E paper english 14 june

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June 14 | 2013 | 04 Shaban 1434 AH | PAGES 12 |

Fresh tremor rocks Bhaderwah Bhaderwah, June 13: An earthquake measuring 3.9 on the Richter scale on Thursday hit Bhaderwah town of Doda district in Jammu and Kashmir. The tremor hit the city at around 5:06 PM today, Meteorological officials said, adding that the epicentre of the quake was in Bhaderwah. However, no loss of life or damage to the property has been reported so far in the quake, which lasted for nearly seven seconds. Earlier, on June 10 two mild tremors measuring 2.3 and 2.7 on the Richter scale respectively had shook Bhaderwah valley and adjoining areas in Doda-Kishtwar belt.

SPO sacked for rape attempt Jammu, June 13: Jammu and Kashmir police have arrested a Special Police Officer (SPO) and sacked him for allegedly attempting to rape a mentallychallenged woman in Kathua district, police said today. Raj Kumar, who was part of a patrolling party, attempted to rape a mentally-disturbed woman under the influence of liquor in Dayalachak area of the district late last night, Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Mohan Lal said. The attempt, however, was foiled by the locals, the SDPO said. "The SPO was disengaged from services and arrested immediately", he said, adding that a case has been registered against him. Also, Havaldar Sardari Lal, who was head of the patrolling party, was suspended for lack of supervision, the SDPO said. "Department inquiry has also been initiated against him”, he said.

Chicken pox in Ganderbal School Ganderbal, June 13: Three cases of chicken pox have been detected in a Govt. girl’s school in Shallabugh area of Ganderbal district. Parents said that their children enrolled in Government Girls School Shallabugh complained of skin rashes and mumps. "After that we informed health officials immediately. They visited the school and detected three girls with chicken pox," they said. CMO Ganderbal, Dr Mehmooda Kar said that she sent a team of doctors to the school that examined thirty girl students and found three of them with the chicken pox. She further said that they have been isolated and are being provided with the necessary medication. She urged the local residents especially the parents of the students enrolled in this school not to panic.

Hide out Busted in Bandipora Srinagar, June 13: Bandipora police and 14 RR busted a hideout in Bandipora and recovered arms and ammunition. On specific information Bandipora police and 14 RR launched a search operation in Kuta area of Bandipora. During the search of the area a hideout was busted. The joint search party recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition from the hideout, which include 04 AK rifles, 70 AK magazines, 04 UBGL, two radio sets, one binoculars, three compass, five kg explosive, 1200 rounds of AK, 160 rounds of sniper, sixteen Chinese grenades, ninety UBGL grenades, three rounds of 60mm, eight anti tank rifle grenades, five IED black cover, one IED main box, thirty three hand grenades of all types, five rounds of RPG small, two mortar bomb 82mm, sixteen rounds of RPG, forty five detonator, two rounds of Pika and eight AGL grenades.


VOL NO: 3 | iSSUE NO: 143 | rS: 2/- (Air SUrCHArGE FOr JAMMU /DELHi/LEH 50 PAiSA)



Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K

Track-II is back on track

Padgaonkar for serious dialogue, Shah meets Geelani Srinagar, June 13: Former Chief Interlocutor on Kashmir, Dileep Padgaonker Thursday advocated a serious dialogue between New Delhi and Separatist leaders for finding a solution to the Kashmir issue. He also castigated J&K government for keeping the aged Hurriyat leader Syed Ali shah Geelani under continued house arrest. “We have already advocated dialogue with all shades of opinion for resolving Kashmir issue. In our report we had suggested that there should be a serious dialogue with all stakeholders for resolving Kashmir issue”, Padgaonkar said in an interview with a local news agency. Padgaonkar said there are many reports pending with the government and “it is high time to act on the suggestions already put forth by various panels”. He said all the stake holders at the national level and those in J&K should be involved in discussing and implementing the interlocutor’s report. However, Padgaonkar asserted that their report is not being ignored and some of the Confidence Building Measures (CBM) suggested by

them were in the process of implementation. “Let us hope that the visit of Prime Minster yields results and peace process comes back on track,” he said. “The steps taken by Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Shiref need to be reciprocated so that people of J&K could feel the change on ground”, he added. One Hurriyat (G) Chairman Syed Ali Geelani’s continuous house arrest he said, “ If there has to be dialogue with Hurriyat Chairman Syed Ali shah Geelani then he has to be set free.“How can we have dialogue with Geelani when he is under continuous house arrest,” he said. Pertinently in their 176-page report, made public in May last year, the group of interlocutors had called for a review of all central laws and all Articles of the Constitution of India extended to the state after the 1952 Delhi agreement which also gave special status to the

state under Article 370. The report also favoured resumption of the dialogue process between the Centre and Hurriyat Conference "at the earliest". The report also said that no more central laws and Articles of the Constitution of India should be extended to the state by presidential order. Meanwhile in an interesting development, noted political analyst and track II diplomat O P Shah today called on Hurriyat Conferece (G) Chairman, Syed Ali Geelani at his Srinagar residence. Shah, who heads the Centre for Peace and Progress, recently held a two day seminar titled “Indo-Pak relations-The road ahead” at a local hotel here on 11th of June. “I met Geelani Sahib briefly. He was affectionate and courteous and desired early resolution (of K-issue) and Indian state to be more sensitive and humane”, OP Shah said over Phone. Shah said the octogenarian leader complained

about his house arrest. “He agreed to meet (us) and discuss (the issue) during his next visit to Delhi in December”, Shah said. “I hope civil society of India will soon have fruitful and meaningful dialogue with Geelani Sahab”, OP Shah said. Meanwhile, Hurriyat (G) Chairman confirmed his meeting with Shah. “It was a brief unofficial visit and he asked about my health condition while on way to Airport”, Geelani said. He said that though Shah suggested meeting the civil society ‘but it was made clear to him that talks should not be a means for buying time as even talks with civil society have not been productive’. “He came to me as a guest and I told him that India has created an atmosphere of terror in the valley. I told him I have not been allowed to move out freely since 2010 and that since March 7 my residence has been turned into a virtual jail. Even I am not being allowed to offer Friday prayers”, Geelani said and added that he had told Shah that he would consider and think about meeting the Indian civil society in the month of December.

Qualified militants an IAS officer among 4 killed alarming trend: Nasir in accident Srinagar, June 13:

Ladakh, June 13: Four persons, including a senior IAS officer of the Government of Madhya Pradesh died and three others sustained injuries when their car skidded off the road and plunged into a deep gorge at Khardung La, 18,000 ft above sea level, in Ladkah region of Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday. Deputy Commissioner of Leh, Simranjit Singh, said that the group of IAS and IPS officers from MP, alongwith families, was on way from Leh to Nobra when their Innova, bearing registration number JK10-6773, swerved to the extreme side of an end to avoid a stone and plunged into a deep gorge at 9.00 a.m. Three of the group and their driver died and three more sustained injured. The injured have been evacuated and admitted to Sonam Norbo Memorial District Hospital at Leh. Singh said that the three bodies would be flown to New Delhi on Friday wherefrom these would be carried to the respective residences of the ill-fated officers. He said that the injured too would be airlifted to New Delhi for specialized medical treatment on Friday. DC Leh identified the dead as Dharma Rao, Commissioner Industrial Board Bhopal (IAS-1989), his wife Vidhya Rao, Mrs Kumudh Singh (wife of Mr See.......Accident on Pg. 11

Senior National Conference leader Nasir Aslam Wani Thursday said that the qualified youth joining militants is a new trend and the government is looking at the pros and cons of this development. “It is a serious trend and government has started a process to know all the reasons about this new trend,” Wani said adding that the dialogue between India and Pakistan is in the interest of the people of the State. Talking to CNS on the sidelines of a function in Srinagar, Nasir Aslam Wani said that National Conference never claimed that militancy is over in the State. “Militancy still exists but there are certain areas where militancy is almost over. It is alarming that qualified youth are

joining militant ranks and this trend should cease at any cost. The Government is investigating the matter seriously and hopefully all the reasons behind this trend will be unfolded,” he said. He welcomed the statement of Prime Nawaz Sharief that Pakistan will resume dialogue process with India. “It is a welcome statement from Pak premier and we hope that good Indo-Pak relations will help in resolving Kashmir issue,” he said. Former Minister said that if Pak premier is in favour of dialogue with India then Hurriyat should have no objection in holding talks with New Delhi. “We will welcome any step from Hurriyat if they decide to participate in elections. Still if they don’t participate but they should not See........Nasir on Pg. 11

Musharraf arrested in Bugti murder case Islamabad, June 13: Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf was on Thursday formally arrested and remanded to judicial custody for a fortnight over the 2006 killing of Baloch nationalist leader Akbar Bugti. Musharraf, 69, was arrested by a team from the Crime Branch of Balochistan Police. The team was sent from Quetta to Islamabad on Wednesday after an antiterrorism court in Balochistan rejected Musharraf’s bail application and ordered his arrest. Acting on a request from the Balochistan Police team, an anti-terrorism court in Islamabad subsequently remanded Musharraf to judicial custody for 14 days so that he could be questioned over the killing of Bugti. Officials said Musharraf will continue to be held at his farmhouse at Chak Shahzad on the outskirts of Islamabad for security reasons. The villa was declared a “sub-jail” shortly after Musharraf was first arrested in April. Bugti was killed

in August 2006 during a military operation ordered by Musharraf, who was President and army chief at the time. Bugti headed an armed insurgency to press for provincial autonomy and a greater share of profits from Balochistan’s natural resources. His death triggered angry protests in Balochistan. Musharraf returned to Pakistan in March after years in selfexile to lead his All Pakistan Muslim League party in last month’s general election. However, the Peshawar high court barred him from contesting polls for the rest of his life and he is facing charges in several high-profile cases, including the killing of Bugti, the 2007 assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto and the imposition of emergency rule in 2007. On Tuesday, the Islamabad high court granted bail to Musharraf in a case over the detention of dozens of judges after he imposed emergency in 2007. Last month, he was granted See.......Musharraf on Pg. 11

Encounter Specialist a criminal: Police Ample proof against him

Doda, June 13: At a time when the Counsel for ‘encounter specialist’ has pleaded before the Court that police has detained his client illegally, Police Thursday said that they have solid proof against the Sub-Inspector Shiv Kumar Sharma and in no way he is innocent. “Shiv Kumar is fully involved and we have ample proof against him and in fact he is a criminal,” Superintendent of Police Doda, Mohammad Arif Rishu told Srinagar based news gathering agency CNS adding that the accused officer misused his position for sake of promotions. ‘Encounter Specialist’ Shiv Kumar Sharma alias Sonu who has reportedly killed 68 hardcore militants and received several presti-

CRPF Bunker at SKIMS being relocated

ULB employees hold protest demonstrations, march foiled

Srinagar, June 13:

Srinagar, June 13:

