profane existence #46

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Dan: For the sake of getting everyone's voice, please say your names and what you play: Nicole: l'm Nicole, I play guitar and sing.

Rob: l'm Rob, I play drums and sing. Janine: Janine, play bass and sing.

PE: What attracted you guys to Punk rock? Rob: lt's the only music that has ever truly spoken to me, welcomed me. lt's never (usually!) spoken down to me. My cousin Josh introduced this music to me when he was going through a very hard time in his life and in a way it has saved me from losing myself as well. Where else can you pick up an instrument, make a bunch of noise, travel the world and drink a beer with someone you grew up admiring who appreciates it just as much?

PE: And Nicole and Janine, what attracted you to punk rock when it

is such an obviously


dominated movement? Janine: When I first got into punk a friend of mine made me a mixed tape that had Bikini Kill on it and considering that they are primarily women, I was

like "this is amazing", and basically got into it because of that. I think if it were a ditferent band I don't know if I would have necessarily been so into it, but after I heard that and they were I

feminists, and they were obviously amazing, and had so many great things to say I was just sold. Maygun: Did you like the style of the

music or did you like their

Maygun: Do you think that some of that prompted you to start up your own band and to become more



Janine: Both. Nicole:Janine and I grew up together,

Dan: When you went out to shows,

Janine: Yeah, absolulely. lt made me want to start my own band so much. We started our first band in our first year of college, we were called Witch Trial, and I know people confuse the two bands, but there's really no


similarities except for the Witch theme.

message, were you surprised that the average hardcore show is nol like that at all?

When we started the band I couldn't play an instrument, so we both just

so I would say what she said


accurate for both of us.

after hearing that tape with

Nicole: Oh yeah, we grew up in North Jersey right outside Newark, so allthe shows that Janine and I went to were New York-style tough guy hardcore shows. Totally male dominated. lt was to the point where the only girls that were there were literally the girlfriends of the guys in bands standing in back holding their bags and jackets. Janine: There were literally no women... Nicole: No women in any of the bands. At least the shows that we went to for years, but we still kept going though.


sang for it and it was awesome

anyway. Back then, there weren't really that many bands with women and it was like'97, there weren't really all that many compared to now.

Maygun: So do you think that the best way to fight sexism in our scene is to participate? Nicole: I think that the best way to make change is to simply live your life how you feel is best. You can set an example just by living your life the way you want to and people will learn from you. l've been so inspired by seeing

Witch Hunt lnterview

other women doing amazing things that made me want to do more. Seeing

words become action is the most inspiring. So I think that in any aspect of our lives to make change is just to live your life how you feel is ideal and good and awesome. Dan: (to Rob) How do you feel about your involvement being the male in the band? Do you feel left out when

people ask these questions? Do you feel that you are taking part by being in the band the same way? Rob: Um, no. I mean sornetimes it can

be frustrating... I don't like being known as "the male in ttrc background"

because I feel like lve p{n so much of myself into this bard, bofrr tyrically and musically. But they're my friends, and they are going to silrg about what they want to sing about and people are going to pay atterdirr to the fact that

there are two romen up front screaming their heds off Ot course that's going to get a lrt of focus. I stand by them; re aI p.etty much feel the same way. B.ilyea^. sometimes I

Profane Exi'stence #46

learning, which of course it isn't.

will feel left out.

arrested, and that's great, who knows where it's going to go from there, he might go to jail for a few months or years or he might just get a slap on the wrist. Janine: And how much is he really going to learn in a few months in jail. I

Rob: I think it's way more inspirational



Janine: For me, I feel there's not a separation, we're like a whole. The

when someone picks up something creative later in life. lt's less forced,

three of us. None ol us feel like anyone is more important than the other one. Bob: We all contribute. Nicole: Flight, we definitely wouldn't be who we are without each one of us. We definitely couldn't keep going on if one of us left the band.

more passionate.

PE: At the past Pointless Fest in

Philadelphia, two men from

name of the survivor

Maygun: Have you guys known each other for a long time, well,




lesson he would learn is having

women beat the shit out of him. I would

imagine that if just watching it was hard, then he must have been scared to death. And who knows, maybe this incident will make him realize "if I do


appropriate? Nicole: I thought it was handled so

obviously you two have, (to Nicole and Janine) but have the three ol you know each other for a long


think that is probably the hardest

Minneapolis were accused of raping three women. Do you think that the situation was handled well? Do you think that a physical response in the

well. I couldn't possibly think of a better way of dealing with it. I mean, I've read up on situations, books on how to deal with a situation when a woman is raped and I've read all about this. A



Rob: Well we all knew each other just from going to ABC no Rio, I mean they are three years older than me, so there is an age gap, but just going to shows atABC brought us together, we started

hanging out, they started giving me



rides there, and they needed

a drummer, and I didn't know how to play


drums but I oflered to do it. (laughter)

sometimes dragging them out, beating the shit out of them. l've read shit about this and always thought it was such a

r ir


l tt

bunch of women getting together, either bringing the perpetrator or rapist up in public and outing them and letting

Dan: That seems to be a common thread in this band!



Janine: Yeah, Rob was a bass player and guitar player and we needed a drummer so we thought, "let's do it" and we had one practice, and he was good. He really was. We went out and bought a drum set the next day. Rob: I blew all my savings.

Dan: Are you still playing on that drum set? Rob: Yeah, slightly upgraded.

Nicole: We've all upgraded our instruments in the past three years.

Dan: Turned into musicians

great way of dealing with it. Honestly in practice though, it is very disturbing. We were there, Janine and I were two of the 8 women or so that were there. We didn't physically get involved, but we were verbally confronting him. Physically though, I couldn't bring myself to physically assault him, although I feel he definitely deserved it. I mean, just watching it was hardwe were both in tears. lt was so disturbing. I thought it was dealt with really well, but Janine and I were both crying hysterically watching women around him beating him, and it was so

hard to do it because rape is not a political thing. lt's a personal issue. lt's

Nicole: Yeah...Janine was only playing bass for six months when we started, I was playing guitar for two or three

so fucking personal. lthink if someone touched my sister or someone I know I would have had no problem beating the shit out of them.

to our instruments when we started. mean so many people have said "you guys really improved so much since I first saw you guys" I think that's the reason, we were brand new at what we were doing. So naturally we progressed really, really last, we worked our asses off until we were finally decent. I





+ i


:il ,,t lF.



years. So we were all fucking very new


at the place

Maygun: That's good to know that it can be done at any age. I picked up the violin a couple years ago, and people just looked at me like I was crazy. Like "what are you doing picking up this instrument now at this point in your life?" Like it's too late alter a certain point to keep

Maygun: That was sort of our response as well, with the women I went with from Minneapolis, we all felt a little bit, I mean not that we disagreed with it, but we all felt a little bit uncomfortable exerting any

sort of physical force but at the same time when we thought about it for a second and thought- well if it had been you or you- I don't think lwould have blinked, it would have been done. Which is sort of a scary

realization to think about also. Nicole: Right. And the reason that

this again, these women or someone else might jump me again". Dan: Or it might be worse. Nicole: You can't rely on the police to do that job because our society pretty much says that it's acceptable to rape a woman because how often does the man ever do time for raping a woman? It's such a fucked up personal issue that most women can't even go to the police about it. And I think it has to be dealt with first handedly by survivors, and the women involved. And it's more important that it's women, because if it was a bunch of.guys it would have been like the knight in shining armor saving the woman, and that's not empowering at all. PE: Rob, what was your opinion on

what happened during Pointless Fest? Do you felt that the situation was handled appropriately? How did it feel to have your set after the women spoke on stage to the group about the rapes that had occurred? Rob: When I heard what happened it was like my heart dropped to my

stomach, instant nausea. I hate violence. lt's not my thing. But I can

understand a violent reaction upon a rapist. Those women will never ever truly get back what was "taken" from them. When you're in such an intense mind frame as reacting to a rape or murder your first thought about the perpetrator is usually "l'll kill them". I think it's only normal. They confronted him, outed him. He wouldn't admit or

agree to turn himself in so they did what they felt needed to be done. thought the women involved were amazing. The way they spoke to the crowd was incredibly organized.' To play after that took a lot out of all of I

us. The feeling in the air was definitely intense.


really thought it was so necessary that there was physical action against him

PE: How do you guys feel about the people that were at that festival and

is because you can't deal with that kind

people that are in similar other

of shit with the police. I mean he was

situations like that make claims of



Profane Existence #46

Witch Hunt lnterview


"Oh, you guys are being vigilantes or feminazis". I heard all of that stuf,

there. The same group of people

that traveled to that festival in Philadelphia, some of them thought that it wasn't appropriate to act in that way- I think the term vigilante was what was used the most. Janine: I actually didn't hear any negative responses about it. Everyone I spoke to was really supportive about it. I think that's really good.

Nicole: The physical violence wasn't the only way it was dealt with.

During the show, during SIGNAL LOST's set a bunch of the women involved got on stage and told the entire room of people ihe situation and explained everything. So it wasn't just the physical assault on hrm, it was making everybody completely aware of what happened. lt was outing him to a huge room of people to let them

know who he is and what he did. thought it was done so well. I can't


of ours came up to me and explained a situation where he is being accused of rape and explained to me that he is innocent. Then at the Pointless Fest this year a women who l've met once before asked me to please confront

macho guys...

Andre: And there's none of that in New Jersey. All: (Laughter)

Dan: You never know what kind ol

this same situation at the show

situation you might be in. l've

because she explained to me that it

traveled with bands of 9 guys and walked out of the van and thought, "Wow, ldon't really feel comfortable being here" walk into the venue and

was her friend who was raped and she says that he was not innocent.

Dan: lt sounds like you got put in an uncomfortable situation. Nicole: Yeah. I think that if the rapist

it's full of Polish farmers,



at the festival this year were in a really

popular punk band I definitely don't think it would have been dealt with the same. I don't know how it would have been dealt with honestly. Maygun: I think that's it. I think it's the question of the year, I mean I know that we've spent an obscene amount of time talking about all of

this. Thinking about all these issues. Dan: Yeah, ongoing since-

even imagine a better way.

Maygun: Since winter-

Maygun: I agree. I saw all ol them speak during the middle of their set as well. They were all very strong, clear, and to the point. Janine: Also, it made people realize

Dan: Yeah, at least since Christmas.

that it's not just some "crazy" girl

in the US, but there is also machismo,

PE: I guess this question is to Janine and Nicole- seems like a lot of them have been! Have you guys witnessed in your work as social workersDan: We read about it you in MRR. Maygun: Yeah, we read up on you

guys (laughter). Have


witnessed any ill effects of budget cuts for social programs with the current administration? Nicole: Yeah, we definitely have. The

director of my agency is really

Andre: So do you guys, particularly to Janine and Nicole, I mean you're

amazing, he's a total activist. He's constantly flooding all our mailboxes

traveling with two men right now.

with information about budget cuts and asking every single statf, there's about

How would you feel if Rob and Greg

200 of us, to send out letters to

making allegations to start up some conspiracy. So many people feel that way when it comes to rape because no one believes or really knows what

were women? Would you feel

happened except for the people

been, would you be comfortable on

comfortable traveling across the country, in a van, to some places you've been, others you haven't

Senators and legislators supporting social service programs. I know in our

agency alone, there have been positions in my program that are being threatened, we might not be able to keep the positions open because of budget cuts, and those positions are



Dan: That's what's happened in

Janine: With all women?

other places, other times it comes out in a place where it just turns into a what he said / she said, one side of the story or another, that's not effective, You can't iust turn into an open accusation. lt makes it harder for the survivor to deal with and

Andre: Yeah.

really important because we work with

Janine: I think it totally depends on the people themselves. I know for me, have no sense of direction. lf it were four women like me- no- cause we'd

homeless youth who have been

usually the person who


responsible gets off the hook. I've been dealing with it that way, I think this is the only way it's going to work.

PE: Do you guys think that the response would have been the


never make it to our shows. (Laughter) But an equivalent to Greg our roadie, someone who is really great at getting around, then yeah. lthink it's reallythe

people that's important, not the

felt like shit about it. And we're

Maygun: More the sense of direction than the gender?



a record label, something where people would have recognized them?

Nicole:That's a great question. I don't know the answer to that question, have no idea, it would have made the situation much more complex. This I

situation has risen within the last couple of years. A year ago a friend


now, about 13 of my cllents were


member of one of the bands, or run

known person- had they been

families. They need a lot of support, not just one counselor. Because right directly affected by me going on tour because I left them. One of the only stable things in their lives, and I left. I

All: (Laughter) Janine: lt's not a stereotype either. Nicole: I feel good about it, traveling with all women, I think l'd be a little

same had the attacker been a better

abused and neglected and taken out

ol their homes, away from their

more intimidated

internationally though. We are going

to be playing some shows in Mexico on this tour. l'm just hearing, I don't know, I don't want to say from what l'm hearing because I want to judge

for myself. But l'm hearing it's different, women are treated differently. ln some ways women punk bands are much more supported in Mexico then here

Witch Hunt lnterview


planning to move to Philly, and so l'm probably not even going back and they're just like "Great, my life is shit, now it's going to be even worse". lt's so important that these social service positions stay open, because it's really, really fucking with people's lives.

Maygun: Do you think that a lot more people will end up just slipping through the cracks without

these programs being


available? Janine:Absolutely.

PE: Do you guys think that changing leadership in the upcoming election will make any

Profane Existence #46


sort of immediate impact? Janine: lt's hard to say because when I started working there, Bush was in office, and he's still in otfice. lf l'd been there before, or after it might be easier to determine.

Maygun: I think what you two are doing is wonderlul, trying to help folks make sense out of their lives

that are obviously out of their control. I think these sorts of issues regarding mental health need to be better addressed within our scene as well. To Bob, in the song "By a

thread" you wrote very personal

important to your mental health so all I can say is do what makes yourself happy. You don't need to trap yourself in a corner. Set goals. You are allowed to put yourself first. As far as addressing the mental health issue in the punk community, I think it's always been there, maybe not totally out in the open. lt's like anything else: Queer issues, feminist issues;they've all had their time to flourish. There are definitely others who are open about

it: Sascha from Slug & Lettuce, Garmonbozia- to name a couple.

When people are ready to talk about it then they will.

of those bands, but I guess there's an

appropriate time and place for everything. I think it's good that they exist.

Rob: I think it's good to an extent, but I don't think they are really offering any

alternatives, like they're basically saying "Don't vote for Bush vote for Kerry" they're not really saying what Kerry really stands for, and all the similarities between him and Bush. lt's

really just like a democratic-party agenda and that's it.

Dan: To me it seems like it's all about getting rid of Bush, but not

getting rid of the fundamental problems, or any of the problems.

lyrics about the struggle to have a

of kids that are out there that are really

Rob: lt's not going to stop the war, you know? Nicole: And just voting isn't enough. I think it's a copout in a way, like people

think they can just vote and they're making this huge ditference.

at a time works best for me. Playing music, being on tour, it's shown me

listening to these bands. You know what, oh well if they are big, semimainstream bands, I think that the young kids that go to the shows are easily influenced, and personally lfeel it's good to send them a positive

anything with it, I mean you vote and then you get to do it again in four years.

that your immediate environment is so

message. Maybe we wouldn't be one


meaningful life and existence. What

Dan: Do you have an opinion on the


Rock against Bush campaign? Janine: lthink it's great, there are tons

do you feel you do to create

meaningful existence for yourself and those around you? Do you

think mental healtMmental illness is

an issue that needs to be better addressed in the punk community?

Rob: Honestly getting through one day

Dan: You can't really change


know, and in the last election,

Bush literally stole it, so that shows even more so that it's all shit.

PE: Rob, you speak quite a bit in your lyrics about the aftermath of and how it has affected us here in the states (the corporatization of media, the overall shift to the right,

9/1 1

blind patriotism and flag waving, etc). Do you see this changing in the

near future- perhaps with the

upcoming election? What are some

of your favorite sources for

independent media and news? Rob: No I honestly don't see things changing. I could possibly imagine a more "low-key" conservatism like the Clinton administration, where a war on lraq was basically shrouded for 10

years, but honestly Kerry absolutely disgusts me. He is one of the "fashionable fence-straddling f uckers" I was talking about in "Access Denied". He is pro-lsrael. He voted for the patriot act and he's shown no spine on any issues. l'm experiencing a huge

mind-fuck from all this "lesser-of-twoevils" bullshit. Where do I get my news? The internet is an extremely usetul tool

for independent media- l'll usually check out The Nation, NYC lndyMedia, Z-Mag, Maximumrocknroll, PE, and for shits and giggles, The Onion.

Also I should mention that "Access Denied" would not have been written if it weren't for the book, "Weapons

Profane Existence #46

Witch Hunt lnterview


of Mass Deception" by


Rampton and John Stauber.

PE: As punks, what can we do to improve people's lives in a concrete fashion? Do you guys think we can help each other become more selfsufficient?

Dan: Basically turning your lyrics into action. What can we do to turn the message into a reality? Nicole: I think most punks have lives outside the punk scene, at

Pointless Fest when we asked the whole crowd how many of you have a job or go to school and every person raised their hand, there were what, 600 people there? So that shows that there

is so much we can be doing in our "normal" lives, just living your lile as a good example is so fucking important. For me personally, working a job that

is important makes a ditference

because I spend 40-50 hours a week at work and that's a fucking long time. It's just doing that which coincides with my beliefs. Rob: The punk scene has the whole

networking and cooperative ideals, helping each other out, just to bring that outside the punk scene, I mean even this tour we are on right now is friends helping friends just on a larger scale. Dan: I think a lot of the time it's hard to bridge the gap between what we

do as punks and what we do in everyday life, even being able to relate to people that don't have the same politics and ideas.

in Long lsland and had to buy a new guitar, bass, cymbals, which that's the guitar that broke, unfortunately. We got through it all, even when we felt really down, we were able to all regroup and ljust feel really great about the record.

l'm so happy we did it. I think we all are.

(Laughter) Dan: They didn't have a problem with the other one, even though it was the

same logo. Maygun: lthink that's pretty much it for questions we had written down. Dan: ls there anything else you guys

Dan: Yeah, I know you guys were pretty stressed.

wanted to say? Probably get the same interview questions every time...

Dan: Yeah, some people are iust

Janine: I get stressed out easily, it's in my nature, and having all these little things go wrong really made it much more stressful than it had to be. Nicole: l'm really, really happy with the

Maygun: lt at least holds true some of the time, so it's worth trying.

record, l'm happy with the way the lyrics all came together, with the message and the layout.

Dan: What do the kids want to know? Come on, we don't know, we don't

Rob: I don't know, I've found that if you treat someone well, usually they'll treat you well back. I mean that might seem really idealistic, but it's turned out to be true, in a lot of cases.


PE: Are you guys happy with how the

records turned out? Rob: Yes-

Dan: Careful here... (Laughter)

Janine: We worked really hard. Many, many, many hours practicing. lt's been like three years for us to get to this point, it was hours of hard work in the studio,

we were there like


days, long days, Iike 12 hour days and it was extremely stressful times. Nicole's guitar broke, for the first time, the first night of recording and we just went out and charged a new one on the guitar center credit card and

then returned it after we were done recording (laughter). And we had some real bad luck priorto recording. We had all our equipment stolen after a show


PE: Were you guys surprised at all when the first pressing plant refused to print your CD because they said the artwork "Offended their Christian

values"? Janine: (To Rob) You made a good point yesterday about the other pictures. Rob: Yeah, I just thought it was funny that they weren't offended by the priest with the noose. (Laughter) Dan: Yeah they specifically cited the

Eric Drooker piece. Maybe they didn't see the priest. The priest with the noose is a little more subtle, just a thin white band. The band is called Witch Hunt. Rob: With an inverted cross in our

Nicole: No, these are pretty good, they are different.

Andre: Come on, thousands of kids are waiting. consult them. (Laughter) Janine: Witch Hunt are a bunch of drunks. Everyone should know. Dan: lf there's not anything else, any closing comments, we'll end here. Nicole: Just thank you so much for everything.

Dan: Thanks for coming out! Nicole: We've had three meals in hvo days, il's amazing. Dan: lt's not over yet. We have like

12 hours to make you guys hate us.(Laughter) All right, thanks a lot. CONTACT: VISIT:


Witch Hunt tnterview

Profane Existence #46

ometlmes peopls go through phases in their livea where they

leel as though they are talllng out of 'the loop' of things ie; punk/music, politics/cu rrent events etc...because it is such an ever changing world and il is hard to ground yourself when so much

is in motion. I go through phases, it seems, about every three years or so. l'll be productive, volunteer, travel, make music, write all my pen pals, write zines,

go to protests etc...then one day iust decide to say "fuck all" to everyone and iust fall off of the planet for awhile. Well, right around May Day this year lfelt myselt emerging from a bit of a slump. I became apart of the world again and was

starting to really have faith in the comradery of my triends and scene again. Maybe it was because the clutches ol winter were finally weakening and

Spring was being celebrated through a renewal ol the infamous May Day festivities here in Minneapolis. Or, it could have been the excitment of the bands that were finally touring through here again and lhal Thrash Fest was a great way to kick off a new season and a new attitude. For me, it all began with WolfBrigade. My crazy week with these live awesome people began at the Mplyst.Paul airport about three days before Thrash Fest. Michele (Havoc) and I had anticipated their arrival for a long time now and I could honestly say that it was Michele's persislence that got them here all the way trom Sweden. The tour was supposed to be a three week romp through the Mid-west and East coast (funded by Felix Havoc) leading all the way up to Montreal to play a show at the Loud House. But unfortunately, 'under doctors orders', Micke discovered that he was only allowed to do two shows on account of his intection in his throat and needless to say, no one was thrilled about it at all. Almost all of the shows were cancelled except for Minneapolis and Chicago, But on a good note tor me this meant that we would have more time to hang out and party with these crazy swede's! Between the airport and minutes before they played a 'secret' show and went on stage for the last time in Minneapolis we had consumed an incredible amount of alcohol (and spaghetti) and had had the most fun that I've had with five strangers than lcould ever remember. lt was so cool to actually iust hang out with someone trom another country, someone in another scene, someone who has been around and played wilh bands I could only dream of ever even seeing and iust talk lor hours about politics and great music. ll was an experience not many get and eventually I suckered them into giving me an interview!

Micke, Markus, Erik, Jocke and Dadde had alot to say within the week they stayed here, bul with Jocke always on the



l'n phone with Elenor, Markus and Erik hung over or crashed out, Dadde on the computer and Micke being overwhelmed with questions and constantly downing lhroat coat Syrup, it was hard to just put something together. I ended up conducting the following interview via email after they had gotten back to Sweden and settled back into their lives again. I ligured in retrospect things might come out better and that an impression ot the States might be a little

more inviting considering the world's events and the shitty system in which we live. Hopefully we gave them a good example of how kids in the States can be political and crczy lun at the same time. So, between their many bands, their kids, lobs and drinking schedule this short, yet sweet, interview came to be. This interview was compiled by Micke, Jocke and Dadde on June 25th 2004 By Trisstessa for Profane Existence. Photos by Michele PE: So first off, How long have you guys known each other? You all seem like

brothers. M) Me, Jocke and Erik have known each other since we were small kids We wenl to school

together for



name is so important then I think they should get involved with the pop scene or some other stupid shit!

PE: What do you think about your nick-

names; CuddleBrigade (mpls.) and KittenBrigade (SUNDAY MORNING

EINSTEINS)...? .they did alot ol sleeping together- squished in our tiny flat.

D) I think it's funny. I mean it's true that we are pretty close and I don't feel strange about cuddeling with my friends M) lt feels natural being so close to these people, afterall they are my best friendsl J) KittenBrigade? Could that possibly be Peter Hiresland who said that? PE: How many different bands have you guys been in or are in currently anyways? M) The only band I think is interesting is my one year with TO WHAT END? and my other band DENY J) Been in a lot of bands but the only ones that count are To What End? and Sunday Morning Einsteins, D) l've been in shitloads of bands. Past bands; SME, Second thought ETC- Current bands; TWE?, IMPERiAL LEATHER and SUICIDE BUTZ.


J) We met Markus lor the first time in the early '90's. I first met Dadde when I joined SUNDAY IVIORNING EINSTEINS, a band we are no longer a part of. D) | got to know Jocke first in 2000, I think,

and then I got to know the rest. I joined Wolf Brigade not too long after starting to hang

PE: How was your experience in the States- even though it was for only a week? *they were stuck with Michele and I the whole time- we went shopping alot and took them to our favorite drinking spots and had a blast in chicago hanging out with ISKRA, RAT BASTABD, FROM

out with them.

ASHES RISE and HUMAN ORDER' D) Really fucking good! lt was awesome to

PE: What and Who made the change over from WOLFPACK to WOLFBRIGADE?

tinally come over there and and meet old and

D) Booorrring! But we know people wonder so; There was an extreme right wing prison organization called wolfpack and that caused alot of problems At least among other 'nor

mal' people who didn't get the difference- I don't blame them. And when lvlicke joined after Jonsson got kicked out of the band and there was a lyrical change, it felt even more important to change lhe name. M) Some people gave us alot of shit because we changed the name, called us losers and that we gave up the fight. Fuck, people are just so lucking stupid sometimes! lf a band

Wolfbrigade lnterview

new friends. The shows were awesome- I'll be back soon with BBUCE BANNER (ust a stand in) and TO WHAT END? in March '05. PE: Were you upset about not being able to fulfill the intial tour dates? D) That was such a drag- We first had three

weeks booked but due to


responsablilities, etc..we had to cut it down to a few days. Then Micke got his voice infection and it was then we jusl thought 'fuck it' we're never going to be able to do just a few shows. But thanks to Felix and Locup syrup it did happen. At least a few shows.

Profane Existence #46

I to a certain member in Mulheim. But we take that to the grave. J) Well, I remember a certain bass player (let's say he is real big and has a mohawk) getting all drunk and stoned. I was asleep on the floor and he came into the room, knocking over the T.V set so it lands on my leg. Then he fell

over me and shit, that guy is real lucking heavy. Me and Erik put the T.V back and when we turn around the bastard had fallen asleep on our sleeping bags...ha ha ha.

M) We did a show in Berlin (kopi) in 2002 and the crowd went nuts. One guy was doing dives from the pipes in the ceiling and shit, it's a really high ceiling-it was greatl PE: What do you think about the differences in the us culture- compared to swe-

den? ie; the liqour laws and ihe

acceptence of pornography in places, the scene etc..,? I live above a sex shop and alot ot our friends work in the sex industry-in Sweden, the scene seems really

PE: Whats a typical day for you guys?

(lobs, kids, cops, society...?) *Markus and his lady iust had a baby. D) I work at my fathers place. He cuts hair. lm going to be a hair designer when I'm finlshed learning. Then I guess it would be rehearsing with bands, drinking beer etc... J) Work, eat, sleep, rehearse, drink. M) l'm unemployed, but me and two friends are building a skate ramp so that keeps me busy. Drink, sleep, going to gigs and watch all the stupid Nazi skinheads pass me by where ever I lucking gol PE: Micke, how did the surgery go? Are you recovering OK? M) lt went totally fine. I have to wait to sing for a few months but apart from that the surgery was a success! I was not allowed to talk for about a week after the surgery. lt was such a drag, but I went out drinking one night and

it went OK- but I used alot of


papers...ha ha ha.

against pornography in all forms. ls this true?

PE: Was the 'secret' show the tirst time you'd ever played a basement show- being a pretty well known band and everything? *at the last minute- in the van com-

ing from Chicago- Chad

D) I think it's pretty fucked up that you are not allowed to drink in the streets, but if you put it in a brown paper bag then it all seems fine, wierd I When it comes to porn, I thought it was strange that it was so accepted within the punk scene. I didn't feel very comfortable with that.


GARMONBOZIA set up a free show at our triends' house so they both could play a lew songs*

PE: What can you say about the scene in Sweden and the towns you live in? D) Lot's of great bands. A bit of in-breeding

M) Yes, it was our lirst real basemenl show.

though. We need more venues and less talk!

And then we had the show with Jon of ACURSED, VICTIIVS, D) We did a 'secret'show as an original three piece plus a stand in bass player- Jon at Cafe 44 ince PE: Oo you have any particular stories or things that happened to you on tour as WOLFBHIGADE that stand out in you minds? (overall)

M) I think Stockholm has a really healthy scene. Great bands, great people and a great way of looking at lifel J) Me, Erik and Markus are all from a small town called Mariestad. We were almost the only punks there but there has been some great bands from Mariestad such as: ASTA KASK, ANTI-ClluEX, and COSA NOSTRAto name a few. Ol course living in Stockholm these days makes life more exciting.

D) The US shows for sure. And what happend

Profane Existence #46

PE: So how was working/singing with Poffen from TOTALITAR on the last LP? D) Awesome. He's a true professional (punk).

It was a real honorl

PE: Who was the other (female) vocalisl on Progression/Regression by-the-way? D) Elenor, a friend of the band and also the singer in TO WHAT END? PE: Any last thoughts/words any of you would like to add? D) Thank you Trisstessa. lt was a fun interview lo answer. Keep your ears and eyes open for our new band that lvlicke, Jocke, Erik and I will get going as soon as Micke gets well and we have done the final shows for WOLFBRIGADE. M) Trisstessa, it was so great to get to know you and Michele. Say hello to Felix and the

dogs for us! Oh, and hello

to GARMONBOZIA-you kick assl J) Take care and I will see you in March on the TO WHAT END? tour. Cheers!

Wolfbrigade lnterview

Btoodstained Dreams CDEP Distoilion Records . 1996 7" on Feral Ward o 2OO4

Lycanlhro Punk CD Distortion Records . 1998

Progression / Fegression LP/CD


A D.Beet Odyssey LPICD Havoc Records . 2OO4


A New Oawn FadesCD o 1996 LP on Feral Ward . 2OO3

Distortion Records

split 7' with Audio Kollaps Epistrophy Records .

ln Darkness you


Feet No Begrets


Feral Ward . 2OO3

Cover: Say Coodbye onVlA HangoYet Attackt A r,/ibule to Poison ldeaLP|CO Faiewel! / Network oI Friends / Ataque Sonoro . 2OO4

Wolfbrigade Discography

split 7" with Skitsystem Distortion Records . 1997

Ail Dey Hell LP

No Tolerance, Faiewell . 2OOO CD on Grimes Against Humanity

fhe Woffpack Yeats 1(," Farewell . 2OO3

Track on VtA Wetcome to llellt Benefit lot Food Not Bomb, ttetaadcD

Protest Records .


Profane Existence #46

The Profits skillfully combine current politics, old school hardcore punk, and a lot ol fun into their records and performances. We were glad to have the opportunity to interview them while in Minneapolis for the C.L.l.TFest Profits lnterview Erica, guitar and vocals. Adam, guitar and vocals Brian, bass and vocals Rich, drums Dan and Maygun represent for PE PE: I guess we'll just start with the basic questions. Boston has a reputation for kind of a street punk scene..,how do you feel you guys fit into that? lt seems like you have an overtly political message that a lot ot bands don't. Adam: I think in a lot of places politics are associaled with crusl punk. So it's true in Boston when it comes to the more straight up punk, we are one of the bands that has a more political message, rather than lust drinking, party music PE: Does that go down well in

Boston? Brian: Musically, we can kind of cross some bridges because we don't sound like a lot of the local bands, so people that may not listen to the local bands may not get our message at first, but realize later, like- oh wait a second! PE: Does that ever come across

Brian: Especially in the last 5 years, in Boston, it seems like there's a new band every week. PE: So you don't have the

as people saying you're PC or something like that, like you're trying to spoil the fun?

problem with lack of all ages show spaces?

Erika: They don't come to our shows, but a lot of people know whal we're about, and if they don't want to be a part of that they won't come to our shows Adam:And there's a difference between having a message and preaching, and I don't think we preach, I think we just talk about how we feel about things rather than telling people what to do PE: Do you think you're

Adam:There's always a problem

considered one of the older bands in Boston? Erika: Yeah. I guess we're going on our 51h anniversary, so... We've played so many shows in Boston Yeah, there's a bunch of new kids in the Boston scene which is really cool, an inllux of new energy Brian: ll you look at the Rodent Popsicle double CD, there's a ton of bands, and that's just the good bands. Rich:Yeah. PE: Really?

Brian: Oh, absolutely. with that, but it's been getting better within the last year, three new house spaces, So it's getting better. PE: What's the possibility of

doing anything bigger, is that iust impossible with city ordinances? Brian: The nightclubs are all owned by conservatives, they shun any all ages clubs, 'cause kids don't drink. Rich:There's one place that's a bar and an all ages, otherwise it's sort of a VFW, Elk's Lodge sort of thing. So all the drinkers can go downstairs to the bar and come upstairs lor the band, you know. lt's nice when there's a place with the bar right in the same room as the show. PE: Boston's reputation tor

drinking... Erika: Yeah. Regeneration is going to open, lt was a place that only had 7 shows and then it was shut down by the cops. They are reopening a record store and an ail-ages space. Cross our fingers on that one. Adam: Unfortunately the last place was a block away from the fire

department. The last regeneration space and so the lire department just started in with anything they could think of . lt ended with them saying "OK, you can slay open, but you have to build a staircase" Like another whole entrance, basically renovate the whole building. lt wasn't going to happen. The owner ol the place said he was willing to do it if they would sign a ten-year lease. Come on, who's thinking ten years ahead at least for a new space. PE (Dan): There's a movement

going to make kind of more permanent punk entities, but it takes a lot of commitment. PE (Dan): I was noticing that in the new record you guys have a manifesto. I thought it was kind of entertaining. lwas wondering why you included that.

Erika: Yeah! Well, we've had the manifesto since the beginning. PE: ReallyErika: lt's been on our website and we always thought it was really important. I mean, manifestos are lun. Also, just to have sort of a mission statement to explain what we are about. Also, I think one sentence in there is, "lt's not about being 'political."'. lt's about being

ourselves, singing from what's in our heart. and that we are out there singing about what's important. We thought it was important to put that out there. PE: Do you think the politics that

you are singing about represent the actions and beliefs in your daily life, in practice? Erika: Yeah, I think we couldn't play music and sing things that we weren't part of Either in solidarity with, or in our daily lives. Brian:A thing that I think is really hard is to try and not work for corporations I was at a point where I was so desperate I almost took a lob in industry, but thankfully I made it so I didn't have to. Adam: I think any political scene, with anything there is ideals, and there is reality And it's important to have ideals, that's the Jirst step Reality is in your daily life, you have to rent an apartment, have a job, it's impossible to lust live out your ideals because there's no room for that So of course you have to PE (Dan): To be as political as

you can while iust trying to survive. Erika: Yeah This whole idea of punk we talk about, this is politics-or thal's drinking What about musicians and artists doing what you care about. What pisses me off and makes me want to scream about it

PE: There's other ways to do that too, like you put out your own

record. Seems like you handle most of the distribution for it, even stuff that's not on your label. Erika: Yeah, we've been doing more and more of that The last 7" we started our own record label Propaganda Machine Records lt will be interesting to see where that all goes and hopefully we'll be able to help other bands in the future lt's really been great dealing with Profane, and other people directly It's really empowering Adam: The truth is, we were on Rodent Popsicle tor a while, we got those two releases. and our second 7" Bill said he didn't have the money to put it out at the time We were in the middle of recordlng it lt's almost the best thing that could have happened, since we were forced to do it ourselves. And that was really cool. PE: Get your feet wet in DlY. Erika: Yeah, just every aspecl of it like talking to the people that press your records, dealing with the people that make the record covers, it's a big pain in the ass (Laughter) It kind of drove us crazy, it took us like a year to get it out But I feel really happy about it. PE (Dan): Trust me, after a while ii

becomes really simple. Erika:That's good.

All: (Laughter) Adam: lt just so happened that we didn't have a name for the album The lirst song was Propaganda Machine And hell- there's no money to put out the album. What should we call the label? Propaganda Machine. All: (Laughter) PE: As far as coming out for C.L.|.T. Fest, I know you guys said

on stage that it was really important that these things were happening. How did you feel when we told you this event wasn't iust going to be a show?

Erika: Oh that was great, it was super great lt's like Christmas! (Laughter) Adam: Yeah, coming to Minneapolis alone- we always look forward to that! Erika: I thought it was a really important time for this to happen 'Cause over the last year what's been going on in the national scene at least what l've noticed is trying to figure out what we do with rapists in our scene, with accusations ol sexual assault, and those are big questions I think a lot of women and men in the scene don't really have any answers yet, but at least the dialogue is there But then going a step further and having a conference and a festival and people getting together. lt really meant a lot to me, even though I couldn't go to the workshops, just to know that was happening I think it sends a really powerlul message to people that, you know, we're not just going to talk about things and not think about it anymore- like oh, that issue's over, You know, that was last month's issue... PE: Do you think there's going to be something like this going on

elsewhere? Erika: Yeah, I hope so! I would love

to set up something like that


Boston. Adam: One of the cool things about C L I T. Fest was that we just played this 56-band show called the lnlest in Boston, and out of 56 bands I think there were 4 women on stage the whole time. Erika: lt was 2, out of maybe like 240 band members. Adam: And then when we found out about this, it was iike Great!A balancerouter. Also Erika in her column a lot seems to deal with the whole women fitting into the punk scene and how to be more involved A lot of times it seems like a guyoriented thing. Erika: Yeah, especially in Boston right now PE: What column do you write? Erika: I write Ransom Notes in Maximum Bocknroll

saying iuck it. Especially about 4 more years, a lot of people listened to our song about that and said, "Hey I registered to vote". PE: What about the whole theory

ol making it so bad, that vote tor Bush so things get worse and worse until the whole thing iust blows up. Brian: I'm not sure I believe that, think things would get worse and worse At least not in our lifetime Some would say they are intentionally putting a Democrat in after Bush to make things much worse so that another Republican would come in for another four years. Again now, on the other side, Bush is pissing everyone off, even his own side, he's disenfranchised everyone- it's kind of funny to see Flepublicans turning against their own. Adam: But it's not like they're going to vote for Kerry, they're still going to vote for him. For some people it doesn't matter what else is going on, but they are against abortion- or pick an issue. Well he's a godfearing man, and that's all that matters! PE: We have this theory going I

PE (Dan): We get it every monlh, we distribute it. lt's a little

PE: Do you see it as a step, one step away from the right, it's a

overwhelming to read every month- but it's a good magazine.

worthwhile sacrifice?

Adam: Well if Erika wasn't so modest you would have heard about her column. lt always takes someone else to bring it up.


PE: Alright, here's one. Would you guys vote for John Kerry to get George Bush out of office? Brian: ln Boston, it's really not even that big of an issue, it's always democratic vote. I think last time all ot us voted for Nader. Just to push the 3'd party. This time around it's a bit more important to have a conscientious vole and just get that Bush the hell out of office. Erika: Yeah. Also by any means necessary. I know a lot of anarchists that don't want to vote because they think it's buying into the system. mean if you think that voting is actually participating in a real democracy, it's not true, because we don't have a democracy. But if you are using the voting booth as a tool to get this one politician out, I mean Kerry's not going to change a lot of things, but he'll be better in a lot of significant ways. Adam: lt's not saying that he's going to be any better, but look where we re at. I

Erika: Oh, yeah. PE: So you have no problem with Erika: We also have the DNC in Boston. So we're going to be actively protesting against the Democrats and letting them know that maybe they are the "lesser evil", but we're still pissed off. PE: ls there any political punk

events to coincide with that? Erika: Um, we're having a show. Adam: Called the PNC- the punk rock national convention (Laughter). It's really going to just be a house party. lt's the Sunday before it starts, it goes on that Monday and Tuesday. PE: There's been a lot ot talk

about reinvigorating the political side of punk into some sort of political movement revolving around the DIY side of things. I mean we seem to have the economic side of things figured out, but going one step further into activist roles, taking punk rock activist, I think that's going to be something that's coming. Brian: I think a lot more people who generally don't get involved in politics are getting involved because they are so fed up with the economy, the war, with everything in the state ol our country, They are

around that part of the reason that things are getting the way they are with the resurgence of patriotism is that Republicans are really working hard to appeal to the older, retired vote. And now that the country is getting older, it's going to be even harder to lor our generation to combat against that. PE (Maygun): I think younger people are pretty discouraged with the whole thing as well, because they haven't seen voting work. Erika: I don't think it's ever worked. Brian: lt's like Vietnam, children of our generation- nobody cares, it's on TV everyday, people are desensitized to itPE: Seems like the media is going

along with it: they don't want to report any negative coverage. What few things have come out have been really weak. Brian: We learned our lesson from Vietnam; il was on the television every day. lmbedded photographers, personally I don't watch television, but when I'm out at a bar or something and it comes on. l m really disturbed because l'm not so desensitized to it. I get really real y disturbed. PE: Well it seems to me there is a

lot of underreporting of what the right wing doesn't want people to see, Erika: Or absolutely wrong reporting- | mean 40 percent of Americans think there s a

connection between 9/11 and Saddam Hussein. Adam: They never said that, but did declare war on the anniversary of g/ 1 1. So what's that going to tell people? Errka: People were misled, and they did a study with FOX news, and the majority of people who thought that watched FOX news. And that's because FOX news kept saying that- and they kept showing the president saying that. Adam: He just adds the word "Like"...we're combating terrorists like those who caused 9/11. Most people don't hear that, they hear "we're fighting the terrorists that caused 9/11." That's all he had to run on. Domestic policies are in the toilet. PE: Has the "war on teffor', touched your daily lives in any

way? Adam: Random searches on the bus/subway now Everyone has to stop, show lD They have, for the

where we're here, but that s going on over there. Just trying to do whatever I can to help turn it around, and rt's just awful l'm sure all of us who are active are aware- | went through depression, just feeling helpless, and I found it's really important to have networks of people who feel the same way, and work together in solidarity. lt's been hard, I feel like it's eating away at our society in so many ways. The drain of our resources to the military. You can even see around town, there are so many more homeless people, so much more suffering in so many different ways. PE: Are you having budget cuts in

Boston? All: Oh, yeah. Brian: You name the public service, and at this point everything has got to be a charity- the shelters, etc Adam: But stocks are up..

PE: ls there anything we didn't talk about that you are really passionate about? Adam: Pizzal

Btian 'Za

DNC, they have "Free Speech Zones" like a mile away (Laughter). Brian: This is how we feel as the public- but it's almost like a mite down the road They are trying to make it as difficult as possible. They are shutting down public transit, highways, etc. No deliveries after a certain time. Basically to make it difficult for Democrats on a local level. Can't make deliveries, can,t do business. Erika: I just wanted to say about the question of the war on terror affecting my life personally, I feel like I'm in the United States, you know my house hasn't been bombed, I haven't lost any loved ones yet, but we have a friend who is in the military. But mentally it,s been very hard like 'cause every day I picture what is going on over there, what our country is doing to people over there. I think about it all the time, as I'm sure lots of people do. And just living in that split world

PE: What are the future plans? Erika: We're gonna go to Europel This fall, September, October. We're really excited to get out of the US PE: First time out of the country? Erika: Yeah, as a band, for sure. And we want to do a full length- we haven't done that since our first one. And just hopefully keep getting better. And then a full US tour next year.

Thanks to Jon (Active), he's setting up the Europe tour for us. He's going to put out a discography on

cD. PE: Oh really? ls it going to

include the Rodent popsicle CD? All: Yeah. PE: ls that still in print? Erika: Yeah. PE (Dan): With Rodent popsicle, aside from Toxic Narcotic it,s probably one of the best sellers. Erika: Maybe (laughte0 Hopefully we'll be doing some splits with some good bands, having fun. l'm excited

Erika: Yeah. just thanks so much for the interview. the fest was amazing, really just so excited we were a part of it PE (Dan): It was basicalty the basis of us starting C.L.l.T. Fest. When you guys said you were going to come out, we said, let's

do something more than lust a show! We built it around you guys coming out. All: Awww . (laughter) PE (Maygun): Yeah, Dan sent me this email and said "THE PFOFITS are going to be here this weekend, what do you think about puiting together a whole lestival', I said "Hell yeah! That's awesome! Let's do it!" All:Thank youl Erika: Yay! C L.l T.Fest rocksl

Rob Middleton (a.k.a. Mid) has been gracing the Punk movement with his works since the middle 80's. His early works include the pen and ink covers for various DEVIATED INSTICT records, but has evolved greatly in styles and medium. With over 70 record covers done to date, it's likely that most people reading this will have at least one in their collection (see the complete list on page 21). About a year ago, Mid turned up as a regular member of the PE message board community. He

has also done the cover att lor the

A recent photo-much less ctusty than the D.t. days! lsee oppositel

the's confusedl!l lt has an actual generator breaking free of some chains with some religious icons in the background!! I really don't know what I was thinking of, ha ha. Apparently the band thought it was 'too metal' as well, which didn't make much sense to me as they'd asked me because

they'd seen the full color ramskull in

wanted something similar. lt doesn't come much more metal than that.

PE: Do you think you could make



SERVITUDE EP we released several years ago. When it came to selecting this issue's

from your artwork? How do

featured artist, our choice was obvious. Thanks to Mid for the incredible cover art for lhis issue, as well as for answering the following interview sent via email.

piece of artwork?

PE: What was your first piece ol 'punk' artwork? Mid: I did lots of forgettable odds and ends for old bands I was in. Jusl illustrations on handouts and tape covers and stuff, but the first piece of artwork that was actually printed on a record cover was the illustration for the

'Words Worth Shouting'compilation LP in 1985. ll was a benef it for Norwich hunt sabs on Radical Change records which was run by The DISRUPTERS. PE: Have you ever relused to do artwork for a prolect for political disagreements? Mid: I really can't think of anything off hand. Thankfully common sense seems to prevail and most people already know what kind of stuff I do before they ask so I haven't had anything particularly dodgy thrown my way. There was a gore-grind band (who's name I can't remember) who approached me recently. They sent a link to some lyrics that turned out to be really bad over-the-top shock gore stufl, one of which was aboul


gasmask NAPALM DEATH shirt l'd done and

you determine how much to charge for a Mrd: Unfortunately I think l'm way too disorganized to make a living out of my art, plus through experience I've learnt you have to compromise so much il you seriously want to make any real money. l've occasionally taken on art stuff that has no interest for me at all jusl because it will pay and it just makes me miserable. I just can't put my heart into it and il it's just about money I might as well just be working in a factory or something. I did try to run 'Bonehive Designs' as a business for about a year and a half but it was one big pile ol stress. Never knowing when or if l'd get paid. ln the end I didn't even begin to make enough to live on and got into hideous debt. Unless I start exclusively working for the bigger indies or malors I'm not gonna start making any kind of real money on cover art stuff, especially not punk art. But I'm happiest doing stuff for bands and labels that


understand and respect, And well,

don't think they were being intentionally misogynistic, as there were lyrics about mutilating men as well, but it was just clumbsy, infantile, lazy, shock for shocks sake. Thankfully they never got back in

obviously most DIY labels don't have big produclion budgets to play with. ldon't have set prices, l'm completely llexible and treat every job separately, I definitely have a 'one rule for them and another rule for us'policy. So lf I am doing something for a 'bigger' band on a big label that has paid statf or something then I'll charge lhem a lol more than a bunch of people who are scraping enough cash together to put out 500 copies of their own 7". Generally I don't charge as much as lthink my work is worth but I have to be realistic. lf the alternative is only doing

touch, There's been a lot of bands l've done

dull designs for safe and uninspiring

mutilating women. There was no way I would have anything to do with that even lhough I

stuff lor who I don't think have much of interesl to say but so long as they're cool people and aren't pulling any sexist, racist, etc shit then that's fine.

mainstream bands just to make a living then l'd rather struggle on. At the moment I just about pay the bills from working at a dull day job and then anything I can make from my artwork in my spare time is a bonus.

PE: What was the strangest request you've had for subiect material? Mid: Hmmm, thafs difficult. I do often get asked to do what I think are really cheesy designs and I have to do what I can to make a bad idea look okay. I can't think ol anything

particularly bizarre oif hand though.


remember when I did a tour shirt for BAD REILGION for their 'Generator'tour. One ol the band members phoned me and tried to explain the whole deep concept behind the term 'generator'and what they wanted for the shirt design, I seem to recall lhat it didn't really make any sense at all, well not to me. I think that's fairly obvious when you look at

Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

PE: Have you done art lor proiects that were never released? Ever been ripped off (i.e. done artwork tor a release, but not paid for it)? Mid: Yeah, plenty of both. Thankfully most people are cool, although I often have to spend months chasing up payment which is a real drag. As for those people l've done art for who've just taken the piss, I've said what I needed to those individuals so lcan't be bothered to name and shame anyone lt is always disappointing though.

Profane Existence #46

PE; How do you decide what medium to use lor a specitic proiect? Whlch is your

favorite? Mid: Mostly it's the bands that tell me what kind of style they want, other times it might be a matter of time or budget. Full color painting is by far the most time consuming (and theretore expensive), it used to take me several solid weeks to do something like the old NAPALM DEATH covers (Ulopia Banished, etc). lf I only have a very limited time I'll normally work digitally as that's the quickest and most flexible in terms of if I need to make last minute changes etc. My favorite is normally whatever I haven't done much of lately. I get bored .iust doing the same sort of stuff all the time which is why I like to work in so many different styles. Lately everyone just seems to want the old school black and white pen and ink stuff whereas there was a period of several years

when I didn't get asked to anything in that style. lt seems to come in waves

PE: ls digital manipulation art? Mid: Of course it is. I can't be bothered to get into the endless open-ended subject that is 'what is art?' but I use digital media in the same way as I do any other art tool. That's all it is, another tool. lt's still up to you to make something with it. I approach a piece of art on the computer in exactly the same way as I do work in any other style. I still have to find the source reterence material, compose the final image, etc. Obviously all

workshops, etc, in lhere lor people in the local community. I have sold some of my larger personal pieces but normally to people I know and I sometimes get commissioned to make large work for people's houses, although nol often. The thing is people just can't afford to spend

a few hundred quid on some art for their house, A couple ol years ago I made this large sculpture, it was large head and torso made of plaster and wax with a birds beak mask strapped on, I spent weeks on it and was really pleased with it. I showed it in a Warehouse group exhibition at our studios. This local gallery owner came to the opening of the show and bought it as soon as he saw it (and it was the lastthing l'd ever expected to sell). Anyway, this guy turned out to be the slimiest, most arrogant shithead I've ever had the misfortune to deal with. He said he was going to take the sculpture to the south

of France to show or something, but as far as I know it's just gathering dust in his flat or something. So after putting so much blood, sweat and tears into that work, apart from being in that show for a week, it's now gone, and nobody can see it now. Sure I made t500, but I just thought, is this why I'm making art? So scumfucks like him can horde it like some investment??? Fuck that, but it is a bit ol a dilema. ln an ideal world l'd love to be able to make a living doing something creative that I enjoy, but doing that without feeling like l'm selling out, or prostituting my art seems tricky.

the trickery on something like PhotoShop does mean you can 'cheat' if you really want

PE: What other bands have you been in,

to. For example anyone can scan

or currently are in? Do you think your musical style has progressed over the


photograph in and apply a simple filter to make it look like an oil painting or a graphic pen illustration but I never work like that. People have told me that my digital collages don't particularly look like obvious digital work and I do avoid using filters where

can. Before I got a computer I used to make collages using photocopies, scissors, glue, tracing paper, etc. And the way I used to cut, distort and layer the images is very much the same way I work with the digital palette, except I don't get such sticky lingers I

years? Mid: First rubbish band I was in was in about

1980 and was called DEGRADE, I played

the drums...really, REALLY badly. Then was singer in another bad school band

PE: Have you ever displayed your work in a gallery? Have you ever sold any of your original artwork to lhe general public? Mid: Yeah. I have a studio in the city at a place called 'The Warehouse Artists Studio' which is a group of studios. There are 30 artists down there and it's run by ourselves on a co-operative basis. l've been part of that for about 5 years and we've often put on group exhibitions in various galleries around the region. l've also had bits and pieces in other open exhibitions l've entered work in. I really hate the whole gallery scene and general elitist art hierarchy though. Often we've taken our work into other more accessible venues, community centers, old unused churches, etc. We do have our own gallery space at the studios which is right in the middle of a housing estate in quite a deprived area of the city. We also hold cheap

Profane Existence #46


called CAUTIOUS APPROACH, we played a rather dodgy sounding cover of CHRON GEN's Lies. Neither ol those bands got out of the rehearsal room. Then I spent 7 years mostly drunk in DEVIATED INSTINCT. For a while during that time I was also singing in another local band called ANGST but we only played 2 shambolic gigs. We had a good song called Safan Sucks Shltthough, Then I was in SPINE WRENCH for a few years and now I'm in BAIT. And I'm not planning on stopping any lime soon. As far as progressing, well considering

how long l've been playing guitar it hasn't progressed nearly as much as it should due to my terminal laziness. But I think D.l, SPINE WRENCH and BAIT have all been quite different beasts. As well as still listening

to all the classic punk noise lrom the past 25 years or so l'm always on the lookoul for inspiring new stuff and although you can probably hear elements of D.l in BA|Tthere's a big modern HC vibe in there too. lf I was still playing exactly the same sounding stuff as I was back in the 80's it would be a bit pointless in my opinion. I don't think we do

anything particularly groundbreaking but I like to think we keep the sound fresh. But

Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

it's still just a heavy mix of punk and metal, just with updated influences.

