profane existence #31

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We offer lrea subscfpthns qfP,d"FnpiEg$nce magazano to those held hostage by the state. We fsel this frse subscri@t-:gpfv'Es b imporlant bocause mosl prisoners are not ln a position'to afford such hxurieiii*:E.tdtifiation frcm lhe outside. Because Profane Edstencehasbeen recognized as a-msiluicefur prlsone/sstruggles, we are receivingeverincreasingamounts of subscriptionlleougftfiBeoar.use oI the dire linancial situationof the Profane Exisilonce Collective,:ltilsnow'more inportant than ever that support lor free subscriptionsto prisoners continirCg,.EvenAri6xtradollarwh€n you subscribe orrenewyour ':i."; ;'r,;: '.y subscription woild greatty help. :

IITIPORTAI{Tl}lFOSllATlOI{FOFPmSOlqnS:UthisisthoffrstissueorPEthatyouhave received beeausa you wroie dnd reqtiested acopy, you art nd automatieally addsd to our permanent subscription list. lf you have received this as a sarnple copy, please write and

requeottobeaddedtothefist-ilyogqvqrlto.cqlrnuereceivinglhismagazine. Pleaseinform rusas soonaspossHeabout-iriiLamileindfr€leisedatesbecausalhe Man won't provide

uswithforuradirtghfqryna-tiori-l,Bytdtptr#,$tourhformatloncunontwewillbebetterable to gol thb magaane,to as many p€opla gp 4qgible!.

ilAflfiB?UNl( A TlltE

I 16ll]l]',,',:,.,,','r:.,,



The Protane Existencs CoUective was lormed in tg89 by a small gnoup ol:young peopte with the common goal of conlrbtfiing,.to b;uild,a stronger arrd more politically ac{ivepunk rock novemaflt, Asacotlective, we are a 6.rnatl grcx.rp ol indMduals ihat have foined togqthbr our ideas and abilitles to work on numerous proiects as part ol a$in$e entily, in an wetatl struggle against tyrqnny and oppression. EYeryorlo likes to piggontrdeind thiSis howrte praf6rto look atoursslve$: Oui:politicsaie antiegablishment, oilr outlook b puntc rock

, :,, .,.


The ,rl}ost- visible aspect o{ our work is thg meg*1.]oe;,nPri}rane Existence" whiCh we have pfibli$)od 30 issues since llie mll*cltus,first Cbmetogetnei. The goal of our magazrne is to spread communlcritlonpt ideas and lnformtthn, as well as help build a tighler, more polttically active rncnnement on an intematisnat level. The magazine is distributed wor'ldwide through punk 6nd underground cltannels, wilh,a'cifqllalion of orer lO,000 copiespbrissue, and is enioyed noloolybypunke; trrtbther

10-.oorewhoare'*o"ntil1$;['xfffi?1'd*e*n6;andh'.tl,r,ron Wlil6 this mlgadne is our rnan networting m,ittow,ge tool, *e have,i.stdgrtaken a variety of oiher proieCts tO,h0lp,'ludtei supplement anO *tlengtten the anaicho-punk eo;utlunityl;and1feach out to and Support other groups with similar ideas. Profane'Existence Flecords aims to ielease the most cutting edge of anarcho*unk musrc and has


H$y r€leased over 40 titles for,bands around,the world. Our whlCh is a putiftring and printing

UHsridv,eirtui! is toin Cloth Press

'Cp6.rg{st,toi'literat re and small inforrnational pamphleb. And finally *lereis Prolafl e Exislence Drslrrbutron.which serves tospread materials through an inlernational distribution H$qUgSd within'our movement, the fiorrnal corporate chbrrtels. : i sou{uillTy lilvotYEl{ENI AND oUIREACH :i.:,,,.i' 'lst1iO*,o*tsiOe :|




r:rqs a

collecllve* Protane Existe nce is also nvolved in the com munity i

tin,agrass rootslev€|. Wa have participated in organizing benefit events andpfojectstorsuch groupqthe Mohawk Warriors of Oka, New York City end Eurqean squatters, Antj-Becist Action, TCAF (Twin Cities Anar' clUst Federation), and the Errllna Oenter. ln 1992, we co-published:tLe Rrst:Boolr tour Awn Fucking Lfe Otv netwoking resourcs magazine *th Miffinum Rac&rolL ln 1994 we helped open Extreme lloise necodswtfchis aDaH"wluilteerrun punk record store in Mlnneapolis. As well. the collective has periodically been involved With setling up edqqational, lOn rns, Brffast,dernonstrations, and other inf ormational

' ,

.,No maior laDe,l ads. . No more 1/2 or l/4 page ads

. Only

. Please mal<e ad to the starv dard dimensions. Odd slzes make our tayout iob more



Pnlsoildn suPPotrr AcrlvlrlEs

Anolfier ongoing project ol Prolane: Existence is our conlinued sqpport of those imprisoned bythe state. We regularly publish newsartd ffiormation on,prisoner and prison-related struggles in each is$u€ ot fl rt$ang Existence.- As well, generous contributions f rom, otE: r4€ders fiave attoweo us to be able to se$d sevelal hgndred !re.e pies ol each Airegtty to priso n e rs wh o cannot aflord to pgy tor srlb sc ri pt io ns. As *en,'Prgf*ne Sxittenco regularly contributes copies of our magazine, ad wett as:rnany other Utles we dlstribute, to the BgOtS fof,PliSOners Seaftle; WA. The froe prisonei,sregcriOtion poffcy has Usg.t,inrettect since the *agazine began ffi;has,been ore of the most






, ,,,



Froi*ne Ex.istenc+ is not a,memUership organization lttat you can up, btJl part of a larger movement of DIY punk cultu re and anlbuthori' idan (wa tiXe io say dnaidrbt) resistance,, gont lcltow leadee or lOOk i.::: .,


fola:club t6 join. Get,ilrvolved !n youro4ry.rtituy;Idarlare, rnakeyoulonn artidns, and take a,$landsgairEt th€ oppre*{ofi,thAt teeBsytu down, We lwg no wish.lo Xead a rnovementir:but,beiu+t,a,small parl of a largo and diwrsa aniiauthorit*rian community.Mogt imgortanUy, Ieep your lanca ol humor, becausa }vithout it, tlure'a no hope ,or a bettct

tulure. Ilont hl the bsstardo grlnd you downt


one ad'pr labat, zine, band, etc.


Falrmcnt in lull must accllm: fany ad . Wrong slze ads wlll b re-



$#.l,lDCOST '10"

.1/3 Page (5* x 5"',,'ai 2,':il,l2!' i down) is $60.00 . lrb Page (2'112" x 5i' down) is $30.00 . 1112 Page (21t2" x 2112") is $15.00 Pleeie'tcall ahead to ensure space availability. 61 2-827-2533 (Monday-Friday I O-5 C.S.T.)




ti::..r:: r


We have receivd some criticisn in t|ra.i,past lor not covering the struggles of NYC's squaffa r movemen I w hile e xlerrs, i vely covering such slrugBles rn Europe or else-


where. The lact rs. we would have loved to extend our coverage to ottr lreinds in NYC, but have jusl not recetved timely information. ln the case of the recent demolition ol the Fifth Street Squat, we citd get wotrd shorlly after from someone giving us an informational pamphlet on what had happened. However, lhe artrcle in the mosl recent issue of the Shadow was the most informational source we found, and decided to reprint their arlicle, instead of piecing together the bits ol information we have. Article by Steven Wishnia Reprinted in whole f rom'The Shadow #41 At 4:30 PM on Monday, Februad 10,i4 city-hired wrecking crane pr;nch{,s tio{C,}, th€ {ifih floor ot lts,rqud at 5Szi53S:

Flfth Streel, The scooper swung back and slammed into the sixth lloor, battering open a whob,more than ten teet wide. The building wasn't empty. Squatter Brad Will was still inside, where he

had been hiding since the city

,to police;

she was hustled away f rom the bar' ricades and alrnosl artrested. "You are in violation of the law' Do you

understand?'She totd Ninth Precinct Cap tain Flores.


crew arrived on the block at 9:00 that


ing. They had already tried to knock the

''l hearyou,"he responded, DemolitiOn continued. The next day, .ludge Kapnick lssued an order barring both the city and the squatters

building down earlierthat aftemoon with him inside, chomping otl half of the parapet be- f rom louching what remained at the site;

fore Will emerged on the roof. When the neitherwhatwaslettstandingat53T'539and police couldn't find him they started again. 535 nor the rubble that many of the squat' "lt was fucking scary, rnan, " said Will, a ters possessions were buried in. The demolition continued that night. 26-year-old bicycle messenger who had been living at 537 for two years. "l could 'The crane was in lull etfect,':'one witness feel the walls shake, I clung to the walls and said. 'The whole block was sealed otl. lt started crying because it was a strong build- was nothing but police. The whole plrce was ing and il was a shame to lear it down. 1,,1 1[ fp,llke dayliglrl.' The dqftolition of 535 lovedthatbuilding." ': ' . ,, ,', li broke,windows aod,,knoqtqd;;holes in the :, will told the st-|,{Dow rhat police sayv walls,of the occupled'buildng, at 533 next him on lhe roof both times while'the wreck- door. Two weeks later tho sile had been ing ball was sninghg, but the demditton scrapeO ilean, with nothing bft hrt a few pltesLtbtiglls: didn't s{op unlil he showed hiryrggll to

ffiU,.:,,11,0ru;rinr iu;:


,the',' ."


: " .ciu, oftictats.fiii$ ,ii. 51o* **, rro*ittri,aE itiln, l.1 p *tanoard proce,.,dure to knoct( dot/rtt br|{"S when theret .,


cha Ui.wlitlr'ire*kfese, ;il;;Uffi;al- r,r; ;o ,:strclsoitfiBrrnis&l -,


d'tl gorn69!6. insldei,,*At-ryUection wa conductOdlSloralhe,d-gmgtitFd:and+ooce

ors. Ths 26 displaced was {ound,"



.squaBslB.atC:f ow,suing,,: $pokespsr$oft lor ti Housing Preservation and Developmenl ,thCoityIbr,:Eontempl

ol ,bourt,andt2.6 millipn in ,UamaW$.Asthe wreck- , ing tl - ,,crashing,

Mayor Giuliani's offica reltsod lo conrmenl, referring calls to P0hc9' *l dirn't know what happened'l' siidpolice spokesperson Olga inlo, ttla $u{ltting; lawy-er, Mercgdo' , ,,why dd the'demolilion conlinue :JaCltiept ki was,in,, ,,afiertwo court orders to stop it? 'lfy'e have

,caut,',!'rying,,to1ggf an ,,bee! acting corcislently with tle sourt or' :emergenci ;deviif *qp, der," $auAslsi$tantcorFoia!!9q'Qounsel Gall Rubin' malters in litigatlon and we donl th$ Aern ol ition;',,f *rinklfs approlriale lo comment f u rther.' c ty's r I awy.u i, ., Arttr u Shaw, was, nojitisd atr ', ,,' The demolitiofi,was *el,,ofl. by a fire in 2;OO "itre g:do,:,, the sguat on Sunday, Febiuary.,9., which 'fiearing and,f}e drorr/ed slarted, ironicaHyenough, lnBradWill's sec" ':, , ondfloprapq4ment.Apparenttyfroman etec,up af *SO. 1:: r ' , ' 8y'' b: t g, ,PM, tric,Space [pater (will now seysthe lire was


n*, i,








whi 11 .S tatbll $ up{eme,:,, .. sttspiciouS) S qualteft saI, iha,Fi re DeparrOoun$ ce earLara,R. ,, ,. nient, tet it hum before putling it out, "l did Kapilio! issued tfra or-" not wltnees them pq{ing dtll:;waler lor ap'

der,,, most,



building'srighiquadrant fng testdenl Garth Wooq-te$ified at a Feb' was already,do-wn, and,i': ttuary 11 court heariLg.,,Itiifire'burled oul

dido*s{bp urrtit ,,.isorh$ in lha gefond th{oUgh;Sj$h l}oor ol 6:40. furB:95,thewrect-r ,:'ilhe buildnga tlont, lett,qqgOrani. .t, inq,,c{eruSa*ed tearin$,,,: : :,:Never,thel6!s, lhe resl of tha builgi8 dowh 53b,, .a vaeant,,, u.a$ md&rfiaged. Flesldenb,sayrthal bbth


building, next,

fur; t

tiref(filers and police at the scene told tlipp1

as,,,tsukowsld..'anivcd,Et,: . -py g6ul6 get back:in,'tq iett'pVe thelrp'g{ ,eqeriar. 'Whefi. Sh€ seosicns Se next moming.-


frrr$ton s*roWedlhe,eo_u(,,pder


The Red Cross left the scene in disgust, relusing to collaborate wilh the eviction. At 1:20, the crano began riPPing 537539's frre escaps otl. Brad Will was still inside. Sguatters on the streel screamed his narne. "C'mon Brad! Brad, show your tace! BBADI BRAMDI' Police ignored them. The crane whirred and rotated. At 1:25, it chomped ofl the first piece of the parapel, dropping bricks six stories down into the garden next door. Police shoved the pro:

fied Cross blankets againsl the 2O'degree cold. But the Giuliani administration moved inlo action immediately. By 9:00 the next morning, the city Buiklings Department had in

declarecl that 537-539 East Fifth Street was in imminent danger of collapse. and an HDPhired rvreckrng crane was rounding the corner of Avenue B, protected by riot cops. City oflicials al lhe scene refused to lel squatlers go into the building to get their belongings. Instead, police herded them into

testors down the block away from the building. Five minules later, Will emerged onto the rool, straddling the remaining parapet, lriumphantly to shouts of "You fuckin' rule,

pens on the soulh side of Fitth Street, and

the handed over hastily scribbled lists


possessions to crty workers. The workers carted out ratrdonr chunks of people's lives:

two rnilk crates full oi P-Funk records; a half\rroman's stretchy silver top; a cheap old electrie guitar and a Fender: a white Pearl drum kit and afi ancient tBM-clono computet black

plastic aarbage bags lull ol clothing; a few boxes of books, lrorn a lesbian philosophy Most people's stuff was left inside. Jason Filzsimmons says he lost several lHlI!dred alburns, two basses, and his turnlables and DJ gear. Heidi Fuhr $ays she got nolhing One woman said her lD and clothes were still lnside, but she was more upset

cats. Squatlers Nate McDonald, 19.


Boger Varela, 25, were arresled whefl they

Buildings Department spokesperson Steve Hess said he drdn't know rl the inspec' tor,we1t inside, but was "Sure he did." The ordgr to demolish the buildrng was signed by Bon Livian, Manhattan borough commissioner, on Monday morning. Hess wouldn't release the actual report, calling it "in house information," but said the building's floors had collapsed and that it had makeshift ladders

instea*:of staircasos. He saig h* woutOnl comrnent on why the dsmolition conlinued pearad inside about 15 minrJtes later. The . arlor ths co$rt order. bul specutated that h trane li{tod e search,tCam ot,,arneigency might have boen dangercus to stop in the SeMces Unit cops up Io lhe roet,'While the middle of the demolition. Several witnees drspute lhose claims' r,iOt cops downstairs pustBd protestofs arJd atter the lront wall of the fire"damaged Even press pe0ple off theblock, cootinilhgthe n0: seetion had been torn of{ on Monday night, policy past At,4:00 evhliops-, ot witnesso$ lhe lioors were stiB in place. $quatler Heidi the demolillon resumed in earnest,,toshbuls, Fuhr, who was watchtng the dernolilion lrom o1 You tryin' to fuckin' kill him?" wlll re" the building next door, testilied on February proemergad liva rninutes laler, waving !o the squatters had rebuttt the slairs with 'He that 11 immedi' wa$ arrested testors. almost 8tely*-i-ut had time, he said, to getoff a Quick con6relB and metal pans, and lhat she had 'Fuck Gkrlianil" sson a pobce oflicer try to *mash them with a sledgetrammer. She told the courtthal ths pulled his him, police handcuffed As hands oier hii head, and slashed open his sledgohammer bounced o$ Ste iron casing' pockets, WHI says he told:lhem he wsn:t without causing ary damaga. *l Po{kedeniedoutsideexpertsaccassto resisting arrest. wish you were resisilr-, ," one ofJicer replied,, Howas charged wifr re. the building on the altemoon ol February 10

Demolitton stopped,,bnd Will di$aF-

dozen bicycles and three batlered TVs; a

about losing her collaclton ol Slar Wars toys. ul've been collecting il since I was a fitile kid," she said. Others were not allowed to resflJe their

Squatters say that the Buildings Department rnspector who arrived at 537-539 aller the fire never went inside. "They didrr't go in the lreakin' building.' sarr.l squatter activist Shawnee Alexandri. "They got out oi the car, said'Tear it down"' arrd lett."


,: ::

sistrng anest, reckless gndange{ment, cdmi. nal tre$pasiflg, and obstnrcling gor4gmmen:

trred to enter lhe building to retrieve lhe bodies of Varela's hfio dogs, who died in the firer+ tal admrnistration. .#

bofore the demolifion was undorway. ltVE

Continued noxt Psgt


the scene that the citv was willing to,i t;il]'[aiilE;i wo*enr r,"arth'group and a ooffee-ilorse atsorb ,,ffii-ii*il g-;:;;:;^],I^ii rrl the demoli]esurtrrrg from rawsurt resulting alry any lawsuit soro ij, n, ,-r s^,,-"- nalrert ihp Frtth Sireet caf e thePeOplC'S[{utualHous-: called the Filth Street Cat6SddJoooefttirof'a administrathe Giuliani *" denies lhat to also appeared no"pioiit The demonstration #;;;,;fi;, li:l "we politicar are demotives had anv il;;;"i;il;ih dash the peopte's Mutuai Housins tron ;;,iltil;'il;;;? "igh[",h;oJ he unsafei said' that's molishing a building n""o,"iions plns tor tne uo buitdings. ThI , -builffngs. wanl to see doesn't York The City of New lniy ar"o barred John Shutileworth, an PMHA mo lined up almost $g mittioriin fed- anyb-ody get hu["

architect called by the squatters. He testi- eral and state funds to redevelop the buildYet the city has used saf ety as a pretext lied on February 1l that the exterior walls ings into 29 units ol low{o-moderate-income evict squatlers several times before' most to didn,t give any indication that the building hJusing. Most would have been rented notoriously on East 13th Street in 1995' ln gz'g,0dO gr zpiro i" families making betvveen when the



was likely to coltapse, and that

1989'theBuildingsDepartmentusedarain' cade was ripped ofl, he couldn't see any ayeagsiioJ6e center; some would have to declare 319 East Eighth Street in storm damage to the lloor joists. Though s37-s39 been rented to slightly more affluent tenants

The squatlers ,"ontlh in order to subsidize imminent danger 9f collapse' was not technicaily lireproof under the 1968 : at$600-$700 demolition' the blocking coun order won a " fami' for homeless reserved urirtlng code, he saio, it's design-a cross city got a late'night ruling to over: but the "i* "p"'tr"nts maximum. welfare month a lies at the four into $286 shaped "demising wall" that divided


confined the fire


center claims that the building



, empty when the PMHA began negotiating at 1:00AM' The Giulianiadmrnistration s protessed The building was one ol the Lower East with the HPD for it in 1994. HE says tiis groui. :::saletyisspeciatly.hypo r"ooncemfortenantsl 'l wouldn't have tried to evict an Lstabt"istre6' Side,s oldest squats, founded in qitlca!; ' Kenny says Sdnaeilptot lfie Mstrc' otr"[ Jimmy Stewarr, one ot the originatsquatrers, squat. Hdwever, he hao as "r.o party th" lrne, popurareo anti-squafter .HPD sriu tived there. tt oecame neirirv




i, isai o, ise6, ano was evi&ed'by the on New yeat's Day in




;{;/ fud datifti rar


lL .en1pio"r"i.ei ""rring

tn";;;q;a iifti,:it*t f?l|]f;j:'j]L::I"Tfr' elue" denying



HFo, ne saio, 'cour,i n"r" dona things 1q.{'::'.-'l: Ynb^I11$l:Yi::* qUCh short notir,€ sotedfhs Uui6inqs," but rusted to d;- resources to do this on tha rssources to do when haie lt.doesnl ;J6.h[il136qausJoitearrnat*resquat-


Jeny rilccarttty ol the Mayor's Offbe







almost two'nilds

d ifs hous'

tg$::and 1994, ati a ptogram them,,lirilh to.,.r$ace ,templing,

on.' Flowertar, thaY kePt it until early 1 Sl4" when they by the eviction



wtrere tinOlords and lenantsrwould tell the department whether or notr.viblafions had

G",ltri:i::[dqfl:1ffi1iEi# jG:*:yj'Iirr::i,, ".il[#imi5i*ii*:.i{iffi fr"j.iffiiIi'i"J;ffi;il":.'jii.iakinEteI!an!:hadn]treturnedEn. tf iffi'1r4 "*un. fiilil**x*,*i.pi: l:: igrP,t*****ffi1r;:r# tFrs:C":'i:#


idertts:,wey9. 1i,lea9qii

nanttl younger artists a


its resula'


*h€,froud€ weiil a fdl-tir


fte squat, I'tl still be eleeping outsiclei'

tlonr lAlefre

seH Jen, a 23-yuarold barlender who was homeleBswhenshomordln two and a half

wH:';;-ixrilr'E#iHHffi[ffJ,ffijl hdrivedtheniiorbffiffi,',,. ^l^^{i{^,a h 1: ha?. crs4andDJ;

li.iarl tlr

a{let HIf. ne v:Ye'ih -"-"n'G' 'v'rnowd his rmlr

H*,H""ff,Ylll,li iiiiinity;,asw61 r, -, k; Whqther or not Mdi





to,showmax damage.'

JaCkie Bukowski fold a gtotlo

ol squatters




his troops'wq& dest royil

East'Side's nost politic #gnt ttie livePeo ai



HI'iliffiri'l','ffiffi'il;; $trffi,.ry,#li;:Hil##ffitffin,,, ;b..#i#i;'iE[ffid:im|.....,rr!r,#i!}ii*{i*3i!#*I{i:i';l,'ITiFl1:r,%j#i,:.1}^. :',:

brokb up a &mpkins Sr slration agahst the l3tt

ll is tragic tnat:a liiefighter lobt his life, bui

benefit of allinvolved

Iht fillitiing

iolo,lnqtion ohout oqustting ttqg vrittsn by tono huattirs lron thi Lovor Eott iide.

Ynst abou drugal

Allhough some buildings have been used as "crash pads," the maiority of squatters on lhe Lower East Side are individuals and families working hard to create homes by renovating long.abandoned bilildingS that were left to rot by the city-

The buildings we refer to have rules or understandings between m€mbers that the use of hard drugs (crack, cocaine, heroin) is not tolerated. lt is underslood that there is no place for thd destructive influence of hard drugs in the squatter movement. ln fact, the occupalion of abandoned buildings by responsible squatters prevents their use as crack dens or as havens for drug dealers.


Ara squqts solo'l

Vhat is thc dillcronco bctttcen o ,quot and a crosh pod'/

do peopla


Many people have no other source ol housing. Low paying lobs, unlair landlords,, and high rents have forced : people to ireate an Alternative. Many squatters were previously homeless or lived in unbearable conditions.

with safety. Some squatters with the skills and resources are reconstructing and completrng renovalions to meel NYC building codes whrle olhers are maintaining slructures and preventing furllrer decay and collapse. These atforts protect th€ occupants as well as lhe neighboring community.

Vhy co mcny yo,tng peoplc'i

,fro'toigtlcrt livc lor


Vhat obout lircs altribab.d Jqugttors'l

on ,

Squatlers contribute tu nds towards burHing supplies and put in many hours ot hard work towards the renovation and rehabilitation ol th€ir buildings. This takes ,a greal amouflt ol time, energy, and skill.



Vhot vill happen to the squottcrs tho city carrice out cviclions'/


Ori lii, illl' plb tir h o d a r o :':p o np hl',.t .bt : : tho Inttrnaionat Solidar ity N tli.l$,,,' u,, I


Solidarity is a Weapon!

lsol naalting itlcasl?


t*fja &uattct, ,t'onding in tho $uy at lou'income lousin0't Squats are low-income housing and untike other housing prograflrs, cosl the community and taxpayers nothing. Gquattors occuDy only.a small percentage ol the hundieds ol abandoned buildings warehoused bl New York




Ona tning is lor sure... Nobody will just dbappear. Most willjoin the thousards ol homdess bn:the d in lhs , ,, :i;,1, ,' sheltere. Many will looce thoir jobs and some *ilt b* urrable lo continu8 lft€it,,, ,, r,i,,, education. Others will bo {orced to tnove their chiHren into shelters or fostor hornes, no loflgei able to provide far ttum:,,y6X*,] witl have to mole away frotn their l*milie*', ano triem: sdt,eit$ifi,wiu;,i'}d*e . ,,,,


There are no speolic laws against bquatting. Courts have ruled that sguatters are entitled to fie same due prodesg a3 .

,ltlo. Squatters are working class whiles, Bl*cks, and Hispanics. Tho Lower Fast Side squals are good examplec of how peoplelrom ditlerent races and ethntc ' backgrounds can work logether for the

la -,

The recent lires being btarnad u6guatters" were caused by ar$onists and drug users. Arson and drugrela-ted {ires al$o occur in private and rented buildhge,


Vny att ol thc dcmontlrqtions'l Although demonstrations olten inconvenience people, they are not direcled at our neighbors but at the police and the city bureaucrats who want to lake away the homes we have put so much time and effort into. Because we have little access to the media, protest is one of the lew ways to make our voices heard. :

All responsible squatters are concerned

Many young peoPle come from abusive or dysfunclional families and have been torced to leave home. Li{e on the street olters few oplions besides prostitution and lrtVolv-ement *ith drugs. Though squatdng lhey are leaming the skills and

il was not because of the "squatters.' Most squatters prevent abandoned buildings f rom burning by keeping drug users out.