As a sequel to Government’s resolve to lower the number of security bunkers in the Srinagar city and its peripheries, the Minister of State for Home, Industries and Commerce, Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo accompanied by the Director General of Police, Ashok Prasad and District Development Commissioner, Srinagar, Farooq Ahmad Shah today visited Soura and Sheri-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences. The Inspector General of Police, Kashmir A. G. Mir, Vice Chairman, LAWDA, Irfran Yasin, Director SKIMS, Dr. Showkat Zargar and concerned officers of police and civil administration also accompanied the Minister. Kichloo discussed threadbare shifting of the existing CRPF bunker in the premises of SKIMS and asked the Director to identify a suitable place where the bunker could be relocated. He said shifting of the existing CRPF banker would decrease congestion in the area and this place could be utilized for the hospital use. Kichloo said that with the normalcy fast resuming in the city, See........Bunker on Pg. 11

Terming it as a joke and political rhetoric, the Employees Joint Action Committee (EJAQ) – Q president has condemned the statement of Rural Development Minister Ali Muhammad Sagar’s statement wherein he had said that unemployment is a bigger issue for government than the demands of agitating employees. “This is nothing but political rhetoric. For last 10 years, the subsequent state governments have failed to fill up 1 lakh vacancies in different government departments which have affected the work culture badly. The people of the state are facing difficulties due to the wrong policies of the government”, Qayoom said. Stating that the employee’s demands and issues are dear to his forum, the EJAC (Q) President alleged that the state government had chosen the path of confrontation rather than consultations and consensus with the employees. “If they continue to delay fulfilling our just and reasonable demands, it will only lead to a revolution which

the rulers can’t even think of”, Qayoom said “Our demands are just and the government has in writing agreed to fulfill them but now they are not keeping their word which is resulting in confrontation. We are being compelled to take up strikes and agitations to force our demands”, he added. Meanwhile, under the banner of EJAC, the Urban Local Bodies Employees held protest demonstration in the premises of Bemina head office. They also held a sit in on the Srinagar, Uri National Highway. Meanwhile, Abdul Qayoom Wani on the occasion assured the ULB employees of all possible help in fulfillment of their demands. “We are all one, be it ULB employees or the others. We ask the government to fulfill our demands otherwise it will have to face the consequences”, he said. On the occasion, ULB employees Forum President Manzoor Ahmad Pampori while referring Order No 185-HUD of 2013 said the order is against employees and should be revoked immediately.


Meanwhile, the Urban Local Bodies Employees Association held a protest at Press Colony here which was led by President Abdul Majeed Wani. The employees held a sit in. However, when the employees tried to march towards Lal Chowk, police swung into action and foiled the march. Police used lathicharge to disperse the agitating employees as a result of which at least 10 employees received injuries which includes the President of the Assoiation Abdul Majeed Wani. Other who received injureids include Khurshid Ahmad, Nasir Ahmad Dar, M Akram Shah, Sher Ali, Ghulam Ahmad Magray, Tariq Nabi and Nazir Ahmad. The employees demanded that the government order should be revoked forthwith. They also demanded release of wages, reorganization, implementation of recruitment rules, payment of sixth pay commission arrears, implementation of transfer policy and holding departmental promotion committees on divisional levels.

gious awards including the President's medal for gallantry during his more than decade long career, was arrested last week along with his bodyguard for allegedly running a militant module.

of the youth and had directed them to get active in the Chenab Valley. “Investigations reveal that the accused used to motivate youth and so far we have arrested various youth whom

Robinhood figures in gallantry list Srinagar, June 13: The name of encounter specialist Sub Inspector Shiv Krishen, arrested for alleged terror links, figured in the list of recipients of gallantry awards given by Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. According to the official hand out issued by the state government after the function presided over by Abdullah here yesterday, Krishen figured in the list of recipients of the Sher-e-Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantary after ADGP S M Sahai and IPS officer Nitish Kumar. See.......List on Pg. 11 SP Doda said that the accused had supplied arms and ammunitions to some

he had motivated and during questioning they have See.......Police on Pg. 11

Sonia meets Manmohan on cabinet reshuffle New Delhi, June 13: Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Thursday met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the backdrop of speculation of a cabinet reshuffle. The meeting also came on a day when the government’s plan to push through an ordinance on food security bill came a cropper amid indications that the government could begin the consultation process with the opposition on the issue from Friday. A reshuffle-cum-expansion of the Union Council of Ministers as well as the AICC has been pending for a long time and is likely happen in a week. This may be the last reshuffle in the UPA 2 with Lok Sabha elections less than a year away. Prime Minister Manmohan

Singh had on May 31 indicated that a cabinet reshuffle could be on the cards to fill up the vacancies. “There are some vacancies. The issue of filling them up is being considered,” Dr. Singh had told reporters on his way back from Japan and Thailand. Two Union Minsters P K Bansal and Ashwani Kumar resigned in May. Mr. Bansal quit as Railways Minister in the wake of bribery scandal involving his nephew and a Railway Board member and Mr. Kumar resigned as Law Minister following a controversy over vetting of a CBI probe report on coal block allocation scam. With DMK and TMC withdrawing support from government within less than a year, a number of slots See.......Sonia on Pg. 11



bail in the Bhutto assassination case. Musharraf’s aides have said they will approach the Supreme Court to get his name removed from the interior ministry’s exit control list, which has the names of people barred from travelling out of Pakistan.


Shivendar Singh) and driver Chemet Dorjay of Hamaskot, Kargil. He identified the injured as as Mr Shivender Singh Chief Executive Officer of Ujjain Development Authority, Mr Ashok Avasthi (IPS-1989) IG Vigilance Bhopal and his wife Majuri Avasthi.


show reluctance in holding dialogue with the Government of India,” he said adding that time has come that we give permanent peace a chance.


admitted that Shiv Kumar was supplying them arms and ammunitions,” he said. He said that his motive was to make authorities believe that militancy still exists in Chenab Valley. “We are investigating the fact whether he used to kill youth after motivating them for sake of promotions. I can tell you with authority that he is a culprit and the investigation has proved that he did it all for sake of receiving medals and monetary benefits,” Rishu said adding that he is not being trapped. He said that it has come to fore that Shiv Kumar had directed these youth to indulge in political killings and strikes on important installations.


The state government has now initiated the process of withdrawing all the medals and honours given to Krishen, who is under arrest for alleged militant links. "The process of stripping the officer of the honours and medals given to him has been initiated," police sources said. Krishen, who has also received President's Police Medal for Gallantry, was arrested earlier this month after investigations into a grenade attack on a police station in Doda region revealed that he was running a militant module. Although Krishen had been awarded the state police medal many times before his arrest, the inclusion of his name in the list of recipients has drawn criticism from some quarters. Kirshen was not present at the function held yesterday as he is in police custody following his arrest on June 4. It was not clear whether his name was read at the function due to confusion over his name. Initial reports after his arrest identified him as 'Shiv Kumar Sharma' but it was later corrected to his real name, Shiv Krishen. The recipients of 'Sher-e-Kashmir' medal also included a selection grade constable, Jagdish Singh, who got a medal pinned by the Chief Minister, in spite of being under suspension from service.


vacated by them are yet to be filled up. Five ministers of DMK had resigned on March 20 this year after which there has been no rejig in the Union Council of Ministers.


the government is committed to remove or relocate the existing bankers in a phased manner. He also sought people’s cooperation in restoring long lasting peace and tranquility in the state.

Anu Malik to judge J&K Police's talent show Srinagar, June 13: “Choona hai Asman” Singing competition a flagship of Jammu and Kashmir Police Grand Finale shall be held at Sher-I Kashmir International Convention Centre (SKICC) Srinagar on 15th of June where in Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and noted singers of India will join the grand finale. Addressing a press conference at Police control Room here ADGP Headquarters of police S P Vaid said, “More than one lakh aspirants participated in this year's edition of the talent hunt show, which was started in 2010 for nurturing the budding artistes of the state. Vaid also said, “The endeavor has been bringing good results and the winners of our state level competitions have competed in some of the most popular reality shows at national level like 'Indian Idol', 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa' ,”he added. SSP Israr Khan, who is the director of the programme, said Anu Malik

and Sadhna Sargam will perform some of their hit songs live during the grand finale. He said the best talent from Jammu province will be pitted against the best from Kashmir valley during the finale of the competition. "As an encouragement, we will cut an audio album of the winner which will be directed by music director Anand Milind. We are also in talks with Bollywood producer Ashok Thakeria for giving a playback singing opportunity to the winner of the contest," Khan Added. This year District level, Range level as well as the zone level Competition of “Choona Hai Aasman” Season-III have already been conducted and now the Grand Finale shall be held at Sher-i-Kashmir International Convention Centre SKICC, Srinagar on 15th of June, 2013. Noted singers Annu Malik, Sadhna Sargam and Ashok Thakeraia are arriving here to grace the grand event.

Govt contemplates to establish separate Directorates for implementation of ICDS: Sakina Jammu, June 13: The Jammu and Kashmir government is contemplating to establish separate directorates for the implementation of the flagship Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in the twin divisions of Kashmir and Jammu. The New Directorates would exclusively take care of the child service ICDS scheme that aims at eradicating malnutrition among the children by providing required nutrition to them through Anganwari Centres established across the state. Addressing participants at one day awareness-cum-Cheque Distribution Camp organized by the Department of Social Welfare Jammu here today, the Minister for Social Welfare, Sakina Itoo said that the proposal to have separate ICDS directorates was under active consideration of the Government. She said that the step was being taken to streamline the implementation of the flagship scheme meant for the overall wellbeing of child and mother, besides to overcome

the problem of mal-nutrition among the children. Highlighting the role of Anganwari Centres in creating awareness among the people about health, hygiene and childcare, the Minister said that they were also doing a yeoman’s job in anti-female feoticide campaign. She said that falling male-female ratio was assuming alarming dimensions and demands immediate corrective measures. She called upon the participants to intensify the ‘Save Girl Child’ campaign saying that it would be a great service to the humanity. She said that there was a need to change the social mind set about the girl child adding that the parents should understand that today women have achieved the highest positions and are working in every field with men. She made a mention of great women of the World and said India has produced towering women leaders like Indira Gandhi, Jhansi ki Rani, Kalpana Chawal and many others. Later, the Minister distributed cheques worth Rs 40 Lakh among 350 beneficiaries which include

Indira Gandhi Old age, Window and Handicapped Pensioners besides SC women beneficiaries trained in Tailoring under Special Central Assistance (SPA) for Scheduled Cast Population (SCP). The Minister also distributed Sewing machines and Tailoring kits among the women trained in Tailoring, besides wheelchairs, Tricycles and, hearing aids among the persons with special needs. Earlier, a scintillating cultural programme was also presented by the artists of Information department and Anganwari workers featuring, awareness skits, folk music and dance. The programme was highly appreciated by the participants, particularly the skits presented by the Anganwari workers to spread the message against female foeticide. Among others, Director Social We l f a r e , M r. M . H . B h a t t i , Programme and District Social Welfare officer, Deputy Directors, CDPOs, supervisors, anganwari workers and prominent citizens were also present on the occasion.

