profane existence #29 & #30

Page 1

A6Alr,! EXISTEI{CE AHP STUT} '- " .* |l4.,

IDL,r 7tr{f


Norlh& South America, Asia and Atrica: Prolane Existence / P.O.Box872.l Minneapolis, MN 55408 / U.S.A.

stx rssuE



SUBSCRIPNON $10.s0 s12.00 $18.00 $24.00

U.S, Third Class subscriplion

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Australia: Andrew Dove / P.O. Box 154 / Tweed Heads / 2485 N.S.W. / Australia. M.O.'s payable lo'A. Dove' N,ew Zealand: Prolane Earth c/o 703A Moninsville Road / BD4 Newstead



Hamilton / NZ. M.O.'spayable to 'S. Camidtael' ATS 120/ DM lE

ATS 20 / DIU 3

Austria & Switrerland: Exislence Dislribution do Joe lgnazgasse 40 / 1 120 Vienna / Austria

DM t0,00

Germany: Y@hoo Distribtnion PLK 046949 C / 12043 Berlin / GemanY


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Ponugal & Spaln: Contronto / Aparlado 460 / 44oo GAIA / Portugal. (stamps / M.O. prelered)



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ESC 1320 / 1000

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Poland Czechollovakla Hungary (& beyond??)

Aclive Disllibution / BM Aslive / London WCl N 3XX. ChsdG / MOb pay lo

300Kc (Wrile)

'Ac{ive' El

86.00 20,000 Lire

ITALY: Luca Musso / C.P. 89 / 27100 Pavia / ltaly. Mo's pay to 'Luca Musso' GREECE:


I 8000DRS

/ Prolane Existence / Apostolopoulou 56 / Halandli 15231 / Athens

BENELEUX: Genet Becords / P.O. Box 447 / 9000 Genl / Belgium

BF50 / $2




weare iihancial thal subscribe

olthe ftao

lo our permanent subscription list. lf you have received this as a

reqqe$g uses sod ustvith


end lne. Pleaseirfiorm Man won't provide we will be betterqble .1.',l.ii.#.-,*.--n rr1+i?ifrl;i: 4




Since issue number nine, Profane Existence has continued the tradition of giving away certain quantities free in the Twin Cities, this issue being no exception. However, it you want to get the seven band Prolane Existence and Skuld Releases compilation everyone else gets with this hsue, you're gonns have to pay the same $2 as everyone else. You can either stop by Extreme Noise Records anil pick one up or send $2 to PE for a copy (while they last!) Think of it as a small payback for all those free copies !

Hcy, this is the rcdg-ityglwnglparl ol Protane Exktence. This is where any punk on thc sfiect can have hislher ego satkfutl by seeing their work appear in prinl. We'renoleractlybegginplorconlributions.bulyourconlributionscanhelp make this a beller magazine. Hcre are a few ways whieh you can help:


mPOnIS: By popular demand, we are re-instating the scene repofis section of Profane Existence. We encourage people to write reports about what's going on in their area. Please be as detailed as possible ald provide addresses for bands, zines and other cool DIY punk happenings (venues, stores, mailorders, labels, etc.) Don't forget to send photos


l[UlS: We are always looking for first-hand accounts and articles written about the events that affect us. News of actions, events, demos or anything that may be of interest to our readership are welcome. Don'r be fooled-anyone can write a news articlel Why not be a regular reporter for your country or area?

Pn0fISf fO f,BISIAXGE: Send us information about the group which you are involved with: We are looking for information about squats, gig collectives, free spaces, action $oups, etc. which relate to the subjects covered in PE. We are also interested in over-all coverage ofthe events in your area, either for this section, or for the news section.

articles of a social or political nature. All articles are welcome, but we will only print ones which we feel are most pertinent to

lEftGES: We will print well-written the readers of PE.

. No maiot label ads. . No more 1/2 or 1/4 page

:l: ads

accePted! c Only one ad per label, zine, band, etc.


Pleese make ad to the standard dimensions. Odd sizes make our layout job more

1t3 page



Payment in full must accom-

1/3 page

p:any ad


Wrong size ads will be returned


.1/3 Page (5" x 5" or 2112"x 10" down) is $6O.OO

. 1/6 Page (2112" x 5" down) is $30.00 .1112 Page (2112" x21l2"l is 915.00

Please call ahead to ensure space availability.




'llrt rlr/

I \


Minneapolis' own DIY, worker-owned and volunteerrun punk record store has totally outgrown it's present location after only 2 ll2 years. As this issue of PE goes to print the final details are still be arranged, but the potential new larger space will be only a few blocks from the current location of Lakes Street and'Pillsbury Avenue in South Minneapolis. The planned move will likely take place on or around December 1st. Visit the store or call them at 821-0119 for more information about the move. Extreme Noise Records is open Monday-Sunday, Noon-8:00 PM. As is becoming a tradition, Extreme Noise is planning to their third annual "Christmas Sucks" sale with l0Vo off everything in the store plus other special reduced prices. The sale will go from December 26-31. You can get good punk cheap and help EN reduce inventory berore the yearends!

0[][) [J-B{ ES & Il,llff()I] UCIIt]l.lS

rlE00lrl.lAIlI}lErl00rlIHAIIHlsPERs MIKE GRIFFEN Di.d oct e' Iee6

Born ron 16, Ie?2 lil'tli'"J,1litl|.411[i'lJliJi,lll" Hikc, thc sinsu t cons vtitcr lot tqsn *ArEs y'u scAREr 0r y'iin iiiiinii'ilis. connitted suicidc' tt't ttiko'e y0u Asr xE tt0r I cAlt qv;'!; fiii ;;iit l!1oia' vc loaus on snd vo nitt' Inc t,ilc thot

r tou ontv to lriondc but to punk l er ' t hardcorc h qcautc' idcats t pls'

LtlE A CillL0. lltArunE I elsirimiuilri t Asr y011 110r y0u cAl Llyil;ililh", riiinln ee esn"Le 0lrFEREtrr. Ulty ARE y0U ;;;c11i;g'd;"-






h luckinc sucks tho nikc is gon., his MARKUS (Mqrk Steyen Foeter...Born Sept. 7, 1974) Died st 12z23sm on 0ot. 21, 1996 white riding his moterov4g:- 'r:;:,,:::r::;::fr::,::;:;:ir' :::i:i

bclicl thcrc vcro things in tho rurld you aould chonlc ilqY vith uo.

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FOOD NOT BOMBS Group in your communitY You can begin feeding the hungry and working for peace by startinB a Foorl Not Bombs group in your community' Food Not Bombs is a nonviolent all-r'olunteer network thatProvides free, hot vegetarian meals and political suPPort to low inconrc people in over 75 conrmunities in North America and Europe' Food Nr-rt Bonrbs is empowering, rewarding and FUNI Send $10 for our helptul 128 - page book that includes the stePs for starting and maintaining a food recovery program,30 vegan recipes for feeding 100 people and logos,

flyers and letters you can reprint. Al inspiring, 110 minute video is also available for $15.

FOOD NOT BOMBS 3145 Geary Blvd. #12 / SF, CA / 94118 PH# l-800-88 4-1136 for free info

EAMON TIALLINAN Born Fob. 12, l966...Diod Sept' 15, 1996


ltloRN : .1996: eg,

Esnon vitt bo sqdlY mitEod, but the 3 urss uorn in argutt nonorici hc leqvec us vith qro Eonc ! in MinnecpotiE, MN to Kim ond ! ol thc beil onec Yc'll cYcr o Donoyqn. Congrqtulqtionc!! : oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"'o loYe you Eonon,'ll nics You.







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70r-rfirqL fiEAR€f fnesll qortr








-to rE(}}so}\es e tgOqt-ai c$rTH C|RICS (Orrr xS, cOUrCt, errt... ?

A gaEar

ErKrtl' q()PRatrlc$ro$:

ACfrvg (u.n),Eqf EARfr.r (Ur) (DoNrIIJrEs (uK) HN.oril tFn (Fr-), ntt(r frc ]lt€ erL (t :l8E6t{ I'L7i( g),Aa ('r ),ufrRr-u 0.\(C)

oRro aS: PSE rorirex t{ca }russo- $a*€/" 2TJCD PawA-


Austria is well known for its mountains, skiing re-

Voice) because German police found computer disk joumal the JLS during actions against the illegal cal."

January g, 1996 'Wels: The burning of two



April 1',1996'Vienna' Two arrests during


de w:'Jl-

T\d 1996. Innsbrirck:

Some days later there were summons and

o Muerte). In June

terrogations of Kurds an{ people.-of ary groups.

the fassome


and menace. This atmosPhere is

rd the

rlc in

were raids by the supposed activists of

alistic and fascist grouPs in ground.

Amrchist the office of


address for accused


of criminal state. The trat only aP



Innsbruck: Amolotov zo, representatlon student ofthe office the damaged coik{ail repreoffrce at the university. Thecq.mqwUive student sentatives claimed thar rhis i6ion'il*4{qftpmmbers The critical and rather left student



.geuod in

this excuse !o intelTogate was clearly office.



int ."rt"d in getting more information on what is at the end of the and per'

ioing on here just write to the address Irticie. Strow your solidarity with the repressed secuted anarchists in Austria!

APRIL 21, 1995 'Two comrades Gregor Thaler and Pepole in the ter Koniczek are found dead under an electric police small town called Ebergassing' The investigating

clrim thil thcy dicd frorn rn erplosion u'hile ryug^t

an erplosive ehargc to rtre polc. Thc enrc rcspondcd by using thk scl to invcstigare thc hft radical movemeot *irl.toor 200 people bcing sumraooed (in Aurtrir you still have the right to make no statement to the police)'


grcup VIAS

Vtema: TVo rooms of 6c iinf*tt"ti* csntsr for free people) werc scrrchcd and tro memb€nr of Sl comnitt € vGrc irEnotrlcd efter-

Jrmc t!),



October 26, 195'Vienna: 48 activiss are anested during an action against a military parade' The day before some home visits by the police took place'

November 13, 1995'The police raided l3'home across Austria against supposed activists of the Turkish and Kurdish DHKC'

November 1995'Linz: Investigations take place against members of the JLS (Junge Link Stimme - Young Lefl

l1' took that way I know that an anti-fascist meetrng rece'n sounds incredible but in most South American information more any have I don't but placc_in Uraguay, countries we have a ..n^n no*i., or seir-proctaimed .r- r -^--'i-i.^',nVc ago the Argendnian Punks ls well' years of the . members of the "Aryan elite"' Since the late tr,in o^- ir,. .L^ nu,i r \ai[ t -^-: pi g s hl,aua ave so;


6ffih '"*'.-*lrru., dtirm t; r.,' ^,"t,r*;"; li:.d,i -, ::i :i"l'$Dg[ particurarrv ,,i:l:::li-',*":n:$f


praces, being Santiago de Chile. They act really violent voriteiarges b"glsu.{": leftists, and

*llftTf **Sffi :J:['hH ;::


baseball bats,

with yh:.ry?. f,Y5,:SilflTtrfiLr*ffi*,i,no**of


wing ods the pigs used like security sPecialists' from the police; even in aTV the police because of nazi aggression dtd

Polloi). prgs n pala-

sponded that she must recognize that fie good work for society because they fight the "s

but in nse. be

Regretfully, the Chilean punks haven't


strong capacity to neuEalize these groups; most busy posing or fighting between themselves' Onl side, mostly HC kids (in Chile that is a very with bad relations and feelings towards the punks) that HC "unity" mans some kind of political irdiffcrcnce and nazis are often tolerated at It seems at the present moment that the nazi's numrre no longer risiag liko in prcvious years' but the


problcm is still oot 8 rivirtity and 8ll of the true antiiascist rnd radical pcoplc must orgutize now and impede In these pigs from becoming a really serious menace'

HC kids il don t give a trying to organize some kind

to Anti-Fascist Acdon. I i someone can experiences or ProPaganda

concerts' -t+



thef.fillrgive You m1' address or send your

Soon I'll by informing more about rvhat s golng on in the South. Love and srength.... bash the fash! Skinny Julio


Background Information About The

ttYou don't know who your friend is until the ice you are standing on is

Case of Czech Antifascist Pavel Kroupa At first some information about this case. Pavel Kroupa is an active antifascist. On the 20th of March he went with his brother by bus from Prague to Mlada

Boleslav and he was attacked by five fascistic skinheads. In self defense he mortally injured one of





Every manifestation of friendship is needful and encouraging in the situation of my son. Thanks to all of you that found the open heart for my Pavel. Your financial help is really important for him and for me, thanks a lot for all the presents I have been on an invalid welfare for a long time and after the divorce with my husband we lived with the "life minimum" but Pavel was modest and brave so we mastered it In time when Pavel got a job and moved to reputed more quiet Brno - because of danger of skins from Mlada Boleslav - we had a hope that he would start a normal life. But everything changed by his fatal and accidental visit to home. Thank you for all the support and ifyou want to write to me, here is my address: MuDr Lydie Kroupova' / ul. Bendu 509 / Benatky n. Jizerou ll. I 294'll I Czech republic

Postbank Breda Holland giro No. 1699449 (Yvette

More info about Czech antifa on this phone number: 00425/339E95 or address: Borek Meznik /

Septembe r New s letter from LAD RO N KA (Aulo mo m ni Kulrurni C e nlru m )

has hosted

them and sorne hours later he was arrested. At first he was accused of murder. Later he was accused


ing and now he is accused of excessive defense. It means that it is better - but only for lower rate. According to topical information there will be a reconstruction of the situation. The first trial will take place on the beginning of next year. We will try to inform you about the concrete date. There were collected about 18,000 Czech drowns ($600) on benefit actions. This money is given to Pavel's mother for his support. The estimation ofthe lawyer is about 25,000 crowns ($900), but we think it will be much more It is good to keep collecting the money, be sure that we will use it for

other cases. Vazebni Veznice Ruzyne / Pavel Kroupa 4.3.1977 Praha 6 / 161 0l / Czech Republic

Council Sells Out Despite numerous speeches agarogt a sale, and in favor of our cultural center proloot early this year the Prague council voted to sell Lldronka. By a huge majority vote in favor of sde lie council showed its tnre color - putting money btfore community. Since that time plans for sale hnrrgbeen continuing. The counol has already been offeitd the price of l0 mil.Kc (rcbich is more than l\2 mil. DM ), but a condition of sdo itcludes 30 mil. Kc (more than I and lV nul DM) fot restoratlon, and the building cannot be compleely owned before it is actualll' restored. (It ts obvious tlat we do not have this amount of moncl'. ) ln Scpncmher there has been propenl'viewings by ptocpective bu1ers, but the fcw pcople who came wctt oot intercstcd ln ruconstnrctrng thc building. We are prcssunng the council to give us Ladronka or a new space for our project centre, and ncgotratrons continue...

Our squat and project - under siege A large farmhouse from the late 17th century Ladronka - is in the middle of a park, an ideal spot, free and opsr. yet in the city. It has always t,ffcred people a place to stay. According to legend it was started by a Spanish thief. For hundreds of vcan it prtrlrtled Shelter to travellers as an Inn and as a rest slop on the way to the city of Prague. In the depression cady this century it was home to anumberof poorfamilies rvho lived in separate parts of tltc estatr-. During communrsm it was at one time stomge and housrng for the park gardcners. one of u ho6 $as a nrcmbcr of leg-

endary undergr,,und drssrdcn( band Plastic Peoplc of the Unrverse, For ovet 5 -r"ears there were no lrople. the city council hft tlr object to decay, though, of course, it cauglrt thcb interest again after young activists connected rvith the magazine Autonomie squatted

Information About Another Fascistic Murder in Slovakia

Dear Friends,



1993. Panty repaired hy the squattc'rs Ladronka a lot of concerts, plays, perform|nces, exhibitions, films,'discussionsr and other cultural acdous including children's day and open day. It also pror idm shelter, mostly to travellers from various countdes staying a short time. Ladronka has not only continued in its original purposa but a.lso helped to strengthen relationships b*t*eo differeil elrcrn$iye cultures. Duing tltc lam yciu ard r hclf l-adronka has faced a coolalril thrcat oi ij\'rctroo bccellse the councrl had ti8lod ltc ccintracr, with a company tc trusfunn the cdfirrtl monurncnr lnto a botcl, Thants to ow carnpoign of protest which rvas oo thc srrr€! prinr. radio and TY the builders never reccived the monel from a Canadian firm which shouldhavesponsored them, and which they needed to build. This forced the council to reassess

it's options Guess r*hat came first... (you're


Actioru in our squal since l\la]' Or er spnng and summer we had many events: aoother ohitdr€n's day-despite bad weather about50dri!dren and &eir parents came for grlnes, przdcs ondpcrformqcpc. We had an open day to la localr, sod othcr people irrecsred, see what u'o are alrouL Wedemoostrated @idc and inside ticcitycouncil moctingdrring tbe dcclsion proeessrs to sett We orgaoized concerts - eg. Tofu t-ove fiogs. Dm the Moog



odurpbye{ $ortill fringtts

evic'lion we rocked

into our third year with r three da1 I)lY or DIE squat festival at the end ofAugust, where, apart from a lot of bands playing (Zradce Rasy, Los Sommros, V.A.P., Telefon, lN?o ftom Czech, Infekcia from Poland, Fleas and Lice from Holland), there was an antifa-solid dclna in the centre of Prague, and in the alicrnoons lxople could wuch Undercurrent videos, and druc was a big lborhail match. About 250 pcople a da1- attended, and as no one who could still stand was complaining, we


On the 3rd ofJuly arother innocent person died in the hospital because of wounds inflicted by nazi-

skins. On the 26th of June l8th yearold Vladimirwas attacked by a group of 30 nazi-skins. They caused injuries including aconcussion to the brain, several bone fractures and a damaged kidneys. The attackers left him laying on the ground until he was picked up by an ambulance that was called by a friend passing by. Right after the transport he was operated but without any effect. He died one week later. His friends wanted to make a candle march but it was forbidden by the police. The police are indifferent to this case. We well try to find more information about this sad news to spread it around. We think this is the only way to prevent this case from being kept silent. Don't be silent, don't be indiffercnt! Indifference is a crime! Antifa Slovakia: Marian Dudak / Pribisova 23 / 841 05 Bratislava 4 / Slovakia / Ph# 071'727'159

reckon it was pretty big success.



' i


\t/e intend to defend Ladronka, our lquar. home, aod oor prolcct. At the moment as well as ile concen/ erhibitign halls and bar we have an Infmhop/reading room with actrre political, envtronnrcotal. and othei stuff rn Czceh. and a tea room. In rhecacc of council forcing an eviction on us there is a good possibility that we may receive a new huildrng lo contlnue our project. We intend to keep the pressur! on the council and any help would be greafly spprachred. To contact us: Autonmrie




tnreiidne) /P.O.Box221


Ladronka / Tornanova


160(X) Prague 6

Help us: Any kind oleupport @onations to bank, rd to thc Prague Councll...)


flli] -* I



giU" U-lnR, cq! rltl n!n, erootr t[inl. lh.r.', tom.llins mo'. i{1'.6cc1ncr6;|inflr, Plll.;8lr-nivcl or S.Dlltusr l]rrrr it clto c vrry , :': cctiva pltot ao!d.. Ii. plt* rtrnr bsr lmn lhorc rinor '??'?E. ltsrt' ing fsr 111 lrnr ollirr tih $to Pculo snrt ficr rorosd ror cus, iolo plarr tib Jolo Potroc (llor$! anc CuJdba (Sorli). ln lhir oity. Clritibc. onf rror sgo y. (Anarohirt Punhr) ooolpiod an sbsndoord horr rilh thr irlrst tlcl l|tia houto osn rhrlrr trv.rcl punks Yho u... lomrlrrr cnd Dryond thst to oprn s pl[oo lo d.valoD gngrchirt vor]r

q0 TA

tiko c librsry ond rrvrrot olhor sncrohirt solivilior. fhr punk'r in thir city booomo qotivr lomr lim. qgo ritlr librrlqrica group's ol thir rcgion, rllvrloping dcmonrtrqtiont, mqrohrl, gigt,' iot,Iacroljrm in rchoolr. univrrtitirr, or snyvhrro. Erridor

proiiotin, dlr.fol lotionr. lik, cqmpqagn'r to boycott McDonqld'r, Anti-

ocrill$r fo't.unil. tA. ltsck community qgqinst nqtionqlirt rtintfidrr rl$t tli lhi. rildlilttd onr blook mqn with 2 gun rhots qnd cnottii'rnclilo'orritrcritrDDrd? timoa with q knilr. Ioecthcr wilh rh.t. tiadf { lirltr. onr :hlnhrcd uar slro kittcd. Ati lhis ,ightt b.' tqrohtr

tvom Fmtr Ind Sldlr in Brcrfl crc ondine in droth. Iho skinc in Brqril

cslt t]rmrrlvrr S]IARP'r, but kitt blqck proplr, ond plnlr in lhl rirroir; qnd go on tqtking about nqtiondirrn=llilr mora lrsirbn lirir irqdt thcn brqinr in!id.. And this csmpttlcn qiinrt Or nsrir:it r.ll by lhc pooplr, rnd by ttr'mrdf r eoritiur poinl ol virw, qnd qtl thrrr rorhl nou

sro rorildlCtbst Utqt


rl lotfttrlol,

hov. our

riti rr$r riih lio sqlct.

Itrlr ocorpioo holrr hql l? roomr, wst.r, .l.ctricity


riti ooo

yosr 0driad ir. rviolion wlll Dr vrry ha.d. stowly lh. squslt.rr dr. maklol tia lrqrdad opcirr lld sro rorohing lor hclp ,rom ptopl. lhot can lrle rltlhh. Drlirline q.rd mqinl.oqncr in thia nru homo. Tll' nintr o, tif lerol ir 'Kotrrc" qnrl ir thr lirrt punl squol in Brcrit; ln lqrit, iltr e .opla,{r. h0orl.dg.qbtc ol thr iquqtling movcmont Somollrqt pooplr aelol tom. tqnd ol thr rioh yrorr cao, bul nov.'mo?a tilo rvtr ti. ligtrt o, lh. pastanl pcoplo lor thr right to urr thir ilnd h btoomlnt louthrr. Ecch dsy ,Dor. ond mor. rquqlt.rr cr. cyint lrolB oqrrronloiloil rill lht trolritv ol lhr rich; ]hr Polioo. Ilre copt lqyr iovsd.d ti. rqusl 2 timrr ootit oor, but thrrt wqr no .9loYho in lh.

ing q



with bombr. ccur' conlqin.d in lhr limr sno

clllok.d lhr hourr lvior

lirr in thr blilding, bul;l vot

nobody Hs! iniur.d

About ttrr punlr in Koilto; th.y qr. tlorling q D.l.Y. rrcoro tqb.i cqtt.d "KAAZI PnoDUCTIONS' in vhioh thry orr Duttine out thincr tikr T-rhirlt. rliolrrr, tqnzinrr qnd rroordingt ol pqnk bqndr lrom thr City. L/ilh thir nou reuct, thr city ol Curitibs har brcomr q Di9 poinl ol lh. Brasition Dunk ,c.n.. Evrry doy n.Y lrov.ll.r pltnkr com. to Curitibo cnd mskr doHntorn o big m..tine ptoco lor punks lo toik, drink bccr ond cochogc (aueqr csnr otcohot tikr Tequilq), eoll reoorda, rhiric ond lsnzinte ,or lh. int.t.tlrd poopIr Iho llC / Punk acrno in Curitibq rupporlr mqny punk bqndr ol mqny diflcront ctylcr, but it is dirricutl to lind ptqcrr to plov; without .quipm.nt; without mon.y to r.cord. lt ia hord lo nov. big rhowr with good bsndr, but w. hqv. punl ahovt, rupgort.d by lho bqndr thqt thow up cnd tpr.od lh. punk muaic and pni' loeophy; thcao bqndr qrc: Dihkto (Drtrimrnlo in Eaprranto), Renrgodoc, Drrq,lurtqdoe, lrq Dor Corvot, Sobrrvivlntrr Dq Dcagrqgq, Bqstq, Ralicids. Livrc Arrociscao Dr ldriqr. qna Cristurol Dr Morlru.

"YOUR TIOUSE IS OUR KAASA,' ll roa qrr inrrorrd in oontacllot t}rrt Dqndr or othtr pankr, rrir to, Ks0:a Produotionr / GX. Porlot l0el / Crtilibe'Pn / CEP

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/ onorchopunk r.eiooal npoilt hroaehoat.ilb iceuo ol Prolont Ethlonac

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Mondrqg6n ia q ncw bookttorr t oolhr hourr, tocoEd in VinnrpcA'c downtown e xohongr dietriot. Ih. word "Mondrq96n" comcr lrom l|r Boaqur town in northrrn 5pqin, koown lor iti

.xt.n!iv. n.lwork ol norktrr' coop.rotiv.t.

lnrpirod by thit, snd mony othrr .xcmgl.r o,


rconomica qnd

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colloo houlr

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Thr Eookrtorc: Monrlrqg6n

a4roiotirra in boohr coo peri-

odicol! rrlqting to.cology, lndigrnoua ieeucr snd rrcjttoncr. cnqrchirm, Mqrricm, lrmioitm. humqn


onimsl tib.rqlion, Goy qnd Lcrbian

ilaurr, r.ruolitr. hrallh, v.g.tsrionirm,


nomicl, tobor, mrdiq cnotyria, octivitm, tducqtion, qill tociql clroo9r. ln oddition. y. cafiy c arirction o, a[tornotiv. ,iction trom srornd th. wortd, qtt.rnctiv. ohildrrn'c boolr. totrcl litl.a in[ ond Spsnir]r. qudio-virust r.rourc., sr rr.ll sa potilicst poslrrt, 1-shirlr, t gilt ircmr

Thr Goflrr


Morr than lucl q collrr riop, lilondrqg6n ollttc a vsricly ol yrgrlqrrqn qnd vrgqn lood, lrom lrqditionql itrmr ruclFqc roupr. !ondrichor, ond dqjly apcciolc, to mor. uniqu. ,oir

(tt6) 603-,'

bqkrd Eqrl lndiqn lqmoaqe. Yo hovr orgqnio ootloct, ooppucoino, lqti.!, ond q yqritty ol toqr. Att ol olr cottcc bcnc (cnd comr ol our tcor) coml lrom Bridgchcqd, q loir trqdr orgqnitotion that buyr coller and hqndicrqlta from ptoduoorr' oooparotiv.r cround thr world. Finqltr, our oollrr nouar is licenacd, qnrl ollrrr o tmctl artectjon ol vrgon brrr (on tqp or in bottlc). or yatl cs orgonic winc. euch cc


Otd ilorkrt Autononolt Zonr Emmc Goldmon Grcrtroofi Grnltr I|. Otd Morkrt AutonomouE Zonr (or AZonr). yor iwpirtd by c rimilor projrct in Cnacsgo.





comer. storved

to g.t tikt-mjndrd indi-

yidlqh qod orgonirqtionl. qt roll qa progroEtive buainrer.r, undrr onc root. Atroqdt th. A-Zooe hqr q nUrnbor o, intor-relql.d proractr, qod H. hqv. plqnr lor .y.n mor. ro rh. f0t0.f. Th. ,ira lloor ol ttre buiioing 9l Albrrt Stra.l hourrr tlto Mondrqg6n Bookalorr qnd Collrr tloUar, yiit. tho r.cond lloor ir tcken up b, lh. Emmg Gotdmqn Grqsrrootr Crntrr.

Nqmrd qltrr lb. r.volutionqry qnqrchirt qnd pionrlr lrminirt Emmq Goidmqn, th.

grqtaroot! oanl.r it tocqled on the sccond lloor ol 91 Atbrrr Strml Thr idcq bahind thr thr crntrr il lo ollct lqir rrnt qnd communql lq-



oitili.r ,or looql orgqnizqtiona, tuch qr roiidqrity qnd rnyironmrntsl groupr, qr Hatl ot Gsy qnd lrtbiqn, anti-rscilm, qnd lndigonour Pcriltqnor orgsnizstionr. Sharine lqcititirr, m..ling rooml, kitohrn, snd olhrr oquipmrnt


rrducr oyrrhrqd snd



timr cnd ro.

rourc.t lor moro importsnl politjcql

action. Mondrqg6n Bookaloru qnd Collrr ilour lA Atbrrt 5t. / Yinnrprs, MB / F3B 165 Cqnsdq (204) 946-52{t


/ /



HALI C{)NSIffUCIION ()F CZECH AIOMIC POIdER PLANI buildings and waved mockingly for everyone to

On Sunday July 7, over 350 activists


walked straight up to the gates ol the Temelin nuclear power plant and simply lay down, marking the greatest public protest over a single environmental issue in the history of the Czech Republic. Plant security and the police were given a week's notice via a press release offered by Hnuti DUHA/Friends of the Earth Czech Republic, the principle organizers of the action. lf that didn't lay any doubts to rest, the patrol cars sent past the action camp could hardly have missed the growing number of people during the week, only 2 kilometers from the plant. I positioned myself on one of the three main gates, known as gate 4 or the "old main gate". An hour after our presence was clear, eighteen of the 60 smiling laces were titted and locked into large concrete tubes that stretched completely across the entrance. Besides making it a greater task for police to clear, the tubes made for a stronger sense ol unity. Once they were locked into place, the other participants went oul in to the surrounding area, pulling out massive blocks of concrete, old fencing poles, ladder-shaped steel, large rubber tires, and other abandoned pieces of garbage, and placed them in from of the human chain. At last year's blockade, a plant worker had nearly run over demonstrators with his car so the barricade was erected as a satety measure, not as an attempt at making entry more arduous. The rest of the tirst evening was relatively

quiet except for the wandering folk singer, Jaroslavem Hutkou, who played every gate regardless of how small the audience. At nightfall, soup, tea, and bread was doled out and those who were not locked into concrete tubes sat around the fire playing games and occasionally chatting about the possibility of police intervention. Soon a faint rain started drizzling down, umbrellas were put up and plastic sheets placed over the chained string of humans. I crawled into my sleeping bag next to a few other internationals near the wilting fire. Around 4:00 in the morning, we woke up to loud thumps that shook the asphalt beneath us. A small group of men were unloading large bar-

rels which were carefully filled with concrete in such a way that one could chain themselves on either side to the center of the drum. The tube lineup was then taken away and replaced by a chain of interlocked people and seemingly unshak-

able barrels. Then reporB form the other gates started to make their way arcund tho small community and

we lsamad fid tre polic€ look bac* two of he occupled getes. Unlike pravio.ts years, the pc{he gavs no wamlng; surprised, tnoet ot the demor sfebf8 at the main gaie. a Slovene acflust was silb€osd atd bsabn ln lhe van after refusing to be rernoyed lrom the slte. For the rest of the morning, plant constructmwenlon hannered only bythe inconvenience

The rain kept coming down with even regularity and the cold weather made for mixed feelings; it seemed that the longer we sat blockading

the gates and causing mischief, the stronger we grew despite the rain. But one could not help cursing the uncommonly cold and rainy July. Nevertheless, as sure as the fire kept bouncing back to the raindrops, the general feeling at gate 4 was to continue on.

That night over 40 or 50 ot us inhabited an old house in a village that had been abandoned after being bought out by the plant. The ground was dusty but we all seemed extremely grateful to have our own square meter of dry land to lay on. Tired, cold, and wet no one mentioned the possibility of arrest. The police found out about the dry sleeping grounds the next day and drove people out in to the rain without taking anyone

and out of the gate and action organizers began to consider strategies for sealing ofl the plant once

again. Eventually, they waited until the afternoon to send in the "guerilla group" which was trained during the action camp to be sent in for riskier situations and fast emergency support. With lighter more mobile concrete tubes, the small team ran from hiding, up to the gate and, lied down chained and circled below a stopped bus awaiting entry to the plant. The police instructed the driver not to move but he relieved the brakes iust long enough to nearly run over the head ol a screaming member of the team. The danger of injury along with police pressure forced the group away from the gate.

Organizers then decided to change tactics torm securing the gate to generally causing mischief on the grounds of the plant. lt started early that afternoon when reports trickled in that activists had stolen blueprints of the plant; leaders form

Hnuti DUHA/FoE agreed to return the plans to security, but only after photo copies had been made. At our gate, a reporter asked a Public Rela-

tions representative from Group 4, the outfit responsible for plant security, for his opinion on overall control. He declared that his men and women were fully competent to handle the situation and there had been no loss ol control at any time during the blockade. As these words lellfom his

lips, 4 activists came storming from grounds past the Group 4 officers atthe gate. Theiriovial screams were belore reaching the exit and the trom the PR representative to the back again to speechless gaping man. Other similar actions with or4 people were constantlydoing lions throughoi the day. A banner ol

been placed down


side ot ono


plant guard J long then the

of3 r



into custody. Though only a lew had left for home, the next day started and continued on with the same rain and silence at gate 4. People sat and read the papers, looking lor any mention ol the blockade while warming their hands and leet by the fire. Food came again like the other days with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The lack of clean dishes and utensils went unnoticed by most. I watched as a Polish Earth First! activist cut open a plastic bottle, to make a soup bowl; and found himself a tree branch laying to the side which he whittled into the shape of a primitive spoon. Smiles were still easy to find, but the overall sense of accomplishment seemed to be shrinking in the rain. ln the afternoon I was invited to loin a clandestine action team comprised ol about 25 loose members of the "guerilla group". The majority ot the participants were Czech volunteers but England, Slovenija, lreland, the United States, and Austria were also represented. ln typical Hnuti

DUHfuFoE tashion, the action was carefully planned and even simulated before execution. The plan was for 3 crews ol disproportionate numbers to run into the plant and light fireworks trom the top of cooling towers; it was as one participant put it - every antinuclear activist's dream. The first team was made up ol 2 Czech ac' tivists who canied bags strapped to their backs filled with various flying rockets; they were to gain

access moments before everyone second crew were instructed to lollow close behind the former team and cre-

ate general lrustration lor security by running, dancing and singing about. This was to lead the way lor third team, who were to the particular cooling and stand on the stairuell

obstacles for the while the firework crew

ceeded uninterrupted. According to the main organizers, this action was

not only designed

boost the waning morale of the other participants, but strike at the very heart of one of the principle arguments against nuclear power: no plant can ever be completely secure. So I boarded the van along with the first and second crews and a dozen ladders for use in climbing the fence. To practice, we went only a lew meters form the action planning site, stopped next to an abandoned building, unloaded the ladders, threw them up to the roof of the building, and clamored to the top. Next we discussed any practical details that were noticed during the simulation and then crammed back into the van for the real thing. I sat in the far back of the van, right up against a couple ol damp giggling Czech activists and the rear window. Just as I started to comlortably watch the passing headlights, the van stopped, and the front and side sliding doors went flying open with a dramatic swiftness. Then our back door opened like a claw at the end of an oversized arm and one by one we removed the ladders. My partner and I grabbed the final ladder, ran down and then up and over the small ditch they had warned us about at the initial briefing. I threw the ladder up against a fence post, followed my partner over and lumped down onto plant soil. I immediately started logging in a random direction, only changing after hearing one of the guards' dogs barking aggressively. Once I gained a sense of clarity, I raced along with a number of other shadows trying to find the way to the stairs of the cooling tower. We rounded through two of the giant hour glassed shaped structures and then landed at the base of the staircase that zig zagged up into the night's sky. We climbed three or four cases upward before stopping to collect ourselves and to watch lor the plants reaction.

lnterestingly, we were allowed to sing, whistle, put on a complete lirework display, and laugh without interference. lnstead, the security officials promptly dispatched large vans to the towerand waited quietly atthe bottom. There was some confusion over whether we should try to escape or practice noncooperation during arrest; but everyone involved agreed to gently walk down the stairs hand-in-hand and surrender without protest. The guards shipped us to the main gate still controlled by the local police where we were then handed over and taken in on charges of trespass. At first, the feeling in the holding quarters, which doubled as some sort of conference room, was grave but soon people from the camp arrived bringing watermelon and tea for everyone. The seemed almost entertained by this quickly started talking laughing as if this was The Czechs were and released af-

paying a 200 crown ($8 fine; in contrast, the als were threatwith a series of differpunishments depending

which officer was Since there

[Far left] the lirst minutes ol the blockade belore

the concrete tubes were

broughtin. [Left]A smaller gate securcd by actiyists chainedinto concrctetubes, People took lour hour shifts with breaks lor tood and to use the restrooms; there' werc always people to relieve them during these times. [Below] Cops pulling away the few remaining at the

"last stand"-the last attempt at sealing ofi the

plant. were five ol us lett over, one officer told us to simply take out all our money, set it on the table, and divide by five - that, he said, was an appropriate fine. Another told us that he border police had been called and we were going to be exiled from the Czech Republic for 5 years. ln return, we suggested that our Embassies be notified of our situation before any international police bureaus were

brought in on the matter. A bit later another


ficer said he would release us at 200 crowns per

person; we wasted'little time in taking the offer. From the time of security custody to release, we were detained for no longer than 3 hours. Everyone arrested simply went back to their respective gates. The next day was the third and final day ol the blockade. Afler hours of discussion it was decided that everyone free from the banels would march to gate 10 where the police were still managing traffic for the plant. Over 120 people walked down the road bordering the plant to the gate holding various banners, laughing, and talking amongst themselves. The marchers slowly eased up to the row of police while various cameras snapped and flashed, recording.the confrontation. A few Czechs started to sing a gentle bubbly song which made even an officer or two stretch their faces into short grins. Adorned in a Group 4 security hat, Paxus Calta, a leading antinuclear activist f rom the United States, gave a short speech discussing all the triumphs which had

been accomplished during the action. Then, the large mass silently broke into two equal groups walking in opposite directions. At about 50 meters from the police occupied gate, on either side; the marchers once again, simply sat down to protest any further construction of the plant. Trattic began to build almost immediately on one side and the police quickly dragged people from their sitting spots to idle vans which carted them away. At the police slation, hall the people in custody escaped either through a bathroom window which had been left ajar or by sitting down with others who had already been processed and were escorted out by a different officer. Weeks later, there were discussions by certain members of Parliament concerning a national

referendum which would let voters decide if Temelin should be continued. A political move such as this had never been considered before, despite years of lobbying efforts by various ecological groups. Questions concerning the corrupt bidding process (which eventually was won by Westinghouse ol the United States) for the construction of Temelin was finally reported by national media after several years. Today, organizers are already planning lor next year's blockade and'an activist culture, absent since the Velvet Revolution, has seemingly grown by leaps and bounds overnight. lf nothing else, the 350 or so participants have proven once again that there are no new tricks; nonviolent direct action can still act as a place of community and challenge. For more information on the Temelin campaign, future actions, or the East European antinuclear movement in general; please contact Ben at Ben_MacConell

Hnuti DUHA/ Friends of the Earth Czech can at: Jakubsk6 ndm.7/602 fi) Brno / Czech Republic / be contacted

Tel. ++42-5422 1 0438, 422 12847 Fax ++42-5422 10347 email: ORG.HDUHA @ ECN.GN.APC.ORG






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2/3 Ol, Eln Drittel Benzin #1 $3 ppd / S / 54 pages / German

Another impressive example of the growing tide of anarcho-nihilist zines in Germany. It's got demented newspaper clippings, pictures of riots and hate filled commentary on the state of the world with a strong ecological conviction. Interviews with Homomilitia and Oi Polloi round off this promising debut. (Y@hoo) MKB,/ c/o Schwarzmarkt,/ Kleiner Schaferkamp 46 / 20357 Hamburg,/ Germany


ATS 15,/DM 2 (pp?) / 40 Pages / German The latest issue, a double issue, with tons of good

political stuff, like Animal-Rights Organisarion Addresses, repression, discussion about violence,

anarchy-history about Bakunin... Also Gig re-

views and some tips about demonstrationorganisation. (Joe) / Postlagernd Austria

Aktiv Passiv


6010 Innsbruck ,/

An Atrophled Preface #l $lppd / HS / 104 pages / German I can honestly say

that I've never seen anything

like this before! This is the absolurely humongous (check the page number!)

mailorder/fanzine literary production from Maximum Voice Productions distribution out of Germany. There's a full- length review of every record they carry (must be hundreds!) as well as insightful, in-depth interviews with Autonomy, Los Crudos, Nabate Rec and many others, as well as a lengthy article on Class War and columns by the people behind MVP, all complemented by a high-impact visual style in the layout department . This is even for free, but sending at least the postage should be mandatory. Setting new standards in the DIY scene for this kind of thing. (Y@hoo) MVP ,/ Andre Sieg / Postfach 26 / O425I Leipzig / Germany

Angelheart / Freak Animal Split Ztne $3 ppd / HS / 24 pages

Freak Animal has interviews and reviews that revolve around the noisecore scene, with bands that I have never even heard off and I'm sure I'm not missing much. Too much music oriented bullshit. On the other hand, Angelheart has surprisingly challenging letter interviews with Global Holocaust, Tuomiopaivan Lapset and Cause for Effect . Overall, a rather quick read. (Y@hoo) Mikko Aspa / Imatrankoskentie 23 ,/ 55610 lmava / Finland

All For Nothing #14 $4 ppd / S / 56 pages /


This zine has been going for years, but for some reason I can't seem to get into it. Maybe it's the somewhat wishy-washy approach in the music department, mixing DIY bands like Scatha with senseless indie garbage or moronic idiots like Earth Crisis. Just too bland and meaningless for my taste. (Y@hoo) Posdach 1212 / 63597 Niedermittlau,/ Germany

Arkangel #15 i4 ppd./ A4,/ 55 pages

Thls is an informative newsletter put out by the

This English magazine does a very good job at publishing the most up to date and useful articles, letters, news, and opinions across the spec-

trum of the animal liberation movement. A thorough read from cover to cover with information on local and national groups in the UK, sanctuaries, international news, live exports di-

ary, hunt sabbing, newspaper clips of related topics, editorials, articles on wool farming, understand your rights regarding fines, the ant! fur trade movement, and loads more, as well as tons of news throughout. An extremely worthy resource and deserving of support. (Jon) Arkangel Magazine/ BCM 9240/ London WCIN 3XX,i U.K.

credit the antivivisections by comparing their punk rock supporters to fascists. (Dan) CAVC / P.O. Box 22-076 / Christchurch ,/ New Zealand

$3 ppd $4 world

Another cool little UK zine with plenty of stuff

to digest. Interviews with



a women named Femke, who was involved in the live exports protests in the UK. Three out of the five interviews are done live, which makes them more in-depth. There's also columns and other opinions as well as reviews, photos, etc. Cool arrirude. (Jon) A Network Of Friends/ P.O. 257G/ Hardcore House,/ Colchester Essex/ C03 4Ay,z England.

Aufschlltzen #1 & #2 $3 ppd / S / 32 & 24 pages / German

Another angry and dedicated anarcho punk zine from the younger generatlon. Good international coverage including interviews with Strangis Guajes, Suffer, Scum of Toytown and a Poland scene report. Has a very antimilitaristic touch due to the editor's run-ins with the army. (Y@hoo) Axel Weis / Kusterweg ll / 3767I Hoxter,/ Germany

Auto-Free Times 54/S/40pages


This quarterly magazine is published by the Alliance for a Paving Moratorium and is geared towards the total destruction of the automobile culture and towards creating a more ecologically and economically sane world. With a revotutionary point of view, rhey embrace a wide range of related social causes from human and animal liberation to environmental issues and have a endorse direct-action orientated tactics. Each issue is extremely well put together (the last two actually having full color covers) with extensive news coverage and information relating to the movement. Special features in this issue include articles like "Eight Myths of Traffic planning,,, "Beyond Petroleum: Lifestyle Change?" and ,,How

GM Destroyed the U.S. Rail System,,, to name only a few. Of course there is much more packed into these pages including action and event news, comics, and a real get up and take action attitude. From them you can also get cool stickers for you bicycle ($.50 each) Iike "Road removal creates obs", "Friends don't let friends drive,', and "I'd ratherbe breathing." Definitely an urgent cause and an issue we will all be facing in our lifetimes, so get involved now! (Dan) P.O. Box 4347 / Arcara, CA 95518

A.V. News #l

/ S/

sue has antivivisection news both internationally and on a country-wide level where the New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Sociery has made much headway in exposing the scientific fraud of anF mal experimentation. There is also a rebuttal to the local media who has been attempting to dis-

Beans and Rice $3 ppd4

Attitude Problem #2E i2 ppd./ A5,/ 36 pages


Christchurch Anti-Vivisection campaign inNew Zealand put our wi(h as part of the ca;paign ro ultimately put an end ro useless and cnrel animal experimentation worldwide. This is the is-




/ 4E


There's a lot of good interviews in here: Charles Bronson, Los Crudos, Fifteen, Chantilly Lace (a porno star), Grief, Gus, and Tired From Now On.

Along with the standard reviews and columns and a good layout with lots of worthwhile content, this zine is worth taking notice of. (Duke) 205 Norton St. ,/ Corpus Christi, TX ,/ 7g4154341

Blsexual Wltbout Apology #1 .500 + 2 stanps ppd./ HS/ 3O pages

Lots of articles and opinions from a bisixual punk point ofview regarding life and politics in the Twin Cities, anarchist politics, and various reprints. There's an article defending punk as a vital part of the anarchist movement and various stuff on queer liberation- all from a punk

perspective. (Jon) Micheal Wood/ 308 Van Buren #2/

Sr. paul,


55 103.

Black Flag: For Anarchist Reslstance #208

S4/S/36pages When this new issue arrived I was shocked to Iearn that founding editor and anarchist activist of over 50, Alben Meltzer, had died. I am currently readlng Meltzer's fascinating autobF ography "l Couldn't Painr Golden Angles,,but that will have to wait for the next issue as I,m about out of timel Published irregularly since 1970, I have actually only ready maybe the last half dozen issues of what has become one of my favorite anarchist publications. With a politicrl stance of traditional working-class based anar-

chism, this mag zine keeps true to their politics supporting working class issues and non-hierarchical organizing worldwide. Aside from several tributes to Albert Meltzer, this issue also has articles on hunt sabbing, land reclamation

(dis)action, a British war criminal and member

of the Waffen SS during World War Two, chemical toxins, Mclibel defendants update, pornography and loads of news aflicles of prisoners,,

workers' and anti-fascist struggles world wide. Essential reading for serious anarchists. (Dan) Black FIag / BM Hurricane / Great Britain


London, WC1N 3XX

The Blastl #7 52ppd/T/28pages The Twin Cities' only anarchist newspaper and perhaps the best in Nonh America. With exception of New York city's Shadow,, this is one of the few proclaimed newspapers to actually have a large amount ofinternadonal anarchist / revolutionary resistance news. While not published

stvle. There's probably some sense ln this some-

frequently as in the past, this issue was well wonfr waitiig for with some of the most well tnoritt-ott aiti.lus and critiques of social and po iUtaf issues affecting all of us' Inside this

Disturbing the Peace #3

to the rigirt wing and hate groups' a large article on ihe dismantling of Affirmative Action

n-"ri.ut Indiani& the US Government'wbich ifouna to U" interesting and well wricen' There's reviews and a few more articles in here which ail make a good read. There's quite a.lot for the mind in this onu...get it and see ' (Duke) c/o Stuart Schr adet / 9 Fenwick Rd / Whippany'



itre ttrira

Droc.rams. an interview with the pro-Black Pan' in"i t.pp.t Paris and loads more' Tbey have a

sood sinse of humor and make every a$empt [o bridge the gap between the anarchist movement ;d reiistance struggles of oppressed Essendal reading and let's *"rta -uopl "*w*rhere. *,it conrinues for years to come (Dan) i.<i. So* 7075 / Mlnneapolis, MN 554o7 In Euiopu vo" can get a six-issue subscription from Aciivi Distribution for [5 / f'7 Europe'


on the commerciallsm of radio' why

.t UmUa"gh sucks, a healthy section of book reviews, somi amustng guotes from forums on the internet, com-oen$ on the 'right to sue" surveys, and a whole lot more. A preny interesting read! (Duke) pO Sox +f2S2 / Bulington ,W / 05402-12-52


aotais and education' Interviews with "borrt Angel of the Crasshole Collective and Litmus CrJen. Rrticles singing praises to both caffeine and skateboarding and more. (Duke) 759 Battelle Ave. 7 Morgantown, WV / 26505

32ood. /S/16Pages e rd"if anarchist punk zine from Chile' We've (

an ex-

E"fi"nt Cf,U"* band ), a history of Dischord

records, write ups on the Business and the Ex and oersonal and regiond punk stuff' I believe this is one of, if the only, punk zine in Chile' (Kerry)

Counter Information #45 donatlon/ A4/ 6 Pages

A consistent operation dedicated to spreading alternadve news with an intention of spreading revolutlonary ldeas and lnformation' This istosue has artlcles on direct acdon h Glasgow warai LUour Councils, State racism, other workand .iiit-ggtus' and a bunch of orher bits defiis and now going ages for iJt u""" ui*ui. nitely worth suPPorting. (Jon)

trat smissiot

28 King St.,z Glasgow



Scotland U.K.

