Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

Top Strengths My top five strengths would be, Reliable/dependable Team player Organizational and planning skills/Time management Problem solver Energetic I will use the knowledge of each of these strengths to create a more harmonious existence with myself and those with whom I come in contact. Reliable/Dependable: I will be reliable for my family, friends and my co–workers by supporting them, by helping them characterizing the issue, challenge, or opportunity by creating a variety of conceivable solutions or reactions. Team Player: I will play my role as a team player by tending to conduct which disrupts group harmony, by surveying group progress and by brainstorming systems and solutions freely (Doyle, 2017). Time Management: I will make a fantastic arrangement for my business, and take shape my vision into particular, measurable goals. To give my goals clarity and measurement, I will place them into writing, joined by descriptions of the effective results of accomplishing them (Doyle, 2017). Problem Solving Skill: I will examine the elements or causes contributing the undesirable circumstance by creating an arrangement of option interventions to accomplish my ultimate goal and by assessing the best arrangements (Doyle, 2017). Energetic: I will be lively/energetic by making a wonderful and ergonomic work environment for my colleagues. Plan to Reduce the Household Carbon Footprint Gases that trap heat in the air are called greenhouse gases like Carbon

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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines more content...

One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you're talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or saying things that the audience can not understand. I recognize all of my strengths and weaknesses and I do acknowledge the fact that my personal weaknesses need improvement in all areas of my personal and professional environment.

Identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses will allow you to learn in most types of situations whether it be your career or personal life. Making an effort to improve your weaknesses, will make you more aware and give

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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

What are my personal strengths and weaknesses? When I think about this question, the first thing that comes to mind is a job interview. I, like most people, find this simple question to be the most stressful moment of any interview. I want to give an answer that is imaginative but does not give the interviewer a bad impression of myself. In this paper, I will describe my strengths and weaknesses as I would to a job interviewer. I will give specific examples of my strengths and place a positive spin on my weaknesses.

When deciding which strengths you want describe to an interviewer, you should make a list, choose three to five of those strengths that match the job posting, and give specific examples more content...

The best way to handle describing your weaknesses to a job interviewer is to minimize the possible negative of the weakness and emphasize the positive. One way of doing this is to select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness (Martin, 2005). My personal weaknesses are that I tend to be a detail–oriented person, that I do not have confidence in my grammar skills, and that my interpersonal skills are not as refined as I would like them to be.

When working on any project, I am a detail–oriented person who can get hung up on the specific particulars of the project. This also goes back to my time in the Air Force when I was instilled with a duty to pay close attention to detail. The big picture was something that someone else took care of. Unfortunately, this trait followed me into the civilian sector and causes me to have a hard time seeing how the different parts of a project fit together to form the big picture. To counterbalance this, I always make it a point to have someone on my team who can see how everything fits together to make the big picture I do this so that the team will succeed in their current project. I also do this so that I can learn from that teammate how to see the big picture so that I can improve myself.

Also, I have never been confident with my grammar skills throughout my life. Some of the most frustrating moments in both my

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
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Personal strengths and weaknesses determine how an individual will perform in their careers and lives. Clifton and Nelson (2010), defines strengths as "things that one does well" (p. 42). Strengths are traits of a person's performance or views that result in personal gratification and reward. Effective leaders should strive to develop their personal strengths. Strengths can be drawn from things that an individual currently excels at or those from the past. Weaknesses on the other hand, are things that result in lessened productivity. Good leaders are able to identify both strengths and weaknesses and utilize them to become more effective at their profession (Clifton & Nelson, 2010). According Hodges and Clifton (2004) "it's best to more content...

Ideally, leaders should identify their greatest strength and pursue it to the best of their ability (Clifton & Nelson, 2010). According to Jack Zenger (2009), "there is a strong logic to the argument about working on strengths, because there are compelling data that clearly shows that effective leadership is directly correlated with the strengths a person possesses" (p. 14). Therefore, once a strength has been identified, all effort should be placed on prefect it.

