WrapFam Unleashed - March 2024

Page 1


06 / Liner Notes

Participating in Social Media for the Greater Good James “Ruggs” Kochevar explains how active participation in Social Media can be the catalyst for brand elevation throughout the market.

08 / The Wrap Business

Upselling the RIGHT Customer

Matt Richart gifts us 9 Upselling Techniques and the insight on when and WHO to use them with.

12 / Ask John

Hiring a Contracted Installer

John Duever provides a checklist of do’s and don’t when hiring outside labor.

16 / WrappingThe Evolution(s)

Part 1

Industry guru, Paul Roba, takes an expanded look at product engineering and converting technology.

22 / 日本語版

ショッププロファイル デザインラボ株式会社 狩谷正は、彼の伝説的なレーシングキ ャリアから日本で最もエリートなラッ パーになるまでの内側を語ります。

March 2024 p22 p54 p38

Editorial Ad Index

March 2024

30 / English Version

Shop Profile

Design Lab Inc.

Tadashi Kariya gives us an inside look at his legendary racing past leading to him becoming Japan’s most elite wrapper.

38 / The Centerfold

Shadow Graphix

Mary and Darren Merkle, take us on a wild ride with a breathtaking wrap they did for HRC’s Acura show car for Daytona.

40 / Design Studio

Enhanced Images Marketing

Justin Jansing shares his version of the grind and how the obstacles he’s faced have made E.I.M. the impactful shop it is today.

54 / Featured Wraps


Highlighting the artisans of today’s wraps market.

58 / The Clear View

Avoiding PPF Installation Mistakes

Narayan Andrews gives tips to ensure a killer finish every time.

60 / The Shop

Pinching Pennies

Adam Sumner shows how to boost profits by better understanding your printer settings and ink consumption.

64 / Tips & Tricks

The Great Divide: Traditional Art vs AI Assisted Art - Part 3 Dallas Fowler continues the conversation as it pertains to the challenges of proving originality.

68 / How Color Change is Turning into a PPF World

The Rise and Possible Fall of Color Change Wraps

Matthew Wolynski shares his opinion on this crossover opportunity.

70 / In The News

A Look at What’s Happening in the Market

Bringing you the latest news

72 / New Products

Manufacturing Showcase

Bringing you the latest releases

74 / Trainers Spotlight Trainer Profiles

An inside look at who’s ready to train you for success!

75 / WrapToons

The Wrap’s Markets

Dedicated Toon!

Dallas Fowler’s unique perspective and artistic gift to the wrap world.

4 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024
Blade Cage …………………… 73 Digital EFX …………………… 67 International Sign Assoc. 21 MagStrapz ……………………… 11 School of Wrap …………… 74 Wensco …………………………… 7 WrapIQ ………………………… 45 WRAPIX Academy 74 Wrap Institute ………………… 5 Wrap Nation …………………… 2
- On the CoverShadow Graphix
an Acura wrap they did for Honda Racing Corporation for
Rolex 24 at Daytona. Check out the full story on page 38.








Empoweringyoutowrapanythinglikeaprofessional fromtheindustry'smosttrustedandinnovativeexperts.

March 2024

Liner Notes VOL. 1 ISSUE 3


Social Media for the Greater Good

Why should we hit "like," "comment," and "share"?

Imagine social media as a big playground. Some kids come, show off their cool toys (or in this case, amazing vinyl wraps), and then just walk away. They don't stick around to see what toys others have brought or say anything nice about them. But what if we all stayed, played together, and shared our toys? That's what truly makes the playground fun, right?

Here's the deal: When we like, comment on, or share someone's post, we're not just being nice; we're also helping everyone get more friends to play with. Each time you do one of these things, it's like shouting in the playground, "Hey, check this out!" and bringing more kids over to see the cool stuff. And guess what? Sometimes, when you share someone else's toy, even more kids come over to see yours too.

On Instagram Facebook or Linkedin, you can show love by liking posts, commenting, sharing it in your story, and marking it as a favorite. It's like giving someone a high five, saying, "Cool project!" or passing the toy on to another friend. But did you know there's a big difference between likes and comments? Comments are like having a real conversation, while likes are just a quick nod of approval.

We have a big dream. We want WrapFam Unleashed, which is all about saving trees by not using paper and shining a spotlight on awesome wrap artists, to be the go-to place for everything wraps worldwide. But we can't do it without you. Every time you see a post about a friend's shop, a cool client project, or anything wrap-related, give it a like, drop a comment, and share it (either by sending in a DM to a friend or reposting to your story). It's how we show the world how amazing our wrap family is.

If you're tagged in a post on Instagram, share it by tapping on the post, then look for the paper airplane icon to reshare

Publisher, Editor-in-Chief

James “Ruggs” Kochevar ruggs@thewrapfam.com

Art Director, Graphic Design

Leslie Kochevar



Adam Sumner adam@wrapixacademy.com

Dallas Fowler


John Duever john@wrapiq.com

Matt Richart matt@digitalefx.com

Narayan Andrews


Guest Contributors

Paul Roba

Tadashi Kariya

Justin Jansing

Dallas Fowler

Daren & Mary Merkle

Matthew Wolynski

6 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024
WrapFam Unleashed is a registered DBA of North Star Graphics & Promotions. Reproduction in part or in full without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. WrapFam Unleashed is published in the U.S. Contents copyright 2024, WrapFam Unleashed. © @WrapFamUnleashed

it to your story or send it in a DM. Creating a new post and tagging us or trying to add us as a contributor isn't the best way to share content for a couple of reasons.

• First, it can clutter our feed and make it harder for us to showcase the variety of work we want to highlight.

• Second, it may not reach the broader audience we're aiming for, as shared content through tagging or contributions often gets less visibility compared to direct shares or reposts within stories.

If you stumble upon a cool project that screams creativity and innovation, tag us in the comments! By tagging us you help put them

on our radar, allowing us to showcase and celebrate them with our wider community. It's a great way to support fellow artists and ensure their talents get the visibility they deserve.

And guess what? Participating in social posts doesn't just make the wrap world better; it makes the whole planet a bit greener. By building our wrap family through social media, we save a lot of trees and keep our Earth happy. So let's make some noise, share the love, and make our digital playground the best spot ever!

Let's get out there and show the world what our WrapFam can do, one post at a time!


Upselling to the RIGHT Customer

elling anything to a potential client can be very difficult. Especially if you are not comfortable with selling. Once you have your sales techniques down or have a great team of sales staff I highly recommend creating a blueprint for Upselling to your customer. I have learned over the years that once you can build trust along with developing a report you can upsell a lot of things to your client.

One of the major issues I faced when I created some upselling techniques was understanding how to identify the RIGHT customer to upsell. That is the main headline of this article. It’s very important to upsell a client who is happy with you, your services, your team, and most importantly your product. Once this is achieved you can start your upsell process. We all experience being upsold every day. Fast food restaurants ask If you want larger fries and drinks with your meal. Other sit-down restaurants ask if you want added drinks and desserts. Sometimes certain gas stations ask if you want to add a car wash to your fill-up and offer discounts for food based on the amount of gas you are putting into your vehicle. Many other examples of this can be found daily but I really enjoy upselling our clients. Especially when you get your techniques down to a science and you feel comfortable

doing it. Understanding your clients needs also allows you to show the value of what you are upselling. Be sure you are preaching the benefits of the upsell and not the features. Another very important aspect of upselling is not to oversell. Let it become natural without being too pushy. Upselling techniques can be used in any industry but I love selling them in the graphic industry. Our company offers a maintenance program that allows our clients to come back to have their wrap washed, cleaned, and coatings applied after the installation is completed. This adds value to their purchase, increases our margins, and allows us to see our clients more often. Sometimes once a vehicle leaves your facility you may never see them again. Our sales team also upsells using different media, different laminate options, reflective overlays, and even rush charges on certain deadline projects. It’s very important to always create some sort of urgency with your sales. Let them know that the design, production, and installation can take time so it’s important to get everything approved so they can get on your schedule without having to pay a rush charge. You can also upsell by giving a discount on other products such as banners, signs, and decal kits, or utilize this discount on future products. Bundling products and other services you provide to show value is another great way to upsell. Just make sure you upsell that is relevant to their current purchase.