Shopian Annual Plan pegs for Rs. 6529 lakh

Srinagar, June 13: The exported as well having a local resources for the District Development market value of Rs. 500 welfare of the people of the Board (DDB) meeting Crore. The Minister State. Responding to the which held here today appreciated the District d e m a n d s r a i s e d b y under the Chairmanship of A d m i n i s t r a t i o n f o r legislators about their M i n i s t e r f o r P u b l i c ensuring the maximum respective Constituencies, Enterprises, Haj, Auqaf utilization of available the Minister directed the and Floriculture Peerzada funds. He asked the concerned officers to take M o h a m m a d S a y e e d , officers to perform their appropriate actions for approved Rs. 6529.02 lakh duties with dedication, so redressing their grievplan outlay for Shopian that the funds approved for ances. He also assured the District for 2013-14. The the current fiscal are also l e g i s l a t o r s t h a t t h e plan includes Capital utilized in full and decisions taken in the component of Rs. 4822.05 development scenario of DDB meetings would be lakh and revenue compo- the district is improved. He implemented in letter and nent of Rs. 1706.97 lakh. also asked them to take on spirit. The meeting took L e g i s l a t o r s M r s . board the public represen- sector-wise review of Mehbooba Mufti, Mr. tatives while formulating Financial and Physical Abdul Razak Zawoora and any development project achievements registered Mr. Showket Hussain of public utility, so that the during the last year’s Ganai were present in the demands of people of all district annual plan and meeting. Addressing the the areas are accommo- action taken to implement meeting, the Minister dated equitably and the decisions taken in the t h r e w l i g h t o n t h e accordingly. Calling for last DDB meeting. District historical background of concerted efforts for D e v. C o m m i s s i o n e r Shopian and said that it is making J&K a prosperous (DDC), Shopian Mr. the gate way of Kashmir State, Peerzada asked the Mohammad Javid Khan Va l l e y, a d d i n g t h a t conc erned for full y presented power point 2.51Lakh MTs of fresh u t i l i z i n g t h e f u n d s presentation and presented and dry fruit is being p r o v i d e d b y t h e the highlights of the produced and dispatched Government of India for achievements registered to the various markets development purposes. He under various sectors within the country and also asked them to use during 2012-13.

Sagar for starting Batamaloo-Maharaj Gunj Bus service Says Govt committed for restoring pristine glory of old city

Srinagar, June 13: Asking officers to start the bus service from Batamaloo to Maharaj Gunj Srinagar, the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Mr. Ali Mohammad Sagar today said that it would go a long way in boosting the economic activities of the areas and old city Srinagar. The Minister was interacting with the deputation of Beopar Mandal Maharaj Gunj, here today. Regional Transport Officer (RTO), Kashmir, Mr. Anis Khan, senior officers of traffic police, R&B, PDD, Tourism etc were present. The Minister said that the Maharaj Gunj has been the epicenter of trade and other related activities. He said that a comprehensive external security manage- policy for developing the ment. They also discussed area on heritage pattern the security arrangements has been undertaken being made for the forth- which would go a long coming Shri Amarnathji way in boosting the Yatra. This was Lt. Gen. economic and tourist Singh’s first meeting with related activities in the the Governor after recently area. taking over as the Corps Mr. Sagar directed the Commander, 15 Corps. RTO, Kashmir to ensure

GoC calls on Governor

Srinagar, June 13: Lt. Gen. Gurmeet Singh, Corps Commander, 15 Corps, called on N. N. Vohra, Governor, at Raj Bhavan, here this afternoon. During their meeting, the Governor and Lt. Gen. Singh discussed various issues relating to internal and


that traffic starts plying on the Batamaloo-Maharaj Gunj route via JamalattaAlikadal, so that people of the area get the requisite facilities of transportation besides the economic activities of the area also get a boost. He also asked the officers to explore the possibility of having a sumo service from Batamaloo to Maharaj Gunj so that the people coming from different parts of the valley get easy access to the historic trade center. The Minister also directed the officers to do the necessary acquisition wherever necessary for widening of roads and other related activities like landscape developing. He also asked them to speed up the pace of work on the beautification project of Zainakadal which includes installation of street lights, developing river fronts, beautification of Budshah To m b a n d c r e a t i n g facades on various heritage structures of the area.

Work on Rs 350 crore flyover begins Srinagar: The work on Rs 350 crore Jehangir ChowkRambagh flyover, which will ease the traffic woes on the vital road leading to Srinagar airport in Kashmir, began on Thursday. The work began with demolition of a portion of Shergarhi police station building which was coming under the flyover. Minister of State for Home Sajad Ahmad Kichloo, who visited the police station on Wednesday, gave nod to partial demolition of the police station for expediting the work on the flyover project. The flyover, which was announced in July 2009 and had to be completed in three years, hit many roadblocks including litigations by traders who are to be relocated to make way for the project. The contract for construction of the flyover has been accorded to Simplex Infra

Limited for an amount of Rs 200 crore whereas Rs 150 crore have been earmarked for the land acquisition and rehabilitation of the affected traders. The expected time for completion of the project has been targeted to about three years. Once completed, the 2.4km flyover will reduce the journey time from Jehangir Chowk to Rambagh from 28 minutes to just 2.5 minutes and will go a long way in reducing the traffic congestion in the area between Lal Chowk and airport in Humhama. The Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA) has been designated as the executing agency for the prestigious project. The government has already taken-up construction of two mega shopping complexes at Rambagh for rehabilitation of the affected shopkeepers under the flyover project.

After Two Decades, SFC achieves Positive net worth

Rather for enhancing credit flow to MSME Srinagar, June 13: Appreciating the Jammu and Kashmir State Financial Corporation for achieving positive Net worth after a gap of about 20 years, the Minister for Finance and Ladakh Affairs, Mr. Abdul Rahim Rather today asked the management of the corporation to explore all means for raising its capital base to enhance its credit flow to MSME sector. Speaking at the 229th meeting of the Board of Directors of J&K State Financial Corporation here this afternoon, Mr. Rather called for more focus towards recoveries adding that each and every employee in the corporation must be made accountable on this account. He said contribution of SFC in boosting industrial sector has been very significant and it’s revival is one of the main concerns of the

Traffic cop beats driver to pulp Srinagar, June 13: A Xylo and thrashed me severely. driver Thursday alleged Blood oozed out from my that a traffic cop on duty at mouth,” he said. Nishat garden beat him to One of the tourists said that pulp in front of tourists. he was shocked to see the “The traffic sub-inspector behavior of traffic officer. namely Abdul Hamid “The cop not only beat our violated all the norms and driver to pulp but also thrashed me like an hurled unwanted abuses. animal,” driver Javid We all were stunned by his Ahmed alleged. behavior,” he said. He said that he was waiting W h e n c o n t a c t e d , for the tourists who had Superintendent of Police e n t e r e d i n t o N i s h a t Tr a f f i c , H a s e e b - u r Garden. “The cop directed Rehman said that there is me to remove the vehicle. no such cop by this name Suddenly tourists arrived (Abdul Hamid). “There is and they boarded the an officer whose name is vehicle and this process Aijaz Ahmed. Let them consumed few minutes. verify who this officer The cop pounced on me was,” he said.

RKS Governing Body meeting held Srinagar, June 13: MLA Zadibal, Peer Afaq Ahmad today chaired Governing Body meeting of RKS and reviewed the health care activities and medicare facilities being provided to the patients. Among others, Chief Medical Officer, Srinagar, Members of the Governing Body and representatives of Mohalla Committees attended the meeting. Threadbare discussions about the health care activities, conducting of health awareness camps


and the activities being carried out in collaboration with allied departments were held. MLA concerned also took stock of the financial assistance and free service benefits being provided to the beneficiaries under Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) and Janani Shishu Suraksha Yojana (JSSY). He also emphasized for ensuring 24x7 essential power supply besides availability of Sonologist at PHC, Zadibal.

present government. The Economic Advisor to Government, Mr. Jalil Ahmad Khan, Principal Secretary Finance, Mr. B. B. Vyas, who is also the Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Managing D i r e c t o r, J & K S t a t e Financial Corporation, Mr. A. R. Makroo, AGM SIDBI, Anuj Jain, Divisional Manager LIC, prominent industrialist Mr. Zahoor Ahmad, prominent Banker Mr. Tafazil Hussain and concerned officers were present in the meeting. The meeting was informed that the corporation has sanctioned loans to the tune of Rs 18.80 crore in favour of 284 entrepreneurs during the current fiscal, thereby achieving 62.67 per cent of the allotted target. Loans aggregating to Rs 15.23 crore have been disbursed to 286 beneficiaries. It was informed that the corpora-

tion has affected recovery of Rs 26.15 crore against a target of Rs 29.35 crore during the last financial year. It forms 89.10 per cent achievement of the target and is Rs 8.71 crore more than the recovery of Rs 17.44 crore made during the previous year i.e. an increase of 49.95 percent. In addition, the corporation has paid off Rs 13.80 crore on account of redemption of bonds and interest aggregating to Rs 8.72 crore to some bondholders including Airport Authority of India. It was given out that the district officers of the corporation together have earned an income of Rs 8.45 crore against total expenditure of Rs 3.87 crore there by earning a cash profit of Rs 1.45 crore. The corporation has achieved the milestones of up-dation of accounts and substantial improvement in its net worth.

Grand Mufti constitutes committee to investigate Gulzar Bhat case Srinagar, June 13: Grand Mufti of Kashmir, Mufti Bashiruddin today constituted a committee to probe the involvement of Gulzar Bhat in the sexual exploitation case. The committee will be headed by Advocate of High Court, Ghulam Nabi Mir. Other named as part of the committee include Syed Mohammad Aslam Indrabi (Member), Syed Mohammad Yaseen Sahib Kirmani (Member), Syed Mudasir Qadri (Member) and Mir Mushtaq –Ul-Haq Sanorikalipora (Member). However, as recommended

by the Chairman of the Committee, Advocate High Court, Ghulam Nabi Mir, Molvi Mohammad Ashraf of Bijhbehara, Ishfaq Ahmad of Budgam, Molvi Shahnawaz Ahmad Gazali of Kulgam, and Abdul Rashid Mugloo of Budgam have also been included into the committee. According to a statement issued here, ‘the report of the findings of the case is required to be submitted by the committee within the due time period for further steps required to be taken thereof’.