Dle Eule #2 03 pPd / S / 4E gages / iin"Ui O" follow-up to the wonderful debut



litical punks get together. This deals exclusively with and-authoriBriian ecological issues' some' times a bit dry because of the wealth of information and the seriousness of the subiect' but itiil an interesdng read, especially because this ifnere is usuatty dominated by soyr graped fanatics. However, even this could be improved by inserting more humor. (Y@hoo)

Avalorr / Friedrich-Ebert-Str' 24 GermanY / Essen 45L27

Eil Ruhr



Postfach 5lO3


EX DIGEST #20 The latest issue, the jubileum issue of FLEX or

now EX DIGEST. This issue contains interviews' with TEAM DRESCH, DACKELBLUT, STRAHTER 80 and a mixed interview with John of MISERY' Dan nusTENCE and sreve of

of r"raufrNo. There


are also news, book, zine

brit-pop inlluenced ana reiota reviewer, who canl stop puttlng his shit into thls re"lews, and one



,/ P.o. Box 7o3


A-106l vienna


Fetch the Pliers! #l & #2 Sl/ HS/ 2O Pages fftis is ioof ttuu, zinu with a DIY punk attitude


has good inanJ a gooa music taste' lssue tervieis lt'ith UNHINGED and DOOM, opinions' and revie*vs. lssue #2 was swiped mystedously

PE before it made it into the review bln' tr.XUy I read it all before it disappeared' lt

fiom L-"a

ia"t,rt.t--ote welI done interview$ wlth

DISKONTO as well as the usual zine stuff. (Jon) 220 Arlington/ Ottawa ON/ KlR 5S9/ Canada

bisfOpra and

Fragments #1 don*atton or trade?



clippings. Don't leave life


This zine is mostly comics and artwork that deal *iit u"ti"t t politicial issues. They are comp.iledtlfrom varioui artists that remind me of WW3 iusuated. There's also a long interview wlth afiist/ activist Seth Tobocman and some zine reviews. (Jon) G. Grinnell/ RR 1/ Rockwood, ON NOB 2KOl

zine. (Joe)

Bizarre, hateful collages and


(Y@hoo) without it! "Lwspaper



/ 36 Pages

oi itroueht, ioei, and iommeotary on

a-wide variety Jf imponant social/political issues' It gets the mind going! (Duke) Po Box siiOfez / santa Ana, CA / 927o4D / 21113


of arvesome-Satan stories mostly wri[en by the editors reflections on their past Satan soaked

metal'head past's. Accompanied by some funny ohotos of l+ year old hessians and great stories

ihat l, and most likely you too, can relate -to' Also has reviews and other regular zioe stuff' I think I like all this metal a tlttle bit too much! (Kerry) P.O.Box 15237


San Diego,


Gilda #5 $7 pPd / S / 34 Dages / Gero-an.

48419 Rheine



Insecurity #2 32.00 pPd./ S/ 32 Pagee Cooa to si" a aew issue of this anarcho-punk

zine from Coonecticut. Lots of interviews irrSUBSTANDARD, MAN IS THE BASTARD'

"trdtn" PISTOfrTO,



KlttER, and Judy ftom llly Jocker Records from Mexico. There's also an lnteresting section on orrnk t*orrta"s on the interner and a first hand

of the Notdngham Pux Picnic that went Good content topped with f"Vort. make this one of the best U'S' punk

l..outtt on tt


it p"tt t,rrnmer.

zines. (Jon) t'latt,/ p.O. Box74/ Beacon Falls, CT 05403'

Mclibel Support Campalgn Trial #3


itrii it


/ S / 8 Pages & inserts

the new;teiter produced by the u's

Uranctr of the McUbel Support Campaign with tnformatiott about the ongoinS Eial brought about by McDonald's Corporadon agains( wo group members of the anarchist / environraental London Greenpeace over the pamphlet'\\'hat's

Wrong wlth McDonald's?" This nevislettet is which ..i"ri brief repon on the ntal status nrapbe " aodwlll 1994 golng on since been has iirro uo iltlit ou year. There are also fact' htt"? tnt"ttt about McDonald's whlch can be cooied and distrlbuted to help keep up the pressuie. Taking on a such a huge corporadon reouires a massive show of support and financial help, so please send a donation and 8et this informauon and get ;nYslYsd! (Dan)

u.i. f,f.fiUa Support Campaign / ?'O' Rox 62 /. irartsuury, vi-osazs-0062 (or in Europe) Road





/ Britain

Mean PeoPle Suck #3 ? ood./ A5l 40 Peget

LJ& f*tins Dutch hardcore zlne wltlt lots of revievrs, photos, and loteffiehs with *tt -nt,-s's rnto and


& ktcrsocrtnand printing'

TERRORGRUPPE. Good layouts


This is the special Saran issue and is packed


f.l.uU"t Support Campalgn c/o 5 Caledoniao


is iu"Uy tefreshing one in the targe s-tack o.f r ,n.t eoing through for this issue' It's full

Genetic Disorder #l'4 33 / S/ About 100 Pages

sr". dn.u agarn, the layout is strikingly bgauqful, lust what you would expect when Earth

firsti"rs, serious Amebix worshippers and

frotttd assauli agalnst this vermin filled sewer called ptanet earth!. HATEI HATET HATE! throwing thi shit back into the decadeot face



Corazon De Chancho #2


Halluzine #1 $2 ppd / S / 24 Plget / Gerutn



40 Pages

An anarcho punx zini with insightful editorials

qot an interviewwith Bebes Paranoicos




Ectopia Yol. 2 #4 $ 1.50 pPd./ HS/ 35 Peges

Btastphumyl #1 E2 / HS / 40 Pages

Briefs #5 31.50 / HS

wirere, only lcan't find it! (Y@hoo) SDS / tenienbrunn 4 / 97283 Riedenhelm


the Hvsterics and Neil Robinson (of Tribal War and Final Warning). There's a lengthy essay on

issue are speclal features on anarchist resistance

Articles -n

issue of this lncludes interviews

il" Wi"t".,

25/ 78gl KJ Klazienaveen/ The Neth-


Mvstlcal and Meglcal Lrnd Of Oz # 3 3i or 5 strDp3 / nS I 32 Pages iot i"tns intervierrs with the Volatiles and Cel-

ery, zine and muslc revler$. The main focus in tnij i*tru is based on reli$oo; and everything writteD pretty well. Also a bit on skadDg and a

few othlr things. (Kerry) P.O'Box 63074 Loius, MO 63163


Truly-demented comic that doesn't hold bacf, on s& and violence, made in an extremely crude




BOOK REVIEW Not For Rent: Conversations wlth Cre-

atlve Anarchlsts ln the U.K.

By StacyWakefield and Grrrt, Evil Twin Publica-

tions. With an explosive force a new and re-

vitalized underground activist movement has recently appeared in Britain, taking shape in a variety of appearances and involving numerous

social struggles. Undoubtedly, much of the urgency ofthese stnrggles has onlybeen reinforced with the passing of the Criminal Justice Act, which criminalized many resistance struggles, like squatting, and gave the police broad new powers to crush political dissent. This book is an extremely well put together documentary of this growing culture ofresistance and a look into the thoughts of the people taking part to make them happen. As a vehicle to best express the viewpoints and ideas behind the activism, the authors present this documentation as a series of 21 interviews. They are conducted based on participation in various campaigns, actions and groups with a icon-coded key denoting different political issues (i.e. squatting, road protest, ecology, etc.) andlor subcultures (punk, hip hop, rave etc.) associated with each interview. This seryes a graphic demonstration the overlapping and interconnections of issues and various resistance tultures in Britain at present. The interview format can be a little tiresome to read all in one sitting, but it is also an important way to hear the opinions and ideaS first hand from those involved and really get deep into the complex issues behind them. You may have to read this book in several sittings to fully absorb all of the information presented in the texts. I found this to be the best strategy to soak up as much of the information as possible without comprehension overload! A small sampling of what kinds of topics are covered would include interviews with people involved with SguaJ,l m agazine, "No M 1 1 " (anti road) campaign, Hackney Squatter's Center, 1 in 12 Club, to name only some. The interviews tend to concentrate on the issues, but also give some insight on how they affect people's personally, thus creating a more friendly and warm presentation. There is also an introductory opening and a summary of the Criminal Justice Act in the beginning pages of the book. These help explain the current resistance situation in Britain at the moment and the social and political climate in which these actions take place. As well, a more complete and useful picture is created with large sections of contact addresses for different organizations, resources, underground

zines, record labels, and activism.orientated bands.

Throughout this book there are dozens of photographs of the events actions and people involved with the subject of each of the interviews. The layouts are boldly constructed as well, giving a good sense of continuity throughout the book while incorporating a loc

of ar$vork produced by various groups and individuals, often giving the appearance of an

oversized magazine. Constructed in soft-cover, perfect bound format, excellent use cover stock texture and two color printing is consistently put to creative use throughout. Without a doubt this book would win a 'best looking book of the underground" award on top of the already high marks given on the content. Conspicuously absent from this book

are the inclusion of any of the traditional, work-

ing class-based anarchist groups. If this is an oversight, or an intentional move can only be

speculated. If it is the later, it can be understandable to avoid having the book become an ugly platform for infighting and attacks by var! ous factions.

All in all this book seryes as an excellent look into a huge cross of the very different yet related social struggles and the varying approaches taken by those involved.

,/ 1001

Evil Twin Publicarions / Posrbus 11286 GG Amsrerdam ,/ The Netherlands (or)

P.O. Box lZl24 / Searrle, WA 98102. Disrributed worldwide by Active Distribution.

Outlet #4


The bulk of this zine consists of comics which I

found pretty interesting/pretty well done! The editor then, has a few articles on his personal life e.g.; what he's been up to ar the time he was putting this out, his experience with jury duty, and a trip he made with some friends in the summer. (Duke)

4704 Village Bridge Aprs. ,/ 98 Oak Sr. Lindenwold, NJ




Point Of Interest #14 $1 / HS / 28 pages

There's an interview with Submission Hold in here, a good homebrew cider article & recipe and an editorial on this years Resist and Exist gathering that took place in Eugene, OR. Not a jam-packed zine put the few things in here are interesting not the less. (Duke) 1004 N. 32nd St ,/ Renron, WA ,/ 98056

Poser Punk #14

$3 ppd



/ 24 pages

regulhr English-language zine from Finland. Every country should have an international oriented zine to keep up communication with the outside world and this is doing quite a Seems to be a

good job of


Good lerter interviews with

Libenad O Muefte!, Amen and many reviews and opinions. (Y@hoo) J-P Muikku / Kielokatu 7as2 / 8Ot3O Joensuu / Finland

Punk Shocker #6 {2 ppd./ A5,/ 2E pages

The "resurrection" issue of this UK zine that called it quits a couple of years ago. I guess he couldn't keep away from publishing his mad sense of humor and wild layouts. Lots of stuff crammed in hear- interviews with a band called

PAIN and Ian Bone (founder of Class War), a pOUCE BASTARD tour diary, lots of news and opinions, reviews of music, zines, and soccer magazines. A shocking display! (Jon) Andy Shocker,z 8 Cross Lane,/ Sacriston,/ Durham DH7 6DD/ England.

Red Attack #1

$2 ppd



/ L6 Dages /


I'd never thought I would live to see the day where things like this come into existence. A

thoroughly bizarre combinarion (in my eyes!) of anarchism and (authoritarian) communism, both coming from a punk and antifascist background. Circle A's, hammer and sickles, and enough traditional German communist artwork to make shivers go down my spine! The editors consider the

left to be in such a dire state that unity of all extreme left ideologies should be encouraged. Needless to say, I think cerrain things like Le-


ninist fascism should have no place on this earth,

no matter what the circumstances! While mv first reaction was to totally rip apan this publication, I can't help but notice some of the positive aspects in here, like the desire to build a politicized, radical and militant punk movement instead of making do with the drunken social club it seems to be deteriorating into these days. As for the contents, there's a very strong current of anti fascism in the various opinion pieces and articles, as well as an interview with Graue Zellen. With time, these folks could possibly approach the special status people Iike Seein Red earned themselves in my political universe, but before that happens, the)'will have to dump a hearty share

of communis( bullshit! (Y@hoo) RA c/o Antifaschistische Aktion Messergasse 8




94032 Passau ,/ Germany

Ripping Thrash #12 $3 ppd. US ,/ HS / 20 pages

This is the 10 year anniversary issue from this well known English zine. Besides having a really cool review section, its got lots other cool

stuff like bios on some cool labels, distros, bands and zines. This doesn't blow me away or really get my mind too stimulated, but this zine is good, dedicated punk lirerature. (Kerry) C/O Steve,/ P.O.Box 152 / Bunon-on-Trent / Staffs / DE14 lXX,/ England

Romp #13

? ppd./ A4/ 36 pages/ Swiss-German Since I can't read this, I'll just briefly menrion

the contents. Strongly political punk zine from Switzerland. Interviews with STATE OF FEAR and KORRUPT and lors of articles and info on antifascism, local squats, multi-nationals, and loads of other news. Good attitude, great look. (Jon) c,/o Fix Elsasser Lindenstr. L9/ 6015 Reussbrihl/ Switzerland.

Savage State #4 $3 ppd.,z A5,z 40 pages

This is one of the best reads I've had in while.

Nothing really new, but very well done. A mostly political, but with a strong punk attitude as well as punk rock music reviews. There's tons of stuff here including news of ALF actions, loads of interesting columns, readers poll, cider recipe, excellent graphics, gig reviews, letters, A.B.C.

info, Mclibel, and tons more. Recommended! (Jon)

Social Rejecr Disrro,/ p.O. Box l3-5 Christchurch/ New Zealand.


SMART COOKIES COLLECTIVE#1 A new fanzine, and a different idea to do a zine. A collective of people, everybody has two pages to do whatever he/she wants. Between the ar-

ticle-pages, they have some band-pictures. So

its everyone's thing what he or she is doing with his or her pages. Some people are writing about war, the army or fascist activities, really OK political ar(icles. They are also writing some personal-things, but they should choose a language, cause some people are writing in German and some in English. Altogether really OK. (Joe) Melanie,/ Selzergasse 17 /15 / A-1 150 yienna /


Social Unrest #5 $1 ppd.,z S/ 28 pages

Well done newsprint political punk zine from Southern California. Articles on the Zapatista

National Liberarion Army, AIF acrivists, Food Not Bombs, Anarchist Black Cross, direct action,

vegan recipes, and an interview with orange County's LITMUS GREEN. There's also columns and Ioads of addresses for animal rights organizations. (Jon) Mail Box 1 38/ 4001 Stockdale Hwy/ Bakersfield, cA 93309.

Squall #13 $3 ppd./ tabloid/ 6E pages

issue of Squall since it is chock full of well written articles and news spanning the spectrum of political activity in the UK and international. This issue has

I always look forward to a new

lots of stuff on the antiroads movement in the UK, political repression in Tibet, effects of the CJA on festivals and parties, radio pirates, interviews with activists, poverty in Britain, defense of environmentalist, and at least a dozen other in-depth articles. It also has a listing of interesting useful web sights related to various political topics, book and music reviews, and other news bits. A thorough and inspiring read all the way through and never dry. (Jon) Squall,z P.O. Box 8959/ London N19 5HW/ England.

Underground #5 $3 ppd./ S/ 72 pages "The magazine of the North American Animal

Liberation Front supporters group". This magazine is packed with info on ALF prisoner support, news of recent direct actions, and in-depth articles. This issue has articles on actions against mink farms, incendiary devices, interview with activist Darren Thurston, Ietters to and from Rod Coronado, a diary of actions, and lots of short articles covering various events in the spectrum of animal liberation. This is, in a lot of ways, Iike the N. American version of Arkangel. Essential for buitding support and uniting the movement of animal liberation. (Jon) NA-ALFSG,/ Box 59597/ 5845 Yonge St./ Willowdale, Ontario/ MZM 4K3/ Canada.

Upheaval #1

? ppd./ HS,/ 44 pages Cool Dry aftitude nrns rampant through this


Focuses mostly


on interviews, among





KATASTROFIALUE, and Chris from Mountain Records. There's also editorial opinion articles, a Swedish scene reports, and reviews. Good read.

Uon) P.O. Box

471l Allston, MA 02134.

Xyster #2 ???



/ 44 pages

This issue features reviews with Cog and Submission Hold! There's quite

columns. Some typical, some pretty interesting and thought provoking. There's a large section ofwell done, indepth record and zine reviews. It also includes an article on an internet site called Anarchy Net, as well as some web site reviews. There's a Iot of TLC put into this zine and it shows...check it out! (Duke) PO Box 56057 / lst Ave Market Pl / Vancouver, BC / V5M 459 / Canada a few

War Crtme #3$ $1 / HS / 32 pages

a thorough and in depth, 15 point draft proposal for an ABC movement (some necessary reading regardless if you want to be part of it or not). An article on some of

This zine starts off with

the hardships of being in prison (wriften by

someone who's there), a few music and zine reviews, a recipe for Soy Milk, and a partial re-

print of an interview with (Duke)


Why #1 75p / HS

,/ Tucson, AZ




off point for funher involvement. SNS


P.O. Box 2104


Seattle, WA 98111

Organise! For Class Struggle Anarchism #43


/ 52 pages

The first issue of this features interviews with Marker, Split Infinity, Maggot Slayer Overdrive, Stretch and Four Letter Word. Articles on censorship, the G.A.T.T., and the lottery are in here too. Along with music & zine reviews and some cool comix... this zine has somthin' for everyone! (Duke) PO Box #53 / Selby / North Yorkshire / YO8 9YZ


OTHER WORTHWHILE ZINES AND NEWSPAPERS: I ran out of time for proper teviews! The issue number is for the most recently received copy butthe description in a general oventiew. APologies to all of the people who sent in zines but didn't get mentioned because of the lack of time to complete this section... maybe next time! Dan

Angry People #13 $2ppdlS/20pages

An angry class-struggle anarchist magazine from

Australia with informative articles and in-yourface attitude. They are in the process ofbuilda country-wide network for localized involvement in class struggle activities and distribution of propaganda. P.O. Box 108 ,/ St. Peters NSW ZO44 / Alus$alia



/ punk

zine with band interviews,

columns, letters, articles and reviews. P.O. Box 2O4 / Reno, NV 89504

Heart Attack #12 $1ppd/S/48pages A DIY hardcore / punk resource


Goleta, CA 931

Industrlal Worker

magazine com-


Vol. 93, No. 10


The monthly newspaper put out by the anarchist labor union Industrial Workers of the World. Mainly labor-related news and strike information, but also anarchist and resistance info world wide. 103 West Michigan Ave.

Slug & Lettuce#45 $.55/T/15pages

A DIY punk netlvorking zine chock full of reviews, contacts, and ads. Usually you will also find live band photos, opinions, comics and other useful information. C/o Christine Boarts / P.O. Box 2067 / Peter Stuy. Stn. New York city, NY 10009-8914

Turning the Tide Vol. 9, No. 3 34/S/56pages

The quarterly magazine produced by'People Against Racial Terror and is a comprehensive journal of anti-racism activism, research and


Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Love and Rage $2/T/20pages

A revolutionary anarchist newspaper produced by the Love and Rage Federation. Each issue

has extensive news and articles of resistance struggles and current events world-wide, from a revolutionary anarchist point ofview. There is also information on various campaigns undertaken by the federation. P.O. Box 853 Stuyvesant Station, New York, NY 10009

On Indlaa Land Summer

fF?amtlrrmtrsrmEl ullxrl m lim flEur anarchist archival projects, Two important

There is usually at least band one interview each issue and occasionally some political content as P.O. Box 848

A spirited, action-orientated anarchist newspaper from Berkeley, California. Conrains international news and information as rvell as very thorough local coverage

seeking to document and eventually make avail-

prised mainly of reviews, letters and columns. well.

Sllngshot #55 52/T/15pages



A DIY hardcore

The quarterly news magazine of the Anarchist Communist Federation in Britain giving a class struggle anarchist point of view in their coverage of various issues. Also has extensive international news coverage each issue. The ACF also produce a large variety of informative anarchist pamphlets. ACF c/o 84b Whitechapel High St. / London El 7qX / Great Britain


Donation /T / l6pages A newspaper published by the Support for Native Sovereignty organization which helps publicize and brganize in support of Indigenous people's rights. A good resource hnd jumping


able historic anarchist materials; books, nervspapers, magazines and documents. PIease send all anarchist materials to them and a donation

for more information on these projects. If you are sending material, they are asking only for

stuff directly relating to anarchism or the anarchist movement.

Anarchist Archives Proiect / Jerry Kaplan P.O. Box 381323 Cambridge, MA O2238-1323 KSL (Kate Sharpley LibrarY) BM Hurrlcane

London WClN 3XX Great Britain

We are very lnterest to know what becafre of the extenslve anarchlst book and magaztne ltbrary that once existed et the Errna

ln Mlnneapoljs, It Js lnportent that auch of thls fraterlal be documented aad properly archlved tot future resources aDd posteilty A great deal of thls naterlal was orlginally donated from Profane Exlstetrce and we would like to frake sure this fraterl;l Js .aot Iost to neglect or de' terloratloo. If you know lf aay of this Ceater


Daterlal stJrl exrsts and would llke to make aruaagenents to doDate lt to the Aaarchlst Archtves Prolect and Kate Sharpley Llbrary, please contact Dan at Profaae Exjstence. We wlll tetrleve the materlal and see that It ts properly packed and sblpped for perfraDeat stotage.




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ir rlilt in print. Hralll ]lszqrd qtso r.l.qr.d s r.l, titl.d 10t in l99t on Ftqt Earth Rrcordl ond ma, ,tilt b. and

ov(il(bt. lrom thom dirocllr, fir c:lo-rclot.d ortiot. ond grophicc aooompo[rine llit intorviow q.o tok.n lrom thia rcoord't lolC

potlor covor.


Ih. tqlrcrt r.l.oE. on I in l2 Ctub Rrcordo ia a doubtr IP compittion.nlitt.d "Endtrro Struggtc" mqking uo vol.'c12


,3 in tha


ol oompilstiona ol bonda rho hcvr plqyrC ql

the I in 12 Ctub. Thit ncwcet odition ia q cplit brnolit projcol lor the Anqrchict Blqck Croar qnd tho Zqpqtietqs, roqluring bqndr thqt hayr ptqycd qt tho otub during 1989-1992. lt ia qvqilqble by mqilorder lrom Active Diatribution in London and Prolqne Erirtcnco Mailord.r. Tho bqnda on thic projoot ore ]crminua, Dirql,oot, 5.diiion, One by 0ne, Ctuatrr Bomb Unit, Btitzkroig, Sqrcqcm, l/qt Tylcr, Sorr fhrooi,


Pottoi, Voorheec, lronoridr, Nqitebomb, Wordbug, Decqdence Within, Contropot.rr, Doom, Concreto Sox, Sorope,

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3.chord lhrash and a cloud of dusl. Remastered I st LP Colonized,



several comp ltacks and vaious other shit, but

nlolt importmllY the unreleued

& Shirley theme.


28 tracks in 36 minutes.



"La Revancha" LP $7 cD $8

6 blaring new HC thlashers ft0nr San Flancisco's masters of high speed fury.After all lhey've d0ne, thisis theirbest ye1. Crushing!

Iong delayed vinyl is now oul!



one" LP$7 cD $8

l/2 studio tracks and cther 'lJ2 !i:c ct Gilnrn or lh:it CA- tout. "Arvesamc" L4.R.R'

Legendery all woman Japanese punk legends!


"rittino The Life" LP $7 CD $8

The South, t./p.-k

rockers stnke

agatnlMe nuevo' st!!

new tracks oI dual vocaledtrrutal as luck Swedish HC! Beyond essentiall C0 includes "Battle 0f 0pinions" 7".


SPAZZIBOMANT!C G()RITLA LP $7 CD $8 , Classic spllt between San Francisco & Tokyo powerhouses. LP repress on marble vinyl. Few C0's

left. list alt's.

VIA FUCKING NOISE TEBBOR CD $8 wl oamnable [rcile Zombies, 0islonlo, oissasociale, [r.quent, Genocide llail 0l Rage, Haymarkel, lniHumanitY, Jacl With Killet, Satcasm,


Sociely Gang Rape. Toric Noise. Visions, & Wounded (nee.

"No Fate" Co $8 & "More Dead Than Alive" CI)EP $5 CAIN "Bootles" 7" $3


new on MCB Co. Japan

mucho amorIII 2nd' The power of love resrst agatnst hate agatn' Out now orrr a lot of and protest fury. of tracks cd/tape, 'Xum'Kum' wtth12



ionseiur las otras-edtctones lambrerir also olher stuff toot ^ i"i ia;anelthesra' $13 /taPe 18 (Worldwrde). )'-'Aborto'rleqal asettna mt irbertad' /' I[edal abortton mur' a"is mv freedo-m'-(splrt wrth She'

wiCorosion, Chaot,


7" $4 VIA - HAHODATE CITY HC w/crud. & Grass. 00r 0l lhl

t tl

crtv com! vel,

UNHOLY GBAVE'AGATHOCTES 7" $4 BUPTURE "Fuckumentary" video $18

fe"?i[iJ,ra.,,'a.]. t6;;;r-e-.3


i; at

iend a stamp l0r a complete list ot available titles & info. overseas send $ l or2 IBC's All prices ppd. in u



per 7",C0

& 12



";nJ; rncluye (orreot tanulnesl todo strckers v 6tras floresl!t irrludei matl. fan:tnes. strckers and flowers toollI

no ch€cks! use a money otder Per LP

Air turop. add 32 per 7"1C0 & 35 per LP Air Asia .dd $3 per 7"iC0 & 17 pet LP

sonqs (versronee

the de Blach sabbath, -(woildwSfkdrs and


surlace worldiair Canada & Merico add



VIA OITA CITY HC 7" $4& Goddamn Bull ' Ctrcass 6linder,

GRltFlN "No Call" 7"

cd r13

ttatlfl'.)lE We need





: t'


i' @,.r'

wq E (rn1p,t99it) rNr'' ' '*rte all crounq apgld rnc drrtnbutgr .tl .ltitnDutQtt llrggorta

449) /cap.IedJBS.AS.

.peoplcowama-nLaPc.ot!, l.',13i"s*"-"nL.pc.o's *#-k*fl:ixJltl""ilYJ;%?=t*ffi fr .tI;Ii'Ji?I;;jlYJ'!"d: -pililii-5;ila-iJi ffi en ranetro' Por favor' tnc ,6( da sua iri'aa aruda pira Dara rh-owr itffio=fif,ft?8,'ffi'-gXr'#tlli,r,



I rap.(f

EDIIATFROSI€fTE rerords, ba;o hcencra Ugly/las leos records ioo,;e,;e,;e,IeMchauI'

do-it- 0ursrll


i-r ul

el el ol --t

Dead Silence



-tal >l ol


3l --l o

r d

= d o



: E ._=





le-. lel-o lo*



!= l--



l=.=l-< lee l-a t-. 14a lalc l<o loo

l-E l-:

From ttre Portland area, 6 bru- YoE a.ntmal EEts i;' Excellentgrafics with lagSdgrerg, gangg, hOmO phOCRASS. t'Il" Poster-/ bia and more. Absolute mr:st €E cover sleeve. KeDnnt be€euu STILL AVAILABLE Zero Hour

\.d E

EP tal trackg attacklng



E= o o


Proceeds from this record go to help support wimmin whom are survivors of rape. Contains spoken word and music plus a 12 page booklet with gatefold cover.


E a a

t-. t--

Dead Silence "A Benefit" EP

E o 0





Qo -E


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E e

P.O. BOX 8722. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408 - U.S.A. ==I llpl'PsJll'IIn q(,01{rlu :Itu-0 J0 / t66l 0rr0x0 sseJpp[ =3 lrl! r0q lnB !lu? / lsrurueJ -[ qcJ'3uI / Eurruc puu tul,tol Burqsnd-duaq / urEe .\ r.r,?pf_: ii*. pdd 00




44t47 DOR'I!|UNI| FON ++4S 2BI 820690 FAX ++4$ 231 gl4427l0




7 I -lq-


Nuclear Sun Punk Its all quiet on... complication LP w/Cripple Bastards, B.O.D., Fina! Warning, Liirm, Eu's Arse



l>:lut. $4: iri((.ii6g6-. ' i,rtl L''f '*t 9';i * "


rniqi{nt{i}ti, '(h:hh

t*i t ii\s(ti-or'h


and more Final Warning Posthumous l-P Cripple Bastards - Your Lies in check Cd (definitive!!) BZR/Nula - Split Lp - best Croatian stuff ever! Warfare? / Rasta & P.C. - Split LP - ltalian Anarcho Hc Scuffy Dogs - Vt - tape - ultra skankin' Slovenian punk rockl Ameblx t-shirt - white cross on blackshirt

Wellconcealed cash in a rpgistered' RICHARD, C.P. 114, utzo coRtzrA (rrALY)

lYl T

lrocesses it qulckly. It's under poiice surveillaDce so wheD irou mail Jour !1eces of Dews Eake sure it's aII ilone extrenely carefully - aDy extra Eord is a rj-sk to all! Ilail: Raportit, Box 405r 0012I EelsiDki. tr'or us tr'i-nDisb activi,sts mailout tb.ere's a EoEthlJ ("The Activity cale!IoiLirtakaTezieri, dar") which suES uI, aII the actioD & iDforms where to go. A::other fine l,aper cycte"; that arso is ELoakehet ("life serves as an "ectivity calendar" but also includes articles [hich are llritten more or Iess in a deep-eqslogical way. lbeir add.ress is: !1oDkebel., Ielrinlabdenkatu 21C1, 00180 EelsiDki. Some groups arraDge some ha!])enings are for exaEIrIe ShelI Boycott Canpaign, ADti-llcDoEald's group, Antj-tr'ascist Act5.on, etc. ?bose three share the saEe aalalress3 Box 21, 00411- Eelsinki. they riere :aciDg a Lot of shj.t latEiJ aE the cops harassed th6a on suspicion cl the firebonbilg (ou lur iDdustryl the courttilorst aightrarer) alo!',,D of the oloraiion last X-Eas. oDe haral-IiDe activist yas belii in custody for 70 days anal fiDallj he

reetings froB 3j.D1aDd! fhe Bove&cat here is 0I. the groups * on!,;' beloDgj.lg to tb.ese orgaDizatrola ray lead to your alrestiDg, harassllg & ilIegaI b.ouse-ErarcbiDgs. iue to the Dreylous weve of more ilenos & dlrtot actioD the Iolice aro fncirng !rr8! IrrosBuro a dsElDd Bs bare iu tr'ialanil it's trialltloDrlly the t,oLlce who ougb.t to ,!otect thq !eople aDal are loose on our it's not poeslblc a1l. klnito of'tcrrorl,ets" streets you kDor1... During tb.e grevious yeers a wave of activisnhBs ariseD around the country. It bit the heatlliDes a year ago wheD few EfR (=Tinnisu .Af,l) activists libereteal foxes flon iur farms. It hail halpeDed before but this tine tb.o d!.EAtcB wcil lmcDBa (+I OOO OOO lliij -D1us the ectj.yists got oaugbt evcutually. llhrec young woncn got seDteDceal leaI hard. [evertheless tbsJr lsat tlac to start aD olgaDization cal.leal Istevennc Ecttu ("Our !r1end The !'ox") whj,cb, has just one goalr to abollBb fur lirlustry from Tinlancl by year 2000. ("Justice thej sbarc th16 sa!o. goal rJlth 0i;eutta nliiinille Por &taeIa') nbo arc r tnr.6 graBsroots organlzat j-on. Botb of than arc 1a !..C of fuldar you caD contact: oikeutta Eltsinil1e, Box152,00111 EelsiDki. 0r: IstevEme Eettu, 3ox 217, 00151 EeIsiDki. Ihe.Altr-type activity is grol' ilay by tlay & the abusers shiver. trflaDy of them are already outta busiless aDal the rest Bre oE their rvay to go. Eot uDlike the Itral,stsl.IrI qlsa ttra lllrf, (-!&t] sblrca tbe saqe style & ethj.cs ' ooBBtrrprrta. Tb" yiolenco & hayoc Bg o11 lte latartrlrtloltl is 16id onlj upor: deall & non-organlt mater).ai. ile've here IrleDty of orgaDlzatioDS but aLmost as BaDy d.iffereDt styles. luckily tbe people here ere still llorking together. lie've uDd.erstood. it ein't any tlooaty beauty coDtest but a fight for a bctter norld,! Tb.e best pubilcatj.oD of tb.ese issues is ilefinitely Itruro;se! revet ("!be Srring 0f Cbange"). It's e tabloidslteil ragazine, really professioDally done but the contents are Eo alamDed good ,Ou Eaj burD yourself easily! They need s.rloqa ooltacta abro.i, wr1t6r &rutgLseD Eevat, 3ox 84Jr ))lOI '!aa9are. Ll^eo rlo'yc b.6ro I buli.tin which gathers u! all radical dlrsct actlotr Dess cll around the globe & ne.dia is ilirectetl agailst laallcal rctivist

!?as ProYeD iDDOCeDt iD B Court roon, that's riaU.culous! Eis BDd otb'er activists' names were broadcested on DatioDBI news aetwork because the ligs were so blooity sure they got the right people iEEeru.atel,y. fhere is tucklly a totally free leYryer for BII' caugbt activists. Ee's working for AEf, (Alti-lililitErist !ederetion) and is basically justr for EeDr nbo reject the ni.).itary service or are accused. of other'rver crimes". trowailays he's got some extra l-lork as there's plenty of actioD all over, ba ha! the AE coDtact is: 3ox 101r 90501 0u1u. AST (A:rarchist Direct Action) is doing sone direct actioD against PorD shols, fur A trore noderate shopsr Dazis, etc. versioD 1s the natioDal aDarcbist federatioDr SLIJ. You can rvrj'te to then for exanple tol Box J58r 701'01 truorio. I! Kuolio j.s also laserl a collective calleal ADBrctrlst tr{aaj.1Ea ('rr Anarkisti!eD tbare is aIEo 8 distributlon rorld')' po1[t of astlvlst materia].. lDar]iiStlDeD xuorlo. Liaalltra , 3or ?11 t 70t0I E ttnati,6lit!!rD ("t Reb.1 lrorler") la a !?orLlrg claaB aDarcbiat pr.bllortloD. 8.!d etEff I iiapbatydl6inenr. lot ?, 00001 Holaln;1 . (aatl-froolst latitr linlaad's orgaDizatr,or) rs also Hsll I Dallolra1 Detwori. but thcJ ditrer ruo!, iro! .lltlfBs of otber couDttles. ri4Lrnd's lrtlta 16 ("lrortline") bu*,I bclieve both oi tbese frillcally ,eol'fistic anil tlei reJcot r1i b-ryc oeaseal to e:18t. otheryisa I won't dltGot actloD rnd vloLelccr this th,cy've salr arythlDg about ,tD!1str zlD6r tiorEac <ioac wcll ual tbey get rcspect in uer; 1r ?1!!18b cit ica rbl,ob are iDfestea tf, soue neo-tr421 ail of tb.eE are nritten brats. Drop a line to then: Aatifa, Box language aDal they aren't v"ry speclal Ieabl the uazj. either, 0(? Just oDe very inportant thiug 19, OO98I EeIsilki. sklDbeaal lrobl,en is gz'owirg here j.D for you to reneEber is the I' I1DIaDal. lh.ere are too maDy kiils alal too "Mi,ninu Rock'n'rol}" that ' s called ?ol.Ee! Yaihtoehto ("The Seconat A).ternative") is maDy I,eece lruDks iDvolveal rvitb tbe luDk btooal very mucb. alive tL it's today tyiag the still tbat realize tb.ey ilon't sceDe, th,e sceDe togeth,er lrobably nore tbaa eYer is ours wbich trill be bled uDless we Bct! lle've here soue Deo-Dazi / fascist orga- before. lilith it's l2O0 subscribers it bas Dizationsr for exam!1e.e'GY (".1'ryea Gernau a tremendous force oD linlaad"s scene. tratioDar this zine is must to keep alj-Ye & support ! SrotberhoocI") r rEf, ('?Etriotic tbey publish tbat is of any trront'), KDP ("EatioDBr DeEocratic Party"), trinuish KleD, etc. the Dazi waDkels helal iDterest of tr'iDDish puDks so senal aDytbiDg to: loinen Yaihtoehtos 3ox I, 55200 Yaasa. a coulle of gigs d.uring the previous year. Ibey invltecl Eore fashos from Sweilea & Iou caa also subscribe to this woDd'er! Sencl 5USD for a few issuesr it nay very Geruany to conglete the idiocy aDd' Ean well be worth exl)1oring. Iou cBD get EaDy they succeed. They were laturally contacts to liDDisb punxl order records & guarded by the cops anil the bBDalful of stuff way easily aDd so oD ... SinDish actiYists who dBreal to leave bome other goocl distros thBt you could. to "Protest" could' do notbing but gIale at try: t'ragmeuts 0f Hole, 3ox 2lr 90501 the anount oI ugly skiDX,eaals. 0f course, 0ulu. Ee's also the ScaDiliDaYian alistX.ere lrere playing also tb.e IinDish tributor of your PE so there ! Oae nore good DBtioDatists Ih,e Mistreat and a uetlcouer Pig Kl11err rvhat that pig stand's for. . . ? It's typical the lazis caD d'o what they nBlt, th,ey caD shit to us but rve c"n't giv" shit to tbem because it's just a feuJ peolIe wbo are ready to staDal uP & figbt. the rest ruD away screaDiDg to the police to b,eIp, realJ.yr this is Do shit! Tbe ilenonstrations (for any cause wh,atey€rrr.) are also gretty ?eecefulr Do bigger conflj.cts wittr coPs or nazis. Sone ALL ilecent zines about this sturf l'Jere vasta:riata ("Resistauce" ) eod Eturintana

distro 18, B1r-Ofl nlcoral, ryl.lllurr.atu 612r 48?Oo fyrl.DllDlr. E. hlt lof, Drlc.a. 0lrlest ! ?. Tuoteltor lor 69r {0101 Jyveskyle. Yote hra DrobabiJ tbe catalogue. SDrIl It loautiful: Uin{ lIE lolloots are sDrllol al8lributtott t 31ao i rooolil vcry D.I"Y. f tLllt' goDtsct: Iirnd The Sol.locks, Bor 9J, 1514I Iigbt Recorals bBve released' Lahti. several old tr'j.DDish rlemo tapes on viny1l the Latest release was aD 8-song 7" by Eaaos (tbeir I98l taps), altrays soEetbiEg iqt crrEll!8 tlerc. Llillt8tt ll8bt Irco:a{s, Ptts.Eul)11a!}ltu 5llo, J558O frnDcrc. I. alro brve ! Tecor0 1rbc1 lt dlsiributto[1 v,'ill,' a dear cbiLal lre lanl' DaEes, so arqil lor Dear Cops Recordt list if you rii iDtercsteil iD tb.e DorQ lorldi siile of gunl rook 1r you kDoYJ r;irat I nean. Adalress 1D ibe eDd.Uh, shoulal be aLreBaly clear for everybody there is !o excuse on Eartb to sull,ort Iabels like AlterDatiYe ActioD Xecorils for wbat greeily busiDessme! aDal nazi sya;rtbirers tbei arel lucii then.ri aI1 tbc ll}.a of ttrcrt I r€ll rbttl poril distllbutlo!.nA lcaoral 1rb.l tloEBal.lltl ale Ainaskin Reoordla ("gk1n forc?ar Recora1s") I eilitirg alao a ziae wltL tl. saEe naEe.

Coherent rcoorll shoPa bitr 1, triDlaDd ere Yery fcw. lLaro rit ro

YoluDtarily-run, D.I.I. trhatsoeYerr Dotfor-Irrofit shops here 1 i-t's alI iust busiDess but if you coDe to Finlanil you could visit StuPido Sho! or oskuD DiYari rn Eelsialj', or SiiaaP liLaj.c erd Jtriieboss

!! llrsgcra rnd IoL ooltI0 avc! llnd soDctblng lnterestlDg. .lB Jou hDos r1I o1i lilnisb hard,core & I,uDk is to{ri' oollector's stuff but mach of it baB DGcr rclr.Bsed oD CD l,atclJ. Blletatyt I Yrrau t ADpalclar DcBtatda, feaoa; nattts ' f,arantecal, Scatuurll Olrr fobu-5rr tbe conDilatioDs Hqrdcore '8rr Russia Sonbs liDlaDalr etc. It's a1l. tbere on CDs aow. In suu.nert ime we 'Ye h.ave here alnost no gigs at all as it's tine for t-eatf.l8. oDr all-rulL ftsllvlI ta !G.ld ryGry Julc l! lurknr Bo !{ttt ,a! ylt tbere Of,? Probably laflualocd by tla faEous chaos Tago alBo we have gela b !j,D1a,lal Dow orl! os! ohaos dBys, br L]--! It's orllcil ElsoxJ(It-lflvlt eDc 1t trtrs Dl.rc" lD e8tly JulJ la tbc clty of outu, DovtberD tril1aDal. let can't teli ;ou bon lt rvas, sorry. Also iD JuIy ere AIA-oBnD & late! o! LEtifa-cBEP. Oreat ful for sure! Some weeks ago i! lurku rras tbe ol,eD j.Dg treet iDg of tbe tr'rielals O, tlf



fcllr fto! ql}lFrrt.r to


tLc tcttDrtlg of,;triar rc'vs }l0llirc 50.10 eigs noDthly approxiratoll':eo li'.'"

lla Eo)/ ba to souetbiqg tbrtr-t:i5 i .. in;r 3rv. ta DrIf of tLr rirlcrt sqoi!rrer o=ccttoa: trirt trr{rlLig qi... tlrt'a cool' fi!nlsl Imtrk ,ookt la bave hcra rauy*,r1tb baDa€ t'd . slif I stert (rg*frt ). Uutuus rho Just lccordeil. !.elI 2, 8oD& 1z!. It'.11 br out Eobs or celo? lEcorAa.(DO 3or +U.i*oOO,ocrt,lr !cilglur,): ra,a*ri{i'r tr r ruol.trrg U1l..rr tL. rctuo. .tat,. .lr avetone , 1t'1. i' ragl! uobtlc lua ttrr rof -sig 'it sreat iuoilaj brrncorcnrir, ,thc suould. ue. ;rrirl.l. , rft nru'

ttii 'Cirrs"i) tbr3,'u r ltvc brud (tlc ltrnrocr souritr Luc lrimi Golonbliir - lrii i'trfts .ani[ the

sre blar{nabaalloorc a ooalrllEeDt

lu,er fast & chlot1c'

f.rol uit)

f rslgdod

too! -'tror srli-t trrc out ioor. til,ay-:rldo baye a Dic€ zilor *rltes llrous' Lqlrll$-lf 9{; 54lOO Jout:o6!o. l?oBtlt: t:$*l$a!it

rt r s t r of, i a lui " 1*Dl,eretcf, . r*iif i. i,,,, :t*oi D1sy.ilx lnaL; acr l3r ant souotlrc


7rr rdallr5s ls!