Practicing Strengths People have the ability to grow and build their strengths. In the article Making Strengths–Based Development Work, the authors stated that "a strength–based employee development can lead to an engaged and productive workforce" (Asplund & Blacksmith, 2011). By constantly working to improve on a strength, employees can set themselves apart from other employees who performance is mediocre. The old adage that "practice makes perfect" can only ring true if a person works on an existing strength rather than a general weakness. Understanding and Limiting Weakness Every leader has a weakness. In order for a leader to better themselves, they must manage their weaknesses. Weakness limits one's ability to perform at their peak. Once a weakness is identified, the traditional mindset results in the individual trying to eliminate this weakness. Rather than

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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknesses to me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being. Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think a person can carry. more content...

I love the corporate environment and the great growth potential that corporate america has to offer. But, I get easily discouraged because I feel that I lack the corporate etiquette that is needed to be successful. I am hoping that through my business management course work and through experience that I can learn what it takes to be a successful creative business woman. Next, I feel that one of my weaker points is being an effective listener. If the material or even the person that I am talking to starts to lose my interests then somehow I begin to block them out and it is not a trait that I am proud of. I have tried several times to really focus on what a person is saying to me if it is not interesting or if it doesn't pertain or affect me at that time and it is really hard. Even when a person is really talking about something that is important to them if I am pre–occupied or if I know that there isn't anything that I can do to help I have a hard time focusing on what they are saying. I have decent listening skills when it comes to serious issues or things that affect me, but I always want to be an "all around" good listener and not what I like to call a "selfish listener". Lastly, I want to get better at excepting other peoples way of doing things. In my work world and school world accepting others ways of handling situtations has not really been a strong point for me but it hasn't been weak enough to cause a problem

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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

Strengths & Weaknesses

The following table highlights the strengths and weakness of someone with an Executive personality type (16 Personalities, 2017).


DedicatedInflexible and stubborn

Strong–willedUncomfortable with unconventional situations

Direct and honestJudgmental

Loyal, patient, and reliableToo focused on social status

Enjoy creating orderDifficulty relaxing


organizerDifficulty expressing emotion

Most of these strengths and weaknesses do apply to me, but not all. I see myself as dedicated and strong–willed, which actually go hand–in–hand. Strong will and determination make dedication possible, and enables me to see projects through to the end, even when they become difficult or boring. Executives value honesty, which is very true for me as well. I am always honest, and expect the same of others. Honesty is not a value that should be compromised, and everyone should be able to trust my word. I am loyal and reliable, but I am not sure that the patient part of that strength group applies to me, as I feel like I tend to be impatient and expect quick results. I am very organized in my work life and thrive on creating order. Even prior to taking this assessment, I would have even listed organizational skills as one of my personal strengths. As far as weaknesses go, most of the list of weaknesses also apply to me, but not all of them. I have been told before that I am stubborn and inflexible. As mentioned in mypersonality assessments, I highly value data and logic, and I do tend to stick to my decisions once they have been made. I am also often judgmental, but unlike a classic Executive type, I tend to internalize the judgment rather letting others know what I think and making it my duty to set things right. Unless I see something as highly unethical or wrong, I try to keep my judgements to myself and respect that everyone has different opinions. As highlighted in the weaknesses list I do have a very difficult time relaxing. I hardly ever sit down and cannot focus my attention on relaxing activities for very long, as I always feel the need to be doing something productive. I do not think that I am too focused on social status like some Executives, however. While, I

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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

As it turns out with many people, our strengths can also be weaknesses, depending on how one looks at them. Personally, my drive and work ethic can cause me to be impatient. It has been difficult to wait 3 years to get my degree. It will take me additional patience to go to chiropractic school and wait another 3.5 ears to enter the working field. Patience for me is a daily commitment to my goals. I also prefer to work by myself and not in groups. Many times in group projects, I work much faster by myself. I think that I can work well in teams, an know how to do so. However, I would rather work by myself. This is a potential weakness as I will be working in groups for a lot of my life and education. My father has a team of employees that he has to manage. It has taken him many years to learn how to effectively manage them. Another potential weakness I could have is less understanding of sciences than people who have majored in science. This could make chiropractor school more difficult for me. Still, nearly every speaker that came to our class mentioned at least one friend that they knew who did not major in science and still went to medical school. They may have majored in English, theater, business, and more. Still, these people had to take the minimum prerequisites, like I am doing. Perhaps I will review my textbooks over the summer so that I can catch up on the concepts. Analysis of Chiropractic Medicine: Dr. Nick Schamberger came to our class to discuss chiropractic

