Micheals' Memoirs - August 2022

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RecruitmentMissionaryWork2000-2022 Staff Care Work


August 2022 Update Dear Friends and Family, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 As Christians, we are familiar with these words from the preacher who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. That preacher was likely Solomon and the wisdom is as true when it was written as it is for us today and for Chuck these words have also rung true these past few months. A time and season for everything. As the beginning of this year started, Chuck began to sense that his work as a recruiter was coming to a close. Things in the recruitment team changed and by mid summer he realized that it was a time to reflect on finding new work with Wycliffe. After 22 years of recruiting with Wycliffe, he requested a change of assignment As part of that process, he was assigned a Wycliffe Resource Coordinator staff care person He also requested a Wycliffe Career Development Specialist be assigned to him to help with that transition and with a combination of these two people, he was able to assess his stage in life and take a renewed look at his skills, passions and gifts and come to a decision about a new assignment with Wycliffe.

2022 Onwards


One of the things Chuck discovered was that the recruitment job he had been in had changed so much over the years that it was no longer a good job fit. In the change of assignment process he also realized that it was time to be more of a Wycliffe “Care” provider for Wycliffe missionary staff than a recruiter for new missionary staff. When Chuck discovered that there was a need for more Care staff (known as Wycliffe Resource Coordinators or an RC), it seemed a natural next step in his service with Wycliffe. As part of this RC role, he will be extending care to Wycliffe missionary staff who are dealing with the challenges of serving overseas for extended periods of time, members who are coming home for a furlough and need help connecting to their prayer, financial partners and churches, those wishing to stay in Wycliffe and are looking for a new assignment and those getting ready to finish their service with Wycliffe. In many ways, this new RC care role will be like a book end to the recruiting book end he has been involved in.

Chuck’s experience in serving overseas, serving as a leader in Wycliffe both overseas and stateside, serving as a recruiter by helping people join Wycliffe and his significant knowledge of Wycliffe and the resources it offers and a personal relationship with hundreds of Wycliffe staff and Wycliffe leadership all make this job a wonderful fit!!! Would you pray for Chuck as he takes on this new work starting September 1? Pray he will learn this new RC work quickly as he is assigned to help care for Wycliffe missionary staff. Many of them will be people Chuck helped join Wycliffe and so he is looking forward to reconnecting with these Wycliffe colleagues.

While Chuck’s Wycliffe assignment is changing, Barb’s work with Wycliffe is not. She will continue to process people who wish to do internships with Wycliffe and for now, also process people who wish to serve as Volunteers. The way we are supported financially is also NOT changing. We rely solely on the financial gifts from individuals and churches. Thus, your continued or perhaps new support of our work is essential to keep us engaged with Wycliffe. At this point, we do not intend to retire and so we ask that you pray that our needed financial support will continue to come in. If you wish to begin to support us or increase your giving, the links to do so are at the end of this letter.

FOR SUPPORTING US FINANCIALLY NOW Wycliffe Bible Translators P. O. Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862 8200 Mark on separate sheet mark: “Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Chuck & Barb Micheals, Account # 221879.” ONLINE GIVING: www.wycliffe.org/partner/cbmicheals FOR PRAYER SUPPORT / OUR HOME ADDRESS Chuck & Barb Micheals 5167 Poinsetta Ave, Winter Park, FL 32792 Email: Chuck_Micheals@wycliffe.org Barb_Micheals@wycliffe.org Web: www.issuu.com/wycliffe cbmicheals www.cbmicheals.ning.com

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Family Visited Us For a number of weeks this summer, our son Isaac, his wife Suzanne and son Ambrose lived with us. It was great to see them again since it had been three years since we last saw them. They work with Wycliffe overseas and have now returned there.Ourdaughter

Rachel, her husband Chris and their four children (Hannah, Caden, Dawson, Saylor) also came and spent 10 days with us. We also got to see our grandson Ryan Mishler (Josh and Maria Mishler’s son) who came for a weekend to attend an Arsenal soccer game which was in the Orlando, Florida area. He attends Taylor University, but took a weekend off from his work at a summer camp (Camp Geneva) in Michigan to see us and attend this soccer game. In addition, our nephew Sam Gesch stayed with us for a week while he continues his theological education at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. He will be coming two times a year for the next three years to complete his studies as he recently was installed as a pastor in a church in South Dakota. (L R) Suzanne, Isaac (our son) and Ambrose Micheals and Caden, Rachel (our daughter), Chris, Saylor, Dawson and Hannah Wassenaar at our church (Saint Andrew’s Chapel) More pictures in next pages. While our financial needs are always there, we are grateful for those who have so faithfully supported us over the past years. Your prayers and gifts keep us engaged in the Bible translation task. That work isn’t finished yet, but great progress is being made and we will keep you informed as to that progress in the months and years ahead.

3 | Page Isaac and Ambrose in the “Blue Dolphin” tree fort Chuck built with the grandchildren’s help. The Blue Dolphin being built (3rd time over the years) Papa takes Caden, Dawson and Saylor Wassenaar to Donut OpaKing!takes Ambrose Micheals to Donut King!

Wassenaars (left) and Micheals at Gatorland

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Opa and Oma with Ambrose at Sea World Oma to Ambrose

reading bedtime stories

Isaac, Suzanne and Ambrose (holding Florida alligator)

Micheals and Struyk families meeting for ice cream

5 | Page Putt Put golf Micheals and Struyks Our son Isaac and our daughter Jenny Struyk Wassenaars meeting the Micheals First time in 3 years! Chuck and Ambrose checking out pineapple Isaac, Ambrose and Chuck Pineapple from our garden

6 | Page Getting ready to eat fresh pineapple! Chuck and Ambrose building a domino fort Lunch in Winter Park Ambrose, Suzanne and Isaac Kids at heart! Alligators at Apopka wildlife refuge Chuck and Barb with Isaac and Suzanne Micheals, Rachel and Chris Wassenaar





Riding in to church in Florida! Worshiping together in church in Florida The family that plays and prays together stays together!

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Barb, Ryan Mishler, Isaac and Ambrose a shirt made for Isaac Ryan Mishler, Isaac and Ambrose the Arsenal soccer game in Orlando, Florida daughter Rachel with Dawson and Saylor Donut King!

8 | Page Isaac, Ambrose and Chuck at Flying Tigers baseball game Isaac and Ambrose Micheals, Ryan Mishler and Struyk kids (Kate, Jack and Garrett) playing soccer in our backyard Boat ride in Winter Park, Florida Wassenaar’s kids racing cars Isaac and Sam Gesch First time together in over 30 years! Jenny’s 2 year old Pre School classroom where she teaches

9 | Page Jenny teaches her children and Ambrose! Wassenaars and Micheals meet at Jeremiah’s Italian Ice! Oma with Ambrose Micheals, Garrett and Jack Struyk Measuring the grandchildren each time they come!

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