Biti,ilcs thrrr

Dox .1?,. 51800 lbatir. iyou cr,a ge!! 1lto r]Eo-for


I OLnt$a ("r

rsla!116bed th?eselees'to tbs F1!I3l5b

Staty ot i",') plry l-Iry.,S1.t-f\.t.a

(-wit! sarophone1 s,oiiis sal1l); ftiulrooh aDit ulreoelDg loi hafe ' 3lporre Lyrlos. irlt!r OiotLlr, Bor 8r, OO5Ol, BeLsllof,i. . .EsL$in].l cyusil,ts ftnau:brd' fthru.i got th-clr 12' out BDil rr3 r'r.ltlD8 for r 6D.Ilt-.71't!g.!o !r!1eq6bcdr' lney]va ulils.lo rue {cr}''CouDrbE,lscs t"aA! t.dl. :roq..' Aaor'.c_ coattcl. aC|r;isr 1'.'liilo:: Earbol togtlioattorl 61, 90(19 EelXsXl. ruoutoytlvb iIrgrrt ('gillaxcr Of ltbe DoousdaJi) illif I Enropea! torr''f1tEtottirrs ("!hg. rruth")'.' a'D;i f"L:.?t,.ilrs t.trty rclorscd but. lt's sitlf ,tith,tbc-'oi4 vocallst, thclr lelr ?ooeliEt la a youag rrolcrE *bo gcrius her luDgg out - Dot for tlc'rcrl. ltiL oortroti,rrtrilir,rtllo, truroltlc. ttr 9r{aO foralor till' lotrrus are a lau brlar.tbet rotr.tra[ tba rsh.s of uihsttra .{'}il,Dbut'tt9p.r5e urile. a br111laat .rtl. lollo*rtlt lhc.3ootst6rs o! Erredlttll lrtiuls rlro D1an8 ;rrst & I3u & po3ocar Ldrlcoir1lul.L frottl roh il vcll ol' uutrus (ttrt'r tuc ola ?lEtBh rtttri ysr kE'or'r...). .lod,tler bBld by e--ElssEEldaludes'1s Btastus ([o :ile]llag tr1stlke here !.f epr tbey're actuaLly callerl Etrastus

!r " tqil'r errqte-.. dtrr]eet "t 8lorub3.t.igct tlte plotnn?). !h: sralo 1g rtiet JNE rJ exlect fror elaa0 ultb tblt DaE!. l tnr! "s111t effort" (even sb.aring half of the, sane Ee& ) r'uas unloasb€al a short t1E6 agor Totuus ./ Eiastus spl,i! ?". fou can inqutre fbout tblt i.rour !oi. ?I, 9O5Ol Oth. BJ thc wayl - lellrbar thr brrd O€los1de? They ro1.rB.{ r ros8tlUi. I3".but vr}'ve heard ls ttsat flrst theJ tuiled 15t6.Ietai 8Dl.n-Ou 3D:,11 UD. or, tlrd of ?allp rrc tf$t r lrrdooror Ealt'd sal o*atoor.. ttcy ynt.Bt tro split ep's, a ccssette aacl thelr ot"t Jt an<i

uhicb':, 4ia!s:r

soucfbfug tlic

rcene. Tley're ,!st!y good. lf Jon aei' 86, Contectt Otto Irrotorer, Ura&aar! 54141

EelBllll. l bald l?ltE ulDd Of P6i! guitarist iB Obol.srrasara rbo also gut out .tUo eplit epg lb roH, oDe iJith lurlliokcrbo (raElod.ic ,og-pu!I) a!d, arotb,cr n1tb, Buopy rf!o! IoDgoIia (flaf), they play 1t.'sbort e sxeet- but not tLrt 61EDio rfter BIi, .lsli Io! recotdsr Jrnle ?er'tti15, ; Siltrvoq&i.Dt le 3L2, 006+0'L. Erreb cLai.a to be EinlsnA's one I oniy 1>ot{s!r tloleJaof. band it I thta[ th.t's gret]y aucb lhc trutb. I ?n ,iaaaed. BarsL couj'al b" ooltactsC vl.n ttre li1lous coltact. ShrrDevtlie B6re ths Dost DroEiElng DorJ !.!hEisb tald but ,.t sccrs ttsey spllt ug OO71O



alr,eady. CoESistrDg of ex-tbird liorkl Disease & !i Eloonja6leite ("fo Suivivors") nenbers you kDow r-{hBt to expect. lyrloo I aea* frctiig '.igUt-oo lolitlcal. .a!d excei,1eat ausi,c renind.i.Dg Ee 5o Dtrcb o1- f co$e Of Flitbl .t EDllt cp betxecl thio & tlrashcrs srrctus ludr (fron lolirail) ull1 be out oD lrJ iabel- arounA the t1lo Jou read tbls. 0b; xblrrl Yorl^d ,Ia.r€o are tlso Erzrrilous rrlte 8gB1! togetber. (BcIdliI to cali it qults eltcr'eone diiicreDc.B tbcl salal. I idcologicrl reEst lDg docurqeDt 1s ta 8-soag 7" oa ii lEbol. fb.i ,Iryrd drall thrBshluul uith fhe ttruhattltuilc. etroag eait-lisctat Der {168 F&EBrdous Ucate ls Dor{rdryd tb. rl.ooalist o.f SsIii3b, tbe band. I'u ilru:a:riag for. f?rrG currcntly putt116 togethetgal Erlerif,l ahd l Derr record aD GeDet nocordl vl.Il }' out hopcfull, soo!. !e\'{ 6tJlc ls vory oioae to Deeth Sidc and i.yri.celIJ 6coDoIitLcaI. Foroa lLcab!s 1E aD anolhcr baDd nb"ro I'n rirumlng ln. Forca ldacabrr !s a banrL Hlth Portuguese lJrlcs ebout bate rt lnlstratio.D rie teel :.itheu; tatchlDg the Xutrrn BaSseB uaik tor;irdls thc SatcG of to olarte tbe trol1 Di+h !o ilteatio! G6ur6cr the [usrc j.s 100y''Jaat I ioud we're doi-ng ror e ?" es band tlrlshruldol DII rel.ease aad origlnaIlJ rre rtlshed to releaac plessings of 1t also iD USa & JalrD & othrr (fsla\iay) couDtrj'e6 but as tbis flay Dot 6ucco"d Dlease helD uE at lcsst AlstrtrbutiDt 1tr ta! LltelJ rro dlal I tour witli Soroo tllLltle (froq ?oLeld). Ju8811ne ,ltrgulerg relraaed. iately a rew otnl-CD flbich is brj.l,ilant ,or tb€ fans of c8tcby nelodj.c hardcore. Tbclr bass pIa1'er is ectual,ly tbe ediior-ln-cb1e1' or'that zlDe loiian f*I,I,tb"!to. Xenoa tbe rddregs 1s th: sali'ooa. lror tlG BaE6 adil:.e64 also ' sDotty orustrutrk brDd ErlijiirlsstJs ('D1sora'er]).. I ian yeers becb Hou16. we hav€ be1le".C nilt:, aave -oEge bere 1D IiDLaDd r EtrlylD€ strai6h! adgr_:rove:aaat? gelL ao! fut tUat .is what.Eg.;ts. hr\,j.lg heret

rart?d to say this tiEe? 0(, just to gj-ve

you '3eta,er p:ctura oi ihe situation here, l'!: suE Bp haro 1r tho eDd. a briefiDg ot thr rctloD harpa!6d (rtle actlon regorla<1

to rs) durlng a perioal 01 I tJlical !'reetE soue llontbs back. One oartsing ("//') equals to oDe 1ncid"Dt. // .lllt sgr.y painteil slogaDs oD the walls ol a x!11 : en!ed b, rsscist skiDheaals // Iuto meat raodaiiz6d bJ puncturing tires, "ruclr sBaahj-ng ,,,1'Dd.oirs tL palatlag 8Io6Ers.

r\ctlTiBls al,so ii11ed up'or wlth au6ar ,/ / A vsbtcie 01 Sbe1l vrDllalls.d AEd oac Sheir BRa statloD Blogaap€red // two billboards ad.vertislng cals vandalisad / / The !ra1ls of trur Conlar uere oioganeered while tbe bast.,rati r.'ita hrvhg a feast lnside the itaLta/l ta? riild,oyrs of Eos Fur alal 5 otb€r i)ar shops 6ot thelr rlndo*s Era;hed. & locLs 61r€d up // Lhaue, one giobe trotter, and a car sbeiisr or e fuf t:ader vrere spraJr pa,int"d // 2Erea b,!'Lkt:-rckg gOt tbe:.r ,;lndoirs straS!,ed A slogang garnttd on th4E. 0ne i'ur 6hop got

'Iuganar' 's !'ur shop, got their w j.Dalows agaia snsehod. l, sboD lor huDtrrg cquigaert EaE d.acorated fvXtb slqg.rr 1r.. 'Eunt scun' Bnd -!1ooil aptt" // f lDAors of 2 ftr-sllopc rcre Eaa5heal ,7 Blllbosrds adtcrtisX,!8 cars e nest-!roducts d,artloy€d l/ llnaowe of two fur sbog: sDashcil L\ // l yc!,r.oLf of She11 got fired gooal. 3ev:ra1 blll,boards (cars) var:dailzed//luganay's lur sho, got this tine e ,r8rnrn5l 'Yorst nigbtnare" // Striltease b&r !1tlrur1et&ri got th,eir windows smasheA ).n//mra. sb!}I gas st.tlons were lalrted rlth slogane "shr1t out of Il1ger1.','(g)herl on"r'oo sherl go hellt1 etd. llgo tbeir vehicle got alestroyeal & a Der, co.t (slogans). A vehicle of Jet got alanaged. A yehicte of a sar sbol got sioEaaeered "Car i.ars' oD t+ // hr shog YaltoDeDS waila G wLailo,.s sl) wltb 6logaDB. l' 6LqI, lor bunters got slogaaeercat 'f,uBt1D6 ' Durderlng" ol thelr vrall. ticgunger got 'l,l"5ungcr'gelntcd oD their rva1I. Pur shop Sau&Lol , gl8eDtls, Brocl,al,-do8lg:red $tDao)rs all srr.Bbcal ,? f,cProfr,t got tbear rLrndor.'s emacheri // fur shoi): vandalized. . . Yell, thaDks to P! for giyiDg us this uuj,que chaDce to exlose ourselves to the peopie !roi other countr.!es. I ,rash fol[s rvoEld h.c, 1E tbclr E1!dr tX,arr j.s DIII* tayoDd IrS rDd UE aDd that oonrsruloat10! rs ib.e keyr',,ord for our underground / alt€rDative movereltl So therel Ve are |'JaltiDg for your co:ltacts. [eyer surreatler! Plr,CE a YIOIXTCEI (JuIy 1995)


with band.s like 50x!Q, Ryhne 2.. Eo SUIlort, !etach.ed arld, so oD, luckily sone of these bsldG are also beyortl the childish " doe'1 -trir-il, doa't sEorr r uDity till ieattr' pcr!.od snd hBye anlaal rights and p:r:ervlng 01 'the rrtule Bs tb,eir BaiD Eessage! Til1alil i,asc't safe from thi lrvairoD oi the Iritarh baDdr elther an,1 it'i a h:Ee lasrlon hete !ode, balf oj ti".e i::d.s:n ii:f; Jc?rr8'adorln6 those zonr; -gleedl rocl: stars I Il 's a shaEr, ,;c can oxlJ hoDe rt'11 ieere ui ,,ith sor€iir.rEE good, toc, 116o 1'd. 11ie to neatiof, rerq is an ili.,rnatroitAl,jr lecogrized & lla.' trtrrestatrE 5c9re oi arier'!Etj.yer industrial, nachile, space, avaltgarale, EiDj.Ba1ist, etc. very variecl 'L weiri/original baDds. There is one big & cool 1Bbe1 for e1l this, seDd for Iist: Bai[ Yugum, Box 152, 9010I Oulu. A new al1treDsi.oD,

08, could this be everythi-lg I

attacked as !'{e11 /,/ Wn t rred to 1}berste animals from E laboretory. UafortuDateiJ' got alisturbeal aDal haal to escaDe eEptyb.aDaleal. nevertb,el,essl wind,ows of 14 fu! ;nops & one lrlcDonald's got <lestroyed,// l, spare part illstributj.on 4(or cars got deoorated irlth sl-o6aas'0ars ktii" ud. "1,1,F" // The start of t ne 1on "rorst rigb.tnare": Ti,o fireboEblngs iE rorr or the Dreilises oi fur farners. Alougst the devastat€d blr11diDg6 wo]e E large storage i1ell., ofjl€e aail a fooilDrocesEing pleut (tor thr anrnals at the ,ur :.Broal 1t'e rincrng, tI:c deaal cor1lses ot abuEed aa1E8l.s togatber Ritb otaer shit). Lstraated darDa6es erceeded ore Eli;r,oc linnish Earks (about Zt0 0OO DSDt )//Oaa $ctrlurder got their tralIs Elo8ancered, rt allotlpr thc rlildous sDasb,ea1 ia // Onz Sh!11 ges statloD atttci"ed rvith spray pa.iat// 'Meat is ourder" ard'.AJt." painteil on a wg11 of a butchers sb.op.

l1y adclress: otto ItkoDeD, Pekantie r-58500 PuDkahariur finland.

wc hrrt .


l(/,,'tlil,llof 1tdli,t1of

ta ltl+tfti{r A li,ff*to- lt lov* low ot ).hk tr lifor{ht frrt ttu ndond lrrk d

lwta q121,I fox't tnow for hlt t t(r?olr t ttttl**q- I'rr lot rn ,6L6si1t io, iCI r nrlttf ltuy't i^ it to(f, t nfrloit

lfu Nttwrtt,}'rf w?'tufrctttttilliltoit rl|l lon't tt ink wc'n gonne rtlrgt it fut - I'll i.w lotvt ,u/,otdl,f lil-nar/*'baill






tinr r nttrir ftrriq! durt LHf .n orit ltt




allottl ro tiJr'.4 t lwt/l$ hlrl or nlce(n, W Mortl t1oiu$y.ll lidtfi, Admlly wr coqt&'t ljrfui, of **1 to+$ ruil/{,

rr, ar{r! 'frt $f rrrcr put fi <tttlfi;dqc 1dfi.rf !rd4. Ihl firctrfi, v., /at .i{t tL lylr,,,i?r r't Dal throrrtt c-sil,

lll(illtl| lror. lwttu

?hy i tt

r.) Utnr tlt Dittoxto lotY ^l ^t,U,,t ntlbfd*rt{t hfirtdfr to b lol tt.rtln, Xficit! tJ.l Jolril tor.hihtn hrt h 'l g':r (raft rd$ nit*rr) lr1 ** ul rldxr' I thfutt'4 r'or totfirorf' fui ol nnrtrl t* (,l1hal tetltt \tr,llt' fa,, (h,L{.h wd ri il! dr*, enl rtfl en, t )k lrtawt ), dl ttl, hrfid trr-7to'i4r

I t'/rlolarlv, wl rl ltl,/,{tuv

f.r6jfiIrf, Av(ts{H, n* +T,Tot lker *<, erl ituit korrc ttr ndr &r1y'r*{or' AJtw gltl


rr.x tl tt' &ttl' ttler( nrlty r wtllc of rvrft(r9 elt ttol. lY*f f-t rd b" hf' ,rrlL, Fa ti{o tE ffd TirU ry trr Wlill Arl/r,1ol W ddt hS ns (ilt?t lL brrt(l(^l ^tditlorl ,(lt (f rf. fr*, lrlt rn .i{o lt, to rrh e der;.


U/{{fi,f. tldrt.). Ai,






)Y uHl lrar-

f4 (trt

$n, fiL( th.t tlr rn ejole-lril. 06{rl ihr leHl I?tlryflt wnr r0,ryflrtlk,


r( I (dl, id!'t ln! t0 rdag Iarrffb h ottsl trat *l\tdl lfr * lmatr wtlttt llnn' t 1attl"r ^^t lekt( lere kttd

dattlL 1fu.

kd.r, ht


ttfl ltsr'l tlll &h'


wio ford$

aiftr(tfithil illa wr ri.arl to h drtdhn L [tl.9 r. lflri it orn.lw(l lJ Yo(l hrr u! tmt4t .lottt or(r |'I6lxl

uatmirf yol'll ll.Er.ll ltd-ttff , r/crry rkl ( h It*rqd k'l md lhxk( kn


lwnfi.uith tlot o!

trenllrttt 'cri firt, lookf ,o ftxda l,ttkl il tilllf,},t (r ;r{h rn "artn*-

,Urlll.u,I|lilto s& ttrr retr


litc ta Lxit(r.Wc wortlt.lHort trw t, tuttilt tt n (t woi{ld{'t h ttet lrr* loxrl I t(hl. lolt{llll wr aqrnllv. h twfitt ttl.rr rtortt ?rorundrtfol rrrl ,tttt,

}/x,lt o!'

ut, anl


'!l*t' I lott't 14vz to w(,tt

r.) Utut tepna to lotfi'lt' 7' , "saua it vttl twl,r tfufill

v'1 oq"3lfioe,-


to{^, (orr&




( il--





r!'et l,^ov



uo IJI h '4, ltu il3 fi Jrlllx to nlrft (&A fhrttutl fodcty') ril o*, "$eof U ofntl(ox' ' 16 tlhlfil. n<{llh trerc

(tlrt nta(rl


lili axrt


t*Jt tl,alrlf! t ll,L uilfu <l ,ri.

d l'fidtril




eflolt fiettev!4 !''imlallt' ottlt

rlrt vat' "ll tLr futirrl th*, At ht *ort1 (UlAl ntali

lt * r*, fai 1pt n itttl ort) , hrt it h.,h't te\ i*^l.ttld.. tloffdl, {ccll. tl'n hotttr orly oh?ttrtt^a lul trorrHr * U ifetl fllV Loruzo..- Al*olt wttYocc


tLt L


ofJrnl to rdre{c it (w{tf





rtnr hd7


lryt lar t{ha tt fr.t }cttlrd la*tin, to do wftt fttu into ftit. trtk Urt A, d Vt t L watr' l,'L l,,ut

vrttron oJ

fit il

orqd nhltnl

h.( orc


fo|l! rot futtr&l to )t on tfu


, I fnt''t w.lrr Llt .}oqt tLt lrrryd. r.) lt*erJ d Dilhato .n (tvo{[l w({t otkr Tolitftd





br rrrlrtctttrd.rf

yoff..' lttb b$ fkr in lwc/q ftad to 0r x1p ryrr'n F{ri(vt fi& ott of orrtt I'n ntcefcl a loqu alltl fit4rvo t,\e&l fultt,",/.d- htt I &i't ,ao ltr, (ItrrrtJ or



.o?ir( ldt d fot l tnd', x.St Ll , leil w, otrc tR( enr ill ,io.r* frt on rm, Lv!, 'fq.1t thrt?

s.GY to (^r Y(tt th.t' I hrE (o*.


fi,lniirr1 o! ntal(r9 e Xfiontc

tfert{r, hrn r) Urar rra ldlrr*l ilr dltlfiiilal r,r r, ilt f!.uf,lh, to lttup fhut^l \1d1, i(orll, ,rrt .t tt ftrfur't or ial nlr.(q W L?.,ll,rlr-v,4 9*q.d lorrerq Helr dorrt td, w?'ri nror*rd ?oor... t1i uotfu \wtlyADrf oft lila . Thrr? leml tn h lor. ltf,il, o/r(onf rfolt ru fwdifi ttrxt l<ut hini ln ft Jor f$'ton ul Ioct it s& (trlr to lirl (n fwrtifh rvirr t{o(t .oft<n lotrllt. llotr b W t d rlor,tt 0(l ul lo *Jo|/. ttA +.) ^ ol vlow ntorl1.ft ailtr{hrM 6rtlia. ttr (oraxrYl lr/a

$tfrfitt, lwqt/ irto r nrteir <rtqonll llrrtfi, ioth trl .xa rro. I qlrtrtt^xl vllt?nllcJqt$ti( ru(&rfig "lq' hnll' I lo to itt l*r othhtl wt" t ? ^t1dtt rll d rur rn vrrr, .llk! r..l' oU" 10{L Hqfkd wrrr, ,{rc ^tholt .nf W.l (agl'uqc rt-orf ) . Atro{* I lfu wrt, txt, oJ tL! tll l,lrill, ul tl I lail, rPq |xow lvt..t 1ro.{ rlrt. I lor't tlrirl fi.t w? h.rqottw tfut *nut f,|qAl]r'- fiit tot lI2 i.n' trlt w' ndh, ft. f tw wot lltuc $ilil tfuY wo wo+{l NN h^w r



n;w, lor t*,t aq,f,lw l*,otttirll rfoft r, tt t

.,d{lc htv*rj otn...

r (tF.t


urtr lo(ht l(tt


?rlttt, t{r(rr iN itJorrr(hin .ttd p16 f66l Wr'n rot or!(lrl lor,$rd (Wt tevc too! ka

D(fd.rt! Ih. itJdl(h faw


ltwlt, w lm't


t fi.n



lollonl too...ltffioa ?fttkl

[arl(fh Wc'll


e^f|[,'tdoy]l ol



h,ui.,J]el fii

ltuf{tr{]? ahltt t.


w' n vort , redry b u$gr vtkl jvtlt o?o?nrt.' ttJo.d', r*t lttt'l xot.lrll-or,tt, '.ird,tlc ttlx


trll n* tvtrt it! A[ tu dl tw?Ah b*tll lyrrir, ir tw?Atl. (wdl, Gvr'^.htr,tl tn l.l/|il(N, lo it Jx hrt(rrl for (1. Adrxlltt, k Jdl. tlt w.irkhatirg tt7



orll h tfu/qllillclwdtJl^ d.iloril, ufr,i. I hrroo ltu T.t.l./ Zidik ltltl<t fu l,lilfiL Ul. rrl tutttl.t(orf oh olr "Hon Tortrcr to tht <oll...- U . lhllrrkl lookr 0f


- tt{d rlq ,i&

Adfstrlt, wh,ut w. lt.rv lhil h) l ft w4 wtoB J*Ilr, tui&/ $n wc $ot ll h^vt t lfilt, Al'trtre



xottra(lrtbi fi "A iLttm/ to<i*y'r.7.1 llrrt(r, ly'cll w! ttihk tt t w? wtlf,Ilr fiL tw.A$ latTtvTc *ru<}. Htrr therr rutlt otjar .rlfu^qJ, ot tt^t w? wrnt b t lc tweAll|r u (,,tr lnz tratlldlotrl oJ *r lqkt. lt utlt lotttll fu(n in l'lor{,(on

or ltll f,


More Power To the CoPsrr-

g$ 4l(nl t+{dt ln frnl tla |hU4 vh{d rn tl! oiltr hell tui na..trl d D{Sartoen tn*A t,{tk rli, r.&n ror, bll eld,rc rar{ird u,r!r,rt rox fml tkrt(n, Ufet arrtivr orqrtd ftilefd Dc yorr 0.Jt* tLrt r.n'n tr/dth1 oll? fnl, ottr d ow apht (r't tra r.f l llde- l': or! in ,(kcrb t$t rlv.ri I dl ${ ^lr.oft lor,ll {o it't no Tol xt r+4(l kr*1 o&a h*rrr}crt cf Xtonto W*l t^ ollrtt btt& ffi, ItIf il not rre<ttg tnil t'v $rdt-Yg,x *rl flrr(n nlrt b h rl,cldl.4 o! I .5.? . l.,tt Ort h,lt til it uq h A7l'4. ilrlltilit rrrf _i(|t l,f.f . witl ao$rr lrqnr rlrd. lror ric, ifit ,[ta lr rrct r rrnlrr oJ Zloti* trryrt dtrl tk qt/,llugt n*nl



t k,ft




t..rg I I&'t rrnd h,{th ltdr iilfkil litvdrlrr, ttl qt1& lr *1, k !* uroqto 7ta1 h e Trut )o r wi$ rc Trohl (un7t r.). Id nt'J,r.\ lllotf*/q-Xlto*to) l^l ldt q ,o finr dr no Xltato rdHhr( fir Z{odld }itko*o tr6 d. td rqdrr )arw (ht0 rvtld dlo tl.t,( (N Ddh rLrtr(o tnlitaro.* ffrr lrrortf htrr Al r^rl ut wc |rrrc*, ta,al <t$rlrbk / A?rr.t) O t{r, frl /txr.r I anlfr w? thl (,.lrl&tl. ird, lrrlrfrs. tdt oih, f.6. nfr4ri r rorqlc oJ tlnl r{tl tls lliy lr{.-ir?, }.rt ft ,o{rilf ild ttttlr hor, I o.irfi. Itc h,tlfu . rqq 'Itu al *rttl vd,1/'l,rr/*,\ qt ow frlk t wc },.lk ff* at ^xl rrorv,


f,.h fit t {dxn ral




mr rr'n



rrn ltfo tfu ha ol' l^v)t vtlt ioulldrdl lrf fiof +7. I rn rot . trry rrlet{w l{lcrl, I jy(r low rxl 5q$ arf I ndty <lr}

($t *$c$ ror hitij ir e !eat- )x1t 0 tctr ,xn ff kt r, i{dtfd I ruurttt, yltl.l (Jtnlrry., h{t I Li'ttlt* l[ h rs, t lr*d 0i.olwt i, lorlrt"T(t(ir. k hxt uwyrf fia*i for at .llrt rrrt yox'n qomre ntu(r it.-. ht F fftr't il.oy futt 7-l Yow







t4t ttl n ft, { r,l rtr Ur&l tld'o

y*r trlrt yor m &r fo

.o*f*^Fd/lntry !F.l




'tr/,ltl (onr fh.r d ?.tr(.rdy,tt f,l.l./,t.{,

tts fi.l t * ilr tvld if wry lt ort rrrt trt trl, to q&.t olrr ry, ^#ti]ful, ft.r kfif rryrlnft t+i*t rc fd t,nq h ffr f,urttjrtl. [rjd tfetftrntr, k trar sfi itqrt, r.ttx$.ryiff .sa ?o(.tl ,ft firt hfiil o! hrq Va,r h,r l.,i|,3 .rtln .iloif 6t *tfit u*1wiu rtt rt(ortf to I &.r'f iftt* tt'1 *t1Vo*- rftr ovr0q rf. t.?ll .$!.dL Do r;a il.ddt tLrt(lr , f{{,


lol llety'rt orrtt ena r.rfirt Grrr+rir q'r&tl Wdl fid oitrt &k ol tlr ,arf!4lrrn. d{rg, rro.lA't {tl t{frd,, furqnll iar!4t .L.l lnit l .ia r.r,r br, W ,il





fidfi.t'i dro




foail trt.t (tl{firr, &llft rt) lrrt -.-r-


.if fid



Ie{u nfo fhrdr'Iqlfut t*,r,frf I ft',

t l* at t


rrrl*q notr tt"rt

tu^\lc *wrvorr, h(ffi{ h{rrrtert, tffpf tttr tr9r,1 to trrry{rr or Hi, (od.l l,tltlJrn rfi} I dh t rr tMl't-tkl


1rr.q/l*^l uiltllu.0rlrfi1,tu\ I wr{tr r*d lorttr \trfi.lo{t(o}tt?.x $trl4t*rtqr[l,tr,,,,Ff drll enr nra, p

w*t t*S hrrt a.*

6 tltr

art au






or nof,t


lf /rtfr1 ir e hnl r Tolt*el rAlittyl t{rr h a lrol/ g g0ufan (rrf n*r(r1 e Ultro,.

dlftnrtfarl rh. { trrrr.l

hhlt lhrtfi,





]ad trn crtdnty h . to(t&d .dr.{trr-

.frl. 6 W luFl<t tqt fi*a ltft{rt ad tHfllrq fir t*rkyo*nwtuat.l {!ry| t t W 1l^r\


)dq intoelorilluttrkrtut{rdrryoririf fat,x(


All of

rrfoyotorf |iaenort&f|} toE ad. oeqJq wlt$V kttfi, l.^ Wr, rirSq h r ?.ttd{f oAn


i,ru $ w.Ll


to lrq


F(dlJor /6ufft,


t x.r, t': tfr

ll o! <c*zutc 6t* yoq fiaqu fto? rtun. I otrns



hrt I dat't

yor {rndra yftf rr, plit&.I ert(yitft(t' w<xp of iqr.rrd'. t6,ill . yir ter., rai"i yorr trirrl' llarl1{' ll*' f uc olrtu n lo}t, br., x at *zJutp! ft.rtd

q at*rzltcfu$U



h fttft tr{ed .^ll*.lo,tkd.Wzhtrrrf

h,r/ff f(* t,l,t d{ thr ro*-7unh tr t.,tl l^olttiilil, orit ttif .{orft.

to fiY fo (orr.(t lfu rr..rU,i6 Jnr. llJ$r



Ll t r*.tk or rl*r.





for it



"httrrl t xfrt- tlrdwrl$ltr lwldrr \w*oltxroxll.

lo$tkl.$!i,4|lt&fi ((tdnr ie(trrtf)' rtvoretf trlin9 rr7 rtJxrt *.i{t ffi trfo* At oqr (xmht iR ia tifionr, 14 ,.rr tfl.l( llar fi r ,l.l to{dn't, of b+,'itltni e trlilit{rt flXlt^ z fiG <.r t*, &rdftrry rr{or .rtialt ltl .oll $t ^hl *tfury r*o yfi nidy t{.rf tlt (rdtrl(t lt 4ltJ,r/. rr|l gnz $tt 0t&



d,dr *g1' ll llll.f{6re tlerttr. Ilret 1ca tl ,$dl



orLtrvbta(:frrto htJd,

{n f rd


tc enr I ot 4@t(h y'?c-iqi&,| (nrhot fr^t ltutcr S6tto u eatl-ertrodd, jr;t,

?|,dilJd ta&tt (nflot

t! b}'. t41 tot^llt,


*nloff. I ,.r't ryfuttla di. if drftJor nvo{xtfan rmv, llt k't toUy rrrarl to lilvill vtolr$( r H.x[ to er rat. lt', r ^l at to arnfarlrg to W bpzo7qlkf" *irrt$ or! 6r lfuir xk{oi4-hot-v.r ,t'{a{,


$ .,




ar\ *lk r

l*,1 a(

1tyt,, wrll rot lyltln rk nvolrtfon, or (lutr o! ilull (ornr'ty'rtto(t n(iftrr+n fmr ftu lilrruil,

tlndt tt

(odct , tJil irt ea q(6en<c rrftl xo(





h ror+futrnt lrt frw o &fr{. errdtlnf

.f tlu rwolrr(otr-


0n firltrnf to*ar;' 17- !a fovn{ega tfr liyiftrlr.d ol J.l ld$a (ryiry to t wrior leld (r torTrlgor t! l$irr lvrJfit1u1 ($ a w * vidr I ?nrwi) , ,rt o.r $t irh, Ll yil g}rx itutr td[-€.1fl.1 trJtorL il.{ rro(r oiitrin n rtil


ltwedil Stc!ft' tJ"/lyry

d fuil, tttrry


{k^1, wt^t w. aul aw it nllurlittc for ttu ?(dxr?,/tut f trh to ro(rt (Arl I y'a rot yntl yo,'r

AotTt of (k^1... 0K, litro



,utll l'll h ttu on. t toror). l{rz l{litryd l,.u, w? k i*r, $^t fi. l,utkl,rilJtl ^l D.l.Y. wovcrrqt il rrllr}- fr. wdf.thlt .orllre4tovlc of dl h t*,t w onl o! llnt/lro<k, i I wt^t rolillhll frt l.utz Mt vulrl k rrotrt cudn atl fio$r.llttotl[tdlh^w nodring to to w(t[ ttr f(nl

...Is Less Power To The People

reE--b---fatf wnr- ffi <onnate hcn l'w $nil. oJ xtrtft tqrt fotf Dfilrto atllrolatrc Irlrtrttc | nlnlltotl|Hert(lr, Ictl I nrlly S{trkttctw h.ra. Hon tlot lIcvd$orri, hr{rur t*vtltw$otk'lofdt hotrorrtth.t -lst't nc arn r Twri ruort .leqllfu{t';hitfittlwodf flql.l aor't I orrythatlott. ttu int.netli,rlal z,i]lcl, lll.t,rllfui: tJll wttn71. t

an.Oorirwtdlrtrltrafdqers66lfrlo$tf{blf qnrtor.t Ioirttr I U,+ lkrfu.er7rof4{.for:*ttrl"-+ wvturtott,dlst wvturtoltttSt l}!rfrtt.frr'ir0f4.i


lari tn G4l, teil Kuttrtll' lllhrr1c Ml nirot rlt b^nll lilt utz or *tdJt of lfulc {ilttl 4 l! w'n{+ tof.r7 Tllt (f e frcltfui tllt

. ?rthk




.-.' riffi }tYrl,if},{lt|ri',dlttal,y/tnfur,,firtt*ltldtt worL *(,tt/f&n ?{*r6{-.It.f.tsif&U. o.l t r.rrrrar0it.,fitd.orrtl qlh*ldivlfu.t xr.JrlfittoorrtoenrrnrTt{rltod orn U,yo., orr grarrlttliu4lf.rr1 Doronrhlxrfi.( itlql*,*,.rrdilf fiiot*T,ry_Yl-nt

..oltry!{[liln* ir,[*'rrkrd+tht..uil*lry.ra foE n d{l lrrt ldt,

ldq rt} to anr-


rrtqr,oilltu--'fr;7.rto,'r.a,.'tt6 ll.rth. $Y,Y::fS:-I firft of fi .]6rt o.

I wmr,t +tr.ll ilc llt



${t ,ttlffl ltt.fior I roc trrt

U*'e'n't ryl* r'nd htluL"l l'y- dl,r$ 'n,l,r st e ffi'l' q*ttii;i i 3ry-Y ry !:,y :3g3a13; f,*)ffi,c",rr. *t#ffiI r'' rsrwrvr ili'friiil l*," Gidd .dr n,,n dr""ifirl"*1il'n,*r."*.rqtoh,a.refi;lr



d.rlthl ne,t ^sq tt*t1



il * *n


-*^*., . ..1


.rJ tLt

Y:!:Ayyffi,m, ffi j#h ! H:ffif; m :f_mmmnf . ffiff ffiffi ffiJffi. i,hffii .rrt";;';;;;;*ni. til,}W*

b.n V a1 -"r-'-1--.-'-.


l't*, t.t . b.r d n (|{* t l o

lldlA.), vfd fo rrri


" lftdi;.'-tulH#;lwi""x*r"nd'rqrtu'qrr


tfi o!ioh.&, fi.t Nr i *:i'*f:]|I *':! tr;ffiil;Til,.r[,;lffir"r*ffi.-'fl:,,,-*,'*r**rryirr,'dfiiffi'r,.ii(]l:"',','f'n"&'''lntrrrnfiraarhirromd*! ';r,rr,,ilt rrtt ,urd' r.r,,rrar"i;t't ; ia * 116qro.*t qpn;<-r1,u.r.l't* iff*1,YffiIffir'i"llvftG tf'-T':':}:=trut**... rofati,rrqrrlt'rort trrr.."xt-t -t,^ t5ffil -- Eer rur/ApNATrrrnNErrrrT. 'o -- '-'!t'r'-'t-'-7'- -- -,.fhwlnq,o,!.,t,'Fr,;fi,trrrorrr,.rarr.rr[;l',d"*m;,.&'5,j.r;;.,,".G;'*rl"-xrr,..t.iIo{d'ArredI ra,,.nqrrl',vurHoilIl.r


llu,rrqrl.'*;;'idr' YdJ,tfiirubtttl.t!\11 oqnlf'U 6.nyit.rirratnohrir.d.rilr0rtrfff*7ffr,rati*r.,tfri.',r"i;lt41tll4?tolhfl,nl"rnlr*ifmqd.lto*'""nnt oaeol ,,Iffi, rutttnr,ft- r'tt ttlfirr*eru! tt'l ior,r. n puntt enr tarrrJr t {o&.! Ur,irlt,.lla,ir ?rn*tl' *a d* l| AlTquryptl,-tr, ?dffiJt I f*i-,f Ilrurr ",t ortrt tte+rrr,rl [l], b ttt lrrhllt'trdrrort lt tofi iXarU.1. F"t ftttt,irttlvf6 ll,91*fi1 i"ttr, "Gxl-7rr*f lfi*-rf*"to.rtt"am,rd.,tar ,,q.,o"q


d*... tr&rgurlrhf




ilr,8$Js?w t$rtsstslr.l .ElE{c. (t

rf. $iarn,rorfif




lfrl3gdo!.'I[/1r$&U&h{fort k {nd'0qtoratl{rtx


rx0trdtlrlgthrlotc?l|tItloilr|l.r'llt,IrrruHrGHuj6rrf,sl lwr'',*'uprratrTrEwwE ' ,i.rfr,

${r f i.ruf

Uttrtq to ?r$f,

,ara t




6a fotttg .cttttU ;tmtrrt/tot l,ila I r.'{, I

dn (nrnr{rl (sf,r ltrc Wt l7q,j.,*y1ttigrrint*S&.4t6*of7lirt"?rt*lrr;oftfct i}Gr0rL (if.,tt rn f tr&t} Atr.rr. ({,,'itt&, ;ry.r, rtkisf,*Itt'tlrxrc'tilt&.i.lq/I{l!!-y:l.'t rir(l.nn. rf' -rrtry s fi. ?or{tfar titd ?ir t !Ua rfO, nnprf fclUf ln$lorotlttfryu 't (nrnrdbnd rultr&r orlrnrrttt.rtY6,.frrJ.rhufuridrrtfr.Etthr+rcfr'oxf tir!r,i.tdr. rtrlrr'r #sr. Ar.'r{c, ffi/u, j t",. rrq,r o, .l.a,vq/"wrrot,," r,rfl uf ro}rx, ox r* t.trrffiffil ;;.d;n,rj4*; a7,ottl,.,,J 6.) h rortr o ilrnqot(t h r tot to l$trlrt tr* ar rr] 1m'.. n11 irurti ; irr*o nt ag iu u;rlc,*, ir*i,,,;',lr6 garrilntfrrileftnrrtlorodah{rn{r,*rA*.;ora lrr.) tJt"*ft,hrrtt''rr tqry,ry',*l.Ortnfihrarrurtsta{ocu{o!llcvtsrtltl*trctld nctnrt d rclvilldll,q'llal'ln- ,f*o dtlrt a{nft1t ur,,ot rmrng r httkr

o.{r dna,



ul tc,!fi, Ulil, lrrn rl ldl trn't rre ft *ulfi1 lo lum, ul tB!fi,Uli,lrrrnrlldlnn'trref*ulfilrolum,




,,htailor.utuwottt trqorlr

oh'r"qt aru, tn

n nron rI n'rrlr rrrrry thlrK nrrk,Ct

lwd. f/4t


rn q1ortts







"*" iil W $rkl

ltatalt lt*1t





AtXr;' lmtyloor - .. I'Totttl'toAntalfo'j'*oxar$sitL t4,ttk,(ti".<tvtta+Djr11tu*!Y:

ll*': a':yt-y'l1y"t(:,yly.t:liI Ilro7c,lrdlr t"tt' ttut4t$itel:.'tt.tal'fiul4trandntNrail , wa lty,nly_y^ttyy^:::::Y'iyy}irx'r, l'J;l,^otc1,t,*4zt*.t*ctiirrto.",a.rr,*-,rr.d iail;;ffiffi';r;'i'i,')*^r^..rr,n^

w*" rd,n,&trtutlu1o*rntTitor+,tr.rl h or. tr*to,* l!w"t.y.!t"! *i,zna' *!!il.Y.'.y-',.yy,ltot!ntclttrr'^th'?!!ry',gf,/,f,t${ad0t'' txgrow u1t *i{ !91 1*-.' 1'l_!-, l'u,,to*oai,r,rr-rurtldl.,t":o-roql'.,&.r;c# kt?Lwtttko,^too,,n.;n,trr hq11AIJ .n'4d,";;lW

twtt, I di^r



?dttkl tt

t* o l_lE"h-ffit

tord h'{fr rl

'4lfrW::-"il!WStefaD Pattersson

Martin Alternark Kanonillgatan 29 BY 751 47 UPPsala



754 17 Uppsala Sl'reden


e-mail: naa11181 stutlent.rrrrr





Books to Prisorters


*rtctt htcb oompilatior barfiikg Boob to Prbonctt uirt Dfilt, t at Cn to* Scizel atd Datoid of fuirt. ccnta out ofcvcry rccond cold *ill bc donercd.

Our vision of thc 2Ist ccntury world tlrough rn rnd tnurii

Loobhgfor band.s atd artba to confilbuo ro a inpnaioaal con ?ilerion about pu*l vbiot of tle 2lrt n itury. Ot gatcfild l0 itrcb, ail ot CD qficb sillcvloc in e coarlboard hos bot$ sitb bohlfr,


Soocthing rcaly

rcll dolc aod arirric

Pfu. nmbcr ooo ,{qfu tot 1, Int Ct*dat , Ii.iot ol (fiws,C,*finc, Pobcy of 3 and aon, ot *d

a iarllrni.u lritb Kcirb McHcttry Cf,cep photor bnr





dooc t

.HTS a.EI,uAn.D IUAS Pn.ISOrl[

There are currently more than a dozen women and men in Great Britain and the U.S. serving sentences of up to 11 years for animal liberation

htnret{rl,rlm l$, part of tlr bca$$, eo tlrcrrrs ao, -A1.,,it*tt medilt -AIl aa* ur'c rraA -Co"po'l&..

-Booht a

iafoffi* 4gldrrrtpotrlottrar" -Wo? fiv. -Ap;*" oniol,



doublc ridod t -shirt lerge

or r




Support Animal Liberation Prisoners! For more informatiory write to: NordrAmc.

ALF Supporters Group BCM 1150 London

wclN 3xx


-rcrcn inch S3,r0 / $5.00 -pf,otorina Sl,7J I t2.2r-r-rhirr: $7.00 /:$9-00 ,.

lll pdcar erc porrpaid. fuidr plcsc, no i$cdnt Payanaa dl corcaald d or Moscl ot*n US

y|abb a Yta**tcacetlt


North American ALFSG PO Box 69597 5845 Yonge Street

Willowdale, Ontario Canada M2M 4K3

C.ll 48(X13, Qucbcc, P.q. , GIR - 5R5, Cuadr,

|6t0l5?4-9t22 Thedo hrdnncc


A.T.N. do 2 songs about beer and killing yerself n','IE CF NO


ouT NOilr woi D'r'oY' IIO RrP3$ PPDI U, S(nRT ABOTIT TI{E



t.0oPo I9O9 AI0{ T{aI DRo I.De, o;{ 16305


Masturbation do 4 songs about beer and killing staight edgers "Proof Positive That The Sum is Greater Than The Total Of The Parts"

Punk hqr

brrn proccnt in Chitr cincr thr

with acvcral corty bonda tikr 105 JORBADO5, PINOCTIEI BOYs, VANDALIK, KK,

lqtr righticr,

rtc. Thqt oorly rcono ometg.d in timcr ol lcvorc poiiiicqt opprcaaion ond qgqinet thr milund.rltqnding ol thc ltrlist cirot.s (rcctlr ttrone in thc 80c youth), thqt concid.r.d th. punk rock tilc only onothor lorm ol drprndrncr lrom thc USA imperiqtism. ln ihc 90r punk btcqm. lttong.r in thr nrw grnrrotion, mqinty inrlurnoccl by Spqniah punh, snd bqndr tikr FISKALES AD tl0K, L0S MISERABLES qnd PANIGO qt. now ruccraalul on o nqtionot tevet. Regrotlulty thr vqlt mslor' ity o, punkt sr. mo.. into lqehion qnd gqng thsn into genujn. tceislonc. qgqinrt th. !y!l.m qnd qcrcqtlirotlunc.. A lotolbqndr q,. now on mqlor tqbctr tikr EMI or BMG, in coinoidcnor yith th! big ruocrcr ol MIY punk


ct 49.

Atro in thc 90r tht hqrdcota tcan. {p' p.or.d, tik. q oomp[ dirr.r.nt ord qoluatty with ctorrd mi0d.d pr.jtldic.s toYdrdr

th. punkr. For cxgmph, mqnv tlrqight' worr oloarr to naii boiii, b.cous. boih rootty hqtod punk rockors. Jhat nrr tclor contoin.d q

crrlcin qmounl of utlrd-n(lionotiS-

lic .l.m.nla, bcndt and totloY.rr witr mqcho qititudos thqt giv. mori imporlooc. to th. tough look with Amrricsn ctothra thqn thr idraa bohind thr |lC Tho potilicql loctor ol th. tlC pu0k mov.' 'lhl mant ir now rying lo got rno.f orgcnirrd.

qnsrchopuhk tobrt Mqtqpunl Rrcordr Yot r.' c.ntly or.qt.d, invotving proptr lrom tho qnqr' chirt colhctivt ltrot mqkrt lh. psp.r El Du.nd, N.ero,log.lh.t uathlh. tin. Cor o zon do Chqnoho and th. bqnd DlS"lURBl0 HEt'I0n. thoit lirtt

donr, q rptil Yiii SILENCIO ABS0[U10 qnd olsIURBl0 MENQn. Ih. 0.ri rrt.grr ir going to br q rorl.l vid. oncrchoounh compilolion (ro if lnvonr ir intor'

r.l.cra ir o(rrcdy

.rt.d pl.qt. grl lolch!)

llrri lld ol romr bsndr thqt ga. aslivt in th. Sqntiogo rcth. nouodqyl (omining lho right wing once cnd thc bqndr"dn mqlot l{, ia a

BBS PARANOIC0S: One ol thr Y.l.rqn bonde. Melodic hqrdcore with q sound lhol OR






8ad Rrligion. Thov

tYo qtbrmr qrd ar. plqnning lo




l' orn

tqb.t. Colloal: Cqrlot lorlrohmrr / llomqr Msno EE? I Aaie[ / Ssnli(oo POIIIICOS ttUEtI0S: Anolhrr otd bond, on. o, lha borl in my opioion, trornlly rrlormld ord rrlroting s nrr otbum Y.r, toon. Conlsot' frsnoiros ilcltrs / l{drimo }lsmbrrr 28? / Lq Girrrnc I Sqofsgo SUPER50R00: Yrry orieinsl snd noitv br[d,rot sod a lit rrporirotnlst too. Ihr hovo

tro sibhr; 'slprrr6rtlioo'



s hstl a vrqr cgo cnd ifr kind ol dillioutt lor mr to rpock alort tAtm brcculo it'l mv bsnd. Yr plqv [srdooru ounk Yith o uidt rsngo of lnflurncrt. lrom 0i Pottoi lo f utcri. Politiool tyricr vith qn DISIURBIO HENOS' Formrd

socrohirl / qulooomid ttanl. A tplit


yith SlLEt{ClO AD50|.UI0 ir avaitqbtr lor $5 (rorlrt sir). Conlcol; Jutio Corl{r I tor 3 Anronior {l{B / flufioc / Ssntiago SILENCI0 ABSOLUIO, 0or ol lft. .otly hardooro bsodr io Sanliogo. Thry hqvr o powrrtut round vilh o notoriour NYHG inftu' rncr. Prrronsl qnd potilivr lyricr, noo potilio{t thcir involy.m.ot in oolmsl rightr ooiivitbr. Contsol:

P.0. Box l6EE9 Sqntisso 9 / Providrnciq / Sqntiago SND, Anothcr new bqnd, lormorly known qa 0CI0PUS, qnd play melodic hsrdcorc. Ihoy wrnt to Buenoe Aircr in Aprit with SILENCI0 ABS0LUIO to plqy with Ar-

gonlin. punk bqnda. Now th.y qr. plcnning to do a !ptit





ALlERN0ClDl0. Contoot: Joqo / Atcstd dc tlrnqrrt 7412 / La Reinq / Ssntiqgo ALIERN0CIDI0: Formed two

,.{tt reo. lhry piqy ,ost ond funn, punh rock in s Fsmonrt sod N0tX vcin, with occqlionst rrptotiont ol crorl povrr.

FE0r A orl hsrdcorr bcnd vitn ghrovv Nrx Yorl Clty round. Ihr gsitqr piayrr (John7) did d ,qrrin. fuorzo y Aoidod. Gontocl: Joftn Ssrsvjs / Pu.rto Vuroo E3tl / Yitlc lot Puor

ll / Pudahu.t Sur / Ssntisgo

FAtrAl{ H0NEY' Onr ol tho good prolrnt punk baorlr. v.r, Dolilicst and lith Spsnirh inlluroccr of lsndt tihr Lc Polto hcordr. z INE 5,

El Dacndt Nogro. A goorl dnorchirl pa9.t thqt hcr sppocmd irrr9ulcrly lor lolr yrore


Gorozon cto Chonoho: A hqrdoorr punk ond potilicot tin., rith o rproiqt irr.rltt in mqking lrqntlctioo! ol good punk tyricr snd .nooilt' q0.s p.oDl, lo tt[rt inl..n(tionsl oontocta wilh

oihrr punkl, Contqot st tht rsm. dddtoat qr OISTURDIO HENON.

tloao Con Ntva!a, lt lo m. ihqi thit ir lhr only cnimql righlr publicotion in Sqntiqgo.

mol..,st. Conlqcl ql thc tqm. qs slLENcr0 ABS0LUTO. lntoriostion SoaioL An otd zinc lormrrly Good

loottrrd on punk ond nou morr poctry and oolrnl.roullurt orirotqlod. Th. isst iaaur (6)

inctudrr inrcrvirrr Yilh 5UpER50R00 and L0S MISERABIES. Contccl: P.0' Box ,49 / Vitiq Lq Rcins / 5ontiogo Nuovo Extrcmo; A nrw rinr mqdr bY lhr cingcr ol SND. laaue number ono inctudtr s r.port o, rix hqrdoorc bqnda ol Sqnliqgo. Con' tqci ot th. aomc qddresc qe SND, Marspunk Rcoorde don't hqvr o P0 Box by now, Dul you oqn wrilc to thc DISIURBI0 MEN0R

qddr.!!. Bqnd! inlor.rted in mqking contributionr lor thr qnqrchopunk compilqtion or oth.r porribtr relcqecl plrqtc write soon!


fr -O F 268 roYal oak, mi/18068 I(ATHODE

dcmo tapadl.lXl

blect mctal ltttlucncad thradt DEC Y.'Slrrrlng





DEYOID OF FAI$U8EEEO.C!|i 7'{l.O T flArE EYE8 Y,^.ClllLDtEt mldrlern trntcon comP rllli



vOU'tD.{'S ilIdAfCE, DECAY'



rplli 7-{3.00

T-gt rBTs frnarulffifn, Mct$ tRtEilD; IilEt fi't mE F0nwu[ IOu ,ilyE A

FMMDWP IO EIID, rcnd rtamp for lld of :tufl PTOSTAGE:

no postage


$.75-'ltt itcm, $.50-2nd to sth item Sor ovcr 5 ltcms

hldd.n c.dr or m.o. io ALEX l(H RITOXOY oTJESSIE LOPEZ oo dl.da.

ATIEffiOX BAIDS, LABELS,ZIESrr rru dtll lootsn! for mor.

rartio ialp{at

Gttfor dIro. rrhc.$t

ln toudr. abo B XDS .ra tra.d..l tot

.nd oti.r {lrtr.t prcJ.ct


AUTOIOi|Y GtOrHnE P-O- BoX 580255

iilltiltnPolts, illt s5458-0255 SE]III S.AS.E. FOR GAIAI.OG

>. -5 E - -I -<B

= tsd = o

E b !




F. -r<


:t =,

B E=












"lhn2u lc llinrir y lach" ott ncu 7" cp lyricr in Sprnish Yilh

Englilh. Plur

lrrnrhlionr into

r lot of informriion.

lfuttipungo: 'Cucionat



[lrrdcorc punk.



7" !P.

uhiic irl-bhck thirt

lintr bhncr-crmirctr


blrck ink-grry rhirt tintr ncgtr-crmirch gris

Huasipungo Huasipungo

llaulpungellu Crtdoe "llua lhh Cntir.,.



ALL 7" lss.oo usA $4.OO CANADA !$S.OOwoRLD



tun Proply'Shr Douih rTlit 7" T*o grcrt Argcntinirn hopnnl blndl. Politicrl lyricl. Abortion

righh lrckrgc rnd lnnrhtionr inlo

Erglirh. AllAodor lor 7": $3.50 in USA, $3 Lrlinorm5ricr, $5 rorld (bul you orn grt r brmk Front/frrntc for r good rcrsory'o mir brrrto ri iicrcr unr bucnr

PO BOX- 4694


t-rhlily'srmirlrt: $t

USA, $10 rorlUfucrr drlor EEUU. Esprcify rylc/color. Erpcoificrr crtilo


porlrl (r



) 395-0809 Fax (3L2) 395-0942

crri only-ll0

dr Errridcrl o cfccliro-i0


USA, $12 *orld out to Ernridcr) or

ordr Inrdc


cllEcr(s chcquc






Phone (3L2





0thcr ltuff rvri lrblc/otrrr vrinm: Thr Irlling Rrrlnr CD. from Blooninglon lll, ercrt ?oliticrl ponl/ho with r Dcrd Krnnrdyr




roNn roffi. B^m. GItdrrD C*clro c*oro 'ijir\6oli]-lri$

0iacos hnjaonilc E0-50 Brxtcr Avc #125 Elmhurrr, NY tlr73-1322 USA Emril:

l3o9 s. 2l sT





Grortinga rrom Portueql. Coimbrq

it thr

city whore I Uvr, qnd I think thqt it is qbout tjmr ol writing to you guys lrom PE, beoqulr in lho lqst two/thr.c yoqrr, rom. good thingr hove tqkon plsor in thir town. Apqrt lrom slt thc potiticqt butirhit Noeagsndq, snd th. qr' lrot ol the town'r own trsdition in romo qsp.ctr r.tqEd to thg stud.ntc ol thc dillrrrnt univcrcitioe, som. guys joincd lororr, qnd stsrtrd to orgcnize q lcw gigr with punk bgndt. Sincc 1993 mqny conoorlt hqvr oc' ourrcd in CPT (Ccntro Populqr Dor Trqbslhqdorrr), whcrc tin.r qnd inlormstion ol dillcrrnt ialurl whcrc rosy to buy. Ihe guyr ,rom GCL (Contro D. Culturq Librrtsriq) slwqya bring mqny ptqoct, snd lor q long tim., lots ol pcoplo oqme to the chowc... bqndc tikc X-qcto, lnkicicso, Simbioce, Subcsos, lnjurticcd Lrqgur, Alooorr, Forqgidoe Dq Pts' orntq, foomqtor Noiro, DK ltsrd Jqzz, Gob Art, Strqin, eto, ploy.d in thst plscr. We stro hqd thr chqnoo to rcr 0i Potloi snd Sorqpr. l/e werr sqd whcn Dicqllect qnd Deliqncr didn't rhow up, q tot ol poople wcre wqiting, but thoy dadn't oomr. Wrtl, qpqrt lrom lhc mulio, thcro pcopl.

tri.d to msko romrlhing thqt could mqk.


dillorcnoc in mqny qtp.ct! to provid. pooplr romo inlormqtion o, uhst's going on in thr world, likc thc Mumiq Abu Jsmst ccro, in which eomc thingr were mqd.: rignstur.! w.r. gqth.rcd, in ordcr thqt wc oqn go to th. USA

rmbqrry in Licbon to qgqinlt th.

oonapirsoy thst Mumiq ic involvod in. Lolr ol llyrrr wrre givrn to poopte tclting th. truth. It wqa good, b.oqus. tot! ol pooplo didn't know Mumiq, qnd now thcy know whqt'r eoing on.

Lolt yrqr in s oity noqr Coimbra (Avrrro???), w. prot.rt.d qgsinrl q nrw MG Doltqrr thqt wqs hqving it'r ncw dsy ol prolit. Wc Aqvo lotc ol inlormqtion to thr pooplr rhowing thcm thl othcr lsor ol McDonqld'r. Thr moncgcr thrrstoncd to cqtl th. pigs, but wr continu.d, qnd tqlkrd with him; ho wqr slrsid thqt thr proplo in thr lirtt dcy got s bqd imprrarion ol thc r.ltqurqnt. lt rsr 9r.qt.