, ::


Y[ot ir

eoing on right noy? On October 11, 1996, President Clinton

Peabody will commence unchecked. The their small

signed S. 1973, the Navajo-Hopi Land Dis- _plqts Of '-.*ad$ n i ' pute Settlement Act. This law will forced relocation of thousands sisters, many of them elderlfi people do

lr thir

an intortribsl di.put.? That has always been a lie, created by government and mining inter-

Uhl rclooation?

7$year lease

homes, and recently were ordered to.step up enforcement on the HPL."

iand Dineh tribal councils are

.on coal re-

of the opposition

traditional people.

serves, estimated to

996, vajo locatkro i 1

thr Dinrh rcrirtYho



area, if there (such

ers to which is


llor did it


This is a t to

medical supplies warm clothing qod

I the cwnUrathan



to witnessJ Dineh people


and struggle.


osn Dr million of

lodey? payer dollars has


Call your tell them that you do funding Belocation.


for a force Counof lndian



Peabody Coal. Clintbn's

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Clinton he Rangers

Please send Dineh

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and grandfathers.


Mateson, Media


mountain by Dineh been inhabitated

P.O. Box 98111.

Yhat src thr



lf they, the residents ol Land, sign the agreement



Native American Rights

th{ ad

to inhabit their ancestral land loY

years, lurthermore during that time they dd8 their civil rights and face a life under martial law The overwhelming majority refuse to sign this lease, because if they sign they lose the rights to the land and the mining by

t FisUDavid Phelps) 4616 S. Lucite St. Seattle WA 98118. Phone: (206) 76G0178

By Kerry


On June 1 0, 1997 Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt was released lrom a SantA Ana, California jail on $25,000 bail after his conviction of murder (which occured during a 1968 bank robbery) was overtumed

two weeks before. The judge stated that in his original trial, Geronimo had failed to receive a fair trial because the prosecutors had purposely neglected to disclose that their main witness had been recruiled bythe F.B.l. to infiltrate and spy on the Black Panther Party of Orange County and was also a convicted felon. Geronimo has always maintained his innocence and claimed that at the time of the bank robbery/murder in Santa Monica he was in northern California, over 350 miles distant but the jurors chose to believe this one witness'testimony over Pratt. He was sentenced to 25 years to life and when he finally walked out of iail he had been in there for 27 yeas. Overthe years, many civil liberties organizations have pushed his appeal along with several jurors who had originally convicted him, but until this month, no iudge had listened to the overwhelming proof of his innocence, or rather, the unbelievable lack of evidence that supported his guilt. now the truth is finally going to come out" and thanked the judge for his lair and courageous ruling.' He mentioned that he

was only one of many political prisoners currently being incarcerated in the United States and appealed that they too need

to be addressed. The prosecutors have filed an appeal but in the case of a retrial (for a man who has already served more time than

the majority of convicted murderers) they would be facing the exposure of the govemment's excessive surveillance and agitations of the Black Panthers. Currently, Geronimo is a "free" man and

will most likely never be unjustly imprisoned and never stop speaking out for what he believes in.

Aftertwo unrelenting years o[ battling eviction threats by he City of New York, ABC No Rio may remain open. Aside from the famous

the HPD stated they would not evict the

determined and effective resistance by

Occupanc/ agreement with ABC No Rio for

supporters of ABC No Rio and is the result of two years of action to fight the eviction;

weekend matinee punk shows, ABC No Rio offers a community arts center, perlormance space and gallery. New Yorks Department of Housing, Preservation, and Development (HPD) had intended to close the arts space

the storefront and basement of the building. Within six months, ABC No Rio is to provide a proposal to develop the entire building into a community arts facility under the HPD's Community Works Program. HPD will sell the building to ABC No Rio for $1, but ABC No Rio must raise $75-$100,00 to renovate

give the premises to another group for redevelopment.

During a protest on February 5, more than a dozen supporters of ABC No Rio slipped past security and staged a sit-down demonstration at the HPD. lnstead of the

mass arrest that was expected, the demonstrators were invited by the HPD commissioner into a conference room to discuss the situation. After a two hour conversation, the commissioner promised not to pursue the eviction and a meeting was

scheduled for February 10 to resolved the conflict. At the meeting, representatives o{ ABC No'Rio and the HPD reached an agreement on the future of the space. ln the agreement,

space and will enter into a "Use and

the building. As part of the compromise reached on the building, the upstairs residents must vacate within six-nine months.

The change of events is a result of

through the courts, public suppofi

campaigns, and through direct actions. ABC

No Rio volunteers, collective and board members are all pleased by this turn ol events, but there is now much more hard work ahead if they are to reach their goals ol a permanent community arts space. They

need your help now more than ever. lnterested people with ideas and proposals are welcome to contact ABC No Rio by mail

at: 156 Rivington Street / New York, NY 10002; or by phone al:212-254-3697

A Cove/Mallard update by Natalie Shapiro March 26, 1997 Peggy Sue McRae owes a logging com' pany $90,000 for sitting in a road. The good news is that no logging trucks will be rolling

along the road this winter. Last fall saw a series of ups and downs for citizens tighting the contentious Cove/Mallard timber sales in central ldaho. Activists have been using various tools to try to stop 200 cutting units and 145 miles ol road f rom desecrating this unspoiled gem ol roadless area. From lawsuits to letters to educational roadshows to sitting in logging roads, activists have succeeded in slowing down the sales significantly. The nine sales were scheduled to be completed in 1997, but only about 15% of the logging and road building has been com' pleted. Fortheirtroubles, a dozen ac-

criteria in issuing permits to enter closed ar' eas. lnstead, permits were arbitrarily denied based on the viewpoint and affiliation of the applicant. Other good news is that the ldaho Spotting Congress (lSC), in lltigation over the

Cove/Mallard sales since 1991, has succeeded in halting the sales until at least June 15, 1997. ISC bargained an agreement between the Forest Service, the logging company, and the road building company to refrain from activities while a hearing on the

case is awaited. The hearing will occur in April.

Activists pouring over documents obtained through the F.O.l.A. (Freedom ol lnformation Act) requests, as well as observing what loggers and road builders have ac-

tually done in the

tivists who protested the sales in 1993 now owe big bucks to the

company building the roads in Cove/Mallard. Last November an ldaho County jury decided that the

activists collectively owed Highland Enterprises $1.2 million in pu-

nitive fines and comPensatory damages from monetary losses ihat the protests caused. : lt is unlikely that Highland will

building and logging proceeded for three years before the Forest Seruice bothered to begin a monitoring program to see if road

building and logging was affecting watersheds. They only began such a program because they were forced to by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Under the Endangered Species Act, the

Forest Service is required to consult with NMFS regarding the impact of the sales on endangered Chinook salmon. However, the result of the consultation process was a wa-

tered-down, vague list of requirements for the Forest Service. The essence of the consultation is whether or not logging activities in the tributaries of the Salmon River will affect salmon habitat in the river. One of the requirements bY NMFS is to determine baseline conditions


for the River. The Forest Service wiggled itself out of doing

actual monitoring; instead, it only has to rely on inaccurate and vague estimates of baseline conditions.

bee the money; the activists are all

Cove/Mallard isn't the only roadless area under the

poor. Butthe Pointwas to send a chilling message to activists: if you protest, you PaY. That is the goal of this type of lawsuit, called A SLAPPsuit (Strategic Lawsuit flgainst Public Participation). lt's '.a favorite tool of polluting industries to try to silence citizens who fight back. Uirt

However, activists received a victory for a diflerent issu*the right to be in a closed areaof the nationalforests. Clos' ing contentious logging areas to the public has been a common practice by the Forest Service. Every year, activists have been shut out of logging areas by a Federal closure order once they begin protesting. The Forest Service says that closures protect public safetli activists say closures keep out witnesses. Fines up to $250 and three months in jail have been levied on activists found guilty of this misdemeanor. 1997 may be different. Recently, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Lodge, in two separate cases, overruled convictions on activists lound guilty of being in a closed area in 1995 protests. Lodge ruled that the Forest Service lailed to follow any standard or

dangered salmon habitat. Four years later they were degraded enough by sediment to be listed as WaterOuality Limited Segments of Concern by the state of ldaho. This could have been avoided; road

chainsaw. Three hours northeast of Boise lies the Deadwood

Roadless Area, an old growth Ponderosa Plne forest. Two years ago, the Boise National Forest conducted a "landscaPe analysis," which mapped areas found blatant violations of several environmental laws, the Forest Plan, and the timber sales contracts. These discoveries form the basis of the lawsuit, which requires that the sales be halted until the Forest Service does a Supplemental Environmental lmpact Statement (SEIS). The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that if significant changes

have occurred either in the project itsell or in the atfected environment, a supplemental

analysis is required. That is the case with the Cove/Mallard sales. Sale units and roads

have been changed since the original Environmental lmpact Statement (ElS). ln addition, water quality has significantly changed:

when the EIS was written in 1990, water quality was high in streams that provided en-

in the Deadwood River drainage that were determined to be most susceptible to disease, insects, and wildfire. ln early 1996, the Deadwood Environmental Assessment was issued under the infamous "Sal-

vage Ride/'. When ISC biologist Stephen Davis was repeatedly refused access to the project files for the sale (which by law must be available to the public) he took a hike to Deadwood, and found the true intent of the Forest Service: though promoted as a "salvage'sale, the only trees marked to be cut were the huge green (or live) old growth ponderosa pine' ln fact, all the areas determined to be sus'

ceptible to disease, insects, and wildfire in the "landscape analysis" were now outside of the proposed logging areas. Further, none of the marked trees showed any signs of in-

sects or disease, as confirmed by Dr. Arthur Partridge, forest pathologist for the University of ldaho. Pressure from the public forced the For' est Service to withdraw Deadwood as a Salvage Rider sale and reclassify it as a green sale. However, last fall, activists discovered that the Forest Service spent $460,000 to mark 86,000 trees to be logged, and cut 41 helicopter landing pads. All lhis was done before the new environmental analysis was completed, a brazen violation of NEPA. Marking healthy old growtl;t to be cut is nothing new. Last summer, two ISC attor-

neys took a hike into the French Creek roadless area to document salvage timber sale for litigation purposes. They had to walk

partly on a road closed to tratfic due to the logging operation. The environmental analysis and sale contract stipulated that only dead trees (burned from the wildfires of 1994) were

to be removed. What the attorneys found was shocking: unburned, living, old growth trees were being cut, clearly a violation of the Salvage Rider, which required that only dead and imminently dead trees are to be cut.

While documenting this, they were arrested by a Forest Service Law Enforcement

Otficer for trespassing on the closed road, and their film and notes were confiscated. When ISC hit the press with this bizarre story the Forest Service issued their own press release stating that the trees were actually dead from insect attack; they just looked green because the chlorophyll needs time to leave the needles. However, none of the trees showed any sign of the allege.d insect inlestation. The fact that the Forest Service so blatantly lies and fails to follow environmental laws gives activists ammunition. lnformation gleaned from the FOIA documents goes to the woods with monitoring teams. Activists see if what the Forest Service says on paper matches what is actually happening on the ground. The disregard for the well-being of endangered, threatened, and sensitive species ol wildlife and fish also gives rise to rage and resistance. This is perhaps best exemplified by the summer of 1996 with the famous 'Jack Squat" blockade on the Jack Creek road in Cove/Mallard. With each new day's dawn, the work of the previous night graced the hated road: log cabins, giant ditches and trenches, culverts ripped out of the ground, and miles of huge slash piles. The fire of rage and resistance will continue this summer, hopefully spreading to

other roadless areas under siege. When agencies refuse to obey the law, or when the judges side with the timber industry the only thing left is rage and resistance. Come to ldaho this summer. What You Can Do:

Write to top agency officials and tell them how you leel about logging in roadless areas: The Honorable Dan Glickman Secretary of Agriculture USDA 1400 lndependence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20250 Mike Dombeck Chief, US Forest Seruice

POB 96069

Washington, DC 20090 For More lnformation: Cove/Mallard Coalition POB 8968 Moscow, lD 838,+3 (208) 882-e75s ldaho Sporting Congress POB 1136 Boise, lD 83701 (2O8) 336-7222

Northern Rockies Preservation Project POB 625 Boise, lD 83701 (208) 345-8077 (ph and fax)


Mqrtey Gregory Worl Smittr llere'a q photo ol my son. Born to Ty qnd Wittow on Morch ,9, ,997, his nqme is Martey Gregory Worl Smilh. l'm finding lqtherhood to be s pretty overwhetming experience; il's delinitety a 24 hour job ond cqn be protty oxhqusting qt timee. I/e're both tosing q tot ol steep but ot the tqme time it's q pretty joyous qnd rewqrding experience wittod with constqnt surprisos!


eradle to the Grave,,,

Bitt wsa c co-loundor ol Prolsnc Collcctivr whcn thr idrs lirat ocm. lo ur during ihr Hint.r ol l9E6'89 snd wsc tho onrrgy brhind lhc rqrly doys ol Prolano Eristcnac Recordc. llic invotvemnt in thc punk rccnr bcean long btlott I ryrn hsd s rrst idrs ol whqt

tho movom.nt uor, doing radio pro0rcmming st thr Univrricty ol Wicconrin, in Rivcr Fctle ond boing q

Wittiqm'SIDS' Steinhsgen b. Aprit 6, ,966 - d. Dccember 7,1996

mombrr of Cribdrsth.

thr tong-running bsnd

Bitt wqs s vicionqry, but without q atcsr idcs of what hc wac looking lor. ilie invotvement with Prolqne Erisl.nco lsctcd ohly a ooupt. o, y.orr ar hir idcsa, dreqmg, qnd nightmqrcr took him clsowhcrc. Bitt hsd auccrdod in conquoring drug qnd otcohot addiotionc bclorc ttsrting P.E., but thosr ctosoltod tkctctonc woutd comr bsck to hslnt him lqter in hic tilc. llir dcoth wqa thc rcsutt ol tymphoma-cqnccr of thc tymphomic gtqnds.



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}lAROOOR[: hlstory fron Co1onbla... tlepenilence' througb nrrsicaI exptesSo sion. t h i n g s started nove anil laore llore I every basenent t'ras a goori place for rehearsing and having neetirgs. Ye founil a big nice place for baving gigs c a 1 1 e tl ' I i e np o s of olai baDals' fovr, itrs about to be I99?r and I don't see nuch bappenirg; soroe of us continue, solle coue aaii g0' But luDk is still very utopic here, eYel if t're'Ye got many reasoDs to stay tbis t-lay I rlon't tb,ose stupiil labels (?unk, HC, Alternative, Skat or vrhatever) , but t're try to nake a coumunity work, iD a verJ' c).osed circle of peolle ' lotlay sone baDds lrortb EeDtj'oDing aret XOfIRAOnDEtrT IJISP'A' I'R'A' t MTIL IIISERIA, trArIl, DESA'DAPI'ADoSt AtrII-IoDo' GPl etc.... I Guess tbis couid be aIIr trrlaybe I've nissed sone asgects, but I clon't c8tcb 811 tbat happens over bere' If you bave sooe j'uterest in sone D'I'I' Dusic coning fron triledel'Iin, I have tbe follovring stuff for distributioD/traile:

IilrsERrA "Reacci'on" 7n (Peuare '',a;i fr""" r.rbere ilefinately lloilernos"(r[odern llues)1 berit by a crasy llRrrr, C*::_ht::l_-.,,^ to be a DuDk, or r.rbatever you vrart to guy Hbo nas into fl]nlng allil releasils . --D -, "C8dtnas" 7n call. it, ls basically a strugSle ,, ll4,Sgp,S*9{*Si+.,L19..s (not reaffy concernetl tr'XRIIL I{ISERIA "1989 sarDizidio" 7n r'R'A' .ii;;11,ga3, t".i.l,Ititrii'imi lti"iit.'''i':i -for a nore baruonious "* r""ttr" -i'$ti.9.U.t, 'Inlotable Diversion" I,P I'R'A' of state a i" ,r" ar" ,, usof *rO, all wbere counuaity, 14it i couplete violence. I ffir"trr"en the r.R.a. "cronicas !e ula Deca'Ia Potlrida" for a better 1ife. il;Cffi.,i collection cD ifitprt.rlor.ror"rt anil tbe rcdcui& ilrug car- 86-96 alon't uean ror" "orro"t-.I, "?" " trotrlRAoRD!tr rass' ncfllottc r^+i-\ lifestyle. rir-a*rrro;;.l trrrreit thc ctty city lato a nc$l tel turreal lstic) ,Eil:l t-'--io"-"""r"-i"r" ,.:i cassette r'P j$j:et"t "14 soDg trA'DrE (t'i-i^'), uaa t. ilr", aostly of fear. lt trrt ,"" PEAcx!trI'l PRorEsr (JEout.soor:. .-fi.. rG-s.I,.!t to frc; nhcrc v"., aquat r";"*$f'lot ;-";ii .to escare frou this .r.!:n / pan) sPlit split 7n Ji !i!e ueeto{,iio1pg- sf lolsc, rfoobolr:inli',llEonlrtile it or chaage it but for: rollo'uinsDeol}re: get in touch t-ri intouchr-rithtlne 0rget new 0r c**ry o"* ir,,,$it.q.r,{rrf r4i. i",,,eng9,.1;fffifor ctiry ;iik balii ' waylbonc tot lbnt reality. lbis

logether in tbe nirl elgtll,Lcet br!trt sB.fti

as ?ene; Picburrlas or $itlotri tbose years t'vere PrettY i*IPlY.





.1 Dex-

folks Just

atloPteil the

purks' staltlarils. 1988, tbiDgs starteil to



nore consclence anit active attl people carilg for their co

facirg tbe fact tbat vlolent cit y ani,;,,Xc'i:1

-fot itr








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I.R. altbougb

t lt


very barile lt

was Dos-

slble to acheive iDdiYialualslity antl



tliserlc' iliri their first ?n.


[eYr banils

got togetber, r'Jith the reDainiDg ex-Den-




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Droomcr Blaok qnd outhor J. This is a story about why I support the Black Panthers. The Black Panthers are a group of people that have continually supported me, my ideas, and all political direct action that I have been involved in. Last year I was at an October 22nd, "Coalition Against Police Brutality" rally in downtown Los Angeles, marching side by side with people whose family members were killed by police. Demonstrators carried funeral spreads of flowers. Banners and signs were held with the list of names of family members who were killed. These names were adomed around the necks of the demonstrators. As we were chanting and marching close to where the speakers were I could

not help but to notice that we were approaching a group of militant black revolutinaries standing in a uniform line. lt was the Black Panther einy. They saluted everyone with the, "All Powerto the People" fist, and then continued to stand at full at-

tention. They were prepared and trained for any opposition that would erupt.

Lec in

lront ol Psnthct llcodqusrtore in Soulh-Centrqt


I was shocked at what my eyes had just seen, it was as though I was reliving history. I didn't realize thatThe Black Panther Party still existed. I had only read j a few books and had seen movies on ffil The Panthers, but never had the liberty of meeting them. I decided to approach them, to begin asking them the

countless numbers of questions that ran through my head. I collected my #6 k thoughts and began speaking. I then realized that I was being ignored, all I received was a cold stare and not a word of acknowlagement. TheY were

all focused on the surroundings around the event.- Later on in the evening I came to find out the The Panthers were doing security work and they were not allowed to associate with anyone while per{orming their duties.

H'#"T,rl,ffitr"Til3#df:lilt:l EW approached her I gave her a copy ot Tifron

Agoinet polioc Erutality norch in L.A.

and called thier headquarters. Comrade Shareef answered the phone. After I told him who I was and how inspired I was to

my zine, "Beyond the Walls of lnjustice" in which I had dedicated a two page article of the Black Panther party from the 60-70's. She was impressed with the article that I had shown her and she assured me that she would pass it on to herfellow comrades.

ters in South Central Los Angeles for one of their weekly meetings. I said "but Com-

After my briel conversation with 8.8., I joined in on the rally already taking place

rade Shareef, l'm not Black." Then he said, if you're not Black. "Brother, doesn't

with speakers on Police Brutality. The Black Panthers stood in guard of all of the speakers. One of the speakers was Kwaku, he is


one of

see them he invited me to their headquar-


tfg original members from the

the rally, I was inspi just witnessed and so cool that

It was

headquarters and said, "We've been food to homeless people downtown

time. has a

street corner, and almost allthe buildings have security bars on them. As I drove around the neighborhoods, the

a security guard threatened us and told us they will kick our ass if we continue." Shareef's reply at the meeting without hesitation, 'We will be there and we won't leave until the security guard apologizes to you."

I e aid, "bttt Comrade Shqreol, I'm not Elqok." Then he eaid, "Brother, doeon't motter il you'ro not Blaok. hle are all revolutionarieo." walls were defaced with graffiti and gang tagging on them. The Black Panther Headquarters is Located on Martin Luther King Blvd. in South Central Los Angeles. For a month straight I've been driving up there each and every week and attending their meetings.

I enjoy hearing Shareef speak. He is an extremely powerful speaker. l've heard

so many speakers but not like Shareef.

Pqnthcr ceourity durinl opoqkcro ot lho

msrch in L.A.

There is a huge difference between a textbook educated speaker and someone like Shareef whose education is mainly derived from the streets. Shareef's speeches have had such a powerful impact on me to become even more revolutionarilyactive. The Black Panthers have been continually active in their community. They offer a community survival program, give out grocery bags of food and clothing, and bus families to prison. They help gangs achieve peace through communication. One day a Muslim activist stopped by

This comment impressed me so much


could not believe that they would commit before even checking their schedule. Through these acts of commitment I feelthat the Black Panther's are genuinely sincere people. They all have families and children to take care of, yet they are so dedicated to

their cause, community, and the future of their people. My first project was putting on an event called,'Voices Against Oppression" at Koo's Cafe in Santa Ana. The purpose of this project was to bring everyone all together from different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. lt was an all day event that featured films, socialization, and education. There were a variety of bands ranging from a straightedge band BURIAL, a peace punk band ARMISTICE, and a revolutionary rap band THE NAT TURNER REVOLT. We

also had speakers from animal rights groups, feminist groups, and the New Pan-

ther Vanguard Movement. This is just to

name a few. The media came and we received a write up in the paper. lt was a positive and friendly atmosphere, the event was a success. As time went on I became influenced to become more active in my community. My comrades and I organized a group called Students of Revolutionary Awareness. Our first meeting was held in my apartment, where 50 or more people attended. We've had several different group discussions, A.W.A.R.E. showed films on resisting police brutality, comrades from South Central L.A. came to speak, we've read letters from political prisoners, and we've ended every meeting with a vegan potluck party. The last meeting we organized was with Taco and Panther, who are members of the Black Panther Party. Taco and Panther both received their education in prison. Taco is

an ex-Blood gang member who did five years in prison for shooting someone in self defense. Panther is an

ex-Crip gang member who did seven years. There is this saying, 'that

prison is a university for the revolutionaries." It

was the daY of

the'Crack the C.l.A.' rally downtown Los Angeles.

The Panthers and I all car pooled on the Panther's Express Bus. We ended up doing security work to make sure

no one would be harrassed by the police.

We had security at the front, the side and allthe way at the back of the

march. The rally consisted of lndian drums and Aztec dancers. There was a variety of culture and tradition at the rally. The event went smoothly without anyone being harassed by police.

During Animal Liberation Week, comrades from the Panthers ioined me at the protest in Orange county. Taco from the Panthers led the group in the march. One of the leaders of the main stream animal rights groups thanked the Panthers fortheir

support and offered their support in their struggle in retum. Also,'Panther and Taco would spend the night at my apartment, in Orange County and we would get up early in the moming and go to the college campus to pass out literature, and sellThe Black Panther Newspaper and Tuming the Tide. The Panthers continued to lend their support. They joined in and helped us out dur-

ing the lnernationalWomen's Day Cel-

ebration. ln which the Riot Grrrl chap-

ters participated in as well. Women groups that were involved were MADIBAN, LUDIC NATION, and RED lN REVERSE amoung others. The

event went beautifullY with women speakers from different cultural backgrounds. Our last show was, "All Powerto the People." At this event we recieved community involvement with GANG TRUCE from Los Angeles. We received sponsorship from Profane Existence. This article is written so other punks, feminists and individuals can staft working with people of all ethnicities and

communities. Just wearing political shirts and Patches won't make a

change. I have seen people who would even dedicate their lives or risk going back to jail to fight the struggle we face.

Wherever there's oppression there will always be resistance. I challenge all!! "Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win!!! Recommended Reading: Revol uti onary Suici de by H uey Newton To Die for the Peopleby Huey Nev'rton Sieze the Timeby BobbY Seale This Side of GlorybY David Hilliard A Taste of PowerbY Elaine Brow;t

anything by Angela Y. Davis and George Jackson I'm open minded and l'm interested

in meeting local Chicano and Asian groups, to become more politically active in their communities and working co-operatively together. So please get

in touch with me at the following address: All Power to the PeoPle, from comrade Jang Wuk Lee / Resist and Exist / PO Box 6188 / Fullerton, CA / 92834 "Beyond the Walls of lnjustice" is distributed by mass Media Records for the latest copy send $2.00 to PO Box 2692 / Costa Mesa, CA 192626 New PantherVanguard Movement/ ln-

ternational Panther Headquarters / 1470W. Martin Luther King Blvd' / Los Angeles, CA / 90062 Gang Truce / Coalition Against Police Abuse 12822 S. Western Ave. / Los An-

geles, CA / 90018

Looslly, Nqtionollv t lntomationsllv raffiloo Nowt!! tntroduction to connunities in ilfl"fJtrg[i'31",:::;':;ilZn' frT:[:Tnfl[5:lfl[Ilff.",,"?ffi"H:l



thc Ganl

SUppOft Ol the 6qng TfUCe

We actively support the Gang Truce A llietOry Ol the Gqng TrUOe initiated by the Crips and the Bloods ol Watts, The key that opens ti" i"or to "nV California. We understand thar the truce is meaningful change in ,o"i"ty'ir.i""t1"';oj;l not just a cessation of gang warlare, but a in so"i"t movement. n"o ti"i'r"r"r"r't,-i" " dynamic, militant ,ou"rn"it for social iustice. o'ro"r,o grow and flour'rn, .r"ir""p t"it't *iii., very proud ol the young women and ltl" nop"" and aspirations of those who are fr" who hive risked so mucrr-to men"r" ,tt,""t"o to its prosram peace and unity to the streets. The example of thi1,lr,r.,,,,ill


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"1.ffi6;;,i$i*,m fi$li.Nlfui;',ffi

Panther movement. Daryl Gates, lormer L'A. Police Chief, is quoted as saying' "l think that people believe that the only strategy we have

isao harass people and make arrests for

inconsequential types of things' Well' that's part ol our strategy' no doubt about it'"

police instituted a CRASH program'

3l)::,irTiJlJf.:iiT:'yJ:,:""',::";ffliii,) rinst black males between the ages

of 18-


work: - the Wofnen's Hights mowmenl'it we Fv "l?n"establishmentolagrrrassrcnlsruiltor' ol andAsiangangs' eyrszt'itwasreportedthat lnsonarfi *fqryF;1;;;d , 2.milllon bladts were bsing airesied each vear' j],[Hjil corHeraa networ* ro controt o, in[t-eI;"iil*.e".u' "J misintormatiOn.,.,


.rffim"r,ffinr* .