PE: Did becomlng a parent Change your lifestyle? It so, how? What ls th€ b€Bt /

PE: ln the day, rumor had it that

worst things about ralEing chlld? Mid: Yeah totally. That has been the one major event lhat's changed how I pretty

DEVIATED INSTINCT were the crustiest,

smelliest band going... was there any truth to the rumor? Did you save your

I It

i I

much view everything. Before that I was, as I think are most people, fairly self absorbdd

dreadlocks in a bag? Mid: Well, photographic evidence would seem to suggest we were a bunch of good fer nuthin'filth pigs. lt was just a reflection ol the lifestyle at lhe time. We just lived in really shitty squats, bedsits, etc, had no responsibilities. Never had jobs jusl spent all our time traveling all over the place, drinking ourselves stupid. I never had my own bathroom, anyway there seemed to be more important things to do than washing or changing my clothes. There were plenty of other tramps though, CHAOS UK, BLOWER or GUTROT would have all give us a run for our money. I think I did put my dreads in a bag actually, but I have no idea where that is. lt's probably taken on a life of it's own, and mutated into some crazed dread beast up in the roofspace. I do hear strange scrapings from up there at times. PE: lt's a surprise to hear that Peaceville

is interested in reissuing the DEVIATED INSTINCT lnstinct releases. How did this come about and why not re-release it on a more DIY label? ls there a reunion tour planned? Mid: The thing with all the Peaceville stuff is that way back when we signed all sorts ol contracts with them, etc. so although other labels over the years have shown vague interest in getting that stulf back in print the thought ol having to deal with all that has been off putting. Seeing as Peaceville have long since moved away from any sort of Punk related stuff, I didn't expect them to release it again. But Hammy recently contacted me and said he was planning on a re-release after the DOOM and ELECTHO HIPPIES reissues had done quite well. I thought well,

if it's going to be done it might as well be done properly so l've been involved ln the whole process. I wanted to make sure all the lyrics and artwork are included, and Hammy

has assured me that it's going to sell lor a budget price. [,4e and Snapa .iust went to

and focused on me, me, ME. Obviously having a child is a malor responsibility and even now (my daughter is .12) it still takes

getting used to constantly think about someone else before I can decide whether I can or can't do something. lf it was up to me I probably would have been quite happy to continue living in filth on a steady diet of beans on toast and lager, ha ha. But my daughter is the absolute center of my world

and I want to give her the best, most

supportive start I can. Be there in whatever way, support her in making her own choices, whatever they might be lt's definitely made

London yesterday to remaster all the old stuff. It should sound a lot better than the Delinitive lnstinct CD. Speedstate Recs are going to licence it for Japan, and I'm also working with Speedstate on a demo and comp album.

There's also plans to release the Peel Sesslon and Nailed 12" on an LP with Wicked Witch recs Reunion tour?? May I be tarred, feathered and run out ol punk town if I ever suggest such a thing. Reunions, is that EVEB a good idea? I think not. But seeing as BAIT is 2 thirds ex-D I if we ever get our lazy arses over to play in mainland Europe or the States or wherever i1 might be fun to play 2 or 3 old D I songs lust for a blast. PE: What do you think of the state of the

punk movement in the UK? The world at large? Any disturbing trends you have noticed? Any positives? Mid: I always think it's tricky to pinpoint any particular changes as it's often difficult to work out if it's the overall scene that's changed or just me and my perception ol it. Obviously l'm not going to have the same outlook on it all as I was when I was just living in crappy bedsit on my own at 18 with nothing to worry about except where the next gig was and who had the beer that night. Hopefully now at 38

with a job and family l've not become too laded and cynical... though it's difficult at times. Oddly enough I feel more a part ol an international scene than I do a UK one. Obviously there is still a thriving UK DIY underground, but it is smaller and more fragmented Well that's the way it seems.




People moan about fickle followers of fashion and the mainstream diluting everythlng, but

that's always been the case to a certain extenl. Even though the internet should make

il easier to

seek out

a better and true

alternatiye, I get the leeling people are Iazier and less likely to make the eflort and rather just follow what they're served up as the latest 'cool'thing or whatever, But overall I do still feel positive and I still get a massive buzz about being involved in the punk'movement'


however you might choose to define it. lt's who I am and who I always will be. I




Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

me a better person and we have the most amazing relationship There are too many positives to mention, the negatives l'd say

are mostly financial. Like I said, we've always struggled and if I only have myself to worry about I don't care, but especially in today's ultra compelitive capitalist society it does become a major stress just to make ends meet sometimes. Even though we try not to buy into the whole consumer culture loo much, al limes it's impossible. When hierarchies among friends in first and middle schools are very much based on who has

what and who doesn't, you can't always expect children to understand why they have

to go without.

PE: People who don't visit the Profane Existence message board might need to be enlightened to some Mid facts like... What is your Iavorite soap opera? What is your favorile tank or military vehicle? Mid: What? Are you saying there are people

who DON'T read the message board? Whatever do they do with their spare lime?? They must be so empty!!ll! l'm afraid I really can't divulge such obviously sensitive and internationally important inlormation to those outside our inner circle. You really have to be careful who's listening these days. I do like to champion the profile of goats and bison though. PE: Anything to add?

Mid: Um, not that I can think of. Thanks a ton Dan lor this opportunity to show off my scribbles and rattle on like the senlle old English git that I am. Every word a pearl of wisdom, you just don't realize it yet. A quick plug to the PE readership legions, please check out the BAIT album (l think there might be a review of it somewhere in here), and

give it a go on it's own merits not on what tin pot band any of us might have been in in the distant and toggy past. Cheers, Mid. A massive gallery of Mid's work can be found

at his web site: http //www.boneh

Also check out his band's site: http'// m

Profane Existence #46




Words Worlh Shouting lP Palh to destruction 12" Welcome lo the Orgy7" Rock n roll Confromity lP The Ultimate Deseuation LP

Fladical Change Becords 1985 Cartel Records 1986 Peaceville Fecords 1 986 Oeviated lnstinct Peaceville Records 1 988 Deviated lnstinct Metalworks Becords 1 989 The Annihilated Peaceville Flecords 1989 Deviatedlnstinct GutteralBreathLP Strange Fruit records 1 990 Hardcore Holocaust uol 2 CD Various artists Strange Fruit records 1 990 Peel Session 12" Prophecy of Doom Strange Fruit records 1 990 Before lhe Fal/ double LP Various artists Strange Fruit records 1 990 Winter of Disconlent double LP Various artists Strange Fruit records 1 990 A New Season double LP Various artists Mass Appeal Madness7"ll2"lCD Earache Records 1991 Napalm Death Earache Records 199'l Death by Manipulalion LPICD Napalm Death Earache Records 1992 Utopia Banished LP I CD Napalm Death Earache Records 1 992 The World Keeps Turning 12' Napalm Death Nuclear Blast Flecords 1992 FalseCD / LP (picturdisc) Gorefest Thought Crime Becords 1993 End lhe War Now7" Cluster Bomb Unit '1993 Optimum Wound ?rclile Lowest Common DominatorLPlCD Roadrunner Records Earache Records '1993 Nazi Punks Fuck Off7" Napalm Death Roadrunner Records 1 994 Optimum Wound Prclile Silver or Lead LP I CO Desperate Attempt Records 1 994 SoulscapeT" I CD Spine Wrench Grindcrust Records 1994 Tapping the Vein 7" Spine Wrench Earache Becords 1994 Hung7" Napalm Devour Records 1 994 Ulterior LP Dischordance Earache Records 1 994 Extreme Noise Terror Retro-bution CD H.G Fact Records 1995 Hellchild / Multiplex split 7" H.G Fact Records 1995 Spine Wrench / Del Master split 7" Flitual Records 1997 Ci rcu lati ng Co ntradiction CO Hellchild We Bite Records 1997 Demons Run Amok CD Stampin' Ground Prolane Existance 1997 AparatusT" Servitude 'l An Expression of Bepressed Violence LPICD Kinglisher records 998 Stampin' Ground '1998 Ciculating Contradiction CO (US version) Howling Bull America Hellchild The Subhumans covers album CD Blacklish records 1 999 Various artists Howling Bull America 1999 Bareskin CO (U.S Version) Hellchild Howling Bull America 1999 Tribute Medley 1o" Hellchild Pop Noise Flecords 1999 Fall on Evil Days .. CD Rectify Blacklish Records 1999 Freebase / Medulla Nocte split CD Blackfish Becords l999 Fear of War CD P.O.A. Dream Catcher Records 1 999 Leaders not Followers CD Napalm Death Blackfish Records 1999 A tribute to the CRO-MAGS CD Various artists Nuclear Blast Records 1 999 Pleasures Pave Sewers CD Lock-Up Blackfish Records 2000 Outcold / Voorhees split CD Cube roots Becords 2000 989 cD Xim Copro Records 2000 Dying hom the lnside QD Medulla Nocte Stampin'Ground Carued from Empty WordsCD Century lvledia recods 2000 Blacklish records 2000 Time Wont Heal This CD Knuckledust Noisebox records 2000 Homegrown Brutalily splil CD Subvert / Labrat Maximum Voice Records 2000 Al The late Hours Before. LP Sharpeville Blind Destruction Records 2000 A Cancerous Society LP ICD ln The Shit Blackfish Becords 2000 Misfortune Comes By Means .CD Underule Enemies of the Music BusinessCD Dreamcatcher Records 2000 Napalm Death Blackf ish Becords 2001 ln the Name of A a God CD Decimate Willowtip Becords 2001 Fate Of lcarus Blank Canvas Records 2001 Assisted SuicidesCD Subvert Self released 200'1 Left for Dead CD 50 Caliber Desolation House Becords 2002 Chronicling the FaminecD Gruntsplatter Blackfish Records 2002 UKHCC) Blackfish Self released 2002 Crucifried CD Unit 731 - - - - 2002 Last Black Chapter Seven lnch Blackfish Records 2002 lnternal BleedingQD 50 Caliber Snapper lvlusic 2002 Punishmenl in Capitals DVO Napalm Oeath Snapper l\.{usic 2002 Order of lhe Leech CDILP Napalm Death Various artists The Annihilated

Death Axis

Submerge AKO Distear Entropia Bait Hellshock Kill the Client Hellshock / Effigy Summon the Crows The Letters


AKO Dead Stop Bait Napalm Death


Throne records 2003

TomorrowNight'sRegretCD ----2002

Throne Records 2003 PowerloadT" Coalition / Deep Six 2003 s/t MCD + 10" Self released 2003 Every Lie I Ever LivedCD Only the Oead Know the End of War LP/CD 2003 Self released 2003 s/t CD Wicked Witch 2004 split 7" Nakkeskudd Plater 2004 sll7" ln at the Deep End Recs 2004 The Cure CD Naked Ambition Recs 2004 The Last GoodbyecD Complete Control Recs 2004 Done With You LPICD ln At the Deep end recs 2004 The Anatomy of DisastercD Century Media Recs 2004 Leaderc not Followers 2CD

Profane Existence


B/!V pen and ink front cover B,^iv pen and ink lront cover B,^iv pen and ink front cover & fold out poster B^/v pen and ink front cover Full color painting, front and back cover Full color palnting front cover Full color paintlng front cover Full color paintinq. front cover Full color painting, front and back cover Full color painting, front and back cover Full color paintinq, front and back cover Full color painting, front cover Full color painting, front cover Full color painting, front cover Full color painting, fronl cover Full color painting, front and back cover B/W pen and ink, lronl cover BruV photography, front and back cover Three color pen and ink, tront cover colour painting / collage, Iront, back and insert Three color pen, ink & collage, front and back cover BruV collage, front and back cover colour painting / collage, front and back cover B/!V pen and ink, lront cover B^/v pen and ink / collage, front and back cover B/W pen and ink / collage, front cover BryV pen and ink / collage, front and back cover BA/V pen and ink / collage, Iront and back cover colour painting / collage, front, back and insert B^/v pen and ink / collage, front and back cover Color painting front cover, insert photography Photography, front, back and insert B/W pen and ink / collage, front cover Color pa nting cover plus photography, digital insert

Color - photography and digital design Color digital illustration, front and back cover. BM photography and digital manipulation, hont, back and insert

B/W pen and ink / collage. Fold-out poster cover l\ilanilpulated photography, front, back and insert Full color painting, front cover Manipulated photography, booklet inserts Blackand whitedigitalcollage Front,backand inserts Color photography and digital montage complete package Color illustration and digilal design. Front,back and insert

Colour digital illuskation, front, back and insert Digital collage, Iront,back and insert, Digital collage front cover Color digital illustration, gatefold sleeve Color digital illustration, back front and booklet. Color digital illustration, front, back and insert Color dlgital illustration, Iront, back and insen Color digital illustration, front, back and insert Color digital illustration, front, back and insert. Colurillustrationand digitaldesign Front,backand insert Color digital illustration and design, complete package. Colordigital illuslration, Series ol images for cover and booklet

Color digital illustration, front, back and insert Black andwhile pen and ink illusllalion Digital layout Frontcovel

Black and white illustration. Front cover. Full color digital illustration, front back and inserts. Full color digital illuskation, Iront back and inserts. Black and white digital illustration. Back cover and inner booklet- Front cover on vinyl version Full colourdigital illuslraton llont and back, black and while inserls

Color digital illustration and design, complete package.

Full colour digital illustration Front and back Black and white pen and ink. Front cover Color digital illustration and design, complete package.

Black and white illuskation Front cover Color digital illustration, kont and back Black and white illustration Front cover. Black and white illustration. Front cover, Three color digital illustration Full package Full color digital illustration Full package Black and white illustration Full layout Full colur digital illustration Full layout Full color digital illustration

Rob Middleton: Featured




Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

Profane Existence #4G



Profane Existence #46

Rob Middleton: Featured Artist



Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

Profane Existence #46

Profane Existence #46

Rob Middleton: Featured Artist

Job cuts, low pay, high cost of livtng and anti-refugee hysteria in the media. lreland has become one of the most expensive countries in Europe. The racist atmosphere promoted by State agencies now includes immigration

controls at air and ferry ports and border

crossings. ln 2003, i25,000 US troops passed through Shannon airport en route lo the lraq war. Munitions ol war, including Toma-

hawk, Cruise, and Patriot Missile components, as well as napalm, passed through 'neutral lreland'. There's neo-Nazi Brian Wallace peddling his neo-Nazi propaganda leaflets on the slreels of Cork and the antiimmigrant movement "lmmigration Control

Platform," led by school teacher Aine


Chonaill, is there alsoIt's a small, expensive country, with an

ever-growing sense of disillustionment and cynicism. The DIY music scene seems to be getting bigger and bigger all the time. Squatting premises has been tried a few times to create a Dublin Autonomous zone and community center, each time it has been closed down, but dresn't deter lhe folks involved,

DIY GIG PROMOTERS: As far as gigs go, it's mostly commercial pubs. Here are some DIY gig promoters in the area.

GZ collective have put on nearly all the Dly gigs in Dublin. Have put on tar too many too mention, contacl:gzdublin, send a demo/recording to Damien, Flal 4, 22 Grantham Street, Dublin 8. Aspersion Music Collective (AMC) which started tn '1999,is a non-profit organisation with the aim of promote all types ol music in

the Limerick city, contact www,theamc.neu asspersions


New Music Collective newnoise Galway collective who are mainly a punk and metal. Toxic Promotions. Suite 2, 3 Blessington Street, Dublin Toxic has put on many big and local small band here like THE EXPLOITED,AGNOSTIC FRONT, POISON IDEA,G.B.H., DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, HITS,ENT,IVDC,NASUM, RABIES CASTE, THE VARUKEBS, BROKEN BONES, DISCHARGE.

Rebel County Music Collective


) are from Cork.

they have put quite a few gigs of mainly a punk and hardcore.

Warzone Collective (Belfast-based collective started in 1 984),The center I venue I cate they ran (called Giros) has closed down But they are still promoting gigs in the city.

BANDS: I doubt if readers

of Profane Existence

are inlerested in Oi music, but there are quite a few Oi bands in lreland, namely RUNNIN


SHAME ACADEMY with Brian young of RUDI, Greg Cowan ofTHE OUTCASTS and

7" and split with

ing one-off gigs and punk super group

of MDC meets lvcs. (Email


tommytrousers@yahoo,com). Next up are EASPA MEASA (Dubtin) setf released and self titled CD (

or they plan to release a CD-R in the next while, they have a


good blend of crust an'd 8tly style punk, to give a comparison maybe Contravene meels The Avengers ! (www. E DANGERFIELDS (Betfast) have being going for a while now, and remind me these days of Zeke, punk rocknroll, constanfly gigging, a good few ep's out, have a great raw energy live. (PO Box 1343, Belfast BT15 4HX,N. tre-

land, UK, www,

BINCHARGE (Dublin), the band I sing in these days, I won't say too much as it would be far too biased, some splits planned, the first being a split album on Mataysia label Life on the Edge, has been compared to DEVIATED INSTINCT, ( KNIFED (Dublin), who've done 3 sptits and 2 tours of the UK, have been labelled homocore etc, led by singer Mero (owner of The Secret Book and Record Store, Rejected records etc) they play fast thrash style of hardcore, with LIMP WRIST style vocals, great live. (Rejected \ Controi \ Eire Records pO Box 6591

Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin lreland. http:// Another band is SERpENTS (Dublin), who are very slow, metal band that

have a CD-B out (www.weareserpents.cjb. net).

Sticking with the more metal side of things, SHERMAN M4 (Casttebar) t,ve heard

comparisons to


( Next is DIATBIBE (Galway) whose demo is available, Fights The

Weakness. Conlact diatribexombie666@ Also in Galway is FUKIFINO

of lreland there's the very heavy furious


leased a full-length cd,

Petesy Burns of STALAG 17 and F.U.A.L. Newer bands out there at the moment are MOUTHPIECE (Dubtin) who play a mix

in Belfast, in the same year saw anolher festival called'Fallout Festival' which happened in Gorey, Co. Wexford. This year saw another new festival The 'GGl Festival', Groningen-

Wexford... A brilliant weekend.


BACKHANDERS. Of recent old bands reformed like THE DEFECTS, RUEFREX do-

www.f uktif ino.zzn com (f uktif ino,

Glasgow-lreland festival of Dly punk.

moment are

DAGDA (Belfast) ex members of loads ol bands. So far have re- 2003 saw the last ,Warzone Festival,, which had become a yearly Dly punk festival

www,, which took place in

xbeliefx@ Another great band dolng the rounds at the

who play great fast thrash style hardcore. Now onto Cork, the very southern part IRIEVOLUTION OFASUN who ptay merailic HxC Also in Cork are MY REN/ORSE who play a mixture of emo/hardcore have some self released cd,s

available from

IRELAND Scene Report


these tracks are avail-able

for download for free on their


www. /dagda,/, a com-

parison would

be FROM ASHES RISE, Another band full ol ex members of bands is COLD WAFI

(Dublin) maybe described as Discharge meets Coitus, these days have got a new line up and are gone a more slow metallic style (www,coldwa1667.com4, lan Lawless, Trinity,

Ashford, Co. Wicklow. LANGDON BECK (Wicklow) are planning to release an ep in the next while, very heavy, but melodic bits, one of my new favourites of the lrish scene, they also have members in KID BLUNT (Wicklow), who are young lads who have a big live following, at times like Hot Water


(, They've recenfl y released a split cd with PUGET SOUND (Dubtin) who are a fusion of styles punk/jazzy reggae with a touch of ZOUNDS (pugetl

PETE THE KILLER (Dublin) dark metailic

hardcore, heavy as fuck; another new favourite. They have a full album recorded,

but no sign of releasing it

yet or write to pO 8OX7674, Dublin 1, lreland. THE NAUT, very, very slow doomy styled metal from Belfast. (

New bands doing the rounds are COMPLAN (Dublin) who do fast metodic punk

like 7 SECONDS. Another new band CBIONADH (Dublin) played their first gig wirh

Profane Existence #46

Tragedy this year and were highly impressive, with their slow doomy style, with lyrics in lrish and Portuguese.

Zli.lES & wEB HAHDCORE TIMES: ( A great Wicklow-based e-zine promoting lrish

punk and the DIY ethos, there are lots of bands, zines and a distro websites hosted here. (Hardcore Times, Papion, Erskine Ave., Greystones, Co.Wicklow, lreland). UNFIT FOB CONSUMPTIONi lt has a great variety, from crusty stuff , metal, punk to indie.

Available from,c/o Trevor Meehan, 46 Fosturra Cres.,Woodview Pk., Limerick, lreland.(trevmeehan @ LUCIDITY ZINE: All article zine,Ed Hannon/ Downings Cross/ Prosperous/ Naas/ Co. Kildare/ lreland, BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS THE POISONED FOOD: Old fashioned cut and paste zine dealing with the more crust style of music. Thrashliend@ is a book about .160 music and a book about food. lnside its pages there are contributions from over 120 people. These people donated both vegan recipes and their personal recollections of Hope Promotions gig collective. Hope hosted independent gigs for 283 foreign and domestic bands in lreland between 1 987 and 'l 999,

The book costs €8 (€10 ppd) niall


) recollections/recipes

from loads of people THE EX, THATCHER ON ACIDE, CHUMBAWAIVIBA, MDC, CITIZEN FISH, LOS CHUDOS, WATTYLER and loads more. RIOT 77: Great professional zine. Very much

in the streetpunk vein. Cian Hynes, 31 St. Patrick,s Pk., Clondalkin, Dublin 22, lreland, RiotTTmagazine


There's loads ol new cut and paste zines at the moment here in lreland and it is hard to keep up on what's being printed

Check out the zine trading



THUMPED: ( A website dedicated to independent alternative music. lncludes news, MP3s, reviews, gig listings and much more. lt has a few different message boards, there's also a punk DIY one called


PROTEST ZINE is my own webzine; it's mainly artwork, photographs and interviews. protestzine.cjb. net OISTBOS & LABELS:

Lyncher lrom the Dagda does a distrohhearse@yahoo,, no name for this great distro but stocks very noisy crusty style stuff. TOMORROW lS ONLY A PROMISE Distro (Belfast) based hardcore distro. Records, CD's and zines. www

onlyapromise/ REJECTED RECORDS (punk label) - also home of EIRE (Trade label) and CONTFOL (heavy noise) records, mailing list: SUBSCRIBE (Rejected Records,


Woodlands Ave., Dun Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin, lreland.

Rejected has being going for over 10 years and has released stuff by loads of Irish bands as well Hellbastard to The UK Subs- The owner Mero who now lives in the U.K, also owns a record shop in Dublin called "The Record Store", 15a Wicklow Street, Dublin 2. , if visiting Dublin, it's a must to check out,

PROTEST HECORDS, 3 releases, latest cd release, is a benelit for food not bombs, loads

ol international and lrish bands.(http:// protestzine, TOXIC RECORDS, Beleased ln-TOXlCated - Vol 1 & 2. Vol 1 was an all lrish band compilation and vol 2 international compilation Also released Cold War's album, Available from

Toxic Records ior 7euro. (www.hardcore- dislro Ior zines only lollyrogerdistro @ SLTA distro Dublin, patches, cd's and 7 inches OTHEH:

Bad Books, Book library run by local punks RED INK opened in May (downstairs from SeSi/Caf6 lrie in Temple Ba| selling radical books & zines Anti-Fascist Action, lreland; c/o PO Box 3355; Dublin 7, lreland / Queries lo: afa@, / www INDYMEDIA http ://www.indymedia,iel lrish Anarchist News http:/fflag.blackened. net/revolVwsm.html#Current

Anarchist Prisoner Support: lreland/UK APS; c/o PO BOX 3355, Dublin 7, lreland

Dublin Food Not Bombs www.f

Beltast Food Not Bombs


FNB have been serving food


Belfast since October 2002 (mainly as part ol anti-war actions) and, since December 03, had a soup kitchen on Bolanic Avenue every lwo weeks.

Ithink I've pretty much covered everything. lf you got left out, sorry, this is the scene from one persons point of view. A big disadvantage of living in lreland is the high cost of insurance to drive here. Which in turns makes it hard lor bands to tour (l'm 32 and have only ever drove motorbikes due to the cheaper insurance). So if there's any van drivers out there looking to for a change of scenery move here there's lots of work for youll Cheers Sean protestzine@yahoo com

Profane Existence #46

IRELAND Scene Report


The Bogside Murals

Profane Existence #46

I t,


Music and Zines, Men Taking Action Against Sexism and Rape, Sex Toys ("What if we call it, 'Playtime'?"),

t I

Alternative Women's Health, Alternative Children's Health Care, Women in Punk Discussion, and Women's Self Defense. All ol the workshops were really well

attended and brought about some amazing connections and discussions. ln particular, the activism and men against

sexism workshops have led to current discussion groups in fighting against sexual assault in our communities. Overall,

the day was an amazing success- I have to admit that I assumed folks would turn out in droves lor the bands, but not for the

workshops. I was happy to be proven


An overview of the idea, the formation of

wrong. By the afternoon, we even had to have a workshop in the hallway and two


the collective, and the founding of G.L.!.T. Fest

in one of the classrooms to accommodate 4 concurrent classes! The workshops addressed several important topics and provided a diflerent


shape. As it got closer, workshops were designed, Food Not Bombs volunteered to

by Noked Maygun When Dan first approached me with

the idea I was stoked. He said "THE PBOFITS are going to be here in July, what do you think about us creating a festival to promote women in punk? Let's make this more than a show, let's do something

for the whole weekend." I immediately emailed him back, said "Let's do it!" and started making phone calls. We set up our first meeting to create a new collective, and we were on our way.

After some deliberation in the preliminary meetings, we founded our collective and named the festival. The collective organizing the event was now known as the B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade - the

Belligerent Bevolutionaries Enraged Against SexistTyranny. The name- C.L.l.T.

cook and serve lood one night of the weekend, locations were determined, bands were confirmed, t-shirts were designed and printed, and a stage was built,

There was a core group of people that worked on the creation, planning and staffing oI the event, and we recruited a slew ol volunteers to help during the

bands played the second night ol the

set to work over the course oI the weekend, not including workshop

festival. Again, everyone was full of energy as each band got on stage and talked ol what it meant to fight for equality and

facilitators or band members.

against sexism and discrimination. The

An overview of the weekendbands, workshops, food, and fun! The Friday night show leatured primarily bands from the Twin Cities, with

the exception being Human Order from

Together- was chosen for the festival, for while we often speak ot equality in the

a great local venue that usually has live


Chicago. lt was held at Patrick's Cabaret,


theatre/cabaret performances. Overall it

underlying inequalities and injustices that occur on a regular basis. lt showed the nature of our group as well, willing to work

was a successful evening lor the first night of the fest; there was a pretty solid crowd ol people, and everyone was really excited to be there. You could seriously feel the excitement in the air. Allof a sudden, what we had been planning lor months was happening.

hard for something we consider really important, but also fun and lighthearted. The plan for the weekend was to create a positive atmosphere to promole equality and highlight allthe amazing women active in our community. lt was decided that the weekend would feature two nights of music with bands both local and national, as well as vegan food each night and a full day of workshops. Each ol the bands performing had to feature at least one female member. A variety of bands were chosen by the collective, each varying in their styles and

make up, but all would be present to promote the ideals of equality and to celebrate women in punk. The B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade met each week to discuss goals and projects that needed to be accomplished to make the

weekend a success. We formed committees to help organize the event-

workshop, band, food, finance, childcare, security, and publicity coordinators were assigned and the weekend started to take


being just as successful as the music, fun and lestivities. lt made the weekend seem even more amazing, that so many women and men galhered together to educate themselves lurther about issues affecting women today. Saturday night brought in a much bigger crowd, as most of the out of town

weekend. All in all, we had about 30 people

Fest- Combating Latent lnequality punk scene, really there

side of the festival. The educational component of the weekend ended up


Saturday afternoon was a day ol workshops held at the Bat Annex and Mala, local spaces that provide show space and a free skool. I was surprised (pleasantly) to see iust how many people showed up for these workshops. Each ol the workshops addressed women's issues;

as follows the topics covered The War on Women: Political Assaults on the Right to

Choose (NARAL), Radical Childcare, Globalization, Punk Activism: Beyond

C.L.l.T.Fest 2OO4

crowd was lull of excitement as well- it was

truly amazing to see what we had pulled off- Patrick's Cabaret was packed full of punks at a festival for punk rock women.

Saturday Night Line-up, BEHIND ENEMY LINES (Pittsburgh) THE PBOFITS (Boston) VOETSEK (Bay Area) GARMONBOZIA APHASIA (Pittsburgh) was sadly Iorced to cancel due to van problems on the road.

Wrap up Months later, I am still left with feeling content and proud that we came up with

this idea and pulled together such a successful event. lt is our plan to make C.L.l.T. Fest an annual thing. Now that the first year is behind us, we know what works and what doesn't, and what to do for next

year both in planning and in production. Now that we have created the basis for this sort of event to happen, we can work on making it bigger and better than the first year. Hopeiully next year will be as high energy and positive as the first annual C.L.l.T. Fest-and hopefully this sort of event will be taking place in other cities and countries. So get a group together and plan an event- encourage people to show up and come smash sexism, fight against sexual assault and abuse, and celebrate

the awesome, strong punk women that make our community what it is today!

Profane Existence #46

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WE CAN D0 ITI Setting the Stage for G"L.I.T. Fest


The "Foreman"

Gonstruction Gonstruction

The flnal product

The venue for C.L.l.T. Fest, Patrick's Caberet, did not have a stage, so we had to either rent or build one. Still having most of the lumber available from the office floor of the old PE warehouse, we opted to save money and build our own. lt was build in 6 sections, each measuring 4'x 8', making a rather roomy stage, measuring l2'x 16'over-all. Six people bullt the stage in a slngle afternoon. Before moving it to Patrick's, the stage was painted hot pink and black and adorned with B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade stencils all around. At Patrick's it was elevated on two dozen milk crates and the six sections were temporarily bolted together. Although the temporary stage was etfective, some reinforcement of the deck will be needed. This was graphically illustrated when Grant from PROVOKED stomped his foot through a weak spot!

Profane Existence #46








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A iVlale Experience by Dan I found it really tough to sum up my C L I T. Fest experience inlo just a few paragraphs, because my involvement was so intensive from beginning to end. However, as one of the lew male member of the organizing group (a k a The B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade)

who worked on the fest, I can share my uniquely male perspective, in a group that


I :

was run primarily by women l've been involved with punk for nearly 20 years now and have pretty much "done it all" when it comes to DIY punk rock. This includes being in many bands, editing zines small and large, running distros, opening stores, gig spaces, etc and ol course travelling to different parts of the world There has been one common thread throughout my experiences, at least in as far as North America goes, which is that the DIY punk movement is still a very male-dominated culture. By this I mean that most bands, zines, gig collectives, etc. are run by men, focus on this male-oriented agenda, and men seem to get all of the credil, even when women do participate While there have also been numerous attempts to challenge the male domination of punk, most of them have been marginalized by the greater movement Those tew women

who spoke out were labelled extremists, trouble-makers, whiners, feminazis or worse. (l should also point out that this has also happened when gay/bi/trans or non-white punks have similarly spoken up). To me it was pretty clear that the fight for equality was not over and something bigger needed to be planned When word got around of a festival high-


lighting female involvement in punk was being planned, it was no surprise that the very first meeting was almost exclusively attended by women At that first meeting, only two ol us were of lhe of heterosexual male variety. This was definilely outside the punk rock norm I was used to, which previously meant only token involvement from women I admit that I actually felt a little uncomlortable by this at the first few meetings, probably even a little threatened. Still, I was excited that a diverse

group of people had come logether and looked forward to seeing what kind ol festival we could create From the very onset, the general consensus of the group was that the feslival was intended to positively promote participation of women and combat sexism in punk, but

also to promote equality and respect for all genders, race, ability,etc To me it was really cool that a group that was unusually temale dominated, chose to promote equality, rather than bitterness or separation (even though these women have every right and reason to be bitteo On the organizing level, I was really glad to be able to add my male voice, while not being looked down upon (as I've

seen happen so many times in collectives where the gender tables are reversed). I admit that at lhe beginning days of organizing the fest, I had lingering doubts about how well this group would able to organize the event. My own chauvinislic programming kept a nagging idea in my head that this thing

would fall apart without the "men" bailing it out. lt was a challenge to keep these fears to myself and boy were my unspoken doubts ever proven wrong! lt was remarkable and inspiring for me to see women, many of whom

C.L,l.T.Fest 2OO4

had no prior experience organizing such an event, take on tasks and successfully complete them. As organizing {or the CllTfest progressed, the B.R.E.A,S T. Brigade solidified into a stronger group. With each small success, the level of empowerment increased, as did the strength of the group

Through my participation in the

B B E.A.S.T. Brigade, I learned many important things, but perhaps one stands out above all else While I had participated in many

proJects in the past where women had a strong organizing role, I had found myself reverting back to the (wrong) idea that it was

the men who ultimately made these projects

successful. Working with the women


B.B.E.A.S T. Brigadethrewthat shit right back into my face The vast majority ol the success of the C L.l,T. Fest was accomplished by the organizing and hard work of women. All the while I was never once made to feel any less welcome to participate or contribute my voice. Whatever doubts I had about the fest,

and the ability of the women to organize


were completely destroyed by its overwhelming success I was shown full force how easily I had fallen back into the chauvinistic roles ol American culture, where it's "normal" to put down and question the abilities of women I can see clearly now that the fight against chau-

vinism ls a constant struggle and one that should be addressed in all aspects of my life. It's also obvious that events such as C.L.l.T Fest can't be just a one-time thing, but something that must become a regular part of the punk rock experience. lf we are to be serious about lighting inequality, then such events like C.L.l.T. Fest are absolutely essential.

Profane Existence #46

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Thinking back on C.L.|.T. Fest makes me smile because it's still satisfying to know that we, the B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade,pulled it off. Not that I ever specifically fretted that our efforts would be in vain, only general freaking out over time and time and time. As the childcare person, | '*as pleased that one kid and a few parents showed up and took part in both the workshops and the shows. And I hope there will be more kids and parents involved next year. The food was fucking arnazing...the bucket of smoothie...hotdamn. GAR|VIONBOZIA, as always, was captivating. SWASHBUGKLER turned me on and HUMIIN 0RDER was fucking great. The turnout for the workshops was least as many people there as at the shows and the talks ranged from fun and functional toempathetic and challenging. That's all l've got to say. -lenny of the B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade

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Namaste! This is RAI KO RIS with an update of the situation in Nepal and a small bit about the DIY activities here. 'Small', because it really is small so far. We've done a couple of DIY benefit gigs this year already. At each gig (usually 50 rupees entrance) we raise money for

freejood activities and we just started a sponsorship for a ten-year old kid who's lather died and mother is mentally ill, who is from our village. We have a kind o, loose collective of people involved in the gigs who can also bring any cases forward that need a donation or collection for local causes. At

the next gig, we plan to even do a small demonstration around the tourist ghetto of

town to raise awareness about child prostitution/pedophilia Kathmandu.

that is common


So lar, we've had some

verY interesting guest speakers at the shows. We had Milan Rai, an anarchist anti-war activist from the UK who founded 'Voices in the Wilderness UK' a sanctions-breaking group who worked hard throughout the

nineties. Milan himself went to


repeatedly and was one of two Britons to get arrested for distributing medicines to children's hospitals; this activity was illegal at ihe time when sanctions were imposed on lraq. Milan has since formed an antiwar organisation'Justice Not Vengeance' and written the books'Chomsky's Politics', 'War Plan lraq - ten reasons not to go to

war in lraq'& the sequel 'Regime Unchanged'. For more info: and

Nepal's branch of


lnternational gave a small presentation at one gig where we had their posters of 'Stop violence against women' all around and above the stage area (we have a tiny stage at the Buddha Bar where we hold our gigs). Amnesty made it clear to all, that if we were unlawfully arrested and tortured by any army or police personnel, we could contact

Amnesty for support to put pressure on authorities to stop this practice. Richard Corbridge who co-founded 'Reason to Believe' a DIY HC punk zine, gave a little talk about his involvement with

at our shows in 2000. Now thefre lanky, dreadlocked albino Raslas with a lot ol good reggae tunes, with tun as well as socially aware lyrics. Rob plays ska'ish rhythms on guitar and Niels accompanles him with these beautilul bass llnes. SLIIVBOY SAM, blues harP - he's an American guy that's been living in Nepal a long while and runs a recording studlo/has in the past been involved with the BEASTIE BOYS' Free Tibet activities. He's always

willing to come to play his range of

harmonicas at our DIY gigs. He's got a bunch of harps in a little bag, all dlfferent keys, and he just blows you away. SHANNON SCAM - this band PlaYed at the last gig. Really nice guys - Balesh, Georgie & Santosh.,,all are'Limbu' (ethnic

tribe like the Rai, from lhe Eastern

Himalaya). The name of their band comes

lrom one biography called Mr. Nice herb dealer in the seventies. This was one of his 'scams' when transporting marrjuana I guess? Anyway, these guys had been practising for some months together and came up with some good melodic punk-

screamo songs. The bass player didn't have time to commit so now they sometimes

jam with us, RAI KO RIS at our Place. Balesh & Georgie are getting pretty active

and we're all collectively starting a zine soon. Letyou knowwhen itcomesout. Can


at We also sell photocopies of zines from

all over the world, and give out flyers and info sheets at our gigs, so if you have any distro/label info etc, feel free to send to us at: S.Rai, C/o NK Rai, PO 3ox 21778, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Email: For our

website and online zine'Himalayan Frostbite' with news on recent political events & other articles ; Www.g€ Keep the DIY spirit moving. Freedom

means individual responsibility.. get through the bad shit, the strong, BE ACTIVE & rock n roll, from RAI KO RIS - Sareena & Olivier


the DIY 'network' in the UK. Bichard is currently a volunteer in Nepal for the

o O

National Handicapped Association.

Bands involved in DIY gigs with RAI KO BIS include: JUSTICE NOWHERE - trio, slow thrashing hardcore & social lyrics. They only just started so they have about six or seven songs...but the lead guitar/vox


Khadga Ghale is a very inspired young man and will continue this great band we hopel He is the younger brother of RAI KO RIS' last guitarist, Bodh Ghale...(who has now gone abroad). PROPAGANJA - we always bill them as'punky reggae skunks'. They were 13 year-old little snot-nosed teen skaters from the American school when we first met them


38 I

Nepali Scene Report

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Profane Existence #46

Kathmandu, everyday there has been demonstrations, protests, & the

inevitable police brutality that always follows this type of thing. Mainstream political parties are fighting peaceiully (& errr...sometimes with bricks and stones!)

lor the nomination ol a government composed

of people's representatives

(previously elected MP's/party members).

These mainstream parties are therefore against 'regression' i.e. the King (& the generals who he bows down to) because he dissolved parliament and has been hand-picking his own Prime Ministers since October 2002 (in order lor the army

to do what it wants - usually slaughter & rape?!). This also appears to be the wish of USA & lndia who wish to control Nepal economically or for their own gains.

(Femember, the ex-King was


in the'royal


massacre', most probably with a very bright green light from these super power countries. We believe this was because he was reluctant to send the army to fight against the Maoist guerrillas and wanted instead to negotiate with them, whom he

considered as his 'subjects'/ opposed to those funny rumours that it was his own son who killed him & fifteen or so

others after taking a couple of drags of marijuana one night).

These agitations on the streets of Kathmandu that you may have heard about in your news, makes us laugh because it is these mainstream political parties who were the original reason why farmers in the hills took up their arms in the lirst place. The mainstream parties in the past have been full of corruption and dominated by the Brahmin Hindu caste group of the Himalaya (originated from the King), and have centred all the wealth from donors and businesses to Kathmandu only, with no regard for most ol the population of Nepal who live in the rurals. Meanwhile, the guenilla movement of the underground communist 'Maoists' continues. This'revolution' began in 1996

when this party went underground

because their own party members were jailed lor their beliefs (communism). They

the past people in the city used to talk about our corrupt bastard leaders and say "somebody aught to shoot 'em all." Now

somebody-ies are, and everyone's Ireaking out and chanting 'peace & security', So, that's why most of the rich citizens of Kathmandu are 'happy'with the army & police presence with their guns and naivety on our streets - guns that have also gone off 'accidentally' maiming a few here & there passers by. Situation of the war: travelling is still fine. Contact us for details.

The Maoist movemenl is growing because as well as military might and supremacy of guerrilla war tactics, their political agenda is active. They continually

send articles to mainstream press (their own papers & presses & "zines" have been totally banned and destroyed by the state) and they have stated if there continues to be a stalemate between three factions i.e, the Maoists, the mainstream parties, & the

King, it will only encourage foreign intervention. They also stated that the mainstream parties should better be careful when negotiating with the King in case the King offers 'cheap/non-long-term' solutions; Maoist leaders say that instead, the mainstream parties should politically align themselves with them, so that there are better chances lor a clear-cut republic. On the other side, the army is still terrorising civilians in the villages since

they can hardly catch any Maoist combatants and this only encourages the villagers to join the communist guerrillas who therefore grow as much as the army is inlvolved. The mainstream parties protesting in Kathmandu have pretty much said they are OK with sharing power with the King and have cleverly stated to the King that they will not cry for a Republic like the Maoists, if the King reinstates one of them as Prime Minister. This is pure black-mail for cheap success. During a mock student union election, it was clear that the majority voted for a Republic (like the Maoists). However, the mainstream political parties dare not mention 'Republic'because they get their pockets fat from USA & lndia, etc, who are

joined larmers in arms and began their 'people's war'. Their demands include

abolishing the Hindu caste system


feudalism, having a Republic (no monarchy) as opposed to the situation now where the King is head of State (& army); ceasing the 'beggar economy'of Nepal based on donations lrom foreign NGOs, which the mainstream political parties have

pushing for a Constitutional Monarchy

weapons (such as M16 rifles), as well as

provided armed helicopters with night vision (easier to slaughter the innocent villagers), army gear, etc. Meanwhile, donor agencies are continuing to pour in

aid, despite their lame demands for 'humanitarian concerns'. I think they're more concerned that if a Republic does occur, it will be much harder for them to control Nepal and they might have to pack up their exclusive American Centre and British barbeque brunches on a Sunday, and give up their big houses with cars and servants that they acquire while doing 'aid' work in poorcountries. Bush has pledged

twenty million dollars for Nepal's 'insurgency problem'. I think Congress only voted for ten million. "Only"


ha ha!

ln the recent neighbouring lndia's elections, the Hindu Nationalist extremist party lost power (yeah!) and now il's an alliance between centre-right & left parties (headed by ltalian born Sonia Ghandi !!). So there is a slight hope that this new government in our neighbouring country will stop backing the army generals here maintaining lull power, The USA has branded the Maoists

in Nepal as 'the third most dangerous terrorists in the world'. Here in Nepal everybody laughed and then opposed this statement (including mainstream people)

because this is a politically motivated movement run by farmers and nothing close to terrorism, whatever the heck that is (and branding them terrorists will just put oil on the fire in stead ol working toward negotiations and a political solution to the conflict). Also it affects tourism a major source of national income. Most terrorists


are political though, aren't they, and most oppose the USA, so let's just take the

branding as the usual fear



dreaded red commies' like the old days when people were less aware and were

shit scared by these words used by government propaganda...and DIY zines didn't exist telling people the same thing we're telling you. Keep close to the truth. Keep it going-Rai Ko Ris

(which means new laws have to be signed

To summarize:

these foreign powers keep things as THEY wish them to be. With a Republic, Nepal will be doing things differently, there will

real actual happenings are everywhere in the country except in Kathmandu which is just a little playing ground for many a rich Nepali and many very rich foreigners. We do not necessarily condone all the violence by the Maoists either, but for truth, we want to give it to you plain & simple rather than

delinitely be more control of foreign intervention & investments & influence and

years (and have also been putting large portions into their own pockets too).

this poses a massive threat to America & other imperialists who don't want this one


country to be the exception in their

peaceful movement. lt's very DIY homemade guns & bombs type thing, and targeted killings of 'traitors'. You know, in

globalised imperialist democracy. lf you don't believe us, look at Haiti & other Central or South-American nations.

Profane Existence #46

and have donated or sold hundreds ol

and approved by the King & he is still recognised as head of army; King still keeps his privileges as a royal idiot with lots of cash). With the King at the top,

been happily using as a safety net for However, it is not necessarily

The USA, lndia & Britain are already training the Royal Nepalese Army (RNA)

As usual, the national as well as the

international press/media focus on tiny little happenings of the capital where the

overtly capitalist propaganda that dominates mainstream media.

ilepali Political Report



Social cuts in Slovakia and the effects on the Roma populatjon govemment ol Slovakla who On the first ol May l0 mostly Middle and East European counlries joined lhe Europoan

Unlon (EU) that now has 25 msmbor states. With ihis onlargemenl also about 1.5 million Roma Drned lhe EU and are now lhe brggest mrnority wilhrn the EU Hardlv anyone rn Europe knows much about them, hardly anyone is interested in them. Disturbances and looting in the Eastern parl of lhe Ropubllc ol Slovakia in February this year gave a litlle loretasle to what will be one of ihe brg soclal and poktical problems for the EU in the next years On the 1 7rh of February the already ongoing disturbances escalated with demonstrations and looting that went on for about one week. One Romani man died. Hundreds of Roma openly

showed their anger about the politics ot the Slovakian government that keeps them at the lowest level of society without any possibility to escape from their poverty Hundreds of people started plundering supermarkets in Cierna and Tisou, Trhoviste and other cities in Eastern Slovakia The government answered with the

biggest police and military operation since 1989: '1oOO soldiers and 2Oo0 policemen with water canons and teargas turned the atfected areas into

a state of emergency without an official

declaration Special units attacked Roma families in their apartment houses and maltreated them'

The cause for the revolt was the cutting of

social welfare that the Slovakian government passed on their neo-liberal way into the EU Since the first of March 2OO4 social welfare is hall as much as is was before Another dividing in half akeady took place in July 2000. Bighl now lamilies gsi a maximum of 4210 Slovakian Crowns (127 USS) per month, the minimum waqs is 5570

Crowns (168 US$). Before March there was a maximum wellare amount ol 2900 Crowns (87 US$) Ior each adult person plus 1000-1600 Crowns (30-48 US$) per child. This additional money for children got cut away completely Boma

families have three times as many children as families of the majority population Further reforms comprise an increase of VAT since

January 2oo4 on 1 9% which causes higher prices Ior food also for those who gel less money According to the government ol Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda the cuttings are necessary to reduce long'lerm unemployment By these means long-term unemployed should be

forced to take a job even under the worst

conditions The unemploymenl rate in Slovakia is about 5.6%, The unemployment rate of the Boma in Slovakia is about 90% They are the majority of 1

long-term unemployed that the governmonl tries to re-integrale into tho labour market by force. Aboul 5OO,OOO Boma are living ln Slovakia which is more than 9% of the whole population Bacist preiudices against Roma are very common in Slovakia (as well as in the rest of Europe)' The

maprity ol tham are unabls to read and wrlla They are lrving ln a vlcious circlg ol poverty thal begins wtih segt6gatron in school Roma children are very otten lorced to 9o io special schools lor mentally relarded Thera and also in rogular schools they are discriminated by their classmates and teachers including verbal insults and physrcal altacks. Due to thls excluslon and lhe lack of support lrom thelr parenls who do nol havo proper education either and no money to pay toI


school utilities most ol them drop out ot school atl6r a l€w years. Saying th€y aro lorc€d lo wolk ln bad paid iobs ts a larce corcldering the high percenlage ol thelr unemptoyment. During the

communi;t regime the Roma were lorced lo setlle down (many ol them had been living as nomads baloro) and to wolk which ai least gave thsm a small rsgular income, After 1989 the maiority ol thom losi tholr iobs. Lols ol employors do nol lake

on Roma for racist reasons Employment

agonctes mark their lile3 with ''R'. Aiter a law was passed that lorbids raclst Plactlcos ilke this some agancies started writing "8" on liles lor non'Boma (5iety whlte). Taking these atlitudes ol the

= maioiity poputatron into accounl il i6 clear lhal thgsocial culling6 ol thls year wlll not lsad to a hrgher employment of Boma but to a worsening of their current situation. Also the living conditions of the Roma are alarmlng. Like all over Eastern Eutope th€y are very ollen living in areas wllh a bad lnkaatruclure, olten without eleclricily, 'tvatsr and sewer' One of these areas is the satellite town of Lunik lX outside ol the city of Kosice. Kosice is the biggest city in Slovakia with SOO,OOO inhabitants after the caPital Bratislava. lt is located in the East of the country and was one of the major places of the riots and lootings in February this year. The unemployment rate oi Kosice is 25% whereas the rate in Lunik lX is more than 90%. Lunik lX was built in the 1980s under the communist mayor Budolf Schuster who later became president of the Bepublic of Slovakia in 1 999. About 6000 Roma were broughl to Lunik lX to live there and to work in a nearby steel factory that was bought by the US Steel company after most 1 989. During the process of rationalization ol the Boma lost their jobs and Lunik lX became intorest a city ol unemployed. Lack of linances and ol ths city adminisiralion turned il lnto a plac6 of disillusioned lnhabiiants, alcoholism and violence' The remaining families with water and electricity were not able to pay their bills {or the last two years. Only the fear of another violent outbreak ieeps the city administration back from turning off the lights in Lunik lX The housing situation is directly connected

with bad health care conditions lnsuflicient

nutrient supply and the cold temperatures in the winter without proper heating lead to many inlections and sicknesses. Without any income many Roma do not have the possibility to get health care insurance or to Pay a doctor The new reforms also include cuts in health care which makes it more diificult lor the Roma to pay for a doctor if one is willing to help them' ln some cases consultation hours for Roma are separated from those for other citizens or pregnant Roma women are examined in separated rooms' To pay tor the basic needs many Roma in Lunik lX borrow money lrom some ol the tew

,,realthy Foma and have to pay lhem back including hlgh interesl. They get caught in lhe dept lrap. Tho cutting of their only incoms makes

it more dillicull lor thom lo get out ol il' The

government ol Slovakia claims tho

ironeylenders to be responsible for lhe unr€st in February because du€ io the social culs they are going to Iose lhcir money. This is indeed an unintsnlional conlossion ihat the Boma won l be able to gain any money atter the reforms The demonstrations and lootings were bad

Repression of the Roma

Dubllcitv for tho obimed for years to improve lhe situation ol ihe Roma after numarouscritlc€ lrom lhe EU, UN and several NGOs. The keeping and improvement ol human tighls as a requirsmont lor Easl Europ€8n statss to join the EU are obviously not important'

After the pictures ol th8 riots reachod ths

intarnalional media tho Slovaklan govornmenl was lorced to improve their retorms and agreed

to pay social weltare every week instead of one time ; month to light the moneylenders who they still see as the responsible persons lor the disturbances. Besides this, they raised the limit of additional money to social welfare by part time lob6 trom looo Crowns (30 US$) lo t50O Crowns ias USSI. This does nol change tho lacl that hardly anyone ls willing lo employ Roma The problemg ol tho Roma ars serlouE but not amposslble lo solvo. The msin ksy is education lor both lh9 Roma and the maiority population'

Soveral programs ol diflsrenl organlsations

(NGOS. etc) rn the last yoars weta still not onough

to establish equal rlghls lor the


communities in EuropeAfler joining the EU all people from the new member states are lree to go to any EU state they prefer (although getting a job is restricted in most of them for the next years). ln the UK a racist media campaign already dlscredited Roma a5 oarasiles in January lhis ysar. Headlines Ike'Tho coming hord8" (7Ie Ec$om,st January 15') and phrasilngs llke't.6 million gypsies" dg3cribod as druq deilers and crlmrnals'ready lo lloodn'lDaily E p-ress. J"nrary 2O') reminds one ol Germany ,n ihe ueginning ol ths l99os when lacEt modia campalgns and volenl sttecks walked hand in hand leiving several dead and woundgd migtants behind. By the way the UK is one of the few states within the EU that allows migrants from the new member states to join its labor market' People in the EuroPean Union have to recognize that human rights conditions especially concelning lhe Boma in lhe new stales ato ln alarming ;nditions. The dislurbsnces ln Slovakia ar6 only one example of what can happen in many other places as well. OnB of lh€ canddalos for lhe nexl 6nlalg6ment in a tew years i3 Romania where 2 million Roma are living. And conditions there are not better. To help reduce the discrimination against the Roma SCHANDMAUL HECOHDS lrom Berlin/

Germany is going to ,elease a Boma Bonelit Compilailon CD in summar 2004 Noxt lo B lot of

international Punk and Hardcore bands thgr6 will be a booklet including plenty of inlormation about the situation of the Roma. The benefit money will be glvon to Roma education prolects in Easlem Eur6pe. Ttre lollowing band6 will appear on li€

CD: LOST (Poland), CRIATURA (Spain)'

TANPABATAS (lndonesia), ALTERCADO (Chila), LARUSSO (Btazil), lN fHE SHIT (Wales), NET WEIGHT (Spain), FxPxOx (Mac€donia), MUKEKA Dl RATO (Brazill, AK47 (Croalls), NOVEMBEB 13TH (Gsrmeny). OANOARE (Notherlands) Distribution help is very welcome!