Our city hsr q trsdition in Msy, thqt (qn, r.rt.ctr rhst'c Aoing on with tho mcntqlity ol thr otd in this country: Buttlightr. ln flqy, thr stud.ntr go to c citv nrsr Goimbrq q Dulluith thcir univrrrity unilormr to


cql qnd humqn leoling to sustsin our id.q. For you to rlc tho ignorcncc, comc ol thrm rqid thqt thry didn't iiko buttrightl, thcy iuct go booquar th. trqdition, romr rqy thqt th.y qro too drunk, qnd just 9o whcrc thr roat ol their lrionds go. Iho lqlt thrce yecra wc otwqyt wont to th. plqcr, qnd qtwqyr hqd aomc (tittlc) troubtca, Decqusc propte don't tik. thst wr tqlk qbout q thing thqt hqr a tong, tong trqdition in thir country.

R.tqt.d to th. town, comctimta wc put q

low portcrr on thc wqttt ol rchooia or ptqcca in whrrc mony young pooplc rlop,



tst.d to viyircotion qnd with thr otcctiona (locucing on th. rhitty oropogcndo). Somr wqtlc ol thr city hqvr lcntcnocl thqt d.ql with thc non-cquqlity rocicly wo tiyr on, qnd with thc poticc bqrtsrdr thqt dcal with rituqtionc in q rtupid nczi woy. Thcro wslh



or in plqorl whrrr


proptr wqtk by, snd on. told in c wcy thot thoy cqn think qbout it. Onc lricnd ol mino told m. thqt his "potilict" t.qoher totd tho clsrr to do q work ol tha maqning ol onc or our ltqt.mcntr (by E. Mstqterts-qn ltqliqn qnqr-

light. Thcy clqim to bo int.llig.nt, th.y sro th. n.xt grnrrotion to tqkr thr commsnd ol our ljvrt; u. crc in bsd hqndr, brcqurr thry think in lh. lsmt wqy thoir lsthcra or grondlsthera do. Nqrrow-mindcd and rtugid qaahotrr thqt moko lun ol ur whrn wc ao to thr plqoc ol thc Buttlight, qnd protfrt sgsinst it. Thic y.qr w! wcrr in highrr numbrr, wr gqv. !om. inlormction qbout yhst'r going on


with thr butl qnd thc horacs, thowing our .thi-


Th. thingr we do qrc mqdr in q pqoilirt wcy, bccouge wo wqnt proplc to undarrtqnd whqt we mosn, Eo wc mqkr thinge with conrcicncc qnd lccling. Wc wiit continu. to mqk. the moat qctiont w. csn; thc cpqrc timr ir not muoh, thqt's why thinga qrcn't mqd. morr oltcn. Stitt w. 9o oo, qnd witi nrvcr givo up... Nuno Bqrrcto P0 Box 2043 / 3000 Coimbra Portugqt

ACTIVE MINDS from England have been releasing highlY

critical political punk for nearly l0 years now on


theur own LoonY Tunes label as wellasnumer-

ous Euro-

/J c

pean/'j tours.

This interview was done during their recent IJ.S. tour. Questions by Dan and

like you guys just came back after a period of inactivity. Is that a correct assump'


just kept getting worse

who has done a two piece band before. And if we just concentrate on the lyrics and saying what we want to say rather than being musically a really powerful band, andjust do the best we can with

worse. So we' re going to have to ditch all that. They're ger ting a load of new equiPment in the studio. so we're going in again in November. So it will

two people.'


tion? Bobs: As a band? Yeah, in the late '80s there was a whole flurry of releases outBobs: We did an ep and an album in '87 an '88. Then we got really slow at doing stuff. We were concentrating on releasing other bands' stuff. Set: I think we did about 10 releases by other bands in between our own stuff, and kept putting ours back and back. Bobs: We also went through a period of about five years without a practice place. We used to practicetwoorthree times ayear. We usedto tour

in Europe every year and we would just do a couple of practices before that and if we were going to record a single we'd do a couple of practices before that. Set: That really slowed down writing new songs. Bob: Then we got ourselves a new practice space, where we can practice every week, about a year and a half ago. Since then we been a bit more active.

Is it diflicult in Scarborough to frnd a place? Bobs: Yeah, it's only a small town. Set: Also, since there's only two ofus, you've got to split the cost two ways instead of four or five ways. And some of the places were Pretty expensive to get we thought. Bobs: We used to hire out a recording studio, then it closed down three years ago. Also, we rnake a lot ofnoise, even though itsjust two ofus, and its not the type oftown where people expect you to make a lot of noise.

Is the a set reason why Active Minds has

always been just two people? Set: Its asmall town to startwith. We'veonlyhad a choice of maybe five or six people to be in the band. Mostof themwe hadalreadybeeninaband with anyway and found that we had to split up because of that. We wanted to expand on the lyrics. When our last band split up, there were five of us in it and these people had different disagreements about lyrics and all we could sing about was vivisection and anti-war. Bobs: And those people weren't really serious about what we were doing nearly as much as we were. We sat down one New Years Eve and thought 'this is going nowhere, we could probably do it with just two. We don't know anyone

be out around December or

Is it hard to get that heavy sound lacking an actual bass player?


Bobs: We've just perfected it in the last couPle of

You're going to put that out

years. Set: It used to hit or miss at gigs depending on the guy who ran the PA knew what he was doing' We sometimes got a really good sound, but sometimes it was pretty crap. Bobs: We also used to play with only one amp, so sometimes the sound was a bit thin' If you were borrowing equipment and some bands depend on a bass sound and have a really shit guitar amp, so



Bobs: Yeah, same as usual. Then we've got two more sPlit eps. We haven't done anY sPlit eps in ten years.

Will those be split releases with other labels?

we would have a really shitty sound. But then a few years ago I saw another band EARTH CITIZENS, and what they did was wire up a bass amp and a guitar and together and it sounded really powerful. Because they didn't have a bass either. I thought it sounded really powerful, but I thought if I could get something that played through a bass amp at one time and guitar amp at another and you could play through one orboth orneither, then it would sound realiy good. So I went to a guy at a local music store who sells and repairs

equipment and asked 'Could you make me a pedal that does this?' And he said 'Oh, I don't think so. But I'll give it a try.' Andhe made it and it was just twenty dollars. So that's total D.I.Y'

pedal. Aoneof akindpedal. Sothenit'squite eaiy now andweusually getaquite decent sound. And it surprises people too when only two people can get a sort ofheavy sound. It makes more of an impact. So now that you guys are practicing more, do you plan on putting out a lot of new releases? Bobs: We're already halfway through recording an album and a single which should have coming out in about November. We just spent four days the studio and after all that we'll probably have to chuck it all away because all the equipment was breaking like desk and the tape machine were

really fucking up. Set: It was really weird because as we were actually mixing it, the tape was changing the was actually deteriolevels itself. It


in front of our



Set: Some of them are. One is a

split with about five other labels.

Bobs: We're doing one with



of project called UM-

BRELLATRIBE which is a sPlit between about half a dozen labels.

That flexi was released bY nine different labels? Bobs: Yeah, that was nine labels.

How did that come about? Bobs: I thought of the idea of

doing flexi because it would be really easy to mail everywhere and it would be quite cheaP to do if we did loads, so we did 10,000. We asked a load of labels who we knew if they would be interested Some peoPle had in doing expressed an interest in co-releasing ourstuff, but sometimes it was abit too expensive, but we thought this one we can do because it will be cheap. So we wrote to all these people and said it's onlY gonna fl25 for 500 copies.


Set: We were surprised at good a response we got. And get it released in places like Brazil where it's really difficult to records


that's about right, we'd play it and there'd be drop outs that weren't


there before. Bobs: We were about to put it onto DAT, but


mailed in because theY haven't got much money over there. Be-

CaPclL/cSrn ctS A dcS€ASe

Set: Then you re gonna buy the ril'=fi€ri<--,t-

cause all of these labels actually released them, it meant that they would translate all of the lyrics and we could get our message across to other

people Does every record have a different cover? Set: No, they all inserts with all the lyric translations. Bobs: There were seven different languages in that. Set: Some people think that we are amazingly clever and can speak seven different languages,

but actually we're really dumb and can only speak one.

Bobs: Yeah, we get all of these letters from people who write in Spanish and German and must think what we can speak all of these languages. Some sort of multi-lingual punk band.

d I ."me-b",

a long time ago' you guys were not doing CDs. Doyoustill feel that way?

'- really adarhanton Yeah.


again and again. In England, the same in America, not necessarily punk stuff,

butmusic across the board- all the best sellers, are being re-released as best of hits of stuff already released before. And all the major record labels push these CDs, like best of hit collections of Queen and that sort of thing. So they don't actually have to get any new bands. So notjust punk, but music generally is being killed off because these labels don't want to spend any money on new bands or promote new bands, they

just say 'let's release a new Elvis collection. Bobs: I'm sure ybu've noticed, but there is a revival in old punk stuff from 1977 to'82 and there are all of these bands reforming that are absolutely irrelevant. Not even just the Sex Pistols. but bands like The Special Duties, One Way System, Anti-Pasti, all these bands. You know, we've moved on a long time sinbe then, you've got to comment on new things. And since they've reformed, all their stuff has been reissued for a new CD market- just repackaged. Set: CDs are just a dream come true for the music



j a.'l

same things I don't know ifits

What are your general bad feeling toward the CD? Set: It's a scam by the music industry to get everybody to buy the same records again. Bobs: How many CDs have you got in Extreme Noise that are actually just re-releases of stuff that people have already got and then say 'Oh, I'll have this on CD'. Have you ever seen a CD that's rotted away? Have you seen how they deteriorate? I was speaking to a guy at a hi-fi shop back home- and they hate CDs, these hipeople- and they said if people could see these, a CD that was about eight years old- it was just corroding inside. They make thesethings with a low life expectancy- ten or hfteen years maybe. If you think of the type of music that you listen to, I know that the stuff I listen to is fifteen years old anyway. If I haditonCD,Imaybewouldn't be able to play it. People say, 'oh, you canjust go and buy them again.' But from experience, you can'tjust go out and buy seven inches or album from'82 in shops. Really, its a thing that has a very short life expectancy. If you remember when they came out, people were saying that these things would last forever. You could bash them against the wall, you could shoot bullets at them, you could cover them with jam and everything, and they'll always play. But it's not true. They're actually quite flimsy sort of things, they're very expensive, they're not getting a long life expectancy because this is progress. All of these corporations expect that they are going to have a better medium in the next ten to fifteen years. Then they will release all of the same things again.

But also in a lot of ways it can be a dream come true for the D.I.Y. punks. You can release on a CD for about the cost of a seven inch record and have 72 minutes of music on it. Set: People say this, butnobody does it. It's great in theory, but I don't see many CDs around for three dollars with72 minutes on them.

Another problem is the recording costs. Bobs: Well that's it you see. But that's always gonna be there, but to actu' ally make the CD its possible. Bobs: It is not actually as cheap. I don't know about over here, but it's still actually a lot cheaPer

to do vinyl in England than CDs. Especially seven inch vinyl. With CDs, you've got a minimum print run which is actually quite higher, and ifyou think about places like Firiland, where a lot of the bands used to do one sided seven inches in print runs of 300, because that's all they could afford. Ifyou take that away and can only do print runs of a thousand on CD, unless you've got four times as much money as these bands had, you disappear- your irrelevant. The starting point to get your band heard, and get yotir band's release out is a lot higher. Set: New bands don't have like 70 minutes worth of stuff anyway. And who wants to hear 70 minutes of a brand new band anyway? It's too much of it all at once.

the disappointing aspect is that there aren't the Bullshit Detector compilation ideas.

I think

And rhcne/ Lrt fuddce{cVe drry

Recently there was that double LP Bullshit Detector Four which was $8. It had a pretty nice package, so you could see why it would cost so much. But the same thing could have been done on CD with a $3 cover price be' cause nobody got any royalties, they made it to be royalty free. Set: It could have been done on vinyl a lot cheaper. We were involved with that. Those covers we increclibly expensive- they nearly us much as the rccords themselves. lti there had been a cheap


have been quite


cheaper. Bobs: That's thc otherthing. CRASS, there' $ no doubt about it. would neverhavc existed in this day and age. The thing with CRASS' was that when you wcnt into a record store. their records stood out as being difterent because of the way they we packaged. Everything about them was more importanl than the music. When you go

into a storc thst just sells CDs. it's the same with Bxtrcme Noise aod these other son of punk shops we've been to in America- everything Iooksthe same. You don't really get the chance to look dift-erent, to Put yourself across in a different sort of way. Also, there's another Problem. The problem with CDs is the same as what's wrong with MTV. They' ve sort of created two differenl scenes. If you rclcasc D.l.Y. stuffon CD. then your telling people i nto D.l. Y. stuff who alrcady have vinyl record pliryers, thatthey'vegot tobuy

yourstuff. And that's unnecessary. And yef at thg same time, all the new kids, or the yomgkids willjust buy CD players. In some countries, they only release stuff on CD. New ,sort of sccles like some new technology in order to play

Poland where they've got this tjnancial frcedom after CDs were made, so everyooc ju$ hag CD players. But in Spain there areno CDs atall, and it just splits the world up. There are sonre places where people don't know how to play vinyl' and some places where they don't know low to play CDs. Suddenly, the world has betnmc trag'

mented- the whole scene has become fragmented

between certain countries where this technology has caught on and where it hasn't. And also. r*ktween certain age groups rvhere it's taken off antl where it hasn't. Forthose people like us who are older and have a lot of old records on vinylwe're supposed to then buy a load ofnew technology that some company has forccd on us just tro be able to play this stuff. To me it's just nol wor0l it'

ln a lotof ways,jurt to rtach to new people you lreve to get to their technolo6r. Like around bere. it's a lot cheaper and easier togeta CD player than a turn&rble. bobs: That's righr and that is a proble,m. Having said that and rve stafled moving on to do CDsi sc would just accelerate the problem becauseitwould just get more and more and more. Theotherthing about CDs and CD players- I thittk they have a shon life cxpectamy because they are an advaoced tectmological advancement that companies are going to ditcb. There's going to be recordable digiral formats very soon' They're hcar now really. And onL'e these happcn, nmne will give two fucks really about an ordinary CD player. Noone's gonna givc a shrt. You can buy thtm no*. Bobs: You can buy them now, bur they're very expensive. Once thry become cheap- these minidisc systems, or even a perfected DAT system which will be evod bener for most people because you can play them on walkmans and they woo't skip around and therc von't be any problems. Set: Every twenty years they are gonna want to invent a new technology so you can buy the sdne thing again. If you draw the line with vinyl and if CDs are never acceptable, then your not going to find mini-discs acceptable, or whatever the fuck they want to invent next. Bobs: If something goes wrong with your CD player, who can fix it? If something goes wrong with the laser systern, who in this city knows anyhing about laser technology? But I know

probably 100 people in our town who can make

you a tumtable out of bits of old shit they've found oo the scrap heap. Because the technology is l'ery simple- it's just a thing that goes around. It's got nothing to do with lasers. If there was something wrong with your CD player and you rook it to a hi-fi shop to get it mended' all thcy lf there was anything rvould do is clcan actually wrong with it, you'd have to send it out to the corporation. Now if tte corporations in 20 years time decide thatthisis no longer a viable thing, they won't-be fixing thero. But people will always be fixingyourturu table,even if they just put a rubber band on it.


The problem with the technology-and especially with CD players, is that th market is getting so flooded with them that the whole ergument is becoming irrelevant. The re' placement cost for th@ perts is becoming so

Iow bcctuse there ert 8o many old junk CD phyera ,It's like cars, the new models are introductd lre much more easy to ftx than tho6G

with simpler technology than



are titrrretrs older because there is so much of bciomes Ore new tcdrnologr around thrt cheaperjust o junk them and use rlre parts. Bobs: But if you can imagine a car that is_ thirty years old, and if you try to End an old junk part. they'll say "Noone bas every made any of these' you'll never find it. You might as well just buy a new one." Wdl I don't want the new one. It's a


different rype of thing. If you can imagine in thirty years time, tlrere e'on't be lhcsFCD playcrs, and there won't be the parts, and therewon't really be thc peoplc ttho want and give a shit about doing thcrn. They'll say "Wby don't you just buy a mini.disc system? Everyooe is using mini-discs these days. Throw these old things away, All tbse CDs are getling rotten anyway'

Ileyire condirB:Irom the outside-in Tbay' ve got a limited life span. Noone's ptq{ng thcm anymore." You're not going to be dble to,get: tlrem fixe<t. It do€6!'t mauer, it's'odly mu$c.i

But that music has in ascmscchangcdmy lifead I guess it has yqrrs loo. And il you woai-belPle.,

to play bcca[sc some corporation's &cided '\Fe'rc not i0to tbdt'anytnore. You can bavc these recordable ones..."

Set: Plus on top of it, it's an En$ish perspeclive and the same for some other countries. but I think they are a lot cheaper here in America. I haven't really looked at them, I haven't got a CD player. But in England, they're like $25 for a CD in shop' And it's not just the D.I.Y. punks who are saying that this is something fishy. Actually the Labor Party, which is the equivalent of your Democrat Party, have tried to put on investigations saying it's a sort of scam. If someone like Bill Clinton said "I think CDs are a total scam", you'd think "Fucking hell, if someone as dumb as that thinks that, you don't have to be very D.I.Y' to know'"

(conversation goes into long discussions about the financial pros and cons regarding CDs.") Set: I think it is a bit irrelevant to say it can be done so cheaply if it isn't actually being done. You can press vinyl for very cheap' We did our album for 12.50, and we still are'


Bobs: And nooneelseeverhas. I rememberat the

time, people were really pissed off when we released our album eight or nine years ago because it was so cheap. SORETHROAT came up to us and said "We're gonna release an album for f2.00, yours itf2.50it's arip off." Likeit's some sort of war. Wejust said "Great, we'll have some, we'll buy some." They said "We've got a deal with Earache, were we've got Dig of Earache to sign on the dotted line to say that our album will be no more than f 2.00." But of course it wasn't.

The proof of all this shit it that when it actually happened. People say "ACTIVE MINDS, you can release your stuff CD for like 49 pence." Why don't you release a CD for 49 pence and leave us

to do what we want to do. We're happy the way we are. If you can release a CD for $3.00, then release it for$3.00. Just don't tell us to release it for $3.00. We'll do what we want to do- and we are by selling our stuff through vinyl. I don't think we'd be selling anymore if we did it on CD. Has Loony Tunes Records stopped putting out relbases of other bands? Pretty much.

You just want to concentrate of your own stuff? Bobs: The only other stuff we're doing at the moment rs these compilation alburns called "Scrcams From The Silence" which are just new bands and thev each contribute nroncy for thc covcrs. Thcre's Uke l0bandsonanalburn tad we do 500 copres. Number four is just bcing cornpiled and wc' re startrng work on number fi ve and

will be thelast. Wesortof gotsickol.doing ir. Il orher want, they could take iton. tr just gets to be (oo rnuch of a headache to crrrpile il all



Did Loony lbnes start before the band? Seu Yeah, tbedistro wasgoing beforethc baDd. We bad a prcvrous band. S A.S. Bobs: Weused to wnteozrncblckio'83. ADd we released a tape ofouroldband back in'E3 ard started trading in fora tbw thi ngs. So it stancd in

way. Then itjust got bigger andblgger ACIIIVE MINDS stafid. Set: Wc started l-oony Trmes and relcascd a

a small

and bigger. Then

compilation ep of local hands. Bobs: We wcre workmg uith another guy at tlw time. hut then he leti. Now it'sjustustwo. Tftete things startreally small nnd get out of hand. We son ofgot pissed offwith a lot ofthc bends oB ahe label. There dos come a lx)ini when yot rcalize that D,l.Y. means DO IT YOURSELF.Dot gctting us to do it. Alot of these bands wouldbmg on lo this D.l.Y. thing ancl say "Oh we're really cosl 3nd D.1.Y.", but acrually didn't do anlthing themselves.

"Where's our money to record?" Bobs: Yeah. exacdy. Set: Aod after they har.l recordcd rhat was rhe end

of thcirinvolvembnt. And we're stuck with 1000 records. Bobs: And balf of &e bands would split up or three u'eeks later t-hey woold sq' '"That's rcally shit" or "that's realll'old and we don't do those

songs an1,more". They would


people in

interviews that it was a load of shit and people shouldn't bother buying it, and we'd have a house full of these records. There comes a time when you say D.LY. means Do It YourFucking Selfand not get us to do it. Set: Ifbands are doing records on DIY labels, you should really try to help them(the


out. It's the bands

that are actually touring about, and doing the gigs, and wouldn't have anything to sell ifthey didn't release it themselves. And the guy who put it out is sitting at home with loads ofrecords he can't sell. Bobs: People used to ask

"What's your best selling stuff?" And we'd say our own stuff, obviously. Because we keep selling it. Even

thougb we had bands like FOLITICAL ASYLLIM. who at the time people thorrght would sell loads and loads and loads. Weknou, that


keep grggtng and selling our stuif,and all tbese other hands loose intcrest in their sErlfafter six months. Set: lhey'rc not as physically involvcd in rhe release, sothel'are notgorng to tr)' to push it and try to get it sold. Bobs: We have A lot of tirne and a lot r:f ideas invested io our stul't- tha( '* c want lo gct across.

say lhcse things to orrlinary people. rather than Jreoplc wrth sruds." Sar You do what you hr'tie ve in and people are gorng ro tate that ft:r rvhat it rs.

Thafs why we'r'c re-releascd a lot of our old

Bobs: \\te don't put anarchl, synrbols on our

slulf. Our first seven inch Iikeeight years.

has been out

ofprint for

ACTM MINDS sruff bas a reat $arlous politicsl narure to it, but never menAIt of the

tioned an ideology that you foUow. Do you conslder yourselves enrrchtsts or any sott of label you would call yourselves. politically spealing? Bohs: Not reatly. Set: I wouldn't lahel mysclf hecaure it's up to other people to look at what you are doirrg and


When I see pmblems and read solutions. it's usually one from an anarchisl pcrspectiw that I find to be the trest one. But if someone loo&s at my lifcstyle and says "He's oot an anerchirt'', fair enougtrBobs: I'm a member of a pohtical party back in England so I guess mt many people would crll rac an anarchist becose 1'r,e sbod for loeal campaign and have been ou TV rnd radio. lt's the Grcen Party. In the formation of tbe English Green pany is it bas no leadecs. Ir has son of an anarcho-syndicalist organization. lt has no hierarchy. lt has a lotof vcry ratlical idels. lt's reallv sort of weird bccause whcn pcoplc llnd this out. they say "Well what son ol issucs r.lo you strn<l consider

on'J" and I say, "Well, yrru'1,g 1g2d lrur Iyncs. It's iust mc. I'm the same Derson. I iust stantl up and

l){T€RVl €\N


Scx It doesn't n'rattcr if sonleone wants to think we'rc anarchist or what evcr. lf t hcy gct the ideas, th€xr that is realll'good. Bobs: Tojust put a circlcd a is a realh' convenient way of oot sayi ng a grcat deal. $r'c go through a lot of trouble to say quite a lot. Our ideology is staledquitc clearll', more clearly than most bands, but it isn't statcd with a label.

Are you iuvolved with any of the Anti-Road campaigu;? Bobs: To s{)me cxlent. hut not grcal deal because re not very close to all these

ofwlrcrewe Il'e. Wc' things.

Set By delinrtron, thr'v have to bc sort of local, but the bigger ones people actually go to. But it s€ems u bit tlalt to get in l,ourcar and dril't-'do,*'n to a road demonstratron. So if vou havcn't a(


-cot a road

huilding projtt t in yQur lOrvn.

then you're not golng to be so involved rn the proL:ess against


One of the times I was ln Europe, I heard that you guy6 were louring by train? Bobs: Wc used Io alwavs tour by' trarns. Set: For ahoul six or seven on.

Bobs; Wt used to gct these inter rnil tickets. which werc lor people 25 or onder. Basicallt' we

Set: You've got to have a starting point. The trouble with the D.I.Y. scene is that

stopped when we got too

old. We used to go all over Europe with those things- they were really

it's basically

Set: Noneofus could drive

at the time either. Bobs: Itjust got to be a bit of a hassle when we had to take 200 albums strapped to our necks.

Set: If bands can do it, I really advise it because it' s really nice and you don't have a lot of hassles. Once you actually board the train, you can sit down and sleep or get up for a walk. It's notlikebeing crammed together in a van or in a small car.

T1 I

shop where anyone canjust walk in and actually connect to punk in some sort of way.

Didn'tit suck whenyou'd arrived and you would have to find the place

all of your gear? Bobs: We used


to tell

people to meet us all the time. We'd just say to come and pick us up at the train station. Set: We never took a drum kit with us anyway. Bobs: It was a lot of fun back then and it was

environmentally friendly- you couldn't beat it.


a shame

we got old.

And now you are touring over here. What brought that on? Set: We like to go to new places, and we just kept going back to Europe all the time. Bobs: For almost l0 years. Set: When we first started, we were like- I know what we'll do, we'll go to Europe for the first year, then on the second year we'11 tour America, and on the third year we'll tour Japan. But what we actually did was tour Europe for the first ten years and never got to go anywhere else. Bobs: We figured that when we had a label over here help us put a record out and people knew us,

we'd come over. The last ep was gonna be released in America ("Dis Is Getting Pathetic") on Unite And Fight Records. But about a week before it was supposed to be pressed, he pulled out and stopped the label. So itjust dawned on us that if we didn't do it, then we were never gonna

do it. Set: It's the same with lots of things. If you wait until the ideal time, the ideal time never happens. You just have to press on and do it. Bobs; No one knows us here, but it will probably always be that way until we get over.

Last night, you were talking about how the D.I.Y. scene was older people and there aren't ma4y younger people involved. What do you think can be done to bring in new people? Set: It needs a fresh injection or something. That's easy to say from someone who's olderand hasn't got the fresh injection to do it. Just like when you're young at school, at when you first got into all this stuff, you said "Wow, this stuff is


through the mail and at gigs. The only people that can get into it are people who know that already. If you're likepunk sounds good, I'veheard a few things on the radio, or seen Suburbia or something like that, you haven't got access to mail-order because you don't know the address. And you don't know where the gigs are happening because you haven't got the fanzines through the mailorder. So you need some sort of open access like a


great!" and you played it for your friends. But nowadays I think that if someone doesn't like punk, that's up to them. I'm not going to hassle

it. Because I haven't got that enthusiasm about it in a naive sort of way. If someone want s to listen to the music, that's fine by me. Bobs: It's very difficult because young people now, because of CDs, technology and the way that society is going, in England record shops are almost finished. Notjust selling vinyl, but selling music, like with shopping malls and such, because they've become entertainment complexes for young people. You go in and there's CDs on sale and computergames. Computergames have almost taken over as the new thing that kids are into. They'renotreally into communicating with each other very much. They would ratherjust sit around and play with computers all of the time. I don't know how it can be changed. The D.I.Y. scene is a lot older, and maybe it's because we are sticking with the technology that everyone in the D.I.Y. scenq already has. It almost becomes a bi t cliquey. Hereyou've gotExtremeNoiseRecordswhich is punk record shop, we don't really have those in England and I guess there isn't many here. But the D.I.Y. scene in England has got to the stage where it either wasn' t dislributed through shops at all, or people decided that they didn't want it distributed in shops because they wanted it to remainreallyunderground. We've neverhad that opinion. We've always tried to put our stuff in shops if we can. And if people say "Why do you deal with these sort ofshops. It's big business and all." When I was at school, like 15 or 16, I heard CRASS and fhey changed my life and you probably did too. The reason that I heard them was because I went into an ordinary record shop when I was a young kid and there wasn't really a D.I.Y. scene. You didn't know anything about these things, they werejust there and you bought someone to get into

it because it was that cheap.


Ideally, we should aim to break away from shops, but to if you get to that pointBobs: The scene will just be all by itself. There came a point a few years ago where because we were releasing records cheap, no distributor would


any. The distributor that we did have,

which was Southem Studios, who originally did all the CRASS stuff, said- you don't do your stuff on CD, you do your stuff with price limits. Now CRASS are involved with Southem Studios and CRASS are now releasing CDs and took all the prices off their stuff. We said- yeah, but we don' t give a shit! They meant a lot to me at one time, but this is us now.' They said- oh, we're not interested then. And it sort of died down. For a few years, we didn't have our stuffdistributed in shops. Now we've got a place that will take some. We're not really happy about what we do. We don't have any illusions about the people we're dealing with. They're just business people. We know what we' re dealing with, but we sell throttgh them because we want new people to get involved. The only other way new kids can hear it is if they know someone. That doesn't always happen if your in a small town with no D.I.Y. scene.

Did you get any angry responses to the 'Dis is Getting Pathetic'7"? Any death threats from Sweden? Bobs: We haven't actually. Set: We've heard that a few people were a bit upset about it. We've had a few people who said they didn't want to deal with us, or trade for it. Bobs: We are used to getting threats and angry responses. Back when we did the album, a long time ago now, we said all this stuff aboutPeaceville Records and Earache Records, and you wouldn't believe the attitudes we got from some people. All these people now will deny that they ever gave a toss then because Peaceville have turned into such abunch of fuckingjokers. We saw this



coming ages ago. DOOM have released this 'Fuck Peacevillc' thing, but Bn tit.rm DOON'! playedon theSORETHROAT LPthat slagged us off specifically for this- and Hammy from Peaceville was playing with hinr on dnrms. It was

him (Hammy) who did "In Their Hypocrisy Thc1,'ll Probably Sue Us". Tbat's about us- a spoken word bit by Hnmmy from Peaccville about us berause we told everyone that he was a ierk and was going to end up selling out" lfe got tkcats rvitb people saying "You'll never play this town again- we know these guys an<l they're realty cool." So we arc used to people geuing pissed off with things we say. But in the etd, some of those peopte have fuckcd off and are not of those ra:rlly interested anymore, and a people have realizeql tlrat we tvere right.



I think that probably with bands like DISCIL\NGE" it's more of a side projectfrom other banda A lot olttesc benib I don't think vrre meant to be serious bands But they get on a blgger label than thc mcmbere serlous bands wbo never Ecl anywhcra Set: Butthat's partly * hat wc'rcsaying. Thcy're maLing it ou t m be a j oke, hut itrs a reall y seriouS subject- its about war. They're doing it by thcy books, and it doesn't actually mcan anything. Bobs: To put a picrure of a pcrson with rheir head blown off, and ror meen aoyrhing, just to imitate someooe else is r.*allv rnsulting. This is a picture of someone uho died- this is a piciutc t.bat is supposed to shocls- Il' s suppo s ed b say to people -

look at what awfrI lhi

ng s

happen in rhe world and

you bctter change the way you fuckiog &iag

f,'or people vho haven't seen i:he record. what is tlre me*ege yoa erre trying to get rcro*s? Bobr: The cover is a tourl piss-take of the DIS-

about it. lt's being urctl just to bc coPy a FIr* banrl widl no thought behind it $hat-so-ewr, wrtJr no thought that you re puttrng a piuure of someone's lifeending. Yeah OK, if people think we insult thsir bads thcn farr enough- they've insulted som@De's lifo or death in sdcr to be prnk. Not toads have a message. thcre is no real message in thxe things. If you rcad thcse soflgs that people write war, most ol'them are about t 945. Thcrear! \&'ars goingon now- people

CIIARCE 'Fight Baok' cover. Some people

fuckrnr dying nowl

have thought we're slagging

offDISCHARGE, but we were acnnlly thinking of is there is rn alburn out- I'm mentioning no narrxx- that ltxrks

Sa: For

exactly like DISCHARGE alhunr thrt rras re-

DISCHARCE, even though the sccnc wasn't particularl;, politiciz{. knew that they had shit lyrics. And !'cl evcryoDe is trying to coPythese lyrics. What is the pornl of trying to copy a band that had shit lyncx'l

So yeah. sour people are pissed off about the 'Dis Is Pathetic' thing, I guess some Sucdish people. We don't watrt l() criticize too strongly because some ofthe people are actuall)' genuincly nicc and bave gu their hearts in thc right place, but ue really a hit too much.

leascdbrckio'El. They''


simply used dift-erent

pictures of dismemhcred bodies.

Ttrere's more than one actuelly. Bobs: Thcre s several, but there was one I *'as thinking uf when I was rvriting it. tf people th r nk th*this is may as well used thesarne fiISCHARGE cover. Set: Thar's why on the back we whited out thc faces and put 'Your face here'. Bobs: Pcople s ould just likc ttr he DISCI{ARGE rerlly. One of the bands that this brrngs to mind is DISCTIANGE- they've chirnged onc letter in the name. Wewentloseethemanrl it r"'as justlike DISCIIARGE kareokc night. An all their song titles are the satne as DISCH,ARCE song titlcs with the words tumcd around. I don' t want to slag them too much because one of the guys is still in TOTALITAR and we toured with th!'m and thev are nice guys. But I also have the teelirtg tlrat DISCHANGE write songs, or the1, think thel' write songs that they don't undersliind w'hat thel' say themselves. There is a song on thr-ir iilhum called 'Odd pog End'. That rs mken fronr thc DISCHARGE song 'Does'l'he Systenr Work'. A "dogend" is acigarette hutte in Nonhern England


start, cvcryone in Englantl at rhe time of

' i: Bobs: Because it's easy. Set: At lextt thc thing you coirld say about DISI-' CHARCE is that rt was actually the timc. in'81 and 'ti2 thatcruise missals were bcing introduced into Britain. A lot of people, especially'punks, ttrougbt ihere acnrally was going to he a World War Itr within thc ne.rt couple of years with massive protests. Hal i a mi tlion people wou ld go antl protect against it because people were tucking irigbtened. To bnng that to this day and agc. tens yeats after the Soviet Union has collapsod. rherc' just isn't that much of a fear of nuclear war lo writc every single song about it. One or hvoyeah fair enough. Bobs: We' ve got a.few songs about it. lt still has some relevance, but you can't base your whole hand on it, Set: These bands do songs only about war. but I don't thinli that thcse people.are orll there doitrg anti-war demos. They're not that It's just sonrething to sing ahoutr The amount of time that they spentl writing soncs against war, you'd think that they were really bothered by it.

slang. But I don't know ifthey know that. I'm guessing that theydon'tknow that, thatthey think it's some bits of food. So they've written a song based on an English slang term that they don't understand. So that would be crazy if someone asked them about theirown song and they wouldn' t know what it is.

Bobs: I won't mention any names, but there is one band like this- very DISCHARGEish songs and every song was about- who broke up for three years while the guys went in the army. That just shows me the level of sincerity that people have towards this thing. It's just a bit dumb. In the lyrics we wrote to the song, it says: 'lt may have seemed like fun in the beginning, but now the

-ilJ"T ]-HEY



joke rs sadll' thinning.' With DISCARD. it was fun. And the frst one in England was DISASTER, which was fun. I rememberputting a Big on for them and doiog tbe DISCHARGE logo because I thought it was guite fur. But haveevery other fucking tape you get scnt through the mail

with these words tbeylve just made up.


it means fuck all*it's no word. They'vejusttaken a wordand put dis on thc fronl of it" Set You miglrt as well just sat disdoor, distable,

disbox. Bobs: It's frrcking norulense rcallyjust to make up wordr with 'dis' at thc begiuning so lhat people

thint 'Oh, they're gonna sound like DISCHARGE.' All we're trying to say is that people should think about what they say. Most people don't have a cbance in this lifc to actuallv communicate something to pcoplc and when you're grven that chance, you should think about it because it do€sn't come along l'ery often, If And if ) ou'r'e got something to say, th€o say rhat is all that you end upsoying, tbcn I gaa prary gootl idea that you havcn't got a great deal to say. It's j u-st a squandered opp(rrtunity.


That's abour we have... VYhotts tbe future plans? Bobs: Futurr- plans- go bornc. Set: Gct some slrup.

Ilo you lhink you'll

breals cven on this iour? Sct: lt changes liorn gig to gig. Bobr. Probably ntrt. but it co6t a lot of morcy to come ()vcr he[e. Set: We come rcasonably closc. Wc' vehad some gig-s which were badly paid. AIso. *e'rc playiug u'ith bands fromArgendna, and tbey'vcgot their cxpenscs to cover as well. Bobs: We probably won'1. It's not as easy as in Europe. Youjust drivc orcr on the ferry and it costs fuck all, It cost us alot of money to get here md less purple knrru, uS. I think it's still worth it because people grt lu knowus a bit more. Set: Plus we get to sec different places. We've hu'cn to Europe l0 or so tlmes now, Bobs: Diftcrent prarts of Europe each time. We can only get au'ly for a couple of weeks at a time hecausc of work. and I have a child. So we can't go oll for six weeks. or two months. Sct; Future plans to get the new LP and the single aut 'I'hat's the onlY future plans really. Bohs: lllore ret'ttrds. more gigs. Set: lrtore of thr' same. Elohs: N'lore ohnorrous opintons.



The search for a cure to AIDS has long exceeded the predicted years of research decided by scientists since its known outbreak. AIDS was thought to be a syndrome which could be countered in its virus stage by a vaccine. The AIDS vaccine was planned to be developed within two years of research lollowing its discovery. Yet, now, well over a decade later, the vaccine which was supposed to emerge is nowhere near discovery and AIDS continues to spread around the world. The slow progress in the scientific battle against AIDS may be the result of various problems within the community; many people believe that the use of monkeys forAlDS research (the largest form of AIDS research) is not only inconclusive, but it is regressive as well. lt is not just the use of monkeys, however, which many considered regressive, it is also the search for a vaccine itself. lt is questionable, in fact, whether or not the search for a vaccine and the subjects of study are useful at all. AIDS is well known to be the result Of HIV (Human lmmunodeficiency Virus). But HIV comes in more than one form and has different eftects on people and animals which it infects. The two dilferent forms in which HIV can attack humans are HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-I is the deadly virus which can become full blown AIDS and kill people. HIV2 is a less serious form of the virus and usually causes lingering and sometimes serious infections, but seldom causes death. HIV-1 is the virus which is more deadly and therefore demands a prompt cure, however, it is also this form of HIV

keys, even chimpanzees, are solid and safe mod-

els for finding cures to human illnesses. ll the results of testing monkeys for SIV and HIV-2 are inconclusive, then perhaps research using primates that involves HIV-1 and vaccinations to AIDS is also questionable. HIV-1, the more dangerous form of HlV, continues to batlle vivisectionists in monkey research. Researchers have been testing the HIV-1 virus in various monkeys looking for a vaccine for years. Rhesus macaques, crab-eating macaques, squirrel monkeys, stumptails and many others have been infected time and time again, with the intent of forcing these monkeys to come down with AIDS so that researchers could use their monkey modqls in place of human AIDS Datients. The results.

fected by a different disease which is similar to HIV-2. Avirus known as SIV (Simian lmmunodeficiency Virus) minors in monkeys almost exactly HIV-2 in humans. The afiects are also similar lingering sickness and infections but seldom death. Examined carefully, resemblance between SIV and HIV-2 are almost identical, they are close to 90% the same. However, the viruses are not interchangeable between humans and monkeys. People infected with SIV are literally not affected. Humans can carry SlV, but there are no damaging affects to the immune system and cause no sickness. The same is true for the reverse situation, monkeys can carry the human HIV-2 virus but are not atlected by it. This is true in rhesus macaque monkeys, as well as crab-eating monkeys, as well as squirrel monkeys as well as almost all monkeys tested in these experiments. Only pigtail macaques have really been affected by HIV-2 dying in some cases, but even they are only afiected sometimes and have proven poor subjects Of study for HlV. Even chimpanzees, the closest primate to human beings, are not altected by HIV-2. Yet these monkeys can all be infected with SlV. The fact that HIV-2 and SIV are almost identical viruses, yet aftect humans and monkeys differently, begs the question of whether or not mon-

against, regardless of the research. Vaccinations in general have been questioned by doctors, researchers, parents and activists. lt has been argued that vaccinations are not a cure, and, in fact, don't even work to prevent various illnesses, but instead do the opposite ol which they are supposed to do; they may actually promote the disease which they are supposed to prevent

and, in fact they have caused other illnesses in humans which are a direct result of vaccinations. It is has even been argued that AIDS itself was introduced to people through vaccines which carried some form of HlV. But whether or not these arguments are valid or accurate, the issue of a vaccine lor AIDS is quite different, because AIDS works quite differently from other illnesses which vaccines are supposed to prevent.

A vaccination works, at least theoretically, by inkoducing some form of a virus into the immune system. The immune system is then supposed to be able build an immunity to the virus and be able to recognize it if it encounters it in the future. Most single viruses are essentially the same as one another. Polio or pertusses, for example, should always appear basically the same when it infects the immune system. A microscope should always be able to detect one of these viruses, and an

immune system should be able to recognize it, because these viruses don't change dramatically.

They basically copy themselves in infectious growth. Polio in the U.S. in a baby girl should appear roughly the same as it would it in a grown

which continues to make little or no progress through animal research on monkeys. Monkeys which are used for vivisection are af-

be, in fact, that AIDS can never be vaccinated

however, have been less telling than even the results found with research involving HIV-2 and SlV. After continuing to infect monkey after monkey,

researchers got no harmful response from their

subiects. lnfecting monkeys with HIV-1, in fact, did nothing to the monkeys. They just ignored it HIV-1 has not sickened, has not caused immune deficiencies, has not caused any kind of problems with monkeys. Monkeys can carry HIV-1 , but they cannot gets AIDS and they are not affected by it. Using chimpanzees has not been any more helpful. When HIV-1 is in.jected into the blood stream of chimpanzees the immune system actually does react but it only detects the virus without any need for alarm. The immune system in chimps is not in any way harmed. Nor do chimps become sick or even slightly ill by HIV-1. lt was thought that maybe some chimpanzees needed more time to be infected by HIV-1 . But today there are chimpanzees which have been living lor over 10 years with HIV-1 ; they continue to be unaffected.

The fact that Monkeys in AIDS research have proven to be unatfected by the virus which causes AIDS in humans means that the use of monkeys for finding an AIDS vaccine is probably poor scientific practice. But even if monkeys were affected by HIV-1 or HIV-2 it is still questionable whether or not a vaccination is possible for AIDS. lt may

man in China. Therefore if vaccines do what they're supposed to, the immune system should always recognize a virus which it has been inoculated against. With HIV-1, however, the virus is quite different and vaccines, whether or not they work, cannot prevent AIDS. AIDS vaccines are problematic for two main reasons. The first is that AIDS works directly to destroy the immune system which vaccines rely on to build a stronger immunity. Unlike most viruses, where immune systems may be able to build a resistance to their intrusion, with HIV the issue is different. HIV-1 works to undermine the immune system so that AIDS can destroy it. Human immunity cannot resist HIV-1. By injecting some form of HIV-1 into the human blood stream, the immune system cannot build the resistance required for any form of vaccine to work, the im-

mune systern can only be conquered by HIV-1


An AIDS inoculation would only further this conquest, by further attacking the immune system. The second reason why Al DS cannot be countered by a vaccine is perhaps a more important reason. HIV-1 does not repeat identical patterns in people the way Polio and other illnesses do. HIV-1 is a constantly evolving and changing virus. lt never attacks or evolves in exactly the same way. An HIV-1 positive person carries avirus which will appear difterently as it grows, and which can-

not be recognized identically in any other HIV-1 positive person. This is problematic because the


CRT]EL ANIMAL AIDS RESEARCH immune system can only build a resistance to a virus if it can recognize the virus and build a stronger immunity to it. lf a vaccination where given for AIDS today (assuming it were safe and possible) and the patient became infected with HIV-1 tomorrow, the immune system could not detect the new virus because it is constantly evolving. Therefore, even il an inoculation were safely possible, there is no way that it could recognize the ever changing face ol HIV-|. Researchers are well aware of these problems in creating a vaccine and in using monkeys that are not aflected by HlV. However, there seems to be no limit to the optimism ol science today. The research continues, using the same monkeys and trying to find the same cure lorAlDS. ln considering the costs of this form of AIDS research many tax payers are growing less patient and less optimistic. Not surprisingly, since it is working and tax paying people, both HIV positive and not, that are footing the bill of this research, and not the researchers themselves, many people are becoming discontent with the lack of progress and the channeling of money for these prolects.

Over $10,000,000 ot U.S. tax paying money is granted to AIDS research on primates for the purpose of finding a vaccine annually. The revenue just continues to flow. But working people in the U.S. may want their tax dollars spent more wisely. There are few people who don't want a cure for AIDS. However, there is yet to be a medically

preventive and permanent cure for cancer, or herpes, or leprosy, or any disease for that matter. ln fact, while there may be some medicines which

help to counter the effects of illnesses, there has never been a permanent and medically preventive cure found for any disease in 'history. Yes, cancer may be removed, yes cancer may be removed, yes anti-biotics may help fight various sicknesses, but these aren't preventive or permanent cures. These diseases still prevail and there are no solid, medical methods that can permanently abate or prevent them. So it is not surprising that a cure for AIDS has yet to be found. The problem, however, with AIDS is that the researchers

are barking up the wrong tree; their research is

inconclusive and wasteful and the results which are desired are impossible through the current

forms ol study. AIDS research on monkeys and other animals has been proven faulty. This is largely due to the reality that most research on animals cannot be etfectively extrapolated to human beings. We are difierent life torms, and we react differently to different viruses and medicines, and the concept of vivisection, especially in lhe case olAlDS research continue to ; more and more

. make effectlve AIDS treatments accessible to the

millions of people now being denied them by govemment red tape, insurance company greed, and pharmaceutlcal proflteering - guaranlee,the civil and human rlghts ol all people living with HIV inlection . provlde unlversal, quallfy health care to all people; health care is a raght, not a privilege - fund massive increases in research on all potentaal treatments for AIDS and all other lltFthreatening dlseases . direct immediate dlsaster relief to the areas hardest hit by HIV lhroughout the world - end the racism, serism, classism, homophobia, ableism, and discrimination based on natlonal orlgln and ammlgrant status whlch has sabotaged the tlght agalnst AIDS die of AIDS, yet the current path of research does nothing to stop its growth. The vaccine desired, as explained, is unfeasible. The money spent on AIDS research for vivisection on monkeys and on vaccine research should be redirected into a more appropriate direction. The millions of tax payer dollars spent on monkey vivisection and vaccine research should be redirected into more progressive forms of research.

AIDS research must continue; we should never give up hope for a cure, but it is not acceptable to continue a form of research which is wasteful of money, animals, science and the victims of HIV who continue to wait for a cure. Those persons


space of floor to unrole a sleeping bag. i can ProbablY only afford about $250 a month for rent. also anyone that can get or give me a job please contact me at: ba-

sLard/ 2211 w Lupine/ Phx,

az 85029. i also do a zine Diary of a bastard send 3 stamps or $1 for a4 issue. - Anyt rDtons



mmFrctrrr BACr(r


AGO: i need roomates, or

infected with HIV should be receiving better medical care instead of watching their tax dollars go toward research which does not help them. Furthermore, a serious portion ol the money used for AIDS research should be used to broaden general education about prevention of HIV and AIDS. Prevention is always overlooked in the scientific community. lnstead of spending money trying to teach people how they can avoid diseases, governments and researchers spend money trying to



current sicknesses today would greatly diminish or disappear if prevention was lunded instead of vivisection. Prevention would greatly reduce cancer, it would almost end colon cancer as well as strokes and heart disease. Furthermore, prevention could almost halt the spread of HIV today; this may be the only cure available, and is certainly more promising than regressive research on monkeys and a pointless search lor a vaccine. Prevention, education, better care for AIDS patients and progressive research is something we must demand. Jason Justice is an anti-vivisectionist and independent researcher of preventive alternatives.


,nEET locir or Puiln ?Err ?AuS tloRuo IdIDE, SEND{A ITD ToTAL lrlfo. hBour

Yoz o:ttHtrTlxorex BoX l3{rr, i[ulurLLE . ff,b lo?cs ?.o.

Seein'Red are an insPiringly dedicated political hardcore band from the Netherlands who have never failed to surprize the scene with a constant llow of new energy and new ideas. With a history that goes back more than a decade, Seein Bed finally made their lirst US tour and which included a stop in llinneapolis. Being a bit neruous in the company of such a 'legendary'band I managed to Piece together the following interview... PE: Well, I guess we should lust start with the usual boring introductions... Olav: l'm Olav, l'm 33 years old and PlaY drums. Jos: My name is Jos, l'm 32 years, and I play bass. Paul: l'm Paul, l'm 35 years old, and I sing and play guitar. PE: That's tunny that you mentioned your ages, since some people from Extreme Noise wanted me to ask, but I didn't think it would be appropriate! (laughter)

Lirm, Etc... PE: Your former band, Ldrm, has received some sort of legendary status, playing this relentlessly fast and brutal style during the mid-80's. Did the popularity of LArm help you when you moved onto Seein' Red, or did it hamper you with preconceived ideas about the style of music you should play? Jos: We were actually hampered by it because people were expecting one kind of music, which is the main reason why we changed the name, because we didn't want to do that stuff at that point. When we were in England, and people came to see us play, and people were saying, "This is totally ditlerent. We don't like it. You're shit,' because we didn't sound like LArm. When Seein' Red started out, we were more melodic. ln the beginning, it would say "exLArm" on all of the flyers, but we haven't seen that in a long time, until we came over here and saw some flyers, but not in Europe anymore. Has it really helped us? No I don't think so. PE: Was there any time in between LArm and Seein' Red, or did it go from being one and then the other? Paul: Maybe there was two or three months in between. We lust came to a point where we were pretty much tired of the whole situation. Not of the music, but at that momenl the audience that came to our shows, during the crossover period, was metal and there was lots

of violence and shit like this. Jos: The main reason was also that everyone was constantly shouting, "Play laster! Play faster!" At the end ot LArm we started to be treated sometimes like we were some kind of rock stars. Like people would almost carry you into the venue. PE: The music you played tonight was much laster than say the stuff on the early Seein' Red records... Paul: Yeah, yeah... I would say something like a yeai ago, the politics in our lyrics became more angry again. lf you compared our lyrics to the earlier stuff when we started Seein' Red, they are much more angry now. I think that fast music or brutal music lits more to the angry way we feel, which is why we started to play faster again. There is some times when we can't control the angry feeling. There is a triend of ours who always says, 'You play much to fast," but we don't notice ourselves. When we go up on stage, most ol the songs are even faster than the records, which I think is a question of adrenaline. PE: A dumb record question... The lirst Seein' Red record I saw was a split 7" with Sanctions we distributed through A.Y.F. Was this the first release as Seein' Red? Paul: No, there is a T" before that. PE: What was that called? Jos: Well, when we lust started out, we wanted to make every record to iust be Seein' Red without anything else, but people started getting mixed up after the second 7'. Then after that there was a 12"... PE: The "Workspeil" 12"? Jos: No, there was another one belore that also called "Seein' Red" Paul: After the third record, the one with the brown cover, people started getting really confused, especially the metallers. Like, "ls that a new record or an old one?" Atter that we started giving them names. So the first three records are all called 'Seein' Red", which is two 7"s and an LP. Jos: After that was the split ep, then the "lt takes Three to Fuck Shit Up" ep, "Workspeil" 12", "More ot the Same" ep, Trefwoord Punk" ep, the split ep with Stack, and now the "Marinus" ep on Ebullition and bunches ot songs on compilations.