I want to change the name of my ward from Mehreen Masood Kirmani to Mehreen. Anybody having any objection regarding this may produce the same to Principal Delhi Public School Srinagar within seven days from the date of publication of this notice. After that no objection will be entertained. Masood Ahmad Kirmani F/o Mehreen R/o Batwara Srinagar


11 Friday, 14 June 2013 From Front Page........

Office of the Regional Transport Office Kashmir NOTICE

Whereas a joint application has been received from Shri Bilal Ahmad Bhat S/o Shabir Ahmad Bhat R/o Kani Kadal Sgr. (as Transferor) and Shri. Imtiyaz Ahmad China S/o Gulla China R/o Chinkral Mohalla Sgr. (as Transferee) for transfer of Tavera Carriage route permit No. 7596-MC Covering vehicle No. JK01S-1307. Now, Therefore, it is notified for general information that objections, if any to the proposed transfer of the said route permit/vehicle shall be filed in writing in the office of the Regional Transport Officer, Kashmir within a period of seven days from the date of publication of this notice. Seller and Purchaser identified by the authorised representative of M/s N.T.Co. namely Mr. Mohammad Shafi. No: JK RTOK 2682 Sd/- Regional Transport Officer Dated: 13-06-2013 Kashmir

Owner, Printer, Publisher & Editor-n-Chief: Suhail Malik, RNI No: JKBIL/2011/39764, Email: zabarwantimes@gmail.com Published from: Govt. Quarters (M-13) Magarmal Bagh Srinagar -190001, J&K, Printed at: Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No: 09999964750


JKSRTC workers Union convention held at Parimpora


Earn more and make the JKSRTC a profitable venture: Ramzan SRINAGAR, JUNE 13:

The Minister said that the Government undertaking and corporation are at present in competition with the private sector and they have to exhibit their skill and managerial capacity to make their mark in open market and ensure economic viability of the undertakings. He said Government is making all-out effort to provide full sup-

tion is supported through whatever means possible. Stressing the need for maintaining Chairman JKSRTC workers Union, coordination among various units of the Mehraj-u-Din and other trade union leadJammu and Kashmir Road Transport Corers also spoke on the occasion and highporation (JKSRTC) Minister for Transport lighted the problems being faced by the and Consumer Affairs and Public Distriemployees and workers while discharging bution (CA&PD) Ch. Muhammad Ramzan their duties. today instructed the employees and The Chairman submitted a workers to work in a coordinated charter of demands which include manner for making the Corporation a grants of 80% DA on the pattern profitable venture. of other government employees, The Minister was addressing a day clearance of pending liabilities long convention organized by the JKon account of 6th pay commisSRTC Workers Union at Cargo Headsion, releasing of pending COLA quarters, Parimpora. slabs, implementation of SRO 43 Former Minister and Provincial in the Corporation and expansion President National Conference Naof fleet and releasing of benefits sir Aslam Wani also addressed the under VRS and GHS. gathering. MLA Sopore Muhammad Responding to the demands Ashraf Ganai and Managing Director, the Minister said that the fleet of JKSRTC J. S. Tondon were also present SRTC in the State will expanded on the occasion. port by way of equipment, finances, trainsoon for which government has taken up “It is your Corporation and it is your ing and infrastructure development to the the matter with the Jammu and Kashmir collective responsibility to work for its government undertaking and corporation Bank Limited for sanctioning of loan adddevelopment” the Minister told workers to improve their functioning and achieve ing that as soon as the loan is sanctioned, and added that the benefits of improved new heights. the Government will purchase 200 to 300 financial health of the Corporation itWhile addressing the gathering the Agency buses Ganderbal and put them on the roads as the Lone Newswill Agency Kangan Khan News self percolate down to the employees. He Former Minister, Nasir Aslam Wani, highGovernment is committed to provide best Gulzar News Agency Soura Zahid Book Depot Chadoora stressed for making the Corporation viable lighted the role of Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh transport service to the people of the State. Tariq full News AgencyMohammad Hawal Bashir News Agency Nowhatta and profitable and assured support Abdullah in the Development Regarding other demands the Minister asfrom the Government Muzaffar for strengthening the Corporation that enthatLal genuine demands will be taken Ali News of Agency Alamgari maintaining Bazar Budshah Newssured Agency Chowk and expanding its orbit Abdullah of business.News Agency deavor always remains that Sikendar this corporaat the appropriate forums. Lal Chowk Newsup Agency Lal Chowk

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Gupkari News Agency Lal Chowk Khan News Agency Regal Chowk Sheikh News Agency Hyderpora Lone News Agency Tangmarg Bhat News Agency Magam Dar News Agency Beerwah BUDGAM, JUNE 13:-Reshi News all district officers atAgencylevel Safapora meeting. Basharat tended News the Agency Bandipora A meeting of District deSpeaking on the occaAltaf News Agency Pulwama velopment Board, Budgam sion, the Minister directed the Agency Baramulla was held today in Jeelani which News officers to work with more an annual plan outlay dedication zeal and enShahofNews Agencyand Kupwara Rs.110.05 cr lakh for 2013-14 sure the optimum utilization Younis News Agency Langate was approved comprising of of resources for development Reshi Agency Islamabad Rs.43.63 crore as revenue and News of the district. He said that Agency Tralhave very Rs.66.42 crore as capitalTurray com- News common people ponent against last years’ an-News high expectations and it is Rahi Agency Kulgam nual plan of Rs.115.13 crRah lakhs notAgency possibleByepass that all expectaNews out of which an expenditure tions will be fulfilled but at

Raina News Agency Gund Kangan Rashid News Agency Dalgate Hilal News Agency Budgam Bhat News Agency Chadoora Zargar News Agency Kunzar Bashir News Agency Sumbal networkSaleem of his News constituency, Agency Pattan SRINAGAR, JUNE 13: Mr Mir warned the concerned Reyaz News Agency Pampore officer to be vigilant in future Javaid Newsassigned Agency Qazigund A high level meeting held in execution of work News to him.G.M Saying thatAgency “timely Soporeunder the Chairmanship of Minister of State for Industries and judicious use ofAgency funds Handwara Sultan News and Commerce, Sajjad Ahis the key for the successful Sheikh News Agency Islamabad mad Kichloo today discussed implementation of developWay Newsthe Agency Tral issues related to Rs. 296 crore mental Three programmes”, new industrial package sancAgency Bijbehara MinisterBadru asked News the concerned tioned by the Centre for J&K authorities to strive com- Arwani Malik Newsfor Agency and its effective and efficient ing at par with other states of Shaheen News Agency Kargil implementation on ground. the country in respect of pro-

DDB Budgam approves Annual Plan of Rs 110.05 cr for current fiscal

of 99.34% has been incurred. The meeting was chaired by the Chairman of District Development Board, Budgam and Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan Mir. Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather, Chairman of Gujjar Bakerwal Advisory Board, Bashir Ahmed Naaz, former Minister and Legislators Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen, Aga Syed Ruhullah, Javid Mustafa Mir, Dr. Shafi Ahmed Wani, Ali Mohammad Dar were also present. Various heads of the departments and

the same time whatever we do should be visible on the ground. He said that during last four years, the coalition government did its best on developmental and welfare fronts by launching numerous ambitious and people friendly programmes but there is always room for improvement and much more efforts need to be put in future. Taking serious note on the poor performance of PDD for not-utilizing CDF, released by the legislator for augmentation of power distribution

viding hassle free basic amenities to the people and serve the humanity with dedication and zeal He that the government is committed to fulfill the aspirations of the people by completing the developmental projects within the prescribed time frame. In order to minimize the shortage of teaching staff in educational institutions of the district, the Minister gave on-the-spot direction to Chief Education Officer to fill all the vacant posts under Rehbre-e– Taleem scheme.

Kichloo asked the heads of departments and Public Sector Undertaking’s under the administrative control of the Industries and Commerce Department to launch a vigorous information and awareness campaign about the benefits of the package especially about its new features so that entrepreneurs could avail the incentives. He said the earlier package which ended in June last year was selective and only few sectors were able to avail its benefits whereas the new industrial package is compre-


website of the Assembly Secretariat being launched soon. The Secretary Assembly M. Ramzan briefed the Speaker about the functioning

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Lone News Agency Kangan Gulzar News Agency Soura Tariq News Agency Hawal Muzaffar Ali News Agency Alamgari Bazar Abdullah News Agency Lal Chowk Gupkari News Agency Lal Chowk Khan News Agency Regal Chowk Sheikh News Agency Hyderpora Lone News Agency Tangmarg Bhat News Agency Magam Dar News Agency Beerwah Reshi News Agency Safapora Basharat News Agency Bandipora Altaf News Agency Pulwama Jeelani News Agency Baramulla Shah News Agency Kupwara Younis News Agency Langate Reshi News Agency Islamabad Turray News Agency Tral Rahi News Agency Kulgam Rah News Agency Byepass

of the Library section. He informed that as many as 27000 valuable references in English, Urdu and other languages are available in the Library.

Khan News Agency Ganderbal Zahid Book Depot Chadoora Bashir News Agency Nowhatta Budshah News Agency Lal Chowk Sikendar News Agency Lal Chowk Raina News Agency Gund Kangan Rashid News Agency Dalgate Hilal News Agency Budgam Bhat News Agency Chadoora Zargar News Agency Kunzar Bashir News Agency Sumbal Saleem News Agency Pattan Reyaz News Agency Pampore Javaid News Agency Qazigund G.M News Agency Sopore Sultan News Agency Handwara Sheikh News Agency Islamabad Three Way News Agency Tral Badru News Agency Bijbehara Malik News Agency Arwani Shaheen News Agency Kargil

PUC of LA meets, calls for check on T&D losses SRINAGAR, JUNE 13:

The Committee on Public Undertaking (PUC) of Jammu and Kashmir legislative Assembly has stressed upon the officers of Power Development Department for further efforts to improve the power situation in the State with exploring new ways and means for establishing new power projects in the State. The Committee observed that the State has tremendous potential to generate power, which are not only sufficient for meeting State’s own requirements but can export it also. The Committee, which met under the Chairmanship of MLA, Mohammad Sharief Niaz here today, discussed and examined in detail the recommendations of the 45th Committee Report submitted to the House on April 3, this year. Legislators, Peer Afaq, Abdul Gaffar Sofi, Jagdish Raj Spolia, Jugal Kishore, Syed Basharat Bukhari and Ghulam Nabi Monga gave their valuable suggestions to improve the working of the Committee and make it result oriented. During the deliberations, the Members emphasized on the concerned officers to ensure regular power supply and

stressed for immediate replacement of old electricity poles with new electric poles and conductors.The meeting also discussed the latest position in respect of finalization of pending accounts of the State Power Development Corporation (SPDC). They panel stressed upon the officers of the department for taking necessary steps for checking the Transmission and distribution losses and power pilferage besides upgrading power infrastructure in the State.Detailed discussed were also held on initiatives taken by the department for further generation of the electricity and effective steps being taken by the department for increasing the revenue and reduce the T&D losses. The meeting was attended among others by Principal Accountant General, J&K A.G, Office, Srinagar, Dr. S. C. Pandey, Principal Secretary, PDD, A.K Mehta, Managing Director, SPDC, Basharat Ahmad Dhar, Development Commissioner PDD, Asgar Ali, Chief Engineer, Gen. Kashmir Mumtaz Ahmad, Executive Director, JKPDD and other senior officers of the concerned department besides senior officers of Assembly secretariat.

