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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

An individual's personal strengths and weaknesses are life learning experiences and we all as human beings have different levels strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes a person's strengths and weaknesses may seem very difficult to discuss at times. No one ever wants to admit that they have weaknesses because they are feel ashamed or embarrassed to let others to know that their weaknesses exist. It is best for a person to really know himself or herself in order to accurately evaluate the areas that require additional personal development such as determining their strengths and weaknesses. We have to be totally honest to paint a true picture of where we are now and where wewant to be. I understand that there are certain areas of my...show more content...

Sometimes my weaknesses tend to take over my strengths. As I stated earlier, I have an issue with procrastination in my personal life. I wait until the last minute to complete things in my life, if it is not on a deadline. I believe I am organized, but sometimes I become lazy and forget the important things because these things do not concern other people. There are many things in my life I believe need to change for the better. I am striving to improve my weaknesses, but sometimes I feel that I can not seem to get things back on track. Another one of my weakness is not being able to save money. It seems like every time I try to save a little, there's absolutely nothing left to save. Although, some of that has to do with today's economy. I hope to have some improvement in my personal life and strengthen my weakest points of my personal life. In my learning team, I think I possess some positive strengths as well as some negative weaknesses, but I believe my strengths out weights my weaknesses. I enjoy working in teams. Working in teams enables me to believe that my strengths are greater than my weaknesses. I bring many positives aspect to my team. I try to communicate with my fellow teammates to complete class assignments. I believe I am a positive attribute to my learning team. I feel that there are some improvements that I can bring to my learning team. I


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Personal Strengths and weaknesses Writing about my personal strengths is a challenging task that requires me to focus on the strong points that make up my character. While, however; speaking on my weaknesses, tend not to be such a problematical task. Trying not to speak in such a modest way about oneself, yet present an encouraging outlook on my strengths, require me to examine what skills makeup the positive force that drives my everyday being. However, to attack my weaknesses, is to challenge myself to take control over the areas that require some redefining of certain skills in order to achieve ultimate success in life. My life is not defined by weaknesses, but more so the makeup of my personal strengths. While I may lack strong...show more content...

495).You are the company you keep. If you constantly mingle with those associated with known questionable activity, your will also be perceived as such. Consequently, if the company you keep are more resourceful with their time, and more positively significant in your well–being, this is sure to have a greater influence as well as a positive outlook and structure of yourself. Instead of attempting to tackle life's obstacles, and business alone, I must work to interact with a more diverse group while attempting to reframe from any negative influences. Lastly, in an attempt to overcome my weaknesses, I must learn to focus clearly on the tasks at hand. I realize that when I feel something is repetitive, or non–amusing, I become less interested. My thoughts begin to wonder, and I loose focus. This can be a problem, because I then to lose some information that was attempting to be conveyed to me. My lack of focus can be at minimal if I always concentrate the message on an open–minded level, as a new venture, rather than to feel that it information is of little help to me because I may have, or not, heard the input before hand. I must learn to sincerely give my undivided attention in an effort to fully understand the material that is be conveyed. Speaking on my personal strengths is to speak on my loyal and giving disposition. I believe

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I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal strength...show more content...

I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve. My personal weakness at work is lack of leadership. Currently I am in a position in which I do not possess the title of management. As a result, I basically feel that I do not have to show leadership or take initiative to take on the responsibilities of a manager when in reality, I am not. One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you?re talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or

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Personal Strengths Dependable

I believe that being a dependable team member is one of the most important qualities in any institutional setting, but more so in a Christian school because it represents one of the core characteristics of God: his faithfulness. God is always there for us no matter what. He keeps his promises. He is trustworthy. He is faithful. So we can depend on him. Others should regard Christian school administrator or a member as someone who knows what he is doing, is capable and prompt, does not make excuses or blames others, can be trusted to keep promises as well as secrets, and says what he means and does what he says.

I have a view of myself as a dependable person. People around me agree with that notion in general. Family members and coworkers usually tell me that they have confidence in and count on me to get the job done when a certain duty or responsibility calls. Once before, a group of us worked on a grant proposal at the school and needed to have a certain student data included in the proposal before the deadline which was coming up very quickly. I made every effort to collect and analyze necessary data, and the proposal was ready before the deadline. I selected dependability as one of my strong qualities because of my strong sense of responsibility and work ethics and also because of other peoples' opinions of me. They usually view me as someone whom they can trust, come to share their problems and burdens and count on when they encounter difficult situations.


Being proactive is always better than being reactive. Some of the quotes from the book, " The man who is prepared has his battle half fought" by Sevantes, and another one from Henry Ford " Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success" cannot be truer for a school administrator. Nobody would respect and want someone who never or haphazardly prepare for a meeting, project, assignment, or responsibility on their team. An Unpreparedness brings the whole team down and prevents team members from being effective and accomplishing what they set out to.

God is a preparer, and he asks us to be prepared as well. God prepared a salvation plan for humanity from the beginning. He asked Noah to prepare for