Micheals' Memoirs - December 2019

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MICHEALS’ MEMOIRS December 2019 Update

Dear Friends and Family, The past few months have been a flurry of activity for us. Our work at three Association of Christian Schools International recruitment events at Baylor, Grand Canyon and Liberty Universities brought us 70 names of mostly education students interested in learning more about how they might serve Missionary Kids (MKs). Chuck and a number of other Wycliffe recruiters are following up with these people. Already, a number of seniors are expressing a strong interest in serving with us once they graduate. Take a look at this video for details about what it is like to teach at one of our MK schools: https://vimeo.com/370395999. Click Here

Please pray for fruit on our labors. Especially pray for a new student teaching program Chuck is setting up to help college students do their student teaching in one of our MK schools. Progress has been made in finding schools willing to do this. Now we need student teachers! In addition to these three events, Wycliffe sent a teacher recruitment email out to over 60,000 people who have connected with Wycliffe over the years. That effort brought us almost 30 more names of people to follow up with. A number of

these people have had significant educational teaching backgrounds and are having conversations with Chuck about how they might serve. The need for educators is urgent for our Wycliffe MKs. This coming 2020/2021 school year we have almost 300 open positions in the 43 MK schools around the world where we have MKs attending. One of these MK teaching needs has a personal connection with us.

Click Here

Barb and Chuck at Black Forest Academy

In October, we had an opportunity to visit our two children and their spouses who serve with Wycliffe in Germany. Several of our grandchildren are at the age where they attend Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Kandern, Germany were our son and his wife teach. This MK school is primarily a boarding school, but missionary children who live near the school also attend. Black Forest Academy has 25 educator jobs open. These positions are in administrative, elementary and secondary areas. If you are interested in these positions, please let Chuck know. Take a look at the open positions at BFA: https://tinyurl.com/bfa-2020-2021

If you or you know of anyone interested in serving in any of our MK schools, please have them contact Chuck at teach@wycliffe.org.

A Look Back Each year at this time, we like to look back to see what has been accomplished and we are happy to say that again there is great progress in reaching all the languages of the world with Scripture translation. In almost all of these languages, the language is just spoken and before we begin we need to create an alphabet and teach people to read and write their own language. Those steps are necessary as Bible translation moves ahead.

2015 Report


2019 Report


In the past 12 months we are happy to say that 116 Bible translation projects were started and more than 100 communities received new Scripture in a language and form that speaks to their heart! This means more people groups are being reached with the Gospel. While translation progress continues to be made in several thousand languages, there are still over 2,000 languages where no Scripture translation work has been started. Will you pray with us for more workers? Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV) “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

A Look Forward Barb continues to stay busy helping interns and volunteers get to their field of service. She continues to co-lead a women’s Bible study for our church and help with children’s Sunday School as well as spending time with our grandchildren in Florida, Nebraska and Germany. Chuck stays busy with recruits and in his elder work at church. He is currently teaching a 13-week adult Sunday School class on the Nicene Creed. One of our biggest challenges continues to be our monthly support. This is a need that has not yet fully been met. Just as we thought we were getting close to our 100% mark, we were informed that a church and some individuals are decreasing their support and last month was one of the lowest months of support in around 10 years! Thus, we have an urgent need for new monthly partners in ministry or for people who have given to consider increasing their support. Will you pray that this year will be a year of 100% support all year long? Major roof repairs on our house loom close and a need this year to replace our 25-year old AC system that died have all also meant the need for full financial support.

Praises •

We are very thankful that a friend and supporter gifted us with a trip to Germany to see our family this past summer. This was especially meaningful not only to see our family, but also because our son Isaac who teaches US History at BFA was taking his annual trip with 11th graders to the beaches of Normandy. Since our grandson Ryan is a 11th grader at BFA he was coming along so we were invited to come along also.

In addition to visiting the beaches, we were able to step on the sand of Utah Beach where Chuck’s dad landed on August 29, 1944 with the Ninth Army! On our way back to Germany, Isaac’s wife Suzanne drove us along the path that the Ninth Army took after landing. It was an emotional time as we considered the courage and sacrifice that Chuck’s dad and so many other military men made for the defense and liberty of Europe and around the world! We discovered anew that freedom is not free as we visited the cemeteries in Normandy.

We continue to be thankful for those who do stand with us in prayer, encouragement and financial support!

Merry Christmas We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God bless you and keep you and make His face shine on you this coming year. FOR PRAYER SUPPORT / OUR HOME ADDRESS Chuck & Barb Micheals 5167 Poinsetta Ave. Winter Park, Florida 32792 Cell: (321) 278-2225

Utah Beach – The beach Franklin Charles Micheals landed on in front of the La Madeline house on August 29, 1944 (Photo from D-Day – June 6, 1944)

Utah Beach - October 5, 2019 - Standing in front of the La Madeline house (L-R) Grandson of Frank - Isaac Micheals (holding Life magazine feature Gen. William Simpson – General of the Ninth Army and Frank’s Ninth Army shoulder patch), Son of Frank - Chuck Micheals (Holding a book that Chuck wrote about his dad’s military service), Great Grandson of Frank - Ryan Mishler (holding the book “Conquer – The Story Of The Ninth Army and Frank’s 84th Infantry Division shoulder patch)

FOR SUPPORTING US FINANCIALLY Wycliffe Bible Translators P. O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 Mark on separate sheet: “Preference For Chuck & Barb Micheals”

Web site: www.cbmicheals.ning.com

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Newsletter Web Site: https://issuu.com/wycliffe-cbmicheals

Email: Chuck_Micheals@wycliffe.org, Barb_Micheals@wycliffe.org


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