Avail benefits of industrial package: Kichloo to entrepreneurs

Speaker inspects Assembly library, directs for cataloguing of references Speaker, Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, Mubarak Gul today visited Library Block of the Assembly at Old Legislative Complex, Jahangir Chowk. During the inspection, the Speaker went round various halls and enquired about the references preserved in the block since last 40 years. Speaking on the occasion, the Speaker said that the Assembly Library is being upgraded to national and international standard adding that the process in this behalf has already been initiated. He said the library is a true-treasure for the youngster’s and the future generation and highlighted importance of book reading as a hobby. The Speaker directed the Secretary to start membership process for giving access to books to the members of Amar Singh Club, Srinagar, Jammu Club, Ex-Legislators and retired officers in first phase. The Speaker also directed the Secretary to ensure early completion of cataloguing of reference so that the same are placed on

SRinagaR |fRiday

hensive and some more sectors have been brought under its ambit. He said the new industrial package has been initially extended for five years. “Now all the new and existing industrial units would be eligible for Capital Investment

was confined to the industrial estates only, which has now been extended to tourists sector, and food processing units as well. Kichloo said that under the new industrial package 8 new industrial estates in Jam-

Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Taj Mohi ud Din reviewed the functioning of Government Medical College, Srinagar and SMHS Hospital here today. The meeting also reviewed the status of upcoming super specialty Hospital, Srinagar. Addressing the meeting, the Minister directed the authorities to provide quality and hassle free treatment to patients for which he asked them to augment all material and human resources. He directed filling up of posts of para medics immediately on academic arrange-


March 21-April 19 You may feel a strange tension. It seems that nothing you say or do is quite right, Aries. As much as you may try to do the correct thing, you can’t make things click the way you’d like. Try not to raise your expectations too high. Let go of the idea that things are going to work out exactly the way you want. You may not even know what’s best for you in the end.

Taurus April 20-May 20

It may be hard for you to maintain your self-discipline, Taurus. Your childlike nature wants to go out and play. Emotionally, you’re anxious to let loose and follow your playful, instinctual nature, yet your sense of responsibility is holding you back. This difficult internal tension may be the cause of irritation in many different areas of your life.

Gemini May 21-June 21

If you’re unclear about the topic of discussion, say so, Gemini. Asking questions is an important part of learning. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask. Communication may take on a serious tone, and intellectual discussions are likely to get heated. Bring up political topics at the dinner table and give everyone a chance to speak on the matter.

Cancer June 22-July 22

You may be shy when it comes to expressing your emotions today, Cancer. This could be a rare thing for you. Other people may wonder if something is wrong. The truth is, you may feel like you need to calm down and focus more of your attention inward instead of directing it outward. Don’t look to others to resolve your problems. Deal with them yourself.


July 23-August 22 You may not know which way to turn. You may be emotionally weighed down by sentimental feelings and memories that bind you to the past. You may also feel restricted by authority figures who’ve been around the block more times than you, and therefore feel they have the right to tell you how to run your life. Try not to let your thoughts get tied up in either of these scenarios.


Subsidy (CIS) of 15% whereas small and medium enterprises would be eligible for CIS of 30%”, Kichloo added. Kichloo said in the new industrial package units under both organized and unorganized sectors are eligible for incentives and subsides. He said the earlier package

mu division and 12 in Kashmir division will be developed. He said that the Central Investment Subsidy Scheme, Central Interest Subsidy Scheme, Central Comprehensive Insurance Scheme and Transport Subsidy Schemes have been approved under the new package.

Farmers Training Camp held at Kulgam KULGAM, JUNE 13: For boosting production in Agriculture and its allied sectors and thereby the economy of the farming community, Farmers Training and Education Centre (FTEC) department of agriculture are in the job of dissemination of technical knowhow and modern technologies through organizing farmers training camps throughout the valley. In this context farmers training camp under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) was held at town hall Kulgam. On this occasion chief agriculture Officer Kulgam, G.M.Rather said that traditional style of Agriculture should give way to modern hi-tech Agriculture to boost the production in Agriculture and its allied sectors. He said need of hour is to stop large scale conversion of agriculture land for non agri-

cultural purpose .He advised the farmers to cooperate with agriculture and allied departments for successful implementation of farm friendly schemes. Dy. Director farmers training centre, Hakeem Manzoor Ahmad on the occasion said that organizing the farmers training camps throughout the valley shall not only boost their morale but provide them the opportunity to interact with the experts of agriculture and allied departments so that farmers could update the latest technology in agriculture and allied sectors. Experts of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, and fisheries departments advised the farmers to adopt Agri diversification through establishing of income generating units like mushroom, floriculture. vegetable, bee keeping, dairy farming, sheep farming, and fisheries.

ment basis so that the patient care at these hospitals does not suffer. The Minister directed completion of computerization at the college and also

August 23-September 22

Your mind may be going in many different directions, with fantastic ideas about how things should be done, Virgo. The difficulty is communicating these ideas in a way that makes sense. Others may see you as a threat to their authority. Perhaps they feel your ideas would undermine their plans, so they reject them. Don’t give up. Fight for your right to be heard and respected.


September 23-October 23 In a philosophical or political conversation, you don’t hesitate to offer your thoughts, Libra. Your examples may be extreme, but your principles are sound. You may get in over your head before you know it and suddenly need an escape route. Your first reaction may be to change the subject. It’s better to admit you don’t know the answer or don’t understand the question.


Taj reviews GMC, SMHS functioning SRINAGAR, JUNE 13:

14 .6.2013

directed immediate steps too be taken for operationlizing them. The meeting was told that there has been a significant reduction in mortality at SMHS

October 24-November 21 Aries

You should be in 19 a good mood, Scorpio, although March 21-April you might have a hard time fully expressing yourself. Perhaps you feel like there is someone keeping an eye on your every move. You may feel like a kid in class being watched by the teacher. Don’t be intimidated by those with a self-righteous air. You have just as much right to speak your mind as anyone else.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21 Taurus

You may get the feeling that despite all the hard April 20-May 20 work you’ve accomplished, something is still missing, Sagittarius. Perhaps the thing you’re searching for is a tender moment with a loved one, something that’s much closer than you think. Stop searching far and wide for the thing that’s right under your nose.

Capricorn December 22-January 19 Gemini

Freedom may be a theme for you today, Capricorn. May 21-June You’re beginning to 21 question what it is you’re trying to free yourself from. A person? Job? Commitment? These may be the very things you start to search for as soon as you’re free of them. Trying to figure out what you want and need in life is sometimes easier said than done. Don’t get stuck on one concept.

Aquarius January 20-February 18 Cancer

June 22-July You’re the liquid22 that takes the shape of its container, Aquarius. Even though this may seem like the most non-confrontational way to do things, you may find that it’s actually a cause of great frustration for you and others. People may be annoyed that you’re always following someone else’s lead instead of taking the initiative.

Pisces February 19-March 20 Leo

completion within time of works on the proposed Super Specialty Hospital, Srinagar. Mr Taj also reviewed the opening of evening clinics and

hospital ever since the triage protocol was introduced. Principal, GMC, Dr. Rafiq Pampori and other officers were present in the meeting.

You may feel like a puppy that has been let outside 23-August 22The air is warm and you’re full forJuly the first time, Pisces. of energy. You’re ready to run over the fields and hills. Unfortunately, you’re tied to a stake and you can’t move beyond a ten-foot radius. Your heart is ready to fly, but something beyond your control keeps you where you are. Start chewing the rope.


August 23-September 22

Editorial/Opinion The Daily

Zabarwan Times Friday, 14 June 2013

Man-Animal Conflict


n yet another tragic incident of ManAnimal conflict, a 10-year-old boy was mauled to death by two leopards in an orchard in Baramulla district of north Kashmir. The little boy was playing in an apple orchard near his house when he was attacked by the leopards. The boy died in the attack, while the big cats fled to the nearby forest following the hue and cry raised by the villagers. Man-Animal conflict has become very common in Kashmir due to fast dwindling forest cover area. Many people have been killed in animal attacks during last few years and many people have been maimed by the animals. The increasing man-animal conflicts have become a cause of grave concern for the people as well as the government. The encroachment of the forestland has completely disturbed the wildlife habitat due to which the wild animals descend to human habitations in search of food. Most of the man-animal conflicts take place in orchards during the horticulture season. After the fruit season was over the wild animals in their hunt for food rush towards the habitations posing threat to human lives. Interestingly the wildlife population of Kashmir has registered a manifold increase as two-decade-old militancy has scared away poachers and hunters from the region. Rare birds like the black partridge and pheasant have increased in thousands while more Asiatic black bear, leopards, musk deer and Hangul, a rare red deer, now roam the region's pine forests. For fear of being caught in exchanges of fire between militants and the security forces, no one dared to venture deep into the forests in the past 20 years. Also, local hunters were ordered to hand in their guns. The impact is visible, there has been a manifold increase in wildlife. The alarming rise in the incidents of man-animal conflict is threatening the safety of both the human beings and animals alike. If men are clearing the jungles and depriving animals of their natural habitats, animals too are getting back and devouring the humans which has forced the authorities to devise means to contain it. The initial data collected by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) from different states revealed that 653 persons were killed and 17,062 were injured in the last 10 years in 12 states. So, it is not just the leopards and bears that are increasingly falling victim to poachers following demands for their body parts in the international market. Men too are falling prey as animals are venturing out of the shrinking habitats in search of food, running crops and trampling on humans in the process. New strategies are now being thought of to deal with the situation. One is to draw a set of guidelines – Dos and Don’ts for people in the conflict prone areas. The suggestions being mulled include mass media campaign through TV and newspapers to flag the issue; revision of rates of ex-gratia payment to injured and next of kin of those killed; deployment of adequate protection staff, wildlife habitat improvement, promotion of alternate crops; radio tracking of wild animals particularly feral elephants; and bringing the forest areas under government control by shifting the populations. Another solution being like Assam that formed Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) to deal with growing instances of man-animal conflict, as over many leopards were killed in the last few months when they strayed into human habitations. Ironically, the situation has been turning political in many areas as when tigers attack villagers or their livestock, the residents ask for better compensation or even resort to killing the man eaters. Politicians of all hues enter the picture to aggravate the matter, by demanding action against animals which results in their killing, as it has been seen in many parts of the country.