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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses What are my personal strengths and weaknesses? When I think about this question, the first thing that comes to mind is a job interview. I, like most people, find this simple question to be the most stressful moment of any interview. I want to give an answer that is imaginative but does not give the interviewer a bad impression of myself. In this paper, I will describe my strengths and weaknesses as I would to a job interviewer. I will give specific examples of my strengths and place a positive spin on my weaknesses. When deciding which strengths you want describe to an interviewer, you should make a list, choose three to five of those strengths that match the job posting, and give specific more content...

I also do this so that I can learn from that teammate how to see the big picture so that I can improve myself. Also, I have never been confident with my grammar skills throughout my life. Some of the most frustrating moments in both my educational or professional career have been times when I was given a writing assignment with vague criteria. I have wasted many hours writing and rewriting an assignment because I did not feel I had the ability to produce anything worth reading. Like any skill, the only way to improve one's grammar skills is to practice as much as possible and to get as much input as you can. So whenever I do an assignment, I will always have coworkers, classmates, friends, or family members look it over to see if they can see something I missed. Recently, I have also been using the University of Phoenix's Center for Writing Excellence to help me sharpen my grammar skills. My last weakness that I will discuss is my interpersonal skills. I would not say that I have poor interpersonal skills in general; I just tend to lack confidence when dealing with new people. I tend to be quiet around new people and have miscommunications when I do speak with people for the first time. Interpersonal skills, like any skills, will only improve with practice and feed back. One nice aspect of my current position is that it requires me to speak with new people on a daily basis to accomplish my job Get more content

I am going to write about my personal strengths and weaknesses. I would like to start out by going over my personal strengths. Then I will go over some of my personal weaknesses. Finally I will compose a plan of action to take to improve on my weaknesses. I am an honest person. I tell people what I am thinking and how I feel. Even if they don't like what I have to say. Being honest has helped me become closer to the people I care about most. It has also helped me in my professional career. I will tell my boss what's on mymind. He considers me a straight shooter and often asks my advice on work related topics. I also think being honest with myself has helped me a great deal. I don't let negative thoughts control my actions. I more content...

I believe that life is 90 percent effort and 10 percent what you know. I know some people that are very smart but are too lazy to live up to their true potential.

Discipline is very important to me. Without it I wouldn't be enjoying many of the things I have. My discipline keeps me on track with work and school. Although I'm still adjusting to my new schedule, the discipline I have allows me to do what needs to be done, and do it on time. I think discipline is a very important strength to have when I'm working full time and going to school.

Integrity is having a steadfast adherence to a strict moral value. I was raised to know the difference between right and wrong. I stick to these values I was taught when I was younger. I believe I have strong moral values. I try to apply these moral values in everything I do. I believe this helps me be a better person. I also think it helps me stay on the right track and be a better friend.

Personal weaknesses I find at times I have motivation issues. I usually have this problem if things aren't going the way I've envisioned. I have been having a motivation problem at work lately. My boss has been telling me for the last 8 months he's been going to give me a pay raise. I haven't seen the raise yet due to some financial reasons with the company. I know it's not right but this has made me feel unmotivated at times. I realize it's not fair to the company to be unmotivated. I'm not being fair to myself either Get

Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

A reason that this country works well is that everyone has diverse abilities which can contribute to everyday life. Some people let those abilities shine at work, in their personal life or both. As people have their strengths, they also have their weaknesses. There is a problem to improve those weaknesses when the weakness is not identified. Once the weak point is identified it needs to be resolved. A plan of action for improvement helps in solving the situation. In this paper, I will identify abilities and skills that I possess that contribute positively in my work environment, in my personal life, and in my learning team. I will also identify personal areas that need improvement, and outline a plan more content... Acquiring a better understanding of these qualities will help me get closer to graduating and obtaining my Bachelor's of Business Management. Professionally, I have the ability to track different projects at different times. The ability to track different projects simultaneously has been very helpful when trying to work on a deadline. Many employers describe it as "multi–tasking". Everyday has the potential for drastic workplace or school environment change. Working on different types of assignments weekly has taught me to adapt my skills in a variety of different work situations.