Anarchy, llarxism & Punk Bock PE: On the "lt Takes Three..." ep, there is a statement which reads, "lf you are opposed to the current system and want to make change there's no point in being anything but a Maxist." Would you say that reflects the philosophy of

the band? Paul: Yeah.... um...

Jos: Yeah sure, you bet! Olav: I think there are basically three kinds of

very personal teelings about being communist in practice, not in just.thooql. Jhis is lar more important for us.l Like all of the ottciiiha'ff69*

that side of things, not necessarily the orthodox Communist Party. A lot of

systems. There is capitalism, fascism and socialism. lf we have to choose between the three of them, I would have lo say we are opposed to iapitalism and also against fascism, which makes me think I am a socialist. PE: Would you, or have you, ever worked with any of the existing socialist parties? Olav: For a short while, Paul and me belonged to Communist Party... Paul: lt was called the New Communist Party, but after a few months we recognized there was nothing new about


lt was the same old

autocratic system and people. So I would say we are not in favor of a party at all. We would much rather get in touch with people who are really socialist. People are always attacking us about it, always shouting, "Oh, you are not a socialist or a Maxist if you are not in the Communist Party,' but I don't there is any party we could lit into. There is just our ideas and nothing we could iust join at this point. We have

Even in tro


ahead. You

a socigrri,




a some sort of way out there is Zapatista e different groutts are new ideas and I Sometimes it is a has a mix of say kind


overthrow olttre

PE: ls hereJoom points withiilthe Olav: Yes ol.oourse..,

forms ot.onfiriuhism, t -"


i6qg.inoretifi lgff,qe qrpl

,--" '"-i *" i/x 7- t





side ol


form'of retribution.


I think both sides will come back like 70 or EgJears3goJ l!in!_!ng_ tendencies will come back like in the 30's where people used eachother for scapegoats.... PE: When there was a real competition of different ideologies... Paul: Yeah, I think a good thing that came out of the fall of the Stalinist countries is that people now can't use this argument... like when we started talking about our ideas on communism, there was always this, nvhat about Russia?'or, "What about the DDR?' like some kind of a scapegoat. lt just proves those countries weren't really socialist or communist or whatever. There were just using that as a name. PE: Has your communist ideals caused a lot of friction within the punk scene? Paul: Not in Holland, because in Holland you don't have these sections fighting eachother. ln 1988 there was band called Collective who, although their ideas were really red communist, they also had these really anarchist songs as well. There was always cooperation. Even now when we play with a lot of bands, like Anarcrust, things go really well. Of course there are some ideological differences, but there is also so much common ground. I think we must put some of these ideological ditferences aside. I mean, like for myself, l'm pretty much into getting organized into some kind ol organization, but not necessarily a party. I know a lot of anarchist are opposed to this because they don't want to be involved with any kind of party, because they are afraid that you will get some kind of authorig or hierarchy. I have thought a lot about it and I think you can do it in a real

_ _



IT lr r

democratic way, like with the leadership rotating. I think the shitty thing about it, well, like we have been into the anarchist movement tor quite a long while also, and we have friends involved in ditferent anarchist collectives, is that what you see if there isn't any kind of organization, people will leave. Olav: To put it really blunt, mankind needs some form of leader. You see it everywhere. ll you let people go, you create only chaos, which isn't really what we need. So theres the challenge to find a lorm of leadership, that all people can have an input in, that would create kind of like democracy to the max. PE: Like voting on people to make decisions? Paul: Well, not necessarily decisions, but people to make proposals, like, "We can do this or we can do that...." That's the way it works. Olav: Just as I am opposed to these communist parties, I still did find like when we were involved, that there were these people that were 50 years old and still being active. Although they've always followed this Stalinist line, and l'm really opposed to that, I still think those people really wanted to change things, although they've thought along the wrong line, but are still committed. I had a lot of respect lor those people in their age and at this time who still go to demonstrations and still fight. I think that is because there is some kind of organization to it. I think that the anarchist, well, a lot of my old friends got disappointed and left the scene and are not anarchists anymore. That really bothers me... and we still exist. All of these anarchist bands in the 80's that started the same time as we did have all disappeared. Like in England, ten years ago, there was this really big movement that started atter Crass. Now everyone has disappeared and there is no cooperation. And there are all of these fractions; anarchist over here, anarcho-socialist over there and they all go together to form a blockade or whalever, but they don't make a front. The movement is now really divided over

there. There was once a really big movement,


mean Crass sold over 100,000 records... Jos: Yeah, but I don't think you could say there really was a big movement, because Crass was this big "peace punk" thing that was really hip at the time, but l'm not sure if you could say the movement was really big. Sure, they had a lot of followers across the country and around the globe I guess... PE: For a while, I guess you would have to say Crass inspired a lot more people to participate that normally would have, but I don't think you can find a band that can do that today... Paul: Yeah, the effects it had then were bigger than now. Like everywhere it is dying. The whole political thing is moving out of punk rock. ln Europe there are not that many political bands left, or at least bands that have a really political statement.

cars instead of the problems of society...'' I thinkthat's a political statement. As well, if you sign to a major labels, that is a political statement you are saying you are iust a part of the silent majority. You can pretend not to have political ideas, but you are always making statements about society. Jos: Also, il you want to distinguish yourself from society, that can be political. Certain things that you don't even talk about, like the way you dress, the ideas you have, the things you do and don't do, and that way punk is political as hell. I don't think the punk movement will ever really be able to change the world, but surely it can influence a lot of other people. PE: Do you see this common political message, once so blatant in the punk scene, is declining now more or is more hidden? Jos: I guess that to a certain point, the whole common political thing was,'Fuck this, fuck that!" and there was something that was common... I guess it's really hard to say... I can notjudge for American, but in Holland, you see so many people come and go, like be active lor one or maybe two years. Now there are really not that many people involved, in like doing labels or putting out fanzines. there just really aren't that many around in Holland. Most of them, say the


Punk Political Again! PE: Do you think punk is inherently political? Paul: Like you say, "Make punk again." I think lets make punk political again. I

a threat

think a lot of decisions in life are political. There are a lot of bands that say they are not political, but even a punk band that is singing about girls and cars are in fact making political statements like, "We don't care about what goes on in society; we'd rather sing about girls and


fanzines, are really only based around ths

wi[t ttn clru9 situation. France is really


to change the situation, to shops because they are so lryone is taking drugs. absolutely bullshit because A.hnuch bigger drug problem than *, Like, lets say if you close the

80's the scene was

has nothing to do with the on hard drug, which is totally Be people don't go to Holland to can get hard drugs or Spain or Portugal, you on the street, iust as in a sort of myth. Whatever is also available in maybe you can get easily, like you are allowed to

and a lot ol are gone.

[Maybe we should bring Reagan and Thatcher back to revitalize the punk scene+d.1. The strange thing is now the unification ol Europe is coming. Europe is tuming into some kind ol

America. lthinkalot of people have fallen into this political apathy in America and it is happening in Europe, especially the youth who are getting very apathetic as well. Its this whole competition thing now. 'l want to get a job as fast as possible to survive in society." All of these things like good social security and good health care are coming down and people want to get off school and get a job as quick as possible. They don't want to think about things like changing society now that there is this competition for jobs, to gel a house... Plus, with the European unity, some things in Holland are just changing so tast. Like the whole squatting laws. lt is so much more difficult to squat today than it was ten years ago. We used to play every show in squats and now all the sguats are evacuated. ln Amsterdam and other big cities, some squats are still happening, but it is so much more difficult. Jos: lt is possible to squat a house, but it only lasts for a week or so, unless its a really abandoned place where no one cares and they're gonna take it down in a few years anyway. Paul: lfs because of the new laws about squatting coming out of Germany. lt's the same

lcarry around 25 grams of marijuana without lgetting arrested, but if you are caughl with theroin or coke, you will still get arrested.

'Paul: Yeah, and other things are changing... lJos: There is a lot of pressure on the Dutch lgovernment because everything has to be iequal. To a certain extent we have a really lgood system in Holland, when you speak of like lhealth care or social security and stuff like that. that's all coming down as well. Especially lBut rfor people who are unemployed or are over 65 lor if you are unable to work because of an laccident... they are vulnerable people and are :going to be hurt as well. I

lWelfare or Warfa;e? I

PE: Do you think the social systems in Europe were created to keep people passive or is there a genuine socialist philosophy behind it? Paul: All of these things didn't just fall out of the sky, there was a lot of struggle behind them. The unions in our country were quite big, in the 30's and after the second world war. The Communist Party was the second biggest party after the war in Holland and during those periods a lot of things were changed. The normal Social DemocraVlabor party started to back off when the communists started to make all of these laws, good laws, like social security. The same things happened in the Scandinavian countries, where the left wing parties were really big after the war, when red and communist ideas were really popular, which is why I think they have got such good systems. You can see it in every country, where after the second world war, where left wing parties were really big and had a lot of support. Those countries have the best social systems, which I think has a lot to do with social struggles as well. But to a certain point you are right, because of the welfare system, that people become passive as well. They say, '\rvhy should we fight?" Or like if you don't have a job you get money from the bank. PE: Perhaps people don't miss it [welfare] until it's gone. Jos: Still, it's really easy in Holland where you can barrow money from the bank really easily. So, you can still get all of those status symbols like a car or a televisioh or a house, or even a nicer house. You don't need any money, you can iust go to the bank and get so much money pretty easily. So what you see now is that poverty is on the rise again, but people are still buying their new car or television. Paul: lt must be said that the systems are all paid for by the money that people pay in taxes, because we also have a totally ditferent tax system than like here. lt's not the money ot the government, but the money of the people who pay taxes into all kinds of funds. Jos: lts about a third of the money that you earn goes to health care... PE: Yeah, about a third of your money here goes to paying taxes as well, but you hardly see any direct benefit as a result. Paul: lt is just what your government in doing with all of the money. I mean your government has different priorities than ours... PE: Yeah, like world domination.

ol times they just vote against everything, no matter what it is. They do really stupid stutf. On television all of the political parties have a broadcast every day and, for example, Holland lost a soccer game because one of the Black players missed a penalty, and this party started ott their minute of political bullshit with that

make a srn9rng

moment and said, "lf we would have those immigration laws years ago, this

They get people worked up. Even at my work, or wherever You go, talk how Holland has pulled in too many But that's just not true because the

all it was just to

a reputation for being a but I have lound thls lot


_ il.they can't undsrBtar What is your afitud, onilS0ils ai much es when we ryDody shotdd decit E b?- -; theydon't I think as soon as you reach the drugs, either alcohol, soft drugE, Joo: Some of these lyrics tlaflElate as well. The lirst is taking ovsr your life, then

of immigrants is declining. get a lot of refugees and that is the sad the whole situation. Holland has a lor being really open, but at the is really hard for those people to the country. getting harder and harder to get into It is also very difficult to explain to there are less lobs. lt's very difficult have to explain all these different It's a very easy answer to blame the

a you

PE: Tha song is a play on

drinkillUlil*[- Jos: Exactly. There's also a that l'm not really opposed to f-glrgg[we can say who you have to keep it to )roursef dot'! I[-ln Holland dont lgnt, because I totally hate druflt what we're singing about.

any other orug.



llff B&ffi f"U:,flJHlfi drunk people are issholee my 6yes,



though those people can't technically


it's not even the refugees, the most people talk about are the ones actually asked to come over to or the other western European to do all of the dirty jobs because the already there would not do them. PE: People who have been there for genera'

them went also to we started

EHl:.'#s'r Hzu


,Jos: Sure, you have this whole new generation

are even

to Thats e separations. PE: This city is people have been able to Paul: I think people should get together more. PE: But it's something we had to work at for a long time. Jos: Yeah and that's a really good thing.

Trefwoord Punk PE: Why was the "Trefwoord PunK ep entirely in Dutch without any all of your other reco?d65e-ue Engllsh lyrics? Paul: At first, thete was an idea was that we should make one Dutch song compilation, where all of the bands on it would sing in Dutch. That project didn't come off and was ooino to

councils. lt are some cities Like the city where two members on the council. fascists crowd are pretty obvious because maybe they belong to a party, or talk a lot ol bullshit. So most people get a clue and don't vote for that party, but what has been happening.... well, the liberal pafi that is called the Liberal Democratic Party, to a certain extent accept the same ideas, but they can phrase it a lot better and use more people are for that party, that in my point of view is

par{ee $r}ro areio easy tsrow they are iust


of people with colored skin who were born in Holland. Olav: There are two generations who were already born in Holland. Paul: But there are more problems, say in British communities, where there is a higher level of unemployment. ln all maior cities, it is happening in Europe, where all of those people are put into let's say 'ghettos.' That's where these problems started and it's the lault of the governments themselves. They created those ghettos and a lot of stutf is going on there, like there are hard drug problems. lt has nothing to do with these people or the color ol their skin has to do with the you are unemand have nothing to do than to do crime or whatever. The system has created this unjust, indecent horr8lngJl'*r don't

r#gffi: qpdrt v

st pld. lsgnu kno*

U color, lust the whole bad social really hard to explain this who are iust now Like at

peth to do with It lg

they say, which is hand you always expected of bands from Europe to provide translations. I spoke with a French band about it and they didn't provide transla-

more and more underground because of a lot ot actions that have gone on. At the same time,

they have also really radicalized, so you get more attacks against Turkish restaurants. They'll go into a Turkish restaurant and beat up a whole mess of people. PE: They are getting more bold? All: Yeah. Olav: There is this theory that the CD (Central Democrats) have'distanced themselves trom the CB, a more radical fascist party, on purpose. This way, the less radical can go to the CD and the more radical can go to the CB. Paul: The strange thing is you see a lot of people change all the time. Some people are members of the CD, as well as members of real neo Nazi groups. There is this whole network; I read a book about a network in Holland that has been detected connecting these groups with other Europe groups, the KKK, the World Aryan Nation, the Anti-Communist League, and stuff like that. Like the KKK has big divisions in Europe. lt's slowly growing and it's getting more radical. PE: Would you say that'our side' is loosing ground? Paul: Yes, but mostly because the left side is the most divided like I said before. We have one group of people who say, "Yeah, we should talk to them," and a group of people who say "No, we should ignore them," and anther group that says we should beat the shit out ol them. There's no real thing that says "Ok, we have to work together to stop them." Olav: lt is the problem, not iust in the punk scene but in general, with all of these people slagging eachother off. That's why we also wrote this song "PC Not.' We were having this strange discussion on the subjec-t about being politically correcl We don'i seem to be coming together on cornmon ground; we only seem to be fighting eacholher. Thinking about this, "We can't work with you," or "You're an asshole," or whatever. That b one of the biggest problems


nea Lave roeas

within the left wing movement. There are so many groups pretending to do the same, bul they are also tighting eachother. lf you look back at it, it is because of such small differences it's really crazy. Also, the right wing has always been even more blind to their leadership than the left wing. They do what they want to do, but the left wing always says, "Let's discuss thls first...", have a meeting, or whatever,

The Kick in the Ass PE: Ever think you would get here? Jos: No. Paul: Kent McClard gave us a kidr in the a6s, so to say, to come over. Wele always thoughl about, "Should we do it?" We've never sold liut many records here or get thal big ol a response. They had an ad about doing ho tou on li6 chance we would come. Wth all olthE response we thought, '\ryell, lets do it.' Jos: To be perfectly hmost. I never eleecied to see myself in Minneapolls dolng an lnterview when we started the band'16 years . Paul: lt was always like, ,or many yeaE, European bands were opposed to America" We got offers to tour, but we always sald m. Wo didn't know if we wanted to tour a countsy we were So much againsL Jos: They don't need us. Paul: Or they weren't feady for anoter last band or weren't interesled ln what yy6 wero saying. Of course, when we have cane. we are iust amazed at how many showB Ere golog on every week in every town. ln Holland har6 b maybe just one gig per montl.


Do tt Yourself (or fall on your nore)

come back in ten years I yvanl lo see the samE faces, even more.' Thafs sometrlng I want to address. I iust hope hat people into the pwrk movomont now dont see it as iust a phas6, but e torm ot rebellion llrat lasts foi years. Paut Another thhg I want to add is that I hope p@e don't take eveq/,lhing br granted. LikE whal ls happening right now espedal[ wlth so rnany bands slgnlng to a maior label. These bands dlaweto itto the do"it-yoursell scene fiat tl9y $ould grorv or g6t an ar.6ienca. lt s€err|$ l*(o ln the blg fanzines I read somotimes, lnleMews o, bands that ar6 on malor labels that ets putftU the do-it-yorsell scene down for calling lhem sell outs. OK, doing making a living" out of a bard may be better than working is the Argumenl But once lhe hype is over the do-ityoursolf scene will go on and that's the breeding groundol new ideas and new bands, nol ths maior stufi. I hop€ that people will supportthe DIY scene when everything else dies dqh,n. n seerns like ths hl,pe is suckrng al| of th€ p€ople out of the scano because they are spending their money ofl lhe6e big shows, while we play ln lronl of 10 oll5 people. They spend their rpney on gige frut cost three tirnes as much. Now it seems like we're going lo twe b silart all



over agein. I really hope aI ollhese bands on paior labele wlll filll on thelr neas. PE: And then thel/ll come crawllng back to us..

Jos: I guesslheywon't. Theyll probablylust change thelr mudc or turn to mainstream rock end rcll.



Van Randwijcklaan I l5c 3Al4 AH Amersfoort

PE: Any last words? Jos: That's always the hardest question! A few

The Nethelands

shows ago I said something like, "When we

or';;,di"s" """ils"tt,"6ytt"tUnU-t3tr-[-"g";U-#t".*;*jr=l

Thek morlrocenily rclcarcd Eu. topean 7 wlth Dutch,Iyilci. S5 poct paid (worldf lrom Kaal & Lcft Rccedr c/o Jeroen Vrijhoef. Virotteralraat 54 / 6532 CK 1{ijmegen lThe ]lethertands. Ldrm Wing

"Extreme ]loioe Terrorism" 13

song live 7" (recorded 1985f is also avaltebtc from this address.

Seein' Red's nowest 7' and liret US rtle.le ic now evaileble lor i3

(S3.5O Gan/llex, $5 rert of thc worldf from Ebullition Bccordr / P.O. Box 680, Goleta, CA 93116. There should be a full review this


A collection of Seein'Bed 7" ep's been released as a CD for the


recent North American tour. Only copies were made and may still be available from KraaUl.eft Wing, Vacuum, or Profane Exist. 5OO

ence Distribution. A LSrm full discography GD is also planned for release on KaaULeft Wing




[Nlx)l"EC]JIS! .



Ap&for FREE

,'.tda@riowlth tona


of.tttcc r€corrdg.

' !ole, etrlrts, . 'petcbce ctc.


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fitness USA" LP/oD oar nsoveninch' T'EP ozt

STM,H-ER E(!"d", kann jeder..." C\il[.l7'EP szs B(X)T IX)WN THE IXX)R new 6sors7 and sooner or rater: *" ACTIVE tl,lhlDs I Af{Otl,flE spnrEP we love to trade and if you cant-ue'llstill distribute il over here if it's nice and DlY... Distros - ask for a complete wholesale catalogue with punk shit from all over the world - Get in touchl And if you're ever in Vlenna visit our shop in 'NEUSTIFTGASSE 68 (in the backyard)... See youl









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Dlstrlbutlon by The Mordam

Un Yelhrnon wA.'98 Kecords 08{l 3l p.5, I Seottle, 1 rio*'gor3 Siu.s. / 54 elsewhere (includes p-ostoge) -

Moke checks or M.O. to Jim Reitz

lnltqnbul qnd olhrr c,ti.r.: Voicr ol Llogqt (llG

lr/hen the lirrt punk/ho movomont stqrtcd lsio 70'a in the wortd, Turkcy hod o tcrgo oconomicsl criaic qnd s smqtl civit wqr qt thr toml timo; ro or ecano dcloyod io sdaption

Punh), Godzilts (HC), Scroom (llC), Floteround

in the

(N.Y.HC), Mind qlrr Mind (tikr orqngo 9mm, rtc..), Smsehrd Syrt.m (Crutt/ Noiar), Nurrrr

MCA (Noirr), Slomdivr (indir/Punk), Pickqxr (molodic llC), Ftying Dirty Ctoudr (Grindcor.), Awqk. (6rind noier), Somrthingr Yrong (llG), Bqrikot (HC), Humbto Pigr (Punh), N.C.T. (Noiay-corr), N.G.0. (tlC), Empty Cqgr (hC/ Punk). Mqny bsndo hqvr contqcl with rqoh othcr ro i, you Hrilr to ona qddr.?! it'r poraiblr to lirton to olharr.

Cqrr (Grungr/Punk),

bccqull poopto coutd'nl lottow lha wortd's rconr qt the sqmo timo.

Tho Thr liret Iurkeh tl.G. punk qctr ctqrlod in ihc mid 60'r with bqnds


Gule, LD.E.A., Noiay Mob, llrodbqngrre (Prr'LSD), Spinnors (Alt giri llC/Punk). Iheae bqndr qre ott gono now, qnd onty o hw tqpca cxist ,.om th.m. The

lirst aerious llC bqnd wqc l,lorbid



(prc-Turmoil). Ihey plqy raw, crunchy in tho vcin ol lnloat, Rorachsoh, D.opdoqd,

otc..Ihoy'vo got 6omo tqpcs qnd q iptit ?" with Acouatic Grindcr( Botgium). Anothor Iurkich tlC bqnd ic ilrororir. Ihry hqve tho Epitqph liqvored Euro-metodio-oore cimilsr to N0FX or lnncr Slrtngth. Ihry qlso hqva eome tqpec qnd o sptil 7" with Rqdicqi Noiso. o/o Kqqn Kqrqoz / Guven Sok / No. 13/6 / 810E0 Goztop. / lnstqnbut / Turkey. Yce, Rsdiost iloir is who I (Emrr) drum lor. Vo try to blond otd rohool orurty ]lC wiih aor dillorcnt otomonle, l/e hqvc top.s, q rptit 7" qnd our debut LP toon. c/o P.K. 3E2 / 61300 Kqdikoy / lnetanbui /Turkoy. Anothrr killrr bqnd ia Ark ll Yhy? Now they'rc d.qd but not aptit up. giutqriet movod lo thc U.S. qnd tho othor mombore qro trying to movo thtir too lo oontinuo thr bqnd. Tho muaio ia tike cqrty N.Y. bqndr likc, Underdog, Wqrzonl, otc.. rrith q etrong 0i inlturnoe. Their originql nqmo wq! S.A.D. Thry qtso hqv. roma tdpot. o/o Vedat Kiyiai / {3,l0 Kcptor Avc. 2nd Floor/ Bronx, NY l0{70/ usA Grunoh is ono o, lnsidnbut'e promjsing

bqnda. ln lqct lhoy wcro ivolvod in thc ll0 !oon. einoe th..qrty g0'c (in bsndc likr Vio-

lonl Pop qnd Rcgorgc). Thrir mqin inllucncca crc Ncuroais, Born Agqinet qnd mosl 60'c tlC. Ihcir lrontmqn ic thr cditor ol a vary int..atl-

Thr lirct crriour lqnzinrr worr Rreorgr,

Dirgult, Gorgor snd Anrorri. Yrll, ilrrrrgr ia a lror nawslctt.r thoi oontainr, oolumnt, qddr.rrrr. Thry' I irsua out, c/o

Krrlm 0non / lnltonbut


/ omurop.


l3 / 34300 Yraiikoy / lnrtonbul / Iurkry. Gorczint (noml ohongld) hot 6 irsu.r



ing zins cqttrd Eibck tlC which contsinr mortly

w,th inlarviawr wilh undarground bqndr (l'm

rqrcqstic cotumnc qnd ortistio iqyoutr. Crunch

thr rditor ol thir zinr).


Etbek llC /P.K. 57





lnrtqnbut / Iurkoy Slogco ia q bqnd vcry limilqr lo Prolonr bqnda. Crusty, drunkcn, piaard oll



ll0. Ihoy'rr

invoiv.d in bqnda tiko Nioht PrrronUch Nur Arbrit. G/0 Utku Ergun / Gurabq tluaoyinagamh

/ Iokko

Sk. 7/1 Akaqrqy



/ lnrlonbul /


Sartithcm, This ic q young bqnd o, Totgs (T.M.Y. productiona). Ihoy'va gol roma !ong! on compitqtiona qnd plqy Europaqn punk/llG. Govrrnmlnl Goilcprd, lncrcdiblr duqt vox with crusty U.K.tlC round. Ihir ic thr rid. project ol Oguz (lrom Necroaia). Rqrhit, Onc o, th. punk bqndr. tligh rookin sune in turkiah. Samo qddrcaa qe Nrorocia. fsmpon: Att girt punk bqnd vtho play'77 inliuoncrd punk. Thral bqndr qrr all lrom lnrtqnbut. Ihrrr ia qtso bqndr lrom othrr

citira. Now I wili ehortiy nqmt tomo naw bsndt horo in

Atrr l{iruiri,

Non mulic



mqgqzinr. Thry've got E irru.r out. @politikq; llr liko s hugo booh. ltr qnolhrr qncrchial zinr mqdo by Anksrq (oqpqciiy) Anqrohiete. Thry'vr got 4 irlu.r oul.

Yorslti:lta onl ol my lqvorilr zinlr. Con' tainr oil stylar in lh. undarground qnd !up-

porlr tha lrgqlizc msrijuqnq mov.mrnt in oqch iarur. Unitt ol Dtsok Anrrror: Futt ol qnorchiet columnt and a low rcviawl ond intarviow! ql itr brrt. ln Englirh, c/o Yovuz Grtik/ Crnnrt Moh. Trvlik Fikrrt Sok./No. 9/A Kugukerkmrcr/ lnltanbul/ Iurkry $2 ppd. Lsbolr cnd Diltrol: Iurktyr only lru. indir tqbrt ir Kodmrril. fhoy'ro th. ol Dirchord, Attrrnqtiv. T.ntoclrr, 4AD, .tc. in lurh.y. Thry olro hqvr q rqdio rhot , lor two yao.t now, cstlad 'Akrinotq"; and th.y qlro orgsnir. gigr. Thair lirrt roloqcr witl br Rodicqt Noiar / Ack lt Vhy



lsrliosl Produotionl: ltr o l,ttl. lobrl ol mr snd Krrrm (from Mrarqgr). Yr lftl lotr o, drmol, compc, 7"! qnd diatro Prolqnr Eriel-

anca qnd llaqrlqttqck in Iurkry. T.l{.Y. Prod[otionr: Another qcliv. dillrol lqbol. Ihry'vc mqdr q 23 bqnd lurkirh compi'

lqtion lqp. cnd roma zinr oompitotionr (You cqn contsot msny bqnda through thir tobrt). Eblol llG, Ar I wrolo sbovo, itr q zin. qho.

Ihry hqyo mqdr romr Turkith compiistionr qnd atlo prinl T-ohirtc

Bqndr hqvr no choncr to plq, in indrprnd.nt ctuDr. Yr plqy morlly in m.tql ctubt, but loon Kodmulik witl stqrt q olubcqllrd Kod-ra

lor llqrdcorlr.

Aboul thr Ansrchirta. Moat ol tho qnqrchiate nol invotyrrl in ttC/Punk. Wr con'l rro qhy ltrong ,rd.rotionr, onty q ,.w propl. oround thr zinor ond Kqos publicciionr; qnd proplo al


drmonatrqtione with blqok ltoga. ll you roni to know q lol ol lhinga qbout our rcono, [ilo, atc.. at ir lnough to wr,ta to lh.ra oddrrrlrr. Ihsnka, Emrc.

moyomont osn qccomptith vory tittte without cnsrchicm. Msinetrcsm snimst

rights groupt tike PEIA olten urge peopte to "got polilioqt" qnd vote lor potiticiqnc who qrc lricndly to lhcir movoment. fheec pooplc src exiremety ncive il they think those bqclqrdr witt do qnythine for the snimqtc. We, sa tlumqn Librrction, Animst Liberotion, Anorchirm snd Animat Riohtt

Iho struggtee lor qnimot rightr snd tor anqrchism mutt bc unified. When I slqrt tstking cboul vegetorioniem,

yegsnicm, qnd qnimst rightr in generol, pcopte lond to g.t pissod ofl qnd aqv thqt l'm trying to tott thom whqt to do' l'm not. I do think thdt vou shoutd be vogqn, but I don't wont you to mckc q decieion tike thqt iuet becsure I asid ro. I wsnt you to took qt whqt l'm raY' ing, took qt whqt other peoplo have raid, qnd took st thc ,sct!. lf you recttv con' cider att ol thesc thinga lhen I think vou'tt mqke the right dccicion. What it bsricqtty comer down to is thie, ll vou oare

qboul somcthing other thsn voursotr, you'tt stop !upporling thc !vstom of ani' mqt clouehter.

Emmq Gotdman defined qnsrohirm qs

"thc phitocophy of c new tociqt order unrostrioled by msn'mqde tqw." Anqrohy it oomot.te ,roodom. Unrortunatoty mosl sncrchittr envirion thir lreedom qr .xt.nding onty to humsnt. Ihia froedom mrat .xlond to qtt beingl. Somc peopte suggost thst il no ono wqt obte to .qt rnoql in cn snqrohitt aociety their lreedom would be rorlrictod. Are rcpe qnd murdor gail ol the utopis thev imsgine? I ssriourty doubt it. Most snsr' ohislr qgree thst thic comptele freedom would moqn that wo coutd do st wo pteqeed qe tong qs it did not intorrore wilh ihc lreedom of another. This mssnr thql no ono could be hsrmed bv the sctionc ol qnothor. lf qnimaic continuo to be ured tor lood snd oxperimontslion, whero ie their complote lreedom? Whqt ie snarohy lor them ? lf we qre going to lrec lhe opprerled wo must lroo qtt ol lhe oppreaced, rsgsrdtert ol their tpeciot. h/hqt ia qnorchiam without qnimsl rightr? An qnsrchict eooioty whore peopto oqt most is nol cnorohy, lt'a iust snother loacist dictstorahip, the diclqtorchip of the homo sspien. At the ccme lime, rhst ic the snimst righic movomont without qnsrchitm? Ihic

qnqrchiata, must show the msinrlrosm onimqt righte movemont thqt humqnc and cnimstr cqnnot poacibty tive in hqrmony

white we

src tiving under oppreccive

cspitqtist qnd stalo communitt socist struoturot. The qnqrchist qnd animqt rights movemontt mutt ioin logether in one unified struggtc' Esch movoment ia pointtecc without the other. 0ntv whon we light lor qnimqt tiberstion in sddi' tion to our own treedom qre we trutY lighting lor snarchism. Ihore wqe a limo when qnti-fqsciat rtruggtos where nogtoclod bv the mqjority of qnqrohirta iuct tiks lhe rtruggte for qnimqt righte is now being nogtoclod'

But now mqnv o' ua invotvgd in the movom.nt qre dcdicclod to ,ighting

ogcinat rscism, sexiem,

cnd homophobiq. Whv hsve the rightc ol snimqts been ael qride, to bc fought lor onty by s smstt portion ol the qnorchirl movemont? la the lile of qn animot snv ters importsnt thqn thqt ol o humqn? lr one life not ss votuqbte sa qnothsr ? hro murt tesrn lo vqtuo snimsl tile iutt qs we vqlue humqn tile. According to PETA 6,000,000,000 qnimqtc qre kitted evoJy yosJ in lhe mesl industry alone. The Hotocsurt pstor in compsriton. lc thia sny teca ol c trqgedy iust bocqus. tho yiotima qre not humqn? A tot ol people

rsise their voicer qgqinrt oppreacion but continue lo oqt mocl qnd feed the animqt staughtsring mqohine' E,000,000,000 viotenl murdor6 eYorv yeor. la thie pqrt ol your utopro?

Whqt You Can Do Go vegsn. ll nothing otro, atop eqt' ing meat. some ol you youngor punke

thqt live wilh you pqronts mcy hove c hqrd time eoing Ycgqn il they qron't comptiqnt, but snyone cqn escitv bo q yogotqrion. There qre o lew eitustionc ihst mqke q voeqn diet vcry difficutt. ll you tivo in ruch s tituqtion qt tosst becoms vogotqriqn. Don't be aqtirlied with this howevor. You choutd ciwqys elrive for q tileatylo thqt in no wqy oon' tributer to tho lorturc qnd dssth ol sni' moie. You ccn sttend qnimst rightc dem' onelrqlionr qnd protott sgqinct the in-

,usticol inlticteo upon cnimste. Thia is qtao q good opportunily to give snsrchist tilerqture to othor snimqt rightc

qotivists. Hetp unite thc two movementl! For more inlormotion qbout cnimsl rights, vogcnism, otc., contqctt'PEIA I P0 Box 42516 / Wsshington, DC / 20015 / Ph#(3ol)770-7444 ln Dslenac ol Animqts / EtO W. Fqncicoo Btvd. / Ssn Rqfqet, CA / 94901 / Ph#(4,l5)453-99E4 The Vegetqrisn Reaouroe Group

l{63, Dcpt. lN / Bqttimore, 21203 / Ph# (410)366-VEoG




P0 MD /

Aithough I diaqgree with the wav lhcsc

groupt ces orgqnized, they qre thc besl touicoE ol inlormqtion avqitqbte' Being vegsn cqn be lrurtrqting qt timee. When you find out thqt vour lovorite beer hsa gelotin in it or that lh. toolhpsrto you uto ir teeted on qnimotl, ifc going to pice yott ott, but vou cqn lind qtternotivec. lt tqker q strong witi cnd strong conviclion to chongo your

tiro!tyto, but any struggto tqkea atrenglh. I hopo wo witl qtt lind our strenglh and ioin togothor qt ths bqrri' cqdea ol revotution. lt witt be c tovotution noi onty lor our own tiberqtion, but for qnimql tiberqtion qr welt.

I wqs iust sbout hstlwsy through toading Jonny the Saini'r new wqahing mq' chine with my btack rsgt, groy atinking lennic aockr qnd roited underpcnta when, lrom iust down lho hqttwqv, there ccme thig ioud qnd most intistont rcpping ol the lront door tellerbox covot'

You know. Ihql'c ttrqngo, I ihought to

mysetl, how did they got in? Down through the rool mqybe? We tiYed on the 20th tloor ol c lower block and wc hqd this inlercom sot'up in tho lover, qnd co auch thoughtt wero slwsya ex' oiting, or sl tosst lhe.y were initialtv' I linishod stulfing tho hote of the thing with my rcncid bitc qnd then I clood up qnd wonl ofl to qntwor the door. I wqr grected by the mott surrcat vision (cnctoaed tike q mqd painting bv

the door'frqmo

qt it wqt) thot I hqd

borne my usuat muto witnesr to for some

time. Frqnkenstein's monttor, qtt eight ,oet o, him, rtood right thore in lront ol

mc wsying s psckot or "scummo" wssh-

either; perhqpa

ing powder lrqntioslty snd lreneticslly qbout hie rquqro otd heqd. lle wse wcqring q dusty, dqrk-btue boiter euit snd thece big otd hobnqit bootr qnd hit ekin wqs s tittte pqte, il wqr qr though he hqd gotton.snomic or comething. Bo-

,irst guost

hind him I ooutd iurt msko oul in lhe rmoky gtoom q litm crew, tighting men, round ongineera snd thir grinning idiot with a Nikon camcordcr bsionoed prc' cqriousty upon hir teft-hsnd rhoutder. I know lhst it wqr Frqnkenctein'r monstor (or moro oorrectty,'the crosturo") qnd Not Hermsn Munaler bccqurc I re' mcmbersd from tho poputqr btqck snd white 1950'r IV chow thst ilormqn hsd s yory resaonsbie commqnd ol thc En'

(or qt toast, cotonist'imperiqlirl North-Americqn) lqnguoge, whoreca Frqnkie'boy here coutd merety grunt snd mqke other gutturql throqly-typc noises, qlthough mqny of thcm worc ycry drqwn-out and etongoted; but he wsc with hir crew in thir, who coutd meroty gjggto bohind their toeth qt our rlrqnge cituatiou snd moai of lhem did thia with apporenttr much teal vocqt rqngo than he hsd. "UUUUUURG}ITII! UG! UGI UG! WERRGllllllUURRGtltl!!", the croqturc told mc. "]lcohechooell", acid thir midget juet bccidc hie right etbow who wss rupporting the microphone boom. I lrowncd q tittto but rtitt I cqid nothing. lt wqc, in' deed, q slrsngo citustion. I fett qr thoqgh I choutd coltcct my thoughtr tog.thor bclore oponing my big mouth. Whst did they wanl lrom me, qnywqy? It wqs iurt srtor five 0'clock on c Sqturdoy qtternoon in tqte Jcnucry, ond lrom back in thc tiving room I hesrd Dsnny Bsker como onto tho rsdio qnd I wondercd lot q briet momonl whether or not thia might qtt be a drcam. Ihcn gliah

ruddenty tho lotophone in the noxt room

rqng qnd diatracted ua stt, sa wett qr givine me q littte more time to think thingc out.

"Excuse me boye" I sqid, excusing myaetl qnd atepping into lhe guort bodroom whoro lhe extension tetephone hqd tqct been telt. Ihen I picked up the flqching receiver.

"tlutto?", I totd tho receivor. I wsr hoping thqt it wqa going to be Danny Bqkor on the other end, plqying qn April Foot on me in Jsnuqry qnd proving lo me lhal I wqc neilher drecming nor mcd


I wse to bc the very th. pitot lor his noxt stu-

pid IV ptogram, "Middtecex Hqdnerc" or fuom the rsdio thst hqd been toft on in lhe tounge though, and lthought, wctt, msybe it'c a studio recording oJ s Jopeqt eh? But rectty I kncw thot it wsrn't. So I was oithcr drcaming or inacne, I hqd linqtty joined the reet ol the humsn rq00.

"llutto?", I eqid qgsin into tho totophone receiver which hqd by now, of courr., desicted in it'r ftsshing. I stro concidcred to myectl thqt I rcqtty ought to hsvc acked Frankenetein'r monrlor to so. aome lD. Somclimcr o aouplo o, bottc through thc ncok qnd cyes bloorlchot-GREEN iust qron't cnough. "lley Frsnk, whct'r hsppening?" ll wsr my lriend Kovin thc midgct on thc tine. lle wqr no rclqtion to the msn with the microphonc,'though. Thia wca stt iurt pure weird coincidencc. "Wstt Kev", I totd him, "you mightn't betieyo thia but l'ye got Frqnkcnatein's monttor ql the front door. I think he'e trying to coit me wcrhing powdrr; you know, tiko in thotc qdycrts on IV thqt Dsnny Bqker used to do?" "0h, right.'lr Etvir ttitt thcrc?" "No, thcre'c iusl,th. monrlor qnd thic rsthor tqciturn fitm crow". "0h wett", Keyin thc midget esid to mo. "Any slien qbduction, IR0MA or Russ Mcyer stuff with thcm then?" "Nqh"

"tlow qbout tow-budgct Kung-fu movics'!" "Juat Frqnkenstcin'l monrtor, Kcv" I aqid. "tlqyo you riitt gol my copy ol 'Kitt,ng For Culturc'?" "Yeqh, stitt go my'Irsinspotling'?" "Mmmm, yeoh, I reqd qbout tive paget of it q coupte of monlhc ogo but then I got into thic book ol ehort rtoriec by Jilly Cooper ansloqd. l'tt linirh it onc dsy: 'Trqinspotting', I moqn. Thqt ia" I hqd qtreqdy finirhed the Jitty Goopor ono. lt had been ocited "Gaptoothed in Gtoucoaterrhire", q mast.rpioar. A reqt ctscaic. "Fsncy coming to Pttmpkinr tor lEA'!", Koyin qsked me. "weii, l'd tike to", I totd him, "but I reqtly oughl to stick qround here and sort out my eanity firat, reqtty." I wqc the mqrler o, ropotition. "l ree" Koy cqid. "Wett, giyo mo q oqtt il you ,qncy coming qtong to tho comedy tqter, 0K?"

"0K", I serured him. "See you tstor on moybe".


I put tho totophono down qnd

mode my way bqck to tho

lront door ot neither Frsnkenstein'a monEler nor lhe oiher midget with lhe microphone boom, nor' lhe grinning idiot with lhe cqmcorder perched on tho top ol hie telt shoutder hqd atoten my bicycte. Actuqtly, tho croqturo wcr probcbty q tittt. bit big lor it, even with tho tsddle put right up. Ac it wqs. But it wqs stitl my bjke qnd I toved the dqmned thing. ll gqvo mo c pertpeclive qnd it kept me Eqne.

the ltqt, hoping thot

fhe pqtm ol hcr hqnd conncctE rotidty on lho cheek of the four, yoqr otd. llis

lesfs rcqtlor lrom thc impsct qnd hir creoming ir inlrrrupled lor s momcnl lrom lhe phycicqt oontqct. Not much toomr to bs sbte lo rtop hir tosrr ond hia crios. Altor tho beqting, he wsnder6 over lo my qporlmont qnd I hotd him for s tong time whitr he begr to be sltowed to tiye with mc. I try to tolt him his Msmq tover him. llc doe cn't beticye mo. And my ptsn ol sction? Wetl, l'm

going to lqko q photogrsph ol the Mothcr snd blow it up reqtly big qnd mqke q rilk-acreen ol it and thcn print Eomo wqy ooot T-chirts qnd sell them. Mqybe Eyen

hsve q guoto ,rom hsr on the bsck. She pqcaed out drunk qt tho party. Ihe pqrty wqr cl hcr house snd eo che stumbtod into her bedroom, leit into s

crumptod hesp on her bod, qnd wqs out cotd, When ehc qwoko, her ex-boylriond wqc rqping hor. She coutdn't atop him snd atipped bsck into unconrciouaness. Alter q coupte ol weeka, che went pubtic with whqt she hqd tiyed through. I knew thst mqn who hqd done thie to her. I wsr cickened lhqt hc hqd dons this. Comptetoty dirgusted. I took q photo

thqt l'd hqd ol him qnd msde q aitkrcroon and printed olf aome more Tahirtr. I mqde quite the prolil oll ol thql one. Prolit otl ol olher peopte's pqin. Money gqined lrom the dcalruction snd

deycctqtion of qnolher humqn being's


A porpotuqlion of lhc rcpc, mur-

der, yiotont dosth cutlurc. Whqt thc fuck qm I tatking obout? Let me exptain il in

two wordc: aeriqt kitterc. Ihc two rituqlionr I described qbove oren'l roclity,

.but the reqtity is thqt our socioty hqr cn obsorsion with serist kitterr that I jurt don't fucking undcretand. So q mqn wqe rick enough to be qbte to rqpe, mutitqte, qnd uttimabty kiti a bunoh of womon. Am I improracd'/ Do I think that's coot? Do I want lo run qround weqring

T-rhiric thst proudly dirptoy the fqoc ol rome ol the morc "lqmoua" rspietr qnd murdcrcrc? Fuok no. Do I neod lo resd booka about lho peychc ol rerist

llsli no. it oomor down to is q gtorificstion ol rqpe. Iurning muttipto murdorr into q gtqmorous qct. Mqking the vsri' our qcts ol mutitqtion into somc pcr' yorEo ontcrtqinmant for tho motact. And we ost it up. Moyier likc 'Scven' or'Silence 0f Ihe Lambs'mqke bittionc kittera? hrhqt

ol dottsrs. Books on ceriql kitterc mqke

mittionc. Cotlector's cqrdc on ceriql kitterc aott quite wetl. And T-rhirte of ceriqt kittors bring in quite q profil too, And I iuet don't lucking gct it. Whon did

imporlonl to do eotiticql aclions, I know it's imposribt. thqt you go to s domonstrslion whore qre 500 or 1000 peopte, lhey cqn't stl be your lriends, but I meqn tho cmatter groupr. A smatt circtc ol lriondr it, vory ossontiat, the people, how thcy resct when the oopE qre coming when ygu squql q houre, or when you hqye

troublcc during s domonrlrqtion, or simi' tar thingr. You know whql to do. I hovo somo roqtty good lriendr, we meet esch olher very olten, most ol ur sre working, or studying, the most ol ua

do q band or work st VEB Sqoro Reoord Sioro, doing q tsbct or do qny DIY thingr. tde meet eqch other to do potiiicat things, but whqt the importsnt thing ic, we tqlk q tot qbout perronct things, perronst prob-

/ boylriend, par' cnts whclcver. I think this is q yery importsnt, ond this ir quite rqre in Antilq groupt. ln thc ro catted DIY roene you mect thot much p.oplc, evorywhoro you go. You know pcopte here qnd there cnd it is stt much moro portonst. Thir seems vory impottsni lor me qnd I hope it won'l

tcmc with lobr, girtfriend

chqngc... Joc Existrnor / lgnorgqsse 40 I 1120 Viennq Aurlriq /e'msil:


the deqth of innoccnt peopte qt the hsndr

ol some sick luck bocomo so impree-


aive to us? Mqybc when we micptqced our humsnily. Somewhoro qtong lhe tine wo ioel our oompsrrion qnd our qbility


to be horrified. Wctt, ,uok thqt. l'm not going lo numb out ao lucking muoh thst I osn't be cickened by co much pqin.


TIT}l Itl

l'm not going to gtorily serisl kitters. Ihere ir nothing ooot qbout whqt they did. Thore ie nothing punk qbout rerist

lqct Ssturdqy wqE s weird one for mo. Ihere I wor turrounded by wett droreed, middto ctsra qnd mottty


middlc-qged pcopto stqnding in c pqrk qnd my bost mqto crying in my srmsl Iroubte wqs I coutd hsrdty stop mycelf from brosking down too. Why? lt

)oL gLAAt

Hell, How Could We Write Any More Shit Than This? From tho boginning, sincc l'm inlo thc thcrr ic ono thi09 t{hich

DIY punk rcone,

ic very imporlqnl lor me - lriendrhip. I hcvo socn it ycry oltsn, in Antilqroirt groupE, in thst very strqighl potilicqt tcenr, thqt lriendehip isn't thsl importsnt.

