Lent Devotional Guide

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Six weeks of Lenten reflections

INTRODUCTION: PREPARATION Lent is a time of preparation. It’s an opportunity to identify with Jesus, His temptations, and ultimately His death as we journey toward His crucifixion. Our Lenten journey begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2—the 40 days (not including Sundays) leading up to Easter. Using this guide, we’ll take our time and allow Jesus to lead us through the three Infinitum Prayer Postures: surrender, generosity, and mission. We’ll spend two weeks on each posture, first paying attention to how Jesus leads us there and then considering how to apply each one to our lives. —Danielle Strickland, the Infinitum team, and World Vision


Pick a 30-minute time slot each week and put it on your calendar. While this guide is designed to allow you to move through the content at your own pace, we encourage you to use this timeline:

• Intro: Preparation | March 2–6 (Ash Wednesday) • Week one: Jesus and surrender | March 7–13 • Week two: Surrender and me | March 14–20

LISTEN to Danielle as she welcomes us to this series.

• Week three: Jesus and generosity | March 21–27 • Week four: Generosity and me | March 28–April 3 • Week five: Jesus and mission | April 4–10 • Week six: Mission and me | April 11–17 (Easter Sunday) • Wrap up: After Easter | April 18

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Jesus modeled what surrender looks like. He spent the night before His crucifixion in prayer. This is an example of Jesus’ power posture of surrender on the way to the cross. We, too, are daily invited to practice surrender to God as we follow in His steps. Listen to Danielle as she talks about how a surrendered life is one that’s free to serve.


READ John 13:1–17 PRAY Lord Jesus, I am in awe of Your posture of surrender. In Your most difficult moments, You turned to the Father in prayer as I turn to You now. I confess that Your posture of surrender seems beyond my abilities, and still, I open myself and I offer myself to You right now. Amen.

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REFLECT What space are you willing to make in your life—and what are you willing to let go of— to journey into the depths of Christ’s love for you on the cross?

ACT ause for five minutes today to sit in quietness, without distraction, P and let God simply look on you in love. Let God see you.

Fill in the blank as many times as you can, until you’ve run out of answers: “I know God as my Father when ______________________ .”

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Last week we talked about Jesus’ posture of surrender. Do you trust God with your surrender? Watch Danielle explain an example from her own life that encourages us all to accept Jesus’ invitation to surrender.


READ John 12:1–11 PRAY

From fists to hands up Lord, I confess that I spend too much of my time defending and fighting my position, my attitudes, my opinion, and my behavior.

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I confess that I often fight against You— Your plans and Your will. I confess that these hands do not reflect how You lived or how I have experienced You. Instead I choose to hold my hands up. I surrender all I have to You today. I choose surrender.


ow can you practice a H posture of surrender this week? What do you spend too much time on? How can you redirect that time and energy toward Jesus?

ACT Write down one thing that trips you up in life. Ask Jesus to help you overcome this obstacle and surrender it to Him.

ive up half an hour of entertainment—watching a show, scrolling G social media, browsing the internet, reading the news or a book— and enter a time of silence and awareness. What do you notice about yourself in that time before God? Write down your thoughts and emotions.

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Jesus shows us what it’s like to live through the lens of generosity. He came from heaven to earth for us, giving even His own life. In this video, Danielle talks about how self-emptying love is the very nature of God.


READ John 12:20–36 PRAY


Father, You have been so generous to me. You’ve given me even the breath in my lungs at this moment. You didn’t withhold even Your own Son, Jesus, to make sure there was no barrier between us. You have lavished me with Your generosity. Show me what it means to live generously as You taught us. Amen.

Or scan this code with your phone’s camera to watch the video. 

REFLECT The Spirit of God is generous. He gives gifts freely and generously. What gifts has He given to you? How do you experience the goodness of God every day?

ACT eview a past sorrow or hurt that you’ve experienced and write down R how God’s redemptive love can transform it.

Spend 10 minutes in devoted worship today—play an instrument, sing on your own or with others, or play a familiar worship tune on repeat.

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Last week we talked about Jesus and generosity. Even as followers of Jesus, it’s difficult for us to practice living open handed in a closed-fisted culture. In this video, Danielle talks about how Jesus invites us to live a radically generous life.


READ John 13:21–32 PRAY

From hands clenched to hands open WATCH VIDEO

Lord, I confess I spend too much time desperately trying to hold onto what I believe to be mine.

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I confess that I am fooled into thinking that I am defined by what I have and what I do. I confess that these hands do not reflect how You lived and how I have experienced You. Instead I choose to hold my hands open. I choose to receive from You and give freely to others today. I choose generosity.