8 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 The Wrap Biz

I have created 9 upsell techniques that we use in our shop every day to help our sales staff during the sales process.

1. Pitch a relevant upsell. If your client wants apples don’t sell them oranges. Sell them better apples!

2. Provide consistent value for your customers. Always strive for good product support and explain your warranty if you provide one. Try to educate your customers on the quality of the printers, media, and especially your installation process. It’s always good to give product updates or maybe a new film or application is available

today that wasn’t available yesterday.

3. Find the customers who require your upsell. Some clients may only want a basic sign or wrap. Suggest a higher quality wrap, sign, or more coverage that may require more work but can be justified by increasing your pricing. It’s also wise to give your clients three pricing options. This allows them to pick and choose their budget without you appearing too pushy.

4. Be helpful and not sales-y. Most people don’t like being forced into a sales pitch or bugged consistently in regards to phone and emails. Make sure you tell your clients how a better product can benefit them

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 9

9 Upselling Techniques

1) Pitch Relevant Upsells

• Sell better versions of what the client already wants.

• Don’t sell oranges, sell better apples.

2) Provide Consistent Value

• Offer strong product support and warranties.

• Educate customers on product quality and updates.

3) Identify Customers Who Have a Need

• Using basic plan.

• Might need a pro plan (upsell to them).

• Give them 3 pricing options.

4) Be Helpful, Not Pushy

• Focus on how upgrades benefit them.

5) Offer Discounts Strategically

• Upgrade now for 10% discountm

6) Create Urgency for More Sales

• Use slow periods or holidays for discounts.

• Leverage loyalty to offer discounts on repeat purchases.

• Use film shortage to lock in customers.

7) Check Client Satisfaction First

• Avoid upselling to unhappy clients.

• Resolve any issues before attempting to upsell.

8) Use Real-Life Examples

• Share testimonials and examples of your work.

• Highlight the durability and longevity of your products.

9) Follow Up Consistently

• Follow-up with phone call

• Follow-up with email

• Goal: Touch base with the client 2-3 times after first contact.

5. Try to offer a discount when applicable. We only offer discounts once a year on certain jobs that we have high margins on. Sometimes you can offer a discount on an upgrade they may choose like reflective overlays, paint protection film, and other services.

6. Create a feeling of urgency to get more sales that can turn into upselling opportunities. Maybe offer a holiday discount or find your slow times in your business to create a discount for your current or new clients. This shows loyalty to your existing clients while giving them a discount on products that they are already purchasing from you. During Covid times we used film shortage to create an urgency to lock them in.

7. Check if your client is happy before upselling. Sometimes we all have that one client that you can’t seem to make happy or they just have a negative personality every time you come in contact with them. These are the types of clients I don’t upsell to. You can also resolve their issues first before you attempt to upsell them.

8. Convince your clients with real-life examples. I know this is common sense but create some testimonials from your existing client base along with showing other work that fits their budget. You can also explain how the film, ink, laminate, and installation create durability and longevity for the product they are purchasing from you.

9. Constantly follow up with your customers. This is very hard for me to achieve at times.

10 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 The Wrap Biz

I have to be totally honest. This is also very difficult when you are slammed and consumed with business. Try to follow up with phone calls and emails to confirm they are happy with their service, wrap, signage, or what you have provided to them. Sometimes you can upsell after a sale. Especially if you are hitting all these 9 steps consistently.

Like anything else in business once you get comfortable and have that confidence in your sales techniques you can upsell to almost anyone. Just identify who you are dealing with. Be true

and transparent with your communication. Build that trust and report with your client that will eventually make them your client for Life. Always remember that as long as you can show how this benefits them the upsell is easy!!!

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 11
@wrapinstitute WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WRAPPING? Sign up now and SAVE 20% - Promo code WRAPFAM119 www.wrapinstitute.com

Hiring a Contracted Installer

The Devil is in the Details

Chad Parish asked: I know you hire a lot of subcontractors. What criteria do you look for in an installer and what do you require outside of the install itself, when your subs represent Vinyl Images?

ith the growth of the industry and the expanding number of contracted installers in the market right now, this is a GREAT question!

I will open this article with a simple saying that any contracted installer MUST abide by at all cost – YOUR JOB IS TO MAKE YOUR BOSS LOOK GOOD. What does this mean exactly, here are the details:

At the end of the day, my job is to make my boss look good to their boss so their boss looks good to their boss and so on. My client, who has trusted me to do a job for them, is my boss. Because Vinyl Images has contracted you as an installer for this job, we are in turn your boss for this project. I will provide you with every tool necessary to have a successful outcome on this project and in turn, you make the job happen without fail. You make me look good which makes my client/boss look good to their boss and so on. This leads to a very happy client who trusts me to provide more services to them which in

turn requires me to contact you again so you can make me look good which makes my boss/client look good and so on. Thus, the hamster wheel of providing a service with desired results continues.

Reread that paragraph.

I cannot stress to you how important, yet very simple, that concept is. Every contracted installation job comes down to that concept. If you allow your ego to get in the way and you don’t go to the ends of the Earth to make your boss look good your life as a contracted installer will be very short-lived.

Outside of that saying that will change your life if you take it seriously, there are multiple criteria I look for when looking to hire a contracted installer. First and foremost, do you come with a high recommendation from someone I know and respect? Many times I rely on my network of industry friends if I need a contracted installer. Just last month I contacted Chad for a referral as an example. If someone I respect and have a business relationship with will put their name on the line for you then I’m going to give you a shot. Now what you do with that shot is completely up to you and very rarely will someone get more than one shot. Referrals are

12 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024

provides a network of wrappers.

everything to me at this point in my business.

Secondly, I look at your history and if you have certifications. Your history will say a lot but if you have put in the time to get your certifications, the more the better, I know that you are serious about being the best you can be. I know there are some people out there who don’t think certifications are worth the time or effort and I’ll tell you this from first-hand experience, those people are losing money and a lot of it. They’ve allowed their egos to get in the way of their business sense and they’ll come around, or they won’t and I won’t even know they exist. To me, a certification does not only represent your competency as a wrap installation professional but it also represents your want to

live the best life you can by being in a constant state of self-improvement. I want to work with and surround myself with individuals in a constant state of self-improvement because that is where I am as well. Iron always sharpens iron.

Finally, if I need an installer in an area that no one in my network has a referral for, which does happen multiple times a year, someone from my team or I will get online and do some research. I’ll go to multiple websites to find someone including but not limited to Avery Dennison,

Have a question for John?

Submit your question:

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 13

PDAA, WrapperMapper, 3M, Orafol/KPMF, etc. Then I’ll Google said company and look at their reviews and website. Your Google reviews and

website say a lot about you and your company, never forget that. One last step is to look at their social media pages, both business and personal.

It’s amazing what you find out about people from their personal Social Media pages. One 60-second run down someone’s posts tells you a lot.

Outside of the installation itself, Vinyl Images has an onboarding process for our installers including filling out paperwork, providing ACH payment information, and providing a COI. Believe it or not, we have had people pass all

the checks and refuse to fill out the paperwork. That always throws me for a loop, you don’t want to be paid? You don’t want me to have your updated contact information or an easy way for me to pay you? This blows my mind.

On occasion, we will also ask our contracted installers to wear Vinyl Images branding while onsite should the job require

14 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024

it. This is at no cost to the installer and we normally ship these items with the graphics or in a separate shipment to arrive before the graphics. Finally, depending on the client or project, we occasionally have the installer sign a Non-Disclosure agreement. Normally this is at the sole request of the end client and is nonnegotiable to be hired for the project. When it comes to the NDA, I am at the mercy of my client and if they request it, it must be done.

At the end of the day, I need to trust that the person I contracted to make my client happy. If I don’t have full trust in you as a contracted installer I will continue searching for someone

in your particular area until I find someone I trust that possesses the right skillset.

Make your boss look good, both inside your organization and as a contracted installer and you will have a long career in the adhesive-backed industries.