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i;ffi tild"t story ot lhe LA. Rebellion .t-Jil #.-;1il across the *u.,tty "tu >A carnpaign to redirectlederally-seized i*g t rdrt.,re monies lrorn. relresljve Iart, aniorc€m€nr progmnts inti yourr

Laflier period, and the E*i.t. too"y. The Btaek

black comrnunities lrom lhe gangs' whose

p:r[ffi""i] ilffi

memusrs tumsd inward lor resp€ct' kinshrp and

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>Resistance aEai&thC

rh^ ,,66 ^l ^^^-.^nrriiiiA ,heuseornonconvc'|iixfffi['ffi:H to deny lobs to youths a >Freedom lor all political prisoners' , :, 6"ro& Edrr o,"tE wre'| carirtry IrI., tu*n-"tm uls ut u(;ft *t tre




pratt- aid Leonird to.divide >A united tront asainsr "ttor,t" African-Americin lrom"rrLatino and As-ian youth, or to deny the human rights of


,'il#[ vvFI.v'r

tmm ulssk commirnities overywhere in the

fi,HffiffiHffiltili:f"!ffi of rha, a ,niiarr tn in criminalizatron u,anrarr

black youth. Added thereto, rronr hrino Latino

HfiiilH,iXlfiit'd;ffi1*-ifiiii[]i]ri;,;l;; [?J*"^.^;"^'j:':ili:T]::[,?,I"tjjll,: sans members and a halt to denials ;]il'X',;JJ,il;il:r#ffi iliff;- ;;'i ::^o,ot'"n The Gang Truce has since immigrants' against ;6;; expanded to every maior [or" tf'"n 2oo,ooo papers, ffi;ili. city in the country' liie;;;";-""; |loor", to brand tnem as gang leaders have gained consequently' immigrants threat to the internal security ol the United s1r-plort from the orsanized mothers of sons srates.,, Acruaily, instead Jr'l oJ,,iljiiriiiii """il . who were caught up in mass arrests and other We recognize that since the beginning ol our ifie Af acX panther p"d'#i;i;i rights abuses' Thev are deservins of Rirican' miny. country, existencJ in this lt,"ngg,"ned rhe Givil anl 11lj'J'"" niJii; ::y,li support' to help reclaim many of widespread AmericanandLatinopeopletiavesutleredfrom iior.r"n, and, in ooing s"o,';;;;;i;"il; who are fed up with the youngsters these racism, of diehumanizing cond'itions security of tne nati# rrr ini"rn"t violenceanddisorderthathasclaimedthelives eslrangemen-t from society, massive. The Crips gang was io-"0 in i969 by ol so many of their friends' gboi;;; un"^pioy^"rt , and a tack ol real educational Flaymond Washington, All Power to the People! ""ii5" got their opportunities. tollowed. ln a general way, both '6ur Support Our Youth! communities, as well as other segments ii"pir"tion lrom the Black Panthers. T:he Crips the Gang Truce! Support possibility ol real with the faced of society, aie lllr" .tooo for community Flesources for living a subhuman existence, or.even

collective lndependent people. lnitially

exlinction, unless we begin to link our

it grew out of the

t1eroninmo Prott hse lust bccn rcleooed lrom gticon, see orticle in thc newc cection

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6ef tn

Tou c li,ll

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ffiWffryF,.ru S LocK u key Dl Pres,erris

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s-oac's ar pure I ooo/o D.t,l,,


5e olT' Bone s' Pt 6s 7a5o 8q D 4 aA utr5'R i>O 8,o\, 'ZZ Z

rt4ortroe u.ja.,_?8A74-

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S = Standard (roughly 8

112" x11"1

HS = Hall Standard (roughly 5 112" x8112"1 HL = Hall legal (roughly 7" x8112") = Tabloid (roughly 11" x 17") A4 = roughly (8 1/2" x 11 3/4") A5 = roughly (5 3la" x 8 112"\


Agree to Disagree #3


This issue has some really good articles in it. There's a lengthy explanation ol the case for a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and an article on starting a zine which l'd like to keep on hand for the few monthly calls we get around here asking just that exact questionl. There's columns in here are all actually interesting to read and there's quite afew of them, givingthis zine acool personal feel. There's an interview with the Swingin'Utters , an article of why Epitaph sucks, and a section of really in depth reviews. I hope to see many more issues Agree to Disagree... check it out! (duke)

PO Box 56057

/ Vancouver, BC / VsL 5E2 /


Angry People #14 $10 for 3 issues / S / 28 pages What started as an Australian imitation ol Class War, has actually grown into quite an intelligent, class-struggle anarchist magazine, and has possibly even eclipsed the original in relevance! lnside are various articles relating to working class issues, written in the context of local politics, and

also a lot ol information on more international issues. There are also more general political articles, like the cover feature on working class unity. The writing is very easily digested and they take great pains to back up the message behind the slogans. A definite step in lhe right direction. (Dan) P.O. Box 1 08 St. Peters NSW 2044 / Australia

Anok N'Proud #5

$1?/S/26pages An enthusiastic anarchopunk zine in the traditional

cut and paste style. lnside are interviews with Detestation, Subsist, Citizen Fish and an excerpt from the "lnterviews with an ALF Activisfl pamphlet. There is also information on veganism, Final Conflict, Crass, class war anarchism, letters, and even a peace punk crossword. (Dan) Anok N' Proud / 2503 Ozark Circle I Baltimore, MD 21209

Antipathy #1 $2? /

HS / 32 pages A new zine put together by Mike from the Antipathy

Collective in Eugene, Oregon. Much of the coverage is ol the political and action aspect of things, with a large leature on last year's Resist and Exist gathering (along with some hilarious local "press" coverage), the EPR uprisings in Mexico, and a lot more short and informative articles. There are also some music and zine reviews and some anarcho-punk humorthrown in throughout. The layout is totally cut and paste

and the only complaint would be the tendency towards shrinking the text almost out of existence! This came with numerous inserts, including a pamphlet called the Homocore Militia Manifesto. (Dan) Antipathy / P.O. Box 11703 lEugene, OR 97440

Arkangel #17

interviews ( including Good Riddance, Submission


Hold and the basement brats. Also Food Not

Without a doubt, Arkangel has the most extensive coverage of animal liberation information regularly produced anywhere in the world. Each issue has extensive reports of animal liberation activities,

Bombs info and a news section called Protest and Survive. (Kerry R.)


I alc


/ C.C



(1000) Bs As



imprisoned activist news and other animal liberation-related articles. This definitive source should be counted as a must-read to anyone

interested in supporting animal liberation and animal rights related causes. (Dan) Arkangel I BM 9240 / London WClN 3XX / England

Aversion #5 $2 / HS / 20 pages Asmall but excellent D.l.Y. anarchopunk zine from the UK thats been coming out more regularly than P.E. lately! ln this issue there are interviews with Fleas and Lice (much more sober than the one in P.E!) and Detestation. There is also an informative article on the Anarchist Black Cross and support ol anarchist and class-struggle prisoners, as well

Corazon De Chancho #3

$2/S/26pages/Spanish Here is the 3rd installment of this kick-ass Chilean

anarco-punk zine. An obvious improvement and size increase really caught my eye. A section called classic punk Ieatures the Damned and Sham 69 which are both reprinted from some old MRR's and are pretty complete. Felix Von Havoc's internationally syndicated column (as seen in Doll Magazine from Japan and Heartattackfrom U.S.) is translated and included here also. Some words on the involvement by women in punk over the years and lack of in Chile. Lots of reading and pretty good review section. Get one! (Kerry R.)

Julio Cortes / Los 3 antonios #4148 Santiago / Chile




as a Croatia scene report, and a small news section relating to the D.l.Y. punk community and a tour report from State ol Filth. As always, the layouts are very neat, lilled with many graphics and photos, and the writing is entirely readable. lssue #4 is also still available (and recommended), with interviews with the Legal Defense Monitoring Group, Code 13 and State of Filth, as well as a

Spanish scene report, and an article on the Crasshole Collective. Always worth your effort getting a copy ot



this. (Dan)

P.O. Box 22


Bradlord BDz 4YX I


Beer Zine / HS / 48 pages


This is full of articles, recipes, beer reviews, quick thoughts and hilarious comics, all about getting drunk. lt's not totally for or against it, it's iust about it. I found this incredibly interesting and amusing. The comics are of a really cool quality as well. Qefinitely worth checking out for a casual read! (duke) PO Box 481 051 / Los Angeles, CA / 90048




pages A decent political-orientated zine, written from a youthful punk rock perspective. lncluded are well$3

written articles on elections, the Olympics, Situationist actions in France during the 60's, and

a lot more, all written in a fuck-shit-up' sort of way. There's a pretty hilarious bit called 'Everything I needed to know about revolt, I learned in Kindergarten" which is worth the $3 in


Quality writing, exciting layouts, full-on pissed off anger... what more could you want? (Dan)

Rob Rickner


P.O. Box 1252


Burlington, VT


Daily Digest #21 $4 ppd. I Ai I 80 pages / German The people of the Flex Digest are going to make a

joke of their name in every issue, this time the Digest is called Daily Digest and has the cover artwork like an Austrian Newspaper, which is called Taeglich Alles, which means Daily Everything. This issue there are a lot of interesting interviews with Doom, Scatha, Pain, Jello Biafra, Eric Drooker, a report about the Punks Picnic in Edinburgh, and ol course the usual book, zine and gig reviews. I think they have kicked out the stupid freak who wrote only shit, cause this issue is really good. (Joe) Digest / P.O. Box 703 / 1061 Vlenna / Austria

Delayed Reaction #3

$2ppd/H956 pages/German Pretty much a good example of what a typical German punk zine looks like: Gig reviews, (good)

interviews with Aus-Rotten, Bullocks and a lew others, reviews and a few comments by the editors. Nothing to get overly excited about, but still solid stuff. I just don't know why some many people in Germany have to listen to this aMul pop punk garbage and, while l'm at it, most of the traditlonal" German punk is moronic as well. There's also far hatred that makes people become punks in the first place? (Y@hoo)

Christoph Synatzschke / Buten F6rth 8 Langwedel / Germany



Demasiado Caos #1

$2/S/15pages/Spanish There is a lunny interview with Assrash from there little excursion to Mexico. Pretty lunny drunken interview. Also a bit on State Of Fear (mostly about their tour in Mexico too). A very strong pro animal

statement along with some encouraging words

about the native American struggle in the Civilizacion Violenta # 5 HS/ 36 pages / Spanish This is the 3rd installment of a pretty good looking Argentine zine. There seems to be a lot of straight edge talk and a good mix of politics. As far as format is concerned, this pretty much follows all

zine from: Miguel Angel R.L. / Calle C. Tiena # 1875 lCol. lnfonavit Humaya/ Culiacan Sin. Mex. C.P. 80020


the guidelines; columns, reviews, ads and


Americas. Don't forget a well written, but brief, history of the Nazi movement. (Kerry R.) Good

Diminutive Rage lf2

$.60/HS/Spages A good, short read lrom the vocalist of Detestation.

The layout is done well with articles on money, drinking and a females perspective on women in the punk scene. Recommended. (The Baker) Saira / 1951 W. Bumside *1654 I Portland, OR


Disorderly Conduct #10 $1 ppd / HS / 24 pages

A small but incredibly information packed anarchopunk zine from the what seems lo be a rapidly developing scene in Baltimore, MD. lnside

are interviews with Scum ol Toytown and a member of the Patterson Anarchist Collective / Anarchist Black Cross Federation, articles on Aversion fanzine, the Durruti Column, boycott information, reviews, and more.

Evilspeak # 2 $3ppd/T120 pages The newest issue of this German zine in English that tries to reach out on an international level. Their new, enlarged size makes the visual impact of the layout even betler, as can be seen in the interviews with Funeral Oration, DDl, Homomilitia, Coche Bomba, Muff Potter and Gnome. Zine and tape reviews and articles on some German political events round off another quality issue. My only interviews for my taste and the political reporting sometimes goes into such depth that people from outside Germany might get confused. But the Discharge spoof on the back cover (Discuss: Hear Something, Think Something, Say Something) is worth the price alone! (Y@hoo) Sascha May / Liststr. 35 I O-4O470 D0sseldorf / Germany

Gearhead Nation #34 free w/ IRC(postage) / HS / 12 pages

iust too middle-of-the-road for my tastes. Manages

Wowl This zine is really ditferent. There's a

to have interviews with cool DIY Spaghetti Punks D.D.l. and generic morons Pennywise in one and

lengthy, really good article on boycotting Nestle and some reviews. The rest is on Love... yeah, thafs right...LOVE. Different, refreshing and a well done read. (duke) Derek / 57 Stapolin Lawns / Baldoyle / Dublin 13 /

interviews and rants there's a slumbering in-your-

face DIY punk spirit that needs to be awoken! A good starter would be to stop putting up with all the commercial crap in the pop punk scene and the idiocy and blatant rip-offs that characterizes the huge majority of the German punk scene. (Y@hoo)

Rene Grandjot

/ Habichthbhe


I 74199

Untergruppenbach / Germany

Dwgsht ll9 $2/S/48 pages. Another solid issue ot this punk zine that is making a good reputation for itself with in-depth interviews and well researched political articles. lnside this one are interviews with Remission and Brother lnferior, articles on the Lawrence strike of 1912 and the San Francisco general strike of 1 932, as

well as an article on Third Reich repression of homosexuals. There are of course reviews, opinions, and letters. (Dan) Dwgsht / P.O. Box 701 / Annapolis , MD 21404 El Clandestino #4/5 $3 HS / 40 pages / Spanish

The new special double issue from the only Venezuelan music zine l'm familiar with. lncludes interviews with loads of good Latin bands like lnkicicao (Portugal), Notoken (Equador), Los Subversivos (Argentina), and Penadas Por La Ley (Argentina) amongst others. Also has informalion and reviews of the editors favorite bands. Most bands herein are of a more political nature and spans a bit into Ska. A good zine looking better every issue. (Kerry R.) Julio Bravo /Apdo Postal 145 / Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara / Venezuela


secret underground bases in the U.S. and cryptocracy. #2 has a big article on H.P. Lovecraft' "Necronomicon". Both issues have killer artwork and short comic strips. l'm looking foreword to the next one. (The Baker) 3840 N. Pasatiempo Pl. /Tuscon, AZ85705

complaint is that there are slightly too many

Dortzyniker # 4 $3ppd / HS / 78 pages / German German punk zine with a youthful spiritthats often

the same issue! ln fact, there's overabundant evidence that the editors spend an unhealthy amount of time listening to dental probleminducing melodic bubblegum pop punk bands! Despite all that, somewhere beneath all the gig reviews, drunken stories, record reviews,

Hungry Maggot *2 and3 $1 / HS / 40 pages each Two real cool zines here. Each has a theme to it. #3 was the conspiracy issue with articles on the

lnfinite Onion #14 $1.2s ppd lT I '12 pages Another tabloid-sized issue of this information packed zine that has extensive coverage of anarchist and autonomist struggles, written trom

a punk perspective. lnside are articles


Australia's war on Bouganville, Berlin actions in 1996, the conditions in Portugal's prisons. There is also quite large amount of "howto" resistance information and an interview with some defiant young activists in Copenhagen, Denmark. As well, there are numerous small sections of news blurbs, ranging trom the shocking to hilarious. An essential read for action-minded anarcho-punks! (Dan) lnfinite Onion c/o T.M. / P.O. Box 1032 / Colorado

Springs, CO 80901 (also available through PE Distribution)


Goblin's Armpit #2.4 $? / HS / 32 pages This is full of writing about people's opinions about the punk scene today and how it pertains to our


lives. There's explanations about

Medieval Punx which is really cool, it also seems to reflect the style of writing throughout, which

makes is even more catching. Also, on every second page or so, you get a sample of Sean Goblins artwork which is simplyfucking amazing!!!

The content doesn't always present a positive

Komische Typen #4 $2ppdlHS/ O pages/ German A cool zine that shows otf the editor's personality

and good choice in music. Very good interviews with Kort Prosess and Recharge as well as a few opinion pieces and articles. (Y@hoo) Amdt Boetel / Max-Eyth-Str.

5 / D-301 73


/ Germany

Libertad O Muerte #4 $ 2 ppd / 18 pages / German The latest issue ol the bestAustrian political zine,

outlook but the writing, layout and art in this zine has a definite appeal and style! (duke) Sean Goblin / PO Box 3635/ Oakland, CA/ 94609

with a big news section, articles about De Schwaarzen Drot, an Anarchist group in

Godless # 2 $2ppdlHS/l2 pages

(Joe) LOM / Postlagernd

A counterpart, in terms of intention, to Evilspeak, except that this only has information on the Polish scene. So, befittingly, there are interviews with Polish bands like Apatia and Stuck on Ceiling, as well as reviews of records and news of political happenings. A quick read, but still a very good way to keep in touch with what's going on in this part of the world! (Y@hoo) Krzysztof Jablonski / Grzybowa I 72-01 0 Police / Poland or http: :/

Guinea Pig Zero #3



Luxemburg, the Movement 2nd June, repression and lots more. Good political articles, no music!

I 6024 lnnsbruck / Austria

Love And Rage Vol. 8, Number


$2/T/20pages The revolutionary anarchist newspaper produced by the Love and Rage Federation. Extensive news coverage of revolutionary resistance and actions, plus international news, Anarchist Black Cross section, and more. This issue has an specialfocus

on prisoner-struggles worldwide. They also publish a Spanish edition, Amor y Rabia available from the same address below. After eight years, this has grown to be one of the largest nationally circulated anarchist papers. Why we just started receiving them again atter a three year break is

A good info packed zine covering current news, history research, and stories of the human guinea pig experience. A must for those who are or have thought about volunteering for cash. This issue has articles on the measles vaccine experiments in L.A., M.K. Ultra, CIA LSD experiments, jobzine reviews and lots of other interesting shit. (The

beyond me though-maybe I got a freb sub when I renewed my Anarchy Card? (Dan) Love & Rage / P.O. Box 853 i Peter Stuy. Stn. / New York, NY 10009

Baker) G.P.Z. P.O.Box 42531 lPhiladelphia, PA 19101


Detestetion are a DuDk bsDd tbey bave


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f aEou



again"'s kinil of rltlicu1ous.

I thouglt tbat soaS '!ook lror ths Dcail' rtr grctty fuaay. IeE th.t! . psttlculrr br!0 la dril? Eelly: I doa't kaow...I t'rrote tbat littte rart. It's Just klDal of the rvay I feel about a lot of tbe balals that ere coning back. Ieabl Everyboily's couing back, everythlng's being re-reJ.ease<l1 punk's Just ergloiling in popularlty anil a lot


of ,eoD1e are cashlng in on tbat. A Iot of baDals tbat broke uD... oo.tEd, sLorlat Urvc steyci Drolcl u;1... sclrar leab, they ueren't visible for the lastr like ten years, but wheD it becaue profitable again they rvete back. f,elly: Ieahe aail it's insultlng for tbe Deol1e r',rbo DeYe! kDo!'r, I,uDk uas dea<l to those people but for tbou-

sanils aail tbousaEals of people all over r',,orld it never welt anywhere, it never illeil. It's always beea a tbrlving



Saira: I think tbere's a Iot of PeoPIe that are fed u! \rith the 0i explosior or vrbatever. I thiDk a lot of the people are interesteil in sonething eIse. ilg aII this KelLy: Ieah, nost of the PeoPIe tbat are nO- ne're been llayiDg to on this short tour tgtaIIy '' bave been realIy realIy young and rea1ly exclte(l about stuff aDd are just kilda rd. getting into the lunk scene. Ib'ey're ralotof really youDg 1leolle that are realIy into t4e fact things atril thet's really heartening, bethey're cause r I guess t-ritb all the f locks of . rtri sballovr eall puEks there's elso a lot of roak Dt reslly cool people, e Iot of in1 to tour telligent, thinking Peo!Ie. but tbat's Ig lt cool to play to a clowil wbo's


splits aDaI stuff oD it. It's golug to Dc qultc tbc oollcctlonl f,e1Iy: Ieah.

certair anount are. Ihere's altlays going to be people interesteci j.n i:'hat tre're


tho rrplo-




r alo tbluk tDet



tbc !ossags tbat you guys Dut out tEougL

your rrooras aral your sLof,Bt

ilo you thlak that w111 rcacb a !.rI 8c!6ratloE of peoglc or ilo ,ou thlDk tL68r Drr gcDrrrtloD DU!kS ar. rvc! rcsl1Y latcrcBt€al?

Brian: I thiDk so... I tbink a



Reality) is to conetug froutberel but what's the gcelc nake record.s l1ke? available that Saira! It's pretty big. trouldn't ordi- Sriani Tbere's a lot of good bands popnarily be avail- up able. I try and Saira: There's I Iot of bands popping get the nost ob- up r;ith .ro ex neubers of Resiste Descure stufi that lriyeai, lt Defiarce... I can. Really KeI13': Yeah, ln the last year it's resEa11 unkrotrD aIIy plc;ied uI. rf e've gotter tnf;i) ard reali;' good., consistent ell a8€8. oi8i5J. IabeLs stuff, mostly Sairal ll:Ie's a bulgb of ltacee to forelgD beceuse play aDd t:rere's a Lot qJ acu biails. so Eerly people Kel.Iy: Ibare's aiso a lot of, bed, daain A-uerice cion't a6rqg cleaeate la the yru^ scere. l.Ue*c,]* stca"to,rtellsp : ?bi3:, dtole ilruraerl siupidl 1et?t.,;16J tbat fbcicl r r . " .!irra, ' I,'i';ro€.Itsa tbl=g las real ly blt 6iant scene tiut PortleDd ilrd that'a kilds tb6 stuBiil sttl* qrtgpiil beyord,,,.'rqfi tltbs$, but ya kao.'r... tbc borders oi $elrar ll1ey stay rYaJ lhoutb' tboiC [ortb A]Dcrica. peopl;',*,,tlctr houses, they iot'lt:

liii:{ffi*: k It gives Ee a lot ot' bole, because ior so loDg it r';as just the

same people and the IluDks llere just gettiDg oLder anai olaler.