Another of my stronger qualities is my physical ability. I have always been in touch with that side of myself. I figure if I can't pull my own weight, I will be useless. Being a Marine makes me concentrate on that aspect day in and day out. We often have competitions of various things just to keep it interesting. I really can't imagine myself without physical training. The last quality that enhances my personality is structured organization. I provide strength and confidence to my peers and team members in times of unpredicted situations. I try to remain calm, so I can provide direction. A team needs a person they can look up to for guidance and support for work or school issues. Since I will be working with teams throughout this program at the University of Phoenix Online, this would be one

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personal strengths Essay

Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknessesto me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being. Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think more content... Therefore, my team player ability is truly a strong point for me as well. Lastly, time management has to also be a strength for me. While being a full time wife, full time mother, full time employee, and full time student something has to give! Time management is a skill that I learned by trial and error. It is a strength that took a lot of time to acquire but I finally got it down, as if I had a choice with such a busy schedule. Time management and being able to balance all of the activities that I have in my life, and ensuring that I meet the demands of each full time committment that I have has been an easy transition for me since I have mastered managing my time. Having balance not only means that I meet all of my demands but that I have a peace of mind as well. I have the satisfaction and one less stress when my time has been managed properly and everyone is happy. Now the not so strong points in my world. My personal weaknesses are those areas that I work hard everyday to master so that they can also be applied to everyday living in a positive way. The first weakness that I would like to discuss would be my lack of business savvy. I love the corporate environment and the great growth potential that corporate america has to offer. But, I get easily discouraged because I feel that I lack the corporate etiquette that is

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Essay about Personal
Strengths and Weaknesses

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

While many people tend to listen to family, friends, or co–workers about their own strengths and weaknesses, it will often come down to the individual's own personal assessment of themselves as to what improvements or adjustments one must make. As with any subject, there are pro's and con's, or in this case strengths and weaknesses, in each and every one of us. Unfortunately, only a few care to relish on the weaknesses, and instead focus only on their strengths.

When I think of strengths or weaknesses, I often try to think of weaknesses first. I am not a negative person nor am I always thinking of the worst possible scenario, but rather more content...

Unfortunately, I am still learning to become a "multitasker" but do believe that I am working on achieving it. A secondweakness of mine is that once a solution is found, I tend to completely remove myself from the issue without properly following through to ensure the solution actually resolved the original issue. Often I give an individual an answer to his question and then thank him for asking it before that individual has a chance to ask a follow on question. This weakness can also relate to home and of course while being involved on any working team.

I am sure there are more weaknesses of mine, but would like to share some strengths that I believe I possess. While I realize many people may have better organization skills, I feel that is a strength of mine. While at work, I often get to work very early as to organize my day, and to help others prepare for the issues that may arise throughout the day. I am often called upon when a person must give a presentation to a group and is not yet ready to present any material. I will then look through the individuals material and decide how exactly he should present it, and in what order. Another strength I believe I have is the ability to quickly resolve issues between individuals. In many occurrences at work, issues on an aircraft will become personal and often people will be offended by another individuals actions or words. I have been told I am a Get

Personal Strengths Essay examples
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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

Every person has their strengths and weaknesses; however big or small they are, I think it is important to identify these qualities. By identifying personal strengths and weaknesses, a person can become more successful in their professional life, as well as their personal lives. In this paper, I will be describing my strengths, weaknesses, insecurities, and improvements that I could make. Some of my strengths include my personality, experiences, and my GPA. When applying to programs, I like to accentuate these qualities because I feel like they paint a good picture of me and describe me well. By being able to talk about my strengths, I help others learn more about me and my behavior. I would consider my personality to be strength. more content...