WANT TO BE A CONTRIBUTOR? • Design Studio • Failed • Featured Shop • Featured Wraps • Giving Back • The Centerfold • Tips & Tricks • Windows, Walls & Floors We’re excited to put the spotlight on you! REVERSE LOGO COLOR LOGO BW LOGO March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 15

Wrapping: The Evolution(s) - Part 1

n last month’s edition of WrapFam Unleashed, I presented the “revolutions” that occurred in the vehicle wrapping industry. These significant changes to the products and processes used to create wraps were instrumental in the explosive success of the wrap segments.

The revolutionary transformational changes previously discussed were:

• Printing technology, the digital age,

• Adhesive changes, design of repositionable adhesives,

• Liner changes, the introduction of air egress patterns,

• PVC face film engineering, creation of dual cast products.

Many would say that I missed many other changes that transformed the vehicle wrap industry. It is true, but in my opinion, these other changes were “evolutionary” not “revolutionary”.

What is a definition of “evolution”, from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary?

Evolution: a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state

The vehicle wrap industry has undergone many important evolutionary changes, where improvements have been made in various areas.

The progress areas include the following sections:

• Product engineering

• Converting technologies

• Training

• Application Process

• Tools

• Fellowship

In this article, I focus on the evolution seen in product engineering and converting technologies. Part 2 will look at training, application processes, tools, and fellowship.

Product Engineering

The components used for wrapping materials include the face film (for print or color change), protective laminates, adhesives, and liners. Each of these components has evolved as manufacturers identify potential improvements from feedback from industry professionals, product & manufacturing engineers, and general market trends.

The typical face film has historically been made of cast PVC, and it has evolved to become more flexible & thinner, have better printability, different finishes & textures, and extended durability. Calendered PVC

16 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 Opinion

films have also improved in their formulation and engineering as well, creating a viable alternative to cast films in many instances.

Additionally, face films have been migrating towards more environmentally conscious products. Non-PVC products have emerged and continue to improve and perform similarly, or better to industry standards. Extruded thermoplastic urethane (TPU) has been an industry staple, but Orafol has launched Orafol 3981 RA, the first cast digitally printable TPU product driving change in how materials can be manufactured. In addition to the increase in printable TPU films, color change films in

TPU formulations are gaining in popularity as they provide a tough/durable high gloss and exceptionally paint-like finish.

All the face evolutions have been well received in the industry, and have been made even better by the evolution of adhesive performance. Traditionally, many adhesives had been designed to provide quick stick capabilities, but most manufacturers have modified their adhesive polymer technology to provide differing degrees of repositioning and removability characteristics. The adhesives can be complemented by differing design methodologies to slide or reposition the face film.

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 17

Not to be forgotten, the liner/backer/carrier sheet of the wrap products provides protection, handleability, air egress (for print and color change products), or glasslike finishes(for protective laminates). The original air egress design of the liners was limited to diamonds or hex patterns, but technology has driven the evolution of square, random bubble patterns, and other patterns to complement bubble-free applications. Patterns have evolved in reducing their size as well, creating less of a pattern show-through for the super conformable films of the industry.

Converting Technologies

When considering converting wrap

products we focus on printing, cutting, and laminating for print wraps. Each of these areas of converting has evolved over the years to create graphics faster and with higher quality.

Digital printing has changed by adding new technologies like latex, aqueous resin, flexible UV, and UV gel technologies to complement traditional solvent & eco-solvent-based print technologies. Each evolved over time and utilized the basic chemistry of a carrier, pigments, colorfast inhibitors, stabilizers, and resins. I am not going to get into the complexities of each technology, just a basic presentation of how they are different.

Technologies have changed how to carry

18 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 Opinion

and cure the inks. Originally a carrier or oilbased solvent delivered the inks to the substrate, and heat plus air circulation cured them.

As resin-based or latex inks evolved the carriers changed to aqueous-based systems reducing volatile organic compounds but still required heat to set/cure the inks. This made it easier for print service providers to create graphics in a short time without waiting for solvents to be evacuated from graphics. The change to a water-based carrier also helped to reduce solventbased shrinkage seen in some films.

Early latex ink tech required extreme heat to cure and set the inks, so you could see

shrinkage from the high heat, or it was difficult to print on some delicate substrates. Progress here has engineered the inks and [printers to require lower temperatures improving the overall latex print process. This technology also has had an impact on the environment, as VOCs are no longer released into the environment.

UV ink technology has improved as the printers, cure technology, and inks have been engineered to provide greater flexibility, smoother print output, matte & gloss ink finishes, and performance needed for vehicle wraps. These inks originally were cured by very bright ultraviolet light which generated a great deal of heat. New formulations of inks and curing

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 19

technology have made it possible to cure the inks under LED cool bulbs, eliminating issues around materials being damaged by intense heat and providing greater flexibility and same-day lamination like water-based inks.

Although I tout the evolution of latex/resin and UV inks, it should be recognized that some current ecosolvent-based inks have been improved. Although they still require time, air circulation and heat to cure the inks, they have evolved into systems that can be used for same-day creation of graphics.

a vehicle, square cutting for full wrap sides, or contour cutting for partial wraps, or overlays. Manufacturers of cutting equipment have implemented easyto-use software to achieve the finished cuts and intricate designs one needs. In addition, as engineering designs of the equipment improve, one can set it up easily, process material faster and obtain greater accuracy.

In regards to laminating, many equipment manufacturers have simplified the process, allowing for quick setup, and turnaround of protected graphics. By utilizing improved technology; web paths are less complicated, consistent pressure allows easy alignment and little drift, easy to set knives make for inline product trimming, and equipment design allows quick loading and unloading of materials.

Many wraps do not require extensive cutting, but finishing and cutting of materials has evolved so print service providers can supply the installer a product in the form they need. This may include panel cutting for specific areas of

Although some may argue that some of these evolutions could be considered revolutionary, I look back to the definition from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary regarding evolution. It is “a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state” and I believe these areas show incremental steps, possibly with some extraordinary individual developments behind them.

Until next time!

Paul Roba is a graphics and wrap industry veteran of over 35 years. He was involved with the early design, roll out, and training programs of wrap films.

20 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 Opinion

The Wrap Experience Lounge will host engaging sessions featuring experts and panels from the wrap community. The Never Stop Learning ContestTM will bring together wrap experts and beginners alike for an experience that is competitive, instructional and,

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 21 NO LIMITS SIGNEXPO.ORG WED-FRI, APRIL 10-12 ORLANDO, FL
ISA International Sign Expo® 2024 is THE place for wrap in the sign, graphics and visual communications industry.
Register for
of course FUN! Plus, you’ll find all of your wrap product needs right on the show floor. All
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FREE today using code WRAPFAM.


JAPANESE version



私は日本のちょうど真ん中あたりにある名古屋市の隣の岐阜県で、 株式会社デザインラボの代表取締役社長です。

Click here for English version

私のことをあまり知らない方も多いので私が働き始めてから今まで の経緯を少しお話ししましょう。

私は1988年に大学を中退して父が一人で経営する看板製作会社に アルバイトとして就職しました。

22 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024


2007年 初めてフルラッピングしたフェラ ーリF355で出場したワンメイクレース

当時はミラーとヘッドライトの内部を綺 麗にラッピングする技術がなかった

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 23 Member Spotlight


2007年 日本のツインリンクもてぎで開 催したフェラーリのワンメイクレース

PIT内にはフルラッピングした車 両は私以外には皆無だった

写真上:マットブラックにフルラッピングしたF355 写真右:マットブラックにフルラッピングし たテスト中のフェラーリ360Modena

24 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024

ちょうどその頃からペイントで文字を書く ことからマーキングフィルムで文字をカ ットして貼る時代に変化していく時期でし た。

私はもともと工作が得意でしたので、フィ ルムを見ようみまねで貼ることができ、そ の時に年をとった職人がフィルムを貼るこ とができなかったので、私は様々な現場に 手伝いに行き重宝されていました。

そして2002年にジュネーブモーターショ ーを見学に行った日本人の知り合いが、ラ ッピングでマットブラックにカラーチェン ジした車両が展示してあると教えてくれま したが、私はそれが信じられずに翌年もそ のショーに行く知り合いに、再度ラッピン グしてある車両があるか見てきてほしいと 依頼しました。

