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Vilmantas MarcinkeviÄ?ius TOGETHER galleri NB

Vilmantas MarcinkeviÄ?ius 29.09 - 27.10 2019 TOGETHER - an exhibition celebrating Vilmantas 50th birthday

Vilmantas 29.09 - 27.10 Together Vilmantas kommende 50 års fødselsdag markerer samtidig hans og galleriets samarbejde gennem 20 år. Et intenst, udviklende og spændende samarbejde er selvfølgelig en anledning til at præsentere en udstilling med det ypperste fra denne unikke kunstner og personlighed. Udstillingen fylder såvel Main gallery som NBeX project med malerier, grafiske arbejder, glasmosaikker, bemalede keramiske fade og unika krukker. For dem, der endnu ikke kender Vilmantas, er det værd at nævne, at han siden akademitiden i Vilnius, Litauen, har haft en bemærkelsesværdig karriere, som er i fortsat udvikling. På foranledning af Elisabeth og Dennis Nande i Herning, mødte vi første gang Vilmantas og hans hustru Indra i 1997. Dette møde og de efterfølgende to år fik store konsekvenser for såvel Vilmantas karriere som galleri NB’s profil. Således har kunstneren og galleriet siden år 2000 fulgt hinanden i tykt og tyndt. Vilmantas er teknisk dygtig og en kreativ kunstner med holdninger. Eksempelvis udviklede han under akademitiden sin egen farveskala og et holistisk tankesæt for sine ekspressive værker. Historisk set, vil der være belæg for at beskrive Vilmantas med sin særdeles unikke tilgang til farver og det ægte personlige kunst2

neriske udtryk, som en stor kunstnerisk personlighed med geniale træk. Han har ved siden af sit normale arbejde i atelieret udført omfattende udsmykninger og portrætopgaver, primært i Danmark. Desuden er han et forbillede for mange litauiske kunstnere, blandt andet som initiativtager og stifter af den årlige Young Painters Prize, der finder sted i Vilnius, og tiltrækker unge kunstnere fra alle tre baltiske lande.

Vilmantas 29.09 - 27.10 Together 20 years of intense collaboration and Vilmantas upcoming 50th birthday are the occasion to present an exhibition featuring the finest of this unique artistic expression and personality. The exhibition fills both the Main gallery and NBeX project with paintings, graphic works, stained glass, painted ceramic dishes and unique jars. For those who do not yet know Vilmantas, it is worth mentioning that he has had a remarkable career since the academy in Vilnius, Lithuania, which is constantly evolving. At the request of a wellknown art collector, we first met Vilmantas and his wife Indra in 1997. This meeting and the following two years had major consequences for both Vilmantas career and gallery NB’s profile. Thus, since 2000, the artist and gallery has a world wide coop-

eration. Vilmantas is a very technically skilled artist and at the same time creative artist with personal attitudes. For example, during academy, he developed his own color spectrum and a holistic mindset for his expressive works. Historically, there will be evidence to describe Vilmantas with its very unique approach to colors and the true personal artistic expression, as a great artistic personality with brilliant features. In addition to his normal work in the studio, he has carried out extensive decorations and portrait assignments, primarily in Denmark. Furthermore, he is an example to many Lithuanian artists, including as initiator and founder of the annual Young Painters Prize, which takes place in Vilnius, and attracts young artists from all three Baltic countries.


Together Acrylic and Oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm 2019 4


Storytellers meet with story Listeners Acrylic and Oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm 2019 6


Meeting with soul Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 8


Meeting my soul Acrylic and Oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm 2019 10


Take me back to the dream Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 12


Collecting Memories Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 14


Collecting Memories Acrylic and Oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm 2019 16


Departing Memories Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 18


Blue Room Acrylic and Oil on canvas 80 x 70 cm 2019 20


Glance Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 22


Deep in Memories Acrylic and Oil on canvas 80 x 90 cm 2019 24


Together in The Dream Acrylic and Oil on canvas 125 x 155 cm 2019



Memories with The sun Acrylic and Oil on canvas 70 x 60 cm 2019 28


Touching Acrylic and Oil on canvas 165 x 200 cm 2019



Swimming in The Moonlight Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 32


The Visitor of Dreams Acrylic and Oil on canvas 125 x 155 cm 2019



One more Friend Acrylic and Oil on canvas 155 x 125 cm 2019 36


Vilmantas signerer et glasfad pĂĽ bagsiden. Vilmantas make his signature at a glass plate. 38

Untitled Glass painting created at Hebsgaard Glaskunst Ă˜ 48 cm 2016 39

Untitled Glass painting created at Hebsgaard Glaskunst Ă˜ 48 cm 2017 40


Faces of Friends I Never Met Glass painting created at Hebsgaard Glaskunst Ă˜ 48 cm 2016 42


Sleeping Wisemen Glassmosaic mounted in steel frame created at Hebsgaard Glaskunst 30 x 22 cm 2018 44


Vilmantas working at Midene, PaneveĹžys, Lithuania. 46

Collecting Memories Painted jar. Ceramic topplate included. Hard-burned stoneware. 140 cm 2019 47

My Heroes Painted jar. Ceramic topplate included. Hard-burned stoneware. 142 cm 2019 48


Untitled Painted jar. Ceramic topplate included. Hard-burned stoneware. 103 cm 2019 50


Heroe Hard-burned stoneware. Ă˜42 cm 2019 52


Together Hard-burned stoneware. Ă˜ 42 cm 2019 54


Touching Hard-burned stoneware. Ă˜ 42 cm 2019 56


Sun and Bodies Hard-burned stoneware. Ă˜ 42 cm 2019 58



Om dybtryk – akvatinte

Vilmantas statement

Arbejdet med dybtrykket og den videreudviklede teknik i akvatinten er arbejdskrævende og forudsætter stor teknisk viden, afhængig af hvor mange farver man ønsker at anvende til det færdige tryk. Trykket tages fra fordybninger i kobberpladen - også kaldet kobbertryk. Pladen indfarves med valse eller dab – en læderpude, og farven tørres væk på de høje partier. Herved efterlades farven i fordybningerne. Ved trykningen, der foregår i en kobbertrykpresse, trækker det fugtede bøttepapir farven op under meget højt tryk. Dybtryk er kendetegnet ved, at pladens ydre omrids fremtræder med et reliefpræg i papiret.