Do you tbink tbat that 's D8ybe o!e slrltr ro&ltlt lt'alt

of thla rlols 'IlY ,r '9urkt/oroaarl

";;;;"r;;'il;.'-I I Xlill""r"*, ,o". | DuD]

llLlt'r oat tlrla8 cor.e tq sUowe oi eaytUiug. you rcelly,;lt.ii, , f+ffyr Iea.L11lbp't lcaidcs tbat, tlerelS fGGi+!& tor trr;i;,1 aooe rcell, ggqil !r!ds ani! 8oB? rea!}t Lor bu8a rlt ca; cooll $qorI+'+,i,Irl,lil, tLG 0biilerated,. ,1,, "

8 J,osltlvc aspect of it, I ilon't haox ii it's uorth bould

be:.'t-rr' tlc, iunllrrr iifari:r,i*tlii:,gu*s,,: ri ' 8o.EG la rll Baira, Adoa ! or., t!,r rorlt. rcii;: ,ir?!.es0 i rbpa lS.r'nol1at fuf trC'tur' thow BI,rceB tlrat are ogeniOluthla3 llkc lng ug. lrc tbcy bers or Ebat? lrotllc or wbat Saira: for tbree of theu are aII ages' y,our ilolagr EeIly: Suburbia is pool*,ttf 8 tfte thia wbereas a 1ot of big vrarebou$E:litC spacg |hat t!18 txouero other l,eol,lo who runs. 'She bq8 ,ract.lqe plqe'Gg: :Ull*iclt$ aloD't ilcrl f,ltb ..,,,,tIst,,she nin$s,.ostj"itfs a tlti'ty trg tt dtf. to :illy;:,',"er"". riita.1,,tar 19 tt. , tgi$,.31tt1.y rtotgLt Eoli br,,1, ;eo roi tfgger ahows. titr,,,.tUe5e's

the trsde-or'f because 11 nlgb,t Just be tha?

it could cause a J.ot of 'pe ogJe t o becoEe

lDYolYed vrith things

but or''tbe other hard







ilestrof tbe


It ritterq.r


Kelly: Ieah, it totaIly aiilut es ttse anger and thi enotions alal stuff and jirst raekes it eEother couuo<Iity









tho Eta$e,,fi'llr.irhicb

caifcd :::€.Dother 'f litJi:,:,,1t,,Eiua,lirti.ia*i#igtl;., 'rru'ffi,,fea" bor bngl il .rltlrlf, iiq!., 'ti!. .i4'ia,bli',i ...'$ii"ltr.t,.i{uri,, *l.,ti ll,rets --',,b bn 'i:iti:'ra':-::;l,r;.l: 'riii:ra,:[i:;;tiiirir;.t.;', ;iiar ]r'ili:^iii


anal Dakeql o




;r esll a totlql.,,;pgqrdi{, lot of rcoordl? ,,.r,, to psl1 lf"y ilor". Er'€-Deer rGiIlJ ooof "lout people oX tluto Icrh, rnrl I lot Kell;r lt, ?her*'B the ctcroel 0' UeII r:r


woul.d be ths uost ln;rortilt' slagle tt*1,,i{;,l|i tiasage you woulal raat to convey, if I've netot,Luira'Uf iAy'of these'Xsg6j:t,:,,, :5a3 Lp61"t to ttrtr, get otbcr thingp ,ou rlg1t {op? tlers Hes oao alugle DsEErge tbat you Brlarr fhat's the cotlil couvey tt a aert geaaretlo! of to LBteract viitb Pgat,lt i lot loro Bhrt! Seirer Tbrlr acht fs[ktlrtlt eo t[ey Juet I,E!ke? ,1. l:,,.,,il .your solliag thlrgs lastaail ot ,ust bG- *tit raa ?bcy go! bougbt bI Boaobq.lty Kel1yr 'Ihat's baril, becriis"ltt"te'l]* fd t!8 EI tbere oD tht 6ts8c. fou gtt to clsr e3i! nox i.t's s l;tlDk olnb ageln. uany (iiierent uessAges tUat punf Ual{i gloject and a lot ol theo are reall.J :Iaeleaat of luBt diirfpa-irflf ',ettrr :!ni,,i:: 3 f*efe 4!i.e,olotlf*e !tori.:.*:,,ttiti;1,,1 iraportaat tbiags lor peop).e to: kedl::i! .iii [eIlyr Iarip 80 I tbiDh lt'l rcelly ulad. I uouliln't say. t,"'r" reatty stat- saira: Yeah. irg 'anything rer. 'rie'le rot. qroastLngty,: i(alli'r I tblDh tLrt Xhtcractioa.,rtth, o.riiil' fhrt tra.E's ,,tii-ttt. 't ; t origttel...noborl; is tbesa ilays, lie're peoplc is reail.J an hportant lart of tbere's rhaily PlsCBg, Boo{ e9lElstrtt Just tryhg to exlr€.ss o\afselves. ' t , rore tEla lotrng to 'aee a bauil that r'n Ie thrt.ls1toblet rlgoc *itiI,,Uffi,'i:,,,, "" , ..' , ., I Laor you guyo bav. r Iot ot attrrt;]Irlttr hte,reeted lr sld tben cone or.f Sc,irai 22J!..rlrr[p it's stlli, open. liie totri rockstar tssholes' you tbat your arlllagr llo iou fccl"tiat'g frefa: faicfy. E! irDortut ,rrt of tb. rbol., alolDg Brailr fhey're rouhsre to bc e.eaa bF .f€I[]r tbey had l reai probler. Sonef ore theg pieg: ald, th+a:,ddslltJ,ca3 i;i;i;: ,'. 6oily rippeil then off realIy baii. Bb,owa aDd Dleylrg out. Do you focl tbet'a 8ft_cr.theJ llaJ. diatnIj m81o? Saira: Ibey just got ripped off agaj.D. sa tbc aB turort.Dt JBst (eIIy: ReaIIy? [eLIAr,r ,,,,,tr,, tbLahrl.{t,rs ' Ecause ny r*ii' ,.. , ,..t:'i:.;::': ;.;:': 'lt', '..,.,,"t,"' obJective in running ny iatel eDit e, 8ol I {ontl,if"iilyf"f" urch about Port- 11ke1 uoney stolen? lald aDynorel I bete of a lot of banalg Saira: Ieah, noney anil nerchanilise.






, it 's ust a c o iioctiya 8roEI, goJ to"r of uutertiitrunt it that's rrn"* Lnspirfag crpreaelors ot argor but I 3ou rcrlly Gvt r epeot ]our fato tut 1t's qritr tbc opfosftu ii U.aor, toaotl'oes {t's }.l3as 61^:1J^...I'r} blt thorrre rerllj satlYe' , reuclltous, becausJ tt leads io son" of mod brch solo iJrlcs itoar old bantts I






of }aoDl"q. IlEc, iloa't

IouLrvr rtot ot tor3tr rot trocaoerlly ;';;;;

t'i. i,

being e ann1

to brirg

ovar part-iod?*.-U-1i c revoiutior-- io

we ttrre stra!.gbt iOla bccrus" of go$nr"d to BoDe of tbe olitcr br'ds tbrt yU11 fcolfe stard, behird thcir thtt. r lot of otr lyrics. Aldy is strri5ht- ,o{l irrc ln, a 1ot of tbc ncy egltr p.r I t}Iri lltor I tot of ttlcal ti!,.! ,olr *alga, Salra d,oesn't ilrlni or snoker !o:[r io bc uore conuclterlcc oG ary to Ary ll.l3 rtmt tho:c ll,l8r of t!.t!84, ,.orlt


04gs rrd 3rl,aa ati I ilrlnt. Ie've ail





LrlrJ,rj trt. lsil trbr! tt {ota

ioru or aaotber. lcoph soJr tberQ's llersoDaliJ, I'd nevefi:ido the slre olil It raclprocatcs anC oalla up ooatla3 oo iif'tU"r. brsis ll lortlaai thlt Itve iyrics tual ever;.body else reoy-cies. gidl rarc! rolcJ ard yoo corlil 5o to brt &tftor8 colaiCuuori. Pooglc jtt becu le but sll tbosc baails have broLcD lyrics ol otber shit. it's the

Eost aost!$otiie rorce

tn:,ng ara


causes so much



.f!!r tctrg in th; Fst rc.!! .

9rotleas. t;r-.og; ,* **...rJ*

,r"ri iU.oS"

tered iu thr sceDs. baB tes.a drc to ilriuk- uava grettfurcb coesrsd afi oi tUc rls or arug u:'ie. r'u rot sayrEE peopie ;; ;;;; ;;i;s'r;;o;x";;;;' sulutar't Jo rt, tot tuey snouid. luat ue ;;.;;;.:.;;;-:J;;-;"r;;;;

reelonsible. ::r:::ili.:::r

,t, ,:,'::l:'::'::



'.1 ,, ,::' .

'tot,,' , , ,'""'i r'o tot.iir.,.doq.E rttl I attll iooL rt lcrc Dcollc I loot.rlil ttrrn| tfif lbcy just Bhourdtrt -irtrl}.... -- -bdc'i'i':..i






it iai"riirqs

eenets probisns,




r loi of



trtys iicat long pcrloda o{ tlm rrtrsio i.,gr$i..ri{i{!it drlah, ta{ itlrir,,l.e ,:,'I&. 1 {I{ 4,ffi iiplt i}raca t bca &t5-,1tx1llif, otrlXiii fxlEoiiC,;]::;crbl: firakr x lott tt rirli.S:;:'t f$,1*::::::tglltrttrs: llgc rri l::.,$4hi gt own bccr aad olrkr c.rd lt'e grortr but alsop

a }oag tlec ago tbat r get a Itiiuor*'to;e aril I'n a nicer person to ui iiouna urhen I'n Dot fucked up al.l the tine. I spent a Iot of tioe being reaIly super drulk aDii it affected Itry reIatiolsbils witb people altl probable t'ras a contributing factor to sone of tbe barils I ',ras inp breaklng uP. Do you tbtnk a 1ot of pcoplc sce alrlltlug as a for! of rebelllol? Kelly: Ieah, r'rbicb is the uost riilicuIous attituile.

i ipancl

I th.i!-i tirat

tra i.oa't.s-f!8-alout


ol etuJf itefl-

eou!!.&htbetr, siir

brscs tlrt rtulJe art etuitil...Juot rta3bg i;;- rba* it ri. rallirr rcahr.E $o!d toploo, &rtt rthltrL ;;



sboaliln't te rtofug lt. Drt ff Jou,r iot[g it aB . tcor..tlo$l thlntr tI.l lhcrc'e really Do ,!obl.tu rlth that. *oiUldlr',':..,..,,:',i':iilll:,.,u1,,',,:,,:.r:rl:,:::,..,,




s 7" out qn hqyc q qround lew boen lor Yoqrs ss' AMBER INN hqc

$ ,?,9,t




+9,,,9,[I q


up with Saoto. punx. Evcrvono l'vc comc t in contqct with tsys "Thst ptqce, oh vesh, one 7" l'ye been thore once... coutdn't lind snywith one though..."

l'tt tatk music


lirst. I think Sqclo' ir










working on





Books (Time

Some ex' mombere put q new

ber the nqme.


ll'r tocsted

ihroo 7"s

bqnd iogether but I cqn'l romem-


rqrc tliing.


.d. "-iCyqit',*;;t"


to, try ons punk rhow qnd witt nevcr do one sgcin. tlindenburg/the Lolt ia ctitt sround but puit on lew rhowc. Thil ir Sscio's "hec zone". Thcy ectl rcoordr, tqpes, zinos, punk shit. Bqndt prsctior in to put on lhows tho toll tpqce ond

'thoir oontsctt-but

l'ye been out o, lor q month

thqt ol the


to 'a

qt t


now ond hqvr no $ to cqtt qnd get it)

ctull with qnti'impe'

tyrioa. P0 Box 93 / Fqir Oska, / USA. tl0M0 hqs been qround lor y.orr qnd is a totstty wcckY-


Delinitety worth toeing. Thev

ort cqtted "Thsv csme oul ol

Sqcrqm!nlo hqc gomr tocqt underground tsbrtr. Onr ie cslted Sunny Syndicqtc Recorde which

ic donc by scott T. in AMBER lNN. Moo Lq Lq Rrcords ic done bv Scott S. ol LOS llUEV0s. Witd tluntamsn Records ia dono


s avqitcbte to you eEs cE g



singor. tlo (916) 443-4212.

tol lya


7" out,


thc ccene NAII onty q lew ti



tocqt zineg:


'Ftf;'loes "Drop

on u9 7"a out.

contsot with MAJESTIC been together lor 2 112 TIC TWELVE it gottino a now m. moYing out o, h.r.. So

won't be plqvine rhowe sgs or August. Curronity it'c ontY in ecqrch ol qnothcr fcmslc vocstirt.

broke up but hsve




going through q trcnsltion right now. tho venuea thqt were qround lot ycatc, shut down. More recenl spots l've b..n

every Sundcy,

They're tiko "emo-cor3". tota ol pooptc know

gtw the


hsnd sr but when lhly had lrouttq

guys. T or qbout ohdngr tinr-uii \ rve c"t; out uit[c guo, o\it'r ditt


q contribu-


@ zinc





iH r$t





limc icsted Bori hcro ot Ertrtmr tqot Psm lori

zrne cqn


, tlindonburg





I iiiq


8.S.". lfs kinds took st. She recenlty


0attcd lun lo


contqct lor her.

Jcrry doql,! stitt together. 0ne ol err tivec in Midtown qnd ir cqey lo lind. tlis nqme is Mlcky snd hc might hsYe 5e' crelion democ on hqnd. Ihia bqnd hqr q pogo-punk lypc ol tound ond PtqY qround lown lrcquentty.


which lo-

itUtj:rock accno. Esch )'.fiJiction lor his tove ol


Prclerabty cowt, Eo I won'l bo giving out his contqct. llstls Ar ,or sc being vrgan in Ssoto...vcti, it'a hctiq hard duc lo c ehortqgr ol vogsn r.slorsuntE or csfcr. Atthough in Midtorn ct S ond Athombra Streott, lhcrc ia o good co-op, but ifs q tiltto expcnaivr' Drt Isco


s low btocks swsy qt K qnd Alhombrq cnd is wcy chespl You can rind punx st both sitec st qlt hours. "New tletyetiq" ic s prstty cool non-chqin cole which is on L snd l9th Streots in Midtown (q quick wqtk lrom tlindenburg). This ptqce qtro EoryeE punr snd vegon food. Ihey hayo s bjg ouldoor section lor punx v/dogs, cnd oyen hsye q bqsket ol lree dog bonerl

Sscrqmento slso hqa


"Food Not

Bombr" chqpter. Free yegcn lood eyery Sundsy qt 12,30 or l,00pm in Ptqzo Pqrk (J t l0th Stroots downtown). By now they might eyen sorye twico q week. Recontly, q "Copwqtch" ohqpter yqr lormod becquae ol q reqlly fuckod up incidonl qt the Sjorrq rI center. lmore on this in pgs. 2il2n lt inyolvod lour punk bsnds, (two lrom Socto, two lrom Ocktsnd), |50 punks, 63 cop csrs,1 heiicoplor,2 paddyutcaone and polico dogs. The copr lvon cqme in riol geqrl lt happened 3 or { months sgo whsn I csng lor l4J-12. we didn't ovon got io plqy bocquso o, thr potioe, qnd one ol our band memberc wqs qrrortod. Thie wqr q rcory incidont thqt wc witnossed, so now we've tcken legot sclion qgqinst the police dept. snd lhe city ol Sqcto. This qtco hqd q tittlr to do uith it being q bonelit lor the Zqpqtistq Sotidqrity Coqtjtjon. Punx hqye been working with them q tot lqtely - it's s grest thing hspponing. Iho Z.S.C. cqn bc conlqctod qt: P0 Box lO83 / Ssc., CA I 95812


$furtre! 9nb


TBeltriottg ..INIPBOI'D..

Distributed bv pRoFAIriE EXISTENCE p.o.


Finstty, l'tt mention the dying cnimst rights moysmont in Sqcto. Thero js atilt q Vcaotqrisn Society snd "Animst Wqtch", but they do littto. Att weekty protosts qt "fhe llouee ol tlur" csme to a hqtt monthc sgo. "Tho llouse ol Fur" ie on Copitqt Aye. sround 29th st. Psy 'em o yicil. Sqcto ooutd uso q tot o, help in this qres. Animqt Uotch csn be conlcctod qt P0 Box

4i6 Sqo, CA / 95E12 / USA. 0h-l lorgot to mention C.O.D. (City ot Dreqd Empire). lt'c o procticc apqce qnd rrcording ctudio. MJ-.l2 recordod lhsre. Somo showr hove gone on there but thsfc not rostly truo snymoro. C.0.D. is ran by lriends, not corporqto studio ,uoks. C.0.D. ia q greqt rorourco lor ssclol contqct Konny @ (9rO) 455-7073. Now Some Adyioe:

"K Steot (Mqtt) is not tho spot to moet pllnx." ll's not eyen worlh yisiting. Many pigs qwail you on K Streot. So mqny propte I meet soy lhe only went to K Slroet mqtt...t9hy?

urittrn by Kim 14. I MN


211E. 36th ST

55408 - (612) E24-4497



F 0r? \-t ]:' T H

t \}\


7 .;


Ir'L 3

Y i-


On February 23,1997, the "ZaPa-Punk

Rock Fest" was held in Sacramento, Calilornia. The Fest was to be a benefit concerl for the Zapatista Army of National Liberation army, featuring perlormances by Dystopia, Majestic Twelve, El Dopa, and Scenes from the Struggle'

I had arrived at about 6:30 pm looking to help out "K" at the door. Cops had already

claimed to have received complaints for noise and vulgar language. Well, perhaps the language was truthful, but there was definitely no loud noise. The bands had not started playing and there were about 75

punks (total) inside the club and in the

parking lot. When I walked up to the hall' I heard not a sound; when I was right across the street, I had heard nothing. There were no loud noises what so ever. The only sounds I heard were simply people talking. I was impressed by this fact as well as the ,act that all of the people were sober. I saw no alcohol, which was my main concern from the start. The people who had put together the event had asked that people relrain from drinking alcohol so the evening's event would go well.

Things "going well" never happened' The police were a menace long before the show had ever begun. They harassed the people involved and threatened to close down the event before they even spoke to

the appropriate person who held the

"contract" for the show. This harassment took place by not one, but about 5 cops. I remember seeing three coPs cars. Finally, after a small confrontation, the show went on. El Dopa played first. Then it

was decided to move the show into the theater with the janitor's approval. This

happened at about 8:00



everything was secured (meaning everyone was inside, except a FEW drunk and violent kids that were told to leave and go home), S.F.T.S. played their set. They finished their set about a half hour later when lour cops (three male, one female) pushed their way

through "C," who was securing the back entrance (letting those out who needed to use the restroom). Still being nearly two hours before the

10:00 pm noise ordinance, the four cops tried

to kick everyone out and told us to leave. Two bands had still not played and "K'had put down his rent money to hold the space until 10:00 pm. All of the bands then stopped playing and everyone sat down and refused to leave. The space was rented until 10:00 pm and many people became really angry and yelled at the cops, telling them to leave. Things then started to get out of hand. One young man threw an empty can over a police officer's head and was jumped on by all four cops (the female cop pulled out here night

stick and raised as if to


He was

only two beer bottles and one empty can! When it became apparentthatthe show


An older man, representing

buildings and formed a square to push people outward and send us home. At this


would not be allowed to go one, people

point people were trying to be cooperative,

Zapatista Solidarity Coalition, did his best to calm everyone down. He asked us to sit and be peaceful as opposed to those standing on stage who were jumping around and yelling obscenities. This pretty much worked as the cops were able to be heard over the crowd. Most of the 200 people had decided to stay there. I was helping to clean the lloor by this time, so that "K' could get the deposit

began to leave and the theater began

staying where they were asked and then leaving when told to go. However, there was a lot of confusion as people tried to get to their cars, which obviously frustrated the

clearing out. Then, without warning, the man from the Zapatista Coalition was arrested. We asked the charge, but the police refused to tell us. That was total crap. By about 9:1 5 pm everyone was outside dealing with about 70 cops in riot gear. There

on the hall back, and was amazed to lind

were 20-25 cop cars, a paddy wagon, helicopter, and the canine unit. The cops

quickly blocked off all entrances to the

cops, because this begnn a spree of arre{9,

some due to simply asking too many questions. lf a cop had some kid by the ann, and the kid guestioned it, they were thrqVl_n to the ground by five cops and then halled away. I witnessed this happen to three people in front of me.

I can't begin to tell you how wrong this article is about Saturday's gathering... 1) The cops arrived as early as 6:00 pm, reporling noise

complaints. Nothing had

at Sierra 2 Center

h appened

6 arrested


th is ti me,

there was no noise

so to

complain about. The police were "out of


oeoole were arreeted control." 63 cop cars (as Dwhen a'band parw at the Si- counted by the neighbors), 1 etta2 Centsr on 24th Street 8!t; helicopter, a paddy wagon,

0 ix

ou!-o-[cogl!pl Saturday


-The event was billed ae a biAhdry-psEy'but a band memalr distributed fliera that at-

and canine units. This was not necessary unless the


police were looking for chaos. 3) We had a contract for this

L".t"a-ZOO others, police said' t gathering-flyers were not Police s-pokeswoman Jamie I the problem. janitor


Bmwu said ollicers were cdled to the scene about-9 p,m. bY an

employee who complained of be.

ing asBan!trd when he told peo' p66mo-king and drinkine:o co

; I



was not

assaulted, or at least didn't tell anyone of this. 5) No damage was done to the building and a can was

thrown into the



Police arrived and told the crowd that the event was being shut down, Brown said. An unhappy partygoer threw a bottle


rested, she said. Another attendee then told the

peaceful, instead of standing up and yelling, which is a more th reatening position.


The older man arrested

never suggested a sit-in, riot, orto ignore the police. What

altire jleui:sol-ntohd.gE he did was calm the kids the announcement and was ar- down and told them to be crowd to ignore the polipe's demand and suspested stacing a

sit-in. He, tSoifirg arres6i.



more people were ar' reate{outside &r- a[eeedyE s-rstingan,est.^AOliesaid.


How can anyone be

anested for resisting arrest? I thought this is something that can only happen once you have been told you are under arrest!

Venezuelq ie eituqted on the northern coqat ol South Americq qnd hqa qn qreq ol 9t6.445 KM squqred, which qcoomodqtos 22,311,094 hqbitqnta qocording to tho 1996 oonrut. Venezuelc ia lhe ontv Lqtin Amoricon country in the aotoot circte ol oPEP (grqndec rxportqdorrt de petrolea), whioh constitutos ita mqin sourco ol loreign money

into the univcreiticr vhich worr tuggos.dly

"lro!" rpolchlsction crcal) llo vcc opponlnt to thr lyrt.m thqt lorccd




Vcnczuclsnr into hungcr. Gqtdrro

s.pcrqled lrom thct party (sDG) lorcvor

qnd stortod hir own oqttrd Convcrgrncis. ln hie eleolorqt oampoign, hc promircd nol to tot the FMI (lnicrnslionsl Monov Fund)

qnd lqiicd lo mcke thc Gsribboqn th. tqnd to ccrry out orOqnizotionl tikr thry hqd lormerty brlontcd to brlorc. Thr mq' jority joined othrr tyndicqliat orgqnizqtiona thct were born undrr lhr ahqdows ol thr dictqtor. tloro, ii wqsn't until tho EO'r thst qnor'

chirt pubticqtionr oxistcd which tstkod


snd bqeic


tha ro-


ciqt aitu-







when the civit mili-

ln thir


diototor took



one blow,


Yqy, qn-

esistence against the oil ri off!!!

thc coun-

try hqd iivcd in q domoorqtio svtttm' ln .l994 eleotionr, tYo lqrg! psriios,' thc

n€gotistt lor control ovor tht poopte. One year sllcr thc clection, ha wrotc q lctlcr ol

G0PE1, qttornqtod powor. ln thsse etectiona thrce ycqrs qgo, q costition thqped by dieridontc ol COPEI qnd mcmbers ol thc Sooiol' itt MoYemsnt cotlod GoYcrgcnciq .toctcd Rclqet Gqldero lor Precident ol lhe country.

orqtic Action qnd

The gueriltae



Cqldcrq rcturgod (during hir lirrt Prcaidoncy, hc wqr notorioul lor hie bloody com' bqt qgoinrt thr eu.rittqs and lorccd entrv

urir qbout tho

lhcy qtro rlproduca, mat.rialt qboul lhr th.orv ol cnarchirm, rhov liimr and vidror at th. uniyoraity and pqrtioipsr in drmon' etrqlionr. NoY thry crr running s campqign lo mqhr potlcordt sbout

snti-mililqry sction qnd ara talling thrm lo rcirr monry to buy s computar qnd lo opa,t th. ,ir3l qn'

archirt c.ntar in Vrnozurlq. fho GRA ic atro rtqrtine o onarchirt' lrminirt eroup/cottociivr. Thrir oddr.rr ir r Emilio Tlroro I Apardo

Portqt 6303 / Cormrlitar / Gqrqccc / Vrnrzurtq. Thrrr ir qlro cnolhrr pubtiaqlioo in Cqrocor thot combinrr punk and

qnarchilm oall.d "Subtu.l'o

oppretciYe stqtc bv orgqnizod

the Sociqiist Dcmocrqlic Chrietiqnr, Rqlact


hqvr cpproximat.ty 7 voiumat to dqt.. Aridr lrom thr mseszinr.

cqusod q chqin rtqotion in whioh cqutod q poputor rtYott known qs "El cqrocqzo". Mqny rhopa in tho cspitot werc robbcd by thc poor ol tho ncighborhoodt. Thia rcboltion wqs ttopped by thc qrmy snd qe q rrsutt,600 tqy d.qd. Fcbruary'92 produccd thc lirtt blow qgainli thc

ln Novcmbcr ol thc aqmc vcqr thty slqrltd thc eocond mititary strikc t{ilh orriciqtr ol thc lirrt stlampt who worl nol orrortcd. Out o, lhi! conllrt, thc lcsdcr ol


qnarchial ihroritr lhoy prolrcl snd

tionqtizqtion ol peirot (oltcr exploitqtion by lorcign oompqniea tikc .|96{ tho proccat ol coo' Exxon), in nomio crieir stsrt.d trith tho dovqtuation ol thc nqtionqt monotqrv unit, thc Bolivqr. ln 1969, ths bcainning ol thc cco' nomic mcqsuro dictattd by thc FMl, who orgqnized tho inrtotion ol gen' erqt pricos ol gooda qnd lcrYicec,

middlc'powcrod olliciott with nstionaliat idcqr caltcd Botivqriqn Rrvotution cgqinrt 200, withoul victory.

bogsn to

.trarc into thr univorrilirr qnd inlluoncr rom. young pcopto. Nov in caracar thrrr ir a rciclivtly nrY group, "Anqr' chiat Rrlqtionr Gommilrr'. Ihr C.R.A. communicotrc brtwoln groupr and indiYiduols lor action ooordination snd propqgcnds. Thcy rdii q n.ulpop.r .Y.ry luo monthc oqttrd "El Librrtcrio" (fhr Librrqtor)". Ihry pubtirh 2000 oopicc ol rqoh cnd

stoppod the extcrminqtione by blood and firc by lhe end o, tho 70's. Arlo. olotc to q dooqdt ol sociqt pallc., owod to thc tqrg. qucnlitv ol monov brought into thc country bv thc nq-


inrntioo lor drqling with th. FMI whitc thr p.rc.nlsg. ol Vcnczuolone in mierry grcdualty incrcqcrd.


ln Vonczurls thrrc trittr o thort hialory ol cncrchilm ga q rooigt moylmcnt. In thc 30'c, mqny Europcqn

worklrr immi'

erqt.d to lha counlry lo .tcqp. lqcoicm, Mqny wcrr anqrcho-cydicalirta vho tricd

lnrurgirnr". Ihic zinr ir currrnllv working on #4 ond lhrY qro Pro' ducing 1000 oopica. ln rqch ircur thry p7i111 rrom qround thr uorld ,or conloctt ond lrqdrr. Thrir addrrrr ir, Pobrrto I Apdo. Pottst 76759 I C.P.lO70 I Gqrqcaa / Vrnrzurta. 0nc ol thr morr goputsr qnarchist pub'

ticqtionc is catt.d "Gorroo A", but thrv do

not print cnymoto du. to th. lack ol rr' lourca! cnd monly. Thov now Yrila int'r'