-Daniel Schandmaul Records / PO Box 61 06 17 / 10937 Berlin / GermanY http :// schandmaul @ so36. net

Profane Existence #46

Three Women Raped at Pointless Fest We came to Philly's Pointless Fest this August to dance, catch-up with old friends, and share in the ideas/energy that stem from large gatherings of radicals and punks. ln our amazing and evolving scene it is sometimes easy to Jorget how much further we have to go to become a loving community. lt is overwhelm-

ing to face the lear that we may never be strong enough to transform this scene into a sustainable, safe place where we are all comfortable and free lrom the shadows of the capi-

talist, racist, anti-queer, anti-woman, antilrans, anti-life/love/fun culture at large. At Pointless Fest, our illusions of support and safety in our community collapsed when Jacob Michael Wiese (Jake) raped two women and Timothy W. (Tim) raped another woman The following is an account from the women's group involved in the aftermath ol these rapes. We have written the following article in an attempt to support the survivors, squelch rumors, and to add to the dialogue ol the various responses to raPe.

By the time oi the meeting, a second woman came forward as having also been raped by Jake. Janice was raped by Jake on Friday night at a hotel in New Jersey. One survivor had a digital photo of Jake from before the assaults This allowed lor further confirmation that the same man had assaulted both Janice and Rowanda.

The Planning Meeting At the meeting on Sunday morning (Aug 1 5) we discussed how to best suppon the sur vivors We further deliberated on how to respond to the immediate threat of Jake's pres-

ence at the iest. We wanted to let him know that the act of rape against tlvo of our sisters would not be taken lightly and would be handled as the heinous atrocity that it is We reacted with a sense ol urgency, with

an understanding that Jake might leave town

Three Women Raped' Two Rapists

without any interaction and most likely per petuate these behaviors. A productive dia-

All three women wish to have their identities remain anonymous. We have created fictitious names lor each ol these ladies to cut

and disappointment was not possible. We could not ensure that he got counseling ortook

down on confusion. Please respect their wishes and refer to these women by these made-up names from here forward:

On Friday (August 13), after a day of great music followed by drinking in the park with more music, two women went back to Jake and Tlm's hotel room to hang out with their new iriends. The immediate trust assumed to be lound in our scene was violated when both

women were raped.

Janice was raped bY Jake on Friday night (Aug 13.) Xena was raped by Tim on Friday night (Aug 13.) On Saturday (August 14), as hundreds ol us gathered laughing, drinking, dancing and rocking out at the height of Pointless Fest celebrations, anolherwoman was raped by Jake Rowanda was raped by Jake on Saturday night (Aug 14.)

A Rape at the Show A small group of men and women from the Philadelphia community became aware o{ the Saturday night (August 14) rape shortly atter it occurred. There were mixed emotions, and it was a chaotic environment to attempt to process the situation. Although we did not know the survivor's wishes, there was a move to seek out the rapist and physically harm him. We did not want to accost an innocent fitting the same description as Jake. We knew that he had travel mates and that they all planned to be at the fest the next day, so we planned

logue with him expressing our disgusl, anger,

the appropriate rehabilitative steps with such limited time. We knew that kicking his ass and/ or banning him trom Philly would only push him away to other locations to commit the same act. However, we viewed him as a threat to our community and to others. We felt a responsibility to show him an immediate response to his actions as a tirst step in the rehabilitative process, We decided that the only avenue open to us was a direct, physical confrontation with Jake. We also decided that the confrontation would be acted out by women only. We wanted to beat him down and take his lD to identify him to those is his hometown for follow-up treatment. We intended to contact kids in Minneapolis to set-up a long-term plan to hold Jake responsible for his actions through a process of healing and growth so that he would hopefully never violate anyone ever again Rowanda had decided to press charges against Jake. We assumed that the police would be called afterthe community had dealt with him. At that time, Janice was undecided if she wanted to press charges with the police.

Following the meeting an additionalsurvivor, Xena, came lorward. Jake's travel companion, Tim, had raped her Friday night in the hotel room. As this inlormation was learned after the meeting and without an adequate discussion with Xena, we were unable to come up with a course oi action for Tim until later that day.

an early meeting to figure out the best response. Although, looking back on it, we are glad that we did not jump to a rash decision, the iear that Jake might assault another woman that very night kept us all from sleep.

Illeeting PreParation On Salurday night and into the next day we gathered as much information as possible about Jake. We had two reliable sources that could identify him with certainty. We learned that he was trom Minneapolis and had intended to return home directly after the fest.

The Gonfrontation at the Fest The confrontation took place on Sunday at the Pointless Fest. We gathered together as a group of women to show Jake a part of the anger we lelt towards his actions and to hold him accountable lor the pain that he caused. We gathered to show him that as sisters we stick together. We were ready to kick the shit out of him. Although we will not deny the emotion of this act, do not doubt that our every move was calculated and planned thoroughly. We had full supporl f rom the organizers

Profane Existence #46

of Pointless Fest and we were working in collaboration with the fest bouncers to secure a spot away from the fest to physically and verbally conlront Jake Our male allies helped us by keeping away men who wanted to sponta' neously join in and to help keep the crowd inlormed of the nature oJ the situation. We telt it important for Jake to see lemale faces, voices, and bodies in a position of empowerment and strength in an interaction with a man who has stripped strength and empowerment from women Unfortunately, as soon as Jake arrived and we gathered together, we were informed that someone had already called the police. We assume that they were acting out of their desire to fullill the survivor's wish to have him arrested and out ol their concern lor the legal repercussions that we might tace. None ol the women present wanted the police called for our own safety. ldeally, the police would have been called afterwe had served the streetjustice intended. One of us spoke with Jake alone for a few moments before he was surrounded. He was asked if he knew why he was being confronted. He said that he knew He was asked if he was aware that he had raped two women at the Fest. He said he did not rape anyone and that he had an explanation. He was given a chance to say what he liked but simply, repeatedly denied any wrongdoing He trembled with fear as we pulled him into the alley We had to drag him by the neck and arms as he tried to shake us oft of him.

We were enraged and disgusted We screamed that we knew he had raped two women We demanded to know how many other women he had done this to. lt was one of the most intense, overwhelming scenes of

our lives. So many of us have wished to con'

front our assaulters in a group ol strong women but have not had the opportunity due to lack of support. Once we wrestled him to the planned location of the confrontation, we each only got a few hits in before he begged us to let him talk again. There was nothing he could say to deny two of the most cut and dry rape situations possible Against our better judgment we let him talk, but he had noihing to say. There can be no reasonable explanation for what he has done and we should not have wasted the time. He screamed for onlookers to interfere with the confrontation, We started to strike again. Unfortunately, the pigs showed up and arrested him before we were through. Jake waited in the police car while the cops took names and short statements from witnesses involved with Bowanda's case During this time, Janice arrived on the scene and decided to provide a statement to the police. At the same time, tvvo of Jake's friends came over to talk with some ol us One ol them was Tim, the rapist of Xena from Friday night. Only some of us knew that he was the man responsible lor the rape as we had only received this inlormation a couple ol hours prior. He did not know that any of us were aware ol his actions. We talked to him for about lifteen minutes as he defended Jake's, and as it became clear, his own actions. He told us that Jake could not possibly have raped two women He said that Jake was drunk both nights and that he was sure it was just regrettable sex. A few ot us were taken to the police station to make a full report of the information we were witness to surrounding Rowanda's case.



Bv this tim€ allthtge suNlvors had undsrgone

raoe kits at Templ€ UniveGity Hospital'

Jak€ was taken into custody and

tatas himsell through the suppon ol radical not @mmuniti€s, own up to whal hs dkj, and This is contact Xena or hertriends and lamily'

charoed with rape. He was held at Philly's mairimale facility, CFCF, under a one milliondollar bail. While some of us were at the police station, others remained al the show lor alollowuo with Tim and ths lesl an€ndanls We went to a room orovided lor us by ths Poiniloss Fost o-manizers to discuss the Tim situEtlon' w€ LirneO tttat Xena did not want him physically him hurt or erreslod. she wantod us to talk to in anattempt to make him realize lh€ honific e)o€rienco he put h€r through ln lhal room we al6o wrole a sp€ech' divided up b€twe€n ilrl *or"n. to read during ths band Signal Lmrl ."t to axPlain whai was going on and to Bouelch lhe rumors that wore running like witOtire. we wanled to l€t people know that this was not a "witch hunt' based on hearsay aM soeculation. We were wsll inlotmed as lo rfr" Oluif" and sev€rity ol the situation trom and we made a collective decl' in" sion lo act accordlngly. We, in the women's by tho d€cision to confiont and oroup, "uno harm Jake at that time ln lacl' we

being achieved lhough tho wonderlul support of a MinneaPolis collective'


ManY m€ellngs have be€n and wlll be Phillyb woman's group and a

hald among

newlv lormJd men's group to provrdo supporl lor the survivors and hold lhe assauhers rasoonsible. A coll€dive kom Minneapolis ap' pioached our group immedialely so they could process in Minn€apolis They i"rt ttt" iave oroanized th€mselv€s in ctniunclion with ," o tririrr lho survivots'demands Th€ Minneapolis group will be relsasing a stat€ment on their actions and Progress' We have mBt with all three sunvivors and in we are incredibly inspired by their strength doaling with these abhortsnl clrcumstances' Mo$;l ut have been through similar situations ano have b€en emotionally destroyed



wish we did more. For th€ most patt, ths clowd at Point' less Fest was atiBntiv€ and suPportive when w€ inlormed th€m of th€ recent events' Alter wa made lh6 speecfi we wefrt to lalk to l'im' visibly shaken' We bought him a nho short distance lrom lh€ Fest with th€ suPport ol a Pointless F€st bourrc€t under tho opon ;oreemant thal wE ware not to toucfr him This We lold tn-as ort ot resp€ct ot xena's wishe6' it' him that he had rap€d someone, we knew and that he ne€d€d to taka responsibllity for the his acdons and get help' We told him that ont, t"*on we were not going lo harm hlm *"" b"cause Xena did not wish il' When we nnished d€talling the pain ha had caused ll8r' 8€llish d€sire to proiecl his he oronounced



and undorstood that something bad happened, but denied rape' bac* He asked-us repeatedly if he oould come to Poinlless Fast next yoal and want6d to

*riat lil". He agreed

il he would be allowed back in Philly' At Al no dme did he show any concem lor Xena' gravity ol th€ no timg did he aclmowledgo the


and debllitated compared to lhese sttong women.

There are currently two gender-based orouos worting togelhar in Philly to support ianiie ana Xena. Rowanda would lik€ to n-Ot" tt i" siiustion on h€r own and has d€' group' W€ rec' clinad further support trom our ooniz€ lhal taaclions to lhis situauon vary' are tinoring h€r requ€st. and wlsh her well We hooe to mak€ lurlh€r steps to suppon survF perma' vors and r€habililale assaultsrs aG a nent alternative to the prison industrial com-

bouncertold Tim thatthe least of his concerns wes cominq back to Philly' He lotd Tim to gel tr"to u.cau'ie t ne dkJn't and the worn€n didn'l o.i hl.. th"n he would. We told Tim thal wa ina a otorp ot kids in MinneaPolis inlerested in aoin-o totior'up with him would conlact him fre bE him to tsave lho Fest immedi-

"oon. ately.

Survivor's Demands:

The names of the survivors will not be disclosed. For personal reasons, Rowanda does not wish to be contacted on this matter ot anv fudher. Atl qu€stions, otlels ol suppo't'


lor Janice or Xena will

"oarnrnbation us lo them. Our @ntact is listed at oo thmuoh itre uotdn ot rnis anich and we will r€spond to rnatur€ and honest correspondenc€' Any

ldentitytng inlormalion ol the survivors dis' will not clos€d- biJake, Tim, or anyone else be tolerated.

Rowanda would like Jake to be dealt with bv the criminal lustice system Janice has not decided if she can go through the further trauma involved wilh pressing charges against Jake. Demands ol Tim are that he rehabili-



Since our small core group ol Philly's rePissed womon hav€ b€€n dealing with the in our Dorcussions ol Jake's and Tim's actlons [mmunity. sorne ol us have felt alienatsd and ol aevatueO. at lea$ part of the time' Some us have teli lruslration with the lack of urgency n€eds in ort ta"n" to ,""pond to th8 survivors' anJsuooort tne assaultars' rehabllilaiion We ,nOersfinO that it is conlusing to know whal to do, whal to say, how to help; but discussing that in and ol itsell, iust communicating con' fusion and being lost, are crucial steps' Some of us have also felt a lack ol supoort lor oursalves, and what we aro going ihrouoh. We have felt that many people in our work' comriunity do not realize that trying to oio.ess, irpport, and help lhe women and 'man involved ln this tenible situalion also brinos up in many ol us our own €xp€ri6n@s withissault. Nothing about this has been 6asy lor anvone involved - [ has required and is still requiring long days and nights lhal are group shouldared by an unlonunately small lil€ilmes of oottt rrofn"n and men, and whola lt has ol work for the survivoB ard assaulters' becoms oainfully cleat thai lhe very language op"n Oooo irl communication to deal with "na thesasituations do not sxist. €ven ln commu' tfrat paoe rnemselves on awar€ness and


UPdate On Jake

Jake was arraigned Tuesday August low24th. Atthe anaignment, Jaks's bail was

a ered because he was no longer considered llioht risk. His par€nts hired a lawyer and camo to-Philly lor his arraignment. The iudge was and convinoad ttrat nls lamily was supportive woutd retum again for his praliminary rrial' He was dlscharged hom CFCF on Wednesday' OcAugust Zsrh]His lirst court date is in mid



situation aside lrom his own needs' Tha

to that exists as a sale space for all, we need sexual assault ison together ourselves lel


understanding. Like all;J the baggage of the capitalist' carry' hierarchical, oppressiva system lhat we palriwo will heal and resolve these issuos ol archv. We wlll r€hsh lhe suppod ol each olher' no ,"n"t how small lt rs to begin wilh' and uis eacn oth€r's strength lo build the world we need. Watcfring lhs men in Phllly organize goals of supporting the *ith ttt"t" "*pt"tiedwith the assault€rs' and survlrors, working supporting Philly's women has been apprectatod and inspiringRaPe hurts us in way that cannot b€ measured with words. The enormous battle to we as rape survivors have to win io be able simolv kiss who wo wanl to kiss, to sleep with *"nt to sleep wilh' in healthy' posi' *nJ our tive ways. is trighteningly p6rvaslve in as ilves. The ways we react to sexual assault' a community. nesds to grow wilh lhe women ana men who survive rape. We nesd ro b€ o w"r that people around us will sup"otu oorl our Orocgss ol hsaling' We need to trust ifrat we witt nol ba gossiped aboul in a trite' p"inai"t"tr,ion rt we come lorward We need io be atle to trust our communilies will not as out us on lhe witness sland, devaluing us hembers ol this oommunity' we nesd to trusl


UPdate on Tim fim agreed to meet wllh a five-P€rson committee, iet up by th€ Minn8aPolis collectvs to help him gst counseling and provid€ thB hlm with mentors. Acoupte of days be'ors planmestinq his mother got involved in the nlnq an-d suggested that shs anend the meet' ino]when iim *as lats lor lhe meeting th€ minctive called him and ho said he was nol comino to the meeting and that he did not want more calls on the subiecl' Dua io r""iir" "ny circumstances, ws ale nol yet to srtenualing prepared to release Tim W''s full name


Creating systems ol support and reharadi' biliction are tintlmount to our goals as cats. Rtt ot ttre wort w€ do in our communllies are and liv6s to creat€ susElnablg altematives

inter-rglated. Each aclivity creatad towards lasocial change, whelher it is D'l'Y record Gts ano sli* sp"ces, urban gardening' direct aaion, or lr€€ lood seNico, is important

and deserves attention and support from evsrvone in our radi{:al cullurg We cannot ex' dis' ;;ss lhoroushly. poignanily €nough ourgiven loooinment in tir€ lack ol real attention m oender. sexuat assault. and s€xual ori€nla' issues. to truly have a radical community


assault and rape ol men and

"t "e*r"f p€rsons will be taken as seri' transoendered

orsfv-ana with as much support as lhal ol

wonien. WE neeO to $and logsther to not only d:1: say FUCK NO to tape, but FUCKYEito i# witr evervrninq necessary to build a world *f,"rE oeopt" oo ,,ot rape. We musl say FUCK YES lo a wotld where we can handle the ag'

pro' oression. m6ntal illness. instability' and Iesses ol socialization in rapists as commu-

niries to support their rehabilitation and chanoe. We demand a world where we can overc-ome even tfre deepesl ingrained aspocts

ol our capitalist world and grow into heallhy individuals wilhin a caring community'

OUn COUfeCr INFO: phillvspissad@sale'



Profane Existence #46

ANY SEX ACT WITHOUT CONSENT IS RAPE Consent I subd 4 (a)'Consena' means words or oven actlons by


person lndicating a freely glven present agreement to perlorm a panacular sexual act wlth the actor Consent does not mean the existence of a prior or curent social relailonshlp beMeen the actor and the complainant or that the complainant failed to resist a panicular sexual act







'Here's what it means to your



Communicate about your desires, boundaries, wants and needs.


Using or threatening to use physical force or intimidation


i using emotional manlpulation to and respect your partners desires, boundaries Listen

wants and



I i I


or economic pressure paid for dinner, you owe me")




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no cost I I

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lf the survlvor

I slgns a waiver and makes a I statement to the Pollce

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walk-lns, re€ or concerned persons suppon grcupsand a slldlng scale for counsellhg and suppon groups

STD's, low cost RIJ-486 ahe mornlng after plll', confldentlal





testing and





Ramsev Legalvoluhteer





Crlsls llne 651-543-3005 l6l9 Dayton Ave sulte 201

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Profane Existence #46


and a mullimillionaire oil man lrom

ln lhe last ten years, Sekou has been up for parole five times, and has been denied

Birmingham. It's not surprising that Sekou was lound guilty of both murders in separate trials Did

off Prior to every parole consideralion there has been a punitive each time and set

Sekou have a chance of being lound

transfer and an escalation ol harassment due to a legal aclion taken by Sekou on behalf ol other prisoners

innocenl? lt one considers the nature ol the case in that there was a Elack man standing accused ol killing two White men in Alabama in 1975, then the initial conclusion must be "no " But when that Black man in considered an "Uppity Nigger" by the White power structure, coup ed with the subsequent (and

Sekou Cinque'l Kambui (s/n William

what can be assumed, continual) involvemenl of the FBl, our initial conclusion becomes a proven fact On this basis alone, Sekou was presumed guilty. Despile immense pre-lrial publicity, the court denied a motion for a change ol venue. An appeals court later affirmed this decision,

J. Turk) is a New Afrikan polilical prisoner currently serving lwo consecutive life sentences for crimes he did not commit.

counselor ln fact, the nature of this case was so intense that during a 1 985 investigation of

Sekou has already spent twenty years of his

life behind bars on lrumped up charges ol murdering two white men in Alabama in 1975. Sekou is oI Afrikan / Cherokee heritage, born on September 6, '1948 in Gadsden, AL. He was raised by his mother, grandparents and aunt in Detroit, Harlem, New York, and Birmingham, AL, respectively, Throughout the '1960's, Sekou participated in the Civil Bights movement, organizing youth lor participating

in demonstrations and marches across Alabama and providing security for meetings of the Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC), Congress of Bacial Equality (CORE),

and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Sekou is a paralegal professional and has been an active iailhouse lawyer and prisoner's rights activist for more than 20 years Sekou became atfiliated with the Black Panther Party in 1967 in Chicago and New York While in Detroit, he became a member ol the Republic ol New Alrika, before returning to Birmingham Back in Alabama, Sekou coordinated community organization activity with the Alabama Black Liberation Fronl, the lnmates tor Action (lFA) Delense Committee and the Afro-American People's Party in the mid 1970's Sekou was also a soldier in the

Black Liberation Army (BLA) during these years belore his capture

On January 2, 1975, Sekou was

caplured in north Birmingham for allegedly running a yield sign and / or speeding. During this stop, a 9mm pistol was lound in the car lying belween the front seats Subsequenl

investigation by pollce on the scene

discovered that the pistol was listed as stolen

during a Tuscaloosa, AL murder A wide' ranging lnvestigation tollowed, which included inquiries into his personal relationship wilh a

white woman. At one point during the investigation, while being transported, Sekou

was told by one ot the investigators, " ..we

don't really give a damn whether

You committed these crimes or not, but you should have because we're gonna hang your ass with them anyway . Sekou was lalsely arrested and charged with the murder o, two white men: a KKK ofticial from Tuscaloosa



WHAT YOU CAN DOt Send letters supporting hls release to: Board of Pardons and Paroles State ol Alabama Attn: Sydney T. Williams, Chairman PO Box 302405 Monlgomery, AL 361 30-2405 Try lo get it signed by as many people as possible. Here is a sample letter:

citing examples ot inelfectiveness of the

To: llosrd of Pardons and Prroles, Stale


the crime, persons in Tuscaloosa vividly recalled details of the murder, the accused (Sekou) and lhe entire issue ol the killing Maior witnesses in both cases admitted during this same investigation that lhey had been forced 1o testily against Sekou and had been repealedly visited by certain members ol the

We, tltc undersigned. call uPoo



Bonrd of Pardons and Paroles to release Sekou Cinque T l\4 Kambui lWillium J Turk). AtS,r I 13058 from Prison AlthouBh he is due lor a Parole hearing in June 2006- he Iis alrendy spcnt nlore than

Birmingham Police Department, as well as the Jefierson County Sheritts Department DeFense witnesses in the first trial were so terrified after conlinuous threats and racial intimidation by


years in prison lbr crimcs he did not comnrit Alier years of activism in the Civil

Righls movcment. Sckou was falsely oI murdering tNo whilc men in


the Birmingham Police lor providing alibi teslimony that they fled Alabama, leaving

Alabaila in 1975 Hc is recognizcd as a political prisoner by severll inlemntiotral

Sekou without a delense for his second trial,

organlzal lons

To this day Sekou has never been placed al or

near either murder scene, no murder weapon was found, nor any direct evidence otfered lo connect Sekou to the murders The pistol which

Sckou is a wcll-rcspectcd comrunity lc0dcr and has consistcntly dcnro[sratcd 8r abiliry lo lcsd a rcsponsible flnd productive lrfe Ilc is a par0lcgal profcssion.l and has bccn an activc jailltousc l0\i'ycr and pilsoncrs' rights activist for m0tc than ]5 Years.

he was captured wilh has never been conclusively linked to the crimes.

Sekou's legal challenges to both convictions have been continuously

Wc denund un inquiry into this case a[d lhe litnely relcase ofSekou Kambui!

threatened by the Alabama Department ot Corrections (ADOC) through lhe seizure of legal material and mail, repeated retaliatory


transfers and threats to interlere with pending parole dales For more than twenly-eight years now, Sekou has been held captive in Alabama He

First and Last Nanle Address City, Stalc Zip Codc, Phonc 4

is well known to nearly every Warden,

Regional Coordinator and higher level officials in the ADOC As a jailhouse lawyer, his legal reputation precedes him at every institution ln fact, many prisoners owe their freedom to Sekou's legal efforts on their behalf He has won numerous olher civil actions regarding

For more lntormation

medical malpractice, abusive treatment, abusive segregalion, abusive prison conditions; all ol which have earned him nothing but retaliatory transFers and continuing unabaled enmity by officials ol the ADOC. lt is absolutely impossible to relate the depth of hostility encountered by Sekou personally, and by his lamily lrom not only the ADOC but also Jrom the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles Every attempt made to appeal his

original conviction has been stymied by missing lrial lranscripts, illegal confiscalion of lawbooks and legal research/trial preparation material etc

The INjustice System

orto lend support, contacl:

Sekou Kambui Delense Fund Attn: Roberta Franklin 2243 Ajax Street Montgomery, AL 361 08 USA tirstladytms@aol com Sara Falconer 2035 St Laurent Blvd 2nd FL Montreal, QC

H2X2T3 Canada http://www.montrealabcf orglkambui Sekou Cinque T.M Kambui s/n William J Turk#113058 B1-32 (SCC) PO Box 56 Elmore. AL 36025-0056 USA

Profane Existence #46


lBurilEr6r't it t{fut State Erdciltiorlsi Ati Khati(lAbtlulloh Ocktber

thousands ofothers by prisonkkkrats and the U.S "injustice" sYstem. These so-cal led revolutionaries and Black Nationalists. who support State sponsored executions for certaill groups

speaking with various prisoners abut their political views, belieft and theories, I have tbund that there are a lot ol'very ignorant prisoners when it colnes to the issue of$tate executions, aka "death perralty" tlutders.


of people who've comtnitted

'[o rny shock l've discovered (in the Michigan death kkkarnps) there are so-

called "revoltrtionaries" and "Black Nationalist" prisoners who are in support of State execurions when it cotnes to the State execuling white supremacists. skinheads or nazis. They've also expressed

tlreir acceptance of State executions for child rnolesters, rapists and for crimes against the elderly. Flowever' what they acts


mentioned earlier in this piece. have not studied history and noted in the U-$- those

orr death row are predorninantly poor people, the uneducated, nris-educated' the

chronically uneurployed or


errrployed at substantial slave wage jobs oUen earning less than $7,000 a year. Or tlrey are those who stand on the left side of the nation's ultra-conservative political sociological and religiotts spectrurn.'Ihese are the ones who wind uP on death row

have tailed to realize is that State

and are executed bY the State.

executions are unjust because the State is unjust. Tlrese prisoners have overlooked the fact that, on the percentage, illore nonwhites have been executed by the State than whites. and that today more nonwhites are sitting on death row than whites.

JUSTICE - becausejustice in Anrerikkkan

They also do not realize that innocent people have been murdered by the $tate.

That potice officets,


prosecutors and judges have allowed tirndanrental lights of the accused to be trarnpled over, evidence to be covered up,

and have allowed inadequate $tateappointed attorneys to railroad people in prison (death kkkarnps) by giving thern substandard legal representation. And thar, due to the Eff'ective Death Penalty Act and

similar legislation (such as the AntiTerrorist Act) passed by $tate and federal governrnent otTicials, these inadequacies will aff'ect death row prisoner's rights even up to the appeal process,

These peopte rvho suPPort State executions do not think of how tnany prisoners on death rorv have been denied

judicial due process and have strff'ered/are suft'ering such violations as suppression


the U.S. Constitution's first atnendtnent rights; take fbr example Mumia AbuJarnal, a Black rnan on death row itl Philadelphia, who is accused of killing a rvhite police officer and is articulating the wrongs done to hirn and hundreds/

They have obviouslY not taken into account that this systern is corrupt and


to properly


kkkourts has tnauy l'alse faces. The judicial system is controlled not by the people, nor does

it represent the people,

but is corrtrolled by big business. by the giant corporations who lobby politicians and spend multi-rnillions of dollars to support their lying canrpaigns for pol itical re-election, prot'essing to be "tough on

crinre" bttt in reality seeking private

'fhey have become the aggrandizement. interBsts, seeing to it ofpolitical dictators

that their own private and kapitalist interests are always represented. The politicians, in turn. nln up huge taxpayer bills and adverlise snrear campaigtls against other corruPt politicians, all of lhern try/ing to gain political position and power to do the nasty bidding of their corporate-kapitalist nrasters.

The rnedia has

successfullY influenced not only the working class brtt also the prisoner class that languishes in prison death kkkanrps as a resttlt of the "lock 'ern up" rnentality that has this country in a freuzy lor tnore cops. more State control over the lives of the people.

tnore judges and nrore prison death kkkarnps. Thele is nothing' absolutely

control but suffering. corruption, lies and cover-ups, excessive spending. war plans f'or Thirtl World nations and nlorc zcal ftrr porvcr and dottrinancc. With this understanding' how carr wc

justly support thc Statc's claim of administering jtrstice, especially when it takes the lives ol'falsely accused citizens? We can't, rvhen we sec that law cnfbrccrs (police, detectives and prosccutors) and tlte kkkourts thetnsclvcs are negligent of the laws that are supposed to govcrn this society.

I anr appal)ed tlrat any person could

or would dare support Statc e\ectltions regardless ol rvltonl Ihc Slate has seen 1lt to trurdcr- And it is cvcll lllorc shocking when Black prisoners and ntrn-pt'isotlers carl stand up in support ofa systern Full of racisrn, homophobia and the irnbalance of justice. lf we are going to talk about the

adrtinistcring of justicc. thcn wc lnusl change the systern all together and not retbrm bits and pieces ofthe systern. The systcm can not bc so sirnply lcfornlcd. Wc rnust have the existing order destroyed and thcn rcbuilt by The Pcople and let thcre bc Pt-,OPLt-l'S .lUSTlCIl! No governrrlent or

political leaders should


deterrninations of who lives or dies for the sirnple fact that government and political lcaders do not havc thc interests of the people at heart. Not to nrcntion the fact that the govemtnent and politicians are engaged in rvidesprcad global nlurdcrsPeople, and esPeciallY those who lrave been and are victin, ized by the State,

of the thoughl/habit of believing any form of $tate trurder is justifiable, even if it is carried out against should get otrt

a particular pcrson ftlr committing what rlight appear to be a justifiable act. The nrind-set should be that WE TH E PEOPLE rnust adntinistcr jtrsticc, supcrvising and consen[ing Lo our own larvs and rules. Any

pcrson who claitns til be ftrr revolution or autonolny for a particular group and who then turns around and clairns support lbr any fonn of$tate cxecutitln/tnurdcr, is not a revolutionarY.

nothing, coming frorn corporate-kapitalist (Reprinted



The liliustice SYstem

lron Block l;lug#217)

Profane Existence #46


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Robert Thompson


s.w.s.P. 215 Burlington Rd.


Bridgeton, NJ 08302


The ll{justice System

Profane Existence #46

:Iil,r(rl :-I IrrIIT rlt,Yfr) :-l rll :l'li},Ul If :l I I ttYrE Profane Existence #46

By Any MEDIUM NecessarY

Are you aware that the biggest march in American history took place this pastApril? ll not, you're not alone. On Sunday, April 25, 2004 the March for Women's

Lives drew




iudicial appointments questionable

c H"o icE : IS A

hasn't this been a big topic of discussion? Why didn't we hear about such a historical event all over the news? You would think that in a country that supposedly embraces the freedom of speech

and protest that the biggest march in American history would be worth reporting Wouldn't you? So why has this march been almost completely ignored and disregarded? ls it because the media is still too intimidated by this administration and their GOP aligned bosses to report actual news? ls reporting that well over


details). The actual mentality of some of these judges is not only


1,150,000 people to the streets



administration has successfully pushed through congress are absolutely appalling (see lisl of




offensive. These people seem more suited for the reign of the caveman rather than presiding over sensitive issues and determining laws that greatly

impact people's lives. And on two occasions (in the cases of Pryor and Pickering) when the judicial nominations were so

controversial that congress successlully blocked their appointments Bush appointed them while congress was not in session, successfully installing

them without congressional approval. ln bypassing congress

Bush was able to install radical

a million angry people from all

anti-choice activists, whose

over the country, actually from all over the world, converged on Washington D C to tell Bush that they will not allow him to continue

views are so extreme, that they would've never been approved and never sat in such powerful positions. Bush has pursued this anti-choice agenda to appease

his war against women's rights bad for their careers? This administration has very

eflectively suppressed

and intimidated anyone critical of their



and solidify his right wing Christian support, waging the


policies. Or is it because the


media, llke this administration, is


determined to push their antiwoman agenda through I congress, effectively restricting women's rights and access to reproductive

already fighting an uphill battle to not only

health care? Whatever the reason

safeguard those rights but to actually





result remains the same-the largest

practice them as well

demonstralion in American history was

Women's access to reproductive health care is becoming more and more difficult since lhe current administration

swept, almost completely, under the rug Any of the news footage that I actually did see in

the mainstream media


downplayed the enormity ol the event remember seeing one report claiming that I

seized power Restrictions to women's rights have been tightening on a daily basis for the last three and a half years now and are more

"thousands" marched and this same report

in danger now than ever belore since the

gave equal airtime to the anti-choice

1973 Roe vs Wade decision gave women the legal right to have a choice concerning their own reproductive freedom. The Bush

counter-demonstrators that barely peppered the crowd. There's no possible way that one could mis-estimate a crowd of well over a million people for several thousands And

even finding the few anti-choice activists must have taken a lot of effort by the media I was in D C all day long and all day long I saw 5 anti-choice demonstrators l'm sure that there were more than that but my point being that there was no balanced presence in D C that day To give equal airtime to a number that would have represented much

less than 1% of the crowd shows me that

there's a political agenda there The mainslream media seems intent on trying

to suppress the news in their attempt to change history instead of reporting it So the media have joined forces with the religious right and the Bush administration in waging war on women's reproductive freedom As

if women and the rest of us that actually support a woman's right to choose weren't


administration has been stacking the appellate courts with extreme anti-choice activist judges. Obviously the Bush administration is pursuing an agenda here to try to overturn Roe vs. Wade and since they haven't had the opportunity yet to appoint any Supreme Court justices they've focused all of their efforts on the nation's next highest court: the appellate court By stacking lhe appellate courts full of anti-

choice activist judges they can greatly restrict a woman's legal rights. Since the

U S Supreme Court only has the capability to hear a limited number of cases each year the appellate courts significantly shape the law So by appointing right wing anti-choice

biggest battle against women's rights this country has seen in decades. ln fact not only are his policies so exlreme that they enraged liberals but they have

also alienated even conservative republicans The two members of the U.S. Supreme Court that had planned on retiring during this administration's term have put off their retirements in lear of who Bush would replace them with. Justices Sandra Day O'Connor (72) and William Rehnquist (80) had planned on stepping down with the appointmenl of a republican president but have apparently been disenfranchised with Bush and his policies to the point where they would rather wait and retire under a democrat. ln the 2000 election, when Gore looked to be (and really was)the winner, Sandra Day O'Connor said, "this is terrible" but alter almost a full term under the Bush adminislration O'Connor and

Rehnquist had not followed through with their plans on retiring. Apparently they would rather take their chances of being replaced under a Kerry administration then to chance

two Supreme Court seats going to the extreme right wing zealots that Bush would surely install. According to USA Today, "Sandra Day O'Connor has told people close

to her that in her two decades on the court, she's never seen such anger over a case. O'Connor, more than any .lustice, has

seemed disturbed by the public wrath

religious extremists to lifelong appellate court judgeships this administration can

directed at the court" Speaking about the 2000 election and the Supreme Court's decision to give Bush the presidency, This

effectively pursue their anti-choice agenda. Some of these appointments that the Bush

combined with the last three and a half years ol countless lies, secrets and fear mongering

By Any MEDIUM Necessary

Profane Existence #46

to justily two wars and thousands of deaths

seems to have been enough to convince O'Connor and Rehnquist to stay on longer than intended. It's not only in the area of appointing justices that this administration has been waging war against women's reproductive rights. From their first days in oflice this

administration has been pushing their extreme right wing Christian agenda not only on the women of this country but on women

all over the world, especially in the third world. lmmediately after taking office this administration imposed a world gag order,


to cut funding to


humanitarian groups that either offered abortion services or merely mentioned the

option of abortion to women, pushing

instead to combat the soaring rates of teen pregnancy and population growth problems

with the teaching of abstinence, censoring

even sex education or the use ol contraception. Considering one continent (Africa) that these policies affect more than any other, it is criminal to cut the funding for the groups that are trying to educate people on ways to protect themselves from a lifethreatening disease (Africa has the fastest growing and highest number of HIV cases in the world). This administration is denying people the information that could ultimately save their lives. Unfortunately the harsh reality is that these already underfunded groups can't afford to have what little funding they receive cut so they adhere to these gag orders. As a result we have groups that are

being forced to act as surrogate Christian

missionaries, teaching abstinence-only education rather than practical sex education that could genuinely succeed in combating the spread of AIDS and actually save lives, Censoring sex education in the name of abstinence-only education is not only being pushed in the third world but here in the U.S. as well. lt seems hypocritical lor

these anti-choice groups to


simultaneously fighting against abortion and censoring sex education. The most practical way of reducing the number of abortions that

are performed is by sex education and making contraceptives easily accessible and affordable. lf we taught sex education to our

children, taught them how to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy we would surely see a decline in the number of unwanted and leen pregnancies, which would in turn reduce the number of abortions

performed each year. But because of the inlluence of the Christian right in American

how to protect themselves from becoming pregnant or contracting sexually transmitted diseases. lt empowers them to have more control of their own bodies and their lives. And empowerment Ior women is precisely

what the right wing Christian agenda is fighting tooth and nail to prevent. The larger

and more insidious issue at stake here


women's rights. Empowerment does not fit into the sexist, subservient role that the Christian right tries to maintain for women. ln the Christlan right wing agenda women are meant to subordinate themselves to the authority of men, so the less rights that women have the better. The Christian right Iear equality for women and have been fighting since the dawn of Christianity to

prevent it. This is what the fight over women's reproductive freedom really boils down to, This is the reason why sex education, contraception and the morning after pill are not being pursued as a way of reducing lhe number of abortions that are being performed. This is why the Christian right wing agenda also targets groups like Planned Parenthood, which provide sex education, birth control, contraceptives and health care for women, A group like Planned Parenthood is doing much more to reduce the number of abortions that occur than all of the anti-choice groups in the world. But the way that they go about it. empowering women, is conlrary to the Christian right's

politics we're told that sex education

agenda for the role of women in our

promotes sexual activity and promiscuity. So rather than engaging in open dialogue with our children, we as a society are opting to

society-submission. lt's ironic and enraging beyond words that groups like Planned Parenthood are not only scrutinized and villianized for their commitment lo women's reproductive freedom but are threatened,

turn a blind eye and naively embrace abstinence-only education. Abstinence-only

education does not work. lt's not only unrealistic to believe that we can keep our children lrom being sexually active by not discussing sexual activity but it is also irresponsible. Sex education does not

promote sexual activity, what it does is provide our children with the knowledge ol

Profane Existence #46

intimidated and targeted for violence as well. These groups that provide abortion services

are targeted because they provide these services for women, yet abortion services are only a part of what these groups provide.

They provide women with options, As I said before they help to empower women, they

give women options to make their own decisions and have conlrol oi their own bodies and that is threatening to the Christian right, lt's threatening to the hierarchy of a male-dominated society. lt's threatening for these men to lose their control over women, to lose their place at the top of that comfortable power slruclure And groups like Planned Parenthood have been at and continue to be at the Iorefronl

of the struggle for women's rights. Other groups like the National Organization for Women, NARAL and the Feminist Majority have been fighting alongside of Planned Parenthood and many other groups. lt's groups like these that find themselves under constant attack from the Christian right. lt's

these groups that are blamed for the "feminization ol our society" by the very same Christian organizations and politicians

that are determined to keep their maledominated hierarchal struclure intact and the issue of abortion is only a small part ol that agenda. These Christian groups are not

"pro-life" they're anti-choice (which is why they are relerred to as such). They're antiwoman. They're anti-equal rights, They're not out to save lhe unborn; they're out to oppress women which is exactly why they're so obsessed with taking away a woman's right to choose. ll's the reason why they

don't pursue the more practical ways


mentioned earlier to try to lower the number ol abortions performed. lt's the reason why they don't try to stop sexual assault, rape or

domestic violence like they try to stop abortion. But I suppose that when you believe that god made women for men, to be servants and property, that the abuse of women is not nearly as pressing an issue as denying women their empowerment, equality and liberation So in keeping with the tradition of showing more concern for a politicized Ietus

than for the woman actually carrying the fetus, congress has passed the "Unborn

By Any l,lEDlUM NecessarY


Victims of Violence Act", also known as the Laci Peterson law. This is the law that was pushed by the anti-choice movement after Laci Peterson was murdered while pregnant.

This is the law that claims to protect pregnant women from violence and offers

"letal protection" by punishing anyone causing death to a fetus through injury to a pregnant woman while committing a federal crime. This law was pushed, not to protect pregnant women lrom violence but to advance tetal rights and redefine the fetus as an unborn child. The language used in this law covers "a member of the species homo sapiens at any stage ol development,"

so that even zygotes, blastocysts or embryos are included in the delinition. This new delinition gives rights to lertilized eggs, embryos and letuses, ultimately setting the stage to legally overturn Roe vs. Wade.fhis bill does absolutely nothing to enhance the protection of pregnant women This bill merely is an under-handed approach that allows abortion foes to chip away at

criminalize even some of the safest and most common abortion procedures after

contraception prevents pregnancy but does nol terminate a pre-existing pregnancy

twelve weeks and well before fetal viability." This bill is another attempt to send us back to the days belore Boe vs Wade, the days

to respond to emergency situations-

when countless women died trom "backalley" abortions This bill is not supported by the American Medical Association, the College of Obstetrrcians and Gynecologists

or the American Medical


Association. "This legislation has nothing to do with

the best interests of medicine or women's

health. ln fact, this ban does not even include a constitutionally required exception to preserve the health of the woman," Gandy

said "Senators who otherwise support reproductive rights allowed themselves to be caught up in the political rhetoric instead of

standing firm in their commitment to

Gandy, Rape victims are particularly emergency contraception, since more than half of the country's hospitals do not make it available even ln cases of rape

prosecuted as a crime But again, these antichoice Christians are showing thatthey don't value women (their rights or safety) as much

More than 300,000 women are sexually assaulted each year in the U S Of those an estimated 25,000 will become pregnant as a result About 22,000 of these

as they do a politicized fetus or their patriarchal hierarchy. They don't support women's equality instead they fight to

pregnancies could be prevented if all women

who were raped used

prevent it.

The sponsors of this law were Rep.

Association has stated that women who

sponsors of the Violence Against Women Act

women's rights. Senators who voted for the

which would help protect women from

abortion procedures ban disappointed voters in their own states and across the

Women Act The best way to protect a fetus is to protect the woman carrying it. But again

country " The term "partial-birth abortion" was

coined by the National Right to Life Committee when it drafted a model anti-

when you're only trying to set a precedent for outlawing women's reproductive rights you can'l be concerned with the little things like taking steps that will actually work to

abortion ban This organization opposes all abortions. The proposed bans defined its fabricated lerm as "an abortion procedure in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers vaginally" a living ,etus

enforcement of crimes of violence against

before causing felal demise Virtually all abortion procedures involve bringing the fetus through the vagina So thls argument

protect pregnant women. Steps like increased funding for education or

women. Another misleading piece of legislation

is the deceptively named "Partial-Birth Abortion Bill" The wording in this bill leads people to believe that this bill refers to a procedure called "partial-birth abortion" but this is not the case. No such procedure

called "partial-birth abortion" exists. "You won't find the term 'partial-birth abortion' in any medical dictionary-instead try looking

,or it in the ultraconservative rhetoric manual," said Kim Gandy (National Organization lor Women president)

"Contrary to what opponents of abortion rights would have you believe, this bill is not

about a specific late-term procedure This bill, like each ol its predecessors, is purposely worded so vaguely that it could



contraception The American Medical

Chris Smith (R-NJ and co-chair of the ProLife Caucus in congress), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Charles Canady (R-FL) all hardcore reproductive rights opponents None ol these representatives are co-

concerned with protecting women from violence they should support the reauthorization of the Violence Against

doctor in time-women without health insurance, young women, low-income women and rural, isolated women-any woman who is unable to quickly reach a

vulnerable to the difficulties in obtaining

against women, pregnant or not, should be

lf these representatives were really

emergencies that are a result of unwanted sex or conlraceptive failure. Once a woman is raped or a condom breaks, the clock begins ticking -emergency contraception is most effective for only 72 hours after sex. So over-the-counter availability is the only way for some women to obtain emergency contraception in time to prevent pregnancy" said Kim Gandy "Women who will benefit most from over-the-counter availability of emergency contraception are women who can't afford a doctor visit or can't reach a

sympathetic physician and pay for his/her services to obtain a prescription," noted

women's reproductive rights Violence


"Emergency contraception is designed

can be used to outlaw all abortions. lt's just another step towards their ultimate goal of outlawing reproductive rights for women Another step that was taken recently

have been sexually abused should be counseled about the risk of pregnancy and offered emergency contraception Many hospitals neglect their responsibility to offer emergency contraception to sexual assault survivors as an option for reducing the risk ol pregnancy ln Pennsylvania, for example, only 28% ol hospitals routinely offer and provide emergency contraception to sexual assaull survivors, and 12ok do not provide any emergency conlraception services to sexual assault survivors at all A study of sexual assault survivors who were treated in emergency rooms found that less than half of the women at risk of pregnancy received emergency contraceptives (Amey & Bishai, 2000) Another study found that as many as 1,000 sexual assault survivors per year left New York State emergency rooms without having received emergency contraceptives (FPANYS, 2003). lt is unconscionable that

heallh care systems and practitioners

was lhe successful attempt to stop over-

unnecessarily place women who have been

the-counter availability of emergency

sexually abused at risk of the additional

contraception The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has refused to permit the

trauma of an unwanted pregnancy. And it is

over-the-counter sale of emergency

contraceptives that prevent pregnancy if used within 72 hours Both the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

approve the change to over-the-counter status lt is estimated that over three million American women have unplanned pregnancies each year, and more than half

ol these end in abortion

By Any MEDIUM Necessary


unforgivable that women are ultimately being forced to become pregnant because of not being able to receive emergency contraception, then having to go through the abortions that these anti-choice groups are trying to stop. Emergency contraceptives have been shown lo be safe and effective, and it is unethical to withhold it for any reason from a woman who has been raped. Yel the FDA has caved in to the political pressure from the Bush

Profane Existence #46

administration and the religious right

oppose birth control, and



::i,;.;#[;;i"i]"0"""*ane-counrer availability to emergency contraclption. The FDA is playing politics with women's lives, Even though a 1oint panel ot ioe aavisors

power viewslowardswomenandtheirreproductive -ll! lql':J:'^1.d.^b^"^i::d:1.""1'::i'"H:ll*1 ,": 9"":?li rights, best interests it is this supposed moral hish ground that

priority to till all ol these positions ol

iuitn ieopte that have

women's reproductive or even theii safety. Not only do these

voled 23-4 to support the nonprescription availability of emergency contrrleption the

people justifies their sexist policies' lt is their religious justify denying women their legal have no concern lor women's rights or salety beliefs that thing for but they are determined to dent those rights rights and their equality I know one certain; if men were able to become pregnant by any means necessary. Thete people abortion would not be an issue whatsoever' eiiectivety denying the best interests pregnant these people that they are intended to be serving. lf men were able to become

are ot.the

FDAhas blocked its availability. The Lver-thecounler proposal was also strongly supponed until they

by FDAprofessional staff. One ol the few negative votes

.un or".trrn Roe vs. wade


will continue to deny women their

proponents ol abortion would lind a way lo morally justily it' They would find a way for god to justily it, l'm sure the men that wrote the bible would've been sure to include a

reproductive rights by denying women access iacilities, emergency health Dr. Bush appointee, controversial the lrom passage in there somewhere iustifying it' And Every day David Hager who was recentty reappointeo contraception and birth control. even il they didn't the men who followed step another about story read anoiher anotte, lor least at by Bush lo serve

came W. to


I taken year. rights' would've found a way to conveniently Hager has reportedly ralused io pre"irlb" to deny women oF their reproductive interpret the bible to Justify it, interpret it to Everydaylreadanotherstoryaboutreligious in rrislrLate birth control to unwed women justily their political agenda, much like they read I rights. women's upon infringing zealotry ih" practice. He has also spok"n ori "g"ii.t pharmacistslhat deny do now. But because, obviously, men will use of condoms and birth control 6utside of about doctors Jnd they're never have to worry about becoming marriage. scott spear, national medical women birth controi pills because pregnant it is solely women's cross to bear' commitiee chairman of the planned either not married or simply because their Men have the luxury ol taking the moral high parenthood Federation of America, said that religious views don\ tolerat; in birth control. d9:s groundonasituation.thattheywill neverever someone with Hager,s viewpoint does not Wnit tne hell is going on here? flow belong on a science-based panel that

the FDA. ,,Dr.