Friday, 14 June 2013

Measures to Check Cheating of investors by Unscrupulous Companies


heating of investors by unscrupulous companies takes many forms, such as: ‘vanishing’ after raising money through public offers; illegal collection of deposits in violation of Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956; floating sham ‘Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)’ in violation of SEBI Act; collecting money from public by posing as ‘Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in violation of RBI Act; and resorting to ‘Ponzy’ or money circulation schemes under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken action against ‘vanishing companies’ which have raised funds through initial public offer but thereafter are not traceable. The Ministry has also taken action against certain companies which have failed to repay deposits to public violating Section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956. Complaints of cheating by companies which promised high rates of interests to investors, have been received against 87 companies. In these cases Inspection under Section 209A/ Investigation under Section 234 of the Companies Act, 1956 has been ordered. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) also looked into the affairs of 669 companies whose operations were in violation of SEBI (Collective Investment Schemes) Regulations, 1999. The amount collected by these companies was about Rs 7,435 crore. Out of these companies, 75 have been wound up and the money refunded to the investors. A total of 552 companies were prosecuted; convictions have been secured in 124 cases. RBI also regulates deposits / investments of the public with Non- banking Finance Companies (NBFC) that are registered with RBI. Complaints received against companies posing as NBFC’s and Unincorporated bodies indulging in cheating / fraud are forwarded by RBI to the Economic Offenses Wing of the State Police for investigation and further action. There are certain companies which have floated fraudulent investment deposits mobilizing schemes (also called ponzi schemes) under various guises and are liable for action under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning)

Act, 1978. This Act is administered by Ministry of Finance (Department of Financial Services) through the State Governments. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has

early establishment of a state-of-art Forensic Lab within the premises of SFIO in the national capital; and the development of a Comprehensive Early Warning System (EWS) for detection of corporate

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has constituted a Steering Committee to

develop a “Fraud Prediction Model” aimed

at generating alerts for prevention of fraud and malfeasance. It is also proposed to

revamp the existing Market Research &

Analysis Unit (MRAU) in the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) to enable it to function as an intelligence unit. Giving a fillip to the early establishment of a

state-of-art Forensic Lab within the

premises of SFIO in the national capital;

and the development of a Comprehensive

Early Warning System (EWS) for detection of corporate fraud and malfeasance at the earliest, three important MoUs have been

signed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. constituted a Steering Committee to develop a “Fraud Prediction Model” aimed at generating alerts for prevention of fraud and malfeasance. It is also proposed to revamp the existing Market Research & Analysis Unit (MRAU) in the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) to enable it to function as an intelligence unit. Giving a fillip to the

fraud and malfeasance at the earliest, three important MoUs have been signed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. These MoUs are: Between Director, SFIO (which functions under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and Director, National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), a scientific organization under the Ministry

of Communications and Information Technology; Between Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Director, Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND), an agency under the Ministry of Finance; and Director, SFIO and Director, FIU-IND. As per the Memorandum, NIELIT will set up a state-of-art Forensic Lab within the premises of SFIO - with a total outlay of Rs. 3.80 Crore on a turnkey basis, to be completed in two phases. The MoUs signed with FIU-IND will lead to better and faster exchange of information between the three Government entities. FIU has been playing a pivotal role in the collection and dissemination of information on suspicious banking transactions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. FIU-IND has been helping both the Ministry and SFIO from time to time by supplying information on suspicious banking transactions. Having access to banking information as well as expertise of FIU, the MoU will help SFIO in conducting its investigation in a more effective manner. These initiatives will facilitate development of a comprehensive EWS for detection of fraud and malfeasance at the earliest. The concerned regulatory agencies of the Central Government have adopted different measures aimed at sensitizing the public of the need to be cautious while making investments into schemes, etc. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs conducts Investor Awareness Programs (IAP’s) for making the public aware of the various instruments of investments available to them. Similarly, RBI issues notice in newspapers regularly to caution the public against the design of entities in collection of deposits illegally. Editors of Newspapers are also sensitized to exercise caution for accepting advertisements pertaining to acceptance of deposits by unincorporated bodies. Presently, RBI is in the process of undertaking a comprehensive campaign aimed at alerting the public against falling prey to the Ponzy schemes and other monetary mal-practices. SEBI also conducts Investor Awareness Programs in cities / towns across the country and has recently launched publicity campaigns through electronic and print media.




ealously coupled with aggressiveness is one amongst the nine instincts present in human beings by birth. Hence, from the primitive age, sibling rivalry is very common, may be at lower degree, in families with more than one child, where children from the very childhood start arguing, quarrelling, fighting or have a sense of jealousy and competition with their brothers or sisters of their nearby age group. In the tender age they quarrel on minor things like their toys, dresses and other belongings and do not want to share them with their brother or sister. In this modern age of new technology, even the toddlers have a variety of toys which are electronic and battery operated having different kind of musical tunes. They even take food only when the music is played on I-phone or Ipad. Children with minor age-gap give difficult time to mothers to deal with children when they are in fighting mood on toys. Every child wants to play with the same toy, and sometimes such quarrellings escalate into violent fights which disturb and perplexes parents to tackle. Chances are there that their preferential treatment may lead to psychological problems in the later stage of their age. For any parent, it is very painful to watch kids fighting on petty issues which most of the times makes them helpless to tackle. Normally under such situations, parents tend to scold the elder kid and expect him to be affectionate and benevolent towards the younger kid which hurt the feelings and ego of the elder kid and

as a result of which a sense of anger keeps on boiling in him. In the long run this childhood rivalry persists in adulthood which sometimes proves devastating for the families. Recently there was a case in New Delhi where the younger brother who happened to be healthier than the elder one, overpowered him and stabbed him with a kitchen knife over a very minor issue of having the TV remote in his hand to watch the channel of his choice. The situation becomes more grave in the houses where parents are working couple, children are either left with grandparents, servants or sometimes all alone where there is no one to keep an eye on them. Consequently they behave in their own dictatorial manner with negative consequences. The childhood rivalry persists in adulthood and takes a serious turn as with the time every teenager develops his own individuality, personality with a sense of independence and self pride. At this stage the elder brother or sister cannot boss over a younger one, bully him, abuse him or impose their will on him. There are chances that the younger one will one day retort in a violent manner if bullying by elder one continues. A sense of disparity starts developing in two adolescents, which do not burn deep with time rather remains through life long turning into various disputes on family matters including property etc. In certain cases it has been observed that both brothers and sisters do not see each other eye to eye and avoid meeting each other for years together throughout their life. A sense of annoyance, hatred, jealousy, rivalry continues for

generations together. This kind of wedge between siblings is very painful for parents especially when they grow old. In most of the cases parents too get separated as the responsibility of taking care of the parents is divided between brothers and sisters. If one takes care of mother the other looks after the father, enforcing old couple to live separately. Though psychiatrists and social scientists devise various means to reduce sibling rivalry, advice parents to be very careful while dealing with childhood rivalry so that children do not develop anti feelings for each other in the coming years. Every child has his own personality and should be given his own space. They should not be pigeon holed, labeled or compared with other children. From the very beginning the atmosphere of the house ought to be cordial enough to teach children the trait of cooperation instead of competition. Being fare to every child by parents is the basic principle for the healthy growth of the children. Every child should be treated the way he is by nature. Individual temperaments, mood disparities and disposition should be taken into consideration while tackling sensitive situations arising out of the arguments between siblings. Here much depends on the behavior of the parents while finding ways to such problems. They can set a strong example for the kids which can help in reducing the tensions brewing up in siblings. The fast developing modern age is posing new kind of threats and challenges to the family life and our social fabric. The concept of joint families has lost its utility due to various social and economic reasons.

The world now has become a global village and individuals are moving out of their birth places in search of green pastures, so the concept of nuclear family is gaining

The childhood rivalry persists in adulthood and takes a serious

turn as with the time every teenager

develops his own individuality,

personality with a

sense of independence and self pride.

acceptability which has given rise to many other family and social problems. Most of the parents are heard of complaining about the rude, arrogant, impatient, intolerant, aggressive, none caring, competitive materialistic nature of their children. For them the behavior of the children sometimes is so unexpected that they are left with twitching nerves, stunned, speechless, broken hearted and depressed. But who is to be blamed for this? Obviously, it cannot be the children!

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer.

HE A L+H 58


Hookah smoking as bad as cigarettes

Hookah smoking as bad as cigarettes for lungs (Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images) Water pipe smoking, such as hookah or bong smoking, affects lung function and respiratory symptoms as much as cigarette smoking, a new study has revealed. Most users of water pipes and many physicians believe that smoking through a water pipe filters out the toxic components of tobacco and is considerably less harmful than smoking cigarettes. Led by Mohammad Hossein Boskabady, MD, PhD, of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, researchers set out to compare lung function and respiratory symptoms among water pipe smokers, deep or normal inhalation cigarette smokers, and non-smokers. Three groups of smokers, including 57 water pipe smokers, 30 deep inhalation cigarette smokers (S-DI), and 51 normal inhalation cigarette smokers (S-NI) were identified and studied. In addition, 44 non-smokers were studied as a control group. A questionnaire was administered to as-

sess the prevalence and severity of respiratory symptoms and lung function tests performed on smokers and control subjects using a spirometer. Results showed an increased prevalence and severity of respiratory symptoms among water pipe smokers and cigarette smokers. Similar effects of water pipe smoking and deep inhalation cigarette smoking on respiratory status were found. "Our study is the first report regarding the importance of the method of cigarette smoke inhalation with respect to effects on the respiratory system," Boskabady said. "Our findings reveal that there were profound effects of water pipe smoking on lung function values, which were similar to the effects observed in deep inhalation cigarette smokers," he concluded.

Excessive water in your system can dilute your body fluids so much that the sodium levels become life-threateningly low. Water may be the elixir of life, but it sure can send your health into a tailspin, even endanger your life, if you drink too much of it. While packaged water, juice and cola companies hardsell their thirst-quenchers to you through TV and print advertisements, the truth is that drinking too much water can do you more harm than good. Due to excessive water consumption, people have died of over-hydration, which goes by the name of ExerciseAssociated Hyponatraemia (EAH). In simple terms, it means that you have drank too much water and the excess has diluted your body fluids so much that the sodium levels have become life-threateningly low, causing cells to swell. That includes brain cells leading to loss of consciousness, seizures and even coma and death. For long-distance runners, this can be a particular hazard. With half-marathons and marathons being all the rage, runners while practicing must resist the temptation to tank themselves up with too much water.Water intoxication is always on the cards if you believe you have to 'stay ahead of thirst' by drinking excessive quantities of fluids.

Alcohol addiction:

Are you an alcohol addict? Countless families, no matter their social status, suffer immensely when their husbands, sons, daughters or wives binge on alcohol. These families suffer silently as booze rules the lives of their loved ones, but let's not confuse alcohol with occasional drinking. In 2009, as per government statistics, approximately 14 million Indians were addicted to alcohol, by which we mean 14 million Indians were dependent on alcohol. But there are ways to spot if your loved one is going to turn into an alcohol addict; it is time to nip it in the bud and save the family.

What is alcohol addiction?

With a spurt of bars and nightclubs offering alcohol, youngsters are more prone to alcohol addiction... or so common perception goes. But does this mean that addiction to alcohol is only a phenomenon of the 21st century? We think not. The importance to be socially accepted, or the need to alter reality are not new emotions in this world. So what is alcohol addiction? 'Alcohol dependence is a psychiatric diagnosis (a substance related disorder DSM-IV) describing an entity in which an individual is addicted to alcohol either physically or mentally, and continues to use alcohol despite significant areas of dysfunction, evidence of physical dependence, and/or related hardship.' Essentially, if you break the official description down, alcohol addiction can be read as the feeling that your life revolves around alcohol, you consume it in large amounts - often in settings that aren't alcohol related, like breakfast, work or your child's play date - and you are not worried about it affecting your life adversely. Often alcohol addicts experience extreme weight gain or weight loss, and several other health issues.

What are the signs of alcohol addiction?

The major reason why we start drinking is to de-stress. When we are tired and worked up, we have a drink to calm our nerves and relax. But this could turn into an addic-

tion before you know it, especially if you don't find any other outlet for your stress or emotional mood swings. The feeling of being drunk is momentarily priceless but the effects on health and your system are dire. Some more signs include, getting into trouble due to alcohol like getting arrested for drunk driving, your performance at work suffers and your relationship with loved ones is drastically altered. If you wake up and crave for a drink, you're abusing alcohol. When you have alcohol to get over a hangover, you're abusing alcohol. If you are trying to quit, but can't, you're abusing alcohol. If moderate drinking isn't working for you, and if two drinks always lead to 20, then it's time to seek professional help, or an intervention.