.rting qrtiot.c on thr int.rn.t in Spqnirh qnd you can lind thrar qt lhl upcoming E'


Ar lqr punk muric, thrrr orr ontY tuo r.l.Yqnt bqndr. ThrY qrr ith RElGll cnd CnlSlS POLIIIKA' Thrv oniv

plcy rporsdiaqttv. llh RElGll ir onr lrom Vrnol lhr pionror punk bsndc Thry brgsn in .|963 qnd rc' cordrd s 15 rong domo in'E5 qnd broko

up rhorttv qrt.r to York on nrY prolrctr snd in'95 thrY mqdr c coma-

bsok. Thry rrcordrd ncw tonga cnd mqdr q drmo cattod '65194 wilh th' otd drmo qnd nrv tongs tog'lh'r' fhrir ntw ctytr chcnecd lo s tlowcr cpproqch, lhrY'rr not st lsrt qr l0 y.srr qgo. Thrir sddrlrS it : Juon fgnscio Morqt.o I Apdo. Poltsl 662?1 Caracss / Vrnrturlq / 106l'


GnlSlS P0[lIlKA

qrr inlturnrd


bcndr tikc thr Drad Krnnrdvr qnd Min' irtry, giving drnlr hcrdoorl uith v'rv poiticqt lyrica. Thrir bcaeirt, Gqbrict'

ir rostty qctiv. in thr locql to.n. qnd ,ivm hir grouP ila oun ttylt. ThoY pqrlicipst. in vsrioul oonc.rls snd

foclivqlr and hsvc tocordtd 6 aongr tor

,irtl For conlqct: frtoro / Aportqdo porlqt 6303 / Garmttitsr I Catacae / Yrnrzucta' Alro in Gsrccol thrro ir sn intcrrriine rrcording proilct cqtird "Grsbscionot

thoir upoomiog Emitio

llaximu'. Thrv vork lo9.lh.r with thc Spqn'

irh collrctivr -Et Lokqt", msking compilslionr ol Yrnrzurtcn bsnda thqt ptqv Ska, Rr09sr, qnd Punk oqltrd "Lq Bronkq Polrolrra'. fho, cro qgoinll copyrighll and pirql. corrattat to rqir. monov lor 16i31 9l9jtclr Thr l.oond cqrrttt' th'y put ir q tivr rhov ol LOS RES|DUOS, 'Y qu. to gu.rrq not an gqr" Ihtv sro prtparing q ol Cririg Potiti' ccl qnd sn.dition ol old Vrnrrurtqn punk bondr likr EPoca d. R.ctuls snd

tlolocsurto. Contcot: Jlqrimu / Apdo. Poltql 25099

I Catscac 1023'A / Vrnrzucla'


Bqrquirimrto hsr brcomo in rocrnl limra

th. cspitqt ol lcnrinor snd


pubticqlions in thie counlrv' 0f rvrrvlhing in thir movrmlni, "Et Gtsndrilino" ic ihr ontv onr uhich rcpotls on nqtionct snd inl'rns-

tionat gtoupt. Ihr tart ircuo ic s tp'cist {O pog. iarur with r.portt ond inlrrvicwa vith bsndr tikr Griril Potitiks, Prnodcl por

Iry, Fugs:i, Notokrn, Ccbotlar Ardientcr, Sin Sorprohsa, lnkiaoao, rtc. This zinr ir


$3 ppd. to vrir to: Jutao Brqvo / Apdo' Poqct l{5 / Bsrquilimoto Edo. Lqra / Vcn.tualc. qnIn Bqrquirimrlo, thrrc Yst qlto sn

srohitt/potitioat book snd msgozinr kiork (rr photo)., it ic currcnitv

rhut doun du. lo Dum.toll! policr lircbombingr cnd tubrqurnt d.ttruation o, ma'

*d timc (if it

toriqts. ll mqv ro opcn in somo dooa, it'tt bo notod in thc Nowr Scction ol P.E.), bul lor now vou oqn lind thc olot.d; qrt-covorod kioak in thc thest.r ptqzq,in downlown Bqrquieimeto 0n thc Golombiqn bordcr

ir thc boct Von-

czuotqn punk bond [0S RESIDU0S' Thcv hqve q big inltuencc lrom Grqac snd lhoir

tive porlormqnccs shou us thc horror o, nqr, potice brutotitv or the tonttincrt Y.

qro 6ontonc0d to by tho syslom. Thr mucic goot ,rom eounding liko lrqntic hqrdcorc

to metodic punk t{hil. keeping consittqnttv inlrlligenl tyrioe. Now lhev qrr rocording thoir lirat cqrcetto. ll vou qro

mqteriqt lor int!rosted you cqn gct q livt 0sts.ttt osttod "....y quo tq gucrrq not doio en pqz". Wrir: Chucho I Aodo. Portst 340 / San Crictobqt


Edo. Tgchirq




ln Venozuolq, lor thocc ol us who do An' qrohiat qnd punk work, il ir importqnt lor ua io hqve lriendt in othcr countrics brcquee it ie importqnl to know qbout othlr oxperiencoa in other pqrts o, thc wortd. lt ie importsnt to hqve rclstionc with peoplc who ahsre ths tqme ideqtr qnd rrchqngc cnd cooporqte with lhore who sro qbtc' The contqcls hore vithin qrc l00X Ercurr, !o lor thorc who trrito, with timr q rcplv ir guqrqntood. Aa this ondc, I witl tett You who I am. My nome ic Rqlsct qnd I t{ork lor s Uni-

ycrcity pqper with nqtionqt circutqtion cqtlod "Lctrqs". I hsvc q p.rmsncnl psg.

qbout counterculture and l'd likc vcry much to exchqnge inlormulion qnd pubticqlionr' Rqlqct / ll you'd liko to writc to me writc: ,l050-A / VcnApdo. Poatqt 50621 / Gsrqcsr ozuotq, or lor E-msil: letrouni@rcacciun.vo

rcudrrl, littt oll,l woutd iihr to commond Mikr on hir cotumn in #29/30. Att hig poinlc vrrl ctoqrtv slst.d cnd uatt Put do pagal. I myrrll qm s th. ,utur., I ptqn to P.E. snd




thc hotp ol F'I'E' lt is timo to put on end to

rsyrd lrom thc ilumqne lhr hypocrisy in Amrriosn, uncon- TllE ESIABLIStIMENT!


qm aontinuottv snd

Anvonc ioinins. F ] E-9t * l-iiouitor sny ob- nredc tegqt odvicc ptesrc contcct: Tim


t.otttt or bchsvior.

ork m. thi!: "1, you'rc



on, why kccp thcm qE Yout




,r thqn Zoyc cver did


il lrering



Mooney/{10 21rt 5t'/Ctrqrlietrt/PAl16630


PE Crcw snd Rcsdoru'

Grrltings lrom mv P'0'W' oqmp in slion snd murder ,rom l'vr brrn wsnling to wril. lor gomr T.rss. |,t oUc.c ia tibrrsting thcm, ing an snimst'c tih lrom timt but tcckcd thc molivotiot' .Hl 1itl1! ii*"r, ono f,oppv, bro Grsvlord wrol' snd vott prinlcd his


rightr snd

it'r rad... Uhrn

in irruo 29-30 so I dloidod I rhoutd my qtt qnd vrite atco' llurt wsnt cotoll or. lor cnimatr'rightr "bu t:f.11:rl's rrw imurs qnd msvbr rsmbtc iirlrg it h.stlhy dnrt lrro ol s sicknesc rirk s t'lltt' Firll l'd tih. lo hsck on thit chithotc 1 qnd slstt ,or srhitr' Ihr rtqr ol fexqr now "Vcnua" "Spider," hqc thr rllromrd diclinclion ol having thl.


lor thrir

;;;;;;aF;; ,i.'

brinor mr broueht or dog)

thrro is ( thst aom.s


otd ri r r

him, I look

lirrt ohrokrd lor

lirst ol 3 rholr pqrvo. For thocr

bssicclty puppy

allsokt th.





rurvivqi il art.r lh. giou.. ll tiv.s oan br doga to by onitline


aro 3 monlhr.

tor $16 n0l


to to

brtt sqk.!! uhrn






dr d,






iil'l litl #ll

:'i;;;;i$;,hi;;.-;;;;' ,r r,ii asid privsr pricong' cinr ihe oit indur' ,lii;! "],fix;ilr.""1t'.1 Irii'li ifrfnliiir.o. ln-s modrrn ':::.,:1:*l'^.',:i:j':1"':illl'l,ii prison hat bcinductrv buet thr w'nt trv purpocr. hqvc toet lhir

bis butinrrr hrrc snd now privqlc ffi;'i.;4fiiii'ittor. q mullimittion oom' uilh .noush mon.v csn own ,nt ;;ii;;;iliily fino*.6 U, s sotrct sroup citizrns monov stoy uith out sw'st snd msko ;;';;r;i;ili or. r.orotcdty incsrc.r- snd btood'thoir Pgrolr rgt otogllTlti?ib-!

ol in il ;r;;'"t.;

;i#;;';r[;i.]*i.-iuroinc. ,ii-ilti'i"uio-icruti

il;il;:;r1;;;;;i; ;;;i;';i;;;;;;';il';l

A tqck in s ioduotion






bodiec litting thrir brd rpscrs ond

'lulri'v trnfipco ue thr buitdinc ol morc prironr' Thr rtqr'r ptopcacndo msohinr' thr modis' ptsvt up enlrqpmtntt. ;;;;;;;';fi-;;;t"tion viotont crimc thqi tok't plqco to ;i;ri;, r;hit'o-l ,riron ic not rchsbiti- cvrrv to kt'p o.eic eropor.tiont rotion. I ?llli:]l lt-t-t: grrsring whrir tht lor nrw snd morl lhr ptot thug ic who thie mott ilt,o, oncltt mc propt. inro iq1 opprragivr treirtsrion ro ,tv rhfoush con' o qimrd st th. youlh snd lha not so unoppogrd ovrrv monlh' lt it viir in tisht'rgprciqtrv ciour cvcir with no 'nd Gcorer Burh our Msd Doe sovcrnor ;;r';;t7.;;;[ii,ig r,il6iirr'Joiot uith ohcrsr. lho rprqrhradine ;i;;;: ll ir,i-risr,r iinr on, he brcqmc I witt hsvr livr cstondcr vcsrr don' iiiiiilil t,i:;;;;-rh.-i.u.t. tswc, Lr of mv fivr y'or t'nt'nor in rix months' I rcvo tir csr st rhr bai'qnd qbout mv cilua' rt c pofico olliaq (nho tite hsvc ncvrr comptoinrd lor r.l rrom rhr bcr) slst.d h. tion snd not 'vtn bring concidrrod cioua' !o th. olliccr ap- psrolr' I know how lorlunar.l wsr to ontv I ucs . Thr ollicor, altcr invrtii- rccrive livr vrors lor mv chcrgr' gath'r ,und! sbtr bc lo to ,oftunot..nough tUoiion,- oonoludod fhr msn qnd ptcy lho stol.'s gomo in thrir courlr' cno ctrsrcro him uith pub' I atro undtrltqnd whv I cm hrro' I took it , fho msn l.n montha lh. a.t ol .a aol thsl lol in mv uql' lo ng frist snd th.n rccrivcd prop-tr.hrrl (!ik17.0X ol!ltt^p'i::l Othrr q potitical it rtandpoint, oi populclion) hovr victiml'tt orim'! cnd rtcction time and tho countv hor lhov qrrivod at th'!' idrq hqvr no conyiotiona. ptatanl Thir is psft o, mv ciroumllsnclr. cxchmrnt hsc stwcyr h in thir wcy. Thc iud93r tilretytr thsl witt br hrru untit th. rlvotulhr poticr gtl pav roilca, tion is rtqtiz'd' to cdd?.rr ,r ,r}.0. l.tosr ol ihc youth Anothrr rhing I woutd tikr ol thl rqnkr in thr dirconrion atl is thr kcop isw wctt cnough to oilorl. 5o thr orgonizqtion Ansrchict/Punk I uoutd tikc to a cotution tolhie prob- lhcrl c quolc uilh vou lrom lh' dsvs o' o Ertsbtichm3nl) hos s voJ.'. "11thoro is cnvthing thl nonconlorm-' ict horr uort. thsn thr conlormirr il'r cnothrr nonconlormid r,dutC bo uafr oro sr a dog' llt_lYil-.-tll?:i

";;i ;:itr;r,iriiii} r'lil;:';J;;;ri;; il;;ir:;;;;;;;s

l[ffia]6iitf,;;i;;;aisno.onr ot irTi;. Nilffi





stondards or nonconror'

mity." Anqrchism is essentisttv the uttimqt. in individuqt lreedom, you do vour thing snd l'tl do mine qnd qc tong ss vou don't inlringc on mv tpqc. evorvthing ir ooot. ll you viotqto my 6pso. then il comcs down to lht tsu o, nqturqt sotection' I trv yrry hcrd not to viotqta qnyona't tpqct snd I rxpcct nothing tors lrom thocc sround mc.

I woutd otso tikt to Eqv comeihing to lhc "tlsrd Gore Aotivjgtr" oul therc' I hesr you but I don't hcsr sbout vou. You rhoutd stt cottrctivrly rcsd "Propsgsndq bv thc Dcsd" by Mikhsit Bskunin. I witt givo vou gn rxoarpt:

"Yr boiirYr onty in thosc who rhot{ lhrir dovolion to lho osure ol rcvotution by dcrds, without lcat ol lorturo or im-

pritonmcnt, brcsuao w. renouno. stt wordr thst qr. not immcdistetv lottovrd by dcrdr. Wr hqve no lurthrr ure for qim' loar propsgqnds thst doos not s.t ittct, s drlinir timc ond ptsoc lor rcstizqlion ol thc cime ol rrvotution. Whst il moro, it rlsndr in our woy cnd wr rhatt mskc cvory tllorl io combst it'..1/l shstl citcncc by lorcc tht choll.r.rr who relurr to un' drrctsnd tnia." l'm nol nrcratsrity qdvocqling viotonoc, l'm lusl sqying quit tqtking sbout it. Put up or thut up. Onr tqat tning I Youtd tiko to m.ntion ic thst I sm ptqnning a pitgrimsgt to Europc with onr ol my bror in thc lstt ol '9E or lumm.r il vr csn aa?ca' up thr lunda' I woutd likr to nrqr lrom pooptr cnywhrrc ovrr lhcrr Yho might br rrcrpliYc to vilitort ,or q hY dayr or mora qnd might luin uE onto tom. iobg sa u. pstt lhrough. ln ctoring, I woutd tik. to thsnk PE lor thr lrrc cubccription to zin. brcqutl I ooutdn't 9.1 it othtrwisc. I wouid qlto tik. to Adri.nnr Droogsc thst qtthough I don'l qtwqys ogrrr wilh hrr, I rrstlv tiko hrr rtytc qnd lor tome rrston chc fitte mr with lhr urgo lo thtltlr noncombstsnlt. Atro to Jqmra Frqzior in lhr Uqahington Stste joint whor. ttii.r wsr prinlrd in 29' 30i I know vour stru99t., ttqv tru.' Pcso' qnd Shctrr to qtt my brothrrr st Arm!. -Govrncntr wilhout gYordg srr but wordr."'fhomss tlobbr (l5EE'1679) Rick llqmitron #6405011R|. I 1000/ Nsvsrorc/IX/7 7 869/USA Drsr P.E,, l'ly nsmo ia John Barbor snd l'm writing in to trt proptt know qbout whst ic going on in Boton Rougc, Louisiqnq' Wr hsv. lust ttoilad to t.t up rhowe horo sgsin qnd u. sr. tooking lor more bsndr lo com. cnd ptqv. Yr rrt showt uP qt I rkslr pork csttrd Gutl Skst.t Wsrchourc. It i! own.d bv romr tocctc horr snd ir s




The bqndr thst havc

nizqtion in

s socicty to sqturst.d uilh

lhrrr bcridrs tocsl bqndr orc probioms rcguiring urg.nt qtltnlion ort.n Noircgcr, Govsrd, tlsrriet lhe Spv, m.ont thal groupr coitqprc or toEc conArmrlrong 9 snd Mqnohurian Gsn- tqct tlilh onc snolher wilh nobody reqlty didsrr. So bcricqtty wo qr. tooking lor knowing whst'r going on with snybodv ptsycd

ctrr. Another dillioutty' encounlcred mosl up q show lor thcm. Tho oniy thing wo csn givc olrn by ihoso now to sctivism- snd orqcir gsr money, s ptso. to stsv qnd food to orbctcd by the tonuouE oontqct b.[rcan .ql. Pirosr latt ur if you qrr vogqn of groups) ir thr tqck ol information obout not ro t{. csn pr.psro thc right most lor how to imptrment apccilic tqotics. Simptr you. Wr stto psts oul ansrohisl titerb' but vitot inlormqtion sbout whot csn bo tui.lo .ducst.lhr kidc hrrc sbout it. We donr individustty is lscking, qs ir s rcli' stro havr c rmatt dirtro hcrr too, co il we sbtr couroc ol inlo sbout how lo orgqnizc hqvr thr mon.y wr might buy rome opsrt ,rom rxiating groupE. (For cxompio' rooords or whsloycr lormsl you hcvt oll hou dorg tom.ont wilh no experience with prigonor support lcarn about supporting ol you, stro lhr rhour src ucusttv pscked, wc hcvr nrvcr hqd undrr 50 kidr show riot. holtog.r who hsvr nol hqd the rctcup. So pt.qsa givr ua o ccti, w. rrsnl lo livo good lorlunr io beoomo counlorout' hrlp snyvsy w. csn. Our sccnc hcrl ic tur. c.lcbriti.r?) ln qn rtlort to (st trcct psrtiqttv) liit rlarting to g.l s lol b.lttr thon it uted lo br 3 yrcrr qgo. Thr sll.ndsnce th.n wos this vscuum I qim to put tog.lh.r s pubti' l0 to 30 propto, nou il's 50 to 150 proptc aqtion tarting att (idrctty) ol lhc currcnltv qnd lh. wov I ecr it is i, mor. kide kcop sativa snsrohist gtoups in lhr provinooa ol 0NIAR|O, OUEBEC, qnd the stat.t o, coming lhr morr lhcy tlqrn sbout thc punk sc.n. through purkt not MIV! But thc kidc NEW YORK, MICTIIGAN, ANd IhE NEW ENsru going to grt borrd sccing thr eqmr CTAND slsl.g s! wttt. A targor gfea ol looql bsnde ovrr cnd ovrr qgqin. Wc 0rl cov.fo9. would bo unwirtdv lor mr qtro trying lo stort sn ARA down hcrr ptue (thouch I think thst romcthing tik. this choutd hspprn att ovcr) ao l'm limiting a lood nol bombr cnd somo othcr thingr in rlc. dcti, myrcll to lhi! or.q. Towqrdr this cnd l'm vrgcn s ahop, rrcord mind tikr But right nou u. uqnt bqnds Eo w. cqn ocking snyon. with inlormqtion qbout octivr groups/ cottrotiver/ghglcvgr in thie buatd this rcrnr qnd gct thl kids motivot.d sr.s to psts th. inlo qtong. Yhlthrr arc il 0h doint romrthing. into vrq, vou s rsci!t, soxirt, homophobic band or per- you'r. psrt ol q gfoup, know ol o group qd' ton sls, thr luok strot/ u. don't uqnt you or krcp s msiiing tist t{ith currcnt plcqtc info, scnd stufl drrgrrr oonlsot or hsvr Btockc, wo hrrc. Al our chowr Whitrr, Punkr, Skinr (shsrps), ond .v.rv- otong lor pubtioation (toon I hopc!). l, it's sr stt porcibtr s ahort dcscriplion ol thing rtcr in b.trr..n. Ur tiko it thqt wqv. whqi tho group dorc (inlorhop/sctiviam/ hrrc a oommuniiv Wr srr lrying to buitd ctc.) would br not lurt brluron punk! bul ovcrvbodv brcsucr wr lmt whrn our rtvotution docl 9r.ot as l'm stso ptsnning o lcw srticirr qbout hcpprn wo ncrd rvcrybody on our cidr prsalicsl pcoptt cctivitm- "tlow t0..." sorts o, punk! ig mol. cou!. lhrrr not iurt in thr uortd thsn punkr ond it's going lo lhingr. Anyonr with suggcttiont or input tok. alt ol us to mqkr it brttlr. l, vou ia wrtoomt to polt it qtong. l, tht ,irst cr. in booking a rhow or lutl qlt.mpt ot this go.s l'd tikr to rrr il wont lo g.t in touah to givc q hsnd cqlt me btcomc s qucrlcrty pubticstion to providr (John) ql (504) 274'1133 or Vic sl q constsntty updst.d look st things. (504)275-9097 snd wr witt loc whcl vr Plosrr crnd inlormqtion lo: tloUSE 0N cqn do snd P.E. krop up lho eood work I FIRE/Box 29056/55 Yyndhqm St. North/ rcqttr. .nloy your zino snd tabcl 6rtot Eqton Glr./Gurtph, 0ntqrio/Nltl 6J4/ Joblll lhonkr, John Bqrbrrll224 Vl. Gsnods 'Thsnkr! Azstrq Park #41 Bston Rougc lLAlT 0816 bsnda that src Aoing to pctE ihrough hcre

to givr us s cqtt snd we Hiit


Deqr Doar Prolcnr,

tht North Amcrikkksn onqrchirl lhcrr ic s probtcm uith oommunicstion'or rqthcr, s lsck ol Within


oommunicstion' bctwocn octivo groups. ln lqrgo psrt thir rrcmr to bo duc to sn sb-

arncr ol socutst. inlormaiion qboul whqt's going on'wllrrc qnClrho's involvcd

f-cttcrs yith yhot. Thr nsturr of qhcrchiat orgs-


Firat snd loremoat l'd tike to thqnk vou

lor providing lrec subscriptionr to prironcrc tike me. Tho wortd kcepr stiding swsy lrom us. Fricnds tost inloresl, tover'c move on, rotqtivcs lire ol tending tupport. Tht tonger u. or. in horo the tcrr thcrc ir oul lhorc lor ur. Being qn aged hippio lockod uP lor yrcrs I knew nolhing ol thr punk/ snqr'

ohist tcono, nol

rtqtly o, my gonorsiion'

I hqd thought the mqnv idests'ol tir 6O'c qnd 70's hippie cutlure hqd luat ludcd qwoy, gobbled uP bY the greed o, tho Reqgqn-Bush-Ctinton ers. ilappitv I lind lhoce ideqls qtive qnd wetl in the minda ol ths nert generution ol lreqks. HoweYer I sm concerned mqny ol You Eoom to be missing tho point. Thero secmt

io bo on qwlut tot

s1 bickrring ovor trillot

punk ahoutd bs. Onr guy thinkr you ilovo to be q Y.gqn, snothrr lhat burasu0rotE oro th. wortl anamy, snd qnolhsr thinkr onorchv il not lor thr mctlcs. I don't qnd rron'l grolcnd to hqy, mony qnlu.rt o? Eurt lirr Pot drlinitionr ol snsrcho/punk but I do knou

tikr nhot q "lru0"

publicotions or pubti6hora. Thut lar,Yo havc onty cotteotod obout 400 zlnoa ond hqvo on initiqt goqt o, hoving 2,000 brfore oponine (hopefut Auguct 1997) our "tibrsry" io the pubtic. We atso lntend lo

oller a smatt production f ocititv lor thoae wiching to start thoir own zinel or ,or lhoso ourrontiy tqcking bscic aquipment such

qr oomputort,

EconDort, drswing tgbtos

qnd dgrk room.