Hager,s ideological



the ,,Americans reLy-Jn in" rol FDA,,, he said. as a trusted and objective safJguard. When

compromises the scientific integrity ol

science comes second, public h"ealth suffers. president Bush should appoint an unbiased expert who values science above It,s this type ol religious extremist

this continue to odcuri This type o{ mentality have to experience themselves ' Men have the luxury of taking the moral has absolutely no place in any position


can ultimately deny a womin a medical procedure,erlrgencycontraceptives,or.the birth control thar;he's entitled to. Every time another incident like this occurs it seis the lone for becoming the norm, it paves the

way in

high ground and using it to justily their

oppression ol women and in denying their rights. This is exactly what's been happening and it's exactly what we need to be lighting against. There's so many things that can be

done, so many groups that could use volunteers lor anyone interested l've adverse more and a more place. lt all." iustilies that can be that and hostile environment lor women's health included a list ol organizations violence contacted, not only for opportunities to the Bush administration has oeen installing concerns. lt also encourages volunteer but also to learn more about the time and time again to important medicai directedtowardshealthcareclLicsandclinic issueofreproductiverights.Thereissomuch scientific, public health and judicial workers.Byadoptingthestanceandrhetoric that goes into this issue; so much that has posilions-posilionsthatshap;r;blicpolicy. that aboriion i's virong and criminal by the struggle for women's people that are more concern;iwilh forcing extension it justifies religious fan-aticism in been happening in maiy argue that these reproductive rights' too much to tackle in a it. One to stoi trying th6irextremsreligiousbelietsonothersthai Jrirt.' stands don'i en6ourage clinic singlearticle.Theseorganizationsarewhere in perlorming the jobs rnat iney;ve ueen "it it encourage .it, but I've gotten much of my information f rom l appointed to do. But this is the wh6u loint ot viotence Not only does relused to classify apologize ilthis article was all overthe place government has U.s, the is has and been what this admrnistration groups as the terrorists but again lhere's so much that could be a;ti-abortion proOf"r. violent continuing to do. This i. tn" *nof" -are. why aren't addressed so I tried to brielly cover a lot of wny? obviously they that This administration is appointing extremists grorps iik" the Aimy ol God, who have different aspects and include the sources to lor more and

mo-re restrictions

to be set

with anti-woman views to po-.itionr tn"t grealy impact women, iheir health, iruriered and maimed doctors and

they thing ii to safe and legal

reproductive rights and their very lives. lf succeed in banning abortion, the only they will have really accomptished wiil be

workers as well as bombed clinics, as domeslic terrorists? The Animal

clinic follow up with' These are all




organizations that are on the lorefront of the battle to safeguard reproductive rights They

worthwhtle Front and the Earth Liberation Front, two are very reputable and groups that have never murdered Or even organizationsthatcanalwaysUsevolunteers' denying women access the biggest And' ol course, every bit helps; educating' abortion services The women,s movement injured anyone, are known as thJinti- organizing, petitioning' campaigning' but the u.s., in terrorLts domestic three over backwards will be stepping maimed escorting at clinics' This is one of the most and killed groups have that to abortion iorced women see decades and we will to be important issues of our time and il we don't government the by considered are the abortion return to the back alleys for want lo see reproductive rights completely extremists-notteiroristsiclaytonwaagner' now. to services that they,re legally entitled taken away then we need to fight for them' letters of anthrax hundreds out mailed who We will see desperate women die women's health The religious right will not let up until they unnecessarily because they had to resort to to Planned Parenthood and not are able to deny women of their reproductive medical procedures in an unsafe environment care clinics, is considered an extremist' governmenl lreedomandtheycurrentlyhavetheirbiggest and under unsafe conditions. we will see a terrorist. Although when the lraq to be allyeverpresidingintheWhitehouse Sowe necessary medical procedures criminalized and the media iniiially believeJ it was needtostepupoureffortsandbedetermined because o.f the reach and influence ol responsible for the anthrax letters in our struggle, because if we don't shape religiousextremistsintogovernment,science regarded as terrorism, So why is it not still Beiause holding public policy on reproduclive f reedom they and health care-three places where religion considered terrorism? why? ,nti-"hoi"" views as surely will and we can't let that happen' has no place, especially religious extremism. the same anti-woman, Love and peace-Dave Trenga does wonders for administration power the current position ot possible in a to be How is it you can't on' come l mean' your status legal poiicies medical and puutic health inat snapes 'n"ve t[e Bush administratron having the speciat thanks to'Metal" Mary Bielich procedures when these p""pjJl*,i"r" forher"Jesusdoesn'tpaychildsuppott"line' terrorists, as women towards religious convictions outweigh the interests :rmg yl:*s questions or possiute to right? What would that do lor their public I can be reached for any of public heatth? How is'ii jical please ausrol@tdlerame'com at: comments extremists anti-abortion these 11 science relations? effectively do a job based on me besuretoincludeasubjectsoit'snotjunked' theseviews when their blind faith contradicts medical weretobelabeledasterrorists,if contrary to public Atso please feel free to redistribute (for non' facts? The answer is that they can't and they were seen as extreme and profit) any of the art or info in my columns' don,t. This administration nas maae it a top interests, then maybe this administration's

Profane Existence #46

By Any MEDlUll NecessarY


4 I

l, :--

appellate courts Bush iudicial appointments to S€nate that

membets ol our highest court ripped the

Holm€s nomination. Despite this, lhe

Tha most recenl iudlcial appointment is

ol J. Leon Holmes. on July TrHlhe S€nale oiJ. Laon Holmes appl"rJin" ""mination court tor the Eastern to the u.s. District District ol Arkansas by a vote ot St

conslilulion and rlpped out the life ol still allowed this dangerous ldeologue ro millions ol unborn childr€n ' reproductive wJmen's ove, tulings make Pryor'.s anti-choice views fall so laf a lor lre€doms rights and tundamental outside the mainstream that he opposes gJneration to come'

-+0. by rhetollowinginformationwaatakenlrom www.narat.oig but edlted down due lo Elizabethcavendish. sp"c" con"Gints. You can lind more pro-choice Leader says Holmes information on these and other Bush Approval is lnsult to Women ludicial appointmenis 1t aleo included

The {ollowing is a statement issued

abortion even in cases of rape or incest, and

would only support a narrow oxception lor instances in which a woman's lile is endangered Pryor supporled an Alabama bill lhal would have permitted a iudge to appoint a

inroonontya.i"*iu.ti"""beceus8o|lawyertoaclas.guardianadlilemlo]the fetus ol any underage woman seeking a statement of Elizabeth cavendish' space)underthefacisandisguessectlon bypassinordarloobtainanabortion' lnterim President of NARAL Pro'choice of this website' Please also not€ there iudicial bufdening a woman'S right to choos€ have been more recant developments unduly America with some of the apPointmenia lrom aborlion' activist who

writt6n' President Bush's court'pac-'ffi"3'il":j"'tr pryor, Jr. william H. greBn light todaY. J. Leon Hol Nomlnea to lhe U.S' Courf ol Appeata Bush,s worsl picks. He is anti-choice and lor the Elsventh Circult appoint€d anti-woman and now h€ has been "-""" '"t""

(washlngton, DC)

- The senare gave

to the federal bench for


NABAL pro-choice Am€rrca roushr

when the tac't sheet8 wars

rhis ""'fJL-"J;:::"'l*T'" of ii

nomination because of Holmes'

lo Yrilln9t include statemenB such as "the to subordinat€ hersell to her husban-d." and

longstanding leaderchiPievel opposition

8 women's right to choos€:.._His

comparing pro-choice advocates lo

:'-ir'r"a*ty as 2002, in response to a general by .;,;;;;i:At.itorn"y, NARAI pro-Choice Ameiica, Bill Pryor same frequency as snowfall in Mramt.' ln ;;;;;i;j, ;nUorrion is murder, ano Aoe fact. studies esiimate lhal botween 25.000 ,. iiii i, an abominable decision. As and 32,Ooo women each v9a1 b99919 irofessor Ely stated, 'Foe is nol prBgnanl as a.esull of rap€ in the_U_niled .oirflfrrion"f liw and gives atmost no btaies, ana aboul 50 p€rcenl of lhese try to b6.' I ;;;;;;i;; victimsisared-trerringbecauseconceplions trom rapo occur wilh approximately the

fresnancies end



speeches' and working aclively to advance an anti'choice agenda in lhe courts Pryor! persistenl anti-choice activism and


ability to lairly adjudicate cases involving a-vshemenl opponent afff prvoi freedom awoman,s c'onstitutional rlghtto choose. Mr. reproduciive pryor goes to mere opposilion b€yond -f," emptoys extreme and BiU Pryor ls an Unabashed ldeologue Pryor's righl-wing agenda goes far "tt-riii", ro argue against 2 rheto;ic i";il;;;ry He t#*i,utional right Io abortion. beyond matters ol reproductive choics'

'Nazrs." *"i.^t


Bill Pryor is an anti'choice

goes oul ol his way to advance the antiihorce cars" by atiending rarlies, makins

"i,iigiron"ro io rife of every unborn rrpp"rrlh" iight

sent . Recounting his reaction lo Roe v. Wade inlprit of t"ggZ,Pryorstated,''l will never more than 50,000 email messages to 22, ists, the day seven Congr"". this past month agairist the i;;;iir".

NARAL Pro-Choice America activists

profane Existenc e #46

isanunabashedadeologuewhosedesireto move the law io tho right inspired him to become a lawyer' "l became a lawyer, because I wanled to light lhe ACLU-the Anti'Amerrcan Civil Libertles Union "

Hisoutlookhasnolchangedwilhtime. ln a speech lo the Christian Coal'lion thre€

lT1?,ir:;,!illtii"E;,flI"":i:"#9 i: establishing the American Cenler tor Law and Juslice (ACLJ)' a 1eadlng righl-wing legaladvocacygroup.AfterPryorappointed

By Any MEDlUll Necessary


the ACLJ's Jay Sekulow to be a Deputy

While serving in the Mississippi Senate,

Attorney General of Alabama, he described how they, together, had "charted a course for a victory for student-led prayer." ln fact, Pryor went so far as to characterize their close collaboration as a "model lor public

Pickering voted for a resolution calling for a constitutional convenlion to propose an

amendment to ban abortion and voted against state funding lor family planning

religious treedom,"

Bill Pryor's Views Fall Far Outside the Legal Mainstream

Pryor's activism, advocacy and collaboration with right-wing interests call into question his ability to be an impartial jurist. His extremist rhetoric raises serious concerns about his judicial temperament. His hostility toward constitutional and civil rights is apparent: "For more than 30 years, the liberal agenda has been pushed through the courts, without a vote of either the people or their representatives. The courts have imposed results on a wide range of issues, including racial quotas, school prayer, abortion and homosexual rights' Those issues belong in Congress and the state legislatures," Given Pryor's cavalier dismissal ol thirty years of judicial decislons in the above areas as "the liberal agenda," any American who cares about civil and constitutional

rights-including reproductive rights, affirmative action, separation ol church and state, or gay and lesbian rights-should be troubled by his nomination. Pryor even objects to the Supreme Court's well-established First Amendment jurisprudence. Discussing his decision to

vigorously defend a display of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court building, Pryor stated that he leels

"strongly that the display of the Ten

Commandments.... does not violate the First Amendment." In fact, Pryor evidently views the entire doctrine of separation of church and state as illegitimate. ln one article he has written, he posits the question, ".,,will the Court continue to modify the errors ot case law that created the so-called wall of separation between church and state?"

well informed to make her own decision, or (2) that notification may lead to physical,

reproductive rights is unexaminedi Pickering has published only 95 opinions during his

parental notification would not be in her best interesl. Owen, however, has tried to invent

11 years on the bench in the Southern District of Mississippi. A review ol his record on choice is incomplete without an examination ol his hundreds ol unpublished opinions. The lhree states in the Fifth Circuit (Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas) are also governed by anti-choice Houses, Senates, and Governors, lndeed, NARAL estimates that eleven states would move to ban abortion if Roe v. Wade were overturned; allthree states in the Fifth Circuit are among

these states where a woman's right lo choose is in the gravest peril. Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas are also states that

have been enacting much anti-choice legislation in the recent past. For that reason, judges who fully understand the dimensions of a woman's right to choose are vital; by the same token, judges who have a

narrow understanding of the right are


particular danger in those states.

Justice Priscilla Owen Nominated to the U.S. Court ol

Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Hoslility to Reproductive Rights

The Fifth Circuit's record on reproductive rights, together with Owen's support for greater obstacles to obtaining an abortion, would place a woman's right to choose in serious leopardy if Owen is confirmed, The state legislatures ol the Fifth Circuit, those of Louisiana, Mississippi, and

Texas, are among the very worst in the country in terms of erecting barriers belween a woman and her right to choose. And the

Fifth Circuit-even withoul Owen-is

already among the nation's worst circuits in terms of protecting this constitutional right.

ln almost every case concerning

Judge Gharles W. Pickering, Sr.

reproductive rights decided by the Texas

Nominated to the U.S. Court o, Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Hostility to Beproductive Rights:

Supreme Court during her tenure, Owen has sought to restrict a woman's right to choose. ln most of lhese cases, she did not merely uphold the Texas legislature in its decision

Judge Pickering is the Iirst appellate court nominee of this administration with a clear anti-choice record to have a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

she actually attempted to rewrite the statute lo create her own, additional, barriers. Her attempts to legislate trom the bench are so

Pickering has long opposed


woman's right to choose, and he also opposed the Equal Bights Amendment. He chaired the Human Rights and Responsibilities Subcommittee ol the 1976

National Bepublican Party Platform Committee that approved a plank to the party platlorm protesting the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade and calling for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution lo ban abortion.


By Any

a court that she is (1 ) mature and suff iciently


His more recent record on

officials to join forces with champions of

U.S. Supreme Court precedent, the Texas law permits a minor lo obtain an abortion without parental notification if she can show

to create a barrier to reproductive choice,

obvious that in one instance, President Bush's own White House Counsel, who was

then a fellow justice on the Texas Supreme Court, called Owen's reading of the statute "an unconscionable act of judicial activism." She has shown herself to be on lhe far right fringe of an already conservative court.

Specifically, Owen vigorouslY

dissented in a number of cases concerning Texas'law on parental notification lor minors seeking abortions. Consistent with existing

tlEDtuil Necessary

sexual or emotional abuse, or (3) that

entirely new-and impossibly highstandards for each ot these criteria.

For example, Owen attemPted to rewrite the first criterion to create a range ol requiremenls lound nowhere in the plain text

ol the statute-requirements that even


majority of the conservative Texas Supreme Court rejected. For example, Owen would

require that for a minor to be sufliciently informed, she "exhibit an awareness that there are issues, lncludlng religious ones, surrounding the abortion decision" and that she be counseled about the "impact the procedure will have on the fetus."

Owen would also rewrite the

legislation with respect to the second criterion, that notification "may lead" lo

abuse. Owen would create such a high evidentiary standard for proving the possibility of abuse that it is diflicult to imagine a circumstance that would satis{y her. Four justices of the Texas Supreme Court rebuked her for this high standard, stating: "Abuse is abusei it is neither to be

trifled with nor its severity to be second guessed."

Owen would also rewrile the third criterion, that notification would not be in the minor's best interest. The plain language of the statute and the majority of the Texas Supreme Court require that a minor show that parental notilication would not be in her best interest. Nonetheless, Owen would add

a requirement lhat "a court f ind by


preponderance of the evidence that an abortion is in the best interest ol the minor." Owen does not state what evidence other than a woman's personal choice should be relevant to this question. Anti-choice judges

would obviously use this standard as a license to deny in all cases the right of a minor to make her own choice under this criterion.

Judge GarolYn Kuhl Hostility to Reproductive Bights Overturn Roe v. wade Urged the U.S. SuPreme Court to overturn Boe v. Wade, arguing that "the textual, historical and doctrinal basis of that decision is so far llawed . . , that this Court should overrule it and return the law to the condition in which it was before that case was decided." "A decision as flawed as we believe Roe v. Wade to be becomes a focus ol instability, and thus is less aptly sheltered

by that doctrine lol stare decislsl lrom criticism and abandonment." "There can be no doubt of the strength

ol the conviction held by some that free

Profane Existence #46

access to abortion is a fundamental expression ol individual freedom.. Yet this conviction does not constitute constltutional argument." Onerous State Regulations Urged the Supreme Court to uPhold Pennsylvania statutes that required, among

other things, the reporting of detailed information available to the public, including

personal information about lhe woman obtaining an abortion, "informed consent" by

providing anti-choice information, and the presence of a second physician when

viability is possible without providing an exception for a medical emergency, The Court found the provisions ol the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act to be unconstitutional. Parental Notificalion for Contraception

Argued for the reinstatemenl of regulations issued by the Secretary of Health and Human Services requiring reproductive

heallh care clinics receiving Title X family planning funds to notify the parents of young women and men seeking contraception. The Court ofAppeals recognized the importance

of patient confidentiality and reiected the regulations as unlawful for exceeding the statutory authority ol the Department of Health and Human Services.

Gag Rule

As an attorney in private practice, argued in support of federal regulations prohibiting health care prolessionals at family planning clinics that receive Title X funds from counseling women regarding abortion or even informing them that

per se abuse. Cook would have required a medical finding of actual harm, Despite her

Justice Cook has not ruled on anY olher cases involving reproductive rights

abortion is a legal option. The Court upheld these restrictions in a 5-4 decision.

comparatively favorable opinion with respect

Civil Rights

nonetheless leaves open the possibility of abuse proceedings for a woman's conduct while pregnant. Evidence shows that such policies can deter women from seeking prenatal care or assistance with labor and

while sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court or the Ohio Court of Appeals. This absence of a proven record ol commitment to women's reproductive rights, coupled with her endorsement by Ohio Right to Life and her membership in the conservative Federalist Society, raises serious concern. ll Justice Cook applies the analysis espoused by the Federalist Society to which she belongs, it

As a special assistant to then-Attorney

General William French Smith, convinced Smith to support a policy that would have allowed Bob Jones University tax-exempt

to the mother's rights. her reasoning

status despite its racially discriminatory policies. The U.S, Supreme Court


overwhelmingly rejected this approach and denied the school tax-exempt status.

tangentially related to reproductive rights: ln one such case, Cook, writing for the majority, upheld the rebuke of a local judge who used the threat ol jail time to deny a delendant the right to an abortion. ln this case, the local judge offered the defendant a sentence of probation if she carried her pregnancy to term. lf, however, the woman decided to terminate her pregnancy, the judge would senlence her to a six-month prison term. Justice Cook allirmed the

is doubtful that she would adequately protect

suspended from the practice of law for six

the Sixth Circuit. Although plainly


unconstitutlonal under existing Supreme Court precedent, the Bush Department of Justice, under John Ashcroft, has Iiled a

Justice Deborah Gook Nominated to the U.S. Court ot Appeals for ihe Sixth Circuit Becord on Reproductive Rights Endorsed by the ohio Right to Life PoliticalAction Committee in her most recent

re-election campaign for the Ohio Supreme Court, Member ol the Federalist Society, a

group whose "experts" on aborlion have Iought for the overturn of Roe v. Wade Has not ruled on the constitutionality of any statute or regulation that restricts or burdens the right to choose. Agreed that a woman may be subject to child abuse laws for harm done to a fetus while she is pregnant. Such a reading of the

Has participated in two other cases

recommendalion that the local judge be

ln Medical Planning Services v. TriCounty Christian Community, Justice Cook, then a judge on the Ohio Court ol Appeals, upheld the conviction of two anti-choice protesters who had violated a clinic defense injunction. Judge Cook affirmed the lower

law can deter pregnant women from seeking appropriate medical care. ln this case, Cook

dissented. Her colleagues ruled that the presence

of an illegal drug in a newborn baby was

court's finding that the appellants-who were not parties to the injunction -were bound by the terms ol the injunction because they were acting "in concert.., with the party against whom the injunction had been issued."

a woman's constitutional right to choose. The states of the Sixth Circuit are

among the most hostile toward a woman's right to choose, with Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio each scoring an 'F'and Tennessee scoring a D- in NABAL'S Who Decides?: A State-by-State Review of Abortion and Reproductive Bights, making the Sixth Crrcuit a major battleground for choice in the

federal courts. Currently, an Ohio statute banning an abortion procedure is before

friend of the court brief urging that the law be upheld.

Michael W. Mcconnell Nominee for the United States Court ot Appeals For the Tenth Circuit Michael W. McConnell is an avowed anti-cho ce activist, whose views on the constitutional right to privacy, a woman's I

Profane Existence #46

By Any llEDlUM Necessary


"Abortion kills 1.5 million innocent human beings in America every year," "a constitutional amendment Iis needed] both reversing the doctrines ol Roe v. Wade and Casey, and establishing that the right to lite

protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments extends to the unborn child." Such an amendment would not merely turn the question of the legality of abortion back

to the states: it would render abortion a criminal offense across the country.

This Statement would radically redefine American Constitutional law: "The

abortion license cuts to the heart of America's claim to being a law-governed democracy, in which equality before the law is a fundamental principle ol justice. . . .

"lf it becomes a settled matter in American law and in American public morality that there is, in fact, a private'right'

to use lethal violence to 'solve' personal, family, or social problems, then the claim of

right 10 choose, and the separation of church

and state are all but certain to influence his judicial opinions should he be confirmed for a seat on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

McConnell believes that Roe v. Wade

was wrongly decided and that significant restrictions on abortion are appropriate, even while Foe stands. He also has called for a constitutional amendment to ban legal abortion and to grant personhood status to embryos. McConnell even praised a judge

who refused to enlorce the law against antiabortion prolesters. McConnell has also

just society . . . Abortion is an evil, all too Irequently and casually employed for the destruction of lile." "The reasoning ol Roe v. Wade is an


to those who


constitutional law seriously..."

Not "text, history, constitutional tradition, democratic enactments, [n]or precedent play[ed] any serious role" in the Supreme Court's decision in Boe v. Wade. "The Supreme Court brought great discredit on itself by overturning state laws regulating abortion without any persuasive basis in constitutional text or logic. And to make matters worse, it committed these

American democracy to be an expression of the people's commitment to 'establish justice' will be undermined, just as it was when the law claimed the 'right'to exclude certain Americans from its full protection on the basis of race. 'The Supreme Court could reiect the 'central finding'ol Roe v. Wade,that abortion on demand is required by an unenumerated 'right to privacy' protected in parl by the Fourteenth Amendment." To correct'lhis gross misinterpretation of the Constitution... requires conforming

fundamental constitutional principle to a fundamental moral truth - that abortion is the unwarranted taking of an innocent human life."

McConnell Believes Significant Bestrictions on Abortion Are Appropriate and Constitutional, Even While Roe Stands


extreme vision ol abortion rights that the vast

"Most people think [the fetus] deserves some form of legal protection. And when the states are regulating the procedure, they're not doing this for the annoyance ol women,

constitutional right to privacy are lar outside the mainstream of legal thought in America today. lf confirmed, one can have little doubt

majorlty of Americans rightly considered

they're doing this for the protection of

unjust and immoral."

vulnerable beings." "The problem with abortion law is nol

expressed doubts about constitutional doctrines requiring the separation of church and state.

Mcoonnell's views on

that he will author opinions that will undermine the constitutional right to choose. The Senate Judiciary Committee must reject

his nomination. This "quote sheet" demonstrates, in McConnell's own words, that conlirmation ol this nominee would be a threat to reproductive freedom and choice and to the right to privacy. Forthcoming will be a more analytical piece, explaining why these views are dangerous even in a lower court judge, and

even while Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood


The Supreme Court's "sweeping decision [in Foe v. Wade].,. was oI questionable legitimacy and even more

questionable prudence." "[T]he rights rhetoric of the pro-choice movement serves only to place a collective stamp of approval on what should be understood as a great social injustice to the unborn, as well as an avoidable tragedy to the mothers who have had abortions. The sanctification of abortion as a constilutional right has contributed to the perception that abortion is a morally and socially appropriate

form of birth control. This is intolerable."

Casey are the law of the land.

Mcconnell's Extremism: ln His Own Words Mcconnell Believes Roe Was Wrongly Decided "We must never, never treat the taking

of human life - even nascent human life as a 'private' matter of no concern lo the


grave legal errors in the service of an

Mcconnell Has Called lor A Constitutional Amendment to Reverse the Ooctrines of Roe and Casey and Grant Personhood Status to Embryos

ln 1996, McConnell signed "A Statement of Pro-Lile Principle and Concern," which argued that because

By Any MEDlUil llecessary

that the courts have allowed minor regulalion around the fringes. The problem is that the

courts have not allowed more serious protection for the unborn." "The dark side of 'choice' in the area of abortion . . . is that the removal ol otficial sanctions creates space for private pressure

and subtle coercion. lmproved counseling, waiting periods, and information about legal rights and available material assistance would help, but this is a problem that needs much more attention." "There is a serious moral argument that implanlation rather than fertilization is the point at which legal protection should begin (about 14 days)... Another plausible place to draw the line is... 8-10 weeks.., An abortion law based on these ideas might not be ideal from my point of view... but it would not be unthinking or unprincipled, let alone unconstitutional."

Profane Existence #46

Mcconnell Believes the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act ls Unconstitutional, and Praised a Judge Who Refused to Enforce lt ln 1993, Mcconnell delivered written testimony to Congress on "The Doubtful Constitutionality of the Clinic Access Bill," in which he argued that the then-current version of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act ("FACE") was unconstitutional. Although later-passed versions of FACE ameliorated some of McConnell's concerns, he continued to argue that FACE constituted "viewpoint based discrimination" resulting f rom "hostility

to the anti-abortion views." Among other

Feminist Women's Health Center Westcheste? coalition for Legal

Abortion, lnc.

Abortion Clinics Online (Directory of abortion and other reproductive health care providers, clinics and hospitals)

www. em ilyslist. org

Planned Parenthood Federation of

America, lnc.

abortion - forcelully and face-to-face." He further testified that he favors "restrictions on the practice ol abortion." ln contrast to McConnell's testimony, every court that has reviewed FACE has ultimately found it to be constitutional and the Supreme Court repeatedly has refused

National Organization tor Women



ln January 1997, U.S. District Court Judge John E. Sprizzo acquitted two abortion protesters charges with violating FACE because they had not acted with "bad


Of the iudge's acquittal, Mcoonnell states, "l am quite sure it was not lawlul," but also, "Yet one cannot help admiring the judge's act."

McConnell Would Re-Write the Constitutional Doctrine of Separation ol Church and State

Dr. Deborah's Guide to the Ban on

Abortion www.

to hear cases challenging www.f em in ist. co m

Emily's List

NABAL Pro Choice America

things, Mcconnell testified in support of the

"constitutional right to protest against

American Association of University Women

Never Go Back

NAPHP Teen Pregnancy Resource

Feminist Maiority Foundation

AVSC lnternational Access to Voluntary and Safe ContracePtion


A Proiect of the Feminist MaioritY Women's E-News The Emergency Contraception Website

National Latina lnstitute for Reproductive Health

National Abortion Federation

National Black Women's Health Organization

Medical Students for Choice


Center lor Reproductive Rights

National Asian Women's Health Organization

allows broad public funding ol religious institutions. "We must therelore reject the central animating idea of modern

The Alan Guttmacher lnstitute

Women ol Color ReProductive Health

taxpayers have a constitutional right to insist that none of their taxes be used for religious

National Council ot Jewish Women's Campaign to Save Roe

McConnell insists that the Constitution

Establishment Clause analysis: that purposes." Mcoonnell has described church-state

separation as never having been


"plausible or attractive conception of proper relations between government and religion in the modern activist state."


McConnell's extensive record of scholarship and activism show him to hold views of the law and the role of the courts that are Jar beyond the fringes of mainstream

thought. The Senate Judiciary Committee must fully explore McConnell's record and his controversial views on privacy and the

demonstrate that Mcoonnell should nol

Collective WHAM! (Women's Health Action &


No New Money for Abstinence'OnlY-

Until-Marriage Programs Women Leaders Online


Advocates lor Youth

Women Online Worldwide Pro Choice Public Education Prolect www.

Kaiser Family Foundation-ReProductive Health

The Weddington Center The Abortion Access Proiect

Feminist Activist Resources on the Net

Physicians for ReProductive Choice and Health

National PartnershiP for Women and Families

National Family Planning & Reproduction Health Association

The Access Proiect

National Network ot Abortion Funds

separation of church and state. Such an

exploration ol the record will clearly

receive a lifetime appointment to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Profane Existence #46

By Any

llEDlUil NecessarY


ln keeping with the theme of individual meals, and in tollowing up on my breakfast section from the last issue, this recipe section is dedicated to Lunch. All of these meals are easily portable and can be taken with you on yer busy day smashing the state.

These dishes can be eaten outdoors, eaten cold at a picnic or barbeque, prepared ahead

Prepare the dressing: 1/2 cup natural peanut butter 1/3 cup firm silken tofu 1/4 cup soy sauce 3 Tablespoons lresh lime juice 2 Tablespoons brown sugar 3 cloves garlic 1 teaspoon hot chili sauce

of time and relrigerated, etc. So get ready

lor the Lunch issue of the recipe section, and get ready for some grub on the go!

Maygun's Red Potato salad You'll need: 2 lb. bag Red Potatoes 1 medium Red Onion Vegan bacon bits 3-4 ribs of Celery Several Pickles 2 medium sized Jalapenos several cloves garlic 1 Tbsp. Dijon Mustard .l cup Vegan Mayonnaise Parsley

12 ounces soba noodles 2 teaspoons peanut or dark sesame oil 1 cup homemade seitan, or 1 can mock duck

chopped into bite-sized pieces 1 cup grated carrot 1 cup finely diced red bell pepper 3/4 cup sugar snap peas or green beans 1/4 cup chopped cilantro 1/4 cup chopped scallions 3 tablespoons unsalted peanuts, chopped

' '

Paprika Salt Pepper

. .

Wash and cut potatoes into bite sized pieces. Boil potatoes until soft, then drain and cool. While potatoes are cooking, chop red

onion, garlic, celery, pickles, and

. .

jalapenos. Add veggies to potatoes, as well as vegan bacon bits, mustard, vegan mayo, parsley, paprika, salt and pepper to taste. Stir all ingredients together and refrigerate for a couple of hours so the flavors can meld together.

. '



. . ' . .

Dice tempeh into cubes and sleam for 1 0-1 5 minutes, rinse with water to cool and place in a large mixing bowl. Add diced green pepper, onion, celery

to tempeh Add remaining seasonings, mustard and mayo and mix well.

Refrigerate for a couple hours so llavors can meld together. Serve on rye toast with lettuce, tomato and sprouts

Soba Noodles with Seitan and Vegetables in Peanut Sauce These could also be eaten hot, with different noodles, vegetables, or tofu.




Nuggets This makes a huge fucking mess and takes a bit of effort, but it's totally worth it. You'll Need: A bunch of large chunks of TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) Flour Cornmeal

Nutritional Yeast Onion Powder Garlic Powder Vegetarian chicken broth powder or vegan bullion Parsley

Bring a large pot of water to a boil and

Breadcrumbs Salt Pepper Soy Sauce

Water Oil for lrying


Rehydrate the chunks of TVP and set

aside to cool. When they are cool

Add vegetables and seitan to noodles, add dressing, and stir until dressing is

evenly distributed. Chill and serve!


days or so in the fridge.

Maygun'n Mayson's Vegan

cook soba noodles for 4 minutes or until tender. Drain noodles and toss with oil to coat. Make the dressing: ln a blender or food processor combine all of the dressing ingredients and process until smooth and creamy.

in a

processor or blender for several minutes until smooth. This will last


enough to handle, squeeze out excess water.

Make a mixture of


ingredients. In a bowl, mix together

Chad's Tuna Salad

flour, nutritional yeast, onion and garlic

oz can chick peas, mashed well teaspoon prepared mustard 2 Tablespoons vegan mayonnaise 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 small onion, minced 2 stalks celery, minced

powder, vegetarian chicken broth powder, salt, pepper, soy sauce and water. The mixture should be the


-12 '1


Mash chick peas well with potato masher. Finely mince celery and onion. Add celery and onion to chick peas, and stir. Add mustard, vegan mayonnaise. lemon luice, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir together and let sit over night for the flavors to meld together. Serve on toast, in pitas, or on crackers.

Maygun's Variation: sptead tuna salad on two slices of bread. Add slices ol vegan cheddar cheese. Melt margarine in a pan and grill both sides ot the toast until they are golden brown and the tuna salad and cheese are warm. Voila! Vegan tuna melt, Eat in the middle of the night.

consistence ol a thin batter. Make a mixture of dry ingredients. ln a bowl, mix together flour, corn meal,

nutritional yeast, onion and garlic powder, vegetarian chicken broth


Pepper Not Chicken Salad Sandwich You'll need: 2-8 ounce packages tempeh 1/2 cup diced green pepper 1/2 cup diced red onion 1/2 cup diced celery 1/4 cup relish- sweet or hot 3/4 cup vegan mayonnaise 1 teaspoon mustard- yellow or dijon I teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon fresh dill salt pepper

Combine everything

. .

powder, parsley, salt, pepper.

Set aside a third bowl


breadcrumbs. Chunk by chunk, take the TVP, dip it in the bowl of liquid ingredients. Then dip it in the dry ingredients, and shake

off excess dry ingredients with



strainer. Finally, coal in bread crumbs and fry in small batches until golden brown and crispy. Serve with mustard and barbecue sauce.

Maygun's Pick it from yer Garden Pico de Gallo Dedicated to my garden, with love You'll need:

Vegan Mayonnaise You'll need: 1 1/2 cups firm silken tofu 1 Tablespoon olive oil 1 Tablespoon Flaxseed oil 2 teaspoons fresh lemon.juice 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard

Naked Maygun's Uegan Recipe Pages

Several Tomatoes 1 large Onion

Several Cloves of Garlic 2 hot peppers such as jalapenos 1 Lime 1 Ear ol Corn

Several sprigs of cilantro (fresh coriander) Salt Pepper


Pick whatever of the ingredients you can directly from yer garden.

Profane Existence #46


Wash and dice tomatoes, onion, garlic, and peppers. Finely chop cilantro Cut kernels off uncooked corn. Mix in a bowl with lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. Allow the flavors to mix together in the fridge for several hours, or overnight.

. .

Eat with tortilla chips or homemade Ilour tortillas.

Alicia's Flour Tortillas 2 cups Flour 1 teaspoon baking powder

/2 teaspoon salt


1 tablespoon vegetable shortening 112-314 cugs warm water

. .

Dedicated to the Biotic Baking Brigade, and all the folks who put together the book "Pie any Means Necessary". May your aim be right on. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Blend: 1 1/2 lbs. Tofu 1/2 cup Oil 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 /2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

. .

Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.

Cut in shortening until

mixture resembles cornmeal. Slowly stir in


Form dough into a ball. Knead on a lightly floured sudace until smooth and

elastic. Divide dough into 12 balls,


Michele's Coconut Cream Pie

cover and let rise 15-20 minutes. Roll each ball into a 7 inch circle. Cook in an ungreased skillet over medium high heat about 1 minute, turning once. Makes '12 tortillas.

Erin's Mushroom Pate 2 tablespoons margarine 3 tablespoons minced shallots 2 1 /2 cups finely chopped mushrooms (any kind you like is fine) 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsleY 8 ounce package of vegan cream cheese 1/4 teaspoon savory or thyme lvlelt margarine- Add shallots cook about a minute. Add mushrooms and cook until they

are soft. Make sure all the liquid Irom the mushrooms is evaporated. Stir in parsley and savory, cook 1 minute. Remove from heat and add vegan cream cheese. Chill for at least an hour.

Toppl ng: 1 tablespoon egg replacer 1 1 12 cup brown sugar

cup coconul cups oatmeal tablespoons llour tablespoons vanilla pinch of salt pinch of baking soda

1 2 2 3


Fold in 2 cups of shredded coconut

Bake for 15 minutes, remove from oven and sprinkle 1 /4 cup coconut on top. Bake another 5 minutes and chill before serving.

To make the Graham Cracker Crust: 3 cups Graham cracker crumbs 4-6 Tablespoons of oil 6 Tablespoons water Dash of salt,


pinch ol salt Raspberry preserves

Prebake lor 5-10 minutes belore filling with coconut cream pie reciPe.

Raspberry Shortbread Bars Cause who wants to pay all that money lor a friggen lruit bar when you can do it yourself? And who wants a healthy fruit bar when you can eat these? I have to note that when I originally stumbled across this recipe the end of it included a note that the calorie count of these was really high but they were "worth a day of diet penance". Fuck that, just enJoy them. Eat 'em all if you don't want to share. Shortbread layer: 1 1/2 cups flour 1 1/2 sticks margarine 1/4 cup sugar or dry sweelener 1 1/2 tablespoon egg rePlacer 2 Tablespoons vanilla extract

. . .

Combine dry shortbread ingredients and set aside. Combine margarine, sugar, egg substitute, and vanilla and mix well. Add dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Pat mixture evenly over a lightly

greased baking dish. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 10 minutes, and cool. Combine topping ingredients in a bowl and mix well. When the shortbread has

cooled, spread a layer of lruit preserves over it and sprinkle with


topping Return to oven and bake for another 20-30 minutes until the topping is set. When done, remove from oven to cool and cut into bars.

Much thanks to all who contributed: Alicia, Chad, Em and the folks at 56A, Erin, Mayson, Michele, Special K. ll you didn't see

your recipe in this issue, I want to let lolks know that I am currently working on upcoming sections as well, Main courses,

entrees, and desserts will be in the next couple of issues. lf you have any ideas or recipes that you want to see here in tuture recipe sections of Profane Existence- get ahold of me! Prolane Existence, Attn: Maygun, PO Box 8722, MinneaPolis, MN 55408, or at

My mom was pretty upset about the whole situation and I obliged her sense of iustice by following here around from office

lcan hardly believe it's been six months, and not six weeks, since the last issue of PE went

to press. The seemingly Instant passing of two seasons since my last column can certainly be attributed to how much stuff has gone on in and around the PE Collective, Looking back I can clearly see the many accomplishments I have shared with my fellow collective members;such as helping to organize the C.L.l.T, Fest, releasing an unprecedented ten new releases on PE Records, moving the web site and message board to better facilities, and beginning a reorganization process otthe collective itself. I also share singing duties in a band called DISBESPECT, who also had a busy summer as recording our second EP, and playing numerous benetit shows around the city.

Even in the midst o, all this aclivity, I was maliciously hit by some drunken, SUVdriving-piece-of-shit yuppie, while riding my bicycle home from the Triple Rock- I say maliciously, because this scum-sucking shit-

head laid on the horn for several seconds before running me into a concrete bridge abutment. She drove off and left me laying in

the road with a collar bone broken in three places.

spent most of August in a great deal of pain and was not able to participate as actively as I was used to (although I still did two shows with DISRESPECT the weekend after the accident... thanks to a heavy combination of vicodin and beer). I am grateful that I

there are some other really good people around me who were able to pick up on some of my slack. The next section of my column is probably irrelevant to most people who are read-

ings, so perhaps you want to skip ahead in this column. On the other hand it's worth reading for nothing else than a good laugh. ln any case, I did learn some pretty outrageous shit lrom my whole hit and run experience. First is that fleeing from a hit and run accident in the city ol Minneapolis is not a investigationworthy crime unless the victim is, as Sergeant Lynch of the l\/inneapolis police informed me, "either dead or nearly dead." Even though Minnesota law states that leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in "grievous bodily harm" is a lelony in itself and can further result in the revocation of one's driver's license. It certainly wouldn't have been hard for

the cops to figure out who was driving the green 1994 Ford Explorer, with license plate EVS 968, and owned by'llmothy Scott Butler of 6844 3rd Ave South, Richfield, MN 55423. The driver was even nice enough to get out of the truck in front of four witnesses to scream "Oh my god! l'm sooooo sorry!Are you OK?" After I gave a response that I wasn't all right, she got back in the truck and took off southbound down CedarAvenue. Myfriends pulled me off the road and called 911 when it was pretty obvious that I wasn't going anywhere on my own power. Cops came, ambulance came, and then I was off to the hospital.


to office in downtown Minneapolis one afternoon in August. The reason for the trip downtown was that the Minneapolis police would not respond to any phone calls or give further information over what was being done about the crime. I'm used to this sort of treatment from the local mercenaries, but my mom is way cool and I went along for support. lf she thought she'd get anywhere with the system, I may as well be a good sport and go along. After all, it was my mom doing this for me, so why not help? Our lirst stop was to City Hall to obtain the police reports ol the incident (which of course we had to pay for). The reports (where we obtained the vehicle's ownership informa-

tion) stated that the case was considered

where at room 110 Minneapolis Police Department's Traff ic lnvestigation Division is located. Obviously we weren't the first people to appear at this door tor the same reason, because outside there was a sign posted that read "The Minneapolis Police deparlment no longer has a hit and run unrt. Unless your hit

and run accident involves serious injury or death, your hit and run will not be investigated. lf your hit and run accident involves only property damage or minor injuries, contact your insurance agent." Unsurprisingly, the door to the oftice

was locked. When my mom persistently knocked, we were greeted by Mr, Smug Bas-

tard himself, Sergeant R. Lynch ("Oh, gee, who locked that door?"). lt was Lynch who callously explained that my case would not be investigated because I was not dead or nearly dead. He laid the blame on a budget

closed by the police and there was no further investigation to be done. ln olher words the personal responsible for sending me to the hospital in an ambulance, then fleeing the scene, was not going to be pursued or punished by any action of the Minneapolis Police. We then went to the Hennepin County Court House to ask why nothing was being done to prosecute the case. The receptionist told us that unless it was a felony case (which at the time we had no idea that it in fact was), then it was the responsibility of the City of

compromise last April between Mayor Rybak, the city council, and the police chief, that elimF nated the hit and run investigative unit, resulting in some 50,000 annual hit and run accidents going uninvestigated. He said it was not his problem and we should write to our

Minneapolis Attorneys Office to press charges. So the receptionist gave us the

money to have an entire investigative squad and hotline specifically dedicated to prosecuting gratfiti artists. There also seems to be

(wrong) address to that office and away we went (lf it wasn't lor someone overhearing our confusion over misdirections, it would probably have taken us a lot longer to find the correct building, even though we were standing right in front of it). Once inside the right oflice, we were greeted by another receptionist that was completely puzzled by why we were sent there. Judging by conversations of other folks waiting in the lobby, this office seemed geared more towards settling landlord-tenant disputes and nothing involving criminal justice at all. We were directed to a phone in the corner of the lobby and told to call into the office and someone might answer, All the while I sat there hitting redial I was wondering why they had a receptionist at all and not just a sign. Hell, why even a lobby? Why not just a broken phone booth? After 1 5 minutes ol hitting redial, someone linally answered the phone. I don't know if it was an actually attor ney or an assistant or whatever, but they in-

formed us that we were misinlormed and it

congressmen. He shrugged his shoulders when we asked what "serious injury" meant and said he didn't think it was a felony offence (contradictory what we were told by the Hennepin County Attorney's ofi ice).

lronically the police have enough

enough money for city-subsidized yuppie condo building, anti-union sweatshop business developments (hello Franklyn Bakery),

and even more sports stadiums. And if the cops are so underfunded that they cant prevent the rampant crack dealing, prostitution and violent assaults from happening in the cities less-white neighborhoods, then why do they mysteriously show up at every punk party on the grounds of a noise complaint with $800 citation in hand? ls it really that the Minneapolis police aren't much more than overpaid metermaids and not really interested in defending public safety at all? And what's with the calling our congressmen comment? Even if my local congresspeople gave two shits about me, how are they going to convince the rest ol the conservative, outstate rednecks to give a damn about what happens in south Minneapolis? l'd be more likely to persuade the Minnesota legislature to ban public employees such as Sergeant Lynch from wearing moustaches on

was the job ol the police to investigate crimes and Hennepin County to prosecute them. We were sent back to Hennepin County and told to come back if all else failed. Back over at the court house we were

the grounds it promotes a homosexual

adamant about speaking to someone other than the receptionist. What we got was a crime victims's advocate for the Hennepin County prosecutors office, She stated that I

Altorney's Office and did the whole endless redial-on-lhe-phone thing in the lobby thing once again. This time a diflerent person answered the phone and I explained my situation. This time I was actually speaking to Assistant City Attorney John R. Manning, according to his card. He agreed to come out and listen to what I had to say. He was obviously irritated that the Minneapolis police or Hennepin County would do nothing, once again stating that my injuries and the crime constituted a felony case. Yet he agreed that his office would take up the case on my behalf. He also said his office had only three

was indeed the victim of a felony offense, but also stated there was nothing they could do unless the case was investigated and handed over to them by the Minneapolis Police. She gave me an application lor "Financial Help

for the Victims ol Violent Crime" and said I would either have to pressure the police to follow up on the investigation or else pursue the matter in civil court. So back over to City Hall we went,


lifestlye, while using the Village People as my poster children. With nothing really else to do (or lose)

we went back over the Minneapolis' City

Profane Existence #46

these same cops also seem to have enough free time to pimp themselves out after hours to any yuppre bar or doughnut statlon willing to pay ior private "public sal6ty" thal lhey're supposed to be provrding anyway? And who do all those S25k 4x4 s rn ths police stations' parking lots belong to? The secretaries? The Janitors? Still, the cops are too easy a target, so l'll let'em off with just a warning this time. After all, there's far less cops than punks in the city of Minneapolis, so no need to dangerously fuel their inferiority complex. So it must be the city council then. They just passed an ordinance to ban smoking in bars on ground that it is detrimental to the

investigators and it would probably take some time before the case was pursued I was asked to leave copies of all relevant reports' contact intormation for witnesses, etc and investigators would get back to me. Finally, after a long day shuffling from ottice to oftice, we paid our $'15 parking fee at the Hennepin County Government Center

ramp (where they no longer have actual people to accept payment, but automated machines, probably made in a Malaysian sweaf

shop), and wenl home, feeling like at last something was going to be done. Two days later I returned to the Minneapolis City Attorney's Otfice and left the requested


time anyone was paid a wage to work at Profane Existence. This is not to say that Joe and I didn't get paid for the first two and a half years of running Blackened Distribution, but even that ended once we took our yearlong hiatus. All of the labor and time that went into

producing every magazine since PE #38, eveMhing distributed by Blackened, and later by Profane Existence for the past 2 1 /2 years,

has been done completely by volunteers However, for three of us, this has evolved into more than a rull time lob and our outside resources to support ourselves (i,e. savings,

unemployment benefits, etc

) have pretty

homicide and iniury

609.21 Griminal

Subd.2.Resultingingreatbodilyharm.Apersonisguiltyofcriminal-vehicularoPeratig.lj"..-Y|1,I9],T11": #il;"ffi;j'r="v i"i"*enc;d ro imprisonment fo-r noi more than five years or to payment of a fine of not

to another, not constituting attempted murder more than $1O,OOO, or both, if the person causes great bodily harm vehicle: motor a operating of result a as or assault, (1) in a grossly negligent manner; influence of : iZi ln a negtigent manner while under the alcohol;

mation. That was more than two months ago, Quite clearly now I can see that we were lied to by Mr. Manning in order to get us out of the city attorney's oflice. As it stands, my collar bone is healing

and l'm working at getting back my lormer self. l'm still plagued with chronic fatigue and havo yet to regain rull llexibility or slrength of

my rlghl arm.

ll lt weren't lor being lucky

enough lo have health lnsurance through my ex-wife's work, lU b€ linancially fucked as well (although with high deductibles, the ambulance ride, hospital stay, and follow up specialist visits have still cost a lot of money) My only legal recourse is to sue the vehicle

much dried up or are in the process of ending The choice lacing us is either get "real"

sal€ly of bar employees as well as to the general publc. They're teally walching out for public salety, right? WronglThese same dogooder, hypocrite piles of shit are the very same people who have said it's OK to get

jobs and scale back Prolane Existence, or

fucked up at these very same bars, ram your car into a bicyclist on the way home, and leave them for dead in the street. What kind of negligent double standard planet do these people come from? At least when I go to a bar I know that I am at risk death from a slow, life-long exposure to carcinogens (where the owners are now being held responsible and can be punish by fines, license revocation, etc.)' but riding my bicycle should not be a possible

(our preferred plan) dive in full force and build the collective back up to it's former levels. At the moment, Profane Existence is a fairly well-oiled machine. All of us have been involved with collectives and cooperatives Ior many years and have a very good understanding of how these things work. We also happen to be lriends, so that makes working together all the more easy. We're still in the process of distributing responsibilities, setting goals, and lormulating a new set of collective bylaws (our originals were written in 1991)

T+Og.t3OO Leaving the Scene of an Accident'

person upon receiving a record of conviction under The commissioner shall revoke the driver's license of a id_entity and render aid in the event of a motor Minnesota statutes, section 169.09, for failure to stop and disclose for a. period oI, another, of personal iniury or the death in resulting vehlcle accident _-, ,_,.._.. in personal iniury to another person; resulted is based conviction the n. iiO Orv", if the ac-cideniupon which truck) tor my out-of-pocket




r*o purposely) ran me ous (and probably lifelong) injury to my per son, and then callously rett me Lvint in'tne road. who is to blame lor this situation realty? Who is ultimat€ly ,esponsibie to, ,e gstting hit by a car whire regaril riding a bi cycle down the street oy my no'use? frno is responsibl€ lOr saying it! OK lor Some 20ffi,1#:i';ffi;""""*i

"-"","l"iir, caused giievofl the road,

tor accidents wiit set off scott

the new light rail train, designed to ease motor vehicle traffic to and from the same- southern --- -

cally, the bridge I was run into was tnat bt



iP,::r^::1t:::??*1,^:3::"":g;t::: paid staff positions Then there'i rhe mayor of Minneapo- Thls would include three this would still heavily lis, Minnesota Staie Legislature, and Gover- to begin with of course labor unless cashnor Pawlenty.,To sum m-y feelings, or anyone rely on part time volunteer paid positions' more allows flow Public Minneipolis the in child etse with a Each time the subject of paid labor is School System (or in any other state brought up, there are always people who ask funded program)Llready wants to see why not lust ask for more volunteers? The

something drunkon suburbantte to uettigerently run me into a concret" nriO-g" abrt;"nt and then leave me nepnss on m! assl ttroni-

subrrrbs the driver was rreaoingi. Do we blame the cops? Sure,



whenever their budget is threatened, they ,,cut,,services o" convenienfly "J"t"ir'to overworked and underpaid. Yet the local bronze always have time to hand out frivolous tickets for jaywalking, panhandling, etc. andhaveaspecial zeal forbreakingupany

dethese buoget-cut1ini" welfarljor-the-rich, anti-

with larger *omien, anri-giy, anti-chlld, anti-poor, anti-mi- answer lo that is eff lciency less efficiency nority motne*uci<ers tied up by their testicles, groups, there is always much and much more time has to be taken out to so I won't even bother wasiing any of my assure the collective decision-making prowriting about them. Besides, thLy'll all cess remains democratic As of right now' responsiof ladder up the on buck i1r9 q3ss full time people would be able to most three going to barf I'm n.x... bitity. -ot efficiently handle the amount of work we have tne reason this so that's iart each day We do have a lot ol work around is three months iate. ln the meantime, we top of publishing this started a majoi reorganization of the Profane here, considering that on magazrne. we also run a record label and a Existence cbttectiv"e itself, something fairiy good sized distro too Other tasks such overdue and absolutely when Profane Existence was started, asmaintainingthewebsite' messageboard' issues, etc are good theoriginal ideawasforittobe ademocrali- dealing with computer sized jobs in and of themselves' cally run, workots collective Throughout As lor an ideological reason behind rego's we worxeJharJ to achieve thaigoal PE into a workers' collective' it is beforming peoie at actually had luio 1."r"n


Profane Existence #46

time just


issue also

long necessary. the and the

"t"tr " cause suchorganizational structuretitsperhighpoinrintSgo).whenthecolleitivesplit

,p ,i tn"

eno ot igga, that marked the


fectly with our anarchist vision for a world



without bosses, rulers, and profiteers. A collective business is a concrete manner in which we can take direct control of our own means of existence. What's the point in light-

the Twin cities. we have been invited to participate in a budding collectives federation and

plan to join in as soon as we have our own house in order- ln the meantime, I strongly

encourage people to support their local worker's coops and collectively run busi-

ing for anarchy on the streets when we all go

back to our day-job drudgery as soon as the party's over? lnstead of organizing the fight against the bosses, why not just do away with them altogether, right here and right now? Other lolks around Minneapolis and around the world are working on the same

nesses. Check it out, get involved, or even start your own. There will certainly be more information and further interviews with local collective businesses in future issues of Profane Existence. For now, I am leaving off this column with some introductory information on them. Onward and downwards! - Oa 1OlO4

goal. I'm happy to report there has been a recent growth in the number and strength of collectives and workers' cooperatives around

Minnesota Worker's GooPeratives (http ://www.

ln the Twin Cities (assume all phone #'s are 612 area code unless otherwise noted):

Worker Go-ops 4432 Chicago Ave (movi ng) Amazon Bookstore (http ://www.amazonf 651-222-4238 St. Future Now '1821 Riverside 341-9261 Hard Times Cafe 729'0437 3024 MinnehahaAve Hub Bike Coop (http ://thehu 651-222-7405 St. Paul Local Roots





(' 259-0069 1306 NE 2nd St 338-31 1 0 1929 s sth sr (http ://www. northcou ntrycoop. com) 721-2273 1613 E Lake St Northland Poster Collective (http ://www. Roots and Fruits Cooperative Produce 451-E lndustrial Blvd NE 379-3030 (http ://www. 332-101 1 21 29 E Franklin Seward Community Cafe (htlp ://www.theviolet. net/sewardcaf e. html) 253-7336 2129 E Spokes Pizza Collective 1920 11th Ave S Umoja Drum & Music Co-oP 872-O164 umojadrum @ 788-2472 1720 NE Madison St Upholsterer's Cooperative 824-6567 2928 5th Ave St Whole Builder's C,o-op

Matchbox Coffeeshop North Country Co-op



Votunteer Gollectives in Minneapolis Arise Bookstore and Resource Center 2441 Lyndale Ave (http :// 3042 Minnehaha Ave BAT Annex Free School



The lirst hard freeze has set upon Minneapolis. I dragged my fingers through lrost on the hoods of cars last night and felt that chill-the reminder ot months of cold to come. I think back to mere months ago when the rrost seemed ages away, and smile at how things are at once so permanent and lasting, while at the same time so ultimately temporary... when the height of summer was upon us. Summer, ln Minneapolis, that means it's fucking hot. The air is thick, you pray for

rain, sweat when you think too hard, sleep in your skivvies without covers in front of a fan kind of heat. My garden is in full bloom; tiny bell peppers, jalapenos, tomatoes, peas,

along with overgrown lettuce and herbs grace my front yard. lt's my first garden, and I have been taking my roommates out front one by one-"Look! See? There it is! A

pepperl And a tomato-no wait! TWO tomatoes!"-to see whal is growing in my assorted pots. lt's not too hard to grow a garden. I planted everything at the end of May, pruning and picking overgrown leaves, dead stems, weeds. I water it every day, if the rain doesn't, I talk to it' I take great care to make sure lhe soil isn't too wet or too dry. That squirrels haven'1 dug up the dirt. When my tomato plant edged the jalapeno plant out of the pot they were sharing, I repotted the jalapeno plant and gave them both room to grow. My garden-a sense of stabilitY, of roots. My garden, a clear reminder that a little bit ol effort can produce a lot ol results. My garden, a shining example that simple things can make me really, really happy. My garden, a thing of beauty that exists for a brief moment in time, ln a lot of ways, I feel really grounded in Minneapolis. The people I know here, the projects I am involved in, the house I live in, all make me feel as il this place is truly home. 724-2161 824-01 00 407 W Lake St Extreme Noise (http ://www. 823-11 53 GenderBlur 341-1038 514 112 Grease Pit Bicycle Shop 722-1134 PO. Box 8722 Profane Existence (htip ://www. prof 879-0200 Steven's Square Center for the Artsl905 3rd Ave Minneapolis Toolshed

ln a lot of ways it is, as l've been here for years, and it is the first place I really chose to live on my own away Irom family, and familiarity. Minneapolis is an amazing city, and it is truly thriving with awesome people and places. lt's also small, and can at times feel confining. Strange how the same sense of community can make you feel included and stilled at the same time. While I love Minneapolis, there are times I want to just pick up and go-to explore the world and

Democratically Run Non.Profits

see what else is out there, to be anonymous,

Minneapolis Babylon Gallery P.O. Box 19487;55419 724-4979 Barebones 341-1038 514 Bedlam Theatre 824-4373 Center for Prosperity (http ://

that make me stay. Just when I think I have a part of the "scene" figured out, or feel I know this city too well, it surprises me and I find myself anxious for more. Several months ago we formed a new collective: The il/inneapolis B.R.E.A.S.T. Brigade (The Belligerent Revolutionaries Enraged Against Sexist Tyranny) and decided to create a lestival to promote the active participation of women in the punk

batan nex


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to not be tied down.., but there are things

community. We wanted to create a weekend

Profane Existence #46


ol music, workshops, discussions and food

to highlight women, and to bring people together to fight against objectilication, sexism, homophobia, rape, and abuse. lt had been a topic of much discussion within the Profane Existence collective, a subject that incited hours of talking, researching, writing, re-writing, and numerous pots of coffee for the creation ol the Punks Against Sexlsm primer that Dan and I co-wrote in issue #45. A few conversations and phone calls later, and I found mysell amidst the makings of a new collective all dedicated to

fighting against sexism within


community. Soon atter our first conversation,

C.L.l.T. Fest was born. (Combaling Latent lnequality Together).

that same sense of anticipation than when we opened the doors for the first time. lt's a weird feeling, to be happy and sad at the same time... to write of accomplishment and loss in one pen stroke. The festival is now over, and we are working toward future projects. The actual event existed for just two days, but we created a collective and a vision that will conlinue. lt's a perfect example of what a dedicated group of people can do if they believe in something and are willing to work for it. lt's been an invigorating experience to watch something from it's creation- as no more than an idea, a concept, a tiny sparkturn into something so incredible.