すると今度はマットブラックとマットホ ワイトでラッピングしている車両があった というのです。

その当時はバスやトラックのコルゲート などはラッピングした経験がありました

が、一般車両をフルラッピングの経験がな かったので、本当にフィルムでフルラッピ ングができるのだろうかとモヤモヤした気 持ちでいたのです。


2015年 SEMAのナイトパーティーで2016 年のKnifeless BOXデザインに選ばれた 新しいBOXとTシャツを複勝として授与された

その当時のKnifelessテックシステム 社 社長のGarryとの記念写真

February 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 25
March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l


私を一躍有名にした東京オートサロン 2013 出展車両 ゴールドChromeでフ ルラッピングしたリバティ・ウォーク のランボルギーニ ムルシエラゴ

26 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024

けてはかなり自信があったので、そんな 私が出来ないのか?と悔しい気持ちでい たのです。

そして2005年に少しお金持ちになった 私は勢いでフェラーリF355を購入し てフェラーリのワンメイクレースに出場 していました。

2007年にふとジュネーブモーターショ ーのラッピングを思い出して、自分の車 をラッピングしてみようと考えました。

しかしその当時は日本には60インチの ラッピングフィルムは存在していなかっ たので、私はサイン用のマットブラック のカレンダーフィルムでラッピングにチ ャレンジすることにしました。

ライトの中やミラーまでラッピングする 技術がなかったので、その部分はラッピ ングしませんでしたが、自分一人で1週 間を要しなんとかフルラッピングを完成 しました。

そしてフェラーリのレースにその車両で 出場すると、レースに出場しているフェ ラーリオーナーが自分の車両もマットブ ラックでラッピングしてほしいと沢山の オファーを頂いたのです。

しかし、私の車両は1戦のレースで端部 は捲れ、排気熱でフィルムは縮んでしま いとても受注できる代物ではなかったの で、そこからラッピングの研究をし始め たのです。

2018年 Wrap Olympics 優勝 チームメイトのKeiichiと この優勝で様々なことを学び現在までその 学びは私の自信と基礎となっている

2017年 WRAPS CONでMOB のメンバーと記念撮影 MOBに加盟したことで世界中のラ ッパー達と知り合いになれた

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F355の剥がれたマットブラックのフィルムを何 度も貼り直して走行に耐えれるかテストの繰り返し をして、2009年には新しくF360に買い替えたフ ェラーリを今度はサイン用のキャストフィルムでフ ルラッピングしてなんとか販売可能なラッピングま で高めたのです。

そして2010年より日本にも60インチのラッピング フィルムが登場し、当時は主にレーシングカーをフ ルラッピングしていました。

それはなぜかというと一般人はまだお金を支払っ てラッピングするということに抵抗があったからで す。

そのような商売にならない状態で技術だけを研究 して、ほぼ趣味の世界でラッピングをしていました が、2012年に大きなチャンスが訪れました。

2013年の東京オートサロンで日本のリバティ・ウ 小さい「ォークが出品するランボルギーニ ムルシエラ ゴを金メッキにラッピングしてほしいと依頼があっ たのです。

この当時はまだA V E R YやH E X I Sはメッキのラ ッピングフィルムを販売していなかったので、私は 日本製のサイン用のメッキフィルムでラッピングを したのです。

しかし、このラッピングは困難を極めて何度も諦め ようと思いましたが、この時にメッキフィルムを伸 ばすためにスチームを使い始めたのです。

今ではメッキフィルやP P Fをインストールすると きにスチームを使いますが、おそらく私がラッピ ングで初めてスチームを使ったのではないでしょう か。

そしてその車両が完成し展示をするとその頃から Facebookが世界で流行り始めてそこにU Pした写真 やWebでの記事に紹介され、私は一躍日本のラッピ ング業界の第一人者として認知されたのです。

現在では日本国内でT W I公認講師としてラッピン グ、P P F、ウィンドシールドなどの講習を定期的に 開き、ラッピングの市場拡大と後継者育成に重点を 置き活動しています。

また、仕事内容は看板の製作施工、一般車両のカラ ーリングチェンジ、P P F、ウィンドシールド、レー シングカーのデザインとラッピング、T O Y O T A 自動車、三菱自動車などのコンセプトカーやショー カーのラッピングなどを行っています。

話は変わり、私は2010年より毎年S E M A S H O Wを訪れています。

2011年にS E M Aで私は運命的な出会いをしま す。3MのブースでKnifelessに出会ったのです。 その時期日本では手慣れた職人はフィルムをハーフ カットすることができる技術を持ち合わせていまし たが、当社の女性スタッフはハーフカットに自信が なく少し惨めな思いをしていたので、このテープが あれば彼女たちは自信を持ってラッピングができる と考え、すぐさまそのテープを日本に輸入し始めた のです。

それから私はKnifelessテープを日本で販売拡大をし て2013年にはアメリカ、中国に続いてたくさん販売 するようになっていました。

そしてそのKnifelessテープがまた私に幸運をもたら したのです。

S E M Aのナイトタイムのパーティーで発表され る、世界中の憧れのKnifelessテープのB O Xデザイ ンに選ばれたのです。

これを機会に世界中のラッパーたちに小さな日本で 英語もろくに話ができない私を知っていただくこと となりました。

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また、この頃から私は日本製のラッピン グツールをS E M Aに沢山持ち込み、デ モンストレーションをしているラッパー をはじめ多くのデモンストレーターや現 在のM O Bメンバーに沢山配り、現在私 が運営しているラッピングとP P Fのツ ールショップであるP P F S H O Pの礎 となったのです。

P P F S H O Pではアメリカ、ヨーロッ パを中心に世界各国へツールを販売して います。

私は現在日本カーラッピング協会(J C W A)設立してその団体の初代会長で す。

この団体ではWorld Wrap Masters JAPAN、J A P A N P P F選手権などを 開催し、Wrap Olympicsなどの海外で の大会に選手を送り出す準備などもして います。

J C W Aでは次世代の技術者の育成、情 報交換、カーラッピング専用保険設定、 そして日本の市場拡大を目的として設立 しました。

2018年のWrap Olympics優勝、World Wrap Mastersへの出場などの経験によ り世界中のラッパーと友達になり、そし て私がM O Bのメンバーになったことで 知名度が上がり、メンバーの力を借りて 彼らが私の良いと思ったツールを宣伝し てくれるからです。

私にとっての奇跡はM O Bのメンバーに 加入させてもらったことなのです。

2022年 SEMA SHOW TeckWrap ブースでデモンストレーション

SEMAでのデモンストレーション オランダのジョフリーのデザインを イメージ通りにラッピング デザインラッピングは私が一番好きな仕事

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Click here for English version

A Mini Autobiography

The Far East’s Finest


Iam the director and president of Design Lab Inc. located in Gifu, next to Nagoya City, right in the middle of Japan.

I think there are many people who don’t know much about me so, I would like to tell you a little about myself since I started working in this market.

In 1998, I dropped out of university and got a part-time job at the sign production company that my father used to run.

ENglish version of a Japanese OG
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In 2007, I participated in the first full-wrapped Ferrari F355 in a one-make race. At that time, there was no technology to wrap the inside of the mirror and headlights beautifully.

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Member Spotlight

A Mini Autobiography

of a Japanese OG

Around that time, the era of writing letters with paint succumbed to cutting and installing letters with marking film.

I was originally good at crafts, so I was able to install the film by imitating it, at the time, the old craftsmen were unable to install the film so I was quite helpful to them.

In 2007, Ferrari's one-make race held at Twin Ring Motegi in Japan, there were no fully wrapped vehicles other than me in the PIT. Photo on: Full-wrapped F355 in matte black Photo right: Ferrari 360 Modena in test, fully wrapped in matte black
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In 2002, a Japanese acquaintance who went to see the Geneva Motor Show told me that there was a car on display that had been wrapped in a matte black, but I couldn’t believe it. I asked this friend who was going to the show next year to see if there were any cars that had been wrapped.