So far, I have worked in research lab, volunteered in a hospital, shadowed doctors, and worked in a medical device company. All of these experiences combined have helped me think about what I want to do with my future. Another strength of mine is my GPA. I would say that it positively describes me because it reflects my academic career so far. In terms of describing me, my GPA just says that I am quick and thorough learner. I am able to learn concepts and then apply it on exams, in labs, and through my writing abilities. At this point of my college career, I wouldn't say that I have a weakness, because I know that I can change my position, but if I was applying right now, I would be at a disadvantage because of my lack of letter writers and my poor science GPA. At this moment, I do not think that I have built a substantial relationship with my professors yet. I attend classes and go to office hours, but I feel like I haven't built a strong foundation for a good relationship with them. This can be improved by asking more questions, attending office hours more regularly. Another weakness of mine, is my science GPA because it isn't as good as it could be. I feel like it is super low, however this can be improved through more commitment to my studies. I am still unsure about my personal statement and my MCAT score. I am insecure about these two aspects because I feel like they will

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Personal Strengths

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Strengths Introverted: I am considered to be an introverted person. I mostly prefer to spend time alone than with others or in groups. However I love to work with other people. Working with other people can allows me to learn new things, but most of all I live to think. Thinking not only requires me to develop deeper thoughts by reflecting internally but it requires me to listen to others when they speak. This may allow me to come off quite in most cases but really it offers me more room to think critically. Creative: Being creative is a valid way I have learned to express my emotions, experiences, trials and tribulations. My creativity has allowed me to share my inner thoughts and feelings with the people around me in a way that has allowed them to understand who I truly am. I have used my creativity to help people see different perspectives on certain issues and problems that may not be more content... Being open–minded creates opportunity and freedom. When I am open–minded I am able to let go of the control of my actions and thoughts. I am able to experience change and make mistakes. Making mistakes leaves room for improvement and wisdom. Most importantly I am able to see things in life from different perspectives other than my own. Weaknesses Lack of Confidence: Over time I have constantly struggled with having confidence in myself. I am learning that having confidence can make you feel better about yourself and I'm learning that I perform much better when I have confidence. I have all the tools it takes to be successful I just have to remember the importance of confidence despite my downfalls. Improvement: I am constantly learning ways I can be confident in myself and one of the most important things I have to remind myself is that mistakes are okay and everyone makes them. Continuing to trust myself is one the main ways I can learn to have

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9) One of my many strengths is adaptability. I think in today's ever changing world this is an important characteristic. Whether it's an unexpected quiz on the toughest chapter of any subject or a hard game on the lanes. I always prepare myself for the unexpected and when it arrives, I don't waste time but rather mold myself to the changing reality. As an example, my experience in AP Calculus is a paragon for this characteristic. When I first started taking this class, I expected to obtain good grades. But as the concepts became more difficult, my grades struggled to stay on top. To combat this difficult situation, I adapted by responding calmly and seeking intelligent help from my teacher. This helped me not only to raise my grade but fully grasp the concepts at hand. I think this characteristic can be of great help as I enter college next year and may face new challenges with new friends, teachers and a whole new place to live. Being adaptable, I expect to accept the day to day challenges with a smile and then mold myself to make life at least closer to what I desire.

My other strength would be my efficiency in communication and people skills. As a volunteer at the Adventure Science Center, I was able to talk to the public effectively and explain difficult scientific concepts whether it be part of an exhibit or a Discovery cart. My communication skills are also seen in my involvement with Forensics for the majority of my high school years. This has helped me effectively

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AP Calculus Reflective Report

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

An individual's personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a person's strengths and weaknesses may seem very difficult to discuss at times. No one ever wants to admit that they have weaknesses because they are feel ashamed or embarrassed to let others to know that their weaknesses exist. It is best for a person to really know himself or herself in order to accurately evaluate the areas that require additional personal development such as determining their strengths and weaknesses. We have to be totally honest to paint a true picture of where we are now and where wewant to be. I understand that there are certain areas of more content...