Months of planning went into this weekend long event. Bands were contacted,

workshops were created, linancing was

A shout out, lor lack of a better word, to the

planned, goals were discussed and

Minneapolis B.B.E.A.S.T. Brigade for

reviewed, childcare was coordinated,

making the first annual C.L.l.T. Fest such a success. You are the folks that keep me inspired and keep me around. Thank you for sharing your energy, creativity, time, and passion to create such a wonderful eventand such a kick-ass weekend. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the process of this event from start to finish, or at some

locations were confirmed, food was painstakingly gathered and created, promotional materials were designed, Tshirts were screened, the stage was built...and suddenly the weekend was upon us_

It passed like a dream, I was in awe of how many people showed up to the event. I

was so excited-we strived to create an event to eliminate discrimination against

women and address some difficult issuesand people were into it! There was a point on Saturday aflernoon where lhere were four workshops occurring concurrenlly- we had to hold a class in the hallway because

sal language. lt seems the only thing that can bond humanity. We make our own music, we book our own tours, we record and put oul our own records on our own labels with what little funds we have, We feed touring bands; Iet practical strangers stay in our homes for the love of music and to keep this fiery ball rolling. I have made a myriad of friends because of this mutual fascination, I have come to love this sore throat, hard living, bare bones, gypsy-like family that has welcomed me in it's musical embrace. And so with that I have endless thank yous for the people who have changed my life with only a short gig set, friends I have made for life because of the music they play. I must say I am truly blessed to be in the throes of passion with this amazing art form. To have uncovered this gem that is buried deep beneath mainstream culture. To reject the aural assault being played on the radio, anger that fumes at the bastardization of what is the most sacred and organic thing we can grasp on to in this day.

point in between- to all the volunteers, workshop leaders, bands from near and far, Food not Bombs, the Minneapolis dumpster gods, that Saturday morning sunrise, the Mala and Bat Annex, Patrick's Cabaret, and anyone else I may have foolishly forgotten, Cheers.

all the rooms were taken. The show Saturday night was packed with people, as

each band on stage talked about their feelings and reflections of playing a festival with women in the spotlight. lt presented a starting point for lurther discussion about

I walked into her room. I walked in like I had so many times in the past lour years that we had been together. I opened the always open door, said hello to her sister and asked if she

serious issues. Truth be told, it's ugly, people don't want to talk about it, it's easier to ignore it- but the fact ol the matter is that sexism, homophobia, racism all do continue to exist

in punk- and it's far past time we take

was there. "Oh, hey Sergio, uhm...l don't


stance against it and say we won't tolerate that sort of behavior. Discrimination simply holds no place in the punk community.

The weekend was one of those moments where you look around andrcalize how incredible the people you know can behow dedicated, how creative and inlelligent,

how innovative. There were good Iriends who I knew could pull off the weekend-we in the collective have been working together for months now, some ol us longer on other projects, so it was no surprise to me that the weekend went off without a hitch. But there were also people there that I hadn't known would be so incredible-folks who just dove in and worked all weekend to make sure that everything went smoothly. This is

the best ol the punk community, where

people all work together

lo make a

difference, to take a stand, and have a good time doing it.

Overall, the event was a huge success, and I am left with a great feeling of accomplishment that we were able to pull ofl such an amazrng weekend that so many people were excited about. i,.n also sort of sad that it's over...we are going to continue doing events, but the first annual C L. l.T. Fest is now a thing of the past. I won't ever feel

Profane Existence #46

We surround ourselves with cords and amps, instruments packed in vans with scientific pre-

cision. Our emotional and political codes stamped on lyric sheets and inserts. We praise our international families on the inside covers, thank you lists, and in photo collages. We stand next to loud monitors, brace ourselves in the waves of dance, and smile with closed eyes and sounds fill not only our ears but also our hearts.

I love music. I love our culture surrounded with sound and passion and an urgency to travel in hot, cramped vans. I love the lact that you can make conversation with a stranger because of a t-shirt they are wearing. I love the swelling feeling of pride I get when I see my friends play, or a lyric that I have to jot down because it is timeless in it's own way. There is something about the culture of music that appeals to everyone. Music is the approval we get for feeling the way we do, A single song can make one feel an emotion we have available. lt is truly our univer-

know, you should go check." she said, So I go upstairs to her room and open the I had so many times belore. lt was 6 am so I figured she was sleeping and I didn't really wanl lo wake her up so I didn't knock. I don't usually knock anyways. Looking back on it I should have. I step into the room and look at the bed. I see two people in her bed. One of them is her, my soulmate, lifepartner, (ex) girlfriend, lover...and the other one is him. Who is he? He's an old friend of ours. His name is Phish. He used to be into the lifestyle we all shared but then he turned Christian and blacklisted all of us. Jesus. Phish, I couldn't really think. I couldn't really feel. My chest heaved and my eyes began to water. I couldn't think to do anything but check if this was really happening. I was in shock. Perhaps I was sleeping? I walked over to her side of the bed and grabbed the covers. All I could think to do was uncover lhem... in more ways than one. I took the covers off to find her. fully nude, as well as him, in his boxers. This body, which I had made love to countless limes,

was now laying down nude in his arms All she could do was look at me with hand over her mouth and fear in her eyes. The fear is






what hurt me the most. He just kept rubbing his face saying "oh shit....uh, what's up dude?" I walked to the foot of the bed and sat

down on her

floor I looked at them but


couldn't cry. I sat there quiet for a moment. I sat there in between the bed and the door I sat there so I could get answers because in all my life, with every single thing that has happened to me that l've written about in this magazine, I've never once had answers to my questions Why was I raped? Why did my boyfriend kill himsell and leave me behind if he loved me? Why did everyone lopened up to hurt me so bad? Never once have I had answers .. and after spending four years of my life with her I felt I deserved them this time at least. So I asked her if they were together and she stared at me and asked me how I got in the house. So I repeated the question. "How long have you been together?" I begged over and over again. Finally she told me that it had roughly been about a week. She had broken up with me only two weeks ago and I still loved her. I asked how long they had been having sex. Her reply was also about a week. Four years and it took her a week to find another person to share herself with and here I had plans to reconcile and marry her. I even bought a promise ring for her before she broke up with me I wanted to let things cool down a bit before I gave it to her. They laughed at me. They laughed at how stubborn I was in trying lo get my answers They laughed at my pain when lwould ask them not to hold hands (l was told later on that she held his hand because he had a knife in it) They laughed at me when I noticed she had written his name in sharpie on her wrist They laughed at me all the time I never raised my voice or threatened them I simply wanted to talk. But she didn't want to. She said she had to get ready to go out for breakfast "Whatever I dont care I have to go out to breakfast," she would say with a wave of her hand as if to dismiss me So ltalked to him instead This is when I began to cry. ltold him I loved her ltold him I would always love her I became what I am today due in large part to her. She helped me become vegan, she helped me find happiness and ways to deal with life other than drinking and drugs, she helped me find true love and she helped me grow up Four years .16 .19 (and a half or so) from age to lgot my answers . or at leasl lwas tired of crying So it was decided she would come over to my house and we would talk. Not much different was said I threw myself at her and she rejected me So once again it was decided she would call me the next day and we would talk. But she didn't and we didn't I tried to contact her but she kept avording me so I gave up. Gave up on lour years and the rest of my life. I couldn't eat, sleep or leel without her. I could only think of her. At work, at school, at a show, etc. One of the greatest days of my life, when my band played The Smell here in LA with VITAMIN X, and I could barely stand

This vegan, straightedge, anarchist woman that I loved (and believe me she was soooooo much more than her beliefs) married a reformed Christian soon to be Marine! Yes I said married. They were never girlfriend and boyfriend They just up and decided one


day in Vegas lo become husband and wife. Spur of the moment lile changing decision made just... like... that. I always, sorry, we, had always imagined getting married in an open space under a huge tree. She would walk down to DEPECHE MODE's "Judas." She would be the most beautiful person on Earth in that moment and forever. All of our lamily, friends and loved ones would be there We would have a house to live in together. lnstead she got married in Vegas. Just the two of them. Spur of the moment. Nobody to witness it. He moved in to her apartment with her family. He had no job, he had no car, he didn't have anything lo offer her. But I guess that can be seen as terribly romantic as well. lt just didn't fit with what we had talked about and promised each other. We were married to each other. We proposed to each other and considered ourselves married in our hearts. So much for love right? I went to her house about a week after I had found them to try and talk to her. I wenl to see if we could possibly salvage anything from our shared past. I saw her sister and talked to her for a while. I asked her to check if she was there and she went to her room

and asked her if she wanted to see me I heard this, and I heard her say that she was too tired to see me. Too tired to talk to me for even five minutes. Too tired to try and save something out of this whole ordeal. So I left her sister with the ring. I also left her sister with a message, to tell her that I bought this lor a woman in my life that I would ALWAYS love. lt was the promise of my heart and soul forever.

I went back a week later and she screamed at me. She slammed the door on my fingers over and over again. I just wanted to talk. I know now that what I did was wrong. I went way to far. I should have respected her space, her life. I dont know what else to say except sorry for what I did. I was confused and hurt. I was heartbroken. I lost my other half... So here I am, back to square one. Back to asking myself why lam who I am and what exactly do I want to be. l'm back to that first moment I decided to be straightedge, vegan, anarchist, etc. I feel exactly the same as I did before. I'm lost and helpless and hopeless again. This hurts more than any other experience in my life because lwas so invested in it. What's my final reward? A broken heart. But with all this pain and depression I decided that life may be really excruciatingly horrible at times but I have something I didnt have before, a new beginning. I can go anywhere and do anything from here on out. The picture ol the child on my column header is a baby picture o! my ex, lt symbolizes innocence, purity, love, compassion, etc Allthe things I strive for in life. lt also symbolizes innocence lost, purity soiled, love broken and beaten, and compassion as weakness. These are all the things I have come across in life and things I see in our everyday lucked up lives. These are things I try to create awareness of..,well that and I really need to vent somehow. Take care of yourselves. Love Emo Wuss (Sergio / ilovepunkrock666


prt}sftE:t (*-rffi )jevrn Its so easy to hate George Bush. Come on!

Just about everybody I run across these days absolutely deplores this guy. I lind myself having common ground with folks I don't always relate to: Democrats, Greens,

Libertarians, independents, students, hippies, phreds, mall-punkers, metalheads, parents, senior citizens, military families, foreigners, millionaires like Michael Moore. Even some Republicans concede that Bush

isn't the so called

"Compassionate Conservative" he campaigned as. lt's almost too easy to hate the dude.

Times as politically charged as these

have not been seen srnce Ronald McReagan inspired a slew ol punk rock songs across the globe. Well, times at least not seen since 1 992, when the first President Bush was running for reelection. The 2004

Summer reminded me a lot of the summer ol '92, Everybody hated Bush and we

wanted to toss that guy out of office no

what. No matter what. What happened was everybody's favorite bad-guy was out of the picture. People quickly forgot about lraq, and suddenly it wasn't cool to pay attention. matter

Mission accomplished, it would seem. The rallying point of the punk scene went from being decidedly angry, political, and pissed at the government, to being a scene that,

on the whole, was complacent with jusi about everything. As the memory oI Beagan

and Bush slowly began to tade, so faded too any hope of a serious underground youth

movement to change the system. The apolitical pop-punk bands rose to glory, and along came the seemingly endless legions

of cookie-cutter mall-punks.


corporations took control. You could say the underground got Punk'd@. lronically, many

of those same major label punk bands that dominated the last ten years, and wanted nothing to do with the politics of the antiauthoritarian underground, are now parading proudly their anti-Bush flag and persuading their fans to get in touch with punk's political roots. Its scary that polls show that the main reason Americans are willing to vote for John Kerry simply because he's "not Bush.' What does this guy stand for? Who knows! Time

and time again Kerry says one thing, but does another. Kerry voted for the Patriot Act, but now says he's against it. Kerry voted lor the war in lraq, but then opposed it. He doesn't want gays to marry, but it's nothing against gay people. Are you paying attention at all to this freak show John

Kerry?l? At least we know where Bush stands and what kind of asshole he really

is. Kerry's

all over the place, flopping around like a fish out of waler. He'll say anything to getelected. And, if that happens, the Keny family will be the richest family to ever inherit the White House. Even richerthan George


Profane Existence #46

Its amazing to me that in 2004 I have to plead with some punks to not vote lor John KerrY. But that's where we are Scenesters across the country are out there promoting the cause to got Bush out of office

by getting you to vole lor John Kerry And its working. Tho "Vote Bush Out" hysteria

has taken hold ol the music world:

mainstream, underground, the punk scene' the rock scene, metal, blues, rap' jazz,iam, noise, rave, B-n-B, alternative, you name it... Everyone'stalking aboutvoting Bush out ot office. Except for maybe the country

scene. CountrY music could be the exception, but You get the Point. I will be voting this November, and I encourage everyone else to vote in the upcoming Federal elections. However,

voting lor a Democrat or Bepublican is ultlmately a waste ol time and eflorl. Both of these parties are corrupt to the core and

steeping in corporate interest. lt really doesn't matter to the rich elite which party

wins, as long as one of these two parties is the only winner. The two-party system must be broken if there's any hope of breaking the monopoly

ol Federal politics and undermining the grip the mega-corporations have on the country' Democrats and Republicans are essentially one and the same. lt's simply not acceptable to vote for "the lesser of two evils," because in the end, you still have evil I encourage you to cast your vote tor

the candidate you believe in' and if that candidate doesn't exist, then write in your own. lt's a great way to give the system the finger. Not voting is a cop out. especially il you are already register€d to vote The system would ralher you not vote than to vote lor a third party. And don't lell me "Anarchists don't vote." lf you were born in the United States, you're eligible to vote

whether you like it or not, and no matter what

your political affiliation. And besides that' voting third party is a great way to toss your own monkey wrench into their system. So, would I rather see George Bush president instead of John Keny? I really couldn't care less because to me, they are one in the same. But il Bush wins' its guaranteed everyone will be pissed off for at least lour more years. You know it's true, so don't blame me!!

Jordan itenzies

in their homes and travelled across the Sahara desert exploring the land of a

displaced people who have been lighting for their homeland for over two decades.

ln February 2004, my father' my brother and I decided to travel to a remote corner of a North African country to show solidarity with a people whos€ plight is largely overlooked

by the lnt€rnational community. We took

part in a marathon (run), lived with refugees

educated, as each Saharawi child travels to Spain for formal education (many Spanish

know that their government had a role to play

ln Northern Africa, located south of lvlorocco, west of Algeria, and north of Mauritania, lies a disputed (occupied)

in lhe current situation of the Saharawi

populated by an Arabic people called the Saharawi. The nation o{ Western Sahara

fairly clean. Mud/clay buildings (huts)'

people and see educalion as a step towards making amends for the past). The refugee

country called the Weslern Sahara,

camp itself is whal we expected, although

fell under Spanish rule in 1884 and remained .1974' a Spanish colony until they withdrew in

adorned with the sparse possessions the Saharawi people own, make up most of the camp Energy is maximized by using small

By 1975, the POLISABIO (the Western

Saharan people's army), were defending the country lrom the lvloroccans to the north and the Maurilanians to the south. The Spanish

withdrawal had left their former colony

defenceless. FortunatelY, in


Mauritania relinquished all claims to the Western Sahara, although this still left 2/3 ol the nation still occupied by the Moroccans.

The Saharawi people have struggled to

retain their autonomy lrom this date to lhe present. The army ol the Saharawi people, the POLISARIO led by President Abdulaziz, fought a long guerrilla war against the Moroccan army f rom 1975 until 1 991 ' when a UN ceaselire was brokered. The Saharawi PeoPle are a divlded people. Many still live in the area of the

Western Sahara occuPied bY the

Moroccans, mainly the western coastal and northern regions of the country, where the land is hospitable and natural resources are relatively abundant. The other Saharawi

people and the freedom lighters

(POLISARIO), live in three main retugee

camps in southwest Algeria (an area uninhabitable, with little water and endless sand dunes, the typical landscape of the desert), which has supported the Saharawi cause. The Saharawi refugees (thought to number around 180,000) living in Algeria have existed in these camps for over 25 years, with little hope of reclaiming their country, or seeing the family members they left behind during the l/loroccan invasion in 1975. They are a landless people' holding citizenship in an occupied country, My father, my brother and I arrived in Madrid and met the other runners lrom North America who were taking part in the race/ humanitarian mission to the refugee camps' Within a Iew days, we were ready and llying to Algiers, Algeria. Then, another flight south across hundreds of miles of the Sahara desert to the Algerian military base nearest the Saharawi Refugee camps. After arriving at this base called Tindouf' we lound out that our contingent of 1 5 runners would have the honour of eating supper with the leader of the Saharawi people, President Abdulaziz' This was quite an experience, meeting the leader of a people who have been struggling


and intelligent people They are well

lor their independence lor over a quarter of a cenlury, lt is interesting to note that the president's compound is remarkably similar to the relugee camps we were about to visit. This is not a leader who lives in luxury while his people starve. We continued on and arrived in the first refugee camp, called Smara, late in the evening After much conlusion, we were assigned to a refugee family who we would stay with lor the next few days. The Saharawi refugees are entirely dependent on foreign aid, food and medicine, but remain a f iercely independenl

Profane Existence #46

solar panels hooked up to car-sized batteries which give a lew hours ot energy in the evenings. They use open fires lor cooking, making tea, etc Toilets are outside o{ the homes, in small mud brick huts, and children play in the dusty "streets" Goats are kept

rn pens next to houses' and

many generations of each family all live together The Saharawi people are gracious, polite, independent Muslims, who are well aware that few people abroad know anything about their cause, They have a keen awareness ol world politics and how exactly their plight fits in. After spending much time with our gracious host family, eating UN relief food and discussing politics (and being treated to many rounds ol their excellent traditional tea), came the day of the race.

The three of us were the first

Canadians to ever run the race, and even at that we only ran the half-marathon, which was 13 miles (although our GPS put the actual distance at around 15 miles)- On the morning of the race, we were driven (along with the other 1 30 or so runners) across the trackless desert to another refugee camp, called Auserd, which served as the starting point to the race. The finish was back at the Smara refugee camp, and I can honestly say that this was the hardest run I have ever done, l5 miles running through the harshest climate I can think of ; extreme heat, intense sun, and endless dunes of sand as far as you can see. The bottles ol water left at markers along the course were a necessity,

especially after running past many camel carcasses in the desert. Agruelling 3 hours later, we collapsed in the main building back at the head compound of Smara' The sense

of camaraderie was great at the finish,

between other runners in our group' the Saharawi peoPle (some of whom also participated in the run), and the rest ol the (mostly Spanish) runners. lt was a hell of a day.

The following daY, we said our

goodbyes to our Saharawi hosts and the iefugee camp of Smara and headed out lor a 4 day land rover excursion to see the rest

of the

unoccuPied Western Sahara

countryside (desert). Our drivers (including the personal driver lor the President) knew the land incredibly well' although we ourselves could only sense slight differences in the geography of the desert. The next 4

days were incredible, we explored caves with untouched paintings done by people thousands of years ago, saw huge areas of the desert that at one time were covered by an inland sea covered in lossilized aquatic

plants, loured POLISAFIO outPosts' UN hospitals and oulposts, and spent lwo nights sleeping rn lhe desert, shivering awake in the near freezing temperatures of pre-dawn A few days later, we arrived at a much larger



refugee camp called Dhakla with a better understanding of what it takes to survive in such a harsh climate, and a new respecl for

her, calling her name, and crying. After a minute that felt Iike forever, the convulsion started to lessen and she began to blink her

the refugees who have done so for 25 years.

eyes and try to stand up on wobbly legs.

In Dakhla, we were invited to a traditional (Muslim) Saharawi wedding, and met hundreds of children during a break from their school, and spoke with the head organizer for the marathon, Soon after leaving Dakhla, we headed back to Madrid, and then back home

The trip was certainly not cheap

was flooded with relief. I kept gently petting her and talking softly and got towels to clean up her little face and tried to stop crying. lt was 5:30 in the morning so I took her for a walk in the hopes that the fresh air and the various early morning scents would make her happy We got back into my apartment and I fed her and we settled back into bed,

(although not outrageously expensive when considering where the money went). The marathon was organized by the Saharawi Womens Athletic Committee, and almost all of the money went directly to the Saharawi

my arms wrapped around her. Suddenly, I fell a tremor move through her body and she looked up at me from the circle of my arms and I saw her eyes glaze over again and her legs start to stiffen and convulsions

people themselves (interestingly, the women

began to wrack her body again and the foam


control much of the organization of the

start pouring out of her mouth. She was in

refugee camps and Saharawi life in general)

the grips of a second grand mal seizure.

The cost of the excursion went to the relugees as well, to provide the basic

This one went on for a few minutes during which I completely lost my shit. Completely. I was sobbing and trying to hold her onto the bed since the seizure was so lierce that she was in danger ol lalling off The seizure continued so I put her on the floor, ran to

necessities for survival, although the real

value for the Saharawi people is the international exposure the race brings The UN (including the UN High Commission for

the Status of Befugees) and


lnternational Red Cross are heavily involved with the Saharawi refugees, and the yearly

event brings even more world wide

the phone, dragged it back into my bedroom and called my Mother (a registered nurse) and left a screaming, hysterical message on

enough. The Saharawi people are acutely aware that they are not Palestine or the

her machine Norton was in seizure during all of that Finally, after a lifetime, the seizure began to slow down and it finally stopped. I was wrecked I called a 24-hour emergency veterinarian clinic, bundled Norton into her favorite blanket, and raced to the vet in my

Sudan, and while they would not wish to be,


exposure Numerous international


organizations, journalists, non-profit organizations, etc., have all become involved with the plight, yet it is still not

they realise that their situation is not high prof ile. lt is because their situation has been overlooked for decades by the majority of

shocked I didn't hit anything. Once I got to the emergency clinic,


began to explain what was happening when

For more information about the WWrLSeb"Lal1laralhA4.Aq!. Any Canadians

again and she headed into her third seizure. The vet took her from my arms, raced her to the back, and I sat in the waiting room and cried.

marathon/excursion (February 28, 2005),

Norton has a terminal illness called Pug Dog Encephilitus. Basically, the body

Western Sahara, the Saharawi people, or

interested in participating in the next



I lelt a tremor go through Norton's body

sees the brain as a foreign agent and begins

thew8stwrndeg[o]loanLeom and I can fill you in with the details (dates, llights, etc)

to attack it as if it were an inlection. This makes the brain swell which leads to the seizures. Since only pug dogs get PDE, there isn't a lot of research being done on the disease so there is no cure. Eventually, Norton will have more and more seizures that will eventually lead to a coma or to her having a permanent seizure, ln either case, I'll have to put her down when it gets to that

point. I've had Norton as my constant companion for five years and so this has impacted me in a very painful way. To put it mildly, I'm an obsessive dog owner. So far, I've handed out close to 1,000 Norton bultons to various friends and strangers. l've also given away and strategically placed 500 Norton stickers around the bay area. I also have my Norton taltoo covering half of my

forearm. Plus Norton shirts. Norton A couple ol months ago I was woken up one morning because my dog Norton was in the grips of a grand mal seizure. She was

wracked with convulsions, foam pouring out

of her mouth, eyes wide open and glazed, her legs sticking out from her body like brittle sticks. I panicked, I had never seen Norton do anything like this before. I was petting


embracing the vegetarian lifestyle. Even though I might hem and haw on the dairy products, l've never once had a moment where I've considered eating meat. Not once. The thought of actually biting into a chicken's leg or cutting into some lamb or chewing on a big ol' burger still makes my stomach twist into a knot. There's never a

time when meat sounds appealing or appetizing. lt's funny (and not funny ha-ha, but funny in a fucked up way) that meat "euphemisms" are meant to not truly identily exactly what someone is eating. Ground up cow equals hamburger. Alortured baby call equals veal. A cut of a cow's side is called steak. A cut of a cow's butt is called rump roast. Rump roast is a little bit closer to the mark, but still . it's not truly identified as cow's ass Pig meat is called pork. Or bacon. People who eat meat don't walk into a meat market and say "l'd like two pounds of pig

meat and halt a pound of ground up cow's butt Thank you." lt's almost as if we're having a universal denial ol what people are actually eating.

As punks, we identify


vegetarian/vegan as a way of contributing our energy to animal rights. I believe that my decision to be a vegetarian for the past twenty years has saved many, many lives.

The punk scene has also maintained


heightened level of understanding regarding the cruelty and death involved with animal

testing Hopefully, the images of monkeys with wires coming out of their brains strapped to chairs and tables has aflected

I barely remember the ride and l'm

the citizens of the Earth, that their struggle has not yet been resolved.

the race itsell (held yearly), visit http://

vegan, but I've spent most of those years

sweatshirts. And since Norton has gotten sick, I've started furiously working on my Norton fanzine The zine is going to be about Norton, vegetarian/vegan issues, and animal rights. Working on the lanzine has made me think about my slance on animal rights. I've been vegetarian for the past 20 years. There have been times when l've been a very strict


the choices that we make regarding the products that we buy The questions that l've been asking myself have to do with the issue of animal rights when it comes to our pets. Our dogs, our cats, rats.. .all of the various animals that come and go in our lives. My experience is with dogs, l'm not much ol a

cat person, so that's where I have most of my concerns I see dogs at shows running around loose and their owner is completely lucked up drunk, completely losing track of the lact that there is a creature at the show or party that they are responsible for, and it makes me sad. I see that as animal abuse. lf I saw a

small child at a show and they were wandering around lost because their parents were wasted drunk, lwould see that as child abuse. I make very little distinction between dog and child. Both need someone to be responsible, both need to be taken care of, and both need to be protected while at a

show or party. I've seen people take their pit bulls into mosh pits at shows, forcing the dog's leash into lhe animal's mouth and then swinging the dog around in a circle amongst

everyone dancing. l've seen punks pouring beer down a dog's throat and then laughing with their friends. Somehow, a dog being drunk is funny. But how many people would be outraged at a show to see someone pouring a beer down the throat of a four-yearold kid? Since when were dogs ever meant to handle alcohol or drugs? lt also makes me sad

when I see pet owners who are always, always oul and about. Without their animal. Which means that their pet is sitting at home, alone, again. For dogs, this can be torture. Since dogs are pack animals, they dealwith

Profane Existence #46

a constant abandonment when lheir "pack"

(that means you) is never home lt's

especially heartbreaking when someone works forty hours a week and then is always

going out on top ol that. ln that situation, you leave a dog isolated and alone and cut

off from all contact and what creature wouldn't be completely fucking miserable in that situation? How is that not abuse? And the solution isn't to bring your dog with you

everywhere you decide to go. Being homeless on the streets is not an ideal situation for a companion animal. lf you're barely able to scrounge up enough money to feed yourself when you're homeless or struggling to lind shelter every night, why would you ever want to drag an animal into

that lifestyle? Find a friend or a family member with some stability that will provide a warm, comfortable, welljed home and do what's right for the animal. lt doesn't have to be permanent, lt doesnl mean forever. lt

just means that your dog or cat or goldfish is safe until you are in a better situation or making diflerent choices. To me, these are all issues that lall under the heading ol animal rights. Animal rights doesn't just involve the food that you eat or the products that you buy. The animal rights issue is currently sitting in your back yard on a rainy nite waiting for you to provide him or her with shelter. The animal rights issue is patiently waiting to be fed or

to be given fresh water. The animal rights issue is Iervently hoping you come home soon.

Peace/equality Adrienne butfypugs@


men carry themselves and how they expect

especially within the "anarcho" punk scene,

women lo just fucking go along with

which seems at times to be more concerned with looking good in balaclavas. and ski

masks than it does with actually treating people within its motley ranks with the respect they deserve. As l've said before, I'm not foolish enough to think of punk rock as being completely exempt f rom society as a whole. Like it or not, we're all members of this society no matter how fucked up we think it is and therefore we're prone to some of the same bullshit. I think it's funny how shit creeps into the punk rock scene and manages to

other female lriend ol mine who has the misfortune of working lor a beer distributor and has lo endure lewd comments from jerkoff men all day long as they drive their beer lrucks in and out of there This friend of mine also has the added bonus of being Asian-American, which is an endless source of fascination amongst these simian hordes.

Hearing about things like this puts me in a really odd situation, especially since I think of violence (even as a response) as just another example of macho male bullshit. I will admit that the idea of setting beer trucks

should be trying to destroy. I thought of this especially when the "Suicide Girls Burlesque Show" rolled into Cincinnati a few months back (actually, I think the Tour is set to make another stop around here, but that's beside the point). My band was playing a show that

on fire as a reaclion to sexist bullshit is pretty

enticing (not before emptying them, of

night, but I seriously doubt l'd check

course). Seriously though- while the women in

something like that out even if I was getting in for free. Something about the idea ol a "punk rock burlesque show" just hits a weird

my life can defend themselves just fine,

il there's any point I want to make bY

somehow trying to unite a bunch of very different things in one column, it's that I still

for weeks belore the show and I couldn't help but think that we should be at least a

want to see the "scene," punk rock or whatever, as one day being free lrom all the rampant bullshit that seems to weigh down

little bit above that. l'm sure Suicide Girls has made at least some headway in terms of telling women that they don't have to look like Christina Aguilera to be constdered beautiful, but in sending them on a national

what I call "straight" society. I find myself getting lrustrated with the way America


entertainment of leering punk rock boys, isn't that reinforcing the notion that girls are

nothing other than things to be put in front ol us, and ogled and admired accordingly? l'm not screaming that Suicide Girls should cease to exist, only that I think it maintains some oF the objectilicalion that we as "aware" punks should be looking to be tuned in to, if we're ever going to become "equal" in the way that we're so fond of proclaiming to each other.

When I got back into punk rock in about'93

or '94, I never lhought I'd be writing

something like this, especially for something like Profane Existence, which then seemed like some kind of faraway legion of anarcho-

punks bent solely on knocking the system on its ass. [ahem.., which we were and still are -ed.ll was always down with the anger and rage of "fucking punk rock," but never thought of women's issues as anything other than something alluded to in SPITBOY and BlKlNl KILL songs. ln a way, I still leel like the problems women face in straight society as well as within the world of punk rock isn't

totally a battle I should be lighting. l'm looking at the notes I have set aside for this column and feel that these words shouldn't be written by a man. I don't think there's anyone that would say that gender equality isn't a hot topic in

I do think we

(meaning anyone with even a passing interest in the politics that a zine like PE covers), are miles ahead of a lot of other points of view. Case in point: GG Allin. Why is it that punks have such a lame fascination with this guy? Here is a person who lived to "drink, fight, and fuck," did time in a Michigan prison for beating and carving a groupie, and then died like a typical rockstar prick by OD'ing on

smack. Why the fuck would anyone ever want to support this shit? Not that GG Allin has a whole hell ol a lot to do with Suicide Girls, but I think both have done a lot to dumb us down and turn us into the stupid punk

rockers that society wanls us to beespecially the men. I can't think of how many men I know in the scene turn suddenly

apolitical when exposed to certain things. "l don't care about what they sing about as long as the music rocks," is what they say. Again, the things other people consider fun isn't a huge concern of mine lt's just that when violent, nihilistic crap is introduced to some people, the lesser of us just devour it.

the world of punk these days. Without naming particular inctdents or people, this

issue has finally been brought to the foretront after being ignored for so long,

Profane Existence #46

I don't consider myself to be


can't help but be a little sickened by hearing about my friends getting fucked with. lthink

chord with me I could care less what people choose to do for fun-l just heard so many of my male friends talking about Suicide Girls



because of the comments made by random shitheels whenever she's seen in it. Or the

reinforce the same stereotypes that we

tour to perform sexy acts for


think in particular of one friend of mine whose javorite skirt is collecting dust

seems to be so obsessed with that which is excessively contrived and lame, There are

definitely times where

lfeel like l'm

surrounded by some of the shallowest shit imaginable, America touts itsell as having such an evolved society, but how evolved are we when we can't treat each other with respect? Why is it that I have to listen to my next door neighbor tell stories about how she is harassed and catcalled every night from the jock bastards that live up the street? On a side note, I think it's safe to say that these

motherfuckers deserve



whatsoever, mainly lor yelling "skate or die" at me when I came home from work the other night (l was riding a bike), As always,

lfeel like l've ranted

all over

the place in writing this for Profane Existence. Like I said, I don't fancy myself as any sort of crusader lor womens' rights. I'm just a guy that wants to see the punk scene stay around to really give the fucking finger to the soctety that's always trying to iron us out. lf we're going to ever do such a thing, it's important that we stay aware ol mindless shit that invades our community and drives us away lrom each other. To me, punk rock is more than drinking whiskey and rolling around in broken glass, and you don't have to be a Suicide Girl to get my respect "tCheers to Mollie, Metal-Ass Mary, Emily' Maygun, Chris(tine) and all the other bad ass women that have taught me so much

over the years. Special cheers to Jen in Philly-raaawr!!! Dougl2237 Stratford Ave #2/Cincinnati, OH 4521 9/diamond666@

rights Being a man,

'The copy we received actually read "looking good in baklavas and ski masks," bul we

I can't ever know the oppression and bullshit that women face on a day to day basis l am pretty nauseated at times by the way

embarrassment of wearing his dessen on his face! -ed

crusader for women's


thought we'd spare Doug




ABNORIII - Avunhuuto?"

political themes

Anew (?) band from Helsinki, Finland. Abnormi belts out 8 distorted punk tracks on this EP, which brings the classic Finnish sound to mind.

An intense, distorted anthemic release lhat although relies heavily on a specific 'sound', has an individuality that sets this band apart. Nice one! (Jordan) lf Society / Jyrangontie 7 as 1 / 00550 Helsinki / Finland

ACiO DIRECTA - Bevoltatnepudi ol Confronte/Besistencia CO hardcore bands-something about the music strikes me as being exceptionally urgent and direct. ACAO DIRECTAaTe no exception. What

Kuolemaan! CD lcouldn't wait to get my hands on this album and let me tell you I wasn't disappointed at all. This is a great display of raging Scandinavian hardcore. This record wastes no time at all and doesn't fuck around, straight to it balls out fury. A must buy tor fans of the scandi greats, (Chad)

Hardcore Holocaust

/ P.O. Box 26742


Flichmond, VA 23261

you get Irom these {olks is some very heavy and fast political hardcore from Brazil. Musicallythey run the tempo from fast hardcore to grind with blast beats. Good production and cool design

make this one a keeper-and I didn't even


PO Box 53


state oppression, war, borders,

Spanish, with commensurate translations included. The cover art is destined to be on the back of innumerable black vests and jackets, and believe me, we make wagers on that kind of shit here at PE. Also, my copy js on clear

vinyl, so l'm assuming that the entire first pressing is as well. (Mr H) Loderbrock Records / PO Box 25453 / Salt Lake City, UT 84125

DYSTOPIA playing three epic doom lilled songs that clock in at almost 45 minutes. lncredibly well written songs accented with cello and Iyrics that sound like they were taken from a tablet lound in a forest that has not been ventured since the days of old, This is great music to Iisten to while traveling across the blood scorched earth with

sacred ruins. (Chad)

Selby, North

Yorkshire lYOS sYZ / England

ATOXXXICO ABC WEAPONS - s/t 7D Mix the style dark and powerlul hardcore of FFTOM ASHES BISE, with the break-neck intensity oI HEAD HITS CONCRETE, and you'd

have a rough idea of what ABC WEAPONS sounds like. The lyrics are fittingly dark commentaries on the state of civilization and how easily people are duped into following self-

destructive institutions such as religion,

AFTERBIRTH- America Abe? Attes GD-r demo

fuckl I believe 'em too, as they even go into detail in the liner notes about how the British bolt action rifle Lee Enfield is their assassination weapon of choice for politicians and capitalist bastards. There's plenty oI artwork pushing the boundaries of acceptability, too. i/usic-wise these guys are punk metal with gruff, in your face vox. This

gooling off in their practice room. That aside, it's cool to see bands like ATOXXXICO get the treatmentthey deserve and it's even cooler have so much of theirs stutted in one package,

This AFTEBBIFTH hails from Scotland and these Scots are pissed as

demo sounds like an album to me- Good quality mix and a well rehearsed, tight band. Something tells me the next time I hear about AFTERBIRTH will be when they've been atrested! (Newt)

composed pocket sleeve design, and this particular copy is on a very cool deep-red

Scotland / so€ial.insecurlty@amsarve.nal

marbled vinyl. (Dan) Global Warning / PO Box 242 / Northcote 3070 / Victoria / Australia

ABDUCTEE S,D.- lt on't Stand Down CD Feminist punk rock that is lull of energy, ABDUCTEE S.D, is an all female 3-piece band Irom Stockholm, Sweden. They sound a bit like early riot gtrl bands,..if riot grrl bands had sung

in Swedish with crisper, cleaner, tighter instrumentals. Musically, it's upbeat, fast,

powedul punk rock addressing women's issues.

oI the lyrics are in Swedish, with

descriptions of the lyrics in English. The songs

address topics such as fighting against capitalism and patriarchy, the manipulation of media to coerce women into buying certain products to make them more "attractive", the importance of women being independent, and more. A solid record with upstanding politics, this should appeal to a wide audience. (Maygun) Communichaos l\,4edia / Box 825 / 101 36 Stockholm / Sweden





Decent live recordings of two bands on tour the west coast during the spring ol 2003. ATWAR are the touring name oI a couple of guys

the ENGLISH DOGS and their roadies ENGLISH DOGS

anarcho-punk bands. HOLOCAUST belt out 3

with former members prevented them lrom their proper name. On this recording they songs spanning the entire career ol the Dogs, but the best renditions are from the mid-'80's metal period (Forward into Battle, To the Ends

tracks of d-beat punk which is a pretty good mix



EMPIRE ofter up two tracks of slightly crustier anarcho-punk. One of which sounds like a raw version of CONTRAVENE, the other reminds me of early WARCOLLAPSE. They're lyrics have a

strong ecojriendly, green anarchy slant- "This is a good pairing, and both bands have more releases planned for the future, so be on the look out. This record also comes on clear vinyl which is an added bonusl (Bighteous) Threat to Existence Flecords / 20 Hackmore Ln. / West Hills, CA 91307 USA

This Finnish band has a raal polishsd 6ound with good production. Lots of screamin' going on top of some wild play between the guitars and

(Brian) Scenester Credentials / PO Box 1275 / lowa City, lA 52244 I USA/

[,4etalcore, perhaps? Definitely new school. Songs include "Dancing Off to War," "Working Class Anti-Hero," and more. lnteresting artwork to boot, (Newt) Fullsteam Records / PO Box 206 / 00101


This is a split record between two LA area

losia.pthtumltn CO.Z?

drums, but some choruses are sung. Very chaotic sound, but also very tight as well-

recordings of what is clearly the band just

Cryptas Records / Apdo / 16-052 / CP 02011 D.E i4exico

7 Dalkeith Road / Edinburgh EHl6SBW

ALL lS SUFFERING - s/t EP Maryland based brutal crust grind with a hint ol black metal. Recorded the same session as their EP on Crucial Blast Becords. This record has the same style and is fucking awesome. lf you don't know about ALL lS SUFFERING you should defiantly check them out. Brutal epic apocalyptic insanity. Pick this one up or go die.

ABDUrTIO - Paruatuu

- 7u tienes La I|ezonLP

This CD is actually the "Tu Tienes..." LP as well as a bunch of demos and other material from this often overlooked Mexican punk band. Most of the stufl on here is pretty rocking-good, metallic HC. There are some parts ol this CD that I lhink should have been lelt off, mainly the

nationalism, etc. l've not heard a whole lot oI punk rock coming out of Australia these days, but this band and EP are very impressive and continue to kick my ass each time I dare play it. The packaging is also really nice, with a nicely



and are blasted out in both English and

an army of forgotten souls in search of the

mention the RATOS DE POFAO and NAPALM DEATH covers, Pretty lucking acel (Doug)

Why Records


ASU|DEB - A Ctafion Call CO This is a new project featuring Dino o,

Everyone knows I'm a sucker for Latin American

A^RITILA - ...Ja Kaikki Paettyy



- s/t


tunes Some vague conllicl

ol the Earth). Not a good introduction to the band, but a musl for lans (like me!). CELL BLOCK 5 is mid-tempo west coast punk, in vein

of the DICKIES, with at least one member ol SOCIAL UNHEST. Good stuff, but I'd like to hear some studio work before truly passing judgment.

The stage commentary lrom both bands is as entertaining, if not more so, lhan the music itselfAnd I thought I swore like a luckin'sailorl (Mr. H) Malt Soda Flecordings, PO Box 761 1, Chandler, AZ 85246 /

AUDIO KOLLAPS - ,rusic ,tom an Extreme Sick Wottd LPICD The boys from BECHARGE do it again, The third release of their particular blend oI d-beat thrash, death metal (a la UNLEASHED and ENTOMBED), sprinkled with a touch of grind. It's just plain sick. Not for the faint of hearl. Up to par with the last LP, but this one's got better production. As usual, belted out in German, with English translations included, not that you could understand the cookie monster vocals anyway.

The first release on Loderbrock, but you'd never guess it by looking at and listening to this seven inch- lt's a high quality chunk of punk. Five quick, thrashy tracks with up beat, melodic leads and searing, scratchy vocals. Lies somewhere

Fucking hysterical cover of S.O.D.'s "Fuck the Middle East", but they changed the words to "Fuck the U.S.A.". Brilliant!! The packaging on the CD is visually superior to the LP (with an

VARUKERS (who, l'm guessing, they lifted their

format also includes the tracks off ot the split EP with WOLFBRIGADE. (Mr. H)

between AUS-ROTTEN and circa'84 name

lrom). The lyrics have straightforward

Jtloise Refuse

"Apocalypse Now" theme), but then again, vinyl always rules over plastic beer coasters. CD

Profane Existence #46

CD: CAH Records, PO Box 1421, Eau Claire' Wl 54702 / www.cahrecords com LP: Epistrophy, PF 3'12, 30003 Hannover, Germany / wglu.epis!rcphylc



Punkia,a CDIL?

15 tracks from Sweden about war, racism, and

tho system, in the DISCHAFGE sort ot way. Usually I get really bored wilh new Swedish hardoore albums but lhis recotd has plEnty ol hooks and drive to make it a great release' (chad)

Prank Flecords


P.O. Box 419092



Francisco, CA 941 41 - 0892 / www.or6nl(

BAll -


ol Disaster


can'l rave enough about this band! They tuckin rock me like a hurricane!!They haillrom Norwich UK, and leature 2/3 ol the great DEVIATED INSTINCT. But it you're expecting something in the same vein as Dl you'll be very disappointed. lnstaad they'vs taken lheir music in a whole new direction. They dety all boundaries, and cannot I

be compared to anyone. This is

more straightforward punk rock, yet really complex, with a very metal feel to it, and a serious rock vibe going on. You might even be able to say a near itoner-rock vibe. Bui that's not an entirely accurate description. You can't pigeonhole this band into any specilic genre. The guitar work is intricate, with some wicked riffage going on, the vocals are harshly screamed, and the drummer has an awesome style, which lits perfectly. The music is very dark, and heavy. And Mid's artwork

lor this album is amazing. lt's beautifully dark,


- Fitet 12"EP

The first thing I was ever told about this band was "They are Savannah's best kept secret" Well god dammit Savannahl You really shouldn't keep

secrets like that because they are one of the best bands l've heard in a long time with one oI the best records of the year. This 4 song 1 z"ep gives a devastating attack o{ slow doom melal, dark d-beat hardcore, and harmonized solos. lmagine il lron Maid6n were 6€nt to ths da*€st pits 6t hell and the only way thay could telurn is by smoktng a lot ol w6sd and staying the dark lorcos with ctushing doom and tiumphantguitar licks. These are seriously talented musicians and it shows. lf you ever get a chance to see them live you won't be disappointed...deaf but not disappointed. Buy thislucking recordl (Chad) Hyperrealist Becords / P.O. Box 9313 / Savannah, GA 31412 wwirr.hvo€ / www.yourberoness'com

BESTHdVEN - Just Anothet watsong EP First off, the cover-art is lucking tough' But really, that's the only tough aspect of this Braz ilian band, Blown-out, contrasted black and white imagery of crying babies, studio pictures, crucilixes, etc, etc, You got yourself a pretty straight-foMard D-Beat release here. But that stutt is lun as fuck to play, so I can dig it. ANTICIMEX wish they had these songs..-and the lyrics. "Bombs explod6 in lho Capilal. Tanks spree& in lhe ALL 8lro€ts.' I kid you not. Th6se guys seem lo have a E€nse o, humor about ths genre they've associated themselv63 with at l6ast. I think lhats kind ol ossentaal th6so days.



haunting and scary enough to give you

warsongs by BESTHOVEN... or ANTI-CI[/EX, or DISCHABGE, or DOOM, or HIATUS' or CBUDE SS. (Brian)

unnoticed h6r€ in ihe slaleB. With a CD-EP. a demo tape, and a lew comP tracks under their belt, this is by tar their best release yet! Do

Cries Of Pain / PO Box 1004 / Windsor CT 06095 / USA

nightmares. Bait havo been pleying togelh€rtot quite a whil6 now, but have gona soemingly

yours6ll a lavor and get a hold of thisl

(Blghleous) ln at lhe D6€p End Rscords / 82 Barlow Dtive South /Awsvrorth Noils / NG162TD / England / BACCT{US TEiIPLE

- Addicts

Koillgant ol 2oOOCO

At first listen this aulomatically made me think

SUICIDAL SUPERMARKET TROLLEYS with Lemmy (MOTOFHEAD) on vocals with a touch of CHAOS UK. Most ot the songs are in French with two being translated into English. All ot the songs arc very calchy and mad€ me wanl to pul aown a fa'l pinls end dance around lo the very memorable broakdowns. very snorgetic alcohol lueled punk! (Jake) I lel.lfax:02 96 32 22 67



Numb AgainT

This band plays brutal male/female fronted crust the way it is meant to be! They are passionate

in their political convictions, and their lyrics

rotlect that.They took everyone by storm on their recent North American tour, and if you didn't get a chance to see them, then you really missed oul.. They are lrom Montreal, and continue in that

cilies line tradition of producing great crust ban&. (Right6ous) Ballasl / PO Box 64 / Station c / Montreal, Ou€b6c / H2L-4J7

BAtlll - AnYwhete But Fotwetd 10"

BAMN hail from Swoden and play a blistering mix of grind and straight-ahead thrash. I'm

reminded of a less heavy version ol KONTHOVERS, also without the breakdowns. I think a 1o' may have been a bit much, as this disc kind of wore on after a while. Not bad' but nothing terribly gripping either. (Doug) Putrid Filth conspiracy I Box7092 I 2OO42 I Malmo/Sweden


- A noad to


DISCIDER comes out of Wisconsin playing your basic grindy crust with duall vocals. I think the drums get a little repetitive, but I think in time lhis band could be great. The T" comes in a silkscreened fabric cover. (Chad) First Blood Family Records / P.O. Box 1766 / Madison, Wisconsin53701


probably even tastes like G.l.S.M. But it's's the BLOOD SPIT NIGHTS discography, Crazy tucked up Portland heads doing circa'84 Jap-Punk-Noise. ll you don't know this sound

(Gasp!), it's kinda like contracling rabies...You've got to feel it! Think rock'n'roll guitar riffs played on a chainsaw, hyper bass distortion, DISORDER style beals, while the vocalist has wide awake neck surgery. And B-S.N. do it well. They've even got the mockJapanese bad syntax down pat, This disc has all lour of their vinyl releases plus an additional remix oI the "Ghoulish Reminders" EP Oh yeah, and one previously unreleased track: "Sliced Ham".,.Squeeeaaaaall (Mr. H)

Hardcore Holocaust

BLINDED - ltlotdaza CD Bleak, dreary death metal from Mexico with equally arcane personal/political lyrics. The sound quality on this is really good, but I can't say that the music grabbed me in one way or the other- Fans ol heavier punk shit like CORBUPTED or CHBISTDHIVEFi may want to checkthis out. Not bad, but notterribly gripping, either. (Doug) Blinded /Apdo. 153. / 01400 LAUDIO /Araba / Spain/ jblinded@euskainet.nel

Ariiliant Fulure LP I GD

Second full length lrom one ol today's most prominent Japanese thrash acts. This one's a little more metal than the "Acts ol Sheer Madness" LP, but not truly metal, 'cause there's no silly wanky guitar solos. A little too last to call it plain old hardcore, but not so l6sl a9 to

give il the grind label. For the sak€ ol

irqediency, let'6 call lt metallic punk-cote. lt's reminbcanl ot many NiPponese legends, such as DEATHSIDE, C.F.D.L., and NIGHTMAFE. The lyrics have politicat themes, and are spit out in their native tongue, with English

- ComPtete Co

I've got to be honest here, I picked this disc up and, at first glance, I thought I was looking at another G.l.S,M. reissue. I was wrong.'.and I was right. This looks, sounds, smells, and


- s/t


This is buzz saw hard core played at break neck speed! These guys don't hold anything back. This LP has 13 songs on it, '1 2 ol which are over belore you even realize they've started. They combine raw, and raging hardcore punk, with socio-political lyrics and thrash it out so fast you don't know what hit you. A great Iollow up to their previous 7". (Bighteous) Crime Scene Records / Box '13 82 / Colston Street / Bristol BSI 5BB UK

lrllsslol{sHlFrEB ' split 7"


translations included. (Mr. H) Angry Records / www.angalllrcromloqbogly Available on CD (wilh 3 bonus tracks) lrom Crimes Against Humanity / PO Box 1421 I Eau Claire / WI 54702 /

BOXINGWATER hail from Richmond, VA and play punk rock east bay style. liluch in the same vein as CRIMPSHRINE or early FIFTEEN, and

BLACKHOWLEB - demo GD Do you like evil vocals? Do you like creepy

Missionshifter are from Salem, [,,la and play somewhat melodic, bass driven punk, with really

melodies? Do you like doom-laden crust? Then you like Blackhowler. You may think that vocals

come trom the back photo, but K.T delivers brutal vocals with lyrics that are personally

charged and Calum and Simon deliver very solid rhylhm section. Nick's guitar wotk i8 hauntingly melodic and very heavy. ThiE is my lavorite of the reviews that I have done this month. For lans of HHIG and FROM ASHES RISE. (Jake)

BLACK IIARKET FETUS / DISCIDEB. SPlit 7" Wisconsin and lowa in this death match ol hay bail chucking, cow milking, and brutality. First let's start with BLACK MABKET FETUS: blazing and politically and socially conscious lyrics. Every time I hear on new record by these Des Moines

tast grind/crust with great metal solos

natives, they get more and more metal.

they have well written political lyrics.

good, educated, self-critical political lyrics. I really llke lhis band. The record comes on red vinyl, and I don't know if they're all like this, but my review copy came with a CD shifter tracks and an interview with a man named Francisco Ruiz. He was a mineworker and the victim of KGB slyle attacks against himsel{ and fellow organizers in his home country oI Columbia, at the hands ol union busting paramilitaries. All in all, it's a very good record. And I recommend getting a hold of the CD version for obvious reasons. (Bighteous) Overlook/Spent Records / PO Box 4444 Salem

/ MA 01907 /

THE BBOKEN FOCKERS - Run tn tha Ait CD A Japanese punk band that PUshes the boundaries of what is punk and what isn't. This has a lairly strong rock leel to it, but then again,

Jloise Refuse

so do a lot ot current Japanese punk bands. At times. this is fairly fast straight ahead punk rock, complete with guitar leads, wandering bass lines, and raspy shouted vocals. The songs are fairly long however, a tendency of more rockish punk bands, and there are some strange guitar etfects at times. There is also a UK '82 inlluence in their sound, resulting in this diverse 6 song CD. (Jordan) Unsure of Label (written in Kanji)


- t've tlad it With

Humanity CO

English translation/explanation ltaly's L'AMICO Dl l\.4AFITUCCl follow things up with some pretty intense hardcore and a vocalist that kinda just

yells and stuff. Lyrics are in ltalian, but there are some in-depth explanations in English for each song. Good thing these bands assume we're all a bunch of dumb-ass Americans. l'd be pretty lost to these bands if not for their concession to public education in the U.S- I sincerely thank you. (Brian) Thought Crime c/o Thomas Franke / Boxhagener Str. 22 I 10245 Berlin i GEBMANY

honestly didn't know what lwas in for with this CD until I checked the label and saw it was on

COiiCCtON - lnvertebrado CD This release continues COACCION's style oI

Busted Heads Records. lndeed Stockholm's

brutal crust not unlike DISRUPT or STATE OF FEAR. Thirteen songs oI mayhem, not a dud in the bunch. Very bleak lyrics make this one a keeper. Give em a shot. (Doug)


BRUCE BANNER keeps this label's rep running

as a source for fast, wicked thrash. I can definitely see this band going on tour and doing

nothing but tearing shit up in peoples'

basements. BB reminds me a lot oI the crazier HC stuff like LIFE's HALT or a slighily less manic DS-13. Pretty killer shit overall-not to mention

a rocking version ot JOY

split 7"

more I realize how good it really is and how much

they have their own thing going on. (Chad) Cryptas Becords / apartado postal #1 6-052 C-P 02011 Mexico, D.E Mexico

lhis Fucking

Nightmate LP

It's refreshing to put on a new hardcore LP and immediately get into it, without examining the package and trying to figure out what a band's about. This is tight, up-tempo hardcore punk from l\ilemphis, Tennessee, that's not boring, a

ripoll, or unimaginative. ln your face vocals tackle worthwhile subjects such as the war in lraq, a military drafl, childhood trauma, Memphis crime, and there's even a song about my home state, Mississippi, and that ignorant bigot Trent Lott (don't blame me, I didn't vote for him!). I believe one oI these guys was once in the band PEZZ, but the band itself is more along the lines of POISON IDEA, or NEGATIVE APPROACH.