Then, he found a vehicle wrapped in matte black and matte white.

At that time, I had experience wrapping buses and trucks such as corrugate, but I had no experience in fully wrapping regular vehicles, so I was unsure whether it would really be possible to fully wrap a vehicle with film.

I had confidence in installing films on signs and windows, so I thought, “Isn’t it possible for me to do that?” I felt uneasy.

In 2005, I had a little money with me, I bought a Ferrari F355 and started participating in Ferrari one-make races.

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2015 Selected for the 2016 Knifeless BOX design at SEMA's night party. A new BOX and T-shirt were awarded as a double victory. A commemorative photo with Gary, the president of Knifeless Tech Systems at that time.

A Mini Autobiography

of a Japanese OG


2007, I suddenly remembered the wrapped cars at the Geneva Motor Show and decided to try wrapping my own car.

However, at that time, a 60-inch wrapping film did not exist in Japan, so I decided to try wrapping with matte black calendar film for sign boards.

I didn’t have the skill to wrap the inside of the light

Tokyo Auto Salon 2013 exhibited vehicle that made me famous Liberty Walk's Lamborghini Murciellago fully wrapped with Gold Chrome
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and the mirror, so I didn’t wrap that part, but I managed to complete the full wrapping by myself in a week. At the same time in a Ferrari race, I received many offers from Ferrari owners participating in the race to have their cars wrapped in matte black as well. But the edges of my car had curled up after one race, and the film had shrunk due to exhaust heat, so it was not something I could accept orders for, so I started researching wrapping methods.

After repeatedly reapplying the peeled matte black film on the F355 and testing it to see if it would withstand driving.

In 2009 I bought a new Ferrari F360, and this time I fully wrapped it in cast film for sign boards. I managed to wrap it well enough to sell it.

Then, In 2010, a 60-inch wrapping film appeared in Japan, and at that time main orders were full wrapping of racing cars. The reason for this is that people in general were still reluctant to pay for car wrapping.

learned various things with my teammate Keiichi and this victory, and until now, that learning is my confidence and foundation.

2017 I was able to get to know rappers from all over the world by joining MOB and taking a commemorative photo with MOB members at WRAPS CON.

2018 Wrap Olympics victory I
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of a Japanese OG A Mini Autobiography

Iwasonly researching the technique of wrapping mostly as a hobby before I could turn it into a business, but in 2012, a big opportunity came up to me.

We received a request to wrap the Lamborghini Murcielago that will be exhibited by Liberty Walk in gold chrome at the 2013 Tokyo Auto Salon.

At that time, AVERY and HEXIS were not selling Chrome vinyl yet, so I wrapped it with Chrome film made in Japan for signs.

However, this wrapping was so difficult that I wanted to give up many times, but then I started using a steamer to stretch the Chrome vinyl.

Nowadays, a steamer is used to install Chrome and PPF, but I was probably the first to use a steamer for wrapping.

When the vehicle was completed and exhibited, Facebook started to become popular around the world, and I was introduced to the photos and the articles posted on the web, and I was suddenly recognized as the leading expert in the wrapping industry in Japan.

Currently, I’m recognized as a TWI-certified instructor in Japan. I regularly hold classes on wrapping, PPF, windshields, etc., and focus on expanding the wrapping market and training.

In addition, our work includes the production and construction of signboards, color changes for general vehicles, design and wrapping of PPF, windshields, racing cars, and wrapping of concept cars and show cars such as Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors.

On a different note, I have been visiting the SEMA Show every year since 2010.

In 2011, I had a fateful encounter at SEMA. I came across Knifeless Tape at the 3M booth.

At that time, skilled craftsmen in Japan could do a half-cutting, but our female staff needed more confidence in half-cutting, so we decided to use this tape. They thought that they could wrap with confidence, and immediately started importing the tape to Japan.

After that, I expanded sales of Knifeless tape in Japan, and by 2013, my shop became the third biggest seller of Knifeless tapes. Also, Knifeless tape brought me another luck.

My car, which was designed and wrapped utilizing Knifeless tape, was chosen for the cover image of the 2016 Knifeless package. I think this is the opportunity to let wrappers around the world get to know me, a person from Japan who doesn’t speak English very well.

Also, from around that time, I brought a lot of Japanese-made wrapping tools to SEMA and gave away them to many installers and current MOB members. It became the foundation

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of the PPF SHOP that I run as a professional tool website shop.

Now, PPF SHOP provides tools all over the world mainly in America and Europe.

Currently, I am the first president of the Japan Car Wrapping Association (JCWA), which I founded and established. The organization organizes World Wrap Masters JAPAN, JAPAN PPF championships, and prepares to send athletes to overseas competitions such as the Wrap Olympics. JCWA was established to foster the next generation of engineers, exchange information, set up insurance exclusively for car wrapping, and expand the market in Japan.

Through my experiences such as winning the Wrap Olympics in 2018 and participating in the World Wrap Masters, I have made many friends from all over the world, and when I became a MOB member, those members promoted my tools, which they think are good, helped me a lot.

For me, it was a miracle being allowed to become a member of MOB.

2022 Demonstration at the SEMA SHOW TeckWrap booth
英語版はここをクリック March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 37
Demonstration at SEMA Wrapping Joffrey's design in the Netherlands according to the image Design wrapping is my favorite job

ShadowDaytonaWraps The

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HRC Show Car: 2023 Acura ARX-06. IMSA GTP Prot Type.

Designed by: Honda Racing Corporation (HRC)

Printer Specs: The wrap was printed on the HP 800 (W)

Install: Fine Line Knifeless & patience!

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Mary & Daren Merkle - Shadow Graphix

The Centerfold

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Materials Used:

Base Wrap: Avery SW900 Chrome, printed and laminated.

Spider Graphic: 3M ij180cv3/8518 Gloss Laminate.

Accents: 3M 1080 Neon Fluorescent Orange

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The Centerfold

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The Centerfold

Crazy Design Scheme:

Shadow Graphix partnered with HRC to make their vision come to life. The show car

features a spider graphic, a chrome patterned design with Neon Fluorescent Orange accents. For the spider, we took their 2D and 3D imaging and

laid everything out on screen along with hand temple plating and digitizing key parts of the car to make the spider pattern fit the central part of the car.

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We worked with our installers to get the best matching layup for the base wrap.

The Shadow and HRC had several video calls and messages throughout the process as both teams worked through the design and installation process.

Car Background:

The Acura Show Car made its grand appearance at the Rolex 24 at Daytona on January 27-28 and will mark the inaugural race.

Honda Racing Corporation (HRC) HRC US oversees the Acura program in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, which has seen the brand take the overall win in the last three Rolex 24 At Daytona races and collect three manufacturer, team and driver championships in the series’ top prototype class since 2018.

The Shadow Graphix team has worked with the Wayne Taylor Racing (WTR) since 2010. WTR Campaigns the Acura ARX-06 in the IMSA Sportscar Series. As part of

a rebrand for the 2024 season, we combined to do the show car in-house as well as rebranding the WTR program for the 2024 race season and specifically having this show car done for the 2024 24 Hours of Daytona.


To Responsibly Scale Your Business Into New Markets or Industries.

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With the WrapIQ Membership, industry leaders like yourself, band together to navigate the latest industry news and developments.

Unpack and learn to overcome the top issues facing the skilled trades and the business side of the adhesive backed industries.

We provide continued education on things like:

How to price your products and services to grow profits and stay competitive.

What are the most e ective ways to market your business and attract new customers

We share our best practices. What works for us and what hasn’t!

