Top 3 Free Google Tools For Webmasters

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In this day and age, you need your website to be search engine friendly and more specifically Google friendly, since they are the top ranked search engine. 1. Google Analytics is the premier site statistics tool and it's 100% free. Using and understanding Google Analytics can help you improve your marketing campaigns and various business strategies for your website. By utilizing Google Analytics you can discover which of your marketing plans are effective, which ones are not working and how you should change them accordingly. You can also gain valuable information on what your target demographics are. You can even tell what states and countries clicks to your webpages are coming from. Furthermore, you can find out what time of day your site is receiving more traffic, what pages are the most popular, how long visitors are viewing each individual page, the bounce rate and much more. Google Analytics is extremely simple to set up and has a very user-friendly interface. If you are not currently registered, you should setup your free account as soon as possible. 2. Google Reader consistently checks websites, news sites and blogs for specific keywords and topics so you do not have to take the time to search these individual sites yourself. This tool is a huge time saver because you do not have to dig through websites and search engines yourself Google does it for you. You can even easily post the results to your blog or website. Google reader is a great tool to figure out what your competition is up to and how their marketing plans are being received by your audience. 3. Google Alerts allows you to setup an email notification system to let you know whenever a new result for specific keywords or websites show up in the Google search engine. This tool lets you pick which type of content you would like to receive alerts for whether it be news, videos, web pages or blogs. This way you can know whenever someone posts something on the Internet about your business, products or services. Yet again, this is another fantastic tool to figure out what your competition is doing. The free tools provided by Google keep you and your business current and up to date with the trends in your industry and let you see what your competition is doing in real-time. More importantly, these tools will save you a great deal of time and research. With these tools you can become an Internet marketing master with little effort.

Forrest Yingling is the Marketing Director for WebNet Hosting, premier Miva Merchant Hosts offering reliable Miva Hosting and basic web hosting services at the industry's most affordable prices! Check for more detailed information on our various hosting packages.

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