This is good shit and refreshing because

GENOCIOE PROCESS really blow me away! They're slightly slower, very heavy crust, with a metal feel, and some rockin'breakdowns. They are from the Czech Republic, and really know

3811 1 /

CALL THE POLICE - 1984 IN 2OO3LP Well, ldon't have too much inlormation about this band besides being a female-fronted five piece and having a lyric sheet. The only thing was a web address, but on the site there was no info about the band, What I do know is that they play catchy, up-lempo punk with a slight MASSKONTROLL inf luence with an 80's peace-

punk sound. The lyrics are political but lean more towards the personal side. (Jake)


- Discography Cassette

stack of review materials and found that it contained both 7"s, some live material, and some yet unreleased material from one of my favorite ltalian bands from this decade! Great raw, aggressive music that is also upbeat and intricate, CONFUSIONE borrows from early Italian punk while creating a style all their ownVocals alternate between quick, intense and spastic to franlic screaming that will give you chills, with darkly personal lyrics sung in ltalian. lf you aren't familiar with CONFUSIONE, this is an excellent collection of their material. Beware, though, that the recording on this tape is really quiet. (Maygun) Ercoli Alessandro / Corso Laghi 8'l/91 / 10090 Buttigliera Alta (To) / ITALY / conf

licks. Lyrics about police,

sexism, racism, and the fall of the Soviet Union. (Newt) Sep. 06 Records / PO Box 629 / Boston, MA o2117

- split


CZOLGOSZ hail from Boston and weigh in here with two original songs and a CURE cover. ll you like your punk straight-ahead and political as fuck, you should definitely check them out. EN LA OLLA hail from New York City and play more of a sort of folk/punk style ol music, with very deep and personal lyrics. A good split-l'd like to hear more from EN LA OLLA. (Doug) Sep, 06 Records / PO Box 629 / Boston, MA o2117

DAGDA - fhreelold CD Ex members of BLEEDING RECTUM, PINK TURDS lN SPACE and JOBBYKRUST churn out

Iantastic heavy hardcore from Northern lreland in this, their first full-length release. The layout is artfully done and simply classy. Their name, DAGDA, is taken f rom the prominent lrish-Celtic god. One of his attributes is an enormous club, with one end ot which he could kill nine men, but with the other restore them to life,.,a litting visual Jor lhis group. This band will knock you down and pick you back up again; heavy, brutal

and dark yet fast, melodic and uplilting, the DAGDA is delinrtely one band not to miss! (Maygun)

CONSUME - s/t CD This CD compiles all oI CONSUME'S 7" vinyl output including the S/T 7", Forked Tongue 7", and the 2 splits with HELLSHOCK and FESOLVE. lt also has a track f rom the ALF/ELF compilation. I happen to be a major DISBUPT and STATE OF FEAR lan myself, so anything with Jay's involvement pretty much guarantees that I'm going to love it. His lyrics, guitar playing and vocals just draw me in. I don't want to take anything away from the rest ol the band, they're tight as fuck and help to make this stuff as appealing as they do. This CD also has a live show that you can watch on your PC, it's about 25 minutes long. (Ciderpunk) lnsane Society Records / PO, Box 6 / 5'10 01

PO Box 6591


Dun Laoghaire

/ CO Dublin /

lreland / dagdahardcore@



Demo CD

Wow, this is super Disc-corel A s-song demo

that will definitely please any Dis-band fan. At some points I actually forgot that I wasn't listening to Discharge. All of the songs are high energy from start to linish with the ritfing slightly

on the metal side. There's no lyric sheet included, but the vocals are clear enough that you won't need one. Unfortunately it says that this will not be released to the public. (Jake) Dealhcharge / PO Box 66876 / Portland, OR 97290 / USA

Hradec Kralove 2 I Czech Hepublic

www.insanesociety. net



Vocals wise the lyrics are sung, not screamed. Lyrics tackle war, globalization, and more, lI Dracula was an anarcho-punk, I imagine his


how to rage. Both bands are pissed otf because

ol life in this capitalist world, along with war, and all the innocent people who die because of it. (Bighteous) lmpregnate Noise Laboratories / Bohdan Mach / PO Box 2 / 76361 Napajedla / Czech Fepublic


thought Memphis punk was dead. Artwork is by Cad Auge (HlS HERO lS GONE). (Newt) Soul is Cheap / P.O. Box 1 1 552 / Memphis, TN

BADICALA plays two-guitar up tempo punk rock

with a lot of double kick drum. Tight bandl

interesting guitar

Somehow I slumbled across this tape in the



sound interjects here- Very good tight band with

as hell, and good at what they do. MASS

BUMBKLAATT come out of southern CA and play an excellent mix of dark heavy crust and thrash with multiple vocals sung in English and Spanish wilh energy and intensity with well written lyrics. At first I passed this band off as another WOFILD BURNS TO DEATH / TRAGEDY band but the more I listen to it the


split CD Not much info was provided on these bands, but from the cover I can gather that CRITICA HADICALA is trom Flomania while CZOLGOSZ is Bomanian via Boston. Music-wise CHITICA

RADICALA. CZOLGOSZ sound very similar, minus the double bass, more of the Boston


COMA are from Sweden and play lucking raw, distorted, heavy-ass, grinding crust. They're lasl

- Giegos CD

REGIMENT in Spanish, and you're good to go. I was really impressed with both bands- don't miss out on this! (Maygun) Mala Faza / APD C 6037 I 50080 I ZaAgoza I Spain / www' Tofu Guerrilla i stedinger str 58 / 28203 Bremen / Germany .

band would sound a little like CFITICA COMA / MASS GENOCIDE PROCESS


"lnterzone." (Doug) www.bugledheads-com


First Blood Family / PO Box 1766 / lvladison, Wl

fantastic; think LA FRACTION meets POST

- split


CEIVIENTEFIO start things olf with a noise reminiscent of a less-intense YACOPSAE, But that's only because it's not straight blasting lor

the entire song. And holy shit, is lhat


TRUMPET??!? Tough-as-nails hardcore right up until the very end. Lyrics in Spanish with

CRIATURA / DISFACE - split 7" This is an excellent split release jrom two Spanish bands. CBlATURArock upbeat, punchy

DEATI{ MOLD - Kampo CD I don't have much inlo on this band (besides the bass duties being lilled by Calum ex-Ol POLLOI), but they are amazing! Hailing lrom NYC they play fast HC that almost has an early nineties feel to it with the main vocals reminds me of a cross between the CRUMBSUCKEBS

music with throaty, melodic dual vocals. The vocals are especially catchy as they harmonize and echo with one another. DISFACE is female

and BATHTUB SHITTER, and very low gruff

Ironted ripping punk from Spain. These guys are

backing vocals. This is an older five song EP,

Jloise Refuse

Prolane Existence #46

but trom what I understand there s something a bit newer available. (Jake)



1982-85: Come Une

Ptomessa CD Being a huge fan of old ltalian punk, but poor, I was stoked to see this CD. lt's packed lull of rereleased, hard to get yer hands on material from these amazing ltalian hardcore legends. This is a must-have lor fans ol old'80s ltalian punk-

,ast, raging and full of energy in the vein of WHETCHED, NEGAZIONE, etc. These guys rock! (NIaygun) Declino c/o Marzio Bertotti i Via Poggio 34 / '1 0 55 / Torino / ITALY / 1


- lhe Finat Warl,P

The back of the record says "raw d-beat lallout punk" and that about sums it up. That pretty much includes all the adjectives I could've used to describe this, lt's very methodical d-beat punk, with raw fuzzed out production, and typical lyrics

apparently from Memphis and live very nearby my Mississippi hometown, so I would definitely like to check this band out live. HIS HERO lS

GONE bassist Carl Auge is leatured on this recording, too. (Newt) Life is Abuse / P.O. Box 20524 / Oakland, CA 94620 /


s/t CD

This two-piece from Portland, OFI features a drummer and cellist- Primarily instrumental, there are occasional vocals used more as a third instrument- screams. The resull is a sound that is minimalistic and poignant, but at times it gets a little repetitive. What they are doing is original and darkly pretty; I would like to see these songs

become more deveioped and detailed- DIS is off to a great start- I can't wait lo see where they go Irom here. Delinitely worth checking out(Maygun) DIS / 4526 NE 13rh Ave / Portland / OR / 9721 dischargeinformationsystem

about war, destruclion, and human suffering. lt's

not exactly my thing, but I know a shit-ton ol people who love this type of stutf, and il your one of them, you delinitely wont be disappointed by this record. lf you like disclose then you should check this out. (Righteous)

Hardcore Holocaust / www,


- Demo EP

4 songs released on their demo cassette "Awake". DESOLATION pulls some influence from Japanese style hardcore, and some various D-beat crust bands. Harmonized "burning spirit" style leads, misanthropic lyrics, backed by crushing drums sets this band apart from a lot of bay area bands. Play thislucker loud ordon't bother. (Brian) No Options / PO BOX 222a5 I Oakland CA 94623 USA

THE DEIONAIOBS - Barrs To YoUCD This is a CD reissue of THE DETONATOFS 1998 LP Hailing lrom Eugene, Oregon, THE DETONATOBS have been around for twenty

years, The music is straight

Jorward, upbeat,

and at times this reminds me of GBH, These guys aren'l alraid to play solos either, and that's f ine with me! Lyrics tackle the Rat Race, wasting time, and other social subjects. This band rocks, the sound quality is good, plus its got late 80's punk written all over it. (Newt) NFN / PO Box 10384 / Eugene, OR 97440


- How t Leerned ao Stop

Wofiying and Fotgel the Bomb CD

Debut LP by this British outfit, which claims members of DOOM, STALINGRAD, and EXTREIVIE NOISE TERBOR, Though it sounds

most like the latter in their more recent period ("Phonophobia" and later), it's gol more experimental dimension, bringing OPTIMUM WOUND PBOFILE to mind. Classic dueling

vocals, i-e., bloody shrieks vs. grumbling bulldozer, pitched over brutal metal-core. This is a little too polished for my tastes, but many lans of the alorementioned bands, as well as metalheads into the likes of CARCASS and NAPALM DEATH , will enjoy


Lyrically it's a

bit ot an enigma, ranging f rom the overtly misanthropic to the genuinely concerned. lI you can f igure it out, let me know. (Mr. H) ln at the Deep End Records



- lour


press CD (of 100) compiling tracks lrom their split 7" with BLACK IVIARKET FETUS, Drinking To Forget The Future 7", 2 unreleased tracks and 3 compilation tracks not yet available as of the release of this CD. Unfortunately this doesn't have the lyrics printed, so I can't comment on what these guy's may have to say about this

fucked up society we live in. Check this out il you can find it. (Ciderpunk) Discideri PO. Box 260276 / Madison, Wl 53726

- Dog AtaackCO

This is a very well done DIY CD release from

Malaysia. The lyrics and explanations

are written in English and very short and to the point. The subject matter ranges from animal wellare and environmentalism, to war and even a song about how much they love Dis-bands. The lowli recording and the packaging are both well put together. (Jake) Encik Shahril I #4 Jalan'18 168 / 40200 Shah Alam. / Selangor Darul Ehsan / Malaysia


- s/t 7"

When I first heard the demo from this band I played it over and over till I had it memorized. This is the vinyl version of that same demo. This is some good catchy PunkFuckingBock! A lot ol people must like this as much as I do cuz I guess the lirst pressing sold out pretty damn quick! Another press is being made as I write this so more of you bastards can pick this up soon! My record was part of a limited run of like 61 or 62(out of 1,000) that included a patch, button and a trading card of one of the band members. [,4ore geek information...the first press was on red clear vinyl, I can't recall what color Dan told me the second press was going to be... yellow maybe? The lyrics on this are good, in your lace political ferocity. lt brings a sadistic smile to my Iace whenever I listen to Reagan's Ghost now since the old fuck finally kicked the god damned bucket recently! lt's sad how true the lyrics to that very song are these days though, Another great PE Records release. (Ciderpunk) Profane Existence Records

DIMLAIA- s/t CD Dark and moody, ambient and heavy. NEUROSIS comes to mind here, and surprise, surprise, NEUROSIS bassist, Dave Edwardson, mixed this album. Despite that there's not a lot of info provided on this band, DIMLAIA are

Profane Existence #46

exact stud count on the band's collective jackets. (Mr. H) Hardcore Holocaust


- demo


As with other releases that are packaged


screen-printed cardboard, I was alarmed at first when looking at this CD, fearing even more recycled emo crap to add onto all of that sort of thing that l've already been exposed to. Fortunately, DOLPHIN play some pretty upbeat

and rocking stuff- For some reason I think of BORN AGAINST as an inlluence on this band. Not a bad effort at all-very eco-positive, pro-bike lyrics to go along with the punk attack on this one. Good recording quality as well. (Doug) Oolphin I 2223 H St. / Bellingham, WA 98225


I could not pass up the chance to review these guys, I am a big Dis-band kinda guy and well...l kinda like cider a little bit too. This is a limited


solid etfort out of Portland, America's second city

of punk! P.S. l'll give you my copy if you can give me an

- Barking ol the Oogs o, wa? CD


Seven song CD of straight forward charged hardcore punk. Similar to DEFIANCE (gee, I wonder why?) circa mid '90's, but concentrating more on speed than melodic leads. Perhaps it's the vocals, but it reminds me quite a bit ol TERVEET KADET as well. You'll swing your fists in the air to "Air Baid", among others. Another

DOIA ilALDAD - Y EI ESTAdO tl ipocri aa Conti nua Asesina do.., LP Wow, this band has vastly improved since their split EP with Generacion Perdida (and they were pretty good on that release!), They still play the same diy hc punk, but on this this lull length, they have a way better production, which adds quite a bit oI power lo the songs and gets rid ol some of the murkiness. l\ilore etfort has been put into the writing process itself which is quite evident after listening to the record. l\ilost of the songs are still mid tempo anarchopunk, although they slow it down on some songs, giving the album more depth and variety and an overall better impression. Shouted vocals, catchy riffs and unwavering drumming make this one hell oI a release. A split release between two great diy labels, Alerta Antilascista and Les Nains Aussi records. (Jordan) Les Nains Aussi Records / c/o Nicolas Retiere / 'l Rue Edgar Quinet / 38000 Grenoble / France


PERDIDA - split EP GENERACION PEBDIDA, from Lima, Peru, crank out 3 cool anarchopunk songs on this split, They sound similar to SIN DIOS at times, a little slower maybe but still straight lorward raw hc punk, although they do tend to lean towards the catchy style of early DEFIANCE as well. A very interesting band with a heavy anarchist slant.

on the flip is DoNA MALDAD, a

DIY anarchopunk band trom Venezuela. DONA |\iIALDAD play a similar style, maybe a little more

loji and with more thrashy parts. They do slow things down on the last song, which is catchy while still retaining the DIY HC intensity the band exudes on the first two songs. This EP is a great South American release, on no less than 9 differenl labels trom Europe, Central and South America- Up the DIY anarchopunx! (Jordan) Les Nains Aussi Becords / c/o Nicolas Fletiere / 1 Bue Edgar Quinet / 38000 Grenoble / France / les_nains aussi@libertysurf .fr

- Guantanamo Bay Uoliday 7" This is an EP oJ exceptional HC lrom this DRAFT DODGER

Australian band, DBAFT DODGER spew out 6 songs of Poison ldea style punk, guaranteed to turn any lislener into a dedicated fan. They strike the proper balance between Rock and Punk, never venturing too far Jrom their punk roots into rock territory. They aren't opposed to slowing things down a bit at times, but lor the most part, this is mid-paced HC punk rooted firmly in 80's American punk rock. The lyrics deal with political issues with a cleverness that is lacking in many punk records. Putthis on and turn it upl (Jordan)

Endless Blockades


PO Box 3023

Brisbane BC / Old 4101 i Australia

lloise Refuse




- Demasiado fatde Pata

Pedtu Petdon LP Several months back we received some EPs from this band and lwas totally amazed when I

it Even more to my amazement was the fact they had several LP's out, this being the newesl and best. EKKAIA are from Spain and play a heavy brand of hardcore/punk that could be loosely categorized with bands such as FROM ASHES RISE, HIS HEHO lS GONE, etc. Each song is incredibly well-crafted, based on non-stop drum beats and crushing wall of Iistened to

personal and poetic, speaking a lot ol uncertainty and searching lor meaning- in nature, in life, in relationships I rather liked it, but if you want your music heavy, dark, mean, or fast, this is not the 7" tot you. (Maygun) Fistolo Flecords / PO Box 2836 / Upper Darby / PA / 1 9082 /

breakdowns that I'm sure has everyone at the gig lumping up and down with their fingers in the air. The lyrics are translated into English, and it is evident that these guys are intelligent and spent some time working on both the lyrics and the explanations throughout the booklet. A thoughtlul release and definitely not just another typical SXE record. (Jordan)

EXTINCTION OF UA?IKIND - rho Nightfiare Secorrds LP

Take Four Collective/ PO Box 3900/ CPO Manila 1000/ Philippines

This is the long awailed second album from EXTINCTION OF MANKIND, who, in my

sound from bass guitar, but with loads of hooks, breaks, and sudden tempo changes, matching exactly the mood of each song. The lyrics are

opinion, are one oI THE crust bands of late. And by "crust," I mean fucklng !ruc crust, and not any of the million and one bands trying to ape

growled in Spanish, but there are translations for each song in English, French, and German. l'd recommend picking up any of this band's records, but this one is clearly their best. (Dan) Alerta Antifascista / PO Box 2318 I 2491'3 Flensburg / Germany

the "dark hardcore" sound of bands Iike

Musically this band is based on the raw punk style ol classic Scandi-thrash, peppered with a

TRAGEDY. EOM have been on the scene ior years and have only gotten better and better at their game. There is definitely a metal leel on this record, especially in the production, but I think that only adds to the power ot the music. I think the defining element in EXTINCTION OF MANKIND is definitely Ste's hoarse, growling vocals, especially with their dead-on version of AMEBIX's "Arise." "The Nightmare Seconds" is

dash of Japanese punk, seasoned with

definitely this band's best stuff so far and a must

DISHUPT/ENT vocals, and served over a bed

for anyone who has ever given a toss about "crust." (Doug)


- s/t 7"

of perlectly executed grind With all these influences, it's hard to believe this band originates lrom the sell-proclaimed punk rock backwater known as Cincinnati, Ohio (equally hard to believe, because so much oI our writing staff lives there, including this band's guitar player; Diamond Doug). Presentation here is

top-notch, having a nice pocket-sleeve and coming on an awesome shade ol blood red and black marbled vinyl, My personal taste calls for a better-produced recording, but that aside, this four-song EP is absolutely worth hunting down

and slapping on your turntable. l, you've completely the lelt analog world, then my friend, you are being deprived ol another ol life's little treasures by the digital juggernaut. (Dan) Torture Garden Picture Company / 2039 Biver Downs Cl / Forest Hills, MD 21050

ESKAPO - Katayaan CD Urgent political hardcore with lyrics (some in English, others in Tagalog - the language of the Philippines) that tackle racism and the bullshit you have to go through as a Filipino in the United

States. This seltreleased CD reminds me of YOUTH AGAINST, both in sound and message - pride in the lace of racism and concern and hope for their communities. There's also some more melodic songs and some "whoa's" and "oi's" that weren't really up my alley. Pick this up for $6, plus a buck or two shipping, from the band. (the bastard) 127 Missouri St. / Vallejo, CA / 94590 / eskapo@

EIAE - Fottcn fo lhe CoteEP

Prolane Exislence Records


- Bum Down the Coilupted

,ruatice CD A brand new record from Japanese rockers FORWARD. I wasn't too impressed with their last record but this is a lot better. The songs vary from a GAUZE style hardcore to a bit more rock n roll style- I found myself really liking some songs and being really bored with the others. But hey il you don't like it, it's only 20 minutes long. (Chad) H.G. Fact / 105 Nakano Shinbashi-m / 2-7-'15 Yayoi-Cho / Nakano, Tokyo, 164-0013, Japan /

FROU THE ASI{ES - Hind Vortex CO What a fucking ripperl This 3-piece Swedish grindcore destruction unit is completely mindblowing. Every one of the 23 songs on this CD deliver super last, heavy, tight tunes with very intelligent lyrics that deal with the trials and tribulations of not being mentally blind. Beminiscent of the early 90's English grind movement (i.e, NAPALM DEATH, RIPCORD, INTENSE DEGBEE, etc.) with hints of what

there is a lot ol energy that goes into GARMONBOZIA'S songwriting, to the point

where the end result is something that not a lot

of bands can do. I like the lact


GARMONBOZIA can have a really haunting sound, but can turn up the power without any weird transitions. A lot ol folks may get hung up on the lact that this band has a cello player, but I think it provides a different (and a lot of times, creepy) angle to what's going on-although the music isn't as out there as, say, GUTS PIE EABSHOT. I think the song 'Breaking the Silence" rules hard as well, providing a lot of commentary on women in the punk scene in a style that is half-spoken and half-sung. This LP may be hard to swallow for some, but overall it is a very intense release and breaks a lol ol ngw ground in terms of what the Prolane Existence record label puts out. (Doug) Prolane Existence Records

ItABUll SCABUT - lhe Lact Ltght 12"

Firsl of,f I gotta say that I've loved this band since the lirst time I saw them about 5 years ago at the lnferno in Mpls. They played a show with the mighty Ol POLLOI, BROTHER INFEBIOR and SPAZM 1 51 , I'll never lorget that show! l'd never heard them belore and thoy blew me lhe fuck awayl They were a 4 piece at that point, but have been recording and doing shows as a 3 piece lor the last few years. On this new record we get 7 blazing tracks of awesome punk fucking

ln short one ot the coolest bands I've been

oB 972'tl

introduced to in quite a while. lmpressive, most impressive. (Mayson)

Acoustic Trauma / the /


The demos are $3 ppd with patch, This is the best all out DIY release that I have received. The tape is a pure punk rock 3-piece with all members sharing vocals. The writing is excellent on this release, not repetitive-just

straight forward ECONOCHRIST



- e/t


Fast and raging political punk hom Torino, ltaly.

Havoc's sound harks back to 80s ltalian

hardcore bands such as WRETCHED,

TllE GEI{RE - Ihe A?eat

hardcore. There are probably not any sufficient adjectives in the English language to describe this Hakodate City trio. This was originally released as a l\4CD on the Japanese label Straight Up. The guitar work on here is as good, or better than their contemporaries and the bands they succeed. Melodic, powerful and brilliant songwriting. Canl really comment on the lyrics, because it's all in Japanese. You know the deal. Essential? You bet your ass. (Brian) Cries Of Pain / PO Box 1004 / Windsor, CT


/ FILTH. This includes a cut-

and-paste-style j-card that's reverse side has a coverof the DIO Holy-Diveralbumwith FTG over the 'DlO.' And this is finalized with a cover of FILTH's, "The List." Beautitul. (Jake) Matt Wong / 1105 St. Joseph St. / Rapid City,

KOLLECTIVO, and NEROFGASMO. This CD leatures both original releases as well as 3 covers of bands lrom that era. The lyrics, translated into English, are both overtly political

and private; topics range from combating religious and political bullshit to addressing individual lear and emptiness. Fast and lull of energy, with throaty vocals that are pissed off and in your lace- if you like old ltalian hardcoro, you want this record. (Maygun) Zas Autoproduzioni c/o Marco Tournoud / Viaroma 59 / 10056 Oulx / ITALY /

HAYilAnKEf - Piospact and EnstayoCO This frenzied melodic hardcore is completely

this band made it at limes reminiscent of

FUED - Baatling Bestatds ol Fteedon CO This is a raging disc from the Philippines. FEUD combines the best elements ol straight edge hardcore with 625-type thrash and come up with something that is more than the sum of the parts.

AGAINST MEI Their lyrics, however, are quite

Excellent hoarse thrashy hardcore with

Acoustic folky punk with male and lemale vocals, this is catchy, sweet but sad, sing along sort of music Musically, the upbeat acoustic nature of


Sweden's currently doing in that area (NASUM, LOCKUP and OBLIGATOFISK TOBTYR, etc.)

Liberator Cassette

EVIL ROEOT US - tn Song and tn Dance 7t'


rock that never lets up. These ladies have never let me down. What else can I say....great band, great album, now drop what yer doing and pick this iucker up! (Ciderpunk) Partners ln Crime / PO. Box l7A7 I Portland /

Blistering, thunderous, fist-in-the-lucking-air

06095 / USA


ln all honesty, I didn't care a whole lol lor this record when l rirst heard it, mainly because l'm a jaded bastard when it comes to hearing a lot of new bands, especially ones that are louted as having a "dark" style, which I think has been done to death. However, lhis record really grew on me after hearing it a couple of times. I think

Noise Refuse

sung in French with clean vocals that are shared by all four members ot the band. There are no translations, but I lind that refreshing as it's nice to see bands not lind it so important to stray from their native tongue. lt does come wilh a French lyric sheet if you teel like trying your hand

Profane Existence #46

at translation. The opposite side of the sheet is

a fold out poster of French protesters. (Jake)

MUSI CANABD Label A Plumes/ Nantes

France/ 06 89 79 35 85 www.canardmusique,com

tDtor savAilr / wHo's ilY savlouR - split LP

HEAD HITS GOilGBETE - rhY Kingdom Come Undone CD

a hangover. (Mr. H) Crimes Against Humanity /

- fea Yout Poison

Scream CD This is pretty ripPing. A raw recording of breakneck hc thrash from Finland that slides into more of an old-school '80s HC ala tvllNOR

THREAT feel at times, complete with moshy breakdowns. Fans ot DS-13 will dig. Furious screaming trade-olf vocals in Finnish and English, these dudes are pissed about the failures of induslry and the destructive cultures that are killing us. They're not breaking any new ground, but they keep it interesting with rapid changes and urgency. And they don't waste any

time - this CD clocks in at just over twenty minutes. (the bastard) ll Society / Jyrangontie 7a1, 00550 Helsinki, Finland / cD distributed by Ebullition in usA




Kind of an odd pairing here-Oregon's SHOT ON

arose Jrom lhe ashes of Victoria, British

SAVIOUR play a lierce mix oI crust punk and straight-up grindcore that is very savage both lyrically and musically, To be honest, IDIOT SAVANT didn't do a whole lot

Columbia's BLACK KHONSTADT and is very

unlistenable, it's just that there are too many quiet breakdowns that had me scratching my head after a while. Both bands could have benefited Irom better production, although the packaging on this record is pretty cool. (Doug) Samuel Records / PO Box 263 i 397 01 Disek / Czech Bepublic / http://samuelrecords-net

would be so bold to say that ISKRA is a lot more straighttorward, bordering on black metal at times, but with enough venom and bile to make tor a brulal, crushing sound. lncidentally, this band slays live and are some of the nicest and non-imposing people l've ever met, Give ISKBA a chance, you won't be let down- (Doug) Prolane Existence Records

Germany's WHO'S

Hailing lrom the great white north of Winnipeg, Canada, this is a CD compilation of their EPs and splits... 48 tracks in all, including a lew live cuts. lt's essentially a series ol short, hypetr violent, grinding and discordant blast beats aimed directly at this world ol shit. Not unlike FEAR OF GOD OT RUPTURE, but thE VOCAIS are lar more screechy. Try pulling out your tonsils with a piano wire. This stuff 's a little too spastic lor me, but you know, I'm an old lart with


endlessly on how inane metal (especially "black metal") is and then produce music that sounds exactly like it- From the looks of the cover of the ISKRA LP, it's easy to think that's what youte in for. By now everybody knows that this band

(Emo Wuss) AWrench ln The Gears Becords / 1133 Hunter Foad / Wilmette, lL 60091 USA



ISKRA - s/t LP l've remarked in the past of how punks will rail

school style lhey play. Shit they hand silkscreened the awesome is that?


much like that band in the sense that their songs are a little more on the complex side ot things and that they take on a lot of the same things

lyrically (religion, capitalism, etc.). However,

lor me, Their side of this split isn't totally

lllPEBlAL LEAIHEB - s/t EP lmagine if POST HEGIMENT decided to play rock and roll and you'll end up with something like IMPERIAL LEATHEB. This 7" is four songs oJ high-octane punk rock and tucking roll with oddly personal and intelligent lyrics. I was a sucker for the female vocals as well as the production of this 7." The guitar sound is right in your face without sounding mastered to death.

Delinitely recommended for fans of later POISON IDEA or ZEKE. Rocking! (Doug) Communichaos Media / Box 825 / 101 36 / Stockholm / Sweden


- split 7"

From what I gather, this is the first vinyl release from any Bulgarian hardcore bands, and being of such high quality, I'm hopelul there will be much more to come. Both bands hail from Varna and play well-constructed and powerful songs along the lines ol the type hardcore punk coming

out of Western Europe these days, although OUTRAGE seems to lean towards a NYHC

SIGHT bust out two songs ol straighLahead

sound, Lyrically they take on subjects aimed at

thrash. HUMAN SHIELD barf outlour songs of fairly evil-sounding grindcore. Good stutf trom

revenge against personal betrayal. The

both bands, although I'd like more insight into each band's lyrical content-especially HUMAN SHIELD, whose first cut on this is called "Wet TShirt Contest." (Doug) Evil Robenchi Records / 1 625 Grant St. / Salem, oR 97303

- s/t

EP I think I ACCUSEI Are the latest contenders in the pissed-off, straight-ahead style o, hardcore made famous by bands like TEAR lT UP Eight songs ol very tight, stop-and-start lhrashcore minus thetrendy "Youth Crew" breakdowns. l'm


not a huge fan of this style, but I ACCUSE thrash hard enough to make me forget. Not a bad first

release. (Doug)

Sound Pollution / PO Box 17742 / Covington,




- SPatks lun lo

Flames CD

lceland's answer to bands like THE SWARM' BUINATION or STRIKE ANYWHERE and ARTIMUS PYLE. At limes melodic and fast punk with a hard edge. AT times heavy as fuck with crazy mosh metal breakdowns. All brilliantly executed if you ask me. Lyrics that come off as personal and inspiring ralherthan rehashed and preachy. (Emo Wuss) I Adapt / Hverafold 21 112 I Baykjavik, lceland


- srt

LP Some mid paced hardcore from the mid west (Chicago to be exact). This reminds me a lot ol the RUNAMUCKS lrom Florida and there seems to be some DEAD KENNEDYS influence' lt Jeels

like they would really rock out live on this material. Perhaps the driving vocals or old

exposing the lies ol politicians, as well as taking

packaging is a really artfully made play on the band's names, are hand-numbered ol a single pressing of 5OO, and the vinyl is a nice shade of red. (Dan) Bombheart Records / 1 0440 Swift Stream Place #310 / Columbia, MD 21 044

JACK fHE RIPPER - Fight the SYsteD lot Peace and Freedom co So the band name made me think I was in lor a world of street punk hurt, I was wrong. JACK THE RTPPER is fantastic Japanese hardcore punk. Prime-era OISCHARGE style punk with beefy BROKEN BONES riffs and souped up

modern production- Archetypal anti-statist peace punk lyrics and war torn black and white packaging. Bonus Features: Dive bombers and nuclear blasts. This one didn't leave the disc player tor at least a week The onlY disappointment is that it's pretty short, only nine tracks, but then again, isn't all good punk shorl and tast? (Mr. H) Bronze Fist Becords / htto://soundlo/bronz€Ilsu

JAHILIA / SECRET 7 - SPlit 7" Whoa dood...sweet. Fans of international hardcore take note of these two amazing bands

lrom Singapore. JAHILIA plays some tast hardcore with some real posi lyrics. Damn! Some oI their blast beats are so effing fast! SECRET 7 is a band that I've liked lor a while so getting this split was an awesome surprise' They belt the fastcore tunes out: short, sweet and posi.

Awesome layout (skateboards and skulls!!!), Socio-political lyrics give a lot ol insight into this

scene and the peoPle involved in

EP INFAMY play the kind of bold sounding, dark go nuts for without hardcore that the kids becoming too generic. This is a good first release lrom this band-just a 7" full oI evil hardcore in the vein of DIALLO or a faster version of LOST. Appropriately evil lyrics and cool blood red wax round this one out. (Doug) sjakk N4att Platter / PO Box 7008 / N-0306 oslo / Nomay

IN THE FACE OF COLLAPSE 'T'S wtetched Slumbet CD + booklet I thought this was a tanzine at first, but it turns out this is really a D.l.Y CD with a booklet. Can't get much more D.l.Y. than this: spray painted CD, hand drawn art, handwritten lyrics, Xeroxed. Even lhe recording was done in a basement with minimal equipment- The sound is loJi, but not

bad. This Missouri band reminds me


ANTISCHISM. Lyrics tackle time-honored traditions ot animal rights, patriarchy, sexual liberation, and equality. Something tells me these guys and gal had a good time producing this proJect! (Newt) $4ppd to Das Fantaastikaal Haus / 31 3 N 8'h St. / Columbia, MO 65201

it and


desperately wish to know more- Worth more than checking out, this is worth supporting. (Emo Wuss)

ll{FAllY - s/t


fuhammed Fairuzbin Taswadi

/ blk 2o4


Marsihing dtive #o7-2oB / Singapore 730204


- s/t


KAKISTOCFACY are a raging anarcho-punk band from Asheville, NC. l've liked these guys lor a long time, and I was so excited to hear that they were finally putting out a full LP Their music has matured a lot on this one. They shy away

from the bouncy CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE feel they used to have, and really step it up here' This material is a lot heavier and crustier than be'fore. lt even has a little metal thrown in lor good measure. Not only do these guys luckin rip, but the lyrics are really educated, well written, intelligent, passionate, dedicated and political as fuck. This is a tour edition of the Le with hand-screened cover. lt was limited to 300' so by the time you read this, they'll probably all be gone. But I know there is an ofticial release coming out real soon. So be on the look out. (Righteous)

Sell released / ruledbylools@yahoo,com

- Oaro Puto gia lltas Aguantando CD


A nice surprise here.-.twelve tracks ol straightahead and anthemic hardcore from Mexico, I presume. Unfortunately, my Spanish is pretty shitty so I don't have much of a clue what the

lloise Befuse

songs are about. However, judging from the layout on the cover and "Odio Y Dinamito," I would guess it is some pretty raging antigovernment stuff. I liked this CD a lot. (Doug) Cryptas/


- s/t EP

Because oI the name, comparisons of this band to MOB 47 are inevitable but KARNVAPEN

ATTACK are not quite as fast as the aforementioned Swede band, The super-fast

sound is there though, and the vocals remind me a lot oI Martin's (CRUDOS/LIMPWRIST). lf you can get past the warped cover art, you are assaulted with eight songs of brutal fucking fastcore. I bet this band slays live. (Doug) Mala Raza / PO Box 6037 / 50080 Zaagoza I


- fitbake lil Stad


KOLOKOT are definitely on the heavier side of things but have a trace ol melody in their songs without venturing too far into that category like so many other bands do these days. I would definitely be into hearing more lrom this band.

Each song is a strong, catchy, and memorable peace punk anthem worthy ol the band's glory days. I can hear all those interested in anarcho or peacepunk breathing a collective sigh of reliel atter listening to this EP.., An excellent quality release on a great new label! (Jordan) Alternative Flecords / PO Box 281 / Berkeley,

My copy came on white wax. Check it out.

cA/94701 /USA

(Doug) Sjakk I/att Plater / Postboks 7008/N-0306 / Oslo, Norway

LUDICBA - lnolhet Gteat Love Song GD Fuck yes! LUDICFA's second album - and

Cool first EP from this Norwegian band.


- Skitsamhalte 7"

DISCHAHGE styled hardcore with gruff vocals and short songs. Not sure what the lyrics are about because they're not in English! (Newt) Nils Kajsajuntti / Tendergatan 7 I 973 44 lulea I Sweden


- Vision o, tnsane tlope


Holy shitl What a lineup- featuring Victoria lrom DAMAD and Scott lrom ANTISCHISM, KARST is ultimately dark, intricately layered, and a tad maniacal. Varied male vocals slip in front of and behind haunting female vocals that range from

melodic chants to animalistic screams and growls Everything about this band lits into place like a darkly delicate puzzle; instruments, digital noise and vocals dance together to create a conglomerate, nihilistic beast of a sound that is at once demonic and beautiful. This is so good it hurts- be ready. (Maygun) Karct I 121 East 63'd Street / Savannah, GA 31 405 / USA / Hater of God / PO Box 666 / Troy, NY 1 2'l 81


- Sadistic

Wat Clory LP

Usually d-beat bands do nothing for me, bul there's just something about Kegcharge that blows me away! lt could be the above average recording quality (for a d-beat record, it's not quite as raw and fuzzed out as some others) it could be the sardonically witty, and timely political lyrics, the fact that they know they're a d-beat clich6 and make no etfort to cover it up, or it could be the fact that they fuckin rock hard as hell! This shit makes you wish you were up lronl at their show with your fist in the air, raging like there's no tomorrow. lonly wish this record was longer, nine songs just isn't enough. My only bee, with lhis record is that the cover art has a

picture ot some Nazi soldiers llying swastika flags and giving the Sieg Heil, Now lthink we all know what kind ol message they're trying to convey by using this imagery, but I feel that swastika's have no place on the cover of a punk

record no matter what kind of anti{ascisuantiwar message they're putting across, due to their

inherently olfensive nature, and the very passionate {eelings it stirs up in some people.

As well as lhe ease at which it could


misinterpreted by the average viewer, who isn't well versed in punk rock symbolism. But all in all, it's a killer record! (Bighteous)



tOO Degtee Heat tndex CO

Yet another excellent release lrom this rockin' Savannah band, KYLESA will have you in a headlock. The best way I can think to explain their music is that, after every lime I see them, I feel like I've been in a car accident. My whole body aches from whiplash. Watching them live is like being teased and taunted, picked up one moment and thrown to the ground the next, This cd-ep is no exception, featuring new and old

that I wager on being able to start a fairly good sized circle pit. SCIENTIFIC BONG are over-

the-top thrash/power violence slyle fast hardcore. The vocal parts remind me a lot ol KILLED lN ACTION, it anyone out there's ever heard them. Not a bad pairing, but I can't say there was anything about this record that would make me seek out anything from either of these lrish bands, Also, does the world really need another band that sings exclusively about weed? (Dou9) Control Records / PO Box 6591 / Dun Laoghaire / Co. Dublin, lreland /

"Clulches". Simply put, these guys are fantastic, Their music is totally tight, ultimately melodic and brutally heavy all at the same time. lf you aren't yet lamiliar with KYLESA, get out of that hole and go get this right now! You won't be sorry... Sore, but not sorry. (Maygun) Prank / PO Box 410892 / San Francisco, CA 941 41 -0892 /

LAHSON AIKA - s/t GD This band trom Finland was formed in 2003, so young they're and just starting out, and their tuned-down sound isn't well formulated yet. The mix is loji and the mid-tempo riffs drag on al times. Lyrically, these guys hate the US like a lot of the European Hardcore I hear these days. Not exactly mind-blowing but not the worst l've ever heard either, (Newt) / lahdonaika @


HC elements, some parts reminiscent of NEUROSIS or DAMAD, all ol it intense and moving. Another Greal Love Song leatures violin, cello, upright bass and piano in addition to your standard guitarsibass/drums (and atmospheric singing as well as demonic howls and screams), and the result is a fucking epic ol brutality.


cannot say enough good things about

this album. Like watching your best lriend get ripped apart by zombies, it's both melancholy and furious. A brilliant release. (the bastard) Alternative Tentacles / P.O, Box 419092 / San Francisco, CA / 94'14'1 -9092 / USA

LUNAB I'USIK - ,ilixes double LP

- Fuck

Lunar l\rusik perform pretty straight up Dub, so

and samples are the manlra here, so I was a bit

contused as to why this would need to be reviewed lor Profane Existence. But, as I look over the interesting artwork on the gatefold, I see Skuld released this double

The Iirst LOC record in three years and it's probably their best and most politically charged one to date. Playing their token style of punk,

- Anothet Bite Ot

I was extremely nervous when I heard that the Lost CHERBEES joined the ranks of the 80's UK punk bands that had recently reformed. The CHEFIHEES had some of the most catchy lemale melodic punk vocals in the peacepunk scene, and had quite a llair tor writing catchy bouncy anarchopunk songs. They were similar to bands IiKe HAGAH THE WOMB, DAN and

HONEYBANE at their peak, but what if they suck in 2004? Alter producing one of the best peace punk records ever (the Unwanted Childrcn 12" on Mortarhate), how could they hope to live up to their lormer glory? Well, this EP is how, thanklully! There are 5 songs on this record, two are old songs rerecorded, and 3 are brand new songs. Ouality-wise, the new songs pick up where the band had left ofi in the mid 80's-

have a very

the sounds collaged here are interesting enough to keep my attention. (Newt) Skuld Beleases / Malmsheimerstr, 14 I 71272 Renningen / Germany /


Wit, Wohin, un.t WannCD

dare I say, INFERNO influence. lt's solid, midtempo central European punk rock done with a melodic emo-twang. Lyrics are sung mostly in German, dealing with internal strife, existential crisis, and alienation. This, their most recent release, has twelve tracks packaged beautifully with English and Spanish translations in the booklet. (Mr. H) 4 way split release, but we got it lrom Alerta Antitascista /


The Chenees'EP


- This reminds much ol the NEUROTIC ABSEHOLES, with a little,

Trade CD



limited knowledge of Dub, Lee Scratch Perry being the only artist I know anything about, but

"We, Where to, and When"


hardcore, ska, folk, and metal. With songs about 9/1'1, Clear Channel, cops, etc. I really like the fact that each song on this album ditfers a bit so it has great replay value, So grab your walkman, a 4002., score some crack, go down to the river and enjoy. (Chad) Alternative Tentacles Records i P.O. Box 4'1 9092 / San Francisco, CA 94 1 41 -9092

lot Eclipses

you know lhere's a strong reggae influence, textured with lots of samples to form a wellmixed soundscape. Eleclronic drums, sythns,



J{oise Refuse t-

many ditferent genres. This will hook many who never listen to black melal. There are some crust

material as well as a cover of NAUSEA's

Hardcore Holocaust /

KNIFED / SCIENTIFIC BONG - split LP I would hope KNIFED are a queer-positive band, especially with songs like "Fist You," Musically they are straight-ahead thrashcore

Alternative Tentacle's first black metal release. But this album is so much more than that - the songwriting is really innovative and draws lrom

- 01 ptus 4 CD

Compilation CD with their f irst LP f rom 2001 , as

well as lour tracks lrom various samplers, 15 tracks in all. lt's much like this years release, but not as technically complex and, at the same time, has less of a melancholic leel. lt's more upbeat and "punky" as it were, Lyrics are personal with a political edge. Sung in German,

but translations into several European

languages are included. Super cool graphic diagrams ol assorted small arms riddle the packaging. The best quote Irom this record: "l am Godzilla and you are Japan". (Mr. H) Alerta Antif ascista /

IIATARIFE - Daies Fieruo GD Heavy hitting Spanish punk from Madrid, MATABIFE is excellent. At parts slow and sludgy, at others heavy and tast, with intense screaming vocals belting poetic, political lyrics in SpanishThe slower parts will make you knock yer head

Profane Existence #46

back and lorth with your hair in your face, but when the vocals kick in and the music speeds up, you'll want to tear things apart. Beautiful packaging as well, with English translations provided. (Maygun) La ldea/ PO Box 18251 /28080 Madrid / SPAIN / info@sindios-net


- s/t 7"

Coming at you from the Netherlands at 1 0O mph MIHOEN! are pure fucking hardcore from start to finish! The vocals are pist as hell and the drummer sounds like he's trying to blast himself off the planet! Their sound is rounded off by super fast but in control guitar and bass rifling. This has a very early '90s S-F. Bay Area feel to it. The packaging is a cardboard gatefold deal with a lyric/info book attached to the inside with song explanations and photos on every page to help get their point across- The lyrics involve

global capitalism, personal


consumerism, and top it off with a cover of INSULT'S Modern Fascist Rednecks. I need to get my hands on a lull length LP (Jake) MIHOEN! / Utrechtseweg 305 / 3731 cA De Bilt / The Netherlands / (++31) (0)30 2204658 I I nlo @ roarba k.

Think fast post hardcore or slowed down screamo with dual female vocals. A touch of ENVY and I hear the slightest KILL THE [,4AN WHO OUESTIONS inlluence as well, but there's no rip ofls here, the sound is original. lt's melodic and personal. There's pictures in the insert with

a lot ol kids having fun at their show which I thought was...precious. (Emo Wuss) Sylkin / Blk 471 I PAsi Ris Drive 6, #01-476 I Singapore 5 1 0471

- fihe Gut


Wfinging Machine CO The 'Gut Wringing Machine'is the last and final NAKED AGGBESSION album. Finally released

/ PO BOX 160 I

Tl{E HISIAKE - Fuck Eyerything rlpCO Hmm, this band contains ex-members ol EIGHTEEN VISIONS, THBOWDOWN, and TEBROR AND ENEWETAK. I was a littte hesitant, thinking this might be just boring hardcore mosh stuff. lnstead, this cd pounds oul some thick, heavy aggressive hardcore similar to bands on the lndecision Records roster, but with the biting anger of a band like GEHENNA (the hardcore band, not the metal one). There are I songs on this cd, with a 17 minute live set included at the end. Overall, the lyrics are excellent, driving the point home with both lorce and spite. The lyrics to "Watch Your Fucking Mouth" are amazing, dealing with the

use ol (racist, homophobic) words that are extremely hurtlul. A seething release that will appeal to fans of NYHC as well to fans oI more guttural, raw, pissed off HC. (Jordan) Prime Directive Becords / PO Box 571 lBalboa,

cA/92661 /USA iIONSTER X - lndoctrination Compleae Discography CD


Here we have a nice collection of some fierce straightedge grindcore from '1993 - 1998. I admit that I'd heard of these guys before many times

over but this is the first time that I actually listened to their music. [,4aybe it's because really don't listen to a lot of straightedge,


whatever- This CD has lotsa stuff on it including their'93 demo, several comp tracks, as well as

7" material. I really dig their variety of well thought out lyrics, not your typical SE clich6s here. Thumbs up! (Ciderpunk) Hater Of God Records / PO. Box 666 / Troy / NY 1 2181 U$A /


- llumanity's

negtession CO

Judging from the track listing, I would guess that this CO is a discography oI sorts for Nashville's i/ORAL DECAY. I'm reminded a lot of FILTH if they had ever tried to play in a more metal kind ol style. lcan imagine listening to this and drinking out of a spacebag under some overpass somewhere with a mangy dog nipping at my heels. A little sloppy overall, but still DIY and punk as hell. (Doug) PO Box 190339 / Nashville / TN 37219-0339 /


- s/t


Profane Existence #46


fHE OPPOSED - lhtowaway SocietyCO

This Cincinnati band reminds me a bit ol the ECONOCHRIST sound, which is good, That means lhey've got some memorable melodies and guitar work with up tempo drumming and intelligent, rambling lyrics. I understand this band is broken up now, which is a shame, cause

this a good CD. (Newt)

this posthumous release that much better.

distortion on them. S.O-L. comes out ol Germany playing a similar style as PACK but with a bit more a metal edge and is lucking amazing. Both oI these bands sound tight as hell and with great recording quality and song writing. This split LP comes in a cool gatelold sleeve with silver toil stamp on the cover. Think about how many bad


Hodent Popsicle Becords


PO Box 1143 /

Allston, MA / 02134 / USA


Carcaixent / Valencia Spain

Apparently, this is their ,irst proper release (besides their 7 demos - jesusl).(the bastard) IVICR / 157 Kamiagu Maizuru Kyoto / 624-0910 / Japan / http://www.danc6.n€jn/-mcr/ (Dist. in US by Sound Pollution, in Europe by

properly on Fodent Popsicle Records after years of problems with labels after the band's demise, this record proves that NAKED AGGRESSION is a band that will be sorely missed. This album is arguably the strongest NAKED AGGRESSION release, with the catchy political punk and great angry lemale vocals that the band was known for- Great thoughtful lyrics contribute and make

Trabuc Flecords

the place - singing, screaming, howling!