Revolutionize Your Business

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 45
By Joining The WrapIQ Membership Today At:

TheGrindforSuccess ReinventionEvaluation Inspiration

Design Studio
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Above: Kyle Sliger Tribute Wrap

Below: Josh Gerardot Racing Tribute, Aston Martin DBS28

Images Marketing
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Design Studio

n 2003, I embarked on my graphic design career at Square One Design in Indianapolis. This company specializes in creating racing decals, wraps, and signage for renowned IndyCar and Top Fuel Drag car teams, as well as MotoGP bikes. Working alongside some of the industry's finest designers and installers, I gained invaluable knowledge and experience. Subsequently, I joined prominent sign companies in the Indianapolis area that focused on large format printing for national accounts such as Motel6, Steak N Shake, NIKE, and many others. During this time, I honed my skills in setting up design files for pre-press and extensively collaborated with salespeople to execute various custom projects. I worked as a Design/Production Manager for a Speedpro in Noblesville for a

I like to do my designs in Photoshop with Bad Wrap templates or customer templates and then take those approved designs and transfer them into 3D Changer templates and then do little photoshoots of the designed wrap on the car if possible and then take those raw photos and photoshop/enhance those photos and sometimes make movies of those concepts to show the client before we do the installation on the wrap. This gets everyone excited to get started and gives the customer something to show off before they even drop their vehicle off. All photos shared here are design concepts done in 3D Changer and then enhanced with Photoshop.

while before they closed their doors and that was an awesome experience learning how to take each project from an idea and use the tools and knowledge to make it a completed product. Later on, I relocated

to Northern Michigan where I contributed to Pro Image Design. As a production designer there, I had the opportunity to create numerous custom 3-dimensional entry signs and tackle larger-scale projects. Additionally, this role allowed me to familiarize myself with industry-standard materials including wood, MDF foam, PVC acrylic, and vinyl prints - skills that proved essential when producing efficient signage.

Eventually returning

Look for more about this project in the next issue.
"Black Panther" designed for CMT VolumeAnalysis.com

to my hometown of Fort Wayne, I joined Impact Vinyl Graphics. I dedicated several years to designing and producing an extensive range of customized commercial and personal vehicle wraps. This experience further enriched my skill set and solidified my expertise within the field of graphic design

Throughout my career, I have gained a reputation as the go-to expert in vehicle wraps. It is a passion of mine to create stunning visuals for clients using their vehicles as

a canvas. Once my customers saw the final products, they desired more custom designs and prints. With years of experience and knowledge under my belt, I felt confident that I could fulfill any request. However, fate had other plans for me. The business was unexpectedly sold, leaving me unemployed. Faced with a difficult decision, I had to choose between continuing to work for someone else or taking the leap to start my own venture. In 2016, I took that

leap and founded I'd Wrap It.

Over the past seven years, I have established a strong presence in the industry known for my exceptional creative vehicle wraps and unique design style that sets me apart from competitors in the local area. However, it is now time for me to embrace change and evolve both myself and my business. That is why I am proud to introduce Enhanced Images Marketing, LLC.

With this rebranding effort, I aim to create a community where each customer feels

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Tesla Model S Shock Therapy Wrap Design

Design Studio

like they are part of something greater than just being another number on our client list. My goal is simple: provide you with everything you need by offering an expanded range of services beyond just vehicle wraps and custom design solutions.

At Enhanced Images Marketing, LLC., we assure you that no design request is too big or too small. Our team of experts can bring any vision to life. Whether it's graphic design work or marketing materials you require – we have got you covered. I come from an extensive design background in Indy car racing but I have done it all from design, to pre-press and set up files, to printer operation,

to banner and sign finishing, to installation, to custom wraps. I've worked with some of the best installers when we were all just young guns all coming from the same place, Indy! I even learned how to run a robotic airbrush printer decades ago before the technology was even remotely popular with nothing but the machine and prepress computer in front of me and with time I was printing/painting directly on old car parts like hoods, doors, and fenders and although I thought I was going to be rich as can be with what I was doing I wasn't the owner of the machine and I have no idea what happened after the days I stopped working in that building

but that experience helped me realize that anything is possible in this industry and anyone, even I can be a part of it.

With over 20 years of experience, I have specialized in creating large-format graphics and signage. I firmly believe that reinvention is always possible, whether you're just starting a business or already have one. Whether you need an updated logo to create a new brand identity, a vibrant banner, eyecatching vehicle wraps, striking signs for your establishment, or anything for your home, we have the expertise to deliver exceptional results. From your very first interaction with our company, we will exceed

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"Breaking The Stigma" Wrap Line to showoff on this Nissan GTR designed to gain more exposure for Epilepsy Awareness.

your expectations with our unparalleled products.

I get inspiration from looking at other professionals' work to see what they are selling, and what is it that their customers are buying. What did they just do? I'm always checking out social media or reading the latest industry articles and magazines, checking out the newest products. Trying to always get my hands on free samples whenever I can. I have a style that may not be for everyone but it is unique to me and my brand and I like that most. It's what sets us apart from the other shops in our area. I like to show my customers what is possible with

their budget and I like to show them a little extra every time. I always try to upsell them on the latest and greatest. I always cringe when I see a wrap driving down the road that just screams boring because in the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "You wasted your money by going with them because they don't show you anything different." Just because it prints, doesn't always mean it works.'

I have learned that no matter how great you think you are or how big you are in this world or industry, no matter how many hours you put into your next job or how hard you work on something, how meticulous you are... You are not able to please everyone and sometimes it may be your client. Sometimes you have to realize that the person you're working WITH not FOR is just that kind of person who is never pleased no matter what and you have to walk away knowing you

gave it your best effort and did nothing wrong or didn't try to take shortcuts. Also sometimes it is best to bite your tongue and let someone badmouth you without saying a word back because what you say can and WILL be used against you all over social media and it sticks with you like superglue. even if you were just having a bad day like everybody else. I started my own business because I didn't want to have to work for someone else and have to be somewhere at a certain time every day on a set schedule but I learned real quick that as a business owner you work about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you rarely WANT to take a day off for fear that you could be missing out on that next big job. Be prepared to work every day. Maybe not on a client's vehicle, but on the business back end, or advertising, or cleaning/organizing... something there is always something to do!

Electric vehicle wrap concept for @tesla @cybertruck.official March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 51

Design Studio

Your health should come first though. I struggle with this all the time because I suffer from Epilepsy and have had multiple times where I'll wake up in a hospital bed and not know how I got there. The doctor tells me every time it's due to too much stress. Finally, after so many different medications I'm back to feeling better and have been seizurefree for over 1.5 years now but before it was almost a daily struggle. One time I had 13 seizures in a night and don't recall anything about that day. I've lost most of my long-term memory because of Epilepsy and a lot of my immediate family has also turned their back on me, but I press on. Stay true to yourself, and remember that you are working with your customers

but not for them. I have a bad habit of always trying to please everyone and always saying yes I can do that for you, and sometimes I should just be the bigger person and say you

know what "No I can't do that because I'm a person too."

Educate your customers from the very beginning on every aspect of the project and always tell them the truth. It is much easier to talk to a customer and be upfront with them about issues that come up when you're honest with them rather than try to make up small lies and then have to cover up little lies with more lies, shit happens and more often it happens in this industry. You gotta roll with the punches and this game is similar to Mike Tyson's Punch Out.

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Wraps Featured TIKA @ tika_stang
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Wraps Featured @picturethisad @glarb.design
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Avoiding PPF Installation Mistakes

Tips on Ensuring a Killer Finish

PF is the best way to protect your vehicle from rock chips, water stains, scratches, etc. However not following a strict process before and during installation will lead to mistakes and failures of the film. 90% of failures are installer errors. One small shortcut or mistake will ruin the film. Causing you to lose time and money.

7 Guarantees for a FAILED PPF Install:

1. Not Prepping the vehicle correctly. Washing/ cleaning is the most important step before installation. The vehicle should be spotless from all dirt and contaminants. Make sure the floor is clean. Check for ceramic coating.

2. Choosing a poor-quality film. Installing a cheap / low-quality film isn’t the best idea. Doing so will likely cost more money in the long run. A low-quality PPF film won’t last very long. It will start to fade, crack and fail. It’s always better to choose premium PPF films. I always say if I wouldn’t put on my own vehicle, why would I put on a client’s?

3. You have to be patient during the installation process. PPF installation can take a while; definitely longer than installing vinyl. If you rush the installation, you risk making even more mistakes. It may not seal properly

while wrapping the edges. You might end up trapping dirt and debris under the film.

4. Not Aligning the panels correctly. Alignment needs to be perfectly done. If you don’t paint edges can be exposed and not protected. Defending the purpose of PPF.

