The Drum Issue 04

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Issue 04, May 5 2023

Instagram vs TikTok

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and everyone was forced to spend the majority of their time indoors. This is when many of us discovered TikTok: a video sharing app that has now over a billion active users around the world.

Since then, TikTok has become a major force in marketing. Brands pay top influencers millions to access their audiences. A single promotion get Chipotle (an American chain of fast casual restaurants) over 1 billion views on the platform.

Woodford International School

The Drum Logo!

We are very pleased to announce the winner of ‘The Drum’ logo competition. The person to thank for our incredible logo (left) is Erin Tony in Form 7. Erin, we are so very grateful for the hard work you put in to create such an ingenious logo! Please accept our congratulations!

We would also like to thank any other person that was kind enough to send in their design for the logo. We are very thankful for your input and appreciate each and every one of you. Please don’t hesitate to participate in any future competitions, or by sending in articles or topics of interest you would like to see discussed in an issue.

Instagram users spend 17.6 million hours a day watching reels, while people spend an astounding 197.8 million hours a day on TikTok. The largest proportion of TikTok users are below the age of 19 (25%), whereas Instagram users in this age range are a very small number (8.9%). This shows that TikTok appeals more to the younger generation, whereas Instagram (having been around longer) is used most by people over the age of 25.

People use TikTok to create shortform content and grow their profiles through viral videos. One great thing about TikTok is that it allows users rog or viral without them having a large follower base. However, on Instagram, it’s more difficult because people have to

follow you to see what you post on their feed; but that is also good because of privacy reasons.

Many people have chosen TikTok over Instagram because of the amount of content the app produces. I have asked my friends which one they use most: some said Instagram, whilst others TikTok; some said neither because at times they both get boring. So which app do you prefer… Instagram or TikTok?

Student News

Creed III – Is it worth the watch?

Michael B. Jordan come back once again as Adonis Creed in the new hear-breaking but thrilling third instalment of the Creed movie series: Creed 3, which hit cinemas on 3 March 2023. This thrilling and emotional series has captured the hearts of many boxing fans ever since the release of the first movie in November 2015. Creed III did not disappoint viewers and continued to live up to the expectations of fans.


Along with boxing, the movie revolves around childhood trauma and the importance of forgiveness. The main character, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan), experienced a traumatic ordeal with his best friend Damian (Jonathan Majors) during their childhood which had led

to Damian being sent to jail, while Donnie (Adonis) achieved success in the ring. Now, with Damian being released from jail with pent up anger directed at Adonis for his success which he (Damian) was stuck in prison, plans to get everything Adonis has, including his title.

Even though Cree III is an actionboxing movie that has quite a typical storyline common to many fighting movies, the way it conveys

the effects of the emotional trauma that Damian and Adonis experience is quite heartwrenching. The movie expresses the heavy guilt that Adonis felt for running away and not being there for his best friend. Meanwhile Damian has ambitions, driven by hate – however despite his reckless attitude, his traumatic past makes viewers feel a sense of pity for him.

In the end, Creed III is quite a good movie, with its heart-wrenching emotional and action-packed fight scenes are quite captivating. I would recommend this movie to boxing fanatics or viewers who enjoy emotional back stories (or people who find Michael B. Jordan hot J). Overall, I would personally rate Creed III a 7/10 or 3.5 out of five stars.

Exam Tips #3

We are now in Week 3, and that means there’s only 4 more weeks until our exams. Exams can be quite stressful, so here’s a tip to help you through it.

First, make a revision timetable. You can put this on a wall in your bedroom as a reminder to study. Then, find a revision style that suits you best. This can be watching YouTube videos, reading your notes, making flash cards or using apps like Speechify to listen to articles on things you don’t understand.

Keep working hard and good luck!

Student News

Why you should F.R.I.E.N.D.S – timeless classic or waste of time?

Viewing any one-off episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, will reel you in like some desperate, and never let you go.

The following is a recommendation for students above the age of thirteen (but remember to always ask permission from your parents before embarking on this journey).

The T.V show F.R.I.E.N.D.S was a situation comedy (sitcom) that ran on air from 1994 to 2004 on NBC – a total of 10 seasons. The show follows 6 friends - Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross –on an adventure to find their footing in New York City (USA) as they battle with heart aches and unemployment.

The plots for each episode are simple and easy to understand, perfect for some light watching –you don’t have to think too much, but rather can just enjoy the show.

The Pacific Games

The 2023 Pacific Games Organising Committee (GOC) and ‘SOLO’ the Games Mascot went on tour and visited school around the Solomon Islands to spread awareness about the games and volunteering to help out with it. All are welcome to volunteer!

The show is like cruising as the storylines of each episode does not require much beforehand knowledge.

For older children and young adults, some of the topics discussed in the show can be quite relatable making it very easy to sympathise with the characters.

It has been nearly 30 years since F.R.I.E.N.D.S was first released, and more and more people are discovering it and hopping on the bandwagon. Join us on the bandwagon, there is always room for more

Coronation of King Charles III

The Coronation of His Majesty The King will take place tomorrow, Saturday 6th May 2023. The Coronation ceremony will take place at Westminster Abbey, London and will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Ceremony will see His Majesty King Charles III crowned alongside the Queen Consort, Camila. Charles acceded the throne on 8 September 2022, upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. The Coronation will take place at 11 am London time (3 am Pacific time), crowning His Majesty King of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms, including the Solomon Islands.

Student News

Scavenger hunt

only had a dozen students, and was run by the government in central Honiara, where the NPF building now stands.

Mother’s Day

Staying faithful to F.R.I.E.N.D.S, this week’s activity will be a scavenger hunt. Now don’t worry there will be no physical hunting, this scavenger hunt will be totally digital. Your task is to find pictures of the 6 main characters hidden within this publication.

Below are the answers to our maths riddles from the last issue:

1. Answer: 3, because ‘six’ has three letters.

2. Answer: 87. If you flip the image upside down, you will see that you are dealing with a simple number sequence.

3. Answer: Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’).

Woodford Through the Ages

We wonder if there has been anyone who discovered that the most interesting history of all is that which concerns one’s own local community.

To examine the beginnings of Woodford International School, we need to turn the pages back to the 50s, when Woodford International School laid its foundations. It had

In 1979, Woodford international School moved school buildings and ten years later it took om the name of Honiara International School. The name was later changed to Woodford, named after Sir Charles Woodford, the first British Governor of the Solomon Islands British Protectorate, before independence in 1978.

The relationship between a mother and her family is one that is effortless, priceless and transcends all other known relationships in the world. On the 14 of May we celebrate Mother’s Day. But a single day is not enough to celebrate our mothers, we should shower them with love ever single day.

In the period from 2008-2010 Woodford became an authorised IB world school, offering the primary years programme. IGCSE and A Levels were introduced in 2013. Students were now able to take internationally recognised Cambridge Exams. The school started to develop even more as international students came into the country. Our amazing school is still developing, with Daniel Corrigan being current head of school, and we cannot wait to see what’s next for Woodford.

We should acknowledge and be grateful for all the little things they do for us. Our school has planned a number of things to make our mothers feel special (as they should). There is going to be performances from our primary school, poems dedicated to the mothers, cards given from children to their mothers, as well as cake and refreshments afterwards. Our mother’s love is the greatest treasure that will never fade in our hearts, so let’s do the best we can to show them how amazing they are.

Student News
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Tafadzwa (Y12) and her mother
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