So how does one quit alcohol?

Weigh the pros and cons of drinking; are you happy to be an alcoholic? Do you receive enough love? Are people around you happy? Do you have any savings in the bank? Next step, if moderation isn't working, then make a commitment to completely give up alcohol. Prepare realistic aims to follow and be ready for the withdrawal symptoms. If all efforts fail, India has several rehab centers for substance abuse victims. Anonymity is the essence at these centers, there are regular checks and the plan seems foolproof, but the onus is on you. A lot of effort has to come from the alcoholic's part. Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol addiction

Just like other addictions, when you stop drinking, you will experience certain symptoms. The common signs are:

- Trembling hands - Restlessness - Anxiety - Headaches and trouble concentrating - Blood pressure increases - Heart beats faster - Disorientation - Vomiting Several studies suggest that physical engagement in sports, exercise, and he althy e ating purs uits he lp fight alcohol addiction. The he althie r your m e als are , the le s s like ly is it that your blood s ugar le ve ls w ill fluc tuate and s e t in alcohol crav ings . S o, e xam ine your life s tyle and re ctify harm ful patte rns like late nights , lack of e xe rcis e and unhe althy binge e ating. Enlis t s upport from fam ily and frie nds , and re place the tim e s pe nt w ith alcohol w ith hap pie r and he althie r activities. However, if you suffer from a serious over-use addiction, then you must consult a healthcare provider immediately.

To do so is entirely un-physiological. Drinking more water than you need increases your total blood volume and also pressures you kidneys into working overtime so as to filter excess water out of your circulatory system. It is, however, incredibly rare for someone to die of dehydration in a temperate climate, not even sportsmen who sweat a great deal. The right way to drink water is on your TV screen. When Tennis legends Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal play five gruelling sets of tennis in the baking sun, sweating profusely, how do they drink? They sip. They may sip at every end change, but they certainly don't gulp. While exercising, you should balance how much water you drink to how much you are sweating out. All runners should know that over-consumption of fluids, whether it's water or sports drinks, can be fatal. EAH due to excessive hydration has caused at least a dozen deaths worldwide and there have been more than 1,600 documented cases of it around the globe. The International Marathon Medical Directors Association advocates 'drinking to thirst' and no more. That means 0.03 litres per kilogram. So, for a 100 kg person that's a maximum of three litres. The average man is around 70 kgs. Work out the math. Five rea-

sons to kick the cola 1. You will flash a prettier smile. The sugar and acid in soft drinks dissolves tooth enamel while the colouring in darker fizzy drinks leaves dark stains on teeth. 2. You will reduce your risk of heart disease. The high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in many soft drinks increases the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. 3. You will reduce your risk of osteoporosis. The phosphoric acid found in soft drinks can

loosen a tight bolt, eat away metal, and leach calcium from the bones. 4. You will reduce your risk of diabetes. The connection between excess sugar consumption and type 2 diabetes is well-known. 5. You will stabilise blood sugar and energy levels. Simple sugars, the most harmful of which are HFCS, are carbs that cause a rapid energy spike followed by a sudden plummet. Adding caffeine, a cola essential, intensifies this rollercoaster effect.

Fitness facts all women must know Not finding the time for fitness due to household chores and grocery shopping? To ward away hazardous ailments and keep yourself toned, it is important to adhere to a set fitness regime. Many Indian women, particularly after reaching a certain age, feel that good looks do not matter much. However, the discussion here is not about good looks but of health. A fitness routine is as important for older women as it is for a teenager or a young girl. Regular physical activity will not only help you tackle weightrelated issues but will also enable you to prevent conditions associated with weight gain, like rheumatoid arthritis and varicose veins. Still not motivated enough? Here's a list of some important fitness facts for women that will help you to get moving. Avoid obesity: With the dangerous bulging obesity ratios in India, recent statistics revealed that almost one in six women in the country are overweight and are in dire need to trim for avoiding health hazards associated with obesity. This is due to the increased adoption of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits. 30 minutes a day: Your fitness level can be improved by merely adding a few minutes of movement into your daily routine. According to fitness experts; just 30 minute workout for 5 days a week is sufficient to overcome the adverse effects of inactivity and sedentary lifestyle. You can also incorporate minor changes in your daily lifestyle like taking the stairs instead of the lift, parking the car in the last row of the parking lot and walking briskly for a few minutes between your parked car and your office. The importance of de-stressing:

Women are more prone to stress and pressure as compared to men and this, in turn, leads to various health issues. Work on basic relaxation and breathing techniques whenever you can - even while performing your regular chores. Muscle and joint pain: Be careful not to neglect any kind of muscle tightness or joint pains as everything in your body are interlinked with each other. Overlooking such fitness factors may affect the proper functioning of other body joints and muscles as well. Hence, ensure that you address such issues at the earliest. Cardio and weight training: The ideal fitness program for women should include exercises that increase their muscle tone and elevate their heart rate. A continuous, repetitive aerobic workout plan that affects all the large muscle groups in their body is the best option, when coupled with adequate strength training to retain

and develop bone density. Consistency: To see any form of measurable changes in your fitness levels, you should continue your workout and fitness program for a minimum of 12-13 weeks. Health expert consultation: Adding small amounts of physical activity to one's daily routine is sufficient to improve daily function in women suffering from heart ailments or arthritic conditions. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before embarking any exercise program. This is particularly important if you have been physically inactive for a long period, if you are pregnant or if you have health problems. Frequently monitor your body weight to ensure that you do not cross the limit for your height and age. Also, have a monthly health-check done and refer to your doctor or physician in case of any major deviations.

Green coffee beans can make you thin Scientists today reported striking new evidence that green, or unroasted, coffee beans can produce a substantial decrease in body weight in a relatively short period of time. In the study Joe Vinson's team described how a group of overweight or obese people who consumed a few milligrams of ground green coffee beans each day lost about 10 per cent of their weight. "Based on our results, taking multiple capsules of green coffee extract a day - while eating a low-fat, healthful diet and exercising regularly - appears to be a safe, effective, inexpensive way to lose weight," said Vinson, who is with the University of Scranton. The study involved 16 overweight or obese people aged 22-26 years who took capsules of the extract or capsules containing a placebo, an inactive powder, for a total of 22 weeks. The subjects alternated between a low dose and a higher dose of the extract. The low dose consisted of 700mg of the coffee extract, and the high dose was 1,050mg. It was a

so-called "crossover" study in which people cycled through the two doses and the placebo, each for six weeks. Such studies have advantages because each person serves as his or her own "control," improving the chances of getting an accurate result. All of the participants were monitored for their overall diet (calories, food eaten, etc.) and exercise over the study period. "Their calories, carbohydrates, fats and protein intake did not change during the study, nor did their exercise regimen change," Vinson said. Participants lost an average of 7 kilos during the 22 weeks of the study. It included an average of a 10.5 per cent decrease in overall body weight and a 16 per cent decrease in body fat. Vinson noted that weight loss might have been significantly faster, except that participants received the placebo and the lower dose of green coffee extract for part of the study period.


7 SRINAGAR Friday, 14 June,2013

Narendra Modi is like ‘Bhasmasur’

He has consumed his mentor LK Advani: Jairam Ramesh

New Delhi: Taking a dig at developments in BJP, Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh today described Narendra Modi as ‘Bhasmasur’, a mythological character known for trying to destroy his creator. Mr Ramesh said the Gujarat Chief Minister had “consumed” his mentor LK Advani. “Modi is Bhasmasur. He will consume the people who

have created him. He has consumed his mentor, Mr Advani. He has consumed Togadia, one of his co-conspirator in 2002 and he is nothing but a Bhasmasur,” Mr Ramesh told PTI. In Indian mythology, Bhasmasur was a demon who was granted the power by Lord Shiva to destroy anyone whose head he touched with his hand. Bhasmasur then attempted to touch Lord

Shiva’s head with his hand because he wanted to possess Shiva’s wife, Parvati. On Mr Modi’s elevation as the chairman of BJP’s campaign committee, Mr Ramesh said, “We have to be content with that reality.... If BJP wants to commit suicide, why should we stop them.” Mr Ramesh also contrasted the leadership styles of the Gujarat Chief Minister and Congress Vice-President

Akhilesh's minister calls Mayawati 'ugly' in his address to SP workers

Uttar Pradesh's Tourism Minister O.P. Singh forgot basic manners while referring to the state's former chief minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief, Mayawati, during a public address in Ghazipur on Thursday. The minister made a sexist remark while addressing a meeting of the ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) workers, as

he said, "If you can tolerate an ugly Mayawati for five years, why cannot you tolerate our

leader for an hour?" Singh did not just stop there. He then went on to compare Mayawati to raiders and plunderers, alleging that she destroyed the state during her reign. Ironically, the crude statement was made in a meeting that was organised to highlight the achievements of the Akhilesh Yadav government.

Amethi will be made model of development: Rahul Gandhi

AMETHI: Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi today promised to change the face of his parliamentary constituency Amethi and said it would be a model of development in the country. “I have resolved to change the face of Amethi, Rae Bareli and Uttar Pradesh and would do so...the face of Amethi would be changed in such a way that in days to come people of the country would see how development has taken place here,” Gandhi said after laying the foundation stone of a sub post office in Shukul Bazar area. Gandhi, who was on a day-long visit to Amethi, said Hindustan Paper mill would be set up in the constituency and would give employment to about 10,000 people. The paper mill would also benefit farmers as their bamboo and eucalyptus would be used in it, Gandhi said. Besides, a power plant and a hotel management institute would also come up in the area, he promised. He said a district level post office would come here for which the government has already given its approval. For the benefit of farmers, 40 food process-

ing units are being set up in Fursatganj area from where they would be able to directly send their produce like potato, aonla and milk out of the country. On the Union government’s resolve to take development schemes to the people, he said Aadhar card is aimed towards this goal so that the benefits of schemes like MNREGA and pension scheme reach in their accounts directly. “You people say that corruption is increasing, it would also be controlled through it,” he added. Earlier on his arrival, the Congress leader met party workers and locals and gave a hearing to their grievances.

Rahul Gandhi and said, “The fundamental difference is that Rahul Gandhi is trying to create a structure and a system which are not dependent on individuals. Modi is saying I don’t care about the system, I am the structure. I am the system. Nothing exists other than me. Mr Gandhi has never said that.” The Minister, however, refused to say that the 2014 elections will be Rahul Gandhi vs Narendra Modi contest but said it will be a fight between Congress and RSS.

Launching a scathing attack on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and its chief Mohan Bhagawat, Mr Ramesh said the Sangh should now register itself as a political party. “The manner in which it has manoeuvred Modi in and Advani out and the manner in which Mohan Bhagawat is travelling all over the country, trying to lobby with various people, it is no longer a socio-cultural organisation,” he said.