lf you hsvc ony qu.ttiont ,cnd ut s t.ttrr: sny zino! you oon t.nd lor thc li-

brsry uoutd bo grrolty qpprrcictc0 cnd rcsd by msny, thonks. Piohsrd Hugo Hourr/l25t l0th Avr ErSrqrrt./YA/98102

vho thc lnomy it. Hr ir nol Eomo 9uY tlotlo 0ootl PtoptrI juri heord tomr dicgu;t'ng thing! thot yho tikor o hol dog ovorv now snd thon arr bting donr to chitdrcn... Pqrrnlg src burrsu or thr ottrk ul the drivor'a ticcnro giving lhrm Prozsk! Whot th! Fuck?!l rho hrsd ekin sddto broinad or av.n sorn. tiv.! doatn'l know wherr to diroct hil own rqge. Ihorr bsrtsrdr...lrving to stosl qnd gvgy...all controt. domingncr goopla ol lor uho tlqr. thr rnomy sro not qrr bring lcd to ond comput.r$ Pro:ak pqert rpiksr. his tibrrlv thr ounh vittr (tlry guy, drquing oll.ntion to vourtot, lhrtr innoccnl proptr. Anoth.r tcvcr ol lo il lhr purpore ol vour hqirdo ian't itl) Ittl rickorrr tincd my gut lonigtt...sddingcnd dctorminqtion trilild in ttrtnglh crr my thr todgv iutl tlkr vrrtcrdqv .nlrcnchcd nrqlthy ctartrl Yho oltompl aotion to hetp othcrs lpr.qd thr D-l Y. (uructtr succrccluttv) to conlrot our rv- .lhic. llol too long qgo I mrl thcsr good pooptl .ry lhought qnd gclioo lhrough lhtir oY.r' qrt running s tpoc..'.Ytlt two vhrtming conlrot ol lna modiq qt rltt ot in Krnt vho (in tho romr buitding)...onr gido our rociql eovironmrnl. Arr wr much dil- .Doa., bsndl, ptcvr, poolrv rcsd' up ir sat lor conH.r. t*ho , rrom lho rcrh ol otd olh.r ir lor vituqt ortictt. snd ingr. thl rutigion, ucing lord thc tirgr bv troltrd lhrtl lconomic drprncloncc snd Yiolenl intimi' It't sn opan to.nt lh.l.. Brlorc I nrrt qltsmpt s aimilcr proptr cbout to I woe dotion. Punkt, eo srt.r lhc big orobtrmt' fho tittt. onrc wlll uork out' thi09 h.r., but sr on individuqt, I rrql' stmoat imposriblr lcrine ft snyonr cqrlt I'm Slcphen Uittismr izrrt it ro[td bc psv .v.n mv rtnt lor mv qportaqnl thst I #Oftt9'041/P0 Box 40O0rRochrrrr/ Art.r totking lor s whitl, strsrjng HN/55903-1000 idrsr...thty totd m. il I vonlrd to tsk. pdrt in s.lting up shoyr I coutd' So. l'vc Prolonc Exittcnco, tritiog totFrc lincr lo pooplr whom brtn oorrrctionst hrltl A Goocl nrvs lrom ollictr wqa kltled bv priaoncrr on fridov, t lcot lightty koiil.d on op.n tlqrch ?, 199i. Scoro onr ,or th. good invilolion lo play, So ,ar my conc.ntroguyt! Ih.v'vt got s hqndrut o, tutp.ct, tion hqr brrn vithin th. ,nid' snd rocl but il but no-onc is snitchin0 sr ol v.l to th.?' coaEl b.csu.r ol thr rhortrr trovcl, plscrl distqnt mort I kncr ol othcrr lrom ir rtitl hopr. cnd t.l Aoy punht or gkins or qnyona Ygnt lo vrrr touring I voutd contccl thrm out in a wrot. up. I lo lrirnd do romrlhing ao, to voy lrcl trrl drop m! o tinc lhio hit oyn brgino;ng stYsyt vitting lo corr.spond. Krro thr Porttand vho't locots snv ol tho (oicopprrrl) if orking Fcith! Dqnirl Y. Soim/#69814/Arizona stot. Priron/Porrvvitte Sqnts Crur/P0 out th.r. Y.r. lolking sbout louraog' No r.tpo03.3 ycl lrom snyon.. I iurt ctortld Box 3200/ Goodvosr/AZl8533E lo do thit ool too tong sgo. Do vou know ol cnyon. on lour or Ptqnning onr'/ pott Yrct lrom Riohord llugo Yqr c Krn ot Sound Pollution tirlrd in hir tqtol Univrrrity wrnt thr to S.sltt. rho Yarhioglon in thr lsrlv 1960'r ond lought .tt updqt. thqt Arruck vsl lourine sgain d'l0its ct Univ.rrity ol Hontqnc ,or l!.nty yrsrt. tooo' to I rrot. ctking lor morl qtro vrote I inviling sc tlcttnotion. wctt cr o nonprolit nrw it Iho Richcrd llugo tloure (Dvrlopia) ond plsn mading and writing c.nt.r in Soctttl. Our Prto (LP.B.), lodd (Supprlsrion) oltor I lin' vritin0 Jacon Zinr Librsry uilt rocogniro ond dirplsv on one. en' islr ihie uork by thor ungblo or unvitting to I wsr looking through tho tqt€ft PE irrue

trying to lind qnd tist,ngt ol btind qnd ignoront?...1 dido'l




Iny hotP you coutd givr mo uoutd ba', much qppr.ciottd. I virh I ooutd ordat somctning but l'm doYn lo on. oi3sratta qnd cotlee monEv. l'vr ont, rorkrd (st c

iob) tor onr monlh ro.lcr thil vrqr. Ihrrr ore too mqny elo.dy bcrlcrdr laound herr who mqke it imporiblr lor mo lo,: sqorilice mycetf lor thrir rtuvr'tstrr. r Tqko cqre...keop up tho ,sntqslic rorltlli liv Thanka, Briqn Meeker 0H ft305 Akron #4, 164 Briflain Rd. r:,:j I

t.ley P,E.,


tlotu's it goine? Besn rcqding tb. tal'I rcrs cotumn. Bqd idrs. No point in lrtUlri$

other peopte'c opiniong (no mattat'1tor; ignorcnt ol thgt on which thrv pontilioclri rhcy mqy br), upslt my nior comlortsbtf gtqy in thr holr. Bui you knov,

it furl smszo th. h.ttoul of m. now .oe.r lotkr arr lo trtovatn!ir ,oots in lncir tnouthS. Brrn rlsdint: o loi tstoty about hov rhon thr rrvotutioli' iropD.nE. (ha! in Americc?) q tot o, lh.m: dqmn rcpisls ond murd.rerr might Juri' eot looso lrom prisonc. 5o ro gotls mcla ruro to be thcre qnd kitt'rm brlorr tftarl g!t owoy- lrrotl, qtid. lrom lhr obviourr. quostion on whqt mokot rou onv tr,t c muroorcr (ond thur uorthv of d.cth?) roal

kitting thosc lotks, l'm wondrring, hou vc d.l.rrino whioh of lhr miltion ptur priloncrl in thir oountry ,00 anvirio']-i gotting loolr sre in lsct, lhr murdrrlrt ond rqeirts'1 Slond th.r. vilh yolr mufr; dor wosponE qnd orking thlm mcybr? I'oi gonno

ruro you'tt glt c iot of honril gnlY.t, ilot irv. 0i msvbr vou rhoultl luri tiF 'rm qll iurt to br turr non. 9.t orirr. f$ workecl lor Stotin qnd tlitlrr. And mcyor Rizzo of Phitqdotphis too, com. fo fhinlt o[j ir. l'm stso wondering hor much fothr'

sqy thttc things re ctlY Yoot on (rhst mrqnr trur right?) socirty? Nol not q murd.rrr or rcpill myroll. !'lrrt ing ?2 yeata lot ccshing 3 rlotrn (snd trying to csch s 4th), to l'm porition to t.ll you .rccttv rhv c eorrdi{ might rspo or murd.r. 0n rcer,.l ocoi!-l eycn apoculqlc. And I shorryotr ltirlglti lor tuctr so qcl. I prrroncltY tf, I$0]r!'. tfi. train lrom bcine too ffi;;i;li sn aollhol oity perlrqpr ir rspe wonder il Eomronc with gonuino mrntct


porsibty brought on bv'iFf vorrn'f cqpsbtr ol dostiot vit[?'llot ln'

like maoy otnor lormt ol ovrr lht ad3o' brisvior. But l'm onlv gurrring. l{0ritrrri on tno othrr nand, I oso occapt sl, In IrtDr" cqr0E,. stmorl und.rstsndsbtr. lh 36cod. rsr rsird on viobnt TV rhova l:oltl-

laou lottr uho wtro rrnt ofl lo Viotnam lnd toto to kitt qs q m.ont ol recotving botitioot problcmr lor thrir loodcre. Thqt lhoy might kitt qgain ,o,., ..1rt lairtv timplr to pre dict. I doo'l maon lo msk. !rou!.t. But my orprrirnct hrrr ir thst, fn ernrret, t[. ,olkt Yilh murd.r cqs.s Ia''gbolt lh. moat 0ontitt.ntl, d.0.nt |umsn bringr ,ott'lt m..t. l*tsk. o, this lrhot you vitt, bul it'g mv opinion. Nrxt I rsnl to thot, luat mgvbe, lhr adminsl lurtioe trtl.m iln't verv lqir' I oqn'l rplch lor mort tlstes, bul Prnnrtyvsnis it mslly bso. I war in prison tor a toor in Gstilornic brlorc bring brought Dook hrru. And thr ooottcst

thovod mo lhot it', nol thir bsd .v.rvrhrrr. ln Cstilornia, liarl srr s lol of intottigrnt sndlor r.althy fothr in priaon cnd tqrgr omou,lt3 ol mgny rthnic aroupr. I rol struck uith lh. porribitity fiql lherc, lhr mqlor crilorium lor rnding up in priron ugr being glitly ol o orimr. tlorr it'a dillrrrnt. tlrrc, lbr ncior r.s3on for being in prison ie bting poor. You'lt neYer win in courl, innoctnoa noluithttanding. Ano .y.n Yorr., don'l.Y.r be black snd got or?.rl.d in PA. (l'm rhilt, ro l'm not grind-

in9 qn cr

hrrl. ll't rIst trur).


likr lhir, vhtn o guy'r b..n snd it broomrr ctrar thcl ho'r nol sbtr to makr boil or hirr on ctlorn.t/, chqrgo him with ay.r, uorotvrd crimr rimitqr to rhsl ho'r ghargto uiln ltrst you oc0 find. 0ncr you linrt him guilty ol ono, (c forgonr oonotltrion vitn s pubtio drlrndrr) rocrr him into s ptcs bqrgqin. ("You'it trl 500 yrsrr for otl thes. oharg.t gnd nrvrr grt outl But ptcqd guilty to thrrr {. cnd vo'lt hqve ,ou eligibtt lor pqrotr |n $ yeor!.") hlorkr mocl ol tho time brcaurr il vou hcvr no sd!qBota dclcnrc, ond no lsr' yrr r}o'tl do trir lob, thcy'tt lind you guilty. I'm not oxsggerqling. lt didn't hoppcn to Prnnatyysnis, crimtt orr ofttn roivrd

vqs guilty ol my crimc. But in tho nino yssrs l'vc bcen down, l've socn ll snd rcen r't snd aren it. lily point ia, hotu aur. sf. rou thqt totks oonvictod o, thincr

this. snd mqx out. Scrving mqny exlrq Dcsr pEl Adrjrnnc Droogqr. yecrs rothor lhqn csy lhey were guiltr. ::;.,:,--t;' ^- ,l;' :^:; To me, rhis ie rrrons s,pporr foilheir ;l,'j"l?:'.t?"J ,r.lot nocsn0€. Anyone trho'c .been in.tnece ir,c Cr,riatiqn Cosution,r [ayslanar. plqces undorEtqnd! whqt I mtqn. Mqybe


ll don't.ror ,rr.?: :,';:l,Ji-:i,:lriTfi ,"rl3tlj|:

vou truEr the judscmenr vo^l rookins q revotution to dostroy. Eut.l Jhere cro toyerct oiher poinlr I wqnted to rqise, but this ir 9.nin9 to Do too long qlreudy. 5o pleqse, on{gl: inllrestod disputing the point ol kitiinc prisonorS, drop me s Robert


witcox "Treetop" Lswis/AJ 33fiiil;;;99901/ "" " tjne.




ig h/pA

Deqr p.E. snd



-;;;;d; i

bryood thst I youtdn'i 90. DNA leats hsvo c tot of mirtchrr oorrrclld ov.r th. lcrl oouplr sl yoatl- Aod thry urrr thrv iroky oarr lhrrt lirrr wsl rvidtnor. Hv fcit[ in rcp. oonviotiont rullrm lrom ceoing that. PA rlro givl3 indrrrmincl. t.n' t.norr. Like minr. lt't ll-22 r.srr. Any' onc rith c lrx crimr olll oomgtal. s Eor otfrndcr progrsm to br oligibto lor rc' loqtr on thrir minimum. And pcrl ol comptrting tltott rrouircr gdmitting thrir brimr l'vr grrn q tot o, guys r!rust to do

how punt. Rsthrr thsn stt.mpt lo und.riiond no, ond why oioh pooplt do thingt, vr tobrf th.m. I b.l you,rc tor rhr tucking d.orh p.natty.

locl il"'geriul kjtlerr" (s tobct put lhr ruccuonsrv' 3tn'

on lho viotonttv itt bv


::t'i ::l ii,I',|;i, [';"i'.'::,T:; .ry sttrmpt lo und.rrtond lh.a. paopla



dost t'ith thrrn in every zin. s'sr rendine your .:il: Thqnk rrsil^ you lor .lruuu truuur bagt oorribio wcy. thr f,uur I now snd lhEn, pte06o continu0 doing ro. I Dooc thst mcon r{o rhoutd gtorily thrir ,.Hrltcr f .sd vouf zino lrom cover-to-covrl actionr in bookr tikc Skrlrr, snd :11 ,,sryrn,,? dig vour ideqlielio viewa....0h voq I do!l tihc Absotur.ty not, ,;tr, hoyc neyer considered mysetf o true blu.



your punk bur I hqve qlwsye .embrqcodq with pqt' ,or,,ora movior on oytn ticktr, mora virwr qnd your rqmpqging rionl kiliI qm ourrenrly doine ::li'ii'.t,ir1"#rr1ff.r:r"&risl Teror Deportment ol Criminst hJuatice l.lovira such ag,'Born on thr Forth ot becsuse I qrsorted my bctieJs and d,eyo- Juty-, .Wqti Streol,', .,f orrrl Gump- sod tion to qnsrohism by brsqking q ctssly JBoa Li.ut.nqnt,' s, ot lh. t.t.yitio, ..oorr,, potttcy qn oy.n oll rlimv coppor'r noEo in'91._ I morc



rinil. Lo, ,ho, leiier vittqjn - capitslirm. ter '-bccquec I need your hetp. lt's sqd lo say ,1"'-,".. -:;;.,;.,;^, rhir qnqrchiat ia very ronory yirhout dny- ,rj'ljH[ff#,tl'ruJilrTj::-;J[ punkl out thoro sro rosdinglr.1: thic writolo; so writo me qnyone!.Atro, Fi* / 4O4A S Moin St. / Atttrboro,llA I would tike to q:k you stt q big lqvor OZXOT which is: coutd qny onc ol you punkt out lhore s.nd me ${.50, pleure, so I con buy tho much ne oded hygienic irms thqt I need. lt you cqn't I undorsiond bul qt toqst



qny ot you do wqnt to senu


"il,i' I il" :lJ ? J : ::

615656 Connotly/llC

67 Box l1i/Kenedy/

rx/78119 PE, I hsve been movod to tht mqx,rhum Eecurity lqoilitv in AZ. I qm currsntly on reteqae stqtus ' yot duo to tomt orqzy luckin' potioy, J csn't go home becsuse I do oot hsve sn qddrecsl Thot is qbao-

[utely inssnel! I sm being held in prison becquae hsye no reaidencs. ll there is qnyone tho rtsto

ol Atizonq

--;l\./ lAltlgtg-,

IliH lN iot

ma b.cqus€ I

rrclty did'om? l'd wittingtv conccdc lhql probcDtr o. mony as 213 cre guiliv ol gl lassl oot or mor. ol S)tit ohsrgo!. But




who would be witting

to tct mo stay with lhem temporority snd put up with s P.0- Plesga write qnd I witt give mt $200 I gtt when J gei reteqsed. ll it moker you lest sny belter, I'm in lor druga (not q grriqt kittor). Dqniet Y. Seim #698i4 / ASPC Ftorence Gsntrql unit / P0 Box E200 / Ftorence, AZ / 85232



police, social workers and the like, ldo but only because I know I don't, I know

Sound ldea Distribution PO Box 3204 Brandon, FL 33509-3204 Phone (813) 653-2550 Fax (813) 653-2658 ORDERING INFORMATION. MINIMUM ORDER IS $10 or it witl be returned. I'm not kidding. PAYMENT IS TO BOB SI'REN. Prlces sr. postprld ln the US only. Add $ll for llrot clas postage in the US if you mnt lt Crn. rnd Mer., cdd $1 per ltem for surface. Con. and Mer., rdd $1 per item plus S1 for rlr. World, add 52 pcr item for surface' World, add $4 per item for rlruall

PLEASE LIST ALTERNATI!'ES or you may get a credlt sllp. Big orders get FREE STUFF!

CATALOGS: Send $1 US, $2 world.

spu nfrrdl Spoil


pktut dlx

M.trkooEol 'ryyll Yd EYs









LP $8.51,

"The Teblcr WI[" LP S7.5{l LP 37.50 "lNador ErdDcilioo" LP 37.50 Arrntb "Up atc Puu" LP 37'50 Dl.rgE 7" St chlldra of, ahc Bfia lVertchod 7" 3J Mh.r, rMldtrlgtUNctt Thc" 7" SJ

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Open 7 days

P.E. deadline has arrived

but all


notes for this tirade remain in London! So apologies for rambling and a lack of quotes, etc. Paris is I guess a suitable setting for this piece as the European city of sex and romance. Free love was once syn, onymous with the name of anarchy, not just in the "swinging sixties" but also towards the end of the last century. Ezra Heywood and others were Passionately arguing the case for Women's reproductive rights, and Free Love. The prosecutors of these early sexual radicals argued that the very fabric of society, the sanctity of property, privi-

destroying other "revolutionaries" cars (not such a bad idea normally) because of suspected infidelity and even a stabbing to death of a girlfriend (sic) by a jealous lover. The list is endless, l'm sure you can think of many local exqmples.

35 7il S1,50


So here I am in Paris, France and the

lege and propriety were at risk from 'these ideas. Sounds like something we anarchists should treasure! But what in fact do we find in our scene todaY? Punx getting married, "revolutionaries"

Drupdad'rS[T. LP Sl @uich prcrrlng)


I can look at myself and stop acting macho/jealous/greedy/violent or whatever the bullshit response that I've been taught to be is. At the moment though there is very little in the scene that leads me to believe that many others can do the same, that is to live in



The majority of punk lyrics reinforce

the reactionary notions of "faithful-

ness', "coupledom"- she's my girl- etc; with little difference in content to the mass media poP songs except for the actual sound. An exception (not unusually) is the Crass lyric from Penis Envy. "Love don't make the world go round, it holds it right in place, keeps us looking at one, and not anothers face...." and continues to repeat in a more contemporary style the ideas of the intellectuals 100 years before. So I find myself facing the same classic punk./anarchist contradiction of presenting a style an image of radicalism and yet behaving no different from the norm. Sex and love are Perhaps just too personal, too close to the human condition for us to easily reflect and question ourselves. But here lies the challenge of anarchy, who the fuck really believes that we don't need the

anarchy. Free love needs some definition as


has alongside anarchism been greatly derided and misrepresented. Freedom is taken rather than given and free love is not when a person is granted freedom to sleep with different partners but when they are able to do so without fear or consequence of theil own free will. This brings us to love which I believe is best expressed in terms of respect and the desire to please someone; the true act of love is therefore to let your lover be free to do as they want without hassle (bit like anarchy

So Free love comes down to a perfect definition of anarchy, bringing the ideas of respect for others and individual liberty into one. Unfortunately the practicality of achieving this state is just too much for most people. The concept of sharing a lover or sharing a bed fills most with dread. lt's all too


close to home, unlike Putting on patches and studs, spiky hair or dreadlocks the challenge of facing up to one's own conditioned conservatism towards relationships is much too scary. lt is though just a mental barrier, I finally cracked it a couple of years ago, (l've believed in the idea for years) now it's quite natural, all but obvious, that my present lover should sleep with whoever and whenever she likes. There's no rule to say she must, Free love does not imply nymphomania, but it does imply by way of definition of respect that we tell each other what is going on in our lives. I know some exponents of Free Love don't believe this to be an essential element but for me it is part of the deal to be open about each others sex-life (its also fun!) Well l've rambled, l've forgotten the stuff from the book "Breaking the Barriers to Desire" (that you can order from Active), that details many different perspectives and experiences of non-monogamous relationshiPs. I guess I might come back to this again, for now Paris has a new squat with a gig to go to tonight, so who knows what'll happen! Be free, be fearless, look inside and challenge yourself.

"cool" and when it's just alcoholism.

her Jack Daniel's all over anyone who

When it is just "the party", and when is it just pathetic. And when does it stop? ls there going to be a time when enough is enough? I don't want to be drunk on Friday and Saturday nights when I'm 55 cuz then how I different from any drunk society fuck sitting on the bar stool next to me? I know about the desire to numb out and turn off. I live with that need every day of my life. But how am I going to deal with any of the pain inside of me if I keep drowning it out? And if I don't

is helping to hold her up. Even though the woman is deeply immersed in complete and utter drunkenness, she con-

We all sit at the party, talking and laughing with each other, almost everyone with a drink in their hand or in line for the keg if their cup is empty. Greg comes in, already stumbling a bit and his words have a slight slur to them and the night is stillyoung. He grabs a cup, stands in line, and everyone at the party waits. Nervous eyes keep darting his way as he keeps returning to the keg, filling up glass after glass. We

know Greg. We know that once he starts, there's no stopping him. And once he's got it going' on, there's gonna be a fight. lt usually takes a few hours. But eventually, the volume of his voice rises and until off in an-

other room, there's the crash of chairs falling or the smash of a glass and ev-

eryone pours in

to pull Greg off of

whichever hapless victim he's chosen for that night. He gets kicked out of the party and someone is chosen to drive his sullen, surly drunk ass home. The next day, he'llcome apologetically back to the house, his head hung low and if he had a tail, it would be tucked

between his legs. He's blacked out again and needs to be told what he did that night and who to direct his sincerest apologies to. We all accept his apologies cuz Greg is one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet. When he's sober. Eventually, he's so sorry and so pathetic looking that all is forgiven until the next party rolls around and we break up his fight again. Suzie shows up a little while after Greg has gotten booted out. The girl is pissed ass drunk as shit. Her breath already smells like puke as she clings to everyone at the party. Her high pitched drunken voice piercing the party atmosphere as surely as Greg's violence did earlier. We all roll our eyes and try to avoid having contact with her for fear that she might regurgitate

tinues drinking and drinking hard. By the early morning hours of the next day, Suzie has chosen her victim and is venting and pouring out all of her drunken sorrow and pain on that poor peison. So now we're all on suicide watch as she rants about how death would be more welcome than her current existence. She finally passes out. We cover her with a blanket, take off ever change inside, then will I ever be her shoes so's no one will write on her, able to effect change around me. and collectively breath a sigh of relief. Am I advocating being straight edge? We don't really think about it or worry No. lf someone wants to be completely cuz Suzie always does this when she's sober, more power to them. lf someone drunk. She's as reliable as a grandfa- chooses to drink, that is their thing. All ther clock to have a breakdown while of these thoughts and questions are drinking. And she drinks a lot. At least what I've been grappling with lately and sober, she may not be the most cheer- I have no quick and easy or witty soluful person to be around, but she's defi- tion in which to wrap this all up with. lt'll just come down to continuing to watch nitely not this miserable. My tolerance for alcohol is high. myself and those around me and to condrank three pints of pear cider last tinue asking myself and my friends exweekend and winded up with a mild actly what is going on when it comes to headache instead of a slight drunken the use and abuse of alcohol. As the buzz. I have drank so much fucking saying goes, I'll live and learn. hard alcohol in my lifetime that I feel Adrienne/PO Box 20875/Tompkins like l've gone through aversion therapy Square Station/NYC, NY/1 0009 and that the mere thought of trying to slam a fifth of whiskey again would make me vomit. ljust can't do it anymore. So do I now wave the straight edge flag in the battle to achieve a pure body/pure mind? Fuck no. I drank that pear cider just last weekend, remem[1ILL1EN5 CT DEND TOPS ber? But as my desire to drink deBT]TE N IIEIL lII PUfiTLFND, of,. creases over time and my ability to get R RADICAL RECORDS drunk lessons, I find myself thinking about drinking. I think about it a lot. MAIL ORDER I've realized that in a lot of ways, drinkc,D's sI0.00 ing has just gotten boring. I know what OF DE.{D (IOPS it's like to feel drunk. I'm tired of getOF D,,L\,{N C HRTSTIAJ.\iS ting the spins. The misery of hangAL DEVIL COKES overs has lost its appeal. Well, okay, COP TF I H,^\D A FACE hangovers never had much of an appeal anyway. But do you get what I'm saying? I've been drunk. l've been wasted a shitload of times. lt's just gotten old. I'm sick and tired of dealAN /COP ing with the violent drunk friend. lt ,LTT .DEATH CORPORATION feels like a waste of time to be listening to the suicidal drunk when they won't deal with their shit when they're 00 PER tTE:"-l .{.IR MAIL sober. And the record has gotten pretty warped and scratched over NEW ADDRESS:!I time. 16016 SE Division. Suite J5 When I was 21, it was cool to party. ,i Porrland. Orcson 97236 It was fun to get wasted. The only :: intent of a Friday night was to get as :'* fucked up as humanly possible. But ri now I'm 28. Now I wonder when it's ii I



doctor. Our pre-natal doctor came in and told us about the condition of the


this being that our child had a spinal development problem, or neural tube defect, called anancephely-a falal condition for the fetus, being that the brain would never fullY devloP.

There's been some difficult moments in my life since the last opportunity I have

had to voice my opinions in these pages. I usually don't like sharing my personal life with the readers of Profane, mainly

because it's not really relevant to what this magainze is about, but it's also nice to have some sort of life away from"my work at P.E. However, there was one event that occured early this year that I would like to share with the readers of P.E. Partly it is the reason what's been happening at PE this spring, actually the beginning of a series of events which caused the delay of publishing P.Er for so long. A lot of our readers don't seem

Finding this information out was exceedingly devastating to both of us, but even more so to Laura who had carried the baby in her womb for over five months. Waves of grief were mixed with guilt that we had somehow caused this [o happen, although the doctors,

nurses and technician all assured us that

fault' The only the terminate to was option real

this was in no way our

pregnancy as the fetus would have no btrance for survival outside the womb.

