemented a scheme called “Dhanalaksmi” to make cash transfer to the girl child family to fulfil the basic needs such as immunization, birth registration, school enrolment and maintenance up to the Class VIII. Another equally important scheme is the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)–‘Sabla’, a Centrally-sponsored scheme introduced in the year 2010-11 on a pilot basis. Sabla aims at all-round development of adolescent girls of 11-18 years (with a focus on out of school girls) and is being implemented in 205 districts from all the States/UTs. Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) implemented since 2006-07 as a component under the centrally sponsored Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme seeks to empower adolescent girls in terms of nutritional, health and family care, learning life skills and going back to school. Currently KSY is being implemented

in 6118 blocks in the country.

Financial Empowerment

To commemorate National Girl Child Day in 2014, India Post is launching a special drive for opening of new Saving Bank (SB) accounts in the name of each girl child. The drive starts from January 24 and will conclude on 28. The objective of the drive is to secure the future of girl child by motivating them to open a small savings bank account.This facility is available in all 4480 Post offices of North Karnataka Region covering all villages. Under this scheme, each account fetches 4 percent interest per annum and depositor can make any number of transactions. The executives will visit all schools to help each school going girl child to have one SB account in her name.

Protecting Against Sexual abuse

The Integrated Child Protection Scheme being implemented since 2009-10 and Childline services is also addressing the issue of safety and security of girl child in India.Top policy makers realised how child abuse is shrouded in secrecy and there is a conspiracy of silence around the entire subject. In 2005 the Ministry of Women and Child Development undertook a study to examine the extent and magnitude of child abuse in India. As a result a special law the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 - was passed by Parliament in May, 2012 to address this issue.

Child Budgeting

Child Budgeting introduced in the Union Budget for 2008-09 by the UPA government aims at providing for Schemes for the Welfare of Children. Initially it covered the “Demands for Grants” with child-specific schemes from Ministries of Women and Child Development, Human Resource Development, Health and Family Welfare, Labour and Employment, Social Justice & Empowerment, Tribal Affairs, Minority Affairs, Youth Affairs and Sports. Currently the ‘Child Budgeting’ statement covers 18 “Demands for Grants” from Union Ministries/Departments of Atomic Energy, Industrial Policy, Posts, Telecommunication, and Information and Broadcasting among others), marking a significant increase from an initial Budget. This along with the Gender Budgeting is likely to improve opportunities for girl child to survive and succeed in India.

National Child Policy Resolution Adopted

To affirm its commitment to the rights based approach in addressing the continuing and emerging challenges in the situation of children, the Government of India had adopts this Resolution on the National Policy for Children, 2013. The document calls for a comprehensive review of this Policy once in five years in consultation with all stakeholders, including children. The Ministry of Women and Child Development will lead the review process.


Protecting a girl child in India should not be limited to observing National Girl Child Day every year. Instead armed with strong legislative measures, the governments and other stakeholders - the community, civil society, business houses, neighbourhood and parents – must play a strong role to secure a safe life for the girl child in order to build a better society, better future and a better India.

Right to Education ight to Education (RTE) is by far the most historic development in universalisation of elementary education in the country. Enacted in 2010, it implies that every child in the age group of 6 to 14 years has Right to elementary education. They are entitled for free and compulsory education. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is the main vehicle for implementation of the RTE Act. It is one of the largest programmes of its kind in the world. It is primarily funded from central budget and it covers the whole country. More than 19 crore children are covered under this scheme in 11 lakh habitations. 98% of habitations in this country have elementary schools within 1 km and 92% have upper primary schools within 3 km of their locations. The programme has been implemented in order to narrow down gender and social gaps in elementary education. Special efforts have been made to reach out to girls and children belonging to SC/ST and Muslim minority communities. Over 3500 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBV) have been set up as residential upper primary schools for girls from SC, ST, OBC, Muslim communities and BPL girls in the educationally backward blocks. Free boarding / lodging, books, stationary and uniforms are being provided to the children in these schools. Under SSA, special attention has been given to urban deprived children, children affected by periodic migration and children living in remote and scattered habitations. Attempts have also been made to reach out to children suffering from autism. It involves their identification, preparation of individualized Education Plan, teacher training on Autism and therapeutic support. As part of the scheme, steps have been

taken to improve the standard of elementary education in the country. It includes improvement in infrastructural facilities and sanctioning of new teacher posts in government schools. Free textbooks are being provided to all children in government and government aided schools. Last year, the centre released more than 23800 crore rupees and during the current financial year (2013-14), in the first eight months, over 16000 crore rupees have been released. This increased funding has led to massive creation and improvement of infrastructure at school level. About 95% schools have drinking water facilities and 90% schools have toilets. Similarly about 75% upper primary schools have furniture. More than 3 lakh new school buildings with toilets, drinking water facilities and electricity have been created under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, a flagship programme of UPA government to implement RTE. Since the enactment of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, the enrolment of children at the elementary level has increased from about 19 crore in 2008-09 to about 20 crore in 2012-13 as per District Information System for Education (DISE) data. A total of over forty three thousand five hundred schools, seven lakh additional classrooms, five lakh forty six thousand toilets and thirty four thousand six hundred drinking water facilities have been sanctioned to States/UTs under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) programme to meet the objectives of the RTE Act. The enrolment among the SCs has increased from 3 crore to 4 crore during 2008-09 and 2012-13. Similar positive trends

have been noticed among STs and minorities also. Thirteen states have also admitted children belonging to disadvantaged groups/weaker sections in private unaided schools as per the RTE Act. Along with the Mid Day Meal Scheme, the Right to Education Act has made substantial impact on universalisation of elementary education, reduction in dropout rates and fighting classroom hunger. The improvement is reflected in the Net Enrolment ratio in Primary Education. It was 99.89% in 2011-12. There has been a substantial drop in dropout rate among the kids at the elementary level. The number of out of school children has come down sharply from more than 1.34 crore in 2005 to 29 lakh in 2012-13. Several new measures have been taken for improving quality under RTE, in letter as well as in spirit. About 20 lakh additional teacher posts have been sanctioned under SSA upto 2012-13. Out of this twelve lakh forty thousand posts are reported to have been filled. After RTE, it is compulsory that only those people who are able to clear the Teacher Eligibility Test may be appointed as teachers. To improve quality of learning, children are provided free text books upto class 8. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation system is being promoted. Curriculum reforms are made to make learning more children friendly and inclusive. Training for in service teachers and head masters are being incentivized. The focus of all HRD Ministry schemes under the 11th Five Year Plan was access and growth whereas quality is the key under the current Five Year Plan.

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

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