The fortune of the Jindal empire - presently facing allegations in the coal allocation scam - had started from trading in pipes in Haryana. The founder of the group O P Jindal - who died in March 2005 - has started a small bucket-manufacturing unit in Hisar in 1952 followed by a pipe unit Jindal India Limited in 1964. Jindal set up his first large factory in 1969 in Calcutta. OP Jindal - who was born in August 1930 to a farmer Netram Jindal at Nalwa village in Haryana’s Hisar district - forayed into politics and

Naveen Jindal the youngest son of O P Jindal - has been behind the transformation of a moderately performing company into a world class organisation. After consolidating its position as a leading player in the steel, power, mining and infrastructure sectors domestically, Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL) -earlier known as Jindal Strips Limited -- diversified into the oil and gas sector internationally with operations in Africa, Oman, Australia, Mongolia, Indonesia and Georgia. Now JSPL is the part of the US $17 billion diversified O P Jindal Group. Earlier, JSPL was a moderately performing company when Naveen took over its Raigarh and Raipur operations in 1993. JSPL also operates the world’s largest coal-based sponge iron manufacturing plant in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, and plants in Jharkhand and Odisha. The University of Texas

at Dallas (UTD) has named its school of management after Naveen - who represents Haryana’s Kurukshetra parliamentary constituency in the Lok Sabha. Jindal is a management graduate from the UTD and he is also the founding chancellor of the O P Jindal Global University. Jindal is a national record holder in skeet shooting and an accomplished polo player. He and his wife Shallu Jindal alongwith their children, Venkatesh and Yashasvini, reside in Delhi. Shallu is an accomplished Kuchipudi dancer. After completing his postgraduation in the US, Naveen returned to India and began managing his father’s political affairs. In 2004 he contested election from the Kurukshetra on the Congress ticket. He won, beating his nearest rival Abhay Singh Chautala by a margin of 1.6 lakh votes. He was re-elected in the 2009 general elections.

After the attack, CRPF Cobra battalions, stationed in Jamui and Lakhisarai, were sent to the spot, but Maoists retreated into the dense forests before their arrival. The daring attack is one of the several assaults by Maoists on security forces after the May 25 massacre of 28 people, including eight top Chhattisgarh Congress leaders, in Bastar region. Meanwhile, in another attack, suspected Maoists gunned down Jaspal Singh, 60, and Mallikarujun Reddy, 45, employees at a private steel plant which had been allotted a block for mining, and Raju Sadaphad, 65, a government official, in Mange village in Maoist-hit Gadichiroli district of Maharashtra.

“It is the responsibility of the courts and not the citizens to keep track of justice. It is time that the courts come down heavily upon the accused. Or else the people will lose faith in the law of the country,” she added. The family members of the victims said the departed souls may not rest in peace without justice. After a lengthy trial, Sushil Ansal and Gopal Ansal, who owned the theatre, were found guilty of “causing death by negligent act”. A Delhi trial court awarded them two years’ rigorous imprisonment in November 2007. In December 2008, the Delhi high court reduced the duo’s sentences from two years to one year. The victims’ family claimed the punishment handed down to the accused was less. “It’s high time we get justice. For how long will all this go on,” said Jyoti Joshi, who lost her friend and grandson in the fire. The association said it will continue its struggle till the accused were given adequate punishment.

A meeting of chiefs of CBI and IB was held on Thursday following the probe agency’s decision to summon Special Director of Intelligence Bureau Rajinder Kumar in the Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case. The meeting was chaired by Union Home Secretary RK Singh which also saw a surprise presence of former CBI Chief AP Singh, who is at present member Union Public Service Commission, official sources said. The sources said while the IB Director Asif Ibrahim pressed for the need to maintain confidentiality in the ongoing probe, CBI Director Ranjit Sinha assured that the same would be done. Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case: IB, CBI chiefs meet Home Secretary RK Singh Sinha said CBI had enough evidence to back the summons issued to Kumar,

Bihar: 3 killed in Naxal attack on Dhanbad-Patna Intercity Express

The attackers, comprising mostly women Maoist cadres believed to have come from nearby Giridh district in Jharkhand, stopped the train at Kundar halt, about 162km southeast of Patna, and opened fire on the AC bogies. The dead are railway protection security force (RPSF) constable Sukant Deonath, Patna police subinspector Kumar Amit and the passenger, Sarwar Islam. Five others, including the train guard KP Singh, were injured in the attack. The salwar-kurta clad women Maoists also snatched two assault rifle from the fivemember RPSF escort. Deputy inspector general of police (rail) KS Anupam said the attack was aimed at looting weapons from the RPSF personnel. He said the rest of the passengers, nearly 500, were safe and didn’t appear to have been the targets.

Chandrababu Naidu’s latest announcement that the Telugu Desam would be a part of the just-conceived “Federal Front”, on Thursday took senior party leaders by surprise as it currently maintains a cordial relationship with the Left. “Hundred per cent we will join the Federal Front,” the TDP chief told a English news channel in Hyderabad on Thursday. “The UPA has lost mandate and the Congress is becoming weak. The BJP-led NDA is also not gaining. The regional parties are emerging stronger. It will be the regional parties that will play a dominant role in the next general elections,” Mr. Naidu said.“All parties, particularly the regional parties, have a responsibility to see that a third alternative to the UPA and the BJP is formed. So, we will definitely be part of the Federal Front,” the former Chief Minister asserted. He recalled that the TDP played a key role in formation of three out of four non-

Congress governments at the Centre. “We will again play a crucial role in 2014,” he added. Mr. Naidu’s announcement has however, left senior leaders of the Telugu Desam in dismay. A politburo member of the TDP said none approached them so far with the idea of Federal Front.“Its not even a day since the so-called Federal Front’s name cropped up and there was no discussion about it in our party,” he pointed out. “We are always supportive of the idea of a ‘Third Front’ that comprises the Left since we are long-time allies. Given that the ‘Federal Front’ is a supposed brainchild of Mamata Banerjee, a sworn enemy of the Left, we may not actually fit in unless we severe ties with

the Left parties,” the politburo member noted. The TDP leaders are now waiting for the Left parties’ reaction to Mr. Naidu’s announcement. For long, the CPI and the CPI(M) have been friends of TDP in Andhra Pradesh. The Left parted ways with TDP in 1998 after the latter inched closer to the BJP and extended outside support to the NDA government in 1999. In 2004, the Left forged an alliance with the Congress to defeat the TDP. But again in 2007, the CPI and the CPI(M) again came under the TDP umbrella.Of late, however, the CPI(M) distanced itself from the TDP in the state though Mr. Chandrababu continued to maintain good relations with its leaders at the national level. With CPI senior leader A B Bardhan trashing the “Federal Front” idea, it remains to be seen whether the party will continue its camaraderie with the struggling TDP in Andhra Pradesh.

Former Uttar Pradesh MLA, wife seek Mulayam Singh Yadav’s permission to end life A former legislator of the ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) has written to party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, seeking permission to end his own life, and that of his wife. In a letter addressed to the father-son duo of Mulayam and Akhilesh Yadav, Abdul Samad Ansari and his wife Shehla Parveen have alleged harassment at the hands of Congress legislator Ajay Rai. They said that over the last week, the Congress leader had been trying to defame them, with the aid of forged papers. Ansari, a former SP MLA from Varanasi (North) has said that despite his attempts to petition district authorities, nothing had happened so far, and he was subject to immense stress. “There are some forged papers in the possession of Ajay Rai, Congress MLA, through which he is harassing me and my family” Ansari said.In his letter, he also charged Rai of roaming near his house in a suspicious manner, and said he feared a physical threat.Ajai Rai, representing the Pindra assembly seat in Varanasi, meanwhile, has trashed the allegations of the SP leader, and said that his property and assets were already probed by the previous Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) government. He said he was ready to face any fresh probe.

Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case: IB, CBI chiefs meet Home Secretary RK Singh

The rise of Jindal empire began with pipe trading in Haryana he was elected a Member of the Haryana Legislative Assembly three times and a Member of Parliament in the 11th Lok Sabha, from the Kurukshetra constituency of Haryana. He also served as the Minister of Power in Haryana.After O P Jindal’s death, his widow Savitri Jindal became the chairperson of the group and had figured among the world’s 100 richest persons. She had also served as a Minister of Power in the Government of Haryana until 2010. Savitri Jindal and her family were listed by Forbes as the world’s 80th “richest person,” with a net worth of US$10.9 billion. They were ranked as the fourth richest in India. The sources revealed that

Federal Front: TDP leaders dismayed over Naidu’s comment

16 years on, Uphaar fire victims’ kin seek justice

NEW DELHI: Bound together by a traumatic incident that took place on this day exactly 16 years ago, the 28 families who lost their loved ones in Delhi’s Uphaar cinema fire tragedy held a prayer meeting on Thursday and pledged to continue their fight for justice. With tears in their eyes and hearts full of grief, family members of the victims of the tragedy assembled at Smriti Upvan, a memorial for the victims near the nowshut cinema hall in south Delhi’s Green Park area, and lit lamps. On June 13, 1997, during the screening of Hindi film “Border”, a fire engulfed the theatre, killing 59 people and injuring over 100 in the subsequent stampede. The prayer meeting was organised on the anniversary of the inferno by the Association of Victims of the Uphaar Tragedy (AVUT). Association president Neelam Krishnamoorthy, who lost her two children in the fire, said: “The law has failed to give us justice since 16 years. All my appeals have only fallen on deaf ears.”


a 1979-batch Manipur-Tripura cadre IPS officer, seeking to examine him again in connection with the Ishrat Jahan fake encounter case probe. In a related move, Kumar has sought exemption from appearance before CBI till Tuesday citing personal reasons. CBI had issued fresh notices to the officer under the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure as previous examination of the officer was not satisfactory and replies given by him, the agency said, appeared diversionary. A decision about his custodial in-

terrogation will be taken only after the fresh round of questioning. CBI sources said the agency plans to file charge sheet soon in connection with the fake encounter.

Mobile phone of CM’s aide misused, claims VS

Opposition leader V S Achuthanandan on Wednesday raised the allegation that the mobile phone of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s aide was misused and a woman with a tainted background had received 70 calls from the phone. Participating in the discussion on the demand for grants in the Assembly, Achuthanandan alleged that the Chief Minister’s office phone had also been used to call one Saritha, who was involved in some cheating cases.Replying to this, the Chief Minister said that if there was any misuse of his office, stern action would be initiated.Participating in the discussion, G Sudhakaran of the CPM said that mere slogans would not help anyone.He pointed out that the government had not brought the Ministers and

top officials under the Right to Service Act. C Divakaran of the CPI urged the government to clarify why it had insulted KPCC president Ramesh Chennithala over the issue of his induction into the Cabinet. Benny Behnan of the Congress defended the government by saying that the KPCC president was the most respected leader of the party in the state and no one had insulted him.P C Vishnunath said that they were not interested in being referred to as MLAs from certain communities.He also praised the Chief Minister for bagging the United Nations Award for public service.E P Jayarajan, K Sivadasan Nair, P K Basheer, Jameela Prakasham, T A Ahammed Kabeer, P C George and P Sreeramakrishnan also participated in the discussion.


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