Sometimes my weaknesses tend to take over my strengths. As I stated earlier, I have an issue with procrastination in my personal life. I wait until the last minute to complete things in my life, if it is not on a deadline. I believe I am organized, but sometimes I become lazy and forget the important things because these things do not concern other people. There are many things in my life I believe need to change for the better. I am striving to improve my weaknesses, but sometimes I feel that I can not seem to get things back on track. Another one of my weakness is not being able to save money. It seems like every time I try to save a little, there's absolutely nothing left to save. Although, some of that has to do with today's economy. I hope to have some improvement in my personal life and strengthen my weakest points of my personal life. In my learning team, I think I possess some positive strengths as well as some negative weaknesses, but I believe my strengths out weights my weaknesses. I enjoy working in teams. Working in teams enables me to believe that my strengths are greater than my weaknesses. I bring many positives aspect to my team. I try to communicate with my fellow teammates to complete class assignments. I believe I am a positive attribute to my learning team. I feel that there are some improvements that I can bring to my learning team. I

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Personal Strengths and weaknesses Writing about my personal strengths is a challenging task that requires me to focus on the strong points that make up my character. While, however; speaking on my weaknesses, tend not to be such a problematical task. Trying not to speak in such a modest way about oneself, yet present an encouraging outlook on my strengths, require me to examine what skills makeup the positive force that drives my everyday being. However, to attack my weaknesses, is to challenge myself to take control over the areas that require some redefining of certain skills in order to achieve ultimate success in life. My life is not defined by weaknesses, but more so the makeup of my personal strengths. While I may lack more content...

495).You are the company you keep. If you constantly mingle with those associated with known questionable activity, your will also be perceived as such. Consequently, if the company you keep are more resourceful with their time, and more positively significant in your well–being, this is sure to have a greater influence as well as a positive outlook and structure of yourself. Instead of attempting to tackle life's obstacles, and business alone, I must work to interact with a more diverse group while attempting to reframe from any negative influences. Lastly, in an attempt to overcome my weaknesses, I must learn to focus clearly on the tasks at hand. I realize that when I feel something is repetitive, or non–amusing, I become less interested. My thoughts begin to wonder, and I loose focus. This can be a problem, because I then to lose some information that was attempting to be conveyed to me. My lack of focus can be at minimal if I always concentrate the message on an open–minded level, as a new venture, rather than to feel that it information is of little help to me because I may have, or not, heard the input before hand. I must learn to sincerely give my undivided attention in an effort to fully understand the material that is be conveyed. Speaking on my personal strengths is to speak on my loyal and giving disposition. I believe

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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal more content...

I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve. My personal weakness at work is lack of leadership. Currently I am in a position in which I do not possess the title of management. As a result, I basically feel that I do not have to show leadership or take initiative to take on the responsibilities of a manager when in reality, I am not. One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you?re talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or

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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay

Personal Strengths Dependable

I believe that being a dependable team member is one of the most important qualities in any institutional setting, but more so in a Christian school because it represents one of the core characteristics of God: his faithfulness. God is always there for us no matter what. He keeps his promises. He is trustworthy. He is faithful. So we can depend on him. Others should regard Christian school administrator or a member as someone who knows what he is doing, is capable and prompt, does not make excuses or blames others, can be trusted to keep promises as well as secrets, and says what he means and does what he says.

I have a view of myself as a dependable person. People around me agree with that notion in general. Family members and coworkers usually tell me that they have confidence in and count on me to get the job done when a certain duty or responsibility calls. Once before, a group of us worked on a grant proposal at the school and needed to have a certain student data included in the proposal before the deadline which was coming up very quickly. I made every effort to collect and analyze necessary data, and the proposal was ready before the deadline. I selected dependability as one of my strong qualities because of my strong sense of responsibility and work ethics and also because of other peoples' opinions of me. They usually view me as someone whom they can trust, come to share their problems and burdens and count on when they encounter difficult situations.


Being proactive is always better than being reactive. Some of the quotes from the book, " The man who is prepared has his battle half fought" by Sevantes, and another one from Henry Ford " Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success" cannot be truer for a school administrator. Nobody would respect and want someone who never or haphazardly prepare for a meeting, project, assignment, or responsibility on their team. An Unpreparedness brings the whole team down and prevents team members from being effective and accomplishing what they set out to.

God is a preparer, and he asks us to be prepared as well. God prepared a salvation plan for humanity from the beginning. He asked Noah to prepare for

Personal Strength
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