You don't work together with lrionds, you

work logothor with poopt!, haying thc Eqmo, or a quile rimiior, politicat opinion lhsn you haye. I hqye becn in vsriour Anlila orgsnizstionr lor a lcy yocrs, qnd lor me it tecmcd lo bo otwsyr more importsnt, lhe potiticst, thqn the perlonol sEpoct ol lhe meclings. I lhink it'r yery

ers, suioide or diaeqse. The lemmingtike drivo o, csr cutture ir bringing our ecotogicqt auicide ctoaer fsater snd fqcter. A took qt our citiec, our trqnrport tyttomt, oltr portonqt qstettmont ol weqtth qnd auccelr chowc how totst is the dominqtion ol weqlth qnd luccoce of csr outluro, And why? Where dosr the need for theee mschinos oriee? Primqrity in tho dcriro lor prolit. Greed, st oyor st lhe expenae of qnimqtc, ecotogy gnd even humqns ourtetves, we hsve been pereusded thot the qulomobito ia qn os6ontiqt cymbot ol mqchismo, eex-qppeqt, powor, coot, hippy-chic, punk-rook whatever oc tong sr you hqve one. And once you do you're driving q deqth mqchine untiko qny othor, one thst'e qcceplsbte lo oyoryono. Wett no more, my mqte tost his brother qnd I toat my groqtosl lriend to cqr cutturo. Evory drive you mqke ia q throqi to humcn life, qn qttsck on our ptqnols'

tilo, evsry unnocor8qry cruise is


inrutl to our torl loved one. Go by pubtic trqnrport, wqtk, or better stitt, ulo q bicycte, bike punx rute! P.5. London (UK) cyctirts witt be hotding q rpeciql Remembrqnco Criticqt Mqcc ride on the ,?th ol November which ia lnternstionst Roqd Viotim Dqy. Sttriing qt llom lrom the Southbqnk we'ro going to visil stt tho ptqcoc where our cycting oomrqdes hqve been kittcd qnd

pqy our rerpeotE. We don't wqnt

to become luture |Jattic cssuqttios qnd wo won'l tot our lriende beoome mere rosd




wqr tho l00th snnivorrqry ol Bridget Drircott getting kitted qnd we were qtt thoro lo commemorote the day. So who the luck wcr Mrt Drieoott, you wcnnc

I hrett lhot's iust tho point, untike Rudotph Diecet, Ksrt Benz, or llenry Ford ahe's not (in)fsmoue but che ought know


lo be. llistory, written by men lor capitqtists' bsnelit chooses to ignore perhapa the moet imports,rl porron in "devotopment" ol our cqr oulturo. She wor the lirsl porton to be kitted by c moior vehiote. Since then sn ostimqtod 25 mittion others hqye died becquso ol csrs,

Sol and Broba, membera of the bqnd Activo Minds qnd croqtors of Loony Tunet

cs?msggodon indeedl Csrs kitt more peopte lhqn murder-

ilqying reoentty intor.yiewed recordc, their tong outspokon criticirm of the Compoct Diac formst hsa sporked eome debqte on the isaue qround Pro-

fsne Exiatenoe. Aa thingr go in

the mUrky inner'workings ol the Prolane Ex-

isten0o tligh Ruting Councit (that's q ioke), debqtes on iseues with such broqd

vinyt oounterpsrt, stthough thcy oost qboul sr muoh to mqnursclurc. Ihe GD think howevor, tome pointt brought up .qdmittedty hsl more musac lhqn the vi' by Set snd Brobr, both in the intcrviow nyt, but it hordty cotl ut mor. lo in' qnd oll the rocord, hqvo cerioullv chqt- ctude thoee extrq songt. Without rctcnged the provqiting sttitudo sround PE slty thinking wo iust sot tho prioc ct to ignore thic tticky subioct o, compsct whqt peopto lott thoir GD'c to ua for. diacr or qt toqtt end my tong citence on Not rostly thinking qbout whqt wo cr. doing ir no oxcuro ot qtt, but thcrc ic q thc irruc. one of the biggcst cnd mort hictory behind our oomptqccnt sltitudo. ystid ciiticicmc ol th6 gsmpoct dieo ir Whcn CD'c wcrc firlt introduced ss tho no[ "industry sisndqrd" qbout thc highcr price at which thev hqve been l0 ycsrc ogo, the mqiorily ol thc punk sotd, which ie q lrsnd which oontinues econe viewcd the chonge with iustifi' to thie dqy. fhere sro olhor srgumontt qbic aurpicion. A now, supporedty cu' auch ss which formot hqs the cuperior peilor lormql mosnt hugo new profitr quqtity, tength ol running time, tile round imptiostionc tond to go on lor voqre with no conot[aive docisionr ever msde' I

.xpcctsncy, pcckqging, etc, which stt hqvo q laclot in the srgument ,or or sgsinet lhe CD. But the reqi ohqttonge to the DIY punk

!cen. ir tho c,urrenl ri-

t.nt co'opcrslion with tho mueic

indurlry'c stondsrd! ol mqrketing ol the cD.

Compsct diroc qre Eupposod to hove thc euperior sound quqlitv, withoul thc aurfqce noilc, ovor vinvt. Thev src ruppoEedty ruperior in thqt you hovc up to 77 minulos o, potontiqt running time st oppo8od to 40 minuler op' timum ptqying time lor s 33 RPM LP' 'rhc compqct cizc mcqnc eqaier storqgo qnd qn inlinilc now qrrqy of pscksging porribitities, dirpencing with incredibtv cxpcnrivc mqnuracturing qnd printing invotved in sn ovcrtized qtbum covor. It ir olro s known lqot thst compoct diccr qre muoh G}IEAPER to mskc thsn qtbuma. Bul stmost withoul exceplion (Borr City Recordt being one tho lew that comcs to mind) ovorv oompact disc produoed within thc punk tcono costt much mor. thqn thc vinvl counterpqrt, when it even exirlg qt qtt, hqrdtv ever

tqking qdvsnlqgc o, tho tutt running time pot.nlist, qnd crc stmort qlwqvr pqckcAcd in tho wqstcrut "iowot" boxce (which I reem lo breqk in the firat live cooondt ol hsndling onc).

uriih stt o, lhc groqt pot.ntiqt

ol lhe compqot dito qs s usqbto formot lor the DIY scone, then why qro lo wstting it by contorming lo lhe stqndsrdr?

Admittodty, Prolsne Existence ic sr guilty qs qnyono etse. Yeqre qgo our ignorcnco coutd hqvo been qn excuto of going stong with the ccqm. After roteseing two CD's ol our own (snd more on lho wsy) it is plqin io aeo how eqsitv we becqms a pail ol lho eoqm. Ihe price ol the Misery CD wqe higher thqn the

lor the corporqlions, with pcopte not onty hsving to re'buy thcir entire muric cot' toctionr, but stco mqke q seriouc invcst' mcnl in n.w oquipmont. Adding incult to inittry, tho pricee ol ihe nrw format uere qtao qs much sr twicc sr whqt mort n.u rccords hsd bcen. Atmost ovcr night the vinyl lormst pretty much boccmc cxtinot qnd mott lormcr record

rpontoE. h/e lett thqt msking st mqny ,ormqts svsilsbte wst q big enough foqron to compromiee on lhe potitioql qspccls. some peopte woutd wqnt cD'r bcoquae it wqs tho onty lormol lhey ooutd ptqy (i.c. thcir porenlc thrcw out thcir turn:tqbte) qnd othcrr werc aotd on lho "quotitv" qnd "convcnionce" ol the CD. At tho timo wc didn't know how tittlr CD's qctuqlty oorl to mqkc qnd wc ligurcd pcopte woutd iust hcvc to poy the higher price il they wgnted thc CD ro bod. I lor one gretu vinyt, lor thc mqin reqaon thst tho pqckqging ir usu' stty much better ihqn thc CD countcr' porlr, qnd vinyt is urustty muoh chcqper sc wett! But Whv? A osce in point il q rccord qnd CD I hctpcd put togoth.r s couptc ycsrl

bqck. Ihc bqnd I wsr in rocordcd on [P'r worth ol msteriat, alt ol whioh wst psid lor by the tqbet. Thc tqbrl cx' prclrcd inlcrott in rcteqcin0 thc olbum ce s CD qc weti qnd the rcct ol lho bqnd

rloror awitchod ovcr to the now qnd ih' ogrccd to it oa tong qc wo could litt up proved muaic lormcl. thc rcmqining time on thc CD with othrr 5o sbrupt war tho chqngc that reoordingc, moetty congt retcqerd on s whoti gencrslion ol kida grow up not vinyi qnd stmost qti out of prinl rocord' even knowing whst c rccord wqt. About inga. Ihua, the GD not onty hqa tht lix or coven y.ors qgo AYF Diatribu' trqckr lrom the stbum, bul sleo har tion brought their rccordr to rhowl in cvory song previouaty rctcqrcd on vi' the cuburbr to bc qrked rcpcqtcdty, nyt snd o ooupic unrctccaed ontt-s ,utt "whct qre theae?" by thc kids tooking 74 minutot. Ihe cxtrq tongt on thc GD through tho boxca ol qtbums cnd o.p.c. oqme to odd c arcnd totqt o, $150 to The youngor gcn.rqtion dccpcrolcty the cort ol lhe proicct (lhir wqr lor lwo wqntod to g.t thtir hqndr on punk mu' dsyr worlh ol digitqt cccuencing ol thc ric, but hsd no wsy to ptqy thc recordl 50 ptua conga). hrith tho apqcc timita' snd AYF Dirtribution stookcd no oom- tionr ol thc iewet box formst there wct pqot discs. Ihc incidcnt wsr o bit smu!bqrcty enough room to lit ott ol thc tyr-. ing qt thc timo, but it stco und.rtoor.d ioe and nono ql ctt for lho ortvork lhot the chsngea roon to twoop lhrough tho oom. on the fotd-out pottor which mqde punk lconc qr weit. up thc vinyt cover. Whst you cndcd up Keeping in mind my own firct wr'lh wqc q ,uti tenclh vinyt LP with gr.ot expericncc with lh. gcncrqlion 9qp bc' pqokqging snd q GD with pretly tqmc twoon th. two ,of mqtt, it is ossy lo so. psckaging but toods ol cxtrs lrscka. I why mcny ol thc punk tsbett slqrt.d to would imqgc, cvon with thc cxtra $'50 rctcsrc tittcr on GD, even rctuotqnlty sddcd in, the CD's rlitt probqbiy coct qt lirat' with qcccca to mqnv lormcr qboul qs much, il not tor3, thqn thc vi' outtots cut oll by monv chopa no tongcr nyt to mqnufocture, Yet in thc end, the stocking vinyt qnd proEturo lrom dis- CD'c were priced $2 higher thqn thc vi' tributore, producing 6esnpcot dircr atong nyt, even though thoy cost tegr to ecnd aide vinyt boccmc the togicqt noxt slop. through the mqit qnd didn't hqvc thc Dislri' quolitl pqcksging. Ihc bsnd hqrdly gclt AYF Evon emqti DIY dirtributors, Exictonoe snd Profqno s "cut" o, tho oxlrs monoy modc on the bution lhen tqtor Dictribution inctuded, begsn stocking CD untcrr they go qtong with colting thcir CD's, We did goi tomo gricl from a oopiea lor the rsme higher pricc. ll thc lmatt but vocat section of the DIY move- "highor" CD price is to mqke up lor the ment sbout stocking CD's, but wc oolln- "ahcsper" LP prico, ihen why not iust torcd lho critioismr with reqaonqbte ro- rsire the'ol the vinyl q titltc snd

thom for thc gqme price? Thia ic not sn irotqted exqmpte qnd ol courto we did thc yory rqme lhing with the Miscry CD without evon thinking lwic.. So whot cqn wo do cbout it? At I mentioned belore, thcse tough decicione sbout whst to do iond to got put oll tor cver snd ever sround here' We slt recognizo thqt PE hoc o grect deot of impact on thc tctno, not onty whqt wc vrito qboul in thie mogqzinc, but qtso thr policica wc prsctiso wilh our record

tqbrl qnd dictribution wine. ll we de' cidr to rett our own CD'c qt lho sqmo prioc sr vinyt (whioh wo sr. stsrting to do with lrqdor with other tabclr), then thr togicsl concturion woutd be to onty buy CD'e lrom tsbetc who wiit aeti them lor tho asmc pricc qc the vinyt. tlow lar rhoutd wo toko lhis? Woutd it bo lab lor us to suddonty impore thit on thr lqbeta we otrcody dirtribute? Whcre

do you moke ercoplionr



Sometimea lhe preeruro to tqke the eqey

roqd snd conform ia qtt loo tompting !o wo rnd up prsctiting inqction, lt rseme to mc tho dqy ol our own reokoning with thc oompqct dirc ic toon st hond qnd come kind of decicion needr lo bo msdc toon; otE. we riak becoming irretcvsnt ,rom our own hypocriry.

N0TE, Alter I wrots this


umn q dccirion wst mqde at PE qs o, Novcmbcr l, wc woutd sott bolh GD snd LP lormsla of our reteqso! sl lhe rsme prior with lhc rcleqte of lhc new Chriatdrivcr "Evcrything Burne" CD. Wc



qtgo rclrosolivcty roducod tho pricer on ott CD


roteslcc, inctuding Skutd tptit

proleclr and thc Countorbtost GD whioh ir q rptit rcteqse with Etderbcrry Rccordc in Swedcn. lt accmr our'pcrtnrr'tsbclr qgrco l00X with our gost o, rnding lho gccm oncc qnd lor qtt! Don't ptqy thcir game-don't pqy too much!

Sounds Celebrating Resistance a

zine:wl lntervlews, revlews,

rsources, and personal wrltings about usic and politics. #1 available now for $1 ppd. (N. Amer.) $2 ppd.(elsewhere). a radio show: playing a wide varlety of muslc. Airs in Sacramento, to communlty and lcrgpower statlons everywhere. Political Performers: send stuff for alrplay and review. Sounds Celebnting Resista nce PO Box 191715 Sacramento CA 9581 9-1 71 5

wash dishes bv vol. 1" "








still available: SCARED OF CHAKAruHE GAIN split 7" SCARED OF CIIAKA LP/CD . GUS 7" . THE TWERPS 7'' ,


fax: 7O2-856'2611 distributad by Rhrto.ic,

Bofl.n.kk, K, I K Flowara, txhbarlrct. Choka. Smrshl, H.h.r


Surair.. Rawlvai Gat Hrp, Sakd

hofane, This is a letter xarning 1'ou anil inforning you of soileone who is tafting advantage and using Lhe punk scene and youl zine. The person is furdr-et Emith, owner of "Black Planet" books fron Baltinore. I'\:e seen his ads in ths last couple issues of PE. tle has called the cops on me and the citl' building and housing inspectors on ne nhen I was squatting a building in Oaltinore and putting on some shows. Ile is a [otal asshole, ask anY Punk forn Baltinore tbaL knows him, no ono llles hir because he is a ageist yuppte pseutlo counterrevolutionarl' rlch fuck. There is toms more to this story, I'n writing a pauphlet entitleil "I cetr still soell your yuppie

scu[!" I think that i['s Bn appropriate title. It shorrld be tlone sooetlme eoon, I'll be sure to send You a copy when i


done. . .

calletl the cops and the city on was the Code l3/State of frar/ Iliatus show, ask FeIix and Jon rbout lt. .. (they got the full scoop frol ue)... Tbere was a totally'shittv turn out beeause they also spreadra runor the ehowtlas cancelledlll Fuck off to all rich charlatans posing as revolutionaries Bnd anarchistsl I Doutt uith the ricb yuppie scum! | UeIl, take crre / f,if-Riotous asaenbly / Pa Box 20302 / Boulder, Co / The show he


PS anil readers,

The oppression placed on punks lnside our nation's penal syetems is staggering. fe are forcetl to cut our hair because they fear individualieu. others are allowed to have their eamingo, but our various body jew-

elry is strictly prohibited.


nuslc is eonsidered to be dtfiant of eetablished penalogically ideas and therefore forbidden. The ideas tve hold are understootl to be iusidious and rloious. For eryressing our vierrs He are put in itolatiou. Is this the

justice orr society says it values so highly? If so, tear it donn my brothers and sisters beeause it is fascisu in its highest, form. The enslavenent of fellow punks and anarchists is an everyday occrr* rence. Forced to labor for

mere pen-

nies an hour or iu sone c86e6, for free. The vork involveil would nornally bring anyrhere frou nlnluun wage up to l5 or 16 dollara an hour. Those of us *hon defy the ailnlnlstrations are made exanples of in order to keep the mindless nasses in line. Isolation, denial of privilege, anil pub-






a few

of the

tools used to accomplish their means. Subsiandard food is a nainstay in our diets. Food from the, (ha!) Federal Govcrnment thar has been warehoused for years is an everyday fare. ,\{oldy trread, sortp rnade fron tro reek old leflovers, and the theft of oost things fresh b1' the fuckin plgs are just a few of the things we have to look fornard to for our entire stey aL our perspective Hotel IIelI!

our literature iu

screened anal photos examlned more closely then the

hy the Nazis. Do these conditions sound fariliar to any of you? f,e ileal with then on the str€eLs everyday. Police harassnent. cold stares fror the shallow miniled. or tile prospective emplover *ho hires sooeone wlth Iess talent because of your loohg? All these things are onrltiplieil ten fold inside one of these places. The reason behind this is to renind those of you, chai know people like me, in prisons throughout the nation, that they still need your support. A leiter describing the scene out there, a noLe to reaintl a political prisoner of a syeleo gone mad that they're not forgotten, or pietures of the lifestyle are lndeed a huge Iift in spiriL desperately needed bv us al l. I personally have been incarceratetl for ten 1'ears anil will be out in Jews $ere


of "97".

The asn has done

everything he could to suppress nry r i I I to I ive llfe by no rules. Eleven years with no good tiue is up Eoon antl ry fritnds in the scene havo loDg since ilied or confornoil to society on society'F own [errs,

Anyone willing to share EoEe experiences and catch Be up oB the last seven years or so, scratch ne a line. I'll answer in kind. fy address ie:

Frazier #961915 / cBcc/c-A-rol83o Eagle crest ley / clallan




1R+ Bay, hA.'98326 o

This in closing is importlnt..

ilalry of you don'i realize Lhat Profane Existence provides free scripts to incarcerated brothers and slstersi i ! ! llell, I didn't even know it until e feu days agol Try to rlo these people right. Send a couple of bueks extra to offset their srcrlfice. Besistance cones forn rithin and knowledge of this resistance neeils to be spread everywhere! tTofene Eristence ie a zine that does Just Chat. Oive 'em a hantl, if it were you in here they'rl kecp it happening



Stay s Lrong, pl ay i t, 'lourl, and always remember uniLed against the establishment we can't help but pre-


PE readere,

"Bones" from Pitch Forlein


herel ily band & I are looking for other bands (preferably incarcerated

ttlc bands) to do a split deno wiih. Aryone interested please feel free to contact me at: "Bone6" Aka Scott R. #?25089 / O l-20 u.S.R, / Po Box 177


t.onroe. t{A i


Fellor Anarchists & Nihilirts, ltanks for putting ue on the nailing llst. AE a curreni hostage uniler the stats of ?exas I a[ truly grateful for free subscriptious to PE for prisouers. It's good to know that somebody gives a shit about us. I feel bad because I know I wi I I be relensed in less than 2 1'ears from nou, &rid the reason I feel bqd aboul that is the fac[ that 6one of my gooil frien<ls insicle here, their parole offieers haven't eYen been born yet. I don't have much loowledge about prison systeus in other siaLes but I knot enough about the Texas Departnent of Criainal Justiee Insti bubional Divlslon to say the bureaucracy makes te rant to puke. As an anarchist, bureauersts are Ey worst and trost Largeteil enenies. They are a breed of

PE &

establiehneut thaL mrst be eliminaLed.

I do eone*hat agree with edrienne Droogas ihat most of the people who

csll themselves anarchistg aron't reaity for pure larrless A*arehy and I hnow if they opened every door to

every prison, r would be right there beside her with a double harrel shotgun blowing some of these sick fucks

away. It really hurts ne to


these hard-nosed Texas judges giving 18 year old kids 99 1'cars for PettY burglary. Just to make an eruPle of them. And the rorst thing'about [hrt is, the exarnple is not ts teach others not to burglarize, the exanple is to nake the judge look "Lough on crime" whenever

the election

comes around.

Ihe main purpose of this letter is to hopefully get it printed in FE so the readers will see this and maybe even

give ne their thoughts opinions ancl ideas oa this matter and other prison relateil issues.


me and

untler the comnunisn, and now it's not mch different. ihey just tell you to work for ilemocracy, but it's all the same shit anyuay. And not working for some cot?any, doesn't lean not rloing arythlng - ttou when I'e not rorklng for I rlch bastaril, f heve more tine to rork on o0her useful thlnge that'g uhat I would call "rortigg for a rerolut i on" And Ariui ras also saying something about "ehauging the governnent"?l So, he tor shel) $anLs goverNen!, but not his one? Is that

"amrchlst" revolution? ltrat sounds to ne like a twisted idee of eouuulst society, just like it wag in East-


zinelradio station will be writ-

ten/broadcasted from an anarcho-soci al i s t/pro-cho ice/anti -nuke/pro-

squat/fro-feminist point

& pro-queen



So, if you can contribute to any of the projects stated above (as in political rants for the zine) I encourage you to. I an especially in neetl of nanes & aiklresses of collectives/corurunes/originations etc, or if

you woulil want your (or your frientl's bands) to be heard on the airwaves, send the material in. I will play any un-corpora te un-bigoteil



zines/stations politics consist of a Food Not Bombs/anti-Racist Action/ Uomes Not JaiIs ideology. Please get in touch today! Smash the major! Support D.I.I.! &,Power to the people!

ern Europe. I'n asking you .{nioei, sho's side are you on?! The othor letter was wri tten bY r I reatl the letter by Kevin Glover about John Perrottl in Ohlo 6tete gry frorr lugoslavla (Dragaa Jovanclc) Youra Cruely-!. Cgck Roach / Box Prison and I really reepoet tlrat in- - It'r reelly rlce to heer thtt there qn. people ?7-0006 care S33 / olilsner, trIrij there rre who still eoDe ag.inot the I roeil mates courage the other letter frol the fellor Terrs about what ie goiag on her in Croatia. prisoners on the Brlsco Unit and r I ms in sarobor uher riot cops at- Dear PE Folhs, you know lle are. writlng I plan to write them totrlght. I hope to tached people who eane to see a gig, I oi t anil get a response froD sore concerned arw the plgs shooting, and beatlng about our DroJect ln rsl yor to let ,ry !!$ readers out there who rould give ne people juet beceuse they looked punt. a sone input of ideas on nays to help Oue of the Ctings thrt Dregon didn'U eontact vith uho rrGt t aey u.s that sooe people put sore put ehor in Detroit knoY" the forgotten. trees on a Etreet as e brrrlcade to or ell ages DIY shore Christopher Crawforil *?51rr6 / Rt.t, and stop police vr[s coning, a[al three t['e orm r theeter en0; Box 1000 / Navasota, f,( / ?7868 leccop ctrs rere mashqd after the pigs they ere run by en about ettached people & one of the plga shot, tlve, l9e have a DeaT PE, I'm writing you for tuo reaSons. ..2 hiuself in a leg - HA ttAl thet rasatt 200 people (punx). 6ox of ffineoRle letters printed in #27. Flrst is the lrri[ten ln aa official nerrp.per' who atarted this proiGct uff to work sPace. letter written by Aninai who srid that 'cause that rould rbor that there ls wltb the now defunct'404 lI banils a ray to resiot, and that people tre We usually charge $5 and we all should,get a job and not tale (pa after of the door (as it. the 680 serred fi\liley, I or not to do do) a Job Centre money from any other institutions. ttell, I say chros in this sbrll tom rar!'t eruaeal tental, promo costa. t as.iJfplt as food ve put on fuck that way of thinking! I *es by people, it uae eauseil by cops, so alril a place to tttY. (but'no shows banils' like Los for torg of battlo Afyears rar!). a lost and six nonths for two it's working Crudos, Cibizeu Fish, Dirt, Hell before my army service (I hrd to ilo ter Chrt nie"ht, nsuy thtngs happenetl, it! ), and a year and a half after li, 4 cops rete ehargeil tcause of berting Crusher, LungfisL. Dog Faceil Hermans, and iluring that time the stage too people, a guy rho organizeil a g1g hail end spitboy to give you an idea. Behalf of my pay for fucking taxee! ! tt pay eround 1500 Us$ 'cause ho rUdn'b eiiles nusic we put on rad filn festiSo, why shouldn't t take back that have pernissiou froo a cops to ilo it... 1qla. plays, speakers, free school, thst Dragan ls readrnd lobs of othar stuff. But we need that's t hope anil now rhy L money?! I worked for it, want it back! And now I have a right ing this letter now and I rant yor to trore bands, so lf you eoukl help put to get money for the next four nonths, knor oate thai lt's possible to send out the uoral, f,E woukl really apprecirte that. EtDds can contact Uill a letter to Crortir! If .vou sar thia, anil after that I'll have to work again, please or Crrr at 313-€32-0r14. lt and one Ihet's rite! no other alCernative. there's 'cause Tharu, Punx, Ui I l/Trunbul I After all, we all have to live froul mre thing. . . a, c, A.B.l something... But Ari[ai was saying TaLe Crrel / farLo Strpie / Bakueina Theeter I ltto frumbull / Detroit, fI / 48208 something aboui revol,ution, sonebhing 3 / 10 oo0 Zagreb / Croatie :i$ .; .:f like: "Get a Job and rorl for a RevoDear Prof4ne, lutionl"-hor etupid! Iho'e fuckin' Beaderg & to whom else it hay coneern, tal Here ln Houston it I wtlt attempt to not take up revolu[ion is that?! You can't worL A. P.V. for soreone and be against hio,/her at space, so I will make it brief. Bere D.I.Y. hall space callbrl The center (AIIen nartmy Vi the same ttl? - you catrtt change any- it goes: Here in Florida, a D.I.I. (or in A.P.V. is oot just a c&uni sprout! scene is beginning to So, she?t thing like that. And he also said that "try to live under com- an attenrpt to help it grou I've re- ter but an old housing project munisn-what bullshit! The iilea of cently started a zine, a Fooil Not Bonbs conslsts of 1000 units. Fifty o these unlts were just renovateil usworking for a revolution is conmunist chapter & a pirate railio station . I ing taxpayers doll'ais. The city has neerlof contributions. an in desperate Yugoslavia was shit, I saw that when :



(or 1990), two new zlnes realll' filled a I'oid in punkdou that MBB was unable to satisfy in me. I bought tJre first issues of "Assault T/ Intent To Free" and "Profane Existence" at the same tinre and have read every issue of the latter since then. Punk, to me. was

I enjoled and identifled wlth the head off and threw the body into the issue #28 columns by Slug and river! These days, in Liebon or Adrienne. I appreciatetl their hon- @orto, if soneone (colored or gipsy) esty in questioning things that might is caught on the streets at night, he not uake them so popular. None of us is lucky if it doesn't get killerl or have all the answers and it'g re- very injured. One other event hapfreshing to hear someone a&it i t penoil a couple of years ago: rhlle rather thau spouting off rhetorlc (I'n soae llds were playing and shouting probably uost to blane for t},ie at at, a perk, a cop thab lived nearby tines! ). deqlibil to nake the lids stop shoutI agree strongly with SlIg that ing; "by killing one of them. veganism should be the noru in our Sehool began ln rid Septelher; seene, as should anti-homophobla and new mates, new teacheis. Since the a lot of other things, but you know, beginning of the Cem, I've notlcdd they're just not. It really frus- that rrmyrr philorophy teachar qnr trates me at tiues and as a result, very (Politieally) open miniled. AfI've distanced myself e blt fron punk ter the elec'tions he asked to, the to devote more tine to nore cooven- claEs, what we thought of the electional activism. I thlnt the Ley ls tione result. It was sad to notice, Lo focus on what punls are dolng - that even those guys that voted in ye've co-optetl the lfinla Abu Jenal the last elections, dlitr,t hrve a reason to vote in this or that perty. movement and Foorl Not Bombs. lle fight (in whatever methods) fascists. Ile 0nly f answered the question: for 30 barricatle logging roads. Ue sing nlmrtes I talked with the teacher about Nigerian hunan rights. Se push about polltics anil I've revealed,to for Burmese divestment. I{e do r lot hin and to che class rry Anarchist - but it could be spreril out anong so ldeals. ily nates thought thet I ua8 many trore of irs; or is there Bnch a out of my mind, antl when I said that I was vegetarian they startetl to conthing as "us''?? Finally, I'rl like to thank PE for sider to pu0 me in a madhouse. All a job well done on issue #28 and a this to show you how this generatien return to somethiLg I can ahost to- is so close rlnded and wlth nothin! tally stand behinrl... though thosc to achieve in their lives, 'cept for punks still annoy Del money. I was just like them...nith For the trees / Bick spencer / PEIA / nothing to achieve! I I Front st. / Norfolk, vA / 23707 It all started a couple of years ago, I wae a potential eulcldal gru48y

about more than scenes and shows and

To PE crex,

to teat' do*n the

been Lrving


and Danv squatters have taken residence there. In fact A.P.v. is the

center of the Food Not Boubs outfit in Houston. t{e are now trying to set up an A.R. A. group and an Earth First group in A.P.v. as well. Te often hold sho*s for $4 or $3 wi th a can of food donation. Ue've done sbows




Dead Silence,

State of l'ear, l{horehouse of Representatives, The Varukers, and many others. The A.P.V.

is still


not a lost cau6e. The squatters said they'll fight to ilefenil their houe. They won't, give in to the corporate greed of the cl$ who rvants to Lick people out into the streets and

to build


eondos. If you or rish to help

heve any suggestions

give ne a caII at 1-713-580-4625. I'm also setting up shows, if you

knou any bands planning to tour please give them my nurnber and I'II do it

100* D, I. Y. SAVE





Zac Menace




care out that

bands. Punk was about action at the lime, my favorite bands $ere No For An Answer and SS Decontrol, so the

drunk-punk image PE gave off didn't n/ me too well, but I was fasci-


nated by the news of Gulf l{ar protests, and Exxon acitons, and Brazillan squatters, and so forth. This was what punk meant to me. Those first 5 or 6 issues of PE inspired me a great deal and gave ne confidence in what I believed in and nas working toyards.

After those issues, I could always pick out Lhings I liked about the zine, but our politics differed sharply. For the mos[ part, I really didn'L like the zlne. Things like Felix's column about guns. I wasn't

with lots of stuff to tell and don't knor how to stert this.. . Shitty thoughts that are living in my mind for quite a while! In 0ctober of r95. there were elections so that Portugal could ehoose anolher (faseist) government. The previous government (of the conservatil,e party), "ruled" during l0 Here



!,ears, it ras I0 years of police brutal i ty. unenployrent, anil racism (nazi skinhearls were absolved several times,

after killing people in tbe streets, or during soccer geue6).

kid who wrs reading a Portugueso ansic newspiper. At the ads page,. one salil:' "Situatlonisu, alarchy. IIoGA it interest you?". I've Eent a etary for a catalog; and ln the same rhy I received it, I orilered a zine, tro[dering what was a zine. Don't need to aild nuch just changed my life. Since then I've sterted ay own zlne anal recently a distro. During all this tiLo Irve be-er rrlting to everyone L could. But I'[ dleappointed just with oue thing: If,E SO CAIJJD HC/PUNI(


TBOiI 1tr8

I've wrote (+ -) l5 tetThe Portuguese "pueblo" elected ters to several zines, labele and the leftists this time: it seemed people in the US. 0nly two anrrefcd that everything ras going to change, bact (L'nderdog and PE). 'rAu and it really changed. After tro contraire", in Europe, S. Anerlce, mont,hs the new fascists "took con- S. Africa and Asia, people always too keen on. As many people know, I trol", there rere even Dore police write baek and with a "smllen in their brutalil,y! A nonth the nor fascists faces. arn a pacifist and have writt.en about This coms to prove that SLIiG at non-uiolent action through lyrlcs and "took control,, tbere ras even uore in Heartattack for a fe* years. I do police brutality! In tho ronth ago, PE is right rhen he says that the however', respect the veiws of indi- during an interrogatory, at the po- Anarcho-Punh scene in [he USA ie fallviduals working with PE who mav have lice station, a cop killerl a guy. Ea lng apart, 'cause people dontt cgre shot him in his and then cut his anyrore re politics and the new bands, other methoils for change in mind. USl SUCK.

in general, don't have any political there'll be more going on in the fuin their tyrics. 0n the other ture for you to report, since ib seens hanil, in Europe, more and more bands like ae[ivism nithin the punk comlpare appearing every fucking day. Anil nity hes seriously slowed dotn. I'd they are musically and lyrloally also love to see you do a forum degreat. Also, more zines are arlstng" bate eVery now and then on matters of 'round here. But others still,:sggkt importance to both the Punk and anI{hy do I talk so much 'bout po-Ii,- archist seene (ie hol| conpatable punk tics? As you nay have notlted, 'thi and anarchism are). Perhaps gettlng is tlie-rohey, althoilgh.1" reailer input on a specific subject ruorld' r "njin. only tror and then printing the most coherent in the ttarilcore/Punfi,-3gene the in,|it'iop the music. I'm foli- Ietters with a general sumery of tics, but the musie'is gteit"*rid i't.'s basic takes on bhe issue. Eopefully a way to spreatl gtarchist a0$rlqli$.I such a discussion/tlebate wouldn't tu'n content

.' ,'r,;:', :.,.: I into the name calling and "fuck you's" to mahe..the that so many punks like to indulge atc many wayo There scene, tinIttB.usl, political,aga.iF; , in.

Righls ideals,

otherwise I just wanted 0o ad(JeIlo riafijl:;,ifircre-,ere ya??-Il.',rgr some of what Slug and Adrienne blnds dress example, Iabelr cin choose; quelity The whole issue of what's wrote. ahd not tpthey have 'cause cause thd're pop and mqke lot,i.,bf "working cl ass" antl what' s not i s rnoney; libets can also'put,.riur. "Pay pretty sticky sometimes, since Lhere's Noo[ori" releases, and. srinil'Prof.lts so many different ways to look at it, to TEjFi;. .,Eiloi that.'usuaIly"JqSt especially here in the US where pricover:]muslbu llke"MRB, Hesr'tat.badl, vate property is so widespread in Punk Fianet,'tllrg & Ldttuce, anil.miiry small' immefliate units (re the famotherd shouldcare ari{ do.muclr.aibr? ily house with a few acres or bhe articles aboUC politics and- auirlal small farm).Is this dairy farmer with rights movemdnt, afrd also (this ir e .'S0 cows patt of the capitalist class suggdstion !p the PE crew), yotl.can' -rince property. the land and the cows, rqtr4t;1A1s'1iI'ews to other collectiveg.. .13. the source of the farners ineome and.fiiiit'outlhat new they have, ev€n if iha! income is-below [he avso that thid'-en!lne.cart'nevei stop.:'. ,efirye per capita income? Is a plumber triany peopi.e; juSt gg" t"o Anarchist .who nakes trywatds to ffi0-60,000, still fest{vals to'araks shii..; ihat" s ivhy," " norking class? L general ly feel that eomprised of" protabty 'tropidg ctraos-bays Us,r-Strcie*.- tln thg worklug class is ttatjesis.;, drii nijst pt nul basically the "grunts" of all the gene;oR is'toing iobe very"succeFs- various industries' inctuilinS low fu5..,rliir:l.l""bc kicling ry dss this !' level management, but the issue is suiiffiet, working, so.that t'can be at definitety up for a lot of discusAnarchi rn the Ut( festival; .plea"sel". S.idn. And as for norking class synif anyone have a n[ce,Blac-e tp"crash". dicalist/anarebo-syndicalist organiin oetober, let qeiknoru. :0i at }epst Tations in,the US; there's still the It{l{ (though they're not explicitly send me sor* ido!.:- . . ti. arrarchist) and there's also the the. DIY./PunkPleasb, dbn'Lr 16g culture AleSin'vburlom hands;. orga: llorker's solldarity Alliance, the us 'section of the anarcho-syndicalist nize and.'tftink positivelyll l h, international. poner/poior the fightl" right thb Thanx, for;the tine you"tooft,"'to . .'To Adrienne, I've got to say that read this shicl..l,ove and.Ahirchy;. I agree with you that the anarchist Jorge Pessoa / \Ap€teilo s{ -/'. q-Opo- ideal (Iibertarian socialism, ie "an' ".') ls.n't possible at the moCantanheile / eorqriiii -

cial egoism antl gain without sacrifice at any expense. This does not

believing in anarchism "the biggest job of all" (a pretty insulting and cynical statement, don't you think? t. As for the meathead punk example, he seems to be an example of what I was just saying. Most Punks who put circle A's on their jacket are trying to be "rebellious" not enarchists (even if they call themselves such). Hell, most "anarchopunhs" are scarily clueless about anarchism or are just too full of bourgeois capitalist values, ie "ne" uber aIles, in practice. Antl if some revolution happens that lets the rapists, murilererg, and such out of prison, r hope you dontt nintl if r join you in making sure [he1' don't get very far. . If they aren't even allowerl in our society which you're so right about. wallows in tlisrespect, then they sure as hell don't have a place in mine. It is sarl that we're fully readY to embrace a free and equal $orlil, but that shoulrln't stop us from trylng to build it's foundation. At least we can hope to briog our ideals


closet to their realization and live

by our conscience. Anarehism may,not be workable as a social systar right now but it cau provirle a franqryorh for living our lires. Just my 2C.. ...Eric PE.

r I beg of you to please print this letter. r"live in uurfreesbofp, tN where there is no punk or anrrehist scene, I scrounge some moneY every now and then to write up sore fliers distribute then with the help of friends half heartedly into the movement. The best response I get is "I liked it but I don't give a shit enough to get involved.' L've got to and


city (state, tn neeil of is dire country, world) spread the rnessage. This


So anyone

with any sug-

gestions or free info, literature, etc. please wrlte to: Craig Copen / 2510 l{ellingtotr PI / Murfreesboro,

.nent.' I don't know anyone who believee the it is possible on a large i i:t'.. 'scalri pickerl rebdiitly at this time. An anarchist TN / 3?128 up issue"'*29 Just to get a better iilea of ihatri been revblution couldn't succeed, leL alone going on in the political ptii scene get ,off the ground, unlesi it was a Right kids, listen up... Something stinks around here and as of late. It's nice to lhofii"Oha! trud lass movemenL that at least most there's at least some pibple nho. pegple actively uented. It coultln't it needs to be atldresseil. The one haven't let alcohol, drugs, and ego- be. done now because too many caruloU conunon threail that's held most of us tistical cynicism rule their lives imaglne any other way of life be- together for so long is our vegetari(you haven't have you?). And, as sldes their current situation and or anism, now that that's been chucked always, it's good to hear about what's are too heavily indoctrinated with out the window, (by a few lazy fucks) (well a bunch really), there is no happening outside the US. Hopefully the capitalist morality. of antiso-

,''-'* Dear Profane crriw, !-".

"1;;.,.': :-o:.:

ground... except music. I [hat was against the .Ioh Seekers Alain't never really bitcheil when my lowance. This is an attack on unemfrienils started eating meat, but I ployed people, cutting sickness trenefite, ilisabled people's benefibs etc. assumed my friends would respect my vegetarianisn. Stuff that, you're a and forcing people to take slave labunch of hypocritical wags. You guys bor shit jobs. I'he demo only attracl,ed a few quit, I alidn't. For those that started up again. \'ou're not uorth the stains hundred people but after the offion your unilies. For those that stsck cial narch thare was a surprise into your guns...cheersl (anil the vasion of the Departnent of hploYment. It was very well planned, the tofu's on me ). police alidn't have any idea aail ue Jeremy Stone dammit Just walkeil into the buililtng. Som people got chatting rith the otaff, Profane Existence, This letter is in response to Sean telling then what ue were about and Goblins letter in issue #28 and the soue of then rere well into the idea, other large botly of drivel , tha.t'8' sayiqg where the bosses hung out etc.. passing for anarchism these days. To Sone people were damaging corputers quote Gobl in. "(,'haos is what will and some of us ryent looklng for tbe tlestroy Lhe system, and power in gen- JSA files but iC was imposeible in a eral and after the chaos subsides huge building full of filtng cabiwe've got freeilom. I' sure, I agree nets! Soue people wanted to staY that chaos will destroy things like anil barricade the stairs, others trash cans and the *'indows of those tanteil to get out and ln the enil re you are supposedll'trying to free left before the pigs cane vith see(i.e. the massest but what if chaos onils co go. The n'hole thlng was well planned does destro]"'the sysLeE, society, general?" and only one person $,as arreated! it honpo*er Do in and You estll'believe that the population will was shocking to me how easy it le to suddenly, anazingly see the sin- occupy a govertrment buildiry lf you pl ici t.r- anrl honesty of anarchlsn? Do just stroll through the doore and I'ou Lhink the governors antl poliee don't stand arohnd wavlng placarils. wiII suddenly realize that the lives It nas also gooil to to on a melly they led "before the chaoetr nere Anarchist organlzed deno nhich went grossly unnecessary? or will theY so well- hopefully the first, of rany look around at all the broken glsss. against the JSA. IeIl that's it really, I'd juat the burnI buildings, and tbe drunk like to sa1' that Profane Existence punks and imtdiately begin rebuililing this diseased syst€!t, only with is brilliaut, and funnlly enough bas tighter control 'and rore coercion? the best resistance news fort E\rope The nost that chaos ean tlo is glve that I can get anywhere in Englanil, punt and anarchism a bad nare. No keep i t up. From MILL$IILL. real freedom will cone fron Setting drunk and terrorizing the neighborhood. The masses are still condi- Dear Slug anil PE, conmon

tioned to believe that they need someto watch over them, to tell theu nlrat is nrong and nlrat ie right. Uithout knowing what anarchy trulY is, how can thel' possihly abandon their previous belief in authority? one

you shoulil put dom the while or go live out your fantasies soneButthead Beavis and where else, *here you can hurt no one but yourself. Quit making punk a Maybe

cider for




Grok / JererE)' Morganlown. ll"f'

Dear PII,

/ /





I've never *ritten to you before but I thought you might be interesterl in a demo in London recently,

of the Goblin's ArtrAnarkaotic crew, the people behlnd Chaos Da1's USA, Irn rvritlng to you once again to clear up misunderstandings concerning Chaos Days that have been printed in PE. In perticular, I am referring to your article "Chaos Daze" in issue #28.


As a member

the movies usuburbia" end "Repo ltlsn", which came out a long tine ago, can

you nane any movies, TV shows, or nerE reports ever that have shown pur[s of any kind, nuch Iess the "Hollyvood Pmx" you describe? r sure as hell haven't seen any, but maybe ihgt's because I don't watch much W. And since I don't, how coulil I be a Hollywood-clone chaos punk anyway?

A Few things about us here in the Goblinr Ar$it Anarkaotic crew; yes, ue dld eoine uP with Chaos Days USA; y€s, r,e tfe all vegetarian, vegan, or freegen; yesr Te do wear leather, but only in the form of used boots; yo5, lte hava nsrillerl {0's" before, although re also houobrew quite a bit, ae rell ac dlscourage punx at Chaor Dayr fron buying cohercial aleohol; yeo, re are rpiky, and what the fuct ie urorg rith tbat?! 0f the copies of PE thet I have, half of them feature punls wlth spiky hair or splty jackets oD tbe cover. Let's

hot forget issue 25, ln *hich appoared our':flyer for Chaos Days UsA

'95, trhlch featur:es two spif,y-haireil punb on the cover, one of whon seems to be wearing e spiked leather Jacket anil etrllllng e 40 oz. nmmn... llhere ilo you thinl the idea of Chaoo Days cane fron in the first pleee? The TV? Bollyrood? No! It

c'am, frou articlea about Chaos Dayr Geruany tbat vere printerl ln Profane

hlgtence! I ! Issue.2{'s feature, for exaryrle. Llhe our flyer, this didn't rentlon auy politlcal aetivity, but inetead it said; "...Everyone nust lnow: fror August { to 6, 1995 in Blntrover, Gernany, there rill be the btggeet punk party evetr!" The saue re83s8e e8 our flyer. I thinf, you basically nisunderetood the note on one of our Chaos Days USA '90 flyera $bich read "no trenilles, nazies, or PC wenkers". Thia was not directeil at anarko-punr at all. This ruay not be tho case ln

Itinneapolis, but here, there &re swarls of politlcally-eorrect nonFirst of all, I seriously doubC punlrs ry}r6 donlnate. the politicrl, that you have ever spent mueh tlre itr anarchist, and punk sceneE. Tltese California or the Bay Area. If you people nake everything extrenely difhail, you would know thab the Bay ares ficult, eonsiilering that they won't is quite different from llollywooil. allow loitering, rlrinking, dancing, In fact. I don't think that even punx shopliftinS, vanilalism or nusic that's in LA are the "Hollywootl-clone-"Anti- too punk. The statement "no PC PC types" that you ilescribed in your lYankers" uas tlirected at these people. article. I really have no itlea where This was not said to discourage poyou got the irlea that we were all TY- litical activity or protest, uhich brainwashed chao* punx. Other than we encouragef even though it's not

the point of Chaos Days. The real there's also a gaming convention on point of Chaos Days is to have a Telegraph anil Alcatraz (in 0akland). gathering of punks from all over for One last thing; Sean Goblin, ana big party to make new frienrts antl other member of the Coblin's Armpit improve the sense of unity within Anarkaotic crew ryrot€ you 8 letter

scene'. If you want, feel free to come here and organi 7.e a r iot, demonstration, or whatever Lhe fuck you want, anil I promise I'll personally at,tentl. That woulil be a Hell of a lot the

about Chaos DayB USA. which you printed in issue 28. f,owever, you seem to have left out an iryortant bit of his ortglnel letter, thrt being the date of Chaos Daye 196: Au-

this choice has to be tlone on noral grounds. For Christ's sake, we'd still be living in Feuilal Monarchies if everyone thought like you... 0K, you saitl that @ism is not logical because it is not realistic, fine, that's your lst mistake, but it's not even your biggest one! Gotl, myr. worst nightmares come true when

you try to explain llHY @ism is not realistic - a very fuckin' grievous mistafe! If you think that the "big testosterone mea 1,head" or the "gL)t' attetrpt, to improve the seuse of unity in every group who is constantly drmk withln_ the scene just becauee it'e Dear Adrlenne (and all who geil rith or stoned" are the reason @isn is not political or working class enough her), not realistic now - then you just for you. You may know how to telo good don' t untlers tantl wha t @i sm i s al I you Bay that punk ie nothlngrlth- msic, but you sure as hell don't about. Hearing you say Lhat "no one out I'political anil envlrounental knor eNnurNG about social progress! is fucking ready" just sends the a$arenesst'. I thinh punt ie r loi Your colunn about "Anarchism' (ebout bile to the tip of my throat (renore then just a politlcal noveuent. Y0uB perplered versi$n of itl-" thrt ally! ). Anarchism is not a thing for Prtnk is a culture. Thcre wlll still ls) ln PE #28 uas, to say the lbast, I'every one". It is, in fact, the puuks after the systen collapses enbarrassing !o ne, as Irm sure it most distant thing from you averrte, be eoal we are living ln enarchlst cou- uss to the PE staff. shmoe, or else shmoe' s wort& lfouliln't mitiee. I will be. it iloesn't sounal It's A-0tr to hrye ilifferent opin- be such a horrible place. Contrar)' like you will. If youtre not golng. iotrs, aB long as they are Qlrinions, to what you (antl some of &he PE writto be a punk when tbere's no systeu which by-definition have to be on ers) say, Anarchism is not something', left to change, how can you consider sorething you know, and not lgnorant for the masses, but for the Anaryoursolf a punt nor? ranbllngs. Your logic seems to im- chists; it's not souething for the, tlaybe you Eoce the article "Ctaos ply thet Anarchist organizatlon is future, something re are saving for Dazen because you are e couplete as- tot logica) because it is not realafter the Big-Bang score-seitling of shole, Daybe' you nlsunderetooal the istjc - a very ignorant thing to eey, the revolution - no. It is something flyer and overreaeted, or nrybe you lfyou ion't mintl me saying so. took- for nor, for the present. The fact just hail trothing better to eey (lt ing at the worlrl, at all the iliffer- that those vlolent ueatheails anil wouldn't be the first time, corcld- ent regines, traditions, comrunitles, 6lunken lrresponsibles exist shoulrl ering your ertlcle in PE 2rl, in rhieh aLd oveu at all the hunan experience be the lrin resoon for becoming an you provetl PE ras rorLlng claee by accumrleterl fron our pasc, teechea 8lst, todey, rather than a reason to writlng endlessly abont illfferant us that.gtEnt FOnt oF S0CIAL 0RGINI- iliecaril lt. typea of pich-up trucks. f,or fuct- ZATION (ae long as it doesn't lnThe notlon that there exists one ing 'gnvirouuentally &ware' is a picl- elude men with five hanils coming out type of soeial organization under up truch?), or maybo it waa all of of their heads or some shit like tlrat) rhich ell Euuaniby shoulil live is the above, I ilon't knoy, but I ilo Is 'POS$fBIE'; even the ones that part of the ignorant heritage of the tnor that it wrs cotrpl.etely uxneccr- brutally contradict human nature as lgth Century pseudo-scienti f ical AnErly. we believe it is, such as Dlctator- archists (yrLnouBahunin and th.e rest Perhapayo[are interesleillnrhat ships. Sure, some may holil on trore of those guyB). If you rlon't think gort of'raggresslve behavior" we have than others, but that's only rlue to that everyone should hate the same planned for Chaoe Days '96: on Au- [ their lnternal dialectics and tnatnly) llfestyle (erd I'n sure you tlon't), gust l5 there wlll be a silk-screen-' material processes, and it says noth- then you shouliln't think that everying workshop 0 the l,ong Haul Infoshop ing aboot their 'logicality', so to one should llve under the same soon Shattuck Ave (in Berkeley).. 0n speak. This, edrienne , Leaehes you cial olganization, or that Anarchy August 16 bhere will be a gathering to seperate betueen what is loeical has to 'waitr for evetyone. Ard if on Telegraph Ave (in Berkeley) antl a and rhat is realistlc ln the social you already agree with ne that not punx picnic @ t{illaril Par}i.. There realu. tBealit},' is suborilinated to everyone is willing/able to live unwill also be a show @ Epicenter .in space and tine: to geog'aphy and his- der Anarchist organization, then what San Fransisco that night. On AuguEt tory. Arrl lt changes slgnificantly the fuck do all these lowlifes mrit17 there rill be a walk forn Boclridge and radically, ae ie howa by all ter to you and *hy did you even DeDBAet station on College Ave to l{illard (except maybe in Eichmonil, VA?! ?). tion then? ! ? The na I I -humani ty-or(about Park 20 blocks of yuppie bou- Something that exlsts on a theoreti- nothing" rationale is nuttin' but a tiques), where we'll have yet an- .cal level - like forms of social or- Trotskyist thang, only that in your other punx picnic. On August 18-20 ganizat.ion, for example - can never case it is (affortunaltll') a result there nill be workshops @t 924 Gilman be embraced or dismissetl according of ignorance, not Itleology. And by St on self-defense, honebrewing, anil to how they relate to 'reality' the way, funny you should mention other shit as nell. 0n the ftth ypUt reality, 1996 or 1,000 BC. No, I'CRASS", because they say just that,

! flhy? more constructlve than sitting aroutral Erik Squig / eO gox 4035,/ lhlland, writing articles to discredit our CA / 94609-0635 gust 16-20!


in nore than one song, tletect it in their I


if ), and mostly with our itudes, because we all ld know... he he).

not being my mother a school class - I overlooked it. I might sountl masses' , anil i charged. 'Eli.& color, race,.