This was not what we had expected going

imagined how much worse she was feeling than I was. lnduced labor, especially so early in

a pregnancy, is more physically tramatic

than a natural birth. During the day{ong labor induction process, which involved some incredibly toxic drugs, Laura went

through cramps of such a Painful intenslty I couldn't even begin to imagine-ln sPite of what must have

been a pint of morphine added to Laura's l.V. tube. Watching my partner for over three years go through such pain was

nearly unbearable, but at least last long (for both our sakes!)

it didn't

of the


Late in that evening, Laura gave birth to a tiny baby girl. I was at her side during the birth and it was probably one of the most incredible things l've ever experienced, in spite

into the clinic that day at all! Just writing sorrounding the circumstances. Laura this nearly overcomes me with anxiety and I were ieft alone with our little baby girl in arms, which we named Leanne, as over the experience of that daY. ln the State of Minnesota, it is illegal her life slowly faded away over the course to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks of about an hour. We didn't know how (our visit took place during week -22), we would feel about having the baby with us after the birth, but lt was actually a except in cases where the life of the fetus or mother are in jeopardy. Legally you very good feeling to have the bonding need the opinion of a second doctor, as experience with our child, even if for such to understand that there are often well as a more powerful view using a level a brief moment. lthink at that moment outside reasons for this magazine, and 2 ultrasound, to Pi'ovide Proof. The I became emotionally closer to anyone other P.E. projects, to be delayed; other following day we had to go through it all than ever before in mY life' than because we're disorganized orlazy. again. At least the people at the-clinic Retuming back to the routine of dayMaybe this short column will help our were very supportiye of our situation as to-day existence afterwards proved to readers realize that there is more going they've had to deal with this many times be more difficult than I would have on in our lives that affect what happens befbre. Neural tube disorders are thought. We both retumed to work only here at P.E.H.Q. common, aff ecting 1 in 1000 four tays later, my job being Profane Last fall, mY Partner Laura became pregnancies, although it is hardly talked Existence. Usually my work days here pregnant with our child. We had both iUout publicly (we have just began stretch into the evenings and weekends, tatfea about this possibility for a couple seeing it being mentiondd in television but for the month or two following I could we were readY to ads this spring). At this second clinic not find the enthusiasm to be here for years, -becomeand decided parents. All last fall and early visit, the very supportive doctor came more than seven or eight hours at a time, into the winter, we were both verY to the same conclusion, that our child and definitely not six or seven days a excited about this turn of events, of would not survive birth' week that used to be mY habbit. I had course also feeling our share of anxiety Although difficult to make because to spend more time alone with Laura to over the new responsibility and changes of our emotional state, we made the help soothe over the emotional trauma that were rapidly taking place in our lives. decision to go ahead and induce labor we both experienced. We were to be Parents; one of the very and Laura would bear the Premature Laura and I are both quite recovered things I had been rebelling against for fetus. The alternative was surgical now, as much as we ProbablY can hoPe

an ul{rasound viewing of of the fetus, now more than five months developed. During the ultrasound, the technicjan gave us a sympathetic look and said, 'Oh io, we have a problem." Not having the

abortion, which would have put Laura through unecessary risks of a surgical proceedure. The next morning we thecked into the birthing unit at Abbot Northwestern Hospital. Everything was going so fast and the level of emotional stress was nearly unbearable, or more like undescribible. Our families and friends were very supportive, although I can only remember much of those days

but he said that this was a serious

as if through ahaze. Through this ordeal, I spent almost every waking moment. at Laura's side and tried to be as supportive

the last ten Years! All was going aPParentlY well with Laura's pregnancy when we went in to the prenataiclinic for a routine check up in early January. Part of this visit included

years of experience viewing ultrasound images, we had no idea what thls meant'

problem and we should speak with the

as possible, though

I could only


to be, although I think we'll wait some time before seriously considering having

children any time soon. The whole experience has changed my life though,

heiping me realize that I do need to stop

anil appreicate life once in a while, instead of spending mY time rotelY working myself to death' End Note # 1 : Of course, bY the time I was able to get all fired up about doing P.E. again, Jon was on tour in Europe with Statebf Fear, and this combination quite effectively put back our plans several

months. I can't promise future issues of P.E. won't ever be delayed this long

this, but the main being that it was just too much work to do as a ,.side project" of P.E. and was sucking up too much of our time and energy. We've pretty much sold out of the remaining shirts and patches and will NOT make any more.

again, but I certainly hope another personal tragedy won't be a part of the reason.

End Note


This will be the last

personal opinion column that we will print in such a form in P.E. During construction of the P.E. #29/30 double issue, we decided we would axe this feature after

the following issue. The agreement among all three editors, and probably

most of our readers, is that the

"columns" section has always been our weakest section. As with other zines' columns section, we have noticed that columnists tend to write something because they are obligated to make a contribution, not because they have something particularly profound to say. I will be the first to admit my own columns haven't exactly been jewels of insight every issue! On the other hand, some of the best columns we have published were written by people who were fired up enough about an issue to send us their opinion on it, then never heard back again until they were again so inspired.

to can the "columns' section in favor of a more general "editorial / opinion" type section, which we have yet to come up with a Thus, were are going

witty name. We want to get rid of the idea that there are only a few select individuals who have the right to voice their opinion in our pages (outside the letter section) should be able to do so. We are encouraging that people send us subject-orientated opinion articles which we will consider for publication in this new section. Remember, the idea is to write

about a topic, express your opinion on it, and defend your views. lf this sounds too much like school for you, consider that P.E. is edited by two high school drop outs!

As for our current columnists, this to be a put down, as all are welcomed to participate in this is no way intended

section. We just don't like the idea of some sort of elevated status given to a few individuals to publish their material each issue, whether merited or not. ln

any case I have heard that being "former


columnist" looks good on a resum6 when applying for a spot in Heart Attack! P.E.

End Note #3: We have decided to end the screen-printing aspect of the p.E. collective. There are several reasons for

I often think people don't care about what shit is going on, what happens. They just have their music, that's ail that they need, and they don't have to care about politics, cause they don't know, and I think they won't know about them. But what do these people think about the so called DIY scene, do they think they are politically active, when they just buy DIY records. On the one hand ordering records with really good

political, animal rights or personal lyrics, and then, on the other hand, they just listen to the music but don't think about

the lyrics. They prefer to go to Donald's around the corner.


I'm running a distribution, and


started selling Books & pamphlets, but only a few of the people ordering are interested in these things. I might have to high expectations, but it's sad that you

can transmit political ideas easier via records than via books or zines. For me DIY is not only the music, it's the way I live, or I try to live. How you treat other people, what's your attitude

to work, politics and so on. The music is a part of it, DIY is not music-music is a part of DlY. 1

0673 5.30 1



r?. /

ol a better goal is main uhose outlet term--an inilepenilent meilia (anillor actioist-music tlistribute or and! to ptoihrce music-by-actioists) uithin the ltameutork of a collectioely oumeil anil openteil zoorkplace.In othet wotds, theti's no hierutchy, to boss os. employee rclationships oniltro ilioisiins of labour that make yl.ceptual anil executionary tasks mttually exclusioe'Wite for a albeit bief, catalogue of radicallprogressioeltett oG-7 Welcoming Commiltee is--fot lack


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"[0wER ctAss cRuclFlxloil' 0D/LP Get pissed, stand uP for Yourself, fight back and SHOUTI THE UNSEEN are Packin'the Ol! and hardcore that'll knock you flat on your punk rock ass Thirteen high energy rants in all YESI Be on the watch for these Boston Boys coming to a citY near You! Also availlable Protect + Serve 7" Raise You're Finger 7" on VM L Records S.A.S.E. gets

you a catalog!






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7. 7. 10'




PLEASE NOIE: Sending us your records, tapes, or compact drbcs, does not guarantee we will give it a review in these pages. We do not have the time, and certainly not the energy, to get to everything we have received. We try to give preferential treatment to anarcho-punk and politically oriented releases, but still do not even hope to get to all of them, ll your release is not reviewed here, please don't think we intentionally dissed you. ln fact, we only actually review 1 in 10 items we rcceive, if that! We will not apologize lor this as uue never set out with any grcnd promises in the first place! ABUSO SONORO Revolte - Se!!!7"

They also have a few more melodic-sounding

a crunchy metallic louch to the guitar, and well

good record, bringing up issues that often hit close

ARMED & HAMMERED More Punk Bock Than

to home, and really make you think! All of the above could be said about the new 7" as well, also coming with a large booklet, although the songs are shorter and tend to stick with the thrashier side of their music. Something quite unique about this record is that there are no paper labels, but artwork etched directly onto the center of the vinyl! (Dan)

Loony Tunes Records

Another powerful new release from Brazilian anarcho-punks Abuso Sonoro. Some of the tracks on this 7 are previously released on compilations, but those are really hard to find! Musically, these five tracks are powerful thrash, with two vocalists, giving it a sound somewhat like that of Homomilitia. The lyrics are angry and political, and there are English translations proved on this e.p. The first

vinyl release for Sin Fronteras Discos and definilely an excellent choice! Abuso Sonoro also have a cassette available of many of their previous recordings and I would highly recommend this as well. The tape is also available from the address below. (Dan)

Sin Fronteras Discos c/o P.O. Box 8722 I Minneapolis, MN 55408


69 Wykeham St. /

Scarborough, N. Yorks Y012 7SA/ England. the 7" was also co-released by React c/o Eric / 83. Ave. A Briand (10C1 lF-92120 Montrouge / France (and) A Scream From the lnside / Don't Belong c/ o M.G.S. / P.O. Box 8035 / Xix6n 33280 / Spain AGATHOCLES No Use...(Hatred) 7" Yet anotherAgathocles 7'!!!! lts incredible how a band can continually put out this many releases with such a high level of quality. This is a sort of theme 7" on the subject of......Hatred, songs like "go fucking nihilist', "hatred is the cure", the music is a bit thrashier as opposed to their usual grinding

blur and has a rougher sound as it was recorded on two tracks in their rehearsal-room. lf yq.r like Agathocles you will not be disappointed. (Gabe) Burt BeyensA/est'36/327 1 Zichem/Belgium


We I

.e are currently my favorite HC band from

Bra: -.ey play a special brand of crusVthrash

wrt. -

a's- Cueled vocals. Very intense along with ant -'--:-cntive lyrics, and explanations. De::s:=: :,n. pretty well known by no!v, are the best -: :-t of Portland now. One orrginal and a


co'.:' :., 3rasils Republika. Another great release by S r ,',=exs. (Kerry R.)

AGOTHACLES/ pREPARAT|ON H sptit 7" Agothacles kick down their best tracks and team up with Ohio's P.H. for their 20th or 30th split release. P.H. attack shitty-ass poser chumps like E.N.T. and other sell-outs. The music is noise core

crust with good fast punk. I like these guys a lot and admire their adoration of metal kings like Manowar. (Kerry R.) P.H. / P.O. Box 5206 i Cincinnati, OH 45205-0206

ABSTAIN DetyCD Sixteen tracks ol breakneck thrash crammed into aZ2-rinie,3'compact disc. Musically, this is incredibly tight thrash, with numerous stops and starts, and the sudden tempo changes that would add the hbel 'power violence" to their style, taking up where Crossed Out and Man is the Bastard left off. Felix von Havoc tells us that this kind of music is going to be the 'next big thing." I gudss if ifs grood, people are gonna like Remember you heard it here first! Lyrics are political and to the point, as they would have to be to fit in the short length ofsongs! (Dan) Profane Existence Far East


ACTIVE MINDS Free to Be Chained LP & / m Not a Tourist.,, I Live Here7" After tens years of doing what they do so well, Active Minds have come through with another great record, this being their second full length album. The songs here are an amalgamation of old, unreleased songs, as well as new material, which is apparent through some of the lyrics. As a rays, Active Minds wrrte intelligent songs totally '. e,'ant to those who may be listening to the

,,,:':: as well as give loads of supporting -':-.a:.:" icften with useful contact address).



. .€,:eestmaterialhere

s:-:: a-:. :'.:..'ally

isthetast,thrash powerful and pissed off.


sound. Throw in some tempo and mood changes,

tracks, although I don't think they play this style with as much originality. ln spite of the fact that there are only two people in this band, it hardly comes through as the, recording production is as impressive as their live performance. Another

AMEN/SHORT HATE TEMPER split 7" I picked this up 'cause I love Amen and its a rule with me to snatch up every single thing they

release. The loud, rough vocals grating over dirging guitars and pounding drums are all there and as great as ever. l'm thankful for this habit. Because of it l've also discovered Short Hate Temper. Power, speed, anger, politics... Check this outl!! (Duke) Sound Pollution / PO Box 17742 lCovingotn, KY

I 41017 AMEN 81 s/t 7" lmpressive debut by this German DIY band that is somewhere between scream-yourguts-out emo and full on, high speed crust-punk. Coupled with desperation-drenched vocals and political and hateful lyrics, this proves quite potent without really covering any new ground. I heard they have a new 10. out, should be just as good. (Y@hoo) Thorsten Siegloch / Norikerstr. 25-w115 I 9O4Oz N0rnberg / Germany

written lyrics and ya' got yourself a gem.(Kerry R.) Apartidi C/O Goran lvanovic / Vrhovci c. XXll2S, 1000 Ljubljana / Slovenia


This has the almighty Kieran on bass so this recording must be a little dated, but it's cool to see it finally released. These guys have a real energetic and catchy, early 80's punk sound. They've got it going on musically... lt's pretty damn good! (duke)

Subvert & Deny Records


PO Box 13381 /

Chicago, lL / 60613 ASSHOLE PARADE sft 7" Hot off the heels of their split 7', Asshole parade are back with 10 more examples of spastic blur hardcore at its finest, with vocals opting for the mora screamy approach with the occasional growl thrown in there for good taste. Songs on a variety

of subiects from the humorous "Moped boy''to more serious subjects as death from heroin use, acceptance of violence in our culture, and religion, etc. Plus they give credit where it's due with lntest and Citizens Arrest covers, and Septic Death graphics. Fans of Charles Bronson and the like will flock. (Gabe)

Kurt or Jason/P.Ol Box 14223 lGainesville, FL / 32604 ASSRASH sft LP The final agony of Minneapolis' inlamous Assrash

was being dragged into our office to put the finishing touches on their album recorded last year. Assrash is now history, but their spirit lives on in

this final recording, being a giant leap ahead of their earlier 7"s. Assrash are perhaps the perfect blend of politics and obnoxious punk rock (although some people don't think the two mix at all), with songs lumping lrom sizzling political issues, to nihilistic drunk punk anthems. Musically this has old school hardcore influences and a bit of thrash thrown in to keep it interesting. On the albums are not one, but two cover songs, one of the Violators' Live Fast Die Young" and Fearless lranian's "Blow up the Embassy." (Dan) P.S. Do not mourn the passing of Assrash too quickly... Pignose and the Gooch have joined Gary from Misery and Matt from Civil Disobedience for a new projecl called Dreadnought... watch these pages for further news! Profane Existence / Skuld Releases

AVSKUM Re-Crucified by the System CD Many have by now heard this band's booflegged classic "Crucified by the System" EP from 1984, and will be familiar with the incredible power and raw energy of this anarcho-punk band from Sweden. This CD contains 36 ear-splitting tracks of raw and brutal thrash from their early years, starting with demo material from 1982, to the unreleased


985 7" recorded (but never released)

for Mortarhate Records. ln places the sound APATRI Dl An ti po I iti ka LP Here are 18 songs of anarchist punk rage coming

from Slovenia. This band has been around since 1989, but I believe this is their first vinyl release. This debut really does justice to their powerful HC


quality sufiers as this was obviously compiled trom the only surviving source; cassette tapes no doubt. Lyrics, photos and inlormation on the band are all included in the package, making for one of the better (and more worth) discography CD's to come


out lately. (Dan)

Jari Juho / JArntorget 6 / 632 27 Eskilstuna /

songs. (Gabe) HG Fact / 401 Hongo-M, 2'36-2 Yayoi-Choi


Nakano, Tokyo/ 164 JaPan.

Pretty weird. Very Misfits/ Gore Flick inspired shit comirlete with sporty devilocks. WEll, lts a weird mbt6l otd rock n roll. early punk and iust a dash of pop. From HG Fact' (KerrY R.)

BOOT DOWN THE DOOB s/t 7" The third seven inch from the Bavarian barbarian Boot Down The Door. They bring us six powertul songs, one cover version lrom Blondie 'Denise' andieally good lyrics, taking on wih the so called Straight edge scene, oppression and ol course

BARRICADE Where ls TheTruthLP Banicade are mid-paced to last yet they can slow down parts of some songs (refiinding me ol some

football! Really cool release! (Joe) Sacro Egoismo Records / Felberstrasse 20121121 11 50 Vienna / Austria

BALZAC Atom Age VamPbe tn 6667"

Amebix bits) and pull it off with ease. This is noisy, angry punk rock wtth a lot ol power. The lyrlc.s are attin..ldrpanese but with tites's tike: 'The Abolitions ol Nuclear Weapons", "Death to Pigs', "Human Error", etc, l'm not worried. (duke)

H.G. Fact / 401 Hongo-M I 2-36-2 Yayoi-cho / Nakano / TokYo / 164 JaPan

BASTARDS Turvalliste Huomista C 46 min Tapc

People who know me can attest to lhe fact that I cen go on endlessly about the sheer idlocy and

bd< il originatity and brains that comes with moot ol tra bands coming from Scandinavia, especlally Sweden and Finland, these days, But not even I can deny the sheer greatness of many of the early 80ies binds that came from these regions Back when sounding like Discharge was not iust the latest dumb trend to tollow, alienated teenagers

(who probably had. too much to drink) formed bands like BASTAADS and screamed out their guB in cornplote disgust at th€ state of the world' f,nreUy pioneering a sound so brutal and angry thaf even scores ol unimaginative clone bands a dozen yeals lalgr can't take away lrom the raw urgerrcy of this muslc. What we have on the first si& ar! sMio recordings supposedly released

by Propaganda Rsc as a cassette album in 1 982' finally available on taPe again lor all those that missed it the ffrst tim€ arotrnd (and only for $5!)' All of these tracks seem to be on their 7", 1st Lp

and sampler tracks, but these mighl be difiorent recodtnis. fhere'salsoa live gig from 32although

the recofoing isn't thal hot atd would probably be mogt suiiable lor real lans. NEverlheless. this is an absolutely seminal band when you're talking about early Finnish Hardcore and it's sheer power and intensity still shines through after all these

years! -lilo

(Y@hoo) Pain HO / J-P Muikku / Kielokatu 7 as 2 / 80'130 Joensuu i Finland

BLACK FORK QualitY Job One7" I love the qazY and snotty lemale vocals on this! The music is fast and tough and..'it' s good ok?!!! (duke) Black Fork / PO Box 4043'l / Berkeley, CAI 947040431

BONESCRATCH/IN/HUMANITY split 7" Bonescratch play three songs ol Born Against influenced hardcore that leaves me bored, and ennoyed. While ln/Humanity play one song about vegah ioy collecting ("How holier than thou

attltudes and their ability to make one into a hypocdle), really well wn'tten and hilarious, and anofier song which is a drum maciine, sample' commgntary. Recommended lor the lrVHumanity

BROTHER INFERIOR Anthems lor a Greater

SalvationLP Out at last is the long-rumored full length album by this band that has become todafs standard blarers of anarchopunk in Oklahoma' The

material and recording style show a vast progression overtheir earlier matedal, with a more ielt-defined style ol hardcore with a vast quantity ol influences. lt is the same sort of progression

you might notice il you listened to the lirst two befianc! e.p.'s and their album... Simply a much more solid performance. Lyrics ol course are

overtly political wlth an ineverent edge that is razor sharp and bitingly satiristic. To mix lhlngs up a bit, tirere is a song that could be better described as fulk music, and linally a cover olTwisted Siste/s "We're not Gonna Take it!' The best release yet from a band that already has some good releases under their belts. (Dan) Sensual Underground Ministries / P.O. Box 8545 / Tulsa, OK 74101 -5826

BROTHER INFERIOR / N.O.T.A. split 7" Heavy and catchy classic U.S. hardcore punk is defivired by B.l. Somewhat simple, bd.packs a punch both musically and tyrically. lt.p:f-.f' 1re back and have contnued where they letl oll in the mid 80's. This relormation doesn't seem to be all about money like many others we've seen in the last lew years. (Kerry R.) Havoc R'ecords / P.O. Box 8585 / Minneapolis. MN 55408 CAPITALTST CASUALTTES / STACK split 7" Ca!. Casualties keep up with previous releases witir their brand ol head splitting hard noise attack' Absolutely love itM shitlll Stack play just as hard and give d.C. a run for their moneyl!!! (Kerry R') From 6 Weeks records.

CHARLES BRONSON SUPER STAR / SPUTNIKS sPlltT" The sputniks are a kinda poppy and have a hell.of a lot of energy. Charles B.S'S. have a lot harder of an edge to there music and vocals. They seem to be a really angry version of a pop punk band which I think is great!. (duke) Pink House Records / c/o Smetanka / PO Box 9081 / Missoula, MT /59802

CHILDREN OF BARREN WASTELAND sft 7" With Jon and Gary trom Misery playing Guitar and Drums, Stefanie on Bass, and shouts provided by

ex-Zero Hour vocalists Whisper, we can only expect the finished product to be extraordinary!

record! (Dan) Profane Existence / Skuld Releases CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE lnvention Extinction LP Out in March and the first pressing's already sold


Shortly after moving to Minneapolis from

Detroit, Civil Disobedience began the long process of which evolved this album. With much more time tor experimenting, the tracks recorded here do not have the rushed sound of their 7", although the harmonic guitars and alternated shouts of dual

vocalists remain their trademark. Lyrically the songs are angry and political and reffecl a deeper level of lydc wridng than normally accompaniea the punk rock sound traclc Quhe a monumental etfort... But what l'm really waitng lor is that new

finishedl (Dan) Profane Existence / Skuld Releases

7" to be

COITUS Real Cold Fear7"

For a threesorne of UK punks, Coitus play a style more reminiscent of early Motorhead or 70's Kiss than any what you would expect Two songs with

a dark ind gruesome messag€ as well as their own thke on a Fear cover. With this band, you have to either love 'em or hate 'enr-l feel the former. (Dan) lnllammable Material / P.O' Box 254/ lLondon NW6 3DF / UK CONCRETE SOX Silence 7" I was a bit spectacle about this one when I had

lirst heard of it; the Sox have been out

of commission for a couple of years now and their last record was much more metal than punk' With yet another new line-up, they are back in action, ind this record quite abruptly ended my skeplicism. Ths Sox trave atways had a somewhal

meial edge and this record goes back to lhs

chunky punk'metal crogsovor ol their earlier years as I remember them at their best. Three new song about sellintluced apathy, the Earth-raping meat

industry, and the hypocrisy of the whlto'

supremicist mov€ment. Excellent arlwork and packaging top it all ofi as one of the better new releases of the Year! (Dan)

Blind Destruction Records I Box 29,82 Colston Street / Bristol, BS1 5BB / UK

COOTERS, lnvasion ol the Cooters CD

There may be a few readers of this magazine who remember our band Pissed, or remember Newt from when he co-edited several issues ol Profane Existence,or even remember his zine AssaultWith lntent to Free. Well, it was a long time ago that Newt moved back to Mississippi (and I still can't understand why!) and disappeared from the scene for a while. With renewed energy' and probably a product ofsheer boredom, Netvt and ALLthE otrer

punks in his town got together and startEd the

booters shortly atlorwards. After years ol

jamming, the Cooters produced a 7" and now a iull length CD (having both tracks from the 7' re-

l: *tl:l*[ts[:

While never recorded with intention of release, we

Nffi} m3;

found this too good to pass up! Musically the tracks are similar to Misery although faster and with a greal deal rnore distotUon. Wtlsper's wcals provide a barrage ol angry wods, whiclr itsell E dlstorted as well, and povides a llttle drama to the personel and Political lyrics. I feel llke I'm writing an advErlisement here, but I wouldn\ be saying these words if I didn't think it was a worthy

recorded and better!). Musically, this runs the spectrum of punk, crust, fusion, jazz and just plain chaos, with twice as many instruments as members of the band! Lyrics are political and personal, and often have a fuck-shit-up attitude towards life in the Bible Belt-including a cover of 'Breakin' the Lau/' which gets a regular airing in our office. The music tends to lump between styles lor song to song, or even during songs, and some of the best parts are the hilarious sound bites, including their own prank calls, liberally spaced throughout the disc. Obviously there was quite a

lot of effort put into this release so check it out! (Dan) Chaos or Bust! lP.O.Box443lOxford, MS 38655

Manic HC punk thrash from the best ltaly has to offer today. Non stop punk mayhem which pays homage to their punk forefathers and rages on carrying on the ltalian punk tradition. The best thing Clean Plate has done. (Kerry R.) Clean Plate Records / P.O. Box 0709 / Hampshire College / Amherst, MA 01 002

DAMAD Rise and FallLP Fuck yeahl Even though this band has had a 7" or two out, this is my first experience with them. Well, l'm impressdd. This is really kinda dark and heavy; sometimes reminding me of later Neurosis records. The lyric writing is a bit deep and pbetic;

C.R. fhe John LisaLP

stuff you gotta read into a little. Nice full color packaging makes this one out to be a good little number. (Kerry R.)