TAFTUNTA - split 7" This is a great piece ol Finnish vinyl. NEUROOTTISET PELIMANNIT is a three piece

playing mid-paced 80's hardcore with clear vocals (il you understand Finnish). There are English translations. They're really good with a sort of DISCHARGE / EXPLOITED / UK SUBS sort ot thing going on. The band included a pin with the 7", but I put it on my hat and lost it during a drunken night at Coney lsland playing ski-Ball. The TAHTUNTA side is a bit laster, with bear vs. chicken vocals sung in English. They're a bit ol a thrashy four piece that has a sound that's a mix of early 90's Minn. Sound and CIFIRHOStS

(NY). Both sides have good production that's not over done, (Jake) SHJ-rec./Flisto Eronen / Tunnilanliel 86 / 58920 KOLKONTAIPALE / FINLANO


NIKMAT OLALIiI / YOUB KINGDOM IS DOOilED - split EP lsrael's NIKMAT OLALI[/ are a political anarchopunk band wilh a sound not unlihs SIN DIOS. I was roally lmpr$g€d with this band, not just lor ih6ir music bul lorthe lact that they'r€ at ground zoro lo, a lot ol ho.rible shit that's golng on and they still hav8 the guts lo spsak out against lvhal they i6rm the'racist, militarisi, and opprasglve' country ln which lhey live. YOUR XINGDOM lS DOOMEO are mor€ ln the laster, grindler Bide ol things. They have a good sound, bui I coutd sland to know whal they?6 trylng to convsy w(h song lilles llk€ "Menopaus6 Turkey' All in all, lhis 7" is very DIY and extremely cool. Give it a spin if you come across it. (Doug) 1 9 Dov Hoz St. apt. 1 0 / Ktar Saba 44356 / lsrael




- Aque, Oue fanto Odjas cassette

Grinding madness from Mexico that brings to mind legends like ANAFCHUS and CACOFONIA minus the noise parts, A little heavy on the samples at times, but this kicks ass anyway. Very raw, heavy, and brutal asluck(Doug)

Cryplas Recs /AP #16-0521 CP



- Btackieck

/ Mexico


These Japanese rockers are lrantic| "Blackjack" is a rock n' roll donut with a creamy GAUZE lilling. I'm really picky about this hc/rock and roll stuff, and I liked this. Driving drums, noodley

PAGK / S.O.L. - split LP Holy Shit! This lucking split tears it up. PACK comes lrom Switzerland and play blazing fast d-beat hardcore with superb breakdowns with

duel vocals with what sounds like a little

hardcore bands you've heard come out oI Germany and Switzerland because I haven't heard many. Highly recommended. (Chad) Rinderherz Records / Postfach 3634 / 500'1 Aarau / Switzerland PAUSE

- LovedomT,,

Hard-hitting thrash from Finland which brilliantly

mixes the raw hardcore styles ol Scandinavia and Japan, but with a modern production. This is the same sort of lethal combination that has been used so successfully by bands such as SEVERED HEAD OF STATE, WORLD BUFNS TO DEATH, TBAGEDY, etc, So, if you tike any of those mentioned bands, then you'll probably really get into PAUSE too. Unfortunately this

record comes lacking any sort of lyrical or contact inlormation for the band, instead favoring the minimalist DISCHAHGE-styte pocket sleeve. (Dan) Fight Records/Hikivuorenkatu 17 D 36/39710 Tampere / Finland / www.kolumbus.fillight

PAXANE - s/t CD A self released seven song debut (?) CD from this political punk band. Mid-tempo diy punk with great temale vocals similar to the singer from LIFE...BUTHOWTO LIVE lT? or the singer from the band ANAFICHOPHOBIA_ The songs are catchy, sing along anthems, with a slight infusion of the UK 82 style into the anarchopunk mix, The production isn't the greatest, but hey, this is punk, right? Watch out for the next PAXANE release, it should be a killerl Until then, pick up this CD to tide you over-.. (Jordan) Paxane@





Two French Anarchist bands have consolidated their resources and released this split LP, in the

tradition of the old CRASS LPs. Big gigantic

booklet mostly in French, but there is an interesting piece in English called "Let Punk Die." An interesting project, l'd probably like it more if I could undersland it, but the music is decent, despite the lact that UFBAN BLIGHT is a one man band. Lots of collages and artwork all from the anarchist perspective. (Newt) Melvin Pekatralatak / Antchuberroa / Rue Gainekoa i 64250 Cambo / France

bass and guitar riffs, and the singer's all over

Jloise Refuse


POINT OF I{O BETUBN - s/t CD I had a tough time with this one. I think POINT OF NO RETURN are on the same page with most PE readers in terms of politics, but I just couldnT get into the music. POINT OF NO RETURN are very tight and togethetrsounding but I have never been a Ian of lough, chuggachugga-sounding hardcore, mainly because such bands tend to incorporate too many ditferent parts into the same song. Not a bad release by any means, just that this style is lost on me- (Doug) CB20 / PO Box 30241 / lndianapolis, lN 46230o241

SAINT BUSHIIILL'S GHOIB - s/t Busi out the lrish whiskey - the new SAINT BUSHMILL'S CHOIR is in! As my roommates know all too well, l'm addicted to lrish music. Much like Chicago's TOSSERS, SBC take some pub standards and charge 'em with punk energy and spirit. Some ol my lavorite lrish tunes like "Molly Maguires", "Whiskey in the Jar" and "The Leaving of Liverpool" are on here, as well as a couple originals and...a POISON IDEA cover? Ok, I know what you're thinking, but they tackle "Just To Get Away" on their own terms and really

make it theirs. ll you're a POGUES fan you'll love this. Great sound on this, loo - produced by Jack Endino (of NlRVANAfame), it's polished,

POLITICAL ASYLUM - Winter CD This Scottish band existed in the early 1980's and this retrospective CD includes songs

but just raw enough to dellver the energy you'd expecl from these Seattle drunks. (the bastard) LP on Profane Existence, CD available Jrom

throughout their time. lf this band were to come out today, I doubt they would even be considered a punk band because they don't really sound like one. There is good guitar work here and lots of solos. Despite the loji nature of the recording, this is good, interesting music played by young musicians with a lot of heart. Anarchist Rock is what I would call it, and not necessarily Punk. This music stands the test ol time and its good to see this material released. (Newt) Passing Bells i Bitzinkuja ld20 / 20380 Turku Finland /

Empty Records /


- Cry lrcm the Peopte


saw this and initially expected POUNDAFLESH

to be some sort ol tough hardcore band. Don't get me wrong, POUNDAFLESH are tough but they are more in the vein of harder, old-man UK

punk bands like THE VABUKERS or DISCHARGE. As a matter of fact, there is a cover of the latter band's "Decontrol" at the end of this disc. Pretty right on lyrically as well. Honestly, lwasn't expecting to like this as much as I did. (Doug) FCB / PO Box 152 / Burton On Trent Staffs / DE 14 1XX i England



This Swedish anarcho-punk band released an impressive LP on Skuld a few years back, lhen went dormant while their guitar player was in prison. This EP, completely dedicated to challenging patriarchy and traditional gender roles, was actually recorded back in 2OO'1, and now just released. All Iour songs here are angry statements based on the previously-mentioned

lheme and there are English translations provided. Musically PROTESTERA are amazingly powerful anarcho-punk / crust, have twin lemale vocalists (with occasional male back-ups) and are amongst the best of our time.

The release oI this EP has me excited that PROTESTERA are getting back on their feet and I hope there will be more releases oI this high

caliber to come. You're a fool not to get this recordl (Dan) Halvfabrikat c/o D. Lonnqvist / Bimsmedvagen 36 C / 393 52 Kalmar / Sweden

- lout Est Dans L'Poignet CD


A 7 song CO from lhis French punk band. Like many other French punk bands, RATWASTER do have that certain sound that only other bands lrom France have. The catchy, melodic singalong punk is there, as is the horn section and

the occasional ska breakdown. Hey, if KOCHISE can pull it oll, then so can RATWASTEB! That is not to say that this is a ska album, the majority ot the CD is last punk

rock. This mini-album is surprisingly good, especially if you are partial to bands like KOCHISE, LA FRACTION, etc. (Jordan) Arrache-Toi Un Oeil! Flecords / ratwaster,propagande,org

by some of DOOM and most ol SORE THROAT, il's a true classic, a true testament to what we now call Crust. One track, that's 41 minutes of dark, heavy, deep, pounding, groaning, churning gloom. Did I mention dark? lmagine DEVIATED INSTINCT ,used with the STATIONS OF THE CRASS. Now add THFOBBING GRISTLE and

a whole bunch of distortion and reverb.

Conceptually, it's a pure and unapologetic atlack on the first world, and what we're doing to this

planet and it's inhabitants, Earthfirst meets Warhammer comes to mind... "Earthcrust" il you Great, full sound and the artwork, in all its glory and twisted dementia, remains completely intact- lf you don't already have it, get it now or forever hold your peace- (Mr H) SOA Becords / www.soarecords-il

will. This is no chintzy bootleg either.


cheese! (Mr H) ln at the Deep End Becords /


- Chit.tton ol lhe

Wastetand LP SIGNAL LOST are a lemale fronted band from Texas. They play melodic punk, which is calchy and anthemic, with an aggressive edge to it. The vocalist has a really good voice, she sings clear and not at all grutf and throaty. l'm having a hard time thinking of bands to compare them too, but you get the idea. lt's a good record. And it's on beige vinyl. "Singing in the wreckage, dancing on our graves" (Bighteous)

Prank Becords

/ PO Box 410892 /


Francisco, CA 94'14.1-0892 USA

SAW THROAT - h.te$troy CD's back. The original. Recorded in 1989


BALZAC to boot. I like this the same way I like SAMHAIN or GWAR, that's with a big hunk of

- llow ls Your


- Buty Your Dea.rCO

Having already been a fan of this band, I was

pretty stoked to get this in my review pileBasically, SKARP hail lrom Seattle and play fierce fucking grindcore with the occasional ska break thrown in. l'll be the lirst in line to dog ska, but for some reason I can excuse it when a band rips as hard as SKARP Ten tracks of murderous political grind and a NASUM cover. Crushingl (Doug) lnimical Flecords/



Balher Be Aetilng So.tomized 7" "d

I have lo say these guy's have the coolest band name I've heard in a long time, and they've put out one hell of a record to boot! 7 out of the I songs on this are covers of old Florida bands. Bands covered (that l'm lamiliar with) include BOACH MOTEL, HATED YOUTH and those crazy old death metallers DEATH! The other

covers are by the bands NO FRAUD, FLAMING


CD I wish half the bands in hardcore had as much

TOUGHSKINS. The one original song is called

vision, dedication and passion as this band

"George Bush's Daughters Need Discipline".

exudes. Think WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? mixed with a very little RtsE AGATNST style ol punk/thrash. Fast, heavy, punk, poppy, aggressive, posi and aware. This reminds me of what I love about our scene. The ability as individuals to express ourselves and by heard

wish they'd have included the lyrics to that song as l'm sure it would be pretty amusing to read what they say about the little bastards! My copy

by others with similar thoughts, feelings, passions, etc. Needless to say I find this band very inspiring. (Emo Wuss) Black [,4atter Records / PO Box 666 / Troy, NY 12181

is on gray swirled marble vinyl, ior those that actually give a Juck about that kind of thing. Yet another Iine release from Bob Suren's Burrito Records. lf you're not lamiliar with Bob/Sound

ldea Distribution and Record Slore.... he's got

one of the coolest, fastest and most reliable mailorder's l've ever dealt with in all my years ot rabidly collecting the Punk Rock! One ol these

- Final Examinet / Complete Discogtaphyt CO This is a good compilation from these SCHOLASTIC OCTH

skatecrazed thrashers. lt spans their 4 year history ( 998 - 2002) and includes lots of comp tracks, live stutf, a few EPs and 1 5 minutes of live mayhem that you can watch on your PC. 1


days I need to go down to Brandon, Florida and visit his shop and hopefully check out his band MUDER-SUICIDE-PACT, il they're still around by that time. 2 big thumbs up to the band and good 'ol Bob! (Ciderpunk) Burrito Records-Sound ldea Distribution / POBov 3204 / Brandon, FL / 33509-3204 U$A /

The lat booklet included has their lyrics and song

explanations, as well as a nice listing of recommended reading material. Fans of DS-'13 and HEBESY will dig this. ln fact they have a song on here lilled WWHD, which stands for


in Line7"

What Would HERESY Do, fucklng classicl

Back in the 90's there was a really good hardcore band out oI Germany called simply Y Well, they're back with a new name and are kicking ass as hard as ever! On this shit-hot slab o'wax


are six songs that blend the best hardcore, thrash, and punk styles lrom around the world.


- |he

tlatlowed and the Heathan CD No offense to 45 GRAVE, but if they ever film a remake ol "The Beturn of the Living Dead", SEND MORE PAFAMEOICS should do the soundtrack. This is mighty ghoulish speedmetal, and these Brits are on a major b-horror flick bloodfeast of a tangenl. To think, iust in time for Halloween! Musically, this mimics'80's thrash-metal, similar to early SLAYEB with a splatter ol ACCUSED style hardcore, and some

Noise Refuse

Non-stop action here, with enough guitar hooks

for lhree ordinary punk EP's, Five ol the six songs have German lyrics, with the title track being in English (English descriptions are provided for the rest), and all have political content. My name is Dan and I approve this record. (Dan) www.heartfirst. net




' - split


First off, I gotta say that l'm a big lan of STHONG

Profane Existence #46

INTENTION's previous releases. Solid,

SUilllON THE CBOWS - s/t 7. This band lrom Oslo, Norway play heavy-ass, bass-driven crusVgrind much in the same vein

aggressive hardcore all-around, Thai said, I began the listening with Germany's SOLID DECLINE whom l've never heard before, l'm impressod. The production quality is ace. Tough, but not overtly macho, hardcore, Socially conscious lyrics bring a smile to my lace. Next up, Maryland's powerhouse STRONG

as HIS HERO lS GONE, or DIALLO. Their aurat assault is unrelenting and they don't stop until you're ground into dust! This record has a really nice layout, and features more beautiful artwork by Mid. This is devastating crusty hardcore at its linest! (Fighteous)

INTENTION. The songwriting is a bit more grindy than I recall on their other releases, but l'm iniothatanyway. Good split. Ditferent, yet complimentary styles on both sides ot the slab. (Brian) VENDETTA / Gleimstrasse 17 I 10437 Betlin I


- Aem Atteck

CD Hmm, this band has been around since 1988! They've only released demos up to this point, and tinally, there is a tull length proper release. SOBB play grutf political UK punk that is along the lines of other UK punk bands like the RESTARTS, TEBMINUS, BUG CENTHAL, OT

Nakkeskudd Plater / Stian Tonnessen / Huvikveien 30, -0551 / Oslo, Norway / wwrv.nakk€


punk bands had access to, and this has resulted in a solid long overdue release. Punk Rock! (Jordan) Active Distribution / BM Active / London / WC1 N 3XX / England

THE SPECTACLE - nope ot cuittotlne GD These NoIwegians really know how to rock. This

is DIY hardcore punk at its besi, with fiercely political lyrics that also have a certain personal teel to tham. They play somewhat discordant hardcore with a little bit ol a screamo leel to it. (But not in a bad way) They sort oI remind me of TRAGEDY or REMAINS OF THE DAY, but not like all the rip-offs who have ruined this type

of punk. They still have enough originality to make it all lheir own. lts hard and driving and it hits you like a Mack truck. lt has some serious underlying melody to it, but not enough to be called melodic. lthink they're planning a US tour later this year, so be on the look out. (Bighteous) Crimethinc. / 2695 Richwood Dr. / Atlanta, cA


- DiscogruphyLP

This is the vinyl version of the STATE OF FEAB discography that came out a while ago, but with

TAIIOBA - Thete's No Tomonow, Baby, So llow Aboul Tonight CD Tamora plays melodic metal-core with super screamy vocals and heavy breakdowns that make me think that if you see them live you should have a greenbelt or higher. There's lots of chugging and squeaking here. There are many memorable melodles and harmonies throughout the CD. A bonus on this disc is the inclusion of the PEIA Meet Your Meatvideo that as most of lhese videos are, is as hotrifying as it is truthtul. This is for fans of older POISON THE WELL. (Jake) TAMORA / PO Box 230722 I Encinitas, CA 92023 /

TABATITULA HAWK - s/t CD Distorted bass, keyboards, synthesizers, and lots and lots ot samples. Well orchestrated psychedelic heaviness sans vocals. PIMK

FLOYD meets NEUROSIS? Maybe the DOOBS? Strange stutf, probably influenced by lots of drugs, Would like to see iI these guys can pull this otf live. (Newt) Lile is Abuse / PO Box 20524 I Oakland, CA 94620 / "


- s/t CDB

don't know about this one. This CD started off with a couple of raging grindcore songs and I

excellent new artwork by the great Marald. l,

somehow managed to completely lose my attention within about live or six more songs.

you're not familiar with STATE OF FEAH by now, well where have you been? They were from Minneapolis in the mid g0's and play raging political scandi-crust which knocks you down like a fucking bulldozer. lf you've never heard them, this is an essential record lor you to have. And if they're an old favorite, it's worth it just lor the

TEKKEN seem like one ol those bands that can't seem to decide on a particular style to play. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does make Ior a pretty disjointed release, especially when there's 27 songs'worth of it. Blah. (Doug) Skud Records / bp 575 / 33001 Bordeaux Cedex / France

beautitul new packaging. This LP has great artwork, gold Ioil-stamped logo, and it comes


on awesome green vinyl! (Righteous) Prolane Existence


- netat ol HonorCO

For those of you who don't know, in the world of

Star Trek "Stovokor" refers to the Klingon equivalent ot heaven. ln addition, STOVOKOR is also the name of a bunch of Portland vets from bands like GODLESS and RESIST hoping to "unite all nerds againsl false metal." The result is a total black/thrash metal sound that is right on par with bands like ANCIENT, if you'va ever heard of them. Total lucking I have otlicially seen it



STOVOKOB / 123 NE Fremont / Portland, OR 9721 2 / alovokor m€

it, I can imagine this band getting thrown into a basemenl with bands Iike

crammed onto

MIDNIGHT and THE AWAKENING, although more straightforward and brutal sounding. They

THE TOTAL END are a little

should have an album out by the time lhis review sees the light ol day. What can I say-l'm into it. Bonus points lor this not being on a CDF. (Doug) Cries ol Pain / PO Box '1004 / Windsor, CT 06095 / ibrache@aol-com

fHE TOTAL E]{D - Chasirgr


Man this record threw me off. The music is so Iucking metal its' insane. Yet somehow it has the punk rock feel to it (recording-wise maybe?), I don't know how to explain it but its really effing good. lmagine a sped up KYLESA. I think I was expecting something else because it's out on Ed Walters records bul lwas indeed pleasantly surprised. (Emo Wuss)

even older anarcho punk bands like ANTHBAX. There is hint of metal (mostly in the guitars) that

many current UK bands tend to play, but lor SORB it delinitely works. The band does benefit lrom a much better recording lhan the 80's UK

- s/t

mistaken). The end result of this is a demo with a full album's worth of darker sounding crust

Being that I am oflicially an aging crust punk, I have a tough time identifying with the current spate of "posi" or "youth crew" bands. This being said, THUi/BS UP! are a pretty good band tor that particular style; I just don't want to bullshit readers of the PE review section, that's all. This band rocks pretty hard and this CD sounds very

clear and raging without being overproduced. Really good political and laded lyrics as well. I would recommend this lor kids into bands like DAMAGE DEPOSIT or NO TIME LEFT. (Doug) PO Box 226-14 / Philadelphia, PA 19110 /

THE TOTAL El{D - demo CS I know a band is on the right track when they take their name from a tucking CRUDITY song, THE TOTAL END are from Connecticut and leature members of AOS and DIALLO (it I'm not

Nightmatea 12',

THE TOTAL END plays their vision of brutat

depressing "millennium" crust, Crushing Dbeats, down tuned guitars, totally pissed lyrics. Scandinavian influences, but in the tradition of most awesome Connecticut bands. THE TOTAL

END packs a fuckin punch sure to break your spirits and wait for their next release. THAGEDY wished they could sound this bad ass. Essential-

Original released on cassette by the band. (Brian)

No Options 94623 USA



PO BOX 22285


Oaktand CA

- Wattbteekeil ,gg6-tggg

CD This is a discography oI TOTALITAR'S eartier stutf. First off, I never had any idea this band had been around since the 80's. Second, I never knew lhey were able to maintain such a tough sound for their entire existence as one of Sweden's leading exports of killer, raw punk- l'm

not sure what exactly this compilation

encompasses in terms o, older recordings, but this CD delinitely rages and is definitely a fitting goodbye to TOTALITAR, who called it quits last summer. Delinitely worth getting even il you already have a lot of TOTALITAB stuff in your arsenal-like I do! (Doug) Armageddon Label / PO Box 56 / Providence, Rl 02901

fWlSrED SYSTEM - Mind Fitted with ODsassioas CD

Oon't you also leel there's been a huge void in the Belgian ''crusl" output since the demise of HIATUS and UNHINGED? Well, Ieel the pain

no longer, as TWISTED SYSTEM (a clever combination of TWISTED SISTEFt and ONE WAY SYSTEM) has members of both bands and are absolutely smoking on this 7-song demo CD.

Each song is a powerful crust epic, skillfully crafted in the style ol later HIATUS, and has

Manu's really pissed off and gruftsoundlng vocals. AII the lyrics are in English and attack political targets with the ferocity of a cornered Bull Monkey. More please!l! (Dan) Willy Nollomont / 1, lnpasse Carpays / 4000 Liege / Belgium / / twistedmanu @yahoo-com


- Line and RowLP

Tight, pummeling grindcore from Germany with trade-off high/low vocals, but not in the Cookie Monster fighting Elmo kinda way. Think two scoops of SHITLIST in a PHOBIA cone, and you're on Jire- These Germans have been fairly prollfic, with at least 17 split tapes, 7"s and

comps under their belt since 1999 (!), This is the first time I've heard them, and this is some

good shit. With this LP you get 14 tracks (including 2 covers, ANTI CIMEX and ROT), a sticker, a patch, and a poster. (the bastard) Bucho Discos a./c alexandre I c.p, 12 - cento I sto andre - sp / 0901 5-970 / BRASIL http:,//ww, or in USA, Rescued from Lile Becords c/o Clay Newell / 6208 McCullar / Haltom Cny 1fX76117

Jloise Refuse


- Habils 7"

Under Pressure hail lrom Winnipeg, Canada and

feature members ol GUNS, LIOUOR AND WHOBES, but lheir style is totally different. They play driving hardcore, which thrashes at times, but always has a very raging rock 'n' roll teel to it. These guys have some really killer riffs here, and I really like this record. (Bighteous)

Sound Pollution / P.O- box 17742 I Covtnglon, KY 41017 USA

UNPEFSONS - tV Setl Poiltait CDEP This is a one 15 min song CDEP of brooding chaotic sludgy hardcore that's heavy on the distortion. The vocals are all over the place trom growls to screams lo whines to rambling. The lyrics are good but a little hard to understand but that's better than boring and generic. lt you are a fan of most of the Life is Abuse bands you will probably like this. Personally I think this is a good record but the only thing I didn't like about it was the vocals were a little too out of control and hard to get into. (Chad)

Lire is Abuse Becords


might be sick ol the same three cords, but we're just sick of war." (Righteous) Feral ward I Warcry I 7809 N. Brandon Ave. / Portland, OR 97217 USA

WIICH HUNT - As Ptiotities Decay LP

I tuckin love this record! Witch Hunt are a 3piece band lrom New Jersey. They play midtempo crust with some faster parts and some really rockin breakdowns. At times they even border on melodic. The band is fronted by two sisters and they have a male drummer. All three members sing, so you get really good dueling vocals which often overlap. Musically they're what SLEATER KINNEY or BlKlNl KILL would sound like il they were a crust band. They have really well written and passionate lyrics which cover a wide range of political issues as well as personal topics- They also have really intelligent explanations lor each song- Over all this is a great release, it has a big foldout poster, and it comes on clear vinyl!! (Righteous) Prolane Existence Records

P.O. Box 20524 I YETI

Oakland, CA 94620 /

- Volume Obtiteraaion

ftanscendence CD UBBAI{ HEAD RAW - tluman rnstirclCD The drumsl Oh, lhe magnificent, thunderous drums! This rips like the dinosaur living in your basement. I don't know why I seem to have gotten so many Japanese releases this time around, but I ain't complainingl The trio called URBAN HEAD RAW have a very suitable title.

It's raw, hard thrash that varies lrom slow, crunchy metal buildups to full on breakneck speedcore. They've obviously been listening to quite a bit ol S-D.S., but since when is that a bad thing? 10 tracks barked out in English, mostly dealing guessed it...war.

It was hard enough just figuring out what this band's name was, as the cover is so arty that its not even straight forward enough to figure out the band's name- To describe the music? Art

rock! Heavy at times, mellow at times, sometimes there's a synth, there's a real drum kit, though. The artwork is interesting but deciphering the words is a task. There's only four songs on this 63 minute discl I could see this being used in a low-budget sciJililm. (NeM) Life is Abuse / P.O. Box 20524 I Oakland, CA 94620 /

Reclaim! CD

(lt/r, H) Crimes Against Humanity /

The music of AN ABFOW lN FLIGHT as well as

VIBBAfIONS - Love, Resistance CD.EP

of END ON END. Saying that they are

This six-song CD clocks in al 8:38, so you know it's got an up beat hardcore Japanese sound

hardcore" seems too narrow to say yet every band I can compare them too is in that vein. Original and artsy without being pretentious. Fans of Crimethinc. check this out since they put il out. (Emo Wuss)



their political viewpoint and that


COUNTDOWN TO PUTSCH's and the vocals

that ends before it repeals itself, Good, tight band, with lots of energy, but I have no idea what

the lyrics are about cause their all printed


Japanese! (Newt)

Shot & Shout / Bronze Fisl Fecords /

Crimethinc. Urban Pirates



PO Box 2133 /

Greensboro, NC27402

DISTURBANCE PROJECT (Spa), LYCANTROPHY (Cz) and the bonus tracks that appear to be from Hell. Each of these bands do

at least 4 songs, a tew do as many as


Probably the most solid grindcore comp l've seen in years. lf you are a grind lanatic like myselt, you really need this. Oh yeah, iI you use heaphones, be sure to wipe the blood otf when you're done. Have lun kids! (Mayson) Fundacion Juan Herrero / PO Box 501 76 / 28080

/ Madrid / SPAIN Opus Dead Records / PO Box 35049 I 2AO80 I Madrid / SPAIN

YIA- Follow Your Leader2xCD This double CD is an international compilation to benelit the "Newchurch Guinea Pigs Campaign" and rape crisis centers, presumably in Europe. There are delinitely a lot of cool bands on here...the ones that stuck out lor me were GRITOS DE ALERTA. STRAIGHT EDGE KEGGER, SELKKAUS, and FASTARD. I would have liked to have known more about the organizations that this release is supposed to benefit, but this comp is a cool way to get acquainted with some good hardcore music lrom parts of the world that get overlooked quite a bit. (Doug) Thrash and Die Records / 25 Planthill Road / Higher Blackley / lvlanchester / M96WH / England

VIA - tlatdcote Connection CO This is actually a 3 way split CD rather than a proper compilation album. Milkadd (ltaly) deliver I songs of lnlest/ Capitalist Casualties inspired fastcore/thrash. FxPxOx (Macedonia) play in a similar style, thrashing their way through 7 songs. Threat ol Riot (ltaly) are the standouts on this CD however, although they only contribute 4 songs. They play hoarse old school HC with a sense of melody, with great raspy vocals. This release is well put together, and is on over 10 European DIY labels. (Jordan) Zas Autoproduzioni / c/o Tournoud Marco / Via Roma 59 /'10056 Oulx (TO) / ltaly


- tuestras Voces...Son Vuesttas Pesaditlas Co

This is an international CD compilation/benef it for Barcelona's Free Badio (Radio Bronka), being a vessel for lree speech in Barcelona since

- lhe Cashalot AtbumLP


- Alt C?usties Spending Loud

the 1970's. lt features AMDI PETTEHSENS

Holy shitl The vocals on this album arc qazy ranging trom a possessed high to a low that's not a growl, but it's, well...just insane! VOETSEK give us 40 songs of short, tast, loud hardcore

Nisht 1997/20O2DYD


This DVD has several great bands playing live in Japan. The show from '97 is 30 minutes long and has 4 bands assaulting our eardrums including DISCLOSE, GLOOM, LIFE and


that assault the ears non-stop in a way not unlike CAPITALIST CASUALTIES. Lyrically VOETSEK cover a wide range of subjects, but are mostly written from a personal perspective with a good sense ot humor. Fans ol LOS CRUDOS will enjoy this. (Jake) Six Weeks Flecords / 225 / Lincoln Ave, / Cotati,

another band whose logo I can't quite make out. The camerawork is a bit shaky/jumpy at times but who gives a fuck? The show lrom '02 is 58 minutes long, and oa lot more slick with a couple





ditferent cameras and angles catching all the raw as luck Japanese crust from 10 different bands such as FBAIVTID, REALITY CRlSlS, DEFECTOR and EFFIGY. l'm not a big fan ol

HERMIT, SIMBIOSE, BICEPTASAURUS, BASTAHD, KONTROVERS, JINDOH, NO CONFORME, CRUEL HUIiIANO, ATROCIOUS packaging with a thick booklet containing some history on Badio Bronka and related projects, and more, all in Spanish. Pick it up Ior $6 plus shipping. (the bastard)

Radio Bronka

/ PO. Box 25102 08080 BCN /

DVDS, in Jact I really think they suck tor the most



Maniacs on PedestalsLP

Warcry are a d-beat, DISCHARGE rip off band from Portland. But they take a totally over done and played out style and take it to a whole new level. They have wicked guitar leads, and a bit of a Scandinavian feel to it. lt has good recording quality, and production too. Not qulte as raw as so many other bands playing this type of punk.

This band features some Porlland scene veterans from multiple other bands (including Todd from TRAGEDY and HHIG on vocals), I think the statement on the insert about sums it up- "All lyrics inspired by war, the sadistic luckers who start them, the moronic soldiers who fight in them, the blind patriots who support them,

the corporations that fund them, and the brainwashed media that glamorizes them. You

part, but this one is worth taking a look at for sure, (Ciderpunk) MCR Company / 1 57 Kamiagu Kyoto / 624-091 3 Japan.


- An

Otd Fashioned Grindcore

Assautt CD This comp totally kicked my ass! 60 songs, l5 bands, I countries, Make no mistakes, this collection of total eatrslaughtering madness is not lor the fainthearted. What bands are on it, you ask? Here's a list- AGOTHOCLES (Bel), ULCEBRHOEA (Ger), ROT (Bra), DEMISOH (Sing), ULzEBA (Spa), FUBAR (Holland), Subcut (Bra), DENAK (Spa), PROGEFIAC (U$A), BIZAHREX (Ger), ENTHAILS MASSACBE (Geo, NEEDFUL THINGS (Cz),

Iloise Refuse

VIA - Raihoad to the Apocalypse CD This is a cool 6 band compilation with DIY HC punk and grind from all over Europe, Bands included here are DlSAFli/ (ltaly), VERGE ON BEASON (Germany), BUD JUNKIES (Finland),

ALIENACJA (Poland), MATKA TEFESA (Holland), and SPLEEN (Belgium). This

compilation could easily be compared to the eariy international Sound Pollution comps that showcased a couple songs lrom a group of similar bands. Great if you are into the heavier/ laster aspects ol DIY punk. (Jordan) Zas Autoproduzioni / c/o Tournoud Marco / Via Roma 59 / 10056 Oulx (TO) / ltaly

VIA- foterente Recot.ts 6-Way SpritCS

Profane Existence #46

First otf, this is punk as Iuck just because it's on a cassette, but all the bands on here rage in the D-Beat style that the kids go so crzy for these days. This comp gives you a full helping of raging crust, courtesy of VANSINNING LlV, DISGRACE, NEUROSE UFBANA (who rule), MASSAKRO (ditto., this band is metal as hell too), and HUMAN BASTABD Very very cool (Doug) i/ar Sanchez / PMB 006 / 305 C Rockwood Ave / Calexico, C492231

- lo ahe Bitter End compitation CO I'm not big fan of comp CDs as most ol them have a bunch of crappy bands sounding like crap. And, in this day and age, there are so VIA

many pay to play CD comps out there with bands looking Ior "industry exposure," the compilation album seems all but dead. This international compilation seems lo be the exception, though. The bands are actually good and well recorded, and the overall sound is quality (not crappy) Some ot these bands are actually pretty damn good, such as WHISKEY SUNDAY and J.M.K.E and I'll probably looking into hearing more from them. Glad to hear this one (Newt) Vinehell / PO. Box 361 31 / San Jose, CA 95'1 58 /


- Welcome

ao It

A series of thoughts and lectures by the amazing

Ward Churchill put to CD by the dedicated folks at AK Press. The prolific Churchill, a native (Keetoowah Cherokee) prolessor of American lndian Studies and a member of the Colorado

AlM, is an amazing individual. Much like Chomsky in intellectual prowess, Churchill focuses here, on the historical traditional issue and treatment of Natives in America, and the after effects that have led to the current situation Natives find themselves in America From the

documented case of Genocide against the lndians in 1763, to the current sickening conditions and treatment the Natives experience, Churchill disseminatesthe atrocities along the way. Churchill's genius lies in his ability to reach his audience and prove that the struggle for lndian rights is the struggle we all face, the human struggle. Do yourself a favour and listen to this CD. Again, this should be

mandatory listening in the North American school system. (Jordan) AK Press

Quite an interesting compilation of l/ontana punk and hardcore bands. This CD features cuts trom DISGRUNTLED NATION, THE BANNED, and IVIISCREANTS, among others. I especially dug the ANTI DIFFANCOS and the warped

Poisoned Candy Records


P.O. Box 9263 /

lvlissoula, MT 59807-9263 / poisinedcandy com

Documentaries: Chite: Promise ol Fteedom CD This CD is an audio documentary reporting the events surrounding the 1973 mililary coup in Chile. The Freedom Archives group pieces together this documentary using interviews primary sources, music and recordings from their archives to provide the complete history of this coup and the eitects that were felt lor lhe next 30 years. President Allende and his socialist government were overthrown in a bloody coup which would establish a reign of terror and military dictatorship that would last for years.

ArtCf, ahe gomb


/ 16 pgs.

This zlne is from Portland. The cover is all fancy cut and paste collage with skulls, spikes. and grim reaper looking hooded dead dudes- lt has a few pages of photos and updates on bands from the area like WARCFY DEATHCHARGE, and HELLSHOCK. There are interviews with members and ex-members of DISCHARGE, The Skeptix, and Antisect with plenty of photos and reprinted llyers, Some of the text is laid out over said flyers, which can be a litlle distracting, but

activists who are not afraid to put their politics where their mouth is. This magazine is definitely

worth checking out, and it supports a great cause! (Righteous)

ALFSG / BM '11 60 / London / WC 1 N 3XX / UK www

Aatitude Probtem #34 / $2.O0 ppd. / 4opgs. I knew I'd be down with A!!ludC_Ergb.Lq.!! from the moment I pulled it out ol the review pile. I've been a lan oI Sleve's mainly through his columns for Slug and Lettuce-obviously he's got even more going on. Atlilude Problem is a neat little zine, packed with record and zine reviews, but also featuring interviews with SEVEFED HEAD OF STATE, BORN/DEAD, URO, and PILGEB. What is especially notable about this zine is that the text is all handwritten. Do yoursell a favor and get a hold oI this guy, (Doug) Steve / PO Box 326 I Leeds, LS73YH / West Yorkshire, England

a manifesto, it would probably look quite a bit like Rewilding, Not that that's a bad thing -level 12

druids krck ass- and so do uncompromising zines like this one. Wildroots and Green Anarchy make no apologies and aim eight steps past what any hay-feversuifering-anti-biotic-popping city slicker would ever dream of. Yeah, yeah, we all want a revolution, but after the party, have you ever thought about what's going to happen next? Well, these folks have, and have compiled a zine with interest sparking articles and a list of further readings. (Marc)

over all this zine is very readable and

Wildroots Collective / POBox 1485 /Asheville,


NC / 28802 Green Anarchy / POBox 1'1331 / Eugene, OB /

entertaining lt is also very, very Portland. Alter The Bomb Records


PO Box 66876 /


Portland. OR 97290


Btackthon *4

House Zine

$? / standard / 164 pages

individual and national creativity and freedom,

journals Now, I'm all for documenting important

in which the people of the country would benefit

places and events, especially as relevant to the punk community, but come on. Keep in mind, this house is around two years old, and this zine is 1 64 pages long. This would be a great zine to keep around the house (the Alf house. that is) to show friends or travelers stopping in. lI I were moving in to the house, or friends with these people already, I might tind this compelling. But I'm not and I don't. Constructively, l'd suggest cutting this at least in half - start with getting rid of the more indecipherable Iridge journals. That would make it a little more palatable for popular consumption, There is some interesting stuff in here, you've just got to wade through so much to get to it. (the bastard)

more so than foreign business. The Allende years were a social experiment in socialism on a national scale, with aspects ol social iustice and freedom that'threatened'Nixon and the United States of America. A destabilization campaign was initiated (and funded) by the US government (Nixon and Kissinger) as two socialisvcommunist states in Latin America were seen (by the bastards in the US government) as a consolidation oI communism too close to home. The result was a brutal military coup with


disappearances, that would restrict democratic elections for almost two decades in Chile. A legacy ol brutality in which the US Administration had complicit involvement that has formed the Chile of today. This CD should be a mandatory part ol the fucking curriculum for High School History classes. (Jordan) AK Press & Alternative Tentacles


their suppliers, These people are hardcore

lf my D&D character were to suddenly leap up

Chilean history which was characterised by

repression, atrocities, torture

property of the companies who perform animal experimentation, as well as their employees, and

from ofI his character sheet, and write

Alf House Zine chronicles the life and times of the Alf House roommates and visitors f rom its Ioundation to present, There are interviews. Iliers from shows they hosted, and roommate

President Allende had represented a period in

liberating lab animals, and damaging the

Back to Basics Vol. 3: Bewilding, A Ptimer For A Balanced Existence Ami.t The nuins ol Civitization. 11 X A 112 / trade / l6 pgs

ontana,.Come Die

Wit r Us CD

music of PAT PHLYM|\il. This comes with a cool booklet with into on all the bands, plus a short history of Montana punk rock, (Doug)

prisoners, and detailed stories about all kinds of direct action from around the world, including

- Lile in Occupied

Ameilca CD

Profane Existence #46

1342 E, Georgia St. Vancouver BC V5L2A8 Canada

ALF Suppott group - winter O3-O4 Full size I 22 pgs, / donation This is a really nicely done magazine, whose purpose is to give support for those activists imprisoned for direct action in the animal liberation movemenl, lt has background info on

Tabloid newsprint b/w 2A pp 3 stamps for US Published by the collective of the same name, Blackthorn has a hopelul, DIY spirit. "Reclaim Our Space" is an important and timely article on creating and maintaining safe environments for women and others loaded with helpful, compassionate tips and a list of definitions. There are articles on Bikes Across Borders'work

with political art in Mexico, theatre/fire performance collective ELXTgo, a first hand account of touring in a van converted to biodiesel,Iiction and more- Extra credit for nice layout with powerful original art and woodcuts throughout! (Chelsea) Blackthorn l\4agazine / POB 11046 / Portland,





Caugha - Zero

sizelS4 pgs/$2 woildwide

I thought Born Caught was going to be good, judging by the cover, I was rightl Cut & paste and totally black & white, Born Caught is full ol excellent articles: "2'1 st Century Slave Trade", "DlY Tattoos", "A Brief History of Barbed Wire", etc. Simon (Thulsa Doom) has recently returned from South America and has great interviews with SICK TERROR (Brazil) & AUTONOMIA (Peru). Very well put together, (Jason S.)

Born Caught/PO Box 53/Leeds/1584WP England

]lolse Refuse / Words

Bon Deed # 4

4.5X6/$3/32pages don t know what to think about this one. lt has the standard band interviews, reviews, pictures etc, but it also has a bunch of well-written and bleak non-fiction stories, the kind of bleakness that only a city that spawns crappy bands like BRAT ATTACK can produce. Worth picking up for the stories alone. (Dave) Mike A / PO. Box 26014 / 116 Sherbrooke St. / Winnipeg N4B i HOL 4Kg I Canada I

Butdout: A Journal ot Optimistic



11 X 8112 I trade / 32 pgs. The intro reads more like an autobiographical eulogy of an ex-activist than anything else. As the name ol the zine implies there is an almosl deleatist tone throughout this digest of articles lhat the compiler had once held close to hearti GE Foods, mass extinction, industrialism and a touch of conspiracy thrown in at the end, I was looking lor the Optimism, but couldn't Iind too much, but there sure is some Negativity, which might be why it's compiled by an ex-activist, rather than an xactivistx. (Marc) R.A/ POBox 1683 / Rockford, lL/ 61110-0'l89


Comptete Conttot #12

112 X 7 I $3 ppd lcash onlyl / 48 pgs. Urban planning, community building, organizing and getting shit done are the themes here, folks. There's a travel diary/city review section where I discovered that I really dig the way the author

writes Most (60%) of it's been compiled lrom articles already published in Slug & Lettuce and lhe Richmond lndymedia, so if you're a close follower of these, you might leel like skipping out on this one, but for the rest of us, it's a good read. (Marc)

Greg c/o Comolete Control


POBox 5021 /

Flichmond, VA I 23220

DIOS HASTIO, LAMA, and more. Punk as fuck! (Newt) Cruz V. Luis / APOO Postal #'16-052 i CP 02011 Mexico DF / Mexico

lhe Dewn. Vol. I lssue t newsprint / 7 pgs The Dawn is "a monthly advocate tor constructive anarchism." This zine is very straightforuard and informative. The Dawnis lull oI interesting news stories and articles. Anarcho-

Communism, Support

Ior Prisoners,


lmperialism are some of the topics discussed in the pages of The Dawn. Also inside are book & pamphlet reviews and a history spotlight. I think this zine has a bright future ahead. (Jason S.) The Dawn/PO Box 24715l0akland CA 94623

The Dawn


An anarcho-communist newspaper from Oakland, CA. There's some really good articles

in here, such as a discussion on free-speech questioning why the Bill of Rights is held so


A critical look at modern society with ranls about

excess, alienation, anomie and the willlul ignorance of N. American culture. This zine is packed with essays by some dude who watches

way too much television. Pretty sweet read, if you're into the crimethinc stutf, though a litfle depressing, as it's mostly a negative look at the world around us. Near the end he otfers a few ideas Ior dealing with the issues he describes, but it's too little too late to save it lrom being overly pessimistic- lf I wasn't already part of the choir, I'd probably get more out of it.(lilarc) Andy / 2 tinkham glenn / Wilbraham MA / 01095 / andy_939@hotmail,com

Ctack the Sidewatk *2

$? / standard / 46 pages CfS has a good balance to it, There's a variety

of content, yet it loosely follows

an encompassing theme of self-empowerment and discovery, getting past the bullshit (gov't control, mainstream trappings etc-) and making your own way through lile. Well-worn subjects, but there's some thought provoking discussion here - like the piece discussing chaos theory as applied



247 1 5, Oakland CA 94623 / www.the-

Oesttoying Angels 07



by I i,'/ 48 pgs,

Readers ol Prolane mighl know Dennis Dread from his artwork lor such bands as PHOBIA,

HARUM-SCARUM, CONSUME, and HELLSHOCK. Destrcying Angels is Dennis's zine, which is mainly devoted to the world ol underground art, mainly within the punk and metal genres. lssue #7 features interuiews with and piece on deceased artist Greg lrons, who was mainly known in the comic book world of the late '60's. A good zine all around-l like the lact that it locuses mainly on artists, whose work often gets overlooked in the always attentiondelicient world of punk rock. (Doug) PO Box 40667 / Portland, OB I 97240-0667

Dodscelt ,1- Bik€ and Destroy 8.5 X 6 / $r.OO / 4G pages Apparently this is what happens when two Swedish zlnes lShorl Fuse and Explicit Noisel join together to create some kind of super-zine. The result is Dodscell # l; personally I'm not

too impressed with this. lt's not that it's badly written it's just not really anything informative, just kind of the typical music zine. This issue mainly this consists of a load oI reviews, interviews with SKITSYSTEM, SMACKOOWN, GENEBAL SURGERY I OUIT, and an interuiew with the people of MASAPUNK HECOROS. Some neat stuif about traveling and an interesting story about waking up with a concussion, sadly both are only a page long. Decent, but nothing too phenomenal. (Oave) I/'lattias

about the '03 northeast blackout, some liction and more. Alternates between handwritten and cut + paste, photos and drawings- A solid zine with a very New York feel to it. (the bastard)

Cryptas #21 lanzine with comp CD I can't read Spanish, but from the looks of this fanzine and the sound oI the comp CD, these guys love Crust! lnteruiews with ABSOLUTION,

/ Alvans vaq 246 I 907 50 / Umea /


sociologically and politically. There's also interviews with a homeless veteran, L.E.S. NyC squatters (including arlist/writer Fly and exCHOKING VICTIM bass player Shayne), a story

(Dave) Doris / P.O. Box 1734 / Asheville, NC I 28802 USA




4.5 X 6 / $ l,5O / 32 pages I knew even from the cover that this would be

great. This is a deeply personal zine that eloquently tackles abuse, anarcha-feminism and

day to day lemale issues. The zine mainly consists of personal stories (combine Adrienne Droogas'heartfelt honesty with at times a more wistlul poetic approach.) and also has some great interviews, one that is conducted with the zine author by her lriends and one that is more of a dialogue between two people that seems to be about rape. Top it all otf with some neat little drawings and a hilariously bad jokes page




8 page, 1l23j.orB,nN This zine is lull of radical action updates (hence the name, duh!) The cover starts it off with news

on the ongoing war with Bayer and their continued use ol GMO crops. They did announce lhat they would halt the trials ol GMO crops due to the lacl that they cannot ensure that their grounds won't be trashed. Ha ha, go team! Then inside the pages there are stories

about armed Honduran forest delenders, the page #3 tree eviclion alerts, ELF activity, prisoner contacts, a sabotage how-to-page, and linally the last page is a contact sheel, beautilul. (Jake) Daily Planet Publishing-Earth First! / PO Box 3023 / Tucson AZ 85702 / USA

EF tgt lr2 .hr, lO

highly and what it does to our notions of lreedom,

opposition to the Olympic Games, and more, plus news and such. Avery intelligent newspaper with actually thought-provoking articles instead ol boring well-worn arguments. (the bastard)

Dan Seagrave, John Pound, Evelyn Overholser,

Cracks in the Watt fis

and you have one exceptional zin6. A must.

Fullo, everylhing you'd sxpocl, startino ot with the good news thal lhe The*olaniki hunger strikers heve been rolsas€dl On lo reporl8fum lfi€ solidarity South Padflc anti-mlning campeign in West Papua, lhe pag. #6 tr3e and roadbuilding mstErials getting tr83hed by th€ ELF in Austia, lheres also a continuatlon ol lhe anti-

Bayer campaign. The center spread is a calendar of events and demos with a listing of protest sites. lt wraps up with prisoner updates and a list of UK ecological direct action groups because knowledge is power. (Jake) Daily Planet Publishing-Earth First! / PO Box 3023 / Tucson AZ 85702 / USA


Empttes Fatt fil lzt x 5 lr2' , $l.oO ppd. Ol

postage/trade / 28 pgs. I have read Bich Mackin's Deat Mr Makin, compiling letters of the "antFcorporate 9uy" who sent them to corporations. This short but sweet political/personal type of zine is his and Bosie Streetpixie's (aka Streetpixie, One Ear to the Ground zines fame) newest "labor of love and brainchild" (that's their depiction). Aside from smaller rants, Hosie writes about the ABC's of Anarchism, utilizing the alphabet to explain her anarchist life philosophy (that technique seems

to be quite popular these days


note Cindy's

alphabet use in Do,s lately), and shares her experiences lrom protesting the IMF in Washington, D.C. as well as her childhood memories. Rich takes on companies such as Phillip Morris in his piece about Boycotts, and wriles about anarchy (!), sexism, and... pizza. Empires DO fall, so check this zine out belore it happens! (adaa) Empires Fa lll PO Box 976 / Jamaica Plain, MA

Equalizing Dlstott. April 2OO4 A 112 x 11'l no price giv6n r 24p9s. Pretty cool zine with interviews with CATHOLIC BOYS, HOLY SHIT! And Dave Trenga from Behind Enemy Lines. ED also leatures a fuckload ol music reviews and show listings lor Toronto and the surrounding areas. A good, quick read-check this out. (Doug)

No mail address, but try


St. George St.,

Toronto, ON / M5S 2EB / Canada

Equalizlng Distort yol. 4, issue 4.June 200'4

8.5rll/copaed/20pg.. lalways enjoy reading Equalizing Distort. mainly because it doesn't focus on one particular style of punk or hardcore. This issue fealures an interview with THE AVERSIONS and ATTTTUDE ADJUSTMENT (the latter dredged back lrom

1987). There is also a really good n:e'!'re! srth




Reviews of records, shows, and movies round this issue oul and there is the omnipresent listing ol shows going on in the Buffalo, NY/Toronto area Very cool, as always. (Doug) Equalizing Distort / 91 St. George St / Toronto, ON M55 2EBlcanada

CASUALTIES/625 Becords

7he Flagbunet # 12


Super good zine from Finland that's packed with some neat stutf. This particular issue is packed with stufl about George Orwell, has an interview with BOSKA-ZINE, does a nice little history of Czech punk, a Malaysian scene report, a history of Palestine, some awesome poems and collage work and some of lhe standard reviews, Get this (Dave)

ianne Nystrom / Eurantie / Finland


2A9 / 00550 Helsinki

,lomosaqien=Disease *2,5 Mle Dominion 02.5 $2 ot T?ade / standard I 22 gages

I don't really like the idea of split zines They often seem hall'assed. This isn't the case lor H= DND 2.5.This ts slick looking, with a lull color olossv cover, each slde faalurrng an rnlervlew yDhas ISKRA) ix--Dieatures MtND OFASIAN. and music revrews. VO also has book raviews, some thoughls about your responsrbilllles vJhen puttrng on I show, and a short lour drary with his band ENVENOMED Good conlenl, well puttogether, I only wish it were longer. (the bastaro

HIo: Clint 7819 W Collingham Dr Apt. F, Baltimore, MO 21222 ot Death-Ageoy- aod-Sqr-eac$,@nolmaules'm VD: 2?37 Stratlord Ave *2, Cincinnoli. OH '152'19 or diamond666.@hgl!nell,.c@


evenls, and lho anarchlSl movomenl. personal ranllngs, record r€vrews, show teviews. and some greal inlarviews with Sllg and th€ Baron mlqhlv AMEBIX. as w€ll as sn lntervrew

trom thi wilh Bnan D-rablo ol CATHARSIS/CRIMETHINC It's a pretty thick, well put together cut'n'paste

zine in the 5.5"x8.5" size. Though it's a little lackrng visually. the aulhors writing style more than makes up lor tho lack ol vrsual Strmulslion All an all, it's a really good read. (Righleous) / www. geocities'com/ freepunk-1 999

Gteea AnatchY fl 7/Summer 2oo4 8.5 xl t , Drinted / 77 Pag€s , $4 US' $7 world

Here we have a pretty good-looking issue ol GreatrAnalchy, which ls well^sstabllshad as a vehicle lor pro'anvironment and anti-civllization views. ln this issuo, we g6t news and reports of

various animal liberation, native rights, and

prisoner revolts (among other things). There are

also some well-written essays on the concepl of utopia as wsll as nihilism vs. socialism, and even some book reviews thrown in towards the

linding out about a scene that is not the one the

oI. Band interviews with SHIFOSI, THE PLAGUE, AGAINST and others are included. and there are columns about readei is part

boycolting, living on socaal secunty, gender and t,nourst'cJ, and a greal (and lenglhy) revrow of onl ol lhe best LP s of all tms (read rl and tind out which album). A quality DIY zine lrom down under. (Jordan)

/ PO Box 5817 / West End zlD

to agr6e on every viewpoinl Gr6dn Anarc''y s€ts tortn. Uut as always' lhis zlne lurns up th8 heai in terms ol radical activity and lighting lor change at any cost. (Doug)

Eugene, OR 97440 /


tleailattack 042



newsPrint, $l.soPPd


RADIO, plus and arlrcle on ABC No RIO' reviows, photographs. lots ol ads. letters' and plgniy ol oprnrons vra columns. Hearlattack rs

always an rnlereslrng read evsn rl you don t reaC it all. Most interosting materlal this time around would be the Chris Crass column on voting & anarchism, and Mack, the Evasion kid's column on sneaking into concsrts. (Newt) Heartattacf / P.O. 8ox 848 / Goleta, CA 931'l 6

Heert Attack t49 I 1"x8.5'7 63 Pgs. ,$,5O

Columns, revi6ws, inlerview6,



lnteNiews ate long and moslly pretty in depth 1905, CAREER SUICIDE. STOP IT!. GHOST MICE. DIVERSE cotumns lols ol pollllcal stuf'l' music talk, and personal things. (Hazel) Heartattack / PO Box 848 / Goleta, CA 931 1 6

4101 I

ln the author's own words, "l'm only haltioking

politicals and loo punk poUrcal for the personal zines", but I think he slnkes a nice balance between the two (and it's all intertwined after all, don't you think?) The obligatory travel/show

accounts, covering lhe'03 Portland zine symposium and lie Brsax the Chains con,erence p)us observ.l!rorls on racism' punk, vegan'sm clmrnAlrnc lhe lelr P C." and much

more Good reading (Chelsea)

Mayhap Publishing / PO Box 5841 / Eugene, OR 97405 / MishaPzine@Yahoo com

MishaP 11? A black and white cut and Paste zine written in a vory psrsonal style - I think you really gel lhe lesling ot who Byan is rn here. espeqally when he lays out the history of lhrs zine so lar and the

changes rl has gono through. Tharo's an emphisrs on punk and anarchism logether cleating a communlly and identity as nell. as expressed in all aspects ol our lilestylss. A lot about zinss and how lmporlant lhey are. There's

also a good sized interview with LOST

CHEHREES, a short fiction story, zine and book reviews, and more Solid (the bastard)

P,O, Box 5841, Eugene OR 97405 / mislbapzlIle@yaho-0. com

li,,odetn Atizona #6 $tPPd Modern Arizona is a pretty pointless Personal

Ktisis #2 1t2eage,20 Pages' brw' $?