"rnderstand that




t'underleast in


at all.


tos change









if sm' and with

it is "elit-

the ex-

future and that @ism ist, and that there i







5 SONG 7" E.P.




a ri.l I,

So, i


it isn't





ted right thought


fron the start by that

y by it's

was 'Anarchism', or


sad and


and decided



!m prob-


ably only''t6'iourself

our scene,


tead of


really studying it. thing is that, wi you decided to at and label it as

I'm surprised ially for scene. I ous to me

@ism work



for some have that wiIl. to be perfect Ifsna to make

C' mon,


fact ttrt,vri6'tor

ired one, and more all of us and is


what reason,




because the




your colunn




cant,believe ..



llope you

"on7y when peopl

thing to hide ,$ther could mili real ly,l.ff s, , we have a revolutionn$ii people ditln' t have .t'fuCting from each other,

Habashan home of the

ligious nexus).



need an revolu


self! likeitdf,i tready' too - we


t$ed .m @isnr it i'[-'"t i tii::our nacd 0isn;is

because we'

is it


Write for

fi r.

alr reality. would




nothing" atti tion - that thing ening, as unrealistic - that thing is a

achieve 'readiness' change the fucked-up

l,il r ,eiti, is




7"-S3ppd BOTH FOR


,. oFfianlra-.,, 'QF e




U. S. A. /S5ppd WORLD 55 U. S. A. /S8 I,JORLD





rlutioii by it-

woulil alreadtrbC{I





t wi



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We c1o not 'dant to be a part of courrter'-culture nearly as much as we want to counter cultu:'e, We do not '.{ant cacitol punishment as much as we )/ant the Dunishment of capitol . l'he crucifixion, fiction? Renard.Iess, a littLe too litt1e, a little too 1ate.

The simple

fact that

we are

'humans' has instilled us with two very precious facul ties: the Dor/er to thinl:, and the d.e s ire t o rebel Somewhere bacl-, d.o,nrn the time line we surrendered. both to fear', either fear of God, the lawr o]' si.mply just fear of bacl liarma, an invisible system of chec!: and balarrce .{ie1l ,

some sorts. , whateveI' it was, Bs .re lost oul bod,y hair and learned to walk upright, u€ aLso lost our spines ancl mastered. buryinn our head.s in the sand., You harre become sharned of your nature, your bestial ignorance permeates your c1aiIy lif e , Don' t fret , I:it tens, for the Hic}:ey id.eal will emanci.pate you, starnp the ind,efible seal of liber ty uDon your furrowed. brow, Hail!ll Eecome a la./ unto yourself. Substitute conventiorial ways aith nature, f olm a state of per'fect apathy, simply feel and act without feal or even thought of corisequence, ind.uI.{e, for{ can cure

the soul exceDt the senses.



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fast DuDk froD Italy. lretty catchy nitb lote of t$l8ts tbroua ln to tecD this really lDteresti!g. I cqD't rcaa tbc lylics, but son.bow I thbk tiGjt'rc rl8bt o! thc Ealk Irltb aI] those otber Dolitical puDk baDils. Its got a little bit ol that A.uerican EC soulil throw! ia. (f,erry) s.O.l. Recorils / 0ar1o Cannella / viate lei IlataDi, ,, / 6, 100 lscoli / ?icenp, Italy Esral,



(iD Do Darticula! order) 1. ID/HuDaEity The trutty .A.Eti-christ 1! 2. AYuIsioD ,. UDhiDgeiI ID {. Seyonil DescriptioE 5. naileil DowD/D.P.P.S 5. Eononilitia Ip 7. lleIt Banara 8. Svralloning Shit 9. Eis Eelo is oone 10. Cruality GA3!

Dln ( Ir obsesslve-conlulsiYe oraler) CoUrTDRBLAST of Pait I'P SIdCf KRo[SI.Anl A Vorlil to Vin 7" DIIISI1TI0[ deDo D00ll xus.h frour of ttre Gods LP ILIAS AtrD LIC! 12' OIYCIfT \AX. Violent Minit//Peaceful fleatt \P EOIIOUI],IIIA I,?

llISfRI trert Tine 7r SERYIIUD! aleEo







ITIEIICXD flit 0!r Ereed.on Ia ?Lre LP Su,tra HOT.A Ctraos tO" STITE .c lhreat ?o Soclety? l" v0lFPlCE Sloodstaheal Dreans CDIP CRUTIII f.he rolal Ezil 7" C0UtrIDBBIrAST BalaDce 0f PaiD I'P SEEII, RED }I8r',us 7" DROPDTTN


lrespass/ saiTcway 7" IIjlAS lJfD LICI Globa.l. Destruction L2" ITIISDRI Eert I1ne 7' 3X-oATETRiRA

SagcrTotlty Corglcr ilcao grlDilcore wltb all tbe r.rorEs- growl,iDg aDal ^lsl^If screanilg vocals, clushiDg guitarsr blaslDg ilruEsr and a nj,xture of hardcore alal EetaL Goorl lyrics th8t Issh out agahst riffs. greeiir the rul.iDg class, the tobacco iailustry, nedlap lhe reat lnilustryr and otber topics. Ihere's also a Dropilesal coYer. lbe tape is DlofessloDally produced t'rlth a nlce coyer aDaI gooil sould on the nuslc. (Jol) Jay l./ 19171 stefaDi lve./ Cerrltos' cA 9070r. .tlgs3 f Aade llano?. 7r trlore raw Sneilisb

harilcore. Ihis is rav


iDteDse as fuck, r',itb no netal ploaluctloD o! speerl netal thro$! 1D. Ihe teEPos are mostly the d-beat ni,tb a fen last thrasb bits throtrn i!. It leniDals ne a lot of tbe tro Secullty

ileuos. AII of tbe lyrics are sulg in Sweilisb- but nitb llg1lsh traDslatiols Provldedrlealing wlth alepressioE, ch1Id abuse, iDaliYldualityl etc. Alotber ep of angry barilcore punk to eEJoy at naximun volunes. (Jor) coDsuDe, 3e Slleatz Dierl P.O. lox IOOI/ lrovlilencer XI 02901. /ffiIso S0l0B0 Pttseocs 7r Superb EC AwesoDe crust/puDk froE 3rasil. !'rith kick ass soultl quality BDal a Yery Dl1iteDt anarchist nessage, ...s gooal, if Dot

Bigbly recoDbetter thaa tbelr first f'. nended to aDy oDe lDto powerful DuDk with a relevart Dessage. (f,erry) PBDr / 3? 5058 / ,L}r, loulouse Ceilex / France ltllllEEl

aogta. Do,,lD.ta 7r

Drtch partners ia cxine vith BD lD-your-face BDd proual-to-be-DuDk outlook both baDds deliver raucous btasts of punk nayb,en flith lyrlcs o, soclal/noLitlcal toDics as well as weII as saylag''up tbe fuckin' I,uDksl" lssRlsE baye three tracks here, recordcd t'rith the_ arDc noisv aril chaotic DroduotloE as tbe "SaYGtl for iour Dooned Fuiurc" c.p. aril IIIAS ltrD trICE deliver two nen rousing, shg aloDg ilnuk pulk autbcna plth a qulllty DroductioD 18ckinc oa tbclr carlier rclcases. vc'Yc bearil soie DeoDlc'e turntrbl?B oan't brurlle the interslty of the Assrash tracks oD tbis e.P. If that's you case, tbrorv it away aDa buy a Ohr tbe Deu oDe' (s turrtable that ist). ASSRASE siile is JJrDn vhlle IIIAS AfD LIC! is you couldn't 45rDn so get it itral6bt if figure tbat oD€ out yourself! A ilann i.upressiye tribute to the fact that eYeD ilrutks can get their shit togetberl (nan) Skuld / ProfaDe EristeDce

ASSR.ISE anrl their Fl,xAs .AnD IICI?

llll.uEll Srltltualh. Sr1!r 7' .L Dew e.D. fron this ItaIiaD aDarcbolruDk baEA krona for tbeir style of oIaI school lruDk rock. 0D tbls recoril they seen to haYe a sligEtly Dore coElrlexr alDost eEo sound that nasn't on tbeir first e.p o! S0A Records. Ihe lyrics of the DlDe soDgs here ale eDtileIy lE ItallaD but !,ltb a stroDgly Politj.cBIr arti-fascistr Dissed off Poilt of Yietl. ?retty straight lornard a!a!cholruDk here. (lan) lpplequlnce / Yla iti \ezzo 12 / 0U00 Ylterbo / ttaty rsSRlsE / flsqI er,llt ?' Hhlle I haveD't beeD kEow! to be foDd of lolrroqriEs / luroRrllB rDrlt 7i Iet aDother uorthy spllt ep with nad lelglan plcture iliscs beceuse of the obvious uaste of grhders Agathoclesr this tine Daired u, lrith EoDey iDyolyedl the guallty songs froD Assrash Berlh thraShers AutoritEr. Agatbocles haYe aDal!y area alnost enough to nake Ee Assrasb, like nost tno studlo ald tvo live tracks nitb 'A for overlook thj.s fIaIr. people I kDoEr bBYe just elough seDse to see Arrogance" belDg BD attack agaiDst self-rlghteousl elitistr aDal ultiDately self-ilestruc- through the alcoholic haee of tbe puDk rock tlve elenents j,a tbe noveueat. Uuslcally Iifestyl,e to recogDize tbe neetl for chaDge yet naintair B reallstlc vievJ of the actual Agathocles play tbeir nore of their ulique ElI of clustr grind anil bigh-octaDe thrasb inDact of tbe nessage i! the Lylics. Both of blenil nith a aleceEt souDd quallty eYeD fron thei! soDgs oD this release telL of bej.Eg jaried by age to be realistic in-expectatS.ous the I1ye tracks. AutoritEr baYe seYeD tracks inal thai pieaching politics lloE't chaDge the here aDd tlso Dlay a hellishly Iast forE of griDil/thrash r',1tb, no lettirg uI, oE sl,eed or worlil oyer Dight. Uusic8lly ne get nore of htersity. Thele are no }ylics DloYiileal but the sare tbrashy anil aggressive luDk as oD thelr Dlevious e.p. BEd their slllt wlth lIeas tbe lDglisb tltI.E g!.rhlog on the cover giYe llisely coEe acloss stroDg with aDd Llce. anay the Dol.itioal Deturc of tbe soags. (Dan) Yellow Dog,/ l.o. lo:r 56 02 og / bLorTL their first De,l recordings si,nce thelr a].bun of last year. the first is a heaYy and Dowe!BerLLa / oernany ful grlDd-lDllueDceaI solg trltb grotrleil vocals, nh5.Le tbe secoDil track takes a Dore 8lttoga lIEf 9olrrtr.rc Io l' trlrst off- thls ls lot the baDal fron liDl8Dal full-throttled tbrash approacbr botb with ponlth the saDe naEe. I caa't belieYe I Eas litlcal lyrics. llitb all of tbe tlner energy foollsh enough to let this sit arouDil so long anil nouey it took to nake this recoral, it s a before givlng lt a sph. Ihis is solid as bit ot r dls.DDoiltl!8 DscieS.r but I 8t111 fuck. Cnshllg slow parts build uD to <Iriv- woulda't DasB lt uD lD sl,ltc of th18. (De!) cleaD Plrt? c/o u1l.i EiillDgsuorth / l.O. aot 1ag harilcore Yrlth argry shoutiDg vocals (no growllDg or screeching). Tbese lour soDgs ?09 / EaDDBLfrc Collegc / lnhurst, lt,A 01002 D,ave tbe Derfect ulx of tenpo chaDges aEal are .lIoIIIIDm ?r D1ayed wlth convlction. Ibe DolitlcaL lyrics are wrltten r?ith a shar! twist that aald a last puDL lrulchy haralcore lruDk fron tbis lbeoDir trio. This real1y Dacks a lulch t'tltb Droof of siDcelj,ty. .018tr are oDe of the best of tbe lncreilible baDds to cone out of PoIaDal fast aDsry brrdcore that roIIs along lrlth screaDlDB tocrI6 that's b!oIcD uD by. soee lAtely. (JoD) trikt trlc nLe YLe/ !.0. 3or 5r/ ,4-4oo trowy slon bite elrl atop eDd go bre.I8. It-s reaIly to bear treat Eew Iarg/ ?olanil. b,ardcore banils like this fron the Statest Ibis sj.Dce there haven't beeD EaDy lately. fillOED0I Slilaolo t$cbrc orsrctt. this ls a ulauthotized reissue of a classic is a real breaih a fresh air! (Joa) SrssillieD I,u!k albun froa 1985. It's a b1t Tictin Recolals/ P.O. Box 1492L/ Pheonix, Az lronic that the Rlllish baDal trorca uacabla 85067-492L. take such aD iDflueDce fron this bald siDce .thls albu aouDda as lf it coulil h.r? coDe / rOnCr !:LPRSSSIoT Erllt 7i 'olrt I b,aye beeD told tb8t Avulsion is the sane ot finlalal or SHealeD in the early 80's! ^Y!LSIO[ Itre Lyrics .rr 1D Poltugese but tbr Elglisb baDd as IDertia f,i1ls anrl Slave State, but I Jralslations shoB a slDDle anal to tbr Dolnt have also beea tolil iirolg iD tbe Dast so dor't telI anyone you br.rd thst from mel ID sty).e ),lLe tbe Discbarge iDflueDced haiku of tbe rlay- all DoU,tical of course. llusically aDy case, Avulsio! play a wickeil ald unprefast, !a!'r aad aggressive puDk tbat coulil eas- ilicteble sort ot griDdcore-thrash conbinalIv have flt lD eith the otbcr luslc oD tio! with four tracks that bave so naay changes the classic'r-cIson" to 1984' ooEDiiation of parts you're reaIly left guessiDg what IP. for oDIy S, DDal. you surely clD't go nilL cooe nert. lhe Iyrics are extrenely ueIl writteD with aD ofteD I,oetic stJle of vroDt here I (Dan) Eessages. exDressiDg the politlcal-olielteal Sla lrolteras Discos c/o PE address Torced XxpressioD also play a nix of grindcore aril thrasb r-rith a vocal style that raDges ^rssEoIE PrnrE / lsoJulr sr)ut ?' trast


slow choDl,y souDaliDg haralcore with

lotb batrals llBy slDilar styles tbat kick ass, but I wilI give lt up to Assbole larBale. lbis falls gorer'rhere into what tbey call louer Yio1ence, but lot as slazry as that. Oet it. (Kerry) IOIS fY 10tb lve:/ OalDsyiller fi! 12501 rsw vocals.

.lssr SE / r,7IBls iuD rrcE Et ut 7r Eavilg 8 Dutual kDeck for pissiDg lleoDIe off by sayj,Dg Irhat tbey feel, nhat better a spU.t recoril thaD IJith llilneapolis chaos illulks

fror denoaic howls to deep chested groHls. lheir lyrlcal dellYery is also of a lolitlcal Datule but nore direct aDd olteD brutally to tbe polDt. SeiDg hoDest bere, I'n lot Eucb of a faD of tbis styLe of nusicr but I do erinire the quality of the efforts here ubj.cb, includes a gleat aleal of etteltioD to aletails iD tbe lackagirg wbich j.Ecluales a lost card (!an) aDd a sticker. RecalcitlaDt foise / P.O. Bor 425 4l\ St. trE, flz / uitneagolis, utr 5541.,

.lYuffirofA^cEnlrror 7r AvulsioE is coDpri.seil of nenbers of Slavestate alil Pleuuatic values with those credentials you should know irhat to expectl! Bril.liart grj,Ed above tbe coupetitior Hith great I,toaluctioD aDd lirics covering topics of t.v., sceDesters, eld,erli abuse, aDd substaDce abuse. Great. Laceratio! tslie oD I iliffereDt aI)-

ploacb exclaj,EiDg Earilcore aDaI Euor are rot Dutually exclusiye! 8 sorgs of hi8h-sDeed tbrash Eltb songs about such diyerse toDics es RaEbo, b8c;-stBbbllg frieDdsr nedicatlonl iluct tape, etc. A great sDllt Migbly recoEDeDaIeaI! (e8be)

CIea! llate Records/P.0. Box 2582/ lj.rEiDgLaD. aJ,/ 15202



luRtrIrro! EDllt 7i

Brasillian grindcore banils here uith a 34 tracks bet[een tbeE (8ctuElly 40 silce Selzebu couEt 7 covers bj ? lliautes of nausea as a single track). SeIgebu have 21 trsck6 listed (but play 27 as EeDtioDed Drevious) rDd .lo nunerous 'coyers" :1;ie Electro 81DD1es' 'IeBe l,ruageildon Death" wbich ls less tbu t sGoold Iolg aDy6,ay! Iblee of four Ec[bers of Perul,elce are iioEeD, UclualiDg the tuo vocalists, aithough you uoulal lever \!o$ it fron the guttural souDdiDg growls' Po1lt1cal? trlaybe? A col.Iector's wet dreaE? DefiAs far as 1 caa te1ll reitber banil liteIy! al,peBrs to baye aDJ coDDestlon vith the actiye anarcboDuD; sceDe in Srazil. (Dan) Iotal QuestroLs Pecorda / CorDo. lrliDlohl hol / z-S-zl f,a,rara;aoaohlr Chou-f,u ,/ osata 542 / lepat (or, PotthoDr8g Racorde o/o trelson Autusto dos Sartos / C.l,,s Postrl ll97 - fg. ceDtrel 01059-9?0 / sao P.ulo/sP / Blarll Tno

EIrlOX IROfS!,lIIl I Jorld The second e.!, iroD thj.s

to fla 7t

ponerful rDsrchoDu!L

raDks of Japalese haralcore aDd haye buiLt theDselyes quite the reputation and this release is no exception, tuo origirals (fo tyrics?) arrl ole RiDcord cover. (Gabe) A.Donie Recorals/Chenrskerstrabe



44795 Bochu4,/

SIID 0u! tubrlltr Irilut


lrynoolre 1) song s{taL.8 b7, new C.rEl! ba!d. YerJ pot?!firl lDd sDcrgctlc 1D tb,e vaiD of varlous uld 801es EurorilD oI83slcE nitb hiDts ol llsrlceD tld llgllBh thrEsh i,!llurEoes, conllete Ulth aDtry ,ol1t1oal Lyrlcs alil to&aE-J'our-guts-out vocals. Eave aade qultc MEG for tb,eDselves ln tbe Gernm Dll 8ern! tLrou8b tboir clever publicity Ycry

gaee. (I@'boo) StrblaEtc / z.Ed. ThoE 6 otto / r.o DoDtrD t2 d / 28201 Breuea ,/ Geary


EIlitIIDoS .Deroolr



B..lly good ia8t, sorta Delodlo, }?e11 ,lryeal rld Droduccrl lruDk froE thes! l0 year veteraa SD.Dlsb Dulls. tb! DtclrBlrS, aDiI all the cbeesy DroEo Dakes lt robllvlolr, tbat this label 1s Just a ilaDla-le L.tiD ycrsloD of lDlt.Dh' 0thcr balds oD tbls Isbcl ara knowr to ts Du!! sqcne eollouts .!0 crD1t.11st Drlc\s. (Eerry) atLtt / ?.0. Bor L2L6 / fi, m 10155

ilefinite j.trproverert in l./rlo rrlllrliillllf.: l shoniDg Dore thaD tbe slDpllstlo rlogarearii3. lbe packaglog rs quite Lnpreaeiro.,rt. rrl1l Iritb a re<l aDd bl,rci printed fol,al out coy6r, contaiDiDt tb,e Lf,rlcs aDd otber po1itlc8l writing, a sEail booklet of ledlcal poetry by


I.rrfu'tror 0brlst0rlrcr !!a EAdG 1t through to ttr ll6tt of dayl ftflc't!o{r. o.r. of 1995 oontrba one of clght'traolt roht.tLll Lrrr,Iugfb talrrsap lt hrrll;, iloes tba baoai Justlca t! ttf"Ilalt of tbr.orc "t!l.(L alld dirLer tracks heid. :'ll+:la..ll qay bc ncallax S1oaD, aDd eyeD a Black EroDstadt Datch. tloDed thet thls bald has two lOrllrlrrDcrs of tbe aDarcho-tbrash laEal Subyert, the fiA.D esseDtiai Eorth A.Derica! alarcholuDk release!

(Daa) / L95L flest Surnstile fl55r1 / ?ort1e!d, 0R 97209 !F,lE' / EIrIlf IIJEB! apllt i' Elrlrf great !el.ease fron tbe JalraDese Yet another ^ DII labeL lorrest Recorals lritb a split reLease frou 31sze a lrail (Japal) aDal HuDaD Alert (fros tbe [etherlanrls). 3AT l,lay j,D a sing-61e1a st;J.e that fall.s soEewhere betneer 1op puDi aDd sone of the nore nelodic early UK DuEt baDds like the ldicts aDal tbe EuaD Damed nith LJrics suDg iD Xlgllsh. A1ert deliver iiye nore tracks iD tbe5,r povrerful Eusic stJle aDd bilariously fuDDy takes o! serious DoIitj.csl topicst whi.le recordeal liye oD the radj.o, don't- laci in souril quality aDd are as good (if aot better) than thei! excelieDt lrleyioBs reLeases. I doubt everJoDe r5,II get irto this as nuch ne because I arlnit I'n a sucker for aDythiDg put (Dar) out by EuraD tlert! lorrest Records c/o ilrieyu\.i Olrbrra / Cerauica 2 frol. 2-1-17 iiraai foLuburJi / lokyo L85 / Consersus


l00I Dofr IEr !00R/Er0rD lrscRllMor


3oot DorE tb.e Door hail fron 0ernany alil issue three soDgs ol gruff yocaled DetE1ish harclcore siDgint songs about puEk iD the nainstreau, gereration x1 anil ore about geletic eDgiDeeliDg. Al1 real).y t;ell writtel! Seyonil DescriptioD have beeD EoyiDg uI, the

tiue nhich

the vocals

souDal like tbeyrre done through a negaphoDe. Yery ilistinct bass llayilg nakes it qulte goodl especially because I donrt get to hear DaDy baDiis that soulal Ilke tbis tbese d.ays.


molEll Itr!3:RIon Bl!€Dbcry .tA ttc.eoD 7r Raw ald thrashy Dolitical Dulk rock playea iD I straigbt-foruard rlnler that hss both aD olil school, 80's anarchopurk soundl yet has sone nole EoalerD aEil conpJ,ex nuslcal influelces, SlI tracks iD all wlth intel).igent alil eDgry lyrics agalDst apatby, the Christiar rigbt aDd othe! urgeDt subjects. Ihere ere also Dueerous iDserts / posters uith this reledse lrith irfornatior end artwork to back uD the politicBl 1ylicEl coDteDt. lbis beiDg the second e.r. fron this bsDil lroD Iulsa, ok1ahoEa and. is leaps aril bouads above their first olferirgl r'rhicb i! itse1f uasn't bad eitherl (Dar) SeDsual. Undergroulrl Ui!istries / t.O. nor 85t5 / Iulsa, 0r 74101-8545

frou Yictorla 3.C. !ecause tb,e CoDE.Dsus Realiti- creator (elly Has o! tou! iD leflarce aDd liasskoDtroll tours at tbe coi ol last yea!, tbis e.0., recorrleil 11 1995r urs Dot released urtj.l thj.s sDllD& tut was rr11 vrorth the nBit. llusically all rcoordht Hls!t this e.D. j.s Leeps ala bould! b.JoDal theit ilebut e.p. i;itb a Eore controll,crl lrllrrry ot 0lEI8lEItB FrrytLbS Drslr 0D the ponerfui, crusty style of Du}lt:IEo8,l!a.t .'At:,o!t, io!8 lalo tb,. rlift.All-loatlb baDal

have those uDlerviDg breaks aII tbe giyes tbeE Eore of a lluDk edge alal

of Chrlstilrlver mj.rrors thls fomer DloJect orieltatiou. ltuslcally tbis offers a totally rllffereat approach r',ith lelgthy soDgs of a coDDler alal layereai style wltb a sDark of creative lDgeDuity with alubs aDil sanples ofteD fitted light Vely few other iDto the Eusic aDil lyrlcs.. balrls cone to DiEd to nake a coEDarison of style, but tbe conplexlty of late! years [eurosis coull be a good start. Definitely not your average thrash baDd anil bigbly reconnended. l' six track IP versioD niII be releaseal Bs sooD as fiDalcial aDal techDical coDstreiDts allor',. (Dan) ?rofBDe lxisteDce / Sfuta s1c

oDIy i! tbe spirj.t of ,oIltlcaI


C.B.U..bave beea puttiag out yarious for soue tiEe Dow, but tbls 1s by far tbe best stuff beard froD theD. Iwelve soags bashed out siDpte (yet polerful 8s aII he11)

Dischargj,sh riffs, illiviDg d:run beats, aDd a vocalist tbat screans his guts out. 0ver all, thls a reBlly rar',, aDgry, purk lock

iliio;,. H";di#:r#1.:."."'f".',iolililix; (JoD) purk

at its best.

tbought Crine Xecorils/ c/o Jens lial,ter/ Petersburger Str 68.10 249 BerLia/ Gernary. C0ILrIIOIEB lalraso,'t aaltrvDrtc otrrcttc

A revr Gernan baatl nith a souDal that sonevrhat leDlDds De of trollealsfo2 except tb,ey iloDrt

Nt,ls[: tt[:[-trs[:

Guti / Postfach 1212 / 6r59L triealerEittlau Cocrotoz ossgrttc this i.s ole of the best llexi.caD bands I've iD a while. Great hBrdcole purk n!.th the lerfect feeliDg of alger and j.ntensity DuDctuated with a neLoily. Urgelt, in ileIth DoIj.ticaI lyrics cone out strongly ag8j.Dst state oppressloD aDd the tradition DatioDalisn pushed oD us froE chj.ldhood. A 12 page booklet coDtaiDs all Iyrics and Xnglish trans).ations. Thj.s is a professiorally recorded. and printeil tape r-rith excelIeDt guality wlth great &usic aDaI potent lyrlcs. (Jon) C0fSIBUCI0RIS DEL 0DI0


Cryptas Irocluctions/ Arart8ilo PostaL {L5-05 4/ DeIg. lrcaDot. C,P, 02200/ llexico !.F.. llexico. oorYIcrED



Past, kuda slo1py purk wiib eDgry screaniDg xocrl8 froE !!a!ce. Plsseal off lyllcs aboui oDllrogalo!r. the systeE,, ect.. ?iclr ragcr lld iDteDsity really shons througb oD thls dltl, rhlch 1s gootl, I-d sal go for lt ilutle. (Esrrr) [ew Yaye neoordE / 3.P. lo. 5 / l>+ez / Parls / 10 lruoc -!

0OUDIREI/E! lleror lbls ,rP ls,Drtrl,::trlt

0t P.lD iP ia every illnenslol pos,lllq. , . fotdl1,i. Dof,,crfu1 nus j.c that pulls ,t.lg ,atl{jari6trro tbc listener, tbeD throws ticg'thlt,fc lo to ,ici up the pieces. ll,rny peoplc t lc oorrrred thj,s to late treurosls' but I thlll tbl8 ls Duch Eole iDteDse. full oa elrcqrletro nrslc Layered nlth cnshlng gulta! traott r!0 c?rl? keyboaral to accentuate th,a rllllg le yrtl brilliant tenpo progr€ssl&r'tlrl Dllcr it al.l together. Tbe lyrlcr take a loot 1nwaril toward social aEal D.!toD!l stru3glasl woldeil iD a way pulls qqt ingar alal frirBtrltioD. Br1lliant. (tron) trofalc Srlst€!cc/ Skuld CD on: Elderbcrry Recor<ls/ c/o Hakeskog,/ Earlsaon/ Earlrllsv.'94 w/ 55+ 51 tdnk[gLtg/ Srcilon.

Oflff! !L, tofrl tuA 1' one .ths loat renarkable and Eost unrotlceil lrlas troa Sweilen ln the uid-'8os, tbis 1s a lootk8 of thelr 12 track deno. Conpareil to Iot +? (thcy nay heve evel sbared nenbers), I thllt thls i.s eve! nore intense. lbis is E uust for aDyoDe who Loyes o1d Snedish harrlcore. I was boDhg tbtt tbls recolil Uould give nore infornatio! o! the baDd, Iyricsl etc.l but it uust be Just as Duch a nystery to the bootlegger. If aDyoDe has e good. a taDe of tbeir other deno nith tbe ileeper vocals- please get in touch! (Jon) Eo adalress DE

trIoor / roISE


EDtlt ?r

leadlock are a JaDanese "Dis' puDk barrl (their Discbarge-sty1e logo is a iiead give away) witb llgush Iylj,cs about the usual anti.uarrlsysten toplcs. ReductioD are fron Belgiua aDal have shilar style with a

less slagle-nlDaleal aplroach. Ihey bave one solg agaiast the atrocities of Vll2 es ueII as

Dlbllistic 1ro-ilrirking



DII Reoords c/o RyuJl-lsBda / 102 [.kaEe / I-ZS-ZO fo.Djj. lllDrel / SutiDaEi-Eu /

House roA.yo

a Eole


trothiDg greatly origiDal but uorth checklng out 1f you walt to hea! soDe classlc Discharge-type puDk L66



/ Jrgat

IB,r.D SftiEf,Cl .l'

Bcacflt fr

Qulte a sDectacular record project beiDg both

a beDefit for victins of sexual assault as well as beiDg a challeDge to a nale doninated lutrk sceDe iD a DBIe doEilateal rlorlal. Hhile this is saally !erbeps the very last ever

release froD the highly iDsplratj.oEal

aDarcholuDk baDiI Deaal SiIeDce, it is also oolerbaDs thclr nost FrlI Dut togcthBr entl bereDt DroJect y.t. loflowlDg ia th?. -tbeEe: orieltrtld rol,cracs (-lor lour Ego'o Seie"

e.D. rli 'EelI-, I Eou Cal lc ErIe llJ Uore tba! Thle- e.D.) tba cptlrc Dusic, Iyric, and lrrittel cortert of tbls recor<l is al attacE agaiDst sexual violelce anal agaiDst a IatriarchBl soclety. oatbereil iD the thick booklet incluilerl r,1th this Dackage ere Dunerous rrritirgs ilon uoDe! oD the subject of sexual abuse Illth ar overall goal of t?oEeD s enpowernelt. 0! the fj,lst side of the recolal ls a slokeD Yrord end soDg coEbiDation en'Eer Story/t Chatlergc" lhile the tltleal other side has r ooYcr of A.P.?.L.E.'s 'Double Stanilarrl" vith lecky taklng tbe llace of (eviD oD yocals. It is evideDt tbat quite a bit more elergy tbaD usual ttert into tbe cleatioD of this release aDd it oDly uEdelscores tb,e lnlortance of the Eessage. A potent aail cobereat Dackage throughout that far surpasses the usual acceDted leveL of 1o).ltical DuDk rock. (Dar) sDir8l Becorals / l.o. 3ox 4918 / ctifto!, trJ lloDey


DElufOr Et'a of DrfhDo. dat CD Ihls 16 a , lDch couDact disc rclersc of tbe two great ?ns floE Iortlard's l)cflrlcc. Yhile DalDIy released for the JaDaDese aDal east lsla! DII I,uDk sceDe as aD alterDBtlve to $9 inport '/isr the release tbrough SrofaDe lxisteDce lar last elsures this wlll be available cheaply worlal-rilale (altbougb these tracks

haye alreBaly beeD !e1easeil tr Europe as




Hith Ioll.ce Sastaril). Botb fis ere

curreDtl.y out of prlrt on vinyl, but I aD assured by Eelly ftoE CoDsetrsus Reality Recorals tbst they vlll be baci( i-D prlDt eveDtua1ly. If you nlssed out or car't urlt to bear Dore

of Deflance's iDcrsdlble dollvery of traditioDBI aDal algry analchopuak thau lbLs 2? l/ 2 nlnute nial CD shoulal kee! you halpy iD the nearthe. .l,lready rel.eeseil Deterlal, but rlefialtely worth keelliDg arouDall (Dar) ?rofaDe Erlstelce Far East

IIrg f,to! to,/ Poot t t 7' llore poIltical crusty style haralcore fron ?olanil- nbich seeus to be disbing out quite a fen ercellent heeYy luDk bands 1ate1y. DrlvlDg beats thet roLl aloDg !-rith barreling rlffs topled nltb durl vocr18 that yeII sDal shout. lly coDy dldD't coDs ultb a lyric sheet, but naybe I'n Just aD ullortunate ole becBuse 1t seeEs l.lcorDlete witbout ar lasert. (Jon) llalarle Recorils/ c/o llartin Yalesck/ Ropice 28L/ 7r9 55 Iriaec 6/ czech neDubllc. DIEOUSII]0


/ !I00r rDrlt


nately, the souDil guality is lletty bad souniiiDg Eo bette! tba! tbe best Dj.sclose recordlng (of coulse they COIItrD have beeD tryiDg for the JaIraDese closet recoraled sounrl). Eovrever, r'rhat the souDal quality is lackiDg oft the beautiful folil out covet package Dore thaD nakes uD for. A Yery aleceDt flrst release and I iuagine thiDgs Eill o!Iy get better with nore leleases to cone. lor sone reasor I bave this on both grey and ]rhite vbyl aDd there's Drobably several otbe! colols ayallable as nith all releBses oD Eayoc Recorals. (!an) ,Eavoc Recorils / f.O. 3ox 8585 / IliDDesl,, utr 55408


rilon / sllalclo lI80L.u!0 rDrlt


Ihis 8011t cassetter entltled'Hardcore for the llasgcs" ls a collaboratioD bctL'ceD tHo oi the nost actiye DIY baDds 1! the Cbilesn DuDk scele. listulbio lleDor Dlay a trailitioDal style of fast hardcote / puak Hitb, aD anachopurk outlook anil Dolltlcal lyric subJects. Sllercio Absoluto play s nore Detalirflueacerl style of halilcore of early straj.ghtealge aDal neu lor\. f,C baDals, wltb nore persoEal lyrlcs but also politlsal subjects as ueII. fryrlcs are provitled for about ba1f the soDgs with EDgllsh traDslatioDs. Vhile thls aloesD't beye the color coyer of the Chllee!releaseil yersion, you caD get a copy of the Irs-releaseal yersioD for o!1y $1 fron Sir lronteras Dlscos c/o !E aildress (Dal) I)nOEDEAD


FiDally a DeH !elease fron DEoPDEr-D. Everytbing you'd expect fron these lDfaDous tbrashers- screarliDg Yocals over fast bardcore alil a rough souDal. Iot quite as nucb vbil1EiDd druu1lg rEd EecblDG gu ;lrcoioion rE previous stutl (but it's dctlDltrlJ stlll tLere), but I Eore riu brrdcorc sould Hhloh they've dole Hcll sllcc thc sttrt. IyrlcalIy it's Dole about IookiDg lawaril anil buj.l,diDg streDgtb. Uy oDly coDDIaiEt 1s that tbls 1s too sbort. Yhere's the Dew LP? (Jon)

SDlrel Objectlr,e/ P.o. Box L25/ 0aktanils Park/ South



Insurgence/ P.0. 3or 415r/ RichroDd/ xast

Ylctorla/ Austr8lia rl.2l. DIsloPLr / g[ YE rDllt Il? .t sDlLt if witU tiro of Calj.foraia's nore

crust-influelceal baDds DaklDg up quite a beavy aDd Dor?elful package. the Deu traqks froD DystoDla are Dore nuslcally straight-forHaril tbaE thelr Dore iDgtlumeDtsl aDd sourrl-bite

lailer "Euar-Garbage" e)-bun, yet beve the seEe seDSe of despalr aDil holelessDess iD tb,e1r approach to 1oI1t!,cs, life aDil puDk !ock. SkayeD are a relative reuconer froE

this elasgou baDal. This j.s catchy as fuck witb, Ioeals of energy tb,at Eakes De !l,Ey it oyer anil oye!. f,yrj,cs are about beirg lockeal up aDaI takiDg a staDal Bgailst aII the shlt throHn at us. uJ orly conp),aint is th8t thj.s recorti is so sbort- caD't HBit for tbe L? supposeilly out soon. (Jon) Daroageil cood/ P.0. Box 5'lL/ Iorilon XIJ 6tr!/ EDgl.erd.

!.D.3. Icrrr Baqucolile f" four song e.p. fron thj.s ararchoDuDk b8!d froD 3!aeiL. Iluslcally tbey are pretty straight-forwaral haldcore puak lrltb I slight tbrash Eetal lDflueDce. the soDgs are suDg iE Poltuguese, although xDglisb traDslatioDs are provj,aleaI, Hitb lyrics about aralchlsE, LiviDg iD niserable conditions; and usiDg your orirn mi.ld. Production aDaI packagiDg are renarkably good Eakllg tbis ilefiritely worth checkiDg out. (!ar) RotthelDess Records c/o [eIson Augusto Do Sartos / csix8 Post8l LL97 / L.0. Central 01059 / sEo ?aulo - sP / BraziL


lEDlrIIf dcro This is sone really iDsaDe BDal Doisy tbrasb. Slorailic blasts that JUE! fton a slovr d.irge to EaDic EBcbiDe guD ,ire uitb. crazy yelliDg vocal.s. At tlDes lt renirds Ee slightly of llBD Is Ihe Sastalil, but tbat's as far as the conparisons go. This ls perforned out the DorEaI Euslcal LiDlts oI DuDk with a kick ass result. (Jor) ?.0. 3ox 4?1/ a1tstoD, U.l 02114. lItrlL lfilIro StoD VlYlsootlo! tror IiP llitb aD excellelt, sturlio guality sourd, recoriled I1ve iD SloveDija we have a ful.l leDgth albun's vorth of Brlerlrl flon this row sedly defuDct anarchoDunk baDal f!o! Eelr Iork City. Bbile I lras a bit alisaploiDteil tbat there Eas Do lyric sbeet incluiliil, treiI's blabberiDg betlyeen each solgs iloes give iDclte ilto tbe serious DoliticaL Eessage beblDil tbe solts. Vith onJ.y one 7n Dreviously released, this is the oDIy reel gooal alocuEeDtatioD of tbe rest of the baDd's soDgs takiDg a nelr approacb to the trleil aDaI true Dlscharge-type aggressiYe ounk sounil. 0f course there are also a coYer -of trausea's "Electrodesr'nith Stacy tron llBlkhd? ald Dirt heIDiDg oD vocals. I believe there r-rere only 1000 coDles Eade so far and is currently naltj,ng to be represseil as lt's alreaily sol,d out. You lrill likely be able to get tbi,s agail soon froE llrlbal var Recorals or ?rofaae ExisteDcer or else nrite to the labeI rllrectly. Eoneyer 1o!g it takes to get, it ui]l be iiefinitely uorth your Halt ! (Dan) [uclear SuD ?uDk / cP IL4 / l+tlo GotLzia / Italy

l sDllt e.p. of clBssic old-8cboo1 style 'sureilecore' froE oDe autheDtis SHGdlsh balal, Dlskortol artl thelr counterparts fron the otber siile of the glober Figtira, fron KawasakiClty, JaDaD. Both baDds DIay iD the fast alal tBH stJ1e tbet aade legends o! such baDals BDd Uob /+7, Cruile SSr Rojersr etc. with short blrsts of Dad thrash ard political lyrics sung i.D Slredlsb. Ihe nessage (arrl evea the

the lay.{.rea witb ole DeEber of tbe llirneapo1is crust band Cirrhosls (j.f aryole reueobers thelr one alil oDly cassette release?). Ilustcally they play a cruEcbiDg, plodalilg, aril uore netaL-ilfluelced style of crust puDk sinlla! to Devlateal Inst1!ct Yritb vocals in a slniLs!}y guttural style. lbe albm cover is a Dretty nilil, fu).1 coLo! coll.age anal is really neL1 aloDe iD an artistic sort o! r'ray. there is also a tblck booklet of lylics, artwork and obsersatlors oDly aaldilg to tbe Blreaaly great package bere. lecomenileal fo! sDyoDe s;ekiDg a daiker, nore 'evil' siale of the ,oliticaL luEk rock view of the !'lorld.

Sblzoukr +2L-r2 /

Iife is Abuse / P.0. 3ox 2052+ / OaklaDal, CA 94520 (or) lllsaDtLroDic / zo79z Coriua / Hurtlagtor leachr CA 92645

lover of their live perfolnalces oD Yj.DyI. ILis is tbej.r best stuff yet. These soDgs rock !,,itb plenty of cruEch, sDeedr hookst aDger aDal catcb,iEess to leaYe a serious irDressj.oD oE aDy faD of bardcore l)u!k. Dual Dale aDal feDa1e Yocals screaEiDg over brillialt riffs ard driviDg beats leaYe little to be rlesired. IxceLlent political lyrics attack tbe ueat lntlustry, Duclear !ot?ert EuroDisDey, aDaI tourists' aDathy touBrals l'Jar, as !?ell as a lersolal o!e. 1oI, Dotcb puDk rock. (Jon) Skuld neleases/ ltalEsbeiner Str, l+/ 7L272



hu.uor) nay be beyoDal soDe peoD1e, especlally those Dot fallllar wlth early Slredish thrasht but both brDals Dlay the. style extrenely wel.I aDaI this nade ny fuckj.D' dByl A DII Japaaese DuEk rel.ease oD greeD vlDyl Do lcss! (Dan) lturreal Recorals / +gz-t traha, E.lbrrar Ihara, DIStT.IUCEI




l'J 19!g last tbe alebut 7' fron these BlooLlyD 'Dis' ihrashers ls flDally out. BeiDg Daale uD of forne! nerbers of Eellspat]D, Ihe Denied aDd trha1 VarliDg there is enough pulk proriress gathereil together here to afforil a poteDtly Dor?erfu1 result. llusical1y, the output of thls tbree piece liDe-up is sorewbere betneer the cl6sslc IIC anarcbopuDk soulal of early trus-ea Hlth loads of Dext geDeratloD 'Dlschrrg!' tyle Dulk lDflueDces. three soDgs are o! thls ep highlighttng thelr tblllty to adequ8tely flll e volal of Dowerful ald polltical pulk ll tren Iork City. Unfortu-




/ ou3ilIcl I Braur play


Ilgtro EI)ut ?r

sIoE, tloody aDarcho-stuff.

?retty nellon nlth lots of feeliDg. euelDlca I f,uDo is a littLe Eore urbeat, but stil1 along tbe same Ilues. A serlous aDarchist sertlnent. Unfortuaitely Dothilgs 1n Irg11sh, (Icrry) xafal ssJBiDsEi / v.1,. Boguslawa / Z5/r1 75200 SluDsh

/ lolaEd

EI4.tIEEim.l Inegeee/ Stltttty 7' Ueloaic punk l'rith a bit of ska tb.roHn in lron




tr-Icl gets the

souDal tbey

aleserve. Ibis is 12" captures the energy


Renniagen/ Gernaay.


lxisterce/ ?.0. Box 8'122/ \lLmeago-

NE 55408/ U.S.A.



corcnrrE ?'

Ihis is leally gooalr catchy. recoralr but hard to describel oroovh- rock'D'ro1] DuDk beats uitb si.nple, cstcby yet heayy liffs fron this three piece Austrian baDil. Grovrlirg voca).s that st8Dal out Ej,xeal wlth aoauing bits tie it aI1 together. Heird but definitely interestiDg. tro lylics ale t,roYldcal tbough. (Jon) Yunny Records/ Ion !eltnayer/ SeDedj,Lt

lrl:l-trs l:

the lyrics.. The 3-siale of tbis LP is a pot snokirg, 70's rock irfluerceil ilstruneDtBl rbich is pretty Etrrlge. Pretty cool. (Kerry) Probe Records / P.O.Bor 5058 / PleasaDtoD, CA 94565

lUCfTl'c! ior'; !.rta \B out Ycre... 'lt Tbe ner,e:: :::;a--:ert by these Str netal nariDeD. Lo:: :::: ::a!eC beavily alistorted bLasts anger, ::: ;s:iagi!9, as usua1, is real1y cooLi a-.a.: !:::..6 ;iitb ]ots of odd tbings l:: sbould buy tbis. (Eerry) throrr ::::::. Sane aa:::::3s::.oii. lUCrllCB / EICtzt BDllt ?' Hlcke; p-a..' a souexhat Dore Eeloilic style than Fuci:ace, especially the vocal.s. Souebow it see:s ic EroE oD De a bitr even tbough tbis isr': :ea-^r'EJ cup of tea. But truckface reallJ taies eo=rloi of this oDe Just blazj.Dg tbrough tie:,: si,de rith raIr, aDgly, fastt sIoDlJ EC. !ocd, rlecliceted DII pulL.. (Eerry)

?.0.!or il})t

/ S!,

CA 94115

OIICITE XrI Yi.olrlt y/',ni, // ?ceocful l1lal It Ealf a decea::aterr a first yilyl release fron one o: Scut:lerD Catifornia's best but Dost obscr:e c=rst/DuDl baEals active dulj.Eg the late BO's a=i ear]J 90's. Ibe first sirie of this L,::s a:L studio recoriliDgs froE their abortei.99i i? release aDd gulte fBirly captures t3e:: Lelvj/ crust souDal with just the ligbt Eo::t oi Eetal iDflueDces (but Do lbe secoDal side of tbis boring gririccre). is various D:actj.ce aDil liye lecoldiDgs rlhich have fair q'ie-:i; but Bre U.Dited by tbe recording rediu. Lyrics for all soDgs (exseDt tbe Fe--lastrrd cover) are provialeal oD the gatefoid jac;et aDal glve a good inclte to the stroDc Do-:;ical outlook of tbe beDal. It's too 6"a- .i"; didr't coDtact us before tbi.s uent out :or tbe studio tlacks floE tbe leyer rei.easeri 'fightnares of !ea).lty" couDilBtioD i;hic: ;cuid. b,ave maile thls conplete. llaybe thi.s cor:d be foLlowed up by a denos aDd coEDiiatj,c: LP nbich I'd be iDto fo! srrre ! (Dan) llisaDth,ropj.c 2C?92 Coliua Lane ,/ Eurtingtoa Beacb, c.A. 92515 (or) Yoltic Recorrls / P.O, Box 5015 / Fri-erton, cL 92515

ElxIsoEEB 7' Lnotber ner; Seraau band vllth aD j,Dllressive first 7'. liusicaiU, tbey go fron S1a1-6'-6sn tylle oDslaugbt to bigb speed thrasb aDd crust ulth spriDi^es oi grindy slor'l Eotio!. I nigbt

sal that it's goilg slightly too fast for ny taste, but this has a goocl recorililg tbat highiights their pol?er uDllke so EaDy otber bands these days that oDly hurt thenselves liith tbeir uuffletl soulal. tryrics are DoIitj.cEUJ =otlvated eld yJell-DeaDt but stickiag to thej.r Datiye lalguage iDstead of stunbliDg througb a souerhet elrkwalal EDgLisb verslor wouId. be e good. ialea, trevertheless, tbey could go quite ia! iD tbj,s Euslcal genre iD tbe future. (I@hoo) useless Records / Pat trieb / lclstt.S / 88045 triedricbshefeD / Qettaay eveD

Et slgs,/roflIus EDut El.astus


plri tiDicel, fast

crusty kilda puak.