5. Not doing Full Coverage. Clients will be tempted not to do full coverage because of the cost. Everything hurts exposed paint. Doing partial coverage will cost more in the long run because those areas will need

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The Clear View

to be replaced or repainted eventually.

6. Not having formal training or hands on. I would recommend getting training from all manufacturers. Not all PPF films are made equal.

7. Not using the proper water and slip solution. Every PPF film requires different ratios of slip and tack solutions. If you have too much or not enough, it makes the installation more difficult.

Regular training and practice are crucial for mastering PPF installation, as new techniques and products are constantly

emerging in the market. Additionally, investing in high-quality tools and materials can significantly reduce the risk of installation errors, ensuring a flawless finish every time. Understanding the dos and don’ts of PPF is important for repeat business and guaranteeing your work. Don’t get caught in a claim, because you failed to follow the simple installation rules.

Narayan Andrews


Owner/Operator, Spectrum Auto

• Avery Dennison Certified PPF Trainer

• Avery Dennison/3M/ORAFOL Certified Installer

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 59

Pinching Pennies

Understanding Printer Settings to Save You Money

ricing strategies in the realm of print media can be a complex endeavor, particularly when confronted with diverse job types. A crucial initial step involves gaining a comprehensive understanding of the underlying costs involved. In my experience, I initially focused solely on the cost of the roll, laminate, and ink, relying on the manufacturer’s ink cost per square foot. However, I soon realized that this approach was overly simplistic and often led to significant miscalculations. In today’s fiercely competitive market, marked by volatile material costs, it is imperative to closely monitor and manage your bottom line.

Given the diverse nature of print shops and their operations, I will refrain from delving into the intricacies of incorporating overhead costs into pricing. Instead, I will concentrate on the costs associated with materials, laminate, and ink. Admittedly, this process demands some effort and time, especially when calculating ink costs over a period.

Let us begin with ink costs. The cost of ink can vary significantly depending on the printing profile. Factors such as the type of prints (wraps, banners, translucent window graphics), the use of specialty inks (e.g., white or metallic), and the chosen printing quality (e.g., 10-12 pass for high quality or a lower pass count for speed)

all influence the amount of ink used. While advertised ink costs provide a general average, a more precise calculation is desirable. Many RIP and print software solutions now offer built-in accounting functionalities that allow for the incorporation of ink costs per profile. However, for those without such features, manual calculations are necessary to refine pricing strategies. This meticulous approach ensures more accurate cost assessments, particularly when applied to each profile individually. To assist in this process, I have included a sample spreadsheet that I personally use to calculate our ink costs. This multipage spreadsheet simplifies cost calculations by allowing users to input ink costs and cartridge or bag capacities. By recording ink levels before and after each print, users can determine the ink cost per print. This method not only provides immediate benefits but also facilitates long-term planning, enabling us to anticipate the impact of ink price increases on our overall production costs.

Another significant issue we encountered pertained to the accurate calculation of material costs. Excessive waste during the printing process, particularly noticeable in smaller jobs, was a common problem. Regardless of the job size, each print job incurred the same amount of waste during roll loading and unloading. Although the goal is to minimize waste by grouping prints together, the practicalities of day-to-day

The Shop
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Main ink cost calculator



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operations often lead to frequent roll changes, resulting in unaccounted-for costs. While most material suppliers provide the cost per square foot of the roll, this figure does not accurately reflect the actual cost. For instance, consider a cast vehicle wrap film costing $750 for a 54” x 150ft roll, which equates to $1.11 per square foot. However, after factoring in the waste generated during loading and unloading, as well as the tail end of the rolls that are not able to be fed through the printer. (Roughly 7 feet per roll), the actual cost per square foot becomes $1.12. While seemingly insignificant, this difference becomes substantial when considered over time. For example, printing two rolls per month would result in an annual waste of 168 linear feet, equating to a total loss of $819.18, excluding laminate waste.

In conclusion, while the process of refining pricing strategies may seem arduous, particularly for those new to the industry, meticulous attention to detail is essential. Small adjustments, such as those detailed above, can have a significant impact on the overall profitability of your print shop. Understanding and accounting for every aspect of your operation, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is key to long-term success.

Download Spreadsheet HERE

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 63

The Great Divide: AI-Assisted Art vs Traditional Art - Part 3

The Challenge of Proving Originality

he final segment of this series delves into a critical aspect of working with AI art: authenticity. As we continue navigating the realm of AI art alongside traditional art, questions about authenticity are bound to surface. This issue presents two distinct paths.

The first involves the challenge of proving that one’s original artwork is not generated solely by AI. The second path pertains to artists or prompters asserting that AIgenerated art is their original work.

The more articles I read about copyright issues with assisted art, the more I find myself considering arguments from both sides. Recently, I came across an article featuring a gentleman named Ben Moran. His profile was muted, and his artwork was removed from a site because a moderator didn’t believe he actually painted the piece. Surprisingly, the moderator accused him of using AI-generated art as a reference. What’s intriguing about this authenticity mishap is that the artist’s creativity was so extraordinary that the website moderator automatically assumed it was AI-generated. Here’s the link if you want to read more about it.

https://www.parkablogs.com/content/ how-prove-your-art-not-ai-generated

1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power

So, let’s dive into the first challenge: proving that my original artwork is not generated by AI. I believe the key to safeguarding our artwork as we navigate this landscape of originality is meticulous documentation of the creation process. This entails saving various examples of artwork creation, from initial sketches to progress photos taken along the way, and possibly recording a time-lapse video of the artwork’s creation. As artists, we understand that even

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if we incorporate elements from stock art, our original creations always entail multiple layers in our working program. Personally, I have utilized AI-generated art for creating textures and backgrounds that I might use in a particular piece of art. I view using AI in this manner similarly to purchasing a photo from Shutterstock or Auroragraphics.net – I use it as clip art or a

background fill, enhancing the work I’m creating, but it is not the sole subject of the piece. Additionally, I enjoy using AI to quickly capture snapshots of ideas or to create pieces for use on a mood board. It’s a valuable tool for rapidly exploring concepts and visualizing the direction of a project. These AI-generated elements serve as building blocks in the creative process,

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aiding in the development and refinement of ideas before committing to the final artwork.

Now, let’s examine the second challenge of proving AI-generated art versus original artwork. There are purists who believe that art must be created using traditional tools such as pencils, paintbrushes, and pens, or digital formats like Adobe Photoshop. They assert their stance by defining what qualifies as true art in their eyes, dismissing AI-generated art as mere AI prompters. However, it’s worth noting that mastering AI programs and crafting specific prompts to achieve desired results also requires skill and time. As mentioned earlier, the main issue arises when individuals pass off AI-generated art as their own original work. This deception is compounded by the fact that artistic styles and possibly even images are sometimes used to generate AI art.

universally accepted definition of art may remain elusive, the discourse surrounding this topic is rich and diverse. Artists, critics, scholars, and enthusiasts all contribute their perspectives, leading to a multifaceted understanding of what art stands for. Some emphasize the expression of emotion and creativity, while others focus on the exploration of beauty, aesthetics, or social commentary. Additionally, the evolution of technology and the emergence of new artistic mediums, such as AI-generated art, add further complexity to this ongoing conversation. Ultimately, the meaning of art remains subjective and open to interpretation, reflecting the diverse experiences and perspectives of humanity.

Many discussions within the art community often revolve around the fundamental question: what is the true meaning of art? While a simple,

After thorough study and consideration, I find myself empathizing with both sides of the argument. We must educate ourselves about the ever-evolving landscape of art continually. As time progresses, I expect a surge in appreciation for handcrafted art, while

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TNT (Tips N Tricks)

AI-generated art may be perceived as a quick or cheap solution. Consequently, there is a possibility that the value of AI-generated art will diminish in comparison. I am also aware that as AI-generated art becomes more popular, so will the programs and technologies designed to protect one’s own original art from being copied by an AI generator. It’s important to note that much of what I’ve discussed over the past few months represents my current viewpoint and appreciation for the advancement of technology. These are simply my opinions. I encourage everyone to continually evolve,

keep creating art, and protect their creations. But most importantly, remember to have fun, because at its core, art is about expression.

