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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses

Strengths & Weaknesses

The following table highlights the strengths and weakness of someone with an Executive personality type (16 Personalities, 2017).



DedicatedInflexible and stubborn

Strong–willedUncomfortable with unconventional situations

Direct and honestJudgmental

Loyal, patient, and reliableToo focused on social status

Enjoy creating orderDifficulty relaxing

Excellent organizerDifficulty expressing emotion

Most of these strengths and weaknesses do apply to me, but not all. I see myself as dedicated and strong–willed, which actually go hand–in–hand. Strong will and determination make dedication possible, and enables me to see projects through to the end, even when they become difficult or boring. Executives value honesty, which is very true for me as well. I am always honest, and expect the same of others. Honesty is not a value that should be compromised, and everyone should be able to trust my word. I am loyal and reliable, but I am not sure that the patient part of that strength group applies to me, as I feel like I tend to be impatient and expect quick results. I am very organized in my work life and thrive on creating order. Even prior to taking this assessment, I would have even listed organizational skills as one of my personal strengths. As far as weaknesses go, most of the list of weaknesses also apply to me, but not all of them. I have been told before that I am stubborn and inflexible. As mentioned in mypersonality assessments, I highly value data and logic, and I do tend to stick to my decisions once they have been made. I am also often judgmental, but unlike a classic Executive type, I tend to internalize the judgment rather letting others know what I think and making it my duty to set things right. Unless I see something as highly unethical or wrong, I try to keep my judgements to myself and respect that everyone has different opinions. As highlighted in the weaknesses list I do have a very difficult time relaxing. I hardly ever sit down and cannot focus my attention on relaxing activities for very long, as I always feel the need to be doing something productive. I do not think that I am too focused on social status like some Executives, however. While, I