REFLECT How has God been generous with you? How can you offer that same generosity to others?

ACT Throughout the day, use sticky notes to jot down what you’re thanking God for. At the end of the day, post the sticky notes around your home as a reminder of these gifts for when you’re threatened by disappointments that would undermine your trust in God.

J ust today, fast from something that brings temporary satisfaction or pleasure (treats, coffee, entertainment). Give the time and space you would spend on that thing to time in solitude with God and notice what emerges in your heart and spirit (whether good or bad).

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Jesus’ mission on earth was fulfilled on the cross, where love poured itself out. In this video, Danielle shares a story from Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus in the television series The Chosen.


READ John 19:17–42 PRAY


Lord, Your time on earth was simple in so many ways. You have walked with people—as the Spirit has done throughout time. Reveal to my heart what mission means to You and how I can participate in Your mission now. Show me how love has the final word. Amen.

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REFLECT Have you been waiting for God to do something for you that He may be asking you to do? Perhaps even unknowingly? Can you discern today what you’re waiting on God for? When you’ve taken some time to reflect and discern this, start a prayer time by simply saying, “God, I am waiting on you for ________________________ .”

ACT rayerfully walk, run, or rest today. How is your time with Jesus like P this a challenge? Write down what you learn.

Be intentional today about praying with or sending a message to someone under your spiritual care—your child; a youth group member; or a niece, nephew, or grandchild. Love them, bless them, and encourage them in the truth.

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Last week we talked about Jesus and mission. God is making all things right and invites us into this work with Him. When Jesus meets Mary Magdalene after His resurrection, He sends her on a special mission. In this video, Danielle talks about what this means—and what all of Easter means for our lives as well.


READ John 20:1–29 PRAY

From arms folded to arms open Lord, I confess that I spend too much time preoccupied with my own issues.

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I confess my cynicism, entrenchment, and entitlement. I confess that these hands do not reflect how You lived and how I have experienced You. Instead I choose openness to Your ways and Your mission. I choose to embrace the adventure You call me into. I declare myself open to others today.

REFLECT How is God on mission in your community today? How can you join Him in this mission?

ACT Sow into what lasts today by mentally praying a blessing over each person you meet and greeting them with loving cheerfulness.

Spend some time contemplating an aspect of creation, letting God renew your inner nature. Take in the magnificence and wonder of God’s creation and delight that your body and soul are held together in Him.

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He is risen!

Can you imagine this wonderful news spreading like wildfire among the disciples? It’s still spreading today. Jesus is alive. Jesus still walks with us, but sometimes we have to slow down enough to catch up with Him. Thank you for joining Danielle Strickland, the Infinitum team, and World Vision on this journey through Lent. We hope you entered a place where Jesus could lead you during these 40 days. Infinitum is a practice for those who follow Jesus and choose to live lives of love. Are you wondering how you can continue this sort of practice in the weeks and months to come? We were hoping that might be the case!

WATCH ACT We developed these resources to aid you in your own rhythm of spending time with Jesus, and we have more! You can check out all that Infinitum has to offer at infinitumlife.com. We suggest starting with:  

In this video, Danielle walks through the Infinitum Prayer Postures that we’ve used throughout this journey together in one prayer. She also invites you to continue to use Infinitum as a tool in developing your own spiritual practices and rhythm.

The Right Side Up Course The 30 Day Infinitum Challenge Monthly Prayer Days sponsored by World Vision

Once again, thank you for joining this Lenten journey. May Jesus continue to do His work in you, and in us, as He guides us in leading lives of love. —Danielle Strickland, the Infinitum team, and World Vision

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World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Motivated by our faith in Jesus Christ, we serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. MID17750_0222 © 2022 World Vision, Inc.

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Danielle Strickland is a spiritual leader, justice advocate, communicator, and peacemaker. Danielle is a partner with World Vision, serving church leaders around the globe and helping the Church play its part in helping the world’s most vulnerable children. Her aggressive compassion has served people firsthand in countries all over the world, from establishing justice departments and church plants, to launching global anti-trafficking initiatives, to creating new initiatives to mobilize people toward transformational spiritual life. Danielle trains, advocates, and inspires people to live differently through initiatives like Amplify Peace, Brave Global, Infinitum, and the Women Speakers Collective. Her podcast is listened to by thousands globally, and closer to home, she’s on the teaching team at The Meeting House. Currently based in Toronto, Canada, Danielle is the proud mom of three boys, wife to Stephen, and has been affectionately called the “ambassador of fun.”

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