Micheals' Memoirs - July 2013

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Financially support those who do decide to go. Many workers are ready to go and lack needed support to go or continue serving. Contact a missionary you know and ask them about their needed support.

July 2013 Update

GO “Your words were found, and I ate them,

and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart.” (Jeremiah 15:16 ESV)

Dear Friends and Family,

Will you consider filling one of these important positions? Many of you are reaching retirement years and are in good health. Would you give 1 – 2 years or more to fill a needed position? Over 300 administrative jobs remain unfilled due to a lack of managers.

The words from Jeremiah quoted above are certainly true for those who have been touched by God through His Word. For people without any access to God’s Word in their own language, they are yet to hear of this great joy. What seems impossible to fully understand is that today there are still millions of people who do not have a single verse of Scripture! Yes, millions of people without the Word of God and yet this doesn’t have to be. For over 70 years Wycliffe Bible Translators has been at work to change that and we need you and others to join that team! We have served with Wycliffe now for over 28 years and the impact of those who have become involved by joining us in going or supporting us or others has been significant. Yet, much work remains and for those receiving this letter, you play a critical role in finishing the task of reaching the remaining 1,967 languages still waiting.

What Can You Do? PRAY

Will you join us in praying that God will send the workers need? Last year Chuck helped over 20 managers and administrators join Wycliffe. However, the pace this year is about half that number! Please pray for our need of managers in the following areas: Aviation, Auto Shop, Construction, Education, Finance, Government Relations, Host/Hostessing, HR, IT, Language Programs, Maintenance, Maritime, Media, Medical, Regional Centers, Retail Services and Warehousing.

We have an URGENT need for Teachers and Nurses in Papua New Guinea in 2014!!! If you know of qualified teachers or nurses who may be willing to go or if you are qualified in these areas or other areas and want to serve, please give us a call!

Want to Volunteer? Call us at: (321) 278-2225 FOR PRAYER SUPPORT / OUR HOME ADDRESS Chuck & Barb Micheals - 5167 Poinsetta Ave Winter Park, Florida 32792 Email: Chuck_Micheals@wycliffe.org Barb_Micheals@wycliffe.org

Family News PRAISES and PRAYER 

Praise: This year we have been able to spend a significant amount of time with our daughter Maria Mishler, her husband Josh and their three children, Ryan, Kody and Maya. They have been living near us in Orlando while on furlough from their work with Wycliffe overseas. We have gone to soccer events, birthday parties and school events with them. While we haven’t been able to spend as much time with our son Isaac and his wife Suzanne while they are on furlough from their work with Wycliffe overseas, we were able to visit them in the Dallas, TX area where Isaac has been doing his Master’s Degree work in History. We enjoyed seeing their student apartment, going to church with them and eating meals together. We enjoyed the ‘surprise’ visit by our daughter Rachel Wassenaar for a special “girl’s weekend” in Florida. Rachel flew to Orlando and surprised Maria and our daughter Jenny for a special weekend at the beach. We knew of the surprise, but our daughters did not! Thanks to Rachel’s husband Chris for watching their two children Hannah and Caden at home in Omaha! Due to Isaac’s schooling schedule, Suzanne was not able to come, but we will see them and all our children at a family reunion in June in Michigan.

Girl’s Weekend - Barb, Jenny, Maria and Rachel

Josh & Maria Mishler, Ryan, Kody and Maya

This year has also been a busy year for us as we have been able to babysit many times for our daughter Jenny Struyk and her husband Kevin’s two children Kate and Jack. They recently got a dog so when we babysit, we will now add a dog to our responsibilities. 

Prayer: In July we say goodbye to Josh and Maria Mishler and their three children and Isaac and Suzanne as they leave to go back to Germany to continue their work with Wycliffe. They both plan to be there for several more years before coming back to the States for furlough. Pray for us and them as we say our farewells. We know all too well the tears that await us. Thankfully we have Skype and as the Lord provides, we hope to visit them again sometime in the next few years in Germany.

Isaac & Suzanne and Barb In Dallas, TX

FOR SUPPORTING US FINANCIALLY Wycliffe Bible Translators P. O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 On a separate sheet mark the gift: “For Chuck & Barb Micheals”

GIVE SECURELY VIA THE WEB: (Click Link Below) Supporting The Micheals Work With Wycliffe

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