Micheals' Memoirs - August 2015

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Dear Friends and Family,

Getting to Sudest Island (Ukarumpa “A”/Sudest Island “D”

You’ve probably never heard of the Sudest people of Papua New Guinea (PNG), but on July 5, 2015 they were chosen by God to receive the New Testament in their language thanks to the work of Mike and Thera Anderson. The Andersons began Bible translation work on this language in 1984, almost the same time our family arrived in PNG. Last month they were able to dedicate the Sudest New Testament after 31 years of work!!! Mike and Thera Anderson with Sudest man receiving a Bible

July 5, 2015 – The Sudest New Testament is dedicated

Mike and Thera Anderson in 1998

Over the 15 years we served with Wycliffe in PNG we were able to support the Anderson’s efforts. Chuck was able to supply their family with food and other necessary supplies from the store he managed for Wycliffe at Ukarumpa. Barb was able to serve their children when she worked in the library at the Ukarumpa MK (Missionary Kids) school.

What a joy to see the fruit of this labor and the impact your support of our work has had and continues to have. Not only do the Sudest people now have the New Testament, but the Andersons continue translation work on the Old Testament and we continue our work in recruiting a new generation of workers to begin work in the remaining 300 languages in PNG that have no Scripture. Thanks for your support of this work!

OUR RECRUITMENT UPDATE Chuck recently had the privilege of helping two young couples begin their application to serve as new Bible translators for two more language communities. In all, his recruitment work continues to grow this year. We praise the Lord for the record number of people (33) he has helped apply to Wycliffe. Most of them will serve in support areas with some heading to PNG. We also give thanks to God that the trips Barb planned to PNG for college students this summer went very well.

Our family in Germany minus Suzanne who was traveling


We were able to visit our two adult children, their spouses (and our four grandchildren) who are working for Wycliffe in Germany. We were able to hold our granddaughter Bryn for the first time and celebrate five birthdays for our children and grandchildren there. We were also able to visit places in Germany important to the Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries - Heidelberg and Worms, Germany.

Where the Heidelberg Catechism was written – Heidelberg, Germany


Pray for continued success in our recruitment work. Pray for Barb as there are changes coming up next year in the trip programs she helps oversee. Pray that the changes would result in more young people applying with us.

Luther Memorial – Worms, Germany

FOR SUPPORTING US FINANCIALLY BY MAIL Wycliffe Bible Translators P. O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 Make check payable to ‘Wycliffe’, put on a separate sheet: “Preference for Wycliffe ministry of Chuck & Barb Micheals, # 221879.” TO SUPPORT US FINANCIALLY ONLINE Give To The Micheals Securely Online Here VISIT OUR WEB SITE OR ‘YOU TUBE’ CHANNEL: Our Micheals Web Site Here Our You Tube Web Site Here

Family picnic in Kandern, Germany

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