For me art is painting. Although I have tried drawing and graphics, painting has been the most intimate expression for me for many years. Art critics attribute my art to neo-expressionism. As a student I thought of my style as being intuitive. I found my style intuitively while being a student. Up until now I have developed my art and my style, and I am always improving it - I am looking for new and relevant variations but the essence of my art remains the same. I let myself create spontaneously. Artworks for me are honest actions that require preparation and reflection before the process begins. Each painting has a main theme, although they are filled with additional meaning. The themes of my paintings also reflect the environment around me. Some of them are my personal and everyday experiences; others are a response to today’s world and its actual topics. Issues like politics, history, sexuality and art are my concern. I always enjoy the privilege of the artist to ask the viewer awkward questions. Questions about the history of nations, the state and the individual, victory and price of loss in policy, economy and personal life. I hope that my viewers interpret my works through their own point of view using their own experience.

5 akvatinter i 40 nummererede eksemplarer. Signeret af kunstneren Værkerne blev udført 2008 hos ATELJE LARSEN i Helsingborg.

5 aquatints in 40 numbered copies. Signed by the artist The works were performed in 2008 at ATELJE LARSEN in Helsingborg.


The Last Day 110 x 87 cm 2008 62

Tainted Women 110 x 87 cm 2008 63

Welcome To My Dream 110 x 87 cm 2008 64

Juda’s Kiss 110 x 87 cm 2008 65

The Dancer who Love Nature 110 x 87 cm 2008 66


VILMANTAS MARCINKEVICIUS Born 1969 in Kaunas, Lithuania Education: 1985–1989 Applied Art College, the Painting Restoration Department, Kaunas, Lithuania 1989–1995 Vilnius Art Academy, Painting Department Selected solo exhibitions: 2019 TOGETHER, galleri NB, Viborg, Denmark 2017 NEW WORKS, galleri NB, Viborg, Denmark 2016 CONTRAST, galleri NB Viborg, Denmark 2015 Forgotten Friends I Never Met, galleri NB, Viborg Denmark 2015 Identity, EU, Strassbourg, France 2014 Der Traum, Dailininkų sąjungos galerija, Vilnius, Lithuania 2013 Reflektion(s), galleri NB, Viborg Denmark 2013 Man and Woman. The Museum of New Art in Parnu, Estonia 2012 Private Story, galleri NB, Copenhagen, Denmark Baroti Galerie Klaipeda 2012 The Museum of New Art, Pärnu, Estonia 2011 Passion, galleri NB Viborg, Denmark 2010 Glance, galleri NB Roskilde, Denmark 2010 The Limonas period, Gallery XX, Lithuania 2009 Friends, galleri NB, Viborg, Denmark 2009 Identity, Listasavn Art Museum, Torshavn, Faroe Islands 2008 Identity, galleri NB, Roskilde, Denmark 2004 New paintings, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 2004 Olivia Holm Møller Museum, Holstebro, Denmark 2003 Art Ejection, Art Teritorija Gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania 2003 Garden of Delights, NB Gallery, Herning 2003 Garden of Delights, Textilforum, Herning 2002 Forgotten Feast, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 68

2002 Vilmantas, Vasby Art Hall, Vasby, Sweden 2002 Vilmantas, galleri NB, Roskilde, Denmark 2001 Vilmantas, galleri NB, Viborg, Denmark 2001 Forgotten Feast, Galerie Danois, Paris, France 2000 Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 2000 Vilmantas, La Danoise Gallery, Paris, France 1999 Vilmantas, Herning Art Club and galleri NB 1998 The Last Carnival, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 1997 The Legend about Moor, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 1997 Vilmantas, Nordic Hause, Torshavn, the Faroe Islands 1996 Situation out of Control, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 1995 It is Disturbing, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 1994 Vilmantas’ Night Persons, Vartai Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania 1993 Lietuvos Aidas Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania < Vilmantas has also participated in numerous international group exhibitions. Latest he he was featured at MO Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania. < Vilmantas has performed numerous portraits of public and private personalities. Here among HRH Prince Henrik of Denmark in 2014. < Since 1996, he has decorated many businesses, public buildings and private homes. Most recently, Vilmantas has totally embellished Hedeager Church in Herning. < For more information:

Vilmantas udsmykkede Hedeager Kirke 2018 med maleri, glasmosaik og glasmaleri omkring prĂŚdikestolen. Vilmantas decorated Hedeager Church 2018 with painting, stained glass and glass paintings around the pulpit. 69



Published in connection with the celebration of Vilmantas Marcinkevičius 50th birthday Title of the exhibition TOGETHER 29.09 - 27.10 2019 Photos Tomas Petreikis Arvydas Gudas Kurt Nielsen Editor Thorkild NB Nielsen 1st edition: 300 Layout and print Webtryk/Skabertrang ISBN: 978-87-90832-77-3 ã Copyright 2019 galleri NB Vilmantas Marcinkevičius


galleri NB Sct. Mathias Gade 14 8800 Viborg Denmark

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