Krlsls is a political zine from Tiiuana, Mexico Visually, it's classic cut and paste, with page headeis in ransom-style lelters, cut out typed and wrilten text and grainy pholocopied drawings and photographs, The zine addresses

seueral ditt"rent topics ranging from the legallualion ol marijuana the sad stale of

fanzine, but it did make me chuckle at times with articles like "Where Do Farts Come From?" and

a lour page photo sprgad of gloclronrc

equipment and cars lhese dudes smashed up. The comp CD is morely a mix Cdr and lncludes NWA. Beaslre Boys and Elus, krr crying out loud (Newt)

illodein Arizona i Joe Unseen / PO Box 494 /

p;sfitution and AIDS among minors in Mexico

Brewster, NY 10509 / USA

and lhe struggls for women's egually, genocide and Christopher Columbus, Geo196 Bush's lies


lo lhe Latino population ln the United Slales, noise rgviews and mole! Thls zine rs packed full of interesting lacts. Written entirely in Spanish A good read! (Maygun) Krisispunkl 3@hotmail com

Maximum nocknBoil fl256


xlt , 9rant.d, rbout


Pgs' 3'

Seplsmber 2Oo4 issu8. ln a way, I teel like re;lewing MBB is like beating a dead horse

Eiiher you're into MRR ot you're ono ol lhe tew scatlored and lame detractors ol whal ls welldesorving of the tille ot "Tho Bible ol Punk Bock ln here. you gal lhe usual news revrBws columns. and letlars as ',voll as lnt€rvrews with WITCH HUNT, ANNIHILATION TIME, and THE

OBSERVERS. ln addition we're introduced to Golnar (whose lasl nams I unfortunately lorgel) as she signs on as coordinator ol MRR Best ol luck to her, and MRB romains crucial. (Doug) PO Box 460760 / San Francisco, CA 941460760




when I say Mishap is too personal lor the


end. I think most people would be hard-pressed


- issue #3 Zine

A cool cut and paste-style zine from Australia' The band locus is heavily Australlan, and I think



with stamPs/donation/trade

$2.3,trade / standald / 46 Pages

that this is what makes the zine interesting;

Ftee SocieaY *15 1t2 slze t 77 Pgs. I $2'oo Free Society is a zine based out ol Ontario Canada- lt's got il all, news on global current

PO box 1133'1


MishaP fi16 digest photocoPied b/w

Morgenmultel #12

l/2 A4 photocoPied b/w

U.S. pPd/sOP & SASE

that could happen to something you know Very worth checking out (Doug)

Mayhap Publishing / PO Box 5841 / Eugene' OR 97405 / MishaPzine@Yahoo com




Sweet! Another issue almost entirely in comic strip format. even the rsvrewsl lsy's art while achrngly cule, ls lar trom naive in thsir s€nsitlve

yet humotous depiction ol an enlhusiaslic

;ctivist lifestyle. lopics lnclude passing time at work. lear ot heights, a Wesl Papaun tribal lcader and hi6lamily linding retuge in England' the Cowley Club a volunteer-run social center/

bar / cale which lsy takes an active part in oporalng, cooking suPport {ol actlvisl events'

ciap seasonal work, eczema, and sel[-care tor | vgasl rnlecllorrs ll you ve mrssed issuBs 2'1 ol

Moteenmullel. be on lhe lookoul lor lhe

lorlhcoming colleciion lrom Aciive Distribution

www.aclivedislribulion Delrnilely a keeper! (Chelsea)



POBox 74


Brighton BNI 4ZQ



Move Yout Ass *6 12't I Free lsend $ for postage?! r 44 Pglr GD, Czech

MishaP 413.5 bv 51t2t'l ltee' ttade or $2 / 47Pgs'

I don't know what Flyan's up to with this one, but lt's dellnilely an Inter6sting road. Thls issue oI Mlshap i6 a lale ot two punks who hltchhika therr way lnto a nighlmaro world of Lovecralllan orooorl,ons. Al lrmes. lh€ way thrs slory rs lold can be Bxtremely unsetllrng as th€re rs lust enough crusty punk reality thrown inlo the mix to mik" th" whole thing seem like something

28PP $2 to

to U.K' /

a 1t2" x

This bzech equivalenl ol "Slug & Lettuce" is a must for those wanting to be informed about what is going on in the Czech/Slovakian hc punk

scene While it's written in Czech (l can

undersland lt!), il can serv€ as a valuable r€aoutce lor paople who don t speak Czschi it

Ists upcoming shows / ovonts / lssls and record shops in lhosB lwo counlries. ln olher words' it can serv€ as a litlle addrass/contitcl guids lor curious / traveling punks! lncludes interviews with ANTI-FLAG, I SHOT CYFUS, VYBOR


VEREJNEHO BLAHA (great band combining hip-hop and punk!), two ska bands: 2V1 and SKALAFIIAK, and many other bands. I was held

Peace Love & Chaos. lssue #6 'l12

Flace Traitor / PO. Box 603 / Cambridge, MA / 40-0005

size/i8 pgs


Peace Love & Chaos #6 is a neat litile zine out

"captive" by the interview with a political riot-grrrl band f rom lsrael, VAADATA KISHUT, who tatked about the DIY scene in lsrael and the newly opened DIY rehearsal/recording/show space in Tel Aviv- The zine also comes with a free CD! (adaa)

of South Arrica and il's great to read material from a community lam not too familiar with. Peace Love & Chaos #6 has several music reviews, an article on Alternative Medicine,

MYA c/o Jan Kovar / POBox 18 Chrastava, Czech Republic.

(Jason S.)

some good artwork, and an interview with the STEVIE WONDERFULS. Pretty good overafl.

/ 436 Ol

Peace, Love & Chaos / PO Box 3397 Cresta / 2118 Gaunteng / South Africa South AIrica /

News Ftom Nowhere #5 Tabloid newspaper / I pages / Free in petson or lor postage


Emma Goldman is always an interesting read,

so you gotta love a publication that's will to reprint a whole tabloid page of Emma's thoughts

on "Marriage and Love." Elsewhere in this

anarcho-punk paper are articles such as ,,The Primitivist lllusion," "Yo' Mama Says, 'The Parental is Political'," "Eco Punks Model of

Sustainability," plus a few more articles,

opinions, reviews, and artwork. (Newt) NFN / PO Box 10384 / Eugene, OR 92440 I www.f


Olt.Line fi29 112 size / 57 pgs / donation What can I say? Vincent Ramano is an excellent story-teller. Written in novel form, Off-line#29 contains tell-all stories of Vincent's past romantic

Banging from sweet and innocent to odd and lrustrating, each chapter contains a dillerent dynamic. Recommended. (Jason S.) Otf-Line/35 BarkerAve/White Ptains Ny 10601


Posilive Vegan fl3 page,36 pages b/w and pink! / Free or trade

Australial Chock full of amazing vegan recipes for autumn and winter, this zine comes complete with color photos, a conversion chart, reviews of other vegan zines and books, and space on each page for your own notes- an awesome cook-zine! ln an effort to keep the zine lree and include full color photos, she has included some ads to cover costs in this issue. The only thing lhat irked me about the zine was her zealous overuse of the word "posi". Aside from that, this is a gem- (Nilaygun)

/ 47 Chaucer Street/ Monee Ponds / lvlelbourne / VIC Australia / O039 / Bridget




Ptison Focus #2O


A quarterly publication ol the California prison Focus which "works with and on behall of prisoners in California's control units and other institutlons." This issue features contribution and


112 size / 6l pgs / donation Otf-Line #30 is very different from issue #29, This

issue has great stories about hiking the Appalachian Trail and a few good photos. There

is a also large section with Vegan recipes, letters, Ofl-Lme reviews, and other zine reviews. Overall, I found Otf-Line #30 interesting and well written. (Jason S.) Otf-Line /35 BarkerAve /White Plains NY 10601

Oppression Song #2

5,5" x 8.5" / piice unknown / 4opgs.

lssue #'1 was done in 1996 and now I years later, #2 comes to the light of day. Aragon describes the journey he and his project have

taken since that time, Some trials and some tribulations. Highlights include an lnlroduction to Non-European Anarchism, the questioning of work as a possible transformer of society, the relation of the relationship in a capitalist society. Also a short piece about the two different paths of a lriendship and Nihilism as Strategy. All in all, a journey of the author through the years

artwork by prisoners, letters, editorials, news, and articles, Lots of information is presented, and a very necessary resource for the people behind the walls and the rest ol us who wish to understand better the lives of those who society would rather dispose of and throw away the key. Prison activists take note of this one. (Crudos) Prison Focus / 2940 1 61h Street / Suite 85 / San Francisco, CA 941 03 / USA

Psyche Oul - Last lssue 6"xO.5"/23 pgs. This looks like it was written in ltalian


translated into English later on. The translalion makes it very difficult to understand. There are a lot of reviews and interviews with EQUILBBIO PRECARIO, CEREBRAL TUFBULENCY and others, and scene reports for the Czech Flepublic and Bulgaria. (Hazel) Psyche Out lanzine clo Silvano Pertone / via Gallesi 20132, '16'163 San Quirico, Genova ltaly

Punk Shocket #11

8 112" by 5

112" I 1.5O GBP / 64pgs. sucks to hear that this is the last issue oIplJok

obseruing the intricacies of life along the way.


Lets hope #3 doesn't take another near decade.

Shocker, but what a way to go! This zine leatures some killer interviews with POISON

(Crudos) Aragorn


6500 Hitlmont Street /

Oakland, CA 94605 / USA

Pagan Punx - June ,O4 I 2',x8.5',/t g pgs. This is a nice little publication from New Zealand. It has a lot of art, mostly drawings ol cat people.

There are photos oI local protests on Nrayday of this year- Unlortunately the text by the photos

and on the cover is black on a dark grey

IDEA, THE GITS, and ICONS OF FTLTH as wefl as the usual music and zine reviews. There are the occasional opinion pieces spliced in here and there, but I was more drawn towards the in depth

highway bypass actions. l\ilost of the text is hand written. (Hazel)

Simon Zealand

/ 91 Kuripuni St. /

Masterton, New

I was initially put off by this zine because of the professional-looking glossy cover but there's actually a fair amount going on here. There are about six thousand interviews in this issue, with STRIKE ANYWHERE, SUBMISSION HOLD, NOVEMBEE COMING FIHE, THE LEGACY,

and ANTI-FLAG, to name but a few Admittedly, I skipped over most of these to get to the news

quite well. There is also a good "lnlormation for Action" section at the end of this zine, most ot which is (at least in this issue) reprinted lrom Crimethinc!, but it's still a good addition. Apretty good read iI you come across it. (Doug) PO Box 382 I 456-458 The Strand / London, / WC2R ODZ I crcat Britain

Ralzlatz Spring


l/2 A4 photocopied b/w Ao9p


Euio postpaid Kickass cut and paste German-language magazine lrom Vienna. Mainly localized contenl with the exception of a lvlorovian (Czech) scene

report, this issue includes a look back at 2OO3 in music with top picks; upcoming concert, festival and radio broadcast listings; interviews with the VIBFATORS, MUFF POTTER, KAFKAS, TURBOSTATT, and MALTSCHICK,S MOLODIO, whose lyrics declaring the Vienna Punk scene to be small or inactive a bit hard to swallow considering the aforementioned local coverage although Flatz himself claims this is the only punk anarchist zine in Austria. There is also a report on a the legal prosecution of a fascist band called Landser that had a growing

populist appeal among local rednecks, and an article on how to conduct/legally protect yourself at demos. (Chelsea) Batzfatz Empire / SternwartestraBe 6126 / 11BO Wien / Austria

seyen f,torths on Poppyseed Stteet

{s 1,2,3

112 gage / stamps o? trade This zine is a wonderFul, funny, upbeat collection o, travel tales, Trisstessa, the author ol the zine, is stuck as head ol wardrobe on the road with a live children's show, She moves day alter day

through obscure towns surrounded by ttzzy muppets and coworkers she has nothing in common with, Each day, in each city, she strives to lind a place to be herself. She seeks out punk

shows, bars, coffee shops, and lellow friends as she leads this dual role of working arduous long hours in pseudo-happy muppet land and trying to maintain her sanity. These zines are her collections oJ stories, photos, and drawings of her adventures in- almost- seven months on the road. lt's a personal zine and if you know her it's even better, but the stories she tells are great for all. ([,4aygun) papstpnx@



A Japanese zine based on the aim of social change. Much ol this is written in Japanese,

interviews going on, lf there's any way to get some of the previous issues oI Punk Shocker, I'd definitely like to know. (Doug) PO Box l.T.A. / Newcastle Upon Tyne / NE99 ITA / England

but there are still many articles in English. The highlights here are the short Vietnam travel diary, the Osaka Coalition Against Poverty inlerview,

nece Traitot 0 6

miscellaneous graphics that permeate the zine. Has a neat screened cover as well. (Jordan)

background and can be difFicult to see. There is

writing about Hepatitis B and the importance of getting vaccinated for it; thoughts on biodiesel and fair trade, and legal information for anli

nancid-News 16 I LOO GBP / I lOpgs.


and protest sections, which are represented

This is a really great vegan recipe zine lrom

relationships, each written as a chapter.


4.5X6/$5/lO2pages Two words "Fucking. Great." An entire zine intelligently centered around race relations and carries the axiom "Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity" Contains stories, mini-

essays and letters that'll definitely get you thinking. Easily worth the 95. (Dave)


the article on "Post-Lett Anarchy", and the

Shott, Fast & Loud 111

AlPDX ll"/$2.OO epd.?t84 pgs,CD.

The title says it all; you like your punk "short, fast & loud"? This fanzine operates on a very

different punk wave-length than, let's say,

Profane Exlstence #46

music coverage in these latter zines, so lt's like

a brealh of tresh air (or "thrash air") to hold a thick zine covering bands that I find relevant This time, "S/F/L" has a theme: "Women in Hardcore." The editors' goal is to encourage younget female readers to become (and stay) involved in hardcore by showcasing hardcore women artists that can inspire younger women.

lnterviewed women/bands include WITCH HUNT, SELF DEFENSE, ANd METAI MATY (BEHIND ENEI\,IY LINES, PENACE). The issue also includes each contributor's list of'5 most influential women in punk" (quite personal and entertaining!), excellent "Blasts Irom the Past" article highlighting lesser known hardcore punk bands with women members (BAGS, 13. BBAIN DEATH, CLOWN ALLEY, THE COMES, NOG

WATT, more!), lheme columns, and tons of reviews. It also comes with a free CD compilation

Ieaturing 1 I bands from all over the world with women in them. Get, getl (adaa) Short, Fast & Loud t 225 Lincoln Ave, / Cotati, CA 94931/ U.S.A. akautsch@aol.cpm

Stacketbooger e1 8.5 X 6 / No Price listed / 26 Pages

This zine contains interviews with KUNGFU RICK, POINT OF NO RETURN, RUINATION,

and DEFIANT, lhe entire thing consists oI fairly standard interviews and some reviews. There's some pretty nice collage work that makes it stand out though. Not bad. (Dave) Slackerbooger / C/O Dane Cortes / #2503 Unida

Street Baclaran Paranaque



1700 /


UGZis a music zine lrom Berkley California, lt's pretty big, and has a lot of really great band photos. lt's got all the essentials for a good music

zine: interviews. stories, record reviews, columns. and lots of really good photography

Featured in this issue are ATROCIOUS

N/ADNESS, DEATHTOLL, SEE YOU IN HELt, SLIGHTLY CBEEPY and SMD, just to name a tew- This is a really well done zine, with great scene coverage, and I suggest you check it out. (Bighteous) UGZ / PMB 419 I 1442A Walnut Street /

Berkeley, California 94709 xUttramilitancex t3

A1l2X6 /trade/20

put Slingshot right uP th€r6 wlth eE in terms ol overall relevance to anarcho-punk politics, and issue #82 is no exception. ln this one we have columns and pieces on everything from herbal I

abortions to drama within the anarchist

movement (courtesy of Jeff "Free" Leurs, still doing time in Oregon for radical environmental activities), plus a map of delegates'hotels in New York City just in time for the Flepublican National Conventionl S/ingshotis delinitely a mandatory read, iI nothing else for the diverse points of view and its overall practicality lo those into any sort of progressive or radical politics. Check it out iJ you haven't already. (Doug) Slingshot / 31 24 Shattuck Ave. / Berkeley, CA

Along with ALF/ELF actaon reports, interviews with xVeganx bands DEADLOCK and MAROON take up the bulk ot this zine. lf you can xabidex by the xgratuitiousx use of xxx in your xreadingx' then definitely pick this one up. Besides the band interviews, there is a compelling article linking animal abuse with child abuse, which is worth the postage alone. (xMarcx) J oe / xulllaoiliEtr@r@do4lgdlT}EatG0!0

Woild Wat 3 nePora *96 Having never read this zine before, I was surprised at the in depth analysis the editors strive for. This zine deals with the issues surrounding conllicts around the world (the zine's subtitle is "lndependent Sentry ol Truth in the War on Terrorism), specifically Pertaining to the so called'War on Terrorism'. There are many

ignored ln the Sudan, bul lhe most inleresting iece le the anicle aboul tho coup in Haiti. The piece aEkg lho question why ll the Unil6d States in lraq, 13 supposedly eslablishhg'democracy' a nation hall way around lhe wodd, thon why would the Administration not attempt to stop a coup in a country like Haiti that would put a halt to the democratic process? Haiti is in much closer proximity to the US, and the argument that by remaining largely uninvolved in the conflict in Haiti, Western nalions are supporting the coup is plausible (by the logic that Silence or inaction = Consent). All in all, an interesting read. (Jordan) World War 3 Report / 44 Fillh Avenre, # 172 I Brooklyn, NY / 11217 / USA


You Can't Kilt ,rs, We Are AlreadY

Dead (Algerie's Ongoing PoPutar UPrising) 8.5n x 'l l' / price unknown / 48Pgs.

Squarc One Again #2 I Voices Wake Us 011

Full size/8 Pgs/$l

Voices Wake Us contains record reviews and recommendations and very liltle else Square One Again had a few short stories and mostly record reviews and recommendations as well. The reviews are very well-wrilten, but llelt like

this split needed a little more to keep


interested- (Jason S.) Ben Parker / 5290 Lerner Hall / New York NY /

twin 112

Ciaies Food Core #2

gage,22 pages, $1, tTade ol stamPs

This is the second issue of Jim's vegan cook zine. llove this zine; il's entirely hand written

and illustrated and features

simple, straightforward recipes and tricks. This issue features breakfast, appetizers and snacks, main course meals, and desserts! lt also includes tips for making sour soy milk, where lo get cheap ingredients, and a recipe from yours truly. The

A very good collection of articles telling ot the contrnual uprising and slruggle ol the people ol Algeria which has been going on in earnest since

the end of World War ll. This covers the period from 2OO1 when the killing of lvlassinissa Guermah by police sparked widespread unrest in the Kabylia region of that country. Gives lots o{ background information, a who's who of the struggle and the groups involved Tells ol the successes and failures of the rebellion in hope that those struggles and ideas born there mighl spread to other areas of the world. Know your history, know your present, know what the future might bring so as to better live your lile and make

this world a better place. Very worthwhile' (Crudos)

firestarter press / P.O. Box 50217 / Baltimore, MD 21211 / USA

content of the zine is great if you want vegan recipes, and the layoul of it is full of character and energy which makes it easy to use and fun read. Check this out! (MaYgun) Jim /

Profane Existence #46

a2a Gllm.n: Thellcr-Eefft Softcovet Book b/w 432 PP $2O postpaid, usi $25 PostPaid' world As engaging as il is exhaustive, this ambitious undertaking offers a comprehensive account of this landmark, DlY, all-ages clubs history since 20 years ago. Brian Edge its beginning

^eaily task of compiling a wealth took on the lormidable oI documentation into a coherent and appealing format jam-packed with photos, artwork, tlyers, not to mention in-depth first-hand analysis by over 75 individuals who have volunteered there throughout the years, who include many wellknown figures among them The varying


Arghanistan, the genocid€ mal is largely berng

tabloid / 20 Pages I ltee wl Postage



current articles about conditions in lraq,

Stingshot *82



,tGZ (atrban Goillra Zinet #15 Full size / 52 Pgs. / $3.5O

Headatta)k ot Punk Planet.- I can't relate to

perspectives they offer Ilesh out a fairly complete picture of Gilman as an institution here you can read the accounls of Gilman's first paid punk garbage man. lho completely strpportive owner of the building, or even Jeko Filth's dad! Bayond bemg a 6outcs ot inspiratlon, lhis book can g€rve aE a practical how-to manual tor kids wishing to begin similar projects in their own areas- Not only are the challenges the club has faced over time discussed hassles with the city, financial troubles, occasional hostility Irom

local businesses, relatively minor harassmenl

trom renegade police, nazis, and other

troublemakers, even unwanted mainstream media attention their proactive methods of resolving these issues lairly and effectively are also explored- As for crib sheets, samples of booking policies, accounting worksheets, a list ot membership meeting topics, attendance and budget records are reproduced in the back section. Trivia mavens will love the complete lisl

oJ show line-ups from December 86 through December of 03It's amazing to see the constructive punk

rock ethos of volunteerism and egalitarianism put into practice so successfully Gilman stands as a model of what can be accomplished by punks working together cooperalively among themselves and within the broader community, and this book gives a fascinating insighl into its evolution and its inner workings' Hopefully as

much as the club itself has impacted and transformed the lives of thousands residing ln or passing through the Bay Area, this book will help these benefits become even more farreaching. (Chelsea 40oz Bondage) AK Press / 674-A 23rd St, / Oakland, CA94612

lddict.d To W!r! Whr th. u3 Can't Kick llilitarism: An illustiated expos6 bY Joel And?eas Soft cover lull color cover' b/w inside 77 pages

Originally published in response to the lirst odious Gulf War, this book has be€n seamlessly updated with additional material to reflect the

current US war on lraq. The continuum oI violence and oppression perpetrated by the US of course does not begin or end with these wars, and Joel does a fantastic iob oI succinctly tracing the United States' systemic Powermongering all the way back the founding of this nation. Often, work this well-documented and heavy on historical fact is dry and choppy with limited reading appeal. Joel masterfully avoids this pitlall by presenting the information in comicbook format. His use of plainspoken language and approachable reasoning make it suitable for much broader readership. While it's definitely a

worthwhile read for seasoned activists, what's really exciting about this book is its potential to reach reluctant or youthful readers, and lessradicalized folks alike, and expose to them the ruthless opportunism and self-serving policies ol the United States for what they are. Ol all the compelling endorsements of



! I) I Il' L

this book by celebrities and well-known activists, many ol whom had prior military involvement themselves, perhaps the most moving was written by Fernando Suarez de Solar, who lost his son Jesos in lvlay oI 2003. He writes, Addicted to War should be assigned reading in American schools because it tells the

true history of this nation's culture of

/ PO BOX 228 I Pettolia, CA 95558 AK Press / 674-4 23rd St, / Oaktand, CA 9461 2 Counterpunch

Do O? Dlc: Volcaa t?om

Ecologlc!! nc.i.trnc.

milltary. How different things might have been had my son had a chance lo read it, However, it is not too late for many thousands of young Americans-" I lully agree; it's a shame every high school guidance otfice does not make a copy available. That leaves il up to us to stock this valuable tool in the infoshops and zine libraries, with peace groups, and on our coffee tables.(Chelsea 40oz Bondage) AK Press / 674-A 23rd St / Oakland, CA 9461 2

A[imal Bitor: A Plcto?.| 3t(dy O, Belationshios By Gee Vaucher

This is Gee Vaucher's second tull coffee table size book of her art. Why Gee Vaucher doesn't have major gallery showings all across the world at big art galleries is beyond me. This book has little in common with her days with CRASS, thus proving that she has more depth as an artist than those who would pigeon-hole her as the one-dimensional collage artist for CBASS. This book is not another Crass Art and Olhar Pre Postmodarnist Monslars, and Vaucher obviously did not want it to be. Animal Bites is a study of the relationships between


decide what to take with them lor future


Sadly, this is the last issue ol this superb Do Or Die Collective's journal (weep, weep). Please, do yourself a lavor and get lhis



a wealth ol information contained within this journal, borrowing its name lrom Gandhi. Inlormative articles cover a wide range ol topics such as history and current struggle of radical environmentalists in England, American lndian

activism, anti-GM crops direct action news, assessmenl of radical struggles in Central and South America, libertarian struggles in the

Pacific, the implications ol occupation of Western Sahara as well as Palestine; my Iavorite: a piece about road blockades in Britain (Reclaim the Streets!), and much, much more! This journal is Iike a huge radical ecological comprehensive globat encyclopedia Iilled with facts rather than propaganda, and is a labor of love, anger, and hope- I can't recommend it enough - seriously, l've been "wowing,,about this journal ever since my hands touched it. I will utilize it lor relerence purposes and to continuously (re)assure myselt that there are people making a difference out there in this wretched world.,. (adaa) Do Or Die / Prior House / 6 Tilbury place / Brighton / England BN2 2GY doordtp@yahoo.go.&h

humans and anlmals, utilizing Vaucher's cut and

paste collage style for a singular and specific purpose. Some of the frames in the book are humorous, but for anyone interested in the analysis of form, they initiate thought about the subjects Brilliant!(Jordan) Exitstencil Press / Pomona Books (www.oomonauk,com)

Bcat thc Heet. llow lo Handt. Encounlers Wlth Lsw Enlo?Gameni I 90 pages This book by Katya Komisaruk is full of

important information for everyone, lt's a comprehensive guide for ways to deal with confrontations with the law. This book goes through many different situations from police accusations to arrest and how to best deal wlth the situations so as not to make them worse for yourself. They use cartoon strips and photo collage strips to set visual examples and to show the lechnical details of tickets and court situations. I highly recommend this book to

everyone, especially lhose who live


Amerikkka under the Bush regime! (Jake)

AK Press

I 674-A 23td St, / Oakland, CA /

94612-1163 / USA

DimG'. Worlh of Diflerense: Bayond thG Lc33er ot ?wo Eultt By Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair Damo's Worth

ol Ditterence contains

essays from various political writers and activists, focusing on the closing idoological gap

between the Democratic and Republican

parties and some of the politicians behind them, Karl Rove, lvlax Baucus, John McCain and paul

Wellstone are just a few ol the subjects of these writings, which aggressively point a finger at the lack of spine and abundance of corruption within the Democratic party. Dime,s Wgnh-gfpiflsfenQe upholds the sentiment that who holds the power is almost insignilicant as long as a profits-belore-people system remains intact; a very interesting read. (ScurvyAlice)


Not only is Ayers'story personal, passionale and lascinating, it's important lor every radical to read in order to look back on the mistakes and triumphs ol this group, and


382 pages / $15 (surfacef or g2O


Because oI this book, many young students will think twice before considering enlistment in the

young adults who eventually became echoes ol what they were fighting against.

Footnote. By Bofl Whatley Hmm, a book written by one of the founding members ol CHUMBAWAI!4BA? At worst, this would turn out to be a poorly written autobiography with much emphasis put on the delence and justitication of selling out. ln actualiiy, this autobiography is very well written,

struggles, (ScurvyAlice) Beacon Press


Th..tsrliG. Ol noortlnt By Ward Churchill

Have you ever been in one ol those

arguments with people who are totally convinced that the United States ol America is the most righteous nation on earth ? Of course, we all have. Well, this book contains all the ammunition you will ever need to discredit whatever moronic arguments are put lorth. ln this book, Ward Churchill has compiled all ol the atrocities, deception, military aggression,

covert operations and butchery the ,,Most peacelul nation on Earth" has committed. Churchill opens the book by asking the question "Why do they hate us?", the question so many

Americans ask, superticially, yet never really attempt to answer. The inevitable analysis of 9-'11 ls thoroughly dealt with, as this event has now been forever linked to that question, although the answer the US Administration has indoctrinated the public with is lar different than

Churchill's own conclusions. Churchill's analysls of recent


776 - present) world events,

in relation to US foreign policy, is sharp,


intelligent and meticutously documented with sources (unlike the arguments used by thel current idiot in the white house). The book I


reads quite quickly, with careful documentation of every insidious covert operation, brutal coup and racist foreign policy that the US has funded,


acted upon or passed. Churchill qives the


reader his analysis of these events in a clear


and succinct manner. The inevitablel

conclusion that the reader will reach afterl

endearing, and spends only a lew pages dealing with the band's decision to sign to a major label. The book ls a great look into the

reading and digesting this chronicle of atrocities, I is that the Administration ot the United States I of America must be destroyed. | AK Press I 647-A 23d street / Oakland / CA I 9461 2- l 1 63 i USA / I

account of how inlluential the bands and ideas

Plc Anv Imnr

early 80's anarcho-peacepunk scene in England, and gives the reader a personal lrom that scene were- Boff has a knack for lraming things in a fairly objective light, providing (sometimes humorous) analysis and criticism along the way. This book is essentially

the story ol one young geeky

punk,s involvement with the music scene, that

develops into something more, a lifestyle that over the years, becomes based on collectivism and equality. From the early days of Chimps Eal Bananas, to the fallout alter Tubthumping,

Boff recounts those years ol his lite with

humour, honesty and an unapologetic wit. Well worth the read lor any punks wishing to catch a

glimpse into that early peacepunk scene but are too young. (Jordan) Pomona Books (

Fuqitive Davs 293 pages/ by Bill Aye?s This is the personal account of Bill Ayers, a member of the radical anti-war group known as

The Weather Underground. This group was responsible lor many bombings in response to various injustices committed by the American

government, including a bombing ol the Pentagon. Ayers explains his transformatjon from a

timid, middle class peace activist to a fugltive under surveillance by the FBI- He also tells of

the transformation of The


Underground, which began as a radical faction ot Students for a Democratic Society; lrustrated

]loise Refuse

(Jordan) ?hr tlarla

Btlin? Erloedc Gookbool

By the

Biotic Baking Brigade

These guys throw pies at public officials-

need I say more? The book includes a list ol those "pied and tried", "rules of crumb" lor pieing, and specific re-enactments ol memorable moments- photos included. The end of the book

even includes vegan pie recipes. An excellent example of how to poke fun at the system, this is a must read! (Maygun) AK Press I 647-A 23d street / Oakland / CA 9461 2-1 1 63 / USA /

n.dh.l D"lorltl..

By lloam Ghomsky 34O pages For those unramiliar with the writings ol Noam Chomsky you will find an intense read with this book, but one that is well broken down inlo an essay format that makes this read a bit easier for the non-scholastic to understand (like myself!). Prefaced by Chomsky's social theory written by C.P Otero, this book is broken down

into three parts- 1. ln Delense of the Third World, 2. U,S.A: Myth, Reality, Acracy, and g. A Pressing Agenda, ll you've read Noam before you know that everything he says is backed by historic fact, and this is no different. No way to really cover everything in this book in short, but it's delinitely a great read for those who love a politico-social read. (Jake) AKPrcss 1674-A23rd St. / Oaktand / CA 946'121163 /

Profane Existence #4G


was. All this kids were only inrerested in consuming. iJty ooirg"? Then I think what kind of *orr "r" How ditterent are we from the values we in reality so Now I live in Austria, and it,s the same like oermanyi Onry tastrtoo An anll'caprlslBl lashioo' i'Grr punr uur r oonr see iiL one' th; p€opl6 mak; F*66 causs I s€9 hke a'hc ir,",Iinirer nrgt',n therr lace and agiGem r all thg rocords tiey have lhey conttlbute lo lhe struggl€ I you r"ie o, D,y proura, i. "dr I rhrnk lhe ,.pon.nill 'ecords ri"i it you hav€ s rabel. csll ydassli anarchl8l or anarcho'punk or even





just polilical issues-. Everyone always acted like I was bverreacting l'm glad to know l'm not alone in my thinking . lf I ever manage to get off restriction. I will. be

in able 10 get a paid subscnption But I have at least two (Hs more months of beifto locked in my cell N Would vou please send me issue #46? I love the new kid'Bul format' Forever a prisoner ol thoughi -Rocky uuying

il;;: i;ll

or Hey Bocky! vour teiet untattunatetv the 'ivo' -' ^--':^1i,!"^:"' actions do rcllecl on us' People all ovet government's punk -the.wotld view this counlry wtLh spte, and in my opinion o oi"r"-vo" U"riu* rn a *orra *irr,oricaptt"l,Jr oi with gfud reason "Amar6a" tha enllv ts o d6astar As I am slly. blt f mqti;e iEhiing Maybe eov stalo. -''


,", t.lil""ra,Ji;r::1il

" .iil';;il;*' di'er"nr r#;. iot ioivo" y,y1!!y: :y:y::::1::::,:: :*'ii:;:;:;X " cuffent adminisration untodumteu thal Tt]#:r!-,* ru;Jr""oi i.ri*.-ft"r tne'u "," atilnsur4prlotout ili;;i;###;id';;;;;*[r,,*, itin;l::;Ji:Hl? 'iffi^:#,'#'::*:;Z#::X:;*::i::;#'

l,m writing to ret you know

rrea,yrikedyourzine.. rreceived

o'ess,ttreta1t-*inteliointIvIvE!lPull.,r.qlg ' we[, *h"l t"ally got me was how we could be counw' Hi! r , both oveil and covett wavs the so yes' so ditleloni but at lhr same ti." .n""'" t;;;i;; - 'i. din6 hihk you @n bring bri' up uo sofie !,ofie tttidta, It think 'n *,at on us as tddtviduals and .ny!-$-.!y samsourloot6ontite.n",".*n,."i'rir',,i.ou." ,'totms vth. oo'"mmeil's dects'ons ;m ponsi i;''in"'i, inpottant ,m quck to sav w mt into tho punk thlng. ,., "n"i ffi'.;;;ffi o'uo s(,und mu9c and zs a natton rhough t wouwl't be so |x,Jng paa.ot a'rtiiiii Hopp.r.. ha ha, bur ptesse o*., ;ffii.;;;6 *,th'*' ac,,uEttvet*t***m thotesincontrctchansepawg q.{;1ryi-y"!-i'-""'c'*'" iffi 'et*!nat Nocess" our ',i ,n , *". y t17"i p,,,g 6ii o'wto w.|'o.aG every iew vears througtl ou any,rhhs b.d aboui punk ru.,. orlilirlJf ' ,a" , 'ta ,8sDec1 your w8y o{ 1ro to Ntnbtte thni the rclt dedsions er mada hhnd closad doots' w;il dont ;;stci'''oi m.,'he' nrlrlsta(t '","ii.iirr,i"i "no ,o," n""illt-;ffi;il wh6r ms16s ihi6 tetts, or"n f

frrggT:ffiffi'#Jff#:;.;*-;ffi ooutd sr.nd by you,

muslc. Bur I

"d":'[;;";i readyrofighrEnypr,narcamaourwly'a;;;r;

yx,x*rmwm,xxetn no i*

vr,i;'"2;i:";'ly":", #r:ffi'w",i:,::|#:'f"


^ost' Y, nteesnpu,,.'i'ffii;;v{ii'iiiit'n'ou.a ": !,:::!"ii'ut"i't"t

nwn"u''e*"666-'iiian .Fuck rhe Lswt"And *r ,r o""ur,"1ir,'""nll,ili n;"' j ,y*,a ra y.Jliii iillils ia wb[ r don,r rvanr !o" mat(o *ii'rii';"ii iro



sonethng hshv gotng on' ptdns to keep Amilcans

un,"aieaa'aiwissed apathet'e,,u'warcol th6

day siate ol altair s' ot navbe t'n that so nattv


Nesent n paanatd t dtoh the prcbtem 6


Yrtr**t;fr:i;"**fif* ']'*'-'."u

ffi":iff:trtr'""'itii'tri;2ffi' up w'are 'rffii'fr{!;{;tixi:###ffi{iii: - W;''"#'t:itiy";:a1';";,6, iffiffir;l:f,ffitrilH;T1il:'mld (yN ot il;itui;r *" u!'"i,!,'!,"0'1",i;'!!i"roo*

xf,i1n';',r',ril#r.srr[:ii-,:.d thEl lm ln I u[ De itom thlg lucked up oav


Pnson my 3ub€crlp[on trom yr"...i


-- Btndhg you som€ srun rn ltte 'l1l" bc



*** ,*









le.intoi:tn9 -8n!

times' where our

iiving tn tucked

has becone

can buy sn'dded

the befish

'Slllffi' #"flffif{il:'etr;'"y;m;:X 'noreuanwaai't&ili) Gii"rr,rgorl"rtp'**"g to i



chanse? I

"n,"t ksoPwrting' ftading' Bsearching' leamrE' ial*ng' prot*,ung' passing a@g inlomalron thc aost we kfuw how We ks,, s*eakng unttt out voices aG guess we

tei Ti" Orrr r,rng, hlnk. to do ts rh''i'k" nd vou kn',* however tons that takes' '"*71y" ti'ii'i;iasii oi n' ius'c' lna heard'rot i,9 o#iiii'"ffiro'. Chee'-Mavgun l,t.fy dmt,lwl ytg* *, n" ^"^frA"fri*i.'t ".y'". "* hotd sinitat be!i;b'as W and .,dks the ili,. aN the ", e,c. can et@ee d,e!er, *"r*!r'&"lffFrai want to see tt""w"ii.i''ii'inii"i ?tt?:1 int?.,!a!!s out moeed?€.nt what we n'*..13'"Jiil["fffi:ilr3::s drirs 8,so c,sriag h,-y-1^ ^w, ol:: movwred.E oeopre ,s atritude ,s t &,,,rulcnt un te,,,rcund. 'I:y"ii:::;:ii::"^:,H#:;:frz',!::i:;:l';Z ererylhrng' ve nolrced lhal apathyro es8rc lo b€ I m4or g@d bd in @ttfitun ln rhet fll'tct' Nl'aofts' so trs



fi,,,* tu nlrwf ns $eat,o hear tt', we arc

reiltog etrtt a

o, an

tp yw

t19!i *i-iii



o,'alb host lortwu




#w'Htr'T#"'H'i'ffi'#: and ild ;;ni

soul, and Uuos' n's musb- il nay (/F,ltne PedB ol s,,trao/lo'gpo&onatlty, but ll detinilay thou/dn'l ttmtt oI sat

t.x'x. tad country,


'ffiifimym#trffiW, ,hoten






il'aH,,u ir,,

,u.t,;,#ffi;;;ty ocaa.Hrii";;i;;;b

*o share. Maygun


we can, and should Cheerc,



I docile


f;:#iitri#.fli''-#"iii'#ff!'3;l sedil lor 4!9 wo ssrvo pnsn. ws

c^varnmrnrat Hvoocrisv Knows no Bounds. -C





afr.irilvra n""

tai atuve and-beyond iusl that' 't;'#;i#;z:i;;"'zi;'uiivr"'n""ni''


keep us confused,

back 6nd


u""i "p,vr[gee, lt.


r.ins; "b"roon"v',

9erp1g,,l"jilii"iii" r* iy1-"*a,v *-r,"it "

"prur"g rr'e smrue



* HriZl#ffi, l"U,Sm*'n'fll#; fncsrc*itea,;nd f



""rv ue,ng

;il ;iffi; i;


n ttre

E but I am sman enough to see thai oo maner who

tucrrng srop'

o'i"iiio""t ""t g*rrn *#*';.ililt;i;li;ii.gaLioOdni otlice the


days. g8t in dav3 Th6re i6 lslk ol'we nffid a good nolr rhal wlll changs

lhings.' tasrea.ttwourdchans€'rorolrhinss loee



we would g€l hesviEr reslriclions s]d wrrh tha not muld taco Bddtlonal


:s:1,'"1'JB#fl"tilEiJ&*T'li;ili.llffSrllnl wide.

This interferes with prison economy' Then peoPlecomsrunnlng'sy"whatllhaproblam?wele iosing ma1o, do*ais herer" No prison cooks No ordeiiies'-no lscto'v work'rs' Nothins Doterrar contfaclorc suddenl,, detEult on billlons ol doltars 01

th" i*nilal ffi" r* iil;;itt' Bui dj;; open o"o andnightclubs to atay """t" n€ed lo be hred lo wel iltal every. cat agrsemenls Plus' civilran wolkds oiher support srulces' m bn3 ot F-n*. o",lo'Ji'frir[r"i i* toi 'i'r rit"t*n t"'ndry aM all thewill "rcoioiinowngiull *o*ittto lhal in the partrrng- lot has a drivs; ", "vvhBl do lhov riii'J*1.,"r. sa!/ ."|'il 't or listen. The fact is that , il;" Pinh€eds on capitol Hill iriii ffiri r,rliii uri!'"!.ri"*t ", 9o.r rhe , ;il u.*n;r,.", wanl?'Problemsolved Bulitslll neverhappen' crezy oooqrmor in ou, .""n" o, ,,iil,i";i. ;; rrmrr rrvounaiesv"iu"enini"r inHan*oounty.or The reason whv is that solidaritv doesn'l exist Brd Eboul rhinqs r,vo ** ff'ffii';;;;;; vou woutd ue any oo-citv im-s-uii oru, " "Grcno Eump....horv p€opt€ who .", ,n;,i*"iriJr'"L""ll# 'J' 3;f:: :5;.":i!,!'":liry,{tiii;" ,*::t ilril;;itf#";,-,0**3illl'liifflllli 31,:f*l ll*f1:'-:,*'n:i#ffi*Iffiil1


vory much, b,t om ot




""g. 991€r*!t tn.vsrytelzh!(rr,st"rr,,*l"rr,'ioJi'r,i-"i*r-,t# iir z* t"t'j"ii;;;



SPain ,vihsG ll Yotl 8EY I







b€t**n o.'ng


*" u'v-"'fr

lsxsd on ths


ony yY

in sorErhlns lmolverl. or tn= rlta ttre deor seems ""'v "Ji lightlor Enarchasm. go'"'*m you 8ay youto anarclli3t, it,s,cause tt "lit's I rnoved ll nol Shut uPr I hoPe vou under:taid me' gov'rnmenr srsrls nasdress ,1"Ge,m.ny.nd r didnr rtri unoer tatsa p-reriril", ir,"iga .ir."n" uas a concon whh oi eorroi. r


"on'it"orJ#. *"Jilivi;;;;;

to ffi

liiviil i"iiii g"-.. :??11 can sXiflHftm ilrlofgEIinq. I thought'cool,




than they are uniting as a group to solve a common p'obl6m sounds lamir|6r' doesn r rr? lwas raadhg Enolh€' lim where tha conlributor bved lho solldaritv between the prct$rers' hilins a slr rn ovor rhe war rn rraq' Bur Mond6v mornmg she needed to go bact to wotk end ,on ,ne real $/orld ok'

srioutd war6 ;;;" ;"";r" ;. { ogiu il,;I#iT1Hi,S"'mfil1;#;':::" ::'ffi:fl.X* *u} ';i;-'-ey "-":::; Tr"





And I am a cnminal l battlad rn mv own way t""' u" tri'" tffit* rt" -'ntry to tiop *."oiiiEril', i'.Ifi'r. "u"ttlon t.,*ini or t*i'tuo' u,.-*o'ri"il'tt["rN"J rca'notrom 'ni ::l[ir}::*:"?13l"ifixi"ff,?*"tr"H3ii con,lcL..Formarhisws.bsorul6ryc'azy. t''tu"'I#l,nn i-rntry",tt"rr*royattsagoltwasEtils?"a,l1['J you, rins hsB rsalty given ms hoos. t'mnoigorngtolthereandEavlhatldrdnlprotlhom lood stashed Apdrf to gol sldt f?dr this bsndi. t amlvs *v ect'6nt Luca'st I did I h8d enol€h ii'ffi pt'to^ rtop" 't ri"uuspassiooin g6t b tht8 bands caur" ,*, fi;,'#]3;ilffi; up to las ma and the psopl. ln mv household lor 16 511L'11ii ;;iriiSi wa. rhoughr "r" t thar Elt thls tdds vory ,,.r"no-p,ni.. i"t e, ho, eitly 'i"'i'pofni" ""0

only saY{ Punlts wtlh vsry big mo *ith s6rrE trom brnds o*"



Profane Existence #46

Letters Pages


months I had everything that I needed to get by I mel people who got angry because I wouldn t support them So(y That's notthe deai Action means getting oliyour ass and helping yourself and helping the person nexl to you to help themselves Then two become four, then

eight and onward That is "up the punxl" I had a 3 bedroom apartment with 15 people living in it Somethrng was going on around the clock But i1 look me a year to find 1 5 people who wanted 10 do something Some people were prolesting a crew ol loggers No problem- chain yourself 10 the tree unlil you have to report for work, some people were protesting McDonalds ior selling burgers Meanwhile Wendy's, Burger King, Outback Steakhouse and olher places are booming- this isn'1 etfective So what to do you do? lf you don't want trees cul down, slow down the demandforwood llyou wantto save the animals,stop the demand lor meal Meanwhile tons of raw sewage fill our oceans, lakes and rivers I don't see anyone standrng under a discharge pipe in protest War on oil? How many protesters batricading interstate hiqhways? Wouldn't that be more etfective than the city streets? 3am, 30 junk cars and lrucks welded logether on an interstate? Has anyone filled a gas pump nozzel with quick set epoxy? Have 40 punks walked inlo a corner store and walked oul with everything they could cary as a group? Granted, not very etfective. but it sure sends a message What message l m nol sure, but it's as logical as anything else going on

Can we define exaclly what we want

to accomphsh? Can we set a goal or list of goals and take a step toward reaching thal goal? First let's argue over whal ihose goals are going 1o be Then let's argue over

why my agenda and my goals are more or less valid and worthy than your agenda I broke federal laws regarding wire kaud and access devices l'm guilly I did it l'm not a political prisoner Someone didn't like the idea of me not supporting lhem, so theylold on me ltwas myfaultfor being stupid enough to allow an apathetic lreeloader become aware of my actions No problem I accept the responsibility I failed l'm getting to stand in the corner for two more years and think about my actions l'm thinking, believe me I am surrounded by 1,835 hardcore criminals that are very happy to share therr collective knowledge

on true anarchy And triends much of what I see and hear from these people is not nice True anarchy is nol a good thing Not when the anarchists in question are extreme sociopaths for your fellow human Whatare our goals? What are our limits? What are we actually fighting for? Are we actually fighting or are we iust making noise? How can our actions be effective? 26 months from now I will be back in the fight But I plan on being more etfective I have to face the lact thal the penalty of my actrons far outweighed the benetits that I received or the help I gave the people who needed me There are people who need me now Myiriend justdiedfrom lrver failure She could have used my help I failed, but I haven't quit I welcome letters from anyone who cares to wrile -John Smillwood #04399-010 / PO Box 33 / Tetre

Haute/lndiana/47808 PE,

Your main article on Punks Vs Sexism (#45), made for traumatic reading lt actually reminded me of why I look a hiatus kom the punk scene for a few years and dedicaled myself purely to political skuggles and organising (which admitledly wasn t without it s own problems) Nevertheless, now al age 33, I thought it was important not 10 forget and instead acknowledge how punk had inlluenced my life in many positive ways and how it

could act as a vehicle for questioning and challenging society's accepted norms lnterestingly the article also raises the question of how shallow a political consciousness can be within a scene that, at times, also creates many distractions (what

I mean by this is things like an over-emphasis on 'the music'at the expense of political content, and also the crealion of hierarchies based around personality cults that are more often associated with certain people in bands etc) ltalso shows the atrocious anddamaging efiectsof what happens when politics is not paramount The punk scene instead degenerates into a nihilistic reactionary mess of self-loathing and bigotry, in other words everything punk was never meant lo be When this happens jt becomes no ditlerent lrom any other shil-piece woman hatingyouth subcultureoutthere I mean, really, ilyou're the kind ot prick in a political punk band who is in reality so down on women aren't you just skuck by the hypocrisy ot it all? Aren't you just choking


death on your own




fucking lies?ll! Why the pretence? Why not show your lrue colours and start a neo-nazi band, at least then we'd all know you as the enemy that you truly are

It's interesting that many people don't draw the comparisons between racism and sexismi things like biological determinism (the idea that some people are natuIally inlerior to others) which then gives rise to social inequality and quite otlen justifies violence and physical oppression ln the past l've been aware of punks who have been slaunch anti-fascists, butwould be well known for assaulting their partners and bad mouthing women in general They wouldn't dream of making a racist remark but when it comes to the opposite sex its almost like there's a different set ol rulesl Once you stop holding onlo such a lundamenlal polilrcal principle as actively opposing lhe oppression of women the rest of your beliefs may as well be tlushed down the pan too For example if capitalism is so bad because it generally lucks up peoples lives, why is sexism ok? (which, by the way, is complimented by and incorporated into the capitalisl power structure)

The one and perhaps only way of dealing with this in the punk community is outljned very well in the fore-menlioned arlicle so I wonl reiterate it here As much as I would truly love to get some of these individuals in a darkened room and have a group of females wearing combat boots kick them to death I understand that par ticular method wouldn't provide a direct cure to the complex roots and causes of sexism An awful lot ol it will have to be founded on awareness, empathy and selt discipline combined with positive direct action ln the long term I dont lhink there will be a lotal and complete end to sexism withoul some drastic rearranging of the current structure of society Like in any revolution it will be important to constantly guard agatnsl reactionary opinions and aclivilies lhat ultimately under mine the integrity, vitality and inclusiveness ol the punk

scene Punk is too much of an important social movemenl to be given up and surrendered, and I think ils a lucking d sgrace that people think they can exploit the leelings of trust and laith that our community abounds with to carry out the verbal and physical abuse ofwomen Enough oflhis bullshit, there are noexcusesand itshould not be lolerated lf people love this scene and love each olher half as much as they say they do then it's time to tight for it ln Solidarity, Matt (England)

rowA STORES r-


Profane Existence #46





s T R



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Profane Existence #46



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Profane Existence #46

Profane Existence #46

Active Distribution BM Active London, WCrN 3XX, UK www.actived

Profane Existenc e #46

ilGro SEGUE"Deathosegue.,." 10" LP kw I

song 10" ofthese ex I'linneapolis based

vagobonds. Oeshuctured experimentat HC Crust hand hahrring ex-Senifude members, Brubl recording

wih cello. musiol Music

saw, loops. etc...

lor the disturted



Coming soon on Fight For Your Mind Records, 0P0SlCl0ll " Ruido lnsurgente " 7" EP C0CllE B0MBA /

l}l0s HASTI0 sptit 7"



More inlo


liililleil wnih [ome Burneil ZIIE


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dA(OB DA\I|D P.O.Bu ilE0 Eutrh Gl SOe 9I = $p-.!qc6rp-&dr!qhr-rlr:t


In"= Df,N OU,LYI.E & Et!-r,EB'-r_!{ta-&aY]' _c_EM.



Profane Existence #46








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il lftrhrl l's'"lrr Srlr!.\ lu l)lrrcrJ'

lrrvrl ;rrrr.tic'prrrrL lx

llrr l'l;rIr.







]lisr.lricl' llttu "lll-lu'rurl" * (ir;nilr. llrlxx'r, pirirtrl rlrrrrliirtrll uilr ll,.

il). s': ( lrlis \r,rrrrr;rrrrr "-\rrl,rit.irrr ol' llolx, t\ I)istr.tss"




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l(n[ [,$ ntiIrti(,!nth ,]l \olciliililrill,llr. I l). s|l



Bhck Box 7 inch 8 song EP t4 post pdid from: IaidofflDel Ninos Records

'l'lrr,Orpllrrrs " lhisr"l'lrr, \irrrth" + l':rik l'i'lqvl ol ll ii(lti0l lll,\'' ol(l lltlh lllll,


"1)r'ir.irlr"' l(r.irrrrcr-

'l'il'l'lrr' -\;xrtllr \l lri:lrr,r .r

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the U.S

, loyqble to"litolo $eudt"

tlsxko ctd


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ffi',.lliii,i;)lifl .-'Alq

for another $l re'II stuff in Cb-R of aII our songs tnternattonal add 32 for il for surface money orders paj/able to: Ben Saari

llrrtirrr 'l!;rgol Orrts" ( l)Sll 'l'lr'.(nr lii(l(r,t\"11,,[]lhiD l)trrl\' ( l,5ll 'l;( lrilrlri!' lrx, l.\( I)S,11) slriIli\ (;rrrt(nritz\t ( ltlti All Nket ,|tt leiC il

P.0. Box 2954 Petaluma CA 9495i

rwE. Iaido f f r€co

RESrsr AND Exrsr


,',+:#;" $10.00

Resist and Exist P.O. Box 17546 Los Angeles, Ca. 90017 Make check or money order pay out to: Jang Wuk Lee email me for air mail rate -

Recpect Animals - Eat Organic Food - practice Healthy Lifestyle -


For show booking call (213) 385- 3701

! rolllri96r15@o{ao $itat0!{tttatlr t, lrul-l E4:il.Clt:ra:il.:fs:l lt.i.tlltrrrft ,..t:Xrima, l{ itar:r:ltratr:s: at,aa ut}aBrr.t4l:t:rD6 r.oit:ti{.I E(t.:rt !tlj5;r dlr r tarBJ tcd: ,}:ffi; rt:r I .r.' l ECr:a,HIa lr ra O. E, r Hrf rulDr,r:a i...ia:t. ht,/ trottrri,)arnrisl#tt:r rt.rt.,:uloitRrriurcD L .:ctqaEtisatr,,..:qh{1.8t t

{toay{!ua. lvilftrctxy rEsuqll5mJa!rUI7 ULIz! l.:f r( q[l !r.Sa:B: e:U,.t r, : tr(! aof I trrrg,OtE.T aUrLr' ,Arl!!O &trl.t !rrr:.tC r OTE Tao!fEtrrDt irtu It rF, e. t. t EB DI :{:[' | :! r0 I

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PltASt cHtc( out rH( 0t8slt 708 mm tnro a !ou t ot [8 h((asl5 Am a 0rsI80 wffiftt Y0u caN rsD Irtp / tapt I co, ants rSoi 4t ofia tN! uoRu, cIt In I 0qcx ton ri a0as ail0 wH0trstrt s, 0aRr5 strey,

uuAlH atr t Ardil 3a x0 .t, lttrxI I ts hiBur ,.)a0, HIIP'WW.AHIIA?(S.CJBMI


Profane Existence #46

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