Hope these AI articles got you thinking, thanks for reading them.

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How Color Change is Turning Into a PPF World

The Rise and Possible Fall of Color Change Wraps

ehicle color change has been a big thing to hit our industry from its infancy. It is something that many people enjoy due to the personal satisfaction of a complete color change, quite literally. Who doesn’t love working on people’s prized “toys”? Every kid dreams of working on these cars we had posters of as children.

When I started in this industry with my old company, we began with blackout packages and minor modifications. It quickly turned into full wraps and fun custom designs. But full wraps have changed. When we first saw them, they had more seams and were not as clean as they are now. Today, we see perfectly installed products with little to no lift lines or perfect inlays that make these wraps look like paint. My entire career has been

dedicated to making a near-flawless product when finished. We are all human, though we learn by messing things up, especially with door jambs. I remember when it was considered

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“over-wrapping.” And I will tell you my first door jamb on a Hyundai Genesis did not go well in 3M gloss metallic blue. We overstretched, overheated, and just attacked it in the wrong manner. But a month later, we saw it lifting. This was how we learned by messing up.

Today, I feel bad because experienced installers constantly hate on or despise these less skilled individuals. We all need to start somewhere. The industry is at a turning point.

With PPF films now making “color change” films, it will start changing. Now, I do think this will be a tough transition for many. The products have gotten significantly more expensive. It’s harder to cut making corners a bit more challenging. Is this good? Is it bad? Only time will tell.

With these changes come new doors to be opened by the real, true professionals. We can go back to charging a premium for premium work. Does it mean they will pay? Maybe not, but those are not your customers anymore.

I encourage people to look into more training options. With all these companies producing beautiful products, we have to learn how to teach, and how to pass on information, lessons, and business advice. With my upcoming training programs in Vehicle Color Change and PPF and Fleet applications, I plan on passing on that knowledge. I plan on helping the industry reach new heights. Stay tuned for more on my social accounts at @tallestwrapperalive. And cheers to all the trainers doing a great job teaching others. We appreciate all of you and wish you nothing but success. Keep setting that bar high and striving to show others what they can achieve!

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Photo courtesy of XIX3D, KPMF: Matte Iced Silver Titanium10K

Wrapmate Accelerates Growth With $16 Million

Investment by JettyCove

Strategic investment positions Wrapmate to continue to revolutionize the vehicle wraps and graphics industry.

Wrapmate is proud to announce a successful capital investment by JettyCove, a private equity firm focused on software and tech-enabled companies.

The $16 million investment will accelerate Wrapmate's suite of product offerings by introducing progressive customer experiences, growing its national network of 2,000+ vehicle wrap installers, and expanding its portfolio companies through additional successful acquisitions, most recently, Wrapify.

"This investment marks a significant chapter in Wrapmate’s story and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team,” said

Chris Loar, CEO and Founder of Wrapmate. “The support of JettyCove will allow us to amplify our presence in the vehicle graphics industry and continue building innovative solutions for our customers and network partners."

JettyCove invests in niche capital-efficient technology companies. Beyond investing, they serve as value-added operational partners. This growth investment will allow Wrapmate to extend its lead as the go-to provider for individual, business, and commercial-grade vehicle wraps.

"Wrapmate has not only built the defining solution for the vehicle wrap market, but they have done so in a way that will allow them to rapidly scale profitably. Our investment will materially accelerate growth and help Wrapmate make a lasting impact in the market," said Jamie Nissen, Managing Partner at JettyCove.

Additionally, Wrapmate and JettyCove welcome Dan

Graham, founder and former CEO of BuildASign, to the board of directors. Dan will lend his respected industry depth and strategic vision to an all-star board.

For more information wrapmate.com, jettycove.com.

Get Graphic's New

Website and Rebrand launches in 2024!


Feb ‘23 Get Graphic announced big changes were coming to our digital and physical presence. We worked tirelessly behind the scenes throughout the year, and now that we have arrived in 2024 we’ve made huge strides in both of those areas.

After months of planning, designing, and restructuring, Get Graphic is proud to announce that to start the

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year we have completed our rebranding, revamped our social media, and officially launched our new website.

Our new brand demonstrates a strategic shift in staying responsive to our customers’ needs. As we move forward our primary focus will include Environmental Branding, Architectural Decor, and Fleet Graphics marketed nationally with installation services across the US.

The new website can currently be found at GetGraphic. net while our former site GetGraphic.com temporarily redirects to our sister company Graphic Ninja which has taken over local operations. Graphic Ninja will continue to service our local clientele at the existing Backus Avenue location. Our new facility is nearing completion with occupancy expected before the end of Q1. At that time we will merge our .com & .net domains to present a clear direction and a focus toward the future, in conjunction with a grand

opening of the new facility. We are excited for what ‘24 has in store as we complete this years long transition. We would like to thank everyone locally and nationally who have been on this journey with us for their patience and continued loyalty. #GetGraphic

Wensco Sign Supply Open House Schedule

Wensco Sign Supply recently concluded open houses in Louisville and Indianapolis, drawing an impressive crowd of over 250 attendees who engaged with over 40 vendors showcasing their products. The event featured a rich array of offerings, including complimentary samples, live equipment demonstrations,

and engaging wrap showcases. Wensco Sign Supply has exciting plans for the fall, with five more open houses scheduled in Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Davenport, and Chicago. To ensure your spot at these upcoming events, we encourage you to take advantage of our pre-registration option. Simply click the provided link or scan the QR code to secure your attendance.

As an added bonus, pre-registered participants will be entered into exclusive raffles, featuring coveted prizes such as Yeti coolers, Blackstone grills, gift cards, and store credit.

Pre-register today and mark your calendar for an immersive experience at Wensco Sign Supply's fall open houses!

Have news to share?

March 2024 l WrapFam Unleashed l 71

New Products

Discover the latest in wrap industry innovations. Here, we feature cutting-edge tools, materials, and solutions designed to enhance your wrap projects. These new offerings come from leading manufacturers, boasting advanced features and improved efficiencies. Explore these novel products to stay at the forefront of wrap technology and elevate your craft.

WrapperMapper 2024

Limited Edition Shirts

The GLARB designed 2024 Limited Edition WrapperMapper shirts are now available!

This year we chose to work with the world-renowned Ryan Sandoval AKA Glarb Design / Glarb Wrapper. We only have a limited numbers of shirts produced, and a commitment that no reprints will be This is your exclusive offer to grab yours before they are gone for good.

Thank you for supporting WrapperMapper. and our global efforts to spread wraps around the world!

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Launching a New Product or Innovation? Showcase it here in New Products This is your space to highlight the latest in industry advancements. (303) 219-0827 ruggs@thewrapfam.com

Welcome to the Trainer Spotlight, where we highlight individual trainers. The spotlighted trainers are industry leaders with a wealth of knowledge to share, offering valuable tips, techniques, and hands-on experiences that will empower you to excel in your wrap craft. Be sure to visit their websites for more info and training dates .

Jamie Mullican

Adam Sumner

WRAPIX Academy

Burbank, CA 91502



Wrapix Academy is the only west coast 3M Authorized training and testing facility. With over 6000 square feet our training facility is dedicated only to graphic installations. We offer 11 different hands on stations to build and refine skills. Whether you be new to the industry or a seasoned professional, our training classes can be adapted to fit any need.

School Of Wrap Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 646-3277


Located in the heart of the music city, School of Wrap is a 3M Authorized Training Facility offering 3 different certifications and training. As 3M Preferred Installer you will be recognized as among the best in the industry. Promote yourself and your business as a leader in installations and 3M will list and promote you as well. Our training will teach you the latest techniques and standards used in the industry.

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YOUR SPOTLIGHT HERE (303) 219-0827 ruggs@thewrapfam.com
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76 l WrapFam Unleashed l March 2024 @WrapFamUnleashed Don’t miss an issue, subscribe now. • Inside J3 Industries • Understanding IP Law • Printing for Wraps • Setting Realistic Goals Coming Next Month… REVERSE LOGO
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