Its actuall; pretty gooil exceDt Irn not too into the ]oir gronu,Dg vocals (they bave tlro siDgers so i.ts Dot tbere aII the tine). lotuus, are siEiLar trusicaLly but are, lE Ey oI,iEioD, Ducb better. Tbe yocals are tougb as beII aDd tbe nusic realLi kicls Bss! (Drke) RoDky Records

EICIII I! thc DctlrtTtt TE Ihls lecolal is siEilar to the sDU.t 7i I reyiel-red, at least oD siale ole. Pretty easy flowiTg solgs lritb kinda poppy(?) yocals. I would'Dt alsre lut this out tbere with thet otber shit soue people c8l] Irol, I,uDk. I really IiEe their resU.stj.c but sonenhat depresshg look at life , ELich coEes out through


EIIIULITI ElMItrlIo ,/ IEMtrx EI,Ilt ?r E.B. hBye soEe realLy ilterned.iate Seavis aDd Buttberd lJrl.cs b8ckeil up by soue really good strldard 80's punk. the B-slale, velfare, play vlthlD the sane vein anal can't really fiDal nuch to siDg about ercelt ilrirki.rg ( bey, I love to alriDk but siaglng about it is gettiDg really olil). Like I saial, tb,e Eusic is rea1J.y cool }liil-l'rest EC sourilirg vibich alEays Duts a sEile oD Ey face. overall, its rot so bad. (ferry) Selsual UDdergrouDd lliDistries / P.O,Box 8145 / lulsa, 0[ ?{f0}-8545 f,IS EE80 IS COIE lhc rlcrd of Dlt[t la cljLt

EOYr!.!t8 ?i tlis is by far oDe of the best nen records I've b.eard j,D a Ebl1e. llultirle vocals acco&pBDy tbe sloner, nooily nusicl couEtereal wj,th fBste! thrssh. Intel),igelt lyrics Blil nice packagirg nake the lecoral coEplete. Evea thougb this recoral rocks aDil eyeryoDe should baye itr it stilt doesn't caDture their tive perfornaDce. (Ju1ie)

?!aDk ?.0. 3ox 4f0892, saD fraDcisco, 94




IIErrrrrS / rEuItsD ErlLt ?r If you experi,erced the drulken Eess calLeal IlbuEaEe toured tbe US witb DefiaDce a souDle of years ago, you could easj,ly see nby tbe beDal split uD. lesides endlessly alguilg aEoDgst thenselves, tbey illil Droduce oDe beII of aD algry aDal Irisseal off variety of lruDk rock witb a tigbt aDal pouerful souDd. their tb,ree tracks here ilefinitely warralt releasiEg eveD after the balal b,ss beer lolg since alepalteiI (thus adallDg to tbej,! alreaaly exteDsive dlocognpbl of 21 coglas. of tbcir 9 soDg il_eDo r-Dd r soDg ou thc 'la ll3 All GuiIty" coDDllrtloD),. tlhipgcrl of coura? b8ve beeD at i{ for !a!y yeara Dov sltb tbeir tb,ree tlacks bere recorileil durirg 1992. Ihey pley a &orc Etr_!1tht-foruard style of puDk rock wlth laula'8 oftGD DlerclDgly Ecrcrned vocals you'_Il, cltlcr lovi or betir-but definitely oar't igDorc. lotb blDds havc upfroDt aDd iD-your-iace orieDtateal Iyrics and there is also a poster froE each banil iDclualeal nith the !eco!d. . I gooal ,uDk alocureDt anti 1t's too bad ilirln't nake it to Iigbt three years ego ubeD it was recorded. tbat's the DII 1ru!k Lifel (Dar) Sabotage Earth Xecolals / gZ+ yl 451b., Box 27 / Seattle, Yr 98]05

u/]Iuutllr-Ihc trutty lltl-olrrlst ID Ia/hu.raity just keep getting better anil betterl I lbis ]D is golDg to turD a lot of beBds, EoD stop hirtlcore/thr8sb diverslty leayiDg lD/huEaDity lrj,th tbelr ollD souDal aEil style. Great ),yrics nith a Uj.tty overtone uith solgs likel teenage suiclde-Do itl, truclear llinter HonderlaDil, Double Dlgj.t tun, etc. Tbis baDai is totalLy overLookeal sDal hoDefully this Ip l'rill graut then sone of the !ecognitioD they deserve. (Gebe) ?assive fist / P.o. Box 91L1/ Savannah, GA/ ,L4L2

J0B3ilRUS! lc St.f,c iha St.f,LDt orlarttr

I renenber hearilg tbis Iot DaDy years ago oD B Belfast taDe coEI, aad thilklag tbey vrere ilrelevaltly ullisteDeble. llor! tbaD flve years later ard thelr're still arouDdl .A.!d 1t looks like thcl'v: sDent their ttuqr Dractlsllg becaus. tbl8 ls fuckiDg grertl fbey-rc oot exactly tbe fastest because tbis ileno nas a1ready recorileil iD late '92 but bas apparently Dot seeD tbe ligbt of tlay since recentljr. Let ne telI you, there's aluays been a yerJr s!ecial plBce for Selfast baDals iD ny heart. Rigbt froE tbe classlc ararcho puDk bands like loxic llaste BDal Stalag ]7 onto tbelr early 90ies j.aheritors !Ulf,, BeIIast haal nore thaD thei! share oi excelleDt, ilspiring an-


archist bands. llaybe being far


fron the

oyersatureted Dnglisb sceDes, conbired l'rlth

the exposure to the ever DleseDt political situatioD keeDs then oD the eilge. lrLuittetlly, the nuslc is lothiDg Deu3 augry, enetgetic, aiil-tcopo rarrcbo Dtrlt r?ltb a few tlDges oI cnrsty thrasb $ltb Drh voorls that sonetines bllDg to niad late-Derlod DIIT. But it's dore nitb euough conylctioD to Dake 1t truly staril out. (Y@hoo) Jobbykrust / t.O. lox 148 / netrast / Btt ZL2 / [orthera IrelBDd nIRoBI Ers

Ao. \2 / CD third full'ltzcee lergth fulort albun, I tbilL I doDtt have to descrlbe their Euslc, Eay oDIy the changes. Vher I listeDeal to lt flrst I lras e bit sceptic, lt souDileii too nuch netal influenceil for ne, but I llsteneal to it r secoad t1ne, alcl than you hear hou gooal 1ts played, tbe saDDIes, tbe typical pouerful f,urort style alal the tyDical very good perso!41 lyrlcs. l'Iso sone slowe!, r'leird songs are oD tbe albu! its a good conbilation, 1! Dy ollilj.on this 1s oDe of the top recoril releases tbls yea!l (Joe) Sacro lgoisuo necords / Felberstrasse zO/2./ LZ / LLSO Yierra / Austrla Distributed by: CoEsDiracy Recorals / !,ange Leenstraat J88 / 2018 Aatnerp / Belglun The

IIIRoRI 0alo fr

Four new soDgs of ole of AustllaDs best aDal also Eost loDular baEds. lbeir soDgs are,

like evelytiEe, fast aDil l,owelful. lhls tinel for evelyoDe nhors irteresteil, thei! Iyrlcs are traDsl.ated iDto XDgIish, ar<l like fron their oLIer recolds gooil rersoDBI Iyrlcs, that sbould naLe you tbilk. (Joe) COISPIRACY RECORDS / !,aage Leenstraat 588 / 2018 A:ltvrerp / Belgiun ERZICZ ,orrat!

trucklDg techDological terrorl lhis reylerl was sulposed to haye been ia last issue alrerdy, but got lost oD its nay. treedless to say, tbis is oDe of those erceptionally packagerl

tape albuEs tbat put to sb,ane Eost tblDgs US or llestern DuropeaD banils Dut out. ODly tbis

tlne, they ulght have goDe a bl.t oyerboard nltb. tbe four-col,or cover wbLch Eakes tbe lyrics soner-lhat indecipherable. Alynay, urlike tbeir faratlca].ly crusty lollsh coDteElolaries, tbis buDch nakes sure to lDcluale atnospheric and uelodic Darts lnto tbelr general fest Ealilcore hrlk souDd. Goorl to see that rot everyborly is tryhg to soulal liLe ![T or Doon. Ilain probleu here is tbat the Deterial iloesn't bold up for the eDtire leDgtb,, DickiDg out the better solgs uould b,Bye Eade this uore eDJoyabIe. (I@boo) Qrya Sistena / Po Box l1 / 75-2OO S]upsk / ?oIaEal

Ir3tt !rO0 SOCISII Doa't gct C.a9bt 7t First of all, the cover is screen prhteil or the b.cE of aD 0lJEDlr beer case (cvon thougb 01yap1a isD't too good of beer, ye tll get dovD rDd out and cen't afford the good stuff). VeIl, to tbe Dusic. tleiliua to fast alurl vocallzeal !-!ock uj.tb a fer stoDs. PoUtlca}ly notivated lyrics and a pretty fulty sorg agailst blke thieves. Its all right! (f,erry) $J to: lleat SLap lecorils/ P.0.lor TrOr+ / Iras Yegas,



mIlnff ttzllcr ilcr Zu}lurfi otsrrttr 'oernany A !e!r baDal fron [ortbern that oscillates betweeD a very cnrachy, Eeta]lic souDal aDd last tblash with a bit of that fuEky bsss thing throlu ia. Ihe trfEC lDflueEce is b,ard to although soEe of tbe neo-eEo baDds cone to Einai as lleIl. Seens like a alefi,Dite politicizatioa has taLeD place iD this sphere. Certalnly gooil to see iDtelLigelt 1yr1cs (ln GerEaDl) that are lot deaLiDg l'ritb the problens arising froE holEoDe overproductioD or beiDg too seDsltiye for this norl<l. Eas a gooal recoralilg as is probably fittlng for tbis nusical genre. (Y@boo)



/ .A.D!e-!ra!k-Ritl




aDil what a tragedyl ! I 5 soEgs of rag!.rg poner violeooc/grlril intelligelt lyrlcs about lack of consulloatloD iD the puuk scenel greetll etc. ADotber great recoril froD Six Yeeks.

24?58 Rerilsburg

}I^JESIIC IIELYIE Souttr Polc Dcyrcaaloa f' A seyeD-soDg e.r. of ral't aral tbrleby punk


ifx veets/

with shouted nale ald fenale voc!l'8. Ibe lyrics rre a algry and Eonctloes blvr a cryDtic eDDroach to Dolltiosl tla soolal toli.cs' Incluiteil are DuE6rous bscrta lDcludiDg aDinBI rigbts PaDlhtets EDaI I 1112 l,8tch. Ihey also sCen to heve a tnisteil solt of obsessioD aDal aIeDoEsrJosslnitb allens, croD clrolesj.ssues of the -Heekly bly ,ro! readlag too DaDJ Voild trens?" I pretty tooil effort froD this CalilorDia barii previous uDkDo\,ID to tbis !e-

vietrer. ViId



/ P.O. 3ox







beats a lot nu81c I'vc rcvlcwed tbis ish. (f,erry

EelsiDkl /


02700 .


3looil Sucker Recorrls/

Elo]rer ,ir!t blts, colDlclaltllg th!1! Doody aurbcrs. Of oo[r8rr they rlso bed to hav! a actubut i'ts lolger revc/tecblo tyDe lulber alJ.y not .s brd .B lt night 8ouldl trals of ai6-perlod trcurorls vrill yrobably get irto thls. (I@boo) Coaspiiaoy n?qords / Laage Leenstraat 188 / 2018 A.DtvcrD / re:.giun IIIE fctr.uug f.l This Is a polrerful as fuck Lf. Illlm ale floD Switzerlald aDal I,LBy aD orlgiDaL style of

IrDfort[Dately oDly oDe origj'Dal nerber exists, but its stl1l really goorl. AIso.has I0 llye tracks l'rhlch are all oldies. I'd have to give tbis a tbubs uPl (f,errY)-. UDcIeaD Recorals / l.O.lor ,4627 / SaD A!to-


sounil anil ua]I of guiiErs. Lyrics are sonerbet jeiltrl lersoD.l, outlookE o! hul!3D Dl-polltlcsr uil tbc anu}/ Lrriloora accnc. turc, Prohlgllg ls toD lulllty Hltb firll-oolor bnrtrlty-nritc ulDrtloD. 13 Sooil .s you aoulil crDett tros I Jout cffort troD thosc tHo Iebcls: (Jon) d-rror ca.s./ foriaal-idonrucr-str. 58/ b?fin Settringer/ gGrDrDY. rbe Grelt i.ucrlcen stc.! 8r11g1oD/ 5 ttttng-

ton .tve/ottava, oatarlo/ Clardr,/ Ezr 1rl

llsnt for3 llt 7r Vhile thl8 EP uon't tctullly be out untll the eril of foveuberl I'n lcvlcnLug tt aDyl'ray siDce I'n totally faniliar with it insitle anil outl !r1tb varj,ous leYeIs of tbe coDstruchelDiDg tioi. -ue title trBck and "trqrr' l',ere recoldeil in late 1995 for tbeir dooEed split ?! rrltb Cbsos Uf, a!d, Ptrll. bltllg th. 8r!G grG.t ptoaluctlo! aB thr .lssrlsh 8P11t, I Deriorelly thrnk theaa src thc brEt tuo Bo!88 th6 bEld ha9 cvs! nrlttca. lulldhg oD tbcl! stylr of poucrful 'onrsl' Ilscry brro cdalod a! old achoolr stDg-.loDg stylc crGrtllt aoDc of the best political PuDk BltheDs bearal iD yearsl lhc lrrlcE rrc qulte scrlorl-8. alal but rlso hsr. r 8llght rMllstic ioIltloel 'edge uhlch, wlth '!ert T1l.' bGhg trritten about frleads liho blvo 81YG, uD lDd lcft us beblnrl. only aililiug to tbls lackage is the 3 side lrhich bas aD ulreleaseil 1988 stutlio recordirg of the orlthrl l1Dc-uD (nltb AI Iernative on vocals) dollg oD. ol ay all tine favorite songs: '}Iidllght." I o.D't calt to have tbe actual vlnyl ir uy halds afte! all this aEtlciDationl (Dan) ProfaDe lxlsteDce / skuld


DoYV D.P.P.S ?i slol't tlolrn floD the






that aliillrt hold ny attentior for



bail rever prevlously heard D.?.P.S



r/t rP

floE Quebec that wi.ll kDock your socks off! not olly aloes thls recoral haYe the best artnork aral PeckBgiDg of tbe year, but thllr Elrslo ts drllllgr ,,Dt.Dse hardcore thBt hts rllatortcrl vocals (8ootl nix, too). Ibe rhytb.D tuIlo8 !!d builals .Dd aloesD't let you do\il!r fast aDal crazy, ir the YeiD of URAtrUS bui lt lrill' slon to aD alnost black


tbat ilraws i!!l'ue!ces fron Rorschacb, enol nettl; ald crust blcldcd togctbct periect ,roatuctioD enphaslsl!8 the brlgLt drun


TX 7825,

orE stED




f.o.t.l. olt b &outD ,or. cD Its Dot surl,rlshg scciDg r 80's Duuk band reforneil for tbG Biit 90'E I[Bk exDlosioD. I grye tb18 r llstc! .Dd Fre hprcascil by r l9v tblrgs. !1rst of rtt, th15 1g r toorl LPr vcry rerdalecolt of tbclr €arly stuff. -Sccora, tUls ls lclcaoad oD th? alEo lebcl nho lrut'out thGLt flrst !! 1r '85( I thlDlG).

Unlike tbe tforctreDtioDeil, they havenrt yet left our l-di,nensional uDiverser so this is tbuhJuUy a r.tbcr alorr!-to-G.ltb r.} I! frct, tharcrE tctllllly qultc a fci? frst




lIoEIIfRl Bc ht Eo Ar3c Rlec In fottactt 7' Thesc okl Jattrlcsr hardcore clkbrltiG8 are stll} rrtlDt o! th16 DcY e!. I hrvco-t beartl alytbllg lbout tbc! 1! ! f?B ycr!8, so.tbis crue rsi surgrlsc. rhlB is Jrralrs! hlrdcore iE its ,urGst foIm. lour Dell soDgs tbat rage froD bGglDlbg to end. lrack this one ilona.

Datb treuroEl8 had cboser a fen years ago.

r IIrlD


iaiile-ilettiainen / ADolloakatu 1g 45 /

IAI^ SIor Eeoapc CD Over ?O niautes of atEosrbcrlc souails fron tbis lelgian band tbat is SotDt donn a siniIar

rnolls EiIl c!./SaltB losa,

rBoMTr / smED ligtiE rDut 7" Gooil finnish barilcole with tbe typicalr siuplistic lyrics. trothllg ber! r.a1ly staDals out too nuchl bouoYgr ltB 8t1II Sooii aDil

/ fair oBks, CA

ToDy / Rrnsayn)iuJr / n . lirlaDd


ca./ 95105


IltrIIC In.tglrf$ lcr Dttcottoz 1' Iotal Yice Squerl-lab DuDh f!o! ltnlanal. too baii for ibia atYlc. (f,errY)

cebe )


netal type o! souDd without losiDg the lDteDsity. fh6 lyrlo8 erc rrlttru.1, EDgIlsb !!iI

Yictin Recorils/ P.0. Box 14921/ Pheonlxl



!0BfIf D00S Dcro CS this is lastp angry punk fron uithiu the nal,Is of Vashington State Refornitory. lirst of eII' I'd like to comend the people lnvolveal i! thls Just fo! tryiEg. Ihe quality suffers oDly a littlr eld is Ycly listeDable, if you like tood olal flobioDrd engst riildel ?-rock. Vorth cbcohlag out. (f,erry) Senil 2 or , tucbe tos scoit nlgge #125089 / l.uins 2-L5 / Yas\. state aef-ortiiory / ?.O.Box 777 / \onroe, YU',



R 8E



trros s/t ?i

'liho voulal have expected such ar iDcredible assault of political DuDk thrEsh fron a place Iike Llttle !ocE, lot exactl-y kDowD to baYe a

nassive scere tb,ese ilays? Io ny great surof sone lrise the e.p. contains eleven tracks ia -of ages tbe nost brutal tbrash I've bearil vrltb e grirrlcore j.DflueDce like tbat of Assiick

:nhus tbe studio tricks.

Ibere are J.yrics

provldld for fiYc of tbe 3oDg3 vhlcb- are iagry attacLs agah6t tbc tuJrstlccs of our priseat aystor alil soc1rty. lha graphlcs on ihla peclrage !r? as brutal .!al lD yout face as thc nuglell coatcatp Dttllg for .! sll arourd bigb-lnpact release (Dan). SeDsuaI U-nalergJouad trliDistries 8545 / ru1s8' 0r 74I0I-8545

/ l.o. lox

furzy harilcore puDk $itb a I'oBal cIalky ud 5lotty yoca16. BGDIDAB !o a lot oI otd Rcagaa !r! l.D?ric.! Duli rocl. tryrics alcc aogrJ Dolltical rlDts ibout t,.triotisEt etc. Gooal



so:oatLil frccdoul drlaklag, al).tby, noisy Dunk. (Jon) Jobn- ietancourt/ 51 uBiD St. (uasenent)/ Sirghenton' trI 11905.

I Pol.ltlor y lsl[tol!1!to... 7r Ibe secord Jn release frou this alalchoDuDk baDil froE lleri,co. Ibe lyrics ale nostly suDg 1! SDlllsbr bui llgllsb trelBlttlo!8 or! lto-


vidcdr SlYlDg $318ht to tha u1tt. 8!r1ou5 Dolitl,oel esl,Gct of tLls brDd, ootrtlsDtl!6 o! rlray loltortrat soclal lsEuesr DAly uDlqucly Icrlcu / Letlao-Lueriortt u Drturcr but 1D Dlly urys r.latlDt u!1v6r8ally norld-vldr.

51DI,1e DuDk rocL filth. rlw .!d ibrrEhllg rdg,e. (Daa) trcugur trordi DLacoa / 2r{0 u 24th st. / Cbliaro. f,L 60508 (or)'ttarna RoGordE / 2210 v. BcIn6at Lae, LD{ rP / cblorgor IL 50616 ROMI ERIII B/t ?i Voul last, ran, hard,-hittiDg puDk fron Italy. Iherers really strolg na).e/fenale Yocals oD soEe solgs but on a fevr they get klada netodic. I aloDrt ueloilic vocals but evel oD tbe !e!'r soDtE tbat atc like the HaviDg beeD out for ages, this ilcrealible itl (Drh6) e.p. has soEehow naaaged to elude tbe revlen Dusic Eore tht! Etkes uD for sectioD of PE up urtil nolr. ?BDikos are froE Distro: Paolo Bri'co! / vi. vcsDucol 9 /10128 rorino /,r Greece and play in a beaYyr laJereil and enotioD-fi}l.ed crust punk styLe tbat coulil easj.Iy quaufy tbrn as tbe bherltors of the sEErr' BBD brlmta l' Hith the out- sxDltr' flD haye beeD arouDil !o! sone tine |uebix / lt?grllaler trailitio!. resiile DacLrghg eltirely 1n orcek, tbe oDly Doll, anil get coDsisteDtly beter oD each lease. Ibls eP rocks bard- fast, solidt outr-rard ildlc8tioD of coDteDt is tbrough the vrith songs Ib,ese b1r8t aDgly, rlal Dollt1oal. alrDloacb to artistic, tribsL aDd lolitical tbe artwork. Ibere are tlro leDgtby solgs o! algsi eatt fcroclty i! a stylG of thclr otrn. tbat arc strolgly agtl!3t crpltallsn Lyrics subtle this e.p., eecb startiDg lritb instrunentals aDd the! builalilg up to a rag- aDtl th! buEl!c88 otu as vrell ar a oourle of

are iltcillgcDt, ttolltlc.I/-c!o-. . t!41 clearly ErIlDj stat!E.!t8r yst thcy-re poetic. fh.rG's Do Eay to Dut tbls 1D oDe category rloD., Just bul 1t- lt's rD alI arouatl grcat rclcts. (tbry'rc good llvcr tooJ. this Dlcoc of v1!yl brE Dot frr Jron ,ny rcoorrl ll.yer iD noltbg. (trrt.tlcbce) stc.I RrlltloD/ , lrltn8TLe orcet ^rciloga 0rtarlo/ Crnedr/ fzP rEl toE lv!/Ottrue, trrlros ?'

iDg orcaccDilo of rrte rDd .!gG!.

good solrld

quiuty rDal fugll3b tr.!61rt1oD8 of tbo ilcredlbly ocubgful lJrlos oDly tddrd to Ty glecr-ul eDJoyDcDt of tbiB c.I,.r altbortb-tbtt't hlil 1l Dlldr (Daa) aoi ubrt thcy-lor lrobatly -Genct




/ r.o.



9o0o /

ilf rEU!3n Altc VD fic A,loot9 7' lbis is ri4-paceill netal tinged barilcore with Iots of luDch. .Agolized yelliDg Yocals soulal gooal r?ith lyrics ebout aPstby aEal PuIliEg out of the nacbine. OccasioEBl blazilg thrash blts are throtu and trork t'rell nl'th tbe poultling tbrash souDil. Gooil stuff. (JoD)

llu8loally tL13 lE

DerSollI oacs. lbcsc gurs EooD to blTG take! lhe oppoalte path .E loBt baDals vbo gct slower Duslctl aad more vtguc lyllcrlly wlth tine. S.R. just gets faster and nore (Jon)


ia your face.

P.0. Bor 580/ Go)'eta, cA 91115.

SEYMDE al.Do oaEBcttc

To begll reYie!'lr I sbould plobably stsrt nitb a brief neDtioD tbat this banil is partiaLly oolrrlslil of forner ocDbcls o! tbe balils D!Esc!8lo!r Default, DGsttoJ! aDal JiD JoDes Iarty tr[1x. Hithout Eucb furtbe! erPlaratior it shoulil be easy for the reaaler to iEagine tbat this banil is without a doubt tbe

NTI IS}: rt [:[-trs[:

Bllnil Destnctior Records/ xox 29t

st./ Bristol,



3s1 53lrl u.E.

srlgliED sf,IIr 7'

11 soDgs of tbe poner violelce southeu CaIitornj.a j,s becoEiEg kDowD for. Stspled Shut ilonrt niss a trick. Iheir best effort yet conplete uith their best proiluction ald Giger art. trfly oD]y conllaiEt is th8t therers no lyrics. (Gabe) Cleen Plate Becords/P.O. Boz 2582/ BirniDgbcnt aL/ ,52O?

SIIIIED /ltrD DELIRIoITS llDrroud ?i EaviDg bee! sonewhat dlsaDl,oiDteil by thei!

first e.p., I wBs quite surpriseal to be so absolutely bloua eway by this onel Hitb Iy Snith fron Resist oD dnrnsr this newer project of Portlanil carries on the traditioD anarchopunk lritb a Do-holals barred thrash iEfluerce. live ultla-poLitical sorgsl playeii over fast Bla tight thrash PuDk nusis, with sone of the Eost uttelly fuckiDg Disseal off sounding yocals iBagj.Dablel lesiiles havlDg a Dretty uDusual gate-foId type cover, this e.p. ilso oones Wltb a lz-I,rger grBlblo-flLled Iy!1c boohht. DeD! iEIlrcEElY.! (DtD) sriral Recolals ,/ r.o. 3ox {9)8 / cllfloll trJ 070


80 .Dra (l,nz lsilcr.. 7r nelodic oernaD hardcole tbat brings to



SErII YOi-r ,-:roe 10' Tbj.s r;as s :::: :f:Prise- I uas eagerly a!]aitiag a :e ::-:ase iron tbis banil si'Dce I i:a! ass eP. Tbis 10" takes heard ::::: everJth::a ::a; iias good ebout tbe ep aDd strsigbt fortrard. crusbiDg ::. intersi:::: hardco:e :: ;:: stile of lnti CiDea witb (but you lloultln't Lrotr ;;:a:i byuial :.==-. oD your ::::; -:sten) aDd hrsvy-t8-aD-aYaIalche r:::: -:;: .ots of Pove!-trj.cks and teupo c:a:.:: . ituorlerous berdcore crust that is :::: a :arlEu Yolunes. fhe lYrlcs are bri^-:t:; a: ,ieil- !o cliches, but tlell tirBdes lrhich are quj.te wrj.tte:;:-::::a: sleciilc a:3 ::::3ugb1J crplelDcal. trice pack(Jon) aaiDg 1.r5 :; e-- oif. U;]a;i.e F::::::,, c/o }lrrtlD Yolasek/ Ropi'ce 28L/ 11t l1 l:'-=ec 5/ czecb' nepublic' SISIELI tr=-Y:JsO rt,cr. lyr.nDy BcglDe 7' is :e::: :asi bardcore nj.tb over the toP riI, rlgbt tbrough you, tu11 screaE:rd "::a-: ,,ltb the right aEout of breaks throttLe ;:-as: aDil hoo;s ;: :ari;ize tbe iDteDsity. .A'nger fl}Ied 1.,::;s:asb-out agaiDst Police oPDressiot r sslDo]rt! puDk, aDd a crMDliDg iystea, ir::lleat t (Jor) lad Peop^e F:ccrds/ P'0. Box 48091L/ DeDYert c0 80248-;;.'i.



i.stiDct there cme SPiDerreDcb, takiDg o! a:e;; qaDtLe of BD iDdustrial strelgth B!!:cacL to guitar lailen Dower Yiolence, }j:-ir:E oD a DlatforE created by lli.nj.str; eri icd:-esb, spiDewreDcb create their styJ.e oi Du:s1!S eDd d.istorted Doise FLlcb is played de.1.3rE5:J Loud for Eost entrauclag resul,ts. llerc are lyrics oD top oI tbis Eayhen r;it: a aar!?Ded YisioE of the,trorldt as it iou :a: oril look up oDce you ve h:'l rock botto;. r:tb tbe saEe guitar player of Deviated IEsiilctr this shoulil sound fanil'iar to tbose r;Lo renenber. [ot for tbe ueak at beart. (!a:) Atter tbe 3o-h / 5428 sE 52Dd / Portland' 0R

.A-fter DevrE;el


S?IIE 1 lLrc.t lo SoclctY? l'

Great folloir up to their debut ep.


bartlcore PuDk lrlth tbe perfect nix of nelody S!I1l are beconing oDe ol Ey anii intersity. currert faves [itb tbeir catcby soDgs aDil sircere Iyrics, irbicb are persoDal aDal poThe nost iD-;our-lace of these 1yrIitical. ics are an outlash against heroiD users. Thj's i.s ore o! tbe best netl bards to cone out of the Uf, lately. (Jor)

uild bands } SorhaEsters aDal should Dot be confusetl Yrith trailitioaal (uoronic) GerEaD neLoilic 77 alruDk l,u!k tbat so nany people seen to get into. Ihis bBs a fasterr nore uature souDal wlth stralgbt fornaril, energetic vocals t-lbich nakes it Yely irritBtiDg that tbe }yrlcs are riiliculously healtbrokeD IoYe soDgs. In a strange nayl this Eakes it vastLy Eore aDlrealiDg for people nbo rlonrt u[derstald the Gernau language as tbey caD always pleteEd that the forceful siDging is about destroyiDg thb governnent, burDiDg dorTD the synbols of oDrressloD aDal othe! topics of equally philosoDblcal iuportance.. (I@hoo) Sa-cro lgoisno / Iiberlju / !elberstr. zo/L? / I15o HieD / Austria SrR:Cf,fIIfE Dctll R'.te .Di, O.LL.rd DoCE W IotalLy L.ickinr DuDk ass shit ftoD oDe of the best baDils arouDd. llb,eyrYe got tineless energy aail sonethlDg to sayl .[ Ij.ttle nore tbaa s16-pacedr grebbug nuslc wlth screamlng vocal.s. Check tbis outl CiYe B llsteD to theytre

first release as well (a s/t 1 oD tbe sane label). If 1t tskes a little DaEe droDllDg to catch you ear, tb,ey fGrturG soEe er-DeEbers of botb Filtb ald lcoaoobrlBtl (D'rke) East Bay tleaace / P0 lor 7l1l / OaE]'ead'. cL / 94509

SEII trovc l3 th. .tot of lchS sftlilolllo Iovcrl llto lotloD 7r AIl out crazy thlesb with rapid-fire nacbine gun dnming tbat releDtlessLy iacE-hamers the anger of tbis baad tleep lnto your craDial cavi.ty. Eavl.Dg svuDg ful1 arc after produc-

iDg such gushy pop luDk as PropagardbJ' a new breed of hyDersoDic tb.rash has beel spalrned in the aortherD cbaos wastes surloulaling Vinnepeg, Canada. the first siale bas three relatlvely shorter thlasb soDgs Hith a kDack for quick starts ald stopsr tenpo cb,arges alii just a lot of fucking iDteDse thlBsb1Dt. Ihe side bas oDe longer soDg wbich starts

saEe fast DBce tbeD slows do!]! to a near crawl to the fiDish. All ol the solgs haye leletively sholt ald siElrle Iyrics but are sulDleEenteal v,itb leEgtby Brd iltell'iI b,ate to use a gent supportive writing. Dhrtse so NorD out at Erlrole loise Rccolalst iut I uitll "Tb1s record Boc\s!' (hn) comode / 16r'l wurstccD B11l su / crr88rv,

llith at the


/ Mr ll9 /


lorrc rrrcollc / TEoREEoITSE 0! RIPRISEmI!rTTS sr, 7r T[, BostoD's nost Eotorious]y alruDkeD BDii polj,tical puDk rock baDals have two Det? tracks on this sp),it e.p., ole witb lyrics agaiDst

NtIts[: lt[:[-trs[:

Dolitical elitisB lD the lurk scele atrd the other a rousiDg artben. SEYiDg their fron a total lack of outtrartl looki!8 oolitics is a sDirited rendi,tior of the cLasii" "etr Cops .o,ie lestariis" clore in their or';n llhorehouse have their ovu tblashy styIe. criticisns of tbe Dunk scene with their fj.rst soDg shotliDg bou nuch of tbe sceDe is a nirror of tbe general society. As tre1lr tbeir other tracks iloes a pretty gooai job sumilg uD tho thit ia hcrica anrl eYen rlo a cover of "i\cli tutborltt.' ODe of tbe better Deu rcleascs I've heard thj,s year. (Dao) Rod.Dt PoDsioic necordE / t,o, r,ox 115 / newton Ctr.r IlA 02159 (or) Ur-Yellinan Records / ?.0. lor 80lrl / Seattle' vA 98101-0111 Aul .rd lz3ct CD lbeir third alal alefiDitely tbeir best CD yet. track 15 oI totBlly driving Sweilish hardcore wlth screanirg dual Yocals aDal llailiDg netal solos throw!. Their earlier stuff was Duch nore Eetal iDfluelcealr but tbis is definltely Eore straigbt forward harilcore punL.. Cooil songs aad proaluctioD nith plenty of punch. Lylics aleal nith usual luEk topics like alriDking, partylugr anil seying fuck off to autbority .r!d society. noth1!g grouldbreaj(lEgt but goorl laglDg lruDk EoDe-the-]es9. (Jou) tr1DD Rccorals/ J. Leblo/ loo8atGD 4r/ ?o, 56 6tebro/ Slreden.


It lttc f UllIIolD llt Ov lt }.Et- tbe IoDg airalted 'rcoilo' iull LP by Belgiuu's UffiIfOED. It's all thrt I exDccieil aDil Eore. YeIl played'barilcore that reacbes out with rage arrl enotion. DuaI screaning feDale Yoccls, strorg gultar riffs, BDd lDteDse druEnirg togetber builal a rea1Iy ponerful sounil. Ihe gleat Dustcr well-written political aDal DersoDa1 lyricsr atral cool DIY attituile uake tbls I? a real uiraer. (Jon) [abate/ B? 92/ 4000 I'Lege L/ Bergiu. Ui !O trllB Soto S!7czo(o 7' Ihls 1s straight forlraril Dolitical bardcore Sonetines it reninils ne of fro! Italy. Hretchecl, but is a bit nore nelodj'c for tbe Dost Dert. Lyrics are in lttiiaD, but froE the graDbics aDil Eode of the Euslc' I'd judge tbst they are gulte political aDal urgeDt. Good stuff. (Jon) c/o Acquaro Jobnny/ Yj.a P. cossa Do 5r/ Lol46 toriao/ Itaty I lTtcly t?, Br'.lD'.e}.lrS, ItohtDc 7t Ihe sDiky Eohallks aDd tbe lane of the baDa hail ny expectatioDs Irretty 1or-r, but further investigetion DroYeil ne wrong. It was a pleasart surprise to fird Ee sone fast HC/ yunk wltb catchy guitar, e couple of cool teails aDd soEe ilterestiEg j.d.eas. Ihl.s renj.nds ne of other stuff fron !A., nhich is cool ulth ue. (EerrJr) YiIe Life RecordiDgs / ?.o.lor I58 / lethLeheE'


PA. 18015-0158

|l!IE D Uhc I'ost .ril Dc.tlDt Eclrt 7' Ibe Iast release by tbese naal JBDeDese tbrashers. Iotelly Balic bardcore tbrasb, in tbet style that coulal oDIy be prorluced i! JaDan. over tbe top screechiDg vocals put the iciug their first ep the oD the cake. I still best, but tbts is Eot fa! bebind. Thrashi!8 narlaess! (Jon) llootl Sucker Recorils/ Japau.


l!.r.s ft lorh ?i llbj.te I loyeil their first XP 8Dd the sP]it wltb Toxlc I vas il-Drellare<l to be blo!'rD away so Eucb uhea I tb.revr thls goliicoloreal e.!. oD tb,e turEtable! v.0.R. are anongst tbe best Arerica! definitely alarcbolruDli baDils goiDg rigbt now and tbis le1eBsesr as HeII as seej.Eg then live agaiD a couple nonths backr oDIy coDfirns tbis. Aggressive Dulk Eusic coEbililg tb.e trorthnest aDalchopulk style of baDils lihe Defj.ance and Resist vrith a European PuDk leveI of conplerity and argry feEale Yocals Eith totally pisseal

off alil Irell-!,/ritte! poIj.ticBl lyrics. tbe ertire package is a two-fisteal attack bent oD alestructj.on of the systeE i.Dcluales great artwork oD the coyer anal postet. Strongly recouueDaledl (Dan) Sabotage rarth / 824 rr 45tb, Box ?'l / SeattIe, YA 98105 UoIrll.lCI EloodrtrlDcd Drcells

051il 782/.CaDada.


A four-song previe!,' CD to their uDcoEirg full leDgth release on Sweilen's nighty Distortioa Recorils. The first tbing to coDe to nlril nhile listerriDg to this are the sinilarlties to later ,1,!ti-Cinex, for one obvious reasoD beiDg the sane vocal.istl' JolssoE, as lveLL as a sinj-Iar kD6ck for coDbiDiDg sleedy olal school DuDt/tbrash r',/ith a netal

ealEc. If l.trr

Lutl-Clucr releascs llle

'."tf,go1ut Coultry of Snc-rlea' aDd ceD.clslly "Scerilblvian Jaibrcaie r' turued youi crenrs,

thel you'I1 lllstr,ltIy fel,I lD lovc wlth thli baril. Ihere are Do lyrics lrovicleil wlth thi.s previel e.g. but they seen sinilar to the above nentioned titles. soDgs oD






are takea ilirectly fron

thel,r forthconj.rg reJ.ease while the secoDal two are sligbtly less proiluceil tlecks from thel,r aleeo. 0f course I loveal this release, but I alo!'t expect everyoue to share ny opj.DloD! (Dan) DistortioD Recolais / Box L29 / +Ot Zz CothGlburg







llbere seen to be a 1ot of nerv, ptoElsiDg DII Dol,lriDt up J,r Gernaay I.ately, aDd thj.s 1s certrlDl,y one o, tb.eD. I'11 brush asiale the notj,on of the baDal DaDe being bideously uDorighal anil blane it on the blissful aaivete of their youtb or sonethiDg like that. Vbat ue b,ave here is very lowerfully aloDe baDals

fast thrasb iD the yeiD of nid/Late-8oles classics thBt itoesn't(t) sou'ail like eitb,er niscb.arge or nooE. Raw, gruff aDal screaneil alual, vocals aleBLilg rvith the way tbis stlDklDg society is a p11e of sbj.t. Utr


/ Rotenburger Str. / Sernany

RouveD SensDann


SIIZEI play tota).1y sLon ancl griDdiDg sludge

with deel bellolrirg vocal.s. I0S CRU)0S play a short song iD the fast angry styl" thst they're so rvelI kDow! for. lhe Dae!.iglDg is reall,y good rirlth lots o! info oD B.I.?. aDai j,lterestiag gla1lhj.cs antl layout. (Jon) Ioung Eeirs/ C.P. 1rj8r/ St. Ronuetd (PQ)/




ZEfEtIfilO ,fel'c bt JadDt I'oot 7t

CoDiDg froD the Caech Republic. these follis Irlal rore stralgbt forward puDk with out tbe heavy na11 of 8ou.Dd gui.tBrs, l1lic nost Easter!-luroDeaD bands I've llsteDsd to. eood '82 Dunk vrlth cborus's I'd br rble to siDg along to if I unalelstood nhat they nere saying. (xerry) P. Zachoyal / Ran.28. Rijra 18 / ltao / eOZ OO / Chzecb. ReDubltc

\/L /ttlcteon 7' I Iour nay coDlrilatioD featuriEg three eernan bantls anal oDe froD ArgeDtiDa. EIUUS.IVIA play uoodyp atEospheric pulk r''rltb. fenale vocals, sinj.lar to later AllfUSE- who bave the Dert treck nbich is talieD fron thelr Plgs LP. Althougb I prefer the trach L?, this solg is ileIinltely a standout- Dlenty of lrouDaliDg aDd screanj,Dg. 0r the 3 sidel ZoRtr l,lay a style sinllar to Rolschash, but Iusbeal further over the eilge with a Deloalic breck th,rown ia. EITIEn ale froE .{,rge!tj,Da aDd Irlay a loDg whaoied-out sort rock'l'ro11 foll style so!g. 0D1y half the beails provlale Lyrics which are in Gernan. ReconEeldeal if you're lookj,Dg for soDethilg th8t goes beyolil tLe coDfiDes of forEulaic barrlcore eld puuk. (Jon) Sttgna/ Joche! lclrlcV Rudolf-Breitscheiatslt. L5/ ,1077 ,,istb'u;te/ Gernany. Y/L Boota lo Prleozcts ?' l' four bslal coDlrllatioE that is a beDefj,t fo! Books Io ?rj,soDe!s, an organS.zatlou who tloDated ,ree books to prisoners arouail trortb, lmerica. A gooal assortEeDt of baDals worth a vatyl,lg Elrsical style with the hardcore spectruD. DXYoID 0F trAITE Dlay stralght fornaril harilcore iD the old l,nericel sty1e. DolBy Rorschach. typc harilcore.

Y/L Chcilobyl, &/llcsB llzlgcily CD This is aa extrenely rle11 lrut together conDilatloD benefit fo! the victj.DS of Chellobyl as veII as reseBlchiDg alterEative eDelgy sources iD the UErelEe aDd DloDotiDg global a!'rareless torvarils Duclea! lower. 2? solgs and spokeD wolal bits iDclualiEg tbe S!!Itr RlD, [oau ChonsLy, AtrARCRUSI, PRoPAeE AtrrI, lraa Syilnlaa, S CEY.IXI Zf ff ee^AX., ItrQUISIIIOtr, J€lIo Biafra, IEOS! YEO SURYMD IEI PIAeUX, RBIIEU CoIIISIotr, lleEuela Kraute!, an<I nore as well as an addltional 18 tracks of Dole slokeD woral blts coDcerDing the tbeue. Setweea the balals, the sreeches, ald the graDbics- tbls project raises awereress to aa issue tbat ls far too overlooked i! the '90s.- trucl.ear povrer hasn't goDe away and sbou1ilD't be lgnorerl as the looEiDg tbreat that it is. (Jo!) ?rej.ud),y Con Recortls/ Schiitzelstr. 2L7/ D4414? Dortnunil/ Gernaay

V/f lbc Cotc gcaalolB (YoI. 2) CD Ihe second conlllatioD C! to bear thj,s Dane lvitb 2-4 songs frou 1l uaderground AustrallaD DII punL baDals i,! the saEe spirj.t of the first oDe. Yitb nearly a 7i t'rolth of naterial fron eech baDal you reBlly get a gooal picture of thei! styles rvb,lcb raDge froE lreacelruDk to grj,Dal, thrash to ska, aDd even a 'dis' baail. Eech balal gets tuo lanels of the loster-cover riith 1yr1cs ubich ele geDerally of a 1tolj.tical / auarchopurk ve j.D. .A-nother tood look iat o the newer unilergrouail l)unk b8lds goiDg j,D .lustrBlia lvhich seeEs to be experleDces a leH burst of lII punk etrthusj.asD. As nlth the flrst oDe, oDly ,00 of these are Eaale so get lt quick or niss outl (Dan) $14 DDal. floD IraDs-Ali,er Xecordilgs / P.O. Box I8I / trevrtolrn, trSV 2042 / luBtrl1ia Y/L B ,ot Ooaocirliro to Eooca..O R.oloolDlo E O ltltrc lrbltotTo lE lbis is a 5 baDd coDI l,/itb bards froa Sao ?auLo, Brasj,I. Acao DlretB, !.D.S. e,]al .6.grotoxico ?Iay fast Scantlanavian irfluenceil EC'r'rj,th gooai DroaluctioD aDal lEtense eDergy.

D.Z.\,., vho bave beel erouril for aluost 15 years, play olal schooL sj,Erlistic lunli alal the other two bBEds are reaIly gooal es we11, I,layllg fast pulk rock Eith an att j,tuale. I pletty serious aDtl-fescist seDtine!t, anongst other political sbit, sets tbe Eooal. (f,erry) RottenDess Recolals / C/O laLeoa lugu8to Dos Sartos / Cllra lostal 1197 -l,g. Ccntral / Cl? 0I0r9-9?0 / S.o }rulo-S? / Brasll f/L I ST.agntcr S!D*!D3 ttilTy ltthct f' Xxcellent coulrilatioD slanli,ag the tnternatiola1 D.I.I. haralcole sceDe. Strikj,Eg glalrhics anil quality layouts iD the 15-!age booklet acceltuate the anger of the baDais j.acluiled. Top-11e1"X solgs of thrashiDg hatalcore punk by CIUSTXB !0IB UtrII (Gernany), lllSSf,OmR0IJ (U.S.A. ), ilRRICr.Dt (JaDaD), str3l,Li1rRS (Slreden),



CofCIffCIA (?eru). But the real staariouts here are !oBCA lilC.tBRA (!lDl.BDd), SttrCIUS IUDA (!oland), aDal UUIUUS (!iulaart)- uho do what they ilo extrenely nelI. Ihere's elso lafo oa ancl lolice attacks j.n ?o1aril, rig off lecoral labeIs alouDal the l)lalet, BDal bolal DoIltioal grallhics. creet coDI,. that's alefiDit6Iy !,/orth seekiDg out. (Jon) Devil In The Ee11 Rccords/ Otto ItkoDeD/ ?etaDtie 25/ 585OO EraiiaharJu/ triElaDd. l/L It'o tlt 8o Otlct oD t,lc E Btct4 ltoDt IP .1, DII punk conl,ilBtloE iD a tiay tBklDg o! a

liLe the classlc IIRR coED of a siDllar tJ,t).e, but nainly focusiDg oD balals floE Italy aail the forner Iugoslavia. Ia the DII BalDelr the sound quBlj,ty varles flon excelleEt to Eealiocre lrith tracks fron sone vrel,l Iuowr baDals, like CriDlrLe SastBtals, D.D.I. alil Upset, there 1s also ar egual share of lesser klorvl, nel-r baDals. Yhile there is somer],hat of B regloDal thene, there is also a fevr ailileil traclis fron sone other j.DterEatioDa1 DII baails froE Irast elal lreselt iDclualiDg fJeru, FiDaI HarDiDg aDal BBttIe of Dlsarn. Yhile tbey clain Dot to be putting this together to ualie auy L.ind of huge statenert, the politics and DII Eature of this conpilatioD says a great ileal iD aDaI of itselfl Punk as fuck as lt shoulil be ilone... tLeDe


truc1ea! SuE ?uDk / CP L:.4 / Z+tlO Go,.lzia / It Bly

Y/L 1o ,.t. Yot. 2 2I:OD Ihe secoail hstallatloD of thi.s serles featurlng 28 baDd.s oD eacb CD froE JaI,aD to Iolanil to the U.S. to Brasl1, to Sweden, lusttalla, lct.. (Iou get the i<lea... everylvhere). ovelall, I realJ,y Like tbe wb,oIe tbiDg aEd an LEplesseal witb the choj.ce of baDals, lvith alDost alL rlaytlg polj.tically Eotivateal pu!k/Ho. It coEes Jrackageal iD a 7r style sleeve l'vlth each balil hsv1lg a 1lage. Bighly recomeacteii. ((erry) E0 tract / 4Ot Rongo-u / z-lS-z / Yayol-cho , lakaDo, Iokyo, Japaa

v/L ...aD


vErrr tts

rtct T

corDj,Iatlon 7 of four Dew Balals froE YieDDa. Tbe first are !^Alrtrr TIll.E, DlayiDg poirerful sre EC, but Dot that stuplal [adbBII sblt. Tbey souDil a bit f.{,llotrS otr FIRI ni:eil lJj,th trI80, cool Eusic anil gooal Lyrj.cs. Ihe secoDal Balal is (AXIEf CoRl, a strange nane, A

nameil to tbej,r drumer, but also a cool,

Playj.lg cool Punk with gooal poll,tical IheD their are }lttrlAoE; the lane souDals llke B stuDiil Eacho sxe Balal, but they arenrt. I!.ey are EC iD the vaj,D of ICotroClrlSI BEal Boitr AGAItrSI. .A.Dd last but rot leBst rOtrSTRUKT. Ihey have still released a split 7, oD th.e saDe Iabel tbis conrilatioD 7, aDal I !rouLd describe their Duslc as a Eix of LUZIIInS I0B wlth the vocals of R0RSCEACH. (Joe) B.AtlttrlRYXRr Rf CORDS / ./ o Sascha / Yorgartenstr. L95 / L020 yLeaaa / lustrlB BaEal.


Y/L ADdcr th. 57g, Ot thc Toasy trcc ?' .A U.(. ,uDk coDlrilation put out by B eelDeD Iabe1. E!^IDACBE start i,t off rvith their vritrl Doisy, JBzzy, over-tbe-toJ, puEk style that alef les all laws of Dature. PoLAnIS Dlay neloilic Iun\. with a triaDgy gultar souDal that I caD nithout. UtrDmCI/fSS screau through tlro traclis of netal tiDgeal haralcore with a crazy maDlc feel to it. !LAX(!R have thelt ona sty).e of haralcore whicb is pretty straigbt uD. ST.tfrIf 0&{.0 play heavy, Detal-ealgeal harclcore !]/lth a Rorschach feel to lt. A good D.I.Y. sanple to sone of tbe Dever taDds tbe UK bas to offer. (Jon) Comoa Cause/ (ourd-ld6!.uer-Str. 58/ D75529 !etltLngen/ Oaraany. l/L fo EtbTot (I Sya*)

7, As coEl,ilatioDS caD soEetines (uis)haplea, this lroject aDpears to have takeD a lolg

tine ia the laklDg nitb nery of the bBDds ilcludeal DoH defuDct. I! aDy case, iDcluiled are seveD yery political soags, all aleallDg j.! ole wey or anther, oD subjects relatiDg to raciBl, sexual., or systenatic polltical oIrlrressioD. the baDals appearlng here are Copout, AliEaI IarD, Araa CoDtra ArDar Assfactor 4, Eay Narliet, Jara ald Spitboy aDaI aI1 haye oDe soDt each, loDe o! t'rhlcb sucli. Ihele is soEe i,lfornation inclurleil oD B latilo wone!'s sulport group calleil Poyecto Eablo. A gooal reLease but a blt lEckiDg in directlon coDsialerlDg the Ialel it 1s releaseal oD. (Daa) trengua Arnaala c/o llartia 2r4O Y. 24t:a St. /

Ntllsl: Itl:[-trs l: Cbicago,





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Police Bastard


\Vay of Do_om




Edst 9

E<ist 1.5



Spectators of Decadence EP Edst 15



Edst 12

Only You Have the Power double EP Erist 10



Who's the Fool Erist 17

lgnorance is Bliss






Rez-Erection E\ist 19

BIind EP Edst 20

Hell, How Could Ve llake Any Mole Money Than Thls? EP



EJdst 21


Erist 'l'l





Fuck all Governments






for Your Doqmed

Future EP Edst 22

A Shattered Society

Wallow in Squalor Exist 23



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Erist 24

Erist 25



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t$mr.DeuUfip lbtr-.-6-lfu&rq rbdt-d{L-dh tA*-r$r*tr *G.

uuo-:EG:l:S il,I 'aA

ffi8ffi -

.hr E Fl .-l shYsakE Ehrr ffi-@r-sradl6rd*tlbt t ttri* .'Ehtuftha




Skuld / Edst 98


SkuH / EGt q9

Destucdonl9 EP Skuld I E&t 30



ofPainl.}/CD Skuld / Exist





Ercryt!*rgBrrrri l"P&CD Exist / Skuld 32 DISOBEDIENCE LP



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