Google AdWords Tips - 4 Powerful Google Tools

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When pay per click marketing first started, there were very few experts. On top of that, there were very few tools available, let alone free tools. Fast forward a few years, there are many free tools & software you can use. Do not think that free = worthless, here are some powerful free tools you cannot miss! Google Since Google AdWords is the largest & most popular pay per click search engine, using their free tools is almost a must for you. Maybe is it because of so many free tools that Google made available to people that helped them capture so much market share in the search engine business. Some people simply refuse to use Google tools because they do not want their website information sent to Google. It is a give & take thing, they give you their free tools & they take your data. They would usually use your data to improve their services in order to serve you better. Google Keyword Tool This is a very good keyword tool, unfortunately many people always think very little of it. The problem is not the tool, it is how you use it that sets you apart from your competitors. Most people do not know how to make the best use of it. Google AdWords Editor Some people say that they are willing to invest at least $500 to use this software! This is because it helps to mass upload & edit campaigns so quickly. If you know how to use spreadsheets together with this software, you do it even faster. Google Website Optimizer Google seems to know online direct marketers very well & they created a multiple variation tracking tool for us. There was another similar tool sold by a famous internet marketer for about $500. Once Google website optimizer was made available, he stop selling it. Google Analytics Do you want a tool which used to sell for $5,000 per license? That is Google Analytics for you. So far I have not seen any paid analytics tool that can do better than this. It also has a very cool

looking interface. Summary If you are reading this, you are probably at the right time to start an highly profitable internet business. With so many high quality free tools available to you, you already have a very good start.

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