Top 5 Google Tools For Webmasters

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Google is an amazing company. There is hardly anyone in the world that hasn't heard of this internet giant. Google is a very laid back company that was started as just a simple idea and that has grown into a powerhouse in the industry. Google not only works hard to help make people's online experience amazing, but this company also works hard to help you - the average person find your own success online, just as the creators of Google did. With various free tools, Google offers anyone a chance to make it big online. By using the different tools available from Google you can create a website that will make you lots of money. The best part is that Google makes these tools easy to use. So, even if you are not a computer genius, you can still get a decent website up and running. Here are the top 5 Google tools that you should use on your website. Google Analytics Any webmaster should know that tracking their websites performance is critical to staying alive online. With Google Analytics, you can easily monitor and track your website traffic and marketing success. You can use the information from this tool to help develop new marketing efforts, create better content and make your website more successful. It will track visitors and where they come from. It will track your goals and let you know how good you are doing. It also will track page by page to show you which ones are doing the best and which ones are not. Google Website Optimizer Getting your website SEO ready is not always easy, especially if you are a novice. With the Google Website Optimizer it is made simple. This tool will help you test content so you can get it SEO ready. Google Webmasters Tools This tool enables you to know what is happening with your site ranking on Google. You will be able to find out what the crawlers from Google are seeing when they crawl your site. This will allow you to fix problems or other issues that could be hurting your ranking on Google. Google Keyword Tool External Keywords have been and probably always will be essential to websites. Keywords are what make the internet world work. It is keywords that help people find what they want online. The Google keyword Tool External will help you with all your keywords needs. It will help you to define keywords, see how they perform and ensure you are getting the most from your keywords. It

basically takes the hassle out of keywords. Google Insight for Search Google Insight for Search will help you to monitor different aspects of searches. You can see what people are searching for in different categories, based on different seasons or geographic locations and to figure out if your keyword is effective. A webmaster is smart to put all these free Google tools to use on their website. These tools not only help you with optimizing your website, but they also hook you right into Google, which is a great opportunity that will help you to make your site a success. provides Complete and Completely Free Wordpress Tutorials, Gimp Tutorials, and Basic SEO Tutorials. The tutorials are designed for people who are new to build their business websites, no codes involved.

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