25 scngs of thought provoking hardcore, according

Prank Records (address elsewhere)

to the caption on the hefty sized lyric bookiet incluCeC u,,ith LP Very accurate. This is a follow up tc ti'e rmpressive 7" they already have out Very

harCc.'e but in a way that l, not much of a harc::'e fan, really like. Real intense, fast hardc:'e ;cmplemented by short to the point. bu1 intel ::1t ivricism. Avery powerful release which sho- : f : rrcely in your collection. Oh yeah, the

-l rs great too! (Kerry R.) Res:,: ' eecords / P.O. Box 790366 t4iddle Villag: '.' 11379-0012

DAS KRIMINAL sft 7" Really good political lyrics with raging duel male vocals. The music is tight, heavy and powerful and

ranges from fast to rhythmically pounding. This record stands out in ifs quality. Check it out!! (duke) Goat Lord Records / PO Box 14230 /Atlanta, GA I 30324-1230


CROOKED COPS Besistance ls a Must7" Croc.:: 3ops are from Switzerland and play

polit:a 'a'Ccore, with some mosh and emo intlu:-::-. The seven inch is packed rn a fat

:: a lyrics are in English a.rd German Tak,:-; :- A'rth women's rights, the destruction of book

our saa- a:.C animal liberation. There s also one real ., l:.:': :ext about Germany and tl'e USA, and wha: -.::ened after the Allieci Fcr:es r.,,on the

secc-: r', :rC war! (Joe) Mik. er i Burghalde 8 / 6lr8 ',',:-lhusen / Sw

t: -:- :

CRESS MonumentsLP This :-: s been getting quite a lot of c ai around the :--:: ately, or at least during rhe when our.-. a^d only copy wasn't getting = lot of play


at th: ',r sery house... I got a lot of sh : f eaving it the's :3 say the least! Before thrs aib,m I only heart scme bits of their demo sornetr,3 :apad for me. and I was only a lit bit impresseo b,, :rat This alblr-, cn the other hand, totally b e.,, alvay


when I finally gave it a chance (at ine Jrting of Klerster from Skuld releases who alsl aolds thrs album in high regard)l Like their name rtsrs Dand is heavily influenced by the classic so!ras of the legendary anarcho punk C.R.A.S S V/ tn nrany a song with that classic 2:4 drum beat ar:d r odJrng, sarcastic laden vocals that sound a mroh: :,it like Steve lgnorant, the comparisons are cbv ous However, this is no longerthe 80's, and Cress add in healthy bits of modern hardcore and ei,en a f e'r,, funky fusion elements here and there The lyrcs are lengthy, angry, intelligent and totally rn lrne y;ith the issues of a go's political outlook Probably cre of the best albums of the year and tirey don t e. er coflre close to ripping thrash! (Darr)

a: iarth c/o 'Bradford Music?' / PO E'z=:.. ED7 1YS / UK F


some cool changes and just keep everything interesting while play some truly intense punk.


Counseler Records c/o 825-NagahamaMaizuru Kyoto 625 Japan.

DAY BY DAY We Need More Than Your

falling into a style of thrash that hints at mid-years

Varukers or early Sacrilige, with angry-as-fuck vocals screamed over top of it all. Lyrics on this e.p. deal with the pain of lite, fat old suburban rock stars, and the hypocrisy of white trash fighting lor their superior fucking race. There is quite a bit of

packaging going on here with supporting

statements for each song, artwork, and some thoughts on the state of the punk scene today. An essential release for certain. (Dan) Consensus Reality / 1 951 W. Burnside, Box 1654 / Portland, OR 97209 DETESTATION / SUBSTANDARD Sptir 7"

Detestation are from Portland and seem to be another band that features workaholic Kelly (exResist) on bass. I don't know what it is with this

guy but he certainly has a hand in playing in absolutely ferocious Hardcore/Punk bands and this is most certainly one of them! ln fact, I would venture to say that this is one of the bestAmerican

band I have heard in 96. Totally intense and devastatingly crushing hardcore/thrash with amazing, screaming female vocals, just the way


like it! One original and a Kaaos cover!

Substandard are a great new band from the UK that plays extremely powerful blistering mid 80ies UK Hardcore/Punk with no metalfiddling to distract your enjoyment. (Y@hoo)


/ 100i

Wicked Witch

lyrics are mainly in German (English translations provided) and are shouted by the angry female

DIRT Black & White double CD and double Lp With a recording career spanning back to 1982,

vocalists, which is often at odds with the upbeat music. There is a large booklet with supporting inlormation on animal liberation and other useful activist resources. The package is totally DIY with

an impressive full-color cover that is eyewrenching and shocking. I am quite impressed with this record although I find myself only being able to handle it in smdll doses. (Dan) F. Weber / Diakonissenstr. 21 I 76199 Karlsruhe Germany


DEFORMED CONSCIENCE / EXCREMENT OF WAR split LP This split record has been a long time in the coming

as both bands have ceased to exist nearly two years ago. Now that the waiting is over, it turns out this is going to be a limited edition release, so if you see a copy you're one of the lucky few! ln short, this record kick's ass (sorry for the rock'n'roll cliche)! The Deformed Conscience side delivers the goods in a powerful style of controlled chaos that their e.p.s only hinted at. Lengthy songs with

wordy and descriptive lyrics that attack their political sublects with a rageful ferocity. Excrement

of War come through as well with an A+ effort, to their already thunderous brand of Dischargetype punk rock. Lyrics are short and to the point with Mag's rather un-femininely growled vocals

ISF: q*:il-[]]i[: fr

DETESTATION lnhuman ConditionT" Three new tracks from Detestation; musically

CompassionT" An angrily political band lrom Germany with an unusually upbeat and melodic musical style. The

giving a much more refined and directed approach


\Cl.i Estema Mente 7"


DAVID STORMER VoiceT" This here is another speedcore band from Japan. Seems like I reviewed a lot of this sort this issue. I actually like this one a lot because they throw in

adding another level of urgency to the message. Basically this is a great effort by both bands and it's all that much worse that it didn't come out while the bands were still around. (Dan) Sludge Records

P.O. Box 3835


Amsterdam / Netherlands

Dirt have consistently come through with new and innovative tracks as their style grows and expands lrom their early "peace punk" origins. lncluded on

both lormats are two unreleased early tracks (which you can pass judgement on for yourselves)

and some written history of the band. While the CD version has the entire recorded discography, the vinyl version lacks those songs still available on their Skuld and Tribal War 7"s, although the nice gatefold package makes up for this. An essential release, either format, of much material

that was almost impossible to lind up until now. (Dan) CD available ($1a ppd) from Active Distribution / BM Active / London WCl N 3XX / Engtand. Vinyl from Skuld Releases / Malmsheimerstr. '14 / Reningen / Germany (available mailorder in the US from P.E. for $11 ppd.) DISAGREE


Two incrediblyfast and powerfulthrash bands from

Montreal, Canada back to back on this split release. Disagree sing, or should I say 'shout' ih

French and English about class warlare, antifascist, and anti-system subjects. Ungovemmental add a tiny bit of grindcore to flavor their sound, and also sing only of political subjects.

All in all an excellent first release of what will hopefully be just a hint at the potential.shown on

of the fasted played records of all times!

this e.p. (Dan) Prolane Existence / Skuld Releases DISCORDANCE AXIS AlecroP olitan 7 " The final studio session??? Much like their new LP this 7" displays a fuller sound than previous releases (two different members), they've also shed the skin ot playing just grindcore, exploring more experimental realms of noise and techno. The lyrics as lar as I can tell (they're barely legible attimes) stick with the high level attained in their previous releases, dystopic impressions of the world with Kafka, and Phillip K. Dick references' Discordance Axis are one those bands people tend to either love or hate and I love everything they've done! (Gabe) HG Fact 401 Hongo-Mlr'ayoi-cho/Nakano'Ku, Tokyo / '164, JaPan


DtS SUCKS A Room With a View of a World

Full ol Shit 7" Anew punk rock band from Philadelphia' PA' that have a blatant aversion to the trendy Discharge cloning running rampant these days. Musically speaking, this band play fast punk rock with a melodic undercurrent and raspy vocals with a slight

similarity to Civil Disobedience. Pretty much inyour-face anarchopunk with an bit of humor thrown in. Adecentfirst release atthat! (Dan) Subvert & Deny / P.O. Box 13381 / Chicago, lL 60613 DROP DEAD DroP on the BootlegS" CD A Crass replica cover and mostly the same songs lrom all the other records. Recorded live in Japan with good sound qualitY. (Kerry R.)

P.E. Far East (Available from P.E., Japanese address elsewhere) DSG

- fVStarts the End7"

A band from Baveria that would probably feel more

comfortable being transplanted to Southern Calilornia around the year 1984. Tunelul, melodic punk with rough edges and singalong choruses that lortunately avoids the bubblegum pop punk brainlessness associated with melodic punk these days, thanks to morons like Green Day. Not exacty outstanding or overly thrilling, but not bad, either' (Y@hoo)





Karl Valentin Str. 38



Neu0tting / GermanY

EBOLA lmprecationT" As much as Ebola carried over a small semblance

ol the One By One sound onto lheir lncubation Le they carry only as much overfrom that record onto this new e.p.-that is this sounds so different that it may as well be another band entirely! Aside from cramming nearly as many tracks on this 7' as the fuJl length LP, the new and quicker Ebola take their sound to the extreme of thrash speedgiving me bad waking dreams of having to learn

all those fucking Destroy songs! Aside from changing gears, the other startling ditference would be the addition of a second vocalist, screeching out vocals in an early Napalm Death sort of way! lnterestingly enough, the songs on this record are just as sound of a musical structure as before, with numerous tempo changes and a range of styles (even some hilarious 70's sounding rock'n'roll), while still coming across as being one

Packaging is as incredible as you would expect, with a nice booklet-type cover to help convey the message in both words, graphics, and of course their impressive lyrical barrage. This little 7" e.p' has more to say, more musical ingenuity, and a bolder statement than most bands even hope for with an LP! (Dan) Flat Earth Records c/o "Bradford Music?" / P'O. Box 169 / Bradford BD7 1YS / UK (or) Befusnik / P.O. Box 2018 / Hove BN3 3HS / UK


Two upbeat punk bands trom eastern

Pennsylvania with a melodic style that nearly borders 'pop punk'at times. THE ELATED have a faster and thrashier sound of the two bands' while both pretty much play straight foMard punk with both male and temale vocals and mainly political lyrics. lf you're planning a pogo party' then this one is the recommended soundtrack. (Dan) A Better Day Collective / P.O. Box 3308 / Easton' PA 18043-3308

between dark commentiaries on human nature and

poetic personal rants, played by several

youngsters who seem to be highly unpleased by the state of the world around them. Disperses the

usual, depressing atmosPhere


straightforward, powerful hardcore attacks and

energetic, screaming emo bits which helps in keeping out of the depths of moodyness and melancholy that a few other bands unlortunately

drown in. The appropriately clean recording captures the right atmosphere but although I can't really find any faults with this on a musical level, there iust doesn't seem anything to really grab my attention. As with most kinds of music, there's a saturation point where it just doesn't seem as exciting as it used to be... (Y@hoo)

Per Koro


Markus Haas


Fehrfeld 26



Bremen / Germany

GAUZE sft 7" Well, after coming here to the U.S. and blatantly blowing away all who stand in their way, its only appropriate that Gauze record a new 7' here. As far as I can tell, there are two old tracks I recognize

ENOUGH! Darkside Cassette Enough! I haven't heard enough! This tape rips. Fast rockin H.C. with male/ female vocals out of Poland. Well thought out social/political lyrics. Hope to hear more trom.this band in the tuture'.

lrom older stuff plus 4 newer ones. Every minute of this record stinks of classic Gauze!! A line

(The Baker) Beata Stelanonicz / 80-354 Gdansk-Zabianka/ Ul. Subislana 23 Dl11 / Poland.


EPAJARJESTYS EEAI thE FASC,STS CDEP This powerlul new Finnish bands hits a little close to home here with a sound with the best attributes of State of Fear and Assrash: Now that is punk fuckin' rock! Thirteen songs ol Scandithrash that are well written to make them more interesting that the usual two-part Dis-clone songs. Lyrics are in English as often as Finnish and are political and action orientated throughout. The vocals are definitely angry sounding that often climax in a

desperate crescendo ol shouts and screams. Deflnitely top-notch material from a band thats really got their shit together! (Dan) Markku HirvelA / lso Roobertink. 48-50 C 40 /

installation by one, if not the, oldest and best f rom

Japan. (Kerry R.) Prank Records / P.O. Box 410892


S.F.' CA

THE GENERICS P.M.A.7" Wow! Loud, really snotty, really angry vocals over kick-ass/raging punk fucking rock. This record has an incredible amount of energy! A list of political organizations is included with this which lthought was really cool. lf the Generics are "generic" it's only the best of the best that it can be. (duke) $3ppd lrom The Degenerics i 34 Carriage Lane / Englishtown, NJ 107726

HARSH sft 7" Seems like 6 weeks records supplies us with great records on a regular basis. This here has 10 last as fuck thrashers of intense HC/ power violence. An insane drummer and a sing€r who gargles with gasoline. One word says it all.....Harsh' (Kerry R.)

00120 Helsinki / Finland

6 Weeks Records.

EXECRADORES Revolucionar O Cotidiano T" Execradores are probably my favorite lrom a whole

mess of great Brazilian bands kicking around today. We have a tight, raw mid to fast paced Resist influenced HC/ punk sound which ventures into odd bits which remind me of old 80's English peace punk. The lyrics, provided in Portuguese and English are above standard sloganistic and cliche; speaking out about the injustices of the world and otfering explanations and proposed solutions. This record is beyond essential. (Kerry R.) $5 to Esperanca Gravaciones I CX.

/ Sao Paulo-SP


I CEP:04744-970 / Brasil.

FORCED TO DECAY Licheln als LeistungLpl CD Another one of those German bands where you could swear that Norman Bates is playing one of the instruments. Psychopath-core with all the usual

pleasantries you expect from this genre: demented, cynical artwork, lyrics oscillating


Well, Harsh play hard, aggressive HC with abrasive duel vocals that remind a tad bit of State of Fears vocals. Please don't confuse this with Finland's Harsh. Shitfit, who are also Canadian,

play some wicked HC/crust with some wicked vocals. A cool record, but unfortunately I cannot lind an address. (Kerry R.) HEIST Parn ls Causing Life7" A second installment by these Australian nuts makes me real happy. 17 blasts ol relentless HC madness that take no prisoners! Another powertul release by Havoc Records. (Kerry R.) Havoc Records / P.O. Box 8585 / Minneapolis, MN 55408

HELLKRUSHER DoomsdaY Hour LP lf good ol' Discharge-type hardcore doesn't get you jumping up and down, then you should probably stop reading this review right now! After

.\{}HS}: lt}:}-1rs}:

two years of silence. Hellkrusher come throuoh witha.neq tufl tengrh Lp on Sruro nereases

of mu3ic

on vinyl,.but I hear thel/re looking lorsomeone lo ret€ase lt in tho States in any case. All in all, the excellent release I haO expected. (Dan) EaGear / postbus 31]/3 3t6o oO Soest I fne Netherlands

irir]Iii tf," Li"oo_

would mean p.E. too as weilt). White


lras atreacty been ioosety new orort bring backs some of the more crunchino guitar parts absent on th€ir last corpf ot rJeasesi making par6 seem almost HeltbastirU-fife, " a-Gif, during treir first album. Of course, tf,, fyrt". entirely politicat, with their regufar ant.war tnemel



ILLEGAL IDEAS Ouando La Muslca Morla10"

J" subjects atso. !t ;"t ;;;;

With a deepty gtoomy edge, TLLEGAL rOelS oiav a neavy dug combination of thrash and hardcore wilh some.tttoughtfu I acoustic secttons trrown-iitJ tne mix. Without stretching tfre simitarttes to lai

oeen don€ belore. but lew do it so welll (dan) Skuld Releases / profane Existence

this hinted at rhe sound oi earty

c*";;i"'i;;: sge. Wnne meilri" il excettent, the lyrics (in ttatian, but with i;,..h rran$attons) make only with a more rnodem


Well, Hellnation bring on the speed core onslauoht up. This is the tirst fring ;ve by in a while and this ooesnf Ois"appoinilil a.bit. Pure speed induced rin."-rorE,iit tr,osJ slowed up hearry bits. Not to OiscreOit inlm,-O-ui this Reat Reggae stuff doesn,t quite size k; th; and. never let




roviewed elsewhero. The recordino;;; could be benec but this is good. This stuf, man slghfly tasl (as the label nam€ says). (Keny



Slightly Fast Records

l AOg-g4





IERO tS GONE Fifteen Counts


ot Arson

sounding production that I had to ctreck

an;,""k; r€cordl-Oi;;'i own disgust for scene ieecfres iaoe mv opinion, bul I'm over that now ,nO onjoy this record. I think I already incredibly polished production, if,i.


"iir"ffrtrif ,";d;;Jil; *i", actuaily adds to the over alt"nirf,ln finished ilil;i because you can

aduely hear ail oidlJ.-;;t" twisb and tums the music takes. Nor.ti.fin-giJ

any formutaic slyle, Hls Hero ts Gon" tar" ci""lEj quite a unique_style that is a total O.partrie-froi rn€tr days as Cop Out. yes, they can still thrash when they want to, bur that's norine poinias nis

record is more like a roller coaster riOe of musical experiences that is non stop for over 20 minut;;i

Lyricatly this record has a political the subjects with a leellng of and despair in a somewhat Dystjpian


h"tpl";n"f sirt oi""rl

vague ano 6roomv l",f"r"anda.mor€ punk bul thafs ";;;1


often how I feel as well.


lr-"lt ll*lO"

/ p.O. Box 410892 / San Francisco,

cA 94141-0892


A new full-length release hom this amazinolv

creative punk band lrom the NetherlanOi.


attacking social and potiticat i.rr"r-*itf,' tnlii g:l:1Tr]y hitarious piss-rakes and cy;ici;;:

fuTan Atort have taken their art form to a new

le_vel. White they havo always played excellent narocore music, Human Alerl have now extended

their sarcasm to the music as well, Uori""Ji"

songs and styles ol other bands to nt ttre messagi lYtics; especially funny being tt"ir



uarnztg tmpgrsonation! while some songs are in Dutch,.most lyrics are in engtisfr-arid;;;;;; -commentaryin-ii political..messages

and sociar

unusually lunny manner. The creativity,


rh€ packaging with ne"ti irrriiraiej "s*ud :I:p.10 rync Dook inside. lfs too bad


l_o,!nV.or^9n9cking our if you can. (Dan) lzLo c/o Stefano Biasiot / C.p Apertia SbOSz p. Di Prato / Udine / ttaly.


! Empirc Caecette he ov€rall political idea in ths lyrics on this qasgette seemed to be centereO arounO ine !9y!an war. fhe vocats (with erfectsi sounj slightly industriat . The musii is simpL, ;;ti;; and heayy. This sounds reafiv grdar whEn voJ play il reailyfuckin'toud. (dukej ln.Fear /Ag-Georgiou 1B / 159g6, Nea penteti NFEAR pa ln



Athens / Greece

IiI/DIUMANITY Thc Higtory Behlnd the "''---',' - Mygteryl Muslc to Mlll yourcefi ln/Flumanity strike bact afiLr their head-tumino Lp this time a CD (only?) reteased i" ot lhrs bands eccentriciU€s rnanifesled, Ureatiio


6;. i;;;J

away from the typicat tormula


"o-o-# T9 h" eprc "the anakrinomphicon qurntobgy', white stiil retiaining ttreir usuai UranJ


anO biting satire. rfi6nfY r"oorr*O"j nopetuily a vinyl pressing. (GABE)

9t lqrOcorg

3I, HG Fact / 401 Nakan-Ko/Iokyo

Hongo-M iZ-gA-Z iayoi-Crrol 64 /Japan


l.R.A. Cronlcas De llna Doce& podridaCD

Yes-. l'm very happy to see a band like these ouvs

flnaty gel a nice looking release like trrris. l.-R.A. 1ri rhe otd€st political activist punk band from

C-olombia. This CD is a collection 10 years as a band. Old and n"* *ng" togather here. The totat packag" i.



"r" Foij

"*Arbnt rranstat€d :y: z col9l.:over with tyrics, English ryncs and killer

fast, snotty pissed off political ounk good sound quality. (Kerry R.) :rm Federico I A.A.772 lMedellin / Colombia IRE/SEtZED split Lp Fellow Rorschachians and oiher employees of the world community take heed. goth 6an'ds rall'i;; realm of evolution__slow", HC odd hooks wihout sacrilicing any fuckino intensitu

Aided with bult,s-eye


;it i;#;i;

/ Canada.


l've ranted and raved about Jobbykrusfs demo

tape p.reviously

and now I get to Oroot in ercitemeni over their first vinyl offering. I seriously thi;k;;; ts one of the best new bands of the past


Thistime around, they have risen 6;;;;;;;; l:lSnt., or musical proficiency. While a- gooJ

comparison for their older sounOwoutO trave 6een DIRT, they're now more in a Oisatt"ct


angry intense rnlf vocals and a totally p"ri,"rfri sound. What makas them so good is that thev blend in some modem influence. rir" "t ".iti"il an'arcnJ :.9.:19 tast crusty bits. Totafly firrer

punkt Vaktors Hotnanen are a defunct Swiss banJ that does quite well when you keep in minO *t o they're up against on the fripsida. rh r".i, tn"r;rJ

much better than I remember tfiem

,r"; ;;,;

years. back. Their straight forward, miO AOies anarcno punk sound with m/f vocals and sonos prench is in. lnglish, German ano Cuiie (Y@hoo)


Maximum Voice / postfach 26 Germany


04256 Leipzig

JUDGEMENT No Reason Whyl"


HG Fact / a01 Hongo-M, 2-g6-2/ yayoi-Cho/ / 164 japan

Nakano, Tokyo


BENDER / PRAPARATION H. Split 7,, Well, Johnny Bender play a very fast, chaotic brand ot HC grind with'song topi6 against chiil abuse, rape, and tho tnowleoie uef,inJ t"-.i

The tyrics.are very short and toir. prirri. Or'i#" orner side of this slab sits p.H.; a buch oi

metalheadslllt! The llrst song is

orito pri

to. typicat, stupid steieotyp"j " "ry pr".eo'oi 1r1:d ne minority here

in the U.S. The music'has better production and structure than the J.B. sid;.-i;i; of stow heavy intro type stuff that teaOsinto or oncks smackin you in the

an hour. (Kerry R.) Get it from Sound pollution. KAOS padres de la


kisserat a 1000 miles


The fourth Kaos l,ve heard of from SouthAmerica alonel! I betieve this is/ the tirst viny


Equador, which makes worth getfini af,rne.- d b.tast by at a pretty deienr pace. l1::l: .yT.l' untonunately, the sound is a litfle weat cornpared U_S. and European recorOing tor of,vious lgrnost reasons. Lyrics are about life i the Srj wofld, ;tc. _ S! tlrgse guys and get yoursett some

!e-10 Larrno



HC. (Kerrv R.) ljriyoto Oiscos I blO .tose Jiminez A. / p.o. Box


ureraure and lyrics. This split lhoutO not be

KIMUSAWEA s/t Z Two lengthy tracks of powerful and aggressive

or wonderful graphics and very well"-U"ji"i written

overlooked. Reatize or die. (A. Noisei Ig9. / 2966 S. Country CruO Way/rempe, eZ

85282. or SpuC.p. s24



All star lineup with members from such luminaries as Death.Side, Cruck, etc, trotO ttreir own wittt ii]J ep. Hardcore thrash ptayed with al the ot Death Side with a more mature lyricaf complete with those catchy chorjr. p"rf"GJli "pproacfi Japan!!! This 7" fuckin rules, my only complaint is onty tv,o songs. (Gabei ll'1t |s

expression, trese folks will force "nO fou to lnvestioate whict i,i,clrOe.

trre high quatity packaging


thls isn,t releasJ

NrB rsil:


tengthy political tirade, which is not translated mq r.l. o erin terrl someiiliig lor ,(.r,::P1r^llgt,



12" E.P. At first play I was so revulsed by the death metal sure I was tistening to the right

this a tru,y rema*able poli'tical and musical experience. Tl i p".r,"gingJid. oil t3r9. p.o.srer conraining the l9_"





6478 / Guayaquil





A Note of Appreciation From The Rich Let's be honest: you'll never win the lottery. On the other hand, the chances are preffy high that you'll slave away at some shitty job the rest of your life. That's because you were in all likelihood born into the wrong social class. Let's face it-you're a member of the WORKING CASTE. As a result, you don't have an education, upbringing, connections, manners, appearance, and good taste to ever become one of us. In fact, you'd probably need a book the size of the yellow pages to list all of the unfair advantages we have over you. That's why we're so relieved that you continue to believe the silly fairy tale about'Justice" and "equal opportunity" in America. Of course, in a hierarchical system like ours, there's not much room at the top to begin with. And

you mechanically go through life playing your assigned social role, terrified what others would think should you ever dare to "break out of the mold." Naturaliy, we play you off against each other wheheVer it suits our purposes: skilled workers against

unskilled, unionized against non-unionized, Black against white. American workers against Japanese a-eainst Mexican against... We continuall)'bid your wages down by invokin-e "foreign competition," "the

law' of supply and demand," or ''national security." We throw you on the unemployment scrap heaP if jeopardize our 1'ou step out of line or you vote for one profits. We even let of our political surrogates every now and then. Happily, you haven't a clue

as to what's really happeninginstead you blame "Niggers," Jews, rvelfare mothers, Queers (everybody

except us) for your troubled anyway, its already occupied by us situation. (in fact, we like it up here so much Not only that, you still embrace that we intend to keep it that way). the work ethic, even though most But at least there's usually someone jobs in our economy undermine your lower in the social hierarchy you can feel superior to and kick in the lhealth, poison the environment, and suck your one and only life out of teeth once in a while. Even a lowly you. We don't know much about dishwasher can find some poor slob work, but we're sure glad you dot. even lower than he to sneer and spit Of course,life couldbe different. at. So be thanldul for poor Blacks, We play, you pay Society could be organized to meet migrant workers, prostitutes, and the real needs of the general homeless street people. population. Yo,t could control your own activity and Always rememberthatif everyone like you were not be someone else's pawn. But you don't know that. economically secure and socially privileged like us, You can't even irnagine it. In fact that's probably the there would be no one left to fill all those boring, greatest accomplishment of our system: robbing you dangerous, shitjobs in oureconomy. An no one to fight of your imagination, your creativity, your ability to think our wars or blindly follow orders in our corporate for yourself. armies. And certainly no one to meekly go to their grave So we'd truly like to thank you from the bottom please, life. So and creative having lived a full without of our heartless hearts. It's the obedient wage slaves keep up the good work! like you that help make our lives so pleasant. Your loyal Plus you probably don't have the same vicious, sacrifice makes possible our comrpt luxury; yourwotk greedy, compulsive drive to acquire and possess wealth, makes orzr system work. power and prestige that we have. And even though you So once again, thanks for "knowing your you keeping also/earfreedom, desire freedom, sincerely place"-ryithout even knowing it! you and others like you in a nervous state of limbo. So

The Rich Scum of America Remember the Golden

Rule: he who